I am not a dog owner, but I know a fair number of HA readers are. So, you really should have been picking up after your dog any way, but now there’s going to be more enforcement of that and of off-leash areas. I’m of 2 minds. On the one hand, there is a lot of dog shit in the parks. Like a lot, a lot. It’s gross. On the other hand, I’m not sure a more enforcement approach is all that great in general.
> I’m not sure a more enforcement approach is all that great in general
I think it’s a good start. Is your concern with the approach that it doesn’t do enough? As a responsible dog owner, it really pisses me off when somebody watches their dog take a dump and then leaves it for the Magical Poop Fairly to clean up. Picking up after a pet is part of the responsibility of owning one, and if there is a chance you’ll be caught (no matter how remote, since there will only be two people in the entire city dedicated to enforcing it right now) it will probably lead to an increase in diligence. Ideally, this should be paired with the installation of more of those ‘doggie dump stations’ like they have in South Lake Union. They have a bin specifically for dog waste, and provide bags for picking it up. Make it super easy to do what’s right, and correct the bad behavior when someone screws up. Seems straightforward to me.
If they can write enough tickets to pay for themselves, why not?
It might be cheaper, though, to pay people a dollar per pound. You would have street people collecting it for you and it could be a way to clean it up, too.
“Sen. Lindsey Graham mocked all of his former rivals in the Republican race to replace President Barack Obama on Thursday night, joking that his “party has gone batshit crazy.””
True, and if he thinks the party is batshit insane, he should try reading the comments excreted here by our own batshit crazy loon. I’m sure Graham would weep to read the shit the loon posts.
Dogs are useless! All they do is bark, poop, and chase rabbits. Lots of other species go extinct; why don’t dogs go extinct, too? Probably because you stupid humans are feeding them. They can’t feed themselves, because they never catch anything they chase.
Why the middle class is disappearing.
“The share of household income going to the middle class in Ohio has dropped at about the same rate as union membership since the 1970s, said David Madland, who published a book last year on the hollowing out of the American middle class.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, Bickle whines that $15/hr jobs mean the end of civilization. They do, but not the way he thinks. The problem isn’t $15/hr jobs replacing $7.25/hr jobs, but $15/hr jobs replacing $35/hr jobs.
Since we’re on a dog-related thread…
Heel, boy.
Even Salon joins the dog-pile on Hillary:
@3 I wonder what took him so long to come to that conclusion. I think we all seen this coming….I know I did, many ions ago….but the stupid don’t know what the fuck they are doing to themselves.
@6 read @7 you might be one of the more stupid ones. Everything you ever say is completely wrong, you should check your delusional mind at the door.
there’s a difference between liberal, progressive, civil rights activists protesting Democratic candidates for being tone-deaf to the plight of minorities, and reactionary, conservative, “patriots” protesting Republican candidates for being tone-deaf to the plight of the working class.
I’m gonna let you figure it out by yourself, though.
@9 see @7 and @8 for Boob’s absurdity.
Spring is just around the corner, and it looks like the myna birds are flocking together:
“New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie endorsed GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Friday, the latest sign that Republicans are beginning to accept the idea that the real estate magnate may win the party’s nomination. …
“Christie said establishment favorite Rubio is ‘desperate’ and that his attacks on Trump during Thursday’s debate would not succeed …. ‘Senator Rubio has shown himself over the course of time to be wholly unprepared to be president of the United States,’ Christie said — just as many pundits and GOP notables had begun to rally around the senator as Trump’s primary competition.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What is more natural than two blowhards clumping together?
I love how newspapers are all aflutter because Trump has opened his piehole and said when he’s president he will “open our libel laws” so he can sue them all for “lot’s of money”. He really shouldn’t worry. When he’s president, they’ll all fall in line and report whatever he wants them to report and nothing more. Just like they did with G.W. Bush and his war. They are, after all, corporate lap dogs.
The teaparty circus behind bars is about to get a little larger.
This Trump thing just might not be the godsend that some libbies are making it out to be.
Michael Shepherd
BREAKING: @Governor_LePage endorses @realDonaldTrump. #mepolitics
Trump may, or may not, be a flash in the pan. What’s clear with Hillary is that a large part of the country has hated her for decades.
Oh. And 20% of Dems, I read, are Trump supporters.
@14 The people who hate Hillary also hate Obama. So, who cares?
@ 15 In early 2008 a lot of people who hate Hillary gave Obama the nomination.
Hell, a majority of HA libbies will probably be holding their collective noses when they pull the lever for her in the Fall.
Those people shouting “She’s a liar!” at the TV during a primary earlier this month? They’re Bernie supporters, not Republicans, and they’d probably be just fine if Obama could run again.
Don’t delude yourself.
And, again.
(CNN)Three State University of New York at Albany students who claimed to be hate crime victims are being accused of fabricating a racially motivated attack, according to campus police.
But the university police department said a three-week investigation found the three women actually assaulted another passenger, were not subjected to racial epithets and falsely reported the alleged crime.
“The evidence shows that, contrary to how the defendants originally portrayed things, these three individuals were not the victims of a crime,” university Police Chief Frank Wiley said in the statement. “Rather, we allege that they are the perpetrators.”
Remember, “All Lives Matter” is a racial slur. “White bitch”, maybe not so much.
Goldy @GoldyHA
LePage endorsed Trump? Are you sure that wasn’t Le Pen? https://twitter.com/ReutersPolitics/status/703342152290541568 …
What, your ilk didn’t learn from “General Betray Us”?
Looks like Trump whups Rubio in Florida.
Was Rubio’s debate performance worth a 20 point swing in the polls? I seriously doubt it. To me, he seemed desperate, as he should be. If Rubio can’t win Florida, he can’t win anywhere.
Trump is leading all state GOP primary polls except Texas, where Cruz has a narrow lead. Sad for Cruz, winning Texas only earns him a 15-minute speech at the convention.
@11 getting a job at thevwhitehouse is like sniffing out a steak, bacon and eggs for crustie.
@17 You make a lot of generalizations that simply don’t hold up. But if it makes you feel superior, go for it.
News out of Belfair, four shot dead, shooter kills himself.
Dunceman farted … It really pisses me off when somebody watches their dog take a dump and then leaves it for the Magical Poop Fairly to clean up.
So dunceman, you are a chicken to confront the high probability libtard and remind them to police the area?
Remember how certain HA DUMMOCRETINS scream dog whistle… To cover for their own like of Heilary in 2014, certain HA DUMMOCRETIN morons went on their “dog whistle” rant. You can just ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch for a replay if you have the BALLS! Puddy realizes this will never happen because in reality y’all are just a bunch of empty suits full of fetid farts! So moving on…http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....11244.html Desperate and willing to do anything to win, the Clintons resorted to a naked form of racism aimed directly at white working-class voters in the rural portions of the state. Their message: Barack Obama cannot win because he’s black.
In the early stages of the campaign, it was Clinton’s cadre who kept playing the race card. In New Hampshire, Clinton’s co-chair, Billy Shaheen, accused Obama of being a drug dealer; then there was the photograph of Sen. Barack Obama in Somali garb leaked to the press by Clinton’s staff.Nuff said suckas!
We know how the Hanging Human Teabag Licker loves to post from DUmmies, so why did this get past the HA DUMMOCRETIN threads? http://www.democraticunderground.com/12511195911
Best comment… It’s amazing how her and her campaign staff get a pass from the M$M over their blatant racism. Who am I kidding? It’s not amazing, it’s expected….
Nuff said suckas… And the black DUMMOCRETINS just merrily vote for her!
From PPP’s latest Florida Republican poll…
“we find that 38% of Florida voters think it’s possible that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer. 10% say he for sure is, and another 28% say that they are just not sure.”
Besides fingering Cruz as the Zodiac Killer, 100% of those polled by PPP agreed that our babbling jackass loon is batshit fucking insane.
In rare comments about being the country’s first black president, President Obama said some opponents have used “dog whistles” of racism against him, but his race has helped him in other ways.
Heilary Clinton started it back in 2008!
Listen… you can hear Heilary whistling right now for South Carolina votes!
“I will not be used as a tool for their purposes,” she wrote in her email. “I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head.”
Ms. Harris-Perry, who is black, declared that she “not owned by” NBC News chairman, Andrew Lack, or Phil Griffin, the MSNBC president, who are both white, the Times reported.
She just realizing she is only there due to WHITE PRIVILEGE of her massas?
This black moron is just now realizing that? Gollllll-lee!
You PMSNBC lovers are a hoot!
Unlike many other liberals, Mrs. Clinton and her husband have refused to publicly brutalize Wal-Mart over the company’s pay scale and anti-union policies, leaving her open to attacks from Mr. Sanders and his allies, who say it’s proof she can’t be trusted to carry the economic warfare message Democrats need this year.
Of course these truths will be difficult for R senile to handle because they are in the WA Times. Truth and FACTS are always hard for senile peeps to process!
@14 yeah and those 50% Republucans who support aren’t Republicans – they are RINO’s.
Too funny.
More about DUMMOCRETIN dog whstling… Now Puddy knows why the Lib Unscientist/Oregon Moron dwelled so much on this along with checkmate and the vomit producer… It was in The Nation!
DUMMOCRETIN blacks are the most ignorant of the DUMMOCRETIN mASSes of dumb ASSes right rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Don’t worry rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, Puddy realizes that any answer you deliver will prove Puddy’s point!
Another lunatic with a gun; another dead family. In Belfair, Washington, a man killed his wife and 3 adopted children last night, then killed himself today as the cops closed in.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people shouldn’t have guns. You could argue most people shouldn’t have guns because it’s too easy for anger and stress to turn into homicide and dead bodies.
@30 I wouldn’t know. I’m busy watching my stocks go back up.
@18 LePage probably is angling for a postmaster job after he’s done being mayor of Maine.
Great episode of Bill Maher on HBO tonight!
Dumb down America!
This is how the republic ends.
@37 this kind of way of being all started with Republicans attacking same sex marriage and moderates standing idly by. Let’s face it if it was up to popular vote same sex marriage wouldn’t exist.
You can go back and say the same thing about the African American struggle to gain equality, but not sure with respect to racism that you can arguably get one to think that the person opposing equality of blacks is pretty much ligitimize in any way like it is to be biased towards a gay person (because of religious freedom).
Just recently Georgia approved of legislation to allow discrimination based on religious beliefs. And very little is being spoke about it.
The flood gates are open. Learn how to swim.
@4 Yep we must make sure the parks are safe for rabbits to poop in, I know they leave pellets, that are small and round. When tigers demonstrate they are superior gardeners you will them to your hit list. Next you will draw attention to squirrel scat when the squirrels get to the crocuses and tulips before you rabbits do.
Look we could not get people in Seattle to sweep the sidewalk and street in front of their home or apartment. Totally normal in Germany and other countries. And yes the Germans will let the neighbors even and especially know in no uncertain terms sweep the sidewalk. I fear your dog waste issue is doomed.
@33 Of course it’s likely this shooter wasn’t legally able to possess a gun.