If you want to name the new street sweeper, that’s cool. Don’t steal my 3 ideas, Farts, Fartz, and Fart Machine. Seriously, though, I’m glad that there’s a civic part of naming the sweeper, and it would be pretty cool to ride in it if you win the contest.
My vote’s for Poopsee.
Trump has now won 3 straight. It’s desperation time in the GOP. Their voters are flocking to a demagogue they can’t control and there’s nothing they can do about it.
Time to start gaming out the post convention career options for the non-Trump Republican candidates.
Cruz of course will go on to serve His glory giving impassioned C-SPAN speeches before empty chambers and blocking the lunch line in the Senate dining room.
The Carson Perpetual Book Tour® will continue on forever, since due to his regular use of Mannatech snake oil he will live forever. And also because no one has been able to wake him up long enough to tell him to go home.
Kasich will overcome losing his home state to Trump by spending the balance of his days in Columbus kicking pregnant teens and HIV patients into a ditch and pouring gasoline over them.
Rubes. This one is a puzzle. Some rich daddy is going to have to take him on. But I’ll be damned if I know which one. We may see him on Backpages.
@ 2
Their voters are flocking to a demagogue they can’t control and there’s nothing they can do about it.
Well, Team Hillary must have thought pretty much the same thing around this time about eight years ago.
You don’t got the bookkeeper, you got nuthin’.
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Wednesday dismissed an indictment against former governor Rick Perry that alleged he had abused his power by using a veto to try to force a county prosecutor from office.
Don’t worry Bob – Trump is going to get Mexico to pay for that wall!
keep swingin’ lil’ fella. You might not hit nuthin. But nobody will ever say you aint tried.
I remember walking out of my caucus in 2008 with quite a few of my neighbors who were furious over Obama’s win. “Who were those people?” “I never saw any of them before tonight.” “I feel robbed.” etc. In the 15 minutes it took for us to walk home they were on board for Obama. Some of them had been hard core Clintonistas. Didn’t matter. They were stung by the loss. They move on quickly to support Obama.
I’m sure you know many more Republican voters than I do. But I know a few (more than a few, really). And so far every single one of them vows to stay home in November if Trump is the nominee. These are “establishment” Republicans. They’ve given money to the party. A few have even volunteered for campaigns in the past. This year it looks like they will not cast a vote. You know that wasn’t the case for Clinton supporters in 2008. So why make the comparison? Are you sad?
“I don’t think Trump wants my endorsement.”
First he’d have to know who you were.
@4 Nice try, shitforbrains, but Obama didn’t promise to deport 3.6% of the resident population of the United States, nor did he promote discrimination against a religious group constituting 3.3 million American citizens. Your party owns this scapegoater; and, more importantly, he now owns your party.
their plane is going down. And the parachute theories are getting weirder and weirder.
Some are starting to float the idea that Ryan can broker the convention to himself!
The real fun hasn’t even started yet, and clownservatives are choosing drapes for their suicide windows. Just jump.
I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard Hillary said she’ll nominate Obama for SCOTUS and OMFNG wouldn’t that be the most fantastical thing EVER!?!
“wouldn’t that be the most fantastical thing EVER!?!”
Not for wingnuts. It seems to me that by blocking Obama’s nomination they risk ending up with a far more liberal justice than anyone Obama might nominate.
Rubio, “Well, first of all we have to understand that you don’t win the nomination by how many states you win”
Perhaps someone should explain to Marco that he won’t win the nomination if he can’t win even one caucus or primary.
As long as you’re throwing out stupid shit:
Brian Sandoval, the centrist Republican governor of Nevada, is being vetted by the White House for a possible nomination to the Supreme Court, according to two people familiar with the process.
There will be a couple of stories like this, before he tacks way left with his actual nominee.
Heh. The perfect candidate for Boob is John Kasich.
You don’t need government – have a hug!
What a fatuous excuse for a campaign! No worries Boob – the Donald LUUUUVS you!
you missed it earlier, Boob. Too busy counting Rubes’ delegates, I suppose. Any day now you’ll need the other hand.
Since you’re the genius who thinks so highly of his endorsement, I hope you aren’t too disappointed to learn that so long as Sandoval is in play for the Court, he’ll be endorsing precisely zero Cuban-American Presidential candidates. Looks like two-term African American President Obama has you tools outflanked again. Did you miss the part where Sandoval met with Reid in private for a few hours over the weekend too? Just social. Tea and cookies. Talked about the weather. The usual.
I think you’ve got Kasich all wrong.
He’s all for government when it comes to probing vaginas, funding parochial schools, and locking up queers. He’s even happy to raise taxes to do it!
Despite starting lower, the market finished up today, with the Dow gaining 53 points. Another bad day for market timers sitting on cash.
Who supports Trump?
” … [A] New York Times analysis of voters … found 20 percent of Trump’s base disagree with the freeing of slaves after the Civil War, and a staggering 70 percent would still like to see the Confederate flag flying above official grounds in their states.”
@19 A presidential election that is turning into an I.Q. test. I hope we are at least cogent to the reality of this man.
the good news is that the trolls and other clownservatives will blithely dismiss that data. They’ll challenge the source, etc. And the Republican party and brand will go right on becoming more and more extremely racist by simultaneously denying the evidence of who they have become while promoting the not-so-subtle hatred that drives it. The fuckwad will pipe in with some of his usual nonsense in CAPSLOCK and down-syndrome twin-speak. And Bob will look for a link to reporting about a Dem tax assessor in rural New Mexico using the N-word. This information is un-hearable for them. It cannot exist. Therefor it does not. And this is just as true for the single-malt sipping country club intellectuals who run their show. They never saw this coming. And they still don’t. After Trump loses in November, we’ll see them recruiting an army of xenophobic loud-mouth celebrity assholes to front the show. They’ll go to school on it.
@21 The only thing worse than clueless Reupliclowns are stupid assholes who don’t bother to vote! And that’s where the danger lies.
The 20% of DUMMOCRETINS who support Trump. http://thehill.com/homenews/ca.....poll-shows
That’s where Trump comes through. The private polling data will not be released until he has it cinched. But Trump equals Dem turnout, especially in states with higher electoral counts. I don’t believe anybody has tested yet for swing states. But if the nationwide data holds true, Trump should drive some improved turnout in swings. And whichever campaign wins the Dem nomination, they’ll be doing some very targeted GOTV effort in swings based on Trump’s rather substantial negatives. That’s why Bob is so ddddesperate for Rubes to catch on with Republican primary voters. He probably realizes nominating Trump will kill off two or three key swings for the GOP, and cost them the Senate to boot.
I’d certainly rather see liberal turnout driven by a positive excitement around a popular Dem candidate. Maybe that’ll happen. But I don’t think we should turn up our noses at vast numbers of newly registered voters getting out to the polls to protect themselves from a monster either. It looks like Trump is going to win it. I hope he does. The task to follow will be reminding moderate and progressive voters why they don’t want to wake up in 2017 and see this.
@14 Uncle Mitch isn’t exactly loveable, but he ain’t stupid. If push comes to shove he knows that giving up the opportunity to throw one more turd at President Obama to accept a moderate appointee beats the hell out of getting stuck with who (or what) ever might be offered up by President Hillary, President Bernie or (worse yet) President Donald.
“…but he ain’t stupid.”
You can never go wrong overestimating conservative tendencies toward self harm in service to reactionary principle.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How many more examples like this do we need before you stupid humans figure out that some of you shouldn’t have guns?
@27 shhhhh – let them kill each other and themselves.
@27 Some of us shouldn’t own knives, rum, skateboards, Alpha Ramaeos, street sweepers, bleach and ammonia, nuclear weapons, gasoline, ect.
I wonder if Boob is shallow enough to say criticize someone asking, “would you like an engine with that car” (that only costs $35,000).
‘Middle-class’ Manufacturing Jobs Pay Fast-food Wages http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....07496.html
@30 damn that Obama! He destroyed this Freedomless Country!
@ TA @ 30 & 31:
I’ve been watching it for years. I spent 24 years as a machinist, the first job I had a such was down on 6th Ave S. and paid $12/hr, in 1986.
The last gig I had as such, paid $18/hr and the Boss decided back in 2007 to cut hours down to six a day so he didn’t have to drive the hour commute from Camano Island, as he claimed he couldn’t afford the gas. This was back when gasoline was touching on $4 a gallon during the bank runs of the summer of 2007 and through the end of the year.
But he only came in for maybe 2-3 hours a day, maybe 3 days a week so he was doing absolutely nothing to bring work into the shop. In the summer of 2008, I found out he was intercepting a lot of the work for himself and doing it in his private shop at his home. I walked out in October of 2008 after spending too much time babysitting his best buddies kid on the CNC lathe and the other guy he had doing the programming was breaking four or five end mills for every fucking job he did on the Mill, some of those being very expensive cutters. Every machine job shop in the Seattle area was laying people off and dozens were going out of business at that time, so nobody else was hiring at all. (Thank you Boeing).
I recently applied for a few machine shops up here, and those clowns were offering $10-$12/hr. I have also investigated a few shops around the Seattle area, and those shops are offering $14 or $15 an hour, which doesn’t even pay the fucking rent in that city. Hell, my last apartment in Shoreline, which was a bit of a shithole and in 2007 was costing $825 a month, is now renting for $1400.
Somebody is getting greedy, and it sure as shit isn’t the working man.
@32 Can’t you see that the people doing the bilking are *winners*, and thus everything that’s right with America? After the election, we’ll set things right for the working man — I have it on good authority that America is going to take, take, take and start winning again!
@33 I suspect Trump’s plan is to bring those jobs back from China and pay American workers Chinese wages. I rather doubt he intends to pay $15/hr to the people making his neckties, regardless of whether they’re made there or here. Same for people working in machine shops, on assembly lines, etc.
@34 There you go again, assuming that The Donald needs to be bothered by such things as “specifics” or “reality.” Isn’t Charisma alone enough to get the rest of the world to do his bidding? “Good Management” surely will be enough to Make America Great Again. That’s how he’ll solve the problem of keeping track of every Muslim in this country, and that’s how he’ll spread prosperity while avoiding a living wage for all. If his supporters don’t care about such trifling details, why should we?
If Democrats misinterpret or dismiss Trump’s appeal we run the risk of facing the very same class split in our party. It took two years of protest movement and the insurgency of Bernie Sanders to get the establishment Democrats to sincerely acknowledge inequality and income stagnation in a growing economy. Two years ago this wasn’t being discussed by establishment Democrats. And there are plenty of Democratic elites who’d like to change the subject even now. Dismissing Trump as nothing more than nativist racism is a mistake.
I understand the karson kook-a-nut is at the bottom of the pack in its own state.
Heh. The fool is almost out of money. Its own peeps have been grifting the grifter and it talks openly about being fleeced.
What a joke! Poor kook-a-nut. All that “white privilege” in that miserable, stinking republican party kept the poor fool down.
And it’s soooooo sweet that the republicans have been coming out in droves.
They’re breaking records attending their caucuses and primaries!
All that “white privilege” is at a RECORD TURNOUT! Are they choosing the karson kook-a-nut?
LOL! And all this record turnout is because the Republicans are ANGRY?
LOL! The “angry right”! All that “white privilege” isn’t doing too good for the party of “white privilege”..
This country is still 63 percent non-hispanic white. And this country won’t be majority minority until 2043. That’s still a way off.
90 percent of households in this country bring in LESS than $77,500 per year. That’s barely comfortable in a city like Seattle – certainly ok enough elsewhere but if you’re in the top 10 percent 9 out 10 folks around you aren’t doing as well.
Median income at 46k stinks!
So the LIV republicans blame it on “those people” and “those people” aren’t the top 0.01 percent and the 0.001 percent whose income has done nothing but jump off the charts since the age of Raygun.
Shit even republicans have been caught giving lip service to income inequality.
@38 There’s probably no logical explanation.
@40 It’s not helping Democratic turnout – way down since 2008.
I guess fear and loathing is a big motivator. The sheer awfulness of the Bush years drove up D participation and led to fleeting victories.
Now utter hatred of the black guy in White House and the Clintons is doing something similar for the other side.
“GOP sheriff unleashes a stunning take down of Republicans—a party of ‘cult leaders’ and ‘idiots’”
We all know where the loon fits into the scheme of things. But what about Bob? Cult leader or idiot?
@ 16
Since you’re the genius who thinks so highly of his endorsement, I hope you aren’t too disappointed to learn that so long as Sandoval is in play for the Court, he’ll be endorsing precisely zero Cuban-American Presidential candidates. Looks like two-term African American President Obama has you tools outflanked again. Did you miss the part where Sandoval met with Reid in private for a few hours over the weekend too? Just social. Tea and cookies. Talked about the weather. The usual.
Well, that was an exhilarating 32 hours.
Sandoval’s out.
@ 41
The sheer awfulness of the Bush years drove up D participation and led to fleeting victories.
Now utter hatred of the black guy in White House and the Clintons is doing something similar for the other side.
You might recall the Clintons were poison even to Al Gore when he ran in 2000. The famous yelling match between Bill and Al shortly after that election was over Al’s decision not to use Bill in his campaign.
Nice to see you use the term ‘fleeting’ – you must have been somber about it, as your entire spew is devoid of exclamation points, girlfriend. I think Dems will win again, and possibly take the White House and the Senate this year, but the down-ballot damage inflicted on the Dem brand will last many years.
A Responsibility I Take Seriously
So seriously that the only name dropped by the administration as being vetted wants the fuck out of it a day after the leak was published.
Whose name will Team Obama drop next? Miguel Estrada? Janice Rogers Brown?
Goldy @GoldyHA
Damn you, $15 minimum wage! https://twitter.com/TBPInvictus/status/702855115280089088
For months we’ve heard from your ilk that Seattle isn’t the same as the rest of the MSA that includes it.
Now you’re arguing that Seattle is the same as the rest of the cities in the MSA that includes them.
Must be great to live in a world governed according to the laws of Heads I Win, Tails You Lose. And to be paid by a billionaire for living there.
now ask yourself, how toxic is his endorsement to a GOP candidate?
This is a guy who favors abortion, gay marriage, Obamacare, and higher taxes. And now he’s been caught up in the GOP Court temper tantrum.
A week ago you were counting the hours until Sandoval endorsed Rubotio. Try counting the hours until he switches parties.
@ 42:
“We all know where the loon fits into the scheme of things. But what about Bob? Cult leader or idiot?”
Oh, SnideShow Bob is definitely not a leader. He certainly is an idiot, but the overall methodology of the modern GOP isn’t about creating leaders. It’s all about creating blind followers. Obedient people who won’t ask any disconcerting questions about such silly and minor issues like where all the money this country claims to have is disappearing to and why are so many of our young people are coming home in rubber bags.
The people who would have no personal issues with somebody wanting to own slaves or castrate all the faggoty people and artists. Freedom of personal choice and all that. States rights, etc. Now, Spittles, he’s a special kind of crazy. I believe that he comes in here with his nonsense and blather simply because he really has nobody to talk to or who would want to talk to him. He’s just nuttier than a squirrel turd and people can probably see it within the first few minutes of any conversation they might have with him.
@ 47
Joe Manchin will switch parties before Brian Sandoval will.
But you did make me laugh, and I thank you for that.
@ 32
Froggy, did you lose yet another job?
@ 50
You really are a special kind of fool, Bob.
Bob, we’ve been over this. More than once. Stop sitting at the back of the class eating paste and pay attention.
Unilateral disarmament is stupid.
Don’t whinge and plead for the President to abandon what little political leverage he may employ in this fight when your party elites started it. Seriously? I’d say so. I’d say he’s taking it very seriously. He’s very seriously going to do everything he can to embarrass Senate Republicans and tarnish the brand in an election year. He’s going to play it to maximum political advantage. And in this case, that’s not only good governance, it’s statesmanlike.
With absolutely no coherent legislative agenda, no actual policy platform, and not interest at all in using the Congressional majority for anything at all other than show trials, and party power-plays, it is wise governance to seek the removal of the Republican Congressional majorities.
@ 51
I take that as a yes, Froggy.
The “GOP” sheriff is a protege of Harry Lee, long-serving Democrat sheriff of the same parish.
He’s a RINO.
And if his opinion is so worthwhile, do Steve and other HA Libbies stand by this?
“Sometimes what’s constitutional and what’s accepted under the law ain’t always pretty,” Normand said.
Throwin’ y’all a bone, Haiku-style.
HylianTom @HylianTom 22m22 minutes ago
Courtesy of Trump,
Electoral map glows blue.
SCOTUS soon leans left.
@55 Looks like you’ve found your niche.
Sandoval has pulled out of the SCOTUS race. He doesn’t want to be hung out to dry by his own party.
Meanwhile, market timers had another bad day. Dow up 212 points today. Last I heard, banks are still paying 0.1%, which means $100,000 of savings earns $100 a year of interest.
@ 58
Nothing more pathetic than spending retirement with one eye on the Dow ticker and the other on the HA feed, all while wearing your third Depends of the day
“The “GOP” sheriff is a protege of Harry Lee, long-serving Democrat sheriff of the same parish.”
“Lee endorsed Mike Foster, a Republican who came from behind in the polls to win the governorship and to serve two terms. He also endorsed Bobby Jindal for Governor in 2003, his bid for Congress in 2004, 2006 reelection and again for Governor in 2007.”
“When an 8-year-old girl was raped in March 1998, the police initially described two black males as the culprits. Lee was criticized for declaring every black man in the subdivision a suspect. He apologized for any offense but insisted the practice was not racist. In fact, friends said the sheriff was so personally shaken by the vicious attack on the girl, who was also black, that he pulled out all the stops to solve the case.”
“I’m going to catch that bastard, and when I catch him, he is going to be black,” he said.
The sheriff’s Democrat mentor hates blacks and supports Republicans. Strikes me as being a deep-south DINO.
don’t discourage Bob with all that “information”.
I like to see them going after each other like that.
One for the pubic hair, one for the Coke.
Dean Clancy @DeanClancy
Rather than fill Scalia’s seat, I’d let Clarence Thomas cast two votes.
The coldest winter I ever spent was the summer I spent in Antarctica.
A specially equipped plane from the U.S. Antarctic Program will fly to the rescue of 30 researchers trapped at an Australian station on the frozen continent after an icebreaker poised to bring them home ran aground in a blizzard.
By the way, it’s summer in Antarctica.
Goldyesque alternative intro: Damn you, global warming!
Newest Bernie bumper sticker:
“Left for White Folks”.
Seattle’s own #BLM queen.
Black Lives Matter leader explains why ‘all lives matter’ is a racial slur
@59 sounds like Boob is a little jealous. I’d say that he is feeling a little insecure with his achievements in life.
@59 I don’t need Depends yet, Boob, but 2 hits out of 3 pitches ain’t bad for an oaf who usually gets sent back to the dugout on called strikes. Spending retirement with one eye on the Dow ticker and the other on the HA feed sure beats working in a sweatshop for $15 an hour. Millions of people would give an arm and a leg to have my setup.
@60 maybe Boob likes him because he his the brother of porno lady.
@65 Based on the amount of time he spends on HA, I regard him as a fellow retiree, because it’s obvious he isn’t working much. I can’t vouch for his investment results, though.
@63 Another idiot who doesn’t know the difference between climate and weather.
All that “white privilege” is at a FAILING TURNOUT!
Here we go again, another GOP Gun Policy* moment …
“Four people were killed, including the suspected gunman, and 14 others wounded in a shooting Thursday at a manufacturing plant near Wichita, CBS affiliate KWCH reported.” — CBS News
* “GOP” stands for “Guns Or People, there isn’t enough room on this planet for both”
If Democrats misinterpret or dismiss Trump’s appeal we run the risk of facing the very same class split in our party.
Umm… Oregon moron, 20% of DUMMOCRETINS support Trump! Seems Bernie’s new message if FAILING!
This will get rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears upset… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new.....inton.html
PuddyCommentariat: The dog whistle… who consistently uses that comment?
– Oregon moron
– vomit producer
– checkmate
PuddyCommentariat: This is why Puddy claims black DUMMOCRETINS are sheeple and very stoooooooooopid!
PuddyCommentariat: Obummer uses the IRS and other agencies as his personal whipping boys! Didn’t DUMMOCRETINS try to accuse Bush of something like that and went nutzo. Obummer gets a pass because the ends always justifies whatever means necessary!
Uh oh… The DUMMOCRETIN paper of record has spoken… http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02......html?_r=0
PuddyCommentariat: Republicans make no bones about their Wall Street cred. Heilary claims otherwise with forked tongue.
How do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is lying? The lips are moving!
Amazing how libtards let this slide!
Travis @59,
Puddy not upset the Dow went up. The telling this is will there be profit taking tomorrow. The only big index that changed was Venezuela claiming to future oil participation next month. This raised the Dow and oil prices. China still soft, housing still soft, etc.
When you visit your doctor to get your anal fistula drained, week after week, month after month, painful infection followed by surgery, followed by painful reinfection, and you plead with her for some relief, hows it make you feel when she chucks you on the shoulder, laughs at you, and says:
“All assholes matter!”
There was a story today on NPR about the locations that have recovered from the recession and who has not. It found that the only old line core city that is doing well is Bismark, North Dakota. Small cities near large urban areas are doing well, but many rural and area with poor people or non white are not doing well at all. Meanwhile people in areas that are doing well tend to be mostly white and have very low unemployment levels. So there are large chunks of the nation the recovery is passing by, and that is part of the reason why Trump and Sanders are doing well.
The other day there was a story on NPR about Birmingham trying to pass a minimum wage of like $10.10 an hour. A state legislator who lives in a nearby community has sponsored a law saying no local community may pass a minimum wage higher than the states and Alabama’s is tied to the Federal minimum wage. The guy is a Republican the party is always for state and local control. Now it could be the folks who live he does have a lot of businesses in Birmingham and don’t want to pay those higher wages and feel that Birmingham is stealing money out of their pockets. Good, hope Birmingham goes and ahead and makes the minimum effective immediately. Oregon is having a similar fight and I doubt that Washington state is immune though no mention has been made lately wasn’t there some sort of effort saying cities in Washington could not differ from the State minimum wage?
@25 Hope Uncle Mitch and his Republicans like staying in Washington in August and working on something even if they can’t seem to hold hearing on a Supreme Court nomination. They are already hiding from the Press scurrying away when Reporters ask about them stonewalling. I’m sure Stephen Colbert will have fun videos of the scurrying. And the President hasn’t even made an nomination….and one Republican Governor has shown he hasn’t the stomach for the process. Hopefully no future resident of the White House will even consider the man for the court or any federal court. When asked by the President one should be willing to serve no matter yours and his politics.
@35 Well we could discover he’s actually a middle of the roader. After all our last liberal President was Richard Nixon. (Ok Jimmy Carter was pretty liberal, and he was more of a fundamentalist Christian than that actor fellow who beat him)
@63 It’s why the Air Force has a Antarctica medal.
@70 You know Puddy the original Democrats, them cats in Athens, Greece don’t seem to qualify for white privilege. Some dude named Socrates might suggest looking at oligarchy as the root of many evils and those getting goodies out of it or hope may try to pull the wool over peoples eyes with slogans.
@74 One downside of being a member of the one percent a much higher chance of being audited. The IRS did learn from Mr. Dillinger taking to heart his message that banks are where the money is…the IRS knows rich people is where the money is. The IRS is effective and your tax money supporting the IRS compliance division brings in many multiples of each dollar spent. This effective government is not popular with the one percent or our American oligarchs. Thank you Bernie for making that word cool.
@71 So was there video from the location. Were there a lot of cops there? Were some of them heavily armed? Any look more like army guys than police? Is militarization of the police part of the puzzle here?
I suppose gun manufacturers are pretty happy as this keeps the fear going and a lot of guns are being sold because of fear. It’s a business and folks hold stock in them. While there are some gun makers who make a great product for hunters and shooters most guns are manufactured for a capitalist market.
Then there are small arms manufactured for the military. So is the US still the number one exporter of small arms? As long as you sell to the right governments you aren’t a gun runner. Of course the big money is in the bullets…can’t you hear the cha ching in someone’s coffers each time guns are fired in Syria?
Things will be much better when gay people can look forward to days when they get audited by the IRS because they attended a gay pride parade. And then after that, getting thier balls chopped off.
Something tells me Ben Cursedone is making that shit up or stretching the truths like his belief of grain silo pyramids because the grain couldn’t take the dryness of Egypt.
Interesting observations on the Irish Election, which is today. They will not have a winner on election day, as they don’t do the first count until Saturday morning, as the polls close at 10pm.
Boob tried to claim that the dead man on the take was the fault of liberal judge RBG.
Boob fails again, making him like 0-26335785425678
Get a fucking life you delusionalist.
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02.....hone-share NYTimes: Scalia Led Court in Taking Trips Funded by Private Sponsors
@87 Ireland – the real home of the free and the brave!
Looks to me like non gun owners have a better chance of being the last survivor so long as you can hide from all of the gun nuts out there. But they seem like they’ll either kill themselves off or kill each other off at the rate they are going. Just don’t become one of the victims of the collateral damage and you have nothing to worry about. Fuck the rest – the gun nuts and everyone that stands with the gun nuts. As a non gun owner just make right decision or carry your lucky rabbits foot with you and you’ll be ok.
The fascists failed again. DUMMOCRETIN fascists can’t win on ideas so they resort to terrorism tactics… http://www.mediaite.com/online.....s-lecture/
PuddyCommentariat: DUMMOCRETIN college students are spoiled brat libtard snowflakes. Blown by the latest fad!
So there are large chunks of the nation the recovery is passing by, and that is part of the reason why Trump and Sanders are doing well.
Yet Obummer claimed his “recovery” and his “economy” are doing great ever since the state of the union. Yes that has to be it!
I’m sure Puffy feels bad about the people being left behind. How touching.
Hey Rog, got an email this morning from my bank, telling me that my earned interest rate is going up from 0.0020 percent to .00202 percent. I’m rolling in the dough.
“So there are large chunks of the nation the recovery is passing by, and that is part of the reason why Trump and Sanders are doing well.”
But there is a pretty big difference. While today there is a measurable class schism within the Republican party, no such class schism can be so easily detected among Democrats. Working class, lower income, and less educated voters are concentrating in support of Trump, but are spread fairly evenly between Clinton and Sanders. And the schism among Republican voters appears to be ideological and fundamental. Trump supporters either oppose, or are uninterested in an assortment of foundational establishment Republican principles. The split among Democratic primary voters follows a more familiar pattern of liberal orthodoxy that has been present in many past Democratic primaries.
LOL! You meant sober right?
Poor boob, to make a career late in life of being a jerk.
And nobody freaking cares what you “think” since even before “unskewed polls”…
Toonerville buddy..
@87 The Vikings cheerfully disagree, and they did a bit of their version free and brave in Ireland.
@92 Didn’t President Bush claim in his last State of the Union the economy was just great. No storm clouds on the horizon.
Does seem Presidents can be biased in giving that speech. Maybe we should go back to a letter…perhaps the President reads it from the Oval office, or not.