The stock market has taken a tumble this morning. And so, it’s as good a time as any to remind you that stocks are not the economy. You could be doing well or not. Collectively, one tumble in the market due to a disease isn’t employment or wages. So some spooked investors are spooked. But we should continue to deal with homelessness and wages and job security and empowering unions because those matter more than the rise and fall of the DJIA on any particular day.
Call it extraordinary powers that I have but I seen this coming from the forefront, only for Bob to predict sunny weather.
How about that Stick Market. Everything under control in ginna…..!
Vetting him appropriately helps Trump.
I’ve come to believe that Comey’s decision to change his draft indictment and instead give The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 a pass helped lead to Trump by undermining public faith in the rule of law.
Nominate Biden, Warren, #WallStreetPete, Bloomberg ——>Democrats keep the House despite the November loss to Trump.
Nominate Bernie and Trump will have nothing to stop him until the 2022 midterms at the earliest.
Never go full socialist, libbies.
In light of bot-farm pussy’s recent pleading for Steve to forgive him, a suggestion:
Go the fuck away.
Any lying Shy-Trumper desperate for absolution from charges of treason and abandoning their national allegiance in favor of tribal loyalties should begin that quest by considering shutting the fuck up for a little while. If all they are able to do is bleat endlessly about how Real Loyal Americans like the rest of us, who did not abandon our national loyalties in exchange for permission to tell racist jokes, are somehow not good enough for them, then it’s clear they are in need of a time out.
Continuing to promote president RapeHero and his fascist agenda is supporting president RapeHero. Even if the urge to promote him arises from tribal instinct, the result is the same. So until they can summon control over those tribal instincts, their only other viable option is to just go away. Otherwise, they are nothing more than fascist Trumpers. Sarcastic perhaps. Maybe even cynical. But Trumpers all the same.
Data point:
So far GOP primary turnout numbers show no sign of declines from 2016, in a symbolic primary. A small percentage (less than 10%) are showing up to cast protest ballots for Weld. But the turnout by party to participate in that party’s primary remains where it was four years ago.
If any significant number of JEB!, Rubio, Kasich voters were crossing over to vote for Klobuchar or Buttigieg that would not be the case. Composition of suburban voters has been shifting for years. Large numbers of younger (GenX/Millennial) college educated left leaning Dem voters are now part of the suburban voter mix. And that is where Klobuchar and Buttigieg appear to be drawing their primary support.
The narrative that support for these two media-labeled “moderate” candidates is some measure of GOP crossover potential is not supported by any evidence in the field. These are Dem voters. They are going to vote for the nominee.
@ 6
There is no crossover vote, agreed.
WI, OH, FL now red. If FL wasn’t red before it is after the Bernie Castro comments.
MI, PA, MN, NC up for grabs.
@ 6, cont.
The turnout numbers for the GOP – high despite the foregone conclusion – could be interpreted as an indication of GOP primary voter enthusiasm.
United Health Group (UNH) is down a bit less than 8% but it’s a $23/share decline on the day.
That one stock is responsible for nearly 140 points of the DJIA’s intraday decline.
Cigna Corp. (CI) also down nearly 8%.
@9/10 – sugar coating?
You always seem to look at the silver lining in things when you need to and then predict gloom in doom when you want to.
Come on – if this Virus gets completely out of hand you mine as well kiss the economy and your stocks goodbye. Get real dude.
@7 stick to feeding the horse. Your insight changes by the day.
@4 Trump inevitability troll.
Well, he’s gotta talk about something — anything — besides the 6% bath his zero-dividend stock portfolio is taking this morning. Dumbfuck is getting his correction in one day’s dosage.
@ 11, 12
This is nothing. It’s a fifth of what happened in the 4th quarter of 2018.
Nothing. Grow the fuck up.
@1 See #141 of previous thread.
@5 “Even if the urge to promote him arises from tribal instinct, the result is the same.”
I suspect it has more to do with a mental toddler craving attention. He certainly could find other things to do with all the time he spends here if he wanted to.
@ 15
That’s what separates me from you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You cannot.
@7 Yeah, WI looked real red to me, too, when it sacked Scotty Walker in favor of Tony Evers and returned Tammy Baldwin to the U.S. Senate by a 10-point spread after 2 years of Trump …
@9 And your stock is responsible of 0.001% of the rest, because even though it’s down 5.6% right now, it’s only a pebble in the S&P pond. You could’ve seen this coming and got out when the getting was good; just 10 days ago Value Line said “VAR is not timely nor is it compelling for the long haul at this price.” And without price appreciation, there’s nothing, because … no dividends. Zero. Nada. Zip.
My investment income hasn’t gone down at all today.
@14 You’re may be right, it may be nothing, only the start of something. Stretched valuations. Out-of-control black swan. Slowing economy. Stocks disconnected from economic reality for a long time now. Really no reason not to correct. This was predicted by Wall Street’s seers months ago. That’s why just about everybody except corporate CFOs and desperate foreigners fleeing negative interest rates had already quit buying stocks before Christmas.
Easy. No need to get your blood pressure up.
Besides….like I said, if this gets out of hand then it’s not over with. But you keep predicting the sunshine – In December it will be Christmas again too.
@17 In other words, you’re like the inmate who’s free to go, but chooses to stay, and everybody else in the jail thinks he’s nuts.
Substitute “asylum” for “jail” in #22 and think of doc as a bird, doing a Jack Nicholson impersonation, post-lobotomy. But what kind of bird? I vote for flying chicken …
@ 19
My investment income hasn’t gone down at all today.
Good to know you’ll be able to pay for your next package of Depends, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
A couple of exclamation points added to that and I think we would have heard Bob’s head exploding.
My point Bob – everything about life isn’t about money. I’ve grown up enough to know better than to be greedy.
@ 26
Yeah, but you’ve grown up to take it bareback from strangers in some grimy alley.
“If FL wasn’t red before…”
… what effect does restoring voting privileges to 1.5 million mostly African American citizens have?
There’s time enough for the current plaintiffs to move forward and obtain biding relief before November. Meanwhile a dozen very well funded groups are simply paying off the fines. Demographics are destiny. And neither Florida nor Texas are looking good for the modern Trumpublican Party of angry old racists.
The problem facing you and Trump isn’t GOP base turnout.
Hasn’t been since the civil rights movement.
Remember, at your absolute peak performance, when you are firing on all cylinders, assisted by foreign espionage hacking and lackluster opponents, you, Trump, and the GOP struggle to obtain any popular vote majority. And it’s been that way for two decades. That’s why you work so damn hard to close polling places and cancel voter’s registrations.
Pretending that your power derives from broad public consent does not make it so. You are losing your structural advantages at precisely the same moment that the older generation falls behind in total numbers and while progressive voter engagement is peaking.
I suspect it has more to do with a mental toddler craving attention.
I suppose that’s why it continues to smear itself with its own feces. It’s a real attention getter.
@ 29
You are losing your structural advantages at precisely the same moment that the older generation falls behind in total numbers and while progressive voter engagement is peaking.
Patience, rather than the nuclear option, would have been the wiser choice for Reid to make, then.
Pity he chose otherwise. Cocaine Mitch told him exactly what would happen.
Now y’all are watching the Ninth in the process of flipping.
Until progressive voter engagement results in an increase in actual progressive votes, the structural advantage remains theoretic. Beto was supposed to bounce Cruz, remember. Then there was that trip to AZ Mook decided The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 should take during the last week of the 2016 campaign.
@7 haha….really, that was funny. I love you too. That was kind of fitting for the day. I don’t think you are ever right that often, but I still love you.
See how much better love can be than hate.
Wisconsin is a battleground. No mistaking it. So are Michigan, Pennsylvania, and a handful of other states. Nothing new or revealing about that.
But the big point is that the GOP is not gaining any ground in these states, not even in Wisconsin. At best they are merely holding. And that will not be enough if Dem turnouts in these states return to near 2008 levels and if the suburbs break to the Dems. Meanwhile, in places like North Carolina, Florida, and Arizona, they are losing ground steadily.
And just recall, it didn’t have to be this way. GOP leaders like Moscow Mitch could have prevailed upon Trump not to obstruct. They could have prevailed upon him to lighten up on the Toddler Torture and Gang Rapes. They could have pushed back and stood up to him a little on trade wars and giving Syria to Russia. They could have fought for a rational GOP and chosen a nominee capable of more than just demagoguery. But just like bot-farm pussy, they too are cowards who live in fear of his toilet tweets.
@ 33
if. Dem. turnouts.
Bring it.
Beto was supposed to bounce Cruz
A Republican incumbent with a decade of statewide profile, plumb Senate committee assignments, had picked national donor network, and a very successful Presidential campaign under his belt eked out a cliff hanger against three term House member from a Dem district who nobody had ever heard of before.
This is you, bot-farm, smearing yourself with your own feces again.
@24 While your horse has to live on grass … no more oats for him … sorry, horse. But he’ll still get laid regularly.
@28 “Meanwhile a dozen very well funded groups are simply paying off the fines. ”
Wait for it, Republicans will accuse them of doling out cigarettes outside polling stations, too.
@30 Old people do that in nursing homes, too. Obviously he’s not in the middle of the spectrum, so he’s got to be either a mental toddler or senile. What stage of senility? He’s been smearing himself with his own feces for quite a while now, so you be the judge of that …
Let’s all recall how well his reliance on media pundit conventional wisdom served bot-farm pussy in 2016 when he was backing JEB!, then Marco, then Kasich, then Evan McMullin, then finally at the last minute, Trump.
Most of us fell victim to it that year. So there’s no great shame in it. We all probably should have known better. But who could have imagined back then that a bloated, flatulent reality television celebrity could have beaten Hillary Clinton in Michigan?
Maybe the guy who beat her in the Michigan primary?
There might be something to the Sanders “Castro comment” knock. In any case, this appears to be where dumbfuck is getting it from (or similar source):
According to the Dem moderates, this can only be a good thing, because it might slow Sanders down and keep the nom in what they deem to be safer hands. (Biden? Bloomberg? Buttigieg? —?)
I think the rap is overblown, though. The entire logic behind “Medicare for All” is that it saves money. Taxes would go up, but overall costs would come down, and the average person will come out ahead. The argument is based in part by comparing Medicare’s overhead costs (~1.5%) to the private health insurance industry’s skim (~25%). By nationalizing health insurance premiums, you can deliver more care, to more people, at lower overall cost — that’s the argument for Medicare-for-All. The antis are throwing up smokescreens. The average person in the street thinks the health care system is badly broken. They wrestle daily with affordability and are scared of medical bankruptcy. The Republican response has been to kick people off Obamacare and Medicaid coverage, and reinstate pre-existing conditions. Democratic issues polling shows health care is voters’ #1 concern. However this shakes out, I’d rather be us than them going into this election.
@ 39
Let’s all recall how well his reliance on media pundit conventional wisdom…
Let’s all recall pronouncements of Permanent Democratic Majority in 2009.
Took all of one 2-year cycle for y’all to piss that away.
QoS McHillbilly, I understand the projected demographic shifts. Have heard about them for as long as you have. Even if they translate into an election outcome, you still have to govern successfully with it.
There is absolutely nothing to suggest that Democrats have learned from what happened in 2010. Absolutely nothing.
@31 And this, in your feeble mind, validates everything Moscow Mitch has done.
“…you still have to govern successfully with it.
Just like president RapeHero.
Who btw really did just put a guy on Putin’s payroll in control of every single US and Five Eyes intelligence product, yet still enjoys your full-throated* support and that of every single other Republican you know.
Maybe some of your assumptions about how things work just don’t operate any more. Was a time, if you’d have asked just about any Democrat you know, they’d have told you no way 63 million Republicans vote to elect a guy who they just heard bragging about a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults.
Things change. Republicans sure as hell have – you included, pussy.
*see what I did there? Gulp it down, pussy.
“what happened in 2010”
The Tea Party happened.
A racist backlash to the manifest fact of an African American family using the White House toilets. A once-in-a-generation resentment event driven by peak Boomer and the loss of 17 trillion dollars of household wealth in debt fueled financial speculation. How American voters responded to those events varies enormously by age, race, and educational attainment. And ten years ago the composition of the electorate in those terms was very different from what it is today, particularly in battleground states.
Quick, but very, very important reminder:
The very same “journalists” who are now lecturing Democratic primary voters about “moderation” and proclaiming The Doom also lectured Democrats about impeachment by doing this:
“No, the New York Times did not talk to six “swing voters” about impeachment. The article quotes a handful of devout GOP voters who the NYT has repeatedly interviewed multiple times.”
This is not the only time the NYT has been caught doing this in the last three years. They did the exact same thing immediately after the 2016 election in order to WhiteSplain the Trump victory to their readership of aging, wine sniffers. The did the exact same thing to “explore” Trump’s support floor during the Special Counsel investigation. They did precisely the same thing during the GangRape confirmation hearings. And they did they did precisely the same thing to pre-figure the devastating GOP losses in the 2018 mid terms.
Swing voters are real – they do exist and they can be located and interviewed, even repeatedly. But the problem is that they do not give the kinds of answers that the NYT political editors want for their readers. So the NYT does this shit instead. Every fucking time.
Btw, this is not ethical journalism. But more importantly, it is not characteristic of a trustworthy media source.
Big debate tomorrow in South Carolina, I’m sure Mayor Pete’s gonna get the “how are you going to get the Black support vote” question for thepteenth time. Bunch of bigots want to know!
Because they didn’t drill it home enough.
Ohhh and Clubfoot will come out and tell everyone that she’s got the tits to win it.
Serious question:
How do you think he should answer?
Think in terms of how he should answer such a question on a nationally televised stage being carefully observed by millions of Democratic party voters many of whom will be casting ballots in Super Tuesday early voting. An answer that will be quoted back to him and to those voters in the critical weeks ahead. And an answer that will be quoted back to him and tens of millions of voters next fall should he win the nomination.
Well, Harvey Weinstein ain’t gonna fare well in the Big House. He probably won’t survive incarceration.
@49 That’s his problem.
“‘Today, I have suspended my campaign for the US House of Representatives and am seeking treatment for substance abuse disorder,’ Chris Taylor … told NBC News in a statement … [about his] decision to drop out of the Republican primary …. Taylor … had struggled with opioid addiction in the past.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t see why he had to drop out. What’s one more drug-addled Republican in Congress? It’s not a thing anymore. He wasn’t going to get elected anyway.
@50 – For an interesting read, check out Newsweek’s story about how Meryl Streep once said Harvey Weinstein was “God” and now thinks he’s dispicable.
Weinstein going to be some big con’s girlfriend soon!
So’s Roger Stone.
So’s Michael Flynn.
Paul Manafort already is.
So’s Rick Gates.
So’s Richard Pinedo.
So’s George Papadopolous.
So’s Michael Cohen.
I guess Barr didn’t come along in time. Real shame if he has to leave next year. BOP might not have enough “big cons” to go around. Maybe some of you guys wouldn’t mind being shared. You know, “sister-wives”, just like on Big Love!
Maybe I can be Weinstein’s butt-buddy soon, too! Or maybe I’ll end up bunking with Avenatti!
News alert from The New York Times
Can Bernie, a Socialist, beat The Hump?
The same way the others should be asked of their support of gay people, and discrimination in the name of religious freedom. Oppps, I forget, they have to be asked first.
See 45 above for just a small sampling of the NYT just flat out lying about the data and their own reporting in order to skew the narrative about national elections.
To be clear, you’ve now had two caucus and one ballot primary in small states, two of them tiny. I won’t go into the break down of the Nevada numbers, but they do not show what the NYT political editors say they show. Not a Sanders supporter here. I’m a supporter of good data and good analysis. And you will not get that from the NYT. That is just a sad fact.
So you decided not to answer. Cool.
Whether or not such questions are fair, they will get asked. Just as they will get asked of the nominee. So I think it makes sense to think about how such questions should be answered. Because a lot of voters are paying attention. And a lot of them are in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. And the answers they hear may affect their decision to turnout and support that nominee. Which will have a lot to do with whether we get four more years of fat, bloated, flatulent, rage-tweeting, fascist finger rapist. So yeah, kind of important.
Ohh what horseshit this woman is.
Probably because he’s gay.
@58 there is no answer that will please anyone who already has a disposition against a certain type of individual. Let them keep asking to the detriment of the African Americans. It’s only doing them a disservice, not me.
I guess I should of held Barack Obama to not evolving quick enough to same sex marriage, and done myself a disservice.
This simply cannot be. I was informed by QoS McHillbilly that there are no conservative Democrats.
“There are conservatives Democrats all across the state of Mississippi and there was once upon a time when the conservative Democrats controlled this state,” explained 13th Circuit Court District Attorney Matt Sullivan. “It’s a new day in Mississippi and I believe the Republican party is growing and there’s a place in the Republican party for people like me.”
Clubfoot needs to be asked about this again tomorrow night, not sure she answered it correctly before.
A veteran with a substance abuse problem isn’t treated very well @ 51 by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit if he’s also a Republican.
Mississippi officials switching @ 61 from D to R:
Matt Sullivan, District Attorney for the Thirteenth Circuit Court District (Covington, Jasper, Simpson and Smith Counties), (Former Democrat)
Smith County
Cindy Austin, Chancery Clerk (Former Democrat)
Anthony Grayson, Circuit Clerk (Former Democrat)
Mary Lou Powell, Tax Assessor-Collector (Former Democrat)
Danny Arender, Beat 4 Supervisor (Former Democrat)
Hulon West, Justice Court Judge for the Southern District of Smith County (Former Democrat)
Also, two independents joining the GOP
#WallStreetPete, running away from black protesters.
I read another piece that quoted a protester saying #WallStreetPete crashed the event. How very opportunistic.
Sleazy guy, that #WallStreetPete. Good thing he’s only got about 10 days left.
Oooh, Mississippi. Big stuff.
Doesn’t hurt that the former GOP incumbent agreed not to run after the party switch (funding pulled). Judicial and prosecutor elections in the south are some kind of something. Super creepy. All kinds of wheeling and dealing are the norm. Not so much red or blue as green. You know that in some of these jurisdictions in Mississippi these guys actually get to pocket some of the money they collect in fines, surrendered bail, and inmate fees. Yes, fees. Meal fees, phone fees, library fees, media fees, laundry fees. etc. They also get to dole it right back out too. Families down there have to pay to keep family members locked up. They even charge them for toilet tissue. It’s a remarkable racket. One any Republican would be proud of.
@ 66
All kinds of wheeling and dealing are the norm.
That reminds me. Over the weekend Blago said Obama sent an emissary on his election night in 2008 to talk with Blago about filling his Senate seat.
Indeed. Not just in the South, that wheelin’ & dealin’.
Limbaugh informing all the RapeHero voters like bot-farm pussy that the corona virus is just the common cold. Says you can avoid it by just dosing up on vitamin C and washing your hands. Says it’s a chi-com lab experiment being weaponized to bring down the mighty RapeHero.
The cancer is in his brain.
Statement against penal interest. Not so much.
Very credible guy.
In fine company with guys like Roger Stone and Michael Cohen. But hey, it’s not like you and the GOP can do any better these days, right?
@ 69
Nah, MSNBC and CNN got dibs on Avenatti so quickly the GOP was just sorta stuck.
They say Sweaty Pink Meatball is available.
He was doing that sort of thing before he was named Method Acting AG.
Looks like Roy Moore will be tied up for the next few months. But hey, that ought to leave Sesh wide open after March 3rd. So you’ve got that going for you. Which is nice.
@55 “Can Bernie, a Socialist, beat The Hump?”
The hard data say “yes.” Not only that, but Bernie does better than any of the other candidates.
@63 How about if I pick on Trump instead? He isn’t a veteran. Neither is William Barr. Or Mitch McConnell. Or Jim Jordan. Lots to choose from on your side.
@64 Big deal. You’ve already got Mississippi. And you can have it. Former heart of the Confederacy, and still full of racists and yahoos flying Stars and Bars from their 1976 Datsun pickups. Poorest state, worst schools, dead last in health care. But if you want “free stuff,” Ol’ Miss is the place to go — gets $2.02 back for every $1.00 in taxes they pay to Uncle Sam. Ten percent of the workforce is on disability. In a word, classic Trump country.
@67 Is there something wrong with a U.S. Senator who’s just been elected President expressing his opinion about who should fill his seat to the governor who will appoint his successor?
Yeah, complain when he doesn’t show up and the complain when he does.
Those people will not get any justice, they’ll be hanging like Puddy.
@68 and I bet if limpdick called Mayor Pete a racist you would be silent. Did you talk about how Limpdick attacked Mayor Pete’s sexuality and didn’t say a peep?
Dude your are no different than Bob, you should chum up with him with some others pastor. Don’t hide behind your bullshit.
Bigotry is cancer and a virus. Good luck pompous smartsss.
You know Bob, mcHillbily is how you get more Hump, I may have to vote for the Hump when it comes down to it.
You’re fucked up. You have a problem, and I’m sorry but I can’t help you with it.
You just tried to make a bad joke about hanging African Americans.
No joke. I’m not hanging anyone nor am I advocating for it. Just the opposite. I am merely pointing out that there are consequence to their own actions.
You still haven’t proven to me that you aren’t some bigot yourself. If anything, I get the feeling otherwise. So I don’t need to prove myself to you.
I’ve never heard you speak in support of gay people., if anything your innuendos lead me to believe the opposite. So this is a two way street. I don’t run down one way streets.
I think you have your own problem.
meaning those that want to go an badger Mayor Pete, and chase after, push him aside….those are actions.
If it leads to them being worse off, then that is their problem.
I didn’t read Bob’s link, I only read what he quoted. But do you think that was right? Do you think that is not going beyond some type of protest by not voting for the man. Why are they such zealots. You don’t have a problem with that. Well I do. And I am voicing my displeasure. He is a democrat looking to better their lives to, inclusive of others. They, and you providing cover for them, should be ashamed. I can’t help you either. What has this man done to deserve what they are dolling out?
You want to twist this to your advantage so that you don’t have to address people running after the candidate. Bullshit. Fuck You!
Badgering Mayor Pete because of his gayness is bad. Disagreeing with him or preferring some other candidate is perfectly okay. You have to keep the two separated.
Sure prefer the other and disagree but go beyond and chase the guy down…no less than what Trump supporters are.
And with mal intent because of his orientation or because of some exaggerated misconception that he is a racist then bullshit.
Second – I don’t need my opinion and disagreement to be attacked by an asshole that doesn’t want to acknowledge the bigotry that exists.
They cried when they weren’t included, the guy goes to an event to show his support and they chase him the fuck out of there. Fuck them and anyone that sees that they aren’t a bunch of assholes.
Just like “Gays against Pete”, because he isn’t gay enough.
If you don’t think sexual orientation is partly a play here, you fooling yourselves.
Find me a openly gay pro athlete. Gonna tell me that orientation isn’t the reason why you can’t?