I love when national publications talk about local issues. Even if it’s local people reporting, having to do it for a national audience makes it come from a new perspective. Usually, it’s more that sort of thing than new info. And when it is new info, it can be a gut punch that you didn’t know.
I don’t know how much y’all knew about Jacqueline Salyers, the Puyallup tribal member who was shot by Tacoma police (h/t). I had no idea. And it’s heart breaking for the family. This seems like the sort of story that a functioning local news would cover better.
Reporters are expensive (even though they’re not paid very much), and all the advertising money goes to internet billionaires now, so the news media of the future is citizens with cellphones and YouTube.
@1, Do citizen reporters have any of the protections afforded to the Journalist class?
Won’t there be a thriving business for the corrupt, rich and powerful suing citizen reporters out of existence?
Regarding the death of Jacqueline Salyers, it seems clear that there will be more information to come, or more accusations to come if the information to come doesn’t meet the approval of the perpetually offended.
Your Shakesville link
of the incident categorizes the news item under the keyword “racism”, among others.
Here’s a photo of the deceased:
I’m not disputing her membership in the Puyallup tribe but she
lookslooked to be about as non-white as Elizabeth Warren does. As police didn’t know who she was at the time of the incident and it occurred at 11:46 p.m., how does racism factor into her death, I wonder?Goldy @GoldyHA
I totally get the love for Bernie I see flooding my Twitter stream. I just can’t understand the hatred spewed at Hillary. Perspective, folks
She’s a woman. Most commenters on HA, and I suspect most on your Twitter feed, are men. It’s sexist to oppose her for any reason, if you’re a man. (You’re going to a special place in Hell if you oppose her, if you’re a woman or if you’re YLB.) That’s Team Hillary’s perspective.
Does that help you understand ours?
“… how does racism factor into her death, I wonder?”
Where’d you come up with race? I didn’t get that really. Local concern, sure. Community/tribal concern, sure.
I mean, is there a “race” angle to all the hillbilly outrage and LE death threats over Finicum?
@ 5
Where did I come up with race? From Shakesville. From the link @ 3 (and from the h/t) link in the post at the top.
[CN: Police brutality; racism; death] An enragingly familiar tale of a person of color killed by police and questions about the police version of events: “Just before midnight on January 28, a Tacoma police officer fatally shot Puyallup tribal member Jacqueline Salyers, 33.”
She’s a “person of color” (second link @ 3) if you were to sufficiently darken the image, I suppose. The same way NYT could call George Zimmerman a “white Hispanic” if another news organization were to sufficiently lighten an image of him. But who would do such an awful thing?
If all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Has anyone on the left noticed this?
Four Pro-Gun Senate Democrats Silent on Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee
Sens. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Jon Tester of Montana voted with Republicans and against Obama’s 2013 efforts to overhaul the nation’s gun laws.
Each voted against at least one of nine separate amendments that would have propelled what Obama called “common-sense gun reforms.”
All opposed an amendment, authored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., banning assault weapons. And all voted against another amendment, authored by retired Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., that would’ve banned high capacity magazines.
In addition, all are Democrat facing reelection contests in red Republican states in 2018. All have earned above an ‘A-’ rating from the National Rifle Association in the past.
It’s almost like there’s life after 2016 or something.
Okay, so some of the other people discussing this online (not Carl, and not ICTNM) are talking about it in terms of race. And it appears at least that one of these is where Carl became aware of the shooting. But neither Carl’s comments nor the original reporting chose that angle.
OregonLive is extensively covering news surrounding Finicum’s shooting, as is OPB. Some of them have made reference in their reporting to online blogs and other e-only media where there has been a lot of ferment and outrage about the shooting among a bunch of white people who frequently mention race in relation to the shooting. They see the Finicum shooting as being related to race. But I assume that’s just identity politics at work. And any fair minded observer of OregonLive and OPB would not pretend to find racism as a motivating factor reported on in their coverage of his death.
So I guess the honest and fairly obvious answer to your question is that based on the information available, racism does not factor into Ms. Salyers’ shooting any more than into Mr. Finicum’s shooting. And we don’t find any direct mention of it here, outside of your post. The h/t credit is normally regarded as a courtesy to call attention to a blog, comment, or other source of information that might have been otherwise missed. Please try to notice that the hypertext link was to the original reporting, and that this is the subject of Carl’s commentary. Maybe you can move on now.
@ 8
Pretty sure I accused Carl of zilch. I did point out that the “person of color” thing is quite the stretch. So that’s out there. Now, anyway.
Woman driving a car with a recognized wanted felon (seven convictions) accused of firearms crimes and who had made threats against police
in the passenger seat, and the wanted man had a rifle and was facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. It was nighttime, and police had to make a split-second decision as to whether their lives were in danger.
Yeah, clearly a case of “police brutality”, in addition to “racism”. ’cause police brutality @ 6 was another keyword Shakesville used.
Maybe the reason the incident wasn’t covered to Carl’s satisfaction is that the incident was covered sufficiently for most to conclude that there’s no there, there.
But hey, Shakesville’s on the hunt. Racism: check. Police brutality: check.
Oh. Both officers
back on full duty. Covered by local news. Today.
Gawd, I love this woman.
Susan Sarandon ✔ @SusanSarandon
HRC doesn’t rep my interests, @BernieSanders does. Simple as that. (3/3)
8:42 AM – 17 Feb 2016
Can she be a presenter at the Academy Awards again this year? Please? Pretty please?
Keep softening that beach, Bernie.
Hillary Clinton faces one problem she didn’t expect: Money
Now, at a critical point in the race, Clinton finds herself under financial stress. The Bernie Sanders money machine keeps churning, sweeping up millions of dollars more than the Clinton campaign has been able to find of late, positioning the democratic socialist from Vermont to compete in states where he was never expected to be a threat.
As Clinton’s network of fundraisers in cash-rich regions like Los Angeles and the Bay Area struggle to fill events where tickets typically cost $2,700 — the maximum a donor can give in the primary — Sanders is not holding any. His money comes almost entirely online, and keeps coming and coming, far faster and more steadily than small donations do on Clinton’s website.
I’m starting to think about how liberals will spin a socialist declining federal matching funds in the general this Fall. Too soon?
Don’t get too defensive. Nobody “accused” you of “accusing” anyone of anything. You asked a question. It seemed a bit out of place. Still does. I hope it’s been answered.
But it appears that isn’t the case. Some people see race in every situation. But if you think about it honestly, that is more than generally true about white people. We just aren’t supposed to notice it because we like to pretend that this particular awareness of race is “the norm”. And it upsets some of us when those “norms” are violated. But it’s pretty useless to try to defend a highly flawed “norm” by hyper-focusing on flaws elsewhere. Especially when you have to dig for them.
@2 Journalists don’t have greater constitutional rights than ordinary citizens, but most states have so-called “shield laws” to protect them from being forced to disclose sources or testify in court, and issues arise as to what extent, if any, these laws apply to alternative media, bloggers, citizen videographers, etc.
@3 “the perpetually offended”
This is how you dismiss a family’s concerns about the police killing of their loved one? Nice guy (sarcasm) …
Harper Lee, author of “To Kill A Mockingbird,” has died.
@4 Our perspective is that you Republicans are going to a special place in Hell for being the bastards you are.
@10 So you want Bernie to win the Dem nomination? Good, so do I, because I’m fed up with the half-measures and non-measures peddled by establishment candidates of both parties. Wall Street owns them, and Wall Street is the enemy of all living things. We’ll never get anywhere until Wall Street’s monopoly on government is broken. Bernie’s the man for the job, and he’ll kick your quisling’s ass in November.
@ 12
Well, OK. So I did some digging to learn some things.
Want to know what else I learned?
I learned that the car had already been shot up. By Salyers’ boyfriend, the since-apprehended felon, the guy in the passenger seat. How did I learn that? By following Carl’s link, then clicking on a link in that piece to get here:
That’s where I read this:
Salyers’s family had already reported Wright to the police for violence, including shootings, directed at her and other family members, according to Rideout: “Wright shot up Jackie’s mother’s car, and she had to relocate to get away from him. Jackie was a domestic-violence survivor. The police should have known that if she was with Wright, she was already a victim.”
So since the allegations against the police are based on bullet holes in the vehicle, do we know which bullet holes are from police and which were pre-existing?
If you go to the AP stringer photographer’s images, specifically this one:
you see an exiting bullet hole in the driver side front door metal, three bullet holes in the windshield probably to the right of midline, a taped-up driver-side rear window opening, and two shot-out front door windows, one on each side. At least some of that damage was not due to the police officer’s bullets.
We don’t know how many bullets were fired by the officer. All we know is that the car was shot up, possibly more than once, before the incident involving Tacoma PD occurred.
Funny that wasn’t pointed out earlier by anyone. Although that may not have been what Carl meant.
I wonder if the famous Roger Rabbit Fleeing Felon Doctrine might apply here.
“I’m starting to think about how liberals will spin a socialist declining federal matching funds in the general this Fall.”
Let me try to answer:
unilateral disarmament is stupid.
Works for me. Simple. Relatable. I imagine it works for most other folks too. Worked fine in 2008. Don’t get too hung up on labels.
that’s all good information. I read the original reporting too.
Interesting. Far from complete. Nothing in it to suggest police misconduct other than statements from the family.
Oh, and nothing in it about racism.
Oh well.
@ 19
Agreed. It’s unfortunate that the general will be a balls-out multibillion dollar clusterfuck. But it’s probably more fun that way.
@ 20
In all sincerity, thank you for that. Have a good day, I’m outta here.
@3 etc I think I have to go with Bob in that at this point it’s a real stretch to infer any sort of racism, sexism or whatever else-ism on the part of the police. They saw a car racing toward them, had no idea who was driving, but knew the passenger was a bad dude. Being as the car at that point had become a deadly weapon, the officers had every right to defend themselves.
On the other hand, she was doubtless charging at the cops at the behest of the guy in the right seat, possibly persuading her with that gun it turned out he had.
Another tragedy caused by a dickhead with a gun. Why? There are too many dickheads…and too many guns.
Have a good one.
I agree that the spending this year will ruin any prospect for obtaining good results in the form of a functional national elected government. But I don’t see the fun in it.
As I see it the rapid exponential growth of money in national politics is crippling the ability of any of the three branches to bring solutions to real problems. Perhaps in a way this is what modern movement conservatives have had in mind. But I kinda doubt it. While we may see it come to pass the ability of our federal government to really do anything has been “drowned in a bathtub”, it’ll be a big fucking bathtub. Filled with our money. And the federal government itself will go right on growing and growing, comatose, on life support, demanding massive financial support, delivering less and less. That seems to be the direction we are heading in driven by all this money. One side cannot abide the idea of government solving problems. The other side can’t afford to surrender. And the only winners are the professional political class and their media partners, and a relatively small slice of global capital whose interests will always be quietly served.
Poor Boob’s on its way to Galt’s Gulch where the citizens moulder putting little balls into small holes and walking fairways (keeping the heart disease at bay) and trolling politically oriented websites with the trash they read on their twitter or e-mail streams.
What a reward after a lifetime of money-grubbing!
Here’s a Carson supporter who get’s it!
That troll should take a lesson.
Best of luck to Speaker Ryan and the rest of his caucus as they set sail to defeat the British!
Alba gu bràth!!!!!!!!! AAAAYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Correction to 26: Not British. English!. Duh.
@27 What difference does it make? The Brits are every bit as insufferable as the English ever were.
Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETIN candidates eat each other…
“Sen. Sanders accepts Clinton’s challenge,” said Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs. “That’s easy. … So now we hope Secretary Clinton keeps her word and releases the transcripts of her speeches. We hope she agrees that the American people deserve to know what she told Wall Street behind closed doors.”
Butt she’s a known liar… http://dailycaller.com/2016/02.....ple-video/
DUMMOCRETIN Super Delegates love their lying ways!
Billionaire Sheldon Adelson’s Nevada newspaper has endorsed Rubio. Oh, now I see, they want a pretty face on a puppet. It’s not about the fact he’s an incompetent boob. He can smile while they pull the strings. He gets to be president and they get to continue to run roughshod over the American people.
Remember how HA DUMMOCRETINS were repeating national DUMMOCRETINS on that 2014 Supreme Court Decision on Campaign Finance?
Remember how Heilary Clinton was screaming about the Republicans would use that decision and DUMMOCRETINS were at a disadvantage? Well it seems Heilary Clinton has been lying again… https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/democratic-party-fundraising-effort-helps-clinton-find-new-donors-too/2016/02/19/b8535cea-d68f-11e5-b195-2e29a4e13425_story.html?tid=pm_politics_pop_b
HA DUMMOCRETINS love their lying candidates!
I think Bob has gone off the deep end with regard to the slaying of the Indian lady.
And maybe the article was updated and modified but I couldn’t see where Bob states that one of the links says the woman was a person of color – maybe I missed it but I went back to the links several times to see where it was stated. And if it was stated could it have been an error? Maybe they meant the passenger was the person of color.
Is that why one of the articles linked it to racism, because the passenger was of color. I’m sure the police knew of this individual, that they were looking for, and I pretty sure they knew he was a person of color. Yes a bad man of color.
And maybe, just maybe, they thought that he was the driver and thought ok, person of color, let’s shoot to kill. Would they have thought about shooting to kill if they knew they were going after a white man?
Was the car trying to escape and appeared to be going in the direction of the officers, because the woman was not smart enough to think to go in reverse or couldn’t because she was blocked in by something.
What do bullet holes by the man in the car have anything to do with the story, unless someone was talking about which shot killed the woman. The police claim responsibility of killing her, what difference does it make which hole the bullet came from.
Bob, you jumps to all conclusions yourself
Bob is trying to make a story out of it like someone else always jumping to racism, as if that doesn’t exist and couldn’t be part of this story, no less than someone immediately calling this racism.
how about the heading be Racism? (with a question mark). Everything isn’t always black and white, sometimes things are gray.
The only thing black and white is whether you are for true freedom or just fake freedom in this Country.
Is that why one of the articles linked it to racism, because the passenger was of color.
It’s about The Driver, Hanging_Human_Tea_Bag_licker@32, The Driver!
U R naturally stoooooooooopid. Can’t change that fact!
Who are you pulling for? Heilary the lying liar or The Bern AKA The Socialist?
It seems the DNC stacked the deck for Heilary and the dunceman has no problems with that!
Amazing these Daily Beast articles these days! http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....yment.html
PuddyCommentariat: What doesn’t Obummer lie through his teeth about?
Question: When does a DUMMOCRETIN lie?
Answer: Every time the DUMMOCRETIN moves their lips. Doesn’t matter if any sound is uttered!
A website any DUMMOCRETIN could love. The Bern tweeted it. https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/700524066344546304
The oldest profession in Las Vegas is for Heilary… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....p=obinsite
Are they voting with their vaginas like the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
“I don’t smell a rat. I smell something much more pungent from the Clinton campaign: fear.”
well, technically Scots are Brits. At least for the time being, anyway. So if Speaker Ryan is trying to summon the ghost of William Wallace, he means to go to war with the villainous, poncy, (French speaking) English.
Best wishes to him and the rest of his glorious band of freedom fighters! I hope it all works out for him.
Donald Trump has got a problem – his big fat mouth.
They liked it at one time, but not anymore.
Idiot at 33 – your link doesn’t work. Re-post.
What about the driver? She had a passenger that the police knew or thought was also in that car, speculative, but a strong possibility.
Is it standard procedure for police just to shot to kill at a car speeding towards them? Why were they approaching the vehicle if it was just sitting there parked, without speculating that it had a criminal in it and not a drunk driver?
You are a fucking moron. Please explain why just the word racism along with all the other words associated with the article isn’t relative. Wouldn’t it be relative if the police knew that the guy the were going for was black, and they were just going to take him out but by mistake they shot the white lady by thinking wrongly that the black guy might have been the driver. It was 11:45pm. Was the car sitting under a street light?
Bob has the same problem as Donald Trump. But instead of a big fat mouth it is articulate. The only problem is he is also a stupid moron. It’s even got to a point where he has to let Puffy respond for him.
I finally get why Republicans are so upset with losing your beloved doctor because of Obamacare – because they could actually end up with Bob being their doctor.
Police brutality; racism; death
Those are the words associated with the article.
So you don’t think Racism could have anything to do with what occurred that night.
Now before you think I’m just feeling sorry because this could have been racism…for lack of better wording. No, I don’t really care. I’d go as far as to say that the black guy should be an accessory to death or negligent to a death (call it homicide or accidental – I don’t care). As well as that lady being responsible for hanging out and not dis associating herself from a guy like that. But in a situation like that being the victim isn’t always your fault because you as the victim are the victim.
But you can’t tell me that the cops over reacted and made a mistake and using as an excuse that their lives were threatened by a vehicle. I don’t think so, they were out to kill the guy. And if they acted in any way differently because the guy was black versus what they would have done if he was white, then to me that is discriminate on a basis of race. Regardless of how I fell about any race other than my own race. To not make that consideration is just trying to cover up racism.
Puffy is out there, he’s just waiting for the Friday Night Extravaganza to post more bullshit.
@39 “technically Scots are Brits”
So William Wallace was very confused about his nationality? Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Here’s an interesting short movie about the Irish volunteers* serving in the British Army in World War I:
* Britain never imposed conscription on Ireland during that war, but most Irish supported the Allied cause, and many served as volunteers. Ireland was officially neutral throughout World War 2; here’s a film short about that subject:
Scotland’s relationship with “Britain” has a similarly complicated history. But of course you know that.
@35 My former supervisor once told me if terrorists kidnapped me, he would feel sorry for the terrorists. I’ll let HA readers make their own judgment about that.
@ 46
Your boss, RR, called you Tom Tuttle from Tacoma.
I’d say that is an apt description.
update on jaclqueline sayler police did not i d themselves of appproch she was pregnent the car was still where parked did not crash if driveing away at officers bullets on windshild is from driverside out from officers gun they dumped her body 100yards away on another streettoo maney questions no answersdid you know that police new she was taken from her mothers house by force of gun of course not people believe anything police say unless caught on video