This Presidency is fucking exhausting. Should I write about massive deficits? The second wife beater? Cruel immigration garbage? It’s too much and all at once.
Another rightwing anti-intellect, anti-education, anti-knowledge, bullshit talking point is debunked: “humanities majors are doing just fine when it comes to pay, job satisfaction and career advancement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why does anyone listen to these yappers? How many times do they have to be proven wrong before people conclude they deserve to be ignored and tune them out?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s plan to rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure is …
… telling states and cities to rebuild their crumbling infrastructure.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This actually might be a good idea. Why should I pay taxes to pave a mule track in Arkansas? If they don’t want to pay for asphalt let ’em drive on dirt roads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Following a quiet hiring freeze, Amazon has begun laying off HQ employees.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After all the growth hype, Amazon is now going all Boeing on us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s stop this silly charade about Republicans being the party of fiscal rectitude. In reality, they’re fiscally reckless and love living it up on the taxpayer’s dime.
“The travel costs of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chief came under fresh scrutiny this week after a watchdog group … revealed … taxpayers shelled out at least $90,000 … when Pruitt and aides flew from Washington to New York and to Cincinnati and Rome.”
So when people elect leaders that want to run the country “as if it were a business” and they put former CEOs or CEO wanna be’s in high level offices, and they get caught with outlandish travel expenses, this should surprise no one.
Sure I get secure communications, security and safety, and in certain situations private charter or military jet in in order, but the EPA? But the head of the Exploit, Pillage, and Annihilate division of Trump Corp just wants to fly in style, as he is accustomed and entitled to. These jerks are channeling their inner Leona Helmsley.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Good ol’ Leona. Ended up as dust. Like everyone else.
Hey, Carl, since you asked the question, I have one in reply:
How many times during the Obama administration did you have the opportunity to write about massive deficits?
Did you take advantage of any of them?
‘s what I thought.
@ 6
Hey Newt, did you ever stop to wonder why the EPA needs its own SWAT team?
Fun fact: It existed before Trump assumed office.
@ 8
I see that I asked two questions, not one.
Mea culpa.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
No, I’ve never stopped and wondered why. It should be obvious why they have one, especially in Alaska.
Ever been to Alaska (past the tourist trap areas)? Go and spend some time up there, you will understand why.
“How many times during the Obama administration did you have the opportunity to write about massive deficits?”
Yearly deficits soar under a Republican president. Again.
No, you haven’t. You’re still babbling about Obama.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 People like the Bundys.
@3 Great. Look for a few hundred new REI tents under the offramps.
@4 Pretty much supports my contention that the charter flights were just a convenient excuse to get rid of Tom Price. When TrumpCo first put him in charge of HHS he didn’t seem to get it that the slegehammer they gave him was to be used for something other than a paperweight.
@12 Meh. A trillion ain’t exactly what it used to be.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 I wrote about deficits during the Obama years. My position then, and now, is that deficit spending is an appropriate and beneficial policy response to a severe recession. This is basic Keynesian economics. Did Republicans cooperate with that? Nooo, they fought fiscal stimulus tooth and nail. They criticized Obama for saving the jobs of teachers, cops, and firefighters.
That would have been an excellent time to repair our infrastructure. We not only would have put unemployed construction workers back to work, injecting their wages into the consumer economy, but rebuilding our infrastructure also would have laid the economic basis for stronger prosperity in the future. And what was the GOP’s response? They wouldn’t hear of it. They blocked it.
Because Republicans blocked fiscal stimulus, the Federal Reserve had to do all the heavy lifting with monetary stimulus — QE and ZIRP — which was less effective and created financial market distortions.
Now is when the federal budget should be running surpluses. Again, basic Keynesian economics. What are Republicans doing? Massive deficit spending, much of it on unproductive activities that don’t create prosperity, such as military spending and a border wall.
Once again, Republicans have everything bass-ackwards. Sure as the sun rises and sets, the GOP makes the wrong policy decisions at the wrong time, setting the stage for the next financial fiasco and recession.
And you want to bleat to us about deficits? You’re a hoot, doc.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Low savings and high debt will create populist political pressures for inflationary policies, the age-old ruse of debtors to get out of paying their reckless debts at the expense of prudent savers.
The quickest route to high inflation is big tax cuts + big spending increases + ultra low interest rates. That’s exactly what you’re going to see from this administration.
The fact it’s immoral and punishes “good” people to reward “bad” people adds to its appeal for the people now running our fiscal and monetary policymaking.
And, even better, it further enriches the already rich.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The problem for millennials enamored of renting is that by the time they tire of apartments and want to become homeowners, they’ll have to pay higher home prices AND higher mortgage rates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember Trump’s promise not to cut Medicare?
“The Trump budget calls for cutting $237 billion to Medicare, the huge federally run program that provides health coverage to primarily older Americans. When he ran for office, Trump told voters that he would not cut Medicare or Medicaid.”
Want to repair our infrastructure? Then bring back the CCC and WPA programs. We need to invest in public works and infrastructure. Tie it to public assistance (very popular with Republicans).
The reason it won’t come back? That is socialism and it doesn’t line the pockets of contractors and businesses. United we stand, divided we fall.
The simple truth of the matter is that we all can’t become programmers. What is wrong with learning a trade? A plumber is worth their weight in gold when a toilet won’t flush on a Sunday night or holiday (one local well-known company charges $400 per 1/2-hour on a Sunday after hours call-out) or lineman/electrician when the power goes out in the dead of winter.
GOP Gov. Greg Abbott and GOP Sen. Ted Cruz called it an “attack.” The cop union said it was an “ambush.” The Orange Buffoon claimed the Border Patrol agent was “brutally beaten.” After exhaustive investigation, the FBI says he accidentally fell into the culvert where he was find.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But it’s the fault of DUMMOCRETINS, right, Puddynutz?
Politically Incorrect the "Pathetic" Millionairespews:
DJIA – 24,661.27 +410.37 (+1.70%)
S&P 500 – 2,656.00 +36.45 (1.38%)
NASDAQ – 6,981.96 +107.47 (+1.56%)
Today would have been a good day to buy for those who rose early and made purchases at the market open.
Politically Incorrect the "Pathetic" Millionairespews:
19 – There’s absolutely nothing wrong with learning a trade. In fact, it may be a good idea for some college students to learn a trade along with getting their degrees. Something to fall back on if things don’t turn out so well.
I’d rather have a good electrician, HVAC guy or plumber than having another few baristas out there.
Mark Adamsspews:
Carl you always have the option of staying within the stated purpose of the blog and concentrate on northwest or Washington state politics. I’m sure the legislature, courts, and executive branch are doing things. If you a nice break concentrate on the city of subdued excitement: Bellingham. Come on up visit Boundary Bay and the Spark museum. Take a nap. If you continue to concentrate on the White House perhaps you have a mina bird with a fetish for orange objects as a spirit guide. It’s your choice, or perhaps you are doing the bird with a broken wing dance.
Oh there was an explosion near Greys Harbor. Anyone know anything?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s Grays, Ralphie sweetheart.
Politically Incorrect the "Pathetic" Millionairespews:
I got a slight increase in my monthly income, but it’s being consumed (plus a bit more) by the 14.9% property tax increase we’re about to get down here in Pierce County.
Seems like ya just can’t get ahead sometimes!
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 As often as there have been climate models that have failed to predict the climate, or predict the global warming that did not happen.
Of course China building airfields on top of reefs in the South China Sea and Russia continued building of ice breakers suggest both governments doubt the accuracy that the ice is freezing and the seas are going to rise feet in the next 20 years, and the Artic Sea will no longer be ice covered even in winter.
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 As always a President proposes, and Congress disposes. So the proposal has probably been slimmed to be a bit more palatable to Congress. Something could make it through. Not like our infrastructure is being neglected.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 What you wrote has nothing to do with a Republican congress passing budgets that include borrowing money. What you are writing about may or may not be corruption. Certainly officials of agencies travel as part of their job. How and how much they are spending during such trips are of course open to Congress to investigate, and I’m sure brave progressives will do so, Rand Paul may do so as well. In any case this is most likely the kind of thing that will get this guy at worst a rap on the wrist, and he writes Uncle Sam a check for some of the expenses. Or it will be found the bills were reasonable even if you and I agree that he and these other officials could have flown for less (Budget Air), or perhaps stayed in Washington.
How many opportunities did you have to talk about a tanked economy that you them spoke of?
How many opportunities to talk about job growth, gdp growth and DJIA growth?
What I thought. .
Mark Adamsspews:
@11 You give no valid reason why the EPA has to have a swat team. Sure EPA has an law enforcement side, but that is mostly civil. If they need a Swat team in Alaska then Homeland Security, the FBI, ect certainly has one that will fit the bill. Then there are state recourses that the EPA can call on. What exactly is SWAT going to find that they need a military style offensive team. Sure they might need a guy with a rifle to shoot Kodiak’s or polar bears, but not a swat team. Being equipped for the elements does not require a swat team, and having one just adds to the logistics, and more bodies to be picked up after the blizzard.
I’m sure there are some bad hombres in Alaska, hopefully they don’t speak Russian, but they may. Still just being in the wilds of Alaska doesn’t mean you need a SWAT team. Maybe a Canadian Mountie. The Mounties have always chuckled a bit that a lone Mountie can do so much more than Alaskan law enforcement. And the general stupidity of American’s from the lower 48 to the rigors of the Artic.
Mark Adamsspews:
@12 While you do and should point out Republican hypocrisy you cannot take it too far. You can’t say deficits are bad now but good under Democratic administrations, and you cannot escape the fact that to pass this budget a few Democratic votes in the Senate were needed, and that meant the Republican’s had to give the Dems a few plums that added to the Deficit. And the fact Republican’s don’t have a problem with deficits when they are run to build up the military, and Dems did not push back on that spending.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I wasn’t asked to provide a valid reason for why the EPA has a SWAT team. I was asked if I ever wondered and the answer was,” No.” It still doesn’t surprise me and why shouldn’t they? Why should Homeland Security get involved with an environmental dispute?
Oh and by the way, the Mounties have no jurisdiction in AK. They call you Shortbus for a very good reason.
Yes, there are plenty of bad people in AK, sadly, most speak English, the mur’i’can dialect.
Last Friday I said today was the day to buy.
The trolls talking about Obama Deficits is pretty pathetic. Bill Clinton Surplus. Obama, under the criticism of Repukes, lowered the deficit.
The Bush tax cuts created a good portion of Obama’s deficit….the biggest disappointment that I had with Obama is that he didn’t let the Bush tax cuts expire (but I guess he had no choice with the the car driven into the ditch by Repukes). And a good portion of the Obama was also due to the Stimulus Package….and we all know we needed some type of Stimulus, it’s the only thing that got us out of the ditch.
And when Obama left office the deficit was on the down slope, but not anymore. Repukes can’t ever defend their position without being so fucking hypocritical and wrong.
Which liberal here ever said that the deficit was good? Any links?
And I’ve posted many times here how a Repuke friend of mine, in 2003, said that deficits were good (like the brain dead repuke that he is), but then when Obama became President, ohhhhhhh deficit bad; but now he doesn’t mind.
I say let’s fucking go bankrupt! How about that – Deficits are Great Again! #DAGA
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 “I’d rather have a good electrician, HVAC guy or plumber than having another few baristas out there.”
Still clinging to that hoary myth, no matter what the facts say.
Yes, we need electricians and plumbers. More power to them. But we need good historians and economists, too.
Defictit…when they are run to build up the military….Bullshit. That’s just to hide that they are the outcome of cutting taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Your Republican property tax increase was brought to you by another bunch of Democrat legislators folding in the face of Republican legislative pressure.
God love ’em, I wish they’d grow a spine.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 When you’re wrong about everything else, you might as well spew climate change stupidity, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 “What you wrote has nothing to do with a Republican congress passing budgets that include borrowing money.”
I didn’t say it did. The topic of @4 is GOP hypocrisy and wastage of taxpayer dollars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 Looks like a lot of investors did. I went shopping last week, bought nothing today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 You can’t cut taxes and increase spending at the same time without enlarging deficits. Military spending is a net cost to the economy. It takes from investment and consumption.
Enlarging the military during a period of full employment also subtracts manpower from the civilian workforce, increasing labor shortages and adding to wage inflation.
From an economic standpoint, this is exactly the wrong time to be increasing deficits and military spending. If you have to do the latter for security reasons, then Congress should raise taxes to pay for it.
It’s pretty obvious Trump intends to use inflation to knock down the debt he’s creating. That will come at the expense of savers, seniors, and low-wage workers.
@41 – I’m starting to wonder who is more embarrassing to this Country – Drumpf or The Trolls. I’m starting to think The Trolls have the edge on Drumpf.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 Republicans wouldn’t be Republicans if they had any brains or got anything right. Being wrong is what defines them.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
He can’t help himself. Clearly a card-carrying member of the Flat Earth Society and Climate Change Deniers Union.
The Russians are smart enough to know they need the ice breakers now so they can stake their claim to lands that are rich in minerals. They made a bad business decision with Alaska, they won’t make that mistake again.
You see this is the complete BS part about the Deniers: We won’t bother to build new ice breakers because, well, the ice is going to melt (but that doesn’t mean there is climate change). Idiots, ever last one of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just went to Fox News website to see what they say about Trump’s budget proposals. Had to scroll down to find anything at all. On a day when CNBC reported Trump is proposing to cut over $200 billion from Medicare, here’s Fox’s headline:
“Trump budget aims to end automatic pay hikes for federal workers, make firings easier”
Their story is all about how overpaid federal workers are, and how Trump wants to make it easier to get rid of them. Not a word about Medicare cuts.
They did, however, generously include this response from worker representatives:
“Government employee unions are not thrilled with the latest proposal. ‘He seems to be interested in political revenge by firing people,’ President of American Federation of Government Employees David Cox told USA Today. ‘The government is not a family business that you get to be in total control of.'”
Republicans love to extol “free markets.” But what you get in a deregulated laissez-faire economy instead of competition is collusion, price fixing, and monopolies.
“The biggest poultry processors in the United States face widespread allegations that they colluded to raise prices over the course of 10 years in the $30 billion broiler chicken market. In just three weeks, two grocery retailers and the country’s two biggest food distribution companies filed lawsuits against Tyson Foods, Perdue Farms, Pilgrim’s Pride, Koch Foods, Sanderson Farms, and others.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know why chicken’s been so damn expensive.
Ed Meese is still alive. Can we get him to come back?
The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement.” Attorney General Jeffrey Beuaregard Sessions
But, but but…DOJ official…he meant that AngloAmerican is our code of laws, not that Sheriffs used to be white in the good old days…yah, that’s it.
Yeah bullshit.
First of all, who talks like that except an unrepentant White Supremacist or your Granpappy who we all know is racist but we don’t say anything cuz he’s family?
Second of all, the idea of “Anglo-American” or common law refers in the legal profession in no way to law enforcement but on the written law and case precedent going back further than America. The American Sheriff has never been part of this thinking. Unless you’re a racist from the South, like Jeff Sessions.
Third of all, yeah, that tradition of Anglo American Sheriffs is a grand tradition full of fine people like, for a local example…
George Tibbetts, Justice of the Peace (sheriff) for Squak Valley. (Issaquah). Though proof that Tibbetts was involved in the Wold Hop Farm riot where Whites murdered Chinese hop laborers for daring to “take their jobs” there is ample evidence that he refused to investigate on the Wold brothers behalf. He would be charged and convicted and overturned on appeal to the State Supreme Court, all landholding White citizens, natch. Tibbetts would continue to be Sheriff for many years.
And Sessions is from the South for Christ sakes. Nope, no Sherriffs beating down blacks just because in his lifetime. Oh, wait. That’s a proud tradition of “Anglo American Sherriff.”
Yeah, that’s a proud Anglo-American tradition you’ve got there you racist piece of shit. And while we’re at it, The Confederate flag is just Southern Pride and how dare you think flying the flag of rebellion against the U.S. is in any way unpatriotic.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Roger, HA’s senile idiot wabbit ax’d
But it’s the fault of DUMMOCRETINS, right, Puddy?
Well as you know senile idiot wabbit, Baltimore is wholly owned by the DUMMOCRETIN party! Elijah Cummings and Martin O’Malley cut their political eye teeth there!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
The Bush tax cuts created a good portion of Obama’s deficit
Really hapless hanging human tea bag licker?
Till Next Time!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Sure, Pious Liar.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Isn’t it
Mike Pence goes to honor the dead at the Cheonan Memorial in Seoul. This memorial honors 46 South Korean sailors killed in a 2010 boat sinking attributed to the North. The libtard press didn’t show that on the teevee.
It was soooooooooooooooooo funny watching how all the libtard media fell over themselves cheering North Korea’s Director of Communist Propoganda Kim Yo Jong at the Olympics over the weekend. Literally kissed her ASS.
So libtards, why do you love the commie?
400,000 NK killed by the Kim’s brother, father, and grandfather.
80,000-120,000 in jail
3 Americans held hostage
Otto Warmbier killed by her brother
Recently threatened the USA
Clinton approved NK nuclear program
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Seems some someone sent Vanessa Trump to the hospital with an envelope full of a mysterious white powder!
Puddy bets it’s typical hateful DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
The loon’s really bringing it. So much mindless HATE!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 continued.
Republicans pay lip service to competition and free markets, but the truth is businessmen hate competition and do everything they can to eliminate it, legal and illegal. Nineteenth century American economic history is dominated by trusts, cartels, monopolies, swindles, panics, crashes, and exploitation. If that’s what Republicans want to return to, they can have it, and please don’t inflict it on the rest of us. Because we’ll rise up in protest and enact more remedial legislation if they do.
The whole laissez-faire idea is nonsense. It looks good on paper, but overlooks human nature, and that’s its fatal flaw. What works is regulated capitalism. Traffic laws and cops to enforce them are an excellent analogy here. If we had traffic anarchy, no one could go anywhere, at least not in safety or on any reasonable schedule. Rules, and rule enforcement, makes it work for everyone. Why would the economy be any different?
This is why Republican economic policies have always failed, and always will fail. They’re based on the ridiculous theory that the law of the jungle works better than organized and regulated civilization. Even a child should be able to see through that.
And yet, once again, we have a Republican administration and a Republican Congress hell-bent on deregulating the economy. The consequences of this are predictable and inevitable. History doesn’t rhyme, it repeats, because some people never learn anything from experience. With them, stupidity is an unbreakable habit, and we all pay the price of having to share a society and economy with them.
If only we could pack them all off to an island somewhere. If we could that would be “Lord of the Flies” on a grand scale. When the food ran out, it would become an island populated by cannibals. Probably wouldn’t even have to wait that long. We all know that Republicans, turned loose on each other, will eat each other with little or no prompting. It’s embedded in their essential character and nature. It defines who and what they are.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Looks like we know why Milwaukee’s Sheriff Cereal Box Badge had to quit.
Too bad so many people had to die to demonstrate the sadistic incompetence of conservatives.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 Cops vote Republican, jackass. Yes, the corrupt ones too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 The local sheriff and his deputies were instrumental in the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi. They would’ve killed Puddy, too, if they could’ve gotten their hands on him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 Seems like the South Koreans don’t think much of Trump/Pence’s idea of settling things on the peninsula once and for all by trading Seoul for Pyongyang.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump isn’t even pretending to balance his budget, but he’s trying to make it less unbalanced by taking from the poor — after giving massively to the very, very rich.
“President Donald Trump’s … proposal included major cuts to the Department of Housing …. The administration will ask [HUD]-assisted households to ‘shoulder’ more of their housing costs [and] calls for the elimination of … funds to communities to repair infrastructure, build affordable housing and create jobs … housing and social safety net advocates expressed harsh criticisms about the president’s proposed budget.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans have plenty of taxpayer money for private jet travel and other perks for themselves, though. The irony is that the gullible fools who voted these leeches into office thought they were voting against elitism.
Roger Rabbitspews:
People in the know were thinking it before, but now they’re starting to say it out loud: Trump’s economic policies are going to blow up the economy.
@50 Shire Reeves to keep the peace in the shires of England did tend to be white. Even before the Magna Carta. There being 13 English colonies on these shores the colonists, the corporations, and the English government sent some of their officials to the New World and this included Sheriffs. If only we were Scottish and then they would be judges.
Sessions is correct in his statement. Even if he were the most racist SOB in these United States he would still be correct in his statement. Even if he actually believes that all Sheriffs should be white he is still correct in his statement, and you have to actually prove that he is a racist. And I have not heard that Sessions is talking about the removal of any Sheriff because they are black, or female. Till then your statement is merely style points, and nowhere near as good as the style points in the half pip at the winter Olympics. Probably close to style points in the women’s hockey.
Mark Adamsspews:
@48 Presidents of both parties have at various times tried to propose what Trump is proposing. It is nothing new. And again the President can propose to Congress, but it is Congress that will do a bill or not do a bill changing the procedures and rights of Federal workers, and the courts that will get the case. Seen this crap in the past. What is likely to happen is current federal employees with more than x number of years will be exempt and only new workers and employees with less than 5 years seniority are screwed. And this is a perennial Republican talking point. They could do something or add to the political mystery as to why those in power don’t maximize their power when they have it. Could be because government is not a business.
Mark Adamsspews:
@35 So you should have answered: “No, I’ve never wondered that.” and stopped rather than putting up a claim based on your non existent mystical powers. I also note that it was not stated where these swat team or teams are. Yet you make a statement that they are in Alaska. Are they? Do you have personal knowledge? What is your personal knowledge of Alaska that the US Forestry Service or US Park Service or the Postal Inspector needs a Swat Team, since you infer that in your statement.
Mark Adamsspews:
@38 Only we need more plumbers and Hvac workers than historians and economists. The majority of our high school graduates should not compete to be historians and economists, many without the aptitude or willingness to do college level work on graduating should go to a technical school. We might take a hint from the German’s and tell parents their child is unqualified for college and should go to technical school where he or she can get the apprenticeship that leads to a hundred thousand a year job, but it maybe a dirty job looked down on by elitists, some of whom are on here.
Mark Adamsspews:
@41 And you are also a scientist? You have a degree in the law which says you have the ability to use the Socratic method, wish you would use it here. Consensus is not science. It’s politics. In science there is the scientific principal, and a great deal of what is alleged to be climate science is not based on fact,
If the Chinese government just why are they building bases on reefs that are going to be covered by water in 10 or twenty years. Spending billions of dollars. Seems like a waste unless they have looked at the data and determined the projections are wrong, and they are confident they will have a base there for the next 70 years unless the US blows it up. The Russians, Canadians are investing in ice breakers for the artic that supposedly is supposed to have been ice free by the projections in the models. Though the US congress has not wanted to buy the coast guard ice breakers for the artic sea. Pretty icy up there this year, and on the Great Lakes, guess the navy could use an ice breaker to get their new ship out of the great lakes, but we are not building any because global warming says the lakes are supposed to be ice free. The models are fucked, and it’s to pull our heads out.
If the main driver of our weather is on track to follow the 60 year cycle and the minimum sunspot cycle, and will in fact put out less energy, it’s going to get a little more chilly in your rabbit hole these coming winters. There have been years and series of years western Washington has had hard winters.
Mark Adamsspews:
@42 Both parties were involved. If the Republicans had had a free hand, you would have seen them pass a balanced budget, cutting where they wanted. Seems Democrats did not want that, and the Republicans were stuck passing a budget with some degree of deficit. Or did Democrats give te Republicans a free hand, and plenty of Dems voted for 80 billion more going to the military. Seems to be something going on here between the parties, and noise here to cover up the collusion of both parties. Meanwhile both parties get to say great nd wonderful things to their bases.
Mark Adamsspews:
@47 The Russian’s are smart to build ice breakers, but Americans calling for the US to build ice breakers to compete with the Russians are dumb, Why not emulate the Russians or at least the Canadians, or the Norwegians. All building ice breakers for an iceless Artic Sea.
Mark Adamsspews:
@49 Hey Capitalist rabbit big ag is your friend.
Mark Adamsspews:
@57 Actually your traffic laws and cops analogy sucks. I’ve driven in Great Britain and Germany and both rely on traffic cops a lot less than we do. Then there is Italy, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, all three have traffic laws. Yet the reality is something different, and yet in all threes somewhat anarchic systems traffic does flow, and even traffic laws enforced after the accident depending on who was in the accident.
The international corruption index for nations would be more helpful.
Mark Adamsspews:
@57 Deregulation was the theme of the Clinton White House that brought the US so much great stuff like the 2008 recession. Yes Republican administrations tend to be anti regulation, but to really screw things up it took a Democratic administration to really screw things up.
Mark Adamsspews:
@58 Want to saw that a little louder so that Washington States Association of Sheriffs can hear you. And yes I double dare you too.
Mark Adamsspews:
@60 Such statements may make one question whether a Texas Sheriff had anything to do with a Presidential assassination. Or if a California Sheriff had anything to do with the assassination of that President’s brother. Of course that kind of thinking is conspiracy theory, Generally thought to be non sense.
Mark Adamsspews:
@61 What is going on is in part Korean politics. Moon has an actual policy and would like peaceful reunification. Not too likely unless South Korea surrenders to the North. If the North refuses to give up it’s nuclear weapons program and missiles Moon cannot get US support to reopen the Sunshine policy. The North is in bad shape to have the Great Leaders sister negotiating. It’s a desperate ploy and is the North’s usual attempt to get the south and western countries to bribe the north to be good. The North threats to bleed on the South Korean’s have of late not gotten the North what it want’s. So it’s a charm campaign during the Olympics. and there is some chance the North is going to actually negotiate. Looks like Pence is being the bad cop in South Korea’s negotiating strategy. The problem for Moon is that the United States is not going to permit North Korea to have the means to attack a US possession or city. South Korea may have no choice, but to go nuclear. So unless Kim Jon Ill is surrendering, and getting a golden parachute I don’t see where the charm campaign goes after the Olympics are over. Moon and the South Korean’s are being more than just polite, looking good in the international public eye, though I don’t see what it’s gotten from North Korea in return.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Google is your friend, do your own fucking research.
Dr. Dumbfuck alluded to it and didn’t provide a link, I responded in kind, didn’t provide a link since he and I both knew what he was originally talking about.
What is a SWAT team?
Special Weapons and Tactics, why shouldn’t different agencies have them? They are specialized to their needs. Would you want a SWAT team, say from an urban area, to respond to the deep bush of Alaska? Probably not.
I don’t claim to have “mystical powers” that you allude to, just lived and worked in Alaska for many years.
Come on Shortbus, pay attention and bring your “A” game, you are almost as unreadable as Piddles, at least you don’t type in gibberish like he does, I’ll give you credit for that.
It’s a crying shame that the loon came here and soiled yet another very nice thread with his mindless HATE!
Another rightwing anti-intellect, anti-education, anti-knowledge, bullshit talking point is debunked: “humanities majors are doing just fine when it comes to pay, job satisfaction and career advancement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why does anyone listen to these yappers? How many times do they have to be proven wrong before people conclude they deserve to be ignored and tune them out?
Trump’s plan to rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure is …
… telling states and cities to rebuild their crumbling infrastructure.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This actually might be a good idea. Why should I pay taxes to pave a mule track in Arkansas? If they don’t want to pay for asphalt let ’em drive on dirt roads.
Following a quiet hiring freeze, Amazon has begun laying off HQ employees.–report.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After all the growth hype, Amazon is now going all Boeing on us.
Let’s stop this silly charade about Republicans being the party of fiscal rectitude. In reality, they’re fiscally reckless and love living it up on the taxpayer’s dime.
“The travel costs of the Environmental Protection Agency’s chief came under fresh scrutiny this week after a watchdog group … revealed … taxpayers shelled out at least $90,000 … when Pruitt and aides flew from Washington to New York and to Cincinnati and Rome.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now wait for Doctor Dumbfuck to start screeching about Hillary Clinton’s travel office.
All probably because Bob spoke up.
So when people elect leaders that want to run the country “as if it were a business” and they put former CEOs or CEO wanna be’s in high level offices, and they get caught with outlandish travel expenses, this should surprise no one.
Sure I get secure communications, security and safety, and in certain situations private charter or military jet in in order, but the EPA? But the head of the Exploit, Pillage, and Annihilate division of Trump Corp just wants to fly in style, as he is accustomed and entitled to. These jerks are channeling their inner Leona Helmsley.
@6 Good ol’ Leona. Ended up as dust. Like everyone else.
Hey, Carl, since you asked the question, I have one in reply:
How many times during the Obama administration did you have the opportunity to write about massive deficits?
Did you take advantage of any of them?
‘s what I thought.
@ 6
Hey Newt, did you ever stop to wonder why the EPA needs its own SWAT team?
Fun fact: It existed before Trump assumed office.
@ 8
I see that I asked two questions, not one.
Mea culpa.
No, I’ve never stopped and wondered why. It should be obvious why they have one, especially in Alaska.
Ever been to Alaska (past the tourist trap areas)? Go and spend some time up there, you will understand why.
“How many times during the Obama administration did you have the opportunity to write about massive deficits?”
Yearly deficits soar under a Republican president. Again.
“Trump’s Soaring Budget Deficit Risks Intensifying Market Frenzy”
“Treasury seen raising annual debt issuance to over $1 trillion”
Have you even so much as acknowledged this?
No, you haven’t. You’re still babbling about Obama.
@9 People like the Bundys.
@3 Great. Look for a few hundred new REI tents under the offramps.
@4 Pretty much supports my contention that the charter flights were just a convenient excuse to get rid of Tom Price. When TrumpCo first put him in charge of HHS he didn’t seem to get it that the slegehammer they gave him was to be used for something other than a paperweight.
@12 Meh. A trillion ain’t exactly what it used to be.
@8 I wrote about deficits during the Obama years. My position then, and now, is that deficit spending is an appropriate and beneficial policy response to a severe recession. This is basic Keynesian economics. Did Republicans cooperate with that? Nooo, they fought fiscal stimulus tooth and nail. They criticized Obama for saving the jobs of teachers, cops, and firefighters.
That would have been an excellent time to repair our infrastructure. We not only would have put unemployed construction workers back to work, injecting their wages into the consumer economy, but rebuilding our infrastructure also would have laid the economic basis for stronger prosperity in the future. And what was the GOP’s response? They wouldn’t hear of it. They blocked it.
Because Republicans blocked fiscal stimulus, the Federal Reserve had to do all the heavy lifting with monetary stimulus — QE and ZIRP — which was less effective and created financial market distortions.
Now is when the federal budget should be running surpluses. Again, basic Keynesian economics. What are Republicans doing? Massive deficit spending, much of it on unproductive activities that don’t create prosperity, such as military spending and a border wall.
Once again, Republicans have everything bass-ackwards. Sure as the sun rises and sets, the GOP makes the wrong policy decisions at the wrong time, setting the stage for the next financial fiasco and recession.
And you want to bleat to us about deficits? You’re a hoot, doc.
Low savings and high debt will create populist political pressures for inflationary policies, the age-old ruse of debtors to get out of paying their reckless debts at the expense of prudent savers.
The quickest route to high inflation is big tax cuts + big spending increases + ultra low interest rates. That’s exactly what you’re going to see from this administration.
The fact it’s immoral and punishes “good” people to reward “bad” people adds to its appeal for the people now running our fiscal and monetary policymaking.
And, even better, it further enriches the already rich.
The problem for millennials enamored of renting is that by the time they tire of apartments and want to become homeowners, they’ll have to pay higher home prices AND higher mortgage rates.
Remember Trump’s promise not to cut Medicare?
“The Trump budget calls for cutting $237 billion to Medicare, the huge federally run program that provides health coverage to primarily older Americans. When he ran for office, Trump told voters that he would not cut Medicare or Medicaid.”
He lied.
Want to repair our infrastructure? Then bring back the CCC and WPA programs. We need to invest in public works and infrastructure. Tie it to public assistance (very popular with Republicans).
The reason it won’t come back? That is socialism and it doesn’t line the pockets of contractors and businesses. United we stand, divided we fall.
The simple truth of the matter is that we all can’t become programmers. What is wrong with learning a trade? A plumber is worth their weight in gold when a toilet won’t flush on a Sunday night or holiday (one local well-known company charges $400 per 1/2-hour on a Sunday after hours call-out) or lineman/electrician when the power goes out in the dead of winter.
Hey Dumbfuck, guess what?
This one’s a “Doctor” too!
The finest people.
“Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.” rings true to this day. Must be a Republican thing.
FEMA had to step up to the bar set by the low bid for electrical grid repair work:
GOP Gov. Greg Abbott and GOP Sen. Ted Cruz called it an “attack.” The cop union said it was an “ambush.” The Orange Buffoon claimed the Border Patrol agent was “brutally beaten.” After exhaustive investigation, the FBI says he accidentally fell into the culvert where he was find.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The boys who cried “Wolf!” look pretty silly right now.
Yes, Donald, there are bad cops.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But it’s the fault of DUMMOCRETINS, right, Puddynutz?
DJIA – 24,661.27 +410.37 (+1.70%)
S&P 500 – 2,656.00 +36.45 (1.38%)
NASDAQ – 6,981.96 +107.47 (+1.56%)
Today would have been a good day to buy for those who rose early and made purchases at the market open.
19 – There’s absolutely nothing wrong with learning a trade. In fact, it may be a good idea for some college students to learn a trade along with getting their degrees. Something to fall back on if things don’t turn out so well.
I’d rather have a good electrician, HVAC guy or plumber than having another few baristas out there.
Carl you always have the option of staying within the stated purpose of the blog and concentrate on northwest or Washington state politics. I’m sure the legislature, courts, and executive branch are doing things. If you a nice break concentrate on the city of subdued excitement: Bellingham. Come on up visit Boundary Bay and the Spark museum. Take a nap. If you continue to concentrate on the White House perhaps you have a mina bird with a fetish for orange objects as a spirit guide. It’s your choice, or perhaps you are doing the bird with a broken wing dance.
Oh there was an explosion near Greys Harbor. Anyone know anything?
It’s Grays, Ralphie sweetheart.
I got a slight increase in my monthly income, but it’s being consumed (plus a bit more) by the 14.9% property tax increase we’re about to get down here in Pierce County.
Seems like ya just can’t get ahead sometimes!
@1 As often as there have been climate models that have failed to predict the climate, or predict the global warming that did not happen.
Of course China building airfields on top of reefs in the South China Sea and Russia continued building of ice breakers suggest both governments doubt the accuracy that the ice is freezing and the seas are going to rise feet in the next 20 years, and the Artic Sea will no longer be ice covered even in winter.
@2 As always a President proposes, and Congress disposes. So the proposal has probably been slimmed to be a bit more palatable to Congress. Something could make it through. Not like our infrastructure is being neglected.
@4 What you wrote has nothing to do with a Republican congress passing budgets that include borrowing money. What you are writing about may or may not be corruption. Certainly officials of agencies travel as part of their job. How and how much they are spending during such trips are of course open to Congress to investigate, and I’m sure brave progressives will do so, Rand Paul may do so as well. In any case this is most likely the kind of thing that will get this guy at worst a rap on the wrist, and he writes Uncle Sam a check for some of the expenses. Or it will be found the bills were reasonable even if you and I agree that he and these other officials could have flown for less (Budget Air), or perhaps stayed in Washington.
How many opportunities did you have to talk about a tanked economy that you them spoke of?
How many opportunities to talk about job growth, gdp growth and DJIA growth?
What I thought. .
@11 You give no valid reason why the EPA has to have a swat team. Sure EPA has an law enforcement side, but that is mostly civil. If they need a Swat team in Alaska then Homeland Security, the FBI, ect certainly has one that will fit the bill. Then there are state recourses that the EPA can call on. What exactly is SWAT going to find that they need a military style offensive team. Sure they might need a guy with a rifle to shoot Kodiak’s or polar bears, but not a swat team. Being equipped for the elements does not require a swat team, and having one just adds to the logistics, and more bodies to be picked up after the blizzard.
I’m sure there are some bad hombres in Alaska, hopefully they don’t speak Russian, but they may. Still just being in the wilds of Alaska doesn’t mean you need a SWAT team. Maybe a Canadian Mountie. The Mounties have always chuckled a bit that a lone Mountie can do so much more than Alaskan law enforcement. And the general stupidity of American’s from the lower 48 to the rigors of the Artic.
@12 While you do and should point out Republican hypocrisy you cannot take it too far. You can’t say deficits are bad now but good under Democratic administrations, and you cannot escape the fact that to pass this budget a few Democratic votes in the Senate were needed, and that meant the Republican’s had to give the Dems a few plums that added to the Deficit. And the fact Republican’s don’t have a problem with deficits when they are run to build up the military, and Dems did not push back on that spending.
I wasn’t asked to provide a valid reason for why the EPA has a SWAT team. I was asked if I ever wondered and the answer was,” No.” It still doesn’t surprise me and why shouldn’t they? Why should Homeland Security get involved with an environmental dispute?
Oh and by the way, the Mounties have no jurisdiction in AK. They call you Shortbus for a very good reason.
Yes, there are plenty of bad people in AK, sadly, most speak English, the mur’i’can dialect.
Last Friday I said today was the day to buy.
The trolls talking about Obama Deficits is pretty pathetic. Bill Clinton Surplus. Obama, under the criticism of Repukes, lowered the deficit.
The Bush tax cuts created a good portion of Obama’s deficit….the biggest disappointment that I had with Obama is that he didn’t let the Bush tax cuts expire (but I guess he had no choice with the the car driven into the ditch by Repukes). And a good portion of the Obama was also due to the Stimulus Package….and we all know we needed some type of Stimulus, it’s the only thing that got us out of the ditch.
And when Obama left office the deficit was on the down slope, but not anymore. Repukes can’t ever defend their position without being so fucking hypocritical and wrong.
Which liberal here ever said that the deficit was good? Any links?
And I’ve posted many times here how a Repuke friend of mine, in 2003, said that deficits were good (like the brain dead repuke that he is), but then when Obama became President, ohhhhhhh deficit bad; but now he doesn’t mind.
I say let’s fucking go bankrupt! How about that – Deficits are Great Again! #DAGA
@25 “I’d rather have a good electrician, HVAC guy or plumber than having another few baristas out there.”
Still clinging to that hoary myth, no matter what the facts say.
Yes, we need electricians and plumbers. More power to them. But we need good historians and economists, too.
Defictit…when they are run to build up the military….Bullshit. That’s just to hide that they are the outcome of cutting taxes.
@28 Your Republican property tax increase was brought to you by another bunch of Democrat legislators folding in the face of Republican legislative pressure.
God love ’em, I wish they’d grow a spine.
@29 When you’re wrong about everything else, you might as well spew climate change stupidity, too.
@31 “What you wrote has nothing to do with a Republican congress passing budgets that include borrowing money.”
I didn’t say it did. The topic of @4 is GOP hypocrisy and wastage of taxpayer dollars.
@36 Looks like a lot of investors did. I went shopping last week, bought nothing today.
@39 You can’t cut taxes and increase spending at the same time without enlarging deficits. Military spending is a net cost to the economy. It takes from investment and consumption.
Enlarging the military during a period of full employment also subtracts manpower from the civilian workforce, increasing labor shortages and adding to wage inflation.
From an economic standpoint, this is exactly the wrong time to be increasing deficits and military spending. If you have to do the latter for security reasons, then Congress should raise taxes to pay for it.
It’s pretty obvious Trump intends to use inflation to knock down the debt he’s creating. That will come at the expense of savers, seniors, and low-wage workers.
@41 – I’m starting to wonder who is more embarrassing to this Country – Drumpf or The Trolls. I’m starting to think The Trolls have the edge on Drumpf.
@45 Republicans wouldn’t be Republicans if they had any brains or got anything right. Being wrong is what defines them.
He can’t help himself. Clearly a card-carrying member of the Flat Earth Society and Climate Change Deniers Union.
The Russians are smart enough to know they need the ice breakers now so they can stake their claim to lands that are rich in minerals. They made a bad business decision with Alaska, they won’t make that mistake again.
You see this is the complete BS part about the Deniers: We won’t bother to build new ice breakers because, well, the ice is going to melt (but that doesn’t mean there is climate change). Idiots, ever last one of them.
Just went to Fox News website to see what they say about Trump’s budget proposals. Had to scroll down to find anything at all. On a day when CNBC reported Trump is proposing to cut over $200 billion from Medicare, here’s Fox’s headline:
“Trump budget aims to end automatic pay hikes for federal workers, make firings easier”
Their story is all about how overpaid federal workers are, and how Trump wants to make it easier to get rid of them. Not a word about Medicare cuts.
They did, however, generously include this response from worker representatives:
“Government employee unions are not thrilled with the latest proposal. ‘He seems to be interested in political revenge by firing people,’ President of American Federation of Government Employees David Cox told USA Today. ‘The government is not a family business that you get to be in total control of.'”
Republicans love to extol “free markets.” But what you get in a deregulated laissez-faire economy instead of competition is collusion, price fixing, and monopolies.
“The biggest poultry processors in the United States face widespread allegations that they colluded to raise prices over the course of 10 years in the $30 billion broiler chicken market. In just three weeks, two grocery retailers and the country’s two biggest food distribution companies filed lawsuits against Tyson Foods, Perdue Farms, Pilgrim’s Pride, Koch Foods, Sanderson Farms, and others.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know why chicken’s been so damn expensive.
Ed Meese is still alive. Can we get him to come back?
But, but but…DOJ official…he meant that AngloAmerican is our code of laws, not that Sheriffs used to be white in the good old days…yah, that’s it.
Yeah bullshit.
First of all, who talks like that except an unrepentant White Supremacist or your Granpappy who we all know is racist but we don’t say anything cuz he’s family?
Second of all, the idea of “Anglo-American” or common law refers in the legal profession in no way to law enforcement but on the written law and case precedent going back further than America. The American Sheriff has never been part of this thinking. Unless you’re a racist from the South, like Jeff Sessions.
Third of all, yeah, that tradition of Anglo American Sheriffs is a grand tradition full of fine people like, for a local example…
George Tibbetts, Justice of the Peace (sheriff) for Squak Valley. (Issaquah). Though proof that Tibbetts was involved in the Wold Hop Farm riot where Whites murdered Chinese hop laborers for daring to “take their jobs” there is ample evidence that he refused to investigate on the Wold brothers behalf. He would be charged and convicted and overturned on appeal to the State Supreme Court, all landholding White citizens, natch. Tibbetts would continue to be Sheriff for many years.
And Sessions is from the South for Christ sakes. Nope, no Sherriffs beating down blacks just because in his lifetime. Oh, wait. That’s a proud tradition of “Anglo American Sherriff.”
Yeah, that’s a proud Anglo-American tradition you’ve got there you racist piece of shit. And while we’re at it, The Confederate flag is just Southern Pride and how dare you think flying the flag of rebellion against the U.S. is in any way unpatriotic.
Roger, HA’s senile idiot wabbit ax’d
But it’s the fault of DUMMOCRETINS, right, Puddy?
Well as you know senile idiot wabbit, Baltimore is wholly owned by the DUMMOCRETIN party! Elijah Cummings and Martin O’Malley cut their political eye teeth there!
Till Next Time!
The Bush tax cuts created a good portion of Obama’s deficit
Really hapless hanging human tea bag licker?
Till Next Time!
Sure, Pious Liar.
Isn’t it
Mike Pence goes to honor the dead at the Cheonan Memorial in Seoul. This memorial honors 46 South Korean sailors killed in a 2010 boat sinking attributed to the North. The libtard press didn’t show that on the teevee.
It was soooooooooooooooooo funny watching how all the libtard media fell over themselves cheering North Korea’s Director of Communist Propoganda Kim Yo Jong at the Olympics over the weekend. Literally kissed her ASS.
So libtards, why do you love the commie?
400,000 NK killed by the Kim’s brother, father, and grandfather.
80,000-120,000 in jail
3 Americans held hostage
Otto Warmbier killed by her brother
Recently threatened the USA
Clinton approved NK nuclear program
Seems some someone sent Vanessa Trump to the hospital with an envelope full of a mysterious white powder!
Puddy bets it’s typical hateful DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
The loon’s really bringing it. So much mindless HATE!
@49 continued.
Republicans pay lip service to competition and free markets, but the truth is businessmen hate competition and do everything they can to eliminate it, legal and illegal. Nineteenth century American economic history is dominated by trusts, cartels, monopolies, swindles, panics, crashes, and exploitation. If that’s what Republicans want to return to, they can have it, and please don’t inflict it on the rest of us. Because we’ll rise up in protest and enact more remedial legislation if they do.
The whole laissez-faire idea is nonsense. It looks good on paper, but overlooks human nature, and that’s its fatal flaw. What works is regulated capitalism. Traffic laws and cops to enforce them are an excellent analogy here. If we had traffic anarchy, no one could go anywhere, at least not in safety or on any reasonable schedule. Rules, and rule enforcement, makes it work for everyone. Why would the economy be any different?
This is why Republican economic policies have always failed, and always will fail. They’re based on the ridiculous theory that the law of the jungle works better than organized and regulated civilization. Even a child should be able to see through that.
And yet, once again, we have a Republican administration and a Republican Congress hell-bent on deregulating the economy. The consequences of this are predictable and inevitable. History doesn’t rhyme, it repeats, because some people never learn anything from experience. With them, stupidity is an unbreakable habit, and we all pay the price of having to share a society and economy with them.
If only we could pack them all off to an island somewhere. If we could that would be “Lord of the Flies” on a grand scale. When the food ran out, it would become an island populated by cannibals. Probably wouldn’t even have to wait that long. We all know that Republicans, turned loose on each other, will eat each other with little or no prompting. It’s embedded in their essential character and nature. It defines who and what they are.
Looks like we know why Milwaukee’s Sheriff Cereal Box Badge had to quit.
Too bad so many people had to die to demonstrate the sadistic incompetence of conservatives.
@51 Cops vote Republican, jackass. Yes, the corrupt ones too.
@50 The local sheriff and his deputies were instrumental in the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi. They would’ve killed Puddy, too, if they could’ve gotten their hands on him.
@54 Seems like the South Koreans don’t think much of Trump/Pence’s idea of settling things on the peninsula once and for all by trading Seoul for Pyongyang.
Trump isn’t even pretending to balance his budget, but he’s trying to make it less unbalanced by taking from the poor — after giving massively to the very, very rich.
“President Donald Trump’s … proposal included major cuts to the Department of Housing …. The administration will ask [HUD]-assisted households to ‘shoulder’ more of their housing costs [and] calls for the elimination of … funds to communities to repair infrastructure, build affordable housing and create jobs … housing and social safety net advocates expressed harsh criticisms about the president’s proposed budget.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans have plenty of taxpayer money for private jet travel and other perks for themselves, though. The irony is that the gullible fools who voted these leeches into office thought they were voting against elitism.
People in the know were thinking it before, but now they’re starting to say it out loud: Trump’s economic policies are going to blow up the economy.
@50 Shire Reeves to keep the peace in the shires of England did tend to be white. Even before the Magna Carta. There being 13 English colonies on these shores the colonists, the corporations, and the English government sent some of their officials to the New World and this included Sheriffs. If only we were Scottish and then they would be judges.
Sessions is correct in his statement. Even if he were the most racist SOB in these United States he would still be correct in his statement. Even if he actually believes that all Sheriffs should be white he is still correct in his statement, and you have to actually prove that he is a racist. And I have not heard that Sessions is talking about the removal of any Sheriff because they are black, or female. Till then your statement is merely style points, and nowhere near as good as the style points in the half pip at the winter Olympics. Probably close to style points in the women’s hockey.
@48 Presidents of both parties have at various times tried to propose what Trump is proposing. It is nothing new. And again the President can propose to Congress, but it is Congress that will do a bill or not do a bill changing the procedures and rights of Federal workers, and the courts that will get the case. Seen this crap in the past. What is likely to happen is current federal employees with more than x number of years will be exempt and only new workers and employees with less than 5 years seniority are screwed. And this is a perennial Republican talking point. They could do something or add to the political mystery as to why those in power don’t maximize their power when they have it. Could be because government is not a business.
@35 So you should have answered: “No, I’ve never wondered that.” and stopped rather than putting up a claim based on your non existent mystical powers. I also note that it was not stated where these swat team or teams are. Yet you make a statement that they are in Alaska. Are they? Do you have personal knowledge? What is your personal knowledge of Alaska that the US Forestry Service or US Park Service or the Postal Inspector needs a Swat Team, since you infer that in your statement.
@38 Only we need more plumbers and Hvac workers than historians and economists. The majority of our high school graduates should not compete to be historians and economists, many without the aptitude or willingness to do college level work on graduating should go to a technical school. We might take a hint from the German’s and tell parents their child is unqualified for college and should go to technical school where he or she can get the apprenticeship that leads to a hundred thousand a year job, but it maybe a dirty job looked down on by elitists, some of whom are on here.
@41 And you are also a scientist? You have a degree in the law which says you have the ability to use the Socratic method, wish you would use it here. Consensus is not science. It’s politics. In science there is the scientific principal, and a great deal of what is alleged to be climate science is not based on fact,
If the Chinese government just why are they building bases on reefs that are going to be covered by water in 10 or twenty years. Spending billions of dollars. Seems like a waste unless they have looked at the data and determined the projections are wrong, and they are confident they will have a base there for the next 70 years unless the US blows it up. The Russians, Canadians are investing in ice breakers for the artic that supposedly is supposed to have been ice free by the projections in the models. Though the US congress has not wanted to buy the coast guard ice breakers for the artic sea. Pretty icy up there this year, and on the Great Lakes, guess the navy could use an ice breaker to get their new ship out of the great lakes, but we are not building any because global warming says the lakes are supposed to be ice free. The models are fucked, and it’s to pull our heads out.
If the main driver of our weather is on track to follow the 60 year cycle and the minimum sunspot cycle, and will in fact put out less energy, it’s going to get a little more chilly in your rabbit hole these coming winters. There have been years and series of years western Washington has had hard winters.
@42 Both parties were involved. If the Republicans had had a free hand, you would have seen them pass a balanced budget, cutting where they wanted. Seems Democrats did not want that, and the Republicans were stuck passing a budget with some degree of deficit. Or did Democrats give te Republicans a free hand, and plenty of Dems voted for 80 billion more going to the military. Seems to be something going on here between the parties, and noise here to cover up the collusion of both parties. Meanwhile both parties get to say great nd wonderful things to their bases.
@47 The Russian’s are smart to build ice breakers, but Americans calling for the US to build ice breakers to compete with the Russians are dumb, Why not emulate the Russians or at least the Canadians, or the Norwegians. All building ice breakers for an iceless Artic Sea.
@49 Hey Capitalist rabbit big ag is your friend.
@57 Actually your traffic laws and cops analogy sucks. I’ve driven in Great Britain and Germany and both rely on traffic cops a lot less than we do. Then there is Italy, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, all three have traffic laws. Yet the reality is something different, and yet in all threes somewhat anarchic systems traffic does flow, and even traffic laws enforced after the accident depending on who was in the accident.
The international corruption index for nations would be more helpful.
@57 Deregulation was the theme of the Clinton White House that brought the US so much great stuff like the 2008 recession. Yes Republican administrations tend to be anti regulation, but to really screw things up it took a Democratic administration to really screw things up.
@58 Want to saw that a little louder so that Washington States Association of Sheriffs can hear you. And yes I double dare you too.
@60 Such statements may make one question whether a Texas Sheriff had anything to do with a Presidential assassination. Or if a California Sheriff had anything to do with the assassination of that President’s brother. Of course that kind of thinking is conspiracy theory, Generally thought to be non sense.
@61 What is going on is in part Korean politics. Moon has an actual policy and would like peaceful reunification. Not too likely unless South Korea surrenders to the North. If the North refuses to give up it’s nuclear weapons program and missiles Moon cannot get US support to reopen the Sunshine policy. The North is in bad shape to have the Great Leaders sister negotiating. It’s a desperate ploy and is the North’s usual attempt to get the south and western countries to bribe the north to be good. The North threats to bleed on the South Korean’s have of late not gotten the North what it want’s. So it’s a charm campaign during the Olympics. and there is some chance the North is going to actually negotiate. Looks like Pence is being the bad cop in South Korea’s negotiating strategy. The problem for Moon is that the United States is not going to permit North Korea to have the means to attack a US possession or city. South Korea may have no choice, but to go nuclear. So unless Kim Jon Ill is surrendering, and getting a golden parachute I don’t see where the charm campaign goes after the Olympics are over. Moon and the South Korean’s are being more than just polite, looking good in the international public eye, though I don’t see what it’s gotten from North Korea in return.
Google is your friend, do your own fucking research.
However, since you seem to be lazy and stupid, here is a link:
Dr. Dumbfuck alluded to it and didn’t provide a link, I responded in kind, didn’t provide a link since he and I both knew what he was originally talking about.
What is a SWAT team?
Special Weapons and Tactics, why shouldn’t different agencies have them? They are specialized to their needs. Would you want a SWAT team, say from an urban area, to respond to the deep bush of Alaska? Probably not.
I don’t claim to have “mystical powers” that you allude to, just lived and worked in Alaska for many years.
Come on Shortbus, pay attention and bring your “A” game, you are almost as unreadable as Piddles, at least you don’t type in gibberish like he does, I’ll give you credit for that.
It’s a crying shame that the loon came here and soiled yet another very nice thread with his mindless HATE!