Since I usually skip holidays for Open Threads, I’ll just give you a quick President’s Day rant now: Basically, we’ve had some terrible presidents. John Tyler? That motherfucker joined the Confederacy the first chance he got. We don’t need to celebrate the people who pushed slavery in this country and then committed treason when the slavery wasn’t enough for them. Richard Nixon? Are we celebrating Watergate or the bombing of Cambodia? Andrew fucking Johnson? Maybe we should rename the holiday Presidents Are A Mixed Bag At Best Day.
That’s the thing about democracy. People can elect anyone they want as long as they’re native-born (whatever that means; no one’s ever been disqualified for this reason, and Ted Crud probably won’t be either, although I suppose the Supreme Court might step in if the people elected a Somali who got off the boat two months ago) and at least 35 years old. So you get Washington, Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Truman, Kennedy, Carter, Obama, and other great presidents. But you also get asswipes like those Carl mentioned and supply-side morons like Coolidge, Hoover, Reagan, and the Bushes, and criminals like Nixon. The fact is, nearly all Republicans are criminals, so every time the people (for some stupid reason no one can figure out) choose a Republican, you pretty much automatically get a criminal. Except Chimp was selected, not elected, so you can’t blame the people for that one, except indirectly for electing the criminals who appointed the Supreme Court justices who appointed Chimp. All in all, as Carl pointed out, presidents are a mixed bag. You get good ones when democracy works, but you get ringers when the masses are asses.
I thought it was a contraction of holidays to celebrate the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln.
It’s actually Washington’s Birthday, designated as the third Monday of February, by the Uniform Monday Holiday Act
passed by Congress in 1968 and effective beginning in 1971.
Maybe on the third Monday in January next year you can rant that MLK was a plagiarist.
Now if our intel head honchos had only established servers in their home basements to handle all of their communications, this never would have occurred.
British police have arrested a teenager who allegedly was behind a series of audacious — and, for senior U.S. national security officials, embarrassing — hacks targeting personal accounts or top brass at the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security Department, the White House and other federal agencies, according to U.S. officials briefed on the investigation.
One less racist cop is patrolling (trolling?) our streets today.
@2 “Maybe on the third Monday in January next year you can rant that MLK was a plagiarist.”
I don’t see what this has to do with President’s Day, other than flexing your racist stripes.
“I don’t see what this has to do with President’s Day, other than flexing your racist stripes.”
With Bob all roads lead to a diss on blacks.
@ 5,6
I figured that as long as we’re going off-topic on holidays we might as well be consistent about it.
Carrier dude tells 1400 Indianapolis workers that their jobs are being “transitioned” to Mexico over the next three years. Needless to say, it doesn’t go over so well.
“This is strictly a business decision”
“Fuck you”
@8 “Suffice to say, the news was not well received. The decision likely will not help with mounting tensions many Americans are feeling towards Mexico (thanks in part to Donald Trump),”
For all of Trumps faults, he’s the only republican who is giving any lip service to doing anything about off shoring and outsourcing. Ordinary people are scared for their livelihood and he’s tapping into that. They will listen to someone, even Trump, who says he will use his power to do something FOR THEM for a change.
@7 Nobody’s off topic except you.
When I envision Roger Rabbit, it’s a stupid, and unwealthy version of Grayson who comes to mind.
Sen. Harry Reid Calls on Grayson to Drop out of Senate Race
Reid said in a statement that Grayson claims to be progressive but seems to have “no moral compass.” He said Grayson used his office to unethically promote a hedge fund that until recently had been based in the Cayman Islands.
“His actions aren’t just disgraceful to the Democratic Party, they disgrace the halls of Congress,” Reid said.
“They will listen to someone, even Trump, who says he will use his power to do something FOR THEM for a change.”
I agree. That is indeed a big source of Trump’s populist appeal. And in many ways it is also a big source of Sanders’ populist appeal. I think a great many liberal Democratic voters have serious doubts about establishment Democratic politicians, including our President, who arrange enormous and very costly safety nets for the financial industry while doing almost nothing for homeowners and renters, for example.
While establishment Democrats have not embraced the idiocy of supply side argle-bargle (h/t Scalia!), they have certainly internalized a significant bias in favor of activist government policy favoring corporate capitalism. We could debate the source of that bias. And many partisans from both parties would like to see such a debate featured prominently (obviously Boob believes it would improve Republican chances in November). But I think that for voters whose dreams of home ownership have turned into false hopes or nightmares, whose prospects for comfortable retirement have dissolved, whose career hopes have been drowned in a jobless recovery, such a debate may not be important.
The angry, white, male Trump supporter may actually have a lot in common with the #Occupy Sanders supporter. They both would like to see the government doing more to support regular people and less to support capitalist corporations that ship half their jobs overseas while converting the rest to “independent contractors”. Those real things aren’t the result of natural forces or sun spots. They are the result of government policies that systematically favor those kinds of business decisions. And those policies have been promoted by both Democrats and Republicans alike. Until now.
The Dow lost 254 points yesterday and is up 313 points today, so it looks like most investors who stayed in the market the last couple days came out ahead. And the idiots who stash their money under their mattresses, as usual, made nothing.
Carly Fiorina shouldn’t be allowed to terminate her campaign until she’s been counseled about alternatives, shown a fuzzy black and white photo of her still developing national campaign staff, and had her kootch probed by Roger Stone.
@12. Thanks for expanding on that. I agree with your analysis of the one similarity between trump and Sanders populist appeal.
Tom Hartman described goverment as the referees at a football game. One of Government roles is enforce and if need be, change the rules of the economy so the strongest guys don’t just kill the other players and then start robbing and pillaging the spectators.
We need Government to step up and do the hard things where fierce independence and self reliance just isn’t powerful enough to make a difference.
@14. Ha! Also drive to the opposite side of the state to do it and wait 48 hours.
How about a Cruz/Grayson reunification ticket?
@14, 16 Well played!
“Grayson has drawn passionate support from grassroots progressive donors, while Murphy has the backing of the party establishment.”
I see why Bickle doesn’t like him.
Trump’s against companies outsourcing now that he’s running. When he was selling ties it was fine to have them made in China.
Hypocrite, but we know that.
And there was one great Republican president- Teddy Roosevelt. He’d be kicked out of the party today
“How about a Cruz/Grayson reunification ticket?”
I’d call their party the Smarmy Party and those two Smarmy and Smarmy Too.
O.k., so the real question is: Has Obama left the country better off than what he found it? The answer of any reasonable person would be a resounding yes! Way better. You can never say that about Republicans.
The top minds of the modern American Fascist movement speak their piece, as usual.
They just can’t get over their mistake in letting the Liberals teach Negroes how to read.
And what the hell happened to that blowhard assholio Newt Gingrich? Shouldn’t he be piping in with his brain dead opinions by now or is he too busy on his yacht somewhere?
Boob’s just worried about Nevada.
With Cruz on the ticket, he should worry about Texas.
@24 They allowed the slaves to read the bible. That says all you need to know right there.
you know, I went ahead and clicked on the rant by Alex Jones and listened to it for a bit. And he just sounds exhausted, frustrated, and frayed. Now, for sure, as he chooses to frame it, the collapse into disrepute suffered by the so-called “Patriot Movement” in Harney County, OR is the result of a government conspiracy, and oh, by-the-way, the initial phase of a “takeover” of the United States by something called “globalism”. And while Jones is confident that it won’t work because… “patriots”, he still sounds just really defeated. Aside from the usual banquet of conspiracy theories he indulges more in blaming the “patriots” themselves for these setbacks and for what he is sure is a looming civil war.
It’s typical for “end-times” movements to do this kind of ritualistic inquisition and purging as the energy begins to go out of the movement. I wonder if after decades of deep mining the dark psyche of conservatism we aren’t witnessing “Peak Conservative Crazy” right now.
Sweet! Dickhead sovereign citizen gets tazered trying to enter courtroom with camera.
Hey TPPS@8… Seems someone you really hate, Patrick J. Buchanan, saw this years ago. He was so right. And you suck!
Ross Perot warned of the “huge sucking sound” of jobs leaving this country. He was so right. And you suck!
Top recipients for Carrier Corp – UTC United Technologies, 2013-2014, according to
Dick Durbin (D) = $54,000
John Larson (D) = $26,050
Elizabeth Esty (D) = $11,750
Thad Cochran (RINO) = $11,500
Joe Courtney (D) = $11,500
A bunch of ankle biting Free Traitors™, these DUMMOCRETINS are! Puddy will assume that the layoffs will be done in waves so that the company doesn’t have to report a mass layoff (keep it under a certain number and it purposely flies under the radar) – Sadly, all these people will collect unemployment instead of having a real job, plus other benefits like healthcare, foodstamps, child assistance, etc. All will qualify for government paid for retraining since their jobs were outsourced – and some will never work again – skill level, age, made too much, whatever. Of course costing us the US taxpayer. No libtard ever talks about that on this blog, EVAH.
And you wonder why UNION peeps are for Donald Trump?
Butt you TPPS, are tooooooo stooooooooooooopid to comprehend all that above!
Dirty tactics happening in South Carolina…Ted Cruz running dirty tricks. Trump asks “How can he say he has Christian values”. What is the Donald smokin’ – he thinks that Cruz could have any Christian value – what a fucking moron.
What the fuck are Christian values to a Republican.
You should Google Alan Grayson and watch how much love that fool received from all the HA DUMMOCRETINS over the years. A certain crazed databaze moron had its head so far up Grayson’s ASS the stink won’t ever leave!
It’s P R E C I O U S !
“A bunch of ankle biting Free Traitors™”
Geez, this thread had been 100% free of batshit insanity and then the loon has to show up and take a dump. Oh, well.
“I went ahead and clicked on the rant by Alex Jones and listened to it for a bit. And he just sounds exhausted, frustrated, and frayed”
I imagine years of psychosis will do that to someone. My goodness, look at what it has done to the loon. It’s left him a babbling jackass.
Guys – I hear Trump talking more about keeping Medicare, Social Security, Building Infra-Structure, etc…..I hear less of him today talking about building walls and raping Mexicans.
This guy is moving to the left and unless he screws up bad, or we find out that he has sex with goats, he is going to be the Republican nominee, and in the general he will be appealing to some Democrats.
The polled (in a small focus group of about 15 Republicans) they all said they were voting for Trump over Cruz, but if Trump wasn’t in the race that they would vote for Cruz (like 12 of the 15). I have to hope that Trump gets the nomination. Crud is a fucking loser.
Harry Reid doesn’t like him. Seems that went right over your leetle Zika head!
It’s left him a babbling jackass.
As TPPS looks in the mirror and performs its self assessment! Witness the Carrier rant above @8 and response to FACTS @33!
FACTS and TPPS are like hot oil and cold water…
Head explodes…
vomit producer @24
Those “liberals” as you call them were Republicans… Read some Frederick Douglass and you would become educated butt then again you hate niggers, per your own words!
Read TPPS rant @33 and see what Puddy called in #30
Butt you TPPS, are tooooooo stooooooooooooopid to comprehend all that above!
Puddy is as P R E S C I E N T as ever!
When I envision Roger Rabbit, it’s a stupid, and unwealthy version of Grayson who comes to mind.
Travis, Grayson is Haaaaavaaaard educated. You can see how the libtard stooooooooopid is really ingrained in Grayson!
Huh! They simply argue that Cruz can’t be a natural-born or native-born citizen of two countries. So Canada it is. I like that!
“Trump backers file federal lawsuit questioning Ted Cruz’s right to run for president”
“Mr. Cruz was born in Canada, and obviously Canada is not a territory or protectorate of the United States, it’s not dominion of the United States,” said the group’s attorney, Thomas Drake. “And as such, when he was born, at the moment of his birth, location determined his status, and his status was that of a natural-born Canadian citizen. You cannot be a natural-born or native-born citizen of two countries.”
Uh, oh! It looks like the loon’s head exploded again! Look out for flying goatshit!
This is pretty funny. Hopefully the link works.
I shouldn’t be one to talk, I probably didn’t even spell it correctly, but……..
Puddy found it. The place vomit producer wants all black people to go to!
Poor TPPS,
Can’t even rant without stealing from Puddy!
Wait for it…
I’d give Jones more credit than that. He, at least, has been ever loyal to his specific delusions over the years. While my impression of that troll over time has been that its loyalties shift and evolve quite freely in whatever fashion it deems most likely to get under the skin of the “libby” caricature it clings to. Whereas Jones clearly holds to a (delusional) political credo, that troll seems to merely “reflect” a negative, violent, eliminationist image of whatever it imagines a liberal political credo to be. In that sense, liberals “define” that troll (one of its qualities that many of us have toyed with from time to time). In that sense, Jones is the better person. Doesn’t say too much about that troll.
Seems that if birthers think the law defined Obama as not being a natural born citizen for being born in Hawaii, then Cruz is a Canadian, through and through.
@ Flying Goatshit @ 38:
Those “liberals” as you call them were Republicans…
And yet you act as though those old Republicans were as Conservative as they are now, and have been since the early 1900s. It’s been over a century since they turned into the NeoFascist movement they present to the country now.
Hell, the Ku Klux Klan was a Conservative organization, and they had better than 20,000,000 members though the 1920s, and they were burning books and murdering young couples out necking in their cars on Lovers Lane, and burning black people alive who dared to try to vote.
Of course, back then the Democrats were the minority conservative party largely concentrated in the deep south and new southwestern US.
Read some Frederick Douglass and you would become educated butt
I have read Fredrick Douglas. The Conservatives of the time considered him to be nothing other than an escaped slave. He was widely and vehemently opposed by the Conservative factions who regularly vilified him in the press, several of them openly accusing him of being something akin to a talking parrot who was actually speaking for someone else, who was white, of course. Because it just was an utter impossibility to them, that an escaped African slave could ever learn to speak and write with such eloquence. He terrified the Conservatives.
then again you hate niggers, per your own words!
That’s where you’re really wrong. I’m not the one who regularly posts links from white supremacist websites like Brietbart, who is quoting or paraphrasing FOX, who is paraphrasing Bryan Fischer, who is backing up some such argument from Joseph Farah, (Someone you have posted more than a few links to incidentally) who claims to be quoting some Liberal pundit while openly lying about what they said in the first place. When that Liberal pundit replays their own tape in refutation of that deliberate misquote, the Conservatives lash back by accusing them of being homosexual or, gasp, even a Jew. The all take turns quoting each other in support of their arguments, and none of them have to present any actual evidence of anything bu “THIS man said, and I quote” and then goes on to quote somebody else, who is quoting them in the first place and they all work for the same guy anyway.
It’s a giant bullshit echo chamber.
Thats you, Schizo. You’re just another Hick in the Wall.
@48. Liberal and conservatives are points of view, Democrats and republicans are political parties. That clerk in Tennessee who wouldn’t sign the marriage licenses was a conservative Democrat and Lincoln was liberal Republican.
Strong willed, thick skinned liberals should join the republican party, bring some sanity back to it.
@ The Schizo @ 44
What the motherlovin’ fuck?
The Black Hebrew Israelites are a diehard racist, sexist and deeply Libertarian CONSERVATIVE religious faction that almost nobody but themselves recognize as an authentic religion. There are good reasons why there are hundreds of those people in Prison. It’s where they belong. They’re nuts, they’re crazy, they’re bookoo dinky-dau, Muy Loco in the Cabesa. When their safe houses get raided by the Police every few years, they find children living in rooms with piles of dog feces and empty refrigerators full of flies.
They’re crazy people.
@41, 47,
It isn’t so much a question about citizenship. Cruz is a U.S. citizen by statute. But Steve’s post at 41 gets to the crux of it. The Constitution clearly does not intend to permit all U.S. citizens to qualify. And everyone seems to agree that “naturalized” citizens do not qualify. That is those born abroad to alien parents who immigrate to the U.S and whose citizenship is granted through the powers delegated to the Congress by the Constitution. But it is agreed that Cruz’ citizenship is also granted through the powers delegated to the Congress by the Constitution. And the question is, is this status “naturalized” or “natural born”?
It’s baaack! Trump revives his birther attack on Ted Crud. And calls him a liar, too!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Man it’s fun to watch Republicans grapple and grope in the mosh pit!
@ 52 RR:
Ahhh, and I just bought a Costco pack of Orville Redenbachers last weekend.
This is going to be a fun year.
@11 I appreciate your venom, Boob. It tells me I’m scoring hits.
9 & 12 – Raise your hand if you believe Trump is running for president out of altruism and has no hidden ulterior motives for seeking the immense power of the presidency.
@21 Two, if you count Lincoln as a Republican, although his Republican Party bore no resemblance whatsoever to today’s GOP and he’d surely be a Democrat if he were alive today.
@29 Ha ha ha! It’s always a riot to watch these dingalings get educated that laws apply to them, too, notwithstanding their goofy beliefs. Zinggg! You’re tased! Ow ouch owwww!!! Ha ha ha!!!
@ RR @ 57
When that vid first came out and started doing the rounds, P. Barnes instantly became a national hero and an internet meme.
I tell you what, if I had been in the lobby that day, and watching this unfold, I would have been in utter fucking stitches on the floor on seeing that stupid kid go down like a sack of mashed potatoes.
What an utterly stupid motherfucker.
@58 When you think about it, the FBI rolled the Bundy Gang pretty good, too. They not only got the brothers, they nabbed the old man, too, who’s facing so many charges he’ll never get out. They rounded up their whole herd of followers, except for one blowhard who insisted on not being taken alive, who they turned into swiss cheese. This should give the rest of the militia nutbags something to think about before they’re tempted to fuck with the government again.
Wanna know what’s wrong with charter schools? I’ll tell you. They spend taxpayer money with no public control over what they teach or accountability for whether children learn. For example, this NYC charter school network replaced foreign language classes with chess classes. How’s that chess class gonna look on your child’s resume when s/he tries to find a job? Is this a good investment of your education taxes?
Wow! Finally I got a blog from where I be capable of actually take helpful data regarding my
study and knowledge.
It’s been over a century since they turned into the NeoFascist movement they present to the country now.
Really? Al Gore Sr and J William Fulbright were a century ago?
There went that silly argument… The rest of the rant especially the lies about Frederick Douglass went
Sux to be the vomit producer!
John Tyler was a pretty good President who basically retired back to Virginia and farmed. When the south started to succeed he tried a peace commission that sought to keep the Union together. Succession happened. He like Lee stayed faithful to Virginia and was elected to the confederate congress though he didn’t make it to the first session as he died. He is the only US President who didn’t receive official recognition in death from the US Government and the only one buried under a foreign flag.
Buchannan I think is our worst President who basically committed treason while being a lame duck.
Yeah that Nixon was bad boy and a damn good poker player I happen to like him.
I happen to remember when it was Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays that were celebrated. Then politics happened and now we celebrate the office and all the guys who were in the office. I think there may have been some push for a FDR birthday holiday. There was also this push to celebrate this man named King who was a leader in some movement. Since we are Americans we can’t allow any more public holidays than the ones we already have, as employers would not like that. Doesn’t matter that we have the fewest of any nation of the world. Too many holidays would detract all of us working and building character.
@21 He was more or less kicked out of the party then, and they choose him as Vice President to sideline him.
@51 Guess that is a question individual electors of the electoral college will struggle with.
@55 I raise my hand. I’m sure it’s true for Clinton and Bush too. :) Could be true of most candidates. I think that Bernie fella maybe more of an idealist, maybe that Cruz fella.
@55 The immense power of the Presidency. How bloody funny. It’s a thanks less job, what is amazing is so many aspire to it and the amount of treasure put into it. The reality is we should have to just about force people into the office.
@60 I think the problem is any state or local government giving money to any charter school period. Though there maybe circumstances it maybe advantageous to the state. Special needs students or students who have been expelled from multiple schools.
Still the controversy here leaves out one important fact. The key to getting employed with the state department or even the army (used to be the army would teach you) is the right language. Which is not the typical French, Spanish or German that is the typical offerings…occassionally Russian or even Chinese might be found. Still who is offering Arabic or Farsi or even Hebrew? Bantu actually could be the language spoken in the next hot spot area or area we could choose to invade. (There will be no official connection to oil, but Shell will have plans to do oil exploration ASAP.)
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