I wrote this this morning, but forgot to actually hit publish. Sorry.
When the recreational marijuana initiative passed, I was a bit worried that Governor Inslee would sort of let it go by the wayside if challenged by Federal authorities. But I’m glad to see he’s going to defend it fully. Hopefully the Trump administration will have worse garbage to deal with and not want to prioritize this.
I’m concerned about this shit head Sessions and his views towards recreational cannabis. I say legalization has worked out very well and the federal government should keep its damn nose out of our business.
Since legalization for recreational use came to be 2 and a half years ago, the Sun still rises in the East and sets in the West. People go to work and pursue their lives quite well here in Washington. Legalization has had no major effect on our lives here, with the exception of raising millions of dollars is revenue for the state. Taxes, I might add, that people are readily willing to pay to have access to a legal and well-regulated product. It works quite well, and the federal government can go give itself a jack-job in a brown paper sack is they don’t like it.
Fuck off, Sessions!
The same could be said about people marrying whomever they choose and that didn’t stop them from trying.
But still, all the states save Idaho within the 9th circuit are legal in some form. Over 50% of states are legal in some form. All of the state laws on the books don’t allow sales to anyone intending to leave the state making a Federal case a little harder.
Yep, the Federal law still says it’s illegal but the courts, at least the 9th may recognize that the law was written well before individual states (STATES RIGHTS!!! Harumph!) moved along and started knowingly ignoring the Federal law.
The courts may very well decide to ask the government what compelling interest the government has to continue to outlaw and then science is not on the government’s side. Like marriage equality, Sessions may be forced to go to SCOTUS with an argument that boils down to, “Well it is tradition. It has always been this way and we need to keep it, the science is wrong we know in our hearts without evidence that Pot smoking leads to more crime but we can’t prove it.” So Sessions may try but the current court is likely to tie and leave the 9th in place and even a 5-4 court probably sees the future on this one.
If you want to know what Trump’s idea of a “legendary” sheriff is, take a good look at this one.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Birds of a feather flock together, and a liar knows another liar when he sees one.
@1, 2 Sessions might have a point if further study indicates that Trump was elected by a bunch of pot-smoking ex-hippies. Do we really know for sure that long term use doesn’t cause brain damage? Years ago I saw an educational film titled “Reefer Madness” and all the characters had “future Trump voters” written all over them.
As I was reading #1, I was thinking the same thing as what was said in #2.
It shouldn’t be fuck off Sessions, it should be fuck off Republicans (evangelical conservatives).
If they take away same sex marriage then fuck you pot smokers too!
Hell, long term blogging might cause brain damage. Only time will tell. Now, where did Ileave that remote…
@6 The evidence is conflicting. On the one hand, you have Puddy and Boob; on the other hand, I’m perfectly normal.
Ahhh yes.. It’s Friday after sunset and the HA threads are babbling jerkwipe FREE!
heh. kablammo… truth and facts..
Blogging is not the cause of Puddy’s brain damage, no, he was damaged before he started blogging.
The damage was done when he bought into that work of fiction he worships and claims to be the truth. Judging by the gibberish there is plenty of frontal cortex damage, one can speculate he was dropped frequently as an infant, probably to get him to shut up. There must be an amygdala abnormality. Maybe Dr. Bob could do a pro-bono MRI for him. Wait, what am I suggesting, Dr. Bob do something for someone else, and for free? Never gonna happen as that against the conservative/Republican creed. Dr. Bob = NFL, Puddy=tackling dummy, nothing wrong, just move along.
@8, you forgot “cretin”, “scum”, and no double posts to wade through.
Are the HA trolls this stupid?
I’d feel better if Inslee made a PSA where he pours a shot and says “Do you want a ‘gateway drug?'” and downs the shot. Then lights a blunt, takes a hit, and says “I have a driver”.
What a GREAT idea!
Hmmm politics suggest this issue is ripe for the Federal government to reassert its primacy on the matter of marijuana. My personal belief is it and all of the Federally mandated horrible drugs should be perfectly legal. This requires an action of Congress as the courts have repeatedly held up the legality of the Federal government saying marijuana and other drug are illegal and there is plenty of precedent. I think the 9th would be hard pressed to say the state law in Washington (or Colorado, Oregon, or California) are at all legal and not trumped by Federal law. The ninth is the only circuit that might find on the side the state can do what the voters have done here. There are other circuits that will find for the Federal Government. Obama and the Democrats could have legalized marijuana in his first two years. Obama could have used his pulpit in support of legalization afterward, but did not. Could be why Hilliary is not in the office of President today.
So now Mr Sessions is Attorney General. His opinion is already known. There is going to be a fight. He’s going to pick a state.
I think that state could well be Washington. Pay back is a bitch. Not only that is that the support for legalization is not universal in this state. Law enforcement and the Sheriffs are still openly against legalization. There are towns that don’t allow this type of business and the state has not told them you will have one or more locations that sell cannabis.
Washington State courts have cautioned if the Federal Government challenges or the Washington Supreme Court could rule that Federal law trumps state law where marijuana is concerned, and proceeding down this road comes with some risk.
The Democratic Attorney General and Governor have picked a fight over a Presidential Order. One they will ultimately loose as the courts at some level will tell the state you don’t have standing or this is a political fight that you need to fight in Congress particularly through your states two Senators.
All this noise over Sanctuary cities. An unwillingness to cooperate with Federal Agents to the point where local and city employees will have to lie to a Federal Agent opening themselves to arrest. And omission is lying.
Anyone keeping score here thinking this administration like any Republican administration would consider a fight would have Washington state high in the list of where to have the fight.
So anyone want to start a pool on when the first raids will be on legal (per state law) marijuana businesses will be here in Washington state? Goldie do you want to set up the pool?
@8 Unfortunately Trump is going to win on the immigration issue. It’s a legal order. He’s not had the best attorneys at the preliminary trial where the Judge issued the order or at the appellate where the attorney for the government should have flat told the judges the President can bar any group of people, even using their religion. He can use the Obama administration barring of members of Aum Shnrikyo or Aleph. Wonderful group of religious fanatics who gassed the Tokyo subway. The Japanese Diet pulled their religion status (though the organization may still have that status here in the US) and branded it a terrorist group. In 2013 the Obama administration designated this organization a terrorist one and all members of this religious group are barred. So Trump is just building on Obama’s precedent so where have you people been? Or is all this religious stuff just skin deep and it’s all just politics and you all really don’t give a crap about this immigrants and refugees. Why are you ok with us bombing these people then? Why aren’t you insisting that we accept the first 10,000 or 70,000 or 100,000 of these refugees in accordance with UN rules on refugees, and with some willingness to accept there is a little risk here, but we can sort em out, maybe the bad apple from Caliphate might go fuck the Caliphate, and if not hey we got killer cops that love killing brown people.
So you are complaining Trump did not include Saudi Arabia or Pakistan in the order. Would it make you happier if he includes those countries if he issues a new order with better language and a better send off. You want gold trumpets? Dancing alligators? A pen with an easy off lid? These things are possible. More Democrats in Congress? Not doable for two years, and that means Trump is going to do the order and it might be best to let it go after all it’s only a 90 day order. Not like you or even Congress can force the administration to issue visas to anyone from these countries in 90 days. You all fight it and even if he looses in court he still wins politically. I don’t think you all can fight him tooth and nail for two years without exhaustion setting in long before then, or the majority of Americans getting to the point where they don’t care, and will just be annoyed enough with the crap you are pulling that they will vote Republican. When Bob the truck driver is bothered by some protests trying to get his load someplace it will become more than a minor nuisance and will he be inclined to pull the lever for a Democratic Representative or Senator? I think not. And while you may make a lot of illegal immigrants happy with some of your protests and cooperation, they cannot vote. Or if they are then Trump is right something is bad in California, New Hampshire and other places. Now if they are serious I hope ICE goes after the employers that employed the folks they went after during this sweep. They are upholding the law so RR on here should be in full support. You should just love prosecuting these illegal immigrants as they are breaking the law. RR your prosecutorial ears should be right at attention. The justice department could your help why don’t you volunteer to help prosecute some of these folks maybe at a dollar a year. You love prosecuting criminals so it should not matter if they are a criminal cop or cop killer or a illegal alien. Or maybe spending some time as a defense attorney for some of these folks would win you some brownie points on here and with local democrats.
@7 No one came back from Nam perfectly normal. Or did you spend your time there working in the O club?
@5 Oh don’t worry they will get around to treating you like the free and brave Irish. Definitely no marriage for you, and as soon as the politicians figure out how to do what the Cardinal asks for you can enjoy a nice cell in prison. And in the unlikely event you are referring to Northern Ireland well the British really are not all that better. After all they think Alan Turing got off light, and should have been shot.
@1 I suggest your write your Representative and Senators in Congress.
One they will ultimately loose as the courts at some level will tell the state you don’t have standing
To late. Idiot.
It’s a legal order.
Only if a federal court orders it so.
Fergusson’s complaint lists 12 causes for action. This troll managed to address only one of them in its hillbilly screed. And it missed the mark wide on that.
One of the important things the hillbilly acolytes are going to learn about the Constitutional protections guaranteeing due process is that “blowing shit up” tends to violate them. The order is so amazingly incompetent and inept that the resulting disruption and confusion was likely intended – maliciously intended.