Yeah, too many retards on these here threads. Please, please, please, don’t make me start dropping recipes again.
I haven’t done this for a while, and since there are boring moments in the Opening Ceremonies, It’s time for a break down of activity between SP and HA. For the week of 2/04/06-2/10/06, as of 9:40 p.m. PST, here is the break down.
Number of Posts:
HA=1550 SP=940
Number of Threads:
HA=16 SP=39
Average Posts per Day:
HA=271.4 SP=134.4
Average Post per Thread:
HA=96.8 SP=24.1
Median Posts for the Week per thread:
HA=116.5 SP=19
*Note: Podcasting Liberally went beyond 208 posts after 9:40p.m 9/10/06. There is no thread at SP that comes close (second leading threat nearly 1/2 as big (63 posts) ).
NB: All numbers were compiled by hand, so there might be some minor errors. I did double check my work though. Anyway, what do you want, I don’t have the BIAW paying me to do this like some. If anyone wants the raw data, I would be glad to provide you with it.
Number of Posts:
Roger Rabbit posting some stupid excrement=1400
rest of HA=150
For the Cluelessspews:
Michael has his head up his wingnut ass – priceless.
Typical Lefty playing with stats.
The fact is, 2 individuals post more than half the comments on HA.
Some individuals post using multiple identities.
Do you really take this seriously JDB?
Like most Seattle Folk Marxists, your mind is adrift.
Of course, unlike a wingnut, you have some proof to back up your statements…, oh wait, you don’t.
Typical wingnut. You wouldn’t want to let something like a fact get in your way.
Your comment threads have been unreadable for months now.
Goldy, you likely don’t care….
But the combo of very profane/unintelligent ranting (both sides) plus your cousin Roger posting 15 in a row (frequently) leaves of few of us on the couch w/ our copy of National Review.
Of course you might also be losing some decent liberal readers/posters for the same reasons.
I’ll go find some recipes to post, to help counter redundant roger.
rigamortus on, if you don’t like it here, stay the hell away. This is a liberal blog and most of your (99%) comments are complete GARBAGE
Interesting piece on MSNBC today – Alter details how Monkey Face uses super secret intelligence for partisan reasons. America is in danger right now and our biggest enemy is the republican party. I wonder if the inbred right wing morons will stick with the cowardly Bush after they realize he’s destroyed the American way of life?
CAMBRIDGE, Md. – President Bush defended his warrantless eavesdropping program Friday, saying during what he thought were private remarks that he concluded that spying on Americans was necessary to fill a gap in the United States’ security.
Funny, GWB will ‘almost’ tell the truth when he thinks he is off ‘microfone’. It would be ‘fabulous’ to have him under a truth serum and really delve into his ‘mental midgetry’ and understand ‘the rest of the story’!
So YO, righton, leftsucks(MR C), Jaundiced Coat Hanger, Klake et all. What do you have to say for you ‘IDOLS’ now? Just as I figured, they will be totally silent, try to ‘shoot’ the messenger, say Yahoo is ‘liberal’, or wait for ‘talking points’ to come out so they can ‘cut and paste’.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 7: It’s not 1918 any more so no one’s listening to your “scary Marxists behind every door” rhetoric except the few remaining splenetic, frothing Reaganites from the GREATEST GENERATION EVER who voted for that dumb bastard to get back at the “hippies”. We’re not expecting any Palmer Raids.
The Heritage Foundation thinks that Social Security is a Marxist Plot and needs to be totally destroyed. They wrote a position paper on it some years ago. Their basic scheme was to promise those heading into retirement that they would get FULL BENEFITS but the younger workers would get smaller benefits but have PRIVATIZED ACCOUNTS that would make up for a part of the difference. Interestingly enough, the Republicans lost 24 House seats after pushing this socially irresponsible scheme.
The key feature was to divide the young and theold by promising the old FULL BENEFITS and blaming the full benefit old people for the fact that the young were going to get the short end of the retirement stick.
What the FAMILY VALUES Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party forgot was that the young and old workers were FAMILY and not so easily divided. This was a lesson that “W” apparently forgot because while we Lefties were thinking about the future he, “W”, was ACTING ON IT. SEEMS AMERICA DIDN’T GO FOR THE PRIVATIZING SCHEME THIS TIME EITHER. Maybe “W” should think before he acts? Ya think? Some young, smart, politically savvy Democrat could use that divisive Heritage Foundation paper that advises the promises to the old to divide them from the young and point out that “W” did exactly the same thing in his DESTROY SOCIAL SECIURITY scheme? His undemocratic move to shove his disastrous scheme down our throats by just sticking it in the budget doesn’t look good. No. Notat all!
Maybe “W” will become the uniter he always claimed to be when people unite against him over Social Security. And if that works how far down the list can election reform be?
No more corporate money and a restoration of the fairness doctrine…
LeftTurncoat-12 America is in danger right now and our biggest enemy is the republican party.
That is exactly what Osama keeps saying.
Politics for the ‘neocons’ are just like sports. Watch and see when the tide turns and the Democrats are in the driver’s seat again! All of our ‘pet trolls’ will start commenting that ‘I never voted for GWB’! He is dishonest! Fair Weather Fans are they! They just do not realize how perilous their ‘insensitivity’ will be measured for generations to come!!!!!!!
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 19: Our biggest enemy is the man in the white house who flew Osama’s family out of America and to safety in the Middle East and then turncoated us in Afganistan by fixing the intelligence about Iraq so that he could attack them and further enrich the “private sector” ( which consists of a few hundred billionnaires and starring the Bush family as Mr. Belvedere’s to the rich! ).
But don’t take my word for it. Go read the front page of the Seattle Times for this morning. YOU, Muleass, are the traitorous SOB and if you called me turncoat you’d soon be visiting the dentist.
And tell us all, Muleass, whose fault is it that Osama is still alive to say anything? It’s you and your traitorous president, as detailed in the FUCKING MSM NEWSPAPER THAT’S ON EVERY FUCKING DOORSTEP IN AMERICA AS WE SPEAK!!!!!!!!
So kiss my ass, bitch!!!!
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 20: You’re right. It was hard to find a Nixon voter for a while there.
Goldy, the #1 thing you could do to clean up your comment threads is to ban JCH. He’s a racist misogynist dipshit who contributes nothing of value. He does not care what a thread is about , he just repeats the same moronic crap… Every. Single. Thread.
The other wingnut commenters on the site do not even deserve the title ‘Troll’ compared to JCH. They at least try to engage the issue at hand.
Again, purty please ban JCH.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The fact is, 2 individuals post more than half the comments on HA.”
Yeah, and one of ’em is a paid GOP poster.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Some individuals post using multiple identities.”
The only poster known to be doing this is Kevin Carns, the paid GOP poster.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Do you notice how wingnuts always accuse US of pulling THEIR shit?
Roger Rabbitspews:
[ ] (1) Go back to Sucky Politics,
[ ] (2) Go fuck yourself, or
[ ] (3) Go fuck an armadillo.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“But the combo of very profane/unintelligent ranting (both sides) plus your cousin Roger posting 15 in a row (frequently) leaves of few of us on the couch w/ our copy of National Review.”
If you don’t like the reading material on HorsesAss, why do you read it? Why are you still here? You haven’t left yet? Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Funny, GWB will ‘almost’ tell the truth when he thinks he is off ‘microfone’. It would be ‘fabulous’ to have him under a truth serum”
Trouble is, Bush would easily pass a lie detector test even if injected with truth serum. So would a rock. For the same reasons.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“splenetic, frothing Reaganites from the GREATEST GENERATION EVER who voted for that dumb bastard to get back at the “hippies”.”
Hey, aren’t they the same generation who sent my generation to Vietnam and turned their backs on us when we came home?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey mulesass, old spin … tribes support Democrats, Abramoff ripped off tribes, therefore Democrats must be corrupt …
What a dumbass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
BTW “mulesass” is a good name for a GOP troll — they stubbornly persist in parroting GOP talking points no matter what the facts are or how many times they’re refuted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“That is exactly what Osama keeps saying. Comment by mulesass— 2/11/06 @ 7:50 am”
Osama has no better friend than George W. Bush … after all, he’s enjoyed 5 years of freedom after 9/11. If Bush had any cajones, he would have taken the bin Laden family hostage, instead of flying them back to Saudi Arabia. Oops, that would have hurt Bush family investments and business interests.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit has posted 11 comments in a row. If you don’t like it, go to Stefan’s pathetic little blog and post 11 comments in a row.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Stefan — I KNOW YOU READ THIS BLOG — how come you aren’t going to share your windfall with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who PAID for your lawsuit against King County? Some buddy you are!!! I’ll bet you’re the kind of person who borrows a neighbor’s lawn mower and never returns it.
Cougar === Roger Raaaaaaaaaaaaabbit
JDB === Roger Raaaaaaaaaabbit
Righton & Ivan are righton.
It has become a complete joke.
It is a classic example of totally unrestrained free speech.
A couple of jokers, one in paticular (Roger Rabbit) decides to post using multiple identities. Then makes the mistake of trying to use bloated statistics to somehow make a case that this Blog is a success.
The ironic thing is that the only person who seems to care is Roger Raaaaaaaaabbit/JDB/cougar et al.
Things have become virtually unreadable as Ivan points out.
The interesting things is 2 guys (one Left and one Right) have made it unreadable. Now if I’m the Lefty’s, I stop pointing to JCH and YO, and clean up my own house (Roger Rabbit et al). But I guess it doesn’t matter.
It really comes down to the point or mission of each Blog.
Goldy probably needs some sort of mission statement because right now the mission statement is Helter-Skelter.
Goldy is a very intelligent guy who has somewhat painted himself in the corner. But it’s his Blog. He sets the rules…..which are currently none.
With the following statements coming out now on a daily basis from the newest reincarnation of Hitler, I wonder how important it is for the US military to have a strong presence in two countries that border Iran.
I wouldn’t doubt that some of you moonbats would be willing to sacrifice Israel to avoid conflict (Goldy I’m not sure of).
But wouldn’t it be ironic if the presence of American troops in close proximity to this monster would end up being a deterrent that prevents a major conflict?
Ahmadinejad: Israel ‘will be removed’
Tehran (dpa) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday that the Palestinians and “other nations” will eventually remove Israel from the region.
Addressing a mass demonstration in Tehran – one of many organized throughout Iran to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the Islamic revolution – he once again questioned the Holocaust “fairy tale”.
“We ask the West to remove what they created sixty years ago and if they do not listen to our recommendations, then the Palestinian nation and other nations will eventually do this for them,” Ahmadinejad said in a ceremony marking the 27th anniversary of the Islamic revolution.
“Do the removal of Israel before it is too late and save yourself from the fury of regional nations,” the ultra-conservative president said. He once again called the Holocaust a “fairy tale” and said Europeans have become hostages of “Zionists” in Israel.
Hey rightys — tell us again how all military people are Republicans???
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I wouldn’t doubt that some of you moonbats would be willing to sacrifice Israel to avoid conflict (Goldy I’m not sure of).”
Is it really possible for anyone to be this fucking ignorant of history? It must be intentional. Hey Jaybo, question for ya … why do 90% of Jewish voters vote Democratic? Maybe because Democrats support (and have always supported) Israel? Ya think? Get your head out of your ass … no, on second thought, leave it there, up your ass is a good place for it.
This little news item is really not getting much attention. I would have to guess that if Bolton is honored, it will reflect badly on those democrats (and RINOs) that tried to “fear monger” and stop this nomination.
“WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 /U.S. Newswire/ — Two Americans who played a major role in exposing Iran’s secret nuclear weapons plans have been nominated for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
United Nations Ambassador John Bolton and longtime Iran investigator Kenneth R. Timmerman were nominated for their repeated warnings and documentation of Iran’s secret nuclear buildup and revealing Iran’s “repeated lying” and false reports to the International Atomic Energy Agency.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
BTW rightys — Kerry got 41% of the military vote — tell us again how all military voters are for Bush???
If you all really support Israel, then why does the moonbat wing of the democratic party constantly oppose any actions that would allow the USA to prevent a violent confrontation?
One more thing Rabbit,
When you say the following; “Hey rightys – tell us again how all military people are Republicans???”
Do you think that maybe this will marginalize the Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink wing of your party?
This is the big dilemma that democrats face today, if they move even a little to the right they risk losing the support of their base.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Jonathan Alter of Newsweek suggests American voters may be waking up from their long sleepwalk:
“By Jonathan Alter
“Feb. 6, 2006 issue – Strangely enough, we may look back on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006, as the day America found its moral compass, long buried at the bottom of the national dirty-linen bag. … By ‘moral’ I’m not talking just about the ‘culture of corruption’ in Washington. I’m talking about restoring a reasonable respect for at least minimum standards of truth.
” … the iconic moment took place not in the capital but at the heart of the entertainment-industrial complex—in this case, ‘Oprah.’ … Something happened in that studio that went beyond ‘good TV.’ Such is the power of Oprah that her moment of truth seemed to shame the American public into more respect for the actual facts of a situation.
” … New polls show [Bush’s] approval ratings in the dismal low 40s, with strong majorities believing he has failed on every score except keeping the country safe.
” … In recent years, failure and incompetence have been trounced by fear at the ballot box. The former is based on reason and an examination of the facts; the latter on emotion, with 9/11 as a trump card. But now reality may be making a comeback, as Bush’s authority breaks into a million little pieces.”
Goldy, I know you’re bound to start a specific thread on this, but it’s fascinating to see our old friend Mike Brown in yet another Congressional hearing. This time it’s being excerpted frequently on NPR and getting significant coverage in the MSM. It would seem there’s a purpose here. Brown is still spouting bullshit, but there seems to be an effort here to portray himself and his superiors as well-intentioned folks who just made a few mistakes. The public is now expected to buy the excuse that FEMA/Homeland Security, and the rest of the administration, let slip their readiness to deal with natural disasters because they were being oh-so-diligent in concentrating on procecting us from the big bad terrorists.
All of this is, of course, a crock. What we all saw (and I hope most of us remember) is a particularly glaring example of a continuation of the old Reagan scam of destroying Federal programs from the inside out by appointing jerk-offs to run them into the ground. In this case, the firehouse was blazing away whilst the fire fighters were taking joy rides in the hook-and-ladder trucks and ripping off the doorknobs to sell for scrap metal.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
re 37: ..and your point ,Jaybo, is what? That this improbable scenerio you are painting justifies all the lies , corruption , and deaths at the hands of the neo-cons?
GWB should be forced to write a handwritten letter of abject apology to every family of a soldier whose been killed for this useless nonsense of a war. I think what he did is murder and I’m hoping there is a God so that justice will be served in the hereafter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A new poll shows Hillary Clinton and John McCain the heavy favorites for their respective parties’ presidential nominations — and McCain beating Clinton in 6 of the 7 states surveyed.
I wonder who pays roger rabbit?
I am a right wing person. I hardly ever post on SP, because it isn’t as exciting as this site. I find the apopletic rage of you lefties amusing, and stirring the pot myself occasionally just adds to the fun. I don’t get paid, but watching your tantrums is reward enough.
I mentioned the other night that Diane Feinstein had announced she would be voting for the extension of the Patriot Act. I see in the news this morning that Harry Reid announced that he will vote for it as well. The current version is virtually unchanged from the version Reid bragged he had “killed” a few weeks ago. Thanks, Goldy, for explaining to all of us that it is the right who is trying to take away everyone’s rights and freedoms.
“I write about these things because I know my history.” Goldy, this is the funniest line you have ever written on this site. I will save it and cherish it always.
Goddamned moron wingers. The PATRIOT act was extended so they could spend more time on hammering out changes. Government isn’t a zero sum game.
Not everything in the PATRIOT act is a bad idea. It just contains a large number of bad ideas. There will be some version of the patriot act extant in the near future. The goal of Democrats in this regard is to ensure that adequate checks on government powers are implemented.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit @ 49 – Do you think TSWITW can get dem nomination? If so, do you think she can win?
I certainly hope she gets the nomination. Easy GOP win…
BTW rightys – Kerry got 41% of the military vote – tell us again how all military voters are for Bush???
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/11/06 @ 9:49 am
Of Active service members. BULLSHIT!!!! Donks are not welcomed by the active military period and for good reason. They are a bunch of terrorist hugging traitors.
Re: 48,
“improbable scenario”?
It looks to me like it is a very probable scenario given current events in the region.
It would drive you moonbats crazy if The President’s decision making turns out to be for the greater good of the middle east.
This is one thing that you will never understand, It’s God’s will that the nation of Israel remain in place and He will work in the affairs of man to ensure that his promise is kept to the children of Abraham.
You hate George Bush because he represents that which you hate.
John 3:19
“and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”.
Cougar === Roger Raaaaaaaaaaaaabbit
JDB === Roger Raaaaaaaaaabbit
Righton & Ivan are righton.
It has become a complete joke.
It is a classic example of totally unrestrained free speech.
A couple of jokers, one in paticular (Roger Rabbit) decides to post using multiple identities. Then makes the mistake of trying to use bloated statistics to somehow make a case that this Blog is a success.
The ironic thing is that the only person who seems to care is Roger Raaaaaaaaabbit/JDB/cougar et al.
Things have become virtually unreadable as Ivan points out.
The interesting things is 2 guys (one Left and one Right) have made it unreadable. Now if I’m the Lefty’s, I stop pointing to JCH and YO, and clean up my own house (Roger Rabbit et al). But I guess it doesn’t matter.
It really comes down to the point or mission of each Blog.
Goldy probably needs some sort of mission statement because right now the mission statement is Helter-Skelter.
Goldy is a very intelligent guy who has somewhat painted himself in the corner. But it’s his Blog. He sets the rules…..which are currently none.
60..Bothell, Your way is boring.
BTW rightys – Kerry got 41% of the military vote – tell us again how all military voters are for Bush???
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/11/06 @ 9:49 am [Rignt! And 90% of the Democrat blacks vote for me! ROTFLMAO!]
@21 You don’t believe we have the right to wiretap people who are calling up AQ operatives, but you think we have the right to detain Bin Laden’s distant relatives on no charges or even suspicion of wrongdoing. ROFL.
@39 Number of Republican Iraq War veterans who stayed in the military instead of running for congress: 300,000.
Bothel @ 60
“Cougar === Roger Raaaaaaaaaaaaabbit
JDB === Roger Raaaaaaaaaabbit”
Geez…every few months, a new wingnut show up and makes such claims. Sorry, Bothel, you are wrong. If you had more than a few days of experience on HA, you would know that RR is RR, and is not Couger or JDB.
Furthermore, nobody around here give a shit about your opinion or recommendations for how Goldy should run his blog.
Janet Sspews:
It is good to know that the Times and PI have stated their journalistic judgement of what to publish – if the group you are about to offend threatens violence, don’t publish. Otherwise, we publish what we want because we believe in freedom of speech.
Both papers have stated that they will pull something that might offend some groups. They don’t state which groups those are, but it is pretty clear.
Nice to know that our local papers are bending to Sharia law, without a single vote being taken. What’s next – burqas, so we don’t offend the same groups?
I’m sorry, that could be offensive!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A couple of jokers, one in paticular (Roger Rabbit) decides to post using multiple identities.”
Bullshit. I don’t post under any other identities.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Then makes the mistake of trying to use bloated statistics to somehow make a case that this Blog is a success.”
Republicans play games with statistics all the time, so why can’t I? Why should Republicans get a monopoly on everything? For example, Bush claims Social Security is in trouble, but under any set of economic assumptions that would make Bush’s privatization scheme workable, Social Security would run large surpluses. Bush uses one set of economic statistics to say SS is in trouble, and a different set of economic statistics to peddle privatization.
Roger Rabbitspews:
36 (continued)
I am not JDB or Cougar, and never have been.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Bothell, you’re kidding yourself if you think there’s only 1 or 2 people on this blog who oppose the GOP warmongers/liars/thieves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Jaybo, Ahmadinejad doesn’t hold power or make decisions in Iran. He’s little more than a figurehead. He can’t even pee unless the mullahs let him. This is just hate rhetoric, of the same sort we get from Ann Coulter.
If either Ahmadinejad or Coulter could order the use of WMDs, there would be something to worry about, but fortunately they can’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Tookie Williams was nominated for a Nobel Prize too, so John Bolton is in good company.
For the Cluelessspews:
It’s God’s will that the nation of Israel remain in place and He will work in the affairs of man to ensure that his promise is kept to the children of Abraham.
Omidog! The truth finally comes out that jaybo is a Christian Zionist. The simple facts that this country is over 3 trillion more in debt, over 2000 americans and many body parts lighter, and dependent on the Chinese and Japanese to fund our trade and budget deficts is merely – GOD’S WILL!
Now will you let the other shoe drop jaybot? What’s supposed to happen to those of “God’s Children” in Israel if they don’t accept Jesus as the Messiah? Do tell, jaybo. Do tell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Rabbit, If you all really support Israel, then why does the moonbat wing of the democratic party constantly oppose any actions that would allow the USA to prevent a violent confrontation? Comment by jaybo— 2/11/06 @ 9:50 am”
Is this the latest wingnut justification for launching preemptive wars against countries that happen to sit on top of an ocean of oil?
For the Cluelessspews:
Not only does jaybo sees himself as superior to the “moonbats” on this little comment board – he’s way ahead of the curve on the fate of some of God’s children.
Beam him up, O Almighty! Jaybo’s all set for the end times!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“One more thing Rabbit … the big dilemma that democrats face today, if they move even a little to the right they risk losing the support of their base.”
You don’t get it, Jaybo. The Democratic Party is a big tent. Unlike Republicans, we don’t throw people out who don’t toe the party line. Democrats have very diverse views, and diversity of viewpoints is welcomed and encouraged in our party. We’ve always had a peace faction and a pro-defense faction co-existing together in our party. We TOLERATE people with different opinions — but naturally, I don’t expect a wingnut to understand the concept of TOLERANCE.
However, Israel is one of the few issues where most Democrats agree. There’s a reason why 90% of Jews vote Democratic, and that’s because Democrats have always been staunch supporters of Israel. And unlike Republicans, we don’t just pay lip service to Middle East peace, we work for it. Bush undid decades of hard work and diplomatic accomplishments.
Comment by jaybo— 2/11/06 @ 9:55 am
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I wonder who pays roger rabbit?”
Your donation will be accepted and appreciated! Forward it to Goldy, he’ll make sure I get it. So far nobody has paid me anything, but I hope that’ll change any day now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I am a right wing person.”
I wouldn’t brag about that, if I were you. That’s like saying “I’m an ex-convict” or “I’m a junior high school dropout” or “I was recently released from a mental hospital.”
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
You need to get rid of these righty commenters. Their drivel drives down the quality of the threads because of the need to respond and not let their stupidity stand.
Janet Sspews:
“Jaybo, Ahmadinejad doesn’t hold power or make decisions in Iran. He’s little more than a figurehead. He can’t even pee unless the mullahs let him. This is just hate rhetoric, of the same sort we get from Ann Coulter.
If either Ahmadinejad or Coulter could order the use of WMDs, there would be something to worry about, but fortunately they can’t.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/11/06 @ 12:30 pm”
You have a great grasp of the obvious, when it comes to the head of Iran. He is the figurehead for the mad mullahs, who really do control everything. He only says what they tell him, which means the govt of Iran wants the destruction of Israel.
On the other hand, Ann Coulter is just a whacko who speaks for no one.
Got it? The one in power, with the nukes behind him, is the one we need to worry about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“46-“By Jonathan Alter’ AKA “lefty partisan hack”
“The good news is that the dems in Congress are polling 10+ points behind GW. Comment by mulesass— 2/11/06 @ 11:05 am”
Keep thinking that, jackass. That would put the Dems at around 25%. The polls I’ve seen say the public would prefer to see a Democratic Congress by about a 56% to 42% margin, or somewhere around there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey mulesass, I’ll bet you called the governor’s race for Rossi by 20 points, didn’t you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Eat shit, armadillo-lover!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Of Active service members. BULLSHIT!!!! Donks are not welcomed by the active military period and for good reason. They are a bunch of terrorist hugging traitors. Comment by RUFUS— 2/11/06 @ 11:21 am”
I won’t bother to cite a source, because I know FACTS are not part of your world, Doofus.
Get it straight, I am not Roger Rabbit. He is me…., or something like that.
Actually, if I was Roger Rabbit, one of us (and, at this point, I am equally unsure which), is not getting much sleep.
On the other hand, it is true that all posts on the minnow’s site are posted by him and three monkeys. He has banned all real people. It might be hard to tell which is which in their posts, although one of the monkeys is responsible for all statistical work. Why do you think Sharansky spends all of his time reading over here?
Following the Sharansky rule of truth, unless Stefan corrects this in the next ten posts, we know it is true.
Well, at least we know Rufus is not in the military.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Just paid tabs on my luxury SUV. It was way more than $30. Rons Sims is a fucking criminal and should be treated as such.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For RATIONAL people who are interested in FACTS (wingnuts need not apply),
Shortly before the 2004 election, Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute, a conservative think tank, said, “With the introduction of the volunteer force, the military has tended to skew Republican, though it’s less pronounced in the enlisted ranks.” The same article said a bipartisan poll of likely voters found Bush’s approval rating among relatives of military personnel was only 36 percent, and cited anecdotal evidence that relatives of reservists and even active duty personnel are upset by onerous deployments and Bush’s policies.
On Election Day 2004, liberal media bastion Fox News reported its Iowa exit polls showed, “Perhaps because Iowa has a particularly high percentage of residents serving overseas in the military, many cited Iraq as a key issue to their vote. … Military households in Iowa were slightly more likely to vote for Kerry than Bush (50 percent to 47 percent).”,2933,137521,00.html
In a September 2004 article, the Christian Science Monitor noted the existence of anti-Bush sentiment in the ranks of troops serving in Iraq.
The best support for rightwing arguments that active-duty soldiers strongly support Republicans and Bush is a 2004 Army Times survey of its readers, who favored Bush over Kerry by 78% to 18%. However, this unscientific survey was weighted almost entirely to career officers and sergeants, who tend to favor the GOP. Few soldiers in the lower ranks read Army Times.
As the CSM noted, “No scientific polls exist on the political leanings of currently deployed troops, military experts and officials say.” That’s because of the difficulty of conducting polls among deployed troops, who can’t readily be contacted by phone or at polling places, the traditional methods used by pollsters. Thus, wingnut claims that the military heavily favors Republican candidates are conjectural, and not based on hard date. Most people believe the military leans somewhat Republican, and this is probably correct. Based on polling data from inside the U.S., the CSM said, “surveys of US military personnel and their spouses in recent years indicate they are more likely to be conservative and Republican than the US civilian population – but not overwhelmingly so.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now watch the wingnuts attack Fox News as “liberal-biased media.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR @87
“Just paid tabs on my luxury SUV. It was way more than $30. Rons Sims is a fucking criminal and should be treated as such.”
Your gas-guzzling, pollution-spewing, road-hogging luxury SUV should be confiscated, sent to a rendering plant, and turned into beer cans.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Steel beer cans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“@39 Number of Republican Iraq War veterans who stayed in the military instead of running for congress: 300,000.”
@64 Number of Republican congressmen who stayed in the military instead of running for congress: None. Number of Republican congressmen who ever served in the military: You might find a couple if you look hard enough. Number of White House officials, cabinet secretaries, and Republican senators and congressmen who ever served in the military: Practically none of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Poltical party with the most draft dodgers: GOP
Mark The Redneckspews:
I drive a perfectly legal vehicle. Bad.
Ron Sims breaks the law. Good.
Moonbat thinking I guess…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Janet S @66
Hey Kevin — I have an idea! Why don’t you move to Pakistan, start an English-language newspaper, publish offensive cartoons about Mohammed, then stand in the midddle of the street for 10 seconds.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Nothing reminds me of Islamic fanatics quite so much as our own home-grown pseudo-Christian fanatics. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson both do a pretty good imitation of that Iranian guy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“the govt of Iran wants the destruction of Israel.”
No shit, Sherlock? You can say the same thing about every Arab country — buuuuut, 60 years later, Israel is still here. Wanting and getting are two different things, dope!
Sooo, if an Israel-hating country gets nuclear weapons, does that mean the end of Israel? No, because any country that uses a nuclear weapon is gonna get hit with nuclear weapons.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Steel beer cans?”
Yeah, forty-ouncers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Ron Sims breaks the law.”
What law did Sims break, MTR? I can think of a law Bush broke — FISA — but I don’t know of any law(s) Sims broke. By the way, when are you going to pay your gambling debts?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wow! This thread is up to 100 posts already! That’s more than Stefan’s pathetic little blog gets in a whole month.
Poster Childspews:
MTR @ 91 Steel beer cans that open with a can opener – like we had in Nam. Fuck yeah!
I love the mention of the “Luxury SUV” I envy you your luxurious – though unjustly taxed Rightist lifestyle. Woohooo! kicks the fucking shit out of my new Titanium bicycle.
Go get ’em!
BOB from BOEINGspews:
Are you suggesting Hilary will get the nomination? if she wants it.
R’s worst nightmare. Hilary, despite some negative, would bring Dems to full strength.
Can R’s corrupt voting in a dozen states again?
I fear yes. Al Gore was elected. Rush annointed in a coup d’etat.
Janet Sspews:
Roger – I am not Kevin Carns. Are you in love with him, or are you just paranoid and see him everywhere?
The mullahs in Iran don’t care if they get wiped out in the process of eliminating Israel. They have heaven, afterall. That’s what makes them dangerous. They (the mullahs,not Iranians in general) are sociopaths, not civilized people. I guess I’m not willing to test their resolve and risk the elimination of millions of people, like you are.
roger at 66:
Self-censorship is a dangerous thing. Today we don’t publish cartoons because they find it offensive, what don’t we publish tomorrow because they threaten to burn down a building? I don’t live in Pakistan, I live here, where I don’t have to live in fear of offending someone. At least that used to be the case. The MSM is giving it away really quickly.
Here is a poll of military personel for 2005:
) How would you describe your political views?
Very conservative 8%
Conservative 42%
Moderate 33%
Liberal 6%
Very liberal 1%
Decline to answer 10%
Most of the moderates and “decline to answer” probably sway to the right. What amazes me is that only 6% say they are liberal.
RE: Luxury SUV’s. It’s kind of interesting that Ford is now selling crew-cab pickups under the Lincoln brand. Not even particularly kinked out like the Cadillac mutation of the Chevy Avalanche–just a straightforward three-quarter ton road-crew special with leather seats and stuff, and only s six-foot bed so there’s hope of getting it in a single space at Northgate.
Presumably, the intended market for this thing hereabouts is to be the official vehicle for members of the Building Industry Association of Washington.
Wait make tha 7%. Wow 1% are open traitors.
Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtistspews:
Rufus is an ignorant bunghole.
and once again RUFUS. Where is the link? Is it to Limbaugh or Coulter? You are an incredibly apt idiot at posting garbage and then running away. WOW, sounds like you are qualified to be the president!!!!! Liar and hider.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Poster – “Unjustly taxed” WTF is that? Why is it “unjust” for me to keep MY FUCKING MONEY? What fucking right do you have to MY money? What rate do you think I should pay?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Rabbit -What law did Sims break? Leseee…. The People have demanded $30 tabs on more than one occasion. Yet, in clear violation of The Law and The People, he continues to collect tax for the mother of all boondoggles. Ron Sims is a career criminal.
It just gets worse:
“Support for President George W. Bush’s Iraq policy has fallen among the US armed forces to just 54 percent from 63 percent a year ago, according to a poll by the magazine group Military Times.”
The people of King County have repeatedly voted to tax themselves more. The people of King County have rejected Tim Eyman’s initatives.
Perhaps you should listen to the people instead of forcing the majority to think like you?
Support for President George W. Bush’s Iraq policy has fallen among the US armed forces to just 54 percent from 63 percent a year ago, according to a poll by the magazine group Military Times.”
I know, if it keeps on going like this it could get as bad as Clinton’s 1992 approval rating.
Your gas-guzzling, pollution-spewing, road-hogging luxury SUV should be confiscated, sent to a rendering plant, and turned into beer cans.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/11/06 @ 1:48 pm [Are you talking about Al Gore’s Gulfstream, or John “Fing” Kerry’s Citation? “All animals are equal, but Democrat libs flying in private jets and giving speeches on “globl warming” are just a little more equal.”]
When the Kerrys and Kennedys give up their “multi” homes, jets, 130 ft Chris Crafts, jet skis, and limos, I’ll give up my 350/350 Vette. Until then, Dems, fuck you!
you gotta love RUFUS’ cut and paste techniques. If he delved into the numbers a little bit deeper instead of ‘choosing’ the number that suits his purpose he would have also found that President William J. Clinton had the highest end of term presidential rating in history! Even with the RepubliCONS wasting time and money over a blow job, he left office with a 65% positive approval rating. I wonder if GWB can try and maintain his to atleast 37%?
115, YO, Let Hillary win the Dem primary! We will destroy her in NOV 2008!
Cougar, Didn’t the Clintons leave office with lots of White House furniture? Yeah, I think they did!!! [hehe]
Be Careful What You Type!!!
“I am furious with the tragically misplaced priorities and criminal negligence of this government,” it began. “The Katrina tragedy in the U.S. shows that the emperor has no clothes!” She mentioned that she was “a VA nurse” working with returning vets. “The public has no sense of the additional devastating human and financial costs of post-traumatic stress disorder,” she wrote, and she worried about the hundreds of thousands of additional cases that might result from Katrina and the Iraq War.
“Bush, Cheney, Chertoff, Brown, and Rice should be tried for criminal negligence,” she wrote. “This country needs to get out of Iraq now and return to our original vision and priorities of caring for land and people and resources rather than killing for oil. . . . We need to wake up and get real here, and act forcefully to remove a government administration playing games of smoke and mirrors and vicious deceit.
Otherwise, many more of us will be facing living hell in these times.”
Laura Berg wrote this letter to the editor in Albuquerque, NM. Shortly there after her computer was confiscated and she is under investigation for sedition.
Cougar, New Orleans “post-traumatic stress disorder”? Is this what happens when you get caught looting 52 Sony plasma HD TVs?
@88 For RATIONAL people who are interested in FACTS (wingnuts need not apply),
CNN exit polls of those who ever served in the miliary showed Bush getting 57%, Kerry getting 41%
For those intersted in the REAL facts, I wouldn’t pay much attention to CNN exit polls. They said Kerry won :)
My God you are finally right JCH. Taking (fact or fiction?) furnishings is equal to ‘doctoring evidence and getting 2200+ US Soldiers killed and 100k+ Iraquis. Your logic is very impressive. Do you happen to be related to YO and RUFUS? All three only use caps in their names.
wow, your ‘cruelty’ really hurts me YO. A cockroach has more character than you do
124, I wish. No, more like the Black Entertainment Channel!
by the way YO, you can seek help for your problem.
Crack. Marlboros, King Cobra, coke, food stamps, Section 8 housing, voter fraud: The backbone of Today’s Democrat Party
CNN exit polls of those who ever served in the miliary showed Bush getting 57%, Kerry getting 41%
Yeah CNN didnt report the negative news from Iraq so they wouldnt offend Sadam. The head of the news department admitted to it. It is not surprising they would skew the polls toward Kerry. A vote for Kerry is a vote for Sadam and the terrorists.
A Muslim leader behind a mass rally in London yesterday gave a warning of “fire throughout the world†if the West continues to publish cartoons of Mohammed. At the protest in Trafalgar Square, attended by 5,000 Muslims, there were no arrests and none of the inflammatory placards or costumes seen at last weekend’s demonstrations. [Time to REV up the ICBMs and B-52s. The Japs quit after two. I think maybe an even dozen would shut up the towel heads!]
and once again RUFUS. Where is the link? Is it to Limbaugh or Coulter? You are an incredibly apt idiot at posting garbage and then running away. WOW, sounds like you are qualified to be the president!!!!! Liar and hider.
For the Dickhead Drivel & AnalBaptist RevManspews:
Drivel: Recently, you requested a link from Rufus. He delivered and your post #135 demonstrates your low intelligence quotient!
Looks like the Rev Man is projecting his internal feelings (dildo in the ass) upon others!
[JCH] is Funnyspews:
Why would the lefties on HorsesASS want to ban JCH? He provides Roger Rabbit enough material to post over 20% of the lefty entries on each HorsesASS thread!
So redneck, let me get this straight, you drive a heavier than normal vehicle, cause much more damage to the infrastructure than most people, but somehow you think your fair shair is the same as everyone else’s? And you seriously call other people communists? What else, when you go out do you eat three quarters of the pizza and insist that you only pay one eighth cause there are eight slices there? Your a fucking crook man.
Bill, [143], Tell me how you feel about the Kennedy “Compound”, J. F. Kerry’s 130 Christ Craft ship, or Al Gore’s Gulfstream G-5? No “global warming” here, right? [All animals are equal, but Democrats who give speeches about global warming are just a little more equal than others!] [hehe]
144…cont, How many gallons of AVGAS does Gore’s private jet get when he flies into Subdance to take a limo to and overheated hotel suite to give a speech on “Global Warming”? You libs are nuts!
I’ll give up my 350/350 Vette when the Kennedys live in 1250 square foot home. Until then, Democrats, fuck off!
We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.
Hillary Clinton – June 2004
and for all of you ‘JCH’ types that continually abuse the situation in the South after Katrina.
Hurricane Katrina exposed the U.S. government’s failure to learn the lessons of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, as leaders from President Bush down disregarded ample warnings of the threat to New Orleans and did not execute emergency plans or share information that would have saved lives, according to a blistering report by House investigators.
Now we get to see the ‘feeding frenzy’ of GOP on GOP in DC.
Mark The Redneckspews:
[JCH] – Are you stoopid? Don’t you know Hillary is The Smartest Woman In The World? She knows better than (and all of us) what is good for us.
149, Redneck, Best regards, JCH
143…….When I BUY the pizza with my OWN funds, then I’ll eat as much as I wish! GET IT, COMMIE???
redneck, are you retarded too? While I would agree that hillary and gore and kennedy et al, probably are consuming more, and if they are not paying higher taxes to cover the higher cost, what the hell does that have to do with you trying to make me pay higher taxes to cover the damage your broke ass suv is doing to the roads? Nice try at redirection but what the crook dems are doing has no relation to me finding your hand in my pocket, now does it?
What its too hard to argue with those not in a party so you just say they are in a party and insult as normal? You guys really are stupid arent you?
153, Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Bill, Did not Redneck pay a few thousand sales tax and registration fees when he bought his SUV? Perhaps he pays gas tax every time he fills the tank? Fuck you, libs! When Kennedy flies “coach”, and Kerry flew “commercial”, I’ll give up my GMC. GET IT, COMMIE LIB?
“We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too. Otherwise they will turn out to be outright traitors.†[Question: Do you think John Walker and his parents [Marin County, Ca] are Republicans or Democrats? [hehe]]
Congo leader’s £169,000 hotel bill
Tony Allen-Mills, New York
THE leader of one of Africa’s poorest countries paid more than £100,000 in cash towards a £169,000 hotel bill run up by his entourage during last year’s United Nations summit in New York, according to court documents obtained by The Sunday Times [Crack, King Cobra, and a wad of $100 bills! He be one bad ass black Democrat MOFO!!! hehe]
Mark The Redneckspews:
oh fuck… this gonna be bad… Cheney…
My Left Footspews:
I have been banned from (un)Sound Politics. Might be that I used two monikers in order to avoid harassing emails from Soupy, Amused and Cyniclown. I guess I broke a rule. I notice the comment totals there have dropped to a new low, averaging about 15 posts per thread.
btw: don’t believe that MTR has a luxury vehicle for a second. The makings of greatness aren’t in him.
also not terribly likely that JCH owns a ‘vette…
Just sayin’
@ 158
That’s because the RATpublicans are jumping from the sinking ship. The rest of them are the stoooopid ones, like JCH, who drown because of their blind faith to their leader.
I think it’s very true that JCH owns a ‘vette. A Chevette.
Here’s a picture of JCH’s “Git-R-Don” rig from Pahoa, HI, I mean Kent, WA.
Will the wingnuts condemn these disgusting blogs?
Talk about politicizing a death. All the proof you ever need that the minnow and wingnuts like him have no decency.
goldy: now maybe you’ll do somthing about the paid trolls… They’ve been doin’ this crap for weeks, if not longer.
Yeah, too many retards on these here threads. Please, please, please, don’t make me start dropping recipes again.
I haven’t done this for a while, and since there are boring moments in the Opening Ceremonies, It’s time for a break down of activity between SP and HA. For the week of 2/04/06-2/10/06, as of 9:40 p.m. PST, here is the break down.
Number of Posts:
HA=1550 SP=940
Number of Threads:
HA=16 SP=39
Average Posts per Day:
HA=271.4 SP=134.4
Average Post per Thread:
HA=96.8 SP=24.1
Median Posts for the Week per thread:
HA=116.5 SP=19
Biggest Thread of the Week:
HA = Drinking Liberally (208 posts as of 9:40p 2/10/06): Author David Goldstein
SP = Franz Gregoire, R.I.P.(119 posts as of 9:40 2/10/06): Author Stefan Sharansky
*Note: Podcasting Liberally went beyond 208 posts after 9:40p.m 9/10/06. There is no thread at SP that comes close (second leading threat nearly 1/2 as big (63 posts) ).
Smallest Thread of the Week:
HA = The End is Nigh (25 posts): Author David Goldstein
SP = Shark Radio – 2/09/06 (2 Posts) Author Stefan Sharansky
NB: All numbers were compiled by hand, so there might be some minor errors. I did double check my work though. Anyway, what do you want, I don’t have the BIAW paying me to do this like some. If anyone wants the raw data, I would be glad to provide you with it.
Number of Posts:
Roger Rabbit posting some stupid excrement=1400
rest of HA=150
Michael has his head up his wingnut ass – priceless.
Typical Lefty playing with stats.
The fact is, 2 individuals post more than half the comments on HA.
Some individuals post using multiple identities.
Do you really take this seriously JDB?
Like most Seattle Folk Marxists, your mind is adrift.
Of course, unlike a wingnut, you have some proof to back up your statements…, oh wait, you don’t.
Typical wingnut. You wouldn’t want to let something like a fact get in your way.
Your comment threads have been unreadable for months now.
Goldy, you likely don’t care….
But the combo of very profane/unintelligent ranting (both sides) plus your cousin Roger posting 15 in a row (frequently) leaves of few of us on the couch w/ our copy of National Review.
Of course you might also be losing some decent liberal readers/posters for the same reasons.
I’ll go find some recipes to post, to help counter redundant roger.
rigamortus on, if you don’t like it here, stay the hell away. This is a liberal blog and most of your (99%) comments are complete GARBAGE
Interesting piece on MSNBC today – Alter details how Monkey Face uses super secret intelligence for partisan reasons. America is in danger right now and our biggest enemy is the republican party. I wonder if the inbred right wing morons will stick with the cowardly Bush after they realize he’s destroyed the American way of life?
CAMBRIDGE, Md. – President Bush defended his warrantless eavesdropping program Friday, saying during what he thought were private remarks that he concluded that spying on Americans was necessary to fill a gap in the United States’ security.
Funny, GWB will ‘almost’ tell the truth when he thinks he is off ‘microfone’. It would be ‘fabulous’ to have him under a truth serum and really delve into his ‘mental midgetry’ and understand ‘the rest of the story’!
Three More Lawmakers Linked to Abramoff
So YO, righton, leftsucks(MR C), Jaundiced Coat Hanger, Klake et all. What do you have to say for you ‘IDOLS’ now? Just as I figured, they will be totally silent, try to ‘shoot’ the messenger, say Yahoo is ‘liberal’, or wait for ‘talking points’ to come out so they can ‘cut and paste’.
re 7: It’s not 1918 any more so no one’s listening to your “scary Marxists behind every door” rhetoric except the few remaining splenetic, frothing Reaganites from the GREATEST GENERATION EVER who voted for that dumb bastard to get back at the “hippies”. We’re not expecting any Palmer Raids.
The Heritage Foundation thinks that Social Security is a Marxist Plot and needs to be totally destroyed. They wrote a position paper on it some years ago. Their basic scheme was to promise those heading into retirement that they would get FULL BENEFITS but the younger workers would get smaller benefits but have PRIVATIZED ACCOUNTS that would make up for a part of the difference. Interestingly enough, the Republicans lost 24 House seats after pushing this socially irresponsible scheme.
The key feature was to divide the young and theold by promising the old FULL BENEFITS and blaming the full benefit old people for the fact that the young were going to get the short end of the retirement stick.
What the FAMILY VALUES Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party forgot was that the young and old workers were FAMILY and not so easily divided. This was a lesson that “W” apparently forgot because while we Lefties were thinking about the future he, “W”, was ACTING ON IT. SEEMS AMERICA DIDN’T GO FOR THE PRIVATIZING SCHEME THIS TIME EITHER. Maybe “W” should think before he acts? Ya think? Some young, smart, politically savvy Democrat could use that divisive Heritage Foundation paper that advises the promises to the old to divide them from the young and point out that “W” did exactly the same thing in his DESTROY SOCIAL SECIURITY scheme? His undemocratic move to shove his disastrous scheme down our throats by just sticking it in the budget doesn’t look good. No. Notat all!
Maybe “W” will become the uniter he always claimed to be when people unite against him over Social Security. And if that works how far down the list can election reform be?
No more corporate money and a restoration of the fairness doctrine…
“Helluva Job Brownie!”
No wonder Brown didn’t respond to Bushie, “Helluva Job Georgie!”
Super funny song called “Guys Like Me” you MUST HEAR This. It’s listed near the top at
A repub scandal….mostly.
LeftTurncoat-12 America is in danger right now and our biggest enemy is the republican party.
That is exactly what Osama keeps saying.
Politics for the ‘neocons’ are just like sports. Watch and see when the tide turns and the Democrats are in the driver’s seat again! All of our ‘pet trolls’ will start commenting that ‘I never voted for GWB’! He is dishonest! Fair Weather Fans are they! They just do not realize how perilous their ‘insensitivity’ will be measured for generations to come!!!!!!!
re 19: Our biggest enemy is the man in the white house who flew Osama’s family out of America and to safety in the Middle East and then turncoated us in Afganistan by fixing the intelligence about Iraq so that he could attack them and further enrich the “private sector” ( which consists of a few hundred billionnaires and starring the Bush family as Mr. Belvedere’s to the rich! ).
But don’t take my word for it. Go read the front page of the Seattle Times for this morning. YOU, Muleass, are the traitorous SOB and if you called me turncoat you’d soon be visiting the dentist.
And tell us all, Muleass, whose fault is it that Osama is still alive to say anything? It’s you and your traitorous president, as detailed in the FUCKING MSM NEWSPAPER THAT’S ON EVERY FUCKING DOORSTEP IN AMERICA AS WE SPEAK!!!!!!!!
So kiss my ass, bitch!!!!
re 20: You’re right. It was hard to find a Nixon voter for a while there.
Goldy, the #1 thing you could do to clean up your comment threads is to ban JCH. He’s a racist misogynist dipshit who contributes nothing of value. He does not care what a thread is about , he just repeats the same moronic crap… Every. Single. Thread.
The other wingnut commenters on the site do not even deserve the title ‘Troll’ compared to JCH. They at least try to engage the issue at hand.
Again, purty please ban JCH.
“The fact is, 2 individuals post more than half the comments on HA.”
Yeah, and one of ’em is a paid GOP poster.
“Some individuals post using multiple identities.”
The only poster known to be doing this is Kevin Carns, the paid GOP poster.
Do you notice how wingnuts always accuse US of pulling THEIR shit?
[ ] (1) Go back to Sucky Politics,
[ ] (2) Go fuck yourself, or
[ ] (3) Go fuck an armadillo.
“But the combo of very profane/unintelligent ranting (both sides) plus your cousin Roger posting 15 in a row (frequently) leaves of few of us on the couch w/ our copy of National Review.”
If you don’t like the reading material on HorsesAss, why do you read it? Why are you still here? You haven’t left yet? Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out.
“Funny, GWB will ‘almost’ tell the truth when he thinks he is off ‘microfone’. It would be ‘fabulous’ to have him under a truth serum”
Trouble is, Bush would easily pass a lie detector test even if injected with truth serum. So would a rock. For the same reasons.
“splenetic, frothing Reaganites from the GREATEST GENERATION EVER who voted for that dumb bastard to get back at the “hippies”.”
Hey, aren’t they the same generation who sent my generation to Vietnam and turned their backs on us when we came home?
Hey mulesass, old spin … tribes support Democrats, Abramoff ripped off tribes, therefore Democrats must be corrupt …
What a dumbass.
BTW “mulesass” is a good name for a GOP troll — they stubbornly persist in parroting GOP talking points no matter what the facts are or how many times they’re refuted.
“That is exactly what Osama keeps saying. Comment by mulesass— 2/11/06 @ 7:50 am”
Osama has no better friend than George W. Bush … after all, he’s enjoyed 5 years of freedom after 9/11. If Bush had any cajones, he would have taken the bin Laden family hostage, instead of flying them back to Saudi Arabia. Oops, that would have hurt Bush family investments and business interests.
Roger Rabbit has posted 11 comments in a row. If you don’t like it, go to Stefan’s pathetic little blog and post 11 comments in a row.
Hey Stefan — I KNOW YOU READ THIS BLOG — how come you aren’t going to share your windfall with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who PAID for your lawsuit against King County? Some buddy you are!!! I’ll bet you’re the kind of person who borrows a neighbor’s lawn mower and never returns it.
Cougar === Roger Raaaaaaaaaaaaabbit
JDB === Roger Raaaaaaaaaabbit
Righton & Ivan are righton.
It has become a complete joke.
It is a classic example of totally unrestrained free speech.
A couple of jokers, one in paticular (Roger Rabbit) decides to post using multiple identities. Then makes the mistake of trying to use bloated statistics to somehow make a case that this Blog is a success.
The ironic thing is that the only person who seems to care is Roger Raaaaaaaaabbit/JDB/cougar et al.
Things have become virtually unreadable as Ivan points out.
The interesting things is 2 guys (one Left and one Right) have made it unreadable. Now if I’m the Lefty’s, I stop pointing to JCH and YO, and clean up my own house (Roger Rabbit et al). But I guess it doesn’t matter.
It really comes down to the point or mission of each Blog.
Goldy probably needs some sort of mission statement because right now the mission statement is Helter-Skelter.
Goldy is a very intelligent guy who has somewhat painted himself in the corner. But it’s his Blog. He sets the rules…..which are currently none.
With the following statements coming out now on a daily basis from the newest reincarnation of Hitler, I wonder how important it is for the US military to have a strong presence in two countries that border Iran.
I wouldn’t doubt that some of you moonbats would be willing to sacrifice Israel to avoid conflict (Goldy I’m not sure of).
But wouldn’t it be ironic if the presence of American troops in close proximity to this monster would end up being a deterrent that prevents a major conflict?
Ahmadinejad: Israel ‘will be removed’
Tehran (dpa) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday that the Palestinians and “other nations” will eventually remove Israel from the region.
Addressing a mass demonstration in Tehran – one of many organized throughout Iran to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the Islamic revolution – he once again questioned the Holocaust “fairy tale”.
“We ask the West to remove what they created sixty years ago and if they do not listen to our recommendations, then the Palestinian nation and other nations will eventually do this for them,” Ahmadinejad said in a ceremony marking the 27th anniversary of the Islamic revolution.
“Do the removal of Israel before it is too late and save yourself from the fury of regional nations,” the ultra-conservative president said. He once again called the Holocaust a “fairy tale” and said Europeans have become hostages of “Zionists” in Israel.
Roger Rabbit, It’s Saturday! Get a life!
Number of Iraq War veterans running for Congress as Republicans: 1
Number of Iraq War veterans running for Congress as Democrats: 9
Hey rightys — tell us again how all military people are Republicans???
“I wouldn’t doubt that some of you moonbats would be willing to sacrifice Israel to avoid conflict (Goldy I’m not sure of).”
Is it really possible for anyone to be this fucking ignorant of history? It must be intentional. Hey Jaybo, question for ya … why do 90% of Jewish voters vote Democratic? Maybe because Democrats support (and have always supported) Israel? Ya think? Get your head out of your ass … no, on second thought, leave it there, up your ass is a good place for it.
This little news item is really not getting much attention. I would have to guess that if Bolton is honored, it will reflect badly on those democrats (and RINOs) that tried to “fear monger” and stop this nomination.
“WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 /U.S. Newswire/ — Two Americans who played a major role in exposing Iran’s secret nuclear weapons plans have been nominated for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.
United Nations Ambassador John Bolton and longtime Iran investigator Kenneth R. Timmerman were nominated for their repeated warnings and documentation of Iran’s secret nuclear buildup and revealing Iran’s “repeated lying” and false reports to the International Atomic Energy Agency.”
BTW rightys — Kerry got 41% of the military vote — tell us again how all military voters are for Bush???
If you all really support Israel, then why does the moonbat wing of the democratic party constantly oppose any actions that would allow the USA to prevent a violent confrontation?
One more thing Rabbit,
When you say the following; “Hey rightys – tell us again how all military people are Republicans???”
Do you think that maybe this will marginalize the Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink wing of your party?
This is the big dilemma that democrats face today, if they move even a little to the right they risk losing the support of their base.
Jonathan Alter of Newsweek suggests American voters may be waking up from their long sleepwalk:
“By Jonathan Alter
“Feb. 6, 2006 issue – Strangely enough, we may look back on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006, as the day America found its moral compass, long buried at the bottom of the national dirty-linen bag. … By ‘moral’ I’m not talking just about the ‘culture of corruption’ in Washington. I’m talking about restoring a reasonable respect for at least minimum standards of truth.
” … the iconic moment took place not in the capital but at the heart of the entertainment-industrial complex—in this case, ‘Oprah.’ … Something happened in that studio that went beyond ‘good TV.’ Such is the power of Oprah that her moment of truth seemed to shame the American public into more respect for the actual facts of a situation.
” … New polls show [Bush’s] approval ratings in the dismal low 40s, with strong majorities believing he has failed on every score except keeping the country safe.
” … In recent years, failure and incompetence have been trounced by fear at the ballot box. The former is based on reason and an examination of the facts; the latter on emotion, with 9/11 as a trump card. But now reality may be making a comeback, as Bush’s authority breaks into a million little pieces.”
Goldy, I know you’re bound to start a specific thread on this, but it’s fascinating to see our old friend Mike Brown in yet another Congressional hearing. This time it’s being excerpted frequently on NPR and getting significant coverage in the MSM. It would seem there’s a purpose here. Brown is still spouting bullshit, but there seems to be an effort here to portray himself and his superiors as well-intentioned folks who just made a few mistakes. The public is now expected to buy the excuse that FEMA/Homeland Security, and the rest of the administration, let slip their readiness to deal with natural disasters because they were being oh-so-diligent in concentrating on procecting us from the big bad terrorists.
All of this is, of course, a crock. What we all saw (and I hope most of us remember) is a particularly glaring example of a continuation of the old Reagan scam of destroying Federal programs from the inside out by appointing jerk-offs to run them into the ground. In this case, the firehouse was blazing away whilst the fire fighters were taking joy rides in the hook-and-ladder trucks and ripping off the doorknobs to sell for scrap metal.
re 37: ..and your point ,Jaybo, is what? That this improbable scenerio you are painting justifies all the lies , corruption , and deaths at the hands of the neo-cons?
GWB should be forced to write a handwritten letter of abject apology to every family of a soldier whose been killed for this useless nonsense of a war. I think what he did is murder and I’m hoping there is a God so that justice will be served in the hereafter.
A new poll shows Hillary Clinton and John McCain the heavy favorites for their respective parties’ presidential nominations — and McCain beating Clinton in 6 of the 7 states surveyed.
I wonder who pays roger rabbit?
I am a right wing person. I hardly ever post on SP, because it isn’t as exciting as this site. I find the apopletic rage of you lefties amusing, and stirring the pot myself occasionally just adds to the fun. I don’t get paid, but watching your tantrums is reward enough.
I mentioned the other night that Diane Feinstein had announced she would be voting for the extension of the Patriot Act. I see in the news this morning that Harry Reid announced that he will vote for it as well. The current version is virtually unchanged from the version Reid bragged he had “killed” a few weeks ago. Thanks, Goldy, for explaining to all of us that it is the right who is trying to take away everyone’s rights and freedoms.
“I write about these things because I know my history.” Goldy, this is the funniest line you have ever written on this site. I will save it and cherish it always.
Goddamned moron wingers. The PATRIOT act was extended so they could spend more time on hammering out changes. Government isn’t a zero sum game.
Not everything in the PATRIOT act is a bad idea. It just contains a large number of bad ideas. There will be some version of the patriot act extant in the near future. The goal of Democrats in this regard is to ensure that adequate checks on government powers are implemented.
Wabbit @ 49 – Do you think TSWITW can get dem nomination? If so, do you think she can win?
I certainly hope she gets the nomination. Easy GOP win…
You donks should be ashamed of yourselfs.
When one donk gets killed you should turn and offer the other donk. Not very tolerant of you I must say.
21- ‘..if you called me turncoat you’d soon be visiting the dentist.’
Based on your rantings it appears that you are at least trying to appear as a turncoat. Recommendation: Do not answer the phone when it rings.
46-“By Jonathan Alter’ AKA “lefty partisan hack”
The good news is that the dems in Congress are polling 10+ points behind GW.
24- ‘Yeah, and one of ‘em is a paid GOP poster.’
And the other is Michael Moore’s man-slave.
@55. Blatant falsehood. Cite please kthx. Try here:
BTW rightys – Kerry got 41% of the military vote – tell us again how all military voters are for Bush???
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/11/06 @ 9:49 am
Of Active service members. BULLSHIT!!!! Donks are not welcomed by the active military period and for good reason. They are a bunch of terrorist hugging traitors.
Re: 48,
“improbable scenario”?
It looks to me like it is a very probable scenario given current events in the region.
It would drive you moonbats crazy if The President’s decision making turns out to be for the greater good of the middle east.
This is one thing that you will never understand, It’s God’s will that the nation of Israel remain in place and He will work in the affairs of man to ensure that his promise is kept to the children of Abraham.
You hate George Bush because he represents that which you hate.
John 3:19
“and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”.
Cougar === Roger Raaaaaaaaaaaaabbit
JDB === Roger Raaaaaaaaaabbit
Righton & Ivan are righton.
It has become a complete joke.
It is a classic example of totally unrestrained free speech.
A couple of jokers, one in paticular (Roger Rabbit) decides to post using multiple identities. Then makes the mistake of trying to use bloated statistics to somehow make a case that this Blog is a success.
The ironic thing is that the only person who seems to care is Roger Raaaaaaaaabbit/JDB/cougar et al.
Things have become virtually unreadable as Ivan points out.
The interesting things is 2 guys (one Left and one Right) have made it unreadable. Now if I’m the Lefty’s, I stop pointing to JCH and YO, and clean up my own house (Roger Rabbit et al). But I guess it doesn’t matter.
It really comes down to the point or mission of each Blog.
Goldy probably needs some sort of mission statement because right now the mission statement is Helter-Skelter.
Goldy is a very intelligent guy who has somewhat painted himself in the corner. But it’s his Blog. He sets the rules…..which are currently none.
60..Bothell, Your way is boring.
BTW rightys – Kerry got 41% of the military vote – tell us again how all military voters are for Bush???
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/11/06 @ 9:49 am [Rignt! And 90% of the Democrat blacks vote for me! ROTFLMAO!]
@21 You don’t believe we have the right to wiretap people who are calling up AQ operatives, but you think we have the right to detain Bin Laden’s distant relatives on no charges or even suspicion of wrongdoing. ROFL.
@39 Number of Republican Iraq War veterans who stayed in the military instead of running for congress: 300,000.
Bothel @ 60
“Cougar === Roger Raaaaaaaaaaaaabbit
JDB === Roger Raaaaaaaaaabbit”
Geez…every few months, a new wingnut show up and makes such claims. Sorry, Bothel, you are wrong. If you had more than a few days of experience on HA, you would know that RR is RR, and is not Couger or JDB.
Furthermore, nobody around here give a shit about your opinion or recommendations for how Goldy should run his blog.
It is good to know that the Times and PI have stated their journalistic judgement of what to publish – if the group you are about to offend threatens violence, don’t publish. Otherwise, we publish what we want because we believe in freedom of speech.
Both papers have stated that they will pull something that might offend some groups. They don’t state which groups those are, but it is pretty clear.
Nice to know that our local papers are bending to Sharia law, without a single vote being taken. What’s next – burqas, so we don’t offend the same groups?
I’m sorry, that could be offensive!
“A couple of jokers, one in paticular (Roger Rabbit) decides to post using multiple identities.”
Bullshit. I don’t post under any other identities.
“Then makes the mistake of trying to use bloated statistics to somehow make a case that this Blog is a success.”
Republicans play games with statistics all the time, so why can’t I? Why should Republicans get a monopoly on everything? For example, Bush claims Social Security is in trouble, but under any set of economic assumptions that would make Bush’s privatization scheme workable, Social Security would run large surpluses. Bush uses one set of economic statistics to say SS is in trouble, and a different set of economic statistics to peddle privatization.
36 (continued)
I am not JDB or Cougar, and never have been.
Hey Bothell, you’re kidding yourself if you think there’s only 1 or 2 people on this blog who oppose the GOP warmongers/liars/thieves.
Jaybo, Ahmadinejad doesn’t hold power or make decisions in Iran. He’s little more than a figurehead. He can’t even pee unless the mullahs let him. This is just hate rhetoric, of the same sort we get from Ann Coulter.
If either Ahmadinejad or Coulter could order the use of WMDs, there would be something to worry about, but fortunately they can’t.
Tookie Williams was nominated for a Nobel Prize too, so John Bolton is in good company.
It’s God’s will that the nation of Israel remain in place and He will work in the affairs of man to ensure that his promise is kept to the children of Abraham.
Omidog! The truth finally comes out that jaybo is a Christian Zionist. The simple facts that this country is over 3 trillion more in debt, over 2000 americans and many body parts lighter, and dependent on the Chinese and Japanese to fund our trade and budget deficts is merely – GOD’S WILL!
Now will you let the other shoe drop jaybot? What’s supposed to happen to those of “God’s Children” in Israel if they don’t accept Jesus as the Messiah? Do tell, jaybo. Do tell.
“Rabbit, If you all really support Israel, then why does the moonbat wing of the democratic party constantly oppose any actions that would allow the USA to prevent a violent confrontation? Comment by jaybo— 2/11/06 @ 9:50 am”
Is this the latest wingnut justification for launching preemptive wars against countries that happen to sit on top of an ocean of oil?
Not only does jaybo sees himself as superior to the “moonbats” on this little comment board – he’s way ahead of the curve on the fate of some of God’s children.
Beam him up, O Almighty! Jaybo’s all set for the end times!
“One more thing Rabbit … the big dilemma that democrats face today, if they move even a little to the right they risk losing the support of their base.”
You don’t get it, Jaybo. The Democratic Party is a big tent. Unlike Republicans, we don’t throw people out who don’t toe the party line. Democrats have very diverse views, and diversity of viewpoints is welcomed and encouraged in our party. We’ve always had a peace faction and a pro-defense faction co-existing together in our party. We TOLERATE people with different opinions — but naturally, I don’t expect a wingnut to understand the concept of TOLERANCE.
However, Israel is one of the few issues where most Democrats agree. There’s a reason why 90% of Jews vote Democratic, and that’s because Democrats have always been staunch supporters of Israel. And unlike Republicans, we don’t just pay lip service to Middle East peace, we work for it. Bush undid decades of hard work and diplomatic accomplishments.
Comment by jaybo— 2/11/06 @ 9:55 am
“I wonder who pays roger rabbit?”
Your donation will be accepted and appreciated! Forward it to Goldy, he’ll make sure I get it. So far nobody has paid me anything, but I hope that’ll change any day now.
“I am a right wing person.”
I wouldn’t brag about that, if I were you. That’s like saying “I’m an ex-convict” or “I’m a junior high school dropout” or “I was recently released from a mental hospital.”
You need to get rid of these righty commenters. Their drivel drives down the quality of the threads because of the need to respond and not let their stupidity stand.
“Jaybo, Ahmadinejad doesn’t hold power or make decisions in Iran. He’s little more than a figurehead. He can’t even pee unless the mullahs let him. This is just hate rhetoric, of the same sort we get from Ann Coulter.
If either Ahmadinejad or Coulter could order the use of WMDs, there would be something to worry about, but fortunately they can’t.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/11/06 @ 12:30 pm”
You have a great grasp of the obvious, when it comes to the head of Iran. He is the figurehead for the mad mullahs, who really do control everything. He only says what they tell him, which means the govt of Iran wants the destruction of Israel.
On the other hand, Ann Coulter is just a whacko who speaks for no one.
Got it? The one in power, with the nukes behind him, is the one we need to worry about.
“46-“By Jonathan Alter’ AKA “lefty partisan hack”
“The good news is that the dems in Congress are polling 10+ points behind GW. Comment by mulesass— 2/11/06 @ 11:05 am”
Keep thinking that, jackass. That would put the Dems at around 25%. The polls I’ve seen say the public would prefer to see a Democratic Congress by about a 56% to 42% margin, or somewhere around there.
Hey mulesass, I’ll bet you called the governor’s race for Rossi by 20 points, didn’t you?
Eat shit, armadillo-lover!
“Of Active service members. BULLSHIT!!!! Donks are not welcomed by the active military period and for good reason. They are a bunch of terrorist hugging traitors. Comment by RUFUS— 2/11/06 @ 11:21 am”
I won’t bother to cite a source, because I know FACTS are not part of your world, Doofus.
Get it straight, I am not Roger Rabbit. He is me…., or something like that.
Actually, if I was Roger Rabbit, one of us (and, at this point, I am equally unsure which), is not getting much sleep.
On the other hand, it is true that all posts on the minnow’s site are posted by him and three monkeys. He has banned all real people. It might be hard to tell which is which in their posts, although one of the monkeys is responsible for all statistical work. Why do you think Sharansky spends all of his time reading over here?
Following the Sharansky rule of truth, unless Stefan corrects this in the next ten posts, we know it is true.
Well, at least we know Rufus is not in the military.
Just paid tabs on my luxury SUV. It was way more than $30. Rons Sims is a fucking criminal and should be treated as such.
For RATIONAL people who are interested in FACTS (wingnuts need not apply),
CNN exit polls of those who ever served in the miliary showed Bush getting 57%, Kerry getting 41%
Shortly before the 2004 election, Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute, a conservative think tank, said, “With the introduction of the volunteer force, the military has tended to skew Republican, though it’s less pronounced in the enlisted ranks.” The same article said a bipartisan poll of likely voters found Bush’s approval rating among relatives of military personnel was only 36 percent, and cited anecdotal evidence that relatives of reservists and even active duty personnel are upset by onerous deployments and Bush’s policies.
On Election Day 2004, liberal media bastion Fox News reported its Iowa exit polls showed, “Perhaps because Iowa has a particularly high percentage of residents serving overseas in the military, many cited Iraq as a key issue to their vote. … Military households in Iowa were slightly more likely to vote for Kerry than Bush (50 percent to 47 percent).”,2933,137521,00.html
In October 2004, the GOP-oriented Rasmussen survey reported that military veterans favored Bush over Kerry by a 58% to 35% margin.
In a September 2004 article, the Christian Science Monitor noted the existence of anti-Bush sentiment in the ranks of troops serving in Iraq.
The best support for rightwing arguments that active-duty soldiers strongly support Republicans and Bush is a 2004 Army Times survey of its readers, who favored Bush over Kerry by 78% to 18%. However, this unscientific survey was weighted almost entirely to career officers and sergeants, who tend to favor the GOP. Few soldiers in the lower ranks read Army Times.
As the CSM noted, “No scientific polls exist on the political leanings of currently deployed troops, military experts and officials say.” That’s because of the difficulty of conducting polls among deployed troops, who can’t readily be contacted by phone or at polling places, the traditional methods used by pollsters. Thus, wingnut claims that the military heavily favors Republican candidates are conjectural, and not based on hard date. Most people believe the military leans somewhat Republican, and this is probably correct. Based on polling data from inside the U.S., the CSM said, “surveys of US military personnel and their spouses in recent years indicate they are more likely to be conservative and Republican than the US civilian population – but not overwhelmingly so.”
Now watch the wingnuts attack Fox News as “liberal-biased media.”
MTR @87
“Just paid tabs on my luxury SUV. It was way more than $30. Rons Sims is a fucking criminal and should be treated as such.”
Your gas-guzzling, pollution-spewing, road-hogging luxury SUV should be confiscated, sent to a rendering plant, and turned into beer cans.
Steel beer cans?
“@39 Number of Republican Iraq War veterans who stayed in the military instead of running for congress: 300,000.”
@64 Number of Republican congressmen who stayed in the military instead of running for congress: None. Number of Republican congressmen who ever served in the military: You might find a couple if you look hard enough. Number of White House officials, cabinet secretaries, and Republican senators and congressmen who ever served in the military: Practically none of them.
Poltical party with the most draft dodgers: GOP
I drive a perfectly legal vehicle. Bad.
Ron Sims breaks the law. Good.
Moonbat thinking I guess…
Janet S @66
Hey Kevin — I have an idea! Why don’t you move to Pakistan, start an English-language newspaper, publish offensive cartoons about Mohammed, then stand in the midddle of the street for 10 seconds.
Nothing reminds me of Islamic fanatics quite so much as our own home-grown pseudo-Christian fanatics. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson both do a pretty good imitation of that Iranian guy.
“the govt of Iran wants the destruction of Israel.”
No shit, Sherlock? You can say the same thing about every Arab country — buuuuut, 60 years later, Israel is still here. Wanting and getting are two different things, dope!
Sooo, if an Israel-hating country gets nuclear weapons, does that mean the end of Israel? No, because any country that uses a nuclear weapon is gonna get hit with nuclear weapons.
“Steel beer cans?”
Yeah, forty-ouncers.
“Ron Sims breaks the law.”
What law did Sims break, MTR? I can think of a law Bush broke — FISA — but I don’t know of any law(s) Sims broke. By the way, when are you going to pay your gambling debts?
Wow! This thread is up to 100 posts already! That’s more than Stefan’s pathetic little blog gets in a whole month.
MTR @ 91 Steel beer cans that open with a can opener – like we had in Nam. Fuck yeah!
I love the mention of the “Luxury SUV” I envy you your luxurious – though unjustly taxed Rightist lifestyle. Woohooo! kicks the fucking shit out of my new Titanium bicycle.
Go get ’em!
Are you suggesting Hilary will get the nomination? if she wants it.
R’s worst nightmare. Hilary, despite some negative, would bring Dems to full strength.
Can R’s corrupt voting in a dozen states again?
I fear yes. Al Gore was elected. Rush annointed in a coup d’etat.
Roger – I am not Kevin Carns. Are you in love with him, or are you just paranoid and see him everywhere?
The mullahs in Iran don’t care if they get wiped out in the process of eliminating Israel. They have heaven, afterall. That’s what makes them dangerous. They (the mullahs,not Iranians in general) are sociopaths, not civilized people. I guess I’m not willing to test their resolve and risk the elimination of millions of people, like you are.
roger at 66:
Self-censorship is a dangerous thing. Today we don’t publish cartoons because they find it offensive, what don’t we publish tomorrow because they threaten to burn down a building? I don’t live in Pakistan, I live here, where I don’t have to live in fear of offending someone. At least that used to be the case. The MSM is giving it away really quickly.
Here is a poll of military personel for 2005:
) How would you describe your political views?
Very conservative 8%
Conservative 42%
Moderate 33%
Liberal 6%
Very liberal 1%
Decline to answer 10%
Most of the moderates and “decline to answer” probably sway to the right. What amazes me is that only 6% say they are liberal.
RE: Luxury SUV’s. It’s kind of interesting that Ford is now selling crew-cab pickups under the Lincoln brand. Not even particularly kinked out like the Cadillac mutation of the Chevy Avalanche–just a straightforward three-quarter ton road-crew special with leather seats and stuff, and only s six-foot bed so there’s hope of getting it in a single space at Northgate.
Presumably, the intended market for this thing hereabouts is to be the official vehicle for members of the Building Industry Association of Washington.
Wait make tha 7%. Wow 1% are open traitors.
Rufus is an ignorant bunghole.
and once again RUFUS. Where is the link? Is it to Limbaugh or Coulter? You are an incredibly apt idiot at posting garbage and then running away. WOW, sounds like you are qualified to be the president!!!!! Liar and hider.
Poster – “Unjustly taxed” WTF is that? Why is it “unjust” for me to keep MY FUCKING MONEY? What fucking right do you have to MY money? What rate do you think I should pay?
Rabbit -What law did Sims break? Leseee…. The People have demanded $30 tabs on more than one occasion. Yet, in clear violation of The Law and The People, he continues to collect tax for the mother of all boondoggles. Ron Sims is a career criminal.
It just gets worse:
“Support for President George W. Bush’s Iraq policy has fallen among the US armed forces to just 54 percent from 63 percent a year ago, according to a poll by the magazine group Military Times.”
Mark the Yellowback:
The people of King County have repeatedly voted to tax themselves more. The people of King County have rejected Tim Eyman’s initatives.
Perhaps you should listen to the people instead of forcing the majority to think like you?
Support for President George W. Bush’s Iraq policy has fallen among the US armed forces to just 54 percent from 63 percent a year ago, according to a poll by the magazine group Military Times.”
I know, if it keeps on going like this it could get as bad as Clinton’s 1992 approval rating.
Your gas-guzzling, pollution-spewing, road-hogging luxury SUV should be confiscated, sent to a rendering plant, and turned into beer cans.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/11/06 @ 1:48 pm [Are you talking about Al Gore’s Gulfstream, or John “Fing” Kerry’s Citation? “All animals are equal, but Democrat libs flying in private jets and giving speeches on “globl warming” are just a little more equal.”]
When the Kerrys and Kennedys give up their “multi” homes, jets, 130 ft Chris Crafts, jet skis, and limos, I’ll give up my 350/350 Vette. Until then, Dems, fuck you!
you gotta love RUFUS’ cut and paste techniques. If he delved into the numbers a little bit deeper instead of ‘choosing’ the number that suits his purpose he would have also found that President William J. Clinton had the highest end of term presidential rating in history! Even with the RepubliCONS wasting time and money over a blow job, he left office with a 65% positive approval rating. I wonder if GWB can try and maintain his to atleast 37%?
115, YO, Let Hillary win the Dem primary! We will destroy her in NOV 2008!
Cougar, Didn’t the Clintons leave office with lots of White House furniture? Yeah, I think they did!!! [hehe]
Be Careful What You Type!!!
“I am furious with the tragically misplaced priorities and criminal negligence of this government,” it began. “The Katrina tragedy in the U.S. shows that the emperor has no clothes!” She mentioned that she was “a VA nurse” working with returning vets. “The public has no sense of the additional devastating human and financial costs of post-traumatic stress disorder,” she wrote, and she worried about the hundreds of thousands of additional cases that might result from Katrina and the Iraq War.
“Bush, Cheney, Chertoff, Brown, and Rice should be tried for criminal negligence,” she wrote. “This country needs to get out of Iraq now and return to our original vision and priorities of caring for land and people and resources rather than killing for oil. . . . We need to wake up and get real here, and act forcefully to remove a government administration playing games of smoke and mirrors and vicious deceit.
Otherwise, many more of us will be facing living hell in these times.”
Laura Berg wrote this letter to the editor in Albuquerque, NM. Shortly there after her computer was confiscated and she is under investigation for sedition.
Cougar, New Orleans “post-traumatic stress disorder”? Is this what happens when you get caught looting 52 Sony plasma HD TVs?
@88 For RATIONAL people who are interested in FACTS (wingnuts need not apply),
CNN exit polls of those who ever served in the miliary showed Bush getting 57%, Kerry getting 41%
For those intersted in the REAL facts, I wouldn’t pay much attention to CNN exit polls. They said Kerry won :)
My God you are finally right JCH. Taking (fact or fiction?) furnishings is equal to ‘doctoring evidence and getting 2200+ US Soldiers killed and 100k+ Iraquis. Your logic is very impressive. Do you happen to be related to YO and RUFUS? All three only use caps in their names.
wow, your ‘cruelty’ really hurts me YO. A cockroach has more character than you do
124, I wish. No, more like the Black Entertainment Channel!
by the way YO, you can seek help for your problem.
Crack. Marlboros, King Cobra, coke, food stamps, Section 8 housing, voter fraud: The backbone of Today’s Democrat Party
CNN exit polls of those who ever served in the miliary showed Bush getting 57%, Kerry getting 41%
Yeah CNN didnt report the negative news from Iraq so they wouldnt offend Sadam. The head of the news department admitted to it. It is not surprising they would skew the polls toward Kerry. A vote for Kerry is a vote for Sadam and the terrorists.
A Muslim leader behind a mass rally in London yesterday gave a warning of “fire throughout the world†if the West continues to publish cartoons of Mohammed. At the protest in Trafalgar Square, attended by 5,000 Muslims, there were no arrests and none of the inflammatory placards or costumes seen at last weekend’s demonstrations. [Time to REV up the ICBMs and B-52s. The Japs quit after two. I think maybe an even dozen would shut up the towel heads!]
and once again RUFUS. Where is the link? Is it to Limbaugh or Coulter? You are an incredibly apt idiot at posting garbage and then running away. WOW, sounds like you are qualified to be the president!!!!! Liar and hider.
Comment by Drivel— 2/11/06 @ 5:10 pm
Here it is:
No donk web site here. All military.
good job Rufy boy. I am sure you just ‘love’ looking at all those men in uniforms
How can you donks ever answer anything truthfully. You have no credibility left. The left has been all lies since the early 90’s.
The lefty pollsters even lie to make themselves feel better after losing elections.
Rufus has a 12 inch dildo up his ass: his pointy head!
What fucking right do you have to MY money? What rate do you think I should pay?
Higher than zero?
#21 Analbaptist RevMan – Can you read? If so, read the truth about the real man who ordered the Bin Ladin family freedom from the US. – OH NO Mr Bill, this can’t be. He’s a hero of the left. ;)
Drivel: Recently, you requested a link from Rufus. He delivered and your post #135 demonstrates your low intelligence quotient!
Looks like the Rev Man is projecting his internal feelings (dildo in the ass) upon others!
Why would the lefties on HorsesASS want to ban JCH? He provides Roger Rabbit enough material to post over 20% of the lefty entries on each HorsesASS thread!
So redneck, let me get this straight, you drive a heavier than normal vehicle, cause much more damage to the infrastructure than most people, but somehow you think your fair shair is the same as everyone else’s? And you seriously call other people communists? What else, when you go out do you eat three quarters of the pizza and insist that you only pay one eighth cause there are eight slices there? Your a fucking crook man.
Bill, [143], Tell me how you feel about the Kennedy “Compound”, J. F. Kerry’s 130 Christ Craft ship, or Al Gore’s Gulfstream G-5? No “global warming” here, right? [All animals are equal, but Democrats who give speeches about global warming are just a little more equal than others!] [hehe]
144…cont, How many gallons of AVGAS does Gore’s private jet get when he flies into Subdance to take a limo to and overheated hotel suite to give a speech on “Global Warming”? You libs are nuts!
I’ll give up my 350/350 Vette when the Kennedys live in 1250 square foot home. Until then, Democrats, fuck off!
We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.
Hillary Clinton – June 2004
and for all of you ‘JCH’ types that continually abuse the situation in the South after Katrina.
Hurricane Katrina exposed the U.S. government’s failure to learn the lessons of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, as leaders from President Bush down disregarded ample warnings of the threat to New Orleans and did not execute emergency plans or share information that would have saved lives, according to a blistering report by House investigators.
Now we get to see the ‘feeding frenzy’ of GOP on GOP in DC.
[JCH] – Are you stoopid? Don’t you know Hillary is The Smartest Woman In The World? She knows better than (and all of us) what is good for us.
149, Redneck, Best regards, JCH
143…….When I BUY the pizza with my OWN funds, then I’ll eat as much as I wish! GET IT, COMMIE???
redneck, are you retarded too? While I would agree that hillary and gore and kennedy et al, probably are consuming more, and if they are not paying higher taxes to cover the higher cost, what the hell does that have to do with you trying to make me pay higher taxes to cover the damage your broke ass suv is doing to the roads? Nice try at redirection but what the crook dems are doing has no relation to me finding your hand in my pocket, now does it?
What its too hard to argue with those not in a party so you just say they are in a party and insult as normal? You guys really are stupid arent you?
153, Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Bill, Did not Redneck pay a few thousand sales tax and registration fees when he bought his SUV? Perhaps he pays gas tax every time he fills the tank? Fuck you, libs! When Kennedy flies “coach”, and Kerry flew “commercial”, I’ll give up my GMC. GET IT, COMMIE LIB?
“We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too. Otherwise they will turn out to be outright traitors.†[Question: Do you think John Walker and his parents [Marin County, Ca] are Republicans or Democrats? [hehe]]
Congo leader’s £169,000 hotel bill
Tony Allen-Mills, New York
THE leader of one of Africa’s poorest countries paid more than £100,000 in cash towards a £169,000 hotel bill run up by his entourage during last year’s United Nations summit in New York, according to court documents obtained by The Sunday Times [Crack, King Cobra, and a wad of $100 bills! He be one bad ass black Democrat MOFO!!! hehe]
oh fuck… this gonna be bad… Cheney…
I have been banned from (un)Sound Politics. Might be that I used two monikers in order to avoid harassing emails from Soupy, Amused and Cyniclown. I guess I broke a rule. I notice the comment totals there have dropped to a new low, averaging about 15 posts per thread.
btw: don’t believe that MTR has a luxury vehicle for a second. The makings of greatness aren’t in him.
also not terribly likely that JCH owns a ‘vette…
Just sayin’
@ 158
That’s because the RATpublicans are jumping from the sinking ship. The rest of them are the stoooopid ones, like JCH, who drown because of their blind faith to their leader.
I think it’s very true that JCH owns a ‘vette. A Chevette.
Here’s a picture of JCH’s “Git-R-Don” rig from Pahoa, HI, I mean Kent, WA.
GBS, ya still got the sense of humor! But to me being from de ghetto, it looks like a hippie, oops… democrat machine to me!!!