Congrats to Senator Sanders for the win in New Hampshire. I think that puts him in the lead in the (non-super) delegate count by 2. I have some family in New Hampshire and they’re either super conservative or much more liberal than me. So based on that small, unrepresentative, sample size, the result isn’t too surprising.
Clinton is set to campaign with the mothers of Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner, unarmed African-Americans who died in incidents involving law enforcement officers and a neighborhood watch representative, respectively.
Read more:
@1 Calling George Zimmerman a “neighborhood watch” is being too kind to him. He was a mentally defective self-appointed vigilante trolling for a black person to shoot.
True to form, Georgia Republicans are trying to legalize discrimination against gays. We all know how homophobes operate. When they’re not passing hate legislation, they’re gloryholing each other in the johns.
just keeping us informed, or do you have a point?
I just find it fascinating that the element of the reporting that stands out to you is the race angle.
Quite frankly, going into So. Carolina, I take notice of the campaign’s decision to focus on guns and gun violence. That, to me, is a risky move. Funny you should miss that. It’s almost like something blinded you. Some sort of triggering bias or blind spot. Huh.
Christie dropped out of the GOP race this morning. Meanwhile, Carson says he’s open to being Trump’s veep. That’s brave talk for a guy who got 2% in New Hampshire.
Yippeee!!! Communism!!!
Just as I thought — Fiorina is out, too. Good riddance. She was the biggest liar of them all, although Ted Crud probably is more ethically challenged than even her.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM, pat. pend.) …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yep, guns make you safer; it’s the people who have the guns that are unsafe.
The Ohio legislature passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood today, and moderate* Governor and GOP presidential candidate John Kasich is expected to sign it into law.
* Relatively speaking, compared to the rest of ’em
Tuesday Afternoon News Dump
1. Scientists from Caltech, MIT, and Columbia University are expected to announce tomorrow they have detected gravitational waves.
2. The Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against Ferguson, Missouri, alleging “a pattern and practice of unconstitutional police conduct” in the city.
3. A former Los Angeles County sheriff will plead guilty to a charge of lying to federal authorities investigating corruption and civil rights violations in the county jail.
4. A Democratic congressman has introduced a bill to establish federal standards for airline seat dimensions.
So now that the dust settled what did we learn:
3) People overwhelmingly chose Bernie Sanders over the liar Heilary Clinton
4) People overwhelmingly chose Bernie Sanders over Heilary Clinton because they realize Bernie is more like them when compared to Heilary
5) People who are libtards want Bernie overwhelmingly more than Heilary
6) WHITE PRIVILEGE chose Bernie while non whites were almost even – Oh-OH for Heilary
7) Rich WHITE PRIVILEGE ($200K or more) broke for Heilary. This must make OWS vomit producer proud!
8) OLD WHITE PRIVILEGE broke for Heilary
9) YOUNG WHITE PRIVILEGE broke for Bernie
There it is!
This week is not going well for Hillary Clinton at all.
Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
From the crime bill to welfare reform, policies Bill Clinton enacted—and Hillary Clinton supported—decimated black America.
Ta-Nehisi Coates Is Voting for Bernie Sanders Despite the Senator’s Opposition to Reparations
You know, like a lot of people, I’m very, very concerned about Senator Clinton’s record. I’m very, very concerned about where her positions were in the 1990s, when we had some of the most disgusting legislation in terms of our criminal justice, really, in this country’s history. I get really, really concerned when I see somebody taking $600,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, will not release what they’re actually saying. That’s concerning.
To be fair, Hillary had to give 3 speeches for that coin, not just one.
@10 & 11 – So you guys are looking forward to running your POS candidate against Bernie?
Let’s check the GOP body count so far: Perry, Walker, Jindal, Graham, Pataki, Huckabee, Paul, Santorum, Christie, Fiorina. That’s a lot of rotting carrion.
This is the DNC stacked the deck for Heilary waaaaaaaaaaaay before the primary process. Puddy called it long ago… the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP)!
Um … yes, Hillary Clinton is in big trouble. She survived a squeaker in Iowa, but suffered a shellacking in New Hampshire. Every Democrat under 30 is feeling the Bern. Her dishonesty over her email server has turned into a legal problem that keeps bubbling and bubbling and bubbling. She’s a Wall Street candidate running in an anti-establishment election cycle, delivering a muddled message to an electorate looking for clarity of vision.
And that muddled message is why the Oregon moron votes Heilary! To the Oregon moron Heilary’s problems are no problem. Wanna see its stance again on how the Oregon moron laughs off DUMMOCRETIN corruption?
It’s P R I C E L E S S!
Hillary Clinton has a major honesty problem after New Hampshire
Which is a step up from Hillary being a fucking liar before New Hampshire. But that didn’t sound presidential.
@14 Cute, but if a double entendre was intended, it fails because “CCCP” (in reference to the Soviet Union) are letters from the Cyrillic alphabet, in which “C” is “S” and “P” is “R,” so in English, “CCCP” is “SSSR.”
CCCP is an abbreviation of Союз Советских Социалистических Республик which transliterated into English is something like Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik — the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Kinda tough to squeeze “Clinton,” “corrupt,” etc., anywhere into this linguistic construct, but I’m sure this is all way above Piddles’ pointy head.
’cause Bernie’s already arranged to kiss Sharpton’s…….ring.
Hillary Clinton To Tap Education Department Aide As Director Of Black Media
@16. Makes it easier for Bernie to be president. Works for me.
” In fact, in New Hampshire, nine in 10 Democratic voters who said honesty was the most important thing for them in a candidate went for the other guy.”
However, if she gets the nomination, I’m voting for her despite her flaws because she STILL better than any of the republicans running.
@15 & @16 – What will you guys do for entertainment if Hillary gets knocked out in the primaries and Bernie is our candidate? I think our side would do just fine with a Bernie-Elizabeth ticket, especially if your side gifts us a Trump-Carson (or, even better, a Trump-Palin) ticket to run against.
Bob, which is worse?
Sanders meets Al Sharpton as he seeks to woo black voters.
Republicans presidential candidates were guests at “religious freedom” event led by a pastor who preaches that homosexuality should be punished with death.
@21, Some context:
Last weekend Senator Ted Cruz,[…],spoke at a conference in Des Moines headed up by a man who advocates the execution of gay people — per his interpretation of the bible — and who made his call for mass extermination once again, onstage at the event, the National Religious Liberties Conference. Pastor Kevin Swanson has said in the past that Christians should attend gay weddings and hold up signs telling the newly married gay and lesbian couples that they “should be put to death.” He was an advocate of Uganda’s infamous “Kill the Gays” bill, which he saw as a model.
Bob, would your title be “Cruz has already kissed Swanson ’s…….ring.”
Judd Legum ✔ @JuddLegum
Carly Fiorina’s campaign is dead and Planned Parenthood is alive
Retweeted by Goldy
There you go spiking the ball on the 10 again.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich gets bill to defund Planned Parenthood
Favorite vacation spot of Getting Teabagged Again Tonight!
Buh bye Carly. All the charm of a venomous snake and the character to boot:
I’m sure she profited handsomely playing at running for office.
R senile,
Puddy been using CCCP for months. Ask the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch! Butt being the senile senior dumb wabbit here, life passes you by each day!
@23. Ohio Gov. John Kasich gets bill to defund Planned Parenthood
And you seem happy to promote a reason NOT to vote republican.
Obummer sadministration allows our great military to be humiliated because the deal is for Obummer’s weakness and appeasement feckless foreign policy for his “legacy”.
Don’t you remember this PuddyLink?
Did you know the North Koreans satellite crossed over Levi Stadium just after the Super Bowl ended and what did Obummer do? Of course not. You all are dangerously stooooooooopid!
Unbelievable! Puddy used HuffPo because the truth in Breitbart is above libtard heads!
Obummer asks for Strategic Patience. Strategic Patience My ASS!
@23 Yours truly predicts an asshole will sign that bill.
Yours truly sees that Ta-Nehisi Coates is voting for Bernie Sanders. Awesome!
Now watch.
I Notice Boob cant answer Better’s question.
It’s ok – I’d laugh too if Boob got hit by a bus tomorrow.
Hillary Clinton To Tap Education Department Aide As Director Of Black Media
Wow now Heilary has two blacks in her campaign!
Which republican candidate has define a viable plan to replace the Affordable Care Act?
More hate @30 100% approved by TPPS!
From the Ted Cruise Website
“Every time you put unelected bureaucrats in charge of a market, they stifle innovation and favor special interests — just look at the United States Post Office compared to Amazon and FedEx.”
Would that be the same Post office that cannot innovate because republican politicians pass laws prohibiting that?
The cost to send an envelope from Florida to Alaska by Fed Ex? from $77.68 to $38.59, by the Post Office? 49 cents.
Constitutional bonus question, between the Untied States Post Office, Amazon and FedEx, which is written into the Constitution? Do you think Cruz knows that?
@23 Your 10, in case you didn’t notice …
@28 Not enough Americans coming home in body bags to suit you?
“More hate @30 100% approved by TPPS!”
The hate-spewing loon is posing as the disinfectant which kills DUMMOCRETIN scum. I carry my own disinfectant around with me, one that is extremely effective in eliminating batshit crazy loon scum. It’s called a Detonics .451 magnum.
The babbling jackass loon keeps braying about Sanders while dissing Clinton. Idiot loon. And it’s like Bob lives to let some snide loose on Clinton.
It’d be good for my loon bitch and his Doctor to suck on this, the commie from Vermont whupping on the Billionaire reality TV star, as well as every other wingnut candidate.
Free healthcare and college for all, and Bob and his loon friend are gonna fucking pay for it. Sweet!
Heh. It was too funny seeing obnoxious bully Christie calling bullshit on that robotic neo-klown jerk Rubio.
For its trouble, the bully has now suspended its campaign. Rubio limps away from New Hampshire.
Doncha luv it when they eat each other?
Wow the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch forgot the bitch slap young WHITE PRIVILEGE wimens gave to her.
So many young WHITE PRIVILEGE wimens now have a special place in HELL. Puddy loves it when DUMMOCRETIN eat each other!
Vagina politics are like any other DUMMOCRETIN politics. It’s always about something other than the real issues! DUMMOCRETINS can’t run on the issues!
Remember when Rube was the GOP secret weapon?
Now he can’t get out of his own way. And neither can the party “establishment”.
When the Republican circular firing squad is over and the smoke clears from Cleveland remember this: they did it to themselves, all by themselves. They’ll have eight years to revise the history and formulate complex narratives blaming immigrants, feminists, hippies, and “the liberal media establishment”. But this is their primary to showcase their ideas and their candidates. Before it’s over, between the campaigns, the party, the PACs, and the corporate sponsors, they will probably spend over a billion dollars. And what they’ll have to show for it will be a fiercely divided base of very conservative voters even more rigid, reactionary, and scared of the future. And a majority of all other voters openly appalled at what they’ve become.
Money well spent as far as I’m concerned. But it’ll be their money spent according to their wishes.
So TPPS@37 making threats of bodily harm against Puddy with a handgun? Puddy is sure the NSA has tracked that comment. They are always looking for unstable fools like TPPS in America!
Meanwhile Obummer is decimating the military again…
Remember how the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch railed on Glenn Beck pushing GOLD? Then we found out George Soros took Beck’s advice and bought a whole bunch of gold later that year in the fall?
You don’t? More 24 hour moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady among HA DUMMOCRETINS? Try sometime in the Summer 2010. You can work it without the crazed databaze!
PuddyCommentariat: And where was R senile’s guidance for the HA DUMMOCRETIN LIV crowd?
So Roger Roger senile dodger… How are those stock sales purchases doing these days? You could have waited and bought them at an even lower bargain price. Butt you got itchy fingered and pressed that buy key!
Well well well!
The lying batshit crazy loon likes to spew eliminationist rhetoric throughout these threads but he starts crying like a little baby when even a hint of it blows back in the loon’s direction.
The loon is my bitch.
Whine for me some more, bitch.
Tonight is another DUMMOCRETIN haha debate. Will Bernie finally man up and talk about those emails? Will Heilary go all out attack dog on Bernie?
Time will tell butt the DUMMOCRETIN slime does smeill!
Hint of blow back TPPS?
Has anyone ever threatened anyone on this blog with gun violence before you did yesterday TPPS? R senile claimed if someone came knocking on his burrow but everyone knows that’s the blathering of a senile fool!
Nuff said sucka!
Now we see Heilary’s big bankster donors upset at her…
Go attack dog!
Meanwhile as Puddy called it DUMMOCRETINS eating each other…
And it’s in that old standby Salon, another DUMMOCRETIN rag of record! A rap sheet five miles long! Many young wimens went to hell last Tuesday! The comments are quite telling!
@ 38
Free healthcare and college for all, and Bob and his loon friend are gonna fucking pay for it. Sweet!
Heading toward retirement quite soon – can almost taste it. Any effect Bernie’s taxation might have on me will be quite limited.
Who really is going to pay for it, Steve? The children of people like Goldy and Better. Can, kicked.
Not sweet, but very much deserved, good and hard. We’ve tried to warn you.
I expect people like Better to use the term ‘free’, as they don’t know any better. Disappointed that you would stoop to it, Steve.
“Has anyone ever threatened anyone on this blog with gun violence before you did yesterday TPPS?”
I merely talk about disinfecting loon scum. The loon scum whose every comment is about disinfecting what he calls DUMMOCRETIN scum considers that a threat.
The loon can dish it out but he can’t take it. What a fucking pussy.
Cliven Bundy is arrested! Yay!
@52 I wonder if they shoot Apes in Africa like they do Lions, Tigers and Elephants.
I wonder if Apes are fair game?
“Disappointed that you would stoop to it, Steve.”
Yeah Steve, I am so disappointed in You. You fail to meet the standards by which I expect others to live by (but not me). You fail to be rational, understanding an brilliant, like myself.
My plans to retire early may be put on the back burner, now that I will be getting myself further into debt – aside from the fact that I actually like working now more than I have ever in the past – presently it is more enjoyable.
But instead I will soon be taking advantage of a +$35,000 tax write-off annually, so what the hell, I mine as well work another 10 years and collect more money and pay less taxes (for now).
@51 “Who really is going to pay for it, Steve? The children of people like Goldy and Better. Can, kicked.”
Goldy’s daughter is a Wall Street speculator? If she is, I want to get together with Goldy and her to learn her trading secrets.
@48 So I assume you’re applauding the arrest of Cliven Bundy and the remaining rancher goons in Oregon along with the rest of us?
Dunno about the rest of y’all but I’m dyin’ to know how Roger Rabbit’s done in the stock market this week.
@59 he’s probably buying a lot of cheap stocks that eventually will be worth more (once Trump is in office).
The ever-classy City of Cleveland is dunning Tamir Rice’s family for a $500 ambulance bill.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Rice family’s wrongful-death lawyer couldn’t ask for a better gift. You can be sure the jury will get a good long look at this piece of paper.
@60 That’s the plan, all right, but Pussy and Boob are too stupid to figure it themselves and need it explained to them and still won’t understand it.
Yeah, buying cheap stocks that get cheaper by the next day and R senile is losing money purchasing those cheap stocks at a higher price the day before instead of waiting.
Oh yeah… that’s really intelligent!
So you two twits are admitting to President Trump over Heilary?
Do tell!
@62 you were right – it doesn’t get it.
It doesn’t understand that if You lose, then pretty much the American economy fails to exist, eventually one day.
Dunno about the rest of y’all but I’m dyin’ to know how Roger Rabbit’s done in the stock market this week.
Puddy isn’t. Why? because we’d already know!
Travis Bickle,
Right now stocks down 354 points. Puddy sure glad he didn’t listen to R senile! Butt then again R senile is held in high regard by the LIV DUMMOCRETINS here!
@63 sure – I admit all my fears, not my wishes.
And if you had any intelligence you would have figured out that it was a play on words – meaning, what I was hoping to point out, that as soon as we elect Trump (or Crud, or Robot, or Jib!) the world will all right itself at that point……and Roger becomes a winner and wealthy man.
Got it! Dahhhhhhhh.
You on the other hand will have 0 (zero as in what you are) shares, and think that you will be able to figure out the cheapest day to buy them, when that day will be after you sit and wait till after stocks have risen above the price Roger has paid cheaply for.
then pretty much the American economy fails to exist
Thanks to Obummer’s dismantling of America!
The chickens are coming home to roost!
@68 yes such a big dismantling. The only thing that has deteriorated and become dismantled is your mind, you fuck.
TPPS farts: I merely talk about disinfecting loon scum.
And your libtard buds bitchslapped you back when you cried over Puddy’s moniker. Big difference between what Puddy says and what you threaten with a weapon.
We all see how you head explodes every day TPPS! Teabagged hatred and you give it a pass!
Sux to be an old WHITE PRIVILEGE guy like TPPS!
Yeah the stock market continues to slide each week and I am the one hurting Teabagged Again.
Anyone with a brain would knows that is so nonsensical that it’s not worth the pixels on the screen! You don’t possess a brain hence you wrote that garbage above!
Your newspaper headline du jour:
Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators
Nothing to see here, people. Move along, now.
I wonder if Bernie noticed this article. Naw.
@61 that’s being a little short sighted. And very pessimistic. You fail to look at the long term.
Yes, I’m sure today’s and the past decline aren’t times to embrace but it’s not necessairly the sky falling. I remember a day not too long ago, 2008, where things were much worse, but eventually things turned around.
So you think you can gamble or be smart enough to determine the exact time when to buy will be, when things are at thier lowest. You might come close, but most likely it will be at a time where things generally improve to a point where they aren’t its lowest and in the end no different.
Since you are so smart – how about the following – every day now whenever there is an open thread, I your first post before any post you simply say “yes”. Or “no”, referring to the day you get back in, so we all can see how well you can time it.
not sure I really care if you take this challenge or not because I wouldn’t trust you when you actually say “Yes” because you can do so without actually making any move or without taking any risk, which would be easy to do.
@72 you might have a point, look at what happen to the fat fuck of New Jersey.
#HappyBirthday to @JimWebbUSA who be sharing his “5 Most Important Principles for Foreign Policy” on 2/11. Register:
— WorldAffairsCouncil (@dfwworld) February 9, 2016
Principle #1
If you operate a foundation to advance your interests, said foundation should operate in a sufficiently honest and transparent manner to avoid receiving a subpoena.
“Big difference between what Puddy says”
I suppose it’s possible that the pussy loon can kill all of us DUMMOCRETIN scum with its breath.
Puddy will get back in when 7 of those 8 indices Puddy posted earlier in the year go green Sucking Human Teabags.
So far none are green!
“Disappointed that you would stoop to it, Steve.”
Hmm, I wonder where I got the idea to make a play off of DUMMOCRETIN scum giving away “free stuff”.
“Right now stocks down 354 points.”
The pussy somehow failed to mention that the DOW is still double what it was when Bush left office.
Bush leaving office and the Kenyan usurper taking the reigns. That has now been proven to be the best buy signal in the history of the markets.
So R senile…
Dow finally closes 254 down today. How many bargain stocks did you over pay yesterday or Tuesday or Monday?
@80 Still sleeping on your money? Don’t get shit stains on it. If you do, nobody will accept it.
TPPS at 79.
Still dwelling in the past. The market is about now and the future. People are losing money NOW! Maybe TPPS is losing money in 2008. Keep living in the past TPPS.
TPPS head explodes…
While focusing on how much the Dow went down today, the loon is missing today’s real story, which is how much it went back up amid signs that OPEC may finally be cracking on production cuts.
“The blue chips index bounced back sharply after Dow Jones cited comments from the energy minister of the United Arab Emirates on Sky News Arabia saying OPEC members were ready to cooperate on a production cut. Suhail bin Mohammed al-Mazrouei also said low prices were already forcing non-OPEC members to cap production.”
That, by itself, was worth 150 Dow points.
Five times R senile has claimed Puddy money under the mattress while Puddy explained it is no where near there..
Now everyone has more proof how senile Roger Roger senile dodger is!
Don’t kid yourself, loon, when the stock market recovery comes you won’t have time to react to it. No one, including you, can time markets. And nowadays, with 90% of trading automated, market moves occur in a millionth of a second. You can’t possibly spot them in advance, and if you’re not in the market when they happen, you’ll be left behind by the tide like a beached whale.
Well Roger Roger senile dodger that is just one index Puddy put forth last month. Remember the other seven?
@84 You appear to be operating under an assumption that the rest of us accept the shit you post at face value.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.):
“A man who tried to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs put its paw on the revolver’s trigger. Jerry Allen Bradford, 37, was being treated at a hospital for a gunshot wound to his wrist. Bradford said he decided to shoot the 3-month-old shepherd-mix dogs in the head because he couldn’t find them a home, according to the sheriff’s office. On Monday, Bradford was holding two puppies — one in his arms and another in his left hand — when the dog in his hand wiggled and put its paw on the trigger of the .38-caliber revolver. The gun then discharged, the sheriff’s report said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He forgot that dogs have Second Amendment rights, too.
Puddy could care less what Roger Roger senile dodger thinks.
Puddy KNOWS that Puddy hasn’t lost anything in this 2016 market downturn; while Roger Roger senile dodger isn’t bragging how he made $7500 today sitting on his dumb ASS!
#blackpastorsmatter – To Heilary to save her sinking campaign!
For some reason, my posts as “Better” are being eaten. Both from my phone and my laptop. Did I somehow trigger a bad word filter?
@77 ok be sure to let us all know when that happens. Don’t forget – buy high!
Buy high Teabagged? That’s what Roger Roger senile dodger has been doing!
@73 Here’s what the long term looks like: 20 years ago I bought Starbucks for $1.10, whose annual dividend is now 80 cents, so the yearly income from my shares is 72.7% of what I paid for them, plus my shares are worth 49.93 times what I paid for them, which amounts to 249.6% average annual capital appreciation. THAT is why I don’t trade short-term market swings like Mr. Looney Tunes does.
Oh, and btw, Starbucks didn’t look cheap when I bought it. It looked downright expensive. But the company had a killer growth rate, and tons of growth still ahead of it, which is what turned out to really matter — NOT the price I paid for the stock.
@94 (continued) I could have been off by 100% — i.e., paid $2.20 instead of $1.10 a share — and I still would have gotten the investment of a lifetime. And Mr. Looney Tunes, fixated as he is with catching the absolute bottom of the market, would still be standing here waiting for Starbucks to go below $1.10. Buy high? Yeah, I bought high when I added Starbucks to my portfolio. I admit it. Now I’m waiting for Mr. Looney Tunes to tell me what a terrible investor I am, and explain why his mattress strategy works better than my investment strategy, which quite simply is: Buy well-managed high-quality companies, keep them, and reinvest the ever-growing dividends in more shares.
By the way, the numbers I posted above are NON-COMPOUNDED returns, and DO NOT COUNT the money I’ve made from investing my Starbucks dividends in other companies, because I simply don’t keep track of that. All I can say is Starbucks is one of the priciest stocks I ever bought, and it helped make us rich, so there’s more to this game than stock price alone.
Oh Roger Roger senile dodger, we all bought stocks when we were younger. It’s what’s happening right now. The market indices Puddy gave y’all were all RED. Puddy pulled out. In fact they are all still RED!
Butt don’t let a senile idiot wabbit tell you otherwise because well, you like senile dumb idiot wabbits!
@89 I haven’t lost anything either, dumbass, because I haven’t sold anything. You lose only if you sell. As long as you don’t sell, you own the same stocks and have the same dividend income you had before. Declines like this are great for buying more stock, and frankly, I wish they would happen more often.
Here’s a tip from a wily old rabbit to my friends (not you, Looney Tunes): The best thing to do in a market crash or correction is buy more stock. If you can’t do that, then the second best thing to do is nothing. Just sit tight. If your nerves can’t stand watching the meaningless paper value of your portfolio go down 10%, 20%, 40%, or whatever, then do yourself a favor by turning off the computer, throwing your cellphone in a drawer, and going for a hike in the woods for a couple of weeks. Doing nothing is the key to surviving market declines in one piece. Only fools try to trade the market.
@96 “we all bought stocks when we were younger”
The crux is whether you’ve kept them. The guy who cuts down his trees every year will never have any tall trees.
Hey, Looney Tunes, I’m not trying to save you from yourself. I don’t care if you throw your money away. This is a free country and that’s your prerogative. I just don’t want you to get away with inflicting your cockamamie bad advice on innocent HA readers, that’s all.
Bernie Sanders just introduced a bill to eliminate federal marijuana prohibition and just won my vote.
YLB will vote his vagina.
Better will vote his rectum.
Ima Dunce will vote his bong.
@101 Very funny. Marijuana prohibition has been the ruin of our justice system (“justice” being the key word) and justice denied. It has also been an expensive waste of time and effort and been the prime reason for a massive criminal empire. Either we start to learn from our mistakes or they will take us down and rob us blind. We’ve been here before. The ancient Romans knew the futility of denying the people what they want. Human nature will never change.
Geez. At 101 looks like it’s all starting to get to the boob.
Don’t go blowing an aneurysm on the home stretch to retirement. Not worth it.
“Still dwelling in the past.”
Says the loon who still rags about Carter. Fuck off.
Happy Birthdayyyyyyy dearrrrrr Quinnnnnnn…..
Rielle Hunter Brags About Her ‘Amazing’ Daughter with John Edwards – Francis Quinn Is Now 7
There is this fine sentence:
His wife, whom he was since separated from, died later that year after a battle with breast cancer.
Small wonder journalists earn so little.
What Boob? You’re gonna leave out Maria Halpin?
@ 106
Hadn’t heard of her before today. Thank you.
Keep rockin’, DR.
Roger. You are absolutely right. I didn’t keep good records so I can’t give specifics. But j use to own several, I think fairly good, stocks. Like Home Depot, Cisco, to name a few. In total, of all the company shares, maybe 300-400 shares. I sold them in a downturn, just like you said because I couldn’t stomach watching them daily, for less than what i bought at. Pretty much took a loss on them all.
I absolutely did the wrong thing. Today I have 0 shares. 0 shares is not a lot to show for anything. Today, even with the losses that we’ve had, they’d probably would be worth more than I sold for. If I ever come across any records of them (I have 20 years of tax filings – I might be able to look thru them when I have the time) then maybe I can be more specific.
“Happy Birthdayyyyyyy dearrrrrr Quinnnnnnn…..”
To bad you weren’t here from five through eight years ago when I was posting links to news stories about what eventually became hundreds of Republican pedos who had been busted in recent years, as well as Republicans busted for fucking dogs, horses, watermelons and washing machines. Oh, and goats. Amazingly, from Hawaii to Florida, Republicans have been busted for soliciting undercover black cops to blow them in park toilets.
Speaking of clowns, one Republican pedo was busted wearing a clown suit, another was wearing a panda costume.
Although there were plenty more where those came from, I quit posting news stories about wingnut pervs after Mr. Klynical finally left these threads for good. You see, I was taunting the Klown with these posts as it was common knowledge that he was into goats.
We even had a monthly award we gave to the month’s nastiest troll which was called the Golden Goat. In fact, the batshit crazy loon himself was given the Golden Goat Lifetime Achievement Award.
Did you know that there’s a higher percentage of Republican officials busted for pedophilia than there is for clergy in the Catholic church? I bet you didn’t know that.
This is all to say that your post about Edwards is damned weak shit. But please keep trying.
@ 109
Did you know that there’s a higher percentage of Republican officials busted for pedophilia than there is for clergy in the Catholic church? I bet you didn’t know that.
Which one of them was tapped to be a heartbeat away from the presidency had the 2004 campaign been successful, Steve?
But you’re right. I didn’t know that.
@10 It’s Iowa and New Hampshire. Two of the whitest states in the United States and probably both have less white privilege than many southern states. What ever amount there is it’s more about parochialism than anything else. Yes I imagine you may find it hard to find a good bowl of chitlins or grits in either state. Any comment about chicken being the lords bird on Sunday would go over the heads of most folk in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Is Washington state more WASP than Iowa or New Hampshire? The folks here who can speak more about white privilege are members of various Indian Nations in Washington state. I’m sure some members of the Lummi, Coure de Lane, Spokane, ect tribes would have some comments about white privilege. We should listen.
@34 Is it the same one associated with the postal roads that Congress can create?
@54 Unfortunately the answer is yes. Apes fell into the big game category with elephants and water buffalo.
Today apes are often what is referred to as bush meat. Usually hunted by poor people who are hungry or trying to do a bit better than two dollars a day.
There are no tigers in Africa.
Looks like the stock advice is take a risk and make an educated investment in a company that becomes hot Probably not Boeing though there maybe opportunity there after the bloodletting and the upcoming slide. The wizard in Omaha may end up looking at Boeing.
Hmmm maybe something military..thank you North Korea.
@100 Probably won’t go far, but he’s walking the talk.
@109 No Wookies? Why no Wookies?
“Which one of them was tapped to be a heartbeat away from the presidency had the 2004 campaign been successful, Steve?”
Pedophile? Don’t know. But I do know now that in 2008 we came close to having a few years of drunken brawls in the Blair House front lawn.
@101. If Sloppy Travis Bickle (Bob) was my only example of what a conservative was like, I would think they were homophobic, misogynistic and anti science. And they like to make jokes about the looks of African American girls as means to take a cheap shot at the president.
I can see why Bob’s ideas and logic are not getting much traction here.
Admin Question:
Who do I contact to find out why my usual name has put me in some sort of filter list so my posts are not showing up? It seems to be tied to “Better”, not my email.
@118 This is a liberal blog that attracts a liberal crowd, so you’re right, creeps don’t get a lot of traction here.
@103 “Don’t go blowing an aneurysm on the home stretch to retirement.”
I lost a family member to an aneurysm two weeks ago. She was in a hospital parking lot when it ruptured, but even though they got to her fast, they couldn’t save her. She was 41 years old. Has a couple of kids.
Sorry to read that R senile. Condolences to the Wabbit mound!