Anyone had a chance to read Nick Licata’s new book yet? I have not, but I’m still excited to see him at SPL if I can get there on time. And I’m very glad that he’s having a post-retirement public life.
Goldy @GoldyHA
One thing we learn from watching how super PAC money is raised & spent, is that most rich people aren’t really very smart with their money.
Those who are? They’re buying access.
George Soros gives $6 million to pro-Clinton super-PAC
Billionaire George Soros contributed $6 million to a super-PAC supporting Hillary Clinton last month, according to the committee’s latest financial statement.
Also making large contributions to the committee in 2015 were media mogul Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl, who gave a total of $5 million, philanthropist Laure Woods, who gave $2.3 million, and investor Donald Sussman, who contributed $2.5 million.
This group, along with Soros, accounted for two-fifths of Priorities total fundraising in 2015.
@1 Something like:
Bernie financial contributors: 30,000,000
Hillary financial contributors: 30
Not pleased with this, but Hillary is less awful than any of republicans running. If she gets the nomination, I will vote for her.
For example: Trump just came out against gay marriage to garner a few more votes.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 3
And Hillary changed her stance to garner a few more votes as well.
Why do they do it? People like you are gullible enough to buy into it, Better. You’re the mark.
Saw this go by on facebook
“White privilege is your history being part of the core curriculum and mine being taught as an elective.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Isn’t it a politician’s job to represent the people? Doesn’t that sometimes require changing their views to reflect those of the people they represent? What, exactly, do you think a representative’s is in a representative democracy? Isn’t it to find out what the people want, and then do it? And isn’t that something that changes over time, and requires changes in policies? You must’ve flunked 9th grade civics, Bickle, but the saving grace is the only thing a doctor like you has to know about government is where to sign the Medicare reimbursement forms.
Distant Replayspews:
or maybe he too is not a single issue voter?
Thing is, it seems pretty obvious in the wake of Obergfell that a Democratic candidate who has “wavered” or if you prefer “evolved” on the issue will not, if elected, represent a threat to progressive objectives of equality in this narrow context. There is even a credible argument that overzealous legal enforcement could somehow backfire.
However, can a social conservative voter opposed to equal rights “trust” that a President Trump would use the full extent of Executive branch authority to at least limit the effect of Obergfell? I think the question answers itself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Captures it nicely.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
What an awful, awful, awful intelligence community we have, to allow so many unmarked classified documents to find their way to Hillary Clinton’s house.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 The more important question is whether voters opposed to equal rights should be able to elect anyone to anything. It’s up to the rest of us to prevent them from doing so.
Which brings us to this crucial point: A lot of today’s electoral politics consists not of putting good people in office, but of keeping terrible people out of office. Translated into practice, this means Democratic crooks and liars are immensely preferable to Republican crooks and liars. This explains why we liberals will vote for Hillary no matter what shit you conservatives dig up are able to dig up about Benghazi or her emails (although so far your mighty labors have produced damned little of substance). It’s also why our party refused to go along with impeaching Bill Clinton for his bad behavior. Republicans are so bad for the country that reasonable people have no choice but to vote for less-than-perfect Democrats. (Not that there’s ever been a perfect Republican … ) Like I said, modern U.S. elections are mostly about keeping terrible people out of office, and that means anyone — literally ANYONE — is preferable to any Republican.
Distant Replayspews:
moreover, the kind of false equivalence you offer here does very little to overcome the rather glaring fact that Trump appears to be duping low information evangelical voters. But if you really are determined to reject that characterization of his campaign, then you have to face up to some uncomfortable admissions. Principal of which is that the way movement conservatives have been describing their base for the past thirty years is bullshit. It seems pretty clear that these people going berserk at Trump rallies don’t really give a shit about your formulaic shopping list of culture wars dog whistles any more. If they ever really did.
And more terrifying still, they are openly hostile to your movement’s “Rich White Guys First” policy prescriptions.
Seems to me, if you people really believe this shit, you’ve got bigger fish to fry than scoring debate points about which politician is the biggest liar. If you’ve lost the evangelicals, and the NASCAR dads are abandoning the supply-side church, then you’ve pretty much lost your electoral strategy going forward. If all you’ve got to run on is Mexicans and terrorists, you just may be permanently fucked.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 See #9.
“You’re the mark.”
Hardly. Gay marriage is legal. It was all that Christian money given to Republicans to block gay marriage which was wasted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Is electing police chiefs (that’s what a sheriff is) a good idea? Sometimes you wonder.
agreed. That was generally the point of my comment. Most national stage politicians have tended to lie to their party base while compromising with the middle of the overall electorate.
Democrats tend to lie to the base about shit that really doesn’t matter too much to a majority of voters. And they try to be vague. This may be problematic from time to time. And it has frequently had racial proportions in the era of the DLC.
But something unique about this year is that the GOP front runners are lying to the base about shit that matters, being very specific about it, and generally refusing to compromise toward the middle. Their appeal seems to depend on a willingness on the part of more moderate voters to assume that they really don’t mean it. Whether or not they mean what they say will define the nature and severity of the ideological fracture looming for the GOP. But much of that fracture can be delayed if not avoided by losing in November. Which is what many of the big mainstream elders appear to be hoping for now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Democratic primary for Maryland’s 8th CD seat features two wealthy candidates who both have donated money to Republicans. Where the hell is a real Democrat in this race?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Attention trolls, if you’re in a mood to bash Democrats today, I’m offering these two up as human sacrifices. Have at ’em, and enjoy.
@3. Feeble.
“People like you are gullible enough to buy into it, Better. You’re the mark.”
Really? Let me think about it… Marriage equality became the law of the land across all 50 states under this Democratic president. Never would have happened under a republican president. You are lying if say it could have.
I recognize your feeble attempt to try to denigrate democrats to be as bad as republicans.
There are significant differences between republicans and Democrats. I may get what I value passed into law under a Democrat, I know it will never under a republican.
If you want to talk about being marks, why didn’t bush and the republicans ban abortion and get rid of social security and the IRS, balance the budget, flat tax, no minimum wage, etc, when they were in power?
Both chambers had a Republican majority, the same party as President Bush.
Marks? Gullible? Seems to more define the difference between what republicans promise and do not deliver. Which explains the trump voter anger.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans once again are accusing Democrats of wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on partisan nonsense. Namely, the Benghazi hearings.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You gotta give the GOP this, they’re great entertainers; they stage the most hilarious comedy show in D.C.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ha, ha, ha — one of the upsides of Trump’s success is watching the Kochs twist in the wind. They know damn well who the blue-collar mobs Trump is stirring up want to lynch.
precisely. Bob is obviously projecting. But as we know, projection is a means of avoidance. And it’s something I’m observing among a huge proportion of conservatives these days. Mindlessly and rather ceaselessly arguing Sanders’ “extreme” “outsider” status and how this promises to “destroy” the left. If you just strip away the names and labels, Sanders campaign looks more or less like Gary Hart, Howard Dean, or Jerry Brown, etc.
Ima Duncespews:
@12 It wasn’t wasted. It made a lot of grifters a lot of money. The evangelical golden calf crowd. I think it’s hilarious the way they are now voting for Mr. Greed and Lust Trump. I remember when states first wanted to open casinos, how the evangelical preachers raged, raged, at how evil they were. Now they scrape and bow before big casino money. And the left just shuts up. As usual.
@9. Sums it up well
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 12, 20
One could also argue that evangelical money retained the presidency for GWB43.
That second four years gave us John Roberts and Samuel Alito.
Not quite a waste when looked at from that perspective.
Distant Replayspews:
@9, “This explains why we liberals will vote for Hillary no matter what shit you conservatives dig up are able to dig up about Benghazi or her emails…”
Although the real question should be, will “moderates” voter for Hillary? And I think, despite the concern trolling, the answer is yes.
We should ask ourselves, what does this email “scandal”, even if every troll allegation were true, say to a moderate unaligned voter about Clinton? At worst that she’s careless, or technologically inept perhaps? Whatever fright mask terms right wing ideologues may choose in describing all this, in the end voters will be looking at what actually happened, why it happened, and what resulted. So, in other words, not very much at all.
Contrast this with the allegations of bribery and corruption arising from Ted Cruz’ secret Wall Street loans. If true, and nothing so far being offered from the campaign tends to refute it, a couple of very huge banks made very, very large personal loans to Ted Cruz. And subsequently Cruz sought to avoid public notice of these loans by refusing to disclose them as the law requires. What does this loan “scandal” say to an unaligned moderate voter about Cruz? What actually happened? Ted Cruz was given huge loans from big Wall Street banks on very favorable terms. The loans made the difference in funding a massive blitz of media in the weeks just before voting in his Senate campaign. Why did it happen? Most voters will conclude that it happened because Cruz has a relationship with these Wall Street banks that grants him special privileges. They will also conclude that these Wall Street banks wanted to ensure his election to the Senate. What was the result? Most voters will conclude that the loans were made so that Ted Cruz would be elected to the Senate. Some will conclude that a corollary result is that Ted Cruz, despite his rhetoric, will work to protect the interests of those Wall Street banks.
Some scandals matter more than others. Scandals involving blow jobs and cigars seem to matter a lot less than scandals involving secret pay offs. There’s “bad”. And then there’s “bad that matters”. Go figure.
You mean the John Roberts who voted for the ACA?
The same ACA “republicans” vote to repeal every day the bother to come to work?
Distant Replayspews:
if that’s true, then how bad will it suck if you lose the bible thumpers? You really don’t wanna think about this do you?
We all know Cruz if faking the faith just as much as Trump. And I’m inclined to think the thumper voters know it too. Maybe Obergfell broke their spirit. Or maybe they’ve finally made peace with a world in which their narrow orthodoxy is merely confined to their personal private lives. And will not be imposed by law on their neighbors. Either way it’s a pretty big problem for conservatives in most of the United States if you can no longer trigger them with culture wars bullshit.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 24
The John Roberts you hate 95% percent of the time, Better.
You are willfully missing the point. It doesn’t matter if don’t like his voting record, conservatives feel Roberts betrayed them.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Missed this item earlier.
One thing that will likely cause things to tighten up on Monday night is that O’Malley’s supporters are far more likely to move to Sanders than Clinton at the sites where he fails to meet the 15% threshold. 57% of O’Malley voters say Sanders is their second choice to only 27% who say it’s Clinton. We found something similar on our last poll, when O’Malley voters said they’d pick Sanders over Clinton 43/20. So just based on the reallocation of O’Malley voters, Sanders can expect to make up a couple points of his deficit.
And before you award Roberts your team captain’s letter, Better, here’s a little blast from the past for you:
“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
28 good i want Bernie to be president more than hillary.
Distant Replayspews:
I suppose we should just get used to the banality of Sanders Concern Trolling™.
I don’t see it making any difference in outcomes. But it must make conservative trolls feel better to believe they aren’t the only ones suffused with panic.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 30
Hey Better, be sure to close your browser window before you let your kid play with your keyboard.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 31
Much, thanks.
29. Roberts is also a member of Black Lives Matter? Good on him.
I know opinion will swing if Roberts votes some way they like but right now….
“A new Morning Consult poll shows half of self-described Republican voters, and 55 percent of self-identified conservatives, disapprove of the job Roberts is doing as chief justice. Only 29 percent of Republicans and 23 percent of conservatives say they approve of his job performance.
Among Democrats, Roberts is doing just fine: 51 percent of self-identified Democrats and 57 percent of those who called themselves liberal approve of his job performance. And 52 percent of those who voted for President Obama say they’re okay with the way the chief justice does his job.”
Back to your comment about rubes, who’s being taken for a ride exactly? Democrats are having some success with their agenda, but seems the tea baggers are increasingly unhinged as year after year after year, they are promised one thing after another and the republicans do not deliver.
And in states where republicans do live up to their promises, you get Kansas and Louisiana as the current poster states of republican success. How’s that working out for the republican voters?
@32. How droll, bob tried to make an insult joke involving a child. Hey, remember when bob used the president’s underage daughters to make fun of the looks African American girls? I’m sure he thought that was a knee slapper too.
@32. How droll, bob tried to make an insult joke involving a child. Hey, remember when bob used the president’s underage daughters to make fun of the appearance of African American girls? I’m sure he thought that was a knee slapper too.
Take a poll a week after King v. Burwell and Obergefell v. Hodges were decided and I’m surprised the numbers aren’t worse for Roberts. Those decisions came down days before the polling period.
Somehow I think that if you polled the same cross-section of America in the last week of June or the first week of July this year, you’d get a very different response, Better.
“you’d get a very different response, Better”
Your point is that wingnuts are fickle? Obviously, they are. After cheerleading him for eight years, look at how fast you all disowned Bush43.
Your policy wonkness is showing. I bet 95% of conservatives couldn’t tell you what King v. Burwell and Obergefell v. Hodges was.
Distant Replayspews:
do you think it really matters in an age where “the same cross-section of America” is standing in line for hours to attend rallies supporting Donald Trump?
Whether or not evangelicals can deliver the White House, this year you can’t even be sure they will. Whatever warm fuzzies they had for Bush just don’t seem to be operating in the 21st century.
Maybe it’s time you noticed, Bob. But in the astronomically unlikely event that Trump were to win in November, that would not be a win for conservatives. Let me repeat: President Trump, the guy who promises to raise taxes on the wealthy, tax the shit out of capital gains, break every trade pact, erect crippling trade sanctions, and cut every industry subsidy, that guy, not good for conservatives.
Or are you still holding on for Marco? That’s just sad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Yeah, but the other 5% was a real asskick on you guys, wasn’t it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 I’m all for strictly merit-based selection of Supreme Court justices, which if applied to the current justices would eliminate your conservative majority in the blink of an eye.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of the Supreme Court, if another Republican ever gets into the White House, it wouldn’t surprise me if he got rid of Ted Crud by parking him on SCOTUS, which has a long tradition of serving as a repository for troublesome politicians. (It works well for this because it’s a controlled environment, plus they never leave except in a box, just like the treatment center at McNeil Island.) After all, he’s a brilliant lawyer, and no more corrupt than, say, Scalia.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Yes, chief justices have a way of spinning out of control, don’t they? Eisenhower learned that hard lesson, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Reminds me of 1975, when you couldn’t find a single person in this country who voted for Nixon. According to post-presidency straw polls, Humphrey and McGovern both got 100% of the popular vote. Funny how a lot of GOP presidencies end up that way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 You forgot to mention that President Trump also will deport their cheap labor.
Just like worser and 99% of DUMMOCRETINS would have to research the Kelo Decision and its ramifications on America!
Yeah that ObummerCare case pizzed Obummer!
Remember Heilary has called for a Citizen’s United litmus test for replacement Supremes! So typical of a DUMMOCRETIN!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
So the Oregon Moron reads Puddy after all. So the LIV act is just an act!
Such a liar the Oregon moron is!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Eat the contract, NBC. Just. eat. it.
Harvey Araton
Brian Williams just warned MSNBC audience not to “believe everything you see and hear tonight.” Unfortunate phrasing
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 Must’ve been talking about a GOP debate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 “Remember Heilary has called for a Citizen’s United litmus test for replacement Supremes!”
One of the best reasons there is to vote for her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We’re getting some early numbers from Iowa now. The surprise, of course, is how competitive Rubio is — he’s right in there with Cruz and Trump. If this holds up, it should give Rubio a boost. This is with 14% of the GOP caucus ballots counted.
Clinton – 52%
Sanders – 48%
O’Malley – 0%
Cruz – 28%
Trump – 25%
Rubio – 23%
Carson – 7%
Paul – 6%
Bush – 4%
Roger Rabbitspews:
CBS News says O’Malley is dropping out of the race.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sanders is catching up to Clinton; it’s now 50%-49%.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It appears Cruz will win Iowa; Rubio is closing on Trump (24% vs. 25%), and it’s conceivable Trump might finish third.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Carson is giving a speech. He says we have to raise the Social Security retirement age and cut benefits because of the $19 trillion debt. And because that’s what Italy did. And so we don’t become Greece. Apparently he doesn’t realize Social Security is supported by a dedicated tax and contributes zero to the national debt. What a dummy.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
So it looks like Ted Cruz wins Iowa.
Marco Rubio close third
Dr Ben Carson is fourth
So much for the clueless crazed cretin call of WHITE PRIVILEGE!
The only WHITE PRIVILEGE is DUMMOCRETIN voters for OLD WHITE PEEPS! Clinton and Sanders
Roger Rabbitspews:
CBS just called Iowa for Ted Crud.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Very Fortunate Phrasing…
Roger Rabbitspews:
CBS News says Huckabee is dropping out of the race.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here are the GOP numbers with 99% of returns:
Cruz – 28%
Trump – 24%
Rubio – 23%
Carson – 9%
Paul – 5%
Bush – 3%
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
If Clinton wins it’s a pyrrhic victory due to Heilary’s inevitability per all the libtard pundits who have been pining for her all over America!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
O’Malley should throw his support to Sanders. That would screw Heilary good!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Old white people vote for Clinton. A lot of OLD WHITE FOSSILS still reside in the DUMMOCRETIN party!
Young white people vote for Sanders.
WHITE PRIVILEGE is strong in the DUMMOCRETIN party!
America’s Economic Freedom Has Rapidly Declined Under Obama
Since early 2009:
•Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.
•The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax-filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.
•The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.
•Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation.
5 Million People Left California Over the Past Decade. Many Went to Texas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 ad nauseum: I’ll see your Ted Cruz and raise you a Bernie Sanders.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
So much for the clueless crazed cretin call of WHITE PRIVILEGE!
The only WHITE PRIVILEGE is DUMMOCRETIN voters for OLD WHITE PEEPS! Clinton and Sanders
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
I’ll take the capitalist over the socialist!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
CNN claims DUMMOCRETINS should be proud of Heilary. Mrs Puddy asked FOR WHAT?
77% of people broke for Sanders for trustworthiness!
Only 14% of people broke for Heilary for trustworthiness!
The Foreskinhead Paul Begala is cheering for Heilary! Blatant super pac cheerleading.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Heilary called out the union thugs for help.
If Sanders worked on the email scandal he would have won!
Old WHITE PRIVILEGE union thugs for Heilary!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@71 Yep, and when the oilfield jobs dry up, they leave.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 I like union thugs. Union wages created the middle class. The disappearance of the great industrial unions is why we don’t have a middle class anymore. We need to bring the thug unions back so America can have a middle class again.
I’m afraid this may not bode well for the Canadian.
Seems to me he needed to be in the low thirtys. He gave too much ground to Rubio. Jeb is toast. So if Rubio lingers on and continues to take delegates in the early rounds it may tend to dilute the Canadians support.
Distant Replayspews:
That troll is still holding out for the grift?
I suppose that’s good news. Fools like him will leave their money on the sidelines as it pays for charter jets and room service meals.
“SUCKA” indeed!
That troll needs to tithe harder! Cause Ted Cruz sure won’t!
@82 Someone should frisk him when he leaves to make sure he isn’t making off with the collection plate.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Olivia Nuzzi
Crowd at the Sanders party is chanting “YOU ARE A LIAR” at Hillary on TV
Not content to be branded racists for their behavior in Seattle, Sanders supporters aim to be branded misogynists for their behavior in Iowa.
Distant Replayspews:
Damn. I guess that means it’s all over for the Democrats now that we’ve lost the votes of women and minorities to Donald Trump.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Sure, Hillary may have lost women and minorities. But she was 6-0 on coin tosses tonite.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Speaking of women and minorities…
The percentage of GOP voters caucusing for a Cuban-American tonite was larger than the percentage of Dem voters caucusing for a woman.
Mark Adamsspews:
Happy Ground Hog day! Candlmas if you prefer. Hopefully you will not repeat it as that hubbub in Iowa will get old.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 You have a point, but politicians in at least the other Washington are adept at ignoring the people they represent like 98% of the time. Maybe Olympia isn’t that extreme, but it’s probably a high percentage.
Mark Adamsspews:
@13 Article XI Section 5 of the Washington State Constitution.
Sheriffs and Police Chiefs are different animals. Sheriffs have always had real political power. They have wide jurisdiction, manage the jail, manage the coroner. They can serve civil papers. They would argue they are court officers, and they do provide the baliff and security.
Of course it’s a reasonable question, but it also applies to county judges, prosecutors, ect. So your alternative would be for all these folks to be appointed by the Governor?
Mark Adamsspews:
@23 Purely by accident the Republicans actually have found gold out of Benghazi. What Hilliary did wasn’t careless. Setting up a server is an intentional act. Maybe hubris is the word you want? She put up her hand and swore an oath and signed her name to certain documents giving her word. As the classification authority for the State Department she has an obligation to follow the rules she expected all members of the State Department to abide by.
I do not not see General Pratreus running for President, nor do I see him ducking what he did. He is fortunate to not have a reduction in rank. His government career is dead though, and it’s likely he will ever run for public office. He probably no longer has access. His employment possibilities have been much reduced. There is no revolving door for him.
Mark Adamsspews:
@43 Selection based purely on merit would possible eliminate all the current members of the court. Of course one need not be an attorney nor even have been a judge to be a sitting member of the court. Though I wonder if a court with members based only on merit if we could have a useful court.
“She has had every possible structural and organizational advantage and Sanders fought her to a draw,” said Dan Schnur, director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at the University of Southern California.
With no clear victory to announce, Clinton’s campaign scrapped a plan to have her daughter Chelsea and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, introduce her. They stood alongside her instead, with Bill Clinton wearing his campaign logo badge upside-down.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
On Monday the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot databaze cretin arschloch jackASS thought Donald Trump would win and screamed WHITE PRIVILEGE.
Well It seems once again the clueless crazed datbaze cretin got it wrong again. So wrong for so long. The WHITE PRIVILEGE was displayed on the DUMMOCRETIN side with old union thugged backed WHITE PRIVILEGE voting for Heilary Clinton.
Sadly the clueless crazed datbaze cretin is still screaming WHITE PRIVILEGE when 60% of the white Republican people in Iowa voted for the minority candidate while 100% of DUMMOCRETINS voted for WHITE PRIVILEGE! Even young DUMMOCRETINS voted for WHITE PRIVILEGE! Imagine that!
Sux to be so wrong for so long WHITE PRIVILEGE lover clueless crazed datbaze cretin!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Holy Cow… Did Mark Adams take a sodium pentothal again?
@23 Purely by accident the Republicans actually have found gold out of Benghazi. What Hilliary did wasn’t careless. Setting up a server is an intentional act. Maybe hubris is the word you want? She put up her hand and swore an oath and signed her name to certain documents giving her word. As the classification authority for the State Department she has an obligation to follow the rules she expected all members of the State Department to abide by.
This is what Republicans have been saying for months. Heilary doesn’t think federal government rules apply to her. Butt she would prosecute those in her command who acted like her.
Butt don’t worry Mark… The Oregon moron won’t comprehend what you wrote! Too many FACTS!
Puddy told y’all that the markets were too volatile at this time.
Puddy gave you eight indices from the 4th quarter that came true in December
Puddy’s money is getting bank interest. Yes it’s a low rate and Puddy hasn’t lost money this year!
Keep listening to the dumb wabbit R senile and don’t perform your own due diligence!
Distant Replayspews:
If you’re gonna be any good at this, you’ll have to refine your rhetoric. You need to say “sons of Cuban Americans ” when you refer to the Canadian and Jeb! Jr.
Goldy @GoldyHA
One thing we learn from watching how super PAC money is raised & spent, is that most rich people aren’t really very smart with their money.
Those who are? They’re buying access.
George Soros gives $6 million to pro-Clinton super-PAC
Billionaire George Soros contributed $6 million to a super-PAC supporting Hillary Clinton last month, according to the committee’s latest financial statement.
Also making large contributions to the committee in 2015 were media mogul Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl, who gave a total of $5 million, philanthropist Laure Woods, who gave $2.3 million, and investor Donald Sussman, who contributed $2.5 million.
This group, along with Soros, accounted for two-fifths of Priorities total fundraising in 2015.
@1 Something like:
Bernie financial contributors: 30,000,000
Hillary financial contributors: 30
Not pleased with this, but Hillary is less awful than any of republicans running. If she gets the nomination, I will vote for her.
For example: Trump just came out against gay marriage to garner a few more votes.
@ 3
And Hillary changed her stance to garner a few more votes as well.
Obama, as well,
magicallystrategically reversed his own position on gay marriage
only months before his re-election.
Why do they do it? People like you are gullible enough to buy into it, Better. You’re the mark.
Saw this go by on facebook
“White privilege is your history being part of the core curriculum and mine being taught as an elective.”
@3 Isn’t it a politician’s job to represent the people? Doesn’t that sometimes require changing their views to reflect those of the people they represent? What, exactly, do you think a representative’s is in a representative democracy? Isn’t it to find out what the people want, and then do it? And isn’t that something that changes over time, and requires changes in policies? You must’ve flunked 9th grade civics, Bickle, but the saving grace is the only thing a doctor like you has to know about government is where to sign the Medicare reimbursement forms.
or maybe he too is not a single issue voter?
Thing is, it seems pretty obvious in the wake of Obergfell that a Democratic candidate who has “wavered” or if you prefer “evolved” on the issue will not, if elected, represent a threat to progressive objectives of equality in this narrow context. There is even a credible argument that overzealous legal enforcement could somehow backfire.
However, can a social conservative voter opposed to equal rights “trust” that a President Trump would use the full extent of Executive branch authority to at least limit the effect of Obergfell? I think the question answers itself.
@4 Captures it nicely.
What an awful, awful, awful intelligence community we have, to allow so many unmarked classified documents to find their way to Hillary Clinton’s house.
@6 The more important question is whether voters opposed to equal rights should be able to elect anyone to anything. It’s up to the rest of us to prevent them from doing so.
Which brings us to this crucial point: A lot of today’s electoral politics consists not of putting good people in office, but of keeping terrible people out of office. Translated into practice, this means Democratic crooks and liars are immensely preferable to Republican crooks and liars. This explains why we liberals will vote for Hillary no matter what shit you conservatives dig up are able to dig up about Benghazi or her emails (although so far your mighty labors have produced damned little of substance). It’s also why our party refused to go along with impeaching Bill Clinton for his bad behavior. Republicans are so bad for the country that reasonable people have no choice but to vote for less-than-perfect Democrats. (Not that there’s ever been a perfect Republican … ) Like I said, modern U.S. elections are mostly about keeping terrible people out of office, and that means anyone — literally ANYONE — is preferable to any Republican.
moreover, the kind of false equivalence you offer here does very little to overcome the rather glaring fact that Trump appears to be duping low information evangelical voters. But if you really are determined to reject that characterization of his campaign, then you have to face up to some uncomfortable admissions. Principal of which is that the way movement conservatives have been describing their base for the past thirty years is bullshit. It seems pretty clear that these people going berserk at Trump rallies don’t really give a shit about your formulaic shopping list of culture wars dog whistles any more. If they ever really did.
And more terrifying still, they are openly hostile to your movement’s “Rich White Guys First” policy prescriptions.
Seems to me, if you people really believe this shit, you’ve got bigger fish to fry than scoring debate points about which politician is the biggest liar. If you’ve lost the evangelicals, and the NASCAR dads are abandoning the supply-side church, then you’ve pretty much lost your electoral strategy going forward. If all you’ve got to run on is Mexicans and terrorists, you just may be permanently fucked.
@8 See #9.
“You’re the mark.”
Hardly. Gay marriage is legal. It was all that Christian money given to Republicans to block gay marriage which was wasted.
Is electing police chiefs (that’s what a sheriff is) a good idea? Sometimes you wonder.
agreed. That was generally the point of my comment. Most national stage politicians have tended to lie to their party base while compromising with the middle of the overall electorate.
Democrats tend to lie to the base about shit that really doesn’t matter too much to a majority of voters. And they try to be vague. This may be problematic from time to time. And it has frequently had racial proportions in the era of the DLC.
But something unique about this year is that the GOP front runners are lying to the base about shit that matters, being very specific about it, and generally refusing to compromise toward the middle. Their appeal seems to depend on a willingness on the part of more moderate voters to assume that they really don’t mean it. Whether or not they mean what they say will define the nature and severity of the ideological fracture looming for the GOP. But much of that fracture can be delayed if not avoided by losing in November. Which is what many of the big mainstream elders appear to be hoping for now.
The Democratic primary for Maryland’s 8th CD seat features two wealthy candidates who both have donated money to Republicans. Where the hell is a real Democrat in this race?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Attention trolls, if you’re in a mood to bash Democrats today, I’m offering these two up as human sacrifices. Have at ’em, and enjoy.
@3. Feeble.
“People like you are gullible enough to buy into it, Better. You’re the mark.”
Really? Let me think about it… Marriage equality became the law of the land across all 50 states under this Democratic president. Never would have happened under a republican president. You are lying if say it could have.
I recognize your feeble attempt to try to denigrate democrats to be as bad as republicans.
There are significant differences between republicans and Democrats. I may get what I value passed into law under a Democrat, I know it will never under a republican.
If you want to talk about being marks, why didn’t bush and the republicans ban abortion and get rid of social security and the IRS, balance the budget, flat tax, no minimum wage, etc, when they were in power?
Both chambers had a Republican majority, the same party as President Bush.
Marks? Gullible? Seems to more define the difference between what republicans promise and do not deliver. Which explains the trump voter anger.
Republicans once again are accusing Democrats of wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on partisan nonsense. Namely, the Benghazi hearings.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You gotta give the GOP this, they’re great entertainers; they stage the most hilarious comedy show in D.C.
Ha, ha, ha — one of the upsides of Trump’s success is watching the Kochs twist in the wind. They know damn well who the blue-collar mobs Trump is stirring up want to lynch.
precisely. Bob is obviously projecting. But as we know, projection is a means of avoidance. And it’s something I’m observing among a huge proportion of conservatives these days. Mindlessly and rather ceaselessly arguing Sanders’ “extreme” “outsider” status and how this promises to “destroy” the left. If you just strip away the names and labels, Sanders campaign looks more or less like Gary Hart, Howard Dean, or Jerry Brown, etc.
@12 It wasn’t wasted. It made a lot of grifters a lot of money. The evangelical golden calf crowd. I think it’s hilarious the way they are now voting for Mr. Greed and Lust Trump. I remember when states first wanted to open casinos, how the evangelical preachers raged, raged, at how evil they were. Now they scrape and bow before big casino money. And the left just shuts up. As usual.
@9. Sums it up well
@ 12, 20
One could also argue that evangelical money retained the presidency for GWB43.
That second four years gave us John Roberts and Samuel Alito.
Not quite a waste when looked at from that perspective.
“This explains why we liberals will vote for Hillary no matter what shit you conservatives dig up are able to dig up about Benghazi or her emails…”
Although the real question should be, will “moderates” voter for Hillary? And I think, despite the concern trolling, the answer is yes.
We should ask ourselves, what does this email “scandal”, even if every troll allegation were true, say to a moderate unaligned voter about Clinton? At worst that she’s careless, or technologically inept perhaps? Whatever fright mask terms right wing ideologues may choose in describing all this, in the end voters will be looking at what actually happened, why it happened, and what resulted. So, in other words, not very much at all.
Contrast this with the allegations of bribery and corruption arising from Ted Cruz’ secret Wall Street loans. If true, and nothing so far being offered from the campaign tends to refute it, a couple of very huge banks made very, very large personal loans to Ted Cruz. And subsequently Cruz sought to avoid public notice of these loans by refusing to disclose them as the law requires. What does this loan “scandal” say to an unaligned moderate voter about Cruz?
What actually happened? Ted Cruz was given huge loans from big Wall Street banks on very favorable terms. The loans made the difference in funding a massive blitz of media in the weeks just before voting in his Senate campaign.
Why did it happen? Most voters will conclude that it happened because Cruz has a relationship with these Wall Street banks that grants him special privileges. They will also conclude that these Wall Street banks wanted to ensure his election to the Senate.
What was the result? Most voters will conclude that the loans were made so that Ted Cruz would be elected to the Senate. Some will conclude that a corollary result is that Ted Cruz, despite his rhetoric, will work to protect the interests of those Wall Street banks.
Some scandals matter more than others. Scandals involving blow jobs and cigars seem to matter a lot less than scandals involving secret pay offs. There’s “bad”. And then there’s “bad that matters”. Go figure.
You mean the John Roberts who voted for the ACA?
The same ACA “republicans” vote to repeal every day the bother to come to work?
if that’s true, then how bad will it suck if you lose the bible thumpers? You really don’t wanna think about this do you?
We all know Cruz if faking the faith just as much as Trump. And I’m inclined to think the thumper voters know it too. Maybe Obergfell broke their spirit. Or maybe they’ve finally made peace with a world in which their narrow orthodoxy is merely confined to their personal private lives. And will not be imposed by law on their neighbors. Either way it’s a pretty big problem for conservatives in most of the United States if you can no longer trigger them with culture wars bullshit.
@ 24
The John Roberts you hate 95% percent of the time, Better.
You are willfully missing the point. It doesn’t matter if don’t like his voting record, conservatives feel Roberts betrayed them.
Missed this item earlier.
One thing that will likely cause things to tighten up on Monday night is that O’Malley’s supporters are far more likely to move to Sanders than Clinton at the sites where he fails to meet the 15% threshold. 57% of O’Malley voters say Sanders is their second choice to only 27% who say it’s Clinton. We found something similar on our last poll, when O’Malley voters said they’d pick Sanders over Clinton 43/20. So just based on the reallocation of O’Malley voters, Sanders can expect to make up a couple points of his deficit.
@ 27
Betrayal is a strong word.
We’ll feel better after Friedrichs is decided.
And before you award Roberts your team captain’s letter, Better, here’s a little blast from the past for you:
“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
28 good i want Bernie to be president more than hillary.
I suppose we should just get used to the banality of Sanders Concern Trolling™.
I don’t see it making any difference in outcomes. But it must make conservative trolls feel better to believe they aren’t the only ones suffused with panic.
@ 30
Hey Better, be sure to close your browser window before you let your kid play with your keyboard.
@ 31
Much, thanks.
29. Roberts is also a member of Black Lives Matter? Good on him.
I know opinion will swing if Roberts votes some way they like but right now….
“A new Morning Consult poll shows half of self-described Republican voters, and 55 percent of self-identified conservatives, disapprove of the job Roberts is doing as chief justice. Only 29 percent of Republicans and 23 percent of conservatives say they approve of his job performance.
Among Democrats, Roberts is doing just fine: 51 percent of self-identified Democrats and 57 percent of those who called themselves liberal approve of his job performance. And 52 percent of those who voted for President Obama say they’re okay with the way the chief justice does his job.”
Back to your comment about rubes, who’s being taken for a ride exactly? Democrats are having some success with their agenda, but seems the tea baggers are increasingly unhinged as year after year after year, they are promised one thing after another and the republicans do not deliver.
And in states where republicans do live up to their promises, you get Kansas and Louisiana as the current poster states of republican success. How’s that working out for the republican voters?
@32. How droll, bob tried to make an insult joke involving a child. Hey, remember when bob used the president’s underage daughters to make fun of the looks African American girls? I’m sure he thought that was a knee slapper too.
@32. How droll, bob tried to make an insult joke involving a child. Hey, remember when bob used the president’s underage daughters to make fun of the appearance of African American girls? I’m sure he thought that was a knee slapper too.
“Betrayal is a strong word.”
Must suck to be a wingnut Christian.
“John Roberts’s Betrayal”
@ 35
Take a poll a week after King v. Burwell and Obergefell v. Hodges were decided and I’m surprised the numbers aren’t worse for Roberts. Those decisions came down days before the polling period.
Somehow I think that if you polled the same cross-section of America in the last week of June or the first week of July this year, you’d get a very different response, Better.
“you’d get a very different response, Better”
Your point is that wingnuts are fickle? Obviously, they are. After cheerleading him for eight years, look at how fast you all disowned Bush43.
Your policy wonkness is showing. I bet 95% of conservatives couldn’t tell you what King v. Burwell and Obergefell v. Hodges was.
do you think it really matters in an age where “the same cross-section of America” is standing in line for hours to attend rallies supporting Donald Trump?
Whether or not evangelicals can deliver the White House, this year you can’t even be sure they will. Whatever warm fuzzies they had for Bush just don’t seem to be operating in the 21st century.
Maybe it’s time you noticed, Bob. But in the astronomically unlikely event that Trump were to win in November, that would not be a win for conservatives. Let me repeat: President Trump, the guy who promises to raise taxes on the wealthy, tax the shit out of capital gains, break every trade pact, erect crippling trade sanctions, and cut every industry subsidy, that guy, not good for conservatives.
Or are you still holding on for Marco? That’s just sad.
@26 Yeah, but the other 5% was a real asskick on you guys, wasn’t it?
@29 I’m all for strictly merit-based selection of Supreme Court justices, which if applied to the current justices would eliminate your conservative majority in the blink of an eye.
Speaking of the Supreme Court, if another Republican ever gets into the White House, it wouldn’t surprise me if he got rid of Ted Crud by parking him on SCOTUS, which has a long tradition of serving as a repository for troublesome politicians. (It works well for this because it’s a controlled environment, plus they never leave except in a box, just like the treatment center at McNeil Island.) After all, he’s a brilliant lawyer, and no more corrupt than, say, Scalia.
@35 Yes, chief justices have a way of spinning out of control, don’t they? Eisenhower learned that hard lesson, too.
@39 Reminds me of 1975, when you couldn’t find a single person in this country who voted for Nixon. According to post-presidency straw polls, Humphrey and McGovern both got 100% of the popular vote. Funny how a lot of GOP presidencies end up that way.
@41 You forgot to mention that President Trump also will deport their cheap labor.
If a troll falls in a forest…
Just like worser and 99% of DUMMOCRETINS would have to research the Kelo Decision and its ramifications on America!
Yeah that ObummerCare case pizzed Obummer!
Remember Heilary has called for a Citizen’s United litmus test for replacement Supremes! So typical of a DUMMOCRETIN!
So the Oregon Moron reads Puddy after all. So the LIV act is just an act!
Such a liar the Oregon moron is!
Eat the contract, NBC. Just. eat. it.
Harvey Araton
Brian Williams just warned MSNBC audience not to “believe everything you see and hear tonight.” Unfortunate phrasing
@51 Must’ve been talking about a GOP debate.
@49 “Remember Heilary has called for a Citizen’s United litmus test for replacement Supremes!”
One of the best reasons there is to vote for her.
We’re getting some early numbers from Iowa now. The surprise, of course, is how competitive Rubio is — he’s right in there with Cruz and Trump. If this holds up, it should give Rubio a boost. This is with 14% of the GOP caucus ballots counted.
Clinton – 52%
Sanders – 48%
O’Malley – 0%
Cruz – 28%
Trump – 25%
Rubio – 23%
Carson – 7%
Paul – 6%
Bush – 4%
CBS News says O’Malley is dropping out of the race.
Sanders is catching up to Clinton; it’s now 50%-49%.
It appears Cruz will win Iowa; Rubio is closing on Trump (24% vs. 25%), and it’s conceivable Trump might finish third.
Carson is giving a speech. He says we have to raise the Social Security retirement age and cut benefits because of the $19 trillion debt. And because that’s what Italy did. And so we don’t become Greece. Apparently he doesn’t realize Social Security is supported by a dedicated tax and contributes zero to the national debt. What a dummy.
So it looks like Ted Cruz wins Iowa.
Marco Rubio close third
Dr Ben Carson is fourth
So much for the clueless crazed cretin call of WHITE PRIVILEGE!
The only WHITE PRIVILEGE is DUMMOCRETIN voters for OLD WHITE PEEPS! Clinton and Sanders
CBS just called Iowa for Ted Crud.
Very Fortunate Phrasing…
CBS News says Huckabee is dropping out of the race.
Here are the GOP numbers with 99% of returns:
Cruz – 28%
Trump – 24%
Rubio – 23%
Carson – 9%
Paul – 5%
Bush – 3%
If Clinton wins it’s a pyrrhic victory due to Heilary’s inevitability per all the libtard pundits who have been pining for her all over America!
O’Malley should throw his support to Sanders. That would screw Heilary good!
Old white people vote for Clinton. A lot of OLD WHITE FOSSILS still reside in the DUMMOCRETIN party!
Young white people vote for Sanders.
WHITE PRIVILEGE is strong in the DUMMOCRETIN party!
Wow, Clinton won a precinct by a coin toss? Such inevitability!
Heilary 49.8
Bernie 49.6
SWEEEEEEEEEEET inevitability!
BTW thanks Obummer
America’s Economic Freedom Has Rapidly Declined Under Obama
Since early 2009:
•Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.
•The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax-filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.
•The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.
•Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation.
How’s Kook-a-nut Karson doing?
Heh. Sarah Quittin’ Fallin’ supported the Trumphole. Working out great I hear.
BTW Jerry Brown has done a bang up job…
5 Million People Left California Over the Past Decade. Many Went to Texas.
@64 ad nauseum: I’ll see your Ted Cruz and raise you a Bernie Sanders.
So much for the clueless crazed cretin call of WHITE PRIVILEGE!
The only WHITE PRIVILEGE is DUMMOCRETIN voters for OLD WHITE PEEPS! Clinton and Sanders
I’ll take the capitalist over the socialist!
CNN claims DUMMOCRETINS should be proud of Heilary. Mrs Puddy asked FOR WHAT?
77% of people broke for Sanders for trustworthiness!
Only 14% of people broke for Heilary for trustworthiness!
The Fore
skinhead Paul Begala is cheering for Heilary! Blatant super pac cheerleading.Heilary called out the union thugs for help.
If Sanders worked on the email scandal he would have won!
Old WHITE PRIVILEGE union thugs for Heilary!
@71 Yep, and when the oilfield jobs dry up, they leave.
@76 I like union thugs. Union wages created the middle class. The disappearance of the great industrial unions is why we don’t have a middle class anymore. We need to bring the thug unions back so America can have a middle class again.
LMAO!!! Karson lost right? The Kult’s choice LOST!
White privilege SUCKA TROLL!
Enjoy Kruz JACKASS!
I’m afraid this may not bode well for the Canadian.
Seems to me he needed to be in the low thirtys. He gave too much ground to Rubio. Jeb is toast. So if Rubio lingers on and continues to take delegates in the early rounds it may tend to dilute the Canadians support.
That troll is still holding out for the grift?
I suppose that’s good news. Fools like him will leave their money on the sidelines as it pays for charter jets and room service meals.
“SUCKA” indeed!
That troll needs to tithe harder! Cause Ted Cruz sure won’t!
Kruz attends church on Sunday. And Kruz don’t sniff pork like Karson.
@82 Someone should frisk him when he leaves to make sure he isn’t making off with the collection plate.
Olivia Nuzzi
Crowd at the Sanders party is chanting “YOU ARE A LIAR” at Hillary on TV
Not content to be branded racists for their behavior in Seattle, Sanders supporters aim to be branded misogynists for their behavior in Iowa.
Damn. I guess that means it’s all over for the Democrats now that we’ve lost the votes of women and minorities to Donald Trump.
Sure, Hillary may have lost women and minorities. But she was 6-0 on coin tosses tonite.
Speaking of women and minorities…
The percentage of GOP voters caucusing for a Cuban-American tonite was larger than the percentage of Dem voters caucusing for a woman.
Happy Ground Hog day! Candlmas if you prefer. Hopefully you will not repeat it as that hubbub in Iowa will get old.
@5 You have a point, but politicians in at least the other Washington are adept at ignoring the people they represent like 98% of the time. Maybe Olympia isn’t that extreme, but it’s probably a high percentage.
@13 Article XI Section 5 of the Washington State Constitution.
Sheriffs and Police Chiefs are different animals. Sheriffs have always had real political power. They have wide jurisdiction, manage the jail, manage the coroner. They can serve civil papers. They would argue they are court officers, and they do provide the baliff and security.
Of course it’s a reasonable question, but it also applies to county judges, prosecutors, ect. So your alternative would be for all these folks to be appointed by the Governor?
@23 Purely by accident the Republicans actually have found gold out of Benghazi. What Hilliary did wasn’t careless. Setting up a server is an intentional act. Maybe hubris is the word you want? She put up her hand and swore an oath and signed her name to certain documents giving her word. As the classification authority for the State Department she has an obligation to follow the rules she expected all members of the State Department to abide by.
I do not not see General Pratreus running for President, nor do I see him ducking what he did. He is fortunate to not have a reduction in rank. His government career is dead though, and it’s likely he will ever run for public office. He probably no longer has access. His employment possibilities have been much reduced. There is no revolving door for him.
@43 Selection based purely on merit would possible eliminate all the current members of the court. Of course one need not be an attorney nor even have been a judge to be a sitting member of the court. Though I wonder if a court with members based only on merit if we could have a useful court.
When Yahoo news turns on ya…
“She has had every possible structural and organizational advantage and Sanders fought her to a draw,” said Dan Schnur, director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at the University of Southern California.
With no clear victory to announce, Clinton’s campaign scrapped a plan to have her daughter Chelsea and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, introduce her. They stood alongside her instead, with Bill Clinton wearing his campaign logo badge upside-down.
On Monday the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot databaze cretin arschloch jackASS thought Donald Trump would win and screamed WHITE PRIVILEGE.
Well It seems once again the clueless crazed datbaze cretin got it wrong again. So wrong for so long. The WHITE PRIVILEGE was displayed on the DUMMOCRETIN side with old union thugged backed WHITE PRIVILEGE voting for Heilary Clinton.
Sadly the clueless crazed datbaze cretin is still screaming WHITE PRIVILEGE when 60% of the white Republican people in Iowa voted for the minority candidate while 100% of DUMMOCRETINS voted for WHITE PRIVILEGE! Even young DUMMOCRETINS voted for WHITE PRIVILEGE! Imagine that!
Sux to be so wrong for so long WHITE PRIVILEGE lover clueless crazed datbaze cretin!
Holy Cow… Did Mark Adams take a sodium pentothal again?
@23 Purely by accident the Republicans actually have found gold out of Benghazi. What Hilliary did wasn’t careless. Setting up a server is an intentional act. Maybe hubris is the word you want? She put up her hand and swore an oath and signed her name to certain documents giving her word. As the classification authority for the State Department she has an obligation to follow the rules she expected all members of the State Department to abide by.
This is what Republicans have been saying for months. Heilary doesn’t think federal government rules apply to her. Butt she would prosecute those in her command who acted like her.
Butt don’t worry Mark… The Oregon moron won’t comprehend what you wrote! Too many FACTS!
When you are really fair and balanced people notice…
Chicago’s crime crisis going to waste by voting in DUMMOCRETIN after DUMMOCRETIN.
Yesterday the markets dropped.
Where was the R senile dumbass wabbit commentary?
Puddy told y’all that the markets were too volatile at this time.
Puddy gave you eight indices from the 4th quarter that came true in December
Puddy’s money is getting bank interest. Yes it’s a low rate and Puddy hasn’t lost money this year!
Keep listening to the dumb wabbit R senile and don’t perform your own due diligence!
If you’re gonna be any good at this, you’ll have to refine your rhetoric. You need to say “sons of Cuban Americans ” when you refer to the Canadian and Jeb! Jr.