– It still seems to me like a bigger problem that a president is expected to attend a national prayer breakfast.
– Anti-vaxing is a labor issue, too
– Marchers Carry Golf Clubs to Protest the Arrest of William Wingate and Racial Profiling
– I haven’t noticed the unicorn bike in a rack or out in the wild, but now I’m looking for it.
Release them all – close Guantanamo Bay – save taxpayer money (like every Republican wants to do – yeah right). It’s the only way to get rid of these guys.
Released under GWB Admin. and he rejoined – I thought that only happens to Obama. But killed by Obama Admin. Leave it to a Democrat to always fix a Republican problem.
Keep Whining you slutty fucking Republcans.
Puffy you haven’t made comment with regard to this, is it because you approve or just don’t give a shit?
Carl, the Valentine’s comic link just goes to the Daily Kos comics root page, which means it will stop working correctly once the next comic is posted. You probably want to link straight to the Tom Tomorrow comic:
“How would you like to live in an economy where robots do everything that can be predictably programmed in advance, and almost all profits go to the robots’ owners?
Meanwhile, human beings do the work that’s unpredictable – odd jobs, on-call projects, fetching and fixing, driving and delivering, tiny tasks needed at any and all hours – and patch together barely enough to live on.
In effect, on-demand work is a reversion to the piece work of the nineteenth century – when workers had no power and no legal rights, took all the risks, and worked all hours for almost nothing.”
I don’t see this ending well, if this is the world we are going to. It’s too easy to imagine we will get to the police state to keep out the saboteurs of the technology.
I don’t see an easy solutions where the robot owners willing share that wealth with the “takers”.
Apparently, Kim Jong Un has enough people looking at the internet and questioning why N. Korea is a big black spot at night from space, that he needs to comment. His response makes him sound like he knows he’s in trouble.
@4 I don’t discount the possibility or actuality of what you say, but if the majority of people don’t have work or make a meager living, then the will not be able to afford all the wasteful things people buy today to keep the economy going. I think that that type of economic situation would collapse and not be too successful. As much as we like to think that the wealthy don’t care about the poor, today’s extent may be a little more than unsympathetic, but what would happen if poverty was the norm? Do you think the very rich would stand by and do nothing or would they then have to promote some epidemic that wipes out half the population>
While i think some wish the takers would vanish, bio warfare is too unstable. I.e. what if their super vaccine didn’t work.
You will not be seeing the Unicorn Bike as I have a crack troop of Penguins on their way to Seattle to bring it to Bellingham. HA HA HA !!!
buttbusting buttbigot @2,
Must be Puddy doesn’t care because Puddy doesn’t care. Clear enough for ya?
Well that Luke Brinker is a real pinhead. No wonder Carl linked to him. Birds of a feather, pin their heads together. So let’s review some FACTS … http://imgur.com/bpnbqRI
When did the crusades end again? And which is the “peaceful” religion again?
Sad Carl, really sad! You don’t even try anymore!
Marchers Carry Golf Clubs to Protest the Arrest of William Wingate and Racial Profiling – Isn’t it wonderful how the progressive town of Seattle’s police department exhibits the same traits of Ferguson Police Department? Northern DUMMOCRETINS are no different!
Obummer blames the media for everything… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....ror-fears/ Nothing like Obummer understating the threat. Why is Jordan flying 20% of the sorties against ISIS while Saudi Arabia has almost four times the air force and they are “our friends”?
Friends whom hate Israel and think like HA DUMMOCRETINS:
Boko Haram
Ansar al-Shari’a
Abu Sayyef
Al Qaeda
Once again Rahmbo Deadfish Emanuel’s Chicago is such a great place to live… http://chicago.cbslocal.com/20.....nt-cragin/
Remember DUMMOCRETINS, he’s a DUMMOCRETIN strategist, so his attacks on Republicans are expected
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS like Obummer’s net neutrality plan. Why? Because anything from Obummer is good no matter how bad it really is! Hope and Change morons are Goldy’s NorthWest Divsion of Lunatic Moonbats! http://dailycaller.com/2015/02.....-internet/
To a HA DUMMOCRETIN government always knows best no matter how heinous the regulations are!
Puddy really cracks up when HA DUMMOCRETINS claim it’s all about the money for Republicans… Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, it’s all about the money for DUMMOCRETINS…
Puddy wonders how does Media Morons keep it’s 501 designation with it’s blatant left wrong libtard stances? Puddy knows why Media Morons is used by HA DUMMOCRETINS… for it’s blatant left wrong stances!
This was big time news last week. Such big time news the NY Slimes had to cover it. Yet this failed to make the Friday Night Comix page. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02......html?_r=0
DUMMOCRETINS are always on the edge of sleazy when it comes to politics. That’s why they scream and should over the minutia the press delivers against conservatives to cover their litany of scummy political practices!