After Cathy Sorbo appeared on your radio show some time back Goldy, I make it a point to read her columns on Saturdays. Yesterday’s was an excellent column:
…”No one likes to entertain the notion of their own death. Nor do we get shiny happy feelings when we think about the death of a spouse or parent. But we can be sure that the Final Curtain waits for us, one and all.
That’s why you might be seeing signature gatherers for Initiative 1000, the Washington State Death With Dignity campaign ( This initiative is heavily supported by ex-Gov. Booth Gardner, who, most likely, also hates the WASL
We have to ask ourselves: Should the state retain the right to extend the substandard life of a mentally competent dying person, or should said person have the means to end his life in a safe, legal and humane way?
Opposing this initiative will be the American Medical Association and the Roman Catholic Church, so I-1000 needs all the support it can get to secure a place on the ballot. If the passage of this initiative means something to you, request a petition, collect 20 signatures and drop it into the I-1000 office by May 5.”
Thanks to Sorbo for supplying the website:
They’re looking for volunteers (I just requested a petition to share with friends and neighbors) & donations, if anyone else is interested. Just knowing that Oregon beat back the crap of Ashcroft to keep their program intact is sweet justice indeed.
With one million new voters – you traitors will have to work that much harder to try to steal the election again.
That’s one of the lamest ads I’ve seen in a while. And it’s old news.
Jeremiah Wright has now give two public answers to the racist misuse of his speeches and the low ball misuse of that Faux maneuver by Clinton.
The bottom line is that Wright is obviously; an extraordinarily bright, thoughtful, patriot. His pride in the USA is s strong that it is infectious. The press should be ashamed of itself for taing words out of context .. but after listening to the Rev, I realize he is a lot brighter than most blow haired talking heads.
It is obvious that this guy is no lightweight. Jeremiah is proud of his heritage and displays an ethnocentrism worthy of my immigrant Galitzianer Grandmother or my Irish and Italian neighbors in Boston as I grew up. Jeremiah is a one proud dude but one who obviously revels in pride in his own ethnicity.
This light brown namesake of Prophet, may well be the anchovy in the American Caesar salad.
Finally, his discourse in ebonics andAafrican vs Euro rhythms was wonderful! Excursions through lieder and spirituals were awesome.
I have pasted some of this at SJ and just one bit here:
voo den?
Also you might look here to see the Elizabeth Edwards attack on the effon media.
I am beginning to feel that an utter loss of all MASM might be a good thing!
@1 Why do we need an initiative for what a gun can do in 1/100th of a second?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gitmo Trial Bombshell
“This week at … Guantanamo a military court will hear key pre-trial motions in the terrorism case against Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the one-time driver of Osama bin Laden.
“Among the … witnesses will be Air Force Col. Morris Davis, who resigned … last fall as Gitmo’s chief prosecutor. His allegation: that top Pentagon officials … have tried to exert political influence on the … outcomes of … trials ….
” … Hamdan’s lawyers will allege ‘unlawful command influence’ over their client’s prospective trial. Col. Davis … is expected to testify that Gordon Englund, the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Pentagon’s second-highest civilian, told him last year, ‘We need to think about charging some high-value detainees because there could be strategic value before the [November] election.’ Davis is also expected to repeat, as he has in court filings, that the Defense department’s former top lawyer, general counsel William Haynes, informed him, ‘We can’t have acquittals [at Guantanamo]. If we’ve been holding these guys for so long, how can we explain letting them get off?. We’ve got to have convictions.’
“Davis is also quite likely to accuse Air Force Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartmann, senior legal advisor to the tribunal, of demanding ‘sexy’ cases with ‘blood on them’ to drum up public support for convictions. ‘There is no question they wanted me to stage show trials that have nothing to do with the centuries old tradition of military justice in America,’ Col. Davis told TIME.”
If that is the best the DNC has in their creative department, get out the hankies.
Bad ad.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Wright is a bitter racist.
“his discourse in ebonics andAafrican vs Euro rhythms was wonderful! Excursions through lieder and spirituals were awesome.”
An attempt to rationalize his racism.
As a die-hard Obama supporter, I expect you to put a happy face on this KLOWN. NO SALE!
Daddy Lovespews:
Jeremiah Wright has been a professor at Chicago Theological Seminary, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary and other educational institutions. Wright has served on the Board of Trustees of Virginia Union University, Chicago Theological Seminary and City Colleges of Chicago. He has also served on the Board Directors of Evangelical Health Systems, the Black Theology Project, the Center for New Horizons and the Malcom X School of Nursing, and on boards and committees of other religious and civic organizations.
Wright has received a Rockefeller Fellowship and seven honorary doctorate degrees, including from Colgate University, Valparaiso University, United Theological Seminary and Chicago Theological Seminary. Wright was named one of Ebony magazine’s top fifteen preachers. He was also awarded the first Carver Medal by Simpson College in January 2008, to recognize Wright as “an outstanding individual whose life exemplifies the commitment and vision of the service of George Washington Carver”.
Jeremiah Wright has been a professor at Chicago Theological Seminary, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary and other educational institutions. Wright has served on the Board of Trustees of Virginia Union University, Chicago Theological Seminary and City Colleges of Chicago. He has also served on the Board Directors of Evangelical Health Systems, the Black Theology Project, the Center for New Horizons and the Malcom X School of Nursing, and on boards and committees of other religious and civic organizations.
Wright has received a Rockefeller Fellowship and seven honorary doctorate degrees, including from Colgate University, Valparaiso University, United Theological Seminary and Chicago Theological Seminary. Wright was named one of Ebony magazine’s top fifteen preachers. He was also awarded the first Carver Medal by Simpson College in January 2008, to recognize Wright as “an outstanding individual whose life exemplifies the commitment and vision of the service of George Washington Carver”.
Daddy Lovespews:
From 1959 to 1961, Wright attended Virginia Union University,[1] in Richmond. Inspired by President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 challenge to “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” Wright gave up his student deferment, left college and joined the United States Marine Corps and became part of the 2nd Marine Division with the rank of private first class. In 1963, after two years of service, Wright then transferred to the United States Navy and entered the Corpsman School at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, where he graduated as valedictorian. Having excelled in corpsman school, Wright was then trained as a cardiopulmonary technician at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland where he graduated as salutatorian. Wright was assigned as part of the medical team charged with care of President Lyndon B. Johnson (see photo of Wright caring for Johnson after his 1966 surgery). Before leaving the position in 1967, the White House awarded Wright three letters of commendation.
Rev. Wright served six years in the Marine Corps. How many years did Dick Cheney serve?
Daddy Lovespews:
It’s a good thing we’re so good at “fighting terrorism,” because we can’t to anything else well, it seems:
Audit: Millions in Iraq contracts never finished
Investigators: U.S. government has falsely described projects as complete
updated 2:53 a.m. PT, Mon., April. 28, 2008
WASHINGTON – Millions of dollars of lucrative Iraq reconstruction contracts were never finished because of excessive delays, poor performance or other factors, including failed projects that are being falsely described by the U.S. government as complete, federal investigators say.
Yes, we’re so good at fighting terrorism that that five years later Iraq has an Iranian-backed government and the insurgency is as strong as ever. The change seems to be that we’ve watched the ehtnic cleansing of Baghdad and five million Iraqis are homeless refugeees.
Daddy Lovespews:
It’s a good thing we’re so good at “fighting terrorism,” because we can’t to anything else well, it seems:
Audit: Millions in Iraq contracts never finished
Investigators: U.S. government has falsely described projects as complete
updated 2:53 a.m. PT, Mon., April. 28, 2008
WASHINGTON – Millions of dollars of lucrative Iraq reconstruction contracts were never finished because of excessive delays, poor performance or other factors, including failed projects that are being falsely described by the U.S. government as complete, federal investigators say.
Yes, we’re so good at fighting terrorism that that five years later Iraq has an Iranian-backed government and the insurgency is as strong as ever. The change seems to be that we’ve watched the ehtnic cleansing of Baghdad and five million Iraqis are homeless refugeees.
Daddy Lovespews:
Bush lies. Cheney lies. And it seems everyone in their government lies. I mean, I guess if I were presiding over and administration of torture, corruption, and incompetence, I’d end up lying to cover it up, too.
Marvin Stamnspews:
It appears that seattle has a bunch of snobs that don’t care about the homeless. How typical of liberals.
At one community meeting, some residents wondered whether homeless housing at the fort would attract wife-beaters, sex offenders and crack addicts. They rolled their eyes when city officials asserted that such housing increases property values. They worried about the impact on schools and scoffed at the idea of homeless people shopping at the closest grocery — which sells pheasant-and-rosemary pâté for $9.99 and ground coffee for up to $18 a pound.
“We’re the ones who live here, and we want to have a nice, safe neighborhood to live in,” Donald Raz, a King County deputy prosecutor and Magnolia resident, said later.
Like most affluent neighborhoods in Seattle, Magnolia doesn’t have any housing for homeless people mainly because land is too expensive for social-service agencies to buy.
Pelletizer: Another article on the rise of food. Take your time reading it.
“One factor being blamed for the price hikes is the use of government subsidies to promote the use of corn for ethanol production. An estimated 30% of America’s corn crop now goes to fuel, not food.”
One of the most important lessons of our history is that we too can be nazis. Taking Wright’s statements .. esp. given the depth and complexity of his thought, without context is disgusting.
Having now spent three hours listening to the an, I would call him arrogant, self satisfied, abd highly opinionated. If we were friends I would call him and say Jeremiah, you are a self centered pig for not considering how your owrds have hurt others.
Does any of this make him a traitor? Does any of it diminish many good sides? Is arrogance a fault in a religion that claims there is only one true God?
As for my being an Obama supporter, the I am that. And in that role I am not happy that this strongly flavored morsel has clome to the public plate. OTOH I am also impressed enough with what Mr. Wright says that I look forward to reading his book and admire Obama, once more, for having the breadth to see all the good that is in his pastor.
Finally, assuming you are a goy, a gentile, there is something familiar to me about your sort of dissmissal of another person’s views .. wasn’t it Christians like you aho declared my [people stiff necked?
Daddy Lovespews:
Why are we in Iraq and Afghanistan? I mean, at this point in history?
Is it just coincidence that Iraq is sitting on the world’s third-largest oil reserves, and that US oil and gas interests are building a pipeline across Afghanistan from the Caspian to Pakistan? Are those just amazing coincidences?
And the sheep bleat “terrorism.”
Daddy Lovespews:
14 MS
Those people are just misguided. If they’re worried about wife-beaters, sex offenders and crack addicts, they should keep out Republicans.
16 – “The Sun was founded by a group of investors including Conrad Black with the intent of providing a non-tabloid alternative to The New York Times.”
‘Stoll has characterized the Sun’s political orientation as “right-of-center,”[4] and an associate of Conrad Black predicted in 2002 that the paper would be “certainly neoconservative in its views.”[3] Editor-in-chief Lipsky describes the agenda of the paper’s prominent op-ed page as “limited government, individual liberty, constitutional fundamentals, equality under the law, economic growth … standards in literature and culture, education.”[5] The Sun’s roster of columnists includes many prominent conservative writers, including the late William F. Buckley, Jr., Michael Barone, Daniel Pipes, and Mark Steyn.‘
In short – more right wing bullshit from HA’s right wing bullshit addict of addicts.
Cynychyt @ 9…
Takes one to know one asshole.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Daddy Love spews:
14 MS
Those people are just misguided. If they’re worried about wife-beaters, sex offenders and crack addicts, they should keep out Republicans.
Liberal hypocrisy. Plain & simple.
If it’s about sex offenders, all one needs to do is look at NAMBLA and it’s supporters to see the truth. Oops, bad example. The left doesn’t see daddies sexing up little boys as offensive. Why else would their office be in san francisco.
You still haven’t said why a grown man with a funny little goatee changed his name to daddy love.
Yes Daddy Love you forget in mid 199os Clinton approves the Trans Afghan pipeline with Enron.
But don’t let these Puddyfacts cloud the single celled brain you possess.
Ahhh yes HAs clueless idiot appears this morning, not to comment on the real food riots but to discuss the NY Sun.
What an idiot. A clueless idiot.
Question for HAs clueless idiot. Have food riots recently occurred? Are the MSM reporting these food riots? WHy not clueless idiot? Are people realizing the vote by VP AlGorebasm in 1994 are affecting food prices today?
These are such simple questions but the HA simpleton will have problems answering them.
Now back to Daddy NAMBLA Love. Whomever gave that name to you; I like it. Remember the recent dust-up with Clinton and Kazakhstan last February? Remember how Daily Kurse glossed over it?
mobettameta.blogspot. com /2008/02/
Chevron closed the deal with Kazakhstan in 1993. Read my links Daddy NAMBLA Love. – This link has been removed now for obvious reasons but I found it on www. /forum/a38fa43656d59.htm
Well Puddy don’t forget these things. I use them as PuddyFacts later.
This whole pipeline started back in the early 90s yet the lefty blogs don’t want you to know this. Well Puddy knows and now you do too. Enjoy your reading Daddy NAMBLA Love…
Marvin Stamnspews:
Can’t blame repubulicans for this so this won’t even be talked about on the liberal MSM. Even keith olbermann won’t talk about it. When you consider there is no outrage from the left like there was over the flushing of a koran it speaks volumes.
The UN has covered up claims that its troops in Democratic Republic of Congo gave arms to militias and smuggled gold and ivory, the BBC has learned.
Can’t blame repubulicans for this so this won’t even be talked about on the liberal MSM. When you consider there is no outrage from the left like there was over the flushing of a koran it speaks volumes.
The UN has covered up claims that its troops in Democratic Republic of Congo gave arms to militias and smuggled gold and ivory, the BBC has learned.
It’s easy for Mr. Clinical to dismiss another person’s views. He obviously puts so little effort into formulating his own.
Recently TRM asked a question of HAs clueless idiot in a different open thread.
Notice the static on the blog as HAs clueless idiot hasn’t found the data yet? Maybe HAs clueless idiot needs remedial search help…
Missing data like his mind…
Marvin Stamnspews:
hey daddy love, we are all still waiting to hear why a grown man changes his name to daddy love.
Are you scared to admit it? It’s not like any on the left will call you out for it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Can’t blame repubulicans for this so this won’t even be talked about on the liberal MSM. When you consider there is no outrage from the left like there was over the flushing of a koran it speaks volumes.
The UN has covered up claims that its troops in Democratic Republic of Congo gave arms to militias and smuggled gold and ivory, the BBC has learned.
I like how the turkey farmer predicted this but no one listened. While we are outputting more greenhouse gases producing ethenol than a typical oil refinery, our food prices are taking a hit.
The Real Markspews:
Marvin @ 29
DL’s name is like a bad tattoo that you do (or will) regret when you mature (despite DL’s chronological age, F’in “maturity” isn’t an F’in word that he F’in understands).
Perhaps he should just be left alone in his shame. He has to live with that name, not anyone else. Unless, of course, he had “Mr. Slave” [South Park reference] legally change his name, too.
try this /id/23632933
I like how the turkey farmer predicted this but no one listened. While we are outputting more greenhouse gases producing ethenol than a typical oil refinery, our food prices are taking a hit.
Hey Mark…question….what is the gravatar pic you have?
Daddy Lovespews:
I told you when I would discuss my name with you. It hasn’t happened yet. Not that my name is really any of your business.
But then that facts are with you, argue the facts. When the facts aren’t with you, bring up my name. Right?
Daddy Lovespews:
37 TRM
It’s funny watching ~you~ tell ~MS~ that I’m the “immature” one in here. That’s good. Fucking good, I’d say.
Daddy Lovespews:
I just don’t have 100 years to spend in Iraq. Kinda got other things going.
If you really want to make you case you might look up who Donald Raz has given campaign donations to. You’d sorta wind up with egg on your face if he turned out to be a Republican.
Rev. Wright’s latest angry, self-serving speeches tells me that he is either not a bright man, or he doesn’t care if Obama is the nominee.
Couple of things to remember—-
John McCain has flip flopped on every single major position he’s held in 20 years…
John McCain lied about releasing his medical records and still won’t…
John McCain was partially responsible for the Savings & Loan crisis as part of the Keating Five debacle…
John McCain fights tooth and nail to make sure that POW records aren’t released because they contain evidence of his cooperation with the enemy…
John McCain’s lied about tapping into his CURRENT wife Cindy’s fortune for his campaign…
John McCain abandoned his disfigured wife in favor of a new prettier, richer one…
John McCain is in bed with more lobbyists than anyone in the GOP despite his assertions to the contrary…
Oh Yes John McCain is teamed up with a guy who says that the Catholic religion is full of whores…
The Real Markspews:
Hannah @ 40
(Roger) rabbit on a highway lane stripe.
TRM @48 – ah hahahaha now I get it…been wondering ever since someone made the reference to the white KKK cone head.
@14 continued
See there’s these things called FACTS and it really helps if you use them to make your case. You could say, for example, that the residents of Magnolia donate 3 to 1 to Democrats. But, even that doesn’t prove that the people that attended that meeting and made those comments were infact Democrats. My zipcode normally breaks 3 to 1 in favor of Republicans and I’m, obviously, not one.
Just as a fun aside my zip code has flip-flopped this year and is breaking 3-1 for Democrats!
Hey on the whole gas price gouging:
Why is it one gas station on one corner is at $3.79 a gallon and another on the opposit end of the block is $3.63 a gallon (an no, neither one is ARCO)? And they found no price gouging? How many “price gouging” investigations has there been in our state? At what cost? And no findings of price gouging?
Puddy swoops in, kicks everyones ass all over
the internet, and then dissapears into the
shadows. I say, “who are youuuuu?”
The Real Markspews:
Troll @ 45
Your post could apply to most Loony Lefties — especially those here like BiBiGoober, Daddy NAMBLA Love and Witless Loose-y.
They’re like children with mental issues — they just like to be angry and break stuff. Even if they succeeded in throwing the US in to the stone age of neo-Socialism, they STILL wouldn’t be happy.
The more I think about it, I realize that Goldy is doing a much larger public service than anyone (including Goldy himself) could imagine. He’s giving these whack-jobs a rubber room to play in so that they don’t bother the public. They can rant about their conspiracy theories… they can swear and name-call… all in the safety of cyberspace. While I’m sure electing Obama or Darcy or some member of the Socialist Workers Party would make them giddy for a moment, their happiness would be short-lived and they’d feel the urge to rant again soon.
So, to borrow from the Bud radio commercials…
Here’s to you, Goldy… Mr. Liberal-Rubber-Room-providing-blogger! This Bud’s for you!
Daddy Lovespews:
52 m
So to you Puddybud “kick[s] everyone’s ass all over the Internet?” When he replies to a post about why we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq after 2001 (and have remained there ever since) by saying it was the Clenis who started it all by signing a piece of paper? Funny how Clinton didn’t find it necessary to invade. Ooohh, the dreaded Irrelevacy Ass Kicking. No one expects the Puddybud Flurry Of Irrelevancy!
They’re like children with mental issues — they just like to be angry and break stuff. Even if they succeeded in throwing the US in to the stone age
Surreal Mark – you speak so flatteringly, like the typical projecting right-winger of yourself and your fellow travelers in right wing fantasy land.
“Rubber room” hahaha that’s funny as hell! Actually outside of reading and posting here, I talk about this site all the time to friends, family, co-workers and complete strangers. The amusing stories I get from here, oh and alot of facts and data from a few, I get to tell others who aren’t that much into politics to look up this, look up that. Some of the stuff I read on here is a true eye opener.
Daddy Lovespews:
52 TRM
Don’t worry, all we really plan to do is to elect a Democratic president and 60 Democratic Senators.
BTW, I don’t know how long you’ve been here. the the whole “NAMBLA” thing was some other idiot’s idea three years ago. You’re not only late to the party, you’re drearily predictable. I wonder if perhaps like the other most rabid projectors, accusers, and decryers (Larry Craig among them, for examle), you may very well may harbor some sorts of secret fantasies. I highly recommend talk therapy as a means to discover who you really are under the anger, the homophobia, and the ad hominem accusations of pedophilia. Then perhaps humans will allow you back into the world of discourse.
A true adult would ask someone if that someone agreed with everything said from their preacher’s
pulpit and then looked to see if the actions agreed with the words.
Not Surreal Mark and the troll – their childish impulse is McCarthyist guilt by association.
Everything old (50’s right wing paranoia) is new again!
Daddy Lovespews:
Remember the Stone Age of the 1990s, when the dollar was strong, the US was PAYING OFF its debt instead of racking up $5 trillion extra debt to pay, job and wage growth was at historically high levels and unemployment was at historic lows? Remember when we had peace and properity? Gosh, I sure hope we don’t return to THOSE primitive times.
It’s really scary that Surreal Mark is just sane enough of a right winger to NOT join 841,000+ other mentally challenged wingnuts and NOT vote for Will Baker in 2004.
The Real Markspews:
DL @ 57
Plan all you want. Ain’t gonna happen.
I have no problem with gay people. And by your logic, Goldy, Roger, BiBiGOP, Loose-y and the rest of the Loony Lefties here are closet neocons.
The NAMBLA thing was actually some OTHER idiot’s (your) idea FIVE years ago when you changed the name legally.
56 – Yes “Hannah” (aka PacMan?) – tell all your right wing friends about this site. If they voted for Will Baker the international man of diplomacy in 2004, one look at should tip them over to McCain in 2008.
Yeah right… That’s the ticket…
The Real Markspews:
DL @ 59
Admit it… You don’t want Clinton. You want CARTER and the late 70’s!
CNN reported today that some latin migrants in Florida were being held and used as slaves. Since African-Americans are at the forefront of slavery-related issues for themselves, I would imagine they would also take the lead in any current slavery-related issues, even when it comes to other races. So why haven’t I heard a peep, nor do I expect to, out of the African-American community on this case? Where are the speeches of condemnation? Where are the marches of protest? Just curious.
841,000+ voters for Baker and this guy talks about a rubber room?
@62 – YLB
Actually I know of no one who voted for Will Baker, everyone I know, including republicans, voted for Sontag, or no one.
64 – There’s been a something awful wave of holier than thou Republican pedophilia going on:
No that’s not a right winger’s style. It’s pop open a Bud, put the ass in a lazy boy and keep voting for the guy with the “R” next to his name.
Law of averages I guess. Someone better should come around eventually.
Just like in the long run – we’re all dead.
Marvin Stamnspews:
57. Daddy Love spews:
BTW, I don’t know how long you’ve been here. the the whole “NAMBLA” thing was some other idiot’s idea three years ago.
So others have seen the creepiness in an adult male calling himself daddy love? How many times has someone questioned your connection nambla? Hundreds, thousands? Who are these homophobic people that don’t want you around their children? Can you name them?
Stamm – you’re among the silliest of Republicans on this board.
Like any other right winger you project. What are you projecting? We can’t say for sure but here’s a clue:
70. YLB spews:
Stamm – you’re among the silliest of Republicans on this board.
Like any other right winger you project. What are you projecting? We can’t say for sure but here’s a clue:
So when you talk about hating republicans you’re projecting your hate for yourself?
Marvin Stamnspews:
70. YLB spews:
Stamm – you’re among the silliest of Republicans on this board.
Like any other right winger you project. What are you projecting? We can’t say for sure but here’s a clue:
If I’m projecting, what does the name daddy love project?
72 – I judge DL on his use of facts and the judgement that flow from those facts through his opinions.
I find next to nothing lacking there.
You on the other hand start with his handle and project your morbid fears, anxieties and/or desires.
Which is it?
talk about hating republicans
I can find plenty of instances where hate is expressed towards people on this comment board who disagree with Republicans.
MTR recently said, “I hate you moonbats.”.
I’ve never said anything like that. I prefer to poke a little fun at the Will Baker voter, the Bush voter who looks the other way at torture and a disastrous occupation of Iraq, the “conservative” who looks the other way at the doubling of the national debt and the debasement of the dollar.
You have to laugh otherwise you’d die crying.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 79 You [Hannah] on the other hand start with his handle…”
Sorry… but “Daddy Love” is his LEGAL NAME. He deliberately asked the court to change it to that! And since that was in a courtroom, I’m guessing he can’t blame it on a drunken weekend…
What we really want to know is… Did DL make his “Mr. Slave” change his name legally, too?
Mariv, Mark, Hannah and Puddy are all the same person. It’s a guy who lives in the sex offender unit at McNeil Island who raped his kids and is serving a life sentence.
81 – Whatever!
Actually I was addressing Stamm. Bit of a mistype there.
Marvin Stamnspews:
83. ByeByeGOP spews:
Mariv, Mark, Hannah and Puddy are all the same person.
How many times does Lee have to tell you idiots that I’m not any of them? Are you that stupid or does lee type too fast for you to comprehend his words?
By the way… When you met Puddy did you kick his ass? Were you as tough in person as you pretend to be online?
@85 – Ignore BiBiGOP, he thinks anyone who points out he provides no facts or data, is one in the same.
And no he STILL hasn’t met Puddy as last Puddy said a while back…BBG was the typical no show, all talk, no walk.
Oh and Marvin…BBG doesn’t like FACTS, that’s why he ignores Lee’s posts.
Marvin Stamnspews:
86. “Hannah” spews:
@85 – Ignore BiBiGOP, he thinks anyone who points out he provides no facts or data, is one in the same.
And no he STILL hasn’t met Puddy as last Puddy said a while back…BBG was the typical no show, all talk, no walk.
Oops, my bad. I apologize to bbg for calling him a coward for not meeting Puddy. It was GBD that was doing all the talking about meeting Puddy and his friend, not being afraid of blacks, etc. The typical racist st6uff liberals always say when they think no one is around.
@88 – Marvin…BBG was the one who initiated the “meet me Puddy and I will kick your ass”
GBS said he would show too, which he did and the 2 of them (GBS and Puddy) had lunch together since BBG no showed. It was not GBS spouting racist hatred, but it was BBG! Then when BBG back peddled and said he meant Drinkling Liberally, not Rainier Ave Taqueria (where in threads he was the one to suggest), Puddy showed there, once again no BBG.
Hannah, GBS is a great dude. His politics are off but he’s a great historian.
HAs clueless idiot thinks Hannah is PacMan. Since PacMan has been seen at DL and the Professor and Mary Anne know who Hannah is this makes clueless idiot… a clueless idiot.
Hannah: bybygoober has issues. Ever since the Ugandan shamen shrunk his already small penis, he lost his “way”…
Daddy NAMBLA Love: Did you read my links while I was off-line? Dems some good links… Shows how the pipeline really started.
Daddy Love: It seems I kicked you ASS as you didn’t respond to the truths.
the Professor and Mary Anne
The Prof is probably Darryl and Mary Anne? No idea who that is.
Hannah always seems to pop up when you’re around Stupes.
I wonder why that is.
So Pacman showed at a DL. And a fool remains a fool. Just like Hannah can’t get her facts straight. More family resemblance.
I’ll Call PacMan and let him know the HA clueless idiot calls him a fool. Better yet I just IM’d him.
Stay tuned…
clueless idiot: Check the blog entries idiot. Hannah was here while I was traveling. So unless domestic airlines allow Internet connectivity…
Wait a minute… you are an idiot.
clueless idiot: Hannah gets more facts straight than you pay in US federal taxes.
What a clueless idiot.
Puddy didn’t show up at the bowling alley because he’s a punk. And Marvin if you want to find out how tough I am just let me know. You throw the first punch and I’ll do the rest. Name the time and place – oh yes I forgot. As a resident of the sex-offender unit at McNeil Island you can’t go anywhere.
Now Puddy it’s time for your treatment. In your complete transmogrification into a woman (Hannah) you’ll be forcing your fat ugly wife to become a lesbian!
bybygoober, which bowling alley? I like taking black balls and hitting white pins.
bybygoober name the time and place. I’ll invite GBS and PacMan to witness your annihilation. In fact we’ll video tape it for YouTube.
In fact PacMan and I know some Seattle Police, sheriffs and state policepeople. They will keep back the crowds, so it will be you and me in the fiery circle. You’ll be patted down for weapons, brass knuckles, broken bottles, metal plates (besides the one in your head), vibrators (your fake penis), screwdrivers (used to keep the electrodes on your neck tight), shivs (how you made your name at McNeil), car and house keys etc. This will be fists of fury butthead. Oh yeah, I’ll be on guard for the Mike Tyson move (biting the ear lobes) since you carry rabies.
Name the time and place fool.
97 – LMAO!! You’re a silly and funny little man Stupes. What you don’t know is a lot like what happened to my bank account – yesterday. Not that it’s any of your fucking business.
Hannah’s reading comprehension is poor like that lovable old loser MWS.
When I laid into that Surreal Mark for smearing Obama as a “pretty boy in a suit” she came to his defense – right on cue.
She tried to correct me on Obama’s time in the U.S. Senate when I was talking about his time in the Illinois State Senate.
She tried to shoot me down on his record in the Illinois State Senate and I had to point to my source AGAIN – the NY Freaking Times. More poor reading comprehension.
Then she tried to dis the Times which is what you shithead right wingers live for day in, day out. When the newspaper of record contradicts your wingnut fantasies, it’s all an MSM librul plot.
She said Obama didn’t serve eight years in the Illinois State Senate. Wrong again.
She said Obama didn’t have his name on at least 570 bills introduced into the U.S. Senate. I pointed to – wrong again.
She’s a fraud just like MWS was a fraud. Just like your corrupt, thieving party of hypocrites with their degenerate agenda.
@101 – Yes I did dis the NYT as you are the one who has repeatedly called it a right wingnut haven and have claimed it to be incorrect every time someone posts an NYT link. When it benefits your views, it’s ok to link NYT, but when it goes against your views, you claim it to be lies.
And you changed your Obama claims halfway thru, you claimed he was the original sponsor of those bills (not just an added on sponsor), I was the one who pointed to, who did a video on the misrepresentations of Hilary vs Obama in the Senate. Kinda like people claiming Bush vetoes everything, who had more vetoes in office? When you post, you give 1/2 the info as to try to confuse people, when I research your 1/2 truths and question, you claim, “oh I was talking about Illinois State Senate, not US Senate”…Oh yeah he sponsored alot of bills in the state senate (was the MAIN sponsor) including ones having to do with the Cubbies and White Sox, like those have political justification behind them?
Woohoo – a response from the fraudster! Let’s examine this in detail:
Yes I did dis this NYT
Honest for once.
as you are the one who has repeatedly called it a right wingnut haven and have claimed it to be incorrect every time someone posts an NYT link.
Liar. Prove it. I’ll be kind. You must be confusing the NEW YORK POST (a Murdoch paper) with the Times. Yeah, I diss a right wing newspaper every time they print lies. Note to Stupes: this isn’t boding well so far. Either “Hannah” is hopeless confused or she expects people to actually BUY this bilge.
When it benefits your views, it’s ok to link NYT, but when it goes against your views, you claim it to be lies.
The NY Times is hardly perfect. See Jayson Blair and Judy Miller. I pointed to the Times to back up my assertion that Obama had his name on over 800 pieces of legislation while in the Illinois State Senate. Is there anything wrong with that?
youtube video
Obama caught lying! What a tool you are! Prove that Obama sent that e-mail out or approved it. I thought you supported Obama. Obviously not if you point to video that examines the content of an e-mail with a title written by a wingnut hater of Obama.
And you changed your Obama claims halfway thru, you claimed he was the original sponsor of those bills (not just an added on sponsor),
No I didn’t. Prove it.
I was the one who pointed to, who did a video on the misrepresentations of Hilary vs Obama in the Senate. Kinda like people claiming Bush vetoes everything,
Who claimed this? Back it up or you’re just talking out your rear end.
who had more vetoes in office?
Irrelevant. When right wingers claim that the Dems are all talk and no action, we point to the filibuster happy minority in the Senate and Bush’s veto pen. There’s the reason. What do you do? You say “Clinton did it more”. Silly. Stupid. Irrelevant.
When you post, you give 1/2 the info as to try to confuse people, when I research your 1/2 truths and question, you claim, “oh I was talking about Illinois State Senate, not US Senate”…
Nope. Prove it. Stop lying. When I posted the 800+ number, I said Illinois State Senate. Prove I didn’t do that.
Oh yeah he sponsored alot of bills in the state senate (was the MAIN sponsor) including ones having to do with the Cubbies and White Sox, like those have political justification behind them?
This makes no sense. Obama has a good record in both the Illinois State Senate and the U.S. Senate. He’s not a “pretty boy in a suit” like your apparent friend Surreal Mark says. He’s a competent legislator. I presented facts about his record – nothing made up.
YLB – When I support Obama and people use emails as lies, I point to the research done, as the whole youtube vid points out, the email was a huge scam and (do you think that is a rightwing site?) disqualifies the scam email and also goes thru the Clinton vs. Obama Senate issues as a whole. I have never said Obama didn’t have a good record ever, just pointed out he has “Co” sponsored most bills, not created on his own. Hillary, same thing.
When most people will use the “lack of experience/empty pant suit (as Rossi is)” against Obama and others try to prove otherwise…the proof of limited experience is there, no doubt. What he did in the Il. General Assembly, is like comparing what Burner has done at MS to wanna be DR.
And I will not spend my days going back thru old threads where you have claimed NYT is non-sense. You tell everyone who disagrees with you, that you won’t go back thru threads to prove anything and you won’t “take orders” and neither will I.
Silly “Hannah” –
as the whole youtube vid points out, the email was a huge scam and (do you think that is a rightwing site?) disqualifies the scam email and also goes thru the Clinton vs. Obama Senate issues as a whole.
What was the title of that video? Who wrote that title? Obama caught lying? Do you agree with that? Did Obama write that e-mail? Did he approve it? What is the name of that youtube account? Do you agree with the owner of that account that Obama is a liar?
104 and 105 prove YOU are a liar and a fraud.
You’ve lied about what I and others have said. You are afraid to back up your lies because that would expose you as a liar.
So you won’t “take orders from me” and go through old threads to find out out you’ve been claiming things that are NOT TRUE. Fine. I will examine everything you claim and call you out for the liar you are, as much as I have time for – all the way till November.
Tell the truth and you will hear nothing from me.
the proof of limited experience is there, no doubt.
Oh yeah and GWB and Rossi’s experience match up well against Obama’s – NOT!!!
What a tool…
YLB – did you read my entire comment or did you just take out the pieces that suit you?
Did I not say empty suit as in Rossi?
No I will not spend time, exposing where you said NYT is too far right. Maybe tonight when I have time. And who posted the youtube vid? It was that made that vid. It’s people like the Obama haters that have created the lies and misrepresentations, and Hilary supporters mispresenting the facts (Bosnia anyone)…so when people “try” to back up his accomplishments to others who clearly want to take him down, you are giving them things to disect. The more I learn about politics and the differences between dems and reps, the more I am beginning to agree with people I know….I am beginning to feel I am looking at things through a frosted glass. And mostly seeing the true colors here has been clearing the glass.
And Obama is denouncing the Pastor who has brought him too much negative press!!!
When most people will use the “lack of experience/empty pant suit (as Rossi is)” against Obama and others try to prove otherwise…the proof of limited experience is there, no doubt. What he did in the Il. General Assembly, is like comparing what Burner has done at MS to wanna be DR.
This is utterly stupid. Obama’s legislative record shows he can get things done even with those “across the aisle”. The Governor of Texas is a mostly ceremonial position. Rossi’s record is completely poor by comparison.
Obama had shown by his legislative accomplishments, by his choices (turning down high paying jobs in big law firms) and by the way he’s run his campaign to be way more qualified than Bush could ever hope to be.
Who would you vote for? Someone with a reasoning mind or a knee-jerk empty-suit who forgets the question he just answered yes to?
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
Hey YLB @ 41
WTF man!
Are you related to Thomas Beatie? You know, that pregnant dude! I ask because you obviously have growth in areas a man shouldn’t have! OOPS, my bad – Beatie is really a woman. Damn, I wish people like you would make up your minds!!!
110 – Still reading Jared Taylor? That clear-minded examiner of your people?
YLB – I used the “empty pant suit” to Rossi, not Burner!!! Where did I say ANYTHING about Rossi’s record???
And I was comparing legislative action he had for the Cubbies and White Sox, as Burner is to MS.
And did I not call Reichert a “wanna be”? You just read what you want to benefit your slander.
112 – Slander huh? After all the lies you’ve told about what I and others have said?
You said “proof of limited experience is there, no doubt.”
Sounds like you’re saying Obama is not qualified. As if GWB was..
Reichert is a “wanna be”? Wrong. He has a seat in Congress. Why don’t you support Burner who has a brain and can actually do something with that seat?
Oh I get it: “proof of limited experience is there, no doubt.” Straight from the right wing playbook.
YLB – Since you can’t read, I do support Burner, and as I stated Reichert is a wanna be as in a Bush follower. I support Obama BECAUSE of his “lack of experience” so many other who dis him use against him. Obama is still open minded and not corrupted like the likes of Hillary who will lie through her teeth to benefit her agenda, she says what people want to hear at that given moment.
I do support Burner
Hard to tell since you dis her business experience at MS.
MS employs a lot of people in her district and throughout the region. They’re a big player like Boeing.
When right wingers claim she has no experience what do you say to them?
Not much I suspect.
When people talk to me abour Burner’s experience in politics, it’s hard to disagree. My argument back is what did Dave do prior to Congress? He was a freakin’ cop!
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
@ 111 – so….what does Jared Taylor and race relations have to do with your pregnancy?!? Do you also have an issue with race? My suggestion to you is stop focusing on Jared Taylor and read the document at the link below. Perhaps this document will help you with your sense of racial inferiority and better prepare you for the transition. Read with an open mind and vote Barak.
Ahhh yes clueless idiot decided to take on PacMan too.
Yep, he’s a clueless idiot!
PacMan, HAs clueless idiot only has so many arguments in his “quiver” and he recycles them over and over!
Whoa? Did I just read PacMan telling us clueless idiot is pregnant? I guess that would explain those recent wild mood swings.
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
119: Clueless idiot appear to be a bit more than just clueless. Man I just logged in this morning and find an unpprovoked comment about me from this pregnant man. What’s up with that?
Hey YLB. I prefer intellectual discussions but if you want to be petty I can come down to your level – BUT – let’s keep it real, OK?
@121 – PacMan – you have to forgive YLB and BBG as they think you are me and I am Puddy. :)
Hannah: The DL crew has met PacMan and me. They haven’t seen their clueless idiot yet and have no idea who bybygoober is. You should show one night and make it real!
Do you also have an issue with race? My suggestion to you is stop focusing on Jared Taylor..
So like Billo, you want me to “just shut up” about you high fiving cheesy chuck on his find of Jared Taylor talking about your people in NOLA – the actions of a right wing fool.
Then you got all pissy and left in a huff when we didn’t follow your orders on HL.
Go on Pacman. Command me to denounce HL. You right wingers like to order around people who don’t agree with you. You call them names and play the racism or sexism cards.
I’ll tell you like I told that other fool PuddySilly. We don’t support racism or sexism.
Hey PacMan,
Did you know PuddySilly uses you as an excuse to break his word as in “my word is my bond”. Yeah, his words. LMAO!!
Another TJ exposed his lying ass and he left this comment board in total disgrace.
But somehow he says YOU persuaded him to come back.
You’re a bad influence PacMan.
And no I don’t care to spend time at a DL with right wingers who’ll vote for Obama to “break the glass ceiling” and then turn around and throw the lever down ticket for every right wing nut who carries water for the same old degenerate wingnut agenda, e.g. Rossi.
Not my idea of a good time.
Ahhh yes HAs clueless idiot appears.
PacMan knows his word brought me back. But if you remember without ATJ you’d be gone forever as you couldn’t find it at all. So much for your searching skillz.
BTW PacMan said stay tuned…
You are afraid to so up at DL as your ride on this blog would be exposed BIG TIME for the fool you are…
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
124 – this is what I find really interesting about idiots like yourself. YOU’REIf I am not mistaken you were the one who pulled the race card
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
124 – this is what I find really interesting about idiots like yourself. YOU’REIf I am not mistaken you were the one who pulled the race card
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
124 – this is what I find really interesting about idiots like yourself. YOU’RE THE ONE WHO PULLED THE RACE CARD by bringing Taylor into the discussion and making a big deal about ‘my people’. Now you’re getting pissed off at me because I suggested you read material which can help you overcome your sense of racial inferiority and prepare you for success in the coming post-racial era.
Here’s some valuable information for you PAL…Don’t ever bring race into a discussion unless you really understand it’s consequencies and is prepared to engage in an intelligent discussion on the subject…and don’t ever quote Taylor to make a racial point. In fact, stick to subjects you’re more famaliar with which is…..
On second thought, I am at a lost to identify any subject you might have knowlege of as I’ve never really read anything intelligent written by you in these posts.
Check your clock, you’re probably late for your LAMARS class
Can’t we all just get along?
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
“And no I don’t care to spend time at a DL with right wingers who’ll vote for Obama to “break the glass ceiling” and then turn around and throw the lever down ticket for every right wing nut who carries water for the same old degenerate wingnut agenda, e.g. Rossi.”
Was that an attempt to say something intelligent? Give it up man!
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
125 – yes, I remember when Puddy left the post and from what I could determine he never went back on or contradicted himself. The challenge was generic in nature and he did not violate the specifics of the challenge. He left because he felt it was in fairness but after careful observation he and others determined that he was not wrong and should not have left. If you can produce the post I can show you specifically where he was not wrong.
So, in the words of my hip-hop brothers….What else you got?!
Wow PacMan, it feels good doesn’t it.
134 – Your pal PSilly got caught in a web of his own lies. He claimed MWS never denied he was Puddy.
The problem with a liar is that he has to REMEMBER his lies. He couldn’t hack it as a liar. He blew it.
ATJ exposed his lying ass! “My word is my bond”
YOU’RE THE ONE WHO PULLED THE RACE CARD by bringing Taylor into the discussion
Bullshit! You guys play the race card every chance you get. Barking orders at us to denounce HL while playing a right wing tag team.
Your buddy PSilly is always going on about “racist donk”, Eugenics and other BULLSHIT.
I got to give you credit PacMan. You sling bullshit with as slack an affect as any I’ve ever seen. One would think you actually BELIEVE the crap you’re serving up.
Racial inferiority!
Hey PacMan,
Are you the same guy who said JCH’s commentary here was “too biting for me”?
Well that right wing, lunatic, RACIST bastard has been banned.
Was Goldy too harsh? Shall we bring him back?
clueless idiot@everywhere: Remember November 10, 2006? You said you were leaving for good at 10:07 AM only to return at 5:10 PM as another name? Want to see the links again?
Yes my Eugenics links are real. Can you dig it?
And a big fuck you too!
clueless idiot@everywhere: it was ATJ that saved your sorry ass. You were 50 minutes away from leaving.
Now who is calling whom what? Remember November 10, 2006.
clueless idiot@everywhere: I still think you and bybygoober are brothers.
Same stupid shit posted everywhere!
You were 50 minutes away from leaving.
Fuck you too! I had the same exact stuff ATJ had! You said “the exact words” and I was waiting for you to agree to STOP WEASLING and avoid a sucker’s bet!
Not look at what you did! You DID WEASEL!
Yes my Eugenics links are real.
And that means Hillary is for it.
clueless idiot: Then why didn’t you post it? You made the suckas bet… You hemmed and hawed. Want to see those links too Mr. “I guess I can leave now my work is done here” November 10, 2006?
You are the biggest lefty fool and clueless idiot here.
Heilary said she was a early 1900s Progressive you fool. I provided the links to prove what one was/is…
Can you dig it clueless idiot…?
Oh yeah, I didn’t answer last night cuz I was laying pipe.
Enjoy today!
Oh and clueless idiot who figgered out who you were? I didn’t have Goldy giving me the answer on a platter.
My superior mind figgered who out you were and still are today; a clueless idiot.
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
137: I’se be soooo sorri that i upset you ole massa. I’se be a good boy now. me no talk bout racism no mo! no sir! me no sling no mo bullshit cause it migh hit ol massa to hard and he be a bit upset. me be good black man fro now on! yassir!
YLB, There is a solution to your stupidity…it’s called intelligence. Read a good book once in a while.
Can’t ya’ll jus’ git along?
Puddy @ 144 “laying pipe” that’s funny. So do you have to lay 12 sections to make a foot?
After Cathy Sorbo appeared on your radio show some time back Goldy, I make it a point to read her columns on Saturdays. Yesterday’s was an excellent column:
“Death and WASL are sure things”
…”No one likes to entertain the notion of their own death. Nor do we get shiny happy feelings when we think about the death of a spouse or parent. But we can be sure that the Final Curtain waits for us, one and all.
That’s why you might be seeing signature gatherers for Initiative 1000, the Washington State Death With Dignity campaign ( This initiative is heavily supported by ex-Gov. Booth Gardner, who, most likely, also hates the WASL
We have to ask ourselves: Should the state retain the right to extend the substandard life of a mentally competent dying person, or should said person have the means to end his life in a safe, legal and humane way?
Opposing this initiative will be the American Medical Association and the Roman Catholic Church, so I-1000 needs all the support it can get to secure a place on the ballot. If the passage of this initiative means something to you, request a petition, collect 20 signatures and drop it into the I-1000 office by May 5.”
Thanks to Sorbo for supplying the website:
They’re looking for volunteers (I just requested a petition to share with friends and neighbors) & donations, if anyone else is interested. Just knowing that Oregon beat back the crap of Ashcroft to keep their program intact is sweet justice indeed.
Hey righties – baaaad news.
With one million new voters – you traitors will have to work that much harder to try to steal the election again.
That’s one of the lamest ads I’ve seen in a while. And it’s old news.
Jeremiah Wright has now give two public answers to the racist misuse of his speeches and the low ball misuse of that Faux maneuver by Clinton.
The bottom line is that Wright is obviously; an extraordinarily bright, thoughtful, patriot. His pride in the USA is s strong that it is infectious. The press should be ashamed of itself for taing words out of context .. but after listening to the Rev, I realize he is a lot brighter than most blow haired talking heads.
It is obvious that this guy is no lightweight. Jeremiah is proud of his heritage and displays an ethnocentrism worthy of my immigrant Galitzianer Grandmother or my Irish and Italian neighbors in Boston as I grew up. Jeremiah is a one proud dude but one who obviously revels in pride in his own ethnicity.
This light brown namesake of Prophet, may well be the anchovy in the American Caesar salad.
Finally, his discourse in ebonics andAafrican vs Euro rhythms was wonderful! Excursions through lieder and spirituals were awesome.
I have pasted some of this at SJ and just one bit here:
voo den?
Also you might look here to see the Elizabeth Edwards attack on the effon media.
I am beginning to feel that an utter loss of all MASM might be a good thing!
soory ..
here is the link to Edwards ..
@1 Why do we need an initiative for what a gun can do in 1/100th of a second?
Gitmo Trial Bombshell
“This week at … Guantanamo a military court will hear key pre-trial motions in the terrorism case against Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the one-time driver of Osama bin Laden.
“Among the … witnesses will be Air Force Col. Morris Davis, who resigned … last fall as Gitmo’s chief prosecutor. His allegation: that top Pentagon officials … have tried to exert political influence on the … outcomes of … trials ….
” … Hamdan’s lawyers will allege ‘unlawful command influence’ over their client’s prospective trial. Col. Davis … is expected to testify that Gordon Englund, the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Pentagon’s second-highest civilian, told him last year, ‘We need to think about charging some high-value detainees because there could be strategic value before the [November] election.’ Davis is also expected to repeat, as he has in court filings, that the Defense department’s former top lawyer, general counsel William Haynes, informed him, ‘We can’t have acquittals [at Guantanamo]. If we’ve been holding these guys for so long, how can we explain letting them get off?. We’ve got to have convictions.’
“Davis is also quite likely to accuse Air Force Brig. Gen. Thomas Hartmann, senior legal advisor to the tribunal, of demanding ‘sexy’ cases with ‘blood on them’ to drum up public support for convictions. ‘There is no question they wanted me to stage show trials that have nothing to do with the centuries old tradition of military justice in America,’ Col. Davis told TIME.”,00.html
If that is the best the DNC has in their creative department, get out the hankies.
Bad ad.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Wright is a bitter racist.
“his discourse in ebonics andAafrican vs Euro rhythms was wonderful! Excursions through lieder and spirituals were awesome.”
An attempt to rationalize his racism.
As a die-hard Obama supporter, I expect you to put a happy face on this KLOWN. NO SALE!
Jeremiah Wright has been a professor at Chicago Theological Seminary, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary and other educational institutions. Wright has served on the Board of Trustees of Virginia Union University, Chicago Theological Seminary and City Colleges of Chicago. He has also served on the Board Directors of Evangelical Health Systems, the Black Theology Project, the Center for New Horizons and the Malcom X School of Nursing, and on boards and committees of other religious and civic organizations.
Wright has received a Rockefeller Fellowship and seven honorary doctorate degrees, including from Colgate University, Valparaiso University, United Theological Seminary and Chicago Theological Seminary. Wright was named one of Ebony magazine’s top fifteen preachers. He was also awarded the first Carver Medal by Simpson College in January 2008, to recognize Wright as “an outstanding individual whose life exemplifies the commitment and vision of the service of George Washington Carver”.
Jeremiah Wright has been a professor at Chicago Theological Seminary, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary and other educational institutions. Wright has served on the Board of Trustees of Virginia Union University, Chicago Theological Seminary and City Colleges of Chicago. He has also served on the Board Directors of Evangelical Health Systems, the Black Theology Project, the Center for New Horizons and the Malcom X School of Nursing, and on boards and committees of other religious and civic organizations.
Wright has received a Rockefeller Fellowship and seven honorary doctorate degrees, including from Colgate University, Valparaiso University, United Theological Seminary and Chicago Theological Seminary. Wright was named one of Ebony magazine’s top fifteen preachers. He was also awarded the first Carver Medal by Simpson College in January 2008, to recognize Wright as “an outstanding individual whose life exemplifies the commitment and vision of the service of George Washington Carver”.
Rev. Wright served six years in the Marine Corps. How many years did Dick Cheney serve?
It’s a good thing we’re so good at “fighting terrorism,” because we can’t to anything else well, it seems:
Yes, we’re so good at fighting terrorism that that five years later Iraq has an Iranian-backed government and the insurgency is as strong as ever. The change seems to be that we’ve watched the ehtnic cleansing of Baghdad and five million Iraqis are homeless refugeees.
It’s a good thing we’re so good at “fighting terrorism,” because we can’t to anything else well, it seems:
Yes, we’re so good at fighting terrorism that that five years later Iraq has an Iranian-backed government and the insurgency is as strong as ever. The change seems to be that we’ve watched the ehtnic cleansing of Baghdad and five million Iraqis are homeless refugeees.
Bush lies. Cheney lies. And it seems everyone in their government lies. I mean, I guess if I were presiding over and administration of torture, corruption, and incompetence, I’d end up lying to cover it up, too.
It appears that seattle has a bunch of snobs that don’t care about the homeless. How typical of liberals.
At one community meeting, some residents wondered whether homeless housing at the fort would attract wife-beaters, sex offenders and crack addicts. They rolled their eyes when city officials asserted that such housing increases property values. They worried about the impact on schools and scoffed at the idea of homeless people shopping at the closest grocery — which sells pheasant-and-rosemary pâté for $9.99 and ground coffee for up to $18 a pound.
“We’re the ones who live here, and we want to have a nice, safe neighborhood to live in,” Donald Raz, a King County deputy prosecutor and Magnolia resident, said later.
Like most affluent neighborhoods in Seattle, Magnolia doesn’t have any housing for homeless people mainly because land is too expensive for social-service agencies to buy.
What a bunch of hypocrites the seattle left is. Talk talk talk about helping the poor, just keep them the fuck away from you.
GBS: I expect you’ll send a few coins down to this person’s campaign…?
www. sfgate. com/cgi-bin/ article.cgi?f=/c/a/ 2008/04/26/BAU310AJJ9.DTL
Pelletizer: Another article on the rise of food. Take your time reading it.
“One factor being blamed for the price hikes is the use of government subsidies to promote the use of corn for ethanol production. An estimated 30% of America’s corn crop now goes to fuel, not food.”
More PuddyFacts for your oxygen starved mind………..
@9 Mr. Cynical
No, I am not kidding.
One of the most important lessons of our history is that we too can be nazis. Taking Wright’s statements .. esp. given the depth and complexity of his thought, without context is disgusting.
Having now spent three hours listening to the an, I would call him arrogant, self satisfied, abd highly opinionated. If we were friends I would call him and say Jeremiah, you are a self centered pig for not considering how your owrds have hurt others.
Does any of this make him a traitor? Does any of it diminish many good sides? Is arrogance a fault in a religion that claims there is only one true God?
As for my being an Obama supporter, the I am that. And in that role I am not happy that this strongly flavored morsel has clome to the public plate. OTOH I am also impressed enough with what Mr. Wright says that I look forward to reading his book and admire Obama, once more, for having the breadth to see all the good that is in his pastor.
Finally, assuming you are a goy, a gentile, there is something familiar to me about your sort of dissmissal of another person’s views .. wasn’t it Christians like you aho declared my [people stiff necked?
Why are we in Iraq and Afghanistan? I mean, at this point in history?
Is it just coincidence that Iraq is sitting on the world’s third-largest oil reserves, and that US oil and gas interests are building a pipeline across Afghanistan from the Caspian to Pakistan? Are those just amazing coincidences?
And the sheep bleat “terrorism.”
14 MS
Those people are just misguided. If they’re worried about wife-beaters, sex offenders and crack addicts, they should keep out Republicans.
16 – “The Sun was founded by a group of investors including Conrad Black with the intent of providing a non-tabloid alternative to The New York Times.”
‘Stoll has characterized the Sun’s political orientation as “right-of-center,”[4] and an associate of Conrad Black predicted in 2002 that the paper would be “certainly neoconservative in its views.”[3] Editor-in-chief Lipsky describes the agenda of the paper’s prominent op-ed page as “limited government, individual liberty, constitutional fundamentals, equality under the law, economic growth … standards in literature and culture, education.”[5] The Sun’s roster of columnists includes many prominent conservative writers, including the late William F. Buckley, Jr., Michael Barone, Daniel Pipes, and Mark Steyn.‘
In short – more right wing bullshit from HA’s right wing bullshit addict of addicts.
Cynychyt @ 9…
Takes one to know one asshole.
Liberal hypocrisy. Plain & simple.
If it’s about sex offenders, all one needs to do is look at NAMBLA and it’s supporters to see the truth. Oops, bad example. The left doesn’t see daddies sexing up little boys as offensive. Why else would their office be in san francisco.
You still haven’t said why a grown man with a funny little goatee changed his name to daddy love.
Yes Daddy Love you forget in mid 199os Clinton approves the Trans Afghan pipeline with Enron.
www. cooperativeresearch. org/completetimeline/1990s/ houstonchronicle063096.html
www. /uclnews/96htm/081396.htm
www. /free/nph-surf/000010A/ http/
completetimeline/1990s/wpost100598.html completetimeline/1990s/ oilandgasjournal070896.html
But don’t let these Puddyfacts cloud the single celled brain you possess.
Ahhh yes HAs clueless idiot appears this morning, not to comment on the real food riots but to discuss the NY Sun.
What an idiot. A clueless idiot.
Question for HAs clueless idiot. Have food riots recently occurred? Are the MSM reporting these food riots? WHy not clueless idiot? Are people realizing the vote by VP AlGorebasm in 1994 are affecting food prices today?
These are such simple questions but the HA simpleton will have problems answering them.
Now back to Daddy NAMBLA Love. Whomever gave that name to you; I like it. Remember the recent dust-up with Clinton and Kazakhstan last February? Remember how Daily Kurse glossed over it?
mobettameta.blogspot. com /2008/02/
Chevron closed the deal with Kazakhstan in 1993. Read my links Daddy NAMBLA Love. – This link has been removed now for obvious reasons but I found it on www. /forum/a38fa43656d59.htm
Well Puddy don’t forget these things. I use them as PuddyFacts later.
This whole pipeline started back in the early 90s yet the lefty blogs don’t want you to know this. Well Puddy knows and now you do too. Enjoy your reading Daddy NAMBLA Love…
Can’t blame repubulicans for this so this won’t even be talked about on the liberal MSM. Even keith olbermann won’t talk about it. When you consider there is no outrage from the left like there was over the flushing of a koran it speaks volumes.
The UN has covered up claims that its troops in Democratic Republic of Congo gave arms to militias and smuggled gold and ivory, the BBC has learned.
Can’t blame repubulicans for this so this won’t even be talked about on the liberal MSM. When you consider there is no outrage from the left like there was over the flushing of a koran it speaks volumes.
The UN has covered up claims that its troops in Democratic Republic of Congo gave arms to militias and smuggled gold and ivory, the BBC has learned.
It’s easy for Mr. Clinical to dismiss another person’s views. He obviously puts so little effort into formulating his own.
Recently TRM asked a question of HAs clueless idiot in a different open thread.
Notice the static on the blog as HAs clueless idiot hasn’t found the data yet? Maybe HAs clueless idiot needs remedial search help…
Missing data like his mind…
hey daddy love, we are all still waiting to hear why a grown man changes his name to daddy love.
Are you scared to admit it? It’s not like any on the left will call you out for it.
Can’t blame repubulicans for this so this won’t even be talked about on the liberal MSM. When you consider there is no outrage from the left like there was over the flushing of a koran it speaks volumes.
The UN has covered up claims that its troops in Democratic Republic of Congo gave arms to militias and smuggled gold and ivory, the BBC has learned.
It appear goldy codes like a liberal, ineffective and overpriced. This new posting shit sucks. Let’s see if the link posts this time.
Daddy NAMBLA Love – Gotta go. SeaTac is calling my name. But soon I’ll be back to continue to debunk you claims with real PuddyFacts.
So easy and so little time spent doing it…
28 – I report on your right wing bullshit, the people decide.
Well, they already decided. You’re full of shit – eugenics, testicle lock box, MWS, my word is my bond, I am Puddybud NOT, etc. etc.
Yes, yes.. PSilly – corn ethanol subsidies are a bad idea but it never stops Republicans from doing the corn dance in Iowa every four years.
The solution is simple – use less gas. Trade in your gas guzzler for a sipper. Park and ride. Is fat ass going to do this?
Didn’t think so.
Stupes – those hoosiers see Republican red and love those ag and corn ethanol subsidies like you can’t believe.
1994? What a fucking loser you are! It’s fourteen years later fool.
Technology marches on. Here’s just one of them:
Since the NY Sun is too far right for YLB, how about ABC?
OR: (note in December 07 this was talked about)
Stupes and “Hannah” – the new tag team from the WNF.
I think “Hannah” might be that old fool PacMan.
What a scheme you two losers cooked up!
And from MSNBC….
I like how the turkey farmer predicted this but no one listened. While we are outputting more greenhouse gases producing ethenol than a typical oil refinery, our food prices are taking a hit.
Marvin @ 29
DL’s name is like a bad tattoo that you do (or will) regret when you mature (despite DL’s chronological age, F’in “maturity” isn’t an F’in word that he F’in understands).
Perhaps he should just be left alone in his shame. He has to live with that name, not anyone else. Unless, of course, he had “Mr. Slave” [South Park reference] legally change his name, too.
try this /id/23632933
I like how the turkey farmer predicted this but no one listened. While we are outputting more greenhouse gases producing ethenol than a typical oil refinery, our food prices are taking a hit.
Hey Mark…question….what is the gravatar pic you have?
I told you when I would discuss my name with you. It hasn’t happened yet. Not that my name is really any of your business.
But then that facts are with you, argue the facts. When the facts aren’t with you, bring up my name. Right?
37 TRM
It’s funny watching ~you~ tell ~MS~ that I’m the “immature” one in here. That’s good. Fucking good, I’d say.
I just don’t have 100 years to spend in Iraq. Kinda got other things going.
If you really want to make you case you might look up who Donald Raz has given campaign donations to. You’d sorta wind up with egg on your face if he turned out to be a Republican.
Rev. Wright’s latest angry, self-serving speeches tells me that he is either not a bright man, or he doesn’t care if Obama is the nominee.
Couple of things to remember—-
John McCain has flip flopped on every single major position he’s held in 20 years…
John McCain lied about releasing his medical records and still won’t…
John McCain was partially responsible for the Savings & Loan crisis as part of the Keating Five debacle…
John McCain fights tooth and nail to make sure that POW records aren’t released because they contain evidence of his cooperation with the enemy…
John McCain’s lied about tapping into his CURRENT wife Cindy’s fortune for his campaign…
John McCain abandoned his disfigured wife in favor of a new prettier, richer one…
John McCain is in bed with more lobbyists than anyone in the GOP despite his assertions to the contrary…
Oh Yes John McCain is teamed up with a guy who says that the Catholic religion is full of whores…
Hannah @ 40
(Roger) rabbit on a highway lane stripe.
TRM @48 – ah hahahaha now I get it…been wondering ever since someone made the reference to the white KKK cone head.
@14 continued
See there’s these things called FACTS and it really helps if you use them to make your case. You could say, for example, that the residents of Magnolia donate 3 to 1 to Democrats. But, even that doesn’t prove that the people that attended that meeting and made those comments were infact Democrats. My zipcode normally breaks 3 to 1 in favor of Republicans and I’m, obviously, not one.
Just as a fun aside my zip code has flip-flopped this year and is breaking 3-1 for Democrats!
Hey on the whole gas price gouging:
Why is it one gas station on one corner is at $3.79 a gallon and another on the opposit end of the block is $3.63 a gallon (an no, neither one is ARCO)? And they found no price gouging? How many “price gouging” investigations has there been in our state? At what cost? And no findings of price gouging?
Puddy swoops in, kicks everyones ass all over
the internet, and then dissapears into the
shadows. I say, “who are youuuuu?”
Troll @ 45
Your post could apply to most Loony Lefties — especially those here like BiBiGoober, Daddy NAMBLA Love and Witless Loose-y.
They’re like children with mental issues — they just like to be angry and break stuff. Even if they succeeded in throwing the US in to the stone age of neo-Socialism, they STILL wouldn’t be happy.
The more I think about it, I realize that Goldy is doing a much larger public service than anyone (including Goldy himself) could imagine. He’s giving these whack-jobs a rubber room to play in so that they don’t bother the public. They can rant about their conspiracy theories… they can swear and name-call… all in the safety of cyberspace. While I’m sure electing Obama or Darcy or some member of the Socialist Workers Party would make them giddy for a moment, their happiness would be short-lived and they’d feel the urge to rant again soon.
So, to borrow from the Bud radio commercials…
Here’s to you, Goldy… Mr. Liberal-Rubber-Room-providing-blogger! This Bud’s for you!
52 m
So to you Puddybud “kick[s] everyone’s ass all over the Internet?” When he replies to a post about why we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq after 2001 (and have remained there ever since) by saying it was the Clenis who started it all by signing a piece of paper? Funny how Clinton didn’t find it necessary to invade. Ooohh, the dreaded Irrelevacy Ass Kicking. No one expects the Puddybud Flurry Of Irrelevancy!
They’re like children with mental issues — they just like to be angry and break stuff. Even if they succeeded in throwing the US in to the stone age
Surreal Mark – you speak so flatteringly, like the typical projecting right-winger of yourself and your fellow travelers in right wing fantasy land.
“Rubber room” hahaha that’s funny as hell! Actually outside of reading and posting here, I talk about this site all the time to friends, family, co-workers and complete strangers. The amusing stories I get from here, oh and alot of facts and data from a few, I get to tell others who aren’t that much into politics to look up this, look up that. Some of the stuff I read on here is a true eye opener.
52 TRM
Don’t worry, all we really plan to do is to elect a Democratic president and 60 Democratic Senators.
BTW, I don’t know how long you’ve been here. the the whole “NAMBLA” thing was some other idiot’s idea three years ago. You’re not only late to the party, you’re drearily predictable. I wonder if perhaps like the other most rabid projectors, accusers, and decryers (Larry Craig among them, for examle), you may very well may harbor some sorts of secret fantasies. I highly recommend talk therapy as a means to discover who you really are under the anger, the homophobia, and the ad hominem accusations of pedophilia. Then perhaps humans will allow you back into the world of discourse.
A true adult would ask someone if that someone agreed with everything said from their preacher’s
pulpit and then looked to see if the actions agreed with the words.
Not Surreal Mark and the troll – their childish impulse is McCarthyist guilt by association.
Everything old (50’s right wing paranoia) is new again!
Remember the Stone Age of the 1990s, when the dollar was strong, the US was PAYING OFF its debt instead of racking up $5 trillion extra debt to pay, job and wage growth was at historically high levels and unemployment was at historic lows? Remember when we had peace and properity? Gosh, I sure hope we don’t return to THOSE primitive times.
It’s really scary that Surreal Mark is just sane enough of a right winger to NOT join 841,000+ other mentally challenged wingnuts and NOT vote for Will Baker in 2004.
DL @ 57
Plan all you want. Ain’t gonna happen.
I have no problem with gay people. And by your logic, Goldy, Roger, BiBiGOP, Loose-y and the rest of the Loony Lefties here are closet neocons.
The NAMBLA thing was actually some OTHER idiot’s (your) idea FIVE years ago when you changed the name legally.
56 – Yes “Hannah” (aka PacMan?) – tell all your right wing friends about this site. If they voted for Will Baker the international man of diplomacy in 2004, one look at should tip them over to McCain in 2008.
Yeah right… That’s the ticket…
DL @ 59
Admit it… You don’t want Clinton. You want CARTER and the late 70’s!
CNN reported today that some latin migrants in Florida were being held and used as slaves. Since African-Americans are at the forefront of slavery-related issues for themselves, I would imagine they would also take the lead in any current slavery-related issues, even when it comes to other races. So why haven’t I heard a peep, nor do I expect to, out of the African-American community on this case? Where are the speeches of condemnation? Where are the marches of protest? Just curious.
841,000+ voters for Baker and this guy talks about a rubber room?
@62 – YLB
Actually I know of no one who voted for Will Baker, everyone I know, including republicans, voted for Sontag, or no one.
64 – There’s been a something awful wave of holier than thou Republican pedophilia going on:
Where’s the marches in protest? Just curious.
No that’s not a right winger’s style. It’s pop open a Bud, put the ass in a lazy boy and keep voting for the guy with the “R” next to his name.
Law of averages I guess. Someone better should come around eventually.
Just like in the long run – we’re all dead.
So others have seen the creepiness in an adult male calling himself daddy love? How many times has someone questioned your connection nambla? Hundreds, thousands? Who are these homophobic people that don’t want you around their children? Can you name them?
Stamm – you’re among the silliest of Republicans on this board.
Like any other right winger you project. What are you projecting? We can’t say for sure but here’s a clue:
So when you talk about hating republicans you’re projecting your hate for yourself?
70. YLB spews:
Stamm – you’re among the silliest of Republicans on this board.
Like any other right winger you project. What are you projecting? We can’t say for sure but here’s a clue:
If I’m projecting, what does the name daddy love project?
72 – I judge DL on his use of facts and the judgement that flow from those facts through his opinions.
I find next to nothing lacking there.
You on the other hand start with his handle and project your morbid fears, anxieties and/or desires.
Which is it?
talk about hating republicans
I can find plenty of instances where hate is expressed towards people on this comment board who disagree with Republicans.
MTR recently said, “I hate you moonbats.”.
I’ve never said anything like that. I prefer to poke a little fun at the Will Baker voter, the Bush voter who looks the other way at torture and a disastrous occupation of Iraq, the “conservative” who looks the other way at the doubling of the national debt and the debasement of the dollar.
You have to laugh otherwise you’d die crying.
YLB @ 79 You [Hannah] on the other hand start with his handle…”
Sorry… but “Daddy Love” is his LEGAL NAME. He deliberately asked the court to change it to that! And since that was in a courtroom, I’m guessing he can’t blame it on a drunken weekend…
What we really want to know is… Did DL make his “Mr. Slave” change his name legally, too?
Stamm – excuse me. MTR said:
“I hate you fucking moonbats.”
Mariv, Mark, Hannah and Puddy are all the same person. It’s a guy who lives in the sex offender unit at McNeil Island who raped his kids and is serving a life sentence.
81 – Whatever!
Actually I was addressing Stamm. Bit of a mistype there.
How many times does Lee have to tell you idiots that I’m not any of them? Are you that stupid or does lee type too fast for you to comprehend his words?
By the way… When you met Puddy did you kick his ass? Were you as tough in person as you pretend to be online?
@85 – Ignore BiBiGOP, he thinks anyone who points out he provides no facts or data, is one in the same.
And no he STILL hasn’t met Puddy as last Puddy said a while back…BBG was the typical no show, all talk, no walk.
Oh and Marvin…BBG doesn’t like FACTS, that’s why he ignores Lee’s posts.
Oops, my bad. I apologize to bbg for calling him a coward for not meeting Puddy. It was GBD that was doing all the talking about meeting Puddy and his friend, not being afraid of blacks, etc. The typical racist st6uff liberals always say when they think no one is around.
@88 – Marvin…BBG was the one who initiated the “meet me Puddy and I will kick your ass”
GBS said he would show too, which he did and the 2 of them (GBS and Puddy) had lunch together since BBG no showed. It was not GBS spouting racist hatred, but it was BBG! Then when BBG back peddled and said he meant Drinkling Liberally, not Rainier Ave Taqueria (where in threads he was the one to suggest), Puddy showed there, once again no BBG.
Hannah, GBS is a great dude. His politics are off but he’s a great historian.
HAs clueless idiot thinks Hannah is PacMan. Since PacMan has been seen at DL and the Professor and Mary Anne know who Hannah is this makes clueless idiot… a clueless idiot.
Hannah: bybygoober has issues. Ever since the Ugandan shamen shrunk his already small penis, he lost his “way”…
Daddy NAMBLA Love: Did you read my links while I was off-line? Dems some good links… Shows how the pipeline really started.
Daddy Love: It seems I kicked you ASS as you didn’t respond to the truths.
the Professor and Mary Anne
The Prof is probably Darryl and Mary Anne? No idea who that is.
Hannah always seems to pop up when you’re around Stupes.
I wonder why that is.
So Pacman showed at a DL. And a fool remains a fool. Just like Hannah can’t get her facts straight. More family resemblance.
I’ll Call PacMan and let him know the HA clueless idiot calls him a fool. Better yet I just IM’d him.
Stay tuned…
clueless idiot: Check the blog entries idiot. Hannah was here while I was traveling. So unless domestic airlines allow Internet connectivity…
Wait a minute… you are an idiot.
clueless idiot: Hannah gets more facts straight than you pay in US federal taxes.
What a clueless idiot.
Puddy didn’t show up at the bowling alley because he’s a punk. And Marvin if you want to find out how tough I am just let me know. You throw the first punch and I’ll do the rest. Name the time and place – oh yes I forgot. As a resident of the sex-offender unit at McNeil Island you can’t go anywhere.
Now Puddy it’s time for your treatment. In your complete transmogrification into a woman (Hannah) you’ll be forcing your fat ugly wife to become a lesbian!
bybygoober, which bowling alley? I like taking black balls and hitting white pins.
bybygoober name the time and place. I’ll invite GBS and PacMan to witness your annihilation. In fact we’ll video tape it for YouTube.
In fact PacMan and I know some Seattle Police, sheriffs and state policepeople. They will keep back the crowds, so it will be you and me in the fiery circle. You’ll be patted down for weapons, brass knuckles, broken bottles, metal plates (besides the one in your head), vibrators (your fake penis), screwdrivers (used to keep the electrodes on your neck tight), shivs (how you made your name at McNeil), car and house keys etc. This will be fists of fury butthead. Oh yeah, I’ll be on guard for the Mike Tyson move (biting the ear lobes) since you carry rabies.
Name the time and place fool.
97 – LMAO!! You’re a silly and funny little man Stupes. What you don’t know is a lot like what happened to my bank account – yesterday. Not that it’s any of your fucking business.
Hannah’s reading comprehension is poor like that lovable old loser MWS.
When I laid into that Surreal Mark for smearing Obama as a “pretty boy in a suit” she came to his defense – right on cue.
She tried to correct me on Obama’s time in the U.S. Senate when I was talking about his time in the Illinois State Senate.
She tried to shoot me down on his record in the Illinois State Senate and I had to point to my source AGAIN – the NY Freaking Times. More poor reading comprehension.
Then she tried to dis the Times which is what you shithead right wingers live for day in, day out. When the newspaper of record contradicts your wingnut fantasies, it’s all an MSM librul plot.
She said Obama didn’t serve eight years in the Illinois State Senate. Wrong again.
She said Obama didn’t have his name on at least 570 bills introduced into the U.S. Senate. I pointed to – wrong again.
She’s a fraud just like MWS was a fraud. Just like your corrupt, thieving party of hypocrites with their degenerate agenda.
@101 – Yes I did dis the NYT as you are the one who has repeatedly called it a right wingnut haven and have claimed it to be incorrect every time someone posts an NYT link. When it benefits your views, it’s ok to link NYT, but when it goes against your views, you claim it to be lies.
And you changed your Obama claims halfway thru, you claimed he was the original sponsor of those bills (not just an added on sponsor), I was the one who pointed to, who did a video on the misrepresentations of Hilary vs Obama in the Senate. Kinda like people claiming Bush vetoes everything, who had more vetoes in office? When you post, you give 1/2 the info as to try to confuse people, when I research your 1/2 truths and question, you claim, “oh I was talking about Illinois State Senate, not US Senate”…Oh yeah he sponsored alot of bills in the state senate (was the MAIN sponsor) including ones having to do with the Cubbies and White Sox, like those have political justification behind them?
Woohoo – a response from the fraudster! Let’s examine this in detail:
Honest for once.
Liar. Prove it. I’ll be kind. You must be confusing the NEW YORK POST (a Murdoch paper) with the Times. Yeah, I diss a right wing newspaper every time they print lies. Note to Stupes: this isn’t boding well so far. Either “Hannah” is hopeless confused or she expects people to actually BUY this bilge.
The NY Times is hardly perfect. See Jayson Blair and Judy Miller. I pointed to the Times to back up my assertion that Obama had his name on over 800 pieces of legislation while in the Illinois State Senate. Is there anything wrong with that?
Obama caught lying! What a tool you are! Prove that Obama sent that e-mail out or approved it. I thought you supported Obama. Obviously not if you point to video that examines the content of an e-mail with a title written by a wingnut hater of Obama.
No I didn’t. Prove it.
Who claimed this? Back it up or you’re just talking out your rear end.
Irrelevant. When right wingers claim that the Dems are all talk and no action, we point to the filibuster happy minority in the Senate and Bush’s veto pen. There’s the reason. What do you do? You say “Clinton did it more”. Silly. Stupid. Irrelevant.
Nope. Prove it. Stop lying. When I posted the 800+ number, I said Illinois State Senate. Prove I didn’t do that.
This makes no sense. Obama has a good record in both the Illinois State Senate and the U.S. Senate. He’s not a “pretty boy in a suit” like your apparent friend Surreal Mark says. He’s a competent legislator. I presented facts about his record – nothing made up.
YLB – When I support Obama and people use emails as lies, I point to the research done, as the whole youtube vid points out, the email was a huge scam and (do you think that is a rightwing site?) disqualifies the scam email and also goes thru the Clinton vs. Obama Senate issues as a whole. I have never said Obama didn’t have a good record ever, just pointed out he has “Co” sponsored most bills, not created on his own. Hillary, same thing.
When most people will use the “lack of experience/empty pant suit (as Rossi is)” against Obama and others try to prove otherwise…the proof of limited experience is there, no doubt. What he did in the Il. General Assembly, is like comparing what Burner has done at MS to wanna be DR.
And I will not spend my days going back thru old threads where you have claimed NYT is non-sense. You tell everyone who disagrees with you, that you won’t go back thru threads to prove anything and you won’t “take orders” and neither will I.
Silly “Hannah” –
What was the title of that video? Who wrote that title? Obama caught lying? Do you agree with that? Did Obama write that e-mail? Did he approve it? What is the name of that youtube account? Do you agree with the owner of that account that Obama is a liar?
104 and 105 prove YOU are a liar and a fraud.
You’ve lied about what I and others have said. You are afraid to back up your lies because that would expose you as a liar.
So you won’t “take orders from me” and go through old threads to find out out you’ve been claiming things that are NOT TRUE. Fine. I will examine everything you claim and call you out for the liar you are, as much as I have time for – all the way till November.
Tell the truth and you will hear nothing from me.
Oh yeah and GWB and Rossi’s experience match up well against Obama’s – NOT!!!
What a tool…
YLB – did you read my entire comment or did you just take out the pieces that suit you?
Did I not say empty suit as in Rossi?
No I will not spend time, exposing where you said NYT is too far right. Maybe tonight when I have time. And who posted the youtube vid? It was that made that vid. It’s people like the Obama haters that have created the lies and misrepresentations, and Hilary supporters mispresenting the facts (Bosnia anyone)…so when people “try” to back up his accomplishments to others who clearly want to take him down, you are giving them things to disect. The more I learn about politics and the differences between dems and reps, the more I am beginning to agree with people I know….I am beginning to feel I am looking at things through a frosted glass. And mostly seeing the true colors here has been clearing the glass.
And Obama is denouncing the Pastor who has brought him too much negative press!!!
Obama 2009!
Here is the most stupid part.
This is utterly stupid. Obama’s legislative record shows he can get things done even with those “across the aisle”. The Governor of Texas is a mostly ceremonial position. Rossi’s record is completely poor by comparison.
Obama had shown by his legislative accomplishments, by his choices (turning down high paying jobs in big law firms) and by the way he’s run his campaign to be way more qualified than Bush could ever hope to be.
The Burner comparison is hopelessly silly.
How about another youtube video?
Who would you vote for? Someone with a reasoning mind or a knee-jerk empty-suit who forgets the question he just answered yes to?
Hey YLB @ 41
WTF man!
Are you related to Thomas Beatie? You know, that pregnant dude! I ask because you obviously have growth in areas a man shouldn’t have! OOPS, my bad – Beatie is really a woman. Damn, I wish people like you would make up your minds!!!
110 – Still reading Jared Taylor? That clear-minded examiner of your people?
YLB – I used the “empty pant suit” to Rossi, not Burner!!! Where did I say ANYTHING about Rossi’s record???
And I was comparing legislative action he had for the Cubbies and White Sox, as Burner is to MS.
And did I not call Reichert a “wanna be”? You just read what you want to benefit your slander.
112 – Slander huh? After all the lies you’ve told about what I and others have said?
You said “proof of limited experience is there, no doubt.”
Sounds like you’re saying Obama is not qualified. As if GWB was..
Reichert is a “wanna be”? Wrong. He has a seat in Congress. Why don’t you support Burner who has a brain and can actually do something with that seat?
Oh I get it: “proof of limited experience is there, no doubt.” Straight from the right wing playbook.
YLB – Since you can’t read, I do support Burner, and as I stated Reichert is a wanna be as in a Bush follower. I support Obama BECAUSE of his “lack of experience” so many other who dis him use against him. Obama is still open minded and not corrupted like the likes of Hillary who will lie through her teeth to benefit her agenda, she says what people want to hear at that given moment.
I do support Burner
Hard to tell since you dis her business experience at MS.
MS employs a lot of people in her district and throughout the region. They’re a big player like Boeing.
When right wingers claim she has no experience what do you say to them?
Not much I suspect.
When people talk to me abour Burner’s experience in politics, it’s hard to disagree. My argument back is what did Dave do prior to Congress? He was a freakin’ cop!
@ 111 – so….what does Jared Taylor and race relations have to do with your pregnancy?!? Do you also have an issue with race? My suggestion to you is stop focusing on Jared Taylor and read the document at the link below. Perhaps this document will help you with your sense of racial inferiority and better prepare you for the transition. Read with an open mind and vote Barak.
Good luck man – I am praying for you.
Ahhh yes clueless idiot decided to take on PacMan too.
Yep, he’s a clueless idiot!
PacMan, HAs clueless idiot only has so many arguments in his “quiver” and he recycles them over and over!
Whoa? Did I just read PacMan telling us clueless idiot is pregnant? I guess that would explain those recent wild mood swings.
119: Clueless idiot appear to be a bit more than just clueless. Man I just logged in this morning and find an unpprovoked comment about me from this pregnant man. What’s up with that?
Hey YLB. I prefer intellectual discussions but if you want to be petty I can come down to your level – BUT – let’s keep it real, OK?
@121 – PacMan – you have to forgive YLB and BBG as they think you are me and I am Puddy. :)
Hannah: The DL crew has met PacMan and me. They haven’t seen their clueless idiot yet and have no idea who bybygoober is. You should show one night and make it real!
So like Billo, you want me to “just shut up” about you high fiving cheesy chuck on his find of Jared Taylor talking about your people in NOLA – the actions of a right wing fool.
Then you got all pissy and left in a huff when we didn’t follow your orders on HL.
Go on Pacman. Command me to denounce HL. You right wingers like to order around people who don’t agree with you. You call them names and play the racism or sexism cards.
I’ll tell you like I told that other fool PuddySilly. We don’t support racism or sexism.
Hey PacMan,
Did you know PuddySilly uses you as an excuse to break his word as in “my word is my bond”. Yeah, his words. LMAO!!
Another TJ exposed his lying ass and he left this comment board in total disgrace.
But somehow he says YOU persuaded him to come back.
You’re a bad influence PacMan.
And no I don’t care to spend time at a DL with right wingers who’ll vote for Obama to “break the glass ceiling” and then turn around and throw the lever down ticket for every right wing nut who carries water for the same old degenerate wingnut agenda, e.g. Rossi.
Not my idea of a good time.
Ahhh yes HAs clueless idiot appears.
PacMan knows his word brought me back. But if you remember without ATJ you’d be gone forever as you couldn’t find it at all. So much for your searching skillz.
BTW PacMan said stay tuned…
You are afraid to so up at DL as your ride on this blog would be exposed BIG TIME for the fool you are…
124 – this is what I find really interesting about idiots like yourself. YOU’REIf I am not mistaken you were the one who pulled the race card
124 – this is what I find really interesting about idiots like yourself. YOU’REIf I am not mistaken you were the one who pulled the race card
124 – this is what I find really interesting about idiots like yourself. YOU’RE THE ONE WHO PULLED THE RACE CARD by bringing Taylor into the discussion and making a big deal about ‘my people’. Now you’re getting pissed off at me because I suggested you read material which can help you overcome your sense of racial inferiority and prepare you for success in the coming post-racial era.
Here’s some valuable information for you PAL…Don’t ever bring race into a discussion unless you really understand it’s consequencies and is prepared to engage in an intelligent discussion on the subject…and don’t ever quote Taylor to make a racial point. In fact, stick to subjects you’re more famaliar with which is…..
On second thought, I am at a lost to identify any subject you might have knowlege of as I’ve never really read anything intelligent written by you in these posts.
Check your clock, you’re probably late for your LAMARS class
Can’t we all just get along?
“And no I don’t care to spend time at a DL with right wingers who’ll vote for Obama to “break the glass ceiling” and then turn around and throw the lever down ticket for every right wing nut who carries water for the same old degenerate wingnut agenda, e.g. Rossi.”
Was that an attempt to say something intelligent? Give it up man!
125 – yes, I remember when Puddy left the post and from what I could determine he never went back on or contradicted himself. The challenge was generic in nature and he did not violate the specifics of the challenge. He left because he felt it was in fairness but after careful observation he and others determined that he was not wrong and should not have left. If you can produce the post I can show you specifically where he was not wrong.
So, in the words of my hip-hop brothers….What else you got?!
Wow PacMan, it feels good doesn’t it.
134 – Your pal PSilly got caught in a web of his own lies. He claimed MWS never denied he was Puddy.
The problem with a liar is that he has to REMEMBER his lies. He couldn’t hack it as a liar. He blew it.
ATJ exposed his lying ass! “My word is my bond”
YOU’RE THE ONE WHO PULLED THE RACE CARD by bringing Taylor into the discussion
Bullshit! You guys play the race card every chance you get. Barking orders at us to denounce HL while playing a right wing tag team.
Your buddy PSilly is always going on about “racist donk”, Eugenics and other BULLSHIT.
I got to give you credit PacMan. You sling bullshit with as slack an affect as any I’ve ever seen. One would think you actually BELIEVE the crap you’re serving up.
Racial inferiority!
Hey PacMan,
Are you the same guy who said JCH’s commentary here was “too biting for me”?
Well that right wing, lunatic, RACIST bastard has been banned.
Was Goldy too harsh? Shall we bring him back?
clueless idiot@everywhere: Remember November 10, 2006? You said you were leaving for good at 10:07 AM only to return at 5:10 PM as another name? Want to see the links again?
Yes my Eugenics links are real. Can you dig it?
And a big fuck you too!
clueless idiot@everywhere: it was ATJ that saved your sorry ass. You were 50 minutes away from leaving.
Now who is calling whom what? Remember November 10, 2006.
clueless idiot@everywhere: I still think you and bybygoober are brothers.
Same stupid shit posted everywhere!
You were 50 minutes away from leaving.
Fuck you too! I had the same exact stuff ATJ had! You said “the exact words” and I was waiting for you to agree to STOP WEASLING and avoid a sucker’s bet!
Not look at what you did! You DID WEASEL!
Yes my Eugenics links are real.
And that means Hillary is for it.
clueless idiot: Then why didn’t you post it? You made the suckas bet… You hemmed and hawed. Want to see those links too Mr. “I guess I can leave now my work is done here” November 10, 2006?
You are the biggest lefty fool and clueless idiot here.
Heilary said she was a early 1900s Progressive you fool. I provided the links to prove what one was/is…
Can you dig it clueless idiot…?
Oh yeah, I didn’t answer last night cuz I was laying pipe.
Enjoy today!
Oh and clueless idiot who figgered out who you were? I didn’t have Goldy giving me the answer on a platter.
My superior mind figgered who out you were and still are today; a clueless idiot.
137: I’se be soooo sorri that i upset you ole massa. I’se be a good boy now. me no talk bout racism no mo! no sir! me no sling no mo bullshit cause it migh hit ol massa to hard and he be a bit upset. me be good black man fro now on! yassir!
YLB, There is a solution to your stupidity…it’s called intelligence. Read a good book once in a while.
Can’t ya’ll jus’ git along?
Puddy @ 144 “laying pipe” that’s funny. So do you have to lay 12 sections to make a foot?