Disgusting. These soldiers have to live like this because the higher priority is to line the pockets of supporters of Bush and his cronies.
They’re looting every cent they can before the last call next January.
If everyone would just wear their lapel pins, this would all go away.
I call bullshit. Goldy just wants help
remodeling his bathroom. Expect another
gee. Jeff signed up. too bad. this guy is 23, so he must have signed up after Bushco took power. if he didn’t know what lying crooks Bushco were then, gee, too bad. he should have known. lot’s of us knew better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Seattle Lawyer Files Class Action Suit Against Recording Industry For Music Piracy Claims
Seattle lawyer Lory R. Lybeck, who represents a disabled Portland-area single mother named Tanya Andersen, has filed a multimillion-dollar conspiracy suit against the Recording Industry Association of America.
RIAA has sued approximately 40,000 Americans for alleged internet music piracy. RIAA’s standard tactic is to pressure individuals into paying settlements of $4,000 to $5,000 by threatening them with much higher potential judgments and legal defense costs. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, only about 100 of the 40,000 people have opted to defend themselves in the courts; the rest either couldn’t afford to contest the suits or decided it was cheaper to pay up.
Lybeck says a significant number of the people that RIAA has coerced into paying settlements are innocent, and that RIAA’s tactics are illegal extortion.
Lybeck says RIAA uses private investigation companies to identify people who share music files over the internet by tracking down their IP addresses. The problem, he says, is this method of identifying culprits is error-prone. According to an article in Business Week Online,
“[E]rrors can arise in a number of ways. One IP address may be assigned to a device such as a Wi-Fi router that can be used by several people at the same time to access the Net wirelessly. So if a visitor or a neighbor decides to steal music over the Wi-Fi network, the homeowner would still be fingered. In addition, some people have IP addresses that change every time they log onto the Net, so the IP address you use in the morning could be assigned to your neighbor that afternoon. Verizon and other Web service providers try to track who has which IP address at what time, but their records can be faulty.”
In the case of Lybeck’s client, Tanya Anderson, further investigation indicated a carpet layer in Everett, Washington was the likely culprit. After a federal judge ordered Andersen to hand over her computer for forensic examination, RIAA lawyers refused to disclose the results. Under court order, they eventually admitted there was no evidence of downloading on her computer.
Faced with losing its suit against Andersen in court, RIAA offered to drop the suit if Andersen agreed not to counterclaim. She refused. Ultimately, the court dismissed RIAA’s suit against Andersen and ordered RIAA to pay her lawyer $300,000 in attorney fees.
But Lybeck and Andersen aren’t done. They are now filed a multimillion conspiracy suit against RIAA and several contractors involved in the shakedown. The suit is pending.
I’m posting this so that if any of this blog’s readers get sued by RIAA for music piracy and believe themselves to be innocent, they know who to contact. I don’t know Mr. Lybeck and it’s not my primary purpose to advertise his law practice. I simply believe that it’s wrong to extort money from innocent people with heavy-handed legal tactics based on questionable information and faulty investigation.
Seattle Lawyer Files Class Action Suit Against Recording Industry For Music Piracy Claims
Seattle lawyer Lory R. Lybeck, who represents a disabled Portland-area single mother named Tanya Andersen, has filed a multimillion-dollar conspiracy suit against the Recording Industry Association of America.
RIAA has sued approximately 40,000 Americans for alleged internet music piracy. RIAA’s standard tactic is to pressure individuals into paying settlements of $4,000 to $5,000 by threatening them with much higher potential judgments and legal defense costs. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, only about 100 of the 40,000 people have opted to defend themselves in the courts; the rest either couldn’t afford to contest the suits or decided it was cheaper to pay up.
Lybeck says a significant number of the people that RIAA has coerced into paying settlements are innocent, and that RIAA’s tactics are illegal extortion.
Lybeck says RIAA uses private investigation companies to identify people who share music files over the internet by tracking down their IP addresses. The problem, he says, is this method of identifying culprits is error-prone. According to an article in Business Week Online,
“[E]rrors can arise in a number of ways. One IP address may be assigned to a device such as a Wi-Fi router that can be used by several people at the same time to access the Net wirelessly. So if a visitor or a neighbor decides to steal music over the Wi-Fi network, the homeowner would still be fingered. In addition, some people have IP addresses that change every time they log onto the Net, so the IP address you use in the morning could be assigned to your neighbor that afternoon. Verizon and other Web service providers try to track who has which IP address at what time, but their records can be faulty.”
In the case of Lybeck’s client, Tanya Anderson, further investigation indicated a carpet layer in Everett, Washington was the likely culprit. After a federal judge ordered Andersen to hand over her computer for forensic examination, RIAA lawyers refused to disclose the results. Under court order, they eventually admitted there was no evidence of downloading on her computer.
Faced with losing its suit against Andersen in court, RIAA offered to drop the suit if Andersen agreed not to counterclaim. She refused. Ultimately, the court dismissed RIAA’s suit against Andersen and ordered RIAA to pay her lawyer $300,000 in attorney fees.
But Lybeck and Andersen aren’t finished with RIAA yet. They have filed a multimillion-dollar conspiracy suit against RIAA and several companies involved in RIAA’s music piracy shakedown campaign, and are seeking class-action status. This suit is pending.
I’m posting this so that if any of this blog’s readers get wrongly sued by RIAA for music piracy, they know what to do and who to contact. I don’t know Mr. Lybeck and it’s not my primary purpose to advertise his law practice. I simply believe it’s wrong to extort money from innocent people by heavy-handed legal tactics based on questionable information and faulty investigation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 I was unable to post this article with the link; HA’s new software rejected it. (This isn’t the first time I’ve had to delete a link to get a comment to post on the new, improved HA.)
The article is on the Business Week web site, is dated April 24, 2008, and is called “Does She Look Like a Music Pirate? Inside Tanya Andersen’s private war with the recording industry. Hint: She’s winning”
Hey Pelletizer maybe you should move up from dialup and get a real connection. I’m sure all the money you made from NOV will fund a cable or DSL link. Maybe then you can post your silly links.
Yes, once again the brainiac Puddingdick explains to all us yokels how everything is the Democratic Parties fault.
Does the Republican Party give out medals for brown nosing, puddingdick?
Doesn’t Puddingdick know that showers are an American tradition?
Why do you hate America, Puddingdick?
Since summer is around the corner, time to repost this:
“Belgium to impose tax on barbequing to fight global warming”
Who dreams up these laws? Moonbat!s hard at work.
Ahhhh yes pusdrivendyke good morning to you…
Your great leader Diane Feinstein was ranked head of MILCON. Some facts you can easily find from the link above:
Pusdrivendyke, ever heard of Roll Call? It’s one of those DC fishrags not under Richard Mellon Scaife’s control. The peeps at Roll Call calculated Feinstein’s 2004 wealth at $30 million. The peeps at Roll Call calculated Feinstein’s 2005 wealth at $40 million. Various Pork Busters and other reputable web sites report her family earned between $500,000 and $5 million from capital gains on URS and Perini stock. URS and Perini charman of the board Richard Ellis, who happens to be her husband earned from $1.3 million to $4 million in 2004. Now when you investigate public records, ( can you investigate them pusdrivendyke?), they show Blum’s company paid $4 a share for controlling interest in Perini, and later sold about three million shares for $23.75 each. Now how cum those shares increased almost 600%?
URS’ military construction work in 2000 was only $24 million. In 2001 when Feinstein took over as MILCON chair (remember Donkey controlled the senate), military construction earned URS $185 million. Additionally, its military construction architectural and engineering revenue rose from $108,000 in 2000 to $142 million in 2001, an increase of 1000x. Ain’t that amazing? Richard C. Blum, Feinstein’s husband then sold some 5.5 million URS shares for $220 million. Look it up pusdrivendyke. And all this time we know what happened at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other Perini Corp contracts right pusdrivendyke. I placed these PuddyFacts on this blog many times.
Question: What do these cities have in common? Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Newark, St. Louis, Oakland, Wash. D.C. Cincinnati, Philadelphia?
Answer: They have, in order, the highest murder rates in America.
Oh, I almost forgot, they are also all governed by Democratic Mayors.
Not making a statement. Just stating a fact.
Now since pusdrivendyke has issues with American soldiers not getting showers, he should take issue with Perini Corp who was give $24 Million to build Afghanistan Barracks.
Look it up pusdrivendyke.
The Real Markspews:
Those are truly deplorable conditions and BOTH sides of the aisle should be ashamed. The barracks didn’t suddenly fall into disrepair overnight. They’ve been this way through both Dem & GOP administrations. The GOP held Congress until 2006 and obviously didn’t do anything. The Dems have controlled the purse strings for the last two years and have also done nothing.
I agree TRM, but you see these HA liberals always place the blame on Republicans. So Puddy implements a PuddyStudy to see where the Army or Marines award these barracks contracts and it always seems to lead back to Dianne Feinstein’s fingerprints and URS and Perini Corp.
Sure other companies have their hands in the Pentagon financial pie, but when you have HAs #1 idiot posting his crap in post #1 without any URLs to prove his worthless point, Puddy whips out the PuddyFacts. Anyone with a brain can find these facts in the Ether, but the leftist morons ( many without brains) here would rather feel good slapping each other on their backs with their “I can top your comment about Bush cronies” with no facts.
19 – Who the F was in charge the last 7/8 years?
The chimp you voted for twice.
And where were the right wing boosters of Fort Bragg and all things patriotic and military raising a stink?
Nowhere to be found.
There he goes again in #20. In #1 he wrote “the higher priority is to line the pockets of supporters of Bush and his cronies.” So where’s your proof? I posted my proof HA’s #1 idiot. You posted hot air…
Who writes the laws per the US Constitution? Bush – Nope, you dope. Who controls the purse strings per the US Constitution? Bush – Nope you dope.
But who headed MILCON and controlled the purse strings and let the contracts? Feinstein – Yep you dope.
PuddyCivics Lesson 101
I love your gravatar clueless idiot@20&21. The eye the misses everything wrong with the left.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The Army has always been lousy at having acceptable facilities. Take Ft. Lewis, for instance. If you were to wonder on post, you’d find lots and lots of buildings that have been there since before WWII. A lot of them should just be torn down.
Now, the Air Force, on the other hand, likes its comforts. The first thing they do is build a nice officers’ club, base exchange and commissary. Then they go back to Congress for money to build a runway and buy some planes!
You gotta admire the Boys in Blue! They got their priorities right!
I’m a murderer with my handgun trained on an innocent convenience store clerk. The number one deliberation in my mind just before pulling the trigger is, “to which political party does my mayor belong?”
The boys from the new private US military, Blackwater, get hot showers everyday, have the best equipment, vehicles, weapons, hardware, pay and so forth, ad nauseum. Ten billion dollars a week in Iraq would build a lot of barracks. That’s what pisses off the people who are opposed to the war. They’re not just liberals, as will be clearly apparent on the first Tuesday in November.
22 – Stupes, for all intents and purposes that is bullshit. Your chimp can throw his weight around on torture and wiretapping yet he can’t get his favorite defense outfits like KBR to clean up some quarters for soldiers.
You’re so full of shit the stink travels through the monitor.
Your chimp has been in power for over 7 years.
Your beloved flag waving, Gingrich/DeLay Republicans held the House 1994 – 2006 and the Senate most of that time.
Nothing was done. ’nuff said.
They have, in order, the highest murder rates in America.
Support the end of prohibition and the murder rate will go way, way down.
I’m saying to those partisans who try to convince me that one or the other party is the answer, and will make things right with the world, or city, that I’m not buying it.
28 – What’s your solution? Our solution is more and BETTER Dems.
You don’t have one. Thought so.
Buzz off, gnat.
All those right wingers in Congress wearing flags in their lapels were trembling in fear before the almighty DiFi.
Like Stupes does before Hillary, Rosie and Code Pink.
What a bunch of fucking losers. November can’t get here soon enough.
I’m rather pleased with myself. I just edited my last comment to make it more polite.
The Real Markspews:
YLB @ 20
You ignorant, Kool-Aid drooling child…
The DEMS have controlled the purse strings for the last two years and have done nothing.
Then again, they can’t even keep their own house in order because they have pollsters tugging them one way, Big Lefty Money (unions, Soros, etc.) tugging them another way and the nutroots tugging in yet another.
Be careful, Troll. Hanging around here will make you adopt the liberal life-style.
Can someone tell me why Al Sharpton is so angry? Aren’t black men about a thousand times more likely to be killed by black on black crime, than by a police officer?
The DEMS have controlled the purse strings for the last two years and have done nothing.
You don’t know that and everything they do has to run the gauntlet of the obstructionist minority in Senate and the veto pen of the lame duck in the White House.
You right wing (excuse me, dorki monson centrist) kool-aid drunk fool.
The Real Markspews:
YammeringLiberalBaby @ 35
The video is evidence the Dems clearly did nothing — unless, of course, the video is old and concocted for Lefty propaganda purposes (which I’m not suggesting it is).
By your argument, BTW, the “obstructionist minority” of the Dems was at fault for everything when the GOP was in control. Right?
As to your last assertion, show me the Dem bill that funded repair/construction and was vetoed by President Bush.
“dorki monson?” Do you mean Dori Monson, the radio host? I don’t listen to him. What does that have to do with anything?
36 – If you right wing flag in your lapel types walked your talk you would have done something 1994-2006 in the House and the years you had the Senate not to mention heard something from the pulpit of the idiot in the White House.
What were you doing instead? Bridges to nowhere in Alaska? Trains to nowhere in Mississippi? Fancy contracts for KBR and Blackwater?
Haven’t I said this already?
The Dems were not nearly the obstructionist minority in the Senate the R’s have been the last two years. They tend not to be able to agree on much – thanks to those Blue Dogs. That’s going to change.
If you read other follow-up stories, they indicate that both Dem and GOP representatives were unaware of the problems. Also, the soldiers apparently returned three weeks early, before clean-up could be done.
Again, there is no excuse for the conditions, but there is always more to the story.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Of course HA’s number one idiot …”
… would be you, puddinghead. After all the corruption, all the obvious lying, all the illegal behavior, all the nonstop fiascos and screwups of the Bush administration and the Republicans, you still support them — why? Either you’re terminally stupid or you hate America — which is it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The GOP is a cult, and puddy is as blind and impervious to reason as the poor unfortunate victims of Scientology or that polygamous cult in Arizona. Drinking the kool-aid was his undoing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 You guessed wrong, puddinghead, so your record-breaking .000 batting average is still intact.
An e-mail from Goldy explains that comments with links go into the spam filter, and he and Darryl haven’t had time to sort through the backlog of more than 500 posts. It has nothing to do with my computer of connection speed. Putting links in my comments is what diverts them into the filter.
This, btw, is why my RIAA comment appears twice in this thread.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “Does the Republican Party give out medals for brown nosing, puddingdick?”
Nah. If he wants his picture taken with McCain, he has to stand in line and pay $5,000 like everyone else. Being photographed with Rove costs $10,000. But I know a guy who can photoshop puddy’s visage into Ted Bundy’s mug shot for only $50. Bundy was a prominent local Republican of the ’70s who will probably be remembered longer than any other Republican from around here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Complain to your Belgian MP. (That’s “Member of Parliament” for you civics-challenged wingnuts.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 More “the Democrats did it too” bullshit from Wingnut Mark. Yawn. No, Mark, we didn’t do it too. This roach motel was brought to our troops by the same GOP that cut their combat pay and veterans benefits, and housed wounded soldiers in moldy barracks. Republicans don’t give a damn about our soldiers. They simply use them as propaganda props for their warmongering.
Meanwhile, the Democrats in Congress have given Bush every cent for the military that he asked for, you fucking liar.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 After serving in the Regular Army in Vietnam, I served in the Army Reserve at Fort Lewis. The buildings, while old, were study and well maintained. They were swept out and the floors were buffed every single day. They were clean enough to eat off the floors. The beds were made, the latrines sparkled, and there was no dust on the windowsills. You can’t say that of most civilian residences.
It isn’t about how old they are, it’s about how well they’re taken care of — and whether money and manpower is invested in taking care of them. The quality of the manpower has an impact, too. When I was in the Army, they didn’t take felons and sex offenders. In my service days, soldiers had pride, not rap sheets.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 The Bush administration has treated soldiers with extreme condescension and neglect. They use taxpayer money to pay private mercenaries $120,000 a year to do the same jobs in Iraq that soldiers are expected to do for $12,000. As you pointed out, the “private contractors” aka mercenaries get the latest equipment and the best creature comforts, all at taxpayer expenses, while the soldiers get crapped on right and left — they don’t even have clean drinking water. Republican claims that Democrats don’t “support the troops” are beyond laughable, they’re pathetic. Why any soldier would vote for any Republican after the royal screwing over they’ve gotten from this administration is a complete mystery. The best thing Democrats can do to support the troops is vote all the Republicans out of office. That, by itself, should earn us the soldiers’ eternal gratitude. But we’ve done more than that for our troops. We kept the Republicans from taking away their combat pay. We made the Republicans clean up the hell-holes they sent the wounded to. We pressured the Republicans to provide our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan with body and vehicle armor instead of spending the money on more tax cuts for billionaires. We fought for medical and educational benefits for veterans. We fought the lies, coverups, and denials why which the Bush administration and its GOP predecessors tried to avoid government responsibility for service-connected illnesses and injuries in order to spend the money on tax cuts for well-heeled Republican supporters. Our soldiers have only one friend in Washington D.C. and that’s the Democratic Party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And, lest we forget, it was Karl Rove and the Republican National Committee — not Democrats — who interfered with military voting:
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at http://flickr.com/photo_zoom.g.....038;size=o ] …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. … While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
Republicans will defend anyone’s right to become wealthy except a Democrat’s.
Daddy Lovespews:
41 RR
My experience has been that posting a link that does not include the http and the :// pieces goes right through and still displays as a live link. Try it!
Daddy Lovespews:
32 TRM
The DEMS have controlled the purse strings for the last two years and have done nothing.
Actualy, “The Real Mark,” you’re a stupid lying boob. It is late April 2008 right now, and the Democrats have controlled the Congress only since January of 2007, which by my count would be one year and three months. Their first months in office were taken up both in passing their “First Hundred Days” agenda AND with passing the entire federal budget from the previous fiscal year which the Republicans left for them to clean up, lazy fucking bastards that you guys are.
Since then they have passed one federal budget with input from the majority which took effect October 1, 2007. So spending determined in any way by their Democratic majority has been in effect for seven months. So bullshit if they are to blame for seven years of Republican corruption, incompetence, and neglect! Bullshit.
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, the Congress can approptriate money, but it is up the the executive to spend it responsibly. Who are you blaming? Point your finger at the record-all-time-disapproval Chimp.
Daddy Lovespews:
I love it–blaming the Congress for the inept, uncaring, and murderously corrupt policies of the administration. Yeah, it’s the Democrats. Liars. Idiots. You Republicans deserve the stupid and dishonest politicans you all worship, but we don’t, and our soldiers don’t.
The Real Markspews:
Bunny Boy @ verbal vomit NAMBLA err… DL @ 48-52
Fascinating… My original post properly assigned blame to BOTH sides of the aisle. The follow-up news stories in the MSM said that neither Sen. Dole (R-NC) nor the Dem Congressman representing Fort Bragg knew about the conditions. But what do you Loony Lefties do? As usual, try to find every way to squirm out of taking responsibility for ANYTHING that EVER goes wrong in this country.
Face the facts. We’ve had about every permutation of Dem & GOP legislators and executives over the past 20 years. They are ALL to blame, to varying degrees, when things fall apart or become run-down.
DL, I’m guessing that the fey kook in your Gravatar is more likely a fixation of yours and not your own photo, so I have no idea how old you are. Roger, OTOH, has admitted to being older than dirt (and is just about as wise). In any case, for the both of you: Grow the f*&# up! How do you nutballs reconcile the Loony Left’s love for Obama and Obama’s stated desire to eliminate partisanship? Is he lying or is he going to tell MorOn.org to shut up?
(BTW, all references to you guys being nutballs, senile, demented, morons, liars or merely Kool-Aid Kids are based on observation and established fact and not your political affiliations.)
Daddy Lovespews:
53 TRM
Dude, my gravatar is Johnny Depp.
Again, you are a fucking idiot , not only because you blame the Democratic Congress for the idiot Executive branch spending even though they have barely even begun to control appropriation, but also because you duck and evade the responsibility for the idiocy you posted.
Way to try to shift the subject AND move the goalposts at the same time. Admit that you were wrong, boy.
Fuck. I get so tired of political shills making an “argument” (if I can even call it that) and then then ducking the consequences of same.
Btw, I love the “grow the fuck up” (even though you lack the balls to write “fuck”). What I am saying is that you fucking partisan liars who try to cover for the cancerous dereliction of duty in this administration should “grow the fuck up.” FUCK. I said fuck. Wuss.
Daddy Lovespews:
To the public: why would I use my own photo? In fact, I am so not invested in my own image that I am prtty sure that I have no images of myself, in contrast to TRM’s endless supply of images of himself.
Daddy Lovespews:
What’s wrong with “fuck?” If your mama didn’t fuck you wouldn’t be here. Get the fuck used to it.
Daddy Lovespews:
And again, TRM
What’s the NAMBLA idiocy? My name is Curtis Daddy Love, per the King County District Court order of 2003.
You can call me Daddy, as in “Who’s your fucking Daddy, bitch?”
Daddy Lovespews:
Face the facts. We’ve had about every permutation of Dem & GOP legislators and executives over the past 20 years. They are ALL to blame, to varying degrees, when things fall apart or become run-down.
Except that the fucking corrupt Republican idiots in charge right now both started the wars and are responsioble for how soldiers are being treated RIGHT NOW.
Pretending that this is not the issue won’t work, you punk bitch.
Dude, my gravatar is Johnny Depp.
That’s who that is! I knew I’d seen that face somewhere before.
The Real Markspews:
DL @ 57
Perhaps someone, like you, with a limited vocabulary and a third grade mentality gets his jollies spouting “F*&#” at every opportunity, but I choose not to. My use of the alternate characters gets the same point across.
re: your Gravatar. Apparently, I was right. It is some sort of creepy fixation on your part. And added to your username…
Yeah, right… “Daddy Love” doesn’t just scream “NAMBLA” (it shouts it from the rooftops). Leave it to a Loony Lefty to take their freak-flag-flying to the level of a name change. Do you make Junior call you “Daddy” in public? You’re a South Park character come to life!
Looks like one of the Bush Twin Whores might be voting Democrat this election. Now THAT would be a big slap in the face to you right wing turds.
By the way – still waiting for FlipFlop McCain to release his medical records as promised.
Marvin Stamnspews:
54. Daddy Love spews:
Dude, my gravatar is Johnny Depp.
Damn, someone with the name daddy love has a johnny depp gravatar. That’s downright disturbing!!!
I’m guessing you are very white and live in a very very white neighborhood. Why else would you change your name to daddy love.
Marvin Stamnspews:
55. Daddy Love spews:
To the public: why would I use my own photo? In fact, I am so not invested in my own image that I am prtty sure that I have no images of myself, in contrast to TRM’s endless supply of images of himself.
I didn’t believe any adult would change his name to daddy love. Googled. Damn if you didn’t. Got some issues with your daddy huh? As doctor phil would say, did daddy touch you?
Is that your son on your website?
Puddyfacts rule without question.
Was it really necessary for a deranged liberal to beat up a girl in a wheelchair???
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another right-wing loon clinging to religion. What about the separation of church and state? Oops, since the article didn’t mention his party I googled and found out he’s a democrat.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Struggling to confront a worsening homicide rate, the mayor asked pastors and citizens Friday to don burlap sacks and ashes Friday in an Old Testament-style sign of biblical repentance.
Mayor Larry Langford said his “sackcloth and ashes” rally at Boutwell Auditorium was inspired by the Book of Jonah, where residents of the ancient city of Ninevah wore rough fabric and ashes as a sign of turning away from sin.
Are any of you on the left going to complain about this mayor using his position to force a religious ideology on people?
Marvin Stamnspews:
If you won’t complain abut the mayor wanting the citizens to wear burlap bags in the name of religion will you at least have the decency to speak up about him stealing from charities? Probably not, you didn’t care about the kids when air america stole from the kids charity.
Stealing from charities is yet another example of him being a democrat.
Two private charities controlled by Larry Langford collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from businessmen and companies he approved for government work as Fairfield mayor and Jefferson County Commission president, records show.
Langford, now Birmingham’s mayor, spent some of the money on annual $5,000 scholarships, contributions to other nonprofit groups and a black-tie fundraising dinner each fall for hundreds of guests.
It’s not clear how the rest of the money was spent because Langford has declined The Birmingham News’ requests to release financial records for his Mayor’s Scholarship Charity and the Larry Langford Celebrity Shoot for Charity.
Langford’s financial arrangements with bankers, lobbyists and others who received government business with his help have come under scrutiny from federal investigators. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission lawyers began digging in 2004 into bond deals, many championed by Langford, that since have led the county to the brink of bankruptcy.
69. Daddy Love spews:
62, 63 MS
Have you finished working out your hidden pedophilic fantasies yet? When you are ready to talk like an adult, we can discuss my name.
I didn’t change my name to daddy love. If you were an entertainer I could understand it. A google search doesn’t show you as an entertainer except a profile you put up that says you play guitar.
Feel free to explain why an adult male needs the name daddy love. I’m sure we will all be entertained.
Marvin Stamnspews:
What is it about being liberal that makes one such a hypocrite?
And it was revealed that his wife Trudie Styler travels between their seven homes in private jets or their fleet of cars, as well as importing farm produce hundreds of miles.
Now the celebrity couple have been forced to admit that their record is less than clean.
Environmental experts labelled Sting’s band, The Police, the dirtiest in the world because of the amount of pollution created during last year’s reunion tour of the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Germany, the UK, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pag.....ge_id=1773
STOSSEL: Huffington has also joined the war on global warming. However, you live in a $7 million house. You’re burning more carbon than 100 people in the Third World.
HUFFINGTON: There is no question that the fact that I’m living in a big house, I occasionally travel on private planes, all those things are a contradiction. I’m not setting myself up as some paragon who only goes around on a bicycle and lives by candlelight.
from 20/20 friday night
Being democrat for dummies – Do as I say, not as I do. I’m better than you.
The Real Markspews:
1. To a limited intellect like yours, perhaps you need things said slowwwwwly and spelled out more clearly. So, in that sense, you’re right in that it doesn’t have the same impact (to you).
2. For one, it isn’t ironic. Two, it isn’t like he is the paragon of… anything, so there isn’t any symbolic value. I doubt that he is a dead ringer for your boyfriend or you, for that matter. So, the only thing left is “creepy fixation.”
3. I’m 100% correct on this one. It DOES sound like a NAMBLA nickname (to more than one poster here and, I’m sure, to any other normal person hearing it). Legally changing your name to a joke like that IS letting your freak flag fly and is most definitely a Lefty phenomenon. As for the South Park reference, you’ve clearly demonstrated that you’re some combination of Cartman and Mr. Garrison.
At least it is good that you don’t make Junior call you “Daddy” in public (maybe just “sir”). Did you make him change his name, too? Did you legally adopt him?
The Real Markspews:
Marvin @ 73
If you want to know what is up with his name, just Google “NAMBLA” and “daddy.” Or, you can just go with a related Urban Dictionary definition:
“Daddy sex: Also known as daddy-son sex. Gay sex with an older man, often includes role playing.”
You mention that DL is a musician. I think I’ve found a video of him in concert:
Disgusting. These soldiers have to live like this because the higher priority is to line the pockets of supporters of Bush and his cronies.
They’re looting every cent they can before the last call next January.
If everyone would just wear their lapel pins, this would all go away.
I call bullshit. Goldy just wants help
remodeling his bathroom. Expect another
gee. Jeff signed up. too bad. this guy is 23, so he must have signed up after Bushco took power. if he didn’t know what lying crooks Bushco were then, gee, too bad. he should have known. lot’s of us knew better.
Seattle Lawyer Files Class Action Suit Against Recording Industry For Music Piracy Claims
Seattle lawyer Lory R. Lybeck, who represents a disabled Portland-area single mother named Tanya Andersen, has filed a multimillion-dollar conspiracy suit against the Recording Industry Association of America.
RIAA has sued approximately 40,000 Americans for alleged internet music piracy. RIAA’s standard tactic is to pressure individuals into paying settlements of $4,000 to $5,000 by threatening them with much higher potential judgments and legal defense costs. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, only about 100 of the 40,000 people have opted to defend themselves in the courts; the rest either couldn’t afford to contest the suits or decided it was cheaper to pay up.
Lybeck says a significant number of the people that RIAA has coerced into paying settlements are innocent, and that RIAA’s tactics are illegal extortion.
Lybeck says RIAA uses private investigation companies to identify people who share music files over the internet by tracking down their IP addresses. The problem, he says, is this method of identifying culprits is error-prone. According to an article in Business Week Online,
“[E]rrors can arise in a number of ways. One IP address may be assigned to a device such as a Wi-Fi router that can be used by several people at the same time to access the Net wirelessly. So if a visitor or a neighbor decides to steal music over the Wi-Fi network, the homeowner would still be fingered. In addition, some people have IP addresses that change every time they log onto the Net, so the IP address you use in the morning could be assigned to your neighbor that afternoon. Verizon and other Web service providers try to track who has which IP address at what time, but their records can be faulty.”
In the case of Lybeck’s client, Tanya Anderson, further investigation indicated a carpet layer in Everett, Washington was the likely culprit. After a federal judge ordered Andersen to hand over her computer for forensic examination, RIAA lawyers refused to disclose the results. Under court order, they eventually admitted there was no evidence of downloading on her computer.
Faced with losing its suit against Andersen in court, RIAA offered to drop the suit if Andersen agreed not to counterclaim. She refused. Ultimately, the court dismissed RIAA’s suit against Andersen and ordered RIAA to pay her lawyer $300,000 in attorney fees.
But Lybeck and Andersen aren’t done. They are now filed a multimillion conspiracy suit against RIAA and several contractors involved in the shakedown. The suit is pending.
I’m posting this so that if any of this blog’s readers get sued by RIAA for music piracy and believe themselves to be innocent, they know who to contact. I don’t know Mr. Lybeck and it’s not my primary purpose to advertise his law practice. I simply believe that it’s wrong to extort money from innocent people with heavy-handed legal tactics based on questionable information and faulty investigation.
Seattle Lawyer Files Class Action Suit Against Recording Industry For Music Piracy Claims
Seattle lawyer Lory R. Lybeck, who represents a disabled Portland-area single mother named Tanya Andersen, has filed a multimillion-dollar conspiracy suit against the Recording Industry Association of America.
RIAA has sued approximately 40,000 Americans for alleged internet music piracy. RIAA’s standard tactic is to pressure individuals into paying settlements of $4,000 to $5,000 by threatening them with much higher potential judgments and legal defense costs. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, only about 100 of the 40,000 people have opted to defend themselves in the courts; the rest either couldn’t afford to contest the suits or decided it was cheaper to pay up.
Lybeck says a significant number of the people that RIAA has coerced into paying settlements are innocent, and that RIAA’s tactics are illegal extortion.
Lybeck says RIAA uses private investigation companies to identify people who share music files over the internet by tracking down their IP addresses. The problem, he says, is this method of identifying culprits is error-prone. According to an article in Business Week Online,
“[E]rrors can arise in a number of ways. One IP address may be assigned to a device such as a Wi-Fi router that can be used by several people at the same time to access the Net wirelessly. So if a visitor or a neighbor decides to steal music over the Wi-Fi network, the homeowner would still be fingered. In addition, some people have IP addresses that change every time they log onto the Net, so the IP address you use in the morning could be assigned to your neighbor that afternoon. Verizon and other Web service providers try to track who has which IP address at what time, but their records can be faulty.”
In the case of Lybeck’s client, Tanya Anderson, further investigation indicated a carpet layer in Everett, Washington was the likely culprit. After a federal judge ordered Andersen to hand over her computer for forensic examination, RIAA lawyers refused to disclose the results. Under court order, they eventually admitted there was no evidence of downloading on her computer.
Faced with losing its suit against Andersen in court, RIAA offered to drop the suit if Andersen agreed not to counterclaim. She refused. Ultimately, the court dismissed RIAA’s suit against Andersen and ordered RIAA to pay her lawyer $300,000 in attorney fees.
But Lybeck and Andersen aren’t finished with RIAA yet. They have filed a multimillion-dollar conspiracy suit against RIAA and several companies involved in RIAA’s music piracy shakedown campaign, and are seeking class-action status. This suit is pending.
I’m posting this so that if any of this blog’s readers get wrongly sued by RIAA for music piracy, they know what to do and who to contact. I don’t know Mr. Lybeck and it’s not my primary purpose to advertise his law practice. I simply believe it’s wrong to extort money from innocent people by heavy-handed legal tactics based on questionable information and faulty investigation.
@5 I was unable to post this article with the link; HA’s new software rejected it. (This isn’t the first time I’ve had to delete a link to get a comment to post on the new, improved HA.)
The article is on the Business Week web site, is dated April 24, 2008, and is called “Does She Look Like a Music Pirate? Inside Tanya Andersen’s private war with the recording industry. Hint: She’s winning”
I couldn’t even post the link with Tiny URL.
Maybe you should discuss this with the ex-MILCON Sub-Committee head Dianne Feinstein.
Of course HA’s number one idiot in post#1 forgot this small detail which Puddy didn’t forget.
www. deadfishwrapper. com/ ignoring_feinsteins_lack_of_ethics
Hey Pelletizer maybe you should move up from dialup and get a real connection. I’m sure all the money you made from NOV will fund a cable or DSL link. Maybe then you can post your silly links.
Yes, once again the brainiac Puddingdick explains to all us yokels how everything is the Democratic Parties fault.
Does the Republican Party give out medals for brown nosing, puddingdick?
Doesn’t Puddingdick know that showers are an American tradition?
Why do you hate America, Puddingdick?
Since summer is around the corner, time to repost this:
“Belgium to impose tax on barbequing to fight global warming”
Who dreams up these laws? Moonbat!s hard at work.
Ahhhh yes pusdrivendyke good morning to you…
Your great leader Diane Feinstein was ranked head of MILCON. Some facts you can easily find from the link above:
Pusdrivendyke, ever heard of Roll Call? It’s one of those DC fishrags not under Richard Mellon Scaife’s control. The peeps at Roll Call calculated Feinstein’s 2004 wealth at $30 million. The peeps at Roll Call calculated Feinstein’s 2005 wealth at $40 million. Various Pork Busters and other reputable web sites report her family earned between $500,000 and $5 million from capital gains on URS and Perini stock. URS and Perini charman of the board Richard Ellis, who happens to be her husband earned from $1.3 million to $4 million in 2004. Now when you investigate public records, ( can you investigate them pusdrivendyke?), they show Blum’s company paid $4 a share for controlling interest in Perini, and later sold about three million shares for $23.75 each. Now how cum those shares increased almost 600%?
URS’ military construction work in 2000 was only $24 million. In 2001 when Feinstein took over as MILCON chair (remember Donkey controlled the senate), military construction earned URS $185 million. Additionally, its military construction architectural and engineering revenue rose from $108,000 in 2000 to $142 million in 2001, an increase of 1000x. Ain’t that amazing? Richard C. Blum, Feinstein’s husband then sold some 5.5 million URS shares for $220 million. Look it up pusdrivendyke. And all this time we know what happened at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other Perini Corp contracts right pusdrivendyke. I placed these PuddyFacts on this blog many times.
Question: What do these cities have in common? Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Newark, St. Louis, Oakland, Wash. D.C. Cincinnati, Philadelphia?
Answer: They have, in order, the highest murder rates in America.
Oh, I almost forgot, they are also all governed by Democratic Mayors.
Not making a statement. Just stating a fact.
Now since pusdrivendyke has issues with American soldiers not getting showers, he should take issue with Perini Corp who was give $24 Million to build Afghanistan Barracks.
Look it up pusdrivendyke.
Those are truly deplorable conditions and BOTH sides of the aisle should be ashamed. The barracks didn’t suddenly fall into disrepair overnight. They’ve been this way through both Dem & GOP administrations. The GOP held Congress until 2006 and obviously didn’t do anything. The Dems have controlled the purse strings for the last two years and have also done nothing.
I agree TRM, but you see these HA liberals always place the blame on Republicans. So Puddy implements a PuddyStudy to see where the Army or Marines award these barracks contracts and it always seems to lead back to Dianne Feinstein’s fingerprints and URS and Perini Corp.
Sure other companies have their hands in the Pentagon financial pie, but when you have HAs #1 idiot posting his crap in post #1 without any URLs to prove his worthless point, Puddy whips out the PuddyFacts. Anyone with a brain can find these facts in the Ether, but the leftist morons ( many without brains) here would rather feel good slapping each other on their backs with their “I can top your comment about Bush cronies” with no facts.
19 – Who the F was in charge the last 7/8 years?
The chimp you voted for twice.
And where were the right wing boosters of Fort Bragg and all things patriotic and military raising a stink?
Nowhere to be found.
There he goes again in #20. In #1 he wrote “the higher priority is to line the pockets of supporters of Bush and his cronies.” So where’s your proof? I posted my proof HA’s #1 idiot. You posted hot air…
Who writes the laws per the US Constitution? Bush – Nope, you dope. Who controls the purse strings per the US Constitution? Bush – Nope you dope.
But who headed MILCON and controlled the purse strings and let the contracts? Feinstein – Yep you dope.
PuddyCivics Lesson 101
I love your gravatar clueless idiot@20&21. The eye the misses everything wrong with the left.
The Army has always been lousy at having acceptable facilities. Take Ft. Lewis, for instance. If you were to wonder on post, you’d find lots and lots of buildings that have been there since before WWII. A lot of them should just be torn down.
Now, the Air Force, on the other hand, likes its comforts. The first thing they do is build a nice officers’ club, base exchange and commissary. Then they go back to Congress for money to build a runway and buy some planes!
You gotta admire the Boys in Blue! They got their priorities right!
I’m a murderer with my handgun trained on an innocent convenience store clerk. The number one deliberation in my mind just before pulling the trigger is, “to which political party does my mayor belong?”
The boys from the new private US military, Blackwater, get hot showers everyday, have the best equipment, vehicles, weapons, hardware, pay and so forth, ad nauseum. Ten billion dollars a week in Iraq would build a lot of barracks. That’s what pisses off the people who are opposed to the war. They’re not just liberals, as will be clearly apparent on the first Tuesday in November.
22 – Stupes, for all intents and purposes that is bullshit. Your chimp can throw his weight around on torture and wiretapping yet he can’t get his favorite defense outfits like KBR to clean up some quarters for soldiers.
You’re so full of shit the stink travels through the monitor.
Your chimp has been in power for over 7 years.
Your beloved flag waving, Gingrich/DeLay Republicans held the House 1994 – 2006 and the Senate most of that time.
Nothing was done. ’nuff said.
They have, in order, the highest murder rates in America.
Support the end of prohibition and the murder rate will go way, way down.
I’m saying to those partisans who try to convince me that one or the other party is the answer, and will make things right with the world, or city, that I’m not buying it.
28 – What’s your solution? Our solution is more and BETTER Dems.
You don’t have one. Thought so.
Buzz off, gnat.
All those right wingers in Congress wearing flags in their lapels were trembling in fear before the almighty DiFi.
Like Stupes does before Hillary, Rosie and Code Pink.
What a bunch of fucking losers. November can’t get here soon enough.
I’m rather pleased with myself. I just edited my last comment to make it more polite.
YLB @ 20
You ignorant, Kool-Aid drooling child…
The DEMS have controlled the purse strings for the last two years and have done nothing.
Then again, they can’t even keep their own house in order because they have pollsters tugging them one way, Big Lefty Money (unions, Soros, etc.) tugging them another way and the nutroots tugging in yet another.
Be careful, Troll. Hanging around here will make you adopt the liberal life-style.
Can someone tell me why Al Sharpton is so angry? Aren’t black men about a thousand times more likely to be killed by black on black crime, than by a police officer?
The DEMS have controlled the purse strings for the last two years and have done nothing.
You don’t know that and everything they do has to run the gauntlet of the obstructionist minority in Senate and the veto pen of the lame duck in the White House.
You right wing (excuse me, dorki monson centrist) kool-aid drunk fool.
YammeringLiberalBaby @ 35
The video is evidence the Dems clearly did nothing — unless, of course, the video is old and concocted for Lefty propaganda purposes (which I’m not suggesting it is).
By your argument, BTW, the “obstructionist minority” of the Dems was at fault for everything when the GOP was in control. Right?
As to your last assertion, show me the Dem bill that funded repair/construction and was vetoed by President Bush.
“dorki monson?” Do you mean Dori Monson, the radio host? I don’t listen to him. What does that have to do with anything?
36 – If you right wing flag in your lapel types walked your talk you would have done something 1994-2006 in the House and the years you had the Senate not to mention heard something from the pulpit of the idiot in the White House.
What were you doing instead? Bridges to nowhere in Alaska? Trains to nowhere in Mississippi? Fancy contracts for KBR and Blackwater?
Haven’t I said this already?
The Dems were not nearly the obstructionist minority in the Senate the R’s have been the last two years. They tend not to be able to agree on much – thanks to those Blue Dogs. That’s going to change.
And yes, Monson calls himself a “centrist”.
Here is the rest of the story from the Fayetteville Observer:
If you read other follow-up stories, they indicate that both Dem and GOP representatives were unaware of the problems. Also, the soldiers apparently returned three weeks early, before clean-up could be done.
Again, there is no excuse for the conditions, but there is always more to the story.
@10 “Of course HA’s number one idiot …”
… would be you, puddinghead. After all the corruption, all the obvious lying, all the illegal behavior, all the nonstop fiascos and screwups of the Bush administration and the Republicans, you still support them — why? Either you’re terminally stupid or you hate America — which is it?
The GOP is a cult, and puddy is as blind and impervious to reason as the poor unfortunate victims of Scientology or that polygamous cult in Arizona. Drinking the kool-aid was his undoing.
@11 You guessed wrong, puddinghead, so your record-breaking .000 batting average is still intact.
An e-mail from Goldy explains that comments with links go into the spam filter, and he and Darryl haven’t had time to sort through the backlog of more than 500 posts. It has nothing to do with my computer of connection speed. Putting links in my comments is what diverts them into the filter.
This, btw, is why my RIAA comment appears twice in this thread.
@12 “Does the Republican Party give out medals for brown nosing, puddingdick?”
Nah. If he wants his picture taken with McCain, he has to stand in line and pay $5,000 like everyone else. Being photographed with Rove costs $10,000. But I know a guy who can photoshop puddy’s visage into Ted Bundy’s mug shot for only $50. Bundy was a prominent local Republican of the ’70s who will probably be remembered longer than any other Republican from around here.
@14 Complain to your Belgian MP. (That’s “Member of Parliament” for you civics-challenged wingnuts.)
@18 More “the Democrats did it too” bullshit from Wingnut Mark. Yawn. No, Mark, we didn’t do it too. This roach motel was brought to our troops by the same GOP that cut their combat pay and veterans benefits, and housed wounded soldiers in moldy barracks. Republicans don’t give a damn about our soldiers. They simply use them as propaganda props for their warmongering.
Meanwhile, the Democrats in Congress have given Bush every cent for the military that he asked for, you fucking liar.
@24 After serving in the Regular Army in Vietnam, I served in the Army Reserve at Fort Lewis. The buildings, while old, were study and well maintained. They were swept out and the floors were buffed every single day. They were clean enough to eat off the floors. The beds were made, the latrines sparkled, and there was no dust on the windowsills. You can’t say that of most civilian residences.
It isn’t about how old they are, it’s about how well they’re taken care of — and whether money and manpower is invested in taking care of them. The quality of the manpower has an impact, too. When I was in the Army, they didn’t take felons and sex offenders. In my service days, soldiers had pride, not rap sheets.
@25 The Bush administration has treated soldiers with extreme condescension and neglect. They use taxpayer money to pay private mercenaries $120,000 a year to do the same jobs in Iraq that soldiers are expected to do for $12,000. As you pointed out, the “private contractors” aka mercenaries get the latest equipment and the best creature comforts, all at taxpayer expenses, while the soldiers get crapped on right and left — they don’t even have clean drinking water. Republican claims that Democrats don’t “support the troops” are beyond laughable, they’re pathetic. Why any soldier would vote for any Republican after the royal screwing over they’ve gotten from this administration is a complete mystery. The best thing Democrats can do to support the troops is vote all the Republicans out of office. That, by itself, should earn us the soldiers’ eternal gratitude. But we’ve done more than that for our troops. We kept the Republicans from taking away their combat pay. We made the Republicans clean up the hell-holes they sent the wounded to. We pressured the Republicans to provide our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan with body and vehicle armor instead of spending the money on more tax cuts for billionaires. We fought for medical and educational benefits for veterans. We fought the lies, coverups, and denials why which the Bush administration and its GOP predecessors tried to avoid government responsibility for service-connected illnesses and injuries in order to spend the money on tax cuts for well-heeled Republican supporters. Our soldiers have only one friend in Washington D.C. and that’s the Democratic Party.
And, lest we forget, it was Karl Rove and the Republican National Committee — not Democrats — who interfered with military voting:
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at http://flickr.com/photo_zoom.g.....038;size=o ] …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. … While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/jv9nf
Republicans will defend anyone’s right to become wealthy except a Democrat’s.
41 RR
My experience has been that posting a link that does not include the http and the :// pieces goes right through and still displays as a live link. Try it!
32 TRM
The DEMS have controlled the purse strings for the last two years and have done nothing.
Actualy, “The Real Mark,” you’re a stupid lying boob. It is late April 2008 right now, and the Democrats have controlled the Congress only since January of 2007, which by my count would be one year and three months. Their first months in office were taken up both in passing their “First Hundred Days” agenda AND with passing the entire federal budget from the previous fiscal year which the Republicans left for them to clean up, lazy fucking bastards that you guys are.
Since then they have passed one federal budget with input from the majority which took effect October 1, 2007. So spending determined in any way by their Democratic majority has been in effect for seven months. So bullshit if they are to blame for seven years of Republican corruption, incompetence, and neglect! Bullshit.
BTW, the Congress can approptriate money, but it is up the the executive to spend it responsibly. Who are you blaming? Point your finger at the record-all-time-disapproval Chimp.
I love it–blaming the Congress for the inept, uncaring, and murderously corrupt policies of the administration. Yeah, it’s the Democrats. Liars. Idiots. You Republicans deserve the stupid and dishonest politicans you all worship, but we don’t, and our soldiers don’t.
Bunny Boy @ verbal vomit
NAMBLAerr… DL @ 48-52Fascinating… My original post properly assigned blame to BOTH sides of the aisle. The follow-up news stories in the MSM said that neither Sen. Dole (R-NC) nor the Dem Congressman representing Fort Bragg knew about the conditions. But what do you Loony Lefties do? As usual, try to find every way to squirm out of taking responsibility for ANYTHING that EVER goes wrong in this country.
Face the facts. We’ve had about every permutation of Dem & GOP legislators and executives over the past 20 years. They are ALL to blame, to varying degrees, when things fall apart or become run-down.
DL, I’m guessing that the fey kook in your Gravatar is more likely a fixation of yours and not your own photo, so I have no idea how old you are. Roger, OTOH, has admitted to being older than dirt (and is just about as wise). In any case, for the both of you: Grow the f*&# up! How do you nutballs reconcile the Loony Left’s love for Obama and Obama’s stated desire to eliminate partisanship? Is he lying or is he going to tell MorOn.org to shut up?
(BTW, all references to you guys being nutballs, senile, demented, morons, liars or merely Kool-Aid Kids are based on observation and established fact and not your political affiliations.)
53 TRM
Dude, my gravatar is Johnny Depp.
Again, you are a fucking idiot , not only because you blame the Democratic Congress for the idiot Executive branch spending even though they have barely even begun to control appropriation, but also because you duck and evade the responsibility for the idiocy you posted.
Way to try to shift the subject AND move the goalposts at the same time. Admit that you were wrong, boy.
Fuck. I get so tired of political shills making an “argument” (if I can even call it that) and then then ducking the consequences of same.
Btw, I love the “grow the fuck up” (even though you lack the balls to write “fuck”). What I am saying is that you fucking partisan liars who try to cover for the cancerous dereliction of duty in this administration should “grow the fuck up.” FUCK. I said fuck. Wuss.
To the public: why would I use my own photo? In fact, I am so not invested in my own image that I am prtty sure that I have no images of myself, in contrast to TRM’s endless supply of images of himself.
What’s wrong with “fuck?” If your mama didn’t fuck you wouldn’t be here. Get the fuck used to it.
And again, TRM
What’s the NAMBLA idiocy? My name is Curtis Daddy Love, per the King County District Court order of 2003.
You can call me Daddy, as in “Who’s your fucking Daddy, bitch?”
Face the facts. We’ve had about every permutation of Dem & GOP legislators and executives over the past 20 years. They are ALL to blame, to varying degrees, when things fall apart or become run-down.
Except that the fucking corrupt Republican idiots in charge right now both started the wars and are responsioble for how soldiers are being treated RIGHT NOW.
Pretending that this is not the issue won’t work, you punk bitch.
That’s who that is! I knew I’d seen that face somewhere before.
DL @ 57
Perhaps someone, like you, with a limited vocabulary and a third grade mentality gets his jollies spouting “F*&#” at every opportunity, but I choose not to. My use of the alternate characters gets the same point across.
re: your Gravatar. Apparently, I was right. It is some sort of creepy fixation on your part. And added to your username…
Yeah, right… “Daddy Love” doesn’t just scream “NAMBLA” (it shouts it from the rooftops). Leave it to a Loony Lefty to take their freak-flag-flying to the level of a name change. Do you make Junior call you “Daddy” in public? You’re a South Park character come to life!
Looks like one of the Bush Twin Whores might be voting Democrat this election. Now THAT would be a big slap in the face to you right wing turds.
By the way – still waiting for FlipFlop McCain to release his medical records as promised.
Damn, someone with the name daddy love has a johnny depp gravatar. That’s downright disturbing!!!
I’m guessing you are very white and live in a very very white neighborhood. Why else would you change your name to daddy love.
I didn’t believe any adult would change his name to daddy love. Googled. Damn if you didn’t. Got some issues with your daddy huh? As doctor phil would say, did daddy touch you?
Is that your son on your website?
Puddyfacts rule without question.
Was it really necessary for a deranged liberal to beat up a girl in a wheelchair???
Another right-wing loon clinging to religion. What about the separation of church and state? Oops, since the article didn’t mention his party I googled and found out he’s a democrat.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Struggling to confront a worsening homicide rate, the mayor asked pastors and citizens Friday to don burlap sacks and ashes Friday in an Old Testament-style sign of biblical repentance.
Mayor Larry Langford said his “sackcloth and ashes” rally at Boutwell Auditorium was inspired by the Book of Jonah, where residents of the ancient city of Ninevah wore rough fabric and ashes as a sign of turning away from sin.
Are any of you on the left going to complain about this mayor using his position to force a religious ideology on people?
If you won’t complain abut the mayor wanting the citizens to wear burlap bags in the name of religion will you at least have the decency to speak up about him stealing from charities? Probably not, you didn’t care about the kids when air america stole from the kids charity.
Stealing from charities is yet another example of him being a democrat.
Two private charities controlled by Larry Langford collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from businessmen and companies he approved for government work as Fairfield mayor and Jefferson County Commission president, records show.
Langford, now Birmingham’s mayor, spent some of the money on annual $5,000 scholarships, contributions to other nonprofit groups and a black-tie fundraising dinner each fall for hundreds of guests.
It’s not clear how the rest of the money was spent because Langford has declined The Birmingham News’ requests to release financial records for his Mayor’s Scholarship Charity and the Larry Langford Celebrity Shoot for Charity.
Langford’s financial arrangements with bankers, lobbyists and others who received government business with his help have come under scrutiny from federal investigators. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission lawyers began digging in 2004 into bond deals, many championed by Langford, that since have led the county to the brink of bankruptcy.
Democrat – the party that steals from charities.
That is correct!
62, 63 MS
Have you finished working out your hidden pedophilic fantasies yet? When you are ready to talk like an adult, we can discuss my name.
60 TRM
No, it doesn’t.
No, it isn’t.
No, it doesn’t.
Merrily we attack ad hominem. The last refuge of those with no arguments.
Oh yeah. Fuck.
I am starting to hear a faint but rapidly approaching sound of the thoroughly kicked ass.
“Analysis: Electoral map favors Democrats”
I didn’t change my name to daddy love. If you were an entertainer I could understand it. A google search doesn’t show you as an entertainer except a profile you put up that says you play guitar.
Feel free to explain why an adult male needs the name daddy love. I’m sure we will all be entertained.
What is it about being liberal that makes one such a hypocrite?
And it was revealed that his wife Trudie Styler travels between their seven homes in private jets or their fleet of cars, as well as importing farm produce hundreds of miles.
Now the celebrity couple have been forced to admit that their record is less than clean.
Environmental experts labelled Sting’s band, The Police, the dirtiest in the world because of the amount of pollution created during last year’s reunion tour of the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Germany, the UK, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan.
STOSSEL: Huffington has also joined the war on global warming. However, you live in a $7 million house. You’re burning more carbon than 100 people in the Third World.
HUFFINGTON: There is no question that the fact that I’m living in a big house, I occasionally travel on private planes, all those things are a contradiction. I’m not setting myself up as some paragon who only goes around on a bicycle and lives by candlelight.
from 20/20 friday night
Being democrat for dummies – Do as I say, not as I do. I’m better than you.
NAMBLADL @ 701. To a limited intellect like yours, perhaps you need things said slowwwwwly and spelled out more clearly. So, in that sense, you’re right in that it doesn’t have the same impact (to you).
2. For one, it isn’t ironic. Two, it isn’t like he is the paragon of… anything, so there isn’t any symbolic value. I doubt that he is a dead ringer for your boyfriend or you, for that matter. So, the only thing left is “creepy fixation.”
3. I’m 100% correct on this one. It DOES sound like a NAMBLA nickname (to more than one poster here and, I’m sure, to any other normal person hearing it). Legally changing your name to a joke like that IS letting your freak flag fly and is most definitely a Lefty phenomenon. As for the South Park reference, you’ve clearly demonstrated that you’re some combination of Cartman and Mr. Garrison.
At least it is good that you don’t make Junior call you “Daddy” in public (maybe just “sir”). Did you make him change his name, too? Did you legally adopt him?
Marvin @ 73
If you want to know what is up with his name, just Google “NAMBLA” and “daddy.” Or, you can just go with a related Urban Dictionary definition:
“Daddy sex: Also known as daddy-son sex. Gay sex with an older man, often includes role playing.”
You mention that DL is a musician. I think I’ve found a video of him in concert:
Daddly Love–
You are a NAMBLA promoter??
Perhaps you can pretend to be a Proctologist next…and Change Your Name to:
Dr. Daddy GLove…