His reasons are worth reading. He is outraged at the Rovian ethics of Hillary’s last two months.
Those two months have been terrible. But, they show something we could not know elsewise … Clinton’s ethical limits. She is hardly likely to believe any of the horse turds she has put out. The nonloy possible reason of her Bush like campaign is that she shares the Bush crime family ideas about democracy.
The sartling thing is that Obama has not retaliated in kind, even when the issues relating to her carear are far more serious. examples:
Rev Wright: the Clinton’s chose the Rev. yo counsel them after the Lewinsky … but Obama kept quiet
Income taxes: She and Bill maintaim secret accounts in the Cayman Islands. Those accounts are only ised to avoid taxes. but Obama kept quiet
Left Buddies: She worked for a pro-communist law school as a clerk. but Obama kept quiet
Elitism: Chocolate chip cookies …but Obama kept quiet
Mortgage crisis: HRC has made an absurd proposal that wold bnakrupt the lenders. but Obama kept quiet
Service to Others: Hillary has long bragged of her service with the Children’s Deeence Fund. True nuff .. she worked for them for 11 months! but Obama kept quiet
Legislation: HRC is 8 years in the senate has her name on two bills .. same as BHO after two years. but Obama kept quiet
Honestly, I do h=not care about most of this (and more). What O do see is a huge differenc ein ca,paign ethic.
HRC is not fit ot be President.
This is what we need to get better at. The few republicans who won during the last election cycle took the approach McCain did here. They used Orwellian double talk to simply reverse the truth to their advantage without the slightest regard for the facts. Senator Clinton did that recently in the last debate accusing Senator Obama if crying about the debate format saying he should get out of the kitchen if he can’t stand the heat, all the while ignoring the fact that she did the same thing previously.
Dems need to learn one thing from republicans – it’s how to lie. We need to do it since they’re going to do it. There’s no other way but to fight fire with fire.
That traitor Karl Rove taught Bush that a lie can become true if you say it often enough. The punk even brags about it. So why not use what you know works? I mean if it can get a complete and total loooooooser like GW Bush into the White House – then it must be able to help legitimately qualified candidates get there.
Another McCain lie – and believe me there are 10000 of them – is that he’s not taking money from lobbyists – well 1/6 of his big donors are lobbyists and that doesn’t count the lobbyist he’s having an affair with!
SeattleJew @2: That’s really interesting. Once he gets the nomination, do you think Obama will have to take the gloves off at last so that he can grapple directly with the famous Republican smear and dirty tricks machine?
I’ve loved this election so far for how wrong the insider TV pundits have been at every turn. The conventional wisdom has been that Obama is going to be smeared and tainted by the Republican party when the real Rove tactics come out, and that at that point Obama will have to take the gloves off or lose.
Obama doesn’t need to smear McCain – all he has to do is point out the lies and false predictions McCain has made:
the economy is sound.
the war will be easy.
Bush is doing a good job.
he doesn’t support torutre and waterboarding is torture – then he votes to legalize waterboarding.
he is for campaign finance reform – then he breaks his own rules.
the surge is working (and other big fibs).
there is no subprime crisis
bail out the lenders but not the people losing their homes.
cut taxes and government revenue goes up…(and other lies).
The only truth he has told is that he knows nothing about the economy – that and the bomb Iran song (Barbaranne).
@5 YekkowPup
There is an immense gap between Rovian campaign tactics and being tough.
Atwater and Rove reduced politics to product placement and image making. Folks bought the bush crime family BECAUSE of the imagery and their willingness to go dirty, not because folks agreed with their policies.
Do you really think anyone would have voted for GWB knowing that he was willing to spend two trillion $$$ on a fantasy and would promote the export of American infrastructure to China?
The talking punditry claim that content does not matter because Hillary and Obama are alike. That is utter bull. They have different stands that would astonish Americans if the debate were on issues. Their education plans are basically pro union (HRC) and pro parent (BHO). The health plans are different in a lot more than the idea of mandatory enrollment. Obama has proposed interesting means for bringing competition back into the market. I have no idea if his ise will work but I would sure as hell like to hear ti debated.
In my own area, Bush has gutted the US scientific establishment. Hillary’s proposal would do little more than re-establish growth at the inflation rate while BHO has a more meaty approach with a doubling over 5 years, Neither on, however, has taken on the critical issue of our outsourcing more and more science to Europe and China (e.g. fusion research) while we have the idiotic Bush policy of sending people to Mars.
I could go on and on. Even where they agree, it wold be good to hear a discussion of the issues. Does anyone in HA land have any idea abut their real stands on tax reform? Does either one have a Middle East strategy?
Dirty politics is nothing new. Adams spread rumors about Jefferson that were irrelevant to her huge differences between the men on matters like civil rights, state’s rights etc. Jefferson won and we can all be grateful.
Heh…Politics, boys and girls, is a contact sport.
It would seem to me that the press and the pundits (whichever is which, nowadays) are making very, very sure we hear every little nasty detail of the campaign for the Democratic nomination. This may even be to the point that if they don’t find something particularly lurid to expound on in a day or two, they’ll try and make something up (witness last week’s televised “debate”).
Why? Well, two reasons come to mind. First of all, there ain’t much suspense about what’s gonna happen on the other side, other than maybe about who’s going to play Second Banana. Secondly, there’s a large interest group with big friends who spend lots of advertising dollars. These folks would like nothing more than to have the American public thoroughly convinced that the two leading Democratic candidates are both unethical slimeballs.
That group is called the Republican Party.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in our hemisphere, it seems a former Catholic bishop with left-leaning tendancies who resigned the priesthood to enter politics just got elected President of Paraguay.
Paraguay? Hey, isn’t that the place where the Bush family is supposed to have purchased 100,000 acres to build a Kennebunkport with palm trees?
Whew! I want some of whatever this guy’s smoking.
Michael Moore has just endorsed Obama.
His reasons are worth reading. He is outraged at the Rovian ethics of Hillary’s last two months.
Those two months have been terrible. But, they show something we could not know elsewise … Clinton’s ethical limits. She is hardly likely to believe any of the horse turds she has put out. The nonloy possible reason of her Bush like campaign is that she shares the Bush crime family ideas about democracy.
The sartling thing is that Obama has not retaliated in kind, even when the issues relating to her carear are far more serious. examples:
Rev Wright: the Clinton’s chose the Rev. yo counsel them after the Lewinsky … but Obama kept quiet
Income taxes: She and Bill maintaim secret accounts in the Cayman Islands. Those accounts are only ised to avoid taxes. but Obama kept quiet
Left Buddies: She worked for a pro-communist law school as a clerk. but Obama kept quiet
Elitism: Chocolate chip cookies …but Obama kept quiet
Mortgage crisis: HRC has made an absurd proposal that wold bnakrupt the lenders. but Obama kept quiet
Service to Others: Hillary has long bragged of her service with the Children’s Deeence Fund. True nuff .. she worked for them for 11 months! but Obama kept quiet
Legislation: HRC is 8 years in the senate has her name on two bills .. same as BHO after two years. but Obama kept quiet
Honestly, I do h=not care about most of this (and more). What O do see is a huge differenc ein ca,paign ethic.
HRC is not fit ot be President.
This is what we need to get better at. The few republicans who won during the last election cycle took the approach McCain did here. They used Orwellian double talk to simply reverse the truth to their advantage without the slightest regard for the facts. Senator Clinton did that recently in the last debate accusing Senator Obama if crying about the debate format saying he should get out of the kitchen if he can’t stand the heat, all the while ignoring the fact that she did the same thing previously.
Dems need to learn one thing from republicans – it’s how to lie. We need to do it since they’re going to do it. There’s no other way but to fight fire with fire.
That traitor Karl Rove taught Bush that a lie can become true if you say it often enough. The punk even brags about it. So why not use what you know works? I mean if it can get a complete and total loooooooser like GW Bush into the White House – then it must be able to help legitimately qualified candidates get there.
Another McCain lie – and believe me there are 10000 of them – is that he’s not taking money from lobbyists – well 1/6 of his big donors are lobbyists and that doesn’t count the lobbyist he’s having an affair with!
SeattleJew @2: That’s really interesting. Once he gets the nomination, do you think Obama will have to take the gloves off at last so that he can grapple directly with the famous Republican smear and dirty tricks machine?
I’ve loved this election so far for how wrong the insider TV pundits have been at every turn. The conventional wisdom has been that Obama is going to be smeared and tainted by the Republican party when the real Rove tactics come out, and that at that point Obama will have to take the gloves off or lose.
Obama doesn’t need to smear McCain – all he has to do is point out the lies and false predictions McCain has made:
the economy is sound.
the war will be easy.
Bush is doing a good job.
he doesn’t support torutre and waterboarding is torture – then he votes to legalize waterboarding.
he is for campaign finance reform – then he breaks his own rules.
the surge is working (and other big fibs).
there is no subprime crisis
bail out the lenders but not the people losing their homes.
cut taxes and government revenue goes up…(and other lies).
The only truth he has told is that he knows nothing about the economy – that and the bomb Iran song (Barbaranne).
@5 YekkowPup
There is an immense gap between Rovian campaign tactics and being tough.
Atwater and Rove reduced politics to product placement and image making. Folks bought the bush crime family BECAUSE of the imagery and their willingness to go dirty, not because folks agreed with their policies.
Do you really think anyone would have voted for GWB knowing that he was willing to spend two trillion $$$ on a fantasy and would promote the export of American infrastructure to China?
The talking punditry claim that content does not matter because Hillary and Obama are alike. That is utter bull. They have different stands that would astonish Americans if the debate were on issues. Their education plans are basically pro union (HRC) and pro parent (BHO). The health plans are different in a lot more than the idea of mandatory enrollment. Obama has proposed interesting means for bringing competition back into the market. I have no idea if his ise will work but I would sure as hell like to hear ti debated.
In my own area, Bush has gutted the US scientific establishment. Hillary’s proposal would do little more than re-establish growth at the inflation rate while BHO has a more meaty approach with a doubling over 5 years, Neither on, however, has taken on the critical issue of our outsourcing more and more science to Europe and China (e.g. fusion research) while we have the idiotic Bush policy of sending people to Mars.
I could go on and on. Even where they agree, it wold be good to hear a discussion of the issues. Does anyone in HA land have any idea abut their real stands on tax reform? Does either one have a Middle East strategy?
Dirty politics is nothing new. Adams spread rumors about Jefferson that were irrelevant to her huge differences between the men on matters like civil rights, state’s rights etc. Jefferson won and we can all be grateful.
Heh…Politics, boys and girls, is a contact sport.
It would seem to me that the press and the pundits (whichever is which, nowadays) are making very, very sure we hear every little nasty detail of the campaign for the Democratic nomination. This may even be to the point that if they don’t find something particularly lurid to expound on in a day or two, they’ll try and make something up (witness last week’s televised “debate”).
Why? Well, two reasons come to mind. First of all, there ain’t much suspense about what’s gonna happen on the other side, other than maybe about who’s going to play Second Banana. Secondly, there’s a large interest group with big friends who spend lots of advertising dollars. These folks would like nothing more than to have the American public thoroughly convinced that the two leading Democratic candidates are both unethical slimeballs.
That group is called the Republican Party.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in our hemisphere, it seems a former Catholic bishop with left-leaning tendancies who resigned the priesthood to enter politics just got elected President of Paraguay.
Paraguay? Hey, isn’t that the place where the Bush family is supposed to have purchased 100,000 acres to build a Kennebunkport with palm trees?
This could get interesting.