How many of these fools think the world is only 6,000 years old? I heard it is 25 million…..
In other news a suit has been filed. The person claiming to be Jesus Christ is attempting to have his name removed from Christianity, because christianity represents the opposite of what he taught….
Now that PacMan and I proved at Drinking Liberally we are two distinct people, I guess headless lucy and his 18 other personalities will grow a new one to celebrate the event.
Goldy, your face upon meeting PacMan was priceless. Too bad I didn’t have a camera to take the picture.
Sadly missing were:
clueless idiot
poster#1 above
and a host of other lefty irritants.
We would have loved to meet these five people I identified as byebyegoober is a useless pile of doggie poop!
Darryl thanks for the tip on bass guitar amplifiers. Looks like dad has to spend some more dough to make his son happy.
Robin, good luck in politics.
As always SeattleJew it was great to meet you and the missus and everybody at the table where we sat.
Ammunition for Reichert and Rossi, Courtesy of McCain
Yesterday I heard a speech by John McCain on economics. The speech was very impressive, … I suspect this was a better example of what the Dems can expect than the Hillary touted Reaganesque campaign of fear and race.
The speach was long and emphasized tax and budget reforms, The most electable morsel, however, was PORK. McCain focused on ending the set asides. He claimed that he has never sought a set aside for his state.
This is powerful stuff in an economy year. Reichert has already taken the same stand. If Rossi were to join in .. , I suspect the appeal to voters would be very high.
Darcy Burner is the likeliest victim of such a focus. Her campaign is in danger of being hurt, IMHO, by an over focus on Iraq. Iraq may receed as an issue when the public learns that McCain and Obama are really not all that far apart on the specifics only the intent of what they would do.
The economy, however will be a bigger issue and McCain’s speech is showing some teeth that would challenge Burner since many of our Demo delegation have done a good job of raising pork.
Maybe DB could “brand” the term RP? How about an RP for the economy? Also, she would be well advised to use Seattle folks rather than distant national advisers to support such a plan. Major elements could include a return of the sales tax deduction, permanent implementation of the Internet tax exemption, infrastructure investments, American jobs tax advantages, a reformed estate tax to address the foundation issue, educational exemptions, etc. BUT central shouuod be fiscla responsibility. While McCain will say this too, getting there first (before Reichert) could help DB.
Was Beelzebub the one sitting at the table by the window?
Now you know I am not either of those two people, Big Gipper (your conservative side) & PacMan (himself). Anyway great to see you again.
Now for your next comment. You and I both know for Darcy Moonbat! to spout off those topics as her “positions” would be the death knell for her. She’d lose her 16%er support and one leg of her three-legged stool. For a lefty to come out and be for tax relief (except in the standard playbook vernacular of tax the rich), she would have to articulate the reasons. Does she have the mental acumen to bring that argument without using national handlers and advisors? I doubt it.
People love pork. Why would Goldy have a thread or three just on Dave Reichert not being on the “committee” and then being “Congressman-401” and then “He’s forsworn pork”? Yeah yeah, Goldy was being satirical and he hates Reichert and loves Darcy, but Freud says there are other motivational factors why Goldy posts those threads. Also Darcy would be knee-capping Norm Dicks, Maria CantVoteWell and Patty Where’s My Sneakers Murray as a “Pork Buster”. While it makes for great political blog tête-à-tête, I can’t see her venturing out of her Iraq war comfort zone…
PacMan and I attend churches which are almost 50 miles apart. Need to see the coordinates on Google maps?
Puddy you go anywhere without your backup or do you just live in constant fear like most republicans?
Any particular reason you showed at DL unannounced Puddy? Could it have been that you were concerned about being called a traitor to your face if people knew where you were going to be located? Or is it just the normal fear that people will find out your wife pulls trains on the hobos hanging under the bridge?
Hey Puddy – did you bring your lawyer with you so you could prove how tough you are by threatening to sue someone? LOL!
byebyegoober: I was there over an hour before PacMan showed. I met GBS downtown by myself.
I wonder… who is byebyegoober? What sewer does he live in? Is his posts bot generated?
Seems to me the Drinking Liberally invitation is an open one. Why do I need to announce Puddy will be at… That’s your shtick, schmuck.
Traitor? You doggie poop weren’t even part of the conversation last night. You’ve been written off as chattel.
Did you read the link I left you about your cousins (silverback gorillas) dying early? Maybe if you started a save my family drive I’d contribute.
SeattleJew: Thought question for you.
Why do liberal MSMers when they approach and interview John McCain have a “litmus-test” question always ready over McCain potentially choosing pro-life federal and SCOTUS nominees, but they never find that “litmus-test” question in their interview repertoire to ask Obama or Clinton regarding their potential of picking pro-choice federal or SCOTUS nominees?
SeattleJew: More for your thought processes. Ask the missus how she thinks this was written. You read how the liberal MSM casts an article, going to byebyegooper’s favorite location:
Oh wait…I forgot the check and see if this a Richard Mellon Scaife owned site?
Hey SeattleJew: See what I mean in post #17? Surely you jest, right?
clueless idiot: Sharing a pint with Goldy, Darryl, Will, Carl, Lee and others is not in your “best” interests?
You are a looooooooooooooooooooooser!
19 – You would love it because you’re so full of shit.
Did you spin your Eugenics theories in front of Darryl? LMAO!!
Why is your son taking classes from Prof Darryl? Why isn’t he “fighting them over there” so there’s no fighting “over here”. Why isn’t he protecting momma and the girl he’s sweet on from the burqa?
Don’t touch that keyboard now – it wouldn’t be there without a eugenicist’s help.
Yeh … the main stream media are so unbalanced. Lets see, after the Wright business started, I clocked the frequency with which the MSM ran and reran the audio bits provided by your friend Hannity. The integral of that value was largeer than the time devoted to commercials.
Calling the US MSM liberal is hilarious. The NYT rivals the most conservative European papers. AND it is worried enough about this to host some righties. What moderates, never mind lefties, write for the WA Times or NY Post? Does Faux have a resident liberal someplace … err ahh beside Combs the quisling?
Now I have one (serious) for you.
One thing is certain, the current Radical Reprican party will not survive next November. It WILL be replaced and WILL have a new leadership. That leadership could come from amny sources, not including the discredited combination of racism and religion they sold from Atwater to Rove.
As far as I can see there are onbly two forces of Reprican reform … Ginbgrich’s impressive national PAK and the McCaibn campaign. Opposing these invaders there is the Dobson machine.
Even if the McCain Whitman ticket were to win, clearly they could not govern the current melange of radical repricans. McC would have to reach out to the moderate party aka Dems. I sippose Lieberman might resign as Senaotr or switch parties to help this but it is likley the Dems will have a secure majority no matter hwta he does.
So, imagine a Prexy McCain, then imaginee him trying to work with Congtress to get things done. Most of this will NOT be attractive to the Dobson wing because McC is rational. Gingrich is a full blooded modern van Braunish Nazi, he will do almost anything for political power. So … does a McC victory translate into a Gingrich party? You comfitabil with that?
Or imagine that McC decides to unite with Snegger and build a reformed repubs party. I like that idea. I might well vote for such a party, BUIT is this realistic? Any effort tat rationalism, central to reform, would alienate Dobson and take a long time to elect enough McCain Repubs to be effective .. esp given his age.
So here is may challenge ..
YOU show me that you are not just a bit of broken glass passing through the horses ass and paint me a scenario for how in hell McCain would/could govern.
I have predicted this for months. It was inevitable and Gregoire has left a hole big enough for Rossi’s tunnel through her campaign by NOT getting her plan out first.
Yeh .. I know OFL will harp on Rossi’s paln as being unrealistic, underfunded, etc. That is horseturds. No nonwonk cares.
I expect him to propose educational reform, including a response to the constitional crisis that our Gubernator, a J.D. of someprominence, has refused to bring to court.
The Big One:
The Eynamn-Rossi tax/fiscal plan. Eynman and Rossi will bind there efforts together and propose comprehensive tax reform. IU can even imagine the elments:
1. Abolish the B&O.
2. Dedicated tax funds and sources for roads, schools, and parks.
3. Some cute replacement for the B&O .. perhaps a flat tax on income above a certain level.
4. Development of a ten year rolling budget that requires a suoermnajority to change the overall budget for the next five years.
5. Sunsets program, etc to “cut waste.”
I welcome wagers on this.
Sharing a pint with Goldy, Darryl, Will, Carl, Lee
Those folks are ok with me.
I was talking about YOU and your friend “Mark”. Imagine the two of you at a DL, you blabbin’ about eugenics and Marky going on about the “mud people”.
And Pacman? The one who said JCH’s commentary was “too biting for me”.
As usual, like that lovable old looooooooooooooooooser MWS, your reading comprehension sucks.
Yeah, an evening with the likes of your crowd. My idea of a good time – NOT!!!
Found this letter in the PI:
“I have heard for seven years now about George Bush and his rich oil buddies. His recently released tax records show him making just under a million dollars last year. The Clintons made $109 million in the past few years. I am patiently waiting for the Democrats to start complaining about what an obscene amount of money the Clintons have raked in. After all, when they complain about the fat cat CEOs who are taking in way more than they need, certainly this gargantuan amount qualifies the Clintons as fat cats, also.”
Actually raised some really good questions about the “rich” and taxes. No one has questioned the Clintons multi-million dollar income, nor has anyone questioned the Bush’s under 1 million dollar income…why? Any ideas?
Are the Clintons “fat cats”? Is Bush lying on his tax records?
So when you showed up at DL Puddy -did you come dressed as Hannah?
No one has questioned the Clintons multi-million dollar income
You mean questioned here of course. Been discussed lots of places in the light of Hillary’s “elitist” remark.
I don’t see too many Hillary supporters here. Isn’t this a bit silly?
Thanks for trying to run another right wing cut and paste job past us anyway.
Feel free to continue.
26 Actually, the issue of the Clintons’ post-presidential income has been mentioned repeatedly by none other than Bill himself. In at least one speech he’s publicly, and somewhat with tongue in cheek, expressed gratitude for Bush’s tax cuts, pointing out that only recently have he and his wife been in a high enough income bracket to benefit from them.
As to Bush’s reported income, it’s customary for the President to put most of his assets in a blind trust while he’s in office. I believe the VP usually does the same thing, although Cheney quite conspicuously did not.
As executive salaries go, the POTUS’s isn’t all that impressive, but he and his family sure get it big time in terms of room and board, transportation and lots and lots of other stuff.
Then again, it’s a matter of record that most of the business ventures Bush was in prior to becoming governor of Texas didn’t turn out very well, so maybe he really isn’t all that rich. More likely the entire Bush dynasty has tons of assets buried trusts, banks in the Caymans and other things that we mere mortals aren’t even supposed to think about.
did you come dressed as Hannah?
Hah! Like Rudy, it’s easy to imagine Stupes as a right wing drag queen.
Tough on terra! No hesitation when it’s time for “intensive questioning” aka torture.
@29 – the buried trusts! That’s kinda what I was thinking! There is no way they only made $709k last year! Someone is hiding something! Isn’t Bush still on the Oil Companies boards?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Barrack Hussein Obama employed and continues to employ several ‘Nation Of Islam’ members in high positions on his Illinois and U.S. Senate campaign and office staffs. Mr. Obama placed Cynthia K. Miller, a member of the Nation of Islam, as the Treasurer of his U.S. Senate campaign. Cynthia K. Miller is now in the real estate business, her website is,
Jennifer Mason is also a member of the Nation of Islam. Mason is Obama’s Director of Constituent Services in his U.S. Senate office and is also in charge of selecting Obama’s Senate interns. Ms. Mason still holds her prominent Obama Senate staff position.
How many Nation of Islam members will work in a Barrack Hussein Obama White House?
If you are waiting for me to show up at DL last night, you are wasting your time.
As I’ve mentioned here several times, I work in Bellevue and live in Everett. If you really expect me to fight my way across the 520 bridge on a Tuesday evening to go to a drinking party with you in Seattle, and then drive home on I-5 to Everett, then you are deluded. I only do that when I have to go to a business dinner downtown and I can’t get out of it. I save my visits to Seattle for the weekend, when traffic is better, or to attend football games.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Barrack Hussein Obama is shown campaigning for Raila Odinga, the Radical Muslim who is trying to overthrow the lawful government of Kenya and then re-write the democratic Kenyan Constitution to recognize Shariah as the only true law and impose this Islamic Law over the entire nation.
Raila Odinga has, in his own words, a ‘close personal friendship’ with Barrack Hussein Obama Junior.
When Obama went to Kenya in August of 2006, he was hosted by Raila and spoke in praise of him at rallies in Nairobi:Obama’s bias for his fellow Luo was so blatant that a Kenya government spokesman denounced Obama during his visit as Raila’s ‘stooge.’
Raila agrees to 14 actions. Here’s a sample:
b) Within 6 months re-write the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Shariah as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared regions.
c) With immediate effect dismiss the Commissioner of Police who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists to oppress the Kenyan Muslim community.
g) Within one year facilitate the establishment of a Shariah court in every Kenyan divisional headquarters. [Note: everywhere in Kenya, not just in ‘Muslim declared regions.’
Obama reminds me of a cheap door with very, very thin veneer glued down over pressed wood. You easily peel back the veneer and see what is underneath. The media should have done this years ago.
What Obama says and what his past ACTIONS are seem to be opposites…over & over & over again.
Who is this KLOWN anyway??!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Puddy & Pacman–
I may be in Seattle on May 20th and June 10th.
Any plans for a repeat visit to DL??
Early on in DL History, I went with a few buddies to the Montlake Ale House to spy on these KLOWNS.
Man….it was looooooserville.
Waste of time.
We had a drink and went to Ruth’s Cris for a real meal.
No idea who was there besides Goldy & Darryl.
I would actually like to meet all these KLOWNS we regularly “word-rassle” with. I have quite a few Democrat friends that I really enjoy…just disagree with on politics.
I’ll have a beer with dang near anyone…except folks who promote terrorism, of course! I ain’t no Jimmy “The KLOWN” Carter!
The Dept. of Labor has announced the “core CPI” is running at an annual rate of 4%, assuming that you ignore completely oil and food price increases.
Of course, leave it up to the Bush administration to assume that people don’t need to eat or drive. And I really don’t believe the 4% figure either, even after ignoring increases in food and oil.
Inflation is just one of the hidden taxes which the Bush administration is passing on to America’s middle and lower classes.
Puddy: I have been to DL – but Tuesday nights are tough for me to make until summer.
The Gay Scientists from Pink Tiger know that the war only waxes and wanes as a newsworthy topic in the MSM. Out here in the fields it will remain one of the biggest issues- especially when car bombs are killing fifty people on a given day. The criminality of it’s birth & existence will sustain a slow boil in the reality based world. By fall though, the economy’s ravaged skeletal remains will become the only topic.
Daddy Lovespews:
I don’t have time to read the thread. If you’re interested in bass amps, here’s one more tidbit. I bought a G-K (Gallien Krueger) Backline 210 and am totally ecstatic. I don’t know you price point, but it’s under $500. I talked them down to $449.00.
Mr Cynical. For a few of your posts, regarding Senator Obama’s alleged secret Muslim identity, links would be nice. I really don’t want to have to read through all the posts over at stormfront and the American Thule Society just to figure out which one you used to acquire your “data”.
As to your allegations that some members of his staff are members of the Nation of Islam, well, considering that we have this thing called “freedom of religion” here in this place we call the “United States of America”, and as far as employment is concerned, the government (including Senator Obama’s office) is forbidden from even asking what religion his staffers may be.
So, how would anyone, including you, know, and more importantly, why should we care?
It wouldn’t surprise (or bother) me to find Wiccans, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Muslims, Confucianists, Scientologists, Pagans, Animists, Agnostics, Atheists and even Christians working for various governmental offices.
So, while I’m sure that your buddies over at the New Century Foundation might not agree, most of us support this little thing we like to call the “Constitution of the United States of America”. You should read it sometime.
Oh, and just so you know. To be a Muslim, according to Islamic law, you must willfully declare “La ilaha illallah” (there is no deity but Allah), and “Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah” (Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger).
Even reciting the words, without both understanding and belief will not do it. Supporting Muslim causes will not do it. Praying in a Mosque will not do it, nor will going to a Muslim school.
(Any Muslims reading this page are welcome to correct me on this, but this is my understanding from my trips to the Middle East, including a very intersting time at the Islamic outreach center in Bahrain.)
And while you folks out on the far right keep trying to tie Senator Obama with Saddam Hussein by using the Senator’s middle name, you should realize that around here, with anyone except your fellow wingnuts, we really don’t care about Barack (meaning: Blessed) Hussein (meaning: Good, and also the name of the King of Jordan, an important US ally) Obama’s middle name, except of course, that it is attached to the next President of the United States.
Beyond that, you make claims (also unverified and without links) to actions of Senator Obama’s father.
Even if we were to assume them to be true (which we do not), again we have the question “so what?”
Mr. Cynical: what a despairing, fearful little man!
Obama 2008!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “McCain … claimed that he has never sought a set aside for his state.”
I lost $3,000 in the stock market on Friday, and made it all back this week, mainly because my oil stocks are performing great these days.
Crude went over $114 today. There’s no top, folks. Not until our government stops debasing our currency.
So, please, keep driving your gas guzzling SOVs to work — I want all you bus-hating rednecks to know that I appreciate your business! You’re keeping me in the black while the rest of the investment world tanks.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Rabbit gives dishonesty a bad name. And/or he was liberally drunk through the 1970s and 1980s.
Rather than dazzle you with putative brilliance, while you were getting liberally drunk last nite, Roger posted baffling bullshit about crude:
1975 $12.21 $47.63
1976 $13.10 $48.36
1977 $14.40 $49.88
1978 $14.95 $48.17
1979 $25.10 $71.96
1980 $37.42 $95.50
1981 $35.75 $82.70
1982 $31.83 $69.33
1983 $29.08 $61.34
1984 $28.75 $58.14
1985 $26.92 $52.56
1986 $14.44 $27.66
1987 $17.75 $32.81
1988 $14.87 $26.45 [Column on right = ‘constant dollar’ costs of a bbl of crude oil, adjusted for inflation, and keyed to 2007]
“(Crude prices) abruptly doubled during the Nixon-Ford Inflation, and soared further when Mideast crude supplies were disrupted during the Iranian Revolution.
Crude prices then began to decline while Carter was still in office, abruptly fell in the aftermath of the Reagan Depression …”
To make his bogus BS argument that crude oil prices have suffered from a surfeit of Republicans, Roger rearranges history. To give Carter the benefit of declining crude prices after the oil-shock of Iran’s revolution, Roger gives Carter the two declining-price years that belong to Reagan, while giving Reagan credit for Carter’s depression.
Breaking news for the Rabbit: Ford was finished in 1976 (or by mid-January 1977, to get things just right), and Carter gets full credit for the reign of error that began in 1977.
Reagan/Volcker get full credit for breaking the back of the oil cartel in 1981: 1981 is Reagan’s year. And yes, it took Reagan and Volcker from 1981 until early 1983 to break the back of Carter’s depression.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
And from the HA sewer to the sublime, finally took time for Tori Amos’s ‘Little Earthquakes’ from 1991. It’s amazing. It’s beyond amazing. I’d even recommend it to YLB if YLB weren’t such a skank.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 OK, so I made an accounting error. It happens. At least I didn’t blow up the whole economy like Arthur Andersen did! I only blew up your peace of mind, and that’s a small sacrifice I’m very willing to make for the good of the Republic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder why it took the wingnuts so long to notice my gaffe.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Well, JB, regarding freedom of religion in this here place we call the United States of KKK, let’s try to speak truth to drunk liberal power: “while you folks out on the far right keep trying to tie Senator Obama with Saddam Hussein by using the Senator’s middle name” is what us folks out on the far right call a lie.
One yack-show host, who took over the Drudge slot on KKKVI, Sunday nites, tried to tie Senator Obama to Senator Obama’s name while warming up a McCain rally. McCain slapped him down.
Got my ears tuned to the far right, and can assure you that one outlier does not make your case about people who “keep trying” to tie Barack Hussein Obama to the name Barack Hussein Obama. (Although I admit there were people who tied BHO to his name; those people were his mum and his transient dad, the people who, you know, named him.)
So one right-wing outlier does not make your case. One outlier makes you, JB, a liar.
Retract and repent. (Besides, without the middle name Hussein, Barack Obama’s initials would be BO, and we wouldn’t want that.)
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Displacing 1/5 decade, twice, is not an accounting error.
And (to riff off your ‘Clinton’s fault Clinton’s fault Clinton’s fault’ stuff) I concur with George Stephanopoulos: What you probably called ‘Clinton peccadilloes” should properly be called Clinton pathology.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Your laff gaff: If the referent for wingnut is moi, then here’s the reason: I drop in to the HA cesspool only on those infrequent occassions when there’s absolutely utterly nothing better to do than swim in sewer water.
If you’re referreing to the multitude of lib wingnuts who got your gaff but didn’t strike back, the reason is that they were drunk.
But the real reason nobody got it is that nobody got it because nobody (else) reads your stuff. Life’s too short, and the turds are too abundant.
small-minded, name-calling, slobbering wingnut of many aliases @ 47
Tori Amos? Yawnnn.. Sorry overwrought emo-ting might appeal to washed-out lefty fellow-traveller turned neo-con preening queen like yourself but I have little patience for it.
I understand she put out a jazz record. I tremble at the prospect of Amos debasing the great American songbook but miracles can happen. If I feel in the mood to steel myself against a shot in the gut, I might peruse the sample clips at Amazon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 “one outlier”
Which outlier are you referring to? WSRP?
I drop in to the HA cesspool only on those infrequent occassions
Hah! Since it’s just about every other day if not every day, life must indeed suck for you in the age of compassionate conservatism.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
“Crude went over $114 today. There’s no top, folks. Not until our government stops debasing our currency.”
About this, alas, we agree. Jimmy Peanut has to surrender the tiara for worst pres in a declining role: GWB gets the award by acclamation.
The amazing part is that Bush the Elder looks better with each passing day, particularly in his attempts to stop the filming of Iraq, Part Deux.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
“Since it’s just about every other day if not every day, life must indeed suck for you in the age of compassionate conservatism.”
I do hate being stalked by a skank who can’t count.
Was here yesterday, long enough to note the failure of ECT to resolve your disturbances and disorders, but that was my first cesspool wade in about a week.
And compassionate conservatism never turned me on. I’m an unreconstructed mean-spirited conservative who used to be a far-left fuckwit like you. And who grinds no grudges: merely noted, on one of my infrequent visits, that Horowitz got a grudge against the Panthers who probably murdered Horowitz’ secretary, straight outta Oakland.
So there.
“itchy PayPal finger” # 46 tries to take credit for noticing the discrepency in RR’s chart, and pass it off to dishonesty. But in reality he’s stealing from my comment in the same thread, posted earlier (at 1:10 p.m.) where I pointed out to RR that his division between the Ford/Carter/Reagan administrations is off, but that it didn’t affect his conclusions.
It’s just a mistake in setting the borders, which is easy to do when you are in a hurry because Ford had such an unusually short Presidency (only two years).
But he would like you to think that he’s some genious at figuring it out. Who’s the one really being dishonest?
The main point, of course, which his critics ignore, is the remarkable and unprecedented rise in the crude oil prices during the Bush administration.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Outliers & the lying liars who love them: That was a response to Mr. Barelli @ 42. Drawing a pre-senior-moment blank on the name of the radio ranter syndicated on KVI who warmed up McCain.
But remember clearly that he’s a lawyer. Figures.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Thanks for the mid-course correction. Thought I had a scoop.
“(P)ass it off to dishonesty …” Another parse problem. Note there’s an And/or that follows the dishonesty conjecture. Left open is the possibility of a prolonged drunk.
Margins happen. But here’s the take-home message to take home: RR either didn’t notice the fractured margins, didn’t know his ‘marginal’ chronology was screwed, or didn’t care. In fact, the text I appended to the numbers, above, is Roger’s text. It shows that he drew conclusions from screwed data. Go, as they say, figure.
Are you really saying that the only person on the right that is using Senator Obama’s middle name was that one joker at the fundraiser?
Did I somehow misread that? “One outlier“?
Did you somehow miss the many statements from Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill Bennett, etc…? This doesn’t even touch on the many far-right blogs, letters to editors, and the like.
And you have the audacity to call me a liar?
Perhaps you’ve been hanging out with the Republicans so long that you’ve managed to forget what the word “lie” means.
While I understand that in “Republi-speak”, the term means “something unfavorable to Republican interests”, around here, the term means “a deliberate untruth”.
“One outlier”? No, more like the majority of the right-wing talk radio crowd.
I’m an unreconstructed mean-spirited conservative who used to be a far-left fuckwit like you.
The first part is commendably honest. The last?
I’ve never gone anywhere near the stuff you did way back in the day.
And who grinds no grudges:
LMAO!!! You’re fooling no one. Carry on, silly man!
60: We all type in a hurry here. If we take too long to make a point, then it’s too far down the thread to be relevent anymore. He got the years and the numbers correct. And if you check the numbers (after adjusting for inflation) you will notice that the price of oil rose a considerably greater percentage during the Bush years than it did during the Carter years – even though the Republicans fried Carter with criticism for the rise in oil prices during his administration.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
“(T)he remarkable and unprecedented rise in the crude oil prices during the Bush administration.”
That’s a dishonest statement. Look again at the numbers, corrected for truth or uncorrected for the convenience of Roger’s polemic. There is clear precedent for rising oil prices: 1973 – 1981.
So, genius, please proceed to snivel and abjectly grovel for your dishonest distortion of the truth.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
RHP: The current peak price, currently rising, did recently surpass the Carter peak. So, I lied. Since oil is now at a peak higher than the previous peak. But the “unprecedented” penomenon to which you referred, unless you were typing too fast or I was reading too fast, referred to the rise. Will draw some curves later, but am quite sure that the recent slope looks like the embargo slope from 1973- and the Revolution slope from 1979-. Anyway, you show me your precedent, I’ll show you mine, and maybe we can learn to communicate.
Mr. B: “Did you somehow miss the many statements from Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill Bennett, etc…? This doesn’t even touch on the many far-right blogs, letters to editors, and the like.” Yes, I somehow did miss those many statements, so please provide them.
Seldom listen to Rush for the same reason I seldom come here: too much shit, too little time. It’s possible Rush mentioned that Senator Obama has a middle name, but it was probably in the context of the teapot-tempest controversy about the warm-up McCain rally.
Gave up on Coulter when she became a Hillary cheerleader. Heard her, before that, about thrice on the radio. She never mentioned the name that has no name. Have read most of her columns. Ditto.
Think Bennett’s been off the air for two, three years. Wasn’t worth our time when he was on KTTH. Ditto Ingraham. If either of them still has a show, still carried in Seattle, I haven’t found them and don’t want to.
Know where Michael Savage is, so I don’t go near KTTH after the Boze show. Did Savage mention Obama’s middle name? Did you hear him mention Obama’s middle name? Tell me when. And tell me why a nice man like you would waste time on Michael Savage. Or Dan Savage. Who probably hasn’t mentioned Obama’s middle name either.
In other words, unless you’ve got proof for your assertion about what these right-wing moonbats are saying while I’m elsewhere (left-wing moonbat Dan Savage excepted) then you’re left with one outlier and you, Mr. B., have a truth problem.
Present the proof, or accept my premise that you’re a liar.
64: In Reagan’s words, “There you go again…” implying dishonest distortions, where none exists.
Let’s look at it fairly. I’ll use inflation adjusted numbers only, for simplicity sake.
Carter Administration: starting at 49.88 in 1976,, ending at 95.50 p/brrl in 1980. An increase in 191% over four years.
Bush Jr. Administration: starting at 27.29 in 2000, ending at 64.92 (so far). An increase of 238% over 7-1/4 years.
Now, in fairness, you could argue that since Carter had a shorter term of office in Bush, the average increase per year under Carter was 48%, and only 33% per year under Bush. But that argument works both ways – Carter had less time for the spike to correct itself and insufficient time for results of actions to be felt. Bush can’t use that argument.
Oh, I didn’t double-check my math a6 66, I just plugged the numbers into a spreadsheet. I’ve been known to make mistakes doing that before. But I’ve only got so much time to devote to this little venture today. If I do make a mistake, they are unintentional, and I own up to them on my own volition – as Puddy can verify.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
“(T)he price of oil rose a considerably greater percentage during the Bush years than it did during the Carter years – even though the Republicans fried Carter with criticism for the rise in oil prices during his administration.”
Where this gets complicated is where data become non-comparable. A four-year data tranche for Carter has gotta be twisted to become comparable to a 7+ year data dump for GWB. Better to compare data, beginning with the Mideast war/embargo of late 1973 and ending with Carter’s last year, to the current data set, to get equivalence. Or spurious equivalence, since every schoolboy knows that anything and nothing can be proven depending on who gets to choose the base line.
On this we can agree: GWB has wrapped up in one tidy package the cumulative oil shocks of Nixon-Ford-Carter.
Pounding Jimmy: If oil had been his only economic disaster, then it would be impolite to pile on the Peanut. But the oil blow-out was just part of the misery index of those double-digit years.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Your % are wrong; no lie.
Look, everybody: I admire the Rabbit, and learn much from him and his frenetic posting. But it’s sweet pleasure to catch him in a crack-up that looks like a con.
Imputing dishonesty: I’ve learned from some/many/a few of you, who impute dishonesty (Bush lied!) to every blunder of the blundering Bush administration. I’d feel better if he had lied us into disaster … at least I’d know he had enough of a grip and a clue to concertedly twist the facts.
Perhaps now would be a good time to replay statements from Bush and other administration officials to the effect that the invasion or Iraq is necessary to secure the oil supply, and that the proceeds from Iraqi oil revenue would pay for the war and any reconstruction of Iraq?
I shuddered when I first heard those statements in early 2003. Clearly, these guys don’t know much about 20th century history. In the summer of 1914, German merchants warned German officials that a massive war would ruin the German economy. But the pro-war German officials waived off such concerns, saying that the French would be made to pay reparations when the war was over, and therefore the war would pay for itself.
I’m not right all the time, but in this instance I’m very sad to have been right on this one.
@ 68: “On this we can agree: GWB has wrapped up in one tidy package the cumulative oil shocks of Nixon-Ford-Carter”.
Then what are we arguing about???????
Hey, is anybody else having problems with copy and paste here? I can’t seem to copy a short quote from a preceeding post – when I click on it, it tries to copy the entire thread preceeding that point. I like to put in a small quote to make it clear which point I am addressing, otherwise it gets confusing.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Awaiting Mr. B’s presentation of evidence.
Meanwhile, gotta go. PDC is tracking this discussion, because our discussion of dishonesty and lies looks like an in-kind contribution to the Franken-4-Senate campaign … you know, ‘Lies & the Lying Liars Who Tell Them’.
Would have given yesterday to the birthday boy, but I blew out my charitable synapses years ago with a donation to Rabbi Lapin (aka Jack Abramoff.)
And YLB is a big fat idiot.
itchy PayPal fingerspews:
Then what are we arguing about???????
The truth, goddam it. (& I copy&pasted jus’ fine.)
Actually, Itchy, I rarely listen to any of the talk radio types. I simply check out the easily found quotes on their (and their detractor’s) websites, and hear the taped portions of shows that make it out onto real news shows.
You were the one that claimed that Mr. Cunningham’s statement was an “outlier”, and did so with no evidence whatsoever. In doing so, you called me a “liar”.
Then you make a claim that you don’t listen to any of the folks that have been quoted (without rebuttal) as having used Senator Obama’s middle name.
But, just to help you, here are some of the quotes, including one in her own voice:
There are more, but I’ve got work to do. Bottom line. Saying something you don’t like is not lying. Calling someone a liar when that is telling the truth is lying.
So, which of us is the liar?
Daddy Love: Thanks for the bass amp tip. Yeah, looks like another expenditure…
rhp6033: email me. Ask Goldy et. al. for my email address as I don’t need clueless idiots or byebyegoobers polluting the address. We probably work close to each other.
It’s true about rhp6033. If he makes a mistake he owns up to it. Unlike clueless idiot or byebyegoober!
73 – Yeah, see ya in November, silly little troll.
If he makes a mistake he owns up to it.
I’m never making the mistake of occupying the same room with a right wing name caller and promulgator of right wing bullshit like you.
Been there, done that.
You’ve left your e-mail address here before. Why should anyone friggin’ care about it?
How many of these fools think the world is only 6,000 years old? I heard it is 25 million…..
In other news a suit has been filed. The person claiming to be Jesus Christ is attempting to have his name removed from Christianity, because christianity represents the opposite of what he taught….
Now that PacMan and I proved at Drinking Liberally we are two distinct people, I guess headless lucy and his 18 other personalities will grow a new one to celebrate the event.
Goldy, your face upon meeting PacMan was priceless. Too bad I didn’t have a camera to take the picture.
Sadly missing were:
clueless idiot
poster#1 above
and a host of other lefty irritants.
We would have loved to meet these five people I identified as byebyegoober is a useless pile of doggie poop!
Darryl thanks for the tip on bass guitar amplifiers. Looks like dad has to spend some more dough to make his son happy.
Robin, good luck in politics.
As always SeattleJew it was great to meet you and the missus and everybody at the table where we sat.
Now if we could just get you to admit the truth!
Bringing sockpuppet is not a lot more convincing than playing one here.
We all KNOW you are really Pakmamn and the Big Gipper.
Beezelbub was there last night too .. did you recognize her?
Ammunition for Reichert and Rossi, Courtesy of McCain
Yesterday I heard a speech by John McCain on economics. The speech was very impressive, … I suspect this was a better example of what the Dems can expect than the Hillary touted Reaganesque campaign of fear and race.
The speach was long and emphasized tax and budget reforms, The most electable morsel, however, was PORK. McCain focused on ending the set asides. He claimed that he has never sought a set aside for his state.
This is powerful stuff in an economy year. Reichert has already taken the same stand. If Rossi were to join in .. , I suspect the appeal to voters would be very high.
Darcy Burner is the likeliest victim of such a focus. Her campaign is in danger of being hurt, IMHO, by an over focus on Iraq. Iraq may receed as an issue when the public learns that McCain and Obama are really not all that far apart on the specifics only the intent of what they would do.
The economy, however will be a bigger issue and McCain’s speech is showing some teeth that would challenge Burner since many of our Demo delegation have done a good job of raising pork.
Maybe DB could “brand” the term RP? How about an RP for the economy? Also, she would be well advised to use Seattle folks rather than distant national advisers to support such a plan. Major elements could include a return of the sales tax deduction, permanent implementation of the Internet tax exemption, infrastructure investments, American jobs tax advantages, a reformed estate tax to address the foundation issue, educational exemptions, etc. BUT central shouuod be fiscla responsibility. While McCain will say this too, getting there first (before Reichert) could help DB.
Nice meeting you too Puddy. Too bad you did not recognize me.
BTW. I missed you at Church last week. Tsk tsk. And you pretend to be a Christian!
The Bush Regime is embarrassed again!
SeattleJew: Truth – Qui et Veritas?
Was Beelzebub the one sitting at the table by the window?
Now you know I am not either of those two people, Big Gipper (your conservative side) & PacMan (himself). Anyway great to see you again.
Now for your next comment. You and I both know for Darcy Moonbat! to spout off those topics as her “positions” would be the death knell for her. She’d lose her 16%er support and one leg of her three-legged stool. For a lefty to come out and be for tax relief (except in the standard playbook vernacular of tax the rich), she would have to articulate the reasons. Does she have the mental acumen to bring that argument without using national handlers and advisors? I doubt it.
People love pork. Why would Goldy have a thread or three just on Dave Reichert not being on the “committee” and then being “Congressman-401” and then “He’s forsworn pork”? Yeah yeah, Goldy was being satirical and he hates Reichert and loves Darcy, but Freud says there are other motivational factors why Goldy posts those threads. Also Darcy would be knee-capping Norm Dicks, Maria CantVoteWell and Patty Where’s My Sneakers Murray as a “Pork Buster”. While it makes for great political blog tête-à-tête, I can’t see her venturing out of her Iraq war comfort zone…
PacMan –
Shame shame SeattleJew…
PacMan and I attend churches which are almost 50 miles apart. Need to see the coordinates on Google maps?
Puddy you go anywhere without your backup or do you just live in constant fear like most republicans?
Any particular reason you showed at DL unannounced Puddy? Could it have been that you were concerned about being called a traitor to your face if people knew where you were going to be located? Or is it just the normal fear that people will find out your wife pulls trains on the hobos hanging under the bridge?
Hey Puddy – did you bring your lawyer with you so you could prove how tough you are by threatening to sue someone? LOL!
Here is something funny:
Here’s another about the HAs favorite minister:
byebyegoober: I was there over an hour before PacMan showed. I met GBS downtown by myself.
I wonder… who is byebyegoober? What sewer does he live in? Is his posts bot generated?
Seems to me the Drinking Liberally invitation is an open one. Why do I need to announce Puddy will be at… That’s your shtick, schmuck.
Traitor? You doggie poop weren’t even part of the conversation last night. You’ve been written off as chattel.
Did you read the link I left you about your cousins (silverback gorillas) dying early? Maybe if you started a save my family drive I’d contribute.
SeattleJew: Thought question for you.
Why do liberal MSMers when they approach and interview John McCain have a “litmus-test” question always ready over McCain potentially choosing pro-life federal and SCOTUS nominees, but they never find that “litmus-test” question in their interview repertoire to ask Obama or Clinton regarding their potential of picking pro-choice federal or SCOTUS nominees?
SeattleJew: More for your thought processes. Ask the missus how she thinks this was written. You read how the liberal MSM casts an article, going to byebyegooper’s favorite location:
“Jenna Bush, 26, is a 2004 graduate of the University of Texas, where she was twice charged with misdemeanors for alcohol-related offenses.”
What a bunch of crap!
Check out Mark in the “kick Reichert’s ass” thread talking about “mud people”.
He says he meant “mad” people but I think it’s a slip.
It’s how people on your side do and I have better things to occupy my time than sharing a pint with people of that ilk.
Look at how you’re spewing in this thread. You think you can carry on like this without consequences?
Think again.
Hillary and Obama have some competition in Idaho…OMG!
What a nutjob!
Hey clueless idiot, I love it when your favorite economist gets his ass in a wringer again:
Oh wait…I forgot the check and see if this a Richard Mellon Scaife owned site?
Hey SeattleJew: See what I mean in post #17? Surely you jest, right?
clueless idiot: Sharing a pint with Goldy, Darryl, Will, Carl, Lee and others is not in your “best” interests?
You are a looooooooooooooooooooooser!
19 – You would love it because you’re so full of shit.
Did you spin your Eugenics theories in front of Darryl? LMAO!!
Why is your son taking classes from Prof Darryl? Why isn’t he “fighting them over there” so there’s no fighting “over here”. Why isn’t he protecting momma and the girl he’s sweet on from the burqa?
Don’t touch that keyboard now – it wouldn’t be there without a eugenicist’s help.
A house divided cannot stand.
Yeh … the main stream media are so unbalanced. Lets see, after the Wright business started, I clocked the frequency with which the MSM ran and reran the audio bits provided by your friend Hannity. The integral of that value was largeer than the time devoted to commercials.
Calling the US MSM liberal is hilarious. The NYT rivals the most conservative European papers. AND it is worried enough about this to host some righties. What moderates, never mind lefties, write for the WA Times or NY Post? Does Faux have a resident liberal someplace … err ahh beside Combs the quisling?
Now I have one (serious) for you.
One thing is certain, the current Radical Reprican party will not survive next November. It WILL be replaced and WILL have a new leadership. That leadership could come from amny sources, not including the discredited combination of racism and religion they sold from Atwater to Rove.
As far as I can see there are onbly two forces of Reprican reform … Ginbgrich’s impressive national PAK and the McCaibn campaign. Opposing these invaders there is the Dobson machine.
Even if the McCain Whitman ticket were to win, clearly they could not govern the current melange of radical repricans. McC would have to reach out to the moderate party aka Dems. I sippose Lieberman might resign as Senaotr or switch parties to help this but it is likley the Dems will have a secure majority no matter hwta he does.
So, imagine a Prexy McCain, then imaginee him trying to work with Congtress to get things done. Most of this will NOT be attractive to the Dobson wing because McC is rational. Gingrich is a full blooded modern van Braunish Nazi, he will do almost anything for political power. So … does a McC victory translate into a Gingrich party? You comfitabil with that?
Or imagine that McC decides to unite with Snegger and build a reformed repubs party. I like that idea. I might well vote for such a party, BUIT is this realistic? Any effort tat rationalism, central to reform, would alienate Dobson and take a long time to elect enough McCain Repubs to be effective .. esp given his age.
So here is may challenge ..
YOU show me that you are not just a bit of broken glass passing through the horses ass and paint me a scenario for how in hell McCain would/could govern.
May the force of O be with you.
pls contact me by email.
The Rossi Plan
I have predicted this for months. It was inevitable and Gregoire has left a hole big enough for Rossi’s tunnel through her campaign by NOT getting her plan out first.
Yeh .. I know OFL will harp on Rossi’s paln as being unrealistic, underfunded, etc. That is horseturds. No nonwonk cares.
I expect him to propose educational reform, including a response to the constitional crisis that our Gubernator, a J.D. of someprominence, has refused to bring to court.
The Big One:
The Eynamn-Rossi tax/fiscal plan. Eynman and Rossi will bind there efforts together and propose comprehensive tax reform. IU can even imagine the elments:
1. Abolish the B&O.
2. Dedicated tax funds and sources for roads, schools, and parks.
3. Some cute replacement for the B&O .. perhaps a flat tax on income above a certain level.
4. Development of a ten year rolling budget that requires a suoermnajority to change the overall budget for the next five years.
5. Sunsets program, etc to “cut waste.”
I welcome wagers on this.
Sharing a pint with Goldy, Darryl, Will, Carl, Lee
Those folks are ok with me.
I was talking about YOU and your friend “Mark”. Imagine the two of you at a DL, you blabbin’ about eugenics and Marky going on about the “mud people”.
And Pacman? The one who said JCH’s commentary was “too biting for me”.
As usual, like that lovable old looooooooooooooooooser MWS, your reading comprehension sucks.
Yeah, an evening with the likes of your crowd. My idea of a good time – NOT!!!
Found this letter in the PI:
“I have heard for seven years now about George Bush and his rich oil buddies. His recently released tax records show him making just under a million dollars last year. The Clintons made $109 million in the past few years. I am patiently waiting for the Democrats to start complaining about what an obscene amount of money the Clintons have raked in. After all, when they complain about the fat cat CEOs who are taking in way more than they need, certainly this gargantuan amount qualifies the Clintons as fat cats, also.”
Actually raised some really good questions about the “rich” and taxes. No one has questioned the Clintons multi-million dollar income, nor has anyone questioned the Bush’s under 1 million dollar income…why? Any ideas?
Are the Clintons “fat cats”? Is Bush lying on his tax records?
So when you showed up at DL Puddy -did you come dressed as Hannah?
No one has questioned the Clintons multi-million dollar income
You mean questioned here of course. Been discussed lots of places in the light of Hillary’s “elitist” remark.
I don’t see too many Hillary supporters here. Isn’t this a bit silly?
Thanks for trying to run another right wing cut and paste job past us anyway.
Feel free to continue.
26 Actually, the issue of the Clintons’ post-presidential income has been mentioned repeatedly by none other than Bill himself. In at least one speech he’s publicly, and somewhat with tongue in cheek, expressed gratitude for Bush’s tax cuts, pointing out that only recently have he and his wife been in a high enough income bracket to benefit from them.
As to Bush’s reported income, it’s customary for the President to put most of his assets in a blind trust while he’s in office. I believe the VP usually does the same thing, although Cheney quite conspicuously did not.
As executive salaries go, the POTUS’s isn’t all that impressive, but he and his family sure get it big time in terms of room and board, transportation and lots and lots of other stuff.
Then again, it’s a matter of record that most of the business ventures Bush was in prior to becoming governor of Texas didn’t turn out very well, so maybe he really isn’t all that rich. More likely the entire Bush dynasty has tons of assets buried trusts, banks in the Caymans and other things that we mere mortals aren’t even supposed to think about.
did you come dressed as Hannah?
Hah! Like Rudy, it’s easy to imagine Stupes as a right wing drag queen.
Tough on terra! No hesitation when it’s time for “intensive questioning” aka torture.
@29 – the buried trusts! That’s kinda what I was thinking! There is no way they only made $709k last year! Someone is hiding something! Isn’t Bush still on the Oil Companies boards?
Barrack Hussein Obama employed and continues to employ several ‘Nation Of Islam’ members in high positions on his Illinois and U.S. Senate campaign and office staffs. Mr. Obama placed Cynthia K. Miller, a member of the Nation of Islam, as the Treasurer of his U.S. Senate campaign. Cynthia K. Miller is now in the real estate business, her website is,
Jennifer Mason is also a member of the Nation of Islam. Mason is Obama’s Director of Constituent Services in his U.S. Senate office and is also in charge of selecting Obama’s Senate interns. Ms. Mason still holds her prominent Obama Senate staff position.
How many Nation of Islam members will work in a Barrack Hussein Obama White House?
If you are waiting for me to show up at DL last night, you are wasting your time.
As I’ve mentioned here several times, I work in Bellevue and live in Everett. If you really expect me to fight my way across the 520 bridge on a Tuesday evening to go to a drinking party with you in Seattle, and then drive home on I-5 to Everett, then you are deluded. I only do that when I have to go to a business dinner downtown and I can’t get out of it. I save my visits to Seattle for the weekend, when traffic is better, or to attend football games.
Barrack Hussein Obama is shown campaigning for Raila Odinga, the Radical Muslim who is trying to overthrow the lawful government of Kenya and then re-write the democratic Kenyan Constitution to recognize Shariah as the only true law and impose this Islamic Law over the entire nation.
Raila Odinga has, in his own words, a ‘close personal friendship’ with Barrack Hussein Obama Junior.
When Obama went to Kenya in August of 2006, he was hosted by Raila and spoke in praise of him at rallies in Nairobi:Obama’s bias for his fellow Luo was so blatant that a Kenya government spokesman denounced Obama during his visit as Raila’s ‘stooge.’
Raila agrees to 14 actions. Here’s a sample:
b) Within 6 months re-write the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Shariah as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared regions.
c) With immediate effect dismiss the Commissioner of Police who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists to oppress the Kenyan Muslim community.
g) Within one year facilitate the establishment of a Shariah court in every Kenyan divisional headquarters. [Note: everywhere in Kenya, not just in ‘Muslim declared regions.’
Obama reminds me of a cheap door with very, very thin veneer glued down over pressed wood. You easily peel back the veneer and see what is underneath. The media should have done this years ago.
What Obama says and what his past ACTIONS are seem to be opposites…over & over & over again.
Who is this KLOWN anyway??!
Puddy & Pacman–
I may be in Seattle on May 20th and June 10th.
Any plans for a repeat visit to DL??
Early on in DL History, I went with a few buddies to the Montlake Ale House to spy on these KLOWNS.
Man….it was looooooserville.
Waste of time.
We had a drink and went to Ruth’s Cris for a real meal.
No idea who was there besides Goldy & Darryl.
I would actually like to meet all these KLOWNS we regularly “word-rassle” with. I have quite a few Democrat friends that I really enjoy…just disagree with on politics.
I’ll have a beer with dang near anyone…except folks who promote terrorism, of course! I ain’t no Jimmy “The KLOWN” Carter!
The Dept. of Labor has announced the “core CPI” is running at an annual rate of 4%, assuming that you ignore completely oil and food price increases.
Of course, leave it up to the Bush administration to assume that people don’t need to eat or drive. And I really don’t believe the 4% figure either, even after ignoring increases in food and oil.
Inflation is just one of the hidden taxes which the Bush administration is passing on to America’s middle and lower classes.
Puddy: I have been to DL – but Tuesday nights are tough for me to make until summer.
The Gay Scientists from Pink Tiger know that the war only waxes and wanes as a newsworthy topic in the MSM. Out here in the fields it will remain one of the biggest issues- especially when car bombs are killing fifty people on a given day. The criminality of it’s birth & existence will sustain a slow boil in the reality based world. By fall though, the economy’s ravaged skeletal remains will become the only topic.
I don’t have time to read the thread. If you’re interested in bass amps, here’s one more tidbit. I bought a G-K (Gallien Krueger) Backline 210 and am totally ecstatic. I don’t know you price point, but it’s under $500. I talked them down to $449.00.
34 Cynical
So Barack Obama is suposedly a radical Muslim who’s also a radical Christian?
I mean, I know you guys just go ahead and believe what you’re told without critical thought, but you might want to take a minute with this one.
32 Cyn
How many lobbyists would work in a McBush White House?
(hint: all of them)
So many posts, so little time…
Mr Cynical. For a few of your posts, regarding Senator Obama’s alleged secret Muslim identity, links would be nice. I really don’t want to have to read through all the posts over at stormfront and the American Thule Society just to figure out which one you used to acquire your “data”.
As to your allegations that some members of his staff are members of the Nation of Islam, well, considering that we have this thing called “freedom of religion” here in this place we call the “United States of America”, and as far as employment is concerned, the government (including Senator Obama’s office) is forbidden from even asking what religion his staffers may be.
So, how would anyone, including you, know, and more importantly, why should we care?
It wouldn’t surprise (or bother) me to find Wiccans, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Muslims, Confucianists, Scientologists, Pagans, Animists, Agnostics, Atheists and even Christians working for various governmental offices.
So, while I’m sure that your buddies over at the New Century Foundation might not agree, most of us support this little thing we like to call the “Constitution of the United States of America”. You should read it sometime.
Oh, and just so you know. To be a Muslim, according to Islamic law, you must willfully declare “La ilaha illallah” (there is no deity but Allah), and “Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah” (Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger).
Even reciting the words, without both understanding and belief will not do it. Supporting Muslim causes will not do it. Praying in a Mosque will not do it, nor will going to a Muslim school.
(Any Muslims reading this page are welcome to correct me on this, but this is my understanding from my trips to the Middle East, including a very intersting time at the Islamic outreach center in Bahrain.)
And while you folks out on the far right keep trying to tie Senator Obama with Saddam Hussein by using the Senator’s middle name, you should realize that around here, with anyone except your fellow wingnuts, we really don’t care about Barack (meaning: Blessed) Hussein (meaning: Good, and also the name of the King of Jordan, an important US ally) Obama’s middle name, except of course, that it is attached to the next President of the United States.
Beyond that, you make claims (also unverified and without links) to actions of Senator Obama’s father.
Even if we were to assume them to be true (which we do not), again we have the question “so what?”
Mr. Cynical: what a despairing, fearful little man!
Obama 2008!
@4 “McCain … claimed that he has never sought a set aside for his state.”
The problem is he’s lying.
C’est la Vie
I lost $3,000 in the stock market on Friday, and made it all back this week, mainly because my oil stocks are performing great these days.
Crude went over $114 today. There’s no top, folks. Not until our government stops debasing our currency.
So, please, keep driving your gas guzzling SOVs to work — I want all you bus-hating rednecks to know that I appreciate your business! You’re keeping me in the black while the rest of the investment world tanks.
Rabbit gives dishonesty a bad name. And/or he was liberally drunk through the 1970s and 1980s.
Rather than dazzle you with putative brilliance, while you were getting liberally drunk last nite, Roger posted baffling bullshit about crude:
1975 $12.21 $47.63
1976 $13.10 $48.36
1977 $14.40 $49.88
1978 $14.95 $48.17
1979 $25.10 $71.96
1980 $37.42 $95.50
1981 $35.75 $82.70
1982 $31.83 $69.33
1983 $29.08 $61.34
1984 $28.75 $58.14
1985 $26.92 $52.56
1986 $14.44 $27.66
1987 $17.75 $32.81
1988 $14.87 $26.45 [Column on right = ‘constant dollar’ costs of a bbl of crude oil, adjusted for inflation, and keyed to 2007]
“(Crude prices) abruptly doubled during the Nixon-Ford Inflation, and soared further when Mideast crude supplies were disrupted during the Iranian Revolution.
Crude prices then began to decline while Carter was still in office, abruptly fell in the aftermath of the Reagan Depression …”
To make his bogus BS argument that crude oil prices have suffered from a surfeit of Republicans, Roger rearranges history. To give Carter the benefit of declining crude prices after the oil-shock of Iran’s revolution, Roger gives Carter the two declining-price years that belong to Reagan, while giving Reagan credit for Carter’s depression.
Breaking news for the Rabbit: Ford was finished in 1976 (or by mid-January 1977, to get things just right), and Carter gets full credit for the reign of error that began in 1977.
Reagan/Volcker get full credit for breaking the back of the oil cartel in 1981: 1981 is Reagan’s year. And yes, it took Reagan and Volcker from 1981 until early 1983 to break the back of Carter’s depression.
And from the HA sewer to the sublime, finally took time for Tori Amos’s ‘Little Earthquakes’ from 1991. It’s amazing. It’s beyond amazing. I’d even recommend it to YLB if YLB weren’t such a skank.
@46 OK, so I made an accounting error. It happens. At least I didn’t blow up the whole economy like Arthur Andersen did! I only blew up your peace of mind, and that’s a small sacrifice I’m very willing to make for the good of the Republic.
I wonder why it took the wingnuts so long to notice my gaffe.
Well, JB, regarding freedom of religion in this here place we call the United States of KKK, let’s try to speak truth to drunk liberal power: “while you folks out on the far right keep trying to tie Senator Obama with Saddam Hussein by using the Senator’s middle name” is what us folks out on the far right call a lie.
One yack-show host, who took over the Drudge slot on KKKVI, Sunday nites, tried to tie Senator Obama to Senator Obama’s name while warming up a McCain rally. McCain slapped him down.
Got my ears tuned to the far right, and can assure you that one outlier does not make your case about people who “keep trying” to tie Barack Hussein Obama to the name Barack Hussein Obama. (Although I admit there were people who tied BHO to his name; those people were his mum and his transient dad, the people who, you know, named him.)
So one right-wing outlier does not make your case. One outlier makes you, JB, a liar.
Retract and repent. (Besides, without the middle name Hussein, Barack Obama’s initials would be BO, and we wouldn’t want that.)
Displacing 1/5 decade, twice, is not an accounting error.
And (to riff off your ‘Clinton’s fault Clinton’s fault Clinton’s fault’ stuff) I concur with George Stephanopoulos: What you probably called ‘Clinton peccadilloes” should properly be called Clinton pathology.
Your laff gaff: If the referent for wingnut is moi, then here’s the reason: I drop in to the HA cesspool only on those infrequent occassions when there’s absolutely utterly nothing better to do than swim in sewer water.
If you’re referreing to the multitude of lib wingnuts who got your gaff but didn’t strike back, the reason is that they were drunk.
But the real reason nobody got it is that nobody got it because nobody (else) reads your stuff. Life’s too short, and the turds are too abundant.
small-minded, name-calling, slobbering wingnut of many aliases @ 47
Tori Amos? Yawnnn.. Sorry overwrought emo-ting might appeal to washed-out lefty fellow-traveller turned neo-con preening queen like yourself but I have little patience for it.
I understand she put out a jazz record. I tremble at the prospect of Amos debasing the great American songbook but miracles can happen. If I feel in the mood to steel myself against a shot in the gut, I might peruse the sample clips at Amazon.
@50 “one outlier”
Which outlier are you referring to? WSRP?
I drop in to the HA cesspool only on those infrequent occassions
Hah! Since it’s just about every other day if not every day, life must indeed suck for you in the age of compassionate conservatism.
“Crude went over $114 today. There’s no top, folks. Not until our government stops debasing our currency.”
About this, alas, we agree. Jimmy Peanut has to surrender the tiara for worst pres in a declining role: GWB gets the award by acclamation.
The amazing part is that Bush the Elder looks better with each passing day, particularly in his attempts to stop the filming of Iraq, Part Deux.
“Since it’s just about every other day if not every day, life must indeed suck for you in the age of compassionate conservatism.”
I do hate being stalked by a skank who can’t count.
Was here yesterday, long enough to note the failure of ECT to resolve your disturbances and disorders, but that was my first cesspool wade in about a week.
And compassionate conservatism never turned me on. I’m an unreconstructed mean-spirited conservative who used to be a far-left fuckwit like you. And who grinds no grudges: merely noted, on one of my infrequent visits, that Horowitz got a grudge against the Panthers who probably murdered Horowitz’ secretary, straight outta Oakland.
So there.
“itchy PayPal finger” # 46 tries to take credit for noticing the discrepency in RR’s chart, and pass it off to dishonesty. But in reality he’s stealing from my comment in the same thread, posted earlier (at 1:10 p.m.) where I pointed out to RR that his division between the Ford/Carter/Reagan administrations is off, but that it didn’t affect his conclusions.
It’s just a mistake in setting the borders, which is easy to do when you are in a hurry because Ford had such an unusually short Presidency (only two years).
But he would like you to think that he’s some genious at figuring it out. Who’s the one really being dishonest?
The main point, of course, which his critics ignore, is the remarkable and unprecedented rise in the crude oil prices during the Bush administration.
Outliers & the lying liars who love them: That was a response to Mr. Barelli @ 42. Drawing a pre-senior-moment blank on the name of the radio ranter syndicated on KVI who warmed up McCain.
But remember clearly that he’s a lawyer. Figures.
Thanks for the mid-course correction. Thought I had a scoop.
“(P)ass it off to dishonesty …” Another parse problem. Note there’s an And/or that follows the dishonesty conjecture. Left open is the possibility of a prolonged drunk.
Margins happen. But here’s the take-home message to take home: RR either didn’t notice the fractured margins, didn’t know his ‘marginal’ chronology was screwed, or didn’t care. In fact, the text I appended to the numbers, above, is Roger’s text. It shows that he drew conclusions from screwed data. Go, as they say, figure.
Oh, Itchy?
I read through your post, and was puzzled.
Are you really saying that the only person on the right that is using Senator Obama’s middle name was that one joker at the fundraiser?
Did I somehow misread that? “One outlier“?
Did you somehow miss the many statements from Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill Bennett, etc…? This doesn’t even touch on the many far-right blogs, letters to editors, and the like.
And you have the audacity to call me a liar?
Perhaps you’ve been hanging out with the Republicans so long that you’ve managed to forget what the word “lie” means.
While I understand that in “Republi-speak”, the term means “something unfavorable to Republican interests”, around here, the term means “a deliberate untruth”.
“One outlier”? No, more like the majority of the right-wing talk radio crowd.
I’m an unreconstructed mean-spirited conservative who used to be a far-left fuckwit like you.
The first part is commendably honest. The last?
I’ve never gone anywhere near the stuff you did way back in the day.
And who grinds no grudges:
LMAO!!! You’re fooling no one. Carry on, silly man!
60: We all type in a hurry here. If we take too long to make a point, then it’s too far down the thread to be relevent anymore. He got the years and the numbers correct. And if you check the numbers (after adjusting for inflation) you will notice that the price of oil rose a considerably greater percentage during the Bush years than it did during the Carter years – even though the Republicans fried Carter with criticism for the rise in oil prices during his administration.
“(T)he remarkable and unprecedented rise in the crude oil prices during the Bush administration.”
That’s a dishonest statement. Look again at the numbers, corrected for truth or uncorrected for the convenience of Roger’s polemic. There is clear precedent for rising oil prices: 1973 – 1981.
So, genius, please proceed to snivel and abjectly grovel for your dishonest distortion of the truth.
RHP: The current peak price, currently rising, did recently surpass the Carter peak. So, I lied. Since oil is now at a peak higher than the previous peak. But the “unprecedented” penomenon to which you referred, unless you were typing too fast or I was reading too fast, referred to the rise. Will draw some curves later, but am quite sure that the recent slope looks like the embargo slope from 1973- and the Revolution slope from 1979-. Anyway, you show me your precedent, I’ll show you mine, and maybe we can learn to communicate.
Mr. B: “Did you somehow miss the many statements from Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill Bennett, etc…? This doesn’t even touch on the many far-right blogs, letters to editors, and the like.” Yes, I somehow did miss those many statements, so please provide them.
Seldom listen to Rush for the same reason I seldom come here: too much shit, too little time. It’s possible Rush mentioned that Senator Obama has a middle name, but it was probably in the context of the teapot-tempest controversy about the warm-up McCain rally.
Gave up on Coulter when she became a Hillary cheerleader. Heard her, before that, about thrice on the radio. She never mentioned the name that has no name. Have read most of her columns. Ditto.
Think Bennett’s been off the air for two, three years. Wasn’t worth our time when he was on KTTH. Ditto Ingraham. If either of them still has a show, still carried in Seattle, I haven’t found them and don’t want to.
Know where Michael Savage is, so I don’t go near KTTH after the Boze show. Did Savage mention Obama’s middle name? Did you hear him mention Obama’s middle name? Tell me when. And tell me why a nice man like you would waste time on Michael Savage. Or Dan Savage. Who probably hasn’t mentioned Obama’s middle name either.
In other words, unless you’ve got proof for your assertion about what these right-wing moonbats are saying while I’m elsewhere (left-wing moonbat Dan Savage excepted) then you’re left with one outlier and you, Mr. B., have a truth problem.
Present the proof, or accept my premise that you’re a liar.
64: In Reagan’s words, “There you go again…” implying dishonest distortions, where none exists.
Let’s look at it fairly. I’ll use inflation adjusted numbers only, for simplicity sake.
Carter Administration: starting at 49.88 in 1976,, ending at 95.50 p/brrl in 1980. An increase in 191% over four years.
Bush Jr. Administration: starting at 27.29 in 2000, ending at 64.92 (so far). An increase of 238% over 7-1/4 years.
Now, in fairness, you could argue that since Carter had a shorter term of office in Bush, the average increase per year under Carter was 48%, and only 33% per year under Bush. But that argument works both ways – Carter had less time for the spike to correct itself and insufficient time for results of actions to be felt. Bush can’t use that argument.
Oh, I didn’t double-check my math a6 66, I just plugged the numbers into a spreadsheet. I’ve been known to make mistakes doing that before. But I’ve only got so much time to devote to this little venture today. If I do make a mistake, they are unintentional, and I own up to them on my own volition – as Puddy can verify.
“(T)he price of oil rose a considerably greater percentage during the Bush years than it did during the Carter years – even though the Republicans fried Carter with criticism for the rise in oil prices during his administration.”
Where this gets complicated is where data become non-comparable. A four-year data tranche for Carter has gotta be twisted to become comparable to a 7+ year data dump for GWB. Better to compare data, beginning with the Mideast war/embargo of late 1973 and ending with Carter’s last year, to the current data set, to get equivalence. Or spurious equivalence, since every schoolboy knows that anything and nothing can be proven depending on who gets to choose the base line.
On this we can agree: GWB has wrapped up in one tidy package the cumulative oil shocks of Nixon-Ford-Carter.
Pounding Jimmy: If oil had been his only economic disaster, then it would be impolite to pile on the Peanut. But the oil blow-out was just part of the misery index of those double-digit years.
Your % are wrong; no lie.
Look, everybody: I admire the Rabbit, and learn much from him and his frenetic posting. But it’s sweet pleasure to catch him in a crack-up that looks like a con.
Imputing dishonesty: I’ve learned from some/many/a few of you, who impute dishonesty (Bush lied!) to every blunder of the blundering Bush administration. I’d feel better if he had lied us into disaster … at least I’d know he had enough of a grip and a clue to concertedly twist the facts.
Perhaps now would be a good time to replay statements from Bush and other administration officials to the effect that the invasion or Iraq is necessary to secure the oil supply, and that the proceeds from Iraqi oil revenue would pay for the war and any reconstruction of Iraq?
I shuddered when I first heard those statements in early 2003. Clearly, these guys don’t know much about 20th century history. In the summer of 1914, German merchants warned German officials that a massive war would ruin the German economy. But the pro-war German officials waived off such concerns, saying that the French would be made to pay reparations when the war was over, and therefore the war would pay for itself.
I’m not right all the time, but in this instance I’m very sad to have been right on this one.
@ 68: “On this we can agree: GWB has wrapped up in one tidy package the cumulative oil shocks of Nixon-Ford-Carter”.
Then what are we arguing about???????
Hey, is anybody else having problems with copy and paste here? I can’t seem to copy a short quote from a preceeding post – when I click on it, it tries to copy the entire thread preceeding that point. I like to put in a small quote to make it clear which point I am addressing, otherwise it gets confusing.
Awaiting Mr. B’s presentation of evidence.
Meanwhile, gotta go. PDC is tracking this discussion, because our discussion of dishonesty and lies looks like an in-kind contribution to the Franken-4-Senate campaign … you know, ‘Lies & the Lying Liars Who Tell Them’.
Would have given yesterday to the birthday boy, but I blew out my charitable synapses years ago with a donation to Rabbi Lapin (aka Jack Abramoff.)
And YLB is a big fat idiot.
Then what are we arguing about???????
The truth, goddam it. (& I copy&pasted jus’ fine.)
Actually, Itchy, I rarely listen to any of the talk radio types. I simply check out the easily found quotes on their (and their detractor’s) websites, and hear the taped portions of shows that make it out onto real news shows.
You were the one that claimed that Mr. Cunningham’s statement was an “outlier”, and did so with no evidence whatsoever. In doing so, you called me a “liar”.
Then you make a claim that you don’t listen to any of the folks that have been quoted (without rebuttal) as having used Senator Obama’s middle name.
But, just to help you, here are some of the quotes, including one in her own voice:
There are more, but I’ve got work to do. Bottom line. Saying something you don’t like is not lying. Calling someone a liar when that is telling the truth is lying.
So, which of us is the liar?
Daddy Love: Thanks for the bass amp tip. Yeah, looks like another expenditure…
rhp6033: email me. Ask Goldy et. al. for my email address as I don’t need clueless idiots or byebyegoobers polluting the address. We probably work close to each other.
It’s true about rhp6033. If he makes a mistake he owns up to it. Unlike clueless idiot or byebyegoober!
73 – Yeah, see ya in November, silly little troll.
If he makes a mistake he owns up to it.
I’m never making the mistake of occupying the same room with a right wing name caller and promulgator of right wing bullshit like you.
Been there, done that.
You’ve left your e-mail address here before. Why should anyone friggin’ care about it?
I want nothing to do with you.