– A big Congrats to Dave Neiwert on 12 years’ Blogging. I’m looking forward to what he’ll do with the blog next.
– We are starting to get the outlines of what the budget debate is going to look like this session.
– I don’t know what to do about Boko Haram out here in the West, but jeez.
Obama’s soulmates just got there wish!! But hey, we cannot call them “Terrorists” as we will hurt their self-esteem. Obama is in la-la land about these Islamic Extremists. What in the world were they even doing in Paris?
There’s a certain infotainment network, and network of trolls, who are always going on and on about the “religion of peace” and demanding condemnation for terror. This must come as a welcome surprise to them? Or they’ll just bury it on the World News page and pretend on the Sunday shows it never happened….
@1 No, you’re the doofus in la-la land. Come back after you learn to spell “their” correctly.
The Charlie Hebdo fugitives are dead. Lost a shootout with French police. Spares them the hassle of committing suicide in prison like the Baader-Meinhoff gang.
Our righty troll friends aren’t against what Muslim extremists are doing. They’re against doing it in Islam’s name. They’d applaud and cheer if these killers were Christian fundies.
I’m not a Bill Maher fan. Aside, I have had personal professional dealings with the man and his off-air personality is even more asshole-ish than his on-air.
But Salman Rushdie on Bill Maher tonight. Two days after? Yeah, I want to see that.
Midnight’s Children…read it. Haroun and the Sea of Stories if Midnight’s seems a little daunting.
Nebraska’s supreme court okayed the Keystone XL pipeline’s route through that state today, but the process was beyond strange. At issue in the case was whether landowners whose land would be confiscated under eminent domain had a right to a hearing by the state public service commission. The GOP legislature and governor effectively removed that right by preemptively approving the pipeline. The landowners sued and a county judge ruled in their favor. The case went to the state supreme court, where the justices voted 4-3 in the landowners’ favor, but in Nebraska, declaring a legislative bill unconstitutional requires a supermajority, so the lower court ruling was overturned by a 3-4 vote. So what you have is a conservative’s wet dream come true:
1. Landowners’ property being confiscated without due process;
2. Republican politicians being able to bypass a state’s normal decision-making process; and
3. A 3-judge minority outvoting a 4-judge majority on the state’s highest court.
What could be more undemocratic?
What republicans stand for is individual rights and liberties. When the jackbooted thugs come to take your land, aim between the eyes…or something.
Roger Rabbit, member of the 1%.
The cutoff for the global 1 percent starts quite a bit lower than the parochial American version preferred by pundits. I’m on it. So is David Sirota. And if your personal income is higher than $32,500, so are you. The global elite to which you and I belong enjoys fantastic wealth compared to the rest of the world: We have more food, clothes, comfortable housing, electronic gadgets, health care, travel and leisure than almost every other living person, not to mention virtually every human being who has ever lived. We are also mostly privileged to live in societies that offer quite a lot in the way of public amenities, from well-policed streets and clean water, to museums and libraries, to public officials who do their jobs without requiring a hefty bribe.
@9 Yeah, yeah, we know America’s food stamp recipients are rich. That’s so last year. Got anything new?
According to Doctor Bob, an American fast-food worker trying to live on $7.25 an hour with no benefits is supposed to feel grateful that she isn’t balancing a water jug on her head while trudging 5 miles back to her village from a polluted well. Things could be so much harder than standing on your feet for 8 hours to make $60 before taxes. If you were in Zimbabwe, you’d have to do that for a whole month to make $60 before inflation. Yes, America’s working poor are sooo lucky, and don’t appreciate how good they have it! If you think about this for a bit maybe you’ll being to understand why groups like ISIS and Boko Haram appeal to some people in third-world societies. If we could employ everyone in $7.25-an-hour fast food jobs with no benefits, violent radicalism would disappear from the face of the earth.
Hmmm, my math needs work, $7.25 x 8 is $58 not $60. But in reality, many fast food workers get less than 30 hours a week, so the boss doesn’t have to provide health coverage. So, while they may stand on their feet for only a 28 hours a week, which they burn $4 gas to commute to, they’re making all of $203 a week ($880 a month) before taxes. This is how Doctor Bob defines a “1 percenter.”
I guess we have to expect that kind of twisted logic from the warmonger-torturer crowd who think nothing of throwing away trillions of taxpayer dollars on useless wars.
Rodney King famously asked, “Can we all get along?” No, we can’t. Unfortunately, it’s not possible. How can you get along with Puddybud or Doctor Bob? They ought to be in mental institutions where they can’t hurt anyone for the sake of public safety.
That’s why it’s vitally important to define full time as 40 hours. That way we can schedule you for 39 hours and not have to pay any benefits. The lowered operating costs of not needing to train and hire 30% more part time staff to keep at 29 hours and the additional cut of payroll and HR labor is just an extra perk.
@1 they were in Paris with the rest of the asshole Catholic Terrorists.
@5 hence their pleasure and fondness of Putin. They love that bad boy Putin.
Seems the French hostage event is over. The three male Israel haters are dead. A fourth one (the lady) is still at large.
Funny how conservatives screamed bloody murder when SCOTUS (by a 5-4 vote) allowed a town in liberal Connecticut to confiscate private property and sell it to a private developer, but aren’t squawking about a state court decision (by a 3-4 vote) that allows a Republican governor to confiscate private property for a foreign pipeline to carry foreign oil to sell to foreign countries.
More very smelly BULLSHITTIUM from the resident IDIOT Wabbit
Wrong again IDIOT Wabbit. Where has any Christian called for the killing of the Charlie Hebdo staff? Sheeeeesh you are a moron IDIOT Wabbit! An absolute lunatic moron IDIOT Wabbit!
People whom think right are against these morons. We decry their actions all the time. You leftist pinheads want to coddle them like what Hillary said… “leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect even for one’s enemies, trying to understand and insofar as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view.” obummer can’t even say terrorists until the French President said it first! Now if America is supposed to be the leader of the free world Obummer sure loves to follow!
These extremists think like HA DUMMOCRETINS…. Must eradicate Israel. Support the murderous Palestinians! Their Israeli hatred is on par with most American DUMMOCRETIN thought!
President Obama today proposed community college should be free for everyone. Whaddya wanna bet Republicans say “no!”
This will confuse the trolls:
On second thought naaaaah.. Haters just gonna hate.
Oh checkmate… Why is Obummer threatening to veto the 40 hour work week then? http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....to-threat/
Obummer doesn’t care about working stiffs! It’s all politics!
It only confused the buttspigot… Nasrallah’s words were for IDIOTS’ such as you and you drank the kook-aid. Europe is Nasrallah’s biggest support system. Right now Europe is pizzed! Go and read the internal Arab sites…
Wait you’d need a clue to get there!
Wow. First this klownservative hero supports amnesty for undocumented. (“Keep them in the shadows”, he says.) Yeah, Chuck, it helps to have a ready supply of legal cheap labor.
Now he’s a big booster of a gas tax:
I guess even disagreeable people like Krauthammer can on occasion support rational policies.
@24 Like I said, haters just gonna hate….
and don the tinfoil hat.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
What is world history’s most violent religion?
[ ] 1. Islam
[ ] 2. Buddhism
[ ] 3. Christianity
[ ] 4. Hinduism
[ ] 5. Paganism
You shouldn’t need to guess. Think crusades, popes burning heretics at the stake, Catholic vs. Protestant wars and persecutions, Salem witch trials, the colonial era, aboriginal genocides, Christian Serbs massacring Muslims in Bosnia and Kosova, etc.
Here’s an interesting analysis from the Moonie-owned rightwing Washington Times:
“Which religion is the most violent? The analysis presents some challenges. Should the answer be based purely on a body count? Professor Juan Cole casually estimates that Christians chalked up roughly 50 times more violent deaths than Muslims across the past century. That, however, doesn’t necessarily prove that Christianity is more violent. It just demonstrates a high level of efficiency.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, I guess if you don’t like the answer, you redefine the question.
Puddy should like that one. He’s a big Washington Times fan. He quotes it frequently.
Deep sigh…
Lean in close to your monitor and you can smell sarcasm.
Requiring only 30 hours/week to qualify for benefits = more workers will qualify particularly students or single parents who can only manage three 10-hour days or four 8s a week.
Requiring 40/week makes it even easier to keep an employee’s schedule just under the required amount while not needing to hire as many “extra” part timers to keep up staffing levels.
Fast food restaurant needs 4 employees on the clock at all times and is open 70 hours a week. 70×4/29 = 9.6 pretending all employees work a shift seven days a week so let’s just say you need to hire and train 12 workers to cover your labor needs and skate under the benefits requirement.
70X4/39 = 8 so assume you need to hire and train 10 part time workers to skate under the benefits requirement if only the 40th hour moves an employee into mandatory benefits.
40 hour requirement, unlike what dunderheads like you Rep McCarthy claim, will actually make FEWER jobs available to low wage workers.
But then right wingers have a “kind of a bible” that tells them about economics. It has been proven to be faith based since when put in practice it has failed everywhere they’ve tried but they still believe in their hearts it can still work if they just do it again.
“If you care about working families, make it harder for them to qualify for benefits. Show us that making it harder makes it easier and sign the bill.” Rep Kevin McCarthy R-JohnGault, or words to that effect.
Remember George Tiller? Christians called for his murder and it was finally done, in a church while the doctor prayed his Christian faith by Scott Roeder who claimed his Christian faith required him to kill
Auction Planned to Raise Roeder Defense Funds
Scott Roeder Legal Defense Fund
The Southern Genteel Ladies Association Scott Roeder Defense Fund I especially like this one with their use of the Christ right there as the main image. Christ wanted Roeder to murder…it’s all clear.
Your response of course will be “We’re talking about Hedbo in FRANCE! Show me where I mentioned ABORTION, YAAAAARGH, TOOO DAMNNNN FUNNNNNNNYYY!”
So, is the point of including the quote to remind us that he lets these people do his thinking for him?
Just a quick point of interest: a quote like that one is not a form of logical support for whatever neuroleptic addled argument he happens to be making.
In polite society it’s called an appeal to authority. (Although I for one fail to appreciate Mr. McCarthy’s authority on any subject, including the location of his own behind.)
Yet even if Mr. McCarthy could be relied upon as a authoritative expert on wage policy (an exceptionally dubious prospect), the included quote would still have no use in the context of his claims. McCarthy merely restates the very same claims, albeit sarcastically. A claim is not supported by repeating it. Or digging around on FOXNEWS (News with “Full Release”®) to find some other guy repeating it.
But I don’t really believe @23 lets Kevin McCarthy do his thinking for him. Or even FOXNEWS (News with “Full Release”®). And that leaves us to conclude that he does not post in order to engage, persuade, debate, or to illustrate his perspective, because he literally almost never posts anything other than claims without support in any form of reasoned argument. Just naked claims. Over an over and over again. So there you have it.
He’s a troll. QED.
Aw, why won’t you people look at the bright side?
Rerun @ 23,
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh another left wrong moron appeared! And your side doesn’t claims without support in any form of reasoned argument? Just naked claims?
Seems to Puddy your side screams for $15/hour pay scales yet when it affects ObummerCare and the effect is very apparent, Kevin McCarthy is a liar and a charlatan, eh? Or as Puddy surmises the gig is now up since Scary Land Deal Reid can’t cover for Obummer anymore by burying House legislation in the Senate. Now the real costs of ObummerCare and $15/hr wages paid will be very apparent for all to see this year!
How about the naked claim from Lee in the Civil Liberties Roundup thread discussing an Oklahoma hoodies law which was proved patently false on Monday yet PMSNBC, Daily Kooks and TPM claimed the proposed law had “hoodies” in it? And Lee chose to write about it until Puddy clued him in to the fallacy of the post?
ABSOLUTELY no naked claim there from the left wrong mouthpieces your side uses everyday? Nosiree! Just worthless facts per your argument above!
Do tell? Whodathunkdat? Sux to be you!
Hey, looks like the tea party (notice I respectfully didn’t call them baggers) might finally have one good idea. Sounds crazy but at least it is pro solar.
Fuckin losers and whiners. Grand Ole Problems. They fuck everything up and complain when it has to be cleaned up.
Why, after all that has happened, is there no coordinated effort to defeat the Jihad?
Barrack Insane Obama
Many experts use the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, to diagnose mental conditions. This manual is also used by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment.
DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:
•Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
•Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
•Exaggerating your achievements and talents
•Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
•Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
•Requiring constant admiration
•Having a sense of entitlement
•Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
•Taking advantage of others to get what you want
•Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
•Being envious of others and believing others envy you
•Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence, it’s not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.
@38 LOL! That’s bears a striking resemblance to Obama Derangement Syndrome..
Keep on hatin’ hater!
re 38: Thanks for your pointless and inane commentary. It’s a real confidence booster for us other dumbos.
“Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.”
And projection is a Psych 101 thing and Republicans fuck goats. You should know, buddy, that I copyright my jokes. I’m calling my lawyer, but only because your use of my work is so damned lame. In other words, humor supposed to be funny. Odd, that none of you seem to get that.
“Why, after all that has happened, is there no coordinated effort to defeat the Jihad?”
If you’re talking about America’s Right-Wing-Extremist-Christian-Fascist-Jihadists, good fucking question!
It’s not like I ever sued Puddy for borrowing my stuff. The difference is, he’s funny! Crazy, sure. Some even say batshit insane. In fact, come to think of it, I think I was the one who said that. But he’s damned funny!
Oops! Oh, hi, Puddy!
38. Don’t just copy and paste and imply. Put some facts and examples to each of your bullet points proving your opinion. I’m not holding my breath.
New Troll,
Cutting and pasting the same cut and paste and cutting and pasting it in multiple threads. Made a valid point or not capable of original thought?
It’s a quiz.
What I cut & pasted was the experts definition of Narcissism. I believe Obama passes the test on every point. That is my opinion as if it wasn’t obvious.
We have a problem America.
“What I cut & pasted was the experts definition of Narcissism.”
How narcissistic of you to think that, after a cut & paste, you’re somehow qualified to offer a diagnoses – and from afar. What’s next, read a magazine article and believe you’re ready to perform open heart surgery? Putz.
46. In other words you got nothing
@38 sounds like twittering lip cry baby John Bonehead, aside from his emotional instability.
@46 yeah the problem is the GOP = the Grand Old Problem Party.
Get rid of the GOP and the problem is solved.
The ‘American’ problem is stupid fucks like this mental midget here.
Did he forget that this horrible person somehow duped a majority of the electorate into electing him TWICE to the Presidency? The second time with a larger plurality?
Just because the Republican cowards, liars and thieves in the US House of Representatives can’t bring themselves to do anything other a) than attempt 51 times (or is it 52?) to repeal a health care law that has allowed MILLIONS of HIS COUNTRYMEN and WOMEN to get to visit doctors before they get deathly ill and have to go to ridiculously expensive emergency care and b) bleat endlessly about the tragic deaths of four Americans in a dangerous foriegn outpost at what turns out to be a CIA ‘Black Site’…seriously, this dude seems to forget that almost 4,000 American citizens died on US SOIL because a sitting President and his advisors IGNORED warning and clear evidence from the preceding national security team.
The cokehead, alcoholic Air National Guard deserter who couldn’t put two coherent sentences together (still can’t) and who thought it was just great to blow about THREE TRILLION US DOLLARS on a useless, immoral war because he wanted to be a ‘war president’ like his daddy is a much better candidate for your ‘narcissist description.’
‘stop your f***ing whining’ should stop his fucking whining and go back to stroking his pistol.