I cut my blogging teeth covering the contested results of the 2004 gubernatorial election, and I’m particularly proud of the legal analysis I provided throughout the court proceedings. And so for today’s installment of the The Best of Goldy, I’m linking all the way back to February of 2005, when I essentially called the case for the Democrats, four months before Judge Bridges ultimately dismissed it with prejudice: “Stick a Foulkes in it, this case is done!”
Go back and read Judge Bridges’ decision and I think you’ll find that I was not only right, I was right on the money. But the real eye-opener for me was going back and reading the comment thread. My comment threads have always been a nasty place, but I was surprised by the amount of substantive conversation that actually took place back then. Makes me a little wistful. And all the more ready to clamp down on abusive comments from all sides the ideological divide.
How many acorn workers have gone to prison just in King
county? 10,000 fraudulent ballots or possibly more. What
a disgrace the democrat “culture” has become. Look
at Hillary just today “hiding from the gunfire”. What a
piece of shit.
Here is a serious question about universal health care in the USA. What I am talking about here is basic, but including preventive care. No frills (cosmetic surgery, vanity procedures, etc.):
Should anybody in the USA not have the right to “basic” universal health care?
Should poor people and unemployed be left to “go it alone”? Children of poor people and unemployed? Pregnant mothers who happen to be poor people and/or unemployed? Who should be in, who would you like left out?
Who should the government mete out medical care for and who not?
I don’t know if you have the time to do it, but if you took some control over the comments, you could have something in them worth reading. I read your posts regularly, but only one time in a few months do I look at the comments because they are so dominated by a few excessive and/or angry guys. I’m afraid you contribute to the their bad tone with some of your language, but at least you’re sometimes funny and the commenters aren’t.
1 – How many lies can one wingnut tell and how many places can one wingnut jump in just a few sentences?
Total horseshit!
queball: ever heard of medicaid?
Maybe you should rephrase your question as: “Gosh, since Medicaid has been around for 40 years, and is meant to cover all the poor people I asked about, how exactly is UHC supposed to make things better for “Children of poor people and unemployed? Pregnant mothers who happen to be poor people and/or unemployed?”
I guess the key phrase here is “meant to cover”. Do you think it does? If so do you think it does “cover” well?
Thanks for responding.
Also, should anybody in the USA not have the right to “basic” universal health care, do you think?
Mark @ 1
“How many acorn workers have gone to prison just in King
Try…um…zero. At least one individual who was charged and convicted did some jail time, but no prison time (Reference).
“10,000 fraudulent ballots or possibly more.”
No…try ZERO fraudulent ballots. (They were making up names to register, not for political purposes, but for personal financial gain—see the above reference).
What a disgrace the democrat “culture” has become.
Hardly… the case was about a few dishonest workers stealing from Acorn.
“Look at Hillary just today “hiding from the gunfire”. What a piece of shit.”
THAT’s the worst you have? (*snicker*)
GAWD…you wingnuts really redefine the term “sore losers”!
“And all the more ready to clamp down on abusive comments from all sides the ideological divide.”
Why would you want to do that, Goldy? Abusing Republicans is a public service. It’s our patriotic duty. The more Republicans we abuse, and the more we abuse them, the better! Abusing Republicans is the lifeblood and purpose of this blog. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it for the greater good! No Republican should be left unabused. Abusing Republicans is as necessary for our survival as eating or fucking! If we don’t abuse Republicans, they will multiply and eventually choke out all other lifeforms.
@3 “I don’t know if you have the time to do it, but if you took some control over the comments, you could have something in them worth reading.”
There’s no empirical evidence of that. All rightwing blogs are heavily censored, but there’s nothing in them worth reading.
“Look at Hillary just today ‘hiding from the gunfire’. What a piece of shit.”
When I was in Vietnam, hiding behind something when there was shooting was considered sensible.
5 At the moment the most acute problem is those who might have previously been lumped in something called the “middle class” who are working, have some assets but are uninsured or under-insured. A lot of these people and their families are, as one physician put it, “one major health crisis away from bankruptcy”.
A lot of people who are insured are seeing more and more of their income sucked into increasing premiums and copayments.
As those so poor they don’t have much to lose…well, so far there are still “good Samaritan” laws in effect that prohibit a hospital ER from tossing a “gomer” out on the curb to die without treatment. However, in some places (Los Angeles being one) some of the private hospitals are pushing the limits as far as they can, and the insurance industry is lobbying like hell to get the good Sam rules abolished.
The rich, as Bill Buckley once wrote, “can look after themselves”.
Goldy, one solution might be to put something in place like Phil Kaplan used to have with F*ckedcompany.com–a “crap filter” switch by which a reader could choose whether to read every comment or be spared those that are repititous, off-topic or from known harassers.
@ 15
Wow! I’d love to see that. So many times I’ve thought this place should be renamed to “Puddy’s Personal Blog”. Also wonder how much positive advertisement Darcy Burner gets by having her name associated with a troll blog, should people google? Hey, JMO.
Roger Rabbit, at least, usually produces useful or interesting history and/or entertainment.
Hey PU – (is that a reference to your wife’s nasty snatch?)
Anyway – the Governor of New York and Senator Obama are just following in your hero George W. Bush’s footsteps.
Baby George has a DUI to his credit and significant evidence points to regular coke abuse by the idiot during the time he was AWOL from the National Guard.
Of course, let’s not forget the rest of the Bush family’s long-standing substance abuse problems…
The Twin Bush whores were cited for illegal drinking – twice that we know of…
Brother Neil has been arrested so many times for possession that they lost count…
And then there’s Bush’s niece – Jeb’s daughter – serving time in prison for her sixth drug offense.
If drug use disqualifies a person from holding office – the GOP better get impeachment on their mind – cause old George is next.
Probably a good time to remind that lying piece of shit Rossi that the only fraudulent votes found in the election were cast by republicans – that according to the republican judge – in the republican county – in an election administered by a republican Secretary of State! Whew!
And speaking of fraud – Rush (Viagra) Limbaugh might be in trouble. Looks like he induced 16,000 republicans in Ohio to violate the law. There is an oath required on the ballot in Ohio that must be signed under penalty of perjury, stating that voters are a member and supporter of the party for which they vote in the primary. Since comedian Rush told them to sign it anyway, he could be going to jail (again) for trying to get his fellow criminal republicans to do what they do best, which is commit crimes!
Rule of law my ass!
If Senator Clinton was hiding from gunfire – how does that compare to George Bush hiding under his mother’s dress rather than going to do his duty in Viet Nam?
That supposed liberal MSM bias in action. To quote Drumm, “What window do Democrats go to to get the same treatment the press gives McCain?”
FricknFrack barfed: “Wow! I’d love to see that. So many times I’ve thought this place should be renamed to “Puddy’s Personal Blog”.”
This old lady has lost it. Go back in the last month and count the number of PuddyFacts vs PuddyComments vs Pelletizer pellets or Clueless Idiot blatherings. Many times these 16%ers forget the PuddyFacts (Pew Poll) and I have to repeat it over and over cuz you like others have an attention span of 24 hours!
What is that crack you smoking?
What is that weed you rolling?
Is your Prozac failing you?
Are the nitrites messing you up?
Or is it OCD?
You didn’t answer my lady question I asked. Do you remember it? It’s been more than 24 hours.
Talk to the hand!
BTW FricknFrack: I take on all 70+ identified and 18+ duplicate names of headless lucy all the time. I call them as I see them. Puddy figgered out for example ByeByeGOP is RightStillStupid AKA Left Turn; harry poon, irv kupicet, winston smith, col biff, sempersimperer, etc. are all 24/7 hater headless lucy; or Killatroll is Tree Frog Farmer; or For the Clueless is Your Clueless Idiot (YLB).
Since it’s just PU, JBD, Marvin, Piper, cmklich, Puddy, rob, george, mark, mark the redneck-XXXXXXX, the real mark, mark1, zip, I-Burn, Politically Incorrect and a few others you’ll see more of our posts as we answer to all cummers.
Butt that’s lost on your “mind” too. Pun intended.
Goldy, your blog was more interesting to read before it became dominated by off topic and abusive posters. Roger Rabbit for one, seems to have little to offer other than to hurl abuse at anyone who disagrees with him. It’s not uncommon to find a thread where Mr. Rabbit posts so many successive comments that the whole discussion breaks down. You really need to tell some people that enough is enough already.
FricknFrack: Maybe Eliot was looking for some new ideas.
Interesting, the kink of lefties….
And donkey dirty tricks….
Yes, that’s how we on the right learned how it was done…
It is here again! That damn stray cat! Will someone call animal control?
Stupes – Vitter the Shitter and Happy feet Craig still have their jobs.
Interesting the kink of hypocrite right wingers.
Goldy: Remember all those decades of Democrats taking the high road and trying to respond reasonably to often rabid, screaming Republicans on such venues as ‘Face the Nation’?
I sure do.
I also remember when, after the 2006 Democratic victories, some right wing news-tool on one of the major networks was officiously(and loudly)quoting Rush Limbaugh about how the Democrats had best tread softly on the poor Republicans — or there would be Hell to pay.
Liberal commentator Cliff Schechter said something to the effect that Limbaugh was nothing more than a “drug-addled gasbag” and no one was bound to listen to the likes of him.
I had never seen a liberal speak that way to a Republican news-toady before — and I never saw them shut their pie-holes so quickly.
“The only way to beat a knave is with more knavery.” Niccolo Machiavelli
Keep that in mind when we are dealing with the trolls on this site.
From another thread (which was not an open thread):
The Terrorist also said this:
And this:
And this:
To which I responded with this:
After all that, and in direct response to my comment linked above, the Terrorist brings up Greenspan here:
Interestingly enough, in one of the comments linked above, the Terrorist chastised rhp for wandering off topic. But, it’s OK for the Terrorist to bring up irrelevant trivia.
I pointed out that this was irrelevant trivia here:
And, after a bit of goading, the Terrorist barfed up this little gem:
Yet, now the Terrorist claims, “All I said was Greenspan said some stuff.”
Note that I lambasted the Terrorist’s argument here:
In that thread, the Terrorist’s final response was this:
At this point, no further comment is necessary. The facts speak for themselves.
Dem.: “Senator Vitter wore a diaper, crapped in the diaper like a baby — and paid a whore to watch him.”
Rep.: “Oh, yeah? Well, Elliott Spitzer fucked a beautiful young prostitute, so Democrats do the same thing.”
It’s not the same thing. And I will point that out every time.
And don’t forget the wingnut (closeted gay – but is there any other kind of wingnut?) who died of autoasphyxiation, and was found wearing: (2!!) wetsuits, (1) pair rubber panties, lotsa rope in an auto-bondage/asphyxiation configuration and, most importantly, (1) large dildo in his rectum.
And this in a state where ‘sex toys’ are illegal!
Larry Craig has reported that he has a wide – stance.
BREAKING: NBC is reporting that Ohio election officials are looking into charges that GOP members illegally voted in the recent primary. As many as 16,000 republicans votes are being investigated.
Tell me about the rule of law now stupes! (I didn’t coin stupes originally but I like it!)
Dave Reichart is about to get some help.
Lord knows, he needs it. He barely squeeked by a novice challenger in the last election, and this year the challenger has name recognition on her side and a proven ability to get the votes. He hasn’t been able to match her in fundraising, even with the advantage of incumbency and after bringing the First Lady out to speek at a major fundraiser. His district is trending towards the Democrats, and he doesn’t have much in the way of accomplishments to show for his four years in office, other than “serving on committees”. He pleades with his party to give him a minority seat on the appropriations committee, because he really, really, needed it, but was shut out, ticking off the guy who controls Republican Congressonal campaign funds in the process. Speaking of which, the controller of those funds is facing a criminal investigation for embezzlement and misuse of those funds, and it appears that there won’t be much available to help Republican House candidates this time around.
Yes, Reichart needs a break, and he needs one badly. And he’s about to get one.
Hollywood has made a movie about Reichart, with Tom Cavanagh in the role of “Sheriff Dave”, the catcher of the Green River Killer.
Now it won’t be shown on ABC, CBS, or NBC. It won’t even be shown on HBO or Showtime, or even TNN, Spike TV, or A@E, or THC, or even MTV. Instead, it will be shown at 8:00 p.m. Sunday on Lifetime Television for Women.
But at least that will give lots of opportunities for Sherriff Dave to give interviews about how he caught the Green River Killer after sixteen years of police work, and to remind people that he’s a Congressman now.
In checking the IMDB profile for the movie, it seems to indicate it is a mini-series, rather than a movie. And although there are prominant starring roles for Dave Reichart and his wife, the killer himself doesn’t seem to be portrayed (did I miss it?). But they do have a role for someone playing “Ted Bundy”??????
The executive producer is Stanley M. Brooks, who’s other production credits include such lofty cinematography achievements as “Sordid Lives, the Series” (currently filming); “Confessions of a Social Climber (2005); “Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss (2004); “Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Three’s Company (2003); and “Jailbait” (2000).
Hmm, posted twice about Dave Reichart’s movie, but no comment appears yet for either one. If I end up with duplicate posts, my apologies.
Jennie Tlazolteotl: Why are you not discussing the Seattle guy from McDimWitt territory who went to Enumclaw to get a wide stretch?
BTW Jennie: You didn’t answer my lady question I asked. Do you remember it? It’s been more than 24 hours.
@32 ByeByeGOP why are you always so concerned with the activities of homosexuals, closeted or otherwise? Especially, if they’re Republicans… One might begin to suspect that you’re fantasizing an encounter with a gay Republican, or something.
Stupes – what about this baby raper?
Your holy than thou “party of virtue” is anything but.
re 35: “…the Seattle guy…” is not (or, was not) a sitting U.S. senator. Whether he was Democrat or Republican is anyone’s guess.
The problem with you is thast you ‘conflate’ (look it up) dissimilar things and say they are the same.
35 Ignore him, Jennie….he’ll quiet down once the drugs kick in.
Welcome to the Bush recession
LiquidFartArt: Sorry bub, I don’t do drugs. Psychodelics are something leftist pinheads do.
How are those racetracks?
First of all iBurn saying republican homosexual is redundant – secondly – you must be admitting you think republican Senator Craig is a liar. All I said was he reported that he had a wide stance. YOU then brought up homosexuality. This tells me two things…
1) You’re infatuated with all things GAY
2) You believe your pal Craig is a lying piece of shit homo
Of course, having seen your VERY ugly wife, I can see why you went gay.
re 35: Did you ever stop being a drug-addled gasbag?
17 It gets a hell of a lot worse than that. Anyone who’s had to deal with chronic alcoholics (unless they’re delusional wingnuts) can’t help but recognize Bush as having that slightly shaky, sweaty-faced demeanor of someone who’s sneaking a belt every half an hour or so to ward off the DT’s.
And let us not forget all the anecdotes about Brother Neil’s trips to southeast Asia for some very, very underage nookie. I wonder how many times John Miller’s gotten close to his pathway only to have someone from the black-suit-and-dark-glasses crowd take him into a corner and tell him to lay off or else.
Racist24/7@38: Was Jennie’s reference to that guy a senator?
You conflate a conflagration in your head. Maybe the single cell organism you call a brain is malfunctioning 24/7?
BTW Per Your Clueless Idiot, writing about Craig or Vitter is taking orders, so no more will we be discussing them…
Racist24/7@43: Again read it slowly. Don’t do drugs. Now take a good whiff of whatever bong-of-the-day you are using and return to the classroom!
@42 “saying republican homosexual is redundant” An opinion you haven’t been reluctant to share. Therefore your comment was meant to highlight Craigs’ supposed homosexuality. So the one infatuated with Gay Republicans is obviously you.
Whether Criag lies or not is not something I’m going to lose sleep over. I wouldn’t expect truth from a politician, any more than I would expect integrity, honor, or truth from you.
Finally, since you don’t know me, or my wife, you’re talking out of your ass, as usual. But thanks for playing, anyway. Come back when you have a few (dozen) more IQ points and we’ll try it again!
ByeByeLeftTurd: At least we all have a wife. You can only dream, since:
1) Women want men with testicles – Yours are missing
2) Women want men with brains – God did you justice on purpose
3) Women want men who’ll take them traveling – Lake Chelan doesn’t count
4) Women want men who can use multisyllabic words in sentences – Jury still out on you
5) Women want men who can take care of business – Did they find your penis yet? – Earthworms don’t count
6) Women want men who respect them – Haven’t seen a single post where you respect women
7) Women want men who recognize their mental qualities – You are mentally deficient
8) Women want men who don’t call other women ugly unless they agree with the assessment – You call women ugly sight unseen
9) Women want men who give them security – McDonalds doesn’t count
ByeByeLeftTurd: I remember you claimed to fire people who didn’t agree with your politics. Hmmm… must suck being around mental midgets all day…
I-Burn how can you expect truth when you’re simply incapable of knowing what truth is? You’re a fucking republican. It’s not possible for you to understand truth or tell the truth. So your lies about me knowing your wife are easily explained. She’s very intimate with me. When I get done fucking that nasty whore Puddy married, I visit your wife for sloppy seconds. Get used to it.
Hmmmmm I see we have a LOT of homo-phobes on our side here! And regards to that guy molesting kids, old news and he is an EX lawmaker. So guys is the “meeting” on Rainier near Columbia City at the Taqueria still going down? Or who is a no show?
The surge is so awesome it has destroyed Iraq.
@50 ByeBye GOP “Get used to it”. You mean like you’ve had to get used to being the stupidest person in the room, wherever you go?
Oh, and btw, generally guys who brag about getting with other mens wives, are either virgins, completely terrified of the opposite sex, or are so repulsive that the only sex they get is the kind that comes out of a tube of lotion. I know which one I’d vote for in your case, sport.
Hannah: Puddy leaving now… I have a long drive. Hope to meet you in person. PacMan will show around 11:30…
GBS see you lata!
re 46: You are the racist, Bre’r Rabbitt. You stated that you will vote for Obama strictly because of his race — even though you disagree with him politically. You refuse to denounce the fact that the Republican administration of S. Carolina flies the confederate flag, and you will not denounce Ronald Reagan for starting his presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Miss. — a town whose only claim to fame is that 3 civil rights activists were brutally murdered there — and no one ever paid for the crime.
You are not just confused, you are morally corrupt.
I-Burn Rosy Palm and her four sisters and her ugly step mother is BBG’s only actionable form.
Wow! CBS harpooning Hillary? What’s up with that??? How come they’ve stopped covering for her?
So which is it? Misspoke or lied?
“During a speech last Monday on Iraq, she said of the Bosnia trip: “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”
Claiming she just “ran” with her head down? Video shows a COMPLETELY different account, not a MINOR blip!!! And if it was soooooo dangerous, why was her daughter with her? Get her Obama campaign!
Howling Commando Hillary lit a cheroot, but didn’t inhale. She flipped the smoldering match into the vast conspiratorial darkness of the transport and snapped a live grenade off her Sam Browne belt.
“Now listen up, you dinks,” she growled, glaring at Crow and Courik. “It’s bad down there. Snipers. Staging area filled with infillading fire. Almost as bad as our deployment to Seattle in ’94 when Kirby’s Krazies took the high ground at Westlake. KKKVI, Gunny Godden called ’em.”
Hillary flipped the grenade to her other hand, pulled out the cheroot, and spit. “So here’s what we gotta do, dinks. Corkscrew through the flak and hit the ground running, just like always. Then we rendezvous at the camera battery. Courik knows where it is. Any questions, dinks?”
i-burn do you know how to get bye bye gop and three of his fag friends on a bar stool.tip it upside down. they love it
Profit Jeremiah Wright was born a poor black child on the mean streets of racist AmeriKKKa. Senator Obama and Dave Ross (dross@bonneville) said so, so it must be true. That’s why Wright has some retro ideas and some unreconstructed attitude. He saw Jim Crow when Jim Crow was cruel.
Actually, Wright grew up in Germantown, a yupscale part of Philadelphia that was closer to Philaburbians Goldy and Lee than to Philadelphian Puddy. Wright chose to go to yupscale Central High, about 95% white and about 80% Jewish overachiever.
So …
One of the, well, regrettable, side-effects of the current administration’s saber rattling regarding Iran’s nuclear program is that some very real human rights issues tend to get ignored. In particular, persecution of Baha’is has been on the upswing over the past few years, recently including harassment and abuse of school children.
There is currently a house resolution that’s been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Relations. Two questions are relevant here. 1) How long be for Rep. Reichert lends his support to this resolution; and 2) What are Darcy Burner’s views regarding these kinds of abuses and when the US Government can do to counter them?
@62 – looks like NONE of our reps have lent any support to this bill yet.
Hannah the concern troll – it’s not the gay sex or even the kinky sex with prostitutes that’s the issue, it’s the hypocrisy.
The holier than thou attitude of losers like Stupes. Here’s Stupes’ record:
Election contest: lost
I-912 (revenge of the wingnuts): lost, took a year to settle his bet with GBS.
Mama-beater and woman abuser Irons: lost
Nov 2006: lost
Such a loser he’s joined the Obama bandwagon, a guy who is MORE PROGRESSIVE than
Ted Kennedy
(aaaah, grabbing my throat, air! air!)
(cue the gory horror scene music!)
It’s a fact.
writing about Craig or Vitter is taking orders, so no more will we be discussing them…
Interesting the kink of right wingers.
Got new for you, 62: Iranian persecution of Baha’is has been going on for years. I met a Baha’i guy back in the 80’s here in Seattle who was from Iran. When I asked him why he moved from Iran, he said to keep from getting killed! This is not new. Repeat, this has been going on for years!
And regards to that guy molesting kids, old news and he is an EX lawmaker.
Gee I hope so!
YLB – Call me a troll all you want….always voted dem, voting dem again this campaign, hmmm must be a troll ….ROTF LMAO! And Obama has the power to unite this country rather than tear it apart as GWB and alot of the Congress and Senate have done for years! (including this past year) I hope every single one of them is replaced this next round!
Most your posts say the same thing…MORE LIBERAL THAN….Ted Kennedy
(aaaah, grabbing my throat, air! air!)
But USUALLY you are saying that about McCain????
Here’s a another list for our concern troll who thinks Republican hypocrisy – the kind Stupes loves to ignore – is no big deal:
Republican “Family Values”:
* Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
* Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
* Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
* Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
* Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
* Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
* Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
* Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
* Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
* Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
* Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
* Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
* Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
* Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
* Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
* Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
* Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
* Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
* Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
* Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
* Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
* Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
* Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
* Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
* Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
* Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
* Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
* Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in
* Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
hmmmm, I think there may just be a trend here …
Lesson: Always be weary of those who claimeth to be holier than thou
Puddy you’re leaving now for Drinking Liberally? I sure hope so. While you’ll be early -it will give you time to consider what a bitch you really are.
@69-Be careful what bait you give, this is a long list of bad reps, but we all know there is also a long list of bad dems. Go ahead and add fuel to the fire for the right wingers to attack! I think anyone and everyone who touches a child in a sexual or physical abusive way should be hung personally, butit is happening on both sides of the fence and it seems politicians get a less severe punishment than the average Joe.
@70 – I think he left for the 11am meeting on Rainier you guys discussed this last weekend…Is someone bringing a camcorder? Have Goldy put it up when it’s all said and done! :)
re 71: If there is a long list, then post it so that we can compare it.
Hannah for every Dem you can find that was charged in a court of law for a sex offense, I can find two Republicans – care to play?
@73-74 That’s my point, we start opening the proverbial can of worms and the fact finders will produce a list…all I did was type in Democrat List into google and just as typing Republican List, you find a slew of bad dems…I don’t wanna start the fire for the fact finders.
@74 – weren’t you and GBS meeting Puddy today?
I had lunch with Puddybud, no one ele showed.
Puddy keep disbelieving.
YLB @ 69 – that is me, one self righteous bastard Republican.
@ 66
Got new for you, 62: Iranian persecution of Baha’is has been going on for years.
I don’t recall saying that it hasn’t. As a matter of fact, since the inception of the Baha’i Faith, persecution in Iran has ebbed and flowed over the years. The persecution hit a peak not long after the 1979 Iranian revolution, and, in recent decades, it had subsided due to international sanctions and pressure.
I do recall saying that the persecution has escalated recently, and I think this is due in no small part to the saber rattling that’s been going on regarding Iran’s nuclear program. The focus on Iran’s nuclear program has taken a good bit of focus off Iran’s human rights violations, which doesn’t do very much good for the folks who have to live through the persecution.
@14 Artfart
Thanks for your thoughts, but should anybody in the USA not have the right to “basic” universal health care, do you think?
This is not a trick question. I’m just taking an informal poll.
Hannah, GBS and I were in Columbia City for lunch at one of the assigned locations, and no one else had the cojones. At least PacMan called and said he was tied up. Anyway GBS travels with Ben Franklin on his dash of his Porsche and he saw my Detroit Muscle.
ByeByeGOP is a pussy. Just like we thought he’d be.
Clueless Idiot: Calling me a coward when you set the standard?
Where was your punk ass at noon? GBS and I were looking for a large crowd.
ah hahahaha knew it!
Detroit “STEEL”, Puddybud, Detroit “STEEL” how many times do I have to tell you?!?!
Was it just me, or did you notice all the black people in that neighborhood, too?
@83 C’mon now Puddy, they were too busy to make it. Important jobs, and all that, you know… Afterall, you can’t just leave the drive-through window whenever you want to…
I-Burn that waaaaaaaaaaaaas funny.
Hey, don’t throw me in the mix with your beef with BBG.
I didn’t predict he’d be a no show, nor did I call him a pussy. Like I said as were leaving, I just came down the watch the battle in Seattle, then have lunch.
There’s nothing like watching two guys go at it old school in a parking lot. Especially, in a parking lot where you know NOBODY will even attempt to break it up. That’s why I like “ghetto” rules — they’re easy to remember. Baddest man wins. Period.
What’s weird is that’s the second time I’ve had lunch with you and somehow I managed to keep my meal down without ralphing.
GBS#86: Si mi amigo! Yo me sentía muy cómodo!
GBS, I predicted he’d be a no-show. Remember what I said at lunch. BTW you didn’t even notice I dropped 20 from the last time we met.
I’m really a nice guy. I lived the ghetto life. I know what it’s like to be poor. I know what it’s like to scrape by.
BTW remember I asked BustedBoyGoofball for ghetto rules. I had sometin spekshul in de Detroit STEEL, and it wasn’t the standard fare!
@ 90:
Good point, there were lots of His panics, too.
Where were all the fucking white people??
Sheeeez, I was practically an island of white in all of that “color.”
Damn GBS, next time they’ll show up on my dime…
Hannah, I was especially looking to meet you. I saw two ladies come through the area while waiting for GBS and I thought one would be you.
Anyway next time GBS has something spekshul to say to you…
@ 91:
Sorry, I wanted to say something, but I didn’t want to offend you. If you looked behind you, you would have found the weight you lost! Bam!
I noticed. The real reason I didn’t want to say anything is that I didn’t want you to get all buttery for me. I can’t afford to be your Sugar Daddy! Boooom!
Somebody stop me, I’m on a roll!
Actually, I’m glad they all didn’t show up. I forgot to get extra cash and I only had $90 bucks on me.
So what did you have in your Detroit Steel? A Mac-Daddy?
Where was I at noon? Otherwise occupied. I don’t recall being
invitedordered to appear before “Kingbud”.Clueless Idiot: It was an open invitation. No one orders a Clueless Idiot, cuz they are too Cluless being an Idiot.
GBS suggested the place. It was very “open”.
Picking your nose?
Scratching your ass?
Doing a mac-daddy crotch grab?
Diddling yourself?
GBS: Just a large engine standard gas guzzler, like MTR-XXXXX brags about. Last one I had I used premium gas tout le temps and plugged the converter. That was a one-time freebie replacement. You got to see mine. Both sons drive super-charged.
I may get 16 when I’m not winding it out. Last engine review the valves were clean. I use those once a year engine additives. I can get them to float clean at a certain high tach RPM which I usually do once a day when I drive.
GBS: I love dem Detroit pistons.
Hey GBS I saw nine white people the whole time I was there.
Still waiting for FricknFrack and Jennie Tlazolteotl to answer my question too. Probably a cold day in hell (wasn’t it cold in Seattle recently?) before they’ll fess up!
So let me ask the 16%ers here a question. Why is it y’all want me to answer your questions yet when I place one on this blog, few dare to venture into the PuddyDen of Debate?
Yeah, those Detroit Pistons are OKAY, if you’re going from Point A to Point B.
But, if you want to get to Point B first, and in style, you’ll want to develop an appreciation for percision German engineering.
Once you go rennsport you never go back.
“few dare to venture into the PuddyDen of Debate”
PuddyDen? Do you really have to ask why nobody wants to go in the PuddyDen?
C’mon. . . a blind, one-armed retard could hit that softball over the Green Monster at Fenway.
You saw nine whities? On foot?? Drive-by honkys don’t count. I didn’t notice any white-boys, besides me, at that table.
Although, I have to say, while you are a black man, there’s looks to be a little cream in your families cup of coffee in the past.
GBS: You forgot what I told you my family history is…?
Think Aegean Sea!
GBS: Two white guys were there.
Did you forget the one who sat next to you?
Did you forget the one working the material in the truck next to us with the red beard who ordered just before we left?
Here I thought you were driving to Drinking Liberally and it turns out you concocted some scheme to try to save face Puddy. Too bad. I’ll be at the next drinking liberally showing off pictures of your ugly wife’s snatch, calling her a whore and talking bad about you and your whole family. Will you have the stones to show up and defend your wife’s honor?
@ 106:
Yeah, I remember, it’s just fun to say a little cream in your family’s cup of coffee.
The guy next to me didn’t speak English. So he’s not in the WASP club.
I did forget the guy working with the rental truck, he was definetly in the clan.
BBG @ 108.
Nahhh, we were pretty clear about meeting in Rainier Valley at the Taqueria bus. I would’ve bough you lunch, too.
Shit, man, I hate being the only white Lib to show up in the “hood” for lunch. Well, actually, I don’t. I eat at that Taqueria bus and the other one north of there frequently.
Hey, Puddy, at the corner of Rainier and McClellan there’s a Thai restaurant. Good eating there. It’s more on the edge of the hood and not in the thick of it. Maybe a few more folks will show up there.
GBS, the white guy in the red corolla who sat next to you later. I saw it as I was driving around. Yes we could do that someday…
GBS, I have a bud who you’d like to meet. My height but twice as thick and it’s all muscle. Sweetest guy you’d ever meet until BBG says to him he’d do his wife. The movie title was Gone in 60 seconds. BBG would be gone in 3 seconds.
Ask PacMan about Chuck!
GBS: Being clear the BBG is like talking to a wall. All you hear is the echo of your own words.
Shit, even Hannah gave him the threads.
No one orders
Could have fooled anyone the way you hand out orders around here.
C’mon Stupes let’s hear ’em.
Command me to denounce HL! What’s the tally up to?
Got any new news orders for Goldy, Darryl, Lee or any of the others?
Let’s hear the latest edicts from “Kingbud”.
Hey Puddy, what’s up with ByeByeGOP @ 108? It appear that the Brother has been watching too much snoop doggie dog!!!
Hey ByeByeGOP, what’s the deal man…too much porn in your life – or perhaps not enough? Hey Puddy, here’s an idea! Let’s invite chuck to the next drinking liberally so he can show ByeBye a few pictures of his snatch!!!
PacMan @ 115:
WOW! I expect that kind of filth from Puddy, but you?? Pictures of his snatch, indeed. Picture me giving you the shame sign with my two index fingers.
Puddybud & PacMan.
You know, you two really bring out the “bad” in me. I mean two black guys with a friend named Chuck?
Why do you torment me so? Why do you toss out such huge softballs for me to hit???
I mean, sure I don’t want to make the obvious racial jokes, but you hardly leave me any choice in the matter.
Why do you think Charles Barkley goes by Charles??
Dudes! C’mon, do me a favor will ya? For God’s sake, do your Vanilla brother from another mother a favor and call him Charles or Charlie, but not Chuck.
What a sewer.
GBS: People like BBG bring out the ghetto in every black man.
GBS, you’ll like Chuck! You’ll never have to watch you back with Chuck except for the debris field.
PacMan: Maybe we should invite Trenton too. Another baaaaaaaaaaaad duuuuuuuuuuude. Whadyathink?
GBS: He doesn’t like Charlie and Charles is only for his close friends.
You too could be close friend GBS. He’s really a nice guy.
So when I’m talking shit about your wife Puddy – you’ll be tuckin your tail between your legs like a good lil GOP coward. See ya – wouldn’t want to be ya.
hahahahahaha BBG got caught bailing out????
GBS and Puddy….so nice to see NORMAL conversation between two grown men here! :) You two have made me smile today! Thank you! I wish I could’ve escaped my 6×6 cell (cubicle) to meet you both! And CHUCK???? Hey my uncle is white and gooes by Charlie and Chuck! :)
@122 BBG, thank you for continuing to prove your utterly loathsome personality with your disrespect for the wives of those with whom you disagree, and women in general for that matter. You do the left proud. Even better, such a repulsive creature as yourself is unlikely to find anything with which to reproduce. So eventually you really will improve society, by simply dying. Cheers!
Hey GBS @ 117: When you meet the guy youll see why we call him chuck…with a lower case ‘c’. However, I would not recommend you call him chuck. You know, it’s like me using the ‘n’ word with my friends while you listen with disgust. It’s all good.
Puddy @ 120. That’s not a good idea. Chuck and Trenton in the same room may be too much for our brother of another mother. But then again we may have a black president so folks better man up!
PacMan: Let’s make this meet GBS at lunch a general occurrence. He needs to meet our friends if Barack makes it to the big house. GBS will need to expand his horizons. We will invite chuck first then Trenton second and then chuck and Trenton together. Hence GBS will not have shock and awe done to his mind…
@ 128:
I’ve been in my fair share of sticky stiuations. If you two say chuck and Trenton are friends of yours then I’m up for expanding my racial horizons.
BTW PacMan, it looks like we’re going to have a bi-racial president. I don’t know why you don’t want to acknowledge Barak’s mother who raised him and gave him his core values, but . . . well we’ll just have to finish that conversation over lunch. With chuck and Trevor.
Although, I have to admit, 4 against 1 isn’t very fair odds. Do you have a couple of more firends? That should even things up. LOL.
Hey GBS @ 129…surely you’ve heard of the 1% rule which state…and I am quoting “The one-drop rule is an historical colloquial term in the United States that holds that a person with any trace of sub-Saharan ancestry (however small or invisible) cannot be considered white and so unless the person has an alternative non-white ancestry that he or she can claim, such as Native American, Asian, Arab, Australian aboriginal, the person must be considered black.”
Of course in today’s society this is quite outdated but just the same….I didn’t make the rules dude! However, In the spirit of brotherhood I will acknowledge his mothers role and recognize him as a multi-racial candidate. I just wish he was republican, but that’s another story.
Hey GBS @ 129
I do have quite a few white friends. Unfortunately they don’t know they’re white. I’ll have to prep them before we meet! This may help level the playing field and even the odds a bit!
Hey Puddy @ 128
If Barak makes it to the white we’re bringing all our home boyzs – at the same time!! We’ll exclude OJ…I mean, you know…we don’t any trouble!