This week’s Birds Eye View Contest doesn’t even have wild-ass guesses yet. I may have to post a clue for this one.
UPDATE: Also, if you haven’t already seen it, check out Joel Connelly’s column on Rick Steves’ marijuana conversation initiative.
by Lee — ,
A list of GOP cowards…
a. George Bush went AWOL and wouldn’t fight in Nam
b. JohnBoy McCain gave in to torture and told the NVA where to find our troops in Nam
c. Puddy talks shit but is afraid to back it up in person
@ 1:
Shit if, and when, you and Puddybud are gonna throw down, be sure to let me KNOW!!
Seriously. I want to be there.
Puddybud, down Rainier Valley near Columbia City, theres a taqueria bus on the west side of the street. You two mix it up there and I’ll buy lunch at the bus. Mmmmmm . . . good Mexican. Not sure about vegitarian menu though. You know me, meat taste like murder and murder tastes pretty damn good. (credit: Denis Leary — a white Irish guy)
Puddy throw down? The punk wouldn’t show up to save his soul. That’s why his wife likes me so much. I’m a real man.
That piece of shit wouldn’t come out from hiding behind his keyboard for money. He’s like all republicans – all hat and no cattle.
I dunno, I’ve met him before. I will say that he won’t travel alone to be sure. He brings PacMan along with him.
Puddy’s a big sumbitch, to say the least. Yeah, I’d venture to say most people walking down the street would opt not to fuck with him for sure.
I just happen to know his weakness, regardless of his ability to squat 400 lbs.
Got that Puddy? I don’t forget details. Besides, the “story” how you got hurt is pretty funny when you think about it.
“Mr. Cynical says:
I have my eye on a few other stocks…Intuitive Surgical, McDonalds among them.
I take it PI, you are an investor??”
Apparently, you’re a real dumb ass, a liar, or most likely both.
Go ahead, buy that McD’s stock, pal. When you’re stock plunges you’ll wonder why. Maybe you should see what the insiders are doing before you start considering a stock. Insiders have dumped 20% of their holdings or $43 milliom of insiders shares have been sold. The CEO dumped 35% of his holdings. No wonder people like Ken Lay love dumb asses like you.
Intuitive Surgical?? Good God man you missed a 250% + run up this year. How much more steam is left considerng they had a triple top @ $340 from Oct 07 – Jan 08 and a descending Megaphone trendline developing now.
Obviously, you’re not an investor. KEX Aug 08 $60 call option, 2 contracts will net you more profit than either of your two picks will produce, with a lot less capital at risk.
Sheeeez. What an idiot.
Puddy and GBS
Please, let me know when. It’s a bit of a drive for me, but I’d like to see Goldy and the DL bunch again anyway, and that kind of entertainment cannot be bought.
Gotta go. Delegate training tonight.
I just told Puddybud on another thread that I’ll buy lunch for the 1st ten HA posters that show up to watch the brawl.
There’s a Taqueria bus in Rainier Valley that I eat at 2-3 times a month. Good Mexican food – yummmmm.
BBG isn’t afraid and Puddybud feels safer in the hood. It’s all good in da hood.
Fight and feast. Hell yeah. Ought to be a good time no matter who wins.
Bill Richardson has endorsed Obama! Bye, Bye, HRC.
@7 Maybe we could turn it into a riot if enough pukes show up. Then, after the dust settles, we sue the police for brutality.
Hat trick!
Holy crap…I never realized Da Vinci’s Inquest was based on a real character.
Joel’s column is right on, to, uh, borrow a phrase. If I learned he was in the habit of packing some “freeze-dried beer” on some of his backcountry treks, I wouldn’t be at all surprised, nor in the least offended.
GBS @ 7
I’d be happy to show, and split the costs with you. I’ve met one of the rightwingers on our threads, and found him to be not so bad a guy, a guy who I will probably try to have a beer or cup of coffee with in the future. He is, of course, wrong in his politics, but he can at least express himself articulately. Puddy, for all his nonsense, actually seems to have a heart. At least, he is going to vote for the correct presidential candidate, even if our reasons for voting for Obama differ.
Unlike Bill Clinton, I did indeed inhale. Several times. I just never became enamored of weed. Many years have since passed. I do, nonetheless, believe that pot creates far less public hazards than alcohol does. Joel Connelly makes, for once, sense. Our marijuana laws are idiotic. Even most of my rightwing friends (okay, there aren’t very many of them) agree with that.
My workdays are spent listening to variations on the theme of “poor me” from those convicted of DUI. I am graced with accounts of police having nothing better to do than pick on them, how “candy-assed” or repressive our society has become (because its not okay to guzzle suds and weave around the public roads like they’re a collection of bumper car tracks). And I get to be the emotional coathanger for those whose instances of “poor judgement” have destroyed families and futures.
Pot? I’ve my share of friends and neighbors who are incorrigible weed hounds. Every now and then, when they muster enough energy, the tunes can get a bit loud.
I believe anyone so-inclined should be able to poison their bodies in the sanctity of their own home, without fear of government involvement.
I believe education and solid parenting should be employed to prevent deliberate or casual introduction of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana to those still deep in the enculteration process.
I believe there are more DUI instances involving the influence of alcohol than the influence of marijuana for the simple reason that there are more legal drinking establishments than there are legal pot smoking establishments. (Try finding one in the Yellow Pages.)
I believe we’re responsible to society for our actions.
I believe I’m going to have myself a nice period of self-medication here at home, unless someone can reasonably explain how doing so will infringe upon their right to the pursuit of happiness…
I say good for Condi calling up Obama and apologizing for whatever bureaucratic crud happened in getting his passport info snooped into.
But wait—did he act classy and apologize to HER for attending a church where she was called “CondaSKEEZA” and “CondaMNESIA” for no good reason? I sure hope so. She’s looking like the bigger person. And the more serious one.
Senators Demand HUD Secretary’s Ouster
“Two Democratic senators said Friday that Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson … should resign. Sens. Patty Murray … and Christopher Dodd … sent a letter to President Bush urging him to request Jackson’s resignation.
“Jackson has refused to answer questions about his role in a Philadelphia redevelopment deal. The city’s housing authority has filed a lawsuit charging that Jackson tried to punish the agency for nixing a deal involving … a friend of Jackson.
“At a subcommittee hearing last week, Murray repeatedly asked Jackson about … allegations of wrongdoing, including an investigation … triggered by Jackson’s boast that he once revoked a contract because an applicant said he did not like Bush.
“The inspector general … found what it called ‘some problematic instances’ involving HUD contracts and grants, including Jackson’s opposition to money for a contractor whose executives donated exclusively to Democratic candidates.
“Murray said she offered Jackson a chance to ‘debunk any misunderstandings and clear his name.’ Instead, ‘Jackson stubbornly refused to provide the answers the American public deserves,’ she said. Dodd … cited reports … that Jackson advised his senior staff to take political affiliation into account in awarding contracts ….
“Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said he was troubled by Jackson’s refusal to answer questions ….
“Murray said her subcommittee funds every dollar spent at HUD. ‘We have an obligation to … see … those dollars are administered without corruption and favoritism,’ she said.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....crats.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: According to Wikipedia, Jackson is also being investigated by the FBI, a federal grand jury, and federal prosecutors for conflict of interest involving a $127 million redevelopment project in New Orleans that Jackson awarded to a company that has financial ties to him. In addition, Jackson allegedly lied when he told Congress he wasn’t involved in the awarding of HUD contracts, and is being separately investigated for allegedly arranging “lucrative housing work” for 2 close friends.
Another fucking GOP crook who is violating the Hatch Act by using his office to punish political opponents, and is stealing from taxpayers to fatten his own and his friends’ wallets.
Another Rat Leaps Off Sinking GOP Ship
“WASHINGTON — Rep. Thomas Reynolds, R-N.Y., … [became] the latest member of the former GOP leadership team to step down in the past two years. Reynolds is the fifth departing member of the Republican leadership team that ran the House with an iron fist for 12 years until Democrats took control in the 2006 election.
“His decision was another blow to Republican chances against Democrats, who appear likely to widen their majority with more than two dozen GOP seats coming open this year.
“Twenty-nine House Republicans have said in the past year they will not run for re-election, have decided to seek another office or have simply quit midterm. …
“Republican retirements and money woes have created the chance for Democrats to go beyond the ‘modest to double-digit gains’ currently forecast, said Nathan Gonzales, political editor of the Rothenberg Political Report, a nonpartisan newsletter … some Democrats are talking about making a serious run for up to 50 House seats now held by Republicans. …
“The situation is also troublesome for the GOP in the Senate, where Democrats are confident of picking up … seat[s] … and … Republicans have failed to recruit top-tier candidates to challenge Democratic senators ….”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....oes21.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Democrats are certain to strengthen their hold on both the House and Senate. Crucial, though, is winning a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate so President Obama or President Clinton can pass comprehensive health care reform. With Republicans falling like tenpins, it’s possible.
2009 is also likely to see the office of president occupied for the first time since the 2000 coup which installed the current dictator.
The Oval Office has been vacant since 2001, which is obvious from the wreckage of America surrounding us.
17 – I remember that guy was really full of himself in 2004 running the nrcc.
Times sure change!
“CondaSKEEZA” and “CondaMNESIA”
That last one’s pretty good. I’ve always liked KindaLiesALot.
That’s okay GBS – I’m a big son of a bitch too and I don’t need back up. Anyone who runs their mouth as much as Puddy is just light work for me. He could bring King Fucking Kong with him for all I care. Bottom line – the bitch won’t show because he’s a cunt and a coward like all the GOP assholes.
Posted March 19, 2008 | 01:11 PM (EST)
There’s a reason why Hillary Clinton has remained relatively silent during the flap over intemperate remarks by Barack Obama’s former pastor, Jeremiah Wright. When it comes to unsavory religious affiliations, she’s a lot more vulnerable than Obama.
You can find all about it in a widely under-read article in the September 2007 issue of Mother Jones, in which Kathryn Joyce and Jeff Sharlet reported that “through all of her years in Washington, Clinton has been an active participant in conservative Bible study and prayer circles that are part of a secretive Capitol Hill group known as the “Fellowship,” aka The Family. But it won’t be a secret much longer. Jeff Sharlet’s shocking exposé, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power will be published in May.
Via Drudge, today: Carville compares Bill Richardson to Judas. Obama aide compares Bill Clinton to Joe McCarthy.
And on Thursday, Bonnie Erbe compared WA Democrats to Florida Republicans … disfranchisement, intimidation, long lines at the Feb caucuses.
Looks like our rightwing brand is working jus’ fine, since all of you are becoming us or your feverswamp wetdream caricature of us. Just say to hell with the preening and posturing, come out, and vote McCain.
Hey BBG: Just for you, I’m clearing Tuesday after 11:00AM. Name the time.
GBS: Yes, that story is funny. I know the location. I’ll bring PacMan so no one will back draft me.
Hey, Happy Easter.
Tuesday after 11am works for me for the Battle in Seattle.
GBS: Looking forward to seeing you again.
#9 Roger Rabbit says:
Sounds good to me. You don’t mind if we don’t use your legal services but instead hire a real attorney do you?
Where did ByeByeGOP disappear to?
I think he’s all ASShole, HorsesASShole that is!
Hey Goldy, where did the resident blowhard disappear to?
Maybe he’ll morph into another resident blowhard.