Another in our exciting lazy new series, The Best of Goldy: “Goldy responds to the Republican Governors Association.”
See, here in the other Washington, we have something we call “laws,” which are written by democratically elected legislators, not half-witted, cirrhotic PR hacks like you. And according to our laws, Christine Gregoire was duly elected governor. So rather than cynically laboring to undermine the electoral process of a state no Republican governor has called home for over twenty years, why don’t you just focus on something you’re good at… like helping your members devise new and exciting ways to deny poor children health care.
Read the whole thing. Or not.
Not sure why I am up. Bill Richardson has endorsed Obama. Can Edwards be far behind? It is time for the part to decide on a candidate. We can’t wait for the convention. This divisiveness is unhealthy. The time is NOW to unify and defeat the Republican geezer who is straight talking himself right into the old folks home.
Lets unite and make sure he arrives in a timely manner.
erratum: part should be party. I hate doing that.
It is over. It has been for well over a month.
Time for Hillary to go before she does the unforgivable by dividing the party at the convention.
MLF @ 1
I’m betting Richardson has his eye on some plum foreign policy post — or even VP. A guy like Richardson, with a boatload more experience than Obama, could give the youngster some much needed gravitas. Hmmmm… Where have I heard that plan before?
As for Edwards… Puh-leeeez endorse Obama in as public a manner as possible! In fact, see if you can weasel your want onto the ticket. No better way to ensure an McCain victory.
busdrivermike says:
“Time for Hillary to go before she does the unforgivable by dividing the party at the convention.”
I’d say that’s exactly what the Republicans are hoping for. As long as Hillary is not the winner in 2008, I could care less who gets elected. I’ve already made up my mind to write-in my candidate of choice.
Does anybody out there knows why China has occupied Tibet for so long? Why do the Chinese give a rip about Tibet and the Tibetans? It’s just a small, dinky little country high up in the mountains between India and China. Is is Asian racism because the Tibetans are slightly different from the Han Chinese (the vast majority of China’s racial composition), or is it for military reasons to have Tibet as the gateway to invading India some day? What? I just don’t get why the Chinese would give a shit about Tibet. but they should get the hell out of Tibet no matter what. Just like we should end the Iraqi adventure.
Hmmm… In thread #4489 Bye Bye GOP and Blatantly Obvious were having a love fest over the Obama Passport files.
Now it looks like an ex-Clinton appointee managed State Department Office where Obama’s passport files were illegally accessed
Keith Olbermann breaks the news…
From an earlier rambling presentation of ByeByeGop – RightEaualStupid & Blatantly Obvious – Chadt: See thread #4489
Looks like it’s Blatantly Obvious Blatantly Obvious & ByeByeGop are blatantly obvious ASSholes.
Nuff said!
Roger Rabbit–
I told you when I bought Wells Fargo earlier this week at $27.25…
It closed yesterday at $32.55.
Almost 20% profit in 3 days!
Did you listen to me Rog??
NOV has been pummelled.
Remember, the typical White Hippy loooooosers on this site don’t know jackshit about money & investing. You need to listen to a focused Conservative for investment advice.
It’s ironic Rog, that while the economy is supposedly sooooo bad and the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are ranting about meaningless BS, guys like me are sitting here making profits by researching & RISKING CAPITAL!!
In the meantime, the PINHEADS bitch & moan.
Hope you keep your eyes open and investment capital ready to plunge. America is a great country!
You know normally the Clintonista machine goes for the jugular when a enemy candidate is having issues. But I was wondering why the DustyJames candidate was mum on Wright. Now I see why.
Another PuddyFact to remember.
Wright’s a dead issue. Americ’a s moving on to the next dead white woman. Eagle ray, was it? Shocking!
Mr. Cynical,
You can make a lot of money by buying distressed stocks, but it’s a risky endeavor. A lot day-traders used to be around, trading in and out of stocks all day long, adding to volatility. Most of them have come to the conclusion that buying and holding is a better strategy than sitting at a computer all day trading in and out of stocks on the NASDAQ.
Studies have shown that buying and holding works about 2/3 of the time without taking undue risk.
Now this is FUNNY.
Since Larry Flynt offered $1Million to Dupre
why shouldn’t Eliot get some bread?
Daddy Love: Really?
I read other things from you DL. The Clintonistas are already busy.
Research the July 22, 2007 Pastor Wright Newsletter…
Last time I checked – Condi Rice – Bush whore and confidant – managed the State Department and for those like Puddy who didn’t get past sixth grade – the State Dept. is in charge of passport control.
Another example of why the right wing fools vote GOP. They are just too fucking stupid to figure out what’s good for them.
Obama in FLorida July 22 2007.
Proving that Puddy is probably just completely unfamiliar with anything resembling a fact (could that be because he walks around 24/7 with a large rubber dick in his ass?), Condi Rice – Bush whore and confidant has apologized to Senator Obama.
Guess this further debunks that it’s Clinton’s fault.
So BBG@14, I guess Keith Olbermann is no longer a source for you? You used to use MSNBC as one of your RightEqualStupid attack vehicles.
Now you are throwing him and MSNBC under the bus? Just can’t accept truth when it hits you in the eyes?
How is that 8th grade ass-fukin coming along BBG? Still taking it there?
Of course she has to apologize you imbecile. Still doesn’t detract the office manager was a Clinton person. Gosh Bush didn’t fire all those Clintonistas after all!
Daddy Love I said stay tuned!
Wow the MSM is not printing this?
Who is the nation – friend of Mumia Abu-Jamal – cop killer. Looks mighty lefty to me when you see the authors list!
19 P
Why, is WorldNetDaily running a special?
Dustin James is a McCain troll.
@8 Cynical: If you don’t think the economy is bad and getting worse, than your claims to be a financial wizard are full of it. It is possible to make a profit in down times – but to say the economy is NOT in bad shape – well – you just lost any credibility.
Where were you three months ago?
I was going on back then about the basics of the economy being bad:
Record budget deficits: Are all the republican trolls deaf on this???
Record trade deficits: ditto
Record oil prices: thank you Iraq!
Subprime fiasco (just a blip, many a conservative commentator said: WRONG!)
I took most of my money out of the stock market 4 months ago and reinvested in oil and alternative energy and some bonds – had most of it there for the past 4 years anyway.
With Bush in office – I had to expect record profits for oil companies and we got it – Exxon has twice set the record for profits for any company in history.
I trust in republican greed….and the lack of free enterprise in the oil industry.
When Condoleeza Rice apologizes for the lies about mushroom clouds, 9/11 and Iraq – then she will have some credibility. Until then – her apologies mean nothing.
Of course they flagged Obama’s passport – he has a Muslim name (snark) and a Christian minister (more snark).
The relentless savaging of Obama on the right wing radio and the mainstream media that I listen to during my commute is amazing. They cannot get anything on him, so they are attacking him unmercifully through the people he is next to. According to them, he’s a Muslim, he a radical black, he’s a communist, at the same time. They cannot get him on his ideas, so they attack his character.
If we do get a progressive into office, I want the fairness doctrine or something with some teeth put into place to counter the unmitigated lies and half truths the conservatives spew.
What kind of anger do you see happening if McCain gets elected. How will non-conservatives take it?
Puddy (at 8:15 AM)
Ok, I read the article, and after filtering out the rather obvious “Clinton is an undercover Nazi” theme, I was left with:
1. Senator Clinton joined a Christian group.
2. That prayer group includes some conservatives.
3. They consider themselves a “family”.
4. They have reached out to people of many political stripes.
I hate to break this to you, Puddy, but Senator Clinton has, all along, stated that she was (and is) Christian. She, along with her husband, both Bushes and a bunch of other folks in government also happen to belong to the same denomination. They’re all United Methodists (as am I).
After removing the vitriol, I didn’t find any fact in that article that was troubling. Did they reach out to foreign leaders with dubious (at best) records? Sure! So did Mother Theresa (and people have tried to make a big deal of that, too).
Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners. I don’t like Senator Clinton (our shared denomination notwithstanding) but the fellow that wrote that article was really grasping at straws. He appears to be one of those folks whose whole life revolves around politics, and cannot comprehend that even politicians sometimes do things without a political motive.
DL@21, apparently digging is not your forte. – WND was led to it by Clintonistas on other locations seldomly frequented by the 16%ers here.
Yeah, can you beleive those Nazis who host the National Prayer Breakfast–openly?
26 P
I didn’t dig. How hard was it to know your conduits?
24 Blue John
Yep. Guilt by association– the conservatives’ favorite propaganda technique.
An eye opener!
@30: Thanks for the link Hannah.
Over 13 billion/month on Iraq
Record budget deficits
Our economy in ruins
Record oil prices
and what do we get after 5 years there:
A country that is fragmented
Millions of refugees
People we worked with have to leave for their own safety
4,000 troops dead
30,000 troops injured
somewhere between 3-800,000 Iraqis killed (who knows)
Millions of refugees
Electricity that STILL doesn’t work
al qaeda now in Iraq (they were not there before)
No political progress
they like Iran better than us
they still can’t protect themselves
A war that has lasted longer than WW2
Are we safer? NO
Was Iraq ever a danger to us? NO
Did we support Sadaam for years – as a counter to Iran? YES
What an incredible waste of lives, money and effort – for what?
John barelli: I got this from the Nation – some of the more left wing material, applauded by 16%ers
“Goldstein has been published in The Nation” from HA itself.
@31 – that video really puts the cost of the war into a new perspective! How great our country could be! But then again, who’s to say our government wouldn’t blow that money elsewhere rather than schools, child health care or education?
InCorrectnottobright: You can’t use Hannah’s material. She’s a troll per many 16%ers here.
Search Hannah Troll
Ok, a bit more news.
Apparently all three major candidates for President have had folks snooping in their passport files, and nobody over at State thought anything about it.
My opinion of the competency of our State Department has been reinforced.
And, it appears that this may be nothing more sinister than the culture of incompetency that permeates the entire Bush administration.
Let’s see. Back in the 90’s, there was a huge flap over people snooping into then Governor Clinton’s passport files. A multi-million dollar investigation is conducted and an automatic system of notification is enacted for whenever a “high-profile” person’s file is accessed. A procedure is implemented that requires the Inspector General of the State Department to investigate any potentially unauthorized access.
Then, the data input supervisor/night janitor decides that it really isn’t that important.
My military experience tells me that this kind of lax supervision tends to stem from the top. A good Captain runs a tight ship, and the Sailors on that ship know what is expected of them. Mistakes are occasionally made, but rarely the same one twice.
A poor Captain may have good officers, and in that case, the folks in that Department or Division will stand out as exceptional. Overall, the ship may run poorly, but the areas with good officers will still work well.
Or, we occasionally get a poor Captain with incompetent officers. (Not surprisingly, good officers try to get assigned to ships with good Captains.) In this case, nothing works, fingers are continually pointed at others, and whole hosts of problems, often seemingly unrelated, continually plague the ship. Any small problem is expanded into a crisis, and a real crisis becomes totally unmanageble.
Wow. Does this sound familiar?
“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity” Robert J. Hanlon (often ascribed to Heinlein.)
Oh, and while double checking that quote, I ran across another (from a pre-Nazi German General) that I liked, and since it’s an open thread, I thought I’d share:
Whatever you may think about their intelligence, the Bush administration is certainly industrious.
Incorrectnottobright: Your hero has admitted failure so far…You need to call him and uplift his spirits. Remember Nancy pelosi hasn’t reauthorized the wiretapping so your call will go unmonitored…
“I have failed to liberate Iraq, and transform its society into an Islamic society.” – Moqtada al-Sadr, Asharq Al Awsat newspaper, March 8, 2008
PI @ 6:
Good question. After scanning Wikipedia, it seems that a lot of people have invaded and/or occupied Tibet over the centuries, with the PRC only being the most recent of which. The British, Russians, and Indians have also occupied and/or sparred over the territory with with each other, as well as various Chinese governments. I guess you could consider Tibet an Asian analog to Sicily in some respects.
From what I read, it seems that the PRC ‘liberated’ Tibet shortly after defeating Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists in 1949, with the Dalai Lama fleeing ten years later. Something about reasserting historic claims on the area. This has also led to border clashes with India. And the Dalai Lama is at odds with the Tibetan Government-in-Exile that he’s the titular head of over attempting to reach a dialogue with the PRC over Tibet’s future status. Apparently the DL is willing to allow Tibet to remain a part of China so long as the Tibetan identity and culture is preserved.
And is it me, or is this ‘Government-in-Exile’ vaguely reminiscent of those Cuban groups so desperate to overthrow Castro’s Communists, though I wouldn’t be surprised at all if I learned that some of their leaders were children when their families fled, if they were even alive at all back then?
@34 – :) thinks like a dem, votes like a dem…hmmmm must be a troll. LOL! You hit that on the head Puddy….ask “k” from 3 threads back.
Looks like the hits keep coming for Pelletizer’s favorite Ohio place Cuyahoga County…;coll=2
Something missed in the article. Heilary and Barack supporters were calling Repubs asking them to cross-over vote since McCain was gonna win the Repub primary.
What will they do now…?
I love Wired:
The last paragraph is very telling…
Hannah, don’t worry you are NOT a 16%er.
That’s why idiots like Cornell Liberal Arts educated “K” take you to task.
Geraldine Ferraro resents being lumped in with the Rev. Wright in Obama speech
Looks like ByeByeGOPs other family tree branch is up to it’s shenanigans again…
You can’t hide from Puddy BBG!
I know I can hear ByeByeGOP say it:
It was just a blow job!
Jennie, Hannah, Horse Whisperer, Frick&Frack, etc. is this true?
Obama: “My grandmother who fears black men is a “typical white person””.
Do white women typically hate us Negroes?
Story for you. My son and I walk the mall. I usually wave to the little kids in strollers or being held by the parents or hand held by a parent being a father. My son is trained to watch for the handbag clutching, shift from our near shoulder to the far shoulder, cross the street in the parking lot and listen to the doors being locked, etc.
So I really think Obama’s right. Liberal white womens are fearful of black guys wanting to get into the wallets and panties. I personally like lace ones.
Now if you think Obama had a brain fart above saying white womens are trained to dislike us Negroes…, is this any diffrent than ByeByeGOP castigating McCain on Al Qaeda in Iran?
Just asking… After all a mistake is a mistake… And McCain corrected himself…
This just in!!!
First, you have to remember that “The Daily Breeze” is hardly an important national news source. I lived down there for several years. Locals tend to call it the “Daily Fart”. I suppose that I could counter with quotes from the “Santa Cruz Sentinal” which was so left-leaning that even we lefties used to call it the “Slanted News Sentinal”.
Which brings me to another point. You mentioned that your information in an earlier post comes from “The Nation”. Fine, glad to see you’re expanding your reading base. Keep doing so, as you will also expand your reasoning ability. We’ll make a liberal of you yet.
(Just so you know, it’s ok to be a “pro-life” liberal. I know several.)
But, my potential new liberal, remember not to fall into lockstep with any writer or pundit. True liberals don’t fall into that trap. While I may enjoy some of the writers, it doesn’t stop me from reading an article from a noted liberal and thinking “this one is full of something, but it isn’t wisdom”.
So, just because it got published in “The National” doesn’t make it either true or well-reasoned. As I noted, the writer of that article was grasping at straws, and it showed.
I see lots of good reasons to prefer Senator Obama over Senator Clinton. I don’t need to misrepresent her religious views in order to do so.
#46 Pudding dick:
Actually, someone whispered in his ear, and gave him the correct information.
It is going to be great watching Sen. Dorf Airbus slowly slipping into senility during his presidential campaign.
You fascists are so screwed!
@ 45 – Puddy, I feel I am NOT fearful of the black man or woman…I have a few friends who themselves are african american. Anyone who treats you and your son like you describe, is despicable! Hello people it is 2008! Like the crap going on at Bethel High….SICKENING!
Hannah, so it looks ByeByeGOP is even more an ASS along with his Blatantly Obvious ASS buddy…
Thanks, this make my day…
I won’t be posting much today. Puddy’s sister and wife asked me to take them to a hotel where we’ll have a wild three-way.
Hannah, thanks. But I’ll wait for the more 16%er wing to respond…
Horse Whisperer, Jennie Tlazoteotl and the wise owl Frick&Frack. If I missed any other 16%er womens please step up and regale me what you do when you see one of me coming along…
BYEBYEGOP is referring to RosyPalm and RosyHand, his left and right thoracic attached appendages.
Waaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa……
Uhhh…not only have we not had a gov who’s been even nominally a Republican for a long time, but the last two we had who were officially members of the GOP would qualify as radical leftists under the standards of the neocon fascist whack jobs who’ve taken over the party.
Hell, they probably wouldn’t even like Arthur Langlie.
Oh, and Hannah?
Old news. The look into Senator Clinton’s record was during a training session, where the participants were told to pull up their own record, or if they didn’t have one, the record of a close relative.
Some joker pulled up Senator Clinton, alarms rang and said joker was immediately told that it was not appropriate.
One of the folks looking into Senator Obama’s record also pulled up Senator McCain’s record.
I put quite a bit of thought into a comment about this very thing earlier in this thread. Look around 9:41 AM.
While I’m an Obama supporter, I doubt that this is some sort of conspiracy. Certainly it needs to be investigated carefully, preferably by someone outside of the State Department, but my thought is that it is more a case of incompetence and lack of effective supervision throughout the State Department.
John Barelli I’ve always read left-wing pukage. How would I know how to attack your Clueless Idiot when he would post without attibution something “pithy”
Remember take the test, take the test… Oh it’s fake?
@53-Puddy, it is sad these experiences you have, and even I, as a white woman, see others react the same way. I just cannot believe this is our society! This stuff at Bethel High outrages me! What in the hell are these parents teaching their children???
Daddy Love: Here is more evidence Wright ain’t going away… Clinton’s surrogates are pushing it.
Spew whatever. Just remember when another explosive story appears and I’m guessing the 7-22-07 date another PuddyFact will be remembered.
See ya.
@56 – John…totally agreed there is no political motivation, last night however there was a lot of accusations by many claiming political motivation. Now with the news today that both Obama and McCain records were breached, that rules out political motivation I would think.
Puddy it’s hard to tell if you are being sarcastic or not.
More examples: I’m white. My grandmother from Texas, was a closet racist. The underhanded stereotypes she casually muttered bothered me as a child, I was told that nobody was supposed to use words like that. So I get Obama’s use of his grandmother as a reference point. But it seems the overt racism is getting less with each generation.
However, my parter is a very dark black man. I can go blissfully around a store and then my partner will point out that security is watching him. When we are crossing the street, when I am with him, I hear doors lock. When I’m by my self, I don’t. The unease of black men is still out there.
Listening the conservatives on the radio, stress that he’s the BLACK candidate, and go as close the line as possible to imply to the audience that he’s NOT like US, and we should fear him, I am enraged.
Blue John: Sarcasm… Nope… It’s the left who tells us we’re one big happy family yet the stereotypes remain on your side.
Since you all are crowing Obama is on black candidate your side (wanna see the google links) and not a righty candidate, I want to know why do these stereotypes still live among liberals? And the crap on the radio of Obama being a black candidate… I remember the Magic Negro coming from your side Blue John…
Is that too hard of a question for you to comprehend?
Erratum eruption…is a black candidate on your side…
I love when people try to reason with pudding dick. The Republican fascists learned long ago(around 1942, when they were traveling the world) that the way to fight reason is with fear and racism.
So go ahead, make your well reasoned arguments to this bigoted ilk, while they laugh at you to another election night victory.
Or, you can get in the mud, and call Puddingdick what he is…a bigoted, racist, torture lover who gets his talking points from a drug addicted radio personality. BTW, he is also for the war on drugs as long as it keeps putting minorities in jail.
Pennsylvania Poll:
Near the end…
For Obama supporters, 20 percent said they would vote for McCain if Clinton wins the nomination.
For Clinton supporters, 19 percent said they would vote for McCain if Obama wins the nomination.
Some brand loyalty in my home state…
Oh and NOW – Bush whore and confidant Condi has a brilliant idea – let’s claim ALL the candidates passport records were breached – that will make it look like we weren’t going after Dems. What a crock of shit. Why the delayed revelation? Why not tell the world about this all at the same time? They clearly made this story up as cover and once again – the Go along Get along Dems are willing to buy it because they just don’t understand how dirty the GOP really is. Time to fight fire with fire girls.
pusdrivendype@64: In my book you’ve only made sense twice here on HorsesASSHoles, and I forgot what they were because the 99.99998% time you are posting 16%er garbage. The din is too loud,
I can’t listen to anybody when in the cage dipstick.
The Cage – A Faraday like device created to keep out spurious telephone and radio signals from a computing center…
And you don’t know shit about me turdball.
Uh… Not quite. I doubt that there is political motivation, but it isn’t “ruled out”. The person looking into Senator Clinton’s record appears to be a completely separate, isolated incident. The folks looking into Senators Obama and McCain have yet to be explained, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find that it is simply another example of incompetence in the current administration.
(You should also remember that when Senator McCain’s record was accessed, he was not exactly the right wing’s favored candidate.)
All of these still need to be carefully examined, by an independent, outside investigator, with an eye for political motivation. The current State Department has hardly been even-handed politically.
As to the pundits implying conspiracies, well, that’s what pundits do. Inflammatory statements draw viewers. I love watching Keith Olbermann, but he’s not exactly unbiased. He’s done everything except replace his background picture with an “Obama for King!” poster.
And the rest of the news outlets were pretty reserved about the whole mess.
66 Agreed. Condi’s blathering about this is a crock. In view of the evidence that the Bush gang have claimed the God-given right to tap all our phones, read all our mail, pore over all our financial records, etc. since well before 9/11 when they were pretending to act like al Queda wasn’t even an issue….how could any reasonable person imagine how they haven’t been closely scrutinizing any and all information about potential political enemies?
Typical conservative response. Progressives may not be perfect yet, but at least we are trying. What are the conservatives doing? Lets see, the conservative media has been absolutely unrelentingly vicious in their attempts to spread fear. You conservatives must be proud!
Stupidity abounds with pusdrivendype@64. In 1942 Roosevelt (D) was president,
Secretary of State
Cordell Hull (1933-44)
Secretary of the Treasury
William H. Woodin (1933-34)
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (1934-45)
Secretary of War
Henry L. Stimson (1940-45)
Attorney General
Francis B. Biddle (1941-45)
Postmaster General
Frank C. Walker (1940-45)
Secretary of the Navy
Frank Knox (1940-44)
Secretary of the Interior
Harold L. Ickes (1933-45)
Secretary of Agriculture
Claude R. Wickard (1940-45)
Secretary of Commerce
Jesse H. Jones (1940-45)
Secretary of Labor
Frances Perkins (1933-1945)
Don’t see any “traveling Republican Fascists” on this list.
President of the Senate –
Henry A. Wallace, beginning January 20, 1941
President pro tempore –
Pat Harrison (D-Mississippi), ending June 22, 1941
Carter Glass (D-Virginia), beginning July 10, 1941
Senate Majority Leader – Alben W. Barkley (D-KY)
House of Representatives
Speaker of the House: Sam Rayburn (D-Texas)
House Majority Leader: John W. McCormack (D-Massachusetts)
Don’t see any “traveling Republican Fascists” on this list.
Post #64 is More Pus from PusDrivenDyke!
@ 68 – yes a full fledge investigation needs to be done ASAP. I read Hilary’s was last year by a trainee and Obama and McCain just happened in January and February, both by the same individual. Part of me thinks this was just curiosity, although really idiotic!
We don’t know shit about you Puddy because you’re a timid little girl hiding behind your computer – afraid to come out in public. Why not come to the next Drinking Liberally and try slagging all that bullshit you spew here in front of a live audience? Little easier to be a brave little soul when nobody can punch you in your big fat mouth huh?
Republican cowards, traitors and whores are a dime a dozen – which one are you?
ByeByeGOP: Come to Drinking Libtard!ly? I am a coward?
I met GBS on his terms at his favorite place to eat.
Suffice it to say I ain’t no silly leetle girl. GBS already can attest to that.
So you want to fight ByeByeGOP or is this Left Turd coming back to haunt he? Or is the RightEqualStupid persona. I’m not sure since you lefties have so many posterfaces these days. I need to know who I’ll be facing.
Woooo hooooo I scared.
Ring rules or ghetto rules? Ding!
Pusdrivendyke: I have a response to you 1942 comment. Waiting for Goldy to release.
ByeByeGOP: You prove everyday the left has no tolerance for us whom think right and think people like you are putrid, worthless biomass to society.
So stay well with your woman ass-fukin 8th grade mentality. You are a credit to the 16%er force.
Oh if I did come to Drinking Libtard-like, I’d come with some Rainier Valley hood friends so they can see what you guys look like.
I’ll let PacMan decide if the MLK or Rainier Ave ones are better. Betcha a whole bunch of door locks would be clicking downward when we arrive!
Maybe some would leave Puddy – but I would be right at home. Nothing in Seattle is close to what I went to school in – I am not scared to go anywhere in Seattle. I know african american friends who didn’t want to go in some areas near where I grew up – and they were right. It wasn’t safe for anyone.
Hey, BBG & AF…
You know that thub-thub-thub-thub sound you sometimes hear in the sky? Its one of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy’s black helicopters and they’re gonna getcha!!
Also, the CIA, FBI, NSA and even the NBA, MLB and NFL are monitoring all of your actions. Stop using the phone and the computer immediately!
Puddybud @ 77:
I see you’re pushing your violent racism and misogynistic views again.
Holy Shit! Hillary belongs to a fundamentalist religious group.
“Just when we thought the Christian right was crumbling, Jeff Sharlet delivers a rude shock: One of its most powerful and cult-like core groups, the “Family,” has been thriving and even drawing in Democrats like Hillary Clinton. Sharlet’s book is one of the most compelling and brilliantly researched exposes you’ll ever read– just don’t read it alone at night!”
—Barbara Ehrenreich author of Nickel and Dimed, Bait and Switch, and Dancing in the Streets
Broadway Joe @ 37,
Thanks for the historical analysis. Looks like is mostly some sort of “face-saving” agenda on the part of the Chinese to prove how superior they are to the people of Tibet. Kinda like a bunch of high school kids taking a class after gym class and feeling superior because they’ve all got bigger wee-wees than the new kid in town.
That should read “taking a shower after gym class.” My bad!
BTW, I answered your charges on the “living in oblivion” thread.
Don’t kid yourself, you’re actions paint you as a racist. On top of that your “femiNAZI” comment shows you ARE one blazing hypocrite.
Why is it when a group of people, in this case women, band together to fight for equal rights you feel it’s OK hurl discriminatory remarks, but HOLY SHIT call a black person “nigger” or “houseboy” or “Uncle Tom” and you get all uppity.
But, in your world view when a group of blacks band together to fight for equality it’s all about civil liberties. In your world view you can abandon all your religious principles regarding abortion to vote for the “black” guy. But you’re not being a racist because you’re black.
Feminazi is a term coined by, and overused by, the conservative leaders you vote for. The same ones who appeared before the NAACP to apologize for the Republican Southern Strategy of using race as a wedge issue. Better put by RNC Chief Ken Mehlman say “It Was ‘Wrong’ to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes“.
But you have no problem exploiting gender issues.
How would you feel about the term, ummmm, uhhhh, oh I know! “NiggaNazi”?
You good with that?
Probably not. The opposite end of the spectrum for women’s equality are women who live in environments where they wear burqas and are punished for being raped by a group of men, killed for wearing fingernail polish, can’t drive a car, can be in public without a male relative accompanying them.
Yeah, femiNazi is as funny as NiggaNazi. Keep that in mind the next time you deem it proper to offend 50% of the world’s population.
Ink-stained wretch Maureen Dowd finally makes the big time: one bitchy column in two (2!) big-city “news”papers on the same day same city. “(Senator Obama) may have staunched the bleeding, but he did not heal the wounds. His naive and willful refusal to come to terms earlier with the Rev. Wright’s anti-American, anti-white and pro-Farrakhan sentiments — echoling his naive and willful refusal to come to terms earlier with the ramifications of his friendship with sleazy fundraiser Tony Rezko — will not be forgotten because of one unforgettable speech. …
“He now admits that he had heard the Rev. Wright make “controversial” remarks in church, and that he had a “lapse of judgement” when he let the much-investigated Rezko curry favor by buying the plot of land next to his and selling a slice back so Obama could have a bigger yard.” – Down, Times AND P-I yesterday, take your pick of the white-trash litter.
GREAT! Our police are doing their jobs wonderfully!
He’s been missing since OCTOBER 17th!!!!!?????!!!! It;s now March 21…5 months later and they are JUST now informing the public?
GBS: Always putting things into a “realm”.
What is a feminazi since you chose not to define it – It’s a radical feminist who looks at all things conservative and chooses to attack that which she feels offended by but give a pass and go mute to those same things when a liberal does them to a woman. I have always said these radical feminists are single issue women. The issue is attack Republicans. Plain and simple.
Who is an example – Gloria Steinem. Need I say more? But I shall. When Larry Craig was wide stancing there was a call for his wife to leave his ass from the radical feminist. He is a Republican. Yet when Jim McGreevey said “I am a gay man” – nary a peep from the radical feminists. He is a democrat. There is a double standard. (Notice I never used Bill Clinton for my example) But since I brought him up, none of the radical feminists sided with Juanita, Kathleen, or Paula. They were on Bill’s side. In fact they joined in and called them trailer trash. Yet do you remember Bob Packwood. All he did was try and kiss some women and the radical feminists ran him out of the Senate on a rail.
That’s my definition, not Rush or anyone else.
And from Shelby Steele, yesterday’s WSJ: “Obama’s candidacy is not qualitatively different from Al Sharpton’s of Jesse Jackson’s. Like these more irascible of his forbearers, Mr. Obama’s run at the presidency is based more on the manipulation of white guilt than on substance. … Mr. Obama flatters whites, grants them racial innocence, and hopes to ascend on the back of their gratitude.”
Usual typos. Isht.
Now let’s discuss womens equal rights. I have no problems with womens equal rights. None whatsoever. Otherwise the wife would be under those restrictions. When women seek equal rights and decide anyone who wants to keep their child instead of aborting it is a fool and comes out in public and states such will be pilloried by Puddy.
I support donkoinfanticide. The donkey can do it to cull their herd forever. Hopefully you remove the missing links (Will BBG and Clueless Idiot got through) and the remaining herd will be smarter. What gets me is the attitude we’re right and you’re not.
Then the Idaho Planned Parenthood saying they’ll take money to abort black babies. I posted that link last week. Or the Planned Parenthood office going in under an assumed name because the project was previously rejected by the city when PP applied as themselves.
I get uppity when people like headless lucy come along and make those references. PacMan will tell you in a heartbeat I look at the person’s eyes. If the eyes say they mean it then I react accordingly. In this case the vehemence of the discussion was directed at both of us.
Good try…
So the punk Puddy says he’s not afraid but he won’t show up. Go ahead bitch bring your friends. It won’t help – you and you alone will have to back up your words and if you had the courage of your convictions – you’d show. Perhaps this is why your wife wants to suck my dick instead of your dick. You’re a punk little bitch.
NiggaNazi – Now there is a new term. Go to Urban Dictionary and add it.
Do I like it? no? Will I say it in public? No. But BBG would.
Ahhh yes BBG – Delusions of grandeur. LET ME REPEAT what I told you as RightEqualStupid.
My wife married a real man, one that needs more than two hands. She was not looking for someone like you who would need a 50X magnifying glass just to steady the hand with the tweezers just to find it. Keep dreaming BBG. Dreams is all you got with Rosy Palm and her four friends and ugly step-sister.
A bird wouldn’t know they were pin pricked.
Waaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
You are the best offering of a 16%er seen by all the world. Keep up that attitude. You make Goldy, Lee Darryl, Carl, Will proud.
boys boys boys…such language!!!
GBS: brought up “The opposite end of the spectrum for women’s equality are women who live in environments where they wear burqas and are punished for being raped by a group of men, killed for wearing fingernail polish, can’t drive a car, can be in public without a male relative accompanying them.”
Hmmm… Nancy Pelosi visited Bashir Assad. Didn’t bring up this female oppression dis she? Tried to make GWB look bad. She failed didn’t she. pandered to a misogynist. Yes that’s the ticket GBS. I call them a I see them.
Radical feminists don’t address muslim female oppression. Why? I have many times on this blog. But wait Puddy is a misogynist – per GBS. Wrong! I call them as I see them. Radical feminists keep their mouth shut. That’s a feminazi.
Women in Saudi Arabia want to drive. Where is the radical feminist voice? Women are tortured for not having ht eburqa on correctly. Women are tortured for being in a car with a male non-member. Women are mercy killed. Where is the radical feminist voice. No where. That is a feminazi GBS, plain and simple.
Radical feminists only look at Republican issues. They give a pass to all else. That’s a feminazi.
When you, GBS, decide to look at life balanced then you’ll see it as it is!
You mean progressives are intolerant of people who hate progressives, that think progressives are putrid and worthless?
That would be like gay people being intolerant of straight people who hate gay people.
That would be like black people being intolerant of white people who hate black people.
…The sad thing is, I don’t think you will understand the comparison.
It must eat you up to live in such hate and fear.
And GBS – I used left wing web sites for today’s attacks.
Politically Incorrect says:
“Mr. Cynical,
You can make a lot of money by buying distressed stocks, but it’s a risky endeavor. A lot day-traders used to be around, trading in and out of stocks all day long, adding to volatility. Most of them have come to the conclusion that buying and holding is a better strategy than sitting at a computer all day trading in and out of stocks on the NASDAQ. Studies have shown that buying and holding works about 2/3 of the time without taking undue risk.”
I agree. I am not a day trader. I got all out of the Market last year the 1st time the Dow went over 14,000. I bought back in some Oil stocks for short term plays and then was all out again…until earlier this week when I bought Wells Fargo for a long-term play due to the approx. 4.3% dividend AND appreciation potential.
The economy isn’t great for folks with debt and those who tried to roll real estate and got caught. I’m neither.
But I do believe there is some level of market-timing that IF FORTUNATE can help one achieve better than average returns.
I’ve tried to teach all of our kids to INVEST…not spend.
Hard sell…but they are catching on.
Cars—Depreciable Assets
Toys—Depreciable Assets
Real Estate, Metals & Stocks—POTENTIALLY Apreciable Assets
Long-term Capital Gains====Good for taxes
Short-Term Capital Gains===Bad for Taxes
I did have quite a bit of Short-Term Capital Gains in 2007.
But when I saw the Oil Company profits maturing, I jumped out….including Rog Rabbit’s favorite, National Oilwell Varco.
I have my eye on a few other stocks…Intuitive Surgical, McDonalds among them.
I take it PI, you are an investor??
correctnotright says:
@8 Cynical: If you don’t think the economy is bad and getting worse, than your claims to be a financial wizard are full of it. It is possible to make a profit in down times – but to say the economy is NOT in bad shape – well – you just lost any credibility.
The economy is a personal thing…just like inflation. We all have different Rates of Inflation depending upon how we buy, save & invest.
I’m not a “financial wizard”…far from it. Which is why I don’t generally try to time the market for minor short-term fluctuations. You only have to be correct a few times CNR…to feel YOUR economy ain’t that bad. Comprende?
If you’re going to reference Gloria Steinam, then HELL yes you got to say more — a LOT more.
You don’t get to narrowly redefine a commonly understood term to fit your argument du jour. She’s got a track record on Bill’s dirty deeds. Look ’em up. Along with a lot of other topics.
Puddybud, for once, try this: Stop. Absorb the information before your eyes WITHOUT prejudice. Think. Ponder. Come to an honest conclusion.
Deeeeeeeeep breath. Clear your mind. Remove your “conservative glasses”.
OK, here we go.
Social conservatives = slave owners.
Social Liberals = anti-slavery.
Social conservatives = polarizing races along political lines.
Social Liberals = Civil Rights movement.
Social conservatives = opposed to ERA.
Social Liberals = pro-women’s rights.
Social conservatives = opposed to gay rights.
Social Liberals = gay rights.
Social conservatives = eavesdropping on Americans is necessary.
Social Liberals = gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Feminist oppose conservatives because, as a rule of thumb they are generally the ones who are oppressive to other people’s rights. History bears this out to be true, Puddybud. And you KNOW this, man! (credit: Chris Tucker from Fridays
Puddybud @ 94:
You are FULL of SHIT!
An Open Letter from American Feminists
Columnists and opinion writers from The Weekly Standard to the Washington Post to Slate have recently accused American feminists of focusing obsessively on minor or even nonexistent injustices in the United States while ignoring atrocities against women in other countries, especially the Muslim world. A number of reasons are given for this supposed neglect: narcissism, ideological rigidity, reflexive anti-Americanism, fear of seeming insensitive or even racist. Yet what is the evidence for this apparently now broadly accepted claim that feminists don’t support the struggles of women around the globe? It usually comes down to a quick scan of the home page of the National Organization for Women’s website, observing that a particular writer hasn’t covered a particular outrage, plus a handful of quotes wrenched out of context.
In fact, as a bit of research would easily show, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of US feminist organizations involved in promoting women’s rights and well-being around the globe–V-Day, Equality Now, MADRE, the Global Fund for Women, the International Women’s Health Coalition and Feminist Majority, to name some of the most prominent. (The National Organization for Women itself has a section on its website devoted to global feminism, on which it denounces a wide array of practices including female genital mutilation (FGM), “honor” murder, trafficking, dowry deaths and domestic violence). Feminists at Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the United Nations have moved those organizations to add the rights of women and girls to their agenda. Feminist magazines and blogs–Ms. magazine,,’s Broadsheet column, (which has an edition in Arabic)–as well as feminist reporters and commentators in the mainstream media, regularly report on and condemn outrages against women wherever they occur, from rape, battery and murder in the US to the denial of women’s human rights in the developing or Muslim world.
As feminists, we call on journalists and opinion writers to report the true position of our movement. We believe that women’s rights are human rights, and stand in solidarity with our sisters who are fighting for equal political, economic, social and reproductive rights around the globe. Specifically, contrary to the accusations of pundits, we support their struggle against female genital mutilation, “honor” murder, forced marriage, child marriage, compulsory Islamic dress codes, the criminalization of sex outside marriage, brutal punishments like lashing and stoning, family laws that favor men and that place adult women under the legal power of fathers, brothers, and husbands, and laws that discount legal testimony made by women. We strongly oppose the denial of education, health care and equal political and economic rights to women.
We reject the use of women’s rights language to justify invading foreign countries. Instead, we call on the United States government to live up to its expressed commitment to women’s rights through peaceful means. Specifically, we call upon it to:
–offer asylum to women and girls fleeing gender-based persecution, including female genital mutilation, domestic violence, and forced marriage;
–promote women’s rights and well-being in all their foreign policy and foreign aid decisions;
–use its diplomatic powers to pressure its allies–especially Saudi Arabia, one of the most oppressive countries in the world for women–to embrace women’s rights;
–drop the Mexico City policy–aka the “gag rule”–which bars funds for AIDS- related and contraception-related health services abroad if they provide abortions, abortion information, or advocate for legalizing abortion;
–generously support the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), which supports women’s reproductive health including safe maternity around the globe, and whose funding is vetoed every year by President Bush;
–become a signatory to The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the basic UN women’s human rights document, now signed by 185 nations. The US is one of a handful of holdouts, along with Iran, Sudan, and Somalia.
Finally, we call upon the United States, and all the industrialized nations of the West, to share their unprecedented wealth, often gained at the expense of the developing world, with those who need it in such a way that women benefit.
Katha Pollitt, writer
Marge Piercy, writer
Susan Faludi, writer
Alix Kates Shulman, writer
Julianne Malveaux, president, Bennett College for Women
Anne Lamott, writer
Mary Gordon, writer
Linda Gordon, historian, NYU
Jennifer Baumgardner, writer
Ruth Rosen, historian
Jane Smiley, writer
Anna Fels,MD, psychiatrist and writer
Debra Dickerson, writer
Margo Jefferson, writer
Jessica Valenti, writer
Dana Goldstein, The American Prospect
Karen Houppert, writer
Gloria Jacobs, The Feminist Press
Carole Joffe, professor of sociology, UC Davis
Janet Afary, Middle East historian, Purdue University
And more than 700 more women and men.
Please add your name to this powerful list, and thanks.
Update: You can read the complete list of signatories to date here, and, of course, you’re most welcome to sign the letter at any time.
I’ll expect to see your name on the list by the end of the day. Lest you be a hypocrite, a misogynist, and a racist.
GBS @ 99
Since the subject of women’s rights has come up… READ YOUR HISTORY. Specifically, look up Wyoming, the first state to give women the right to vote. It is a textbook case of how the Democratic Party operates.
The Dem Legislature was worried that all of the Republican-freed slaves who now had the right to vote would vote Republican. So, they passed legislation giving women the right to vote, expecting that they’d blindly follow their white Dem husbands. Ooops! Women voted 2-to-1 for the Republican Party. So, what did the Dems do then? Tried (and failed) to repeal the vote! The GOP governor signed it into law.
There is a long history of the GOP being on the Right (and right) side of civil rights issues. It is only recently that minorities have been suckered in and bought off by the patronizing Left.
The only thing I can give you Dems credit for is the fact that you’ve come a long way from Stephen Douglas (“I do not regard the Negro as my equal…”) to Obama (if The Party of Tammany Hall ultimately allows him on the ballot).
Hate and fear Blue John? Not hardly.
I saw last year’s gay pride parade in SF. Made me wretch. I posted pictures of it and how little kids are subjected to this activity.
I am supposed to say yes, that’s a lifestyle I can live with flaunted publicly? I don’t support the Mardi Gras style either. Women flashing, etc. for beads. Girls Gone Wild is in ByeByeGOP’s video collection not Puddy’s. Porky’s and Porky’sII is in ByeByeGOP’s video collection not mine.
What you do in your own house is not my business. Scream and shout for all I care. But when you try and shove your lifestyle down my throat I object.
Social conservatives = slave owners. – Democrats
Social Liberals = anti-slavery. – Republicans
Social conservatives = polarizing races along political lines. – Old time Democrats & those who claim to jump ship if Obama is nominated
Social Liberals = Civil Rights movement. – Supported by 82% of Republicans
Social conservatives = opposed to ERA.
Social Liberals = pro-women’s rights.
Social conservatives = opposed to gay rights.
Social Liberals = gay rights.
Social conservatives = eavesdropping on Americans is necessary.
Social Liberals = gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
“Mr. Cynical says:
I have my eye on a few other stocks…Intuitive Surgical, McDonalds among them.
I take it PI, you are an investor??”
Apparently, you’re a real dumb ass, a liar, or most likely both.
Go ahead, buy that McD’s stock, pal. When you’re stock plunges you’ll wonder why. Maybe you should see what the insiders are doing before you start considering a stock. Insiders have dumped 20% of their holdings or $43 milliom of insiders shares have been sold. The CEO dumped 35% of his holdings. No wonder people like Ken Lay love dumb asses like you.
Intuitive Surgical?? Good God man you missed a 250% + run up this year. How much more steam is left considerng they had a triple top @ $340 from Oct 07 – Jan 08 and a descending Megaphone trendline developing now.
Obviously, you’re not an investor. KEX Aug 08 $60 call option, 2 contracts will net you more profit than either of your two picks will produce, with a lot less capital at risk.
Sheeeez. What an idiot.
Also, if you’re all gung-ho about human rights, does that mean you’re anti labor union? Or at least pro Right-to-Work?
You DO realize that labor unions go against the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, right?
While you have the right to form or join a trade union if you wish (note that it doesn’t say “obligation”), “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment…” and “No one may be compelled to belong to an association.”
But that doesn’t serve the greater (financial) purposes of the Dem Party, so it doesn’t count. Right?
GBS: That’s great they have web sites etc.
Where is their public face?
Where are they on the evening news?
When the lovely African lady turned French model was found dead in the Parisian river two weeks ago, there was no NOW memorial for her. There was nothing from them as she was a courageous woman.
They sure found their voice for Larry Craig & Mark Foley & Bob Packwood. They find their voice anytime a Republican does wrong to women but they sure have no public voice for Ted Kennedy or Jim McGreevey or even Eliot Spitzer using prostitutes.
Where was their “expertise” when all those lady teachers were fukin those leetle boys? Why didn’t they take them teachers to the woodshed?
Golly GBS I just Googled Gloria Steinem hates Bill Clinton
Gloria Steinem dislike Bill Clinton. Lots of links but not much there on the topic you claim. Now Camille Paglia takes Bill to task. I used Camille in my argument earlier. Maybe you thinking of her. As I said before Google Gloria Steinem and Juanita Broderick and you’ll probably see Stand by your man!
@ 105:
Grow up. Ask Puddybud you really don’t want to get in to a protracted history debate with me. I will mop you up like dog shit on the floor.
You wanna talk labor unions” Start with the Robber Barron era and Laizze faire capitalism. OK?
There were black robber barons GBS?
Puddybud, did you write this at 94??
“Radical feminists don’t address muslim female oppression. Why? I have many times on this blog. But wait Puddy is a misogynist – per GBS. Wrong! I call them as I see them. Radical feminists keep their mouth shut. That’s a feminazi.”
And then what did I post at 100????? Oh, yeah a whole article critizing the media for not acknowldeing the plight that American Feminst bring up, but somehow, the women are wrong.
Are they wrong just because they lack a penis? Is that it?
If you can find one story that they didn’t comment on to your satisfaction, you can openly discrimante against them.
Puhhhh-leassssse. That is the weakaest argument ever just to hate women.
OK, you hate white people because you didn’t comment on a particular racial case that I have yet to define.
Yep, no doubt about it, Puddy hates white people.
gBS @ 107
I shouldn’t pile on. You already have your hands full with Puddy… I don’t see you as much of a challenge anyway. History is on my side.
Besides, I see that you won’t address my post @ 101, so if you’re going to cherry-pick, what fun is that?
Ahhhh, HELLLL Nooooooooo there were no black Robber Barrons.
Back then, the social conservatives didn’t allow blackie to have wealth. Shit man, I thought you knew that.
My point about you, history, and debating me leads to an ASSSS WHOOOOOPIN.
You of all people know that. Bet that ass of yours still hurts. Don’t it.
Real Mark,
That was my point exactly. This is why I hate debating a conservative. You specifically cherry pick a hsitorical event and when I challenge to bring it out to the fuller, broader context of history in this country you go all buttery on me.
Nice try. No cigar.
Go on Puddybud, tell the Real Mark what you learned about racism in this country. Particularly at the time in your life when you were really getting the worst of it, you still didn’t know what was going on in your own community as well as I did.
Now that, is one SERIOUS ass whooooooooopppppinnnnnn’. Man.
When your up for the challenge let me know.
Not now though. I’m going to detail my Porsches this weekend and I’m off to Griot’s.
Notice the pluralism? “Porsches.” As in more than one.
Taqueria bus on Rainer Blvd. You be safe in your hood.
I be eatin good Mexican. You up?
That about as ebonic as I can get it. My brohter from another mother.
Like I said on anther post. You and BBG go at it by the Taqueria bus, I’m buying.
In fact, here’s an open invitaion I’ll buy for the 1st 10 HA posters who show up to watch the brawl.
justBS @ 114
Matchbox cars and 914’s don’t count, son.
GBS GBS GBS. Your post 100 is covered later by me. And… my issue is they write a nice web site, but where are their public pronouncements? Why didn’t they have press conferences? Nightly news shows?
I don’t hate women. I dislike radical feminists called feminazis.
You do what you accuse Real Mark of. You picked one post and skipped my other ones. You zeroed into one part of a post. Then you accuse me of hating women. That is as far from the truth and you know it. This “dilemma” you created can not be put on me.
I like how you write it as social conservatives vs social liberals knowing it was social conservatives were the donkey party.
Real Mark: GBS is not BS’ing on his Porsches.
Puddy, the people that matter KNOW you don’t hate women! After reading this entire thread…I can’t figure out where someone pulled that one out of your comments? Ass maybe?
Hannah, this commentary in #122 will not endear you with the 16%ers.
@123 – Puddy, I know, guess I am asking to get yelled at for not having my head up my ass! As you know and have pointed out, I am far away from the 16%ers. I told a “lynn” over on the “5 more challengers” thread not to take things said here so personally.
I’m sure I will be told again that just because I have always voted dem, am supporting a dem, hmmm must be a troll. :)
Puddy @ 121
Hmmm… Interesting. Wonder what he has in his stable.
Personally, I have kids, so I prefer the four-door, V-8 cousin to his flivvers.
Back to the original topic…
Someone else did a bunch of research on the GOP & Dem history re: civil rights. See if you can come up with a comparable Lefty list…
See: Stop the Republicans: The History of Republican Evil
TRM and PuddyFool are just plain silly.
Political parties aren’t static things. They change with the people running them. New generations – a very different party.
We focus here on the parties of today. Sorry. Republicans have lost their way. They’re so lost they’re practically irredeemable.
The party of Newt Gingrich would be an abomnination to Eisenhower, let alone Lincoln.
Every poll I’ve seen says the voters trust the Dems. The Dems aren’t perfect by any means but that won’t stop them from running the table in November.
Look at all the retirements. They’re running for the hills!
@127 – wow a LOT of history there…I think times have changed in some degree, even though this history even includes this century.
Notice Your Clueless Idiot forgets to write today’s Donkey party would make JFK retch and turn over in his grave.