Wrong. You guys rolled it out way too early, and everyone sees through that shit these days anyway. What worked in ’04 with Dean won’t work now. The media firestorm about Dean’s so-called “scream” knocked him out of the primaries. The little puppy/kitten “storm” over Wright has Obama polling 52% to Hillary’s 45% (CNN Mar. 17) nationally in the primaries.
I am really disappointed in you. I didn’t think you were this gullible. There is no “plan” to speak of.
The plan was NOT written by Darcy. It is the product of a PR firm!
“…[Wired for Change] work[s] with our clients to capitalize on timely political opportunities and quickly build and launch websites and online campaigns. A key to our success is that we identify clever, niche actions for our clients that fit within broader narratives”
They simply took the bipartisan 9/11 Commission report, restated the info with their own spin, added some military bigwig names and… instant foreign policy cred for young, inexperienced candidates!
Note what is actually said: Darcy endorses the plan. It isn’t her plan. She just says she agrees with it.
And, finally, someone should tell former part-time high school econ teacher Marc Laitin, the registered site owner, that an ENDORSEE (on the website’s top nav bar) is one who RECEIVES an endorsement. Unless the “plan” is endorsing the candidates, it should be a List of ENDORSERS. Or, more properly, List of Wired for Change Clients.
Between stunts like this and national “minister eruptions,” the GOP will simply win by default.
Daddy Lovespews:
Mark, the problem in WA-08 is that whaever you think if Darcy’s plan, Dave’s not offering anything except a feeble promise to stop requesing earmarks sometime in teh future. She’ll dicate the terms of teh campaign, and most people want out of Iraq and Dave and the GOP in general are on the wrong side of that.
Win by default my ass. I remember you in 2006. How’d that predicting go?
Things to think about…
McCain won’t release either his medical records or allow the release of POW records during the Viet Nam war. What’s he hiding?
McCain is involved with a lobbyist who may or may not be his lover – but surely is screwing the rest of us.
McCain left his first wife – having an affair – because she was disfigured in a car accident.
McCain is already a proven crook for his involvement in the Keating Five.
We need to go on offense folks. The best that the inbred right can do is complain about Obama’s preacher – once people start talking about the serious liabilities of McCain – that other weak shit the GOP is throwing will pass.
Daddy Lovespews:
Darcy and the other candidaets commissioned and paid for the development of this plan. But you are incorrect when ou say that “There is no “plan” to speak of.”
You shoudl read it. http://burner.3cdn.net/20f4382.....6ibjk6.pdf
It incorporates some of the best ideas from the Iraq Study Group, as well as other concerns that teh ISG did not address, such as rendition, and ties it all together by recomending the adoption of specific bills in Congress, essentially stating that these candidates would commit to supporting and passing this legislation.
What’s Dave got? Here’s Dave’s recipe for “victory:”
“You Americans can put a man on the moon,
but you can’t give me electricity I had under Saddam.”
It’s a sure winner.
Daddy Lovespews:
Don’t forget also:
John McCain won’t release his tax returns. WHat’s he hiding? His wife’s drug addiction—again? Or maybe structuring payments to his girlfriend.
@4: And the General that endorses the plan and helped to write it – that is just a PR rehash of the ISG?
Read the plan – it is detailed – a hell of a lot more detail than what we actually had AFTER we invaded Iraq – that has led to the mess we are in now. The electricity is STILL not working – gangs from the various factions terrorize the electrcial plant workers to give them electricity and cut it for others (from NPR).
This is the “wonderful” democracy they have – no reliable refrigeration – everyone on emergency generators and hospitals that can’t do work when their power is cut and the generators wear out.
The whole place is a MESS. The DOD and State have totally screwed this from the beginning – sending Bremer and other inexperienced people just becasue they had the right “political” views to make Iraq an “ideal” right winger state. What a fiasco!
The Real Markspews:
DL @ 7
First, they are pretending that they actually wrote it (or, at the very least, not correcting others when they perpetuate the fraud). Read the news articles.
Yes, I’ve read the thing. There are a few concrete things related to peripheral issues, but nothing solid on how to get out of Iraq. The closest you get is:
“This legislation would require the President to seek to institute a regional diplomatic plan for the Middle East.”
In other words, “our plan is to tell the President to come up with a plan.” Not exactly deep thinking there.
The Real Markspews:
CNR @ 9
Facts is facts… Read the document and the website and tell me who the actual authors are. I only see “endorsed by” and “presented by.” The most I’ll concede is that the PR copywriters consulted with a general or two to get some broad ideas.
I would ask that YOU re-read the plan and tell me how, exactly, they’re planning the draw-down and what sort of diplomatic engagement they propose. As I mention @ 10, the legislation they propose simply tells the President to come up with a diplomatic plan.
I understand that you want to defend your candidate. However, there is very little new in this 36-page press release.
The Real Markspews:
BBG @ 6
Most of what you’re saying is rehashed rumor. As for the medical records, he has said he will do so in the next month — just like Hillary and her taxes. HOWEVER, he already made thousands of pages of medical records available back around 2000. The only info not yet released is for recent years.
The Real Markspews:
DL @ 5 “I remember you in 2006. How’d that predicting go?”
Hmmm… Let’s see… (Your) DARCY LOST. REICHERT WON.
By the way, you know your screen name sounds like you’re a member of NAMBLA, right?
Daddy Lovespews:
10 trm
Well, maybe as legislatrors they are defrring to the executive branch. Some of us still believe in separation of powers.
Marky you addressed one issue and lied about the others. The Keating Five isn’t a rumor – it’s fact. McCain’s leaving his disfigured wife isn’t a rumor – it’s fact. McCain’s ties to the energy lobby aren’t rumors – they’re fact. McCain fighting the release of POW records isn’t a rumor – it’s fact. His failure to release medical records isn’t a rumor – it’s fact.
Come on defend your candidate man. What’s up? As for the medical records – he promised to release them last month too – and then he didn’t – typical GOP liar – probably trying to find some way to scrub them. We don’t care what his health was in 2000 – I know as a republican you have no choice but to live in the past – but in case you haven’t noticed – it’s 2008 and McCain needs to tell us what his true medical condition is NOW – not eight years ago.
And we’re not talking about Senator Clinton – first of all she isn’t even the presumptive nominee – we’re talking about McCain. Is that the best you can do to defend your candidate? If so – you’re proving to be a great asset to the Dems!
Daddy Lovespews:
13 TRM
To me, it sounds like my name, which it is.
Anyway, um, you never said anything about the chance of large Republican losses and/or the regaining of Democratic majorities in the Congress in 2006? That’s not how I recall it.
In 2006, a 1.5% swing would have elected her. This year, Dave’s weaker and she’s stronger. Good luck.
If there’s one thing Democrats have consistantly proven as their strength, it’s the remarkable ability to lose the unloseable.
Let’s start with Bill Clinton, under whose leadership the Democratic Party lost 46 seats in the House, six in the Senate, and nine governorships. Then of course was the 2000 election and a sitting incumbent Vice President with eight years of relative peace and prosperity under his belt. Although Al Gore lost his home state (TN) and Bill Clinton’s home state (AR). He idly stood by while Republicans illegally purge tens of thousands of probably Democratic voters from the database in Florida, and stood there even further as Republicans fought tooth and nail to stop the recount, Democrats blame their loss not on their incompetitence, but on one factor: Ralph Nader.
You would think that Democrats would be overjoyed, then, that in 2004 they accomplished their primary goal: defeating Ralph Nader. Alas, after four years of arguably the worst president in recent history, a down-trodding economy, two official endless wars (and a couple unofficial proxy ones) and record-low approval ratings, Democrats were only able to defeat Nader. Once again, in an election that was theirs to lose, John Kerry managed to do it. How he did this baffles us still.
Which brings us to 2008, March specifically. The formerly “arguably worst president in recent history” is now official has the lowest approval rating of any sitting president in recorded history. The two endless wars of 2004 are still endless, and though we haven’t yet invaded Iran, we still might. What was a down-trodding economy in 2004 is now a certifiable recession that only the president denies exists, but even he doesn’t know that that gas is now nearing $4 a gallon (average price in 2000: $1.54). Did I mention his approval ratings? Or the unprecidented midterm election of 2006?
All this and more cries for regime change; or as the uncynics would put it, “prime opportunity for the opposing party to win the election in November”. To sweeten the challenge, the Republican nominee John McCain is outright hated by conservatives for being “too liberal”, several of whom even vowing to vote for Hillary.
Which brings us to Hillary. In 2006, the presidency was all but assured to be hers. The national press and Republican National Committee labeled her “unbeatable” -at least by Republicans, all while being their “greatest fundraiser” and would of the most divisive figures in modern politics. She was supposed to be a shoe-in, but then the unthinkable happened…
Another Democrat came along and surged ahead. Barack Obama carried the mantel (perhaps in word only) of Democratic ideals: supporting the working class, the working poor, and minorities. More importantly, while Hillary represents and is married to the Democrats That Lose, Obama inspired Democrats who want to win. He surged ahead in Iowa and with repeated victories managed the impossible: stop Hillary.
But Hillary isn’t supposed to be stopped, she’s supposed to be the next president, and nothing will keep her from being the next president, or at least losing the election. Whereas Obama represents the young, the proud, the hopeful, Hillary is just supposed to be president.
So now, in an election that’s for the Democrats to lose, how can Hillary do just that? There’s now -mid March- no way for her to win enough delegates outright. Instead of doing the honorable thing, the thing that’s best for the party and ultimately best for the country and the world and humbly concede defeat and support Obama, she is engaging in a scortch-earth policy to destroy Obama at any costs. And what are those costs? By bringing him down, Hillary won’t win over his supports. Here’s how Hillary will lose everything:
-A damn the torpedoes smear campaign against Obama in Pennsylvania allows her to squeek out a victory there, and excuse to stay in to the convention.
-Successive scorch earth campaigns continue to whittle away Obama until he’s “weak”.
-At the convention, the master of backroom deals completes just that, and some how (I’m not into conspiracy theories, but it will be done) manages to win the nomination.
-Defeating Obama defeats the hope, energy, and mobilization of the millions who voted for him. Hillary’s dirty tactics are clear, there is no wind in their sails. She may have won the convention, but she lost the momentum.
-A dispirited and unenegerized based is what has allowed Democrats to lose every election since 1994!
-McCain pulls a few punches to convince enough people that he’s really a “Maverick” and “Independent”, and voila! It’s “bomb bomb bomb Iran” in November.
A presidential election is not about simply getting the most number of people to vote for you, it’s convincing people to dedicate their lives to get other people to vote for you. That requires hope and momentum. So far in this election, the only candidate -D or R- who’s had that momentum is Obama. By derailing that momentum, Hillary not only derails his campaign, but the Democrats chance to win in November.
And that is how Hillary will lose this election for everybody.
Daddy Lovespews:
I think Congress should do what Congres can do. Defund the war and it’s over.
“The plan was NOT written by Darcy. It is the product of a PR firm!”
You fucking simpleton. Wired for Change didn’t write the plan…they put together the fucking WEB SITE!
“They simply took the bipartisan 9/11 Commission report, restated the info with their own spin, added some military bigwig names and… instant foreign policy cred for young, inexperienced candidates!”
Not the 9/11 Commission report, Dipshit. They call for adoption of specific recommendations from the Iraq Study Group. It is only a shame that Bush chose to ignore those recommendations.
Did you even read the plan? Didn’t think so.
“Note what is actually said: Darcy endorses the plan.”
Here you engage in a logical fallacy. The fact that Darcy Burner endorses the plan, does not exclude a larger role, ya dumb fuck.
Here are the facts: This project was started some six months ago by Darcy Burner. She approached Major General Paul Eaton and asked him work with her to develop the plan. Darcy spearheaded the effort, pulled together people from the military (Eaton, Dr. Lawrence Korb [former Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan], Brigadier General John Johns [U.S. Army Ret.] and Capt. Larry Seaquist [U.S. Navy Ret.]), a group of political activists, and, finally, the other candidates who endorsed the plan. All of these people had input to the plan at one state or another.
“It isn’t her plan. She just says she agrees with it.”
No…you just don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.
The Real Markspews:
DL @ 14
Well, you said it yourself. Darcy’s plan is to pass the buck and point fingers.
Speaking to reporters in Amman, the Jordanian capital, McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives “taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back.”
Pressed to elaborate, McCain said it was “common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.” A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate’s ear. McCain then said: “I’m sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda.”
The mistake threatened to undermine McCain’s argument that his decades of foreign policy experience make him the natural choice to lead a country at war with terrorists. In recent days, McCain has repeatedly said his intimate knowledge of foreign policy make him the best equipped to answer a phone ringing in the White House late at night.
It’s pretty clear the McCain has no idea that al-Qaeda are Sunni extremists and that Iranian Shi’ites would never have anything to do with them. It is a basic fact about the situation in Iraq. His ignorance illustrates why we cannot trust Republicans with our country’s security.
Daddy Lovespews:
21 trm
Darcy’s plan is to ram this issue down Dave Reichert’s throat until he chokes. And then to go on to provide thoughtful, smart, and responsive represenation for my district and leadership in Congress.
What’s that last issue Dave led on? He couldn’t even get his first reponders plan (2004 campaign promise) passed.
The Real Markspews:
Darryl @ 20
First, go find your brother Larry and your other brother Darryl… then go to the website for Wired For Change (WiredForChange.com) and see what they do. They’re not web coders. THEY’RE A PR FIRM that specializes in niche messaging.
You ARE correct in that I mistyped what I meant re: ISG vs. 9/11. I stand corrected on the name. The rest is correct.
If she actually authored the plan, why doesn’t she take formal credit and responsibility? Why not? Because if it really is ghostwritten, that would be political suicide. So, in Clintonesque fashion, she parses words. She “endorses” and “presents” instead of saying she actually wrote the thing.
“First, they are pretending that they actually wrote it…”
They did. You just don’t know what you are talking about.
“Yes, I’ve read the thing. There are a few concrete things related to peripheral issues, but nothing solid on how to get out of Iraq.”
Getting out of Iraq is only a small part of the plan. While you Wingdings may have trouble seeing the big picture of the damage that has been caused by the Bush administration in their military adventurism, the rest of us don’t. There is much damage to be fixed on numerous fronts and the plan serves as a roadmap for the broader goals of restoring America after the military bumblings of the Bush administration.
‘“This legislation would require the President to seek to institute a regional diplomatic plan for the Middle East.”’
Yep…that is one of numerous components of the plan, and one that Rep. Burner will have some control over. It is just a shame that Bush didn’t wholeheartedly adopt this recommendation when it was put forward by the Iraq Study Group.
“In other words, “our plan is to tell the President to come up with a plan.” Not exactly deep thinking there.”
No, it is much more comprehensive than that…Read the legislation, dumb fuck. Here is the abstract:
Directs the President to implement a regional diplomatic plan in conjunction with the U.N. Security Council to: (1) curtail the ongoing civil war in Iraq; (2) prevent the spread of violence from Iraq into neighboring countries; (3) prevent the establishment of safe havens for al-Qa’ida and other terrorist organizations; (4) prevent regional conflict; (5) prevent genocide, ethnic cleansing, and other crimes against humanity; and (6) promote a national process of reconciliation within Iraq.
States that it is U.S. policy to: (1) undertake a sustained diplomatic effort to engage the governments of regional
nations on issues that impact the situation in Iraq; (2) continue and expand U.S. direct bilateral talks with nations
neighboring Iraq on issues of mutual interest; (3) support the goals specified in the International Compact for Iraq; and (4) encourage the increased engagement of international organizations in working to achieve stability and security in Iraq.
Directs the President to appoint a Presidential Special Envoy for Iraq Regional Security whose duties shall include:
(1) discussions with the government of Iraq and governments of neighboring countries to support Iraq’s efforts to achieve peace and stability and to take necessary actions to prevent regional instability, including organizing a related Iraq Support Group; and (2) working with Iraqi officials and other domestic stakeholders to organize a forum for negotiations on national reconciliation.
Directs the Secretary of State to organize an international donors conference to solicit additional international commitments of funding and support for reconstruction and economic development in Iraq.
Directs the President direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations to seek a Security Council resolution that: (1) supports regional and international cooperation in promoting stability and development in Iraq; (2) encourages increased support for efforts to rebuild and expand Iraq’s economy and critical infrastructure; and (3) authorizes renewed U.N. assistance to promote security and political reconciliation in Iraq, including a commitment to an increased U.N. role following the beginning of a U.S. Armed Forces’ redeployment from Iraq.
Our old friend Cynical posted some bullshit about being a “friend of Goldy’s” a while ago that was filled with the usual right wing klownservative republican crap about Democrats.
So I found this…from about 2005 or so that I saved, and it is still true today. I wish I knew who posted it.
Here it is unedited…
1. You have to believe that the nation’s 8-year prosperity inherited by Bush was due to the work of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., but yesterday’s gasoline prices are still Clinton’s fault.
2. You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.
3. You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time.
4. You have to believe that AIDS victims deserve their disease, but smokers with lung cancer and overweight individuals with heart disease don’t deserve theirs.
5. You have to appreciate the power rush that comes with sporting a gun.
6. You have to believe everything Rush Limbaugh says.
7. You have to believe that the agricultural, restaurant, housing and hotel industries can survive without immigrant labor.
8. You have to believe God hates homosexuality, but loves the death penalty.
9. You have to believe society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesn’t diminish your opportunities, but you still won’t vote for Alan Keyes.
10. You have to believe that pollution is OK as long as it makes a profit.
11. You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don’t pray to Allah or Buddha.
12. You have to believe Newt Gingrich and Henry Hyde were really faithful husbands.
13. You have to believe speaking a few Spanish phrases makes you instantly popular in the barrio.
14. You have to believe that only your own teenagers are still virgins.
15. You have to be against government interference in business, until your oil company, corporation or Savings and Loan is about to go broke and you beg for a government bail out.
16. You love Jesus and Jesus loves you and, by the way, Jesus shares your hatred for AIDS victims, homosexuals, and President Clinton.
17. You have to believe government has nothing to do with providing police protection, national defense, and building roads.
DrivelASS18. You have to believe a poor, minority student with a disciplinary history and failing grades will be admitted into an elite private school with a $1,000 voucher.
The Real Markspews:
Darryl @ 25 “No, it is much more comprehensive than that..”
All that does is flesh out the buck-passing.
Show me the actual STRATEGY.
You can “undertake a diplomatic effort” and “promote a process” but what said efforts and processes consist of is orders of magnitude more complex.
By your logic, my “solution” to the Iraq problem of “just get the multiple sides at the negotiation table and work it out” is worthy of a website, a press conference and a Congressional seat.
Hi, I’m a follower of David Duke. He’s my spiritual advisor, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children. I do, however, disavow some of the things he’s said. Please vote for me in November!
“[T]hen go to the website for Wired For Change (WiredForChange.com) and see what they do. They’re not web coders. THEY’RE A PR FIRM that specializes in niche messaging.”
I’m telling you, dumb fuck, they did not write the plan. The plan WAS largely written by Darcy Burner working closely with the other study group members.
“If she actually authored the plan, why doesn’t she take formal credit and responsibility?”
The seeds of this plan came from the Darcy Burner Virtual Town Hall event last September. Here is a video from the event that clearly documents the origins of this effort:
“She “endorses” and “presents” instead of saying she actually wrote the thing.”
Yet, the fact remains…Darcy was the instigator behind the study group and participated actively in writing the document.
So…here is the deal The Real Mark…rather than just speculating (i.e. making shit up) the way you have, I contacted a member of Darcy’s study group and got a history of the document.
It’s worth trying…unless the truth doesn’t matter to you.
Well…then perhaps you subscribe to the principle of Unitary Legislative Power or something.
“Show me the actual STRATEGY.”
Read the fucking plan, dipshit!
“You can “undertake a diplomatic effort” and “promote a process” but what said efforts and processes consist of is orders of magnitude more complex.”
Ummm…right but the plan specified a strategy…now you are talking tactics.
“By your logic, my “solution” to the Iraq problem of “just get the multiple sides at the negotiation table and work it out” is worthy of a website, a press conference and a Congressional seat.”
Well…maybe 1/20th of a Congressional seat, since your “solution” is only a small part of the Plan…. The problem is, you have neither the vision, nor the leadership skills (umm…and probably not the intelligence or drive) to put together a study group like the one Darcy Burner put together. It’s easy for you to sit around and take pot-shots at the plan. In the mean time, U.S. Soldiers are dying and enduring horrendous injuries, Iraqi’s are dying and living a hellish existence, our constitution has been trampled upon, and the U.S. has lost its moral authority in the world through an illegal invasion, torture and renditions. I’m glad SOMEONE had the vision, courage, motivation, and influence to get this group together and try to get this nation back on track.
The Real Markspews:
Darryl @ 29
The “seeds of this plan…”
Well, it looks like they added some fertilizer, but nothing has grown beyond a little sprout. I will say this again — more slowly just for you — there… is… NO… significant… DETAILED… STRATEGY… here.
It is interesting that you say, “Yet, the fact remains… Darcy was the instigator… and participated…”
I haven’t said anything to the contrary. She very well could have sat down with her PR consultants and said, “Well, if you’re saying that polling shows we need to beef up my cred on Iraq, what if we put out some sort of a plan outline based on the town hall we did?” That is not leadership. At best, that is political marketing. As for “participating,” she may simply have regurgitated some bullet points from the Iraq Study Group and then participated in the editing of the final doc.
This is not a PLAN. It is an outline of general goals and suggestions, sprinkled with some buck-passing and finger-pointing.
As I said @ 27, your logic says that my “solution” to the Iraq problem of “just get the multiple sides at the negotiation table and work it out” is worthy of a website, a press conference and a Congressional seat.
The Real Markspews:
Daryl @ 30
So, you’re saying that Darcy really CAN’T have the solutions to Iraq — that nobody from the Legislative Branch can?
If so, then this is just more Lefty frothing like the city councils that vote to pull out of Iraq immediately.
My suggestion is that you find a library and look up The Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen.
Let me borrow some words for this occasion:
“The Lefties of the Blogosphere cried out, “Oh! How beautiful are our Darcy’s new plans! What a magnificent strategy there is to the draw-down; and how gracefully the diplomacy works!” in short, no one would allow that he could not see this much-admired plan; because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a simpleton or unfit for his office.”
Ummm…yes there is. I’m wondering if you really know what the word “strategy” means….
‘”She very well could have sat down with her PR consultants and said, “Well, if you’re saying that polling shows we need to beef up my cred on Iraq, what if we put out some sort of a plan outline based on the town hall we did?”’
You are right. She could have done that, but she didn’t. She sat down with Generals, politicians, and political activists and spent six months developing the plan.
“That is not leadership.”
That’s your opinion. What has Rep. Reichert done about the problems identified in the report?
‘As for “participating,” she may simply have regurgitated some bullet points from the Iraq Study Group and then participated in the editing of the final doc.’
For the parts of the plan that deal directly with Iraq, there were numerous ISG recommendations raised. But that is because the recommendations have great merit. Unfortunately, Bush chose to ignore them, prolonging the war and its costs (human, fiscal, and to our reputation). As far a editing…unless you have actually asked the participants, you have no idea how much writing versus editing was done by ANY of the participants. Why make up shit, when you could talk to some participants and get real information about the process?
“This is not a PLAN. It is an outline of general goals and suggestions, sprinkled with some buck-passing and finger-pointing.”
The plan does include general goals and “general suggestions.” It also included concrete actions (i.e. specific pieces of legislation, adoption of ISG recommendations) that address the those general goals.
Perhaps it’s difficult for Wingdings like you to actually hold all that STUFF (general goals, general suggestions, and concrete recommendations, etc.) in your brain at one time. That’s YOUR problem, Chump.
“As I said @ 27, your logic says that my “solution” to the Iraq problem of “just get the multiple sides at the negotiation table and work it out” is worthy of a website, a press conference and a Congressional seat.”
Well…in the sense that that constitutes a tiny fraction of the plan, yes. You don’t have the capacity to develop (let alone objectively read) such a plan. Hell, you, apparently, cannot be bothered to send an email or pick up the phone to gather actual facts about the production of this document.
“Darryl of Hominidviews.com says Darcy Burner can’t have the solutions to Iraq.”
Are you fucking retarded? Read your question and my answer again, dumbass.
Dickless Darrylspews:
The Daily Klake
0535 – Kirby Wilbur, KVI, talks to a tool from NewsMax. First question is about the NewsMax story placing Obama in Wright’s pew on 22 July 2007, a typically incendiary day at TUCC in Chicago. The NewsMax tool slides past Wilbur’s question and discusses, instead, red herrings. Yesterday’s Slog reports that Kristol of the Jayson Blair Times ran the NewsMax story, thereby repudiating Obama’s assertion that he never witnessed a Jeremiah-Wright-wing rant. Then Kristol repudiated the repudiation. The impossible happened: NewsMax got it wrong.
0610 – Wilbur, KVI, was host to a Fox News tool who discussed the economy. The tool said we should “beat the Bushes” and open the windows and yell into the void that, doggone it, we’re glad to be Americans who can buy things and that we should go out and buy things to show the economy who’s boss.
0825 – Senator Obama admitted that he had indeed been present at TUCC in Chicago when the Reverend Wright of the Religious Left melted down into Wright-wing rants.
0850 – Stephanie Miller of Air America (0600 – 0900, our time) gave props to a caller who said that Limbaugh was off the air today, having swooned for Obama’s speech. Miller said that Limbaugh brought in a back-bench sub to do his show while Limbaugh subsided into an Oxycontin stupor.
0910 – Limbaugh opened his show at the usual time, our time, and wasted time discussing Obama’s excellent speech, about which Limbaugh had nothing useful to say. Would have been better if he’d stayed home in an Oxycontin stupor. (Rush Hour Crap/content ratio has been heavily skewed to crap since 1995.)
0912 – Dave Ross (dross@bonnevile) began translating and deconstructing ‘black’ for white people. Interrupted, again and again, the replay of Obama’s excellent speech to tell us what Obama said.
0930 – Excellent post by Lose-Lose, above, about Democrat losers.
1035 – Dave Ross (dross@bonneville) put out the APB for black people to explain themselves to white people. Got a white woman from Carolina. Got an Asian from Asia. Got two authentic black people. Got one inauthentic black person, a Pentacostal minister, who condemned the vicious and vile hate speech of Reverend Jeremiah Wright from the Religious Left and who questioned the complicity of TUCC parishoners who listened to him for, say, 17 years without walking out.
Bagdad Bushspews:
Marky won’t defend his candidate – another cut and run republican.
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
This comment is not directed at anyone in particular but more of a general statement.
I retired from the army after serving 26 years beginning in 1974 on the tail end of the vietnam war and ending in June 2000. My last 14 years was served as a Drill Sergeant at multiple boot camps throughout the US and a short time training the North Koreans in the DMZ zone.
Five years into the Iraq war even today, I get pretty ticked off when politicians play political chess with our soldiers as if their lives and the suffering of their families are nothing more than reality TV. The stakes are high for these honored men and women and often times the end result are a lost of body parts or death. When they lose a body part it does not grow back and the psychological damages are permanent. If they get killed they don’t return the next season for repeat performances nor do they appear on CNN describing what life was like in their final 10 seconds before the IED exploded, an IED planted by the very people they’re fighting to protect. You don’t see dead soldiers in commercials pushing drugs designed to cure the common headache sponsored by those fine people who brought us “head on – apply directly to the forehead.”
War is real, casualties are real and those who survive can testify that life is never the same. If any man or woman spend time on the front line of a war zone and after returning home claim they are the same person, they are in fact candidates for the insane asylum and their loved ones better keep a close eye on them because no one serves in a battle zone and return normal…it ain’t natural. They may hide their feelings but they are not the same!
I’ll get to my point….
This shit is real and politician better get their fucking heads out of their asses and make a positive move. I am not advocating for a fast pull-out but at some point we need to give the country back to the people for better or worst. President Bush need to realize that he’s no Ronald Reagan and admit that he and his boys screwed up.
I supported President Bush at first until the mission changed with each gun shot, tank fire, bad decision, or lack of WMD’s and John McCain of all people should understand the reality and stop acting like President Bush as he acts like all is well. Acting like all is well with the economy, all was well with Katrina, all is well in the mortgage industry, all was well with the tanker deal going to an outside company competing in the American market, all is well with giving the American people a tax subsidies while at the same time raising taxes to pay for the war – and the average American can barely get to work because of the price of gas.
Obama and Clinton are pretty people with pretty words which strike a sense of change in the American physic but neither has what it takes to make a prudent decision on the subject of Iraq. Obama’s only saving grace is that he voted against the war – big fucking deal! Clinton voted for the war because she thought Bill would be drafted…and all we get from this is the audacity of hope for a better tomorrow with the politics of the past.
So where does that us leave us?! It leaves us wishing for people like Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and John F. Kennedy. It leaves us wishing for a time when the buck stopped somewhere and you could still buy something with it. A time when men were men and women were women and anyone in between just left us the hell alone.
I no longer keep up with the primaries as each time a politician opens their mouth on the Iraq subject I reach for my kaopectate to treat my heartburn, upset stomach, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, or symptoms associated with consuming too much crap.
Rev. Wright is Obama’s Dean scream.
1 T
Wrong. You guys rolled it out way too early, and everyone sees through that shit these days anyway. What worked in ’04 with Dean won’t work now. The media firestorm about Dean’s so-called “scream” knocked him out of the primaries. The little puppy/kitten “storm” over Wright has Obama polling 52% to Hillary’s 45% (CNN Mar. 17) nationally in the primaries.
Sorry, bud, but wishin’ it’s so don’t make it so.
Just watch.
I am really disappointed in you. I didn’t think you were this gullible. There is no “plan” to speak of.
The plan was NOT written by Darcy. It is the product of a PR firm!
“…[Wired for Change] work[s] with our clients to capitalize on timely political opportunities and quickly build and launch websites and online campaigns. A key to our success is that we identify clever, niche actions for our clients that fit within broader narratives”
They simply took the bipartisan 9/11 Commission report, restated the info with their own spin, added some military bigwig names and… instant foreign policy cred for young, inexperienced candidates!
Note what is actually said: Darcy endorses the plan. It isn’t her plan. She just says she agrees with it.
And, finally, someone should tell former part-time high school econ teacher Marc Laitin, the registered site owner, that an ENDORSEE (on the website’s top nav bar) is one who RECEIVES an endorsement. Unless the “plan” is endorsing the candidates, it should be a List of ENDORSERS. Or, more properly, List of Wired for Change Clients.
Between stunts like this and national “minister eruptions,” the GOP will simply win by default.
Mark, the problem in WA-08 is that whaever you think if Darcy’s plan, Dave’s not offering anything except a feeble promise to stop requesing earmarks sometime in teh future. She’ll dicate the terms of teh campaign, and most people want out of Iraq and Dave and the GOP in general are on the wrong side of that.
Win by default my ass. I remember you in 2006. How’d that predicting go?
Things to think about…
McCain won’t release either his medical records or allow the release of POW records during the Viet Nam war. What’s he hiding?
McCain is involved with a lobbyist who may or may not be his lover – but surely is screwing the rest of us.
McCain left his first wife – having an affair – because she was disfigured in a car accident.
McCain is already a proven crook for his involvement in the Keating Five.
We need to go on offense folks. The best that the inbred right can do is complain about Obama’s preacher – once people start talking about the serious liabilities of McCain – that other weak shit the GOP is throwing will pass.
Darcy and the other candidaets commissioned and paid for the development of this plan. But you are incorrect when ou say that “There is no “plan” to speak of.”
You shoudl read it. http://burner.3cdn.net/20f4382.....6ibjk6.pdf
It incorporates some of the best ideas from the Iraq Study Group, as well as other concerns that teh ISG did not address, such as rendition, and ties it all together by recomending the adoption of specific bills in Congress, essentially stating that these candidates would commit to supporting and passing this legislation.
What’s Dave got? Here’s Dave’s recipe for “victory:”
It’s a sure winner.
Don’t forget also:
John McCain won’t release his tax returns. WHat’s he hiding? His wife’s drug addiction—again? Or maybe structuring payments to his girlfriend.
@4: And the General that endorses the plan and helped to write it – that is just a PR rehash of the ISG?
Read the plan – it is detailed – a hell of a lot more detail than what we actually had AFTER we invaded Iraq – that has led to the mess we are in now. The electricity is STILL not working – gangs from the various factions terrorize the electrcial plant workers to give them electricity and cut it for others (from NPR).
This is the “wonderful” democracy they have – no reliable refrigeration – everyone on emergency generators and hospitals that can’t do work when their power is cut and the generators wear out.
The whole place is a MESS. The DOD and State have totally screwed this from the beginning – sending Bremer and other inexperienced people just becasue they had the right “political” views to make Iraq an “ideal” right winger state. What a fiasco!
DL @ 7
First, they are pretending that they actually wrote it (or, at the very least, not correcting others when they perpetuate the fraud). Read the news articles.
Yes, I’ve read the thing. There are a few concrete things related to peripheral issues, but nothing solid on how to get out of Iraq. The closest you get is:
“This legislation would require the President to seek to institute a regional diplomatic plan for the Middle East.”
In other words, “our plan is to tell the President to come up with a plan.” Not exactly deep thinking there.
CNR @ 9
Facts is facts… Read the document and the website and tell me who the actual authors are. I only see “endorsed by” and “presented by.” The most I’ll concede is that the PR copywriters consulted with a general or two to get some broad ideas.
I would ask that YOU re-read the plan and tell me how, exactly, they’re planning the draw-down and what sort of diplomatic engagement they propose. As I mention @ 10, the legislation they propose simply tells the President to come up with a diplomatic plan.
I understand that you want to defend your candidate. However, there is very little new in this 36-page press release.
BBG @ 6
Most of what you’re saying is rehashed rumor. As for the medical records, he has said he will do so in the next month — just like Hillary and her taxes. HOWEVER, he already made thousands of pages of medical records available back around 2000. The only info not yet released is for recent years.
DL @ 5 “I remember you in 2006. How’d that predicting go?”
Hmmm… Let’s see… (Your) DARCY LOST. REICHERT WON.
By the way, you know your screen name sounds like you’re a member of NAMBLA, right?
10 trm
Well, maybe as legislatrors they are defrring to the executive branch. Some of us still believe in separation of powers.
Marky you addressed one issue and lied about the others. The Keating Five isn’t a rumor – it’s fact. McCain’s leaving his disfigured wife isn’t a rumor – it’s fact. McCain’s ties to the energy lobby aren’t rumors – they’re fact. McCain fighting the release of POW records isn’t a rumor – it’s fact. His failure to release medical records isn’t a rumor – it’s fact.
Come on defend your candidate man. What’s up? As for the medical records – he promised to release them last month too – and then he didn’t – typical GOP liar – probably trying to find some way to scrub them. We don’t care what his health was in 2000 – I know as a republican you have no choice but to live in the past – but in case you haven’t noticed – it’s 2008 and McCain needs to tell us what his true medical condition is NOW – not eight years ago.
And we’re not talking about Senator Clinton – first of all she isn’t even the presumptive nominee – we’re talking about McCain. Is that the best you can do to defend your candidate? If so – you’re proving to be a great asset to the Dems!
13 TRM
To me, it sounds like my name, which it is.
Anyway, um, you never said anything about the chance of large Republican losses and/or the regaining of Democratic majorities in the Congress in 2006? That’s not how I recall it.
In 2006, a 1.5% swing would have elected her. This year, Dave’s weaker and she’s stronger. Good luck.
If there’s one thing Democrats have consistantly proven as their strength, it’s the remarkable ability to lose the unloseable.
Let’s start with Bill Clinton, under whose leadership the Democratic Party lost 46 seats in the House, six in the Senate, and nine governorships. Then of course was the 2000 election and a sitting incumbent Vice President with eight years of relative peace and prosperity under his belt. Although Al Gore lost his home state (TN) and Bill Clinton’s home state (AR). He idly stood by while Republicans illegally purge tens of thousands of probably Democratic voters from the database in Florida, and stood there even further as Republicans fought tooth and nail to stop the recount, Democrats blame their loss not on their incompetitence, but on one factor: Ralph Nader.
You would think that Democrats would be overjoyed, then, that in 2004 they accomplished their primary goal: defeating Ralph Nader. Alas, after four years of arguably the worst president in recent history, a down-trodding economy, two official endless wars (and a couple unofficial proxy ones) and record-low approval ratings, Democrats were only able to defeat Nader. Once again, in an election that was theirs to lose, John Kerry managed to do it. How he did this baffles us still.
Which brings us to 2008, March specifically. The formerly “arguably worst president in recent history” is now official has the lowest approval rating of any sitting president in recorded history. The two endless wars of 2004 are still endless, and though we haven’t yet invaded Iran, we still might. What was a down-trodding economy in 2004 is now a certifiable recession that only the president denies exists, but even he doesn’t know that that gas is now nearing $4 a gallon (average price in 2000: $1.54). Did I mention his approval ratings? Or the unprecidented midterm election of 2006?
All this and more cries for regime change; or as the uncynics would put it, “prime opportunity for the opposing party to win the election in November”. To sweeten the challenge, the Republican nominee John McCain is outright hated by conservatives for being “too liberal”, several of whom even vowing to vote for Hillary.
Which brings us to Hillary. In 2006, the presidency was all but assured to be hers. The national press and Republican National Committee labeled her “unbeatable” -at least by Republicans, all while being their “greatest fundraiser” and would of the most divisive figures in modern politics. She was supposed to be a shoe-in, but then the unthinkable happened…
Another Democrat came along and surged ahead. Barack Obama carried the mantel (perhaps in word only) of Democratic ideals: supporting the working class, the working poor, and minorities. More importantly, while Hillary represents and is married to the Democrats That Lose, Obama inspired Democrats who want to win. He surged ahead in Iowa and with repeated victories managed the impossible: stop Hillary.
But Hillary isn’t supposed to be stopped, she’s supposed to be the next president, and nothing will keep her from being the next president, or at least losing the election. Whereas Obama represents the young, the proud, the hopeful, Hillary is just supposed to be president.
So now, in an election that’s for the Democrats to lose, how can Hillary do just that? There’s now -mid March- no way for her to win enough delegates outright. Instead of doing the honorable thing, the thing that’s best for the party and ultimately best for the country and the world and humbly concede defeat and support Obama, she is engaging in a scortch-earth policy to destroy Obama at any costs. And what are those costs? By bringing him down, Hillary won’t win over his supports. Here’s how Hillary will lose everything:
-A damn the torpedoes smear campaign against Obama in Pennsylvania allows her to squeek out a victory there, and excuse to stay in to the convention.
-Successive scorch earth campaigns continue to whittle away Obama until he’s “weak”.
-At the convention, the master of backroom deals completes just that, and some how (I’m not into conspiracy theories, but it will be done) manages to win the nomination.
-Defeating Obama defeats the hope, energy, and mobilization of the millions who voted for him. Hillary’s dirty tactics are clear, there is no wind in their sails. She may have won the convention, but she lost the momentum.
-A dispirited and unenegerized based is what has allowed Democrats to lose every election since 1994!
-McCain pulls a few punches to convince enough people that he’s really a “Maverick” and “Independent”, and voila! It’s “bomb bomb bomb Iran” in November.
A presidential election is not about simply getting the most number of people to vote for you, it’s convincing people to dedicate their lives to get other people to vote for you. That requires hope and momentum. So far in this election, the only candidate -D or R- who’s had that momentum is Obama. By derailing that momentum, Hillary not only derails his campaign, but the Democrats chance to win in November.
And that is how Hillary will lose this election for everybody.
I think Congress should do what Congres can do. Defund the war and it’s over.
17 LL
Cut and paste. That should be deleted.
The Real Mark @ 4
“The plan was NOT written by Darcy. It is the product of a PR firm!”
You fucking simpleton. Wired for Change didn’t write the plan…they put together the fucking WEB SITE!
“They simply took the bipartisan 9/11 Commission report, restated the info with their own spin, added some military bigwig names and… instant foreign policy cred for young, inexperienced candidates!”
Not the 9/11 Commission report, Dipshit. They call for adoption of specific recommendations from the Iraq Study Group. It is only a shame that Bush chose to ignore those recommendations.
Did you even read the plan? Didn’t think so.
“Note what is actually said: Darcy endorses the plan.”
Here you engage in a logical fallacy. The fact that Darcy Burner endorses the plan, does not exclude a larger role, ya dumb fuck.
Here are the facts: This project was started some six months ago by Darcy Burner. She approached Major General Paul Eaton and asked him work with her to develop the plan. Darcy spearheaded the effort, pulled together people from the military (Eaton, Dr. Lawrence Korb [former Assistant Secretary of Defense under Reagan], Brigadier General John Johns [U.S. Army Ret.] and Capt. Larry Seaquist [U.S. Navy Ret.]), a group of political activists, and, finally, the other candidates who endorsed the plan. All of these people had input to the plan at one state or another.
“It isn’t her plan. She just says she agrees with it.”
No…you just don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.
DL @ 14
Well, you said it yourself. Darcy’s plan is to pass the buck and point fingers.
Thanks for the clarification.
John McCain clearly has no fucking idea what’s happening in Iraq:
It’s pretty clear the McCain has no idea that al-Qaeda are Sunni extremists and that Iranian Shi’ites would never have anything to do with them. It is a basic fact about the situation in Iraq. His ignorance illustrates why we cannot trust Republicans with our country’s security.
21 trm
Darcy’s plan is to ram this issue down Dave Reichert’s throat until he chokes. And then to go on to provide thoughtful, smart, and responsive represenation for my district and leadership in Congress.
What’s that last issue Dave led on? He couldn’t even get his first reponders plan (2004 campaign promise) passed.
Darryl @ 20
First, go find your brother Larry and your other brother Darryl… then go to the website for Wired For Change (WiredForChange.com) and see what they do. They’re not web coders. THEY’RE A PR FIRM that specializes in niche messaging.
You ARE correct in that I mistyped what I meant re: ISG vs. 9/11. I stand corrected on the name. The rest is correct.
If she actually authored the plan, why doesn’t she take formal credit and responsibility? Why not? Because if it really is ghostwritten, that would be political suicide. So, in Clintonesque fashion, she parses words. She “endorses” and “presents” instead of saying she actually wrote the thing.
The Real Mark,
“First, they are pretending that they actually wrote it…”
They did. You just don’t know what you are talking about.
“Yes, I’ve read the thing. There are a few concrete things related to peripheral issues, but nothing solid on how to get out of Iraq.”
Getting out of Iraq is only a small part of the plan. While you Wingdings may have trouble seeing the big picture of the damage that has been caused by the Bush administration in their military adventurism, the rest of us don’t. There is much damage to be fixed on numerous fronts and the plan serves as a roadmap for the broader goals of restoring America after the military bumblings of the Bush administration.
‘“This legislation would require the President to seek to institute a regional diplomatic plan for the Middle East.”’
Yep…that is one of numerous components of the plan, and one that Rep. Burner will have some control over. It is just a shame that Bush didn’t wholeheartedly adopt this recommendation when it was put forward by the Iraq Study Group.
“In other words, “our plan is to tell the President to come up with a plan.” Not exactly deep thinking there.”
No, it is much more comprehensive than that…Read the legislation, dumb fuck. Here is the abstract:
Our old friend Cynical posted some bullshit about being a “friend of Goldy’s” a while ago that was filled with the usual right wing klownservative republican crap about Democrats.
So I found this…from about 2005 or so that I saved, and it is still true today. I wish I knew who posted it.
Here it is unedited…
1. You have to believe that the nation’s 8-year prosperity inherited by Bush was due to the work of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., but yesterday’s gasoline prices are still Clinton’s fault.
2. You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.
3. You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time.
4. You have to believe that AIDS victims deserve their disease, but smokers with lung cancer and overweight individuals with heart disease don’t deserve theirs.
5. You have to appreciate the power rush that comes with sporting a gun.
6. You have to believe everything Rush Limbaugh says.
7. You have to believe that the agricultural, restaurant, housing and hotel industries can survive without immigrant labor.
8. You have to believe God hates homosexuality, but loves the death penalty.
9. You have to believe society is color-blind and growing up black in America doesn’t diminish your opportunities, but you still won’t vote for Alan Keyes.
10. You have to believe that pollution is OK as long as it makes a profit.
11. You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don’t pray to Allah or Buddha.
12. You have to believe Newt Gingrich and Henry Hyde were really faithful husbands.
13. You have to believe speaking a few Spanish phrases makes you instantly popular in the barrio.
14. You have to believe that only your own teenagers are still virgins.
15. You have to be against government interference in business, until your oil company, corporation or Savings and Loan is about to go broke and you beg for a government bail out.
16. You love Jesus and Jesus loves you and, by the way, Jesus shares your hatred for AIDS victims, homosexuals, and President Clinton.
17. You have to believe government has nothing to do with providing police protection, national defense, and building roads.
DrivelASS18. You have to believe a poor, minority student with a disciplinary history and failing grades will be admitted into an elite private school with a $1,000 voucher.
Darryl @ 25 “No, it is much more comprehensive than that..”
All that does is flesh out the buck-passing.
Show me the actual STRATEGY.
You can “undertake a diplomatic effort” and “promote a process” but what said efforts and processes consist of is orders of magnitude more complex.
By your logic, my “solution” to the Iraq problem of “just get the multiple sides at the negotiation table and work it out” is worthy of a website, a press conference and a Congressional seat.
Hi, I’m a follower of David Duke. He’s my spiritual advisor, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children. I do, however, disavow some of the things he’s said. Please vote for me in November!
“[T]hen go to the website for Wired For Change (WiredForChange.com) and see what they do. They’re not web coders. THEY’RE A PR FIRM that specializes in niche messaging.”
I’m telling you, dumb fuck, they did not write the plan. The plan WAS largely written by Darcy Burner working closely with the other study group members.
“If she actually authored the plan, why doesn’t she take formal credit and responsibility?”
The seeds of this plan came from the Darcy Burner Virtual Town Hall event last September. Here is a video from the event that clearly documents the origins of this effort:
“She “endorses” and “presents” instead of saying she actually wrote the thing.”
Yet, the fact remains…Darcy was the instigator behind the study group and participated actively in writing the document.
So…here is the deal The Real Mark…rather than just speculating (i.e. making shit up) the way you have, I contacted a member of Darcy’s study group and got a history of the document.
It’s worth trying…unless the truth doesn’t matter to you.
The Real Mark,
“All that does is flesh out the buck-passing.”
Well…then perhaps you subscribe to the principle of Unitary Legislative Power or something.
“Show me the actual STRATEGY.”
Read the fucking plan, dipshit!
“You can “undertake a diplomatic effort” and “promote a process” but what said efforts and processes consist of is orders of magnitude more complex.”
Ummm…right but the plan specified a strategy…now you are talking tactics.
“By your logic, my “solution” to the Iraq problem of “just get the multiple sides at the negotiation table and work it out” is worthy of a website, a press conference and a Congressional seat.”
Well…maybe 1/20th of a Congressional seat, since your “solution” is only a small part of the Plan…. The problem is, you have neither the vision, nor the leadership skills (umm…and probably not the intelligence or drive) to put together a study group like the one Darcy Burner put together. It’s easy for you to sit around and take pot-shots at the plan. In the mean time, U.S. Soldiers are dying and enduring horrendous injuries, Iraqi’s are dying and living a hellish existence, our constitution has been trampled upon, and the U.S. has lost its moral authority in the world through an illegal invasion, torture and renditions. I’m glad SOMEONE had the vision, courage, motivation, and influence to get this group together and try to get this nation back on track.
Darryl @ 29
The “seeds of this plan…”
Well, it looks like they added some fertilizer, but nothing has grown beyond a little sprout. I will say this again — more slowly just for you — there… is… NO… significant… DETAILED… STRATEGY… here.
It is interesting that you say, “Yet, the fact remains… Darcy was the instigator… and participated…”
I haven’t said anything to the contrary. She very well could have sat down with her PR consultants and said, “Well, if you’re saying that polling shows we need to beef up my cred on Iraq, what if we put out some sort of a plan outline based on the town hall we did?” That is not leadership. At best, that is political marketing. As for “participating,” she may simply have regurgitated some bullet points from the Iraq Study Group and then participated in the editing of the final doc.
This is not a PLAN. It is an outline of general goals and suggestions, sprinkled with some buck-passing and finger-pointing.
As I said @ 27, your logic says that my “solution” to the Iraq problem of “just get the multiple sides at the negotiation table and work it out” is worthy of a website, a press conference and a Congressional seat.
Daryl @ 30
So, you’re saying that Darcy really CAN’T have the solutions to Iraq — that nobody from the Legislative Branch can?
If so, then this is just more Lefty frothing like the city councils that vote to pull out of Iraq immediately.
My suggestion is that you find a library and look up The Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen.
Let me borrow some words for this occasion:
“The Lefties of the Blogosphere cried out, “Oh! How beautiful are our Darcy’s new plans! What a magnificent strategy there is to the draw-down; and how gracefully the diplomacy works!” in short, no one would allow that he could not see this much-admired plan; because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a simpleton or unfit for his office.”
The Real Mark @ 31,
“[bullshit deleted]…there… is… NO… significant… DETAILED… STRATEGY… here.”
Ummm…yes there is. I’m wondering if you really know what the word “strategy” means….
‘”She very well could have sat down with her PR consultants and said, “Well, if you’re saying that polling shows we need to beef up my cred on Iraq, what if we put out some sort of a plan outline based on the town hall we did?”’
You are right. She could have done that, but she didn’t. She sat down with Generals, politicians, and political activists and spent six months developing the plan.
“That is not leadership.”
That’s your opinion. What has Rep. Reichert done about the problems identified in the report?
‘As for “participating,” she may simply have regurgitated some bullet points from the Iraq Study Group and then participated in the editing of the final doc.’
For the parts of the plan that deal directly with Iraq, there were numerous ISG recommendations raised. But that is because the recommendations have great merit. Unfortunately, Bush chose to ignore them, prolonging the war and its costs (human, fiscal, and to our reputation). As far a editing…unless you have actually asked the participants, you have no idea how much writing versus editing was done by ANY of the participants. Why make up shit, when you could talk to some participants and get real information about the process?
“This is not a PLAN. It is an outline of general goals and suggestions, sprinkled with some buck-passing and finger-pointing.”
The plan does include general goals and “general suggestions.” It also included concrete actions (i.e. specific pieces of legislation, adoption of ISG recommendations) that address the those general goals.
Perhaps it’s difficult for Wingdings like you to actually hold all that STUFF (general goals, general suggestions, and concrete recommendations, etc.) in your brain at one time. That’s YOUR problem, Chump.
“As I said @ 27, your logic says that my “solution” to the Iraq problem of “just get the multiple sides at the negotiation table and work it out” is worthy of a website, a press conference and a Congressional seat.”
Well…in the sense that that constitutes a tiny fraction of the plan, yes. You don’t have the capacity to develop (let alone objectively read) such a plan. Hell, you, apparently, cannot be bothered to send an email or pick up the phone to gather actual facts about the production of this document.
The Real Mark,
“So, you’re saying that Darcy really CAN’T have the solutions to Iraq — that nobody from the Legislative Branch can?”
Darryl @ 34
Thanks for clearing that up.
Darryl of Hominidviews.com says Darcy Burner can’t have the solutions to Iraq.
The Real Mark,
“Darryl of Hominidviews.com says Darcy Burner can’t have the solutions to Iraq.”
Are you fucking retarded? Read your question and my answer again, dumbass.
The Daily Klake
0535 – Kirby Wilbur, KVI, talks to a tool from NewsMax. First question is about the NewsMax story placing Obama in Wright’s pew on 22 July 2007, a typically incendiary day at TUCC in Chicago. The NewsMax tool slides past Wilbur’s question and discusses, instead, red herrings. Yesterday’s Slog reports that Kristol of the Jayson Blair Times ran the NewsMax story, thereby repudiating Obama’s assertion that he never witnessed a Jeremiah-Wright-wing rant. Then Kristol repudiated the repudiation. The impossible happened: NewsMax got it wrong.
0610 – Wilbur, KVI, was host to a Fox News tool who discussed the economy. The tool said we should “beat the Bushes” and open the windows and yell into the void that, doggone it, we’re glad to be Americans who can buy things and that we should go out and buy things to show the economy who’s boss.
0825 – Senator Obama admitted that he had indeed been present at TUCC in Chicago when the Reverend Wright of the Religious Left melted down into Wright-wing rants.
0850 – Stephanie Miller of Air America (0600 – 0900, our time) gave props to a caller who said that Limbaugh was off the air today, having swooned for Obama’s speech. Miller said that Limbaugh brought in a back-bench sub to do his show while Limbaugh subsided into an Oxycontin stupor.
0910 – Limbaugh opened his show at the usual time, our time, and wasted time discussing Obama’s excellent speech, about which Limbaugh had nothing useful to say. Would have been better if he’d stayed home in an Oxycontin stupor. (Rush Hour Crap/content ratio has been heavily skewed to crap since 1995.)
0912 – Dave Ross (dross@bonnevile) began translating and deconstructing ‘black’ for white people. Interrupted, again and again, the replay of Obama’s excellent speech to tell us what Obama said.
0930 – Excellent post by Lose-Lose, above, about Democrat losers.
1035 – Dave Ross (dross@bonneville) put out the APB for black people to explain themselves to white people. Got a white woman from Carolina. Got an Asian from Asia. Got two authentic black people. Got one inauthentic black person, a Pentacostal minister, who condemned the vicious and vile hate speech of Reverend Jeremiah Wright from the Religious Left and who questioned the complicity of TUCC parishoners who listened to him for, say, 17 years without walking out.
Marky won’t defend his candidate – another cut and run republican.
This comment is not directed at anyone in particular but more of a general statement.
I retired from the army after serving 26 years beginning in 1974 on the tail end of the vietnam war and ending in June 2000. My last 14 years was served as a Drill Sergeant at multiple boot camps throughout the US and a short time training the North Koreans in the DMZ zone.
Five years into the Iraq war even today, I get pretty ticked off when politicians play political chess with our soldiers as if their lives and the suffering of their families are nothing more than reality TV. The stakes are high for these honored men and women and often times the end result are a lost of body parts or death. When they lose a body part it does not grow back and the psychological damages are permanent. If they get killed they don’t return the next season for repeat performances nor do they appear on CNN describing what life was like in their final 10 seconds before the IED exploded, an IED planted by the very people they’re fighting to protect. You don’t see dead soldiers in commercials pushing drugs designed to cure the common headache sponsored by those fine people who brought us “head on – apply directly to the forehead.”
War is real, casualties are real and those who survive can testify that life is never the same. If any man or woman spend time on the front line of a war zone and after returning home claim they are the same person, they are in fact candidates for the insane asylum and their loved ones better keep a close eye on them because no one serves in a battle zone and return normal…it ain’t natural. They may hide their feelings but they are not the same!
I’ll get to my point….
This shit is real and politician better get their fucking heads out of their asses and make a positive move. I am not advocating for a fast pull-out but at some point we need to give the country back to the people for better or worst. President Bush need to realize that he’s no Ronald Reagan and admit that he and his boys screwed up.
I supported President Bush at first until the mission changed with each gun shot, tank fire, bad decision, or lack of WMD’s and John McCain of all people should understand the reality and stop acting like President Bush as he acts like all is well. Acting like all is well with the economy, all was well with Katrina, all is well in the mortgage industry, all was well with the tanker deal going to an outside company competing in the American market, all is well with giving the American people a tax subsidies while at the same time raising taxes to pay for the war – and the average American can barely get to work because of the price of gas.
Obama and Clinton are pretty people with pretty words which strike a sense of change in the American physic but neither has what it takes to make a prudent decision on the subject of Iraq. Obama’s only saving grace is that he voted against the war – big fucking deal! Clinton voted for the war because she thought Bill would be drafted…and all we get from this is the audacity of hope for a better tomorrow with the politics of the past.
So where does that us leave us?! It leaves us wishing for people like Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and John F. Kennedy. It leaves us wishing for a time when the buck stopped somewhere and you could still buy something with it. A time when men were men and women were women and anyone in between just left us the hell alone.
I no longer keep up with the primaries as each time a politician opens their mouth on the Iraq subject I reach for my kaopectate to treat my heartburn, upset stomach, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, or symptoms associated with consuming too much crap.
I am done – sorry for the rambling.
Hey PacMan…
Welcome back! Thanks for the comment.
Hey Daryl, good to see you on line man. Take care.