So much for Obama distancing himself from the Reverend. Here’s statements issued today:
‘Obama has praised … Rev. Wright’s approach, referring to his “social gospel”: “and I agree with him on that.” ‘
“But now that he is retired, that doesn’t detract from Sen. Obama’s affection for Rev. Wright or his appreciation for the good works he has done.” – Obama’s press spokesman Bill Burton
Since Jeremiah Wright is part of the Obama campaign, when is he going to be forced to resign from Obama’s African American Religious Leadership Committee?
Weather predictions based on homosexual parades….Hagee is a fool and a strong supporter of McCain. He alos believes the Catholic church is the antichrist and that we will be punished by G-d by a terrorist attack for supporting a Palestinian state.
Watch out Capital Hill – gay pride day will bring terrible ramifications (maybe even a lack of train service!).
Why no mention of Obama’s spiritual advisor? Why no mention of his America-hating, racist, terrorist-symp views? Why don’t you assholes cover THAT? Oh wait, of course, yeah, I know, it’s because you ignore anything that makes your sorry candidates look like like the absolute freaks they are. McCain is going to destroy whoever comes out of the Dem primary, you can make book on that.
I love that link to the General!!
Stupes – I know you have theological differences with this man but you sure do love his publications:
This guy is a dead ringer for our local village idiot (asian-style)!!
Don Joespews:
Hm.. On the one hand, we have an angry black man, who probably has every right to be angry given this country’s history, who’s connection to Obama comes by being one of 49 members of a committee. On the other hand, we have a couple of white whack jobs who preach fire and brimstone, a literal interpretation of the end of the world, and that America’s purpose is to destroy Islam (to quote Justin, “Not my America), whose connection to McCain comes from McCain actively seeking their individual endorsements.
Other than a few details, yeah. They’re exactly the same thing; kinda like a football and a basketball.
I heard that a child rapist voted GOP in the last election – will JohnBoy McCain be denouncing him?
This whole thing is too funny. McCain has already lost the Catholic vote – and the only assholes who will buy into this shit about Obama’s pastor are the inbred right wing cowards who would vote GOP no matter what so it won’t do any good.
We KNOW that the GOP is full of racist, religious weirdooooos – that’s all that matters.
Tremendous difference. Hagge is NOT McCain’s “personal spiritual adviser” and DID NOT marry the McCains.
OTOH, Wright is, was, and has been Osama/Obama’s (there’s ZERO difference knowing what they preach in THAT church, i.e., they want America DESTROYED!!) preacher. Hussein Osama/Obama has had a million opportunities in the 20 years he’s attended Wright’s church to LEAVE. He has NOT done so. Therefore, Hussein Obama/Osama MUST AGREE w/ Wright that America is evil and must be destroyed.
America is too good, too decent of a country to allow an evil, unAmerican POS like Hussein Obama/Osama to ever be elected.
His campaign died today. Thank God. The real one, the only ONE: The Christian One.
Reformed republicanspews:
Dustin the Clinton troll sounds just like the right wing trolls.
Guilt by association is their trade. No real facts – just vitriol.
I guess you can really tell where some people stand by who they associate with…
@ 6
One of those candidates was married by the minister. Can you guess which?
One of those candidates had his kids baptized by the minister. Can you guess which?
One of those candidates has the minister on his campaign committee. Can you guess which?
One of those candidates has sought his support as his “spiritual adviser” for over 20 years. Can you guess which?
If your spiritual adviser calls innocent 9/11 victims, and you CHOOSE to associate with him, are you really right on the issues? Are you really right from day 1 which is what Obama has been claiming?
Obama is wrong to associate with this racist, ignorant, America hating bigot and it shows his lack of judgement to foster this relationship with this man for over 20 years.
Go ahead, bring up Ferraro, she bungled her fucking comments so bad that she had no escape. This man preaches hate, and hate on America. This man’s peddles books from his Church including titles like “Quit America”.
We now know where Michelle Obama got her idea that this was the “first time” that she’s been proud of the U.S. Going to church and listening to a pastor that is your spiritual advisor that says “God Damn” America and that the U.S. is to blame for 9/11… *shudder*.
It’s time for Obama to drop out. These videos will be put on repeat for the GOP audience and it will be a GOP blow out.
Reformed republican –
Remember, Obama’s campaign called for Ferraro’s head and made a HUGE deal about her bungled comments. Reverend Wright is on Obama’s campaign. Why hasn’t he asked him to quit like Obama’s supporters were OUTRAGED that Clinton did not do right away?
Because you all are hypocrtical.
And there’s a huge difference between the rhetoric of what was said amongst these two supporters.
I’d take Ferraro any day over this idiot.
Sorry – to clarify my comment @ 10:
“If your spiritual adviser calls innocent 9/11 victims ‘Collateral’, and you CHOOSE to associate with him, are you really right on the issues? Are you really right from day 1 which is what Obama has been claiming?”
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Clueless Idiot@5: remember what you said about giving orders.
There are two groups of people in the Democratic Party right now – 1) people who understand the level of frustration and disappointment in America’s black community and 2) people who think that black people have it easy because Democrats created affirmative action and instantly solved our racial divide. The latter half are the reason that Obama is beating Hillary right now. They are embarrassing themselves into irrelevance.
13 – LMAO!!! That Korean nutcase is your style Stupes.
And he’s got a spare billion to waste on the WashTimes. Hasn’t made a frickin’ penny.
Don Joespews:
Amazing. Amazing how a pastor becomes a “spiritual advisor” and a friend becomes someone who influences policy. The way some of the anti-Obama rhetoric has elided facts is really quite sad. Will there ever be a time when y’all can just let the facts speak for themselves.
But, you know what’s really amazing? It’s perfectly OK for folks here to express their sense of righteous outrage over what Pastor Wright has said, but it’s clearly not OK for Pastor Wright to express his own sense of moral outrage over what we’ve done.
Talk about racism.
Robert KKK Byrdspews:
We KNOW that the GOP is full of racist, religious weirdooooos – that’s all that matters.
03/13/2008 at 7:06 pm
Hear hear bye bye. Hey if you going to my next rally make sure to bring you sheet. We democrats need to stick together.
Well, the trolls are really swinging and missing tonight.
@ 14 – There is no doubt that there is some dissapointment within some in the black community. I ask the black community – is it constructive to blame white folks for all your problems?
I don’t believe it is.
Women were considered property up until roughly 80 years ago. Is it productive for women to blame men because of their glass ceiling?
I completely disagree, and blaming others simply pisses the “blamed” off. It’s not constructive.
And for the record, I don’t think it’s anything to do with either of those items with why Obama is ahead in pledged delegates.
Do you honestly believe places like Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, places that have historically low african american populations, where a good amount of people probably haven’t even seen a black person in real life, are the reason why Obama is leading Clinton, and it has nothing to do with their African American views.
If Wyoming and Idaho and Utah heard this speech, and heard about things like Obama’s pro-stance on taking away handguns, would make many of them scratch their head and they would have never have voted for Obama.
@ 16 – this is so huge because of the fit that Obama supporters and the media threw about Ferraro’s comments.
How can they, on the one hand, say “Ferraro needs to go because she’s a racist” and “Can we trust Clinton if she keeps people like this on her campaign?”, and then for Obama to have this guy on his campaign, but also integrated in his personal life for 20+ years.
And besides ABC, have you seen anything on or about it, or what about Daily Kos?
It’s a huge deal.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
New Ads Hit Gore’s Energy ‘Hypocrisy,’ Critic Says
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
As we all know democrats lie every time they open their mouth. I do believe that Geraldine Ferraro and Walter Mondale were the last of the democrats who actually told the truth. Yeah of course they got wiped out in 1984, but that just proves my point. I believe Ferraro is speaking the truth on how many democrats feel about black people.
@19 There is no doubt that there is some dissapointment within some in the black community. I ask the black community – is it constructive to blame white folks for all your problems?
In this country, the institutional problems that continue to make the black communities worse year after year often do come from the actions of the (mostly) white power structure. Black communities can always do certain improvements on their own, but none of them can solve the larger problems in their communities without some changes to the status quo that are well out of their reach.
Women were considered property up until roughly 80 years ago. Is it productive for women to blame men because of their glass ceiling?
The fact that you think that this is even close to an analogous comparison is a concern. First of all, the glass ceiling problem that women face is peanuts compared to the problems that black communities in this country face today. Second, you’re saying something much more than this when it comes to Obama’s preacher. You’re right that Wright’s words are not productive. But you’re going further and saying that they are shameful. Now while I understand how they are divisive, I also understand the problems and the frustration that yield that rhetoric. I’ve seen a preacher here in Seattle express that same kind of frustration with the mayor, the police, and the powers-that-be.
I completely disagree, and blaming others simply pisses the “blamed” off. It’s not constructive.
It certainly doesn’t piss me off. I’m a well-off white man who has had a lot of advantages in this country. While I recognize that Wright’s words are not constructive, I certainly understand why there’s a certain level of anger there.
And for the record, I don’t think it’s anything to do with either of those items with why Obama is ahead in pledged delegates.
No, it’s because he’s convinced a lot of Democrats that he understands the problems facing this country better than Hillary Clinton does. I’m one of those people.
Do you honestly believe places like Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, places that have historically low african american populations, where a good amount of people probably haven’t even seen a black person in real life, are the reason why Obama is leading Clinton, and it has nothing to do with their African American views.
There are very few places anywhere in this country where people have never seen a black person in their life. Obama is leading Clinton in those places because he DOESN’T make it about his race. Every one else does, and people of all races are sick of it.
If Wyoming and Idaho and Utah heard this speech, and heard about things like Obama’s pro-stance on taking away handguns, would make many of them scratch their head and they would have never have voted for Obama.
First of all, Obama does not want to take away handguns:
Second, Obama kicked Hillary’s ass all over the place in Wyoming. He does well in those states because Hillary is seen as the more “big government” candidate.
proud leftistspews:
Did you know that Wyoming was the first state to give women equal rights? Shocking, but true. And, Wyoming had just become a state. Howard Dean’s 50 state strategy looks pretty good to me. Your strategy of imbecility doesn’t look so good. Hillary ain’t going to win. I understand that menopause has probably made you feel more violent, but you need to get over that.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Reminder to republicans. Please register for the Pennsylvania
democrat primary before March 24. It is legal and your duty as republicans to vote for Hillary in the primary.
Second, Obama kicked Hillary’s ass all over the place in Wyoming. He does well in those states because Hillary is seen as the more “big government” candidate.
I guarantee if these speeches were seen by the Wyoming population, and they knew his true positions on gun control, you would have seen his support drop. True, there are sheep who will continue to vote for him no matter what (same for Hillary), but as one Obama supporter (among many) said:
“Obama needs to distance himself from this big time or he can kiss the middle class vote goodbye.”
Now, on this:
The fact that you think that this is even close to an analogous comparison is a concern.
Bullshit, to compare, as a teenager, Hillary wrote to NASA and asked what she would need to do to be an astronaut. They told her that women weren’t allowed to be astronauts.
So, did she blame ‘the man’ for holding her down? It is bullshit for any person PERIOD to blame someone else for holding them down, unless they were kidnapped or physically restrained in some fashion.
As someone who did hiring and firing in Renton in my last job, I had a majority of black high school students who applied for the positions I had open. Their applications would come in with terrible spelling errors, grammar problems, and their interview skills were piss-poor.
I was able to hire some of these students, and I could understand why they aren’t learning, why they blame “everyone else” for their issues. When I would give them work, they chose to socialize. The work standard was 12 products per hour, and I had one kid who lasted 2 weeks give me 2 products over a total of 4 hours, because he wanted to socialize with the ladies instead of work. Shockingly, that kid also had the worst grades of the students I hired, and was the biggest proponent about why the ‘system’ fails him.
The system doesn’t fail you, when you don’t work, when you don’t put in an investment into making yourself better.
It is bullshit when you want to blame everyone else for your problems.
@ 23 – I did know that Wyoming is the “Equality State”.
And, when Hillary wins, will you come back on this blog one last time and tell me that you were wrong, and then leave? Dean’s 50 state strategy has been as much of a failure as he was as a 2004 presidential candidate.
Hey Kerry, focus on Nebraska, that will be a winning strategy, we can split the electoral votes among districts.
I see how well it worked. Dear President Kerry… errr, wait.
The gun control issue is far more complex than simply being boiled down to “pro-gun” and “anti-gun”. I disagree with Obama on his answer there, but that’s not that unusual a position by any Democrat, especially one who has spent time in the inner city. Has Hillary answered the same question with the opposite answer?
I guarantee if these speeches were seen by the Wyoming population, and they knew his true positions on gun control, you would have seen his support drop. True, there are sheep who will continue to vote for him no matter what (same for Hillary), but as one Obama supporter (among many) said:
“Obama needs to distance himself from this big time or he can kiss the middle class vote goodbye.”
What’s “this”? His position on handguns? Or Wright?
Bullshit, to compare, as a teenager, Hillary wrote to NASA and asked what she would need to do to be an astronaut. They told her that women weren’t allowed to be astronauts.
Are you kidding me? That’s analogous to the fact that 1 out of every 9 black males between the age of 25 and 34 is in prison right now? Are you really that stupid?
Not to mention that Hillary was a teenager in the early 1960s. Are you here to have a serious discussion, or are you here to embarrass yourself?
So, did she blame ‘the man’ for holding her down? It is bullshit for any person PERIOD to blame someone else for holding them down, unless they were kidnapped or physically restrained in some fashion.
“Unless they were kidnapped or physically restrained in some fashion,” huh? Maybe like the fact that this country has been enforcing its drug laws in a way that is slowly putting most of its minority population behind bars? Are you even aware that we now have 6 times the percentage of black people in prison that South Africa had at the height of Apartheid? Not being able to be astronauts is really not the main concern of people like Reverend Wright. Not having the police break into his home and shoot up his family is a little bit more pressing of a concern.
As someone who did hiring and firing in Renton in my last job, I had a majority of black high school students who applied for the positions I had open. Their applications would come in with terrible spelling errors, grammar problems, and their interview skills were piss-poor.
No shit, Sherlock! How many of them come from communities that have been ravaged by overly aggressive law enforcement, enabled by “tough on crime” politicians from both parties, who spent 3 decades believing that we can fix these communities by sending all the dads to jail? What happens to these kids when they grow up without fathers? Now of course, there are certainly deadbeat dads there too, and as I’ve said, there are many within the black community who deserve blame for that. But it’s the institutional problems, involving our prisons and our law enforcement, that’s the most inexcusable factor here.
And don’t give me any crap about “they shouldn’t be selling drugs.” Whites and blacks sell and use drugs in equal numbers. But blacks are far more likely to go to jail for it.
It is bullshit when you want to blame everyone else for your problems.
And that’s exactly what you’re doing right now but not acknowledging the role that our drug war and the role that phony “tough on crime” initiatives have had in bringing about the sad situation of black youth in our society today.
As I said, there are two types of Democrats right now. Those who get this, and those who don’t. Geraldine Ferraro made an ass of herself this week because she doesn’t get this. And you’re following her right down that path.
proud leftistspews:
Dusty: “And, when Hillary wins, will you come back on this blog one last time and tell me that you were wrong, and then leave? Dean’s 50 state strategy has been as much of a failure as he was as a 2004 presidential candidate.”
You bet your sweet bippy. I will never post here again if Hillary is elected president. Dusty, I must tell you, I dislike you more than most of the rightwing trolls that post here. You are not a Democrat, you are not a liberal, you are a paid propagandist of the Hillary campaign, or, perhaps, someone who needs some medication. I think Howard Dean’s 50 state strategy is turning out quite well. Holy shit, I’d like to meet you in person and tell you what a detriment you are to progressive politics. Why don’t you just confront yourself and acknowledge your Republicanism?
proud leftistspews:
Dusty @ 25: “As someone who did hiring and firing in Renton in my last job, I had a majority of black high school students who applied for the positions I had open. Their applications would come in with terrible spelling errors, grammar problems, and their interview skills were piss-poor.”
You are a racist. As an employer, I cannot believe how poorly most job applicants can/cannot write. Race has nothing to do with it. Black kids, white kids, green kids, blue kids–none of them can write. You, however, talk about black kids. You are a hater. Appropriate, accordingly, for shilling for Hillary. Do you think you are helping her cause?
@ 28 – because i’m not a republican. I’m a centrist democrat. I am a democrat in the mold of the Clinton’s, not the Kucinich’s.
A Gore democrat, not an Obama democrat.
HockeyPuck the dribbling Necromancerspews:
Rev. Hagee neither reaps nor sows, yet his coffers are blessed in the sight of the Lord.
Kinda sad that so many people are stupid enough to give money to a sociopath like Hagee. But without fear and Jayzuzz, he might have been another BTK. Thank God for small favors.
@29 – Well, it is true, of the black kids that came in to apply, nearly 90% of the black students had serious issues with their applications. Of the 3 white kids and the 8 hispanic kids who came in, I had 0 issue with the white kid’s resume, and 1 with the hispanic group.
So if stating facts make me racist, then so be it. God forbid that 70% of the people I hired were of a non-caucasian ethnic background. But I’m a fucking racist.
You keep trying to peg me – you sure got me here! *rolls eyes*
First, I really wish you would stop throwing mud. “Remember, Obama’s campaign called for Ferraro’s head and made a HUGE deal about her bungled comments.
This is pure horse puckies. The mud slinging in this campaign has largely come from the Clinton side and to from the media that think this sort of crap is a good way to sell adverts.
Second, I hate to say this but you need some lessons in racism.
Rev. Wright is hardly the only American who rightfully decries abuse of his people by others. Is it bigotry if I hold up the mirror of antisemitism to the christian world?
One reason I admire Senator McCain is his call on ALL Americans to acknowledge and redress our debt to the first peoples. Are Cherokee people racists for blaming the Euroes for the extinction of Cherokees from the ancestral lands?
How about Americans who aought against Hitler? Is it racist of Americans to expect the Germans to accept and learn from the lesson of the Nazis.
This tale goes on and on. Should Buddhists of the world not join hands and decry the behavior of the ethnic han toward the culture and people of Tibet.
Tell you what Mr. WhiteGuy, it is very easy to blame others for claiming their rights. It would be racism if Rev. Wright declared that AA were superior to other races .. the ugly claim made by Farrakhan. I have seen and read no such quotes. It would be racism if Rev. Wright decried the role all Americans played alongside Dr. King, I have not read those words either. It would be racism if he denigrated other peoples rather than celebrating his own, I have not heard those words either
The lessons Rev. Wright has taught, at least from what I have heard and from what Obama has written about the man, are about Black self reliance and self image, Black pride as a way to escape oppression. Is pride in ones people racist? As a Jew, Rev. Wright’s words ring true .. I was raised to be proud of my people and to swear NEVER again to allow the Goyem, that include you bubbelah, to oppress us. The Rev’s words sound a lot like an AA equivalent of the4 ideals of Zionism. Are you calling Zionists racists? Am I a racist?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I thought this guy was the repugs’ spiritual adviser …
DustyDipshit @ 32
Wow, that’s a statistical sampling that carries weight! You are racist, it’s in your pores, it’s in the breath you take. Would you please quit calling yourself a Democrat? Puddy is more sensible than you. You need serious therapy. Would you like a referral? I’d be pleased to help you in that regard. For now, however, go to sleep, my little darling, sleep will make the morning feel better.
Just to get the mud thrown in all directions at once, Hillary’s denomination, the US Methodists, have officially condemned Israel and have called for divestment.
Bill Clinton helped the dictator of Kazahkistan get appointed to UN Human right commission.
Hillary has taken and joked about taking contributions from an Indian firm that specializes in outsourcing.
Bill has been described as a frequent gueat at Hollywood parties w/o his wife.
Two things about these stories are important: First, the information is readily found on the web. Second the Obama campain has not exploited these stories.
You don’t suppose that this may be because the Obama campaign is trying to to be “ethical?”
@ 27 – “This” was the Wright issue.
I haven’t seen a document with a contrary stance from Hillary on the gun issue. Which is exactly why I advocate for her. She doesn’t fucking flip flop on hard issues like Obama does to whatever the politically correct issue of the day is today.
…enabled by “tough on crime” politicians from both parties, who spent 3 decades believing that we can fix these communities by sending all the dads to jail? What happens to these kids when they grow up without fathers?
I dunno, why don’t you ask me? I grew up in the White Center projects with a father figure gone for nearly 4 years. But you know who I blamed? No one. I spent the time to better myself.
I could have went out to go sell drugs to go better the family’s financial position. But I chose not to. I chose to focus on education and bettering myself to get where I am.
And don’t give me any crap about “they shouldn’t be selling drugs.”
Ok, I won’t. I wish all drugs were legalized so we wouldn’t have this issue period.
But as to your other point about white guys selling drugs in equal numbers, white guys don’t typically put themselves in the streets to do sales, which is where a lot of the african american busts happen.
Are you kidding me? That’s analogous to the fact that 1 out of every 9 black males between the age of 25 and 34 is in prison right now? Are you really that stupid?
No, I never tried to make that analogy. You just brought that up in this reply. Don’t call me stupid when you try and link things after the fact.
But we come with two different views just based off what you’ve said so far – you think police are heavy handed – I think police don’t go far enough because of pussy political situations like “He was chasing that stolen car and the stolen car hit me and now I’m going to sue the police because they shouldn’t have been chasing that car!”
Bullshit, the thief shouldn’t have stole the car in the first place, and if we had some heavy handed justice instead of pussying out with car thieves like we’ve been doing, we wouldn’t see the skyrocketing car theft rate we have in the Seattle area. Sue the car thief, not the police department.
Geraldine Ferraro did not make an ass out of herself, but here, allow me to concede that she probably offended you and Obama supporters.
My initial post here was exactly that same thing in reverse about Wright’s comments. As a white guy, I’m COMPLETELY offended by his statements. Militiant black racism, like Obama’s pastor, has no place in this country any more than Militant white racism does, like the KKK.
And if you want to read, it’s about 90%-10% outrage on the ABC message boards…
It would be racism if Rev. Wright declared that AA were superior to other races .. the ugly claim made by Farrakhan.
Well that’s strange, Wright’s church magazine in 2007 gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to a man it said “truly epitomized greatness.” That man is Louis Farrakhan.
I have been meaning to write you as I think we are pretty similar. Yo call yourself a liberal, but yoy write more like me … Republican for Hillary!
Can you tell us more? You say that ” nearly 90% of the black students had serious issues with their applications. .” IT would be great to know how many fo thes ekids there were. since yuo say nearly 90%, I assume that there were more than ten .. maybe 20? and at least 17 or the 20 could nto fill in the stupid form??? I will bet they all went to Seattle puboic Schools too!
The ” 3 white kids” who had no problems, can yu tell us where they went to school? I’ll bet it was Mercer Island! There are a,ot of smart jews there. Were these kids jews?
I am rally impressed that the hispanics did so well. Were these real Hispanics .. you know with funny accents and dark skin or just kids with names ending in …ez? You gotta be careful here in Seattle. About half the Jew community come from Spain! The Rodriguez and Lopez Jews laike to pass for Hispanic so they can get benefits.
Keep it up comrade! Hillary is OUR man!
I do not call myself a liberal, I am not a liberal. I am a centrist democrat. There’s a huge difference between being on the Kucinich fringe wing of the party and being on the Gore centrist platform of the party.
@38 The church recognized the efforts that Farrakhan has made at self development in the Black community.
This does not comprise the Rev. declaring Blacks superior. Moreover, in his later years Frakhan has toned down a lot of his rhetoric and he DOES deserve credit for promoting Black self help. What would you have a prominent Black minister do, condemn all black Muslims?
OTOH, Hillary’s church ITSELF condemned Israel. But maybe that is OK by you?
Are you and The Gipper the same guy? At least he admits to being a Republican for Hillary.
proud leftistspews:
Dusty: “I could have went out to go sell drugs to go better the family’s financial position. But I chose not to. I chose to focus on education and bettering myself to get where I am.”
You should have sold drugs. Plainly, you never “bettered yourself.” Neither have I, for that matter. I’m a pastor’s kid. I suppose that Lutherans are too liberal in your neck of the woods, but my father, who still considers himself a pastor though he approaches 80 and is retired, was for Hillary, initially. Then, he saw how racist and divisive she has become. He called me the other day to tell me he had never given money to a presidential candidate during the primary. He said Hillary’s tactics forced him to give money to Obama. My father lives in Idaho. There are not a lot of Democrats in Idaho. Hillary will not make more Democrats in Idaho. Obama will. People like you just turn everyone else off.
@ 28 – I love that because I’m not in favor of Barack Obama and that I am for Hillary Clinton – that means I’m a detriment to “progressive politics”.
Strange, making sure that every American has health insurance seems like a fucking progressive policy to my ears.
Guess which candidate advocates for that? Your candidate, or mine?
Somehow, I have trouble you and Gore in the same party. Everything you right smells .. well like elephant dung.
I do not think Mr. Gore would condone Clinton’s campaign strategy.
@ 42 – Answer me honestly – do you think that Idaho will EVER (and I’m 30) vote Democrat for President in my lifetime? That’s about 40-60 years if I’m lucky based off family history.
It could be a democrat in name only running for president, and Idaho would still vote Republican. Regardless whether Obama caused your dad to give money to Obama.
This was the first year I’ve ever given money to a presidential candidate in the primary as well, and I’ve given it hand over fist to Hillary.
Now, play Mr. Wright’s clips to your dad, and ask him if he regrets giving money to that man who has militant black racist supporters that he identifies as his spiritual adviser and is STILL serving on Barack’s campaign?
@ 44 – Mr. Gore has not endorsed any candidate’s strategy.
You may choose to spin that as anti-clinton, but you also have to spin it anti-obama in the same breath.
And look, I understand you can’t understand where centrists come from. I can’t understand where people on the far left come from.
I primarily came to this site back in the day because I agreed Tim Eyman is a Horses Ass. I still do. And I’ll lobby hard against Dino Rossi.
I know you don’t think I have a lot in common with you personally, and maybe I don’t, but I work in our favor for many of the candidates we have in common.
@43 ,,, Gawd you have the Repubs for Hillary talking points down so well! I am jealous. BTW, SF ,, Dustin and I are anything but the same person! BUT I hear you are a sockpuppet for Piper. True?
Let me tell you why I like Hillary Care. It taxes the poor to pay for the rich!
The Hillary plan insurance which means it costs a lot more than the Obama plan and needs to be supported by a TAX. Moreover, because she porposes that this tax be not form the general fund, it is paterned after FICA and is extremely fair to the wealthy … like Huckabee’s flat tax!
The cool thing is we are selling this to the Dimwit dems as “universal healthcare.”
I understand that next week Ms. C is going to introduce a similar plan to help the wealthy pay for expensive schools! Her idea? We would require everyone to pay 5% of their income up to a max of 100,000 toward the Universal Eduction Program. These funds could then be used to guarantee tuition for all American kids!
Hillary 4 President, she is OUR man.
@42 – I’ve heard this rumor for a while now, and I haven’t yet had anyone post any hard evidence to me.
The only thing I can find is the following:
“The United Methodist Church’s official lobby office is urging church agencies and members to divest their holdings in Caterpillar Inc. because the company sells bulldozers to Israel.
United Methodist General Board of Church and Society sponsored the resolution, accusing Caterpillar of facilitating Israel’s destruction of Palestinian property.”
Which is quite different than divesting completely from Israel. And also quite different than your specific local church calling for divestment.
It would be like someone staying Catholic when the Catholic church altar boy scandal was going on. But, supporting a pedophile priest? Apples and Oranges.
you seem to be losing control of yourself, addressing messages to yourself? Assuming you and TBG are the same person, I suggest you be careful which sock you have on your hand when you press enter.
Right, a typo makes me dillusional. It was supposed to be @ 45 instead of @ 44.
proud leftistspews:
Frank Church was a Senator from Idaho into the 1980s. He was a great Democratic politician, who would have been an outstanding president. Cecil Andrus was the governor of Idaho into the early 1990s. An environmentalist, an egalitarian. Again, an outstanding Democrat. My family’s roots are more in Montana–guess what? Democratic governor (who I hope Obama picks as his running mate), state house and senate going Democrat, and, of course, two US Senators who are both Democrats–Jon Tester and Max Baucus. So, do I think Democrats can recapture Idaho in my lifetime? You bet your ass, I do. Dusty, do you think that Hillary is going to help Democrats win the Mountain West? I don’t. Your idiocy is both broad and deep.
Right on! Besides why shouldn’t Hillary side with the Church? Why side with the Zionists?
Look, the Obama-istas claim he can get votes in Idaho! You think there are ANY Jews there? You want votes in in Idaho … vote Hillary and side with the Methodists!
In fact, I think Hillary should just go t Gaza and decalre herself. “I am a Phiilistine (proper term for Palestinian according to the yid SJ).”
OK, so tell what do you think about Ms. Clinton’s famous kiss for Mrs Arafat?
As for Al Gore, … you do know, I assume, that he blames the Clintons for his defeat? Might have a little to do with the way they treated him during his campaign.
As for calling yourself a centrist, what the fuck do you mean. Do you think Barack is to her left??? Lets see, she wants to tax everyine to pay for healthcare and he wants to make it so everyone can buy heathcare with subsidies for those with less ability. Is Hillarycare to the right left up or down?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 You? A Democrat? You had me fooled. Your stripes don’t fool me, though.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rethugs calling themselves “Democrats” on liberal blogs is a growing pollution problem that we need to clean up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 “Right, a typo makes me dillusional.”
Aha! You spell like a wingnut, so you must be a wingnut.
Since i ahve never been to Earth and we have only neen learnig about you since Earth plugged into the Net, I am confused about how you elect leaders.
It sounds as if you have no interest in their plans to lead, only in whether they pay for or get free sex and whether they belong to the right religion. Yes?
Her at the GOP (oops Grand Old Planet) we masturbate all the time and have a number of genders so having sex is not much of a deal. The idea of paying to masturbate seems odd when you can do it for yourself. Is the idea that such payments are follish and imply poor judgement?
Also this religion thing sounds a lot like what we call the caste system. We are birtn into a caste but can be reprogrammed later on,e specially when we give birth. Is thuis the same thing?
Is all this religous shit really accomplishing anything? Anybody who takes religion seriously is a registered, card-carrying nutcase. I don’t care if it’s Jewish, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, or what the hell. They’re all based in insanity.
I’m working my way towards Wicca these days. When was the last time you heard Wiccans saying we should “conquer the Holy Land and free it from the infidel?”
All religions are ridiculous. I was raised Catholic but turned in my kneepads about 37 years ago. Believe what you want to believe, but whatever you believe probalbly isn’t the truth. The truth is not for us to know. Yet.
Richard Popespews:
Proud Leftist @ 23
New Jersey was the first state to allow women to vote in 1790, by adoption of gender-inclusive language allowing anyone with over fifty pounds or $250 wealth to vote. This loophole applied to unmarried women over 21 (mostly widows, since women married early back then, if they could at all), who were the only women who could hold property in their own name under the old common law. This became highly objectionable politically, when some women actually registered to vote, and the law was amended to exclude women as voters in 1807. The state constitution was later amended in 1844 to specifically prohibit women from voting, and this was not changed until 1947 — long after this provision was nullified by the 1919 amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Wyoming Territory gave women the right to vote in 1869, and was the first U.S. jurisdiction to have universal adult suffrage. Wyoming did not become a state until 1890.
The second jurisdiction to allow women to vote was Utah Territory in 1870. However, Congress passed a law taking away voting rights of Utah women in 1887, as part of some anti-Mormon legislation. These rights were restored in the state constitution adopted in 1895, and Utah was finally admitted as a state in 1896.
Colorado and Idaho were the only other states to allow women to vote as of the turn of the 20th century. These four states were probably the first, in large part because of Mormon influence, although Utah was the only Mormon majority state.
@38 I haven’t seen a document with a contrary stance from Hillary on the gun issue. Which is exactly why I advocate for her. She doesn’t fucking flip flop on hard issues like Obama does to whatever the politically correct issue of the day is today.
This makes absolutely no sense and you know it. I’d be willing to bet that if Hillary were asked the same question, she’d answer the same as Obama. It’s not about flip-flopping, it’s about being careful with wording. Here’s Hillary’s stances on gun control. On the whole, about the same as Obama:
I dunno, why don’t you ask me? I grew up in the White Center projects with a father figure gone for nearly 4 years. But you know who I blamed? No one. I spent the time to better myself.
Good for you. Not all people do the same. And when you have a community where the likelihood of being without a father is greatly increased, the number of people who don’t get the guidance to succeed in life simply increases. That’s basic logic.
I could have went out to go sell drugs to go better the family’s financial position. But I chose not to. I chose to focus on education and bettering myself to get where I am.
That’s wonderful. Are you implying that you’re more likely to have made that decision because you’re white? If you are, than you’re a racist. The same percentages of blacks and whites make that decision. A much higher percentage of the people who are black end up going to jail for making the opposite decision.
Ok, I won’t. I wish all drugs were legalized so we wouldn’t have this issue period.
Good. I certainly agree.
But as to your other point about white guys selling drugs in equal numbers, white guys don’t typically put themselves in the streets to do sales, which is where a lot of the african american busts happen.
This is true, the average black man selling drugs is willing to assume more risk of arrest when it comes to drug sales, but that is only part of the story. The other part is that drug laws are enforced much more aggressively in all black neighborhoods, and there are far more cases of entrapment and setups as well.
No, I never tried to make that analogy. You just brought that up in this reply. Don’t call me stupid when you try and link things after the fact.
This isn’t a side issue, Dustin. This is the heart of what Wright is talking about. If you’re attacking Wright’s anger and trying to imply that the anger of the black community is equivalent to the fact that Hillary was told she couldn’t be an astronaut in 1960, you deserve to be mocked and laughed at.
But we come with two different views just based off what you’ve said so far – you think police are heavy handed – I think police don’t go far enough because of pussy political situations like “He was chasing that stolen car and the stolen car hit me and now I’m going to sue the police because they shouldn’t have been chasing that car!”
And this is a very naive view, Dustin. We’ve given police extraordinary powers in the past few decades. People’s 4th Amendment rights in both their cars and homes have been greatly eroded. The previously unthinkable notion of police-led military-style raids on private residences has become commonplace, they’re even considered entertainment when filmed. We’re only now starting to correct this course, mainly because the number of botched raids has becoming alarming. People are finally starting to ask why.
Bullshit, the thief shouldn’t have stole the car in the first place, and if we had some heavy handed justice instead of pussying out with car thieves like we’ve been doing, we wouldn’t see the skyrocketing car theft rate we have in the Seattle area. Sue the car thief, not the police department.
This is completely irrelevant to what we’re talking about here, and you know it. You got nailed, and now you’re trying to talk about a bunch of non-sequiturs. This is about the racial disparity in our prisons, which has nothing to do with car thefts. In fact, one of the reasons that car thefts in Seattle are so high is because we’ve been forced by mandatory minimums to put drug offenders in the prisons where the car thieves belong. Instead, car thieves largely get off with a slap on the wrist.
Geraldine Ferraro did not make an ass out of herself, but here, allow me to concede that she probably offended you and Obama supporters.
She did both. And Obama supporters are offended by what she said because she’s absolutely wrong that Obama’s support is coming solely because he’s a black man. I’m concerned that there are still Democrats who think like that. We need to be smarter. It’s 2008 – not 1980.
My initial post here was exactly that same thing in reverse about Wright’s comments. As a white guy, I’m COMPLETELY offended by his statements. Militiant black racism, like Obama’s pastor, has no place in this country any more than Militant white racism does, like the KKK.
I also think Wright’s statements went too far. But as I said, I understand the reservoir of anger and frustration that they come from. The fact that Obama does not repeat his pastor’s words and does not allow himself to become so emotional and angry about the situation the black America has found itself in is the reason why people are so impressed by him. To compare Wright to the KKK is foolish. Being part of a majority that seeks to subjugate minorities is always worse than a minority who overreacts to institutional racism in a society. At the very least, I hope you understand this Dustin?
And if you want to read, it’s about 90%-10% outrage on the ABC message boards…
And I can show you an ABC message board where 90% of the people are denying global warming. This issue is an idiot magnet. And it attracts people who aren’t paying close enough attention to the black community to understand why a pastor like Wright would be likely to be so angry. It’s not because they’re not letting him become an astronaut.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Wow Lee you sure know how to spin it when you didn’t live it.
“No shit, Sherlock! How many of them come from communities that have been ravaged by overly aggressive law enforcement, enabled by “tough on crime” politicians from both parties, who spent 3 decades believing that we can fix these communities by sending all the dads to jail?”
What a generalizationist moron – Let’s dissect this piece by piece.
Overly aggressive law enforcement – Hmmm… when a person does the crime, let’s allow them to skip the time. Yeah that’s the ticket. Do you know how much crime is black-on-black crime in the “community”? Of course not you’s a burb’ boy. I am a inner city boy! Let’s just say for round numbers it’s >60%.
Crying about “tough on crime politicians” – Hmmm… it’s the donkey democrat who controls the dog catcher to the mayor’s job in these “communities”. So if they don’t run as a “tough-on-crime” candidate who will vote for them. Don’t bring up we who think right on this issue. Donkey control every major American city.
Sending the dads to jail – You call these people dads? They are mostly sperm donors. Dads care for their children. Dads don’t run from their responsibilities (well if you are Clueless Idiots you do). Dads don’t run around putting I scored again notches in their belt. Dads teach their children right from wrong. Dads tell their children get an education. Dads work hard to ensure their children have a better chance then they did.
Kids don’t get an education because they see the glamor in movies of being a pimp, drug dealer, or being a gangster. These stereotypes are perpetuated by the movie moguls and we know who gives what to which candidates in Hollyweird, right Lee?
Kids don’t get an education when there are no value to it. Inner city education systems have been under your donkey party control since the early 1960s – over 40 years Lee. What have donkey done to make it better? Nuthin…
So Lee are you in your wretched round-about way trying to tell us the parents are responsible? Well the great society being foisted by the liberals in the 1960s said: “It’s your thing do what you wanna do. I can’t tell you who to sock it to” – Isley Brothers
Please don’t speak to inner city problems. When you have family that died due to inner city violence call me.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Another Leeism: And don’t give me any crap about “they shouldn’t be selling drugs.” Whites and blacks sell and use drugs in equal numbers. But blacks are far more likely to go to jail for it..
Lee do these blacks get caught selling drugs on the street corner in Redmond or Seattle? Where do whites sell drugs? On the street corner in Redmond or in their house or place of work?
This is target shooting time.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Proud Leftist entered: “Dusty, I must tell you, I dislike you more than most of the rightwing trolls that post here.”
I know I am not part of the “most” crowd. But I did have a fleeting moment of euphoria.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
SeattleJew what you talking about? Who told you blacks are not the superior race?
Oh my bad… Robert K^3 Sheets Byrd.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Proud Leftist: Now you did it. I’m pizzed. “Puddy is more sensible than you.”
Hey Proud – I make you think. I was a donkey then I grew up.
Besides, unlike you I was born disabled and lack an ability to sense race. Next time I want to know who is or is not “black” can I get your help?
Daddy Lovespews:
1 DJ
You and Hillary have lost. Get used to it. Obama has already won the nomination.
He has kicked Hillary’s ass in ( only/2008/3/13/134235/517/95/4 75879) pledged delegates, popular vote, primaries won, caucuses won, overall contests won, Red and Blue states won, and money raised.
It’s up to the superdelegates to get over their paralysis and tell Hillary to get over herself and put an end to this farce.
Listening to MSNBC this AM was a lesson in American racism. They picked sound bytes from Rev. Wright’s speaches to denigrate him and Obama.
The honest truth is that I heard the vopice of an intense, ethnically devoted man who is irate at the history of his people in this country. Is it wriong for an African American minister to speak this way or did I not live through the last 66 years?
Yep Rev. Wright says STRONG things. He says we BOMBED Hiroshima and invaded Iraq. He says we enslaved and dehumanized his own anacestors. He yells about these crimes and invikes the justice of his Deity. Rev. Wright judges his own country harshly.
Is this s surprise? Is it newsworthy? Or is ti racist?
Compared to poets I read .. Kerouac and Ginsberg, compared to Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix this stuff is mild. Wright diod not write HOWL or the Hednrix version of our national anthem. But, ya know he is just another N—-.
Exactly what is the medioa trying to do here? Compensate for Hillary’s claim that it is weak on Obama? Finding yellow text to fill 24/7 journalism’s open orifices?
Daddy Lovespews:
You gyus have it all wrong. Dustin James is not a Hillary supporter. He/she/it is a GOP troll. Don’t you get it? Read the arguments. He/she/it espouses theories and policies that are GOP, not Clintonite. C’mon, people. Let’s learn to listen to what they say, not what they claim about themselves.
Here are the two oldest troll tricks in the book:
1. “I used to be a Democrat, but I left the party because…<insert GOP talking points>”
1. “I’m a centrist Democrat, but I can’t support Democratic candidate A because…<insert GOP talking points>”
Or do you really believe that Hillary Clinton backers hammer Barack Obama on gun control?
Sending the dads to jail – You call these people dads? They are mostly sperm donors. Dads care for their children.
Puddydumbfuck, I actually know more than a handful of people whose parents were drug users or even drug dealers as they were being raised. In the black community, these people would be considerably more likely to be in jail.
Just because you’re black and you grew up slightly closer to the inner city than Goldy and me does not make you any more knowledgeable about it than me (and it clearly shows).
Daddy Lovespews:
31 DJ
I’m a Gore Democrat. I worked for Al Gore, I campaigned for Al Gore. Believe me, you’re no Gore Democrat.
Um, no, Puddy, you’re not. You actually told me where you grew up, and it’s not the inner city. It’s actually only about 10 minutes from where Goldy went to high school. Having lived only 5 minutes from the center of Norristown when I was in high school, I probably lived closer to a truly high crime area than you did.
And all of this ignores the fact that my grandfather was a longtime businessman in Camden and even had an office there until the 90s, and my mom graduated from Camden High. I come from a family with a lot of experience with high-crime inner cities. And, as I’ve already pointed out, the fact that I understand the dynamics far better than you do really shows that.
@63 Kids don’t get an education because they see the glamor in movies of being a pimp, drug dealer, or being a gangster. These stereotypes are perpetuated by the movie moguls and we know who gives what to which candidates in Hollyweird, right Lee?
Hahahaha! You’re blaming the problems of the inner city on Hollywood!! And you actually think we should consider you an expert on urban affairs after saying that??!? Hahahaha!
I think you’re probably right, although I really don’t understand the motivation. Any Republican with half a brain would be much happier running against Hillary this year.
Hey Proud – I make you think.
LMAO!!! You make me laugh with your never-ending stream of right wing bullshit!
Did you look at that Moon tape? That’s your asian variant.
I understand the dynamics far better than you do really shows that.
I think you misunderstand the Radical Right. These are not cold, calculating rational folk. They are bizar, bigoted, irrational nuts.
Look at ti this way ..
If you dump the party labels and look at policies … support for big business, strengthening class divisions, the Clintons really look more like Torries than they do like Whigs!
Bill Clinton was a better continuation of Bush I than GWB has been.
I am not sure if you have seen the posts by one RW nut here, but this guy calls himself the Big Gipper and has been yelling about Hilalry as the candidate FOR conservatives upset about MCcain. TBG may be a troll but on this issue he speaks truth.
BTW .. are you going to watch the Adams show Sunday night? We were tlking abut getting together with some friends. I am fascinated by the analogies to today,
Here you have a thread that was supposed to be a knock against John McCain and the support being given him by a fundamentalist pastor, and it ends up being a bitchy catfight among Democrats.
So much for the Democratic Party being tolerant and inclusive! And how’s that diversity of thought workin’ out for you?
Hope to be seeing YouTube clips of BHO’s buddy Pastor Wright and his hate America first diatribes. The guy makes Louis Farrakhan – disavowed by BHO – look like Gandhi!
And Geraldine Ferraro with Hillary Clinton; it takes a hatchet woman to know a hatchet woman.
Efforts to drag Al Gore into this failed because nobody brought enough donuts for him.
Keep it up. You can’t buy entertainment this delicious!
The Piper
If this is the best that the inbred right can do – its Dems by 20 points!
Daddy Lovespews:
80 PS
Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty left to pillory McCain. How are those turnout numbers working for you?
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Where did I say I was from? Come on?
Where did I say my cousins are from? Come on?
You are so full of crap my display is starting to smell.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee: regarding drugs and crime.
My cousin is a Lt. on the Philly Police Force. I hear stories all the time. Six of my classmates were incarcerated due to drug violence. Four are dead due to drug violence. I know more about it than you’ll ever know.
I think headless lucy uses a term asshat. Fits you to a T.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee since you have the archives, tell me what were the Google coordinates of where I lived?
Happy hunting…
Daddy Lovespews:
Let’s see, 100 years in Iraq, “bomb bomb Iran,” dismantle Social Security, and no ideas about the price of oil.
Yeah, that McCain’s gonna be tough. Not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bailout Saves Bear Stearns From Collapse
The Federal Reserve and J.P. Morgan intervened this morning to save Bear Stearns Cos., the nation’s 5th largest investment bank, which apparently was within hours of financial collapse. Bear Stearns stock was down 50%, from $57 to less than $30, in early trading today. I predict there will be more bailouts of banks and credit companies as America teeters on the precipice of the worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression. Waytago wingfucks!
This financial fiasco was brought to you by nincompoops who got their economic religion from a minor author of pulp fiction.
Daddy Lovespews:
84 Pud
I hear stories all the time.
Ah, you hear stories. So much more comprehensive as an approach than looking at the state of research in the field. The plural of anecdote is data, you know.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee@75: Been paying attention lately to the news. How about that dead white boy in Snohomish who had his friends bury him in the sand and due to lack of oxygen he died. Do you know where they got the idea from?
TV Cartoons.
Lee – What a fool.
Daddy Lovespews:
87 RR
Yep. Can you say “bank failures?” I knew you could!
Daddy Lovespews:
89 Pud
But that’s just one anecdote. You need at least two before you can call it data.
Don’t care. My dad’s side of the family is rooted in Brooklyn and I was always visiting relatives there growing up. The house where my mother grew up is in a neighborhood of Camden that neither one of us would feel safe going to today, even in the daytime.
You are so full of crap my display is starting to smell.
You need to wipe harder.
@ 71 – I don’t hammer Obama on Gun Control, I hammer him on his flip flops.
Flip Flops is what caused us to lose in 2004 (besides running a mediocre candidate) and Obama is going to get creamed in the general election because of these flip flops on things like Gun Control and so much more if he is our candidate.
Which is why I’m arguing against making him our candidate.
More and more polls are showing that Hillary is more electable vs McCain than Obama is. We will lose in the General Election if Obama is our candidate.
@84 My cousin is a Lt. on the Philly Police Force. I hear stories all the time. Six of my classmates were incarcerated due to drug violence. Four are dead due to drug violence. I know more about it than you’ll ever know.
Again, if this is true, why are you still making the absurd claim that it happens because of TV and movies? If you know more about it than I’ll ever know, you wouldn’t say things that stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Social Security is one of America’s most important bulwarks against another Great Depression. By putting millions of monthly checks in the hands of senior citizens who immediately spend the money, SS puts a safety net under the economy when consumer spending is beleaguered by unemployment, inflation, and other macroeconomic trends. The SS checks keep coming no matter what the economic trends are or the economy is doing. SS also has been insrumental in lifting America’s elderly out of poverty. So who could possibly be stupid enough to dismantle this all-important program? Republicans, that’s who! Waytago wingfucks! Another choice piece of stupidity brought to you by the sponsors of unregulated lending and Wall Street panics.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee: So you disagree with Pelletizer when he said he thinks TV and movie violence is degrading our society. It’s one of the few things his rabbit-sized oxygen starved brain told his fingers to type I agree with.
So I guess this paper is above your comprehension level:
How about that 12 year old genius from Florida who killed that six year old girl when he body slammed her? He watched it on WWE. Or how about those “jackasses” who try to emulate WWE wrestling slam moves on portable tables and end up in the hospital with broken bones. Why does Mythbusters start each episode of their show with the disclaimer “We’re trained professionals, don’t try this at home”?
@89 How about that dead white boy in Snohomish who had his friends bury him in the sand and due to lack of oxygen he died. Do you know where they got the idea from?
They were 10, you idiot. Most of us get smarter as we progress past that age. Clearly, you haven’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@96 While I think violent TV shows, movies, and video grames are degrading American society, I believe violent Republicans are degrading the whole fucking world.
Still pretending to be a Democrat? A real Democrat would be talking about McCain’s flipflops. McCain makes Kerry look like a statue of General Grant.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Who said control Lee?
So you denigrate the dead child. Typical lefty, so blatantly obvious!
Only in LeeWorld (TM).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Which reminds me … if you ask a wingnut who’s buried in Grant’s tomb, he’ll probably tell you “Ayn Rand.”
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Oh Lee, clearly I have. I wouldn’t be doing something I love. Maybe you know lots of 10 year old minds. Many reside on this board as leftist HorsesASSholers!
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
@ 73 – I didn’t become politically active until 2004 in the Governor’s election, so if you campaigned for him, good job.
I have been to 3 states so far campaigning for Hillary, so this is going to be the first time I’ll be truly active in politics besides voting.
And, I’ve checked my own beliefs against what Gore lobbies for, and I’m nearly in lockstep with his stances on the issues. True, not everything, for instance I don’t like the trade-deal with China that Bill Clinton lobbied for and Al Gore still supported, but when you’re at 90-95% with a candidate, you know you’ve found who best represents you.
It certainly affects children, but nowhere near as much as a parent’s actions do.
You’ve devolved to mumbling incoherently again Puddy. Are you going to start making sense again, or have you crossed the threshold into full retardation for this thread?
The only violence on this thread is Dem on Dem – if you all were in the same room together, there would be teeth on the floor and fistfulls of hair missing from several heads.
The liberal veneer is very thin and peeled back at the slightest provocation to reveal a venal and angry side that is the real you.
The Piper
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee@99: sure is telling you chose the Pelletizer sentence and dared not cover the other part of the entry.
Daddy Lovespews:
93 DJ
More and more polls are showing that Hillary is more electable vs McCain than Obama is. We will lose in the General Election if Obama is our candidate.
Gee, that sounds like an assertion of fact. If so, it could use some support. You wanna claim that “more and more polls” show Hillary to be “more electable vs. McCain?” Prove it.
Oh, and kudos for ignoring that whatever the facts that you have not yet shown us on electability might turn out to be, Hillary IS LOSING and HAS LOST to Obama in every conceivable measure through the course of the Democratic primaries. Maybe it’s because she is the uninspiring wife of a former president trying to ride his coattails to the nomination, and Democrats are just over 50% too smart for that. Maybe.
Hmmm, what do you know…one of the “more and more polls” that DIDN’T go Hillary’s way. Weird.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
No Lee@107: This is the standard lefty trick. When the facts start hurting the liberal brain, the standard line is
“wow you are mumbling” – when I said I like separating out the issues?
When I wrote who said control Lee? You wrote in #99 “It does not control it”.
I see you have lefty thread processingitis. Once you type in an entry you forget what you entered when the adversary responds.
Mrs Clinton WILL be the next POTUS! (You heard it here first) :)
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Daddy love:
Stories. From my police LT. cousin when I go back home to Philly and stop in and see them?
How many of your classmates are incarcerated or dead due to drug violence? I bet you can count them on two finger at most.
@ 101 – Republican voters have shown repeatedly that truth doesn’t matter to them, so even when you do point out the flaws with their candidate and their flip flops, they just like to scream louder and point to the other side.
I’d rather not serve up a candidate who will take the Kerry smug approach and try and play it down as no big deal. It worked REAL well for Kerry…
McCain is a giant turd – I was aware that he was a douchebag from his involvement in the Keating 5 S&L scandals back in 1989, not to mention everything else since then. I could never vote for anyone who admits he’s ignorant on the economy. This man wants to be President when he admits he doesn’t understand basic economic issues?
Obama though, is a douchebag. His constant flip flopping, his support against immediate foreclosure relief, his wanting to continue to borrow $300 billion dollars of chinese money yearly to pay for his domestic programs when all it’s going to do is get our deficit more out of control, shows that he, like McCain, has no clue as to what the economy needs.
Hillary is the only candidate who knows how to salvage the economy and prevent us from spiraling deeper into economic death. And if you haven’t been able to tell, the economy is my #1 issue.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 Well, Lee, to tell you the truth I think a certain amount of social behavior feeds on what people see in TV shows and movies. Certainly, that’s got to be where a lot of bad driving comes from. Even car ads encourage people to drive fast and skid sideways into parking spaces, and there are plenty of idiots who go out and try it.
Frankly, I think your argument that film fiction merely “reflects” society is nonsense. In the old days, before realistic special effects came along, movies consisted mostly of dialogue, and were carried by the script and acting. Today, good writing and acting have become lost arts; no one in Hollywood can do either anymore. Today’s formulaic screen entertainment contains very little besides car chases, explosions, and actors pointing guns at each other. And instead of living in a society of people interacting with each other, today’s America is full of morons who have spent their lives mesmerized by the boob toob. And you’re trying to tell us TV and movies don’t affect behavior? Hell, nowadays TV and movies are the only parents most kids have ever known!
Poppycock, Lee. Still, as I pointed out above, Republicans do far more real-world real-time damage than crappy TV shows, movies, and video games. Given a choice, I’d rather have the shitty entertainment than the shitty Republicans. At least it’s (somewhat) entertaining. Republicans have zero amusement value.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee@111: Holy News Flash Batman. Lee agreed with me. Heart Palpatations starting…
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Here’s looking at you, kid” has been replaced by “Here’s spitting in your eye, roboturd”.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
@115 How many of your classmates are incarcerated or dead due to drug violence? I bet you can count them on two finger at most.
I left the Philly suburbs at 18, so my contacts there are mostly non-existent, but I do know of one person who has died from drug violence. I guarantee you that if I went back and talked to people, I’d find out about a lot more. Drug dealing was very common in my high school.
That’s another thing I disagree with you about, Roger.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee@124: I put the Google map coordinates where I lived. You mixed me up my cousins, one of which works for the Force.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Yeaaaaaaaaargh, Pelletizer left. Now a real discussion can occur.
Word stolen from Howard Screech Dean.
Daddy Lovespews:
115 Pud
Yes, exactly my point. Stories. Which says that you don’t know shit about what you don’t know, and you only know what someone else tells you — someone who has unexamined biases, who selectively edits the stories they tell, and who has not done any comprehensive research or any kind of statistical analysis. You see, the plural of anecdote is NOT data. I was just joking because to claim that anecdotes=data is a stupid thing to say. Get it yet?
Puddy is not very good at figuring out when people are making fun of him.
Daddy Lovespews:
115 Pud
I checked, and I do have one finger for you.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Daddy Love: Redacted police reports with the crime, those involved, activities taken place, the police chase are all public record. Just as TMZ gets them I can see them too.
You are smoking that wacky weed and it isn’t the Ides of March yet! You can blather on about statistical analysis when the police report used for the crime prosecution is available to the public.
Keep up the good work.
Also, it proves the type of person you are Daddy Love if you are not interested in your fellow man, let alone the people you spent 13 years of your life with.
Keep up the good work.
IAFF Firemanspews:
Hey Goldy,
How’s that Non-Union made vehicle that you brag about driving helping out the middle class union Workers?
I guess that driving a car from a foreign manufacturer is the best way to be a Cheap Labor Liberal. Did you do a count at your DL event, held at a non-union establishment, of how many foreign made vehicles were there, compared to American/Union made?
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee@134: I ignore idiot posts. Daddy Love wasn’t writing coherently to my entry so I clarified it for him in 136.
Good job Lee. Still waiting for you to tell me where I lived. You made the charge so now let’s see the Lee mind at work.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Daddy Love: Not interested in you displaying your IQ. But then again when it’s that low, counting is fundamental.
WOW! I’ve seen some dumb blogs – but this one takes the cake!
Daddy Lovespews:
139 Pud
You forgot I’m rubber and you’re glue.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
@141: Six years old again?
Bagdad Bushspews:
Piper I’d love a chance to be in the same room with you.
Don Joespews:
@ 142
When you speak of “facts,” you demonstrate a ridiculously poor grasp of what constitutes an actual fact. For example, that someone told you a story is a fact. The story itself is not a fact. It’s just a story–the facts filtered and distorted through someone else’s eyes. I’ve said before, you really need to stop searching for facts in opinion pieces.
Try to spend less time telling Lee that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and more time actually showing, via coherent arguments as opposed to vague hints at Motown and Hollywood, where Lee is, indeed, wrong on the facts.
Thanks for standing up for my classmates. I am sure that your strategy of sucking up to strangers so that they will praise your virtue is paying off for you big time.
Yippee Ti Wyospews:
“Did you know that Wyoming was the first state to give women equal rights? Shocking, but true. And, Wyoming had just become a state.”
More leftist disinformation. Wyo granted full-frontal suffrage in 1869, 21 years before Wyo became a state.
Frank Ratso Rizzospews:
Lee: Did you figger out where I lived in Philly yet?”
Lee is/was a Philaburbian. Not to be confused with a Philadelphian. He and Goldstein are only trying to counterfeit some of your cred, Puddy.
His Holiness Beat Me 2 Itspews:
See that Pope Richard already got your minds right about Wyoming. That’s why we in the College of Cardinals elected him class clown.
The U.S. of K.K.K.A.spews:
Dustin James is doing the Lord’s work. Preach it, brother.
we’ll debate.
LMAO!!! Debate? There never was a debate. How do you debate with idiocy and insanity?
You are a purveyor of total bullshit. You are a joke.
Your ugly, insane, corrupt party is circling the toilet bowl and I’m watching you circle with it.
You support a bigger liberal than Teddy Kennedy and Hillary (gasp) for president. Look what you’ve been reduced to!
You are done. You are finished.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Delusional Don Joe:
If you been paying attention (something very hard for you to do lately), I told Daddy Joe of the police reports seen. The stories around the police reports would either reject to police reports or corroborate the police reports. Since you are a delusional idiot you can put 2+2 together and get an answer.
Thanks for playing…
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Idiot@146: Standing up for human beings? Isn’t that what Jesus espoused with His Sermon on the Mount?
Oh… that’s right you’s a lefty. Bible commentary and references are ignored.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Moonrock@150: You proved me correct again, just by typing your entry.
Yep and this is the statement from Roger that you said you agreed with me on:
I believe violent Republicans are degrading the whole fucking world
See comments #109 and #111 if you’re not sure, dumbass.
@93 DJ ..
“flip flops”
You must be a republican troll. First, comparing anything BHO has flip flopped on to HRC’s record is ludicrous. She has taken hard stands for and against NAFTA, gay marriage, liscences for driver w/o papers, Iraq, etc etc.
As a rational person and being respectful of ther judgement, I beleive these were good changes in opinion but IF you wanna worry about a campaign tactic … hang on……….
As for who can win better over McC, moist objective data says this BHO unless, as some suggest, there are hoidden racists amongst us.
Bottom line, she is running a dirty campaign and is losing demo votes, possibly including my own. There are several choices of VEEP that could make McC a winner against a women who incrwasingly seems to be playing to her worst image. McC Whuitman, McC Rice, McC Crist, MvC Hagel. even McC Romney may be very effective once she has permanently painted herself into the suit of clothes she claims were tailored for her by the rad right conspiracy.
The Big Gipperspews:
Dustin James
I am loving it, you are the best man, the best!
Hillary is the only candidate who knows how to salvage the economy and prevent us from spiraling deeper into economic death. And if you haven’t been able to tell, the economy is my #1 issue.
GAD, what a brilliant statement of her true faith as a Republican! Yeahhhh!!!! Screw the poor, tax ’em to pay for healthcare for those who EARN it, Shut down mortgages to anyone w/o the cold hard cash!
AND you left out we get a toofer! While Hillary is running the White House and limited by The LAW, Bill is totally ouside of all that running his foundation as a kind of independent governement, OUTSIDE of Congressional control!
I understand he plans to move the corporate home of the Foundation to Curacao! That way when Hilalry closes down Gitmo she can turn over the poprety to the Foundation ot develop as condoes amd Bill can use the money to do stuff the CIA would never dare do!
Hillary, our man for 08!
Puddy's Clitspews:
I am so proud of my Puddy. He make me want to make lots and lots of kittens! Such a tom!
The best part of it, is he really shows all you Dimocruds the what a real man is like! No girly girly stuff, no sensitivity, nothing but pure, old American manliness .. or what passes for that in a cat!
The only other real male here is Dustin James and his sock puppet (I prefer the term Trojan) “The Big Gipper.” What a Trojan act they make, DustinJames pretending to be a dimbulb and TBG acting like a condom with ripbs and ticklers … my favorite kind! It takes a big man like Dustin to wear a trojan like that!
As for the rest of you, Pussy doesn’t get it? You seem … feckless. like someone fixed you! Is that the law in King County? All Pet Libruls Must be Fixed?
Don Joespews:
@ 152
Oh, you’ve claimed to have access to facts. You’ve not shown how those facts actually contradict what Lee has said. That’s generally referred to as “special pleading,” and makes for a distinctly feckless argument.
But, you won’t rectify the flaws in your argument. You’ll just keep up with the various forms of name calling for which you are so infamous.
Puddy is, indeed, a perfectly apt screen name that you’ve chosen for yourself. It describes, to a T, the stuff that sits between your ears.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee@157: My post #109 was referring to my post #96.
Thanks for playing.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Delusional Don Joe@162 You make no sense whatsoever. I saw the police reports when I visited my cousins. You know the facts otherwise? I didn’t see the open record reports? Please do tell.
And the conversation was with Daddy Love. Lee jumped in. Delusional One, let me help you since following a thread isn’t your forte. You need to start at Daddy Love’s argument @89. In in he claimed I gave one example. I then gave a few more. And I gave two links to two psychological studies I’m sure you skipped right over. Roger Pelletizer Rabbit joined in with his TV and movie rant. Then the conversation came back to death by drugs and gangs, and incarceration from drugs.
I hope the spider-webbed filled mind works it all out.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee: I told the leftist leaning HorsesASShole audience where I grew up in Philly twice. The second time I gave you all the Google map coordinates. That’s why I call you ‘burb boys. I am not repeating it again. You want to find it create a google search and find it. It wasn’t King of Prussia or any where near US Route 202 or 276. But they have a decent mall there off of DeKalb Pike as I remember.
There’s evidently some reason you’re afraid to share the truth with me. Malvern? Qaukertown? Kennett Square? Where did you grow up?
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Lee I told you before. Show us some of your great due diligence work. You have the archives at your fingertips. I have to use Google.
Don Joespews:
You make no sense whatsoever.
If you understood the difference between facts and opinions, you’d grasp the concept.
I saw the police reports when I visited my cousins. You know the facts otherwise? I didn’t see the open record reports?
The first mention of police reports you made was @ 136. However, back at 63, when you were replying to Lee’s argument, you said:
Overly aggressive law enforcement – Hmmm… when a person does the crime, let’s allow them to skip the time. Yeah that’s the ticket. Do you know how much crime is black-on-black crime in the “community”? Of course not you’s a burb’ boy. I am a inner city boy! Let’s just say for round numbers it’s >60%
So, you’ve seen all of these police reports, and the only meaningful statistic you can come up with from those reports is that black-on-black crime is greater than 60%?
Just to drive the point home, Lee’s claim with respect to drug enforcement is that the incidents of drug related crime are about the same among whites and blacks while the enforcement of drug laws falls more heavily on blacks. Is it not at all obvious to you that you need to bring more than police reports to the table in order to counter that claim? Indeed, isn’t it at all obvious that the one fact you’ve actually cited in the midst of your vociferous special pleading actually affirms the point that Lee’s made?
It’s worth noting that Lee has, on several occasions, cited a variety of sources to back up that claim while you’ve made vague references to police reports that you’ve read.
And the conversation was with Daddy Love. Lee jumped in.
Um, no. You responded directly to Lee at comment 63, and Daddy Love jumped in, as you noted, at comment 69.
Try following your own conversations before you start giving other people shit about not following along.
You have to use Google to remember where you grew up? That’s even more pathetic than I would’ve guessed.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
First Lee:
No Lee good try again. I use google to search what the leftist whack-jobs say here, while you can’t figger out a useful search expression to determine where Puddy grew up. Second you have all the accessible blog entries available to you and you can’t determine where Puddy grew up.
Thanks for playing…
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Delusional Don Joe: You attack my 60% number while Lee presents no actual hard data? Where are his “sources”?
You used Lee’s entry “Just to drive the point home, Lee’s claim with respect to drug enforcement is that the incidents of drug related crime are about the same among whites and blacks while the enforcement of drug laws falls more heavily on blacks. Is it not at all obvious to you that you need to bring more than police reports to the table in order to counter that claim? Indeed, isn’t it at all obvious that the one fact you’ve actually cited in the midst of your vociferous special pleading actually affirms the point that Lee’s made?”
Where’s da beef (sources) for this comment you wave like a banner?
When I came onto the thread at 63 – Lee has not provided one source, just his mother from Camden. I provided two links for my tv and movie violence.
You attack my 60% number while Lee presents no actual hard data? Where are his “sources”?
LMAO. You just removed all doubt as to which of us is more deserving of the “delusional” label. Hint: try to find any place where I said that this claim is false. Go ahead. Use the google. Hell, you can even try Live search if you want to.
Where’s da beef (sources) for this comment you wave like a banner?
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Lee’s posted those source here so many times that you can’t possibly have missed it. ‘Course, you could always use the google and find this:
You can draw your won conclusions.
Oh, we all will–a task made so much easier by your refusal, or flat out inability, to come up with a coherent argument.
John McCain gave up American names to the NVA – costing American lives. War hero my ass.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Delusional Don Joe: Keep LYAO bud. Why didn’t Lee refer to the study in his presentation on this thread?
My argument is very coherent. I stand by everything I wrote in post #63.
BTW the link I posted corroborates my number. Did you read it. No. Well why not Delusional Don Joe? Because the numbers will support my argument above. For instance almost all black girls raped were raped by black guys. Most black murders were committed by blacks.
So my 60% number is low but then again you’ll find some thing to discount it. You have to, as it must be that U of Wis communication style that you and Perfesser Darryl both possess.
See ya Don Joe. My two links support my argument.
Don Joespews:
Why didn’t Lee refer to the study in his presentation on this thread?
Ask Lee. The real question is how did you, who claims to not forget, manage to forget that post? You commented on it.
My argument is very coherent.
What argument? You haven’t actually articulated one. Your comment at 63 is mostly incoherent rambling about black-on-black crime rates and movies ending with an ad hominem directed at Lee. None of that contradicts Lee’s point, and there isn’t a compelling idea in the lot.
BTW the link I posted corroborates my number.
I never said it didn’t. For that matter, when I said, “Indeed, isn’t it at all obvious that the one fact you’ve actually cited in the midst of your vociferous special pleading actually affirms the point that Lee’s made?” did you think that I was discounting your fact?
My two links support my argument.
Lee’s argument is about drug enforcement. Incidents of rape and murder are rather irrelevant to that point. Also, you can muster whatever arrest statistics you want to muster, none of those numbers change the fact that the incidents of drug related crime are the same regardless of race.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Delusional Don Joe: Go to the top of the thread and see Lee talks about more than just drugs in the early entries.
Sorry bud I make many points in #63. Apparently they must hit home because you seem to dislike what you read.
Almost all the cities are in donkey political control from way before I was born. These people have done nothing to improve people’s futures. All this money sent to the great society programs over 9 Trillion and counting since 1965.
Don Joespews:
Go to the top of the thread and see Lee talks about more than just drugs in the early entries.
Then why did you quote only the portion of Lee’s remarks that discussed drug enforcement?
Apparently they must hit home because you seem to dislike what you read.
It’s not a question of personal preferences. Again, you show your lack of understanding of the basic difference between fact and opinion. What you cite doesn’t support the conclusion you want to reach. I’m not sure how to state that any clearer. This has nothing to do with whether or not I like the data you’ve cited.
Almost all the cities are in donkey political control from way before I was born.
If you had been paying attention, Lee, rather correctly, lays the problem at the feet of both parties. What shouldn’t be lost, however, is the authoritarian mind set behind both our current drug laws and the way those laws are enforced.
Interesting that you bring up McCain’s spiritual adviser.
Have you all seen the video on ABC news?
“God Damn America” and “The U.S. of KKK A”
So much for Obama distancing himself from the Reverend. Here’s statements issued today:
Since Jeremiah Wright is part of the Obama campaign, when is he going to be forced to resign from Obama’s African American Religious Leadership Committee?
I have seen a lot of people deny that Rev. Wright is part of the campaign, but his name is on the bottom of the list at
“God Damn the USA”? No Mr. Obama. Not my country.
Weather predictions based on homosexual parades….Hagee is a fool and a strong supporter of McCain. He alos believes the Catholic church is the antichrist and that we will be punished by G-d by a terrorist attack for supporting a Palestinian state.
Watch out Capital Hill – gay pride day will bring terrible ramifications (maybe even a lack of train service!).
Why no mention of Obama’s spiritual advisor? Why no mention of his America-hating, racist, terrorist-symp views? Why don’t you assholes cover THAT? Oh wait, of course, yeah, I know, it’s because you ignore anything that makes your sorry candidates look like like the absolute freaks they are. McCain is going to destroy whoever comes out of the Dem primary, you can make book on that.
I love that link to the General!!
Stupes – I know you have theological differences with this man but you sure do love his publications:
This guy is a dead ringer for our local village idiot (asian-style)!!
Hm.. On the one hand, we have an angry black man, who probably has every right to be angry given this country’s history, who’s connection to Obama comes by being one of 49 members of a committee. On the other hand, we have a couple of white whack jobs who preach fire and brimstone, a literal interpretation of the end of the world, and that America’s purpose is to destroy Islam (to quote Justin, “Not my America), whose connection to McCain comes from McCain actively seeking their individual endorsements.
Other than a few details, yeah. They’re exactly the same thing; kinda like a football and a basketball.
I heard that a child rapist voted GOP in the last election – will JohnBoy McCain be denouncing him?
This whole thing is too funny. McCain has already lost the Catholic vote – and the only assholes who will buy into this shit about Obama’s pastor are the inbred right wing cowards who would vote GOP no matter what so it won’t do any good.
We KNOW that the GOP is full of racist, religious weirdooooos – that’s all that matters.
Tremendous difference. Hagge is NOT McCain’s “personal spiritual adviser” and DID NOT marry the McCains.
OTOH, Wright is, was, and has been Osama/Obama’s (there’s ZERO difference knowing what they preach in THAT church, i.e., they want America DESTROYED!!) preacher. Hussein Osama/Obama has had a million opportunities in the 20 years he’s attended Wright’s church to LEAVE. He has NOT done so. Therefore, Hussein Obama/Osama MUST AGREE w/ Wright that America is evil and must be destroyed.
America is too good, too decent of a country to allow an evil, unAmerican POS like Hussein Obama/Osama to ever be elected.
His campaign died today. Thank God. The real one, the only ONE: The Christian One.
Dustin the Clinton troll sounds just like the right wing trolls.
Guilt by association is their trade. No real facts – just vitriol.
I guess you can really tell where some people stand by who they associate with…
@ 6
One of those candidates was married by the minister. Can you guess which?
One of those candidates had his kids baptized by the minister. Can you guess which?
One of those candidates has the minister on his campaign committee. Can you guess which?
One of those candidates has sought his support as his “spiritual adviser” for over 20 years. Can you guess which?
If your spiritual adviser calls innocent 9/11 victims, and you CHOOSE to associate with him, are you really right on the issues? Are you really right from day 1 which is what Obama has been claiming?
Obama is wrong to associate with this racist, ignorant, America hating bigot and it shows his lack of judgement to foster this relationship with this man for over 20 years.
Go ahead, bring up Ferraro, she bungled her fucking comments so bad that she had no escape. This man preaches hate, and hate on America. This man’s peddles books from his Church including titles like “Quit America”.
We now know where Michelle Obama got her idea that this was the “first time” that she’s been proud of the U.S. Going to church and listening to a pastor that is your spiritual advisor that says “God Damn” America and that the U.S. is to blame for 9/11… *shudder*.
It’s time for Obama to drop out. These videos will be put on repeat for the GOP audience and it will be a GOP blow out.
Reformed republican –
Remember, Obama’s campaign called for Ferraro’s head and made a HUGE deal about her bungled comments. Reverend Wright is on Obama’s campaign. Why hasn’t he asked him to quit like Obama’s supporters were OUTRAGED that Clinton did not do right away?
Because you all are hypocrtical.
And there’s a huge difference between the rhetoric of what was said amongst these two supporters.
I’d take Ferraro any day over this idiot.
Sorry – to clarify my comment @ 10:
“If your spiritual adviser calls innocent 9/11 victims ‘Collateral’, and you CHOOSE to associate with him, are you really right on the issues? Are you really right from day 1 which is what Obama has been claiming?”
Clueless Idiot@5: remember what you said about giving orders.
This week’s Birds Eye View Contest is still unsolved:
There are two groups of people in the Democratic Party right now – 1) people who understand the level of frustration and disappointment in America’s black community and 2) people who think that black people have it easy because Democrats created affirmative action and instantly solved our racial divide. The latter half are the reason that Obama is beating Hillary right now. They are embarrassing themselves into irrelevance.
13 – LMAO!!! That Korean nutcase is your style Stupes.
And he’s got a spare billion to waste on the WashTimes. Hasn’t made a frickin’ penny.
Amazing. Amazing how a pastor becomes a “spiritual advisor” and a friend becomes someone who influences policy. The way some of the anti-Obama rhetoric has elided facts is really quite sad. Will there ever be a time when y’all can just let the facts speak for themselves.
But, you know what’s really amazing? It’s perfectly OK for folks here to express their sense of righteous outrage over what Pastor Wright has said, but it’s clearly not OK for Pastor Wright to express his own sense of moral outrage over what we’ve done.
Talk about racism.
We KNOW that the GOP is full of racist, religious weirdooooos – that’s all that matters.
03/13/2008 at 7:06 pm
Hear hear bye bye. Hey if you going to my next rally make sure to bring you sheet. We democrats need to stick together.
Well, the trolls are really swinging and missing tonight.
@ 14 – There is no doubt that there is some dissapointment within some in the black community. I ask the black community – is it constructive to blame white folks for all your problems?
I don’t believe it is.
Women were considered property up until roughly 80 years ago. Is it productive for women to blame men because of their glass ceiling?
I completely disagree, and blaming others simply pisses the “blamed” off. It’s not constructive.
And for the record, I don’t think it’s anything to do with either of those items with why Obama is ahead in pledged delegates.
Do you honestly believe places like Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, places that have historically low african american populations, where a good amount of people probably haven’t even seen a black person in real life, are the reason why Obama is leading Clinton, and it has nothing to do with their African American views.
If Wyoming and Idaho and Utah heard this speech, and heard about things like Obama’s pro-stance on taking away handguns, would make many of them scratch their head and they would have never have voted for Obama.
@ 16 – this is so huge because of the fit that Obama supporters and the media threw about Ferraro’s comments.
How can they, on the one hand, say “Ferraro needs to go because she’s a racist” and “Can we trust Clinton if she keeps people like this on her campaign?”, and then for Obama to have this guy on his campaign, but also integrated in his personal life for 20+ years.
And besides ABC, have you seen anything on or about it, or what about Daily Kos?
It’s a huge deal.
Something refreshing and different:
New Ads Hit Gore’s Energy ‘Hypocrisy,’ Critic Says
As we all know democrats lie every time they open their mouth. I do believe that Geraldine Ferraro and Walter Mondale were the last of the democrats who actually told the truth. Yeah of course they got wiped out in 1984, but that just proves my point. I believe Ferraro is speaking the truth on how many democrats feel about black people.
There is no doubt that there is some dissapointment within some in the black community. I ask the black community – is it constructive to blame white folks for all your problems?
In this country, the institutional problems that continue to make the black communities worse year after year often do come from the actions of the (mostly) white power structure. Black communities can always do certain improvements on their own, but none of them can solve the larger problems in their communities without some changes to the status quo that are well out of their reach.
Women were considered property up until roughly 80 years ago. Is it productive for women to blame men because of their glass ceiling?
The fact that you think that this is even close to an analogous comparison is a concern. First of all, the glass ceiling problem that women face is peanuts compared to the problems that black communities in this country face today. Second, you’re saying something much more than this when it comes to Obama’s preacher. You’re right that Wright’s words are not productive. But you’re going further and saying that they are shameful. Now while I understand how they are divisive, I also understand the problems and the frustration that yield that rhetoric. I’ve seen a preacher here in Seattle express that same kind of frustration with the mayor, the police, and the powers-that-be.
I completely disagree, and blaming others simply pisses the “blamed” off. It’s not constructive.
It certainly doesn’t piss me off. I’m a well-off white man who has had a lot of advantages in this country. While I recognize that Wright’s words are not constructive, I certainly understand why there’s a certain level of anger there.
And for the record, I don’t think it’s anything to do with either of those items with why Obama is ahead in pledged delegates.
No, it’s because he’s convinced a lot of Democrats that he understands the problems facing this country better than Hillary Clinton does. I’m one of those people.
Do you honestly believe places like Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, places that have historically low african american populations, where a good amount of people probably haven’t even seen a black person in real life, are the reason why Obama is leading Clinton, and it has nothing to do with their African American views.
There are very few places anywhere in this country where people have never seen a black person in their life. Obama is leading Clinton in those places because he DOESN’T make it about his race. Every one else does, and people of all races are sick of it.
If Wyoming and Idaho and Utah heard this speech, and heard about things like Obama’s pro-stance on taking away handguns, would make many of them scratch their head and they would have never have voted for Obama.
First of all, Obama does not want to take away handguns:
Second, Obama kicked Hillary’s ass all over the place in Wyoming. He does well in those states because Hillary is seen as the more “big government” candidate.
Did you know that Wyoming was the first state to give women equal rights? Shocking, but true. And, Wyoming had just become a state. Howard Dean’s 50 state strategy looks pretty good to me. Your strategy of imbecility doesn’t look so good. Hillary ain’t going to win. I understand that menopause has probably made you feel more violent, but you need to get over that.
Reminder to republicans. Please register for the Pennsylvania
democrat primary before March 24. It is legal and your duty as republicans to vote for Hillary in the primary.
@ 22 – Are you sure he’s really pro-gun?
Click this link to Question 35a: Do you support state legislation to ban the manufacture, sale, and possession of handguns?
and –
I guarantee if these speeches were seen by the Wyoming population, and they knew his true positions on gun control, you would have seen his support drop. True, there are sheep who will continue to vote for him no matter what (same for Hillary), but as one Obama supporter (among many) said:
“Obama needs to distance himself from this big time or he can kiss the middle class vote goodbye.”
Now, on this:
Bullshit, to compare, as a teenager, Hillary wrote to NASA and asked what she would need to do to be an astronaut. They told her that women weren’t allowed to be astronauts.
So, did she blame ‘the man’ for holding her down? It is bullshit for any person PERIOD to blame someone else for holding them down, unless they were kidnapped or physically restrained in some fashion.
As someone who did hiring and firing in Renton in my last job, I had a majority of black high school students who applied for the positions I had open. Their applications would come in with terrible spelling errors, grammar problems, and their interview skills were piss-poor.
I was able to hire some of these students, and I could understand why they aren’t learning, why they blame “everyone else” for their issues. When I would give them work, they chose to socialize. The work standard was 12 products per hour, and I had one kid who lasted 2 weeks give me 2 products over a total of 4 hours, because he wanted to socialize with the ladies instead of work. Shockingly, that kid also had the worst grades of the students I hired, and was the biggest proponent about why the ‘system’ fails him.
The system doesn’t fail you, when you don’t work, when you don’t put in an investment into making yourself better.
It is bullshit when you want to blame everyone else for your problems.
@ 23 – I did know that Wyoming is the “Equality State”.
And, when Hillary wins, will you come back on this blog one last time and tell me that you were wrong, and then leave? Dean’s 50 state strategy has been as much of a failure as he was as a 2004 presidential candidate.
Hey Kerry, focus on Nebraska, that will be a winning strategy, we can split the electoral votes among districts.
I see how well it worked. Dear President Kerry… errr, wait.
Are you sure he’s really pro-gun?
The gun control issue is far more complex than simply being boiled down to “pro-gun” and “anti-gun”. I disagree with Obama on his answer there, but that’s not that unusual a position by any Democrat, especially one who has spent time in the inner city. Has Hillary answered the same question with the opposite answer?
I guarantee if these speeches were seen by the Wyoming population, and they knew his true positions on gun control, you would have seen his support drop. True, there are sheep who will continue to vote for him no matter what (same for Hillary), but as one Obama supporter (among many) said:
“Obama needs to distance himself from this big time or he can kiss the middle class vote goodbye.”
What’s “this”? His position on handguns? Or Wright?
Bullshit, to compare, as a teenager, Hillary wrote to NASA and asked what she would need to do to be an astronaut. They told her that women weren’t allowed to be astronauts.
Are you kidding me? That’s analogous to the fact that 1 out of every 9 black males between the age of 25 and 34 is in prison right now? Are you really that stupid?
Not to mention that Hillary was a teenager in the early 1960s. Are you here to have a serious discussion, or are you here to embarrass yourself?
So, did she blame ‘the man’ for holding her down? It is bullshit for any person PERIOD to blame someone else for holding them down, unless they were kidnapped or physically restrained in some fashion.
“Unless they were kidnapped or physically restrained in some fashion,” huh? Maybe like the fact that this country has been enforcing its drug laws in a way that is slowly putting most of its minority population behind bars? Are you even aware that we now have 6 times the percentage of black people in prison that South Africa had at the height of Apartheid? Not being able to be astronauts is really not the main concern of people like Reverend Wright. Not having the police break into his home and shoot up his family is a little bit more pressing of a concern.
As someone who did hiring and firing in Renton in my last job, I had a majority of black high school students who applied for the positions I had open. Their applications would come in with terrible spelling errors, grammar problems, and their interview skills were piss-poor.
No shit, Sherlock! How many of them come from communities that have been ravaged by overly aggressive law enforcement, enabled by “tough on crime” politicians from both parties, who spent 3 decades believing that we can fix these communities by sending all the dads to jail? What happens to these kids when they grow up without fathers? Now of course, there are certainly deadbeat dads there too, and as I’ve said, there are many within the black community who deserve blame for that. But it’s the institutional problems, involving our prisons and our law enforcement, that’s the most inexcusable factor here.
And don’t give me any crap about “they shouldn’t be selling drugs.” Whites and blacks sell and use drugs in equal numbers. But blacks are far more likely to go to jail for it.
It is bullshit when you want to blame everyone else for your problems.
And that’s exactly what you’re doing right now but not acknowledging the role that our drug war and the role that phony “tough on crime” initiatives have had in bringing about the sad situation of black youth in our society today.
As I said, there are two types of Democrats right now. Those who get this, and those who don’t. Geraldine Ferraro made an ass of herself this week because she doesn’t get this. And you’re following her right down that path.
Dusty: “And, when Hillary wins, will you come back on this blog one last time and tell me that you were wrong, and then leave? Dean’s 50 state strategy has been as much of a failure as he was as a 2004 presidential candidate.”
You bet your sweet bippy. I will never post here again if Hillary is elected president. Dusty, I must tell you, I dislike you more than most of the rightwing trolls that post here. You are not a Democrat, you are not a liberal, you are a paid propagandist of the Hillary campaign, or, perhaps, someone who needs some medication. I think Howard Dean’s 50 state strategy is turning out quite well. Holy shit, I’d like to meet you in person and tell you what a detriment you are to progressive politics. Why don’t you just confront yourself and acknowledge your Republicanism?
Dusty @ 25: “As someone who did hiring and firing in Renton in my last job, I had a majority of black high school students who applied for the positions I had open. Their applications would come in with terrible spelling errors, grammar problems, and their interview skills were piss-poor.”
You are a racist. As an employer, I cannot believe how poorly most job applicants can/cannot write. Race has nothing to do with it. Black kids, white kids, green kids, blue kids–none of them can write. You, however, talk about black kids. You are a hater. Appropriate, accordingly, for shilling for Hillary. Do you think you are helping her cause?
@ 28 – because i’m not a republican. I’m a centrist democrat. I am a democrat in the mold of the Clinton’s, not the Kucinich’s.
A Gore democrat, not an Obama democrat.
Rev. Hagee neither reaps nor sows, yet his coffers are blessed in the sight of the Lord.
Kinda sad that so many people are stupid enough to give money to a sociopath like Hagee. But without fear and Jayzuzz, he might have been another BTK. Thank God for small favors.
@29 – Well, it is true, of the black kids that came in to apply, nearly 90% of the black students had serious issues with their applications. Of the 3 white kids and the 8 hispanic kids who came in, I had 0 issue with the white kid’s resume, and 1 with the hispanic group.
So if stating facts make me racist, then so be it. God forbid that 70% of the people I hired were of a non-caucasian ethnic background. But I’m a fucking racist.
You keep trying to peg me – you sure got me here! *rolls eyes*
First, I really wish you would stop throwing mud. “Remember, Obama’s campaign called for Ferraro’s head and made a HUGE deal about her bungled comments.
This is pure horse puckies. The mud slinging in this campaign has largely come from the Clinton side and to from the media that think this sort of crap is a good way to sell adverts.
Second, I hate to say this but you need some lessons in racism.
Rev. Wright is hardly the only American who rightfully decries abuse of his people by others. Is it bigotry if I hold up the mirror of antisemitism to the christian world?
One reason I admire Senator McCain is his call on ALL Americans to acknowledge and redress our debt to the first peoples. Are Cherokee people racists for blaming the Euroes for the extinction of Cherokees from the ancestral lands?
How about Americans who aought against Hitler? Is it racist of Americans to expect the Germans to accept and learn from the lesson of the Nazis.
This tale goes on and on. Should Buddhists of the world not join hands and decry the behavior of the ethnic han toward the culture and people of Tibet.
Tell you what Mr. WhiteGuy, it is very easy to blame others for claiming their rights. It would be racism if Rev. Wright declared that AA were superior to other races .. the ugly claim made by Farrakhan. I have seen and read no such quotes. It would be racism if Rev. Wright decried the role all Americans played alongside Dr. King, I have not read those words either. It would be racism if he denigrated other peoples rather than celebrating his own, I have not heard those words either
The lessons Rev. Wright has taught, at least from what I have heard and from what Obama has written about the man, are about Black self reliance and self image, Black pride as a way to escape oppression. Is pride in ones people racist? As a Jew, Rev. Wright’s words ring true .. I was raised to be proud of my people and to swear NEVER again to allow the Goyem, that include you bubbelah, to oppress us. The Rev’s words sound a lot like an AA equivalent of the4 ideals of Zionism. Are you calling Zionists racists? Am I a racist?
I thought this guy was the repugs’ spiritual adviser …
DustyDipshit @ 32
Wow, that’s a statistical sampling that carries weight! You are racist, it’s in your pores, it’s in the breath you take. Would you please quit calling yourself a Democrat? Puddy is more sensible than you. You need serious therapy. Would you like a referral? I’d be pleased to help you in that regard. For now, however, go to sleep, my little darling, sleep will make the morning feel better.
34 While we are at it …
Just to get the mud thrown in all directions at once, Hillary’s denomination, the US Methodists, have officially condemned Israel and have called for divestment.
Bill Clinton helped the dictator of Kazahkistan get appointed to UN Human right commission.
Hillary has taken and joked about taking contributions from an Indian firm that specializes in outsourcing.
Bill has been described as a frequent gueat at Hollywood parties w/o his wife.
Two things about these stories are important: First, the information is readily found on the web. Second the Obama campain has not exploited these stories.
You don’t suppose that this may be because the Obama campaign is trying to to be “ethical?”
@ 27 – “This” was the Wright issue.
I haven’t seen a document with a contrary stance from Hillary on the gun issue. Which is exactly why I advocate for her. She doesn’t fucking flip flop on hard issues like Obama does to whatever the politically correct issue of the day is today.
I dunno, why don’t you ask me? I grew up in the White Center projects with a father figure gone for nearly 4 years. But you know who I blamed? No one. I spent the time to better myself.
I could have went out to go sell drugs to go better the family’s financial position. But I chose not to. I chose to focus on education and bettering myself to get where I am.
Ok, I won’t. I wish all drugs were legalized so we wouldn’t have this issue period.
But as to your other point about white guys selling drugs in equal numbers, white guys don’t typically put themselves in the streets to do sales, which is where a lot of the african american busts happen.
No, I never tried to make that analogy. You just brought that up in this reply. Don’t call me stupid when you try and link things after the fact.
But we come with two different views just based off what you’ve said so far – you think police are heavy handed – I think police don’t go far enough because of pussy political situations like “He was chasing that stolen car and the stolen car hit me and now I’m going to sue the police because they shouldn’t have been chasing that car!”
Bullshit, the thief shouldn’t have stole the car in the first place, and if we had some heavy handed justice instead of pussying out with car thieves like we’ve been doing, we wouldn’t see the skyrocketing car theft rate we have in the Seattle area. Sue the car thief, not the police department.
Geraldine Ferraro did not make an ass out of herself, but here, allow me to concede that she probably offended you and Obama supporters.
My initial post here was exactly that same thing in reverse about Wright’s comments. As a white guy, I’m COMPLETELY offended by his statements. Militiant black racism, like Obama’s pastor, has no place in this country any more than Militant white racism does, like the KKK.
And if you want to read, it’s about 90%-10% outrage on the ABC message boards…
Your post is laughable, but here, allow me:
Well that’s strange, Wright’s church magazine in 2007 gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to a man it said “truly epitomized greatness.” That man is Louis Farrakhan.
@28 DustinJames
Right on!!!
I have been meaning to write you as I think we are pretty similar. Yo call yourself a liberal, but yoy write more like me … Republican for Hillary!
Can you tell us more? You say that ” nearly 90% of the black students had serious issues with their applications. .” IT would be great to know how many fo thes ekids there were. since yuo say nearly 90%, I assume that there were more than ten .. maybe 20? and at least 17 or the 20 could nto fill in the stupid form??? I will bet they all went to Seattle puboic Schools too!
The ” 3 white kids” who had no problems, can yu tell us where they went to school? I’ll bet it was Mercer Island! There are a,ot of smart jews there. Were these kids jews?
I am rally impressed that the hispanics did so well. Were these real Hispanics .. you know with funny accents and dark skin or just kids with names ending in …ez? You gotta be careful here in Seattle. About half the Jew community come from Spain! The Rodriguez and Lopez Jews laike to pass for Hispanic so they can get benefits.
Keep it up comrade! Hillary is OUR man!
I do not call myself a liberal, I am not a liberal. I am a centrist democrat. There’s a huge difference between being on the Kucinich fringe wing of the party and being on the Gore centrist platform of the party.
@38 The church recognized the efforts that Farrakhan has made at self development in the Black community.
This does not comprise the Rev. declaring Blacks superior. Moreover, in his later years Frakhan has toned down a lot of his rhetoric and he DOES deserve credit for promoting Black self help. What would you have a prominent Black minister do, condemn all black Muslims?
OTOH, Hillary’s church ITSELF condemned Israel. But maybe that is OK by you?
Are you and The Gipper the same guy? At least he admits to being a Republican for Hillary.
Dusty: “I could have went out to go sell drugs to go better the family’s financial position. But I chose not to. I chose to focus on education and bettering myself to get where I am.”
You should have sold drugs. Plainly, you never “bettered yourself.” Neither have I, for that matter. I’m a pastor’s kid. I suppose that Lutherans are too liberal in your neck of the woods, but my father, who still considers himself a pastor though he approaches 80 and is retired, was for Hillary, initially. Then, he saw how racist and divisive she has become. He called me the other day to tell me he had never given money to a presidential candidate during the primary. He said Hillary’s tactics forced him to give money to Obama. My father lives in Idaho. There are not a lot of Democrats in Idaho. Hillary will not make more Democrats in Idaho. Obama will. People like you just turn everyone else off.
@ 28 – I love that because I’m not in favor of Barack Obama and that I am for Hillary Clinton – that means I’m a detriment to “progressive politics”.
Strange, making sure that every American has health insurance seems like a fucking progressive policy to my ears.
Guess which candidate advocates for that? Your candidate, or mine?
Somehow, I have trouble you and Gore in the same party. Everything you right smells .. well like elephant dung.
I do not think Mr. Gore would condone Clinton’s campaign strategy.
@ 42 – Answer me honestly – do you think that Idaho will EVER (and I’m 30) vote Democrat for President in my lifetime? That’s about 40-60 years if I’m lucky based off family history.
It could be a democrat in name only running for president, and Idaho would still vote Republican. Regardless whether Obama caused your dad to give money to Obama.
This was the first year I’ve ever given money to a presidential candidate in the primary as well, and I’ve given it hand over fist to Hillary.
Now, play Mr. Wright’s clips to your dad, and ask him if he regrets giving money to that man who has militant black racist supporters that he identifies as his spiritual adviser and is STILL serving on Barack’s campaign?
@ 44 – Mr. Gore has not endorsed any candidate’s strategy.
You may choose to spin that as anti-clinton, but you also have to spin it anti-obama in the same breath.
And look, I understand you can’t understand where centrists come from. I can’t understand where people on the far left come from.
I primarily came to this site back in the day because I agreed Tim Eyman is a Horses Ass. I still do. And I’ll lobby hard against Dino Rossi.
I know you don’t think I have a lot in common with you personally, and maybe I don’t, but I work in our favor for many of the candidates we have in common.
@43 ,,, Gawd you have the Repubs for Hillary talking points down so well! I am jealous. BTW, SF ,, Dustin and I are anything but the same person! BUT I hear you are a sockpuppet for Piper. True?
Let me tell you why I like Hillary Care. It taxes the poor to pay for the rich!
The Hillary plan insurance which means it costs a lot more than the Obama plan and needs to be supported by a TAX. Moreover, because she porposes that this tax be not form the general fund, it is paterned after FICA and is extremely fair to the wealthy … like Huckabee’s flat tax!
The cool thing is we are selling this to the Dimwit dems as “universal healthcare.”
I understand that next week Ms. C is going to introduce a similar plan to help the wealthy pay for expensive schools! Her idea? We would require everyone to pay 5% of their income up to a max of 100,000 toward the Universal Eduction Program. These funds could then be used to guarantee tuition for all American kids!
Hillary 4 President, she is OUR man.
@42 – I’ve heard this rumor for a while now, and I haven’t yet had anyone post any hard evidence to me.
The only thing I can find is the following:
“The United Methodist Church’s official lobby office is urging church agencies and members to divest their holdings in Caterpillar Inc. because the company sells bulldozers to Israel.
United Methodist General Board of Church and Society sponsored the resolution, accusing Caterpillar of facilitating Israel’s destruction of Palestinian property.”
Which is quite different than divesting completely from Israel. And also quite different than your specific local church calling for divestment.
It would be like someone staying Catholic when the Catholic church altar boy scandal was going on. But, supporting a pedophile priest? Apples and Oranges.
@47 DJ …
err ahh
you seem to be losing control of yourself, addressing messages to yourself? Assuming you and TBG are the same person, I suggest you be careful which sock you have on your hand when you press enter.
Right, a typo makes me dillusional. It was supposed to be @ 45 instead of @ 44.
Frank Church was a Senator from Idaho into the 1980s. He was a great Democratic politician, who would have been an outstanding president. Cecil Andrus was the governor of Idaho into the early 1990s. An environmentalist, an egalitarian. Again, an outstanding Democrat. My family’s roots are more in Montana–guess what? Democratic governor (who I hope Obama picks as his running mate), state house and senate going Democrat, and, of course, two US Senators who are both Democrats–Jon Tester and Max Baucus. So, do I think Democrats can recapture Idaho in my lifetime? You bet your ass, I do. Dusty, do you think that Hillary is going to help Democrats win the Mountain West? I don’t. Your idiocy is both broad and deep.
Right on! Besides why shouldn’t Hillary side with the Church? Why side with the Zionists?
Look, the Obama-istas claim he can get votes in Idaho! You think there are ANY Jews there? You want votes in in Idaho … vote Hillary and side with the Methodists!
In fact, I think Hillary should just go t Gaza and decalre herself. “I am a Phiilistine (proper term for Palestinian according to the yid SJ).”
Hillary, she is my man!
@51 DustinJames
Aha! you meant that for me!
OK, so tell what do you think about Ms. Clinton’s famous kiss for Mrs Arafat?
As for Al Gore, … you do know, I assume, that he blames the Clintons for his defeat? Might have a little to do with the way they treated him during his campaign.
As for calling yourself a centrist, what the fuck do you mean. Do you think Barack is to her left??? Lets see, she wants to tax everyine to pay for healthcare and he wants to make it so everyone can buy heathcare with subsidies for those with less ability. Is Hillarycare to the right left up or down?
@31 You? A Democrat? You had me fooled. Your stripes don’t fool me, though.
Rethugs calling themselves “Democrats” on liberal blogs is a growing pollution problem that we need to clean up.
@51 “Right, a typo makes me dillusional.”
Aha! You spell like a wingnut, so you must be a wingnut.
Since i ahve never been to Earth and we have only neen learnig about you since Earth plugged into the Net, I am confused about how you elect leaders.
It sounds as if you have no interest in their plans to lead, only in whether they pay for or get free sex and whether they belong to the right religion. Yes?
Her at the GOP (oops Grand Old Planet) we masturbate all the time and have a number of genders so having sex is not much of a deal. The idea of paying to masturbate seems odd when you can do it for yourself. Is the idea that such payments are follish and imply poor judgement?
Also this religion thing sounds a lot like what we call the caste system. We are birtn into a caste but can be reprogrammed later on,e specially when we give birth. Is thuis the same thing?
In defence of Dustin ..
Results 1 – 10 of about 93,300 for dillusional
according to Google
Is all this religous shit really accomplishing anything? Anybody who takes religion seriously is a registered, card-carrying nutcase. I don’t care if it’s Jewish, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, or what the hell. They’re all based in insanity.
I’m working my way towards Wicca these days. When was the last time you heard Wiccans saying we should “conquer the Holy Land and free it from the infidel?”
All religions are ridiculous. I was raised Catholic but turned in my kneepads about 37 years ago. Believe what you want to believe, but whatever you believe probalbly isn’t the truth. The truth is not for us to know. Yet.
Proud Leftist @ 23
New Jersey was the first state to allow women to vote in 1790, by adoption of gender-inclusive language allowing anyone with over fifty pounds or $250 wealth to vote. This loophole applied to unmarried women over 21 (mostly widows, since women married early back then, if they could at all), who were the only women who could hold property in their own name under the old common law. This became highly objectionable politically, when some women actually registered to vote, and the law was amended to exclude women as voters in 1807. The state constitution was later amended in 1844 to specifically prohibit women from voting, and this was not changed until 1947 — long after this provision was nullified by the 1919 amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Wyoming Territory gave women the right to vote in 1869, and was the first U.S. jurisdiction to have universal adult suffrage. Wyoming did not become a state until 1890.
The second jurisdiction to allow women to vote was Utah Territory in 1870. However, Congress passed a law taking away voting rights of Utah women in 1887, as part of some anti-Mormon legislation. These rights were restored in the state constitution adopted in 1895, and Utah was finally admitted as a state in 1896.
Colorado and Idaho were the only other states to allow women to vote as of the turn of the 20th century. These four states were probably the first, in large part because of Mormon influence, although Utah was the only Mormon majority state.
I haven’t seen a document with a contrary stance from Hillary on the gun issue. Which is exactly why I advocate for her. She doesn’t fucking flip flop on hard issues like Obama does to whatever the politically correct issue of the day is today.
This makes absolutely no sense and you know it. I’d be willing to bet that if Hillary were asked the same question, she’d answer the same as Obama. It’s not about flip-flopping, it’s about being careful with wording. Here’s Hillary’s stances on gun control. On the whole, about the same as Obama:
I dunno, why don’t you ask me? I grew up in the White Center projects with a father figure gone for nearly 4 years. But you know who I blamed? No one. I spent the time to better myself.
Good for you. Not all people do the same. And when you have a community where the likelihood of being without a father is greatly increased, the number of people who don’t get the guidance to succeed in life simply increases. That’s basic logic.
I could have went out to go sell drugs to go better the family’s financial position. But I chose not to. I chose to focus on education and bettering myself to get where I am.
That’s wonderful. Are you implying that you’re more likely to have made that decision because you’re white? If you are, than you’re a racist. The same percentages of blacks and whites make that decision. A much higher percentage of the people who are black end up going to jail for making the opposite decision.
Ok, I won’t. I wish all drugs were legalized so we wouldn’t have this issue period.
Good. I certainly agree.
But as to your other point about white guys selling drugs in equal numbers, white guys don’t typically put themselves in the streets to do sales, which is where a lot of the african american busts happen.
This is true, the average black man selling drugs is willing to assume more risk of arrest when it comes to drug sales, but that is only part of the story. The other part is that drug laws are enforced much more aggressively in all black neighborhoods, and there are far more cases of entrapment and setups as well.
No, I never tried to make that analogy. You just brought that up in this reply. Don’t call me stupid when you try and link things after the fact.
This isn’t a side issue, Dustin. This is the heart of what Wright is talking about. If you’re attacking Wright’s anger and trying to imply that the anger of the black community is equivalent to the fact that Hillary was told she couldn’t be an astronaut in 1960, you deserve to be mocked and laughed at.
But we come with two different views just based off what you’ve said so far – you think police are heavy handed – I think police don’t go far enough because of pussy political situations like “He was chasing that stolen car and the stolen car hit me and now I’m going to sue the police because they shouldn’t have been chasing that car!”
And this is a very naive view, Dustin. We’ve given police extraordinary powers in the past few decades. People’s 4th Amendment rights in both their cars and homes have been greatly eroded. The previously unthinkable notion of police-led military-style raids on private residences has become commonplace, they’re even considered entertainment when filmed. We’re only now starting to correct this course, mainly because the number of botched raids has becoming alarming. People are finally starting to ask why.
Bullshit, the thief shouldn’t have stole the car in the first place, and if we had some heavy handed justice instead of pussying out with car thieves like we’ve been doing, we wouldn’t see the skyrocketing car theft rate we have in the Seattle area. Sue the car thief, not the police department.
This is completely irrelevant to what we’re talking about here, and you know it. You got nailed, and now you’re trying to talk about a bunch of non-sequiturs. This is about the racial disparity in our prisons, which has nothing to do with car thefts. In fact, one of the reasons that car thefts in Seattle are so high is because we’ve been forced by mandatory minimums to put drug offenders in the prisons where the car thieves belong. Instead, car thieves largely get off with a slap on the wrist.
Geraldine Ferraro did not make an ass out of herself, but here, allow me to concede that she probably offended you and Obama supporters.
She did both. And Obama supporters are offended by what she said because she’s absolutely wrong that Obama’s support is coming solely because he’s a black man. I’m concerned that there are still Democrats who think like that. We need to be smarter. It’s 2008 – not 1980.
My initial post here was exactly that same thing in reverse about Wright’s comments. As a white guy, I’m COMPLETELY offended by his statements. Militiant black racism, like Obama’s pastor, has no place in this country any more than Militant white racism does, like the KKK.
I also think Wright’s statements went too far. But as I said, I understand the reservoir of anger and frustration that they come from. The fact that Obama does not repeat his pastor’s words and does not allow himself to become so emotional and angry about the situation the black America has found itself in is the reason why people are so impressed by him. To compare Wright to the KKK is foolish. Being part of a majority that seeks to subjugate minorities is always worse than a minority who overreacts to institutional racism in a society. At the very least, I hope you understand this Dustin?
And if you want to read, it’s about 90%-10% outrage on the ABC message boards…
And I can show you an ABC message board where 90% of the people are denying global warming. This issue is an idiot magnet. And it attracts people who aren’t paying close enough attention to the black community to understand why a pastor like Wright would be likely to be so angry. It’s not because they’re not letting him become an astronaut.
Wow Lee you sure know how to spin it when you didn’t live it.
“No shit, Sherlock! How many of them come from communities that have been ravaged by overly aggressive law enforcement, enabled by “tough on crime” politicians from both parties, who spent 3 decades believing that we can fix these communities by sending all the dads to jail?”
What a generalizationist moron – Let’s dissect this piece by piece.
Overly aggressive law enforcement – Hmmm… when a person does the crime, let’s allow them to skip the time. Yeah that’s the ticket. Do you know how much crime is black-on-black crime in the “community”? Of course not you’s a burb’ boy. I am a inner city boy! Let’s just say for round numbers it’s >60%.
Crying about “tough on crime politicians” – Hmmm… it’s the donkey democrat who controls the dog catcher to the mayor’s job in these “communities”. So if they don’t run as a “tough-on-crime” candidate who will vote for them. Don’t bring up we who think right on this issue. Donkey control every major American city.
Sending the dads to jail – You call these people dads? They are mostly sperm donors. Dads care for their children. Dads don’t run from their responsibilities (well if you are Clueless Idiots you do). Dads don’t run around putting I scored again notches in their belt. Dads teach their children right from wrong. Dads tell their children get an education. Dads work hard to ensure their children have a better chance then they did.
Kids don’t get an education because they see the glamor in movies of being a pimp, drug dealer, or being a gangster. These stereotypes are perpetuated by the movie moguls and we know who gives what to which candidates in Hollyweird, right Lee?
Kids don’t get an education when there are no value to it. Inner city education systems have been under your donkey party control since the early 1960s – over 40 years Lee. What have donkey done to make it better? Nuthin…
So Lee are you in your wretched round-about way trying to tell us the parents are responsible? Well the great society being foisted by the liberals in the 1960s said: “It’s your thing do what you wanna do. I can’t tell you who to sock it to” – Isley Brothers
Please don’t speak to inner city problems. When you have family that died due to inner city violence call me.
Another Leeism: And don’t give me any crap about “they shouldn’t be selling drugs.” Whites and blacks sell and use drugs in equal numbers. But blacks are far more likely to go to jail for it..
Lee do these blacks get caught selling drugs on the street corner in Redmond or Seattle? Where do whites sell drugs? On the street corner in Redmond or in their house or place of work?
This is target shooting time.
Proud Leftist entered: “Dusty, I must tell you, I dislike you more than most of the rightwing trolls that post here.”
I know I am not part of the “most” crowd. But I did have a fleeting moment of euphoria.
SeattleJew what you talking about? Who told you blacks are not the superior race?
Oh my bad… Robert K^3 Sheets Byrd.
Proud Leftist: Now you did it. I’m pizzed. “Puddy is more sensible than you.”
Hey Proud – I make you think. I was a donkey then I grew up.
@66 who said they aren’t?
Besides, unlike you I was born disabled and lack an ability to sense race. Next time I want to know who is or is not “black” can I get your help?
1 DJ
You and Hillary have lost. Get used to it. Obama has already won the nomination.
He has kicked Hillary’s ass in ( only/2008/3/13/134235/517/95/4 75879) pledged delegates, popular vote, primaries won, caucuses won, overall contests won, Red and Blue states won, and money raised.
It’s up to the superdelegates to get over their paralysis and tell Hillary to get over herself and put an end to this farce.
Listening to MSNBC this AM was a lesson in American racism. They picked sound bytes from Rev. Wright’s speaches to denigrate him and Obama.
The honest truth is that I heard the vopice of an intense, ethnically devoted man who is irate at the history of his people in this country. Is it wriong for an African American minister to speak this way or did I not live through the last 66 years?
Yep Rev. Wright says STRONG things. He says we BOMBED Hiroshima and invaded Iraq. He says we enslaved and dehumanized his own anacestors. He yells about these crimes and invikes the justice of his Deity. Rev. Wright judges his own country harshly.
Is this s surprise? Is it newsworthy? Or is ti racist?
Compared to poets I read .. Kerouac and Ginsberg, compared to Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix this stuff is mild. Wright diod not write HOWL or the Hednrix version of our national anthem. But, ya know he is just another N—-.
Exactly what is the medioa trying to do here? Compensate for Hillary’s claim that it is weak on Obama? Finding yellow text to fill 24/7 journalism’s open orifices?
You gyus have it all wrong. Dustin James is not a Hillary supporter. He/she/it is a GOP troll. Don’t you get it? Read the arguments. He/she/it espouses theories and policies that are GOP, not Clintonite. C’mon, people. Let’s learn to listen to what they say, not what they claim about themselves.
Here are the two oldest troll tricks in the book:
1. “I used to be a Democrat, but I left the party because…<insert GOP talking points>”
1. “I’m a centrist Democrat, but I can’t support Democratic candidate A because…<insert GOP talking points>”
Or do you really believe that Hillary Clinton backers hammer Barack Obama on gun control?
Sending the dads to jail – You call these people dads? They are mostly sperm donors. Dads care for their children.
Puddydumbfuck, I actually know more than a handful of people whose parents were drug users or even drug dealers as they were being raised. In the black community, these people would be considerably more likely to be in jail.
Just because you’re black and you grew up slightly closer to the inner city than Goldy and me does not make you any more knowledgeable about it than me (and it clearly shows).
31 DJ
I’m a Gore Democrat. I worked for Al Gore, I campaigned for Al Gore. Believe me, you’re no Gore Democrat.
I am a inner city boy!
Um, no, Puddy, you’re not. You actually told me where you grew up, and it’s not the inner city. It’s actually only about 10 minutes from where Goldy went to high school. Having lived only 5 minutes from the center of Norristown when I was in high school, I probably lived closer to a truly high crime area than you did.
And all of this ignores the fact that my grandfather was a longtime businessman in Camden and even had an office there until the 90s, and my mom graduated from Camden High. I come from a family with a lot of experience with high-crime inner cities. And, as I’ve already pointed out, the fact that I understand the dynamics far better than you do really shows that.
Kids don’t get an education because they see the glamor in movies of being a pimp, drug dealer, or being a gangster. These stereotypes are perpetuated by the movie moguls and we know who gives what to which candidates in Hollyweird, right Lee?
Hahahaha! You’re blaming the problems of the inner city on Hollywood!! And you actually think we should consider you an expert on urban affairs after saying that??!? Hahahaha!
I think you’re probably right, although I really don’t understand the motivation. Any Republican with half a brain would be much happier running against Hillary this year.
Hey Proud – I make you think.
LMAO!!! You make me laugh with your never-ending stream of right wing bullshit!
Did you look at that Moon tape? That’s your asian variant.
I understand the dynamics far better than you do really shows that.
pwned! Ha! Ha! The truth is revealed.
Stupes is so pampered!
@76 Lee
I think you misunderstand the Radical Right. These are not cold, calculating rational folk. They are bizar, bigoted, irrational nuts.
Look at ti this way ..
If you dump the party labels and look at policies … support for big business, strengthening class divisions, the Clintons really look more like Torries than they do like Whigs!
Bill Clinton was a better continuation of Bush I than GWB has been.
I am not sure if you have seen the posts by one RW nut here, but this guy calls himself the Big Gipper and has been yelling about Hilalry as the candidate FOR conservatives upset about MCcain. TBG may be a troll but on this issue he speaks truth.
BTW .. are you going to watch the Adams show Sunday night? We were tlking abut getting together with some friends. I am fascinated by the analogies to today,
I love this!
Here you have a thread that was supposed to be a knock against John McCain and the support being given him by a fundamentalist pastor, and it ends up being a bitchy catfight among Democrats.
So much for the Democratic Party being tolerant and inclusive! And how’s that diversity of thought workin’ out for you?
Hope to be seeing YouTube clips of BHO’s buddy Pastor Wright and his hate America first diatribes. The guy makes Louis Farrakhan – disavowed by BHO – look like Gandhi!
And Geraldine Ferraro with Hillary Clinton; it takes a hatchet woman to know a hatchet woman.
Efforts to drag Al Gore into this failed because nobody brought enough donuts for him.
Keep it up. You can’t buy entertainment this delicious!
The Piper
If this is the best that the inbred right can do – its Dems by 20 points!
80 PS
Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty left to pillory McCain. How are those turnout numbers working for you?
Where did I say I was from? Come on?
Where did I say my cousins are from? Come on?
You are so full of crap my display is starting to smell.
Lee: regarding drugs and crime.
My cousin is a Lt. on the Philly Police Force. I hear stories all the time. Six of my classmates were incarcerated due to drug violence. Four are dead due to drug violence. I know more about it than you’ll ever know.
I think headless lucy uses a term asshat. Fits you to a T.
Lee since you have the archives, tell me what were the Google coordinates of where I lived?
Happy hunting…
Let’s see, 100 years in Iraq, “bomb bomb Iran,” dismantle Social Security, and no ideas about the price of oil.
Yeah, that McCain’s gonna be tough. Not.
Bailout Saves Bear Stearns From Collapse
The Federal Reserve and J.P. Morgan intervened this morning to save Bear Stearns Cos., the nation’s 5th largest investment bank, which apparently was within hours of financial collapse. Bear Stearns stock was down 50%, from $57 to less than $30, in early trading today. I predict there will be more bailouts of banks and credit companies as America teeters on the precipice of the worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression. Waytago wingfucks!
This financial fiasco was brought to you by nincompoops who got their economic religion from a minor author of pulp fiction.
84 Pud
I hear stories all the time.
Ah, you hear stories. So much more comprehensive as an approach than looking at the state of research in the field. The plural of anecdote is data, you know.
Lee@75: Been paying attention lately to the news. How about that dead white boy in Snohomish who had his friends bury him in the sand and due to lack of oxygen he died. Do you know where they got the idea from?
TV Cartoons.
Lee – What a fool.
87 RR
Yep. Can you say “bank failures?” I knew you could!
89 Pud
But that’s just one anecdote. You need at least two before you can call it data.
Where did I say I was from?
City Line Ave. Want me to dig up the comment?
Where did I say my cousins are from?
Don’t care. My dad’s side of the family is rooted in Brooklyn and I was always visiting relatives there growing up. The house where my mother grew up is in a neighborhood of Camden that neither one of us would feel safe going to today, even in the daytime.
You are so full of crap my display is starting to smell.
You need to wipe harder.
@ 71 – I don’t hammer Obama on Gun Control, I hammer him on his flip flops.
Flip Flops is what caused us to lose in 2004 (besides running a mediocre candidate) and Obama is going to get creamed in the general election because of these flip flops on things like Gun Control and so much more if he is our candidate.
Which is why I’m arguing against making him our candidate.
More and more polls are showing that Hillary is more electable vs McCain than Obama is. We will lose in the General Election if Obama is our candidate.
My cousin is a Lt. on the Philly Police Force. I hear stories all the time. Six of my classmates were incarcerated due to drug violence. Four are dead due to drug violence. I know more about it than you’ll ever know.
Again, if this is true, why are you still making the absurd claim that it happens because of TV and movies? If you know more about it than I’ll ever know, you wouldn’t say things that stupid.
Social Security is one of America’s most important bulwarks against another Great Depression. By putting millions of monthly checks in the hands of senior citizens who immediately spend the money, SS puts a safety net under the economy when consumer spending is beleaguered by unemployment, inflation, and other macroeconomic trends. The SS checks keep coming no matter what the economic trends are or the economy is doing. SS also has been insrumental in lifting America’s elderly out of poverty. So who could possibly be stupid enough to dismantle this all-important program? Republicans, that’s who! Waytago wingfucks! Another choice piece of stupidity brought to you by the sponsors of unregulated lending and Wall Street panics.
Lee: So you disagree with Pelletizer when he said he thinks TV and movie violence is degrading our society. It’s one of the few things his rabbit-sized oxygen starved brain told his fingers to type I agree with.
So I guess this paper is above your comprehension level:
How about that 12 year old genius from Florida who killed that six year old girl when he body slammed her? He watched it on WWE. Or how about those “jackasses” who try to emulate WWE wrestling slam moves on portable tables and end up in the hospital with broken bones. Why does Mythbusters start each episode of their show with the disclaimer “We’re trained professionals, don’t try this at home”?
How about that dead white boy in Snohomish who had his friends bury him in the sand and due to lack of oxygen he died. Do you know where they got the idea from?
They were 10, you idiot. Most of us get smarter as we progress past that age. Clearly, you haven’t.
@96 While I think violent TV shows, movies, and video grames are degrading American society, I believe violent Republicans are degrading the whole fucking world.
So you disagree with Pelletizer when he said he thinks TV and movie violence is degrading our society.
Yes, I do. TV and movie violence is a reflection of our society. It does not control it.
Because Lee@93: I like to separate the issues.
Enjoy your education.
@93 “caused us to lose in 2004”
Still pretending to be a Democrat? A real Democrat would be talking about McCain’s flipflops. McCain makes Kerry look like a statue of General Grant.
Who said control Lee?
So you denigrate the dead child. Typical lefty, so blatantly obvious!
Only in LeeWorld (TM).
Which reminds me … if you ask a wingnut who’s buried in Grant’s tomb, he’ll probably tell you “Ayn Rand.”
Oh Lee, clearly I have. I wouldn’t be doing something I love. Maybe you know lots of 10 year old minds. Many reside on this board as leftist HorsesASSholers!
Pelletizer@103, maybe there’s room for you there?
@ 73 – I didn’t become politically active until 2004 in the Governor’s election, so if you campaigned for him, good job.
I have been to 3 states so far campaigning for Hillary, so this is going to be the first time I’ll be truly active in politics besides voting.
And, I’ve checked my own beliefs against what Gore lobbies for, and I’m nearly in lockstep with his stances on the issues. True, not everything, for instance I don’t like the trade-deal with China that Bill Clinton lobbied for and Al Gore still supported, but when you’re at 90-95% with a candidate, you know you’ve found who best represents you.
@100, @102
It certainly affects children, but nowhere near as much as a parent’s actions do.
You’ve devolved to mumbling incoherently again Puddy. Are you going to start making sense again, or have you crossed the threshold into full retardation for this thread?
The only violence on this thread is Dem on Dem – if you all were in the same room together, there would be teeth on the floor and fistfulls of hair missing from several heads.
The liberal veneer is very thin and peeled back at the slightest provocation to reveal a venal and angry side that is the real you.
The Piper
Lee@99: sure is telling you chose the Pelletizer sentence and dared not cover the other part of the entry.
93 DJ
More and more polls are showing that Hillary is more electable vs McCain than Obama is. We will lose in the General Election if Obama is our candidate.
Gee, that sounds like an assertion of fact. If so, it could use some support. You wanna claim that “more and more polls” show Hillary to be “more electable vs. McCain?” Prove it.
Oh, and kudos for ignoring that whatever the facts that you have not yet shown us on electability might turn out to be, Hillary IS LOSING and HAS LOST to Obama in every conceivable measure through the course of the Democratic primaries. Maybe it’s because she is the uninspiring wife of a former president trying to ride his coattails to the nomination, and Democrats are just over 50% too smart for that. Maybe.
I agree with the other part.
Of course, regarding electability, there’s this…
Obama gets four MORE electoral votes that Hillary while beating McCain’s ass.
Hmmm, what do you know…one of the “more and more polls” that DIDN’T go Hillary’s way. Weird.
No Lee@107: This is the standard lefty trick. When the facts start hurting the liberal brain, the standard line is
“wow you are mumbling” – when I said I like separating out the issues?
When I wrote who said control Lee? You wrote in #99 “It does not control it”.
I see you have lefty thread processingitis. Once you type in an entry you forget what you entered when the adversary responds.
Mrs Clinton WILL be the next POTUS! (You heard it here first) :)
Daddy love:
Stories. From my police LT. cousin when I go back home to Philly and stop in and see them?
How many of your classmates are incarcerated or dead due to drug violence? I bet you can count them on two finger at most.
@ 101 – Republican voters have shown repeatedly that truth doesn’t matter to them, so even when you do point out the flaws with their candidate and their flip flops, they just like to scream louder and point to the other side.
I’d rather not serve up a candidate who will take the Kerry smug approach and try and play it down as no big deal. It worked REAL well for Kerry…
McCain is a giant turd – I was aware that he was a douchebag from his involvement in the Keating 5 S&L scandals back in 1989, not to mention everything else since then. I could never vote for anyone who admits he’s ignorant on the economy. This man wants to be President when he admits he doesn’t understand basic economic issues?
Obama though, is a douchebag. His constant flip flopping, his support against immediate foreclosure relief, his wanting to continue to borrow $300 billion dollars of chinese money yearly to pay for his domestic programs when all it’s going to do is get our deficit more out of control, shows that he, like McCain, has no clue as to what the economy needs.
Hillary is the only candidate who knows how to salvage the economy and prevent us from spiraling deeper into economic death. And if you haven’t been able to tell, the economy is my #1 issue.
@99 Well, Lee, to tell you the truth I think a certain amount of social behavior feeds on what people see in TV shows and movies. Certainly, that’s got to be where a lot of bad driving comes from. Even car ads encourage people to drive fast and skid sideways into parking spaces, and there are plenty of idiots who go out and try it.
Frankly, I think your argument that film fiction merely “reflects” society is nonsense. In the old days, before realistic special effects came along, movies consisted mostly of dialogue, and were carried by the script and acting. Today, good writing and acting have become lost arts; no one in Hollywood can do either anymore. Today’s formulaic screen entertainment contains very little besides car chases, explosions, and actors pointing guns at each other. And instead of living in a society of people interacting with each other, today’s America is full of morons who have spent their lives mesmerized by the boob toob. And you’re trying to tell us TV and movies don’t affect behavior? Hell, nowadays TV and movies are the only parents most kids have ever known!
Poppycock, Lee. Still, as I pointed out above, Republicans do far more real-world real-time damage than crappy TV shows, movies, and video games. Given a choice, I’d rather have the shitty entertainment than the shitty Republicans. At least it’s (somewhat) entertaining. Republicans have zero amusement value.
Lee@111: Holy News Flash Batman. Lee agreed with me. Heart Palpatations starting…
“Here’s looking at you, kid” has been replaced by “Here’s spitting in your eye, roboturd”.
Chupa bicho mi amigo.
I told you when you find a working brain to extinguish the two neon signs in your eyes “Vacancy” and “Space Available Here”, we’ll debate.
Until then you are an empty shell of human biomass.
Lee: Did you figger out where I lived in Philly yet?
Hey kids, I’m gonna go play in Will’s new light rail thread.
How many of your classmates are incarcerated or dead due to drug violence? I bet you can count them on two finger at most.
I left the Philly suburbs at 18, so my contacts there are mostly non-existent, but I do know of one person who has died from drug violence. I guarantee you that if I went back and talked to people, I’d find out about a lot more. Drug dealing was very common in my high school.
Lee: Did you figger out where I lived in Philly yet?
If you’re not telling the truth about it, I’ll never know.
Gallup has Hillary ahead in a general election by ONE POINT.
So including my SurveyUSA cite, we’ve got 2 for Hillary, 2 for Obama, and one tie.
It’s just does not look like the facts are on your side, Dustin James.
Lee, I asked that of Daddy Love. I suspected there was drugs where you are from.
Republicans have zero amusement value.
That’s another thing I disagree with you about, Roger.
Lee@124: I put the Google map coordinates where I lived. You mixed me up my cousins, one of which works for the Force.
Yeaaaaaaaaargh, Pelletizer left. Now a real discussion can occur.
Word stolen from Howard Screech Dean.
115 Pud
Yes, exactly my point. Stories. Which says that you don’t know shit about what you don’t know, and you only know what someone else tells you — someone who has unexamined biases, who selectively edits the stories they tell, and who has not done any comprehensive research or any kind of statistical analysis. You see, the plural of anecdote is NOT data. I was just joking because to claim that anecdotes=data is a stupid thing to say. Get it yet?
I put the Google map coordinates where I lived.
Oh, and Pud, just FYI, I don’t know or give as shit what happened to any of my “classmates.”
Pelletizer@117: Great post except for the tripe in the last four sentences.
See Clueless Idiot – Even lefties can make sense. You cant even make cents with your postings.
Puddy is not very good at figuring out when people are making fun of him.
115 Pud
I checked, and I do have one finger for you.
Daddy Love: Redacted police reports with the crime, those involved, activities taken place, the police chase are all public record. Just as TMZ gets them I can see them too.
You are smoking that wacky weed and it isn’t the Ides of March yet! You can blather on about statistical analysis when the police report used for the crime prosecution is available to the public.
Keep up the good work.
Also, it proves the type of person you are Daddy Love if you are not interested in your fellow man, let alone the people you spent 13 years of your life with.
Keep up the good work.
Hey Goldy,
How’s that Non-Union made vehicle that you brag about driving helping out the middle class union Workers?;refer=us
I guess that driving a car from a foreign manufacturer is the best way to be a Cheap Labor Liberal. Did you do a count at your DL event, held at a non-union establishment, of how many foreign made vehicles were there, compared to American/Union made?
Lee@134: I ignore idiot posts. Daddy Love wasn’t writing coherently to my entry so I clarified it for him in 136.
Good job Lee. Still waiting for you to tell me where I lived. You made the charge so now let’s see the Lee mind at work.
Daddy Love: Not interested in you displaying your IQ. But then again when it’s that low, counting is fundamental.
WOW! I’ve seen some dumb blogs – but this one takes the cake!
139 Pud
You forgot I’m rubber and you’re glue.
@141: Six years old again?
Piper I’d love a chance to be in the same room with you.
@ 142
When you speak of “facts,” you demonstrate a ridiculously poor grasp of what constitutes an actual fact. For example, that someone told you a story is a fact. The story itself is not a fact. It’s just a story–the facts filtered and distorted through someone else’s eyes. I’ve said before, you really need to stop searching for facts in opinion pieces.
Try to spend less time telling Lee that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and more time actually showing, via coherent arguments as opposed to vague hints at Motown and Hollywood, where Lee is, indeed, wrong on the facts.
Not unless you take a very cold shower first.
The Piper
136 Pud
Thanks for standing up for my classmates. I am sure that your strategy of sucking up to strangers so that they will praise your virtue is paying off for you big time.
“Did you know that Wyoming was the first state to give women equal rights? Shocking, but true. And, Wyoming had just become a state.”
More leftist disinformation. Wyo granted full-frontal suffrage in 1869, 21 years before Wyo became a state.
Lee: Did you figger out where I lived in Philly yet?”
Lee is/was a Philaburbian. Not to be confused with a Philadelphian. He and Goldstein are only trying to counterfeit some of your cred, Puddy.
See that Pope Richard already got your minds right about Wyoming. That’s why we in the College of Cardinals elected him class clown.
Dustin James is doing the Lord’s work. Preach it, brother.
we’ll debate.
LMAO!!! Debate? There never was a debate. How do you debate with idiocy and insanity?
You are a purveyor of total bullshit. You are a joke.
Your ugly, insane, corrupt party is circling the toilet bowl and I’m watching you circle with it.
You support a bigger liberal than Teddy Kennedy and Hillary (gasp) for president. Look what you’ve been reduced to!
You are done. You are finished.
Delusional Don Joe:
If you been paying attention (something very hard for you to do lately), I told Daddy Joe of the police reports seen. The stories around the police reports would either reject to police reports or corroborate the police reports. Since you are a delusional idiot you can put 2+2 together and get an answer.
Thanks for playing…
Idiot@146: Standing up for human beings? Isn’t that what Jesus espoused with His Sermon on the Mount?
Oh… that’s right you’s a lefty. Bible commentary and references are ignored.
Moonrock@150: You proved me correct again, just by typing your entry.
Thanks for making another PuddyFact.
Still waiting for you to tell me where I lived. You made the charge so now let’s see the Lee mind at work.
Well, since you’re obviously unwilling to answer me, I’m going to assume that you grew up in King of Prussia.
Delusional Don Joe: “Lee is, indeed, wrong on the facts.”
On many of them he was. He even agreed with me above. Go back and see his entry. I dare ya!
Yep and this is the statement from Roger that you said you agreed with me on:
I believe violent Republicans are degrading the whole fucking world
See comments #109 and #111 if you’re not sure, dumbass.
@93 DJ ..
“flip flops”
You must be a republican troll. First, comparing anything BHO has flip flopped on to HRC’s record is ludicrous. She has taken hard stands for and against NAFTA, gay marriage, liscences for driver w/o papers, Iraq, etc etc.
As a rational person and being respectful of ther judgement, I beleive these were good changes in opinion but IF you wanna worry about a campaign tactic … hang on……….
As for who can win better over McC, moist objective data says this BHO unless, as some suggest, there are hoidden racists amongst us.
Bottom line, she is running a dirty campaign and is losing demo votes, possibly including my own. There are several choices of VEEP that could make McC a winner against a women who incrwasingly seems to be playing to her worst image. McC Whuitman, McC Rice, McC Crist, MvC Hagel. even McC Romney may be very effective once she has permanently painted herself into the suit of clothes she claims were tailored for her by the rad right conspiracy.
Dustin James
I am loving it, you are the best man, the best!
Hillary is the only candidate who knows how to salvage the economy and prevent us from spiraling deeper into economic death. And if you haven’t been able to tell, the economy is my #1 issue.
GAD, what a brilliant statement of her true faith as a Republican! Yeahhhh!!!! Screw the poor, tax ’em to pay for healthcare for those who EARN it, Shut down mortgages to anyone w/o the cold hard cash!
AND you left out we get a toofer! While Hillary is running the White House and limited by The LAW, Bill is totally ouside of all that running his foundation as a kind of independent governement, OUTSIDE of Congressional control!
I understand he plans to move the corporate home of the Foundation to Curacao! That way when Hilalry closes down Gitmo she can turn over the poprety to the Foundation ot develop as condoes amd Bill can use the money to do stuff the CIA would never dare do!
Hillary, our man for 08!
I am so proud of my Puddy. He make me want to make lots and lots of kittens! Such a tom!
The best part of it, is he really shows all you Dimocruds the what a real man is like! No girly girly stuff, no sensitivity, nothing but pure, old American manliness .. or what passes for that in a cat!
The only other real male here is Dustin James and his sock puppet (I prefer the term Trojan) “The Big Gipper.” What a Trojan act they make, DustinJames pretending to be a dimbulb and TBG acting like a condom with ripbs and ticklers … my favorite kind! It takes a big man like Dustin to wear a trojan like that!
As for the rest of you, Pussy doesn’t get it? You seem … feckless. like someone fixed you! Is that the law in King County? All Pet Libruls Must be Fixed?
@ 152
Oh, you’ve claimed to have access to facts. You’ve not shown how those facts actually contradict what Lee has said. That’s generally referred to as “special pleading,” and makes for a distinctly feckless argument.
But, you won’t rectify the flaws in your argument. You’ll just keep up with the various forms of name calling for which you are so infamous.
Puddy is, indeed, a perfectly apt screen name that you’ve chosen for yourself. It describes, to a T, the stuff that sits between your ears.
Lee@157: My post #109 was referring to my post #96.
Thanks for playing.
Delusional Don Joe@162 You make no sense whatsoever. I saw the police reports when I visited my cousins. You know the facts otherwise? I didn’t see the open record reports? Please do tell.
And the conversation was with Daddy Love. Lee jumped in. Delusional One, let me help you since following a thread isn’t your forte. You need to start at Daddy Love’s argument @89. In in he claimed I gave one example. I then gave a few more. And I gave two links to two psychological studies I’m sure you skipped right over. Roger Pelletizer Rabbit joined in with his TV and movie rant. Then the conversation came back to death by drugs and gangs, and incarceration from drugs.
I hope the spider-webbed filled mind works it all out.
Lee: I told the leftist leaning HorsesASShole audience where I grew up in Philly twice. The second time I gave you all the Google map coordinates. That’s why I call you ‘burb boys. I am not repeating it again. You want to find it create a google search and find it. It wasn’t King of Prussia or any where near US Route 202 or 276. But they have a decent mall there off of DeKalb Pike as I remember.
There’s evidently some reason you’re afraid to share the truth with me. Malvern? Qaukertown? Kennett Square? Where did you grow up?
Lee I told you before. Show us some of your great due diligence work. You have the archives at your fingertips. I have to use Google.
You make no sense whatsoever.
If you understood the difference between facts and opinions, you’d grasp the concept.
I saw the police reports when I visited my cousins. You know the facts otherwise? I didn’t see the open record reports?
The first mention of police reports you made was @ 136. However, back at 63, when you were replying to Lee’s argument, you said:
So, you’ve seen all of these police reports, and the only meaningful statistic you can come up with from those reports is that black-on-black crime is greater than 60%?
Just to drive the point home, Lee’s claim with respect to drug enforcement is that the incidents of drug related crime are about the same among whites and blacks while the enforcement of drug laws falls more heavily on blacks. Is it not at all obvious to you that you need to bring more than police reports to the table in order to counter that claim? Indeed, isn’t it at all obvious that the one fact you’ve actually cited in the midst of your vociferous special pleading actually affirms the point that Lee’s made?
It’s worth noting that Lee has, on several occasions, cited a variety of sources to back up that claim while you’ve made vague references to police reports that you’ve read.
And the conversation was with Daddy Love. Lee jumped in.
Um, no. You responded directly to Lee at comment 63, and Daddy Love jumped in, as you noted, at comment 69.
Try following your own conversations before you start giving other people shit about not following along.
You have to use Google to remember where you grew up? That’s even more pathetic than I would’ve guessed.
First Lee:
No Lee good try again. I use google to search what the leftist whack-jobs say here, while you can’t figger out a useful search expression to determine where Puddy grew up. Second you have all the accessible blog entries available to you and you can’t determine where Puddy grew up.
Thanks for playing…
Delusional Don Joe: You attack my 60% number while Lee presents no actual hard data? Where are his “sources”?
You used Lee’s entry “Just to drive the point home, Lee’s claim with respect to drug enforcement is that the incidents of drug related crime are about the same among whites and blacks while the enforcement of drug laws falls more heavily on blacks. Is it not at all obvious to you that you need to bring more than police reports to the table in order to counter that claim? Indeed, isn’t it at all obvious that the one fact you’ve actually cited in the midst of your vociferous special pleading actually affirms the point that Lee’s made?”
Where’s da beef (sources) for this comment you wave like a banner?
When I came onto the thread at 63 – Lee has not provided one source, just his mother from Camden. I provided two links for my tv and movie violence.
Butt since you want more data: Puddy always has the facts!
You can draw your won conclusions.
Oh and Lee my cousins lived on City line Ave, not Puddy.
Blog entries 3340 and 3343. This is where N from Seattle made an ass of himself. See how high the flames were and the smoke? See for miles.
Good try Lee. Too bad your skillz are lacking…
You attack my 60% number while Lee presents no actual hard data? Where are his “sources”?
LMAO. You just removed all doubt as to which of us is more deserving of the “delusional” label. Hint: try to find any place where I said that this claim is false. Go ahead. Use the google. Hell, you can even try Live search if you want to.
Where’s da beef (sources) for this comment you wave like a banner?
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Lee’s posted those source here so many times that you can’t possibly have missed it. ‘Course, you could always use the google and find this:
You can draw your won conclusions.
Oh, we all will–a task made so much easier by your refusal, or flat out inability, to come up with a coherent argument.
John McCain gave up American names to the NVA – costing American lives. War hero my ass.
Delusional Don Joe: Keep LYAO bud. Why didn’t Lee refer to the study in his presentation on this thread?
My argument is very coherent. I stand by everything I wrote in post #63.
BTW the link I posted corroborates my number. Did you read it. No. Well why not Delusional Don Joe? Because the numbers will support my argument above. For instance almost all black girls raped were raped by black guys. Most black murders were committed by blacks.
So my 60% number is low but then again you’ll find some thing to discount it. You have to, as it must be that U of Wis communication style that you and Perfesser Darryl both possess.
See ya Don Joe. My two links support my argument.
Why didn’t Lee refer to the study in his presentation on this thread?
Ask Lee. The real question is how did you, who claims to not forget, manage to forget that post? You commented on it.
My argument is very coherent.
What argument? You haven’t actually articulated one. Your comment at 63 is mostly incoherent rambling about black-on-black crime rates and movies ending with an ad hominem directed at Lee. None of that contradicts Lee’s point, and there isn’t a compelling idea in the lot.
BTW the link I posted corroborates my number.
I never said it didn’t. For that matter, when I said, “Indeed, isn’t it at all obvious that the one fact you’ve actually cited in the midst of your vociferous special pleading actually affirms the point that Lee’s made?” did you think that I was discounting your fact?
My two links support my argument.
Lee’s argument is about drug enforcement. Incidents of rape and murder are rather irrelevant to that point. Also, you can muster whatever arrest statistics you want to muster, none of those numbers change the fact that the incidents of drug related crime are the same regardless of race.
Delusional Don Joe: Go to the top of the thread and see Lee talks about more than just drugs in the early entries.
Sorry bud I make many points in #63. Apparently they must hit home because you seem to dislike what you read.
Almost all the cities are in donkey political control from way before I was born. These people have done nothing to improve people’s futures. All this money sent to the great society programs over 9 Trillion and counting since 1965.
Go to the top of the thread and see Lee talks about more than just drugs in the early entries.
Then why did you quote only the portion of Lee’s remarks that discussed drug enforcement?
Apparently they must hit home because you seem to dislike what you read.
It’s not a question of personal preferences. Again, you show your lack of understanding of the basic difference between fact and opinion. What you cite doesn’t support the conclusion you want to reach. I’m not sure how to state that any clearer. This has nothing to do with whether or not I like the data you’ve cited.
Almost all the cities are in donkey political control from way before I was born.
If you had been paying attention, Lee, rather correctly, lays the problem at the feet of both parties. What shouldn’t be lost, however, is the authoritarian mind set behind both our current drug laws and the way those laws are enforced.