I swear, Goldy, if I don’t start gettin’ a bit-o-love for gettin’ there first, I’m gonna….hang out at “Effn’ Unsound” (yeah, that’s the ticket).
Don Joespews:
Q for Stamnerin’ Marvin:
What’s a Sub-V chord? For extra credit, name the first artist to use this technique in a solo in a popular song, and name the song.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
If you are against a US citizen having a free voter ID card but on the other hand support an 80 year old lady paying tax on $450.00 in self employment income you are:
A) A Democrat
B) A Hypocrite
C) Hypocrite and Democrat are the same thing
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Senator Borak OsamaObamaroma getting dressed for Jihad in Somalia. Some of you may remember an American Soldiers dead body being dragged down the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia. After the deaths of 18 American Soldiers the democrats under Bill Clinton retreated.
Leave it to a wingnut to confuse the difference between Somalis in Kenya and what happened in Somalia. Apparently nuance isn’t a Republican strong point.
Borak OsamaObamorama on his lack of experience to run for president. In his own words!
And didn’t Saint Ronnie turn tail and run when the Marine barracks were bombed in Lebanon?
RE: 8, Bwahhaahaaaha, K, you just gave me a link to a photograph of some people in LIBERIA. For the learning Impaired Liberia is on the Atlantic Ocean, Somalia is on the other side of the continent on the Indian Ocean.
Sorry K, we are going to have to hold you over again for 9th grade
RE: 8, of course they all look alike to K and other democrats.
Don Joespews:
Via Crooks and Liars, George W. Bush criticizing McCain over McCain’s ties to lobbyists:
Re quoting the Chimp on McCain, that was done for your benefit. Not one liberal is blind to McCain’s hypocrisy.
Don Joespews:
I predict that our resident ass-hat trolls will dismiss, in ad-hominemesque fashion, the following, because it’s from Rolling Stone magazine, but not one will adequately refute the facts cited therein:
This McCain story isn’t going away. I’m sure it will feature prominently in the lead up to the general election.
RE: 14, liberals are too ignorant to know the difference between Liberia and Somalia,(even though the entire african continent seperates them, see 8 and 9)
By the way, thanks for the camel and landscape photo’s and I also thanks K for the photo of Liberia. Not sure what they meant though?
RE: 15, sorry I don’t read rolling stone or care about their latest fantasies. If you want to read a real jounalists reporting who has been there a very long time and isn’t another left wing communist you could try Michael Yon. He reports the truth, both good and bad.
No one I know has the time or inclination to debunk a story from a druggie at rolling stone sorry.
OK pal, my bad. Looked at the article and not the caption. Try this one: http://www.psywarrior.com/SomaliaHerb.html
Scroll down to the picture. Still no headgear. Where is your evidence linking what Obama had on to the Somali clans?
And what about cut and run Ronnie. More US Servicemen dead from a more critical region.
And with all the talk of the “MASSIVE” early voting that Obama has been getting their people to do, it’s bad news for Backtrack… I know what you want to read out of it, but here, let me help you…
“Of the 25% of respondents who have already voted, it’s Clinton 51%, Obama 46%.”
It has even shut the Daily KOS idiots up who have been blogging about it all day in anticipation… They expected a HUGE Obama pre-vote, and now are biting their nails.
Oh, and Backtrack? For all your dirty campaign mailers trying to confuse the Ohio vote who have now rallied to a 12% and increasing lead in the polls for Hillary:
Fuck you.
K, sorry but you lost your credibility on number 8. If you want to know what my proof is that Obama was dressed for Jihad in Somali Dress, read one of your favorite newspapers
Barack Obama, right, is dressed as a Somali elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan
As for Reagan retreating from Lebanon, I thought it was wrong when it happened and it proved to be wrong today. We were also wrong to retreat from Vietnam and would be wrong to retreat from Iraq.
Even geographically challenged and uneducated liberals like you can see that retreat doesn’t work to well for us, well maybe you can’t.
Hey tell me which direction you would have to drive to find Pullman?
So returning, rob, to where you started @4, you have no link other than your hateful words. After correcting my initial error, I did provide protographic evidence that the militia did not wear the garb Obama had on. Scroll farther down to see an actual photo of militia on the werckage of a downed chopper.
And note the author is a long time military man, now retured.
Where’s your retraction?
Somali elders are not Somali militia. They are not all the same.
Confused by the facts?
K, you do have some moxy though for wanting to get back into the argument after you made a total fool out of yourself. Either that or a mental problem. You figure it out. lol
Mike in Seattlespews:
wow u cant go anywhere these days without finding a whinin winger tryin to change the subject. poor things. be that as it may…
its looking more like the fake “affair” story was just the bait, and they all sure took it. what a perfect gift was this trojan donkey to the right! they pushed the story themselves, and now the payload has been released and cant be contained. beautiful! as regards said payload, theres a wonderful piece over at salon with further developments between McCain and Iseman. turns out that after the furor died down over paxson ($20k+, favor asked, favor granted) Iseman then got McCain thousands from the cruise ship industry. shortly thereafter McCain became a champion of cruise ship deregulation, even sponsoring two bills on it that just happened to benefit Vicki’s client.
that John McCain, he’s a real maverick alright.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#2 Don Joe says:
Q for Stamnerin’ Marvin:
What’s a Sub-V chord? For extra credit, name the first artist to use this technique in a solo in a popular song, and name the song.
AKA the tritone substitution. Dmi7-G7-Cma7 = Dmi7- Db7-Cmaj7.
As far as the first solo in a popular song, not sure of that answer. If I remember correctly, it was around in the days of gregorian chants. Stravinsky, Ravel, etc. didn’t have ad-lib soloists (if that’s what you mean by soloist.) Could be parker, coltrane, armstrong, hendrix, phil woods, depending how you define popular music.
Following up on my post at 22… I got so fucking excited that I couldn’t wait to post it…
Latinos traditionally vote the day of at the polls, and they are in large blocks in the Hillary Camp.
The SUSA poll numbers needed to be MUCH bigger for Obama.
This is NOT looking good for Backtrack.
And, you know, for all the “Hillary has lost all her momentum and should drop out” that I keep hearing, when Obama drops three on March 4th, let me be the first to ask:
“Mr. Obama, now that you clearly do not have the momentum, do what is good for the party, and drop out… and fuck off. kthx.”
That’s the good thing about voting democrat. You don’t have to think.
Re: 27,HI my name is Mike in Seattle and I am to dim to provide a link to all my bullshit. Sorry but I am a democrat, what do you expect from us underachievers?
Mike in Seattlespews:
sorry rob was i ignoring you? lemme look at your posts… oh yeah thats why.
OK rob, you asshole, it is you who are avoiding any engagement. I provided ample documentation after acknowledging a simple error. What have you provided?
You linked the garb to jihadists and provide no evidence other than your hollow words.
You my “friend” are the mentally challenged one as you have but one note and continue to repeat it.
RE: 32, Hmm still no link, want me to walk you through how to do it genius?
Don Joespews:
AKA the tritone substitution.
Very good.
You’re a tad bit off on the extra credit, though you did get the genre correct. Having said that, I’m surprised you didn’t figure it out. The phrase “popular song” is a very strong hint. The record sold rather well. The year was 1939, and, no, the particular artist was not among the ones you listed.
Don Joespews:
RE: 15, sorry I don’t read rolling stone or care about their latest fantasies.
Exactly as I predicted.
RE: 33, “A simple Mistake” by liberals is mixing up countries seperated by the entire AFRICAN FUCKING CONTINENT. I would say it is a HUGE MISTAKE made by simple minded democrats.
Answer the substance, coward.
RE: 36, did you read Michael Yon?
You, coward are the simple one. Where is your evidence backing up your allegation?
And did you read Sergant Major Friedman?
RE: 38, if you still want to embarrass yourself with your ignorance see number 23.
After you, my friend after you. Your mistake is much larger than a simple error in a web link. Your error is your way of “thinking” which closes your mind after spouting your bile. You have no substance, and I have better things to do. We have here proof of how the troll mind works. Pick anything, even if later corrected. Echo over and over. Deny the truth, and change the subject. A pitiful performance, rob.
Don Joespews:
did you read Michael Yon?
I skimmed the site. I didn’t find anything that refuted the facts in Nir Rosen’s piece, which you, as I predicted, dismissed for no reason other than the fact that it was published in Rolling Stone magazine.
RE: see 42, and then see 23 libtard.
typical troll evasion
RE: 44, like I said. I don’t read propagandist magazines. I have no idea what that worthless rag has to say or do I care. Reading Rolling Stone would be like watching the Oscars or reading Pravda to me, entirely meaningless unless you also hate America.
Michael Yon on the other hand is heralded by people on the left and the right as an honest merchant of news.
Rolling Stone is the crack heads magazine of choice
A waste of otherwise perfectly good electrons arguing with rob.
While the Clinton camp makes statements like
“If Barack Obama’s campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed. Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely.”
folks like rob show that this kind of photo, sent out to the right people, can sway those with petty minds, and begs the question “why is Senator Clinton’s campaign sending photos of Senator Obama to the Drudge Report anyway?”
It almost seems that at least some folks in the Clinton camp are trying to ensure that if their candidate cannot be elected, then they prefer to hand the White House back to the Republicans.
It’s probably too late for Senator Clinton to publicly disavow this cheap trick, or discipline her campaign manager, it wouldn’t surprise me if some splainin’ was being done behind closed doors over in the Clinton bus.
While I support Senator Obama, I also think that Senator Clinton has way too much class for this kind of cheap stunt. It just doesn’t sound like her. More like an over-eager staffer and a campaign manager with tunnel vision.
Don Joespews:
@ 45
You can keep dicking around with k’s little faux pas, but the pictures I linked from Mogadishu showed a whole bunch of men, not one of whom appears to be dressed in the same attire as Obama. Are you still claiming that there’s no distinction between the warlords of Somalia and Kenyan Somali’s? Does, for example, the fact that the former were perpetrating violence while the latter are currently the victims of violence make any difference in your eyes?
Your answers, or lack there of, will speak volumes as to exactly what kind of ass-hat you are.
Don Joespews:
@ 47
As I predicted, you refuse to even attempt to refute the facts of that article solely on the basis of where it was published.
The fact that you’re an entirely predictable ass-hat doesn’t change the fact that you are, indeed, an ass-hat.
what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander
RE: 46, It is not my job to educate you on either geography or the ability to understand the following caption under the Jihad OsamaObamarama Picture in Guardian but since obviously you must be a parapalegic and unable to scroll up to #23 I will try one more time in my quest to help the mentally and physically disabled.
Caption Under Picture of Borak Hussein Obama dressed like Usama Bin Laden: Barack Obama, right, is dressed as a Somali elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan
K, do you understand what “dressed like a SAMALI means”
Don Joespews:
@ 52
Yet you keep showing that you don’t grok the difference between Kenya and Somalia. Silly ass-hat. Glass houses, and all…
Re: 50, Liberals always regress to name calling when they don’t get their way. I still won’t, like the majority of real Americans read Rolling Stone.
I could call you a sniveling little America hating liberal prick who is such a loser that he can’t take care of himself and wants the government to rescue his sorry worthless existence on this planet, but I won’t.
Don Joespews:
@ 54
I’m afraid you still don’t understand. I’m calling you an ass-hat because your argument sucks. I’m not saying that your argument sucks because you’re an ass-hat.
RE: 53, I could “Dress Like a Somali” in Kirkland and I would still be dressed like a Somali.
Don Joespews:
@ 56
Are Somali tribes in Kirkland?
rob- do you understand that not all somalis were militiamen?
Re: 58,Yes most of them are poor fuckers exploited, raped and killed by the people who dress like Borak OsamaObamaroma.
proud leftistspews:
Stamn and Don Joe: “Dmi7-G7-Cma7 = Dmi7- Db7-Cmaj7”
Personally, I like a few major chords in most any song. That is because I’m a patriotic American. You, however, have got minor 7ths, 7ths, and major 7ths in the same progression? Yikes. What are you guys, Communists or something?
Re: 57, not that I know of why?
you made the assertion linking the garb of somali elders to the Somali militia. I and others provided photographic evidence that the militia garb was different. You refuse to engage.
Your disability is quite crippling. It eliminates the ability for intelligent discourse.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
So if you dress like an American in Somalia you would be a Somalian even if you are not. I think we got it Don. Er… yeah. hahaha
re: rob..
Why are you dorks even fucking with “rob”…maybe because he’s neither original nor intelligent?
OK he’s easy pickins…but which troll here isn’t?
RE: 64, another product of public education heard from.
he demonstrates the bankrupcy of their approach, make an assertion and refuse to acknowledge any information which conflicts
I can be a troll too!!spews:
Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!! Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!! Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!! Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!! Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!!
Wow! That was SOOOOO easy!!! And FUN!!! And I DIDN’T have to think…
…wait! I want to try another one!
IT’S ALL BILL CLINTON’S FAULT!! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis!
I had no idea.
It’s like crack. Wow.
Rob must’ve gotten an std from sucking hose at a young republican convention.
I’m a professional anthropologist, and your statements in comments #4 and #56 make you look pretty fucking stupid.
Give it up, punk…you’re out of your league here.
Don Joespews:
@ 61
Re: 57, not that I know of why?
You mentioned Kirkland in a discussion about Somali’s in Kenya. You tell me why.
@ 64
It’s Monday night, and there’s nothing interesting on TV.
proud leftistspews:
While I admire your patience engaging with robby, I would suggest you save your patience for other endeavors. robby is unacquainted with reason and disdains facts. Accordingly, arguing with him is, well, pointless. robby would come back to a statement like this and say something like, “you’re just calling me names.” The best response is simply, “of course, robby, I’m calling you names, because you are incapable of reason. Now, have a glass of warm milk, and head down to your room in the basement.”
So, it’s your contention that all Somalis are bad somehow?
Having had the “pleasure” of spending a bit of time in that part of the world, while with the Navy on an amphib with a load of Marines, I can assure you that we never thought so.
Yes, there are evil Somalis, just like there are evil people in every country in the world.
Most of the people in that region are good folks just trying to stay alive in a bad situation. Some of their leaders are good folks just looking out for their people, but yes, some of them are not.
But even though I think that the person circulating that photo was doing so just to stir up trouble, I also think that there really isn’t anything bad about the fact that Senator Obama wore native garb while visiting some Somalis.
Of course, you could tell me about how it was your shipmates that were dragged through the streets by thugs, and we could compare notes.
So, rob, just how many personal friends of yours were in that expedition, and when was your life in danger from unfriendly strangers shooting at you?
Oh, I forgot. Wingnuts don’t join the military and risk their lives for their country. They have more important things to do. So, in response to your picture, I have one for you.
It’s a good thing that I actually know some decent Republicans that have served. If the only examples of the Republican party I had contact with were on this board, I would have an even lower opinion of that party than I do now.
RE: 62, are you still talking? As I remember you were the one linking Nigeria, (only separated by the ENTIRE AFICAN CONTINENT) to Somalia.
Finally I have educated you on geography K, I will now start you second lesson on “People who dress like Borak Hussein Obama that control the street urchins that drag dead American Soldiers through their streets.
But since you wanted to see someone dressed like Borak Hussein OsamaObamaroma Here is Ayman al-Zawhri(second to Usama Bin Laden) looking like Borak calling on Somalis to launch Suicide attacks. You will notice that neither Ayman al-Zawhri or Borak Hussien Obama have participated in these suicide attacks. Yet.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
I have to conclude that Rob is an AUI (artificial unintelligence) program. He spouts the most ludicrous wingnut smears endlessly, not even stopping to realize that he is making a mockery of all the other wingnut trolls on the blog.
robbed: “rob says:
RE: 64, another product of public education heard from.”
robby, do you want me to parse your grammar, perhaps note the way you ended your post? I am a proud product of public education. Indeed, if you gave a damn about this country, you’d give a damn about public education. Apparently, you are proud of your private school education. That education, however, has left you incapable of punctuating, reasoning, or putting two coherent sentences together. Wow, robby, your parents really got their money’s worth.
Re: 72, That would have been in 70,71, 4th Cag Marines Quang Tri Province. Now exactly when were you “shot at” again?
RE: 76, “robby” would be spelled with a capital R for the learing impared. Do you want me to continue?
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 78
rob says:
“robby” would be spelled with a capital R for the learing impared. Do you want me to continue?
Another wingnut irony alert has been issued.
And no “rob”. continuing is not necessary. You’ve made proud leftist’s case all by yourself.
well, you’ve bored my to sleep rob with your one-note tirade.
By the way, @73 you confused Liberia with Nigeria. But you never make mistakes.
Re 76, I will just to make you feel bad.
Proud Leftist Says: “Wow, robby, your parents really got their money’s worth.
To those of us that actually have an education he should have said
Wow Robby, you’re parents really got their money’s worth.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 81
To those of us that actually have an education he should have said
Wow Robby, you’re parents really got their money’s worth.
Please, rob. Show us more of “you’re” grammatical prowess.
Re: 72, I am waiting squid?
RE: 82, if you have corrections let’s see them.
proud leftistspews:
BTO has identified your problems with the language, but, hell, there ain’t nothing wrong with repetition:
robby @ 76: “learing impared”
Then, we have @ 81: “To those of us that actually have an education he should have said
Wow Robby, you’re parents really got their money’s worth.”
Sorry, sonny, where’d you learn your grammar? robby, why do you make it so easy for us?
RE: 69 Darryl Says” rob,
I’m professional anthropologist, and your statements in comments #4 and #56 make you look pretty fucking stupid.
Uhmm Darryl (I’m professional anthropologist) that sentance structure makes you look pretty fucking stupid, Darryl.
It seems that professional athropologist’s “talk about human beings” How is that working out for you Darryl?
Anthropology (from Greek: ἄνθρωπος, anthropos, “human being”; and λόγος, logos, “speech” lit. to talk about human beings) is the study of humanity.
RE: 85, as I said, if you have corrections let’s seem them. It seems you don’t have any though.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 85, add to that the irony of calling himself lower-case “rob” and insisting that “robby” should be spelled with a capital “R”.
The troll just doesn’t know enough about irony, or grammar to know what a fool he has made of himself.
proud leftistspews:
In the event you didn’t catch what BTO and I were saying above, there is a difference between contractions, e.g. “you’re,” and the possessive, e.g. “your.” Apparently, your private school classes (you were homeschooled, I’m guessing), didn’t apprise you of such differences, correct?
You might suggest that criticizing grammar, punctuation, and the like is being anal. I, however, believe that if you can’t express yourself in writing, you might think about your inability to think clearly. That’s just one man’s opinion, but you might consider keeping your opinions to yourself.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
Personally, I don’t care if a person’s grammar is spot on or not.
But when you make a statement like:
@ 64,
another product of public education heard from.
And your grammar is that atrocious, you deserve to be chastised.
Re: 89, Maybe you would give me your expert opinion on using two commas in two words like: Wow, robby, your parents really got their money’s worth.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
erratum – @ 65
RE: 90, The only thing you have talked about is grammer? Did you have another point?
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 92
Maybe you would give me your expert opinion on using two commas in two words like: Wow, robby, your parents really got their money’s worth.
RE: 69 Darryl Says” rob,
I’m professional anthropologist, and your statements in comments #4 and #56 make you look pretty fucking stupid.
Thanks…I added the missing article.
“Uhmm Darryl (I’m professional anthropologist) that sentance structure makes you look pretty fucking stupid, Darryl.”
“Uhmm”? “Sentance”? Have you been sneaking into mommy’s liquor stash tonight, punk?
“It seems that professional athropologist’s “talk about human beings” How is that working out for you Darryl?”
“athropologist’s”? (* Snicker *)
“Anthropology (from Greek: ἄνθρωπος, anthropos, “human being”; and λόγος, logos, “speech” lit. to talk about human beings) is the study of humanity.”
Let me guess…you had no idea what the word “anthropologist” meant before you copied and pasted the definition. You know…being innately STOOPID is far, far worse than a public education…think about that, Squirt.
Look, rob, if you really are mentally retarded (as suggested by the prattle you are posting here), just say so, and I’ll back off.
Re: 95, Wow, Blatantly Obvious, I , do , unless, you, stutter, like, most, liberals, do.
proud leftistspews:
robby @ 92
Uh, robby, because commas are all about pauses, not that someone like you would understand such a concept. But, when I wrote, “[w]ow, robby, your parents . . .”, that was grammatically correct. Let me refer you to Strunk and White, “The Elements of Style.” Put it by your bedside, Sweetpea, and read the damned thing before you try to tell others how to write.
Don Joespews:
@ 98
I admire your suggestion that our current ass-hat actually read a book, but, honestly, how do you expect him to physically do so? Through the tip of his penis?
When did we start spelling grammar “grammer”?
Did I miss something?
This IS the psychopathology seminar isn’t it?
Where DID you get such a startling specimen, and what can you possibly use as a control?
Re: 96, You will back off? LOL, Let me tell you what I do for a living Darryl (I’m Developer) or as Darryl and his other brother Darryl says (I’m professional anthropologist)
The reason I posted your ahhem professional job description of (talking about human beings) is that it doesn’t really impress me Darryl. Most of us talk about other human beings and refrain from calling in a (profession). But no, I don’t want you to back off, I want you to show how you are better at talking about humans than the rest of us are?
By the way, how is that profession working out for you? Have you developed a new human being, stopped rapes and murders, figured out the mental disease that is liberalism
In other words Darryl, what the fuck have you accomplished in your profession?
proud leftistspews:
Don Joe @ 99: “I admire your suggestion that our current ass-hat actually read a book, but, honestly, how do you expect him to physically do so? Through the tip of his penis?”
You have posed a conundrum. Personally, I believe I can read with my eyes and through the tip of my penis, though reading through the latter means has not brought me much by way of literacy. Still, either means of reading has its value. robby, of course, doesn’t much care about reading, you are correct, Don Joe, in that regard. I suppose I have presented him with a challenge that is insurmountable. Sorry, robby.
Don Joespews:
@ 103
Personally, I believe I can read with my eyes and through the tip of my penis, though reading through the latter means has not brought me much by way of literacy.
Reading through the former means hasn’t brought you a great deal of literacy either. I suppose you’ll find some way to blame that, as you blame everything else, on liberals.
In that, too, you exhibit typical ass-hat behavior. Personal responsibility is, to folks like you, a virtue to be demanded of others rather than something to be demonstrated by one’s own conduct.
RE: 100, Jesus Christ, I am arguing on a political site with 8 asswhipes that only want to talk about GRAMMAR and SPELLING and now you chime in? I am typing and spellchecking as fast as I can assholes.
Don Joespews:
@ 105
I am arguing
No. You’re flatulating, though, considering your present position, your confusion is understandable.
Re: 96, You will back off? LOL, Let me tell you what I do for a living Darryl (I’m Developer) or as Darryl and his other brother Darryl says (I’m professional anthropologist)
rob (sic) @ 101,
“The reason I posted your ahhem [sic] professional job description of (talking about human beings) is that it doesn’t really impress me Darryl.”
So? Why would I care what you think? You’re an idiot.
“Most of us talk about other human beings and refrain from calling in [sic] a (profession).”
Clearly…you could benefit greatly from “calling in” professional help, there, Squirt.
“But no, I don’t want you to back off, I want you to show how you are better at talking about humans than the rest of us are?”
Okay. Well…for starters, I won’t say the kind of stupid shit that you said in comments #2 and #56. Have you even been out of the country, Squirt? How ’bout the state? Dio you ever even get out of your mommy’s basement these days?
“By the way, how is that profession working out for you?”
Fantastically…since you asked.
“Have you developed a new human being, stopped rapes and murders, figured out the mental disease that is liberalism”
Ummm…you still don’t understand what “anthropologist” means, do ya, Squirt?
“RE: 100, Jesus Christ, I am arguing on a political site with 8 asswhipes that only want to talk about GRAMMAR and SPELLING and now you chime in? I am typing and spellchecking as fast as I can assholes.”
You forgot a comma before “assholes,” asshole.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 104, I believe that was a case of “friendly fire”
But the sentiment directed toward rob, is on target.
Don Joespews:
@ 107
Ummm…you still don’t understand what “anthropologist” means, do ya, Squirt?
He’s “Developer” (no “a” before that), whatever that means. I’m guessing it means one of two things. Either he’s a BIAW sock puppet, or he thinks he writes software for a living. I can only say that, if it’s the latter and he worked in my group, there’s a strong chance he’d get an “underperformed” performance rating and would fall into the 10% compensation bucket. So, that probably means he’s a BIAW sock puppet.
Don Joespews:
@ 109
You are correct. My bad. Please accept my apologies.
Though, I have to admit, at first I thought “friendly fire” was referring to the flatulence comment.
What happened to Darryl the professional Human Being talker. I asked the dimwhit what in the fuck he has accomplished in his profession and he went silent.
Just for a gauge, I have built over 3,000 homes in the Puget Sound Area fulfilling my profession as a (I’m Developer)
Darryl, what the fuck have you done as a (I’m professional anthropologist)?
Please enlighten us all on your great accomplishments that helped us humans that you “talk about”
Darryl, you still haven’t stated what if anything you have accomplished in your profession, come on you can share with us?
“Darryl, you still haven’t stated what if anything you have accomplished in your profession.”
Of course…you’re still an idiot.
Don Joespews:
@ 112
Not that Darryl needs anyone to answer for him, but one could say that he’s helped to educate some of the folks in such a manner that they could earn an income that would enable them to purchase one of those 3000 homes you built. You should thank the good Professor for his contribution to your well-being. Without folks like him, those 3000 homes wouldn’t be all that different from the Fremont Troll.
RE: 107, Darryl continues to not be able to come up with one thing his (so called profession) has accomplished. I would take that as fact that Darryl hasn’t done anything worthwhile in his life.
I could be wrong and Darryl could share his accomplishments with us but I don’t believe he has any.
RE: 114, bullshit
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 105
I am arguing on a political site with 8 asswhipes that only want to talk about GRAMMAR and SPELLING
Does @ 65
another product of public education heard from.
Really, rob, if you are going to spout wingnut catch phrases, you really should get out of the crumbling glass house you built as (I’m developer).
I really think, as a safety precaution, you should be required to publicly state which houses you have built. I can only assume they are as poorly constructed as your arguments.
“I could be wrong and Darryl could share his accomplishments with us but I don’t believe he has any.”
I COULD share my accomplishments with you, Squirt, but I don’t really believe you have the intellectual capacity to actually…you know…UNDERSTAND ’em.
Sorry ’bout that, punk…let me know when you complete your GED and I’ll re-evaluate…..
RE: 114, People that by or rent my homes don’t make a living talking about human beings. They actually produce something and make a difference. Liberal arts professors like Darryl don’t produce shit and only take up space.
Don Joespews:
@ 115
So, you haven’t built 3000 homes?
RE: 118, see what I mean, you haven’t done shit with you life asswipe. You can’t even come up with one thing. Other than living off taxpayer money.
Re: 120, Yes I have, why don’t you and I and the asswipe professor get together and compare credentials.
Don Joespews:
@ 119
Liberal arts professors like Darryl don’t produce shit and only take up space.
In my experience, the only people who decry the value of a liberal arts education are those who, for one reason or another, were unable to obtain one. Judging from your posts here, your reason would be an inability to meet the basic requirements for acceptance into a decent university.
Don Joespews:
@ 122
Let me guess. Your whole “my dick is bigger than yours” schtick is to make us believe that you’re actually capable of reading a book through your penis, no?
Correct…my products are of the highest quality, for the most discerning consumer of anthropological products. And, I might add…unlike certain home-builders I can think of….
“and only take up space.
Aside from the erroneous addition of the adverb “only,” your assertion is compatible with the fundamental laws of physics.
Re: 123, glad to see you are sucking Darryls dick for him but like I said, I would be more than happy to get together with you worthless liberals and compare credentials. Oh, and please invite John Berreli.
Re: 125, And what were your products again? You seem to not have any.
“I would be more than happy to get together with you worthless liberals and compare credentials.”
Gee…I’ve invited you to Drinking Liberally so that we could discuss our differences over a beer (and I’ve even offered to buy you a beer)….but apparently you’re a fucking coward and won’t show up.
Don Joespews:
@ 126
I would be more than happy to get together with you worthless liberals and compare credentials.
Why would we need to compare credentials? Your inability to craft a cogent argument is readily apparent to everyone here.
@ 127
And what were your products again?
Something you’re incapable of recognizing: well-trained minds.
RE: 128, Yes I am Darryl. It is hard to be informed when you don’t have any accomplishments to tell us about.
My mistake, talking about human beings is now in the college of arts and sciences.
Now tell us what the fuck you have done Darryl, if anything.
RE: 130, Bwahhahhahhha, tell me about just one well trained mind that you want to take credit for?
Don Joespews:
@ 132
tell me about just one well trained mind that you want to take credit for?
Why would I take credit for someone else’s work?
Oh, wait. That’s what you do. How many houses have you actually framed? How many windows have you installed? How many fireplaces have you done the masonry for?
“Now tell us what the fuck you have done Darryl, if anything.”
I COULD share my accomplishments with you, Squirt, but I don’t really believe you have the intellectual capacity to actually…you know…UNDERSTAND ‘em.
Sorry ’bout that, punk…let me know when you complete your GED and I’ll re-evaluate…..
Re: 129, Ha, I don’t remember you asking but I would know why I would have refused if you did. Liberals are like Hyenas, you want to circle around and attack as a group. Look at this site. I am a 55 yo marine, I can handle two of you but the whole pack not so much without my rifle and that would get me in prison and you dead.
RE: 134 , Can I see the future or did you say that before? Oh you are just repeating yourself, see 118
“Ha, I don’t remember you asking but I would know why I would have refused if you did.”
Because you’re a pussy? Thought so.
“Liberals are like Hyenas, you want to circle around and attack as a group. Look at this site. I am a 55 yo marine, I can handle two of you but the whole pack not so much without my rifle and that would get me in prison and you dead.”
Yeah, dumb fuck…the “gang violence” at Drinking Liberally’s across the nation have been all over the national press. (*rolls eyes*) Face it…you are a coward.
“Can I see the future or did you say that before? Oh you are just repeating yourself, see 118”
I’m sorry…what were you babbling about?
RE: 133, The difference between me and Darryl is that I see the whole project through to completion and correct the mistakes that may have been taught them early in their career and together we produce something. People like Darryl may have played a small part in the 5 hour class he taught them but then the real world kicks in and they understand that real life isn’t what is taught by liberal professors.
Don Joespews:
I’m sorry…what were you babbling about?
I think he’s complaining about your repeated answers to his repeated questions. For some reason, the fact that you’ve repeated the answer is important to him, yet the fact that he keeps asking the same question over and over again isn’t.
RE: 138, did I stutter or are you unable to scroll up and see that you are repeating the same bullshit that you repeat everyday to you captive audience.
RE: 140, Exactly! If you aren’t you should be a TA to the lauded professor of talking about Human Beings. By the way, the reason I keep asking the question is because Darryl can’t come up with one accomplishment in his life other than he claims to train minds. Hitler had the same claim and goal.
Don Joespews:
@ 139
The difference between me and Darryl is that I see the whole project through to completion and correct the mistakes that may have been taught them early in their career and together we produce something.
So, you admit that you don’t really build those houses. You simply supervise, but take credit for other people’s work.
People like Darryl may have played a small part in the 5 hour class he taught them
In other words, Darryl doesn’t really pound in any nails, but he, along with the other professors with whom he works, collectively produce college graduates who have learned how to think. Why do you get to take credit for your team work, while Darryl doesn’t get to take any credit for his?
but then the real world kicks in and they understand that real life isn’t what is taught by liberal professors.
While one can understand that this is what you believe to be the point of a liberal arts education, you only manage to expose your ignorance.
One of the best grades I ever received in Econ was from a professor who disagreed with me on a number of policy issues. I got A’s in that class based on the quality of the arguments I was able to bring to bear, not because I got any “right” or “wrong” answers.
Mike in Seattlespews:
see @32
Don Joespews:
By the way, the reason I keep asking the question is because Darryl can’t come up with one accomplishment in his life other than he claims to train minds.
Actually, Darryl has chosen not to answer your question to your satisfaction. I’m the one who suggested that trained minds are Darryl’s product. Please, try to keep the attributions straight.
Professor Darryl, I am off to bed and tomorrow I will be producing for America and you will be trying to indoctrinate more students to hate America. I believe I will be more productive than you will, I fact I know I will. People start their live with my product, people start their fears with your product.
You remind me of the two so called scientist from UW in 2005, said we were losing are snowpack and the world was coming to an end because of Global Warming. Since then the two have been very quiet. Two years of above average snow and colder temperatures does have a tendency to run alarmist back into their basement.
In fact this year we have record sea ice in the artic and the most snow coverage in America and coldest temperatures since 1966.
Darryl, the fact that you have spent your whole life living on taxpayer money and having TA’s do your work for you doesn’t make you smart. It means you were able to game the system like a lot of people living on government money.
You were so pathetic that you were unable to transition to the real world and actually produce something that helps the country you seem to hate so much.
Just my opinion, If you want to get together without your posse of liberal creeps let me know.
Mike in Seattlespews:
speaking of winger hilarity, someone named “TheScientist” just commented on the ‘winger consensus’ post over at effinunsound. sure reads like classic Mark Gardner fare, i’d bet dollars to donuts it was him. a scientist. hahahhahahahaha!
All the wingers on this forum don’t think we should “retreat” from Iraq – easy for them to say since none of them has the stones to go over there and fight. Of course none of the Bush or Cheney family has the stones to go over there and fight either so why be surprised?
Sorry for the delay, I have both life and job, and cannot spend every waking hour on this blog.
Rob. Yes, we can compare notes. It bothers me that you take a whole nationality and lump them together. I joined not long after Vietnam, and most of the Vietnam Vets I served with did not do so. Of course, those folks were career Navy (including some river boat vets), and their perspective may have been different from that of a Soldier.
Yes, PU, I was Navy. Served from 1978 through 1999. Missed Vietnam (thank God!) but had lots of other opportunities for unfriendly strangers to either shoot holes in me or blow me (and my shipmates) up. A few of them tried to take that opportunity,
Veterans, as a group, tend to speak to each other with some respect. I will presume that rob is telling the truth, although from his tone I’m suspicious.
PU appears to be yet another incarnation of “he who will not be named (in any of my posts)”, our fake Navy Officer. Don’t bother replying, PU. It will be ignored.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
This is so surprising…
Heilary Cliton’s people post the Obama in Africa picture and nary a peep from the CAIR or NAACP crowd.
It sure is interesting the double standards of the lefties. Can you imagine if McCain posted that picture the cries of racism from the MSM and their buddies?
@147: Mike – good catch
Mark Gardner “thinks” he is a scientist but he doesn’t have the faintest clue how to evaluate data and is basically a right wing nut job global warming denier and anti-environmentalist who’s only trick is to insult greens and “liberal” straw men.
Hey Dustin dreamer:
I know this is just a poll – but you seem to think polls are more important than actual votes. Obama up 16 points nationally – give it up Hillary. Hillary also does worse nationally against McCain in virtually every poll – so if democrats want to lose on November – vote for Hillary and her disorganized campaign – she knows (has the experience) how to lose a sure thing from day one.
Obama is up by 12 points over McCain and Hillary is tied with McCain nationally.
@ 152 – A lot of shit changes in the course of 6 months, ask Hillary’s campaign.
If she can go from clear front runner to barely beating Obama, she can bounce back to trounce McCain.
@ 150 – any proof that “Clinton’s people” posted that picture, other than what Drudge says?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#148 ByeByeGOP says:
Of course none of the Bush or Cheney family has the stones to go over there and fight either so why be surprised?
I don’t know if you’ve heard, bush can’t run for the office of president again.
So let’s talk about the current candidates- McCain served his country with honor. Obama didn’t have the stones (your word) to even serve in the military during a time of peace.
Rob lies:
“I am a 55 yo marine, I can handle two of you but the whole pack not so much without my rifle and that would get me in prison and you dead.”
Anybody who makes a statement like this is a chickenshit lying about being a Marine. Your closest contact with a Marine would have been sucking one’s dick.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#156 Sempersimper says:
Your closest contact with a Marine would have been sucking one’s dick.
Only a racist homophobe would consider calling a marine a co*#sucker an insult.
Oh, it’s you headless lucy. No wonder you came across as a racist homophobe. You can change your name but you can’t change how you feel about people.
Puddy @ 150:
Yeah, that was pretty shitty. Talk about pulling a page right out of Karl Rove’s playbook. But, that’s one of the reason why many people, myself included, have changed their support from HRC to BHO.
The old Swiftboat bullshit just isn’t working for the American public any more.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Marvin@157: Correct. Headless Sempersimper Lucy can’t change his spots like he can’t change the way he thinks.
Rob has said where he served and his rank on this blog before. Of course the racist one is so focused on racism he doesn’t have memory cells for facts.
I swear, Goldy, if I don’t start gettin’ a bit-o-love for gettin’ there first, I’m gonna….hang out at “Effn’ Unsound” (yeah, that’s the ticket).
Q for Stamnerin’ Marvin:
What’s a Sub-V chord? For extra credit, name the first artist to use this technique in a solo in a popular song, and name the song.
If you are against a US citizen having a free voter ID card but on the other hand support an 80 year old lady paying tax on $450.00 in self employment income you are:
A) A Democrat
B) A Hypocrite
C) Hypocrite and Democrat are the same thing
D) All of the above
Answer: D
Senator Borak OsamaObamaroma getting dressed for Jihad in Somalia. Some of you may remember an American Soldiers dead body being dragged down the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia. After the deaths of 18 American Soldiers the democrats under Bill Clinton retreated.
Leave it to a wingnut to confuse the difference between Somalis in Kenya and what happened in Somalia. Apparently nuance isn’t a Republican strong point.
Borak OsamaObamorama on his lack of experience to run for president. In his own words!
RE: 5, Somoli’s dressed like Borak OsamaObamaroma dragging a US Soldiers body through the streets is Nuance to you?
Who knew?
rob you talking point spewing fool. Here is what the Somalis who shot down the Black Hawk look like:
I do not see the same head gear.
And didn’t Saint Ronnie turn tail and run when the Marine barracks were bombed in Lebanon?
RE: 8, Bwahhaahaaaha, K, you just gave me a link to a photograph of some people in LIBERIA. For the learning Impaired Liberia is on the Atlantic Ocean, Somalia is on the other side of the continent on the Indian Ocean.
Sorry K, we are going to have to hold you over again for 9th grade
RE: 8, of course they all look alike to K and other democrats.
Via Crooks and Liars, George W. Bush criticizing McCain over McCain’s ties to lobbyists:
RE: 11, Now liberals are quoting George W. Bush as a sage and truthsayer attacking McCain?
Bwahhaahhaaha how far do you people who call W a chimp think you will get with that?
Liberals a idiots, see number’s 8 and 9. You guys are entertaining though.
@ 12
Re Mogadishu: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared.....html/1.stm
Re quoting the Chimp on McCain, that was done for your benefit. Not one liberal is blind to McCain’s hypocrisy.
I predict that our resident ass-hat trolls will dismiss, in ad-hominemesque fashion, the following, because it’s from Rolling Stone magazine, but not one will adequately refute the facts cited therein:
This McCain story isn’t going away. I’m sure it will feature prominently in the lead up to the general election.
RE: 14, liberals are too ignorant to know the difference between Liberia and Somalia,(even though the entire african continent seperates them, see 8 and 9)
By the way, thanks for the camel and landscape photo’s and I also thanks K for the photo of Liberia. Not sure what they meant though?
RE: 15, sorry I don’t read rolling stone or care about their latest fantasies. If you want to read a real jounalists reporting who has been there a very long time and isn’t another left wing communist you could try Michael Yon. He reports the truth, both good and bad.
No one I know has the time or inclination to debunk a story from a druggie at rolling stone sorry.
OK pal, my bad. Looked at the article and not the caption. Try this one:
Scroll down to the picture. Still no headgear. Where is your evidence linking what Obama had on to the Somali clans?
And what about cut and run Ronnie. More US Servicemen dead from a more critical region.
New SUSA poll out
Obama: 49%
Clinton: 45%
And with all the talk of the “MASSIVE” early voting that Obama has been getting their people to do, it’s bad news for Backtrack… I know what you want to read out of it, but here, let me help you…
“Of the 25% of respondents who have already voted, it’s Clinton 51%, Obama 46%.”
It has even shut the Daily KOS idiots up who have been blogging about it all day in anticipation… They expected a HUGE Obama pre-vote, and now are biting their nails.
Oh, and Backtrack? For all your dirty campaign mailers trying to confuse the Ohio vote who have now rallied to a 12% and increasing lead in the polls for Hillary:
Fuck you.
K, sorry but you lost your credibility on number 8. If you want to know what my proof is that Obama was dressed for Jihad in Somali Dress, read one of your favorite newspapers
Barack Obama, right, is dressed as a Somali elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan
As for Reagan retreating from Lebanon, I thought it was wrong when it happened and it proved to be wrong today. We were also wrong to retreat from Vietnam and would be wrong to retreat from Iraq.
Even geographically challenged and uneducated liberals like you can see that retreat doesn’t work to well for us, well maybe you can’t.
Hey tell me which direction you would have to drive to find Pullman?
So returning, rob, to where you started @4, you have no link other than your hateful words. After correcting my initial error, I did provide protographic evidence that the militia did not wear the garb Obama had on. Scroll farther down to see an actual photo of militia on the werckage of a downed chopper.
And note the author is a long time military man, now retured.
Where’s your retraction?
Somali elders are not Somali militia. They are not all the same.
Confused by the facts?
K, you do have some moxy though for wanting to get back into the argument after you made a total fool out of yourself. Either that or a mental problem. You figure it out. lol
wow u cant go anywhere these days without finding a whinin winger tryin to change the subject. poor things. be that as it may…
its looking more like the fake “affair” story was just the bait, and they all sure took it. what a perfect gift was this trojan donkey to the right! they pushed the story themselves, and now the payload has been released and cant be contained. beautiful! as regards said payload, theres a wonderful piece over at salon with further developments between McCain and Iseman. turns out that after the furor died down over paxson ($20k+, favor asked, favor granted) Iseman then got McCain thousands from the cruise ship industry. shortly thereafter McCain became a champion of cruise ship deregulation, even sponsoring two bills on it that just happened to benefit Vicki’s client.
that John McCain, he’s a real maverick alright.
#2 Don Joe says:
AKA the tritone substitution. Dmi7-G7-Cma7 = Dmi7- Db7-Cmaj7.
As far as the first solo in a popular song, not sure of that answer. If I remember correctly, it was around in the days of gregorian chants. Stravinsky, Ravel, etc. didn’t have ad-lib soloists (if that’s what you mean by soloist.) Could be parker, coltrane, armstrong, hendrix, phil woods, depending how you define popular music.
Following up on my post at 22… I got so fucking excited that I couldn’t wait to post it…
Latinos traditionally vote the day of at the polls, and they are in large blocks in the Hillary Camp.
The SUSA poll numbers needed to be MUCH bigger for Obama.
This is NOT looking good for Backtrack.
And, you know, for all the “Hillary has lost all her momentum and should drop out” that I keep hearing, when Obama drops three on March 4th, let me be the first to ask:
“Mr. Obama, now that you clearly do not have the momentum, do what is good for the party, and drop out… and fuck off. kthx.”
Sarandon: Well, I’m going to back Obama.
and I can’t wait to see what he stands for.
That’s the good thing about voting democrat. You don’t have to think.
Re: 27,HI my name is Mike in Seattle and I am to dim to provide a link to all my bullshit. Sorry but I am a democrat, what do you expect from us underachievers?
sorry rob was i ignoring you? lemme look at your posts… oh yeah thats why.
OK rob, you asshole, it is you who are avoiding any engagement. I provided ample documentation after acknowledging a simple error. What have you provided?
You linked the garb to jihadists and provide no evidence other than your hollow words.
You my “friend” are the mentally challenged one as you have but one note and continue to repeat it.
RE: 32, Hmm still no link, want me to walk you through how to do it genius?
AKA the tritone substitution.
Very good.
You’re a tad bit off on the extra credit, though you did get the genre correct. Having said that, I’m surprised you didn’t figure it out. The phrase “popular song” is a very strong hint. The record sold rather well. The year was 1939, and, no, the particular artist was not among the ones you listed.
RE: 15, sorry I don’t read rolling stone or care about their latest fantasies.
Exactly as I predicted.
RE: 33, “A simple Mistake” by liberals is mixing up countries seperated by the entire AFRICAN FUCKING CONTINENT. I would say it is a HUGE MISTAKE made by simple minded democrats.
Answer the substance, coward.
RE: 36, did you read Michael Yon?
You, coward are the simple one. Where is your evidence backing up your allegation?
And did you read Sergant Major Friedman?
RE: 38, if you still want to embarrass yourself with your ignorance see number 23.
After you, my friend after you. Your mistake is much larger than a simple error in a web link. Your error is your way of “thinking” which closes your mind after spouting your bile. You have no substance, and I have better things to do. We have here proof of how the troll mind works. Pick anything, even if later corrected. Echo over and over. Deny the truth, and change the subject. A pitiful performance, rob.
did you read Michael Yon?
I skimmed the site. I didn’t find anything that refuted the facts in Nir Rosen’s piece, which you, as I predicted, dismissed for no reason other than the fact that it was published in Rolling Stone magazine.
RE: see 42, and then see 23 libtard.
typical troll evasion
RE: 44, like I said. I don’t read propagandist magazines. I have no idea what that worthless rag has to say or do I care. Reading Rolling Stone would be like watching the Oscars or reading Pravda to me, entirely meaningless unless you also hate America.
Michael Yon on the other hand is heralded by people on the left and the right as an honest merchant of news.
Rolling Stone is the crack heads magazine of choice
A waste of otherwise perfectly good electrons arguing with rob.
While the Clinton camp makes statements like
folks like rob show that this kind of photo, sent out to the right people, can sway those with petty minds, and begs the question “why is Senator Clinton’s campaign sending photos of Senator Obama to the Drudge Report anyway?”
It almost seems that at least some folks in the Clinton camp are trying to ensure that if their candidate cannot be elected, then they prefer to hand the White House back to the Republicans.
It’s probably too late for Senator Clinton to publicly disavow this cheap trick, or discipline her campaign manager, it wouldn’t surprise me if some splainin’ was being done behind closed doors over in the Clinton bus.
While I support Senator Obama, I also think that Senator Clinton has way too much class for this kind of cheap stunt. It just doesn’t sound like her. More like an over-eager staffer and a campaign manager with tunnel vision.
@ 45
You can keep dicking around with k’s little faux pas, but the pictures I linked from Mogadishu showed a whole bunch of men, not one of whom appears to be dressed in the same attire as Obama. Are you still claiming that there’s no distinction between the warlords of Somalia and Kenyan Somali’s? Does, for example, the fact that the former were perpetrating violence while the latter are currently the victims of violence make any difference in your eyes?
Your answers, or lack there of, will speak volumes as to exactly what kind of ass-hat you are.
@ 47
As I predicted, you refuse to even attempt to refute the facts of that article solely on the basis of where it was published.
The fact that you’re an entirely predictable ass-hat doesn’t change the fact that you are, indeed, an ass-hat.
what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander
RE: 46, It is not my job to educate you on either geography or the ability to understand the following caption under the Jihad OsamaObamarama Picture in Guardian but since obviously you must be a parapalegic and unable to scroll up to #23 I will try one more time in my quest to help the mentally and physically disabled.
Caption Under Picture of Borak Hussein Obama dressed like Usama Bin Laden: Barack Obama, right, is dressed as a Somali elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan
http://www.guardian.co.uk/worl d/2008/feb/26/barackobama.usel ections2008
K, do you understand what “dressed like a SAMALI means”
@ 52
Yet you keep showing that you don’t grok the difference between Kenya and Somalia. Silly ass-hat. Glass houses, and all…
Re: 50, Liberals always regress to name calling when they don’t get their way. I still won’t, like the majority of real Americans read Rolling Stone.
I could call you a sniveling little America hating liberal prick who is such a loser that he can’t take care of himself and wants the government to rescue his sorry worthless existence on this planet, but I won’t.
@ 54
I’m afraid you still don’t understand. I’m calling you an ass-hat because your argument sucks. I’m not saying that your argument sucks because you’re an ass-hat.
RE: 53, I could “Dress Like a Somali” in Kirkland and I would still be dressed like a Somali.
@ 56
Are Somali tribes in Kirkland?
rob- do you understand that not all somalis were militiamen?
Re: 58,Yes most of them are poor fuckers exploited, raped and killed by the people who dress like Borak OsamaObamaroma.
Stamn and Don Joe: “Dmi7-G7-Cma7 = Dmi7- Db7-Cmaj7”
Personally, I like a few major chords in most any song. That is because I’m a patriotic American. You, however, have got minor 7ths, 7ths, and major 7ths in the same progression? Yikes. What are you guys, Communists or something?
Re: 57, not that I know of why?
you made the assertion linking the garb of somali elders to the Somali militia. I and others provided photographic evidence that the militia garb was different. You refuse to engage.
Your disability is quite crippling. It eliminates the ability for intelligent discourse.
So if you dress like an American in Somalia you would be a Somalian even if you are not. I think we got it Don. Er… yeah. hahaha
re: rob..
Why are you dorks even fucking with “rob”…maybe because he’s neither original nor intelligent?
OK he’s easy pickins…but which troll here isn’t?
RE: 64, another product of public education heard from.
he demonstrates the bankrupcy of their approach, make an assertion and refuse to acknowledge any information which conflicts
Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!! Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!! Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!! Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!! Oooo…Oooo…Osama/Obama/Obama/Osama…Hillary’s a castrating bitch!!!
Wow! That was SOOOOO easy!!! And FUN!!! And I DIDN’T have to think…
…wait! I want to try another one!
IT’S ALL BILL CLINTON’S FAULT!! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis! The Clenis!
I had no idea.
It’s like crack. Wow.
Rob must’ve gotten an std from sucking hose at a young republican convention.
Fucked up his brain.
I’m a professional anthropologist, and your statements in comments #4 and #56 make you look pretty fucking stupid.
Give it up, punk…you’re out of your league here.
@ 61
Re: 57, not that I know of why?
You mentioned Kirkland in a discussion about Somali’s in Kenya. You tell me why.
@ 64
It’s Monday night, and there’s nothing interesting on TV.
While I admire your patience engaging with robby, I would suggest you save your patience for other endeavors. robby is unacquainted with reason and disdains facts. Accordingly, arguing with him is, well, pointless. robby would come back to a statement like this and say something like, “you’re just calling me names.” The best response is simply, “of course, robby, I’m calling you names, because you are incapable of reason. Now, have a glass of warm milk, and head down to your room in the basement.”
So, it’s your contention that all Somalis are bad somehow?
Having had the “pleasure” of spending a bit of time in that part of the world, while with the Navy on an amphib with a load of Marines, I can assure you that we never thought so.
Yes, there are evil Somalis, just like there are evil people in every country in the world.
Most of the people in that region are good folks just trying to stay alive in a bad situation. Some of their leaders are good folks just looking out for their people, but yes, some of them are not.
But even though I think that the person circulating that photo was doing so just to stir up trouble, I also think that there really isn’t anything bad about the fact that Senator Obama wore native garb while visiting some Somalis.
Of course, you could tell me about how it was your shipmates that were dragged through the streets by thugs, and we could compare notes.
So, rob, just how many personal friends of yours were in that expedition, and when was your life in danger from unfriendly strangers shooting at you?
Oh, I forgot. Wingnuts don’t join the military and risk their lives for their country. They have more important things to do. So, in response to your picture, I have one for you.
It’s a good thing that I actually know some decent Republicans that have served. If the only examples of the Republican party I had contact with were on this board, I would have an even lower opinion of that party than I do now.
RE: 62, are you still talking? As I remember you were the one linking Nigeria, (only separated by the ENTIRE AFICAN CONTINENT) to Somalia.
Finally I have educated you on geography K, I will now start you second lesson on “People who dress like Borak Hussein Obama that control the street urchins that drag dead American Soldiers through their streets.
But since you wanted to see someone dressed like Borak Hussein OsamaObamaroma Here is Ayman al-Zawhri(second to Usama Bin Laden) looking like Borak calling on Somalis to launch Suicide attacks. You will notice that neither Ayman al-Zawhri or Borak Hussien Obama have participated in these suicide attacks. Yet.
I have to conclude that Rob is an AUI (artificial unintelligence) program. He spouts the most ludicrous wingnut smears endlessly, not even stopping to realize that he is making a mockery of all the other wingnut trolls on the blog.
Hell, even JBD sounds intelligent next to Rob.
And JBD is as stupid as a mud brick!
forgot the link, sorry.
robbed: “rob says:
RE: 64, another product of public education heard from.”
robby, do you want me to parse your grammar, perhaps note the way you ended your post? I am a proud product of public education. Indeed, if you gave a damn about this country, you’d give a damn about public education. Apparently, you are proud of your private school education. That education, however, has left you incapable of punctuating, reasoning, or putting two coherent sentences together. Wow, robby, your parents really got their money’s worth.
Re: 72, That would have been in 70,71, 4th Cag Marines Quang Tri Province. Now exactly when were you “shot at” again?
RE: 76, “robby” would be spelled with a capital R for the learing impared. Do you want me to continue?
@ 78
Another wingnut irony alert has been issued.
And no “rob”. continuing is not necessary. You’ve made proud leftist’s case all by yourself.
well, you’ve bored my to sleep rob with your one-note tirade.
By the way, @73 you confused Liberia with Nigeria. But you never make mistakes.
Re 76, I will just to make you feel bad.
Proud Leftist Says: “Wow, robby, your parents really got their money’s worth.
To those of us that actually have an education he should have said
Wow Robby, you’re parents really got their money’s worth.
@ 81
Please, rob. Show us more of “you’re” grammatical prowess.
Re: 72, I am waiting squid?
RE: 82, if you have corrections let’s see them.
BTO has identified your problems with the language, but, hell, there ain’t nothing wrong with repetition:
robby @ 76: “learing impared”
Then, we have @ 81: “To those of us that actually have an education he should have said
Wow Robby, you’re parents really got their money’s worth.”
Sorry, sonny, where’d you learn your grammar? robby, why do you make it so easy for us?
RE: 69 Darryl Says” rob,
I’m professional anthropologist, and your statements in comments #4 and #56 make you look pretty fucking stupid.
Uhmm Darryl (I’m professional anthropologist) that sentance structure makes you look pretty fucking stupid, Darryl.
It seems that professional athropologist’s “talk about human beings” How is that working out for you Darryl?
Anthropology (from Greek: ἄνθρωπος, anthropos, “human being”; and λόγος, logos, “speech” lit. to talk about human beings) is the study of humanity.
RE: 85, as I said, if you have corrections let’s seem them. It seems you don’t have any though.
@ 85, add to that the irony of calling himself lower-case “rob” and insisting that “robby” should be spelled with a capital “R”.
The troll just doesn’t know enough about irony, or grammar to know what a fool he has made of himself.
In the event you didn’t catch what BTO and I were saying above, there is a difference between contractions, e.g. “you’re,” and the possessive, e.g. “your.” Apparently, your private school classes (you were homeschooled, I’m guessing), didn’t apprise you of such differences, correct?
You might suggest that criticizing grammar, punctuation, and the like is being anal. I, however, believe that if you can’t express yourself in writing, you might think about your inability to think clearly. That’s just one man’s opinion, but you might consider keeping your opinions to yourself.
Personally, I don’t care if a person’s grammar is spot on or not.
But when you make a statement like:
@ 64,
And your grammar is that atrocious, you deserve to be chastised.
Re: 89, Maybe you would give me your expert opinion on using two commas in two words like: Wow, robby, your parents really got their money’s worth.
erratum – @ 65
RE: 90, The only thing you have talked about is grammer? Did you have another point?
@ 92
Wow, rob, you have a problem with that?
RE: 69 Darryl Says” rob,
I’m professional anthropologist, and your statements in comments #4 and #56 make you look pretty fucking stupid.
Thanks…I added the missing article.
“Uhmm Darryl (I’m professional anthropologist) that sentance structure makes you look pretty fucking stupid, Darryl.”
“Uhmm”? “Sentance”? Have you been sneaking into mommy’s liquor stash tonight, punk?
“It seems that professional athropologist’s “talk about human beings” How is that working out for you Darryl?”
“athropologist’s”? (* Snicker *)
“Anthropology (from Greek: ἄνθρωπος, anthropos, “human being”; and λόγος, logos, “speech” lit. to talk about human beings) is the study of humanity.”
Let me guess…you had no idea what the word “anthropologist” meant before you copied and pasted the definition. You know…being innately STOOPID is far, far worse than a public education…think about that, Squirt.
Look, rob, if you really are mentally retarded (as suggested by the prattle you are posting here), just say so, and I’ll back off.
Re: 95, Wow, Blatantly Obvious, I , do , unless, you, stutter, like, most, liberals, do.
robby @ 92
Uh, robby, because commas are all about pauses, not that someone like you would understand such a concept. But, when I wrote, “[w]ow, robby, your parents . . .”, that was grammatically correct. Let me refer you to Strunk and White, “The Elements of Style.” Put it by your bedside, Sweetpea, and read the damned thing before you try to tell others how to write.
@ 98
I admire your suggestion that our current ass-hat actually read a book, but, honestly, how do you expect him to physically do so? Through the tip of his penis?
When did we start spelling grammar “grammer”?
Did I miss something?
This IS the psychopathology seminar isn’t it?
Where DID you get such a startling specimen, and what can you possibly use as a control?
Re: 96, You will back off? LOL, Let me tell you what I do for a living Darryl (I’m Developer) or as Darryl and his other brother Darryl says (I’m professional anthropologist)
The reason I posted your ahhem professional job description of (talking about human beings) is that it doesn’t really impress me Darryl. Most of us talk about other human beings and refrain from calling in a (profession). But no, I don’t want you to back off, I want you to show how you are better at talking about humans than the rest of us are?
By the way, how is that profession working out for you? Have you developed a new human being, stopped rapes and murders, figured out the mental disease that is liberalism
In other words Darryl, what the fuck have you accomplished in your profession?
Don Joe @ 99: “I admire your suggestion that our current ass-hat actually read a book, but, honestly, how do you expect him to physically do so? Through the tip of his penis?”
You have posed a conundrum. Personally, I believe I can read with my eyes and through the tip of my penis, though reading through the latter means has not brought me much by way of literacy. Still, either means of reading has its value. robby, of course, doesn’t much care about reading, you are correct, Don Joe, in that regard. I suppose I have presented him with a challenge that is insurmountable. Sorry, robby.
@ 103
Personally, I believe I can read with my eyes and through the tip of my penis, though reading through the latter means has not brought me much by way of literacy.
Reading through the former means hasn’t brought you a great deal of literacy either. I suppose you’ll find some way to blame that, as you blame everything else, on liberals.
In that, too, you exhibit typical ass-hat behavior. Personal responsibility is, to folks like you, a virtue to be demanded of others rather than something to be demonstrated by one’s own conduct.
RE: 100, Jesus Christ, I am arguing on a political site with 8 asswhipes that only want to talk about GRAMMAR and SPELLING and now you chime in? I am typing and spellchecking as fast as I can assholes.
@ 105
I am arguing
No. You’re flatulating, though, considering your present position, your confusion is understandable.
Re: 96, You will back off? LOL, Let me tell you what I do for a living Darryl (I’m Developer) or as Darryl and his other brother Darryl says (I’m professional anthropologist)
rob (sic) @ 101,
“The reason I posted your ahhem [sic] professional job description of (talking about human beings) is that it doesn’t really impress me Darryl.”
So? Why would I care what you think? You’re an idiot.
“Most of us talk about other human beings and refrain from calling in [sic] a (profession).”
Clearly…you could benefit greatly from “calling in” professional help, there, Squirt.
“But no, I don’t want you to back off, I want you to show how you are better at talking about humans than the rest of us are?”
Okay. Well…for starters, I won’t say the kind of stupid shit that you said in comments #2 and #56. Have you even been out of the country, Squirt? How ’bout the state? Dio you ever even get out of your mommy’s basement these days?
“By the way, how is that profession working out for you?”
Fantastically…since you asked.
“Have you developed a new human being, stopped rapes and murders, figured out the mental disease that is liberalism”
Ummm…you still don’t understand what “anthropologist” means, do ya, Squirt?
rob [sic] @ 105,
“RE: 100, Jesus Christ, I am arguing on a political site with 8 asswhipes that only want to talk about GRAMMAR and SPELLING and now you chime in? I am typing and spellchecking as fast as I can assholes.”
You forgot a comma before “assholes,” asshole.
@ 104, I believe that was a case of “friendly fire”
But the sentiment directed toward rob, is on target.
@ 107
Ummm…you still don’t understand what “anthropologist” means, do ya, Squirt?
He’s “Developer” (no “a” before that), whatever that means. I’m guessing it means one of two things. Either he’s a BIAW sock puppet, or he thinks he writes software for a living. I can only say that, if it’s the latter and he worked in my group, there’s a strong chance he’d get an “underperformed” performance rating and would fall into the 10% compensation bucket. So, that probably means he’s a BIAW sock puppet.
@ 109
You are correct. My bad. Please accept my apologies.
Though, I have to admit, at first I thought “friendly fire” was referring to the flatulence comment.
What happened to Darryl the professional Human Being talker. I asked the dimwhit what in the fuck he has accomplished in his profession and he went silent.
Just for a gauge, I have built over 3,000 homes in the Puget Sound Area fulfilling my profession as a (I’m Developer)
Darryl, what the fuck have you done as a (I’m professional anthropologist)?
Please enlighten us all on your great accomplishments that helped us humans that you “talk about”
Darryl, you still haven’t stated what if anything you have accomplished in your profession, come on you can share with us?
Rob @ 112,
“Darryl, you still haven’t stated what if anything you have accomplished in your profession.”
Of course…you’re still an idiot.
@ 112
Not that Darryl needs anyone to answer for him, but one could say that he’s helped to educate some of the folks in such a manner that they could earn an income that would enable them to purchase one of those 3000 homes you built. You should thank the good Professor for his contribution to your well-being. Without folks like him, those 3000 homes wouldn’t be all that different from the Fremont Troll.
RE: 107, Darryl continues to not be able to come up with one thing his (so called profession) has accomplished. I would take that as fact that Darryl hasn’t done anything worthwhile in his life.
I could be wrong and Darryl could share his accomplishments with us but I don’t believe he has any.
RE: 114, bullshit
@ 105
Does @ 65
Really, rob, if you are going to spout wingnut catch phrases, you really should get out of the crumbling glass house you built as (I’m developer).
I really think, as a safety precaution, you should be required to publicly state which houses you have built. I can only assume they are as poorly constructed as your arguments.
rob [sic] @ 115
“I could be wrong and Darryl could share his accomplishments with us but I don’t believe he has any.”
I COULD share my accomplishments with you, Squirt, but I don’t really believe you have the intellectual capacity to actually…you know…UNDERSTAND ’em.
Sorry ’bout that, punk…let me know when you complete your GED and I’ll re-evaluate…..
RE: 114, People that by or rent my homes don’t make a living talking about human beings. They actually produce something and make a difference. Liberal arts professors like Darryl don’t produce shit and only take up space.
@ 115
So, you haven’t built 3000 homes?
RE: 118, see what I mean, you haven’t done shit with you life asswipe. You can’t even come up with one thing. Other than living off taxpayer money.
Re: 120, Yes I have, why don’t you and I and the asswipe professor get together and compare credentials.
@ 119
Liberal arts professors like Darryl don’t produce shit and only take up space.
In my experience, the only people who decry the value of a liberal arts education are those who, for one reason or another, were unable to obtain one. Judging from your posts here, your reason would be an inability to meet the basic requirements for acceptance into a decent university.
@ 122
Let me guess. Your whole “my dick is bigger than yours” schtick is to make us believe that you’re actually capable of reading a book through your penis, no?
rob [sic] @ 114,
“Liberal arts professors like Darryl…”
Liberal arts? Umm…guess, again, Squirt!
“don’t produce shit…”
Correct…my products are of the highest quality, for the most discerning consumer of anthropological products. And, I might add…unlike certain home-builders I can think of….
“and only take up space.
Aside from the erroneous addition of the adverb “only,” your assertion is compatible with the fundamental laws of physics.
Re: 123, glad to see you are sucking Darryls dick for him but like I said, I would be more than happy to get together with you worthless liberals and compare credentials. Oh, and please invite John Berreli.
Re: 125, And what were your products again? You seem to not have any.
rob [sic],
“And what were your products again? You seem to not have any.”
No…you are just uninformed.
But…I’m guessing that you are no stranger to ignorance….
rob [sic] @ 126
“I would be more than happy to get together with you worthless liberals and compare credentials.”
Gee…I’ve invited you to Drinking Liberally so that we could discuss our differences over a beer (and I’ve even offered to buy you a beer)….but apparently you’re a fucking coward and won’t show up.
@ 126
I would be more than happy to get together with you worthless liberals and compare credentials.
Why would we need to compare credentials? Your inability to craft a cogent argument is readily apparent to everyone here.
@ 127
And what were your products again?
Something you’re incapable of recognizing: well-trained minds.
RE: 128, Yes I am Darryl. It is hard to be informed when you don’t have any accomplishments to tell us about.
My mistake, talking about human beings is now in the college of arts and sciences.
Now tell us what the fuck you have done Darryl, if anything.
RE: 130, Bwahhahhahhha, tell me about just one well trained mind that you want to take credit for?
@ 132
tell me about just one well trained mind that you want to take credit for?
Why would I take credit for someone else’s work?
Oh, wait. That’s what you do. How many houses have you actually framed? How many windows have you installed? How many fireplaces have you done the masonry for?
rob [sic] @ 131,
My mistake…
Indeed…it was.
“Now tell us what the fuck you have done Darryl, if anything.”
I COULD share my accomplishments with you, Squirt, but I don’t really believe you have the intellectual capacity to actually…you know…UNDERSTAND ‘em.
Sorry ’bout that, punk…let me know when you complete your GED and I’ll re-evaluate…..
Re: 129, Ha, I don’t remember you asking but I would know why I would have refused if you did. Liberals are like Hyenas, you want to circle around and attack as a group. Look at this site. I am a 55 yo marine, I can handle two of you but the whole pack not so much without my rifle and that would get me in prison and you dead.
RE: 134 , Can I see the future or did you say that before? Oh you are just repeating yourself, see 118
rob [sic] @ 135,
“Ha, I don’t remember you asking but I would know why I would have refused if you did.”
Because you’re a pussy? Thought so.
“Liberals are like Hyenas, you want to circle around and attack as a group. Look at this site. I am a 55 yo marine, I can handle two of you but the whole pack not so much without my rifle and that would get me in prison and you dead.”
Yeah, dumb fuck…the “gang violence” at Drinking Liberally’s across the nation have been all over the national press. (*rolls eyes*) Face it…you are a coward.
rob [sic] @ 136
“Can I see the future or did you say that before? Oh you are just repeating yourself, see 118”
I’m sorry…what were you babbling about?
RE: 133, The difference between me and Darryl is that I see the whole project through to completion and correct the mistakes that may have been taught them early in their career and together we produce something. People like Darryl may have played a small part in the 5 hour class he taught them but then the real world kicks in and they understand that real life isn’t what is taught by liberal professors.
I’m sorry…what were you babbling about?
I think he’s complaining about your repeated answers to his repeated questions. For some reason, the fact that you’ve repeated the answer is important to him, yet the fact that he keeps asking the same question over and over again isn’t.
RE: 138, did I stutter or are you unable to scroll up and see that you are repeating the same bullshit that you repeat everyday to you captive audience.
RE: 140, Exactly! If you aren’t you should be a TA to the lauded professor of talking about Human Beings. By the way, the reason I keep asking the question is because Darryl can’t come up with one accomplishment in his life other than he claims to train minds. Hitler had the same claim and goal.
@ 139
The difference between me and Darryl is that I see the whole project through to completion and correct the mistakes that may have been taught them early in their career and together we produce something.
So, you admit that you don’t really build those houses. You simply supervise, but take credit for other people’s work.
People like Darryl may have played a small part in the 5 hour class he taught them
In other words, Darryl doesn’t really pound in any nails, but he, along with the other professors with whom he works, collectively produce college graduates who have learned how to think. Why do you get to take credit for your team work, while Darryl doesn’t get to take any credit for his?
but then the real world kicks in and they understand that real life isn’t what is taught by liberal professors.
While one can understand that this is what you believe to be the point of a liberal arts education, you only manage to expose your ignorance.
One of the best grades I ever received in Econ was from a professor who disagreed with me on a number of policy issues. I got A’s in that class based on the quality of the arguments I was able to bring to bear, not because I got any “right” or “wrong” answers.
see @32
By the way, the reason I keep asking the question is because Darryl can’t come up with one accomplishment in his life other than he claims to train minds.
Actually, Darryl has chosen not to answer your question to your satisfaction. I’m the one who suggested that trained minds are Darryl’s product. Please, try to keep the attributions straight.
Professor Darryl, I am off to bed and tomorrow I will be producing for America and you will be trying to indoctrinate more students to hate America. I believe I will be more productive than you will, I fact I know I will. People start their live with my product, people start their fears with your product.
You remind me of the two so called scientist from UW in 2005, said we were losing are snowpack and the world was coming to an end because of Global Warming. Since then the two have been very quiet. Two years of above average snow and colder temperatures does have a tendency to run alarmist back into their basement.
In fact this year we have record sea ice in the artic and the most snow coverage in America and coldest temperatures since 1966.
Darryl, the fact that you have spent your whole life living on taxpayer money and having TA’s do your work for you doesn’t make you smart. It means you were able to game the system like a lot of people living on government money.
You were so pathetic that you were unable to transition to the real world and actually produce something that helps the country you seem to hate so much.
Just my opinion, If you want to get together without your posse of liberal creeps let me know.
speaking of winger hilarity, someone named “TheScientist” just commented on the ‘winger consensus’ post over at effinunsound. sure reads like classic Mark Gardner fare, i’d bet dollars to donuts it was him. a scientist. hahahhahahahaha!
All the wingers on this forum don’t think we should “retreat” from Iraq – easy for them to say since none of them has the stones to go over there and fight. Of course none of the Bush or Cheney family has the stones to go over there and fight either so why be surprised?
Rob (at 10:20 PM) and PU
Sorry for the delay, I have both life and job, and cannot spend every waking hour on this blog.
Rob. Yes, we can compare notes. It bothers me that you take a whole nationality and lump them together. I joined not long after Vietnam, and most of the Vietnam Vets I served with did not do so. Of course, those folks were career Navy (including some river boat vets), and their perspective may have been different from that of a Soldier.
Yes, PU, I was Navy. Served from 1978 through 1999. Missed Vietnam (thank God!) but had lots of other opportunities for unfriendly strangers to either shoot holes in me or blow me (and my shipmates) up. A few of them tried to take that opportunity,
Veterans, as a group, tend to speak to each other with some respect. I will presume that rob is telling the truth, although from his tone I’m suspicious.
PU appears to be yet another incarnation of “he who will not be named (in any of my posts)”, our fake Navy Officer. Don’t bother replying, PU. It will be ignored.
This is so surprising…
Heilary Cliton’s people post the Obama in Africa picture and nary a peep from the CAIR or NAACP crowd.
It sure is interesting the double standards of the lefties. Can you imagine if McCain posted that picture the cries of racism from the MSM and their buddies?
@147: Mike – good catch
Mark Gardner “thinks” he is a scientist but he doesn’t have the faintest clue how to evaluate data and is basically a right wing nut job global warming denier and anti-environmentalist who’s only trick is to insult greens and “liberal” straw men.
Hey Dustin dreamer:
I know this is just a poll – but you seem to think polls are more important than actual votes. Obama up 16 points nationally – give it up Hillary. Hillary also does worse nationally against McCain in virtually every poll – so if democrats want to lose on November – vote for Hillary and her disorganized campaign – she knows (has the experience) how to lose a sure thing from day one.
Obama is up by 12 points over McCain and Hillary is tied with McCain nationally.
@ 152 – A lot of shit changes in the course of 6 months, ask Hillary’s campaign.
If she can go from clear front runner to barely beating Obama, she can bounce back to trounce McCain.
@ 150 – any proof that “Clinton’s people” posted that picture, other than what Drudge says?
#148 ByeByeGOP says:
I don’t know if you’ve heard, bush can’t run for the office of president again.
So let’s talk about the current candidates- McCain served his country with honor. Obama didn’t have the stones (your word) to even serve in the military during a time of peace.
Rob lies:
“I am a 55 yo marine, I can handle two of you but the whole pack not so much without my rifle and that would get me in prison and you dead.”
Anybody who makes a statement like this is a chickenshit lying about being a Marine. Your closest contact with a Marine would have been sucking one’s dick.
#156 Sempersimper says:
Only a racist homophobe would consider calling a marine a co*#sucker an insult.
Oh, it’s you headless lucy. No wonder you came across as a racist homophobe. You can change your name but you can’t change how you feel about people.
Puddy @ 150:
Yeah, that was pretty shitty. Talk about pulling a page right out of Karl Rove’s playbook. But, that’s one of the reason why many people, myself included, have changed their support from HRC to BHO.
The old Swiftboat bullshit just isn’t working for the American public any more.
Marvin@157: Correct. Headless Sempersimper Lucy can’t change his spots like he can’t change the way he thinks.
Rob has said where he served and his rank on this blog before. Of course the racist one is so focused on racism he doesn’t have memory cells for facts.