I see in today’s news that a 14-year-old boy has been charged with a hate crime for shooting a 15-year-old gay classmate at an Oxnard, Calif. junior high school.
This kind of thing didn’t happen when I was a young bunny, and it’s impossible for me to believe that America’s violent entertainment culture (movies, TV shows, and video games) has nothing to do with it.
I think this culture desensitizes children. It teaches them to think of real life as a movie or video game: When you shoot the “bad guy” he gets up again. Death has lost its meaning.
Couple this with rightwing extremist ideology and I can see a new generation of Hitler Youth emerging.
Proud to be an Assspews:
@1: I remember that movie…Boys From Brazil
Mark The Redneck-Wonkspews:
This is fucking rich…
The Smartest Woman In The World complaining about somebody lying.
Do any of you think it’s as fucking funny as I do that The Smartest Woman In The World is getting her big fat ass kicked by a community organizer from Chicago?
The Smartest Woman In The World trips over her dick time after time after time. And she never learns.
She pissed away $130M, and now her “donors” are maxed out. Time to go under the table I guess. Can she go under the table like Monica? No… that’s too horrid to even imagine isn’t it?
She says she’s ready for “Day One”. The only thing between her and the nomination is a community activist. Fucking pathetic…
Mark The Redneck-Wonkspews:
Dems won’t have nominee until August. So it’ll boil down to a 2 month campaign. In the meantime, McCain will barbeque Obama for being an empty skirt. All of a sudden people will figure out he’s not really The Messiah.
I hope somebody gets pictures of her fingernail gouges in the podium as they drag her big fat fucking ass away, and sent to the shitcan of history where her and Bubba belong.
You are quite full of hate MTR. It’s kind of pitiful.
As far as this video goes – all the righties can do is stick their heads in the sand and try to change the subject. Good thing they won’t get away with it.
The story here?
Republicans are against special interests except when they are not.
Don Joespews:
It’s almost amusing that Charlie Black does most of his business by phone from inside the Straight Talk Express bus.
When McCain says, “My friends,” you know he’s not talking about the American people.
6 – No one cares what you think. Just pay your fucking gambling debt and GTFO!
Plenty of people got called a fag and punched and kicked for their, alleged, sexual orientation at my high school. So, I guess we were about halfway between your idealic youth and todays craziness in the 80’s.
Sound Transit has a survey up about the future (or complete lack there of) of the Puget Sound region.
That community organizer also happened to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago.
I’m looking forward to having a president that understands and respects the constitution.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
K barked: ” You are quite full of hate MTR. It’s kind of pitiful.”
And most of the 62 16%ers on your side exude peace and love here?
What a crock!
Mike in Seattlespews:
hey pudbutt – if 78% of Americans disapprove of Bush, which of the five 16%’s of us do you keep referring to? keep in mind that come november you’ll have four different 16%’s to rail at, and that oughta keep you busy for awhile. hopefully for the next 8 years. whine away!
Barked, eh?
Simply pointing out that the particular individual is always full of bile and most certainly has an opsession for Senator Clinton.
Even you occasionally bring something to the table.
Mike in Seattlespews:
according to the Secret Service, there were “no lapses” in security at Obama rallies in Dallas and elsewhere when weapons screening was halted as the venues filled. This was part of a “comprehensive and layered security plan” for Obama.
so… their “plan” which has “layers” allows people with weapons into the venue where Obama is speaking. check.
one question: is that how they do it for Bush?
details from the Miami Herald:
McClatchy News Service
DALLAS — The U.S. Secret Service on Friday defended their handling of security during a massive rally in downtown Dallas for Barack Obama, saying there was no ”lapse” in their ”comprehensive and layered security plan” which called for some people to be checked for weapons, while others were not.
A report in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that said some security measures were lifted during Wednesday’s rally sparked a public outrage across the country, with most people saying they were shocked that a routine weapons search was lifted at the front gates of Reunion Arena an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage.
(rest of the story at their site)
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
You think. Or as we all see here, you parrot the Kos, Matters, and Mooron points.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 I don’t remember any fag-bashing incidents in my high school. My classmates were just regular guys who got into traditional kinds of trouble: One accidentally killed himself sniffing glue, and another intentionally set the local Safeway on fire.
Yeah, but they don’t let the guys with the guns in until the end so they have to shoot from the back of the hall…
Good lord, that’s just dumb. I couldn’t take my swiss army knife into a Kerry rally in ’04
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Moron_From_Seattle: You know exactly who you 16%ers are. Three times explaining it is all you lefties get.
New polls released today – conducted after the debates…
Clinton up by 8% in Ohio
Clinton up by 6% in Texas
Clinton up by 12% in Rhode Island
Obama up by 14% in North Carolina
Obama up by 26% in Vermont
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Wow.. what video do we have here. Ah more senseless bullshit from donks. hehehehe
Also, I should add:
24% Undecided in North Carolina, 6% Undecided in Vermont, undecideds in the other states are within the margin of error.
Interesting to me on Vermont and Rhode Island, on one side of New York (well, technically bordering Mass), you get Clinton in double digit leads, on the other, you get Obama by double digits.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
I see in today’s news that a 14-year-old boy has been charged with a hate crime for shooting a 15-year-old gay classmate at an Oxnard, Calif. junior high school.
It is kinda of strange how all these shooting keep on happening in liberal institu…. wait no it’s not. Nevermind.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
The only thing worse than going to war is trying to survive on the streets in a liberal run city.
Dems control the house, senate and governors office in WA. Hold both the Senate seats and 5 of our 8 (soon to be 6 of 8) seats in the house.
You might want to try winning an election before talking smack.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Newsweek Catches McCain Campaign In Falsehood
At the heart of the McCain lobbying scandal is 2 letters the senator wrote to the FCC on behalf of Paxson Communications. The company wanted to buy a Pittsburgh TV station, but regulatory approval was stalled in the FCC bureaucracy. In this letter, McCain avoided asking for approval, but pushed the FCC to decide one way or the other.
Knowing the New York Times was working on a story, McCain hired Washington lawyer Bill Bennett to work up a defense. According to Newsweek, Bennett “organized a massive document search and met with Times editors and reporters to show them that … [t]he campaign could find no record of either Iseman or her client, Paxson, meeting with McCain to ask for those letters to the FCC requesting a decision on the Pittsburgh TV station.”
Meanwhile, Newsweek reports, the McCain campaign “insisted that he had not been contacted by … Paxson Communications … on the … two letters … McCain … sent to the Federal Communications Commission.”
Newsweek has come up with a deposition from a 2002 lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law in which McCain testified under oath that “he was personally lobbied by Lowell (Bud) Paxson, the president of Paxson Communications — and possibly Paxson’s lobbyist, Iseman” and “acknowledged in the deposition that his relationship with Paxson — flying on the corporate jet, taking $20,000 in campaign contributions — would ‘absolutely’ look corrupt to the ordinary voter.”
In addition, Newsweek reports, “Paxson told The Washington Post last week that he recalled lobbying McCain about the FCC issue in a meeting in the senator’s office set up by Iseman.”
So, at a minimum, the McCain campaign’s spin that he wasn’t lobbied by Paxson is false.
In addition, McCain denies that any of his staffers tried to block Iseman’s access to the senator or warned Iseman that her relationship with the senator was “inappropriate,” but Newsweek has independently confirmed those allegations by conducting its own interviews with McCain staffers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This scandal isn’t about sex. It’s about a politician who claims to be a straight talker and a straight shooter turning out to be just another prevaricating politician. That doesn’t make him worse than politicians in general. But it does make him a politician who pretends to be something he isn’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can’t help but wonder how Bennett, a high-priced and high-powered lawyer who knows his way around Washington D.C., could have missed that deposition.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As for the troll deniers on HA, you could wave a certified transcript of McCain’s deposition testimony in front of their noses, and they would still say it was nothing but a “liberal media” plot to smear McCain.
That’s right, the official orders have been cut in Republican Propaganda Central, so all the bleating sheep are now supposed to say “smear, smear, smear!” And they will. Because. They. Are. Sheep.
you parrot
nothing but right wing bullshit from the usual suspects. Such is the foul empty space between the ears of Stupes.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
heheehe It sure is entertaining to see Hilliary getting creamed. If Obama doesn’t get the nomination there will be a lot of angry folks. I wonder how they will react to endless accusations of the nomination being stolen??? Who would make such a accusation??? hehehehehe I don’t know… hehehehe
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Did anyone notice the difference? Let’s see how smart the 16%ers really are.
what video do we have here
Still think you losers are going to come out on top in Nov Doofus?
Eat shit mutt!
McCain got caught in a lie plain and simple.
“McCain denies that any of his staffers tried to block Iseman’s access”
So, McCain’s staff are acting without his knowledge? What’s up with that?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
As for the troll deniers on HA, you could wave a certified transcript of McCain’s deposition testimony in front of their noses, and they would still say it was nothing but a “liberal media” plot to smear McCain.
I only two words for you
You donks can never be trusted in telling the turth.
Looking on Paxson Communications website I don’t see any connection to Arizona (at least not yet) and the station they wanted to buy was in Pittsburgh. Why was McCain involved in this at all?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 (continued) Oh, and one more thing … I don’t see Dan Rather’s name in the story credits, to wit:
“By Evan Thomas and Michael Isikoff | NEWSWEEK”
The stupid mutt wins the Baaa Baaa Trophy for being the first bleating sheep to become a denier in this thread. Congratulations, cur. You’re even more useless than dogs in general.
Now we know what breed Balogh’s mutt is: A sheepdog.
Mark The Redneck-Rabbitspews:
Can any of you name one thing that The Smartest Woman In The World has accomplished?
How the fuck can she claim to have “solutions”? She has zero track record.
Mark The Redneck-Wonkspews:
Can any of you name one thing that Empty Skirt Obama has accomplished?
How the fuck can he claim to have “solutions”? He has zero track record.
I’m betting Jimmy Carter is pulling for Obama so he can lose the title of worst preznit ever…
Don Joespews:
@ 36
Dan Rather got fired, which leaves us to wonder, when Fixed Noise stuck a “D” after Rep. Mark Foley’s name, was it the fact that no one got fired for it that leads you to believe Fixed Noise can be trusted with facts?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
what video do we have here
Still think you losers are going to come out on top in Nov Doofus?
Eat shit mutt!
02/23/2008 at 8:33 pm
Dole had a good chance of beating your hero Bill if it wasn’t for Perot. Of course we will win. Even with Repub lightweight like McCain. America hates liberals.
She got you all hot and bothered…
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
It is fascinatinghow @ 36 JBD is trying to claim that McCain’s own testimony “can never be trusted in telling the turth.”
As I have said before, we need a better quality of Troll here.
The ones we got are so stupid that arguing with them is like beating on a foul mouthed snot nosed child.
Completely unsatisfying, pointless, and almost cruel.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 McCain got, at a minimum, $20,000 of campaign donations from Paxson, rides on Paxson’s corporate jet, and lots of friendly attention from Paxson’s cute lobbyist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder why the troll who attacked Gore for riding on private jets haven’t said anything about McCain trading favors for rides on corporate jets? Umm, lemme guess:
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
@ 44 Shut up. pay your gambling debt, and then kill yourself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 The funny thing about that whole Dan Rather deal is that the documents in question were never proved to be forgeries and the story that Rather used them to support was accurate. The colonel’s former secretary confirmed the content of the originals.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, and no one remembers seeing Bush at those drills, either.
According to 46
“America hates liberals.”
Which is why they elected more of them to governorships and to to the house and senate than conservatives.
You know the folks at Google and Apple aren’t exactly conservative and people seem to be eating up their products. Same with Starbucks and Trek Bikes. It’s the conservative run businesses that seem to to be in trouble as of late.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wingnuts = apologists for liars
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
@36 (continued) Oh, and one more thing … I don’t see Dan Rather’s name in the story credits, to wit:
“By Evan Thomas and Michael Isikoff | NEWSWEEK”
The stupid mutt wins the Baaa Baaa Trophy for being the first bleating sheep to become a denier in this thread. Congratulations, cur. You’re even more useless than dogs in general.
02/23/2008 at 8:41 pm
So now Newsweek “flush a Koran down a toilet” is suddenly credible???? Hehehehe Donks are such liars that now they are smearing people who point out the lies of their smears.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So … now that the GOPers have a winner in their nomination fight, what are they going to do for an encore, as their nominee implodes 2 weeks after clinching the nomination?
Told ya he needs to up his Risperdone. Good thing Medicare covers that!
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Here is a piece of advice to you liberals who believe everyone is smearing them:
Hey 46
We got a pro-choice Democrat elected to the US senate right smack dab in the middle of the bible-belt.
@46 “Dole had a good chance of beating your hero Bill if it wasn’t for Perot. Of course we will win. Even with Repub lightweight like McCain. America hates liberals.”
Christ you’re stupid, Dufus!! Clinton beat Dole by more votes than Perot got, and won by a margin of 220 electoral votes. Perots total electoral votes in 1996 = 0.
Dufus a/k/a dog exemplifies the lying wingnut who peels total bullshit off the wall and posts it on the internet. No wonder Dufus’ posts all smell like wet garbage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “The ones we got are so stupid that arguing with them is like beating on a foul mouthed snot nosed child. Completely unsatisfying, pointless, and almost cruel.”
I know what you mean, but on the other hand, there’s an undenial visceral satisfaction in kicking them while they’re down — in the same way you sprinkle salt on a garden slug.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Tomorrow’s headline in Bothell Times:
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 You do reach a point where you simply feel like ignoring them.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
@45 The funny thing about that whole Dan Rather deal is that the documents in question were never proved to be forgeries …
Who gives a shit. Its when they prove that they are not forgeries they will become credible. See BS sure has their doubts, they did get rid of Rather. Of course the economy for liberal propagandists has been terrible for the last 20 years. heehehe
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Who got elected governor in Louisana???? I guess they were tired of spending billions on union contracts for a failing infrastructure.
I guess you might as well was your time on here, it’s not like you could be working on a winning election or anything.
I strongly believe (admitedly without proof) that the forgeries were a Republican hit job. Changed the topic from Bush’s clear abandonment of his reserve obligations to Dan Rather. Why are Bush’s records missing?
@66 the levees that failed were designed and constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers.
But you never let facts confuse you.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Waste my time??? No. This is entertainment. Moonbats are funny.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 Because they were folded, spindled, stapled, mutilated, shredded, and burned by Bush’s friends in Texas. And, for good measure, they probably poured acid over the ashes, encased them in radioactive plutonium, and dropped them into the Atlantic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 What you do is not entertaining, it is merely cloying.
A middle of the road Republican. Not a winger. Not a big surprise and not necessarily a bad thing.
What happened in MO was a paradigm shift. MCaskill’s election marked the beginning of the end for bible belt wing nuts. Huckabee’s presidential run will seal the deal.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
I strongly believe (admitedly without proof) that the forgeries were a Republican hit job. Changed the topic from Bush’s clear abandonment of his reserve obligations to Dan Rather. Why are Bush’s records missing?
02/23/2008 at 9:05 pm
Why, does Bush have them??? Were they misplaced by Hillary along with his FBI files???
McCaskill’s election was also a watershed moment for the left. It showed that a pro-choice woman could get elected anywhere.
Starting in ’08 you’ll see them getting elected everywhere!
@ 74…………..yawn…………
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
I strongly believe (admitedly without proof) that the forgeries were a Republican hit job.
You may have something there. The liberal media was so desperate to get Bush they would have ran that story even if the documents were written in lipstick.
Mark The Redneck-Rabbitspews:
I think it’s really neat that my tax dollars get spent on stuff like this.
I hope you non tax paying freeloader moonbats enjoy it. Maybe it’ll fall over and flatten a few of you.
Thanks for working so darn hard for us Mark. Warms my heart to know how much you care…
@ 78- percent for art, dude, and it’s been the law for many years now.
Then again, narrow-minded as you are, cartoons are as much art as you can stand.
Here’s a thought for you, you could get some of your folks elected and change things around. ‘Oh, wait your folks can’t get elected. Sorry, I forgot.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
MTR still thinks the money he loses when he blows his paycheck on pull tabs qualifies as “taxes”.
Don’t like the law, get it changed.
Oh that’s right, you are in the permanent minority in Washington State.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
Pay your fucking gambling debt, MTR.
Then maybe someone will actually read your posts.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
No promises.
that was roger rabbits kid
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Here’s a thought for you, you could get some of your folks elected and change things around. ‘Oh, wait your folks can’t get elected. Sorry, I forgot.
02/23/2008 at 9:26 pm
Yeah, everyone knows that even if you actually do elect someone (Dino) you donks steal the election anyways. It still is fun laughing at all your failures.
Who gives a shit.
Dunno. But if folks need shit cleaned up, then Doofus will lap it up.
He’s a mutt! Can’t help himself.
Here ya go Piper wank off to thisspews:
Gitmo defense lawyers: defending a man driven insane.
Today in the Washington Post, Joseph Margulies and George Brent Mickum — defense attorneys for Guantanamo detainee Abu Zubaydah — describe the prisoner’s mental insanity after being held by the United States for years:
Regardless of whether he was “insane” to begin with, he has gone through quite an ordeal since his arrest in Pakistan in March 2002. Shuttled through CIA “black sites” around the world, he was subjected to a sustained course of interrogation designed to instill what a CIA training manual euphemistically calls “debility, dependence and dread.” Zubaydah’s world became freezing rooms alternating with sweltering cells. Screaming noise replaced by endless silence. Blinding light followed by dark, underground chambers. Hours confined in contorted positions. And, as we recently learned, Zubaydah was subjected to waterboarding. We do not know what remains of his mind, and we will probably never know what he experienced.
They added that “if we cannot learn the facts and share them with others, the truth is only what the administration reports it to be.”
Some of you wingnuts will argue that this terrorist deserved this treatment. And I’ll agree, if he is indeed guilty, he should be punished; but not like this. We show ourselves to be no better than the “evil-doers.
That Ross guy should make a really shocking sculpture of a bunch of WSDOT workers building a road.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Shuttled through CIA “black sites” around the world, he was subjected to a sustained course of interrogation designed to instill what a CIA training manual euphemistically calls “debility, dependence and dread.” Zubaydah’s world became freezing rooms alternating with sweltering cells. Screaming noise replaced by endless silence. Blinding light followed by dark, underground chambers. Hours confined in contorted positions. And, as we recently learned, Zubaydah was subjected to waterboarding. We do not know what remains of his mind, and we will probably never know what he experienced.
They added that “if we cannot learn the facts and share them with others, the truth is only what the administration reports it to be.”
Some of you wingnuts will argue that this terrorist deserved this treatment. And I’ll agree, if he is indeed guilty, he should be punished; but not like this. We show ourselves to be no better than the “evil-doers.
Hmmmm Would I rather be thrown into a chilly room after a swelter room,subjected to noise, thrown in a dark room after being subject to blinding light or burn to death in a 1,000 foot building and once I cant stand the heat jump to my death. Yep, tough one. roll eyes
#6 I need to buy you some beer, as I also can’t wait
to see her fingernails cutting a swath. That is funny.
#17 You mean they were “profiling”. How dare they.
I wonder if this will be the year that John Kerry will release his medical records and collect the one million
dollar prize. Maybe he will match the funds and donate
it to military families of fallen soldiers like our
great patriot Rush Limbaugh did with the famous letter
sold on ebay. GOD that was awesome. 4 million dollars.
Here ya go Piper wank off to thisspews:
91 Are you willfully stupid? or just plain stupid? You miss the entire point of the argument.
roll eyes!
Crate 'N' Barrelspews:
Here ya go Piper wank off to thisspews:
Here ya go wingnuts. Read about the great job your glorious leader is doing with the US Army. Read about the poor bastards going crazy being stop-lossed, as Bush destroys the military, until they finally get maimed or shot dead. Every supporter of George W. Bush betrays this country’s military.
And then when a soldier returns home wounded from one of the two wars Bush is losing what does he find? Bush now views him as an expense and cuts funding for the VA.
Crate 'N' Barrelspews:
“I square it one way,” McCain said. “The right to represent interests or groups of Americans is a constitutional right. There are people that represent firemen, civil servants, retirees, and those people are legitimate representatives of a variety of interests in America.” Jon McCain
Only trouble is, non of those lobbyists are on the McCain campaign. Looks mighty fishy.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Here ya go Piper wank off to this says:
91 Are you willfully stupid? or just plain stupid? You miss the entire point of the argument.
I didn’t miss anything. The fact that anyone should care what happens to non US citizens in combat zone is moonbatish and stoopid. You are a dumbass.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Ah not this crap again. If any of you liberals ever want to let the military elect the next president I am in. Just as long as cheating donks are not the one counting the ballots. It wouldn’t even be close.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
let the military elect the next president I am in
Just how many presidents have you been in? Is this some new wingnut hobby?
All this fuss about the military by the Dimcorats is crocodile tears. The real story behind th claims that the military hospitals and the VA aren’t ood enough is socialized medcine! Just visit a VA hopital, .. it even smells socialist. The patients are the ideal comie workers .. totally depenent o the State!
If we really cared about our ex military we would close all the VAs. Military pay should include insurance adequate to pay for private insurance able to cover any injuries inflicted while in service. Better yet, we should give each soldier a choice of cash or continued care insurance!
The GOP supports the military – except when it doesn’t.
Of course what do you expect from a bunch of chickenhawks? Their party leader is a draft dodger who went AWOL. The VP “had other priorities” when it was time to go to Nam. Their supporters on right wing radio all ducked service when they had the chance. Yet they hold forth that they are “strong on national defense.” Yea – as long as it’s some poor black or Mexican kid going to do the actual fighting.
McCain's A Cheaterspews:
Well now – looks like McCain is in ANOTHER pickle – one partly of his own making – the other part caused by GOP politics – how sweet is this!
The Republican chairman of the Federal Elections Commission said that he may not be able to drop out of the presidential public financing system. If he can’t, he could be outspent by the Democratic nominee by 10-to-1 – or more – before the GOP convention in September. Because of a dispute in the Senate over one of President Bush’s nominees to the agency, the FEC lacks a quorum to hear McCain’s case. Too funny.
PuddyPrick, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Not many stupes left YLB. We’ve run most of em off and we’ll mop up the remaining few during the next election. Then the only place you’ll find them is in prison.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The rise of democratic frontrunner Barack Obama signifies an alarming victory of style over substance. Not unlike the dot-com hype, his campaign promises more than he can deliver. The one thing his voters can count on is that they will ultimately be disappointed.
… And Osama bin Laden and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be the real winners of the 2008 American presidential election. http://www.spiegel.de/internat.....32,00.html
German newspapers, doing the job americans newspapers won’t.
Watch 60 minutes Sundayspews:
Harper’s Scott Horton has been following and reporting on the story of Karl Rove’s limitless crusade to destroy Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman of Alabama about as closely as anyone can follow a story. Yesterday, Scott emailed to say:
You should alert your readers to watch 60 Minutes on Sunday for an extremely important piece. They will learn how at the instigation of Karl Rove, the Justice Department was turned into a political hit machine to destroy the reputation and ultimately imprison AL governor Don Siegelman on accusations which do not constitute, no matter how you parse it, a crime. . . .
It’s an extraordinary, deep peek into a hopelessly corrupt Justice Department. They’ve been struggling to keep the lid on this story for two years. And on Sunday it is going to blow.
But it’s OK for the liberal media to crusade to destroy
President Bush. Even a fucking hurricane is his fault.
Karl Rove is a fine patriot and would never lie. Seigelman
must be a piece of work.
I see in today’s news that a 14-year-old boy has been charged with a hate crime for shooting a 15-year-old gay classmate at an Oxnard, Calif. junior high school.
This kind of thing didn’t happen when I was a young bunny, and it’s impossible for me to believe that America’s violent entertainment culture (movies, TV shows, and video games) has nothing to do with it.
I think this culture desensitizes children. It teaches them to think of real life as a movie or video game: When you shoot the “bad guy” he gets up again. Death has lost its meaning.
Couple this with rightwing extremist ideology and I can see a new generation of Hitler Youth emerging.
@1: I remember that movie…Boys From Brazil
This is fucking rich…
The Smartest Woman In The World complaining about somebody lying.
Do any of you think it’s as fucking funny as I do that The Smartest Woman In The World is getting her big fat ass kicked by a community organizer from Chicago?
So much for the “Clinton Machine”.
And I love reading articles like this:
The Smartest Woman In The World trips over her dick time after time after time. And she never learns.
She pissed away $130M, and now her “donors” are maxed out. Time to go under the table I guess. Can she go under the table like Monica? No… that’s too horrid to even imagine isn’t it?
She says she’s ready for “Day One”. The only thing between her and the nomination is a community activist. Fucking pathetic…
Dems won’t have nominee until August. So it’ll boil down to a 2 month campaign. In the meantime, McCain will barbeque Obama for being an empty skirt. All of a sudden people will figure out he’s not really The Messiah.
I hope somebody gets pictures of her fingernail gouges in the podium as they drag her big fat fucking ass away, and sent to the shitcan of history where her and Bubba belong.
You are quite full of hate MTR. It’s kind of pitiful.
As far as this video goes – all the righties can do is stick their heads in the sand and try to change the subject. Good thing they won’t get away with it.
The story here?
Republicans are against special interests except when they are not.
It’s almost amusing that Charlie Black does most of his business by phone from inside the Straight Talk Express bus.
When McCain says, “My friends,” you know he’s not talking about the American people.
6 – No one cares what you think. Just pay your fucking gambling debt and GTFO!
Plenty of people got called a fag and punched and kicked for their, alleged, sexual orientation at my high school. So, I guess we were about halfway between your idealic youth and todays craziness in the 80’s.
Sound Transit has a survey up about the future (or complete lack there of) of the Puget Sound region.
That community organizer also happened to teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago.
I’m looking forward to having a president that understands and respects the constitution.
K barked: ” You are quite full of hate MTR. It’s kind of pitiful.”
And most of the 62 16%ers on your side exude peace and love here?
What a crock!
hey pudbutt – if 78% of Americans disapprove of Bush, which of the five 16%’s of us do you keep referring to? keep in mind that come november you’ll have four different 16%’s to rail at, and that oughta keep you busy for awhile. hopefully for the next 8 years. whine away!
Barked, eh?
Simply pointing out that the particular individual is always full of bile and most certainly has an opsession for Senator Clinton.
Even you occasionally bring something to the table.
according to the Secret Service, there were “no lapses” in security at Obama rallies in Dallas and elsewhere when weapons screening was halted as the venues filled. This was part of a “comprehensive and layered security plan” for Obama.
so… their “plan” which has “layers” allows people with weapons into the venue where Obama is speaking. check.
one question: is that how they do it for Bush?
details from the Miami Herald:
McClatchy News Service
DALLAS — The U.S. Secret Service on Friday defended their handling of security during a massive rally in downtown Dallas for Barack Obama, saying there was no ”lapse” in their ”comprehensive and layered security plan” which called for some people to be checked for weapons, while others were not.
A report in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that said some security measures were lifted during Wednesday’s rally sparked a public outrage across the country, with most people saying they were shocked that a routine weapons search was lifted at the front gates of Reunion Arena an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage.
(rest of the story at their site)
Clueless Idiot@10:
You think. Or as we all see here, you parrot the Kos, Matters, and Mooron points.
@11 I don’t remember any fag-bashing incidents in my high school. My classmates were just regular guys who got into traditional kinds of trouble: One accidentally killed himself sniffing glue, and another intentionally set the local Safeway on fire.
Yeah, but they don’t let the guys with the guns in until the end so they have to shoot from the back of the hall…
Good lord, that’s just dumb. I couldn’t take my swiss army knife into a Kerry rally in ’04
Moron_From_Seattle: You know exactly who you 16%ers are. Three times explaining it is all you lefties get.
New polls released today – conducted after the debates…
Clinton up by 8% in Ohio
Clinton up by 6% in Texas
Clinton up by 12% in Rhode Island
Obama up by 14% in North Carolina
Obama up by 26% in Vermont
Wow.. what video do we have here. Ah more senseless bullshit from donks. hehehehe
Also, I should add:
24% Undecided in North Carolina, 6% Undecided in Vermont, undecideds in the other states are within the margin of error.
Interesting to me on Vermont and Rhode Island, on one side of New York (well, technically bordering Mass), you get Clinton in double digit leads, on the other, you get Obama by double digits.
Roger Rabbit says:
I see in today’s news that a 14-year-old boy has been charged with a hate crime for shooting a 15-year-old gay classmate at an Oxnard, Calif. junior high school.
It is kinda of strange how all these shooting keep on happening in liberal institu…. wait no it’s not. Nevermind.
The only thing worse than going to war is trying to survive on the streets in a liberal run city.
Dems control the house, senate and governors office in WA. Hold both the Senate seats and 5 of our 8 (soon to be 6 of 8) seats in the house.
You might want to try winning an election before talking smack.
Newsweek Catches McCain Campaign In Falsehood
At the heart of the McCain lobbying scandal is 2 letters the senator wrote to the FCC on behalf of Paxson Communications. The company wanted to buy a Pittsburgh TV station, but regulatory approval was stalled in the FCC bureaucracy. In this letter, McCain avoided asking for approval, but pushed the FCC to decide one way or the other.
Knowing the New York Times was working on a story, McCain hired Washington lawyer Bill Bennett to work up a defense. According to Newsweek, Bennett “organized a massive document search and met with Times editors and reporters to show them that … [t]he campaign could find no record of either Iseman or her client, Paxson, meeting with McCain to ask for those letters to the FCC requesting a decision on the Pittsburgh TV station.”
Meanwhile, Newsweek reports, the McCain campaign “insisted that he had not been contacted by … Paxson Communications … on the … two letters … McCain … sent to the Federal Communications Commission.”
Newsweek has come up with a deposition from a 2002 lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law in which McCain testified under oath that “he was personally lobbied by Lowell (Bud) Paxson, the president of Paxson Communications — and possibly Paxson’s lobbyist, Iseman” and “acknowledged in the deposition that his relationship with Paxson — flying on the corporate jet, taking $20,000 in campaign contributions — would ‘absolutely’ look corrupt to the ordinary voter.”
In addition, Newsweek reports, “Paxson told The Washington Post last week that he recalled lobbying McCain about the FCC issue in a meeting in the senator’s office set up by Iseman.”
So, at a minimum, the McCain campaign’s spin that he wasn’t lobbied by Paxson is false.
In addition, McCain denies that any of his staffers tried to block Iseman’s access to the senator or warned Iseman that her relationship with the senator was “inappropriate,” but Newsweek has independently confirmed those allegations by conducting its own interviews with McCain staffers.
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info, see http://www.newsweek.com/id/114819/page/1
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This scandal isn’t about sex. It’s about a politician who claims to be a straight talker and a straight shooter turning out to be just another prevaricating politician. That doesn’t make him worse than politicians in general. But it does make him a politician who pretends to be something he isn’t.
I can’t help but wonder how Bennett, a high-priced and high-powered lawyer who knows his way around Washington D.C., could have missed that deposition.
As for the troll deniers on HA, you could wave a certified transcript of McCain’s deposition testimony in front of their noses, and they would still say it was nothing but a “liberal media” plot to smear McCain.
That’s right, the official orders have been cut in Republican Propaganda Central, so all the bleating sheep are now supposed to say “smear, smear, smear!” And they will. Because. They. Are. Sheep.
you parrot
nothing but right wing bullshit from the usual suspects. Such is the foul empty space between the ears of Stupes.
heheehe It sure is entertaining to see Hilliary getting creamed. If Obama doesn’t get the nomination there will be a lot of angry folks. I wonder how they will react to endless accusations of the nomination being stolen??? Who would make such a accusation??? hehehehehe I don’t know… hehehehe
Meanwhile in the rest of America:
The AP take: http://ap.google.com/article/A.....QD8V07FP00
Another take: http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=140579
Did anyone notice the difference? Let’s see how smart the 16%ers really are.
what video do we have here
Still think you losers are going to come out on top in Nov Doofus?
Eat shit mutt!
McCain got caught in a lie plain and simple.
“McCain denies that any of his staffers tried to block Iseman’s access”
So, McCain’s staff are acting without his knowledge? What’s up with that?
Roger Rabbit says:
As for the troll deniers on HA, you could wave a certified transcript of McCain’s deposition testimony in front of their noses, and they would still say it was nothing but a “liberal media” plot to smear McCain.
I only two words for you
You donks can never be trusted in telling the turth.
Hey Doofus,
Got any more vote fraud bullshit to squawk about?
Take it to the ACVR!
Eat shit again Cur!
@36 See #30
Looking on Paxson Communications website I don’t see any connection to Arizona (at least not yet) and the station they wanted to buy was in Pittsburgh. Why was McCain involved in this at all?
@36 (continued) Oh, and one more thing … I don’t see Dan Rather’s name in the story credits, to wit:
“By Evan Thomas and Michael Isikoff | NEWSWEEK”
The stupid mutt wins the Baaa Baaa Trophy for being the first bleating sheep to become a denier in this thread. Congratulations, cur. You’re even more useless than dogs in general.
He needs his risperidone upped.
Now we know what breed Balogh’s mutt is: A sheepdog.
Can any of you name one thing that The Smartest Woman In The World has accomplished?
How the fuck can she claim to have “solutions”? She has zero track record.
Can any of you name one thing that Empty Skirt Obama has accomplished?
How the fuck can he claim to have “solutions”? He has zero track record.
I’m betting Jimmy Carter is pulling for Obama so he can lose the title of worst preznit ever…
@ 36
Dan Rather got fired, which leaves us to wonder, when Fixed Noise stuck a “D” after Rep. Mark Foley’s name, was it the fact that no one got fired for it that leads you to believe Fixed Noise can be trusted with facts?
what video do we have here
Still think you losers are going to come out on top in Nov Doofus?
Eat shit mutt!
02/23/2008 at 8:33 pm
Dole had a good chance of beating your hero Bill if it wasn’t for Perot. Of course we will win. Even with Repub lightweight like McCain. America hates liberals.
She got you all hot and bothered…
It is fascinatinghow @ 36 JBD is trying to claim that McCain’s own testimony “can never be trusted in telling the turth.”
As I have said before, we need a better quality of Troll here.
The ones we got are so stupid that arguing with them is like beating on a foul mouthed snot nosed child.
Completely unsatisfying, pointless, and almost cruel.
@39 McCain got, at a minimum, $20,000 of campaign donations from Paxson, rides on Paxson’s corporate jet, and lots of friendly attention from Paxson’s cute lobbyist.
I wonder why the troll who attacked Gore for riding on private jets haven’t said anything about McCain trading favors for rides on corporate jets? Umm, lemme guess:
@ 44 Shut up. pay your gambling debt, and then kill yourself.
@45 The funny thing about that whole Dan Rather deal is that the documents in question were never proved to be forgeries and the story that Rather used them to support was accurate. The colonel’s former secretary confirmed the content of the originals.
Oh, and no one remembers seeing Bush at those drills, either.
According to 46
“America hates liberals.”
Which is why they elected more of them to governorships and to to the house and senate than conservatives.
You know the folks at Google and Apple aren’t exactly conservative and people seem to be eating up their products. Same with Starbucks and Trek Bikes. It’s the conservative run businesses that seem to to be in trouble as of late.
Wingnuts = apologists for liars
Roger Rabbit says:
@36 (continued) Oh, and one more thing … I don’t see Dan Rather’s name in the story credits, to wit:
“By Evan Thomas and Michael Isikoff | NEWSWEEK”
The stupid mutt wins the Baaa Baaa Trophy for being the first bleating sheep to become a denier in this thread. Congratulations, cur. You’re even more useless than dogs in general.
02/23/2008 at 8:41 pm
So now Newsweek “flush a Koran down a toilet” is suddenly credible???? Hehehehe Donks are such liars that now they are smearing people who point out the lies of their smears.
So … now that the GOPers have a winner in their nomination fight, what are they going to do for an encore, as their nominee implodes 2 weeks after clinching the nomination?
Told ya he needs to up his Risperdone. Good thing Medicare covers that!
Here is a piece of advice to you liberals who believe everyone is smearing them:
Hey 46
We got a pro-choice Democrat elected to the US senate right smack dab in the middle of the bible-belt.
@46 “Dole had a good chance of beating your hero Bill if it wasn’t for Perot. Of course we will win. Even with Repub lightweight like McCain. America hates liberals.”
Christ you’re stupid, Dufus!! Clinton beat Dole by more votes than Perot got, and won by a margin of 220 electoral votes. Perots total electoral votes in 1996 = 0.
Dufus a/k/a dog exemplifies the lying wingnut who peels total bullshit off the wall and posts it on the internet. No wonder Dufus’ posts all smell like wet garbage.
@48 “The ones we got are so stupid that arguing with them is like beating on a foul mouthed snot nosed child. Completely unsatisfying, pointless, and almost cruel.”
I know what you mean, but on the other hand, there’s an undenial visceral satisfaction in kicking them while they’re down — in the same way you sprinkle salt on a garden slug.
Tomorrow’s headline in Bothell Times:
@59 You do reach a point where you simply feel like ignoring them.
Roger Rabbit says:
@45 The funny thing about that whole Dan Rather deal is that the documents in question were never proved to be forgeries …
Who gives a shit. Its when they prove that they are not forgeries they will become credible. See BS sure has their doubts, they did get rid of Rather. Of course the economy for liberal propagandists has been terrible for the last 20 years. heehehe
Who got elected governor in Louisana???? I guess they were tired of spending billions on union contracts for a failing infrastructure.
I guess you might as well was your time on here, it’s not like you could be working on a winning election or anything.
I strongly believe (admitedly without proof) that the forgeries were a Republican hit job. Changed the topic from Bush’s clear abandonment of his reserve obligations to Dan Rather. Why are Bush’s records missing?
@66 the levees that failed were designed and constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers.
But you never let facts confuse you.
Waste my time??? No. This is entertainment. Moonbats are funny.
@69 Because they were folded, spindled, stapled, mutilated, shredded, and burned by Bush’s friends in Texas. And, for good measure, they probably poured acid over the ashes, encased them in radioactive plutonium, and dropped them into the Atlantic.
@70 What you do is not entertaining, it is merely cloying.
A middle of the road Republican. Not a winger. Not a big surprise and not necessarily a bad thing.
What happened in MO was a paradigm shift. MCaskill’s election marked the beginning of the end for bible belt wing nuts. Huckabee’s presidential run will seal the deal.
I strongly believe (admitedly without proof) that the forgeries were a Republican hit job. Changed the topic from Bush’s clear abandonment of his reserve obligations to Dan Rather. Why are Bush’s records missing?
02/23/2008 at 9:05 pm
Why, does Bush have them??? Were they misplaced by Hillary along with his FBI files???
McCaskill’s election was also a watershed moment for the left. It showed that a pro-choice woman could get elected anywhere.
Starting in ’08 you’ll see them getting elected everywhere!
@ 74…………..yawn…………
I strongly believe (admitedly without proof) that the forgeries were a Republican hit job.
You may have something there. The liberal media was so desperate to get Bush they would have ran that story even if the documents were written in lipstick.
I think it’s really neat that my tax dollars get spent on stuff like this.
I hope you non tax paying freeloader moonbats enjoy it. Maybe it’ll fall over and flatten a few of you.
Thanks for working so darn hard for us Mark. Warms my heart to know how much you care…
@ 78- percent for art, dude, and it’s been the law for many years now.
Then again, narrow-minded as you are, cartoons are as much art as you can stand.
Here’s a thought for you, you could get some of your folks elected and change things around. ‘Oh, wait your folks can’t get elected. Sorry, I forgot.
MTR still thinks the money he loses when he blows his paycheck on pull tabs qualifies as “taxes”.
Don’t like the law, get it changed.
Oh that’s right, you are in the permanent minority in Washington State.
Pay your fucking gambling debt, MTR.
Then maybe someone will actually read your posts.
No promises.
that was roger rabbits kid
Here’s a thought for you, you could get some of your folks elected and change things around. ‘Oh, wait your folks can’t get elected. Sorry, I forgot.
02/23/2008 at 9:26 pm
Yeah, everyone knows that even if you actually do elect someone (Dino) you donks steal the election anyways. It still is fun laughing at all your failures.
Who gives a shit.
Dunno. But if folks need shit cleaned up, then Doofus will lap it up.
He’s a mutt! Can’t help himself.
Gitmo defense lawyers: defending a man driven insane.
Today in the Washington Post, Joseph Margulies and George Brent Mickum — defense attorneys for Guantanamo detainee Abu Zubaydah — describe the prisoner’s mental insanity after being held by the United States for years:
Regardless of whether he was “insane” to begin with, he has gone through quite an ordeal since his arrest in Pakistan in March 2002. Shuttled through CIA “black sites” around the world, he was subjected to a sustained course of interrogation designed to instill what a CIA training manual euphemistically calls “debility, dependence and dread.” Zubaydah’s world became freezing rooms alternating with sweltering cells. Screaming noise replaced by endless silence. Blinding light followed by dark, underground chambers. Hours confined in contorted positions. And, as we recently learned, Zubaydah was subjected to waterboarding. We do not know what remains of his mind, and we will probably never know what he experienced.
They added that “if we cannot learn the facts and share them with others, the truth is only what the administration reports it to be.”
Some of you wingnuts will argue that this terrorist deserved this treatment. And I’ll agree, if he is indeed guilty, he should be punished; but not like this. We show ourselves to be no better than the “evil-doers.
That Ross guy should make a really shocking sculpture of a bunch of WSDOT workers building a road.
Shuttled through CIA “black sites” around the world, he was subjected to a sustained course of interrogation designed to instill what a CIA training manual euphemistically calls “debility, dependence and dread.” Zubaydah’s world became freezing rooms alternating with sweltering cells. Screaming noise replaced by endless silence. Blinding light followed by dark, underground chambers. Hours confined in contorted positions. And, as we recently learned, Zubaydah was subjected to waterboarding. We do not know what remains of his mind, and we will probably never know what he experienced.
They added that “if we cannot learn the facts and share them with others, the truth is only what the administration reports it to be.”
Some of you wingnuts will argue that this terrorist deserved this treatment. And I’ll agree, if he is indeed guilty, he should be punished; but not like this. We show ourselves to be no better than the “evil-doers.
Hmmmm Would I rather be thrown into a chilly room after a swelter room,subjected to noise, thrown in a dark room after being subject to blinding light or burn to death in a 1,000 foot building and once I cant stand the heat jump to my death. Yep, tough one. roll eyes
#6 I need to buy you some beer, as I also can’t wait
to see her fingernails cutting a swath. That is funny.
#17 You mean they were “profiling”. How dare they.
I wonder if this will be the year that John Kerry will release his medical records and collect the one million
dollar prize. Maybe he will match the funds and donate
it to military families of fallen soldiers like our
great patriot Rush Limbaugh did with the famous letter
sold on ebay. GOD that was awesome. 4 million dollars.
91 Are you willfully stupid? or just plain stupid? You miss the entire point of the argument.
roll eyes!
Here ya go wingnuts. Read about the great job your glorious leader is doing with the US Army. Read about the poor bastards going crazy being stop-lossed, as Bush destroys the military, until they finally get maimed or shot dead. Every supporter of George W. Bush betrays this country’s military.
And then when a soldier returns home wounded from one of the two wars Bush is losing what does he find? Bush now views him as an expense and cuts funding for the VA.
“I square it one way,” McCain said. “The right to represent interests or groups of Americans is a constitutional right. There are people that represent firemen, civil servants, retirees, and those people are legitimate representatives of a variety of interests in America.” Jon McCain
Only trouble is, non of those lobbyists are on the McCain campaign. Looks mighty fishy.
Here ya go Piper wank off to this says:
91 Are you willfully stupid? or just plain stupid? You miss the entire point of the argument.
I didn’t miss anything. The fact that anyone should care what happens to non US citizens in combat zone is moonbatish and stoopid. You are a dumbass.
K@16: Why thank you…
96 & 97
Ah not this crap again. If any of you liberals ever want to let the military elect the next president I am in. Just as long as cheating donks are not the one counting the ballots. It wouldn’t even be close.
Just how many presidents have you been in? Is this some new wingnut hobby?
Ah not this crap again.
Shit is shit mutt. Eat it! LMAO!!!
All this fuss about the military by the Dimcorats is crocodile tears. The real story behind th claims that the military hospitals and the VA aren’t ood enough is socialized medcine! Just visit a VA hopital, .. it even smells socialist. The patients are the ideal comie workers .. totally depenent o the State!
If we really cared about our ex military we would close all the VAs. Military pay should include insurance adequate to pay for private insurance able to cover any injuries inflicted while in service. Better yet, we should give each soldier a choice of cash or continued care insurance!
The GOP supports the military – except when it doesn’t.
Of course what do you expect from a bunch of chickenhawks? Their party leader is a draft dodger who went AWOL. The VP “had other priorities” when it was time to go to Nam. Their supporters on right wing radio all ducked service when they had the chance. Yet they hold forth that they are “strong on national defense.” Yea – as long as it’s some poor black or Mexican kid going to do the actual fighting.
Well now – looks like McCain is in ANOTHER pickle – one partly of his own making – the other part caused by GOP politics – how sweet is this!
The Republican chairman of the Federal Elections Commission said that he may not be able to drop out of the presidential public financing system. If he can’t, he could be outspent by the Democratic nominee by 10-to-1 – or more – before the GOP convention in September. Because of a dispute in the Senate over one of President Bush’s nominees to the agency, the FEC lacks a quorum to hear McCain’s case. Too funny.
Clueless Idiot: A story just for you…
Tell me what you think…
Wait a minute, no synaptic thought processes occur in that cranial office unless it is copied from left wing kool-aid sites.
Clueless Idiot and Mike of Seattle:
A film that needs your critique:
Hey Liberals: These animals may be coming your way:
Cue Twilight Zone music http://www.kfcplainfield.com/s.....htzone.wav
Hey 16%ers better buy your airline tickets weally weally soon!
So 16%ers are you all going to watch the Oscars, or will I see some of you at a volunteer mission this evening?
Naaaaah, y’all be sitting in the comfort of your davenport watching the glamorati get awards for being someone else.
Kind of like Clueless Idiot, who claimed to be married with chillen.
Kind of like Pelletizer who claims to be an animal. Well that maybe true.
Kind of like headless lucy with his 17 other names. Wait a minute that is true.
The Oscars. What a crock!
Hey Stupes:
The “claws came out” today or yesterday.
Why aren’t you in a fear frenzy?
Hillary! Boo! Soros! Boo! Code Pink! Boo!
LMAO!!! Always at your silliness.
Where’s Stupes? He must be hiding under the bed!
Not many stupes left YLB. We’ve run most of em off and we’ll mop up the remaining few during the next election. Then the only place you’ll find them is in prison.
The rise of democratic frontrunner Barack Obama signifies an alarming victory of style over substance. Not unlike the dot-com hype, his campaign promises more than he can deliver. The one thing his voters can count on is that they will ultimately be disappointed.
And Osama bin Laden and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be the real winners of the 2008 American presidential election.
German newspapers, doing the job americans newspapers won’t.
Harper’s Scott Horton has been following and reporting on the story of Karl Rove’s limitless crusade to destroy Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman of Alabama about as closely as anyone can follow a story. Yesterday, Scott emailed to say:
You should alert your readers to watch 60 Minutes on Sunday for an extremely important piece. They will learn how at the instigation of Karl Rove, the Justice Department was turned into a political hit machine to destroy the reputation and ultimately imprison AL governor Don Siegelman on accusations which do not constitute, no matter how you parse it, a crime. . . .
It’s an extraordinary, deep peek into a hopelessly corrupt Justice Department. They’ve been struggling to keep the lid on this story for two years. And on Sunday it is going to blow.
But it’s OK for the liberal media to crusade to destroy
President Bush. Even a fucking hurricane is his fault.
Karl Rove is a fine patriot and would never lie. Seigelman
must be a piece of work.
Another new poll out today:
Pennsylvania – Hillary up by 14%.
Preved dyatlam!