Comcast has their how reporters now and is competing against ESPN, SI, FoxSports and all the local channels? No wonder their rates continue to rise at many times inflation.
Tommy Thompsonspews:
HOUSTON, Texas (AP) — The youth minister who confessed to a 1994 killing is being widely forgiven by members of his former congregation, who say they admire his courage in finally surrendering to police.
Calvin Wayne Inman, 29, confessed to a slaying he committed nearly 14 years ago, police say.
Calvin Wayne Inman, 29, remains jailed without bail since he was charged Wednesday with capital murder in the stabbing death of a convenience store clerk during a robbery. He was 16 at the time.
During Sunday’s service at the 800-member Elim Church, congregants praised the recently ordained Inman as a born-again role model taking responsibility for his sin.
“He’s a hero, really,” said Kelley Graham, 24. “I don’t know how many people would do what he did. The Bible says you just need to confess to God. Calvin took an extra step.”
Inman went to authorities on February 5 and admitted that he stabbed Iqbal Ahmed, 64, nearly 14 years ago in suburban Pasadena.
According to police, Inman said he and a 13-year-old friend planned to rob the convenience store. When Ahmed asked to see identification before giving them tobacco, Inman stabbed Ahmed in the chest with a kitchen knife, police said.
Inman resigned from the youth job in December.
“The debt he’s paying to our society is teaching our young people to do the right thing,” said Cheryl Ellis, a member of the church’s youth staff. “To lock him away someplace and say he owes it to society is robbing the next generation of a mentor.”
Robin Thac said her 17-year-old son was active in the youth group that Inman led.
“I am thrilled my son has a role model to accept responsibility the way Calvin has,” Thac said. “There are way too many men who don’t accept responsibility.”
Police have said Inman’s friend, now 28, has acknowledged being involved in the robbery but not the stabbing. Because of 1994 juvenile laws preventing prosecution of people 13 or younger, police said they could not charge the friend. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend
Marvin Stamnspews:
MR. RUSSERT: Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton said in October, “You know it’s clear this election they’re having in Michigan is not going to count for anything.” Is that your position?
SEN. SCHUMER: Well, no. Here’s the bottom line once again, Tim. Each candidate, of course, takes the position that benefits them at the moment.
Gotta love it.
Funny, the 16%ers aren’t making a big deal about this hypocrisy. Oh yeah, I guess standing on principle is a republican thing.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Maybe if moveon and codepink started shooting steroids they could get a hearing about impeaching bush.
“I’m sorry we had the hearing. I regret that we had the hearing. And the only reason we had the hearing was because Roger Clemens and his lawyers insisted on it.” Henry Waxman – Democrat
Marvin Stamnspews:
CHICAGO — Senator Barack Obama adapted one of his signature arguments — that his oratory amounts to more than inspiring words — from speeches given by Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts during his 2006 campaign.
Hey, Barack Obama, we have rules in this country. Rules like, You cannot go around quoting the “I Have A Dream” speech, or the Declaration of Independence, or that weird/wrong thing FDR used to say (“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”) to try to soothe the desperately poor and angry people…
shocking YouTubes proving that another black person has also trotted out…
just using a lot of uppity words…
Cons eventually catch up with you. Obama’s played his supporters for suckers. They bought into the hope hype, sucking up this stuff with a straw, only to find out Obama’s not an original, he’s a knock off, of a governor, no less…
Barack Obama isn’t an original. He’s the first 21st century L. Ron Hubbard of politics, Elmer Gantry, name your huckster.
It seems clear that the Clinton campaign conceived and orchestrated this attack on Obama from word one, including the anonymous YouTube drops. While it’s true that Obama will take a hit here, simply because his rhetoric is revealed as calculated rather than spontaneous… http://cernigsnewshog.blogspot.....k-ads.html
I have no idea if obama did or didn’t have sex with him. But if he did, he must have been doing some great drugs to do this guy. Speaking of drugs, where’s Lee been lately?
Piper supports torturespews:
@3 The NY Times’ Kristof (not to be confused with Kristol) does a nice piece this weekend about McCain standing on his principles. You see Marvin, a real man of principle can not be elected by the Republican voters. For a special treat read the comments following the piece.
Bush tortures
McCain supports Bush’s use of torture
Piper Scott supports Bush and McCain
Therefore Piper Scott supports torture
Piper supports torturespews:
George Bush #1 thinks McCain is the man to lead this country. How valuable is his opinion? He thinks GW Bush is doing a good job.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 4 & 5: Your cogent analysis of the facts and referencing of ‘factual’ information is sorely lacking.
For instance, it’s a fact that George W. Bush bought and used cocaine, but it’s not a fact that Obama ever did.
It’s just some idiot’s story.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Piper supports torture says:
Kudos to Piper for getting up in headless lucy’s psyche.
Piper supports torturespews:
@10 Pioper is simply a local example of Republican principles and values. Like you Marvin, his brain has atrophied under the incessant exposure to rightwing wacko media. After years of being told what to think by your conservative masters you have lost the capacity for reason, self-awareness and empathy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 NO, Comcast’s rates are rising to pay for the junk mail they send to people who aren’t subscribing yet. I get 150+ mailers a year from them — it averages 3 a week.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Oh yeah, I guess standing on principle is a republican thing.”
That’s funny. Really, I meant it. This is funny in a slapstick way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Hail Mary time for the wingnuts. They sure are disappointed they won’t get to run against Hillary.
proud leftistspews:
A major difference between you and Piper is that Piper has a sense of humor. You don’t. All you do is cynicism. I understand that you also claim to be a musician. I find it hard to believe that you have any sort of artistic bent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 I thought McCain crashed only 2 Navy jets, but Mrs. Rabbit says he wrecked 5 — anyone have further information about this?
Piper supports torturespews:
@5 I just posted a video on youtube claiming that my dog, Matt Drudge, has done cocaine and sex with you. It’s titled Drudge does Marvin in Seattle. Check it out!
RE: 9, I believe you have your facts confused. There are no facts that George Bush used Cocaine. While I agree with you that Obama’s use of Cocaine is “just some idiots story” it happens to be Obama’s story written by him.
“Through his book, Obama has become the first potential presidential contender to admit trying cocaine.”
I understand that you also claim to be a musician. I find it hard to believe that you have any sort of artistic bent.
You probably find a lot of things hard to believe. Why do you think that is?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#18 Piper supports torture says:
I just posted a video on youtube claiming that my dog, Matt Drudge, has done cocaine and sex with you.
Why am I not surprised that headless lucy would have bestiality videos.
Why am I not surprised that headless lucy would let his dog do cocaine.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#16 proud leftist says:
All you do is cynicism.
I’m on a liberal blog with a bunch of angry white men. What did you expect?
Now we have to add plagiarism to Osamaobamaroma’s list of transgressions which include, coke freak, Pot Head, alcohol abuse and close business dealing with an indicted slum lord (as the Hildabeast describes him)
Clinton camp claims use of friend’s election rhetoric is plagiarism
I guess word do matter, when they are someone elses.
Concerned Liberalspews:
@6 I thought McCain crashed only 2 Navy jets, but Mrs. Rabbit says he wrecked 5 — anyone have further information about this?
02/18/2008 at 5:55 pm
Well he did serve unlike our two candidates so anything can be possible.
Concerned Liberalspews:
McCain is a joke. He crashed two or more jets and was captured and tortured by the enemy and has no purple hearts to show for it. Hell, our candidates get a purple heart for shooting themslves in the ass. What a loser.
I thought McCain crashed only 2 Navy jets, but Mrs. Rabbit says he wrecked 5 — anyone have further information about this?
Remember a few years ago when people like you were comparing the military records of bush and kerry?
How do the military records of hillary & obama compare to mccain?
Should the person with the real military experience be elected this time?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Democrats are the party of draft dodgers.
27 – Like all the able-bodied boys and girls at a CPAC convention.
Top psychiatrist concludes liberals clinically nuts
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.” “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”
Polls have been notoriously unreliable in this primary season, but if it turns out this way, that signals big trouble for Hillary. She needs a decisive win in Texas.
I’ve gotta admit I have a gut feeling the nomination is slipping away from Hillary. Her campaign has been dogged by controversy and weakened by staff shakeups and tepid fundraising. She doesn’t attract the enthusiasm that Obama does. It will take more than a tie or loss in Texas to put her away, but I really think there’s now little chance that she’ll be the nominee.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Yes, I agree that McCain is one of those extremely rare GOP candidates who actually served in the military. There are quite a few Democrats in Congress who are veterans, including a Medal of Honor recipient, but it’s damned hard to find a Republican anywhere in Congress or the Bush administration who didn’t shirk military service.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 However, I feel McCain’s military credentials are overblown. He got into the Naval Academy only because his father and grandfather were admirals, and it was a wasted space; as a naval cadet, he was a goof-off who didn’t apply himself, was insubordinate, racked up a large number of demerits, and finished 894th in a a class of 899. As noted above, his main accomplishment as a Navy pilot was to destroy several aircraft. On the mission over Hanoi that resulted in his capture, he was the only pilot of 20 in the formation who got shot down, and he somehow managed to break 3 limbs in the process of ejecting. Among his cell mates, he was the only one who cracked under torture and signed a “confession.”
This is what the GOP passes off as a “war hero” because they don’t have anyone else who even served.
RE: 32,Sorry Rabbit, you are a low life pure and simpal.
On October 26, 1967, McCain was flying as part of a 20-plane attack against a thermal power plant in central Hanoi, a heavily defended target area that had almost always been off-limits to U.S. raids.[46][47][44] McCain’s A-4 Skyhawk had its wing blown off by a Soviet-made SA-2 anti-aircraft missile[47] while pulling up after dropping its bombs.[48][49] McCain fractured both arms and a leg in being hit and ejecting from his plane[50] as it went into a vertical inverted spin.[51] He nearly drowned after he parachuted into Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.[46] After he regained consciousness, a mob gathered around, spat on him, kicked him, and stripped him of his clothes.[51] Others crushed his shoulder with the butt of a rifle and bayoneted him in his left foot and abdominal area; he was then transported to Hanoi’s main Hoa Loa Prison, nicknamed the “Hanoi Hilton” by American POWs.[51][52]
Although McCain was badly wounded, his captors refused to give him medical care unless he gave them military information; they beat and interrogated him, but McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth,[51] Soon thinking he was near death, McCain said he would give them more information if taken to the hospital, hoping he could then put them off once he was treated.[53] A prison doctor came and said it was too late, as McCain was about to die anyway.[51] Only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a top admiral did they give him medical care[51] and announce his capture. At this point, two days after McCain’s plane went down, that event and his status as a POW made the front pages of The New York Times[39] and The Washington Post.[54] Interrogation and beatings resumed in the hospital; McCain gave his ship’s name, squadron’s name, and the attack’s intended target.[55] Further coerced to give the names of his squadron members, he supplied the names of the Green Bay Packers’ offensive line.[56][55]
@24 Actually, McCain does have a purple heart, and Kerry didn’t shoot himself in the ass — he was wounded in the arm and leg by enemy fire in separate incidents, and got his third Purple Heart for an arm injury that resulted from being thrown against a bulkhead by a mine explosion.
Naturally, I routinely expect a lying wingnut posing as a liberal to get the facts wrong about both men, and once again you didn’t disappoint.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Did John say he was a war hero? Where??? When??? The only blow hard who over played his military record has been Kerry. Clinton and Obama are draft dodgers, get use to it.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yesssssssssssssssssssss The last paparazzi to take a shot of Roger Rabbit fainting at an Obama campaign rally!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW the Far Left has found their candidate to lead them to the White House. Maybe Goldy can help him win the election. Maybe Ron Sims will come to their aid and stuff the ballot boxes. Yes King County is stealing the title from Chicago. Let us not forget the Queen Governor for her great support for the Socialist Democrats and the next President Obama. Maybe the judges will coronate him as our next president. What great leader of the past has the same charisma as your new leader Obama maybe Hitler? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Low Blow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Kerry didn’t shoot himself in the ass — he was wounded in the arm and leg by enemy fire in separate incidents
Bullshit. Prove it. Where is his military medical records?
Jane Balough’s Dog says:
Kerry didn’t shoot himself in the ass — he was wounded in the arm and leg by enemy fire in separate incidents
Bullshit. Prove it. Where is his military medical records?
lost in red tape.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Which war do you think Obama should have fought in? He was born in 1961, so he was 4 years old when the U.S. sent troops to Vietnam, and 29 years old at the time of the Gulf War. Prime military age is 18 – 21, and there was no war going on in 1979 – 1982, so I don’t hold it against him very much for not choosing to serve in a peacetime military.
Hillary Clinton was born in 1947, so she was in the right age group to serve in Vietnam, but in those days we not only didn’t draft women but didn’t let them enlist except as nurses, and she’s not a nurse. I don’t blame her for being part of a generation of women who were denied the opportunity to serve.
In reply to your question, “Should the person with the real military experience be elected this time?” my answer is “no.” The question really should be, “Should McCain be elected because of his military service?” because there’s very little else to recommend him. Again, my answer is that while that might be a colorable reason to elect him to the Senate, it’s not a good enough reason to elect him president, because the presidency is a job, not an award or honorary position, and we need the best person for the job, and McCain is not that person.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
I along with a majority of Americans will believe our fighting men and women (swift boat verterans) before I would ever believe a donk and one of his cronies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 should say @27 not @26
Marvin Stamn says:
#18 Piper supports torture says:
I just posted a video on youtube claiming that my dog, Matt Drudge, has done cocaine and sex with you.
Why am I not surprised that headless lucy would have bestiality videos.
Why am I not surprised that headless lucy would let his dog do cocaine. Lighten up Marvin he/she is going through a sex change and do not know what he/she is. Now show some compassion for the poor sheep who is lost and cannot definite him/herself. She/he is trying to decide to go to the bay area or Bangkok, Thailand for the sex change operation.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
but in those days we not only didn’t draft women but didn’t let them enlist except as nurses, and she’s not a nurse. I don’t blame her for being part of a generation of women who were denied the opportunity to serve.
I do. She should have enlisted. If she wants to run with the big boys she should be held to same standards. Of course donks are all about double standards. She is a draft dodger.
Jane Balough’s Dog says:
but in those days we not only didn’t draft women but didn’t let them enlist except as nurses, and she’s not a nurse. I don’t blame her for being part of a generation of women who were denied the opportunity to serve.
I do. She should have enlisted. If she wants to run with the big boys she should be held to same standards. Of course donks are all about double standards. She is a draft dodger Yesssssssss true, but pot was her game and lets not forget sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
One of the best reason to vote for McCain is for school choice. School choice is our only hope to fix our broken public screwls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Not hardly. But what does a stupid dog know? The dog obviously doesn’t know this:
Who served in the military?
–Bob Kerrey – Medal of Honor
–Daniel Inouye – Medal of Honor
–Leonard Boswell – 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 2 Bronze Stars, Soldier’s Medal
–George McGovern – Distinguished Flying Cross & Silver Star
–“Pete” Peterson, POW, Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart
–Max Cleland – Silver Star, Bronze Star & Purple Heart
–John Kerry – 3 Purple Hearts, Bronze Star, Silver Star
–Howell Heflin – Silver Star
–Charles Rangel – Bronze Star
–Mike Thompson – Purple Heart
–Richard Gephardt – 1965-71
–David Bonior – 1968-72
–Tom Daschle – 1969-72
–Al Gore – 1969-71
–Ted Kennedy – 1951-1953
–Tom Harkin – 1962-67
–Gray Davis – served in Vietnam
–Chuck Robb – served in Vietnam
–Pete Stark – served in the Air Force
–George Bush – served only 4 years of 6-year Nat’l Guard enlistment; went AWOL; grounded pilot
–Dick Cheney – recipient of 5 deferments; never served
–John Ashcroft – deferment; never served
–Karl Rove – weaseled out of the draft; never served
–Dennis Hastert – avoided the draft; never served
–Dick Armey – avoided the draft; never served
–Tom Delay – avoided the draft; never served
–Trent Lott – avoided the draft; never served
–Newt Gingrich – avoided the draft; never served
–Phil Gramm – recipient of 4 deferments; never served
–Don Nickles – never served
–Richard Shelby – never served
–Elliott Abrams – never served
–Vin Weber – never served
–Richard Perle – never served
–Rudy Guiliani – never served
–George Will – never served
–Chris Matthews – never served
–Bill O’Reilly – never served
–Paul Gigot – never served
–Bill Bennett – never served
–Pat Buchanan – never served
–Rush Limbaugh – medical deferment for pimple on ass; never served
–Pat Robertson – jumped ship to avoid serving in Korea
–Bill Kristol – never served
–Ann Coulter – never served
RE: 40, Oh I don’t know how about Grenada in 1981, “My left foot” a commenter on this blog seems pretty proud of his service during that time.
Obama was to busy doing cocaine then according to his book. Hillary Clinton like Dick Cheney had other priorities.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 I’m glad you brought up this subject, rob, because it gives me the opportunity to compare liberals and conservatives, which I do gladly:
Liberals gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, a free press, freedom of religion, the rule of law, and due process of law.
Conservatives think it’s okay to arrest and imprison people without charge or trial, and deny them access to a lawyer so guards can beat, rape, sodomize, torture, and murder them with impunity; conservatives think critics and dissenters should be jailed, and see nothing wrong with the government spying on your medical, financial, employment, school, and library records; but conservatives think their constitutional rights are violated if bank robbers, psychos, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and skinheads are denied access to military assault weapons; conservatives want to force-feed their religion to your children in our public schools; conservatives scream that abortion is “murder” but want to invade every country, bomb every village, and have no problem with killing women and children if they’re foreigners. And while doing all this they preach to the rest of us about “morals.”
Liberals gave us the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, minimum wage, child labor laws, workplace safety laws, injured workers benefits, unemployment insurance, collective bargaining rights, the G.I. Bill and veterans benefits, and Social Security and Medicare.Right wingers oppose minimum wage laws, overtime pay, unemployment benefits, safety regulation, and benefits for injured workers.
Conservatives oppose unions, minimum wage laws, and anything else that helps workers; want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare; and cut veterans benefits. Conservatives complain about paying taxes for “welfare” but have no problem with giving oil companies billions in tax breaks and subsidies.
Liberals gave us free public education, the cornerstone of our democracy and economic prosperity.
Conservatives want to give our tax money to private schools with no accountability for how the funds are spent, what the children are taught, or whether they learn.
Liberals gave us consumer protection laws, public health programs, and environmental laws that clean up the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Conservatives berate these laws as “communism,” suppress scientific reports, and sneer at “tree huggers” and global warming.
I’ll be frank with you, rob: I’ve had enough of idiots like you, and if I could, I would ship you and your ilk to a desert island in the middle of a vast ocean in an effort to limit your ability to harm others to each other.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “Rabbit, you are a low life pure and simpal.”
Coming from you, that’s a compliment, to which I’ll add tht your spelling stinks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
RE; 47,
Borak Hussein Obama, never served
Hillary Rodham Clinton, never served
John McCain, 1958 to 1981 he received a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, the Legion of Merit, the Purple Heart, and a Distinguished Flying Cross.
RE: 50, what again does “tht” mean, you know since you are a master speller and all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Whoop-de-doo, you came up with ONE Republican who actually served in the military. Let’s review his achievements and honors:
Graduated 894th of 899 in his Annapolis class
Wrecked at least 2 Navy jets
Only man of his 20-plane attack formation to get shot down
Only man in his POW group to sign “confession”
Left Navy because he wasn’t promotable
So Rob, et al, I assume you then supported Kerry over Bush due the the differential military service?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 See #51; a typo is not the same thing as a misspelling, dummy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 Oh, get serious, stupid dog! McCain built his entire political career around the fact he went and got himself captured.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yesssssssssssssssssssss The last paparazzi to take a shot of Roger Rabbit fainting at an Obama campaign rally!!!!!!!!!!!!”
You should try your hand at pulp fiction writing, klake. You might have a future in it. Meanwhile, everyone on this blog except you knows that I voted for Hillary.
@41 Of course you would. You’re only a stupid dog.
RE: 55, no but I might have if he would have released his medical records. By the way where are those medical records? He did say on Meet the press that he would release them. I guess that was another flip flop.
Oh and by the way, Bush did serve. The Hildabeast and Osamaobamorama didn’t.
I guess they were to busy.
Democrat Presidents used to have a tradition of serving in the military, Jimmy Carter, John Kennedy, Harry Truman. Bill Clinton was the first draft dodger actually elected by democrats. Roosevelt didn’t serve but he was given a pass by the democrats because he locked up all the Japanese American Citizens in concentration camps during WW II.
proud leftistspews:
Serving in the military is a prerequisite (look it up in the dictionary, if you have one, if you don’t know what that means) for the presidency? I hardly think so. I am a pacifist, though I am ready to take up arms in certain situations. I am not, however, likely to get into a discussion of just and unjust wars with the likes of you. I don’t believe that only those who serve in the military should lead the nation. Not by any stretch of the imagination. So, comparing the military service of candidates means nothing. When your wits were robbed from you, robbed, did you feel the loss?
RE: 62, somehow the likes of a “pacifist” willing to take up arms “under certain situations” doesn’t really make me tremble.
If you are worried about military service vs. public service read roger rabbits post at 47.
Serving this country means more to some than others.
Peace Brother! lol
Rabbit, you had to dig back 50 fucking years to find a paragraph full of guys who shot themselves and then went into politics. Then you compare them to a bunch hand picked
fine republicans and media elite. Remember those who CANT
BLOG. Nice work loser.
RE: 62, Proud leftist, while a pacifist taking up arms doesn’t make me tremble, it does make you a target and that makes me smile.
Have a nice day.
RE: 64, that’s how liberals sleep at night, they only report the facts that suit them.
You notice that among many he left out Georgh Herbert Walker Bush, a WWII hero. He also left out Willian Jefferson Clinton, a draft dodger who was never able to recieve over 50% of the vote and who now is reviled by both democrats and republicans.
George, for the speelling mistress roger rabbit. Oh and William* he was a draft dodger though so who cares how you spell the twits name.
John Kerry never did release his medical records. HMMM
Who was that Texas oil man who offered a million dollars
to anyone who could prove the swiftboat guys were lying?
What a hero Kerry is.
Creighton Barilspews:
“A conversation between Bush and an old friend and author, Doug Wead, touched on the subject of use of illegal drugs. In the taped recordings of the conversation, Bush explained his refusal to answer questions about whether he had used marijuana at some time in his past. “I wouldn’t answer the marijuana questions,” Bush says. “You know why? Because I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried.” When Wead reminded Bush that the latter had publicly denied using cocaine, Bush replied, “I haven’t denied anything.”
RE: 68, That was T. Boone Pickens. Kerry threatened to show up and prove them wrong and collect the $1 Million for charity. Kerry was a no show. T. Boone still has his $1 Million and Kerry is still a dork.
Creighton Barilspews:
The Pretzel Incident:
“An editorial letter by Graydon Carter in Vanity Fair for January, 2008, quotes a new book about Bush:
“a new book by former British foreign secretary Lord Owen may supply a clue. In The Hubris Syndrome: Bush, Blair, and the Intoxication of Power (ISBN 1842752197), Owen recalls the time in 2002 when the commander in chief collapsed while sitting on a sofa watching a football game. (Official cause: he’d choked on a pretzel.) The presidential head hit a table on the way to the floor, he suffered an abrasion on the left side of his face, and a blood sample was rushed to Johns Hopkins, in Baltimore. Owen says he was told by a British doctor who had visited Johns Hopkins that lab technicians there found that the blood contained significant amounts of alcohol.”
Creighton Barilspews:
… and George W. Bush is a drunk and a cocaine abuser — self-admitted.
Liberals gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, a free press, freedom of religion, the rule of law, and due process of law.
close, the Federalists, more or less a Whig party, gave us the Constitution.
Of course they also tried to give us the Alien and Sedition Acts.
Another one
Liberals gave us free public education, the cornerstone of our democracy and economic prosperity. Were the Puritans who created Boston Latin (my alma mater) liberals?
Otherwise .. you got 98/100 right (grin)
Rob , the best thing about John Kerry is that he has to live
with himself. Could you imagine the strife and confusion
that these democrats live with, I mean look at Ted Kennedy for example, or Bill and Hillary. How could they ever have written the book of memoirs when all you can think of
is “I don’t recall”. WOW
Re: 69, You have your mythical tape which mysteriously never surface during to campaigns for president. Play it for me please?
Here is a current video of Borak Hussien Obama’s gay sex and drug partner.
“Swift Vets and POWs for Truth, formerly known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT), is a political group (527 group) … formed during the 2004 presidential election campaign for the purpose of opposing John Kerry’s candidacy for the presidency. …
“Of the 3,500 Swift boat sailors who served in Vietnam, the names of some 250 appeared on the group’s statement against Kerry; most did not serve at the same time or in the same place as Kerry. … Several of those who joined SBVT during the 2004 campaign were officers who had previously praised Kerry’s conduct during the Vietnam War. …
“Not all SBVT members said that they were signing the letter for the same reason. For example, … ‘[Kerry] earned his medals, he did what he was supposed to do in Vietnam,’ said … Adrian Lonsdale, who was in the chain of command above Kerry and oversaw various operations dealing with Navy swift boats ….’ But I was very disappointed in his statements after he got out of the Navy.’
“Of those who served in Kerry’s boat crew, only Stephen Gardner joined SBVT. He was not present on any of the occasions when Kerry won his medals …. All other living members of Kerry’s crew supported his presidential bid, and some frequently campaigned with him as his self-described ‘band of brothers’. Kerry crewmembers have disputed … SBVT’s various allegations: ‘totally false’ (Drew Whitlow), ‘garbage’ (Gene Thorson), and ‘a pack of lies’ (Del Sandusky).
“No members of SBVT were aboard Kerry’s boat during any of the incidents for which he was decorated. The only member of SBVT who was present at the Silver Star incident, … Larry Clayton Lee, praised Kerry’s tactics and stated that he earned his Silver Star ….
“SBVT founder and spokesman John O’Neill and Jerome Corsi are listed as coauthors of the book Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, published by Regnery Publishing. [Regnery is a publisher of rightwing political books — RR] … Several members of Kerry’s crew stated that O’Neill failed to interview them; some veterans who were interviewed asserted that their statements were edited to strip out material favorable to Kerry. Neither O’Neill nor Corsi had any firsthand knowledge of Kerry’s service. …
“After controversial statements made by Corsi became public, O’Neill said that Corsi was not a coauthor of the book, but only helped in its editing. However, Corsi said he was ‘… co-author of UNFIT FOR COMMAND,’ and portions of the book contain material also found in articles posted under Corsi’s name at … a website critical of John Kerry.
“A major part of the SBVT controversy centered on the group’s testimony. Among the first to question the first ad was Republican Senator John McCain, a Bush supporter, Vietnam veteran, and former POW. He said, ‘I condemn the [SBVT] ad. It is dishonest and dishonorable. I think it is very, very wrong’. …
“The SBVT statements were accompanied by sworn affidavits, although one affiant, Al French, later admitted he had no firsthand knowledge of what he had sworn to.
“The first SBVT ad was contradicted by the statements of several other veterans who observed the incidents, by the Navy’s official records, and, in some instances, by the contemporaneous statements of SBVT members themselves.
“Several major newspapers were also skeptical of the SBVT allegations. For example, a New York Times news article stated, ‘on close examination, the accounts of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth prove to be riddled with inconsistencies.’ ABC News’s The Note opined, ‘the Swift Boat ad and their primary charges about Kerry’s medals are personal, negative, extremely suspect, or false.’ Regarding the medal dispute, a Los Angeles Times editorial stated, ‘ … These charges against John Kerry are false.’ … On August 22, 2004 The Washington Post reported: ‘An investigation by The Washington Post … suggests that … although Kerry’s accusers have succeeded in raising doubts about his war record, they have failed to … prove him a liar.’ The ABC television show Nightline traveled to Vietnam and interviewed Vietnamese who were involved in the battle for which Kerry was awarded the Silver Star. These witnesses disputed O’Neill’s charge that there ‘was little or no fire’ that day; they said that the fighting was fierce … their account of enemy fire is substantially the same as that previously given by another former VC to an AP reporter and by the American witnesses, including the only SBVT member who was actually present that day, Larry Clayton Lee.
“Jerome Corsi has said that a picture of Kerry’s 1993 visit to Vietnam hangs in the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City as a gesture of ‘honor’ by the Communists ‘for his contribution to their victory over [the] United States’, and John O’Neill has stated that Kerry ‘is in the North Vietnamese war museum as a hero. . . . one of the heroes who caused them to win the war in Vietnam’. The statement is also repeated in ‘Unfit for Command’ (pp 167-174). However, Josh Gerstein of the New York Sun stated in this regard: ‘While the museum clearly honors opponents of the war from America and other countries, … the photo of Mr. Kerry is part of that tribute. The picture of the senator hangs among a set of photos devoted to the restoration of diplomatic relations between America and Vietnam in the 1990s. It was apparently taken as Kerry took part in a delegation President Clinton sent to Hanoi in 1993. Other photos nearby show visits … by … a Navy admiral …, Elmo Zumwalt, and a defense secretary, Robert McNamara. A secretary of state during Clinton’s term, Warren Christopher, is also shown meeting Vietnamese officials[.]’
” … [T]he webpage Corsi and another anti-Kerry veteran originally published on the Kerry museum photo contained the picture of Robert McNamara’s 1995 meeting with General Giap, who was misidentified as ‘Mao Tse-Tung’.
” … John O’Neill said that in 1971 John Kerry ‘wanted to abandon ship and leave the POWs [in Vietnam]’ and that ‘[o]n the Dick Cavett show and elsewhere, John Kerry‘s position was that we should accept the Madame Binh seven-point proposal, which called for unilateral withdrawal, setting a date after which at some future time, we‘d negotiate the return of the POWs. … We would withdraw and then we would begin to discuss how to bring them home’. However, in the Cavett debate, Kerry actually said: ‘Now, if we were to set a date for withdrawal from Southeast Asia, … [i]f the prisoners of war aren’t back prior to the arrival of that date, then I think we would have … a legitimate reason for taking some kind of reaction to it.’ …
“More recently, an early member of the group, Steve Hayes, stated that he came to believe that the group was twisting Kerry’s record, and broke with the group and voted for Kerry. Hayes told the New York Times: ‘The mantra was just “We want to set the record straight,” … [but] … it was morphing … into a highly political vendetta. They knew it was not the truth.’ Hayes also … provided a long interview to Kerry’s supporters, backing their version of the incident for which Kerry received the Bronze Star.
“SBVT characterized itself as a non-partisan group both in the legal sense and in spirit, yet several prominent individuals who assisted SBVT … have … close ties to the Republican Party. According to information released by the IRS on February 22, 2005, more than half of the group’s reported contributions came from … three … prominent Texas Republican donors: Houston builder Bob J. Perry, a longtime supporter of George W. Bush [and a frequent target of consumer lawsuits by buyers of his homes — RR], … Harold Simmons’ Contrans…, and T. Boone Pickens, Jr. [a notorious corporate raider who once targeted Boeing — RR] …. Other major contributors included Bush fundraiser Carl Lindner …, Robert Lindner …, GOP contributor Aubrey McClendon …, George Matthews Jr. …, and Crow Holdings ….
“The initial communications consultant for SBVT was Merrie Spaeth, a Reagan … press officer and … consultant to Ken Starr in the Clinton impeachment; she was also a spokesperson for ‘Republicans for Clean Air,’ a 527 group opposing John McCain’s 2000 presidential campaign and funded by Bush supporters who also helped fund SBVT. John E. O’Neill … donated … to Republican candidates … and seconded Nixon’s nomination at the 1972 Republican national convention.
“Retired Admiral William Schachte, a principal source for the SBVT allegations about Kerry’s first Purple Heart, has donated to both of Bush’s presidential campaigns. Schachte was also a lobbyist for FastShip, a firm that … receiv[es] … federal funding for … its projects. In addition, Schachte’s lobbying firm associate, David Norcross, was chairman of the 2004 Republican convention. Chris LaCivita, Political Director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee in 2002, … provid[es] media advice for SBVT. The SBVT postal address was registered to Susan Arceneaux, treasurer of … a PAC closely tied to … Dick Armey. …
“These ties, along with others (see below), led to suggestions in the popular press that SBVT was a front group for Republicans. … Kerry also alleged that SBVT was ‘a front for the Bush campaign. …’ Critics … pointed to several specific connections between SBVT and the Bush campaign. The … Bush campaign headquarters in Florida distributed fliers promoting SBVT events …. Kenneth Cordier, former vice-chair of Veterans for Bush/Cheney (in 2000) and volunteer member of the Bush campaign veterans steering committee, appeared in the second SBVT advertisement. … Benjamin Ginsberg, the top election lawyer to the Bush campaign on campaign finance law, … simultaneously represent[ed] the SBVT group. …
“On August 10, 2004, three campaign finance watchdog groups … filed an independent complaint with the Federal Election Commission … alleg[ing] that SBVT’s sources of funding were in violation of federal election law …. Following an investigation, … SBVT was assessed a fine of $299,500. …
“During the campaign, SBVT criticized Kerry for not signing a Standard Form 180 authorizing general public access to his Navy personnel records. Kerry responded that the documents were posted on his website. On May 20, 2005, Kerry did sign the SF-180 form permitting release of his service records and medical records to reporters from the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, and the Associated Press; [who] … reported that the records largely duplicated what Kerry had released during the campaign.
“SBVT members also criticized Kerry for not releasing his own private journals and letters. However, SBVT members themselves refused to release documents. … The White House refused to release records detailing any Bush administration contacts with prominent individuals associated with SBVT.”
Roger Rabbit Executive Summary: The Swift Boat group has been thoroughly documented as a GOP front operation staffed by veteran GOP operatives and financially supported by major GOP donors with very close ties to George W. Bush and the Texas Republican Party. Their allegations against Kerry have been thoroughly documented as lies. The probable 2008 GOP presidential nominee, John McCain, condemned the group as dishonorable liars. The group was fined nearly $300,000 for violating federal election laws. The public has overwhelmingly found the Swift Boat Liars not credible, and the term “swift boating” has entered the American language as a pejorative synonym for “smear campaign” (Wikipedia).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@61 He did release his medical records, jackass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Actually, I think it’s somewhat helpful for our national leaders to have served in the military, so they’ll have a sense of reality about the difficulties and uncertainties attending all military operations. I think the lack of military experience on the part of nearly every senior official and policymaker in the Bush administration — and the few who did have military experience weren’t listened to — is a major contributing factor to the military fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan. Only amateurs with no military knowledge could have fucked things up this badly.
proud leftistspews:
robbed @ 65
If I’m the target of someone like you, I’m not likely to lose any sleep. You couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a shotgun from ten paces. Fire away, my little friend.
RE: 74, John Kerry is a two time gigolo, the American Voters rejected him. Every once in awhile he surfaces to make a fool out of himself like saying. The American troops are stupid and sTUK iN IrAK
RE: 74, John Kerry is a two time gigolo, the American Voters rejected him. Every once in awhile he surfaces to make a fool out of himself like saying. The American troops are stupid and sTUK iN IrAK
or he threatens to take on the swift boat veterans for truth and then is a no show.
I don’t have any respect for him.
or he threatens to take on the swift boat veterans for truth and then is a no show.
I don’t have any respect for him.
RE: 79, Deal! when and where ?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 Vietnam was 50 years ago? I may be old, but I’m not that old. Of course, in your inimitable wingnut fashion, you completely missed the point (again), mark. The current generation of political leaders are mostly people who came of age during Vietnam. The fact that virtually all of the GOP’s top leaders dodged serving in that war tells us something about their values. The fact a significant number of prominentDemocratic leaders are war heroes or at least veterans tells us which party’s politicians are more patriotic, and it isn’t Republicans. I think the comparison I posted @47 is highly relevant, in no small part because the absence of military experience among the GOP leadership is a major contributing cause of their military failures in Iraq and Afghanistan. And, of course, the sheer hypocrisy of a party of draft dodgers and shirkers who wrap themselves in the flag and disparage the patriotism of others is simply stunning.
RE: 78, I agree with you there. Although Rumsfeld did have extensive military service and I think we both know that dosen’t insulate you from being fucked up.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Here is the list that matters:
John McCain R- Served
Hillary Clinton-Draft Dodger
Barak Obama-never served. Too busy smoking pot.
Got that… roof roof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 My mistake. I should have mentioned Clinton. He was indeed a draft dodger; and for that reason I, as a Vietnam veteran, refused twice to vote for him. I voted for Perot in ’92 and Dole (a bona fide war hero) in ’96. In retrospect, though, I must acknowledge that Clinton was a pretty good president. Dumbya, by contrast, is the worst president of the last 100 years if not of all time.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
You are right wabbit. Dems cut out of the military as soon as the going gets tough and become politicians while the repubs stay and fight. Makes sense, we all know how donks try to suppress the military vote.
The Coulterbeast and Limblow hate McCain.
So do many of the right wing bloggers.
One wingnut who comes around here (pbj) actually caucused for Hillary fearing that a McCain victory will mean Republicans being out of the White House for at least 16 years.
You wingnuts are totally screwed this November!
Roger Rabbitspews:
If George W. Bush hadn’t been a powerful congressman’s son, he never would have been jumped over 200 other (more qualified) candidates for 1 of 2 open slots in the Texas Air National Guard.
If George W. Bush hadn’t been the privileged scion of a powerful political family, he would have been court-martialed for his unauthorized absences from National Guard duty.
If George W. Bush hadn’t had family pull, he would never have been released from his National Guard enlistment 2 years early to attend business school.
If George W. Bush hadn’t had family pull, he wouldn’t have gotten in to business school in the first place. He didn’t make the grades usually required by such programs, either before or either.
If George W. Bush hadn’t been the president’s son, he would have been indicted for securities laws violation.
Yep, this is a guy who had everything handed to him because of a lucky accident of birth, and was capable of nothing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 Unlike you, I can tell the difference between a typo and a misspelling. Writing “simpal” instead of “simple” isn’t a typo; it’s a product of someone being either too lazy or too stupid to learn the proper spelling of common words. One becomes a good speller by reading a lot; and poor spelling skills usually indicate someone is not well read, which in turn indicates the person is not well informed.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Of the 3,500 Swift boat sailors who served in Vietnam, the names of some 250 appeared on the group’s statement against Kerry; most did not serve at the same time or in the same place as Kerry. …
How could they. He only served for four months in Vietnam. Hell the mail takes longer to get back. I am suprised that 250 swifties even knew him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 Bullshit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 (continued) I’ve already posted the link, and I’m not going to respond any further to this lie. I have better things to do than argue with a blockhead who keeps repeating the same bullshit like a broken record.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Hehehe. It the same crap every four years. The donks play an election up and then when they lose they make shit up like diebold or Florida 2000. I can’t wait to hear the BS they come up with in 08. hehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 T. Boone Pickens? Isn’t he the corporate raider who tried to get control of Boeing so he could break it up and put 100,000 Washington residents out of work? Yes, he’s the guy.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
I’am sure that its about his home town paper stating that they saw his medical records and saw no inconsistencies. Of course they didn’t publish it. It is pretty sad when you can’t even pull off a lie about a lie. heheheehe
RE: 93, I looked at your link, no medical record there rabbit. You should read those things before you rely on them to make a point.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
@70 T. Boone Pickens? Isn’t he the corporate raider who tried to get control of Boeing so he could break it up and put 100,000 Washington residents out of work?
How dare he. We need to save that honor for our democrats in Washington State guvmint and donk unions. They did a marvelous job haven’t they. hehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 The Federalists were liberals, even if they didn’t formally call themselves that, because their ideas were derived from John Locke and other liberal thinkers. The term “liberal” is here used in a descriptive sense, which was my original intent. In fact, we’ve never had a Liberal Party in this country; not one of any consequence, in any case.
Whatever the Puritans did is too far removed from the contemporary tradition of free public education in the United States in both time and causation to be considered either a precurser or a source of the tradition.
In the earliest days of the United States, public education was not free. From the revolution to the 1830s, the issue of providing public mass education was debated. Universal free public education actually did not come into being until after the Civil War. According to Wikipeida, “By 1870, all states provided free elementary schooling. …
Until at least the 1840s, … most schools continued to be privately owned and operated.”
The establishment of universal free public education in the United States in the late decades of the 19th century was a major factor, if not the most important factor, in America’s rise as a world economic power in the years preceding and after World War I. This revolution in education did not occur after the Civil War, which was fought by mostly illiterate men in a country that was still predominantly agrarian.
It never happened and no one knew why he wanted it other that boeing low stock price and large cash hord.
T. Boone Pickens was the one that John Kerry flirted with to prove his Military Record though and then was a no show.
You see T. Boone Pickens has a $1 million dollar offer to anyone, include you rabbit that can disprove the Swift Boat Veterans for truth.
He still has his $1 Million so why don’t you take your find law links and go on down to Texas?
I would love to get traded to Japan for 1.2 million dollars.
I don’t get why working class Americans enjoy watching multimillionaires slap each others asses and run around multimillion dollar ballparks.
Maybe I’m just weird…..
Speaking of Boeing and those fine Union Workers, are they ever going to get that 787 done?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
John Kerry’s military medical records will go down in history as the “big foot” of all documents. You know the ones that people say exist but no one have ever seen or photographed. hehehehe
#89 Membership has its privileges. At least we still
are killing terrorists in droves. It will only make for
a brighter future for the world.
#95 Lucky there are any jobs left around here. Do you
think Boeing left because its a wonderful place to have
a company. Add to that the unions taking the company
hostage every couple of years. Pickens would be a fine
President. Roger, are you going to donate to the George
W Bush library? I guess Hallibuton got the no bid contract
with extra money they had left over.
Re: 103, I think he had a sex change, I have as much evidence of that as those who claim Bush did cocaine but that is my story and I am sticking to it.
Nite all
Roger Rabbitspews:
@74 I don’t think Kerry has trouble living with himself. He served well as a Navy officer, and served even better as a patriot who called “bullshit” on a war that did not have to be fought and was (like the Iraq war) sold to the American people with lies.
My own feelings about the Vietnam War are more ambivalent than Kerry’s. On the one hand, it cost over 2 million lives and didn’t accomplish our objectives. Our leaders were wrong that a communist takeover of Vietnam would have dire consequences for the U.S. or world. For example, they predicted a bloodbath if the communists won; in fact, a bloodbath did occur in S.E. Asia after our withdrawal from Vietnam, but ironically, it was our erstwhile Vietnamese communist enemies who stopped it with a military intervention. Although our leaders were mistaken, I’m disinclined to be too had on them for that, given the context: This was only a couple years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Berlin Wall had been thrown up, communism seemed to be on the march everywhere, and the possibility of world communist domination did seem a credible threat. No one in America understand then how fragile the Soviet Union was, or dreamed that it would fall in our lifetimes. On the other hand, I am much less forgiving of the lies and deceptions of the Johnson and Nixon administrations that misled the American public about the reality of the military situation in Vietnam, and even less forgiving of our incompetent generals.
As for whether we got any value at all for our ill-fated investment of lives and treasure in Vietnam, I think it may not have been a complete loss. I note two things. First, after Vietnam there were no more “wars of national liberation.” I’m not sure if there’s a connection, but it’s possible the communist world concluded from what happened in Vietnam that the price of militarily confronting the U.S. was too high. Second, when the U.S. defeat in Vietnam is considered in conjunction with the Soviet humiliation in Afghanistan, we can hope that intelligent policymakers on both sides of the ideological divide will draw from those experiences an understanding of the limitations of military power and an appreciation of the high costs and immense difficulties of fighting a guerilla war, as well as an appreciation that military outcomes often are a product of random luck. Vietnam and Afghanistan should have taught us the fallacy of relying on force calculations and assuming that superior technology or firepower makes victory inevitable. Clearly, the assumptions underlying the U.S. and Soviet interventions, strategies, and tactics in Vietnam and Afghanistan, respectively, were wrong because both of these superpowers lost both of those wars.
Had this lesson been adequately learned by the current administration, they might have been more hesitant to blunder into Iraq, or at least might have been more willing to listen to the professional advice of their generals. They did neither and the result is another military fiasco. So, the “lessons learned” from Vietnam and Afghanistan were negated by the unwillingness of our nation’s rightwing politicians and rightwing party to pay any attention to them. An obvious remedy to this problem is to evict that party from power and put our government in the hands of Democrats who have a firmer grip on both history and reality.
Roger Rabbitspews:
to be too hard on them
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
The commies failed but it wasn’t because of Vietnam. Thank God for Reagan. He is the biggest reason why we won and they lost. Peace through strenth works. This republican philosphy is why the military vote is in the repubs back pocket. You can take that to the bank.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Throughout World War II, Germany was at a disadvantage in manpower and resources, yet the dominated the early stages of the war. How did that happen? Partly it resulted from equal measures of intelligent military leadership and strategy on the German side, combined with military stupidity on the Allied side. For example, the tank was invented by the British, and the principles of modern tank warfare were worked out by British military thinkers, but despite the fact tanks broke the trench deadlock and opened the way to victory in 1918, after World War I the British military established ignored the pleas of officers in their own ranks who argued for the creation of armored divisions. The Germans got their ideas by reading English books. In retrospect, the institutional obtuseness of the British command is understandable but appalling. This was a case of bureaucratic inertia run amok.
The southern states in the American Civil War furnish another example of a belligerent inferior in manpower, resources, and technology fighting a materially superior foe to a draw. Superior tactics and dedication to “the cause” on the Confederate side combined with appalling military stupidity on the Union side to prolong a war that could have been won in six months to four bloody years. The deadlock was finally broken by the superior generalship of Grant, aided of course by a superiority in troop strength and, more importantly, an overwhelming superiority in industrial resources. But it was Grant’s generalship that was the key to victory.
Any war can be lost through military errors notwithstanding possession of superior resources, manpower, technology, and firepower. History is replete with examples of inferior forces under superior generalship winning victories. On the other hand, competent military leadership has been both decisive and indispensable to our country’s successful campaigns. In World War II, the U.S. agreed with its Allies on a policy of defeating Germany first, and directed the bulk of its resources to the European theater; yet, even though scant of manpower and materiel, the generals and admirals fighting in the Pacific had shattered Japan’s military and industrial power and were on the doorstep of victory when Germany surrendered. Although the American forces in the Pacific got some lucky breaks, notably the destruction of the Japanese carrier fleet at Midway, their naval and land campaigns almost without exception were brilliant in conception and execution even though hampered by severely limited resources of men, ships, aircraft, guns, and materiel.
So what is the point of discussing this? Simply this. George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld are fools. They made a hash of Iraq, and the stupidity began even before the first shot was fired, when they sacked Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki for saying it would take 500,000 troops to occupy Iraq. A force of that size wasn’t politically expedient because assembling it would have delayed the invasion and its costs would have interfered with (horrors!) giving tax cuts to the rich. So Bush and Rumsfeld attempted to conduct the campaign with 130,000 troops, and have been getting their asses kicked ever since.
Just as incompetent “political generals” nearly sank the Union cause in the Civil War, and political micromanagement magnified the adverse effects of mediocre generalship in Vietnam, so too was America’s intervention in Iraq doomed by stupid politicians who elevated political expediency above military necessity. Our country can’t afford this kind of stupidity. Since its contemporary authors are Republicans, it makes sense to evict the GOP from power and turn this job over to Democrats. We can’t do any worse, and we might do significantly better. The bleating of rightwing sheep about Kerry’s military records is pointless. What our country needs is a rationale military policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that clearly will not come from people who can’t even get simple facts right.
It’s time Democrats, who as a party at least have some military experience, tackled the problem of untangling the morass that Republican dunces created.
Roger Rabbitspews:
some people with military experience
Roger Rabbitspews:
I kind of get the feeling that McCain is the GOP version of Jimmy Carter. Yeah, McCain was a pilot-turned-POW. Carter was a sub commander. But Carter didn’t have a grip on military affairs, as Desert One showed, and I think McCain is of the same mold. Spending 5 years in a cell getting the crap beat out of you doesn’t teach you anything about conducting military operations. After returning home, McCain didn’t return to flying duty; his job was
a Navy lobbyist. He quit the Navy because he wasn’t promotable; he had no experience that qualified him to command a ship or a squadron, had no experience that qualified him to work in opreations or even do staff work for commanders. The only thing he was good for was public relations, and that’s not the skill set the Navy looks for when hiring admirals. Why should we think a guy who mustered out of the Navy for lack of military skills and experience is qualified to be Commander in Chief of all the armed forces? He’s no more qualified for that role than Hillary or Obama is. In fact, because they haven’t served in the military, they’re far more likely to listen to professional military advice, whereas McCain is known as a stubborn man who throws temper tantrums when people disagree with him, and he just might have enough of a swelled head about his own narrow and irrelevant military service to think he can make better military judgments than the generals and admirals. That’s exactly the kind of stupidity that got us into the Iraq quagmire, and is the last thing we need in our next president.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@80 Hey, I’m not saying Kerry is the brightest bulb in the Democratic chandelier, although he’s honest, which in and of itself made him an infinitely better choice in 2004 than Shrub, who can’t open his mouth without lying.
And it’s totally unnecessary for Kerry to confront the Swift Boat Liars, because the media and various researchers have already done so, and their claims have been totally debunked and discredited. Only the most brain-dead wingnut partisans like you still accord them any credence or respect. The overwhelming majority of Americans understand the “swift boating” of Kerry was nothing but a vicious partisan smear campaign orchestrated in the cockroach dens of the GOP.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In fact, Kerry eliminated himself from contention in 2008 by sticking his foot in his mouth long before the campaign got started, which was probably a good thing for both our party and our country. I’ll be the first to admit we Democrats can offer a better candidate than Kerry — and we will.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Your party has its own Kerry, in the person of Romney, without the military record. Those two flip-floppers could be twins. In fact, they even look alike.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Despite his shortcomings, Kerry won the 2004 election, and it took computer legerdemain to save Bush’s sorry ass. That’s not an advertisement for Kerry; it simply points out how severely Bush has underperformed. Bush reminds of a story I heard years ago about some Northwestern University students who ran a jackass against a Chicago alderman. Needless to say, the jackass won, but was disqualified by a bought judge who somehow interpreted a statute to mean only human beings can serve as aldermen, even though the statute said no such thing. So the alderman retained his seat. Nevertheless, he had to serve knowing the voters preferred a jackass. By the same token, Bush knows damn well the 2004 election, like the 2000 election, was stolen — and has had to serve his second term knowing he was beaten by Kerry. I call that poetic justice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 How can Hillary Clinton be a draft dodger when she wasn’t eligible for the draft? Only a stupid dog could make a statement like that. You need to be euthanized, mutt. You’re wasting oxygen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 “I am suprised that 250 swifties even knew him”
They didn’t, stupid dog. Only a few of them knew him, and only 1 had firsthand personal knowledge of Kerry’s service, and that one quit the organization when he realized they were a manipulative partisan group of liars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
On the other hand, all but 1 of the crew members who served under Kerry actively campaigned for him and called the swifties liars.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
It is hilarious to see the desperation in the Repugs. They actually think they can try to tarnish Clinton with no serving in the Military, and Obama for his self acknowledgment of drug use as a young adult.
This is gonna be a very good year for the Democrats. The Repugs got nuthin’.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Which is exactly what the swifties are. And then you have the outright fabrications from various other sources on the Hysterical Right, such as the fake photographs. One of my favorites is the purported quote by Gen. Giap attributing the communist victory to Kerry’s anti-war activities. Anyone with a modicum of historical and military knowledge would instantly recognize the patent absurdity of this assertion. In fact, the quote is a fabrication and the book in which it allegedly appears doesn’t exist. It was purely a product of the rightwing fiction-writing machine. There are countless similar examples of rightwing propaganda, all of which show wingnut propagandists are not only shameless but also clumsy liars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And then you have the wingnut sheep like klake, rob, Stamm, etc. who, lacking the intelligence of a tree stump, swallow this stuff whole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@97 If you can’t figure out how to use the scroll key on your keyboard, have a kid show you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@100 Ah yes. Leave it to rob to sing the praises of the man who wanted to dismantle Boeing. Of course people knew what he was going to do, dummy! That’s what he did to every corporation he got conrol of. And that’s exactly why Pickens’ attempted raid on Boeing was headline news in Seattle. The newspapers here understood that a Pickens victory would result in the destruction of the company and a huge loss of jobs for Seattle. You should read up sometime on how corporate raiders operate. They don’t run these companies or make their money by paying interest on the leveraged funds they use to take them over. The only way a raider can turn a profit is by stripping the company of its assets.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102 That airplane would be flying if Boeing had let its union workers build it, instead of outsourcing its components all over the globe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I just checked the link @39 again and didn’t have any trouble pulling up PDF copies of Kerry’s military records. If rob can’t access those records it’s probably due to Operator Error.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Correction, @59.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another theory is that rob is a flat-ass liar.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@120 Indeed it is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
baaaaa … baaaaa … baaaaa … that’s the sound of a herd of wingnuts.
Broadway Joespews:
Roger @ 115:
That’s why I’ve said that between Kerry and Romney, I feel like I have a pair of sandals missing from my closet.
Marvin Stamnspews:
For you kerry supporters…
Was john kerry proven to be lying when he said he was on the river christmas eve under the orders of nixon?
Was john kerry proven to be lying when he said he threw his medals over the fence of the white house in protest?
I could go on and on but you 16%ers will ignore this.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 132: Would it be a lie to say that John Kerry and Al Gore were in Vietnam in harms way when GWB was safely ensconced (thanks to his rich daddy’s poitical influence)in the Texas Air National Guard?
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 132: Take a look at the big picture.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#133 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
re 132: Would it be a lie to say that John Kerry and Al Gore were in Vietnam in harms way when GWB was safely ensconced (thanks to his rich daddy’s poitical influence)in the Texas Air National Guard?
I don’t blame you for being afraid of answering the question headless. You know he lied, the swiftboaters proved it.
Since you want to answer a question with a question, I’ll answer your question…
Did teddy kennedy use his political power to get away with killing Mary Jo?
This is why those on the extreme-left deserve the reputation as hating the country. Michelle is over 40 years old, meaning she’s been an adult for 20+ years. And this is the first time she’s been proud of her country.
RR said: “Only amateurs with no military knowledge could have fucked things up this badly. ”
Sorry, I think that’s a bit simplistic. I don’t think its just that they are amateurs. The problem was compounded greatly be a bunch of cheast-beating amateurs who imagined themselves as fellow brothers of the “warriors class”, and THOUGHT they knew a lot about the military, yet totally disregarded warnings from the real professionals – especially the guys who had actually seen combat more than once. A real amateur, who knows his limitations, would have been a lot more carefull.
Personally, one of the things I find truly alarming about the past seven years is how many right-wing wackos took away entirely the wrong lessons from both Vietnam and Watergate.
For example, while most young officers in Vietnam (who were generals by the time of Gulf War I) were determined to keep the U.S. military out of similar engagements, recognizing them as “unwinnable”, Bush & Co. accepted the country-club explanation. They believed that Vietnam could have been “won” if we just had continued to commit troops and resources indefinately, if the politicians had sufficient “will to win”, and the press was sufficiently controlled so they only printed the good news, and none of the bad. So they tried that it Iraq, and what’s the result? After five years, they believe that we can still win, provided we stay there another hundred years or so….
And as for Watergate, Cheney, Rumsfield, and Rove decided that the problem with the Nixon administration was that (a) they got caught, (b) Nixon didn’t order the tapes to be destroyed, and (c) the Republicans didn’t have control of Congress. (Remember that in the early 1970’s Rove was a protoge’ of Daniel Segretti, the convicted White House Plumber). So the White House has stonewalled every attempt to investigate it, refusing to make aids and ex-aids available for Congressional testimony, announcing that the Justice Dept. would not enforce Congressional subpoenas, destroying e-mail records, and pardoning any scapegoats who might be tempted to testify against them in order to avoid jail time.
For the Republicans, it’s like the Dark Side of the Force – they lived through the early 1970’s and came out exactly on the wrong side on just about every issue.
I could go on and on but you 16%ers will ignore this.
I think we can only use the term liberal in the uS in its current sense. Since the dichotomy between the Federalists and the Republicans was so strong, I think the Federalists are recognizable as the ancestors of the modern R.
Fee education at the Satte level is rather old in America.
Right, they’re completely irrelevant to the current reality.
Which is:
70 percent of people in this country think the country is headed in the wrong direction.
70 percent of people disapprove of the job performance of the current pretender in the White House.
A higher percentage believe that candidates from the Democratic party can do a better job in all important areas: economic, national security, governance in general.
The majority opinion of people on this comment board is REPUBLICANS SUCK. That’s becoming an increasingly mainstream judgement that is well supported by the record.
You’re on the losing side Marvin. I hope you like it.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 136: Are you proud of us, Marvin? We are the 70%’ers. If you have no love and pride for Liberals, then it is YOU who is the America Hater.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
Marvin: The Purple Heart is awarded when the enemy draws blood from you in battle. The size of the wound is insignificant. The point of the medal is that you put yourself in harms way to protect your country, and you were harmed.
Getting creased by an enemy bullet while protecting his men from harm is a heroic act — one which GWB is not now nor was he ever capable of performing.
I spit on you and your cowardly ilk.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
…and Marvin, I mean that literally. If you stated these things in my presence, I would spit in face.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
Marvin: You are the same dastardly mendaciosos who dissed Max Cleland’s sacrifice for his country.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#146 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
If you stated these things in my presence, I would spit in face.
Another little twit talking tough behind the computer. First Lee talked the talk then chickened out. Then broadway joe and now you. What a bunch of cowards you are.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#146 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
If you stated these things in my presence, I would spit in face.
I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you.
Please don’t be like Lee and broadway joe and chicken out.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#147 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
Marvin: You are the same dastardly mendaciosos who dissed Max Cleland’s sacrifice for his country.
Was it the vietcong that took his legs? The germans? Maybe in the gulf war? The civil war? The Japanese?
Either way, this is from your side of the political spectrum, no doubt it sums up your feelings-
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
You can contact me right here, big mouth. We’ll meet in a neutral place, like a bank where there are security cameras, you can repeat your disgraceful comments, and I’ll spit in face. I’ll have someone there to videotape it and post it on You-Tube.
How’ zat, chump?
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
The dank and foetid meanness of your spirit will be there for all to see, except you’ll get some spit in your eye for the trouble.
Go ahead asshole. I dare ya.
Joe Kingspews:
Starvin’ Marvin Stamn vs. Little Lord “spit in your face” Faunleroy.
Details, boys, details: Place, date and time.
Puddybud. Let’s show up and have lunch afterwards.
If my guy LLF spits in MS’s face you buy. If not I’ll buy.
If MS is a no show you buy and vice versa.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#151` Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
You can contact me right here, big mouth. We’ll meet in a neutral place, like a bank where there are security cameras, you can repeat your disgraceful comments, and I’ll spit in face. I’ll have someone there to videotape it and post it on You-Tube.
Security cameras? It’s good to know you are so scared of me you need security cameras when we meet. No doubt the next thing out of your mouth will be if I touch you you’re going to sue me.
Joe Kingspews:
Throw down ROYALE
Joe Kingspews:
C’mon MS.
You just got called out in public. Right here, right now.
Where you gonna meet????
Joe Kingspews:
No, no, no MS.
He said to video tape it to post it on You Tube.
Which means it’ll show up on HA.
This ought to be gooooooood.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#153 Joe King says:
Starvin’ Marvin Stamn vs. Little Lord “spit in your face” Faunleroy.
Details, boys, details: Place, date and time.
Puddybud. Let’s show up and have lunch afterwards.
If my guy LLF spits in MS’s face you buy. If not I’ll buy.
If MS is a no show you buy and vice versa.
If MS is a no show. Headless lucy issued the challenge, I’ll name the place. One of the parking lots next to LAX. I’m in los angeles. If headless lucy the racist wants to put up a $1,000 I’ll come up to seattle to meet him. That way when he’s a no show, and he will be a no show, my trip will be at his expense.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#157 Joe King says:
No, no, no MS.
He said to video tape it to post it on You Tube.
Read what the coward wrote. He wants to meet in front of security cameras and he will have someone to videotape it.
Joe Kingspews:
Bull shit.
MS is a pure pussy. Nobody is blogging on as local Seattle political blog.
Fag. Just like Rush Limpdick. What’s the problem. Anal fissure?
Or just plain old Conservative Coward scared??
Joe Kingspews:
My bad at 160
Should read: “Nobody in LA is blogging on a local Seattle political blog.”
You homo.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#160 Joe King says:
Only a homophobe would use fag as an insult. You outed yourself again headless. HAHAHAHAHA
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 158: That is so weak, Marvin. Well, you share one trait in common with your hero, GWB, when the shit hits the fan — you are long gone.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#161 Joe King says:
My bad at 160
Should read: “Nobody in LA is blogging on a local Seattle political blog.”
Guess that shows how stupid you are. Ask Lee where my IP originates from. Either ylb or your left foot is also down here.
Give me your paypal account, I’ll paypal you a couple bucks so you can buy a clue.
Joe Kingspews:
The following are new screen names for Marvin, feel free to add your own.
Marvin “anal fissure” Stamn.
Marvin “5 deferments” Stamn.
Marvin “Bum Knee” Stamn.
Marvin “semen stained” Stamn.
Marvin “pissed my pants” Stamn.
Marvin “momm’s Boooyyyyeeee” Stamn.
Classic fag. What a homo. What a dick suck.
Hey, momma’s boy, time for you to go home and hide behind your momma’s apron.
Typical. What an excuse making coward.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#163 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
re 158: That is so weak, Marvin. Well, you share one trait in common with your hero, GWB, when the shit hits the fan — you are long gone.
Come on down to los angeles. What are you afraid of?
You’re the little racist, you afraid because of all the blacks in los angeles?
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
re 158: Everyone feels fear, Marvin, but most of us overcome it and go on to do what’s needed.
Some of them get minor bullet wounds from enemy fire. Others desert the Air National Guard in their country’s time of need.
Spitting in your face is the least I can do for this country’s Vietnam War heroes.
Joe Kingspews:
@ 164:
What’s that? Hmmmmmmmm . . . hard to hear you over your knees knocking together.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#165 Joe King says:
Typical. What an excuse making coward.
So if I challenge you to a fight and you don’t show up that would make you a coward?
I challenge you to show up. Remember, only a coward wouldn’t show up.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
You were just bellowing a few comments back about how no one would take up ypur challenge.
Well, I am just immature and macho enough to do it.
Joe Kingspews:
No Marvin, I’m not afraid of “blacks.”
I’m not afraid of Mexicans.
I’m not afraid of Mexicants.
Chinese, Vietnamese, Norwegians, Canadians, Panamanians, Libyians, and I’m certainly not afraid of pussy conservatives like you.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
You are acting like a Puss, Marvin. Wipe that Puss off your face, Marvin.
How about if we meet in the 9th ward in New Orleans?
Joe Kingspews:
Anal Fissure BOY.
You got called out to the mat and you are a now show.
Your bluff was called. You’ll contact us, not us having to go to LA. FAG.
Your words, like every other fucking Republican and especially Sen. Larry Craig, are worthless pieces of SHIT.
Joe Kingspews:
What are you fucking Stupid??
I’m GBS.
It’s not the first time I’ve spoofed my name in order to give Puddybud some shit.
Dumb ass.
Any how. You said you’d contact LLF.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
I’m not a racist Marvin, I just hate hypocritical cowards like you.
But, I will say this you fucking coward. Don’t play the race card with me. I’m judging you not by the color of your skin but by the content of your character.
Which is to say you’re a fucking COWARD who happens to be an embarrassment to black men everywhere. And, I do mean everywhere.
Jizz face.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
So, Anal Fissure BOY, when are we going to see your cowardly ass, that just happens to be black, in Seattle??
Marvin Stamnspews:
#179 Joe King says:
“I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you.”
Your bluff was called. You’ll contact us, not us having to go to LA. FAG.
Still haven’t gotten an email from either of you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#182 Joe King is really GBS says:
So, Anal Fissure BOY, when are we going to see your cowardly ass, that just happens to be black, in Seattle??
If you weren’t afraid of me I’d see you in los angeles.
Still waiting for the email from either one of you.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
Don’t need to ass hole. We said you’d be called out right here, right now.
You can contact us on this blog. You can let us know what date, time and place you’ll be in Seattle.
Remember they are your words and I’ll make you own your words.
So, Anal Fissure BOY, when and where in Seattle?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#181 Joe King is really GBS says:
I’m not a racist Marvin,
Sorry, all you sockpuppets look the same. I thought joe king was yet another sockpuppet of headless, he’s the racist.
I just hate hypocritical cowards like you.
Wow, why the self-hatred?
Joe King is really GBSspews:
@ 184.
Your BIG mouth, Anal Fissure BOY said you’d contact us. Not that we’d have to travel to LA.
No need to make it a fucking secret. Just post here after you figure out what date, time and place you’re going to be here.
I’m sure there’s more than one HA poster who’s gonna want to know. An, I’m equally sure you’re not afraid.
Or are you?
We’ll see.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
@ 186.
Stop with the Red Herring bull shit.
DATE, TIME, PLACE in Seattle?
Lefty’s want to know. Really.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
Anal Fissure BOY
I’m checking right now for flights tonight and tomorrow.
One way of course. your return trip is in grave doubt.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
8:00 am Depart Los Angeles (LAX)
Arrive Seattle (SEA) 10:38 am Tue 19-Feb
Duration: 2hr 38mn Alaska Airlines 517
Nonstop flight
This work for you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#185 Joe King is really GBS says:
Don’t need to ass hole. We said you’d be called out right here, right now.
You can contact us on this blog. You can let us know what date, time and place you’ll be in Seattle.
Why are you afraid to come to los angeles to meet me? You guys issued me the challenge, if you weren’t scared you would follow up on it.
Like they said on the price is right, come on down.
To give Lee props… when he challenged to slap food out of my hand, he didn’t act like a couple of little whiney biatchs and hide behind fake names. And then to top it off hide again behind sockpuppets. HAHAHAHAHA
Joe King is really GBSspews:
9:15 pm Depart Los Angeles (LAX)
Arrive Seattle (SEA) 11:58 pm Tue 19-Feb
Duration: 2hr 43mn Northwest 4022
Nonstop flight
Are these your words, Marvin “trying to save face” Samn?
Is it???
Well, I’m saving you the trouble.
There’s the fucking flight number. You can contact us at the Marriot across the street from the airport.
I’ll be the pissed off Honky leaning on my German made, white Porsche. You won’t miss me.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#187 Joe King is really GBS says:
Your BIG mouth, Anal Fissure BOY said you’d contact us. Not that we’d have to travel to LA.
I said- #149 I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you. Please don’t add lying to being a chicken. Cluck cluck.
If headless/you are so scared not to give out your contact information I’m not going to come up to meet a coward that will never show up.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
I’ve given you a flight number. I’ve told you where you can contact me, how to identify me.
Now that you can contact me, you can post all your information right here, right now as to when you’re going to be here.
But, you don’t. Why?
You’re a lying, piece of shit, scarred shitless Republican. Who happens to be black.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
It’s been almost 2 hours since you issued your infamous “I’m calling your bluff. Email me marvinstamn@yahoo.comhow to contact you.” bull shit lie.
If you were really man enough, you would’ve made good on your public challenge by now. You didn’t. It says all we need to know about the content of your charachter.
Which isn’t suitable for military service, law enforcement, fire fighter or any other line of work that requires courage. You, like your Republican counterparts are cunts.
Joe King is really GBSspews:
I see my work here is done.
Later you bed wetting, piece of shit, lying, coward.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#194 Joe King is really GBS says:
I’ve given you a flight number. I’ve told you where you can contact me, how to identify me.
All you said was you will be standing next to a porche. Explain to me how I can verify that before I spend my time coming up there?
Who happens to be black.
That explains why all the hate. Sorry, I’m not black. If you think I said I was, provide the link.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#195 Joe King is really GBS says:
It’s been almost 2 hours since you issued your infamous “I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you.” bull shit lie.
And headless lucy still hasn’t emailed me any contact info. Go figure.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#195 Joe King is really GBS says:
If you were really man enough, you would’ve made good on your public challenge by now.
It wasn’t my challenge, I called headless lucy’s bluff. Still waiting for the racist to send me contact info so I won’t make a trip for nothing.
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Roger Rabbit says: “@68 (continued) I’ve already, posted the link, and I’m not going to respond any further to this lie. I have better things to do than argue with a blockhead who keeps repeating the same bullshit like a broken record.”
Hmmm…? Kind of like you (a blockhead) and your rants (BULLSHITTIUM Alerts) on voting machines, Cuyohoga County, Florida, etc.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
Yawn….. I usually let someone who is chickenshit have an out to save their pride, but not you. You crossed the line questioning the authenticity of truly brave and patriotic men spanning the political spectrum.
Everyone can see thru your BS.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Still waiting for headless or her protector to email me contact information so I won’t waste my time coming up there.
Little Lord Fauntleroyspews:
Marvin: There is nothing impeding you from contacting me right here. Leaving an email address is hardly revealing personal contact information about you to me.
Admit it. You are chicken.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Still waiting for headless lucy to email.
Guess you know better than to try and spit on me. At least you’re smart enough to know that.
Comcast has their how reporters now and is competing against ESPN, SI, FoxSports and all the local channels? No wonder their rates continue to rise at many times inflation.
HOUSTON, Texas (AP) — The youth minister who confessed to a 1994 killing is being widely forgiven by members of his former congregation, who say they admire his courage in finally surrendering to police.
Calvin Wayne Inman, 29, confessed to a slaying he committed nearly 14 years ago, police say.
Calvin Wayne Inman, 29, remains jailed without bail since he was charged Wednesday with capital murder in the stabbing death of a convenience store clerk during a robbery. He was 16 at the time.
During Sunday’s service at the 800-member Elim Church, congregants praised the recently ordained Inman as a born-again role model taking responsibility for his sin.
“He’s a hero, really,” said Kelley Graham, 24. “I don’t know how many people would do what he did. The Bible says you just need to confess to God. Calvin took an extra step.”
Inman went to authorities on February 5 and admitted that he stabbed Iqbal Ahmed, 64, nearly 14 years ago in suburban Pasadena.
According to police, Inman said he and a 13-year-old friend planned to rob the convenience store. When Ahmed asked to see identification before giving them tobacco, Inman stabbed Ahmed in the chest with a kitchen knife, police said.
Inman resigned from the youth job in December.
“The debt he’s paying to our society is teaching our young people to do the right thing,” said Cheryl Ellis, a member of the church’s youth staff. “To lock him away someplace and say he owes it to society is robbing the next generation of a mentor.”
Robin Thac said her 17-year-old son was active in the youth group that Inman led.
“I am thrilled my son has a role model to accept responsibility the way Calvin has,” Thac said. “There are way too many men who don’t accept responsibility.”
Police have said Inman’s friend, now 28, has acknowledged being involved in the robbery but not the stabbing. Because of 1994 juvenile laws preventing prosecution of people 13 or younger, police said they could not charge the friend. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend
MR. RUSSERT: Senator Schumer, Senator Clinton said in October, “You know it’s clear this election they’re having in Michigan is not going to count for anything.” Is that your position?
SEN. SCHUMER: Well, no. Here’s the bottom line once again, Tim. Each candidate, of course, takes the position that benefits them at the moment.
Gotta love it.
Funny, the 16%ers aren’t making a big deal about this hypocrisy. Oh yeah, I guess standing on principle is a republican thing.
Maybe if moveon and codepink started shooting steroids they could get a hearing about impeaching bush.
“I’m sorry we had the hearing. I regret that we had the hearing. And the only reason we had the hearing was because Roger Clemens and his lawyers insisted on it.” Henry Waxman – Democrat
CHICAGO — Senator Barack Obama adapted one of his signature arguments — that his oratory amounts to more than inspiring words — from speeches given by Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts during his 2006 campaign.
Hey, Barack Obama, we have rules in this country. Rules like, You cannot go around quoting the “I Have A Dream” speech, or the Declaration of Independence, or that weird/wrong thing FDR used to say (“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”) to try to soothe the desperately poor and angry people…
shocking YouTubes proving that another black person has also trotted out…
just using a lot of uppity words…
Cons eventually catch up with you. Obama’s played his supporters for suckers. They bought into the hope hype, sucking up this stuff with a straw, only to find out Obama’s not an original, he’s a knock off, of a governor, no less…
Barack Obama isn’t an original. He’s the first 21st century L. Ron Hubbard of politics, Elmer Gantry, name your huckster.
The Clinton campaign has a new line of attack on Barack Obama: he’s a plagiarist. And it’s hard to argue with the video:
It seems clear that the Clinton campaign conceived and orchestrated this attack on Obama from word one, including the anonymous YouTube drops. While it’s true that Obama will take a hit here, simply because his rhetoric is revealed as calculated rather than spontaneous…
You tube video of a man saying he did crack and sex with obama.
This website is paying $10,000 for a polygraph and $100,000 if he passes.
I have no idea if obama did or didn’t have sex with him. But if he did, he must have been doing some great drugs to do this guy. Speaking of drugs, where’s Lee been lately?
@3 The NY Times’ Kristof (not to be confused with Kristol) does a nice piece this weekend about McCain standing on his principles. You see Marvin, a real man of principle can not be elected by the Republican voters. For a special treat read the comments following the piece.
Bush tortures
McCain supports Bush’s use of torture
Piper Scott supports Bush and McCain
Therefore Piper Scott supports torture
George Bush #1 thinks McCain is the man to lead this country. How valuable is his opinion? He thinks GW Bush is doing a good job.
re 4 & 5: Your cogent analysis of the facts and referencing of ‘factual’ information is sorely lacking.
For instance, it’s a fact that George W. Bush bought and used cocaine, but it’s not a fact that Obama ever did.
It’s just some idiot’s story.
Kudos to Piper for getting up in headless lucy’s psyche.
@10 Pioper is simply a local example of Republican principles and values. Like you Marvin, his brain has atrophied under the incessant exposure to rightwing wacko media. After years of being told what to think by your conservative masters you have lost the capacity for reason, self-awareness and empathy.
@1 NO, Comcast’s rates are rising to pay for the junk mail they send to people who aren’t subscribing yet. I get 150+ mailers a year from them — it averages 3 a week.
@3 “Oh yeah, I guess standing on principle is a republican thing.”
That’s funny. Really, I meant it. This is funny in a slapstick way.
@5 Hail Mary time for the wingnuts. They sure are disappointed they won’t get to run against Hillary.
A major difference between you and Piper is that Piper has a sense of humor. You don’t. All you do is cynicism. I understand that you also claim to be a musician. I find it hard to believe that you have any sort of artistic bent.
@6 I thought McCain crashed only 2 Navy jets, but Mrs. Rabbit says he wrecked 5 — anyone have further information about this?
@5 I just posted a video on youtube claiming that my dog, Matt Drudge, has done cocaine and sex with you. It’s titled Drudge does Marvin in Seattle. Check it out!
RE: 9, I believe you have your facts confused. There are no facts that George Bush used Cocaine. While I agree with you that Obama’s use of Cocaine is “just some idiots story” it happens to be Obama’s story written by him.
“Through his book, Obama has become the first potential presidential contender to admit trying cocaine.”
#16 proud leftist says:
You probably find a lot of things hard to believe. Why do you think that is?
#18 Piper supports torture says:
Why am I not surprised that headless lucy would have bestiality videos.
Why am I not surprised that headless lucy would let his dog do cocaine.
#16 proud leftist says:
I’m on a liberal blog with a bunch of angry white men. What did you expect?
Now we have to add plagiarism to Osamaobamaroma’s list of transgressions which include, coke freak, Pot Head, alcohol abuse and close business dealing with an indicted slum lord (as the Hildabeast describes him)
Clinton camp claims use of friend’s election rhetoric is plagiarism
I guess word do matter, when they are someone elses.
@6 I thought McCain crashed only 2 Navy jets, but Mrs. Rabbit says he wrecked 5 — anyone have further information about this?
02/18/2008 at 5:55 pm
Well he did serve unlike our two candidates so anything can be possible.
McCain is a joke. He crashed two or more jets and was captured and tortured by the enemy and has no purple hearts to show for it. Hell, our candidates get a purple heart for shooting themslves in the ass. What a loser.
Great news for you extreme-left-wing kool-aid drinkers.
#17 Roger Rabbit says:
Remember a few years ago when people like you were comparing the military records of bush and kerry?
How do the military records of hillary & obama compare to mccain?
Should the person with the real military experience be elected this time?
Democrats are the party of draft dodgers.
27 – Like all the able-bodied boys and girls at a CPAC convention.
Top psychiatrist concludes liberals clinically nuts
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.” “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”
CNN: 3 Polls Show Texas Is A Tossup
Polls have been notoriously unreliable in this primary season, but if it turns out this way, that signals big trouble for Hillary. She needs a decisive win in Texas.
I’ve gotta admit I have a gut feeling the nomination is slipping away from Hillary. Her campaign has been dogged by controversy and weakened by staff shakeups and tepid fundraising. She doesn’t attract the enthusiasm that Obama does. It will take more than a tie or loss in Texas to put her away, but I really think there’s now little chance that she’ll be the nominee.
@23 Yes, I agree that McCain is one of those extremely rare GOP candidates who actually served in the military. There are quite a few Democrats in Congress who are veterans, including a Medal of Honor recipient, but it’s damned hard to find a Republican anywhere in Congress or the Bush administration who didn’t shirk military service.
@23 However, I feel McCain’s military credentials are overblown. He got into the Naval Academy only because his father and grandfather were admirals, and it was a wasted space; as a naval cadet, he was a goof-off who didn’t apply himself, was insubordinate, racked up a large number of demerits, and finished 894th in a a class of 899. As noted above, his main accomplishment as a Navy pilot was to destroy several aircraft. On the mission over Hanoi that resulted in his capture, he was the only pilot of 20 in the formation who got shot down, and he somehow managed to break 3 limbs in the process of ejecting. Among his cell mates, he was the only one who cracked under torture and signed a “confession.”
This is what the GOP passes off as a “war hero” because they don’t have anyone else who even served.
RE: 32,Sorry Rabbit, you are a low life pure and simpal.
On October 26, 1967, McCain was flying as part of a 20-plane attack against a thermal power plant in central Hanoi, a heavily defended target area that had almost always been off-limits to U.S. raids.[46][47][44] McCain’s A-4 Skyhawk had its wing blown off by a Soviet-made SA-2 anti-aircraft missile[47] while pulling up after dropping its bombs.[48][49] McCain fractured both arms and a leg in being hit and ejecting from his plane[50] as it went into a vertical inverted spin.[51] He nearly drowned after he parachuted into Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.[46] After he regained consciousness, a mob gathered around, spat on him, kicked him, and stripped him of his clothes.[51] Others crushed his shoulder with the butt of a rifle and bayoneted him in his left foot and abdominal area; he was then transported to Hanoi’s main Hoa Loa Prison, nicknamed the “Hanoi Hilton” by American POWs.[51][52]
Although McCain was badly wounded, his captors refused to give him medical care unless he gave them military information; they beat and interrogated him, but McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth,[51] Soon thinking he was near death, McCain said he would give them more information if taken to the hospital, hoping he could then put them off once he was treated.[53] A prison doctor came and said it was too late, as McCain was about to die anyway.[51] Only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a top admiral did they give him medical care[51] and announce his capture. At this point, two days after McCain’s plane went down, that event and his status as a POW made the front pages of The New York Times[39] and The Washington Post.[54] Interrogation and beatings resumed in the hospital; McCain gave his ship’s name, squadron’s name, and the attack’s intended target.[55] Further coerced to give the names of his squadron members, he supplied the names of the Green Bay Packers’ offensive line.[56][55]
@24 Actually, McCain does have a purple heart, and Kerry didn’t shoot himself in the ass — he was wounded in the arm and leg by enemy fire in separate incidents, and got his third Purple Heart for an arm injury that resulted from being thrown against a bulkhead by a mine explosion.
Naturally, I routinely expect a lying wingnut posing as a liberal to get the facts wrong about both men, and once again you didn’t disappoint.
Did John say he was a war hero? Where??? When??? The only blow hard who over played his military record has been Kerry. Clinton and Obama are draft dodgers, get use to it.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yesssssssssssssssssssss The last paparazzi to take a shot of Roger Rabbit fainting at an Obama campaign rally!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW the Far Left has found their candidate to lead them to the White House. Maybe Goldy can help him win the election. Maybe Ron Sims will come to their aid and stuff the ballot boxes. Yes King County is stealing the title from Chicago. Let us not forget the Queen Governor for her great support for the Socialist Democrats and the next President Obama. Maybe the judges will coronate him as our next president. What great leader of the past has the same charisma as your new leader Obama maybe Hitler? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Low Blow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Kerry didn’t shoot himself in the ass — he was wounded in the arm and leg by enemy fire in separate incidents
Bullshit. Prove it. Where is his military medical records?
Jane Balough’s Dog says:
Kerry didn’t shoot himself in the ass — he was wounded in the arm and leg by enemy fire in separate incidents
Bullshit. Prove it. Where is his military medical records?
lost in red tape.
@26 Which war do you think Obama should have fought in? He was born in 1961, so he was 4 years old when the U.S. sent troops to Vietnam, and 29 years old at the time of the Gulf War. Prime military age is 18 – 21, and there was no war going on in 1979 – 1982, so I don’t hold it against him very much for not choosing to serve in a peacetime military.
Hillary Clinton was born in 1947, so she was in the right age group to serve in Vietnam, but in those days we not only didn’t draft women but didn’t let them enlist except as nurses, and she’s not a nurse. I don’t blame her for being part of a generation of women who were denied the opportunity to serve.
In reply to your question, “Should the person with the real military experience be elected this time?” my answer is “no.” The question really should be, “Should McCain be elected because of his military service?” because there’s very little else to recommend him. Again, my answer is that while that might be a colorable reason to elect him to the Senate, it’s not a good enough reason to elect him president, because the presidency is a job, not an award or honorary position, and we need the best person for the job, and McCain is not that person.
I along with a majority of Americans will believe our fighting men and women (swift boat verterans) before I would ever believe a donk and one of his cronies.
@40 should say @27 not @26
Marvin Stamn says:
#18 Piper supports torture says:
I just posted a video on youtube claiming that my dog, Matt Drudge, has done cocaine and sex with you.
Why am I not surprised that headless lucy would have bestiality videos.
Why am I not surprised that headless lucy would let his dog do cocaine.
Lighten up Marvin he/she is going through a sex change and do not know what he/she is. Now show some compassion for the poor sheep who is lost and cannot definite him/herself. She/he is trying to decide to go to the bay area or Bangkok, Thailand for the sex change operation.
but in those days we not only didn’t draft women but didn’t let them enlist except as nurses, and she’s not a nurse. I don’t blame her for being part of a generation of women who were denied the opportunity to serve.
I do. She should have enlisted. If she wants to run with the big boys she should be held to same standards. Of course donks are all about double standards. She is a draft dodger.
Jane Balough’s Dog says:
but in those days we not only didn’t draft women but didn’t let them enlist except as nurses, and she’s not a nurse. I don’t blame her for being part of a generation of women who were denied the opportunity to serve.
I do. She should have enlisted. If she wants to run with the big boys she should be held to same standards. Of course donks are all about double standards. She is a draft dodger
Yesssssssss true, but pot was her game and lets not forget sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
One of the best reason to vote for McCain is for school choice. School choice is our only hope to fix our broken public screwls.
@28 Not hardly. But what does a stupid dog know? The dog obviously doesn’t know this:
Who served in the military?
–Bob Kerrey – Medal of Honor
–Daniel Inouye – Medal of Honor
–Leonard Boswell – 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 2 Bronze Stars, Soldier’s Medal
–George McGovern – Distinguished Flying Cross & Silver Star
–“Pete” Peterson, POW, Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart
–Max Cleland – Silver Star, Bronze Star & Purple Heart
–John Kerry – 3 Purple Hearts, Bronze Star, Silver Star
–Howell Heflin – Silver Star
–Charles Rangel – Bronze Star
–Mike Thompson – Purple Heart
–Richard Gephardt – 1965-71
–David Bonior – 1968-72
–Tom Daschle – 1969-72
–Al Gore – 1969-71
–Ted Kennedy – 1951-1953
–Tom Harkin – 1962-67
–Gray Davis – served in Vietnam
–Chuck Robb – served in Vietnam
–Pete Stark – served in the Air Force
–George Bush – served only 4 years of 6-year Nat’l Guard enlistment; went AWOL; grounded pilot
–Dick Cheney – recipient of 5 deferments; never served
–John Ashcroft – deferment; never served
–Karl Rove – weaseled out of the draft; never served
–Dennis Hastert – avoided the draft; never served
–Dick Armey – avoided the draft; never served
–Tom Delay – avoided the draft; never served
–Trent Lott – avoided the draft; never served
–Newt Gingrich – avoided the draft; never served
–Phil Gramm – recipient of 4 deferments; never served
–Don Nickles – never served
–Richard Shelby – never served
–Elliott Abrams – never served
–Vin Weber – never served
–Richard Perle – never served
–Rudy Guiliani – never served
–George Will – never served
–Chris Matthews – never served
–Bill O’Reilly – never served
–Paul Gigot – never served
–Bill Bennett – never served
–Pat Buchanan – never served
–Rush Limbaugh – medical deferment for pimple on ass; never served
–Pat Robertson – jumped ship to avoid serving in Korea
–Bill Kristol – never served
–Ann Coulter – never served
RE: 40, Oh I don’t know how about Grenada in 1981, “My left foot” a commenter on this blog seems pretty proud of his service during that time.
Obama was to busy doing cocaine then according to his book. Hillary Clinton like Dick Cheney had other priorities.
@30 I’m glad you brought up this subject, rob, because it gives me the opportunity to compare liberals and conservatives, which I do gladly:
Liberals gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, a free press, freedom of religion, the rule of law, and due process of law.
Conservatives think it’s okay to arrest and imprison people without charge or trial, and deny them access to a lawyer so guards can beat, rape, sodomize, torture, and murder them with impunity; conservatives think critics and dissenters should be jailed, and see nothing wrong with the government spying on your medical, financial, employment, school, and library records; but conservatives think their constitutional rights are violated if bank robbers, psychos, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and skinheads are denied access to military assault weapons; conservatives want to force-feed their religion to your children in our public schools; conservatives scream that abortion is “murder” but want to invade every country, bomb every village, and have no problem with killing women and children if they’re foreigners. And while doing all this they preach to the rest of us about “morals.”
Liberals gave us the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, minimum wage, child labor laws, workplace safety laws, injured workers benefits, unemployment insurance, collective bargaining rights, the G.I. Bill and veterans benefits, and Social Security and Medicare.Right wingers oppose minimum wage laws, overtime pay, unemployment benefits, safety regulation, and benefits for injured workers.
Conservatives oppose unions, minimum wage laws, and anything else that helps workers; want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare; and cut veterans benefits. Conservatives complain about paying taxes for “welfare” but have no problem with giving oil companies billions in tax breaks and subsidies.
Liberals gave us free public education, the cornerstone of our democracy and economic prosperity.
Conservatives want to give our tax money to private schools with no accountability for how the funds are spent, what the children are taught, or whether they learn.
Liberals gave us consumer protection laws, public health programs, and environmental laws that clean up the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Conservatives berate these laws as “communism,” suppress scientific reports, and sneer at “tree huggers” and global warming.
I’ll be frank with you, rob: I’ve had enough of idiots like you, and if I could, I would ship you and your ilk to a desert island in the middle of a vast ocean in an effort to limit your ability to harm others to each other.
@34 “Rabbit, you are a low life pure and simpal.”
Coming from you, that’s a compliment, to which I’ll add tht your spelling stinks.
RE; 47,
Borak Hussein Obama, never served
Hillary Rodham Clinton, never served
John McCain, 1958 to 1981 he received a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, the Legion of Merit, the Purple Heart, and a Distinguished Flying Cross.
RE: 50, what again does “tht” mean, you know since you are a master speller and all.
@52 Whoop-de-doo, you came up with ONE Republican who actually served in the military. Let’s review his achievements and honors:
Graduated 894th of 899 in his Annapolis class
Wrecked at least 2 Navy jets
Only man of his 20-plane attack formation to get shot down
Only man in his POW group to sign “confession”
Left Navy because he wasn’t promotable
So Rob, et al, I assume you then supported Kerry over Bush due the the differential military service?
@53 See #51; a typo is not the same thing as a misspelling, dummy.
@36 Oh, get serious, stupid dog! McCain built his entire political career around the fact he went and got himself captured.
@37 “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yesssssssssssssssssssss The last paparazzi to take a shot of Roger Rabbit fainting at an Obama campaign rally!!!!!!!!!!!!”
You should try your hand at pulp fiction writing, klake. You might have a future in it. Meanwhile, everyone on this blog except you knows that I voted for Hillary.
38, 39 –
@41 Of course you would. You’re only a stupid dog.
RE: 55, no but I might have if he would have released his medical records. By the way where are those medical records? He did say on Meet the press that he would release them. I guess that was another flip flop.
Oh and by the way, Bush did serve. The Hildabeast and Osamaobamorama didn’t.
I guess they were to busy.
Democrat Presidents used to have a tradition of serving in the military, Jimmy Carter, John Kennedy, Harry Truman. Bill Clinton was the first draft dodger actually elected by democrats. Roosevelt didn’t serve but he was given a pass by the democrats because he locked up all the Japanese American Citizens in concentration camps during WW II.
Serving in the military is a prerequisite (look it up in the dictionary, if you have one, if you don’t know what that means) for the presidency? I hardly think so. I am a pacifist, though I am ready to take up arms in certain situations. I am not, however, likely to get into a discussion of just and unjust wars with the likes of you. I don’t believe that only those who serve in the military should lead the nation. Not by any stretch of the imagination. So, comparing the military service of candidates means nothing. When your wits were robbed from you, robbed, did you feel the loss?
RE: 62, somehow the likes of a “pacifist” willing to take up arms “under certain situations” doesn’t really make me tremble.
If you are worried about military service vs. public service read roger rabbits post at 47.
Serving this country means more to some than others.
Peace Brother! lol
Rabbit, you had to dig back 50 fucking years to find a paragraph full of guys who shot themselves and then went into politics. Then you compare them to a bunch hand picked
fine republicans and media elite. Remember those who CANT
BLOG. Nice work loser.
RE: 62, Proud leftist, while a pacifist taking up arms doesn’t make me tremble, it does make you a target and that makes me smile.
Have a nice day.
RE: 64, that’s how liberals sleep at night, they only report the facts that suit them.
You notice that among many he left out Georgh Herbert Walker Bush, a WWII hero. He also left out Willian Jefferson Clinton, a draft dodger who was never able to recieve over 50% of the vote and who now is reviled by both democrats and republicans.
George, for the speelling mistress roger rabbit. Oh and William* he was a draft dodger though so who cares how you spell the twits name.
John Kerry never did release his medical records. HMMM
Who was that Texas oil man who offered a million dollars
to anyone who could prove the swiftboat guys were lying?
What a hero Kerry is.
“A conversation between Bush and an old friend and author, Doug Wead, touched on the subject of use of illegal drugs. In the taped recordings of the conversation, Bush explained his refusal to answer questions about whether he had used marijuana at some time in his past. “I wouldn’t answer the marijuana questions,” Bush says. “You know why? Because I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried.” When Wead reminded Bush that the latter had publicly denied using cocaine, Bush replied, “I haven’t denied anything.”
RE: 68, That was T. Boone Pickens. Kerry threatened to show up and prove them wrong and collect the $1 Million for charity. Kerry was a no show. T. Boone still has his $1 Million and Kerry is still a dork.
The Pretzel Incident:
“An editorial letter by Graydon Carter in Vanity Fair for January, 2008, quotes a new book about Bush:
“a new book by former British foreign secretary Lord Owen may supply a clue. In The Hubris Syndrome: Bush, Blair, and the Intoxication of Power (ISBN 1842752197), Owen recalls the time in 2002 when the commander in chief collapsed while sitting on a sofa watching a football game. (Official cause: he’d choked on a pretzel.) The presidential head hit a table on the way to the floor, he suffered an abrasion on the left side of his face, and a blood sample was rushed to Johns Hopkins, in Baltimore. Owen says he was told by a British doctor who had visited Johns Hopkins that lab technicians there found that the blood contained significant amounts of alcohol.”
… and George W. Bush is a drunk and a cocaine abuser — self-admitted.
Roger Rabbit WADR
Liberals gave us the Constitution, Bill of Rights, free speech, a free press, freedom of religion, the rule of law, and due process of law.
close, the Federalists, more or less a Whig party, gave us the Constitution.
Of course they also tried to give us the Alien and Sedition Acts.
Another one
Liberals gave us free public education, the cornerstone of our democracy and economic prosperity. Were the Puritans who created Boston Latin (my alma mater) liberals?
Otherwise .. you got 98/100 right (grin)
Rob , the best thing about John Kerry is that he has to live
with himself. Could you imagine the strife and confusion
that these democrats live with, I mean look at Ted Kennedy for example, or Bill and Hillary. How could they ever have written the book of memoirs when all you can think of
is “I don’t recall”. WOW
Re: 69, You have your mythical tape which mysteriously never surface during to campaigns for president. Play it for me please?
Here is a current video of Borak Hussien Obama’s gay sex and drug partner.
“Swift Vets and POWs for Truth, formerly known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT), is a political group (527 group) … formed during the 2004 presidential election campaign for the purpose of opposing John Kerry’s candidacy for the presidency. …
“Of the 3,500 Swift boat sailors who served in Vietnam, the names of some 250 appeared on the group’s statement against Kerry; most did not serve at the same time or in the same place as Kerry. … Several of those who joined SBVT during the 2004 campaign were officers who had previously praised Kerry’s conduct during the Vietnam War. …
“Not all SBVT members said that they were signing the letter for the same reason. For example, … ‘[Kerry] earned his medals, he did what he was supposed to do in Vietnam,’ said … Adrian Lonsdale, who was in the chain of command above Kerry and oversaw various operations dealing with Navy swift boats ….’ But I was very disappointed in his statements after he got out of the Navy.’
“Of those who served in Kerry’s boat crew, only Stephen Gardner joined SBVT. He was not present on any of the occasions when Kerry won his medals …. All other living members of Kerry’s crew supported his presidential bid, and some frequently campaigned with him as his self-described ‘band of brothers’. Kerry crewmembers have disputed … SBVT’s various allegations: ‘totally false’ (Drew Whitlow), ‘garbage’ (Gene Thorson), and ‘a pack of lies’ (Del Sandusky).
“No members of SBVT were aboard Kerry’s boat during any of the incidents for which he was decorated. The only member of SBVT who was present at the Silver Star incident, … Larry Clayton Lee, praised Kerry’s tactics and stated that he earned his Silver Star ….
“SBVT founder and spokesman John O’Neill and Jerome Corsi are listed as coauthors of the book Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, published by Regnery Publishing. [Regnery is a publisher of rightwing political books — RR] … Several members of Kerry’s crew stated that O’Neill failed to interview them; some veterans who were interviewed asserted that their statements were edited to strip out material favorable to Kerry. Neither O’Neill nor Corsi had any firsthand knowledge of Kerry’s service. …
“After controversial statements made by Corsi became public, O’Neill said that Corsi was not a coauthor of the book, but only helped in its editing. However, Corsi said he was ‘… co-author of UNFIT FOR COMMAND,’ and portions of the book contain material also found in articles posted under Corsi’s name at … a website critical of John Kerry.
“A major part of the SBVT controversy centered on the group’s testimony. Among the first to question the first ad was Republican Senator John McCain, a Bush supporter, Vietnam veteran, and former POW. He said, ‘I condemn the [SBVT] ad. It is dishonest and dishonorable. I think it is very, very wrong’. …
“The SBVT statements were accompanied by sworn affidavits, although one affiant, Al French, later admitted he had no firsthand knowledge of what he had sworn to.
“The first SBVT ad was contradicted by the statements of several other veterans who observed the incidents, by the Navy’s official records, and, in some instances, by the contemporaneous statements of SBVT members themselves.
“Several major newspapers were also skeptical of the SBVT allegations. For example, a New York Times news article stated, ‘on close examination, the accounts of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth prove to be riddled with inconsistencies.’ ABC News’s The Note opined, ‘the Swift Boat ad and their primary charges about Kerry’s medals are personal, negative, extremely suspect, or false.’ Regarding the medal dispute, a Los Angeles Times editorial stated, ‘ … These charges against John Kerry are false.’ … On August 22, 2004 The Washington Post reported: ‘An investigation by The Washington Post … suggests that … although Kerry’s accusers have succeeded in raising doubts about his war record, they have failed to … prove him a liar.’ The ABC television show Nightline traveled to Vietnam and interviewed Vietnamese who were involved in the battle for which Kerry was awarded the Silver Star. These witnesses disputed O’Neill’s charge that there ‘was little or no fire’ that day; they said that the fighting was fierce … their account of enemy fire is substantially the same as that previously given by another former VC to an AP reporter and by the American witnesses, including the only SBVT member who was actually present that day, Larry Clayton Lee.
“Jerome Corsi has said that a picture of Kerry’s 1993 visit to Vietnam hangs in the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City as a gesture of ‘honor’ by the Communists ‘for his contribution to their victory over [the] United States’, and John O’Neill has stated that Kerry ‘is in the North Vietnamese war museum as a hero. . . . one of the heroes who caused them to win the war in Vietnam’. The statement is also repeated in ‘Unfit for Command’ (pp 167-174). However, Josh Gerstein of the New York Sun stated in this regard: ‘While the museum clearly honors opponents of the war from America and other countries, … the photo of Mr. Kerry is part of that tribute. The picture of the senator hangs among a set of photos devoted to the restoration of diplomatic relations between America and Vietnam in the 1990s. It was apparently taken as Kerry took part in a delegation President Clinton sent to Hanoi in 1993. Other photos nearby show visits … by … a Navy admiral …, Elmo Zumwalt, and a defense secretary, Robert McNamara. A secretary of state during Clinton’s term, Warren Christopher, is also shown meeting Vietnamese officials[.]’
” … [T]he webpage Corsi and another anti-Kerry veteran originally published on the Kerry museum photo contained the picture of Robert McNamara’s 1995 meeting with General Giap, who was misidentified as ‘Mao Tse-Tung’.
” … John O’Neill said that in 1971 John Kerry ‘wanted to abandon ship and leave the POWs [in Vietnam]’ and that ‘[o]n the Dick Cavett show and elsewhere, John Kerry‘s position was that we should accept the Madame Binh seven-point proposal, which called for unilateral withdrawal, setting a date after which at some future time, we‘d negotiate the return of the POWs. … We would withdraw and then we would begin to discuss how to bring them home’. However, in the Cavett debate, Kerry actually said: ‘Now, if we were to set a date for withdrawal from Southeast Asia, … [i]f the prisoners of war aren’t back prior to the arrival of that date, then I think we would have … a legitimate reason for taking some kind of reaction to it.’ …
“More recently, an early member of the group, Steve Hayes, stated that he came to believe that the group was twisting Kerry’s record, and broke with the group and voted for Kerry. Hayes told the New York Times: ‘The mantra was just “We want to set the record straight,” … [but] … it was morphing … into a highly political vendetta. They knew it was not the truth.’ Hayes also … provided a long interview to Kerry’s supporters, backing their version of the incident for which Kerry received the Bronze Star.
“SBVT characterized itself as a non-partisan group both in the legal sense and in spirit, yet several prominent individuals who assisted SBVT … have … close ties to the Republican Party. According to information released by the IRS on February 22, 2005, more than half of the group’s reported contributions came from … three … prominent Texas Republican donors: Houston builder Bob J. Perry, a longtime supporter of George W. Bush [and a frequent target of consumer lawsuits by buyers of his homes — RR], … Harold Simmons’ Contrans…, and T. Boone Pickens, Jr. [a notorious corporate raider who once targeted Boeing — RR] …. Other major contributors included Bush fundraiser Carl Lindner …, Robert Lindner …, GOP contributor Aubrey McClendon …, George Matthews Jr. …, and Crow Holdings ….
“The initial communications consultant for SBVT was Merrie Spaeth, a Reagan … press officer and … consultant to Ken Starr in the Clinton impeachment; she was also a spokesperson for ‘Republicans for Clean Air,’ a 527 group opposing John McCain’s 2000 presidential campaign and funded by Bush supporters who also helped fund SBVT. John E. O’Neill … donated … to Republican candidates … and seconded Nixon’s nomination at the 1972 Republican national convention.
“Retired Admiral William Schachte, a principal source for the SBVT allegations about Kerry’s first Purple Heart, has donated to both of Bush’s presidential campaigns. Schachte was also a lobbyist for FastShip, a firm that … receiv[es] … federal funding for … its projects. In addition, Schachte’s lobbying firm associate, David Norcross, was chairman of the 2004 Republican convention. Chris LaCivita, Political Director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee in 2002, … provid[es] media advice for SBVT. The SBVT postal address was registered to Susan Arceneaux, treasurer of … a PAC closely tied to … Dick Armey. …
“These ties, along with others (see below), led to suggestions in the popular press that SBVT was a front group for Republicans. … Kerry also alleged that SBVT was ‘a front for the Bush campaign. …’ Critics … pointed to several specific connections between SBVT and the Bush campaign. The … Bush campaign headquarters in Florida distributed fliers promoting SBVT events …. Kenneth Cordier, former vice-chair of Veterans for Bush/Cheney (in 2000) and volunteer member of the Bush campaign veterans steering committee, appeared in the second SBVT advertisement. … Benjamin Ginsberg, the top election lawyer to the Bush campaign on campaign finance law, … simultaneously represent[ed] the SBVT group. …
“On August 10, 2004, three campaign finance watchdog groups … filed an independent complaint with the Federal Election Commission … alleg[ing] that SBVT’s sources of funding were in violation of federal election law …. Following an investigation, … SBVT was assessed a fine of $299,500. …
“During the campaign, SBVT criticized Kerry for not signing a Standard Form 180 authorizing general public access to his Navy personnel records. Kerry responded that the documents were posted on his website. On May 20, 2005, Kerry did sign the SF-180 form permitting release of his service records and medical records to reporters from the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, and the Associated Press; [who] … reported that the records largely duplicated what Kerry had released during the campaign.
“SBVT members also criticized Kerry for not releasing his own private journals and letters. However, SBVT members themselves refused to release documents. … The White House refused to release records detailing any Bush administration contacts with prominent individuals associated with SBVT.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info, see
Roger Rabbit Executive Summary: The Swift Boat group has been thoroughly documented as a GOP front operation staffed by veteran GOP operatives and financially supported by major GOP donors with very close ties to George W. Bush and the Texas Republican Party. Their allegations against Kerry have been thoroughly documented as lies. The probable 2008 GOP presidential nominee, John McCain, condemned the group as dishonorable liars. The group was fined nearly $300,000 for violating federal election laws. The public has overwhelmingly found the Swift Boat Liars not credible, and the term “swift boating” has entered the American language as a pejorative synonym for “smear campaign” (Wikipedia).
@61 He did release his medical records, jackass.
@62 Actually, I think it’s somewhat helpful for our national leaders to have served in the military, so they’ll have a sense of reality about the difficulties and uncertainties attending all military operations. I think the lack of military experience on the part of nearly every senior official and policymaker in the Bush administration — and the few who did have military experience weren’t listened to — is a major contributing factor to the military fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan. Only amateurs with no military knowledge could have fucked things up this badly.
robbed @ 65
If I’m the target of someone like you, I’m not likely to lose any sleep. You couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a shotgun from ten paces. Fire away, my little friend.
RE: 74, John Kerry is a two time gigolo, the American Voters rejected him. Every once in awhile he surfaces to make a fool out of himself like saying. The American troops are stupid and sTUK iN IrAK
RE: 74, John Kerry is a two time gigolo, the American Voters rejected him. Every once in awhile he surfaces to make a fool out of himself like saying. The American troops are stupid and sTUK iN IrAK
or he threatens to take on the swift boat veterans for truth and then is a no show.
I don’t have any respect for him.
or he threatens to take on the swift boat veterans for truth and then is a no show.
I don’t have any respect for him.
RE: 79, Deal! when and where ?
@64 Vietnam was 50 years ago? I may be old, but I’m not that old. Of course, in your inimitable wingnut fashion, you completely missed the point (again), mark. The current generation of political leaders are mostly people who came of age during Vietnam. The fact that virtually all of the GOP’s top leaders dodged serving in that war tells us something about their values. The fact a significant number of prominentDemocratic leaders are war heroes or at least veterans tells us which party’s politicians are more patriotic, and it isn’t Republicans. I think the comparison I posted @47 is highly relevant, in no small part because the absence of military experience among the GOP leadership is a major contributing cause of their military failures in Iraq and Afghanistan. And, of course, the sheer hypocrisy of a party of draft dodgers and shirkers who wrap themselves in the flag and disparage the patriotism of others is simply stunning.
RE: 78, I agree with you there. Although Rumsfeld did have extensive military service and I think we both know that dosen’t insulate you from being fucked up.
Here is the list that matters:
John McCain R- Served
Hillary Clinton-Draft Dodger
Barak Obama-never served. Too busy smoking pot.
Got that… roof roof.
@66 My mistake. I should have mentioned Clinton. He was indeed a draft dodger; and for that reason I, as a Vietnam veteran, refused twice to vote for him. I voted for Perot in ’92 and Dole (a bona fide war hero) in ’96. In retrospect, though, I must acknowledge that Clinton was a pretty good president. Dumbya, by contrast, is the worst president of the last 100 years if not of all time.
You are right wabbit. Dems cut out of the military as soon as the going gets tough and become politicians while the repubs stay and fight. Makes sense, we all know how donks try to suppress the military vote.
The Coulterbeast and Limblow hate McCain.
So do many of the right wing bloggers.
One wingnut who comes around here (pbj) actually caucused for Hillary fearing that a McCain victory will mean Republicans being out of the White House for at least 16 years.
You wingnuts are totally screwed this November!
If George W. Bush hadn’t been a powerful congressman’s son, he never would have been jumped over 200 other (more qualified) candidates for 1 of 2 open slots in the Texas Air National Guard.
If George W. Bush hadn’t been the privileged scion of a powerful political family, he would have been court-martialed for his unauthorized absences from National Guard duty.
If George W. Bush hadn’t had family pull, he would never have been released from his National Guard enlistment 2 years early to attend business school.
If George W. Bush hadn’t had family pull, he wouldn’t have gotten in to business school in the first place. He didn’t make the grades usually required by such programs, either before or either.
If George W. Bush hadn’t been the president’s son, he would have been indicted for securities laws violation.
Yep, this is a guy who had everything handed to him because of a lucky accident of birth, and was capable of nothing.
@67 Unlike you, I can tell the difference between a typo and a misspelling. Writing “simpal” instead of “simple” isn’t a typo; it’s a product of someone being either too lazy or too stupid to learn the proper spelling of common words. One becomes a good speller by reading a lot; and poor spelling skills usually indicate someone is not well read, which in turn indicates the person is not well informed.
Of the 3,500 Swift boat sailors who served in Vietnam, the names of some 250 appeared on the group’s statement against Kerry; most did not serve at the same time or in the same place as Kerry. …
How could they. He only served for four months in Vietnam. Hell the mail takes longer to get back. I am suprised that 250 swifties even knew him.
@68 Bullshit.
@68 (continued) I’ve already posted the link, and I’m not going to respond any further to this lie. I have better things to do than argue with a blockhead who keeps repeating the same bullshit like a broken record.
Hehehe. It the same crap every four years. The donks play an election up and then when they lose they make shit up like diebold or Florida 2000. I can’t wait to hear the BS they come up with in 08. hehehe
@70 T. Boone Pickens? Isn’t he the corporate raider who tried to get control of Boeing so he could break it up and put 100,000 Washington residents out of work? Yes, he’s the guy.
I’am sure that its about his home town paper stating that they saw his medical records and saw no inconsistencies. Of course they didn’t publish it. It is pretty sad when you can’t even pull off a lie about a lie. heheheehe
RE: 93, I looked at your link, no medical record there rabbit. You should read those things before you rely on them to make a point.
@70 T. Boone Pickens? Isn’t he the corporate raider who tried to get control of Boeing so he could break it up and put 100,000 Washington residents out of work?
How dare he. We need to save that honor for our democrats in Washington State guvmint and donk unions. They did a marvelous job haven’t they. hehehe
@73 The Federalists were liberals, even if they didn’t formally call themselves that, because their ideas were derived from John Locke and other liberal thinkers. The term “liberal” is here used in a descriptive sense, which was my original intent. In fact, we’ve never had a Liberal Party in this country; not one of any consequence, in any case.
Whatever the Puritans did is too far removed from the contemporary tradition of free public education in the United States in both time and causation to be considered either a precurser or a source of the tradition.
In the earliest days of the United States, public education was not free. From the revolution to the 1830s, the issue of providing public mass education was debated. Universal free public education actually did not come into being until after the Civil War. According to Wikipeida, “By 1870, all states provided free elementary schooling. …
Until at least the 1840s, … most schools continued to be privately owned and operated.”
The establishment of universal free public education in the United States in the late decades of the 19th century was a major factor, if not the most important factor, in America’s rise as a world economic power in the years preceding and after World War I. This revolution in education did not occur after the Civil War, which was fought by mostly illiterate men in a country that was still predominantly agrarian.
RE: 95, You must mean this.
It never happened and no one knew why he wanted it other that boeing low stock price and large cash hord.
T. Boone Pickens was the one that John Kerry flirted with to prove his Military Record though and then was a no show.
You see T. Boone Pickens has a $1 million dollar offer to anyone, include you rabbit that can disprove the Swift Boat Veterans for truth.
He still has his $1 Million so why don’t you take your find law links and go on down to Texas?
I would love to get traded to Japan for 1.2 million dollars.
I don’t get why working class Americans enjoy watching multimillionaires slap each others asses and run around multimillion dollar ballparks.
Maybe I’m just weird…..
Speaking of Boeing and those fine Union Workers, are they ever going to get that 787 done?
John Kerry’s military medical records will go down in history as the “big foot” of all documents. You know the ones that people say exist but no one have ever seen or photographed. hehehehe
#89 Membership has its privileges. At least we still
are killing terrorists in droves. It will only make for
a brighter future for the world.
#95 Lucky there are any jobs left around here. Do you
think Boeing left because its a wonderful place to have
a company. Add to that the unions taking the company
hostage every couple of years. Pickens would be a fine
President. Roger, are you going to donate to the George
W Bush library? I guess Hallibuton got the no bid contract
with extra money they had left over.
Re: 103, I think he had a sex change, I have as much evidence of that as those who claim Bush did cocaine but that is my story and I am sticking to it.
Nite all
@74 I don’t think Kerry has trouble living with himself. He served well as a Navy officer, and served even better as a patriot who called “bullshit” on a war that did not have to be fought and was (like the Iraq war) sold to the American people with lies.
My own feelings about the Vietnam War are more ambivalent than Kerry’s. On the one hand, it cost over 2 million lives and didn’t accomplish our objectives. Our leaders were wrong that a communist takeover of Vietnam would have dire consequences for the U.S. or world. For example, they predicted a bloodbath if the communists won; in fact, a bloodbath did occur in S.E. Asia after our withdrawal from Vietnam, but ironically, it was our erstwhile Vietnamese communist enemies who stopped it with a military intervention. Although our leaders were mistaken, I’m disinclined to be too had on them for that, given the context: This was only a couple years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Berlin Wall had been thrown up, communism seemed to be on the march everywhere, and the possibility of world communist domination did seem a credible threat. No one in America understand then how fragile the Soviet Union was, or dreamed that it would fall in our lifetimes. On the other hand, I am much less forgiving of the lies and deceptions of the Johnson and Nixon administrations that misled the American public about the reality of the military situation in Vietnam, and even less forgiving of our incompetent generals.
As for whether we got any value at all for our ill-fated investment of lives and treasure in Vietnam, I think it may not have been a complete loss. I note two things. First, after Vietnam there were no more “wars of national liberation.” I’m not sure if there’s a connection, but it’s possible the communist world concluded from what happened in Vietnam that the price of militarily confronting the U.S. was too high. Second, when the U.S. defeat in Vietnam is considered in conjunction with the Soviet humiliation in Afghanistan, we can hope that intelligent policymakers on both sides of the ideological divide will draw from those experiences an understanding of the limitations of military power and an appreciation of the high costs and immense difficulties of fighting a guerilla war, as well as an appreciation that military outcomes often are a product of random luck. Vietnam and Afghanistan should have taught us the fallacy of relying on force calculations and assuming that superior technology or firepower makes victory inevitable. Clearly, the assumptions underlying the U.S. and Soviet interventions, strategies, and tactics in Vietnam and Afghanistan, respectively, were wrong because both of these superpowers lost both of those wars.
Had this lesson been adequately learned by the current administration, they might have been more hesitant to blunder into Iraq, or at least might have been more willing to listen to the professional advice of their generals. They did neither and the result is another military fiasco. So, the “lessons learned” from Vietnam and Afghanistan were negated by the unwillingness of our nation’s rightwing politicians and rightwing party to pay any attention to them. An obvious remedy to this problem is to evict that party from power and put our government in the hands of Democrats who have a firmer grip on both history and reality.
to be too hard on them
The commies failed but it wasn’t because of Vietnam. Thank God for Reagan. He is the biggest reason why we won and they lost. Peace through strenth works. This republican philosphy is why the military vote is in the repubs back pocket. You can take that to the bank.
Throughout World War II, Germany was at a disadvantage in manpower and resources, yet the dominated the early stages of the war. How did that happen? Partly it resulted from equal measures of intelligent military leadership and strategy on the German side, combined with military stupidity on the Allied side. For example, the tank was invented by the British, and the principles of modern tank warfare were worked out by British military thinkers, but despite the fact tanks broke the trench deadlock and opened the way to victory in 1918, after World War I the British military established ignored the pleas of officers in their own ranks who argued for the creation of armored divisions. The Germans got their ideas by reading English books. In retrospect, the institutional obtuseness of the British command is understandable but appalling. This was a case of bureaucratic inertia run amok.
The southern states in the American Civil War furnish another example of a belligerent inferior in manpower, resources, and technology fighting a materially superior foe to a draw. Superior tactics and dedication to “the cause” on the Confederate side combined with appalling military stupidity on the Union side to prolong a war that could have been won in six months to four bloody years. The deadlock was finally broken by the superior generalship of Grant, aided of course by a superiority in troop strength and, more importantly, an overwhelming superiority in industrial resources. But it was Grant’s generalship that was the key to victory.
Any war can be lost through military errors notwithstanding possession of superior resources, manpower, technology, and firepower. History is replete with examples of inferior forces under superior generalship winning victories. On the other hand, competent military leadership has been both decisive and indispensable to our country’s successful campaigns. In World War II, the U.S. agreed with its Allies on a policy of defeating Germany first, and directed the bulk of its resources to the European theater; yet, even though scant of manpower and materiel, the generals and admirals fighting in the Pacific had shattered Japan’s military and industrial power and were on the doorstep of victory when Germany surrendered. Although the American forces in the Pacific got some lucky breaks, notably the destruction of the Japanese carrier fleet at Midway, their naval and land campaigns almost without exception were brilliant in conception and execution even though hampered by severely limited resources of men, ships, aircraft, guns, and materiel.
So what is the point of discussing this? Simply this. George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld are fools. They made a hash of Iraq, and the stupidity began even before the first shot was fired, when they sacked Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki for saying it would take 500,000 troops to occupy Iraq. A force of that size wasn’t politically expedient because assembling it would have delayed the invasion and its costs would have interfered with (horrors!) giving tax cuts to the rich. So Bush and Rumsfeld attempted to conduct the campaign with 130,000 troops, and have been getting their asses kicked ever since.
Just as incompetent “political generals” nearly sank the Union cause in the Civil War, and political micromanagement magnified the adverse effects of mediocre generalship in Vietnam, so too was America’s intervention in Iraq doomed by stupid politicians who elevated political expediency above military necessity. Our country can’t afford this kind of stupidity. Since its contemporary authors are Republicans, it makes sense to evict the GOP from power and turn this job over to Democrats. We can’t do any worse, and we might do significantly better. The bleating of rightwing sheep about Kerry’s military records is pointless. What our country needs is a rationale military policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that clearly will not come from people who can’t even get simple facts right.
It’s time Democrats, who as a party at least have some military experience, tackled the problem of untangling the morass that Republican dunces created.
some people with military experience
I kind of get the feeling that McCain is the GOP version of Jimmy Carter. Yeah, McCain was a pilot-turned-POW. Carter was a sub commander. But Carter didn’t have a grip on military affairs, as Desert One showed, and I think McCain is of the same mold. Spending 5 years in a cell getting the crap beat out of you doesn’t teach you anything about conducting military operations. After returning home, McCain didn’t return to flying duty; his job was
a Navy lobbyist. He quit the Navy because he wasn’t promotable; he had no experience that qualified him to command a ship or a squadron, had no experience that qualified him to work in opreations or even do staff work for commanders. The only thing he was good for was public relations, and that’s not the skill set the Navy looks for when hiring admirals. Why should we think a guy who mustered out of the Navy for lack of military skills and experience is qualified to be Commander in Chief of all the armed forces? He’s no more qualified for that role than Hillary or Obama is. In fact, because they haven’t served in the military, they’re far more likely to listen to professional military advice, whereas McCain is known as a stubborn man who throws temper tantrums when people disagree with him, and he just might have enough of a swelled head about his own narrow and irrelevant military service to think he can make better military judgments than the generals and admirals. That’s exactly the kind of stupidity that got us into the Iraq quagmire, and is the last thing we need in our next president.
@80 Hey, I’m not saying Kerry is the brightest bulb in the Democratic chandelier, although he’s honest, which in and of itself made him an infinitely better choice in 2004 than Shrub, who can’t open his mouth without lying.
And it’s totally unnecessary for Kerry to confront the Swift Boat Liars, because the media and various researchers have already done so, and their claims have been totally debunked and discredited. Only the most brain-dead wingnut partisans like you still accord them any credence or respect. The overwhelming majority of Americans understand the “swift boating” of Kerry was nothing but a vicious partisan smear campaign orchestrated in the cockroach dens of the GOP.
In fact, Kerry eliminated himself from contention in 2008 by sticking his foot in his mouth long before the campaign got started, which was probably a good thing for both our party and our country. I’ll be the first to admit we Democrats can offer a better candidate than Kerry — and we will.
Your party has its own Kerry, in the person of Romney, without the military record. Those two flip-floppers could be twins. In fact, they even look alike.
Despite his shortcomings, Kerry won the 2004 election, and it took computer legerdemain to save Bush’s sorry ass. That’s not an advertisement for Kerry; it simply points out how severely Bush has underperformed. Bush reminds of a story I heard years ago about some Northwestern University students who ran a jackass against a Chicago alderman. Needless to say, the jackass won, but was disqualified by a bought judge who somehow interpreted a statute to mean only human beings can serve as aldermen, even though the statute said no such thing. So the alderman retained his seat. Nevertheless, he had to serve knowing the voters preferred a jackass. By the same token, Bush knows damn well the 2004 election, like the 2000 election, was stolen — and has had to serve his second term knowing he was beaten by Kerry. I call that poetic justice.
@84 How can Hillary Clinton be a draft dodger when she wasn’t eligible for the draft? Only a stupid dog could make a statement like that. You need to be euthanized, mutt. You’re wasting oxygen.
@91 “I am suprised that 250 swifties even knew him”
They didn’t, stupid dog. Only a few of them knew him, and only 1 had firsthand personal knowledge of Kerry’s service, and that one quit the organization when he realized they were a manipulative partisan group of liars.
On the other hand, all but 1 of the crew members who served under Kerry actively campaigned for him and called the swifties liars.
It is hilarious to see the desperation in the Repugs. They actually think they can try to tarnish Clinton with no serving in the Military, and Obama for his self acknowledgment of drug use as a young adult.
This is gonna be a very good year for the Democrats. The Repugs got nuthin’.
Which is exactly what the swifties are. And then you have the outright fabrications from various other sources on the Hysterical Right, such as the fake photographs. One of my favorites is the purported quote by Gen. Giap attributing the communist victory to Kerry’s anti-war activities. Anyone with a modicum of historical and military knowledge would instantly recognize the patent absurdity of this assertion. In fact, the quote is a fabrication and the book in which it allegedly appears doesn’t exist. It was purely a product of the rightwing fiction-writing machine. There are countless similar examples of rightwing propaganda, all of which show wingnut propagandists are not only shameless but also clumsy liars.
And then you have the wingnut sheep like klake, rob, Stamm, etc. who, lacking the intelligence of a tree stump, swallow this stuff whole.
@97 If you can’t figure out how to use the scroll key on your keyboard, have a kid show you.
@100 Ah yes. Leave it to rob to sing the praises of the man who wanted to dismantle Boeing. Of course people knew what he was going to do, dummy! That’s what he did to every corporation he got conrol of. And that’s exactly why Pickens’ attempted raid on Boeing was headline news in Seattle. The newspapers here understood that a Pickens victory would result in the destruction of the company and a huge loss of jobs for Seattle. You should read up sometime on how corporate raiders operate. They don’t run these companies or make their money by paying interest on the leveraged funds they use to take them over. The only way a raider can turn a profit is by stripping the company of its assets.
@102 That airplane would be flying if Boeing had let its union workers build it, instead of outsourcing its components all over the globe.
I just checked the link @39 again and didn’t have any trouble pulling up PDF copies of Kerry’s military records. If rob can’t access those records it’s probably due to Operator Error.
Correction, @59.
Another theory is that rob is a flat-ass liar.
@120 Indeed it is.
baaaaa … baaaaa … baaaaa … that’s the sound of a herd of wingnuts.
Roger @ 115:
That’s why I’ve said that between Kerry and Romney, I feel like I have a pair of sandals missing from my closet.
For you kerry supporters…
Was john kerry proven to be lying when he said he was on the river christmas eve under the orders of nixon?
Was john kerry proven to be lying when he said he threw his medals over the fence of the white house in protest?
I could go on and on but you 16%ers will ignore this.
re 132: Would it be a lie to say that John Kerry and Al Gore were in Vietnam in harms way when GWB was safely ensconced (thanks to his rich daddy’s poitical influence)in the Texas Air National Guard?
re 132: Take a look at the big picture.
#133 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
I don’t blame you for being afraid of answering the question headless. You know he lied, the swiftboaters proved it.
Since you want to answer a question with a question, I’ll answer your question…
Did teddy kennedy use his political power to get away with killing Mary Jo?
This is why those on the extreme-left deserve the reputation as hating the country. Michelle is over 40 years old, meaning she’s been an adult for 20+ years. And this is the first time she’s been proud of her country.
RR said: “Only amateurs with no military knowledge could have fucked things up this badly. ”
Sorry, I think that’s a bit simplistic. I don’t think its just that they are amateurs. The problem was compounded greatly be a bunch of cheast-beating amateurs who imagined themselves as fellow brothers of the “warriors class”, and THOUGHT they knew a lot about the military, yet totally disregarded warnings from the real professionals – especially the guys who had actually seen combat more than once. A real amateur, who knows his limitations, would have been a lot more carefull.
Personally, one of the things I find truly alarming about the past seven years is how many right-wing wackos took away entirely the wrong lessons from both Vietnam and Watergate.
For example, while most young officers in Vietnam (who were generals by the time of Gulf War I) were determined to keep the U.S. military out of similar engagements, recognizing them as “unwinnable”, Bush & Co. accepted the country-club explanation. They believed that Vietnam could have been “won” if we just had continued to commit troops and resources indefinately, if the politicians had sufficient “will to win”, and the press was sufficiently controlled so they only printed the good news, and none of the bad. So they tried that it Iraq, and what’s the result? After five years, they believe that we can still win, provided we stay there another hundred years or so….
And as for Watergate, Cheney, Rumsfield, and Rove decided that the problem with the Nixon administration was that (a) they got caught, (b) Nixon didn’t order the tapes to be destroyed, and (c) the Republicans didn’t have control of Congress. (Remember that in the early 1970’s Rove was a protoge’ of Daniel Segretti, the convicted White House Plumber). So the White House has stonewalled every attempt to investigate it, refusing to make aids and ex-aids available for Congressional testimony, announcing that the Justice Dept. would not enforce Congressional subpoenas, destroying e-mail records, and pardoning any scapegoats who might be tempted to testify against them in order to avoid jail time.
For the Republicans, it’s like the Dark Side of the Force – they lived through the early 1970’s and came out exactly on the wrong side on just about every issue.
I could go on and on but you 16%ers will ignore this.
Nope. We’re 70 percenters.
Keep screaming like the street corner loon.
#138 YLB says:
You still ignored the simple questions about kerry lying. Questions so simple they only required a yes or no answer.
I don’t blame you though, admitting he lied would be agreeing with the swiftboaters.
@82 Clinton NOT a draft dodger
Roger ..
I do not agreee. I make a distinctio9n between thise who portoestsa against the war and those who let others dies for THEIR cause.
Clinton was no great shakes as a protester but he did protest the war.
@99 Rabbit
I think we can only use the term liberal in the uS in its current sense. Since the dichotomy between the Federalists and the Republicans was so strong, I think the Federalists are recognizable as the ancestors of the modern R.
Fee education at the Satte level is rather old in America.
oops FREE education
You still ignored the simple questions
Right, they’re completely irrelevant to the current reality.
Which is:
70 percent of people in this country think the country is headed in the wrong direction.
70 percent of people disapprove of the job performance of the current pretender in the White House.
A higher percentage believe that candidates from the Democratic party can do a better job in all important areas: economic, national security, governance in general.
The majority opinion of people on this comment board is REPUBLICANS SUCK. That’s becoming an increasingly mainstream judgement that is well supported by the record.
You’re on the losing side Marvin. I hope you like it.
re 136: Are you proud of us, Marvin? We are the 70%’ers. If you have no love and pride for Liberals, then it is YOU who is the America Hater.
Marvin: The Purple Heart is awarded when the enemy draws blood from you in battle. The size of the wound is insignificant. The point of the medal is that you put yourself in harms way to protect your country, and you were harmed.
Getting creased by an enemy bullet while protecting his men from harm is a heroic act — one which GWB is not now nor was he ever capable of performing.
I spit on you and your cowardly ilk.
…and Marvin, I mean that literally. If you stated these things in my presence, I would spit in face.
Marvin: You are the same dastardly mendaciosos who dissed Max Cleland’s sacrifice for his country.
#146 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
Another little twit talking tough behind the computer. First Lee talked the talk then chickened out. Then broadway joe and now you. What a bunch of cowards you are.
#146 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you.
Please don’t be like Lee and broadway joe and chicken out.
#147 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
Was it the vietcong that took his legs? The germans? Maybe in the gulf war? The civil war? The Japanese?
Either way, this is from your side of the political spectrum, no doubt it sums up your feelings-
You can contact me right here, big mouth. We’ll meet in a neutral place, like a bank where there are security cameras, you can repeat your disgraceful comments, and I’ll spit in face. I’ll have someone there to videotape it and post it on You-Tube.
How’ zat, chump?
The dank and foetid meanness of your spirit will be there for all to see, except you’ll get some spit in your eye for the trouble.
Go ahead asshole. I dare ya.
Starvin’ Marvin Stamn vs. Little Lord “spit in your face” Faunleroy.
Details, boys, details: Place, date and time.
Puddybud. Let’s show up and have lunch afterwards.
If my guy LLF spits in MS’s face you buy. If not I’ll buy.
If MS is a no show you buy and vice versa.
#151` Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
Security cameras? It’s good to know you are so scared of me you need security cameras when we meet. No doubt the next thing out of your mouth will be if I touch you you’re going to sue me.
Throw down ROYALE
C’mon MS.
You just got called out in public. Right here, right now.
Where you gonna meet????
No, no, no MS.
He said to video tape it to post it on You Tube.
Which means it’ll show up on HA.
This ought to be gooooooood.
#153 Joe King says:
If MS is a no show. Headless lucy issued the challenge, I’ll name the place. One of the parking lots next to LAX. I’m in los angeles. If headless lucy the racist wants to put up a $1,000 I’ll come up to seattle to meet him. That way when he’s a no show, and he will be a no show, my trip will be at his expense.
#157 Joe King says:
Read what the coward wrote. He wants to meet in front of security cameras and he will have someone to videotape it.
Bull shit.
MS is a pure pussy. Nobody is blogging on as local Seattle political blog.
Fag. Just like Rush Limpdick. What’s the problem. Anal fissure?
Or just plain old Conservative Coward scared??
My bad at 160
Should read: “Nobody in LA is blogging on a local Seattle political blog.”
You homo.
#160 Joe King says:
Only a homophobe would use fag as an insult. You outed yourself again headless. HAHAHAHAHA
re 158: That is so weak, Marvin. Well, you share one trait in common with your hero, GWB, when the shit hits the fan — you are long gone.
#161 Joe King says:
Guess that shows how stupid you are. Ask Lee where my IP originates from. Either ylb or your left foot is also down here.
Give me your paypal account, I’ll paypal you a couple bucks so you can buy a clue.
The following are new screen names for Marvin, feel free to add your own.
Marvin “anal fissure” Stamn.
Marvin “5 deferments” Stamn.
Marvin “Bum Knee” Stamn.
Marvin “semen stained” Stamn.
Marvin “pissed my pants” Stamn.
Marvin “momm’s Boooyyyyeeee” Stamn.
Classic fag. What a homo. What a dick suck.
Hey, momma’s boy, time for you to go home and hide behind your momma’s apron.
Typical. What an excuse making coward.
#163 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
Come on down to los angeles. What are you afraid of?
You’re the little racist, you afraid because of all the blacks in los angeles?
re 158: Everyone feels fear, Marvin, but most of us overcome it and go on to do what’s needed.
Some of them get minor bullet wounds from enemy fire. Others desert the Air National Guard in their country’s time of need.
Spitting in your face is the least I can do for this country’s Vietnam War heroes.
@ 164:
What’s that? Hmmmmmmmm . . . hard to hear you over your knees knocking together.
#165 Joe King says:
So if I challenge you to a fight and you don’t show up that would make you a coward?
I challenge you to show up. Remember, only a coward wouldn’t show up.
You were just bellowing a few comments back about how no one would take up ypur challenge.
Well, I am just immature and macho enough to do it.
No Marvin, I’m not afraid of “blacks.”
I’m not afraid of Mexicans.
I’m not afraid of Mexicants.
Chinese, Vietnamese, Norwegians, Canadians, Panamanians, Libyians, and I’m certainly not afraid of pussy conservatives like you.
You are acting like a Puss, Marvin. Wipe that Puss off your face, Marvin.
How about if we meet in the 9th ward in New Orleans?
Anal Fissure BOY.
You got called out to the mat and you are a now show.
You are an excuse making fag.
Period. End of story.
It’s clear that they should meet in the the ancient manner of the Spartans.
Well, LLF, looks like you ripped the mask of bravery off another pissed stained conservative.
What a fag that Marvin “anal fissure” Stamn is.
ATJ @ 174.
Clearly, Marvin “Anal Fissure” Stamn would like nothing more than to take it in the ass by that “Spartan.”
What a coward.
#171 Joe King says:
Headless, you’re getting your sockpuppets mixed up.
If you’re not afraid, why are you a racist?
Marvin is from LA. The reason he hangs out here is because he knows that he’ll never have to meet any of us in person.
“Marvin Stamn says:
#146 Little Lord Fauntleroy says:
If you stated these things in my presence, I would spit in face.
I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you.
Please don’t be like Lee and broadway joe and chicken out.
02/19/2008 at 3:07 pm”
Are these not your words???
“I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you.”
Your bluff was called. You’ll contact us, not us having to go to LA. FAG.
Your words, like every other fucking Republican and especially Sen. Larry Craig, are worthless pieces of SHIT.
What are you fucking Stupid??
I’m GBS.
It’s not the first time I’ve spoofed my name in order to give Puddybud some shit.
Dumb ass.
Any how. You said you’d contact LLF.
I’m not a racist Marvin, I just hate hypocritical cowards like you.
But, I will say this you fucking coward. Don’t play the race card with me. I’m judging you not by the color of your skin but by the content of your character.
Which is to say you’re a fucking COWARD who happens to be an embarrassment to black men everywhere. And, I do mean everywhere.
Jizz face.
So, Anal Fissure BOY, when are we going to see your cowardly ass, that just happens to be black, in Seattle??
#179 Joe King says:
Still haven’t gotten an email from either of you.
#182 Joe King is really GBS says:
If you weren’t afraid of me I’d see you in los angeles.
Still waiting for the email from either one of you.
Don’t need to ass hole. We said you’d be called out right here, right now.
You can contact us on this blog. You can let us know what date, time and place you’ll be in Seattle.
Remember they are your words and I’ll make you own your words.
So, Anal Fissure BOY, when and where in Seattle?
#181 Joe King is really GBS says:
Sorry, all you sockpuppets look the same. I thought joe king was yet another sockpuppet of headless, he’s the racist.
Wow, why the self-hatred?
@ 184.
Your BIG mouth, Anal Fissure BOY said you’d contact us. Not that we’d have to travel to LA.
No need to make it a fucking secret. Just post here after you figure out what date, time and place you’re going to be here.
I’m sure there’s more than one HA poster who’s gonna want to know. An, I’m equally sure you’re not afraid.
Or are you?
We’ll see.
@ 186.
Stop with the Red Herring bull shit.
DATE, TIME, PLACE in Seattle?
Lefty’s want to know. Really.
Anal Fissure BOY
I’m checking right now for flights tonight and tomorrow.
One way of course. your return trip is in grave doubt.
8:00 am Depart Los Angeles (LAX)
Arrive Seattle (SEA) 10:38 am Tue 19-Feb
Duration: 2hr 38mn Alaska Airlines 517
Nonstop flight
This work for you?
#185 Joe King is really GBS says:
Why are you afraid to come to los angeles to meet me? You guys issued me the challenge, if you weren’t scared you would follow up on it.
Like they said on the price is right, come on down.
To give Lee props… when he challenged to slap food out of my hand, he didn’t act like a couple of little whiney biatchs and hide behind fake names. And then to top it off hide again behind sockpuppets. HAHAHAHAHA
9:15 pm Depart Los Angeles (LAX)
Arrive Seattle (SEA) 11:58 pm Tue 19-Feb
Duration: 2hr 43mn Northwest 4022
Nonstop flight
“I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you.”
Are these your words, Marvin “trying to save face” Samn?
Is it???
Well, I’m saving you the trouble.
There’s the fucking flight number. You can contact us at the Marriot across the street from the airport.
I’ll be the pissed off Honky leaning on my German made, white Porsche. You won’t miss me.
#187 Joe King is really GBS says:
I said- #149 I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you. Please don’t add lying to being a chicken. Cluck cluck.
If headless/you are so scared not to give out your contact information I’m not going to come up to meet a coward that will never show up.
I’ve given you a flight number. I’ve told you where you can contact me, how to identify me.
Now that you can contact me, you can post all your information right here, right now as to when you’re going to be here.
But, you don’t. Why?
You’re a lying, piece of shit, scarred shitless Republican. Who happens to be black.
It’s been almost 2 hours since you issued your infamous “I’m calling your bluff. Email me how to contact you.” bull shit lie.
If you were really man enough, you would’ve made good on your public challenge by now. You didn’t. It says all we need to know about the content of your charachter.
Which isn’t suitable for military service, law enforcement, fire fighter or any other line of work that requires courage. You, like your Republican counterparts are cunts.
I see my work here is done.
Later you bed wetting, piece of shit, lying, coward.
#194 Joe King is really GBS says:
All you said was you will be standing next to a porche. Explain to me how I can verify that before I spend my time coming up there?
That explains why all the hate. Sorry, I’m not black. If you think I said I was, provide the link.
#195 Joe King is really GBS says:
And headless lucy still hasn’t emailed me any contact info. Go figure.
#195 Joe King is really GBS says:
It wasn’t my challenge, I called headless lucy’s bluff. Still waiting for the racist to send me contact info so I won’t make a trip for nothing.
Roger Rabbit says: “@68 (continued) I’ve already, posted the link, and I’m not going to respond any further to this lie. I have better things to do than argue with a blockhead who keeps repeating the same bullshit like a broken record.”
Hmmm…? Kind of like you (a blockhead) and your rants (BULLSHITTIUM Alerts) on voting machines, Cuyohoga County, Florida, etc.
Yawn….. I usually let someone who is chickenshit have an out to save their pride, but not you. You crossed the line questioning the authenticity of truly brave and patriotic men spanning the political spectrum.
Everyone can see thru your BS.
Still waiting for headless or her protector to email me contact information so I won’t waste my time coming up there.
Marvin: There is nothing impeding you from contacting me right here. Leaving an email address is hardly revealing personal contact information about you to me.
Admit it. You are chicken.
Still waiting for headless lucy to email.
Guess you know better than to try and spit on me. At least you’re smart enough to know that.