– Charlie Hebdo: Gun attack on French magazine kills 12
– In our great democracy, all of the white guys are represented in Congress.
– Cis Allies and Trans Suicide
– Well, running citywide would be one way for Sawant to avoid having to run against Rod Hearne.
– Oh, we’re already talking about the next census appointment. Sure.
– Open your wallets, suckers. Huckabee’s back in business!
– SPL is a pretty great place to watch sports.
Hmmm… one was a recent catch and release in France!!! http://ace.mu.nu/archives/354209.php
To find the facts stay away from LEFT WRONG e-rags!
Hurry now… clean out GITMO Obummer… Who knows what havoc will occur in the future!
In other more positive news, a new antibiotic is discovered using a breakthrough process:
Not a moment too soon. The superbugs that are out there are too scary for words.
Why Work Sucks (A Continuing Saga, Like A Soap Opera)
Persons unknown scrawled the words “Bye Bye” on the tail of a United Airlines jet, 30 feet above the ground. So 13 flight attendants, each with 17 to 24 years of service, refused to fly unless a security sweep of the plane was done first. The airline refused, called the graffiti a “joke,” and fired the flight attendants for insubordination.
United told CBS News, “Our flight operations, safety and maintenance teams appropriately investigated and determined there was no credible security threat. All of FAA’s and United’s own safety procedures were followed, including a comprehensive safety sweep prior to boarding, and the pilots, mechanics and safety leaders deemed the aircraft entirely safe to fly.”
But the flight attendants’ attorney says, “In the face of this kind of threat, an airline is required to actually deplane the passengers, get ’em off the plane and do a security sweep of the plane. They didn’t do that.”
Uh-huh. It appears the airline and flight attendants differ over what constitutes a “credible threat” and a “security sweep.” If you’re an employee, you’re supposed to trust your life to the employer’s good judgment, even though the employer is 100% motivated to minimize inconvenience and maximize profits. And if you disagree with what the employer is willing to do to ensure your safety, your decades of loyal service count for nothing. In return for putting up with this treatment, employees get a few bucks an hour.
No thanks! Being a capitalist pays better with less risk, less hassle, and less bullshit. Working is for the birds. I’ll never work again! Why should I? Why should anyone work? It isn’t worth it. I’m waiting for the official Labor Participation Rate to go all the way to zero, because that’s where the shitty attitude of employers toward their workers is taking things.
I suspect the airline has an ulterior agenda. When all 13 flight attendants say they won’t work under the conditions the employer is trying to impose on them, that looks like a “strike.” The mere thought of which drives managers over the brink, because of what concerted cooperation among employees implies. Next thing you know, they’ll be organizing a union.
@1 Yep, governments should imprison people for traffic offenses and missing flights to Syria, while they have the chance, before those people do something serious.
Waytago, dumbfuck! Arresting people for crimes they might commit in the future was discredited a century ago, but that doesn’t stop a retrograde like you from trying to rehabilitate Lombroso.
Apparently police departments like Lombroso’s ideas so much they’re using his concepts, too. Except to make the method easy enough for street cops to use it, they’ve simplified the criteria for identifying future criminals to one physical characteristic. Thus was born the modern USA police practice of “detained for being black.”
If you’re gonna throw your 5-year-old daughter off a bridge into a murky river in the dead of night, here’s a suggestion for ya: Don’t do it while a cop is watching.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I differ from some of my liberal friends on the death penalty. We rabbits think some of you humans should be removed from the gene pool. Remember, lifers can marry and have conjugal visits with women who fancy baby killers.
@1 Poor deluded Piddles and his right wing sites. Guy is arrested in Iraq, no mention if it was Iraqi Military, Civil Police or U.S. Forces and released and went on to commit murder, maybe, there’s a chance that more than one person shares the same name..like..say…Loretta Lynch. Guy was never in Guantanamo Bay. DAMNIT OBAMA. IF YOU WOULD STOP RELEASING PEOPLE FROM GITMO WHO CAN’T BE CHARGED WITH A CRIME HEBDO WOULD HAVE BEEN SAFE! or some other bit of tortured post hoc ergo hoc logic.
I mean no one has ever been contacted by police in America and let go and then went on to commit murder, right Mr. Gary Ridgway? Our intuitive policing caught Tim McVeigh with an outstanding unpaid traffic ticket so DAMNIT CLINTON, IF YOU HAD ARRESTED HIM PERSONALLY….
What a sad little world you live in where everything must Must MUST be the fault of some unrelated event you think is a political chit to play.
I really came by to pay tribute to Barbara Boxer. You were my representative at the time I became eligible to vote. You earned your promotion. Thanks for Pinnacles National Park. Thanks for leading the charge against Pentagon waste giving rise to the now often joked about $1000 toilet seat. Thanks for funding treatment and research into AIDS. Thanks for the Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act. Thanks for voting against the Iraq war. Thank you for opposing FISA.
Thank you. Enjoy your retirement.
Hey checkmate… thanks for again proving you can’t read or process anything… Where did Puddy claim the killer was in GITMO? Pffffft…..! You deliver tortured brain farts everyday!
Gary Ridgway?
Tim McVeigh?
These guys are Frenchmen? Man, you are as stoooooooooopid as the buttspigot and rujaxfailsagain!
Remember the 5 generals released by Obummer for Beau Bergdahl? Two said they would immediately recruit newbies to create new attacks on America? Oh you forgot that? Well you possess 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!
Now checkmate, how did the French know who these morons were so quickly? Surveillance… something ACLU led libtards are against!
Meanwhile the HA DUMMOCRETINS continue to run to the lowest common denominators of cable news… CNN and PMSNBC; especially on Friday Nights!
@9 Yet another study has confirmed that Faux viewers can’t pass a current affairs quiz, even on a really easy grading curve.
Is Puddy one of the Fox Stupid?
@8 I see the squid’s ink gland still works.
Snohomish school evacuated after threat written on bathroom wall
Students and staff at Glacier Peak High School in Snohomish were evacuated after a threat was discovered written on a bathroom wall. The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office said it was investigating a bomb threat.
So should this be classified as a terrorist threat or as some student wanting out of school early today?
Julian Castro sighting:
Edward-Isaac DovereVerified account
Obama and @SecretaryCastro make a surprise stop at a South Phoenix home to be bought with FHA help
I suspect yesterday’s FHA announcement will be prominently featured in the SOTU address, and cameras will linger on Castro more than long enough while it’s being mentioned.
Over 30 Uber Cars Impounded In Cape Town
It’s fun to read techie nerds discuss Uber and Economic Politics.
“The fun thing here is that it is not Uber that got in trouble, but their drivers. Which aren’t their employees, btw. Uber just looses a bit of revenues. The drivers, though, which own the cars, now have real problems.
That’s the real innovative thing in Uber. They have found a way of shielding themselves from any problems. It really is genius, albeit evil genius.”
“It is a protection racket, but you are wrong about who is being protected.
Its about protecting the consumer.
Other than fixed-route/fixed fare taxis, taxi fares are typically based on milage.
But how do you know you actually traveled the distance the meter claimed you did?
Because there is a requirement that the meter be calibrated to ensure its accuracy for the protection of the customer.
Same as the scale inthe produce or meat departments of your grocery store must be calibrated for similar reasons.
And yes, you are arguing for fuedalism. Its what liberrtarianism ultimately boils down to: all the power rests in the hands of those best able to sieze, which is typically the wealthiest people. Its anarchy for the rich. Bonus: its libertarianism that actually best serves to create actual protection rackets for monopolies.”
Course if this comes into fruition, besides putting huge numbers of low skilled employess out of work, will solve the uber problem.
How did they find the Tsarneyevs? Must have been the French. Lafayette returns, Merci!
A fool and his theories as usual. Only the French could have found the gunmen. Here in America we have FREEEEEDOMS so police can’t be effective.
Why do you hate America?
And which of those five…ahem…generals had a hand in yesterday’s attack. None but its a convenient red herring on which to hang your ex hoc ergo proctor hoc theory…
Tomorrow, Inherent Vice, a movie directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, will open city wide. Inherent Vice will be the first movie adaptation of a Thomas Pynchon novel. His first novel V was published in 1963. Yes, Thomas Pynchon is still alive and kicking and probably writing today at age 77.
To celebrate, here’s a link to an essay he wrote about Watts in 1966.
He writes quite eloquently about the contrasting realities of life for blacks and whites in Los Angeles at that time.
It’s too sad, in the light of Ferguson, how little has changed since then.
In Chicago, the Cook County Medical Examiner ruled the death of Tom Buchanan a homicide. He may have died recently, but it was due to a bullet that had been in him since the 1940’s. Details are vague on how the initial shooting happened.
Four years after shutting down the Access to the regions core tunnel project, Governor Christie is backing a replacement project. On a railfan board, some of the commenters supported the decision of four years ago. The previous tunnel project, as it would have ended at a stub terminal adjacent to Penn Station with no run through track.
Good to see another Pynchon fan around but at nearly three hours and I only get about two non-kid movie nights out a year I’ll have to wait on this one.
I happened to hear Medved reviewing it. He hated it naturally. Said Pynchon is an acquired taste. By acquired I assume he meant able to concentrate for more than 20 pages. He also seemed shocked that there was a drug culture in the 70s.
@21 It kind of ticks me off that the movie isn’t playing at the big comfortable multiplex within walking distance of our house. Instead it’s at the seedy run-down multiplex a considerable distance farther. I might have to wait myself.
IMDB says the movie is 2 hours and 28 minutes but I feel for you. My kids are nearly grown to the point that I’ve mostly forgotten those days.
Sheesh klownservatives. Life in the bubble. When hasn’t there been a drug culture in this country? My favorite parts of Discovery Channel’s Moonshiners is when the shiners fan out to sell their poison at dances, weddings and other assorted get togethers – yes like any drug dealer.