” … A group of prominent jewelers, including Tiffany & Co., … will announce today that they oppose the … Pebble Mine planned for Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed, site of the world’s largest sockeye salmon run.
“The jewelers’ ‘Bristol Bay Protection Pledge’ marks a new front in the ‘No Dirty Gold’ initiative … against destructive mining practices. …
“‘There are places where mining does not represent the best use of resources,’ Michael Kowalski, Tiffany’s chairman and chief executive officer, said in an e-mail. ‘In Bristol Bay, we support … the salmon fishery as the best bet for
sustainable, long-term benefit … this means we will look to other places to source gold.’ …
“The campaign to clean up gold mines echoes the opposition to ‘blood diamonds,’ sold to finance conflicts in developing nations … jewelers, working with nonprofit groups and the mining industry, set up a system to ensure diamonds are ‘conflict-free.’ Now the ‘ethical jewelry’ movement is preparing to expand with a certification program for gold and silver.
“If the mine … gains the necessary permits from Alaska, it would involve excavating as much as 12 billion tons of earth, which, after extracting the ore, would fill 10 square miles of impoundments. Two dams, higher than China’s Three Gorges Dam, would be built to hold the waste.
” … Dan Consenstein, head of the Renewable Resources Coalition, an Alaska-based opposition group, said pollution from the mine would destroy the fishery.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This mine, which would destroy the world’s most productive salmon fishery, is being pushed by the Bush administration and Alaska Republicans.
Hard-rock mining is one of the most taxpayer-subsidy-intensive industries on earth. Not only do they get essentially free access to public lands, but also stick
taxpayers the enormous costs of cleaning up their mess.
Nearly all gold mines become Superfund sites; and none would make a profit if they had to pay the billions of dollars of cleanup costs they customarily shift to taxpayers.
As a group, hard rock miners are the most conservative Republican, anti-environment, and unreconstructed 19th-century robber baron-mentality assholes in America.
They operate under the antiquated 1872 Mining Law, which gives them a legal license to loot and despoil public lands. They don’t care how many miners they kill, and would rather shoot their critics than negotiate with them. This group deserves no public sympathy or support whatsoever.
A major overhaul of federal mining laws and regulation needs to be a very high priority of the incoming Democratic president and congress.
@1 RR
Oh Lord! Are there enough ways this ‘Rapture Bound’ shrub administration can figure out to despoil the Country? Will the land survive until next January?
Went to Alaska last summer (gifted by a relative). Beautiful, fantastic. The tourists spent a MAJOR fortune. Did the Gold Panning Adventure in both Juneau and Skagway (Liars Camp). Sister’s Hobby since she’s goldpanned around the Southwest. Both Guides finally sheepishly admitted that the gold we found from swishing (pans stacked with sand before we arrived) came from the filings from old mining sites. Not enough gold there to warrant seeking it out, but it sure makes the Tourists go away “happy”. At $185 per tourist for a 4-5 hours of entertainment, it’s nothing to sneeze at (not to mention all the serious bucks spent in souvenirs, film, etc.)
(Also saw the planned ‘Bridges to NoWhere’ in Ketchikan. Unbelievable!!! The TINY island, short distance. If the water wasn’t so cold I could probably have swam the length myself!)
By the time shrub is done with Alaska, there won’t be much left for the tourists to want to see.
New polls released this morning:
North Carolina: Obama +10%
Ohio: Clinton +17%
Rhode Island: Clinton +9%
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Old Lady FnF@2: How do you blame the government for a private company wanting to mine?
Oh…. wait… it’s another knee-jerk leftie fascist comment from one of the 16%ers.
I take it you’ve never been to South Africa where the mine dust sits in large hills in the open. Your friends in the old apartheid government didn’t care about the environment or the poor people because these hills are left in the poor areas.
Now the various US environmental groups will check this out and maybe even block it. Per your idiot suggestion above, GWB would have to autocratically take over the private mine operation, declare it eminent domain, and then mine the area as a government entity. That’s how stupid your comment it. But being a liberal you too can pelletize this blog ad nauseum!
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
DustinJames: My buddy PacMan came out of lurker mode to deliver the smackdown on your Heilary loving butt. She still the best thing in a pant suit?
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Which idiot used pimping last summer:
“That, sir, is not only un-American, it is dictatorial. And in pimping General David Petraeus, sir, in violation of everything this country has been assiduously and vigilantly against for 220 years, you have tried to blur the gleaming radioactive demarcation between the military and the political, and to portray your party as the one associated with the military and your opponents as the ones somehow antithetical to it.”
Tin foil hatman Keith Olbermann hero of the 16%ers.
Clueless Idiot, Your shit is funny when used correctly!
Well, I helped raise $1600 for her last night, so, yes she is.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Only a racist would fire a minority. Forget the fact she’s not doing a very good job, that’s irrelevant, it’s about race.
“it will be very troubling to many if somehow we later find that she left her post under pressure because of the recent primary losses your campaign suffered.” http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/200....._hispanics
Richard Popespews:
DustinJames @ 8
You are raising money for Hillary Clinton? Is your real name Colby Underwood, the major local fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton campaign? In any event, you sure seem to think a lot like Colby Underwood does. Here is an article from The Stranger of January 30, 2008, which deals with an anti-harassment restraining order apparently issued against Underwood for alleged racial and sexual harassment of two neighbors:
Troubling News
Prominent Democratic fundraiser Colby Underwood, who earlier this month sued former employee McKenna Hartman for starting up a competing firm after leaving Underwood’s office [“Fund Fight,” Erica C. Barnett, Jan 24], has just one other incident on his file at King County Superior Court. But what an incident: According to the superior court documents, when Underwood was 15, a superior court judge granted a restraining order against the teenager for alleged racial harassment against two of his neighbors in Shoreline. The petition for a restraining order alleges Underwood put up a racist sign in his neighbors’ yard, tore up their garden, and made over-the-top racial and sexual slurs that are shocking and appalling. Underwood refused to comment about the 1993 antiharassment order. ERICA C. BARNETT
NewsFlash: A call has just gone out from the Clinton Campaign Headquarters asking for any pictures of an event reputed to have taken place last year: Barack Obama golfing with Satan in Hell.
A source close to the campaign divulged that thiswas seen as an absolute necessity to secure a victory in Texas. . .
Word on the street is that Adobe is experiencing massive download activity at HRC HQ of its vaunted Photoshop software.
If you can’t get the real deal (royalties for such a pic might be a little steep – ask Faust), manufacture a facsimile. Won’t be the first time someone’s done it.
The Piper
Great Catch Richard!
In another post he said he was 30, which is Colby’s age.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Looks like Reuters posted something funny.
Since it’s positive to a Donkey, why didn’t Goldy post it?
Oh wait, he didn’t want to offend headless lucy…
Fresh from their feud on the campaign trail, Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama beat Bill Clinton in a contest almost as closely watched as the primaries being waged across the United States — the music industry’s Grammy Awards.
Obama on Sunday won the spoken word Grammy for the audiobook version of his blockbuster tome “The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.” It marked his second statuette, following a win in 2006 for “Dreams From My Father,” an audiobook for a memoir first published in 1995.
Bill Clinton was seeking his third Grammy with “Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World,” a call to public service. Another former Democratic president, Jimmy Carter, also was in the running, with “Sunday Morning in Plains: Bringing Peace to a Changing World,” a collection of Bible lessons. Carter won the award last year.
No Republican politician has won the category since Everett Dirksen, an Illinois congressman and senator, in 1968.
PuddyStudy No Republican since 1968? Grammy Bias maybe? Or because Everett delivered Republican votes for the VRA and CRA when Al Gore Sr, Richard Russell and Robert Byrd implemented Creighton Headless Lucy Baril minority rules of engagement?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Don’t buy gold if you’re worried about mining interests in Alaska.
Don’t vote for Hillary, either. Let’s end her political aspirations here and now.
Oh yeah, fuck Keith Olbermann.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Richard I wondered if this is RightEqualsStupid in a toned down mode.
Of course Goldy never reveals the sockpuppet names of his 16%ers.
So Dustin Colin fess up… is it you?
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Richard, does this Colin live in the White Center area?
Jeeee-sus K. Reist!!!
Can we PLEASE get some new trolls…
These are fucking BORING.
It must fry the racists in the GOP to find out Senator Obama’s audio book “The Audacity of Hope” just won a Grammy award. The right is afraid of this book. That’s why I am buying copies for every school library in the state.
Hillary will be the nominee. Even though Obama’s pulled ahead in the delegate count, it’s close, and will continue to be close, but super-delegates are going for Hillary Rotten Clinton on an almost 2-1 basis.
The even better video of McCain can be found on this link:
I am very pleased with myself, and the comments I’ve been making lately. I consider myself to be one of the most respected and admired people on this blog, so I am giving myself the title of Horses Ass Comment Section Senior Political Analyst.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Idiot@19: Why are conservatives afraid of someone’s personal story?
You are an idiot! And a racist too. I haven’t seen your headless lucy denunciation yet?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Rudejass, I am proud of my comments too.
From now I am changing my title to Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator…
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
Hey RudejASS:
You are an idiot! And a racist too. I haven’t seen your headless lucy denunciation yet?
Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator...spews:
ChristmasGhost: You say it here first from Puddy. Looks like Geraldo Rivera has a new book coming out soon:
“His Panic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the U.S.”
What she seems to be to me is the logical extension of HA Happy Hoolihallucinatory thinking and activism. That and an arsonist. With so many in the ELF ratting each other out, it’s fascinating watching them devour each other all in an effort to save their own skins, necks, and hides.
About the only “environmentalism” these birds are interested in right now is protecting themselves from the environment of being on the inside of a federal prison.
Ah, yes! Youthful idealism!
The Piper
I haven’t seen your headless lucy denunciation yet?
The music plays on.
Command me, Stupes!
Jackass. LMAO!!
I’m not about to take sides in the “fundraiser’s war”. It’s a civil dispute which will be handled by the judge in charge. I’m not going to try to judge the case by reading press releases.
As for the antiharrasment order when the guy was 15:
(1) I never did anything like that when I was 15, but I did a lot of other stupid things, so I’m not going to judge someone well into adulthood based upon their actions when they were 15. They’ve had lots of time to grow up since then and learn their lessons.
(2) In issuing a preliminary injunction or an antiharassment order, a judge is supposed to make a determination of whether or not the defendant/respondent did in fact engage in the alleged conduct. You and I know, however, that such determinations are usually made in a few minutes, after reading competing affidavits presented by the opposing lawyers. Usually the judge is in no position to determine the truth, but figures that the safe thing to do is to issue a preliminary injunction or anti-harrassment order. Sort of, “We aren’t saying you did it, but if you did do it, don’t do it again, or you will really be in trouble next time”.
Anyway, my 2 cents worth, without knowing either party, or caring about the outcome….
is Briana Waters an HA Happy Hooligan? Is she supported by the HA Happy Hooligans?
Uh, crackpooper, HA.org didn’t exist in 2001.
If she broke the law, then she should face the consequences of her decisions.
You may now return to apologizing for your bankrupt, corrupt, dysfunctional party.
@28: Piper:
Briana would be more at home with the Republicans – pre-emptive strikes and all.
I am sure she would be more comfortable with the USSR tactics in the Washington state republican party – the party decides who the nominees are – not the voters.
Yet the party howls like crazy about non-existent voter fraud and fires the republican USAA that doesn’t toe the party line.
I personaly reject the idiots who burned down the UW center for Horticulture because they “thought” it was doing genetic research. Not only were they wrong, they are stupid. I also reject racist statements, wars for no concievable reason and “experienced” candidates who lack the backbone to make the right vote instead of the expedient vote.
If I ever run for office, Puddy can be my campaign manager (he would be excellent on opposition research). Unfortunately, I can’t return the favor because I can’t support a republican.
As the Horses Ass Comment Section Senior Political Analyst, I’d also like to ask you, if you were a super-delegate, who would you rather have as an enemy, The Clinton Machine, and all their high-ranking supporters, or Obama? Because whoever you select to be the nominee, you’re going to make the other your enemy for a very long time. And that is yet another reason why I believe Clinton will be the nominee. There is no vindictive Obama Machine.
@10: Richard Pope
wow – you do come up with the most interesting stuff (I am not sure if it is true – but good research). I guess you are really paying attention to “Dustin” (the Hillary supporter, ad naseum) and what he is saying.
I wonder if “dustin” will come back on here anymore to defend himself. Especially after all that negative crap he put out about Obama (if he really is Underwood) – he did seem to be a rather partisan attack dog who never let up and never listened to rebuttals (but kept putting out the same crap).
Dustin? Dustin? Where are you?
I love how these idiots continue to make fools of themselves in these comments.
Virtually everything they post as “facts” cannot stand even the most cursory examination. When I even bother to pay any attention I usually am highly entertained by the de-bunking and smackdown they get from Roger…Goldy (rarely, but sometimes)…Lucy, GBS, (my hero) Lee and soooooo many others.
A long time ago I used to take these crapheads as a challenge and dig and post and refute and argue but they are so god-damned stupid as to make ANY effort at rebuttal futile.
Empirical evidence abounds at how dangerous to the country, the democracy and the world in general this ruling class of thieves and imbeciles populating the republican party at every level has become. Twenty-Six years of craven fiscal policies beholden only to the mega-corporate interests and the control-freak christianist religious right followed by ten years of unchecked legislative and now judicial control is choking the economic life out of the middle class and destroying thee liberties and rights that make this country the beacon of humanity it has always beeen known to be.
These morons are cowards who only care like the “God” they worship…Ronald Reagan…for benefit to themselves and theirr own narrow SELF-interest. True “Randians” all. All the while, little by little, the mendacious pricks and “prick-ettes” they believe and put their faith in and advocate for and give their moneey to…are sellingg thesee dumb fucks right down the river.
So prattle on…Puddy and Piper and Ghosty and Troll and Pr
Nacissist: someone who is very pleased with themselves, despite no real objective reason.
See: Troll @22 and 33
Objectively, your comments are repetitive and simplistic. Get a mirror, admire yourself and quit posting. Please!
if you were a super-delegate, who would you rather have as an enemy,
Uh, IIRC, the Obama organization has many former Clintonites working for it.
I love how these idiots continue to make fools of themselves in these comments.
Virtually everything they post as “facts” cannot stand even the most cursory examination. When I even bother to pay any attention I usually am highly entertained by the de-bunking and smackdown they get from Roger…Goldy (rarely, but sometimes)…Lucy, GBS, (my hero) Lee and soooooo many others.
A long time ago I used to take these crapheads as a challenge and dig and post and refute and argue but they are so god-damned stupid as to make ANY effort at rebuttal futile.
Empirical evidence abounds at how dangerous to the country, the democracy and the world in general this ruling class of thieves and imbeciles populating the republican party at every level has become. Twenty-Six years of craven fiscal policies beholden only to the mega-corporate interests and the control-freak christianist religious right followed by ten years of unchecked legislative and now judicial control is choking the economic life out of the middle class and destroying thee liberties and rights that make this country the beacon of humanity it has always been known to be.
These morons are cowards who only care like the “God” they worship…Ronald Reagan…for benefit to themselves and their own narrow SELF-interest. True “Randians” all. All the while, little by little, the mendacious pricks and “prick-ettes” they believe and put their faith in and advocate for and give their money to…are selling these dumb fucks right down the river.
So prattle on…Puddy and Piper and Ghosty and the Redneck and Troll and Prancer and Donder and Blitzen. The mythical reindeer are one-thousand times smarter and more prescient than you delusional asses.
Fuck you all.
The Pianist (a genuine musician)spews:
Troll: Nope. Please educate yourself and perhaps you can jettison the title of Dumbass of the F*cking Week.
And by the way, you aren’t even the worst, but you are doing a fine job of being a loyal Bushie.
Or something.
The Pianist.
(a genuine musician)
Cool…it was soooo good it was worth saying twice…unless a mod wants to please delete the first one. Thanks.
The Pianist (a genuine musician)spews:
Rujax for a Pulitzer!
@35: Rujax – thank you for expressing the opinions of many.
How many times does the troll argument that “clinton did it” work? forever (in the mind of a troll)!
How does a concern troll work?
A concern troll is a republican who pretends to be a democrat and post on the “big” problems the demcrats are going to have or how the party will be fractured if they actually take control. The concern trolls ignore the incompetence and destruction of the current republican adminsitration toconcentrate on the “projected” democratic problems.
See the Seattle time today (David Brooks obsequious and pathetic commentary on the “tough choices” in Iraq) for a classic example or just read some of the posts on here.
I love Brooks (the way I love all idiots) – pulling out of Iraq will be hard and will divide the democratic party and make republicans squeel.
Staying in Iraq for another 100 years and breaking our economy and screwing our beudget deficit and debt is GOOD?
Most of the COUNTRY wants out of Iraq – where have you been you pathetic PUNDIT?
There seems to be new evidence that McCain had an affair on his wife – I wonder if the right will be as eager to hold him accountable for this? Hell no they won’t – they are all hypocrites.
NOT the Troll (but couldn't resist!)spews:
I resemble those allegations and I will sue you for definition of character!
Senator Obama doesn’t have near the accomplishments George Bush did before stealing the White House.
George accomplished:
1) Went AWOL from the Guard
2) Got busted for DUI
3) Bankrupted not one, not two, but three companies his daddy gave him.
Now THOSE are accomplishments.
@34 – Nah, my role in fundraising is a lot more informal, I’ve been street preaching with a laptop and making calls out to my friends who i know support Hillary. I think that’s a bit different than what I read how that guy Colin does it.
Oh and also, I’m 6’0, not 6’11 as they describe him in the stranger article. I’ve been to the burien chapter of drinking liberally once, but if no one is on here from the area you wouldn’t know me.
And, why wouldn’t I come back? Besides the pro-Hillary thing, I’m just about in lock step with nearly all the issues that this this site espouses.
It’s not like I’m particularly welcome over at SoundPolitics with my views on *any* of their candidates, much to Roger Rabbits chagrin on thoughts of me being a wingnut…
Btw, who was it that was asking me to justify Clinton’s missing the Telecom immunity bill vote? Was it you Correctnotright?
I did some digging on the vote tallies, and if you live in a glass house, you probably shouldn’t throw stones.
Obama showed up to vote against the procedural motion to allow telecom immunity into the bill but THAT WAS IT. He skipped the vote that really mattered – the one that actually says yes or no to the bill in its entirety.
So, if you really want to ask me why Hillary missed the roll call vote, maybe you can ask your own candidate as well?
Uhh- dustin – check the roll call on the actual vote – you are wrong again. Obama voted nay and Hillary was the only democrat not voting.
It is a full time job correcting your mistakes – how much are you going to pay me for the editrial service?
ummm(embarassed) editorial
I did check it again, Obama missed the vote.
And the fallout from the Obama community begins:
“I am supremely disappointed in who I had finally selected as my candidate. I voted for him last week. He showed up to vote against telecom immunity but THAT WAS IT. He skipped the vote that really mattered – the one that actually says yes or no to the bill in its entirety. The vote that said the president will not have the right to spy on you without a warrant. Everyone’s been so wrapped up in the telecom immunity bit b/c the Senate had already despicably caved to warrantless wiretapping.”
“I am an Obama supporter but it does disappoint when even Obama isn’t able to make monumentally important votes. “
Just sayin – if you’re wondering why Obama has a big Latino problem:
An audience member asked (Dolores) Huerta why she endorsed Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for the 2008 presidential election, to which Huerta answered that Clinton has intelligence, experience and integrity. Huerta said Clinton sponsored 30 pieces of labor legislation and was against dumping waste in Nevada.
Huerta said Barack Obama, the other major candidate for the Democratic nomination, did not have the history that Clinton did with labor legislation. Huerta referred to an instance Obama was asked to visit a city from which a Mexican woman was about to be deported, but refused. Huerta also said when two Latinos were in jail, the Latino community sought help from Obama when he a senator in Illinois, but he refused to help or meet with the community.
Another audience member asked how college students could help the civil rights movement. Huerta said that college students would have more power so they must politicize and organize their communities to raise money for political candidates.
Also, @ 49, here’s the official link from the senate web site showing he did not vote.
McCain’s far right constituents don’t want anything to do with him. The GOP continues to get bad news after bad news after bad news.
Dustin: Once again you are JUST wrong. the key vote was on removing telecom immunity. Obama voted for removing – Hillary skipped the vote. After that – it really didn’t didn’t matter.
Here are the vote tallies for the second (not as important vote):
“Democrats voting against the bill:
Daniel Akaka (D-HI), Joe Biden (D-DE), Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Chris Dodd (D-CT), Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Russ Feingold (D-WI), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Edward Kennedy (D-MA), John Kerry (D-MA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Pat Leahy (D-VT), Carl Levin (D-MI), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Patty Murray (D-WA), Jack Reed (D-RI), Harry Reid (D-NV), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), John Tester (D-MT), Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Neither Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-New York) nor Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) voted on the bill, though Obama did vote earlier in the day to support removing telecom immunity.”
And Hillary DID NOT!!!!
“The Senate voted on the Dodd/Feingold amendment, which would have stripped retroactive immunity from the surveillance bill just now. The final tally was 31-67; crossing over to vote nay were Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Evan Bayh (D-IA), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), Tim Johnson (D-SD), Herb Kohl (D-WI), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ken Salazar (D-CO), Tom Carper (D-DE), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Jim Webb (D-VA), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Bill Nelson (D-FL), Kent Conrad (D-ND), and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). Update: Here’s the official tally.
Presidential candidates Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Barack Obama (D-IL) were present for the vote – voting nay and yea, respectively.”
From TPM Muckraker – Hillary did NOT vote on the key amendment to strip the immunity offered by Dodd and Feingold.
@53: Dustin
Spin, spin , spin….you are wrong again.
@53: I love it. Hillary misses the key vote on the Dodd/Feingold amendment to strip out the telecom immunity and Obama votes yea to strip it out. But Dustin claims that missing the perfunctory second vote (which Hillary ALSO missed) is important.
He then goes on to quote some other fool who doesn’t know what is going on about telecom amnesty …and blame Obama when he showed (and voted) for the critical vote that Hillary missed – the amendment vote was the important one and showed the strength of the supporters and opponents.
Dustin – you are truly special in your slavish adherence to attacking Obama – even when you don’t have the facts and Hillary is the one who skipped BOTH votes.
For a whole catalogue – almost bigger than J.C. Penny’s at Christmas! – of HRC sins for which she cannot atone and for which Dems are still waiting to pay her back, go read: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap_cam.....ne_clinton
And tell that DustinPan that the only thing HRC inspires people to do is oppose her.
The Piper
I finally got around to reading my February 2008 U.S. Naval Institute PROCEEDINGS this morning.
Very interesting article on page 14 regarding the negative impact the conservative mindset has had on our military readiness. In particular, building modern day warships.
Turns out America cannot build warships any more that meet our Navy’s combat requirements. One of the two main culprits according to author, Rear Adm. William J. Holland, Jr. USN Ret., “This blunder was then aggravated by theorists with little technical foundation who declared in essence that “Everything is better managed by industry than government” while denouncing military specifications as bureaucratic obstacles to progress.”
Only a pinhead conservative would have you believe that private industry can do everything more efficiently. Apparently, national defense isn’t one of them and the Republicans have placed our national security in deeper jeopardy.
55, you can spin it all you want, but the senate roll call doesn’t lie.
Shall we talk about the two crucial votes on sCHIP and the one on Iran that he also missed?
You talk a good game, but the fact is, your “change” candidate isn’t for change at all. He plays the same politics that the rest of them do, just like my candidate.
The difference, my candidate has better plans for results than yours does, yours has ideas and flawed logic.
Like his idea how he was going to find yearly funding for all these new programs he was proposing.
He said he would “pay for them by ending programs that didn’t work and by closing tax loopholes, which he estimated at one trillion dollars.”
The problem is that while his programs are trillions of dollars, the Treasury Department estimated last July that eliminating every major corporate tax preference on the books would yield $120 billion a year in savings.”
I suppose over 10 years that would be 1.2 trillion, but his plans that he is calling for is $1.3 trillion *yearly*.
He has nice ideas, but no logic on how to fund them. It’s easy to promise the moon, but he can’t deliver.
If he’s thinking he can pay for a $1.3 trillion yearly program with $120 billion, I’d like him to meet some credit card companies I have and tell them they are going to be fully paid $100 on my $1,000 balance.
Obama: Where’s the beef?
@ 59 – Well, I suppose you have your opinions, but I’ve never been so inspired by another candidate. Certainly got Kerry (in my view the reason I voted for him was actually a vote against Bush), and while Gore was far better than Bush, he wasn’t really “inspiring”.
HRC inspires me like no other candidate has. And yes, I went to the Obama rally here in seattle, and yes, I got in to the Key and got a seat (well, technically we stood the entire time), and I listened, and I walked out smiling, but not inspired. He gave me feel good noogies, but then I thought about what he said, and a lot of it just felt hollow.
I gave both candidates a shake, and it was that day, after the Obama rally here, that I ordered this shirt, paid for overnight shipping, and wore it to the caucus the next day:
Tiffany’s Will Boycott ‘Dirty Gold’ From Alaska
” … A group of prominent jewelers, including Tiffany & Co., … will announce today that they oppose the … Pebble Mine planned for Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed, site of the world’s largest sockeye salmon run.
“The jewelers’ ‘Bristol Bay Protection Pledge’ marks a new front in the ‘No Dirty Gold’ initiative … against destructive mining practices. …
“‘There are places where mining does not represent the best use of resources,’ Michael Kowalski, Tiffany’s chairman and chief executive officer, said in an e-mail. ‘In Bristol Bay, we support … the salmon fishery as the best bet for
sustainable, long-term benefit … this means we will look to other places to source gold.’ …
“The campaign to clean up gold mines echoes the opposition to ‘blood diamonds,’ sold to finance conflicts in developing nations … jewelers, working with nonprofit groups and the mining industry, set up a system to ensure diamonds are ‘conflict-free.’ Now the ‘ethical jewelry’ movement is preparing to expand with a certification program for gold and silver.
“If the mine … gains the necessary permits from Alaska, it would involve excavating as much as 12 billion tons of earth, which, after extracting the ore, would fill 10 square miles of impoundments. Two dams, higher than China’s Three Gorges Dam, would be built to hold the waste.
” … Dan Consenstein, head of the Renewable Resources Coalition, an Alaska-based opposition group, said pollution from the mine would destroy the fishery.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....old12.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This mine, which would destroy the world’s most productive salmon fishery, is being pushed by the Bush administration and Alaska Republicans.
Hard-rock mining is one of the most taxpayer-subsidy-intensive industries on earth. Not only do they get essentially free access to public lands, but also stick
taxpayers the enormous costs of cleaning up their mess.
Nearly all gold mines become Superfund sites; and none would make a profit if they had to pay the billions of dollars of cleanup costs they customarily shift to taxpayers.
As a group, hard rock miners are the most conservative Republican, anti-environment, and unreconstructed 19th-century robber baron-mentality assholes in America.
They operate under the antiquated 1872 Mining Law, which gives them a legal license to loot and despoil public lands. They don’t care how many miners they kill, and would rather shoot their critics than negotiate with them. This group deserves no public sympathy or support whatsoever.
A major overhaul of federal mining laws and regulation needs to be a very high priority of the incoming Democratic president and congress.
@1 RR
Oh Lord! Are there enough ways this ‘Rapture Bound’ shrub administration can figure out to despoil the Country? Will the land survive until next January?
Went to Alaska last summer (gifted by a relative). Beautiful, fantastic. The tourists spent a MAJOR fortune. Did the Gold Panning Adventure in both Juneau and Skagway (Liars Camp). Sister’s Hobby since she’s goldpanned around the Southwest. Both Guides finally sheepishly admitted that the gold we found from swishing (pans stacked with sand before we arrived) came from the filings from old mining sites. Not enough gold there to warrant seeking it out, but it sure makes the Tourists go away “happy”. At $185 per tourist for a 4-5 hours of entertainment, it’s nothing to sneeze at (not to mention all the serious bucks spent in souvenirs, film, etc.)
(Also saw the planned ‘Bridges to NoWhere’ in Ketchikan. Unbelievable!!! The TINY island, short distance. If the water wasn’t so cold I could probably have swam the length myself!)
By the time shrub is done with Alaska, there won’t be much left for the tourists to want to see.
New polls released this morning:
North Carolina: Obama +10%
Ohio: Clinton +17%
Rhode Island: Clinton +9%
Old Lady FnF@2: How do you blame the government for a private company wanting to mine?
Oh…. wait… it’s another knee-jerk leftie fascist comment from one of the 16%ers.
I take it you’ve never been to South Africa where the mine dust sits in large hills in the open. Your friends in the old apartheid government didn’t care about the environment or the poor people because these hills are left in the poor areas.
Now the various US environmental groups will check this out and maybe even block it. Per your idiot suggestion above, GWB would have to autocratically take over the private mine operation, declare it eminent domain, and then mine the area as a government entity. That’s how stupid your comment it. But being a liberal you too can pelletize this blog ad nauseum!
DustinJames: My buddy PacMan came out of lurker mode to deliver the smackdown on your Heilary loving butt. She still the best thing in a pant suit?
Which idiot used pimping last summer:
“That, sir, is not only un-American, it is dictatorial. And in pimping General David Petraeus, sir, in violation of everything this country has been assiduously and vigilantly against for 220 years, you have tried to blur the gleaming radioactive demarcation between the military and the political, and to portray your party as the one associated with the military and your opponents as the ones somehow antithetical to it.”
Tin foil hatman Keith Olbermann hero of the 16%ers.
Maggie Williams Heilary?
See what the DU has to say about that…
Clueless Idiot, Your shit is funny when used correctly!
Well, I helped raise $1600 for her last night, so, yes she is.
Only a racist would fire a minority. Forget the fact she’s not doing a very good job, that’s irrelevant, it’s about race.
“it will be very troubling to many if somehow we later find that she left her post under pressure because of the recent primary losses your campaign suffered.”
DustinJames @ 8
You are raising money for Hillary Clinton? Is your real name Colby Underwood, the major local fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton campaign? In any event, you sure seem to think a lot like Colby Underwood does. Here is an article from The Stranger of January 30, 2008, which deals with an anti-harassment restraining order apparently issued against Underwood for alleged racial and sexual harassment of two neighbors:
Troubling News
Prominent Democratic fundraiser Colby Underwood, who earlier this month sued former employee McKenna Hartman for starting up a competing firm after leaving Underwood’s office [“Fund Fight,” Erica C. Barnett, Jan 24], has just one other incident on his file at King County Superior Court. But what an incident: According to the superior court documents, when Underwood was 15, a superior court judge granted a restraining order against the teenager for alleged racial harassment against two of his neighbors in Shoreline. The petition for a restraining order alleges Underwood put up a racist sign in his neighbors’ yard, tore up their garden, and made over-the-top racial and sexual slurs that are shocking and appalling. Underwood refused to comment about the 1993 antiharassment order. ERICA C. BARNETT
NewsFlash: A call has just gone out from the Clinton Campaign Headquarters asking for any pictures of an event reputed to have taken place last year: Barack Obama golfing with Satan in Hell.
A source close to the campaign divulged that thiswas seen as an absolute necessity to secure a victory in Texas. . .
Word on the street is that Adobe is experiencing massive download activity at HRC HQ of its vaunted Photoshop software.
If you can’t get the real deal (royalties for such a pic might be a little steep – ask Faust), manufacture a facsimile. Won’t be the first time someone’s done it.
The Piper
Great Catch Richard!
In another post he said he was 30, which is Colby’s age.
Looks like Reuters posted something funny.
Since it’s positive to a Donkey, why didn’t Goldy post it?
Oh wait, he didn’t want to offend headless lucy…
Copy left and fair use to the URL owner below…
http://www.reuters.com/article /musicNews/idUSN0852813420080 210
Fresh from their feud on the campaign trail, Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama beat Bill Clinton in a contest almost as closely watched as the primaries being waged across the United States — the music industry’s Grammy Awards.
Obama on Sunday won the spoken word Grammy for the audiobook version of his blockbuster tome “The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.” It marked his second statuette, following a win in 2006 for “Dreams From My Father,” an audiobook for a memoir first published in 1995.
Bill Clinton was seeking his third Grammy with “Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World,” a call to public service. Another former Democratic president, Jimmy Carter, also was in the running, with “Sunday Morning in Plains: Bringing Peace to a Changing World,” a collection of Bible lessons. Carter won the award last year.
No Republican politician has won the category since Everett Dirksen, an Illinois congressman and senator, in 1968.
PuddyStudy No Republican since 1968? Grammy Bias maybe? Or because Everett delivered Republican votes for the VRA and CRA when Al Gore Sr, Richard Russell and Robert Byrd implemented Creighton Headless Lucy Baril minority rules of engagement?
Don’t buy gold if you’re worried about mining interests in Alaska.
Don’t vote for Hillary, either. Let’s end her political aspirations here and now.
Oh yeah, fuck Keith Olbermann.
Richard I wondered if this is RightEqualsStupid in a toned down mode.
Of course Goldy never reveals the sockpuppet names of his 16%ers.
So Dustin Colin fess up… is it you?
Richard, does this Colin live in the White Center area?
Jeeee-sus K. Reist!!!
Can we PLEASE get some new trolls…
These are fucking BORING.
It must fry the racists in the GOP to find out Senator Obama’s audio book “The Audacity of Hope” just won a Grammy award. The right is afraid of this book. That’s why I am buying copies for every school library in the state.
Hillary will be the nominee. Even though Obama’s pulled ahead in the delegate count, it’s close, and will continue to be close, but super-delegates are going for Hillary Rotten Clinton on an almost 2-1 basis.
The even better video of McCain can be found on this link:
It shows McCain talking about how easy the Iraq war will be (about 5 or 6 times) – and then 4 years later saying that no one said it would be easy.
Straight talk – straight past the truth – he can’t even be honest about what he has said in the past. Pathetic.
I am very pleased with myself, and the comments I’ve been making lately. I consider myself to be one of the most respected and admired people on this blog, so I am giving myself the title of Horses Ass Comment Section Senior Political Analyst.
Idiot@19: Why are conservatives afraid of someone’s personal story?
You are an idiot! And a racist too. I haven’t seen your headless lucy denunciation yet?
Rudejass, I am proud of my comments too.
From now I am changing my title to Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator…
Hey RudejASS:
You are an idiot! And a racist too. I haven’t seen your headless lucy denunciation yet?
ChristmasGhost: You say it here first from Puddy. Looks like Geraldo Rivera has a new book coming out soon:
“His Panic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the U.S.”
The Prosecution Rests!
ChristmasGhost: I used that term two weeks ago “His panic”!
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah baby!
Have to ask…is Briana Waters an HA Happy Hooligan? Is she supported by the HA Happy Hooligans?
What she seems to be to me is the logical extension of HA Happy Hoolihallucinatory thinking and activism. That and an arsonist. With so many in the ELF ratting each other out, it’s fascinating watching them devour each other all in an effort to save their own skins, necks, and hides.
About the only “environmentalism” these birds are interested in right now is protecting themselves from the environment of being on the inside of a federal prison.
Ah, yes! Youthful idealism!
The Piper
I haven’t seen your headless lucy denunciation yet?
The music plays on.
Command me, Stupes!
Jackass. LMAO!!
I’m not about to take sides in the “fundraiser’s war”. It’s a civil dispute which will be handled by the judge in charge. I’m not going to try to judge the case by reading press releases.
As for the antiharrasment order when the guy was 15:
(1) I never did anything like that when I was 15, but I did a lot of other stupid things, so I’m not going to judge someone well into adulthood based upon their actions when they were 15. They’ve had lots of time to grow up since then and learn their lessons.
(2) In issuing a preliminary injunction or an antiharassment order, a judge is supposed to make a determination of whether or not the defendant/respondent did in fact engage in the alleged conduct. You and I know, however, that such determinations are usually made in a few minutes, after reading competing affidavits presented by the opposing lawyers. Usually the judge is in no position to determine the truth, but figures that the safe thing to do is to issue a preliminary injunction or anti-harrassment order. Sort of, “We aren’t saying you did it, but if you did do it, don’t do it again, or you will really be in trouble next time”.
Anyway, my 2 cents worth, without knowing either party, or caring about the outcome….
is Briana Waters an HA Happy Hooligan? Is she supported by the HA Happy Hooligans?
Uh, crackpooper, HA.org didn’t exist in 2001.
If she broke the law, then she should face the consequences of her decisions.
You may now return to apologizing for your bankrupt, corrupt, dysfunctional party.
@28: Piper:
Briana would be more at home with the Republicans – pre-emptive strikes and all.
I am sure she would be more comfortable with the USSR tactics in the Washington state republican party – the party decides who the nominees are – not the voters.
Yet the party howls like crazy about non-existent voter fraud and fires the republican USAA that doesn’t toe the party line.
I personaly reject the idiots who burned down the UW center for Horticulture because they “thought” it was doing genetic research. Not only were they wrong, they are stupid. I also reject racist statements, wars for no concievable reason and “experienced” candidates who lack the backbone to make the right vote instead of the expedient vote.
If I ever run for office, Puddy can be my campaign manager (he would be excellent on opposition research). Unfortunately, I can’t return the favor because I can’t support a republican.
As the Horses Ass Comment Section Senior Political Analyst, I’d also like to ask you, if you were a super-delegate, who would you rather have as an enemy, The Clinton Machine, and all their high-ranking supporters, or Obama? Because whoever you select to be the nominee, you’re going to make the other your enemy for a very long time. And that is yet another reason why I believe Clinton will be the nominee. There is no vindictive Obama Machine.
@10: Richard Pope
wow – you do come up with the most interesting stuff (I am not sure if it is true – but good research). I guess you are really paying attention to “Dustin” (the Hillary supporter, ad naseum) and what he is saying.
I wonder if “dustin” will come back on here anymore to defend himself. Especially after all that negative crap he put out about Obama (if he really is Underwood) – he did seem to be a rather partisan attack dog who never let up and never listened to rebuttals (but kept putting out the same crap).
Dustin? Dustin? Where are you?
I love how these idiots continue to make fools of themselves in these comments.
Virtually everything they post as “facts” cannot stand even the most cursory examination. When I even bother to pay any attention I usually am highly entertained by the de-bunking and smackdown they get from Roger…Goldy (rarely, but sometimes)…Lucy, GBS, (my hero) Lee and soooooo many others.
A long time ago I used to take these crapheads as a challenge and dig and post and refute and argue but they are so god-damned stupid as to make ANY effort at rebuttal futile.
Empirical evidence abounds at how dangerous to the country, the democracy and the world in general this ruling class of thieves and imbeciles populating the republican party at every level has become. Twenty-Six years of craven fiscal policies beholden only to the mega-corporate interests and the control-freak christianist religious right followed by ten years of unchecked legislative and now judicial control is choking the economic life out of the middle class and destroying thee liberties and rights that make this country the beacon of humanity it has always beeen known to be.
These morons are cowards who only care like the “God” they worship…Ronald Reagan…for benefit to themselves and theirr own narrow SELF-interest. True “Randians” all. All the while, little by little, the mendacious pricks and “prick-ettes” they believe and put their faith in and advocate for and give their moneey to…are sellingg thesee dumb fucks right down the river.
So prattle on…Puddy and Piper and Ghosty and Troll and Pr
Nacissist: someone who is very pleased with themselves, despite no real objective reason.
See: Troll @22 and 33
Objectively, your comments are repetitive and simplistic. Get a mirror, admire yourself and quit posting. Please!
if you were a super-delegate, who would you rather have as an enemy,
Uh, IIRC, the Obama organization has many former Clintonites working for it.
I love how these idiots continue to make fools of themselves in these comments.
Virtually everything they post as “facts” cannot stand even the most cursory examination. When I even bother to pay any attention I usually am highly entertained by the de-bunking and smackdown they get from Roger…Goldy (rarely, but sometimes)…Lucy, GBS, (my hero) Lee and soooooo many others.
A long time ago I used to take these crapheads as a challenge and dig and post and refute and argue but they are so god-damned stupid as to make ANY effort at rebuttal futile.
Empirical evidence abounds at how dangerous to the country, the democracy and the world in general this ruling class of thieves and imbeciles populating the republican party at every level has become. Twenty-Six years of craven fiscal policies beholden only to the mega-corporate interests and the control-freak christianist religious right followed by ten years of unchecked legislative and now judicial control is choking the economic life out of the middle class and destroying thee liberties and rights that make this country the beacon of humanity it has always been known to be.
These morons are cowards who only care like the “God” they worship…Ronald Reagan…for benefit to themselves and their own narrow SELF-interest. True “Randians” all. All the while, little by little, the mendacious pricks and “prick-ettes” they believe and put their faith in and advocate for and give their money to…are selling these dumb fucks right down the river.
So prattle on…Puddy and Piper and Ghosty and the Redneck and Troll and Prancer and Donder and Blitzen. The mythical reindeer are one-thousand times smarter and more prescient than you delusional asses.
Fuck you all.
Troll: Nope. Please educate yourself and perhaps you can jettison the title of Dumbass of the F*cking Week.
And by the way, you aren’t even the worst, but you are doing a fine job of being a loyal Bushie.
Or something.
The Pianist.
(a genuine musician)
Cool…it was soooo good it was worth saying twice…unless a mod wants to please delete the first one. Thanks.
Rujax for a Pulitzer!
@35: Rujax – thank you for expressing the opinions of many.
How many times does the troll argument that “clinton did it” work? forever (in the mind of a troll)!
How does a concern troll work?
A concern troll is a republican who pretends to be a democrat and post on the “big” problems the demcrats are going to have or how the party will be fractured if they actually take control. The concern trolls ignore the incompetence and destruction of the current republican adminsitration toconcentrate on the “projected” democratic problems.
See the Seattle time today (David Brooks obsequious and pathetic commentary on the “tough choices” in Iraq) for a classic example or just read some of the posts on here.
I love Brooks (the way I love all idiots) – pulling out of Iraq will be hard and will divide the democratic party and make republicans squeel.
Staying in Iraq for another 100 years and breaking our economy and screwing our beudget deficit and debt is GOOD?
Most of the COUNTRY wants out of Iraq – where have you been you pathetic PUNDIT?
What a TOOOL!
I resent being labeled a troll by you.
There seems to be new evidence that McCain had an affair on his wife – I wonder if the right will be as eager to hold him accountable for this? Hell no they won’t – they are all hypocrites.
I resemble those allegations and I will sue you for definition of character!
Senator Obama doesn’t have near the accomplishments George Bush did before stealing the White House.
George accomplished:
1) Went AWOL from the Guard
2) Got busted for DUI
3) Bankrupted not one, not two, but three companies his daddy gave him.
Now THOSE are accomplishments.
@34 – Nah, my role in fundraising is a lot more informal, I’ve been street preaching with a laptop and making calls out to my friends who i know support Hillary. I think that’s a bit different than what I read how that guy Colin does it.
Oh and also, I’m 6’0, not 6’11 as they describe him in the stranger article. I’ve been to the burien chapter of drinking liberally once, but if no one is on here from the area you wouldn’t know me.
And, why wouldn’t I come back? Besides the pro-Hillary thing, I’m just about in lock step with nearly all the issues that this this site espouses.
It’s not like I’m particularly welcome over at SoundPolitics with my views on *any* of their candidates, much to Roger Rabbits chagrin on thoughts of me being a wingnut…
http://www.soundpolitics.com/archives/003402.html (comment 1 to start, and many others down the list…)
Btw, who was it that was asking me to justify Clinton’s missing the Telecom immunity bill vote? Was it you Correctnotright?
I did some digging on the vote tallies, and if you live in a glass house, you probably shouldn’t throw stones.
Obama showed up to vote against the procedural motion to allow telecom immunity into the bill but THAT WAS IT. He skipped the vote that really mattered – the one that actually says yes or no to the bill in its entirety.
So, if you really want to ask me why Hillary missed the roll call vote, maybe you can ask your own candidate as well?
Uhh- dustin – check the roll call on the actual vote – you are wrong again. Obama voted nay and Hillary was the only democrat not voting.
It is a full time job correcting your mistakes – how much are you going to pay me for the editrial service?
ummm(embarassed) editorial
I did check it again, Obama missed the vote.
And the fallout from the Obama community begins:
“I am supremely disappointed in who I had finally selected as my candidate. I voted for him last week. He showed up to vote against telecom immunity but THAT WAS IT. He skipped the vote that really mattered – the one that actually says yes or no to the bill in its entirety. The vote that said the president will not have the right to spy on you without a warrant. Everyone’s been so wrapped up in the telecom immunity bit b/c the Senate had already despicably caved to warrantless wiretapping.”
“I am an Obama supporter but it does disappoint when even Obama isn’t able to make monumentally important votes. “
Just sayin – if you’re wondering why Obama has a big Latino problem:
Also, @ 49, here’s the official link from the senate web site showing he did not vote.
McCain’s far right constituents don’t want anything to do with him. The GOP continues to get bad news after bad news after bad news.
Dustin: Once again you are JUST wrong. the key vote was on removing telecom immunity. Obama voted for removing – Hillary skipped the vote. After that – it really didn’t didn’t matter.
Here are the vote tallies for the second (not as important vote):
“Democrats voting against the bill:
Daniel Akaka (D-HI), Joe Biden (D-DE), Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Chris Dodd (D-CT), Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Russ Feingold (D-WI), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Tom Harkin (D-IA), Edward Kennedy (D-MA), John Kerry (D-MA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Pat Leahy (D-VT), Carl Levin (D-MI), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Patty Murray (D-WA), Jack Reed (D-RI), Harry Reid (D-NV), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), John Tester (D-MT), Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Neither Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-New York) nor Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) voted on the bill, though Obama did vote earlier in the day to support removing telecom immunity.”
And Hillary DID NOT!!!!
“The Senate voted on the Dodd/Feingold amendment, which would have stripped retroactive immunity from the surveillance bill just now. The final tally was 31-67; crossing over to vote nay were Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Evan Bayh (D-IA), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), Tim Johnson (D-SD), Herb Kohl (D-WI), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ken Salazar (D-CO), Tom Carper (D-DE), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Jim Webb (D-VA), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Bill Nelson (D-FL), Kent Conrad (D-ND), and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). Update: Here’s the official tally.
Presidential candidates Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Barack Obama (D-IL) were present for the vote – voting nay and yea, respectively.”
From TPM Muckraker – Hillary did NOT vote on the key amendment to strip the immunity offered by Dodd and Feingold.
@53: Dustin
Spin, spin , spin….you are wrong again.
@53: I love it. Hillary misses the key vote on the Dodd/Feingold amendment to strip out the telecom immunity and Obama votes yea to strip it out. But Dustin claims that missing the perfunctory second vote (which Hillary ALSO missed) is important.
He then goes on to quote some other fool who doesn’t know what is going on about telecom amnesty …and blame Obama when he showed (and voted) for the critical vote that Hillary missed – the amendment vote was the important one and showed the strength of the supporters and opponents.
Dustin – you are truly special in your slavish adherence to attacking Obama – even when you don’t have the facts and Hillary is the one who skipped BOTH votes.
For a whole catalogue – almost bigger than J.C. Penny’s at Christmas! – of HRC sins for which she cannot atone and for which Dems are still waiting to pay her back, go read: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap_cam.....ne_clinton
And tell that DustinPan that the only thing HRC inspires people to do is oppose her.
The Piper
I finally got around to reading my February 2008 U.S. Naval Institute PROCEEDINGS this morning.
Very interesting article on page 14 regarding the negative impact the conservative mindset has had on our military readiness. In particular, building modern day warships.
Turns out America cannot build warships any more that meet our Navy’s combat requirements. One of the two main culprits according to author, Rear Adm. William J. Holland, Jr. USN Ret., “This blunder was then aggravated by theorists with little technical foundation who declared in essence that “Everything is better managed by industry than government” while denouncing military specifications as bureaucratic obstacles to progress.”
Only a pinhead conservative would have you believe that private industry can do everything more efficiently. Apparently, national defense isn’t one of them and the Republicans have placed our national security in deeper jeopardy.
55, you can spin it all you want, but the senate roll call doesn’t lie.
Hillary and Obama missed the vote on the bill:
http://www.senate.gov/legislat ive/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_c all_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=110& session=2&vote=00020
Shall we talk about the two crucial votes on sCHIP and the one on Iran that he also missed?
You talk a good game, but the fact is, your “change” candidate isn’t for change at all. He plays the same politics that the rest of them do, just like my candidate.
The difference, my candidate has better plans for results than yours does, yours has ideas and flawed logic.
Like his idea how he was going to find yearly funding for all these new programs he was proposing.
He said he would “pay for them by ending programs that didn’t work and by closing tax loopholes, which he estimated at one trillion dollars.”
The problem is that while his programs are trillions of dollars, the Treasury Department estimated last July that eliminating every major corporate tax preference on the books would yield $120 billion a year in savings.”
I suppose over 10 years that would be 1.2 trillion, but his plans that he is calling for is $1.3 trillion *yearly*.
He has nice ideas, but no logic on how to fund them. It’s easy to promise the moon, but he can’t deliver.
If he’s thinking he can pay for a $1.3 trillion yearly program with $120 billion, I’d like him to meet some credit card companies I have and tell them they are going to be fully paid $100 on my $1,000 balance.
Obama: Where’s the beef?
@ 59 – Well, I suppose you have your opinions, but I’ve never been so inspired by another candidate. Certainly got Kerry (in my view the reason I voted for him was actually a vote against Bush), and while Gore was far better than Bush, he wasn’t really “inspiring”.
HRC inspires me like no other candidate has. And yes, I went to the Obama rally here in seattle, and yes, I got in to the Key and got a seat (well, technically we stood the entire time), and I listened, and I walked out smiling, but not inspired. He gave me feel good noogies, but then I thought about what he said, and a lot of it just felt hollow.
I gave both candidates a shake, and it was that day, after the Obama rally here, that I ordered this shirt, paid for overnight shipping, and wore it to the caucus the next day:
#26 Puddybud, The Fact Finding Prognosticator… says:
CNN cancelled his appearance.
‘The Most Trusted Name in News’ just chickened out,” Rivera told Page Six. “This reveals a corporate insecurity.”
Maybe they feel if they don’t let his panics on air the racists will leave msnbc and watch the Clinton News Network.
#35 Rujax! says:
The only smackdowns lucy gives is to the little black boy he teaches. Ever notice lucy never picks on blacks older than 12?
#49 correctnotright says:
Less than you should pay me for my “editorial” services.
GOP hero and leader Craig gets a ruler slap!
RudejASS: We get smackdowns?
You don’t like my facts? Well then tell Keith, Chris, Nancy, Harry, Robert, etc. to stop being idiots.
Awwwwww you are such a “wonderful” person, we should be in awe of you? NOT!
Check the tape. Where have I consistently used the Clinton card? Well maybe Heilary Clinton that it…