I almost spit pepsi on my monitor… “Waterboarding is my viagra.”
So I was just coming home from work, driving and listening to AM1090, Air America…great entertainment value and a great ending to a tough day at work…Coming home all smiling and laughing. Randy Rhoades(sp?) was on and she was lambasting the Clintons. And then she complained about the unfair treatment one of the best reporters in the business and one of her favorites, David Shuster, got. He should be reinstated, etc…
Boy that was funny…Together with Hillary sort of praising Fox News today….
ah, well…gotta have dinner now.
New polls released over the past couple of days show good things for my candidate looking forward.
Latest polls in Wisconsin, Rhode Island, show Clinton ahead by 9% and 10% respectively – Texas and Ohio show Clinton up by 10% and 20% respectively.
I must say though – to the overwhelming Obama folks on this board, congrats on making inroads into the Latino vote in Texas, it appears you are getting some crossing over, which has helped you narrow it down to 10% so far.
So… am I just missing all the press releases from Esser’s office calling on the U.S. Attorney’s office to open an investigation into possible voter fraud and electioneering scandals?
Seriously, Tony Soprano would have more credibility grousing about extortionate ATM fees. And that brings up another point: it’s not as though rubbing their noses in it would have to be tedious or humorless.
If I was a local political blogger instead of a local sex-and-relationships blogger I’d shut down I-90 again with an avalanche of Rossi & Company quotes from the last post-election season. What was it the were blanketing us with last time out? Even a .000001% error rate is inexcusable, probably deliberate, and heads should roll? Fsheahright.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Has Rhoades finally lost her mind for good? Shuster is wing through-and-through.
“Shuster left CNN in 1994 to become a political reporter for the ABC affiliate KATV in Little Rock, Arkansas, covering the Whitewater scandal. Little Rock’s KATV station manager, Dale Nicholson, officially retracted several reports filed by Shuster concerning Whitewater. …
“From 1996 – 2002, Shuster was a … correspondent for the Fox News Channel. … Shuster led Fox’s coverage of the Clinton investigations including Whitewater, the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the Starr Report and the Senate impeachment trial. Shuster was also a member of Fox’s ‘You Decide 2000’ political team. …
“Shuster has been criticized for inserting political commentary into his coverage of news stories.”
Maybe Rhoades likes Shuster because he criticizes the Bush administration — they’re not conservative enough for him.
Bravo to the General! We need more snark. Let’s all go cut-and-paste from the Sound Politics posts. Feed every one of their self-righteous bloviations right back at them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Give it up. You wingnuts’ worst nightmare is coming true — your candidate is McCain, and you won’t get to run against Hillary! And you’re reduced to posing as a Democrat. Life is a bitch for wingers these days. haw haw haw haw haw
Randy Rhoades should be careful because if as now appears probable, Obama becomes the Democratic nominee, what will his supporters then say when MSNBC other MSM begin to degrade him in racist terms, and don’t for a moment think that they wont?
Roger Rabbitspews:
It certainly is enjoyable watching the Rethugs wallow in their own voting-fraud shitpile! I’ll bet Dean Logan down in L.A. is laughing his ass off!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
These GOP morons can’t even count to 10.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll bet the problem in Snohomish County is their chief accountant lost 6 of his fingers in a meat slicing machine. Without those fingers, he can only count up to 4.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Has anyone else noticed how voting irregularities seem to follow the Republicans wherever they go? We Democrats didn’t have any problem counting our caucus votes. Judge Bridges didn’t take any fraudulent votes away from Gregoire — but he did subtract fraudulent votes from Rossi’s total. In Washington, voting fraud is a Republican phenomenon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now Republicans are cheating on each other!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll bet the average Republican marriage is a regular Peyton Place!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Maybe that explains why so many Republicans have syphilis.
@16. It could explain why so many of them posting here exhibit general paresis of the insane.
I want one of the bloggers here to write a piece on how they think the super-delegates will vote, and why.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Has anyone ever checked out the house.gov/ethics history? Compared the number of democrats to republicans? Didn’t think so!
Roger Rabbit said with a straight face-
“Shuster is himself a pimp, a nakedly partisan GOP shill posing as a journalist, and NBC should fire him.” http://www.horsesass.org/?p=4276#comment-741138
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Pelletizer BULLSHITTIUM Alert in post #5.
I posted Shuster hateful anti-Republican rants.
Pelletizer BULLSHITTIUM Alert over.
Rabbit dont forget the number one newborn name for
democrat boys is Chad. Before you get yourself all
worked up.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#18 Troll says:
I want one of the bloggers here to write a piece on how they think the super-delegates will vote, and why.
Since the superdelegates are the rank & file of the party, I’m guessing anti-black. Anyone wanna bet more votes against obama than for obama?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Consumer Alert: Comment #19 is devoid of nutritional substance and eating it will cause starvation.
Marvin, I think you’re right. I think the fix is in. I think the super-delegates will overwhelmingly go for Clinton. The Clinton machine I think they know it’s already in the bag.
Marvin Stamnspews:
@23 Roger Rabbit says:
Consumer Alert: Comment #19 is devoid of nutritional substance and eating it will cause starvation.
Reading history will raise cause little-minded people a brain explosion. I don’t recommend it for most on this blog.
Hell, even the rabbit was scared to read it.
What do the democrats stand for that benefit blacks?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Who are the white leaders?
Why do white liberals think black people need black leaders?
Marvin Stamnspews:
I remember when wal-mart wanted to open in inglewwod (poor black neighborhood in los angeles). The white liberals complained because wal-mart is non-union. So, blacks are forced to use little stores with prices much higher than wal-mart and those jobs went elsewhere. Another good deed by white liberals that screwed black people.
Marvin Stamnspews:
School vouchers anyone? Well, not for blacks, white liberals are against school vouchers for blacks. An educated black man is the scary type of black man for white liberals.
WTF are you blathering about?
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Marvin@30: And one or two who leave the reservation and identify the poverty pimps of the left!
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Looks like the Lancet 600K+ Iraqi dead study funded by George Soros.
Figgers. “New research published by The New England Journal of Medicine estimates that 151,000 people – less than a quarter of The Lancet estimate – have died since the invasion in 2003.”
I want one of the bloggers here to write about the US sabotage of undersea cables in the Middle East, which completely isolated the Iranian international communications system. Coincidentally Iran is launching their own euro-demoninated oil bourse this week. Maybe an open thread about how an attack on Iran is imminent.
IAFF Firemanspews:
Ummmm, on King 5, they just talked about how the Dems originally said that Douglas County was won by Clinton, but after closer examination, it goes to Obama. Compare that to Chairman Esser, who Called it for McCain, and McCain has since increased his totals. At least when we screw up, the right candidate still gets the Credit. When you all do, the Wrong Candidate gets into the Governors Mansion.
@30 An educated black man is the scary type of black man for white liberals.
Considering that a Harvard-educated black man just overwhelmingly won the Democratic caucus in this state, isn’t this statement particularly retarded, even for you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#34 slingshot says:
I want one of the bloggers here to write about the US sabotage
I want one of the white liberal bloggers to write what the democrats have done for blacks… besides start the KKK, fillerbuster the civil rights act, support policies that help keep blacks poor/uneducated and dependent on the democrats. When you realize how much the democrats NEED the black vote it all becomes clear. If blacks voted 50% dem 50% rep, dems would NEVER be in power again.
I thought legal child killing, aka:abortion was supposed to help save the lives of women so they don’t have abortions in back alleys. Oops, that’s only white women it was supposed to help. Minority women, well, you can lie in pools of your own blood. Planned parenthood, the racist’s legalized black killing machine/business. http://www.latimes.com/news/pr.....8587.story
I don’t know why the GOP has the reputation of being against homosexuality. Clearly the rank-and-file willing to take it up the ass when it comes to their leaders saying, “McCain! Because I said so! Your votes mean nothing!”
Marvin Stamnspews:
#39 Puddybud, A Prognosticator… says:
I came across this. http://www.examiner.com/a-1207 714~Gov_s_Aide_Accused_of_Sex_ Assault_on_Boy.html
Notice the politics of the perp were mysteriously forgotten. Well he was a donkey.
I’m sure you noticed not one of the happy hooligans have said this is disgusting. Tacit approval as long as it’s a democrat doing the lambada with little boys.
It’s not the hypocrisy, it’s another democrat having sex with children. Hey, let’s attack the boy and blame him, it’s the democrat way.
Luke Esser looks dishonest to me. Just saw him on TV. The guy is hiding something.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Uhhhh Lee, Marvin was speaking about the donkey elite being against vouchers. That is the foundational start to an educated Black Man. As always the point went supersonic past your head!
I thought liberals educators have declared that there are no dumb people anymore, only people who “learn differently.”
So come now the protectors of the Washington State Election System integrity in all their glory.
What a moronic bunch of loons and kooks.
After all the grousing and griping and LAWSUITS about how this didn’t work and that wasn’t done right.
Just like the fucking Bush Administration and the asshat clownservative movement…the wheels are coming off in SUCH a big way.
More popcorn please, and a soda while you’re up! THANKS.
Troll’s on the “short bus” with crackpiper, puddyprick, and moron stamm.
Hmmm, you gotta love the photo of the Obama campaign workers in TX with the poster of Che Guevarra and the Cuban flag as their wall decorations. ?????? And the democrat party says they’re not communist-oriented….Those people beg to differ, apparently.
Richard Popespews:
Esser the Suppressor just updated the Washington State GOP website. He has posted an Open Letter on the issue, which is dated tomorrow:
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Open Letter on Precinct Caucus Results
Dear Friends,
First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in our historic and exciting Republican precinct caucuses on Saturday, February 9th. The success of our caucuses was only possible because of the incredible efforts of thousands of grassroots Republican volunteers around the state.
This past week has been a remarkable time for our party. I had the great honor of speaking on the program for Mrs. Janet Huckabee during her rally in Kirkland on the day before the caucuses, and I appeared on the stage with Sen. John McCain during his rally in Seattle later that same evening. As a state party we are neutral in the presidential race, but we are supportive of all of our outstanding Republican candidates.
Recently, there has been some controversy surrounding the results of our precinct caucuses, and I want to correct some misimpressions that have been reported. Our role at the State Party Headquarters has been to gather data from our 39 county party organizations, tabulate the data and report the statewide results. We are merely the messengers for the information gathered by our outstanding Republican Party volunteers throughout the state.
It has been suggested that we intentionally “stopped” counting delegates on Saturday night before all the results were reported. Frankly, I was thrilled that we could provide the level of results that we did on the day of the caucuses. We provided our last updated numbers on Caucus Night at about 10:15 p.m., and explained to the media that we are a volunteer organization, and that our volunteers do need to get some sleep, and most of them want to be fresh and alert for Sunday church services. Nonetheless, some have spun the situation to suggest that we stopped counting because we had an intent to favor a particular candidate, which is baseless and untrue.
Our staff was actually in the office working on Sunday so we could get more numbers, and we are continuing to stay in touch with our grassroots Republican Party organizations around the state to obtain as many of the delegate results as we can as quickly as possible. We will continue in these efforts until the job is completed.
It was my decision as State Party Chairman to announce on Saturday night that Sen. McCain was the “winner” of the precinct caucuses. It’s important for everyone to know that I would have delivered the same message on Gov. Huckabee’s behalf (or Congressman Paul or Gov. Romney) if the situation had been reversed. The margin between Sen. McCain and Gov. Huckabee is not huge, but after running an analysis of remaining precincts and consulting with my staff, I was confident the margin would hold, and I thought I owed it to all of those who took the time to attend our precinct caucuses to provide them with that information.
My statement in no way “disenfranchised” anyone. We have continued our delegate count each day since the caucuses, and will continue until each delegate is counted. All the major campaigns have been treated fairly in this process. In fact, we provided representatives of the Huckabee and McCain Campaigns an opportunity to review the newest data before it is revealed to the media and posted on our website.
Some have suggested that it is inappropriate to refer to a candidate who received less than 50% of the delegates as the “winner”, though I followed the lead of states such as Iowa where Gov. Huckabee was named the “winner” of the Iowa caucuses with 34% of the vote, and North Dakota where Gov. Romney was named the “winner” after receiving 36%.
Working hand-in-hand with our county party organizations, we have provided the most accurate and timely information available. The latest review of data on Monday indicated that reporting issues existed in four of our 39 counties: Benton, Grant, Jefferson and Snohomish. In those four counties the data that we initially reported was a tabulation of the presidential preferences of caucus attendees, while in every other county the tabulation was made of the presidential preferences of the delegates chosen at Saturday’s caucuses. The corrected data for all four of these counties has been provided in the results issued on Monday night, February 11th. The number of total delegates for each candidate did change, but the overall ranking of the candidates has not changed.
It is important for all participants to understand that our precinct caucuses are the first step in a three-step process that allocates roughly half of our state’s delegates to the Republican National Convention. Delegates elected at the precinct caucuses will gather at county conventions, where delegates will be chosen for our State Republican Convention. At the state convention the actual delegates who will attend the Republican National Convention will be chosen. It will not be possible to ascertain the national delegate breakdown among the candidates until the state convention is held. But the precinct caucuses are an important show of strength, which is why each of the candidates campaigned so vigorously here in Washington State.
I hope this information is helpful. I look forward to working with every Republican across the state to achieve great victories in 2008. We will focus on electing Dino Rossi as Governor, re-electing our incumbent Republicans, winning new Republican seats and carrying our state for our eventual Republican presidential nominee.
But before then, please remember to vote in the Tuesday, February 19th Republican presidential primary. This is an entirely separate vote from our precinct caucus process. We will use the presidential primary to allocate roughly half of our state’s delegates to the Republican National Convention, while the Democrats in our state have chosen to disregard the votes cast in the presidential primary. Thank your continuing support of the Republican Party and of our outstanding candidates for public office.
Chairman Luke Esser
Washington State Republican Party
John McCain’s margin of “victory” actually appears to have widened with the latest update, from 1.6% Sunday with 93.3% counted, to 2.3% today with 96.0% counted. Apparently, totals were overreported (showing preferences of total voters attending, as opposed to preferences of precinct delegates selected) from four counties in the prior count — Snohomish, Benton, Grant, and Jefferson. Huckabee might have been strong in those counties, and using the number of voters, versus the number of delegates, would have overstated his percentage overall (given that the other counties only stated the delegate preferences).
Still, L.Esser the Suppressor managed to screw this affair up royally. He acted recklessly in declaring McCain the “winner” Saturday, with less than a 2% lead, and 13% of the precincts outstanding. And L.Esser still has not released the county-by-county breakdowns, or the total numbers of delegates — only the percentages, and only at the statewide level.
And I seriously doubt that L.Esser the Suppressor will ever release the voter attendance totals for his caucuses. It would be extremely embarassing to admit that only 20,000 attended the GOP precinct caucuses, when about 300,000 attended the Democratic caucuses.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 Is it okay with you if we laugh at you if Obama wins the nomination?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The truth is, if an Obama tidal wave develops, the superdelegates will go with the flow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Obama wins all the caucuses and primaries from here on out, the superdelegates wouldn’t dare to flip the nomination to Hillary.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Yeah, I read the Roger Rabbit comment you linked to, so what the hell are you talking about?
Roger Rabbitspews:
And since when are Roger Rabbit comments “history”? I mean, I’m smarter than you and all that, but “history”? My comments are “history”? That’s a stretch.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 et seq.: I see the wingnuts have put on their bedsheets. They must be desperate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Let’s take your 151,000 figure, puddinghead. That’s much more respectable than 600,000 dead, isn’t it? What’s 151,000 deaths between friends? Collateral damage is inevitable in war, and a reasonable price to pay for the benefits of victory, right? It’s unfortunate that 151,000 people have had everything taken from them, but they wouldn’t have lived forever anyway, and it was well worth 151,000 Iraqi lives to protect the American people from the WMDs that Saddam didn’t have!
@45 Obviously they overlooked another category, those who “don’t learn at all.” They’re the ones who grow up to be Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Is that more clip art from the GOP Photoshop Factory?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The right has circulated so many phony photos you just automatically assume something like this was cooked up on some Young Rethuglican’s home computer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ex-Husky Implicated In Double Murder
“SEATTLE — Improved DNA technology has put an 18-year-old cold case double-murder back into ‘active status’ … [i]n January 1990, a neighbor found Seattle attorneys Eric Hoyer and Steve Dorobis shot dead inside a house they shared in South Park.
” … King County detectives are currently questioning a former University of Washington football star regarding the killings. …
“Spider Gaines’ speed and strong hands made him a star in purple and gold … when the cheers subsided and an injury shortened his professional football career … he turned to a life of alcohol, drugs and trouble. …
“[Coffee Williams] … says she drove the former UW football star to the attorneys’ home just prior to the murders to collect a debt. … Williams admits to us, police starting calling her a suspect in 1993 and have never stopped.
“A cold case homicide file obtained by KIRO Team 7 Investigators, confirms that … [a] King County homicide detective … wrote ‘there is every reason to believe that … Gaines and … Williams were involved in the murders.’ … [T]wo weeks ago, … homicide detectives showed up to speak with Gaines outside his workplace. … [T]hey spent … 45 minutes speaking with the former UW star ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not saying King County’s Republican prosecutors protected this suspect — even though it’s clear they’ve protected other UW football players from prosecution for violent crimes. I’m not saying this suspect committed the murder. Hell, I’m not even calling him a suspect — the cops are. All I’m saying is, whatever character the UW football program builds in its players on the field, doesn’t seem to stick off the field. So maybe they should lock them all inside the stadium and keep them there 24 hours a day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
They should rename Husky Stadium the “Montlake Maximum Security Satellite Unit.”
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Pelletizer 151K dead people is appalling especially when you think most of them are dead due to your friends in Al Qaeda who for example used downs syndrome girls to kill 70+ in a crowded marketplace. Or use suicide bombers.
Remember Michael Mooron, whom you look to with slavish affection stated “there is no terrorist threat”.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Of course Pelletizer@63 makes a one-sided case.
What do you expect from a liberal laissez-faire type of university when you have the likes of Perfesser Darryl working there, corrupting the morals and values of students with their pinko positions?
Of course a student will feel free to do what they want. I have a close friend who’s niece comes from conservative stock and she’s a university sophomore. Every time she sees her niece she sees the more liberal she is becoming. Her niece’s answer belies the fact the political pablum she’s being fed at the university!
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
I watched some YouTube Videos, the one on the hockey player getting cut by a hockey skate and Amy Winehouse getting a Grammy.
Glad the hockey player will survive.
Looked at Amy Winehouse. You can see what liberalism does. I thought that was Rujaxspawn (tattoos everywhere) until I heard her speak. I immediately changed my mind. She’s probably a distant relative of Clueless Idiot.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Another Pelletizer BULLSHITTIUM Alert at post#62
You mean the smoke enhanced liberally produced picture of purported Lebanese destruction by Israelis that was fully debunked. That was a real occurrence by the liberal MSM. You of course have no proof.
All I’m saying is most African Americans are Democrats. African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of the violent crime in Seattle. Therefore, Democrats commit a disproportionate amount of the violent crime in Seattle.
Anything wrong with my logic?
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Troll: If you are stating fact back by professional knowledge, I have no problems if you provide the statistics.
If you are making a racist generality, I’d have problems with your comment. Leave that to headless lucy and his enablers here on HorsesASSHoles.
“However boring, this show was a dramatic encapsulation of how a once-invincible candidate ended up in a dead heat, crippled by poll-tested corporate packaging that markets her as a synthetic product leeched of most human qualities. What’s more, it offered a naked preview of how nastily the Clintons will fight, whatever the collateral damage to the Democratic Party, in the endgame to come.”
Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah Baby!
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
WHy haven’t Heilary released her tax returns DustinJames? Since she’s yo buddy, please call her!
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Frank Rich is telling the truth:
“The campaign’s other most potent form of currency remains its thick deck of race cards. This was all too apparent in the Hallmark show. In its carefully calibrated cross section of geographically and demographically diverse cast members — young, old, one gay man, one vet, two union members — African-Americans were reduced to also-rans. One black woman, the former TV correspondent Carole Simpson, was given the servile role of the meeting’s nominal moderator, Ed McMahon to Mrs. Clinton’s top banana. Scattered black faces could be seen in the audience. But in the entire televised hour, there was not a single African-American questioner, whether to toss a softball or ask about the Clintons’ own recent misadventures in racial politics.
The Clinton camp does not leave such matters to chance. This decision was a cold, political cost-benefit calculus. In October, seven months after the two candidates’ dueling church perorations in Selma, USA Today found Hillary Clinton leading Mr. Obama among African-American Democrats by a margin of 62 percent to 34 percent. But once black voters met Mr. Obama and started to gravitate toward him, Bill Clinton and the campaign’s other surrogates stopped caring about what African-Americans thought. In an effort to scare off white voters, Mr. Obama was ghettoized as a cocaine user (by the chief Clinton strategist, Mark Penn, among others), “the black candidate” (as Clinton strategists told the Associated Press) and Jesse Jackson redux (by Mr. Clinton himself).
The result? Black America has largely deserted the Clintons. In her California primary victory, Mrs. Clinton drew only 19 percent of the black vote. The campaign saw this coming and so saw no percentage in bestowing precious minutes of prime-time television on African-American queries.”
PuddyStudy: Blacks are only counted on in the donkey party to win elections. Once this ends, donkey forget the promises made…
So tell me donkeys which is worse:
1) Hang with us and we’ll make your plight better. Then behind our backs, Good we got their votes so we can forget them. Make a promise for their vote but break the promise later.
2) Ignore them up front because they won’t work with us and don’t count on their vote. Nothing promised nothing lost.
See what I mean Mike in Seattle?
@ 73 – Probably the same reason that Obama won’t release documents about the Rezko land deal. While there’s not much damning in either document, the media and bloggers would have a field day spinning different aspects of each document.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Hey ChristmasGhost: The California His panic firewall?
“But the wholesale substitution of Hispanics for blacks on the Hallmark show is tainted by a creepy racial back story. Last month a Hispanic pollster employed by the Clinton campaign pitted the two groups against each other by telling The New Yorker that Hispanic voters have “not shown a lot of willingness or affinity to support black candidates.” Mrs. Clinton then seconded the motion by telling Tim Russert in a debate that her pollster was “making a historical statement.””
What is this in the big tent? First their are financial class warfare issues, now we have racial class warfare issue. Gotta love the donkey.
Another TJspews:
Pay your gambling debt, Lambchop.
Roger: an old UW vs WSU joke:
One year the UW football team traveled to WSU for the Apple Cup. As the UW was warming up on the field, the WSU team started to make it’s entrance, as the announcer stated: “…and here come the boys from the Palouse!”
The UW team immediatly runs off the field. It takes a while for the coaches to round up a few of them. Why did they run like that? “We thought they said the police were coming!”
@74: Puddy – if blacks are only counted on to win elections by the democrats – which party has a black currently running for president (competitively *)?
* I guess you could say Alan Keyes – but I don’t think he has too many delegates….
Come on correctnotright – Obama was only drafted so it would like Clinton would have competition. Did you miss the memo? Early on until Clinton started having her husband run the campaign, Obama wasn’t taken seriously. Why were so many StupidDelegates falling over themselves going for Clinton before the first primary?
That Frank Rich column is an editorial turd in the Dem political punch bowl. Pretty ugly stuff the Clinton’s are up to, eh what?
The Piper
Ok @ 80, so if it’s not a big deal, why won’t he release those documents? The answer – the media spin.
Obama’s for change! Namely, the $227,000 in pocket change he was given from Exelon Nuclear Power employees and corporate executives to water down his Nuclear Power Senate Bill that would have hurt Exelon.
That sure sounds like nothing different than typical Washington politics to me.
Or maybe Obama’s for change! Namely, change of his positions on Universal Health Care and Gun Control.
So, I guess I agree, with those two facts, Obama is for change!
@81: Puddy – Gee, and I thought Obama decided to run on his own – not that he was “drafted” by some nefarious Democrats.
All that racial preference stuff is hogwash too. Obama has won democratic primaries in:
Washington, Connecticut, Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska and Idaho just to name a few. I don’t think the African american voters are putting him over the top in those states.
I think he may be getting just a bit of the white, asian and hispanic vote in those states. The bottom line is that the more ANY voters get to know Obama – the better he does. Obama is smart, tough and inspiring. Hillary is smart, tough and carries a lot of negative baggage. Voters are showing who they prefer.
@83:Gee dustin – give it a rest. Same sorry stuff – over and over. Your candidate lost big time in Washington state and is on a big losing streak. Get over it.
Clinton accepts PAC money – Obama does not. Clinton has less contributors and more who have maxed out on their contributions than Obama. She is now behind in fundraising because she attracts less contributors. She just fired her campaign manager and she is on a losing streak. Is that why you and she are pulling out the over-the-top attacks?
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
DustinJames: I guess you missed the DU take on this.
I visit the kool-aid sites so I can see where Clueless Idiot gets his ideas.
I go to that link and get:
“Invalid Input Parameter
The information you requested cannot be displayed one or more input parameters has invalid syntax.
If you have any questions, please contact the site administrator.
Click here to go back to previous page.”
@ 85 – Obama is taking the equivalent of PAC money under “individual terms”. $227,000 comes rolling in, Obama waters down his nuclear energy bill making it worthless.
If it looks like shit, smells like shit, it is shit.
Even his fucking campaign can’t explain it away, they simply deflect the accusation and try and change topic.
When the NY Times asked about it:
– The campaign acknowledged that Exelon executives had met with Mr. Obama’s staff about the bill.
– The campaign did not directly address the question of why Mr. Obama had told Iowa voters that the legislation had passed.
I hear all the time – Clinton triangulates with Republicans – well what is it gents – Clinton triangulates with Republicans but Obama gets a free pass when he votes with the Republican energy bill of 2005? He gets a free pass on this bill when his campaign has to explain it away as
It said the revisions resulted…as a necessary response to a legislative roadblock put up by Republicans, who controlled the Senate at the time.
Sweet, sweet republican capitulation… how’s that Obama kool-aid treating everyone?
@87: Dustin – Try explaining this one away: Hillary just missed the crucial vote on Telecom immunity. Obama voted against amnesty for illegal spying.
bottom line: Hillary doesn’t show when it counts and doesn’t make the tough votes.
Oh – and I and others have already debunked your guns, health care and abortion “arguments”. You got NOTHIN’ – so quit spouting the same junk. Saying the same wrong things over and over doesn’t make it right – it just makes you a tedious bore.
Who was the ONLY democrat to miss the vote? Clinton.
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
I vowed to keep silent and just watch the comments but I have to say this…..Dustin, I don’t know you and I have nothing personal against you but – give it up!!
I am not a strong Obama supporter but you can’t change reality!
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
Dude. How are you…? GBS suggests lunch again.
Proud Leftist is still silent!
Marvin Stamnspews:
The teacher couldn’t read, write or spell until age 48. And people wonder why poor minorities aren’t being taught in school. Any doubt this “teacher” voted democrat?
If it’s out there, Puddy will find it. PuddySearch works very well most of the time.
PuddySearch even finds Clueless Idiot goop.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Remember the good old days when all the Chinese had to do to get military secrets was to attend a White House tea?
A Defense Department analyst and a former engineer for Boeing Co. were accused Monday in separate spy cases with helping deliver military secrets to the Chinese government, the Justice Department said. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,330320,00.html
Accomplishments of Obama:
NOT supporting this sorry war that has killed 4,000 soldiers, maimed 30,000 and killed how many Iraqis (anywhere from 150K on up to 400K) and caused how many refugees? Not to mention bankrupted us, caused deficits and ruined our economy while increasing oil prices.
Elected Senator from Illinois (prime sponsor of on-line transparency act with Tom Coburn (r), member of Veteran Affairs com.- working for proper treatment of vets )
Constitutional law professor (something we sorely need)
Havard Law school graduate (McCain did not even GO to grad school)
First African-american president of the Harvard Law Review
Elected Illinois state senator (worked on early childhood edcuation, videotaping of interrogations, 100 million in tax cuts to low income families,etc.)
Community activist
Of course – you could have looked all this up yourself Marvin – instead of asking a stupid question.
While listing McCains qualifications be sure to list:
Bottom of the class at the naval academy
Keating five
being shot down over Vietnam
adnmitting to knowing nothing about the economy
going to Baghdad with a flak jacket and marine guard to show how safe it was.
And McCain does have some good points:
Against torture
McCain Feingold act
For immigration amnesty before he was against it.
Why have no bloggers written an analysis piece on super-delegates yet like I requested?
@98: Write it yourself – you are just trying to stir up a non-issue. The super delegates will end up voting the way the majority of regular delegates vote or their (fill in the blank) will be cut off. They are mostly elected officials and if they try to pull a fast one – they will get a major primary challenge.
Hell – I will run against them if I have to.
shoot – I bet I could recruit Puddy to be my campaign manager if they rip off Obama with superdelegates (well, maybe).
Apparently the Republicans are a bit more afraid of Senator Obama than we had thought. The swift-boating has been ratcheted up a couple of notches.
A Faux News station in Texas has a video, where it is clearly labeled “not an official office of the campaign”. They make the unverifiable claim that it is funded by “supporters” (not campaign officials, who we could verify) of Senator Obama.
Of course, the right wing bloggers are even omitting this rather misleading disclaimer, claiming that this is the Obama headquarters in the area.
I expect that someone from the Obama campaign will challenge the station, who will promptly remove the video with an official on-air (about 2 AM Sunday morning) “apology”, along with some lame excuse that the video was supplied by a third party.
Of course, the video will continue all over the internet, with local Republicans referring to it, claiming that it is just the biased media that refuse to report it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#101 John Barelli says:
Apparently the Republicans are a bit more afraid of Senator Obama than we had thought. The swift-boating has been ratcheted up a couple of notches.
So Obama will be forced to admit he lied like john kerry did? Seared, seared in my memory will be a classic phrase for years to come. Or the picture of kerry throwing “his” medals over the fence in protest. Priceless.
If you are talking about the cuba/che flags, why do those that fly the flag of cuba support obama?
Hillary is on record against it and had said she would filibuster the legislation. The problem there is that only 31 other senators were on board to potentially filibuster with her, so she missed the vote to keep campaigning, as her vote was not needed.
Can you explain why Obama missed that crucial Iran vote?
And you know, at least Hillary is honest when she says she takes PAC money. Obama takes PAC money under the guise of a bunch of individual donations directed at the behest of lobbyists who want to influence him. If Obama took PAC money direct, they would have just funded the “Exelon for energy companies in Obama’s back pocket PAC” to give direct.
Hillary sat on the Wal-Mart board, Michelle Obama sat on the board of Wal-marts largest food supplier. Who do you think earned more of Wal-Mart’s money?
And I have yet to hear any explanation on Obama’s gun stance, other than flip-flop.
102: I guess the multitude of Bush lies are not seared in your memory. Guess that is what happens when you are biased and lack adequate RAM and hard drive capacity.
Here are a few really good fibs (many more where those came from):
Mushroom cloud
I will fire anyone who outs a CIA agent
the Iraq war will pay for itself
Mission Accomplished
We don’t torture
We don’t spy illegally
compassionate conservative
Uniter not divider
anything bush says on global warming
I will listen to the Generals (except the one’s I fire when they don’t agree with me like Shinseki)
I will get Osama bin Laden
or I don’t care about bin Laden
I don’t know Abramoff
I don’t know Ken Lay or Enron
@103 Weak weak! Dustin. I already explained the Iran vote and how Reid was at fault.
Hillary was the ONLY democratic senator to miss the vote and the campaign was in the DC area. She was just irresponsible!
106: How many times do people have to write that sitting on the board of treetop foods ain’t the same thing as sitting on the board of the union busting Walmart?
Gee – just give it UP dustin – you got NOTHIN’.
Another TJspews:
Marvin, you’re going to credit Glenn Reynolds with providing your argument in 101, right? Given that you cribbed it from him, it’s the right thing to do.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#97 correctnotright says:
Accomplishments of Obama:
NOT supporting this sorry war that has killed 4,000 soldiers, maimed 30,000 and killed how many Iraqis (anywhere from 150K on up to 400K) and caused how many refugees? Not to mention bankrupted us, caused deficits and ruined our economy while increasing oil prices.
Elected Senator from Illinois (prime sponsor of on-line transparency act with Tom Coburn (r), member of Veteran Affairs com.- working for proper treatment of vets )
Constitutional law professor (something we sorely need) Havard Law school graduate (McCain did not even GO to grad school)
First African-american president of the Harvard Law Review
Elected Illinois state senator (worked on early childhood edcuation, videotaping of interrogations, 100 million in tax cuts to low income families,etc.)
Community activist
Not too much different from…
Graduated with honors from Cornell University
Received J.D. from University of Michigan Law School
Editor of The Michigan Law Review. Clerked for the Honorable Pasco Bowman II of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
Attorney in the Department of Justice Honors Program for outstanding law school graduates.
Practiced law for a private firm in New York City
Worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Litigator with the Center For Individual Rights in Washington, DC, a public interest law firm dedicated to the defense of individual rights with particular emphasis on freedom of speech, civil rights, and the free exercise of religion.
I’m not trying to stir-up anything. I am just interested in hearing Goldy & company’s opinion on the how they think the Democratic super-delegate issue will play out, and why. I don’t think they’ll go the way of regular delegates. I think they’ll go more heavily for Clinton.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#107 Another TJ says:
Marvin, you’re going to credit Glenn Reynolds with providing your argument in 101, right? Given that you cribbed it from him, it’s the right thing to do.
My 101 is a post by john barelli. I even replied to post 101 in 102. Which post of mine are you talking about?
@ 106. Fact, Michelle Obama profited more from being tied in to Wal-Mart than Hillary Clinton did.
As for missin gthe vote, Blaming Harry Reid is not an answer. Does he ever take accountability for his OWN actions? Or is everyone else to blame?
And, again, I have yet to hear an explanation on his flip flop on guns other than it was just that, a flip flop.
Let’s see. The Faux News station airs an unverified (and unverifiable) video showing “Obama supporters” in an office unconnected with the Obama campaign.
And you agree that it is much like the Swift Boat Liars, who have been thoroughly discredited, yet you still parrot their claims.
Being a Navy veteran myself, I doubt that Admiral Zumwalt would have signed off on bogus awards, and know just how carefully those awards are researched.
I also doubt that any Obama supporters would put up that flag, much less invite Faux News in to film it.
And really, even the regular Republican party wonks don’t believe it. This is just fodder for the ultra-right bloggers and folks like you that cannot see just how obvious this scam seems to the rest of us.
I suppose that I could stage a McCain office with a Confederate battle flag, claiming that McCain supporters agree with treason and slavery.
Oh, wait. There really are McCain volunteers with Confederate battle flags, and there really are McCain supporters who actually defend the traitors that actually rebelled and fired on US Soldiers and Sailors, killing more of them than any other single enemy.
No, Senator McCain does not do so, nor would he. While I disagree with him on many issues, he appears to be a patriot, and would never fly the flag of an enemy of the United States.
Just as Senator Obama would not, and even you must know it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#112 John Barelli says:
Ah, Mr. Stamm.
Let’s see. The Faux News station airs an unverified (and unverifiable) video showing “Obama supporters” in an office unconnected with the Obama campaign.
Look at the logo on the picture. Is it a Fox News or the local fox affiliate? Obviously you are already lying calling it Faux news instead of identifying it as the local fox affiliate. I just swiftboated you, you might as well admit it’s not fox news.
And you agree that it is much like the Swift Boat Liars, who have been thoroughly discredited, yet you still parrot their claims.
Let’s make this simple. Is it true what kerry said about being on the river christmas eve under orders of nixon? Is it true that kerry threw “his” medals over the fence of the white house in protest?
Being a Navy veteran myself, I doubt that Admiral Zumwalt would have signed off on bogus awards, and know just how carefully those awards are researched.
Kerry still hasn’t released his medical records so the truth is still not known. Not that it’s important, kerry was and is a liar. Game, set & match.
Another TJspews:
My 101 is a post by john barelli. I even replied to post 101 in 102. Which post of mine are you talking about?
My most sincere and humble apologies; I meant 102, obviously.
Now, are you going to do the right thing and credit your source?
Another TJspews:
Kerry still hasn’t released his medical records so the truth is still not known.
On one point, you are correct. Even Faux News hasn’t been willing to pick up this story. Only the local Faux affiliate. A (rather reluctant) apology to Fox for implying that even they would run such an obvious smear job.
There is hope that even they would not stoop so low.
As to the rest of your post, the folks that issued the medals had access to Senator Kerry’s medical records. I see no reason that he should release them to you.
Oh, and you don’t get to see my medical records either.
Certainly, Senator Kerry protested against the Vietnam War. If you’re somehow claiming that we don’t believe that, you are mistaken. Or, are you somehow making the claim that since President Nixon probably didn’t personally sign the particular orders that sent Lt Kerry and his unit out on Christmas Eve, that this somehow relieves him of responsibility?
Remember that Vietnam was an almost perfect example of micromanagement from the White House. Units were not routinely deployed without authorization “from the highest levels”. (This was a complaint I heard from a shipmate of mine that had lost a couple of fingers in a grenade attack on the river boat he served on.)
I don’t know whether the President personally gave deployment orders, I do know that many of the Swift Boat Veterans believed that their orders went through the White House for approval.
As to your “Game, set & match comment, I’m not sure exactly what game you are playing, but you are definately playing with yourself.
@111: Dustin
Fact: WalMart is anti-union, Hillary sits on the WalMart board.
Fact: Treetop is NOT Walmart. Obama sits on NO boards himself (Do we need to keep the spouses out of the debate or should we talk about NAFTA and other bill clinton faux pas?).
Fact: Hillary missed the vote – Obama did not.
Fact: Your arguments don’t make sense. You don’t explain things (well- Hillary knew the vote was lost is WEAK – Obama showed, Hillary did not). If she was committed to her position she would have voted.
Oh – and Reid schedules the votes in the Senate and had Obama’s schedule.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#114 Another TJ says:
I meant 102, obviously.
Now, are you going to do the right thing and credit your source?
If I did I would say, I would have included the link. I believe reynolds writes much better than I do.
I neglected to check your claim that Senator Kerry had not released his medical records. Frankly, I would not have done so, as it is an unwarranted invasion of his privacy, demanded by a bunch of known liars.
Personally, I think Senator Kerry should have stood on principle and continued to refuse, but that is his choice to make.
Of course, that release does allow me to call you a bald faced liar, but I still think that the principle of personal privacy is more important.
Now that we’ve re-fought the last election, exposing the lies of the far right in that one, we can go back to exposing the liars trying to steal this election from Senator Obama.
The lights have been turned on. All you cockroaches should scurry back to your hiding holes before someone steps on you.
PacMan - the best game in townspews:
@94: Lunch sounds great! Take care of that will ya!
Marvin Stamnspews:
#116 John Barelli says:
On one point, you are correct. Even Faux News hasn’t been willing to pick up this story. Only the local Faux affiliate. A (rather reluctant) apology to Fox for implying that even they would run such an obvious smear job.
What’s it like being swiftboated??
As to the rest of your post, the folks that issued the medals had access to Senator Kerry’s medical records. I see no reason that he should release them to you.
I didn’t ask kerry to release them, those were his words. The day after John F. Kerry said he would make all of his military records available for inspection at his campaign headquarters, a spokesman said the senator would not release any new documents, leaving undisclosed many of Kerry’s evaluations by his Navy commanding officers, some medical records, and possibly other material. http://www.boston.com/news/pol.....e_records/
I see you didn’t answer the questions about kerry telling the lie for decades (seared, seared into his memory) about being on the river on christmas eve. Scared of the truth aren’t you. Since you believe you have the answers, answer this one. How did nixon order kerry onto the river on christmas eve before nixon was sworn in as president? Were you really this ignorant of the lies by kerry?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#116 John Barelli says:
On one point, you are correct. Even Faux News hasn’t been willing to pick up this story. Only the local Faux affiliate. A (rather reluctant) apology to Fox for implying that even they would run such an obvious smear job.
What’s it like being swiftboated??
As to the rest of your post, the folks that issued the medals had access to Senator Kerry’s medical records. I see no reason that he should release them to you.
I didn’t ask kerry to release them, those were his words. The day after John F. Kerry said he would make all of his military records available for inspection at his campaign headquarters, a spokesman said the senator would not release any new documents, leaving undisclosed many of Kerry’s evaluations by his Navy commanding officers, some medical records, and possibly other material.
(from the boston.com. google it, it won’t post for me with this link)
I see you didn’t answer the questions about kerry telling the lie for decades (seared, seared into his memory) about being on the river on christmas eve. Scared of the truth aren’t you. Since you believe you have the answers, answer this one. How did nixon order kerry onto the river on christmas eve before nixon was sworn in as president? Were you really this ignorant of the lies by kerry?
My post apologizing for not catching your lie about Senator Kerry’s failure to release his medical records is caught in the filter.
Not to worry, though. Goldy gets busy, and sometimes it takes a while for him to catch up on these. He’ll get to it.
Puddybud, A Prognosticator...spews:
DustinJames said: ” As for missing the vote, Blaming Harry Reid is not an answer. Does he ever take accountability for his OWN actions? Or is everyone else to blame?”
You made my day buddy. I’ve been saying this for a long time about Harry Reid. Thanks.
@ 124 – About Harry Reid – so have I. I’m not really that enchanted with the guy as our Majority Leader.
Daschle (even though he’s supporting the wrong guy) had way more balls – which cost him his seat when he ran again in SD.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Has anyone ever heard of Nannie Helen Burroughs? She published a booklet called “The twelve things the negro must do for himself.” Interesting reading. It’s not the typical left-leaning speak the black leaders preach today.
There’s a searchable database now with 935 documented lies on the Iraq war by the Bush administration. Not the implied lies like “mushroom clouds”, but real lies.
@127 Just out of curiousity, do you consider that site non-partisan?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#127 GBS says:
There’s a searchable database now with 935 documented lies on the Iraq war by the Bush administration. Not the implied lies like “mushroom clouds”, but real lies.
Of course your reply is bush lied to them and they blindly followed him. Strange, after bush stole the election that the dixiecrat leaders would believe him.
Face it, intel was wrong. No lies.
I almost spit pepsi on my monitor… “Waterboarding is my viagra.”
So I was just coming home from work, driving and listening to AM1090, Air America…great entertainment value and a great ending to a tough day at work…Coming home all smiling and laughing. Randy Rhoades(sp?) was on and she was lambasting the Clintons. And then she complained about the unfair treatment one of the best reporters in the business and one of her favorites, David Shuster, got. He should be reinstated, etc…
Boy that was funny…Together with Hillary sort of praising Fox News today….
ah, well…gotta have dinner now.
New polls released over the past couple of days show good things for my candidate looking forward.
Latest polls in Wisconsin, Rhode Island, show Clinton ahead by 9% and 10% respectively – Texas and Ohio show Clinton up by 10% and 20% respectively.
I must say though – to the overwhelming Obama folks on this board, congrats on making inroads into the Latino vote in Texas, it appears you are getting some crossing over, which has helped you narrow it down to 10% so far.
Still looking for information on Vermont…
So… am I just missing all the press releases from Esser’s office calling on the U.S. Attorney’s office to open an investigation into possible voter fraud and electioneering scandals?
Seriously, Tony Soprano would have more credibility grousing about extortionate ATM fees. And that brings up another point: it’s not as though rubbing their noses in it would have to be tedious or humorless.
If I was a local political blogger instead of a local sex-and-relationships blogger I’d shut down I-90 again with an avalanche of Rossi & Company quotes from the last post-election season. What was it the were blanketing us with last time out? Even a .000001% error rate is inexcusable, probably deliberate, and heads should roll? Fsheahright.
@2 Has Rhoades finally lost her mind for good? Shuster is wing through-and-through.
“Shuster left CNN in 1994 to become a political reporter for the ABC affiliate KATV in Little Rock, Arkansas, covering the Whitewater scandal. Little Rock’s KATV station manager, Dale Nicholson, officially retracted several reports filed by Shuster concerning Whitewater. …
“From 1996 – 2002, Shuster was a … correspondent for the Fox News Channel. … Shuster led Fox’s coverage of the Clinton investigations including Whitewater, the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the Starr Report and the Senate impeachment trial. Shuster was also a member of Fox’s ‘You Decide 2000’ political team. …
“Shuster has been criticized for inserting political commentary into his coverage of news stories.”
Maybe Rhoades likes Shuster because he criticizes the Bush administration — they’re not conservative enough for him.
Bravo to the General! We need more snark. Let’s all go cut-and-paste from the Sound Politics posts. Feed every one of their self-righteous bloviations right back at them.
@3 Give it up. You wingnuts’ worst nightmare is coming true — your candidate is McCain, and you won’t get to run against Hillary! And you’re reduced to posing as a Democrat. Life is a bitch for wingers these days. haw haw haw haw haw
Randy Rhoades should be careful because if as now appears probable, Obama becomes the Democratic nominee, what will his supporters then say when MSNBC other MSM begin to degrade him in racist terms, and don’t for a moment think that they wont?
It certainly is enjoyable watching the Rethugs wallow in their own voting-fraud shitpile! I’ll bet Dean Logan down in L.A. is laughing his ass off!!
These GOP morons can’t even count to 10.
I’ll bet the problem in Snohomish County is their chief accountant lost 6 of his fingers in a meat slicing machine. Without those fingers, he can only count up to 4.
Has anyone else noticed how voting irregularities seem to follow the Republicans wherever they go? We Democrats didn’t have any problem counting our caucus votes. Judge Bridges didn’t take any fraudulent votes away from Gregoire — but he did subtract fraudulent votes from Rossi’s total. In Washington, voting fraud is a Republican phenomenon.
Now Republicans are cheating on each other!!!
I’ll bet the average Republican marriage is a regular Peyton Place!!!
Maybe that explains why so many Republicans have syphilis.
@16. It could explain why so many of them posting here exhibit general paresis of the insane.
I want one of the bloggers here to write a piece on how they think the super-delegates will vote, and why.
Has anyone ever checked out the house.gov/ethics history? Compared the number of democrats to republicans? Didn’t think so!
Roger Rabbit said with a straight face-
“Shuster is himself a pimp, a nakedly partisan GOP shill posing as a journalist, and NBC should fire him.”
Pelletizer BULLSHITTIUM Alert in post #5.
I posted Shuster hateful anti-Republican rants.
Pelletizer BULLSHITTIUM Alert over.
Rabbit dont forget the number one newborn name for
democrat boys is Chad. Before you get yourself all
worked up.
#18 Troll says:
Since the superdelegates are the rank & file of the party, I’m guessing anti-black. Anyone wanna bet more votes against obama than for obama?
Consumer Alert: Comment #19 is devoid of nutritional substance and eating it will cause starvation.
Marvin, I think you’re right. I think the fix is in. I think the super-delegates will overwhelmingly go for Clinton. The Clinton machine I think they know it’s already in the bag.
@23 Roger Rabbit says:
Reading history will raise cause little-minded people a brain explosion. I don’t recommend it for most on this blog.
Hell, even the rabbit was scared to read it.
What do the democrats stand for that benefit blacks?
Who are the white leaders?
Why do white liberals think black people need black leaders?
I remember when wal-mart wanted to open in inglewwod (poor black neighborhood in los angeles). The white liberals complained because wal-mart is non-union. So, blacks are forced to use little stores with prices much higher than wal-mart and those jobs went elsewhere. Another good deed by white liberals that screwed black people.
School vouchers anyone? Well, not for blacks, white liberals are against school vouchers for blacks. An educated black man is the scary type of black man for white liberals.
WTF are you blathering about?
Marvin@30: And one or two who leave the reservation and identify the poverty pimps of the left!
Looks like the Lancet 600K+ Iraqi dead study funded by George Soros.
Figgers. “New research published by The New England Journal of Medicine estimates that 151,000 people – less than a quarter of The Lancet estimate – have died since the invasion in 2003.”
I want one of the bloggers here to write about the US sabotage of undersea cables in the Middle East, which completely isolated the Iranian international communications system. Coincidentally Iran is launching their own euro-demoninated oil bourse this week. Maybe an open thread about how an attack on Iran is imminent.
Ummmm, on King 5, they just talked about how the Dems originally said that Douglas County was won by Clinton, but after closer examination, it goes to Obama. Compare that to Chairman Esser, who Called it for McCain, and McCain has since increased his totals. At least when we screw up, the right candidate still gets the Credit. When you all do, the Wrong Candidate gets into the Governors Mansion.
An educated black man is the scary type of black man for white liberals.
Considering that a Harvard-educated black man just overwhelmingly won the Democratic caucus in this state, isn’t this statement particularly retarded, even for you?
#34 slingshot says:
I want one of the white liberal bloggers to write what the democrats have done for blacks… besides start the KKK, fillerbuster the civil rights act, support policies that help keep blacks poor/uneducated and dependent on the democrats. When you realize how much the democrats NEED the black vote it all becomes clear. If blacks voted 50% dem 50% rep, dems would NEVER be in power again.
I thought legal child killing, aka:abortion was supposed to help save the lives of women so they don’t have abortions in back alleys. Oops, that’s only white women it was supposed to help. Minority women, well, you can lie in pools of your own blood. Planned parenthood, the racist’s legalized black killing machine/business.
I came across this. http://www.examiner.com/a-1207.....n_Boy.html
Notice the politics of the perp were mysteriously forgotten. Well he was a donkey.
I don’t know why the GOP has the reputation of being against homosexuality. Clearly the rank-and-file willing to take it up the ass when it comes to their leaders saying, “McCain! Because I said so! Your votes mean nothing!”
#39 Puddybud, A Prognosticator… says:
I’m sure you noticed not one of the happy hooligans have said this is disgusting. Tacit approval as long as it’s a democrat doing the lambada with little boys.
It’s not the hypocrisy, it’s another democrat having sex with children. Hey, let’s attack the boy and blame him, it’s the democrat way.
Luke Esser looks dishonest to me. Just saw him on TV. The guy is hiding something.
Uhhhh Lee, Marvin was speaking about the donkey elite being against vouchers. That is the foundational start to an educated Black Man. As always the point went supersonic past your head!
They’re in beta.
I thought liberals educators have declared that there are no dumb people anymore, only people who “learn differently.”
So come now the protectors of the Washington State Election System integrity in all their glory.
What a moronic bunch of loons and kooks.
After all the grousing and griping and LAWSUITS about how this didn’t work and that wasn’t done right.
Just like the fucking Bush Administration and the asshat clownservative movement…the wheels are coming off in SUCH a big way.
More popcorn please, and a soda while you’re up! THANKS.
Troll’s on the “short bus” with crackpiper, puddyprick, and moron stamm.
Hmmm, you gotta love the photo of the Obama campaign workers in TX with the poster of Che Guevarra and the Cuban flag as their wall decorations. ?????? And the democrat party says they’re not communist-oriented….Those people beg to differ, apparently.
Esser the Suppressor just updated the Washington State GOP website. He has posted an Open Letter on the issue, which is dated tomorrow:
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Open Letter on Precinct Caucus Results
Dear Friends,
First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in our historic and exciting Republican precinct caucuses on Saturday, February 9th. The success of our caucuses was only possible because of the incredible efforts of thousands of grassroots Republican volunteers around the state.
This past week has been a remarkable time for our party. I had the great honor of speaking on the program for Mrs. Janet Huckabee during her rally in Kirkland on the day before the caucuses, and I appeared on the stage with Sen. John McCain during his rally in Seattle later that same evening. As a state party we are neutral in the presidential race, but we are supportive of all of our outstanding Republican candidates.
Recently, there has been some controversy surrounding the results of our precinct caucuses, and I want to correct some misimpressions that have been reported. Our role at the State Party Headquarters has been to gather data from our 39 county party organizations, tabulate the data and report the statewide results. We are merely the messengers for the information gathered by our outstanding Republican Party volunteers throughout the state.
It has been suggested that we intentionally “stopped” counting delegates on Saturday night before all the results were reported. Frankly, I was thrilled that we could provide the level of results that we did on the day of the caucuses. We provided our last updated numbers on Caucus Night at about 10:15 p.m., and explained to the media that we are a volunteer organization, and that our volunteers do need to get some sleep, and most of them want to be fresh and alert for Sunday church services. Nonetheless, some have spun the situation to suggest that we stopped counting because we had an intent to favor a particular candidate, which is baseless and untrue.
Our staff was actually in the office working on Sunday so we could get more numbers, and we are continuing to stay in touch with our grassroots Republican Party organizations around the state to obtain as many of the delegate results as we can as quickly as possible. We will continue in these efforts until the job is completed.
It was my decision as State Party Chairman to announce on Saturday night that Sen. McCain was the “winner” of the precinct caucuses. It’s important for everyone to know that I would have delivered the same message on Gov. Huckabee’s behalf (or Congressman Paul or Gov. Romney) if the situation had been reversed. The margin between Sen. McCain and Gov. Huckabee is not huge, but after running an analysis of remaining precincts and consulting with my staff, I was confident the margin would hold, and I thought I owed it to all of those who took the time to attend our precinct caucuses to provide them with that information.
My statement in no way “disenfranchised” anyone. We have continued our delegate count each day since the caucuses, and will continue until each delegate is counted. All the major campaigns have been treated fairly in this process. In fact, we provided representatives of the Huckabee and McCain Campaigns an opportunity to review the newest data before it is revealed to the media and posted on our website.
Some have suggested that it is inappropriate to refer to a candidate who received less than 50% of the delegates as the “winner”, though I followed the lead of states such as Iowa where Gov. Huckabee was named the “winner” of the Iowa caucuses with 34% of the vote, and North Dakota where Gov. Romney was named the “winner” after receiving 36%.
Working hand-in-hand with our county party organizations, we have provided the most accurate and timely information available. The latest review of data on Monday indicated that reporting issues existed in four of our 39 counties: Benton, Grant, Jefferson and Snohomish. In those four counties the data that we initially reported was a tabulation of the presidential preferences of caucus attendees, while in every other county the tabulation was made of the presidential preferences of the delegates chosen at Saturday’s caucuses. The corrected data for all four of these counties has been provided in the results issued on Monday night, February 11th. The number of total delegates for each candidate did change, but the overall ranking of the candidates has not changed.
It is important for all participants to understand that our precinct caucuses are the first step in a three-step process that allocates roughly half of our state’s delegates to the Republican National Convention. Delegates elected at the precinct caucuses will gather at county conventions, where delegates will be chosen for our State Republican Convention. At the state convention the actual delegates who will attend the Republican National Convention will be chosen. It will not be possible to ascertain the national delegate breakdown among the candidates until the state convention is held. But the precinct caucuses are an important show of strength, which is why each of the candidates campaigned so vigorously here in Washington State.
I hope this information is helpful. I look forward to working with every Republican across the state to achieve great victories in 2008. We will focus on electing Dino Rossi as Governor, re-electing our incumbent Republicans, winning new Republican seats and carrying our state for our eventual Republican presidential nominee.
But before then, please remember to vote in the Tuesday, February 19th Republican presidential primary. This is an entirely separate vote from our precinct caucus process. We will use the presidential primary to allocate roughly half of our state’s delegates to the Republican National Convention, while the Democrats in our state have chosen to disregard the votes cast in the presidential primary. Thank your continuing support of the Republican Party and of our outstanding candidates for public office.
Chairman Luke Esser
Washington State Republican Party
John McCain’s margin of “victory” actually appears to have widened with the latest update, from 1.6% Sunday with 93.3% counted, to 2.3% today with 96.0% counted. Apparently, totals were overreported (showing preferences of total voters attending, as opposed to preferences of precinct delegates selected) from four counties in the prior count — Snohomish, Benton, Grant, and Jefferson. Huckabee might have been strong in those counties, and using the number of voters, versus the number of delegates, would have overstated his percentage overall (given that the other counties only stated the delegate preferences).
Still, L.Esser the Suppressor managed to screw this affair up royally. He acted recklessly in declaring McCain the “winner” Saturday, with less than a 2% lead, and 13% of the precincts outstanding. And L.Esser still has not released the county-by-county breakdowns, or the total numbers of delegates — only the percentages, and only at the statewide level.
And I seriously doubt that L.Esser the Suppressor will ever release the voter attendance totals for his caucuses. It would be extremely embarassing to admit that only 20,000 attended the GOP precinct caucuses, when about 300,000 attended the Democratic caucuses.
@24 Is it okay with you if we laugh at you if Obama wins the nomination?
The truth is, if an Obama tidal wave develops, the superdelegates will go with the flow.
If Obama wins all the caucuses and primaries from here on out, the superdelegates wouldn’t dare to flip the nomination to Hillary.
@25 Yeah, I read the Roger Rabbit comment you linked to, so what the hell are you talking about?
And since when are Roger Rabbit comments “history”? I mean, I’m smarter than you and all that, but “history”? My comments are “history”? That’s a stretch.
@28 et seq.: I see the wingnuts have put on their bedsheets. They must be desperate.
@33 Let’s take your 151,000 figure, puddinghead. That’s much more respectable than 600,000 dead, isn’t it? What’s 151,000 deaths between friends? Collateral damage is inevitable in war, and a reasonable price to pay for the benefits of victory, right? It’s unfortunate that 151,000 people have had everything taken from them, but they wouldn’t have lived forever anyway, and it was well worth 151,000 Iraqi lives to protect the American people from the WMDs that Saddam didn’t have!
God, you Republicans are disgusting.
@35 Let’s recap:
Winner of 2004 governor’s race: http://tinyurl.com/yop3xo
Loser of 2004 governor’s race: http://tinyurl.com/34rxs5
Howl! Scream! Kick! Stamp feet! Throw toys!
@45 Obviously they overlooked another category, those who “don’t learn at all.” They’re the ones who grow up to be Republicans.
@48 Is that more clip art from the GOP Photoshop Factory?
The right has circulated so many phony photos you just automatically assume something like this was cooked up on some Young Rethuglican’s home computer.
Ex-Husky Implicated In Double Murder
“SEATTLE — Improved DNA technology has put an 18-year-old cold case double-murder back into ‘active status’ … [i]n January 1990, a neighbor found Seattle attorneys Eric Hoyer and Steve Dorobis shot dead inside a house they shared in South Park.
” … King County detectives are currently questioning a former University of Washington football star regarding the killings. …
“Spider Gaines’ speed and strong hands made him a star in purple and gold … when the cheers subsided and an injury shortened his professional football career … he turned to a life of alcohol, drugs and trouble. …
“[Coffee Williams] … says she drove the former UW football star to the attorneys’ home just prior to the murders to collect a debt. … Williams admits to us, police starting calling her a suspect in 1993 and have never stopped.
“A cold case homicide file obtained by KIRO Team 7 Investigators, confirms that … [a] King County homicide detective … wrote ‘there is every reason to believe that … Gaines and … Williams were involved in the murders.’ … [T]wo weeks ago, … homicide detectives showed up to speak with Gaines outside his workplace. … [T]hey spent … 45 minutes speaking with the former UW star ….”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://www.kirotv.com/news/15274973/detail.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not saying King County’s Republican prosecutors protected this suspect — even though it’s clear they’ve protected other UW football players from prosecution for violent crimes. I’m not saying this suspect committed the murder. Hell, I’m not even calling him a suspect — the cops are. All I’m saying is, whatever character the UW football program builds in its players on the field, doesn’t seem to stick off the field. So maybe they should lock them all inside the stadium and keep them there 24 hours a day.
They should rename Husky Stadium the “Montlake Maximum Security Satellite Unit.”
Pelletizer 151K dead people is appalling especially when you think most of them are dead due to your friends in Al Qaeda who for example used downs syndrome girls to kill 70+ in a crowded marketplace. Or use suicide bombers.
Remember Michael Mooron, whom you look to with slavish affection stated “there is no terrorist threat”.
Of course Pelletizer@63 makes a one-sided case.
What do you expect from a liberal laissez-faire type of university when you have the likes of Perfesser Darryl working there, corrupting the morals and values of students with their pinko positions?
Of course a student will feel free to do what they want. I have a close friend who’s niece comes from conservative stock and she’s a university sophomore. Every time she sees her niece she sees the more liberal she is becoming. Her niece’s answer belies the fact the political pablum she’s being fed at the university!
I watched some YouTube Videos, the one on the hockey player getting cut by a hockey skate and Amy Winehouse getting a Grammy.
Glad the hockey player will survive.
Looked at Amy Winehouse. You can see what liberalism does. I thought that was Rujaxspawn (tattoos everywhere) until I heard her speak. I immediately changed my mind. She’s probably a distant relative of Clueless Idiot.
Another Pelletizer BULLSHITTIUM Alert at post#62
You mean the smoke enhanced liberally produced picture of purported Lebanese destruction by Israelis that was fully debunked. That was a real occurrence by the liberal MSM. You of course have no proof.
End of Pelletizer BULLSHITTIUM Alert.
Betcha anything “Spider” is a Democrat.
All I’m saying is most African Americans are Democrats. African Americans commit a disproportionate amount of the violent crime in Seattle. Therefore, Democrats commit a disproportionate amount of the violent crime in Seattle.
Anything wrong with my logic?
Troll: If you are stating fact back by professional knowledge, I have no problems if you provide the statistics.
If you are making a racist generality, I’d have problems with your comment. Leave that to headless lucy and his enablers here on HorsesASSHoles.
Please provide some facts.
Now this is interesting:
“However boring, this show was a dramatic encapsulation of how a once-invincible candidate ended up in a dead heat, crippled by poll-tested corporate packaging that markets her as a synthetic product leeched of most human qualities. What’s more, it offered a naked preview of how nastily the Clintons will fight, whatever the collateral damage to the Democratic Party, in the endgame to come.”
Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah Baby!
WHy haven’t Heilary released her tax returns DustinJames? Since she’s yo buddy, please call her!
Frank Rich is telling the truth:
“The campaign’s other most potent form of currency remains its thick deck of race cards. This was all too apparent in the Hallmark show. In its carefully calibrated cross section of geographically and demographically diverse cast members — young, old, one gay man, one vet, two union members — African-Americans were reduced to also-rans. One black woman, the former TV correspondent Carole Simpson, was given the servile role of the meeting’s nominal moderator, Ed McMahon to Mrs. Clinton’s top banana. Scattered black faces could be seen in the audience. But in the entire televised hour, there was not a single African-American questioner, whether to toss a softball or ask about the Clintons’ own recent misadventures in racial politics.
The Clinton camp does not leave such matters to chance. This decision was a cold, political cost-benefit calculus. In October, seven months after the two candidates’ dueling church perorations in Selma, USA Today found Hillary Clinton leading Mr. Obama among African-American Democrats by a margin of 62 percent to 34 percent. But once black voters met Mr. Obama and started to gravitate toward him, Bill Clinton and the campaign’s other surrogates stopped caring about what African-Americans thought. In an effort to scare off white voters, Mr. Obama was ghettoized as a cocaine user (by the chief Clinton strategist, Mark Penn, among others), “the black candidate” (as Clinton strategists told the Associated Press) and Jesse Jackson redux (by Mr. Clinton himself).
The result? Black America has largely deserted the Clintons. In her California primary victory, Mrs. Clinton drew only 19 percent of the black vote. The campaign saw this coming and so saw no percentage in bestowing precious minutes of prime-time television on African-American queries.”
PuddyStudy: Blacks are only counted on in the donkey party to win elections. Once this ends, donkey forget the promises made…
So tell me donkeys which is worse:
1) Hang with us and we’ll make your plight better. Then behind our backs, Good we got their votes so we can forget them. Make a promise for their vote but break the promise later.
2) Ignore them up front because they won’t work with us and don’t count on their vote. Nothing promised nothing lost.
See what I mean Mike in Seattle?
@ 73 – Probably the same reason that Obama won’t release documents about the Rezko land deal. While there’s not much damning in either document, the media and bloggers would have a field day spinning different aspects of each document.
Hey ChristmasGhost: The California His panic firewall?
“But the wholesale substitution of Hispanics for blacks on the Hallmark show is tainted by a creepy racial back story. Last month a Hispanic pollster employed by the Clinton campaign pitted the two groups against each other by telling The New Yorker that Hispanic voters have “not shown a lot of willingness or affinity to support black candidates.” Mrs. Clinton then seconded the motion by telling Tim Russert in a debate that her pollster was “making a historical statement.””
What is this in the big tent? First their are financial class warfare issues, now we have racial class warfare issue. Gotta love the donkey.
Pay your gambling debt, Lambchop.
Roger: an old UW vs WSU joke:
One year the UW football team traveled to WSU for the Apple Cup. As the UW was warming up on the field, the WSU team started to make it’s entrance, as the announcer stated: “…and here come the boys from the Palouse!”
The UW team immediatly runs off the field. It takes a while for the coaches to round up a few of them. Why did they run like that? “We thought they said the police were coming!”
@74: Puddy – if blacks are only counted on to win elections by the democrats – which party has a black currently running for president (competitively *)?
* I guess you could say Alan Keyes – but I don’t think he has too many delegates….
DustinJames: Drinking the Rezko Kool-aid?
Come on correctnotright – Obama was only drafted so it would like Clinton would have competition. Did you miss the memo? Early on until Clinton started having her husband run the campaign, Obama wasn’t taken seriously. Why were so many StupidDelegates falling over themselves going for Clinton before the first primary?
That Frank Rich column is an editorial turd in the Dem political punch bowl. Pretty ugly stuff the Clinton’s are up to, eh what?
The Piper
Ok @ 80, so if it’s not a big deal, why won’t he release those documents? The answer – the media spin.
Obama’s for change! Namely, the $227,000 in pocket change he was given from Exelon Nuclear Power employees and corporate executives to water down his Nuclear Power Senate Bill that would have hurt Exelon.
That sure sounds like nothing different than typical Washington politics to me.
Or maybe Obama’s for change! Namely, change of his positions on Universal Health Care and Gun Control.
So, I guess I agree, with those two facts, Obama is for change!
@81: Puddy – Gee, and I thought Obama decided to run on his own – not that he was “drafted” by some nefarious Democrats.
All that racial preference stuff is hogwash too. Obama has won democratic primaries in:
Washington, Connecticut, Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska and Idaho just to name a few. I don’t think the African american voters are putting him over the top in those states.
I think he may be getting just a bit of the white, asian and hispanic vote in those states. The bottom line is that the more ANY voters get to know Obama – the better he does. Obama is smart, tough and inspiring. Hillary is smart, tough and carries a lot of negative baggage. Voters are showing who they prefer.
@83:Gee dustin – give it a rest. Same sorry stuff – over and over. Your candidate lost big time in Washington state and is on a big losing streak. Get over it.
Clinton accepts PAC money – Obama does not. Clinton has less contributors and more who have maxed out on their contributions than Obama. She is now behind in fundraising because she attracts less contributors. She just fired her campaign manager and she is on a losing streak. Is that why you and she are pulling out the over-the-top attacks?
DustinJames: I guess you missed the DU take on this.
Puddy didn’t and I wrote about the DU.
I visit the kool-aid sites so I can see where Clueless Idiot gets his ideas.
I go to that link and get:
“Invalid Input Parameter
The information you requested cannot be displayed one or more input parameters has invalid syntax.
If you have any questions, please contact the site administrator.
Click here to go back to previous page.”
@ 85 – Obama is taking the equivalent of PAC money under “individual terms”. $227,000 comes rolling in, Obama waters down his nuclear energy bill making it worthless.
If it looks like shit, smells like shit, it is shit.
Even his fucking campaign can’t explain it away, they simply deflect the accusation and try and change topic.
When the NY Times asked about it:
– The campaign acknowledged that Exelon executives had met with Mr. Obama’s staff about the bill.
– The campaign did not directly address the question of why Mr. Obama had told Iowa voters that the legislation had passed.
I hear all the time – Clinton triangulates with Republicans – well what is it gents – Clinton triangulates with Republicans but Obama gets a free pass when he votes with the Republican energy bill of 2005? He gets a free pass on this bill when his campaign has to explain it away as
Sweet, sweet republican capitulation… how’s that Obama kool-aid treating everyone?
@87: Dustin – Try explaining this one away: Hillary just missed the crucial vote on Telecom immunity. Obama voted against amnesty for illegal spying.
bottom line: Hillary doesn’t show when it counts and doesn’t make the tough votes.
dustin: Hillary takes PAC money – Obama doesn’t. Hillary sits on Walmart – Obama doesn’t.
No amount of excuses will change the facts.
Oh – and I and others have already debunked your guns, health care and abortion “arguments”. You got NOTHIN’ – so quit spouting the same junk. Saying the same wrong things over and over doesn’t make it right – it just makes you a tedious bore.
Who was the ONLY democrat to miss the vote? Clinton.
I vowed to keep silent and just watch the comments but I have to say this…..Dustin, I don’t know you and I have nothing personal against you but – give it up!!
I am not a strong Obama supporter but you can’t change reality!
Dude. How are you…? GBS suggests lunch again.
Proud Leftist is still silent!
The teacher couldn’t read, write or spell until age 48. And people wonder why poor minorities aren’t being taught in school. Any doubt this “teacher” voted democrat?
For your obama supporters…
Please list his accomplishments.
Double-dog dare you.
PacMan: I’ll call you soon. I’m OTR
Piper Scott@82: Regarding Frank Rich…
If it’s out there, Puddy will find it. PuddySearch works very well most of the time.
PuddySearch even finds Clueless Idiot goop.
Remember the good old days when all the Chinese had to do to get military secrets was to attend a White House tea?
A Defense Department analyst and a former engineer for Boeing Co. were accused Monday in separate spy cases with helping deliver military secrets to the Chinese government, the Justice Department said.
Accomplishments of Obama:
NOT supporting this sorry war that has killed 4,000 soldiers, maimed 30,000 and killed how many Iraqis (anywhere from 150K on up to 400K) and caused how many refugees? Not to mention bankrupted us, caused deficits and ruined our economy while increasing oil prices.
Elected Senator from Illinois (prime sponsor of on-line transparency act with Tom Coburn (r), member of Veteran Affairs com.- working for proper treatment of vets )
Constitutional law professor (something we sorely need)
Havard Law school graduate (McCain did not even GO to grad school)
First African-american president of the Harvard Law Review
Elected Illinois state senator (worked on early childhood edcuation, videotaping of interrogations, 100 million in tax cuts to low income families,etc.)
Community activist
Of course – you could have looked all this up yourself Marvin – instead of asking a stupid question.
While listing McCains qualifications be sure to list:
Bottom of the class at the naval academy
Keating five
being shot down over Vietnam
adnmitting to knowing nothing about the economy
going to Baghdad with a flak jacket and marine guard to show how safe it was.
And McCain does have some good points:
Against torture
McCain Feingold act
For immigration amnesty before he was against it.
Why have no bloggers written an analysis piece on super-delegates yet like I requested?
@98: Write it yourself – you are just trying to stir up a non-issue. The super delegates will end up voting the way the majority of regular delegates vote or their (fill in the blank) will be cut off. They are mostly elected officials and if they try to pull a fast one – they will get a major primary challenge.
Hell – I will run against them if I have to.
shoot – I bet I could recruit Puddy to be my campaign manager if they rip off Obama with superdelegates (well, maybe).
Apparently the Republicans are a bit more afraid of Senator Obama than we had thought. The swift-boating has been ratcheted up a couple of notches.
A Faux News station in Texas has a video, where it is clearly labeled “not an official office of the campaign”. They make the unverifiable claim that it is funded by “supporters” (not campaign officials, who we could verify) of Senator Obama.
Of course, the right wing bloggers are even omitting this rather misleading disclaimer, claiming that this is the Obama headquarters in the area.
I expect that someone from the Obama campaign will challenge the station, who will promptly remove the video with an official on-air (about 2 AM Sunday morning) “apology”, along with some lame excuse that the video was supplied by a third party.
Of course, the video will continue all over the internet, with local Republicans referring to it, claiming that it is just the biased media that refuse to report it.
#101 John Barelli says:
So Obama will be forced to admit he lied like john kerry did? Seared, seared in my memory will be a classic phrase for years to come. Or the picture of kerry throwing “his” medals over the fence in protest. Priceless.
If you are talking about the cuba/che flags, why do those that fly the flag of cuba support obama?
Hillary is on record against it and had said she would filibuster the legislation. The problem there is that only 31 other senators were on board to potentially filibuster with her, so she missed the vote to keep campaigning, as her vote was not needed.
Can you explain why Obama missed that crucial Iran vote?
And you know, at least Hillary is honest when she says she takes PAC money. Obama takes PAC money under the guise of a bunch of individual donations directed at the behest of lobbyists who want to influence him. If Obama took PAC money direct, they would have just funded the “Exelon for energy companies in Obama’s back pocket PAC” to give direct.
Hillary sat on the Wal-Mart board, Michelle Obama sat on the board of Wal-marts largest food supplier. Who do you think earned more of Wal-Mart’s money?
And I have yet to hear any explanation on Obama’s gun stance, other than flip-flop.
102: I guess the multitude of Bush lies are not seared in your memory. Guess that is what happens when you are biased and lack adequate RAM and hard drive capacity.
Here are a few really good fibs (many more where those came from):
Mushroom cloud
I will fire anyone who outs a CIA agent
the Iraq war will pay for itself
Mission Accomplished
We don’t torture
We don’t spy illegally
compassionate conservative
Uniter not divider
anything bush says on global warming
I will listen to the Generals (except the one’s I fire when they don’t agree with me like Shinseki)
I will get Osama bin Laden
or I don’t care about bin Laden
I don’t know Abramoff
I don’t know Ken Lay or Enron
@103 Weak weak! Dustin. I already explained the Iran vote and how Reid was at fault.
Hillary was the ONLY democratic senator to miss the vote and the campaign was in the DC area. She was just irresponsible!
106: How many times do people have to write that sitting on the board of treetop foods ain’t the same thing as sitting on the board of the union busting Walmart?
Gee – just give it UP dustin – you got NOTHIN’.
Marvin, you’re going to credit Glenn Reynolds with providing your argument in 101, right? Given that you cribbed it from him, it’s the right thing to do.
#97 correctnotright says:
Not too much different from…
Graduated with honors from Cornell University
Received J.D. from University of Michigan Law School
Editor of The Michigan Law Review. Clerked for the Honorable Pasco Bowman II of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
Attorney in the Department of Justice Honors Program for outstanding law school graduates.
Practiced law for a private firm in New York City
Worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Litigator with the Center For Individual Rights in Washington, DC, a public interest law firm dedicated to the defense of individual rights with particular emphasis on freedom of speech, civil rights, and the free exercise of religion.
I’m not trying to stir-up anything. I am just interested in hearing Goldy & company’s opinion on the how they think the Democratic super-delegate issue will play out, and why. I don’t think they’ll go the way of regular delegates. I think they’ll go more heavily for Clinton.
#107 Another TJ says:
My 101 is a post by john barelli. I even replied to post 101 in 102. Which post of mine are you talking about?
@ 106. Fact, Michelle Obama profited more from being tied in to Wal-Mart than Hillary Clinton did.
As for missin gthe vote, Blaming Harry Reid is not an answer. Does he ever take accountability for his OWN actions? Or is everyone else to blame?
And, again, I have yet to hear an explanation on his flip flop on guns other than it was just that, a flip flop.
Ah, Mr. Stamm.
Let’s see. The Faux News station airs an unverified (and unverifiable) video showing “Obama supporters” in an office unconnected with the Obama campaign.
And you agree that it is much like the Swift Boat Liars, who have been thoroughly discredited, yet you still parrot their claims.
Being a Navy veteran myself, I doubt that Admiral Zumwalt would have signed off on bogus awards, and know just how carefully those awards are researched.
I also doubt that any Obama supporters would put up that flag, much less invite Faux News in to film it.
And really, even the regular Republican party wonks don’t believe it. This is just fodder for the ultra-right bloggers and folks like you that cannot see just how obvious this scam seems to the rest of us.
I suppose that I could stage a McCain office with a Confederate battle flag, claiming that McCain supporters agree with treason and slavery.
Oh, wait. There really are McCain volunteers with Confederate battle flags, and there really are McCain supporters who actually defend the traitors that actually rebelled and fired on US Soldiers and Sailors, killing more of them than any other single enemy.
No, Senator McCain does not do so, nor would he. While I disagree with him on many issues, he appears to be a patriot, and would never fly the flag of an enemy of the United States.
Just as Senator Obama would not, and even you must know it.
#112 John Barelli says:
Look at the logo on the picture. Is it a Fox News or the local fox affiliate? Obviously you are already lying calling it Faux news instead of identifying it as the local fox affiliate. I just swiftboated you, you might as well admit it’s not fox news.
Let’s make this simple. Is it true what kerry said about being on the river christmas eve under orders of nixon? Is it true that kerry threw “his” medals over the fence of the white house in protest?
Kerry still hasn’t released his medical records so the truth is still not known. Not that it’s important, kerry was and is a liar. Game, set & match.
My 101 is a post by john barelli. I even replied to post 101 in 102. Which post of mine are you talking about?
My most sincere and humble apologies; I meant 102, obviously.
Now, are you going to do the right thing and credit your source?
Kerry still hasn’t released his medical records so the truth is still not known.
Mr. Stamm:
On one point, you are correct. Even Faux News hasn’t been willing to pick up this story. Only the local Faux affiliate. A (rather reluctant) apology to Fox for implying that even they would run such an obvious smear job.
There is hope that even they would not stoop so low.
As to the rest of your post, the folks that issued the medals had access to Senator Kerry’s medical records. I see no reason that he should release them to you.
Oh, and you don’t get to see my medical records either.
Certainly, Senator Kerry protested against the Vietnam War. If you’re somehow claiming that we don’t believe that, you are mistaken. Or, are you somehow making the claim that since President Nixon probably didn’t personally sign the particular orders that sent Lt Kerry and his unit out on Christmas Eve, that this somehow relieves him of responsibility?
Remember that Vietnam was an almost perfect example of micromanagement from the White House. Units were not routinely deployed without authorization “from the highest levels”. (This was a complaint I heard from a shipmate of mine that had lost a couple of fingers in a grenade attack on the river boat he served on.)
I don’t know whether the President personally gave deployment orders, I do know that many of the Swift Boat Veterans believed that their orders went through the White House for approval.
As to your “Game, set & match comment, I’m not sure exactly what game you are playing, but you are definately playing with yourself.
@111: Dustin
Fact: WalMart is anti-union, Hillary sits on the WalMart board.
Fact: Treetop is NOT Walmart. Obama sits on NO boards himself (Do we need to keep the spouses out of the debate or should we talk about NAFTA and other bill clinton faux pas?).
Fact: Hillary missed the vote – Obama did not.
Fact: Your arguments don’t make sense. You don’t explain things (well- Hillary knew the vote was lost is WEAK – Obama showed, Hillary did not). If she was committed to her position she would have voted.
Oh – and Reid schedules the votes in the Senate and had Obama’s schedule.
#114 Another TJ says:
If I did I would say, I would have included the link. I believe reynolds writes much better than I do.
Oh, my apologies Mr. Stamm for one other item.
I neglected to check your claim that Senator Kerry had not released his medical records. Frankly, I would not have done so, as it is an unwarranted invasion of his privacy, demanded by a bunch of known liars.
Personally, I think Senator Kerry should have stood on principle and continued to refuse, but that is his choice to make.
Of course, that release does allow me to call you a bald faced liar, but I still think that the principle of personal privacy is more important.
Now that we’ve re-fought the last election, exposing the lies of the far right in that one, we can go back to exposing the liars trying to steal this election from Senator Obama.
The lights have been turned on. All you cockroaches should scurry back to your hiding holes before someone steps on you.
@94: Lunch sounds great! Take care of that will ya!
#116 John Barelli says:
What’s it like being swiftboated??
I didn’t ask kerry to release them, those were his words.
The day after John F. Kerry said he would make all of his military records available for inspection at his campaign headquarters, a spokesman said the senator would not release any new documents, leaving undisclosed many of Kerry’s evaluations by his Navy commanding officers, some medical records, and possibly other material.
I see you didn’t answer the questions about kerry telling the lie for decades (seared, seared into his memory) about being on the river on christmas eve. Scared of the truth aren’t you. Since you believe you have the answers, answer this one. How did nixon order kerry onto the river on christmas eve before nixon was sworn in as president? Were you really this ignorant of the lies by kerry?
#116 John Barelli says:
What’s it like being swiftboated??
I didn’t ask kerry to release them, those were his words.
The day after John F. Kerry said he would make all of his military records available for inspection at his campaign headquarters, a spokesman said the senator would not release any new documents, leaving undisclosed many of Kerry’s evaluations by his Navy commanding officers, some medical records, and possibly other material.
(from the boston.com. google it, it won’t post for me with this link)
I see you didn’t answer the questions about kerry telling the lie for decades (seared, seared into his memory) about being on the river on christmas eve. Scared of the truth aren’t you. Since you believe you have the answers, answer this one. How did nixon order kerry onto the river on christmas eve before nixon was sworn in as president? Were you really this ignorant of the lies by kerry?
Mr. Stamm:
My post apologizing for not catching your lie about Senator Kerry’s failure to release his medical records is caught in the filter.
Not to worry, though. Goldy gets busy, and sometimes it takes a while for him to catch up on these. He’ll get to it.
DustinJames said: ” As for missing the vote, Blaming Harry Reid is not an answer. Does he ever take accountability for his OWN actions? Or is everyone else to blame?”
You made my day buddy. I’ve been saying this for a long time about Harry Reid. Thanks.
@ 124 – About Harry Reid – so have I. I’m not really that enchanted with the guy as our Majority Leader.
Daschle (even though he’s supporting the wrong guy) had way more balls – which cost him his seat when he ran again in SD.
Has anyone ever heard of Nannie Helen Burroughs? She published a booklet called “The twelve things the negro must do for himself.” Interesting reading. It’s not the typical left-leaning speak the black leaders preach today.
There’s a searchable database now with 935 documented lies on the Iraq war by the Bush administration. Not the implied lies like “mushroom clouds”, but real lies.
Here’s the link for you “seekers of truth.”
Knock yourself out.
@127 Just out of curiousity, do you consider that site non-partisan?
#127 GBS says:
Ooh, real lies. If true, why hasn’t he been impeached? Is it because so many leading dixiecrats would have to answer for their lies?
Of course your reply is bush lied to them and they blindly followed him. Strange, after bush stole the election that the dixiecrat leaders would believe him.
Face it, intel was wrong. No lies.