I hope the “prominent Democrats” who supported Satterberg are rethinking their position — for next time. And I hope the Bothell Times editorial board is reading their own newspaper.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For years, our community was vulnerable to the predations of pampered football players who racked up one violent felony after another while the prosecutor’s office turned a blind eye. This sordid chain of events clearly tarnishes Maleng’s reputation, and calls into serious question Satterberg’s fitness to serve. If prosecutors can’t do any better than this, we may need a vigilance committee. It’s their job to make self-defense unnecessary. Maleng and Satterberg have failed miserably in this responsibility.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Satterberg’s held the office only a few months and already has a major scandal on his hands. This isn’t a good harbinger. Democrats need to get to work NOW to find a strong candidate to run against him.
Why didn’t the PI run this thing BEFORE the election?
It all boils down to The Golden Rule: if you’ve got the gold, you get to rule! The justice system has always favored the monied interests. We should strive to put criminals, no matter how much money they have, in the clink for their crimes. Some poor dick in east Tacoma who cashes a bad check is likely to get a more severe sentence that the scion of some rich asshole in Bellevue!
THE Puddybud The Prognosticator...spews:
Interesting. Lawyer head coach Rich Neuheisel was the coach. His name is still held in “high” regard in Boulder…
I guess football pays more than lawyering eh Rabbit?
proud leftistspews:
Neuheisel lacks the ethics to practice law.
Bugs Bunnyspews:
@7 Unfortunately Neuheisel HAS the ethics to practice law.
We are channeling each other.
The real issue here is not the Huskies, it is the Seattle media and their lack of reporting on issues like this. The same sort of thing applies to their lack of discussion of the AG office during Gregoire’s time, McCormack’s well known behavior over a long time, issues of what moneys the UW actually does and does not raise, the Potemkin branch campuses etc.
In the past I have had friends at the Seattle papers tell me that the management of the PIT (PI Times) is intimidated by the Athletics Dept and the Regents.
Whatever the case, it bothers me a lot that the UW is such a huge part of our region but gets so little coverage good or bad.
Here are a few current issues that should be discussed:
The balance sheet of the AD, Do the Huskies cost $$>
The quality of the branch campuses.
The financing of the SLU site .. how well does Allen make out on UW rent?
The true minority issues .. how many non athletes attend the UW?
The demise of the South Campus Center .. who paid for it?
Why is the UW so slow to adopt Microsoft standards?
Why is the North shore of the ship canal such a slum?
You’re the one “channeling” me. I’m the one going, “don’t touch me on my swimsuit area!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Actually, it’s the Seattle Times that’s running this series of reports, Art.
I hope that is a private joke.
Um, actually, now that I think about it, no I don’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 I would guess probably because they didn’t know at the time. This is probably something the reporters got wind of and dug up recently.
@12 was referring to @10. RR shove his way into line! ;-)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 You don’t have to be a scion to get special treatment if you can kick, pass, catch, run, or tackle. Our society, like many other cultures, idolizes warriors and sports heroes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Artists, musicians, writers, and intellectuals? Not so much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “I guess football pays more than lawyering eh Rabbit?”
One of my law professors put it this way: “Practicing law is a fine hobby if you can afford it.”
So the Bothell Times is telling us that some football players are rapists, batterers and thugs, with a large sense of entitlement and no sense of personal responsibility. And in addition to that, people in positions of authority who could have held these rapists, batterers and thugs accountable for their criminal actions failed to do so.
I am shocked, shocked I tell you!
I’m not going to hold my breath for any accountability moments here either. When the criminality goes up to the very top, it is easy to get outrage fatigue.
You have strong opinions and I really like it when we merge.
The UW badly NEEDS more public invo;vement.
I secretly like the idea of the football team. It is more fun than pro sports because the players have more at risk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think something like half the lawyers in our country are not practicing law. It’s definitely an overcrowded field. Like any other occupation, it has a few highly visible people at the top raking in monster bucks, and that tends to attract young people into the profession. The reality is that for most it’s an extremely arduous way of earning a rather modest living. It still beats digging ditches or working in a slaughterhouse, but if you want to make money, there are better ways to do it. Young people tend to overlook the skilled trades, for example. Chances are, they’d do as well or better, money-wise, as a union electrician, plumber, shipwright, or ironworker. To practice privately, you have to run a small business, practice a demanding profession, and turn a profit all at the same time. It’s easier, and often more profitable, to run a franchise sandwich shop or chicken shack or other small business.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The reason law has gotten overcrowded is twofold: TV shows glamoring the profession tend to steer young people in that direction; and law schools are highly profitable, pulling in nearly as much revenue as medical schools with 1/5th of the costs, prompting many colleges and universities to set up law schools regardless of whether there’s sufficient demand for lawyers to provide employment for all the law graduates they’re turning out. In other words, there’s a disconnection between the incentives to operate law schools, the reasons people go to law school, and the market demand for lawyers. Hence the chronic oversupply of lawyers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A tight job market and heavy student debt aren’t the only problems facing new law graduates. Another thing that happens to them is that once they become lawyers, if they can’t find jobs in law, employers won’t hire them to work in other occupations. It’s kind of an all-or-nothing gamble: If you get the degree and license, but can’t build a career in this overcrowded profession, you don’t have other career options to fall back on — you’re screwed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Very funny. Even I’m laughing. I used to think it took superior intellect and character to be a lawyer. After 35 years as a lawyer, I know better. No doubt it will amuse you that the reason the Washington State Bar Association finally got around to making it against the rules to have sex with your clients is because the Association’s president got caught doing it 5 times.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “It is more fun than pro sports because the players have more at risk.”
But mainly it is just fun to watch them beat the shit out of each other on the field.
Richard Popespews:
How come I agree with practically everything Roger has to say?
Highlighting a story where a football player receives a second chance proves nothing. I was educated to read between the lines. To look for what isn’t being said. And what isn’t being said by Will is there are thousands upon thousands of cases where everyday people received a second chance. Where little to nothing happened to them. It happens all the time, in every city in the nation. So to point out when someone with a little notoriety seemingly gets away with a crime is nothing more than yellow journalism.
Do a little critical thinking, people.
@26: Troll
sorry – the point is that football players get second chances and the prosecutors and media look the other way.
Average everyday Joes don’t get those chances – but football stars do.
Satterberg and Maleng played the old boy network wtih UW and gave preferential treatment to UW players.
I am not sure if Neuheisal is that much at fault here – he supported his players as expected – and didn’t kick them off the team becaue the justice system didn’t convict them.
Not to say Neuheisal’s ethics are any good – but he is not the primary problem here. It is the prosecutors and their double standard.
I’d like to know if the Times editorial board knew that the newsroom staff was working on this story, and that Satterberg is implicated as someone who is willing to trade public safety for football wins. If so, someone should explain why they endorsed this man for the county’s top law enforcement job.
Torure is a Republican valuespews:
It’s not only Piper and Puddy who support Bush’s use of torture. the fucking attorney general of the United States has no problem with it. Those Republican values are really something.
“WASHINGTON — Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey said Tuesday that the harsh C.I.A. interrogation technique known as waterboarding was not clearly illegal, and suggested that it could be used against terrorism suspects (SUSPECTED, not convicted)once again if requested by the White House.”
I hear a lot from law school types about how they can not find work. At the same time, as a consumer I can not afford services I WANT from attorneys.
Something is wrong here.
BTW, a propos of RR’s comments, medical training is a lot more expensive than Law. The minimum time, post college, to practice is about 8 years. The maximum is 12 years.
As a result many docs have REALLY big debts before going into practice. Still, there are folks practicing medicine for as little as $60k a year. Lawyers, I think, have set there standards of pay too high.
This is funny as shit
Undercover Brotherspews:
these Times stories showed some real good reporting….question is where was this reporting a decade ago….or even 2 decades ago.
these events have been happening at every school since they bagan sponsoring teams…under every coach who’s job was dependant on winning.
Slick Rick is no different than Don James when it comes to protecting players from the law….they both did it and Ty is doing it now with every other coach in every ‘revenue’ sport.
Why don’t one of you bloggers take some initiative and do a story on the unprecedented closure of a 50 mile stretch of 1-90 in the snoqualmie pass? Do you have to wait for the Seattle Times to research it and do a story on it before you write about it? Do any other passes, that are serviced by large interstate highways, like the Siskiyou pass, ever close for over a day because of snow? When I was growing up, they never used to close the pass this often for avalanche control.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
Rumor has it that Jeremy Stevens secured 3 hole entry.
Speaking of WSDOT disasters, there was a near disaster on Friday when the passenger ferry subbing for the Steel-Electrics that were removed from service after their “sudden” 70% corrosion through their hulls apparently hit the wake of a passing cargo ship. http://www.stpns.net/view_arti.....1013267813
The wave broke over the ferry, flooding the lower deck and causing damage to the superstructure. Passengers were moved to the upper deck and as reported in today’s Peninsula Daily News, the bow stayed underwater for almost a minute with water coming in, until enough of the water shifted aft to allow the boat to finally bring it’s nose up. The boat was eventually able to limp to shore, and it was taken out of service. This happened right at sunset.
and unconsciousness is likely in thirty minutes ON THE AVERAGE, although for older people, kids, and people with specific medical conditions, unconsciousness and even death can come much quicker.
The current US Coast Guard Requirements for motor vessels include the requirement that these vessels have lifeboats…or more specifically, a “lifeboat, inflatable liferaft, inflatable buoyant apparatus, or small boat” with spaces for each passenger and crewmember, and the WSDOT ferries have been exempted from this since the mid 1950s.
Had the passenger ferry kept it’s nose down just a little bit longer, it would have sunk, putting all of the passengers and crew in the water with only the personal floatation devices from the upper deck. The likelihood of multiple deaths had that happened would have been great.
The exemption of the WSDOT ferries was originally justified (three years after the state took over the Black Ball line) by the argument that these ferries were run by the state and therefore would be well maintained, were on relatively short runs, amd could easily be beached if they developed a severe leak. These arguments are on the face of them, ridiculous.
These ferries run night and day, along busy waterways, in all sorts of weather, with considerable far bigger maritime traffic. The threat of collision is there, particularly at night and in adverse weather, and even hitting the wake of a passing vessel may put them at risk of swamping or capsizing. Recent events have also demonstrated that the ability of WSDOT to safely maintain these vessels is somewhat suspect…not surprising perhaps in an organization that has had several floating bridges sink on them, a major bridge collapse (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxTZ446tbzE), and have blissfully ignored for years the fact that engineers have called the present Alaskan Way Viaduct little more than a mantrap when the next serious earthquake hits.
I think the exemption of the WSF from the safety requirement followed by all other motor vessels of this type ought to be terminated, and the WSF should be required to have an appropriate liferaft or lifeboat space for all embarked passengers and crew.
I hope the “prominent Democrats” who supported Satterberg are rethinking their position — for next time. And I hope the Bothell Times editorial board is reading their own newspaper.
For years, our community was vulnerable to the predations of pampered football players who racked up one violent felony after another while the prosecutor’s office turned a blind eye. This sordid chain of events clearly tarnishes Maleng’s reputation, and calls into serious question Satterberg’s fitness to serve. If prosecutors can’t do any better than this, we may need a vigilance committee. It’s their job to make self-defense unnecessary. Maleng and Satterberg have failed miserably in this responsibility.
Satterberg’s held the office only a few months and already has a major scandal on his hands. This isn’t a good harbinger. Democrats need to get to work NOW to find a strong candidate to run against him.
Why didn’t the PI run this thing BEFORE the election?
It all boils down to The Golden Rule: if you’ve got the gold, you get to rule! The justice system has always favored the monied interests. We should strive to put criminals, no matter how much money they have, in the clink for their crimes. Some poor dick in east Tacoma who cashes a bad check is likely to get a more severe sentence that the scion of some rich asshole in Bellevue!
Interesting. Lawyer head coach Rich Neuheisel was the coach. His name is still held in “high” regard in Boulder…
I guess football pays more than lawyering eh Rabbit?
Neuheisel lacks the ethics to practice law.
@7 Unfortunately Neuheisel HAS the ethics to practice law.
We are channeling each other.
The real issue here is not the Huskies, it is the Seattle media and their lack of reporting on issues like this. The same sort of thing applies to their lack of discussion of the AG office during Gregoire’s time, McCormack’s well known behavior over a long time, issues of what moneys the UW actually does and does not raise, the Potemkin branch campuses etc.
In the past I have had friends at the Seattle papers tell me that the management of the PIT (PI Times) is intimidated by the Athletics Dept and the Regents.
Whatever the case, it bothers me a lot that the UW is such a huge part of our region but gets so little coverage good or bad.
Here are a few current issues that should be discussed:
The balance sheet of the AD, Do the Huskies cost $$>
The quality of the branch campuses.
The financing of the SLU site .. how well does Allen make out on UW rent?
The true minority issues .. how many non athletes attend the UW?
The demise of the South Campus Center .. who paid for it?
Why is the UW so slow to adopt Microsoft standards?
Why is the North shore of the ship canal such a slum?
Isn’t anyone interested in such things?
@ 9
You’re the one “channeling” me. I’m the one going, “don’t touch me on my swimsuit area!”
@4 Actually, it’s the Seattle Times that’s running this series of reports, Art.
I hope that is a private joke.
Um, actually, now that I think about it, no I don’t.
@4 I would guess probably because they didn’t know at the time. This is probably something the reporters got wind of and dug up recently.
@12 was referring to @10. RR shove his way into line! ;-)
@5 You don’t have to be a scion to get special treatment if you can kick, pass, catch, run, or tackle. Our society, like many other cultures, idolizes warriors and sports heroes.
Artists, musicians, writers, and intellectuals? Not so much.
@6 “I guess football pays more than lawyering eh Rabbit?”
One of my law professors put it this way: “Practicing law is a fine hobby if you can afford it.”
So the Bothell Times is telling us that some football players are rapists, batterers and thugs, with a large sense of entitlement and no sense of personal responsibility. And in addition to that, people in positions of authority who could have held these rapists, batterers and thugs accountable for their criminal actions failed to do so.
I am shocked, shocked I tell you!
I’m not going to hold my breath for any accountability moments here either. When the criminality goes up to the very top, it is easy to get outrage fatigue.
You have strong opinions and I really like it when we merge.
The UW badly NEEDS more public invo;vement.
I secretly like the idea of the football team. It is more fun than pro sports because the players have more at risk.
I think something like half the lawyers in our country are not practicing law. It’s definitely an overcrowded field. Like any other occupation, it has a few highly visible people at the top raking in monster bucks, and that tends to attract young people into the profession. The reality is that for most it’s an extremely arduous way of earning a rather modest living. It still beats digging ditches or working in a slaughterhouse, but if you want to make money, there are better ways to do it. Young people tend to overlook the skilled trades, for example. Chances are, they’d do as well or better, money-wise, as a union electrician, plumber, shipwright, or ironworker. To practice privately, you have to run a small business, practice a demanding profession, and turn a profit all at the same time. It’s easier, and often more profitable, to run a franchise sandwich shop or chicken shack or other small business.
The reason law has gotten overcrowded is twofold: TV shows glamoring the profession tend to steer young people in that direction; and law schools are highly profitable, pulling in nearly as much revenue as medical schools with 1/5th of the costs, prompting many colleges and universities to set up law schools regardless of whether there’s sufficient demand for lawyers to provide employment for all the law graduates they’re turning out. In other words, there’s a disconnection between the incentives to operate law schools, the reasons people go to law school, and the market demand for lawyers. Hence the chronic oversupply of lawyers.
A tight job market and heavy student debt aren’t the only problems facing new law graduates. Another thing that happens to them is that once they become lawyers, if they can’t find jobs in law, employers won’t hire them to work in other occupations. It’s kind of an all-or-nothing gamble: If you get the degree and license, but can’t build a career in this overcrowded profession, you don’t have other career options to fall back on — you’re screwed.
@8 Very funny. Even I’m laughing. I used to think it took superior intellect and character to be a lawyer. After 35 years as a lawyer, I know better. No doubt it will amuse you that the reason the Washington State Bar Association finally got around to making it against the rules to have sex with your clients is because the Association’s president got caught doing it 5 times.
@19 “It is more fun than pro sports because the players have more at risk.”
But mainly it is just fun to watch them beat the shit out of each other on the field.
How come I agree with practically everything Roger has to say?
Highlighting a story where a football player receives a second chance proves nothing. I was educated to read between the lines. To look for what isn’t being said. And what isn’t being said by Will is there are thousands upon thousands of cases where everyday people received a second chance. Where little to nothing happened to them. It happens all the time, in every city in the nation. So to point out when someone with a little notoriety seemingly gets away with a crime is nothing more than yellow journalism.
Do a little critical thinking, people.
@26: Troll
sorry – the point is that football players get second chances and the prosecutors and media look the other way.
Average everyday Joes don’t get those chances – but football stars do.
Satterberg and Maleng played the old boy network wtih UW and gave preferential treatment to UW players.
I am not sure if Neuheisal is that much at fault here – he supported his players as expected – and didn’t kick them off the team becaue the justice system didn’t convict them.
Not to say Neuheisal’s ethics are any good – but he is not the primary problem here. It is the prosecutors and their double standard.
Does Richard McIver play football?
I’d like to know if the Times editorial board knew that the newsroom staff was working on this story, and that Satterberg is implicated as someone who is willing to trade public safety for football wins. If so, someone should explain why they endorsed this man for the county’s top law enforcement job.
It’s not only Piper and Puddy who support Bush’s use of torture. the fucking attorney general of the United States has no problem with it. Those Republican values are really something.
“WASHINGTON — Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey said Tuesday that the harsh C.I.A. interrogation technique known as waterboarding was not clearly illegal, and suggested that it could be used against terrorism suspects (SUSPECTED, not convicted)once again if requested by the White House.”
I hear a lot from law school types about how they can not find work. At the same time, as a consumer I can not afford services I WANT from attorneys.
Something is wrong here.
BTW, a propos of RR’s comments, medical training is a lot more expensive than Law. The minimum time, post college, to practice is about 8 years. The maximum is 12 years.
As a result many docs have REALLY big debts before going into practice. Still, there are folks practicing medicine for as little as $60k a year. Lawyers, I think, have set there standards of pay too high.
This is funny as shit
these Times stories showed some real good reporting….question is where was this reporting a decade ago….or even 2 decades ago.
these events have been happening at every school since they bagan sponsoring teams…under every coach who’s job was dependant on winning.
Slick Rick is no different than Don James when it comes to protecting players from the law….they both did it and Ty is doing it now with every other coach in every ‘revenue’ sport.
Why don’t one of you bloggers take some initiative and do a story on the unprecedented closure of a 50 mile stretch of 1-90 in the snoqualmie pass? Do you have to wait for the Seattle Times to research it and do a story on it before you write about it? Do any other passes, that are serviced by large interstate highways, like the Siskiyou pass, ever close for over a day because of snow? When I was growing up, they never used to close the pass this often for avalanche control.
Rumor has it that Jeremy Stevens secured 3 hole entry.
Speaking of WSDOT disasters, there was a near disaster on Friday when the passenger ferry subbing for the Steel-Electrics that were removed from service after their “sudden” 70% corrosion through their hulls apparently hit the wake of a passing cargo ship. http://www.stpns.net/view_arti.....1013267813
The wave broke over the ferry, flooding the lower deck and causing damage to the superstructure. Passengers were moved to the upper deck and as reported in today’s Peninsula Daily News, the bow stayed underwater for almost a minute with water coming in, until enough of the water shifted aft to allow the boat to finally bring it’s nose up. The boat was eventually able to limp to shore, and it was taken out of service. This happened right at sunset.
Air temperature at the time was in the low 40s and high 30s and water temperature was about 44 degrees. http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/dsdt/cwtg/npac.html
Under those conditions, significant incapacitation can occur to someone immersed in cold water in five minutes. http://www.shipwrite.bc.ca/Chilling_truth.htm
and unconsciousness is likely in thirty minutes ON THE AVERAGE, although for older people, kids, and people with specific medical conditions, unconsciousness and even death can come much quicker.
The current US Coast Guard Requirements for motor vessels include the requirement that these vessels have lifeboats…or more specifically, a “lifeboat, inflatable liferaft, inflatable buoyant apparatus, or small boat” with spaces for each passenger and crewmember, and the WSDOT ferries have been exempted from this since the mid 1950s.
Had the passenger ferry kept it’s nose down just a little bit longer, it would have sunk, putting all of the passengers and crew in the water with only the personal floatation devices from the upper deck. The likelihood of multiple deaths had that happened would have been great.
The exemption of the WSDOT ferries was originally justified (three years after the state took over the Black Ball line) by the argument that these ferries were run by the state and therefore would be well maintained, were on relatively short runs, amd could easily be beached if they developed a severe leak. These arguments are on the face of them, ridiculous.
These ferries run night and day, along busy waterways, in all sorts of weather, with considerable far bigger maritime traffic. The threat of collision is there, particularly at night and in adverse weather, and even hitting the wake of a passing vessel may put them at risk of swamping or capsizing. Recent events have also demonstrated that the ability of WSDOT to safely maintain these vessels is somewhat suspect…not surprising perhaps in an organization that has had several floating bridges sink on them, a major bridge collapse (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxTZ446tbzE), and have blissfully ignored for years the fact that engineers have called the present Alaskan Way Viaduct little more than a mantrap when the next serious earthquake hits.
I think the exemption of the WSF from the safety requirement followed by all other motor vessels of this type ought to be terminated, and the WSF should be required to have an appropriate liferaft or lifeboat space for all embarked passengers and crew.