Good article on about how MLK and his message is being oversimplified. Freezing him in time during his “I have a dream” phase does him, and ourselves, a disservice.
According to Melissa Harris-Lacewell, professor of politics and African-American studies at Princeton University, “By freezing him at that point, by putting him on a pedestal of perfection that doesn’t acknowledge his complex views, ‘it makes it impossible both for us to find to new leaders and for us to aspire to leadership,’ Harris-Lacewell said.”
And shouldn’t there be a clip of LBJ on this thread? According to the Clinton’s, he’s the real civil rights hero in the latest Clinton rewrite of history. Might as well in order to distract from his Vietnam legacy.
Still, Bill’s verve on behalf of HRC can be explained as “the ultimate alimony.” Payback for Monica is a bitch. Either that or electing HRC will get her out of the house in Chappaqua leaving Bill free to turn it into a de facto bachelor pad. Shades of Austin Powers but without the ruffled shirts.
“Wait a tick… that means I’m single again! Yeah, baby, yeah”
And once there was man called Martin. Martin was a hero, he saved his people from war and famine. He led the poor and railed against bigotry. When Martin died, the people missed him so they made a statue .. just a bit bigger and more handsome than life.
People came to the statue and asked for changes in their lives and… behold … some changes did occur.
Seeing this as important, one person who had many prayers answered, decided to give thanks to Martin by moving the statue to a temple where people could come and sit, listen to tales of Martin, and pray,
Soon temples to martin appeared across the Nation. Weekly television shows, especially the “Hour of Unity” led by Marissa Graham and her life Partner
Marvin Stamnspews:
No surprise that none of the dixiecrats have anything to say in this thread.
No doubt headless lucy is out today in his white pointy hat and the white sheet he stole from the goodwill to spread white cheer and mirth.
…. Mary Chaney, because so popular that Apple released there now unbiquitous iGod. Who would have thought that a device shapoed like the letter O hanging from a choaqn about my neck couil;d bring so much pleasure?
The Revelation helped the movement along. We all remember Elder Romney, that snowy dat in Salt Lake City, appearing on the Hour of Unity show and telling all that the Deity had told him the truth. Sonj the staure of Martin stood beside the statue of Moroni in what had been Mormon Temples. Young missionaries, the “disciples as they were called” all volunteered for two years of national service in the name of the man, not the God, Martin, Former US Prexie, GW Bush, speaking form his home in Bidet, UAE, told the world that his dreams were comng true. He praised President Billary, “For seeing beyond my feeble vision,” and invited her to use the full resources of the UAE, corporation (formerly Microsoft) to so spread the Word of Truth.
Then came the Disaster. Canada, backed by forces from India, Cuba, and Sweden, attacked the peaceful people of Martin. The allied forces represented, they said, the Axis of Secularism.” A long war began. On the Union side,” people held firm to the belief in Marin’s teachings until Pope Asha Bazi, atanding next to Bishop Obama, I spoke fomr the Window of the Vatican saying that he too saw the light of truth. After five years the Secularists went home, Peace returned,
So it came to be that there was the first Martinalia, presided over by the new Prexy of the Union, Billary I. Billary proclaimed Martinalia an annual holiday and
recognized General Jaksun as the Defender of the Faith in a moving service led by Secretary of Faith Huckabee.
Not that there were not discontents. Some followers of the older religions protested that this was violation fo the sacred Ten Bills as brought down from Mt. Washington by the Prophet Jefferson. The ruling by Chief Justice Clayton Powell Bush will be long remembered for the key words, ” There can be no separation of the state from that which is true.”
“So today, on the glorious anniversary of his birth, do all Amercians joiun as one. May the great O proetect us all.”
@1 Shut the fuck up Piper. As an enthusiastic supporter of George W. Bush’s use of torture and the elimination of Americans’ civil liberties and the killing of innocent civilians , including children, and other war crimes, including the use of cluster bombs and the illegal occupation of a country that posed no threat to America, you have no moral standing to comment on anything!
Piper, you say your son is a soldier. If he was captured and water boarded would you say he was tortured?
It describes the work of Michael Yon, a blogger embedded with U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
“Like most bloggers, Mr. Yon has an agenda, writing often that the United States’ mission to build a stable, democratic Iraq is succeeding and must continue. He rarely disparages those who disagree, though, and he does not shy away from describing the disturbing things he sees.
He sometimes criticizes United States forces, their Iraqi allies, and even decision makers in Washington; lately, he has warned that while the American focus is on Iraq, Afghanistan is being lost.
His upbeat outlook on the war has made Mr. Yon a favorite of the war’s supporters. But others in that camp have attacked him for insisting that Iraq is in a civil war, and for condemning American treatment of some detainees.”
Sounds like an honest and objective guy to me. I don’t agree with everything he says, but because his are a pair of boots on the ground down range, he’s got way more credibility than arm chair generals and effete dilettantes like YippingLittleBoy, headless lucy a/k/a many other disgusting personalities (today STFUP), et al, who are totally ignorant on the subject.
The Piper
8/9 What they haven’t seem to have figured out yet is that they’re actually running against George W. Bush’s brain.
I’d like to see the Bush regime practice its torture methods on people to make sure they really work. Perhaps a patriot like Piper will step up to volunteer?
Bush/Cheney apparently didn’t waste any time having a little chat with their pal Harper. The word’s out that the Canadian government has reversed its classification of the United States as a nation responsible for torture.
R. Maggot, Esq.spews:
“I’ll bet your (sic sic sic) new to this blog!” – (signed) Roger goat-roper fuckstick asswipe bedwetter neofascist liberal suckass Rabbit.
Question: How did Liberal Fuckstick Rabbit get through law school?
@14 Piper
If you want o get together, please contact me.
But others in that camp have attacked him for insisting that Iraq is in a civil war, and for condemning American treatment of some detainees.”
Same thing we’ve been saying Pooper.
Iraq is hardly succeeding. Surge supporters said at the beginning that if the Iraqis weren’t pulling together by now, we should leave. We’re still there and we’ll be there as long as KBR, Parsons, Bechtel, the oil companies, etc still can loot dollars lent from China and Japan and have the American taxpayer foot the bill with interest.
No, you’re always saying that it’s a lost cause, America does nothing but torture, all casualties are the fault of the U.S., etc., which is nothing more than a mind-numbingly boring repetition of pre-printed talking points.
In other words, you spout the Taliban/al-Quida line. Either that or you’re on Muqtada al-Sadr’s payroll.
While I quoted from the NY Times article excerpts that both support and are critical of U.S. Iraq efforts, you stayed on your hyper-critical side of a very one-sided fence, omitting the following reference: “Mr. Yon has an agenda, writing often that the United States’ mission to build a stable, democratic Iraq is succeeding and must continue.”
According to Mr. Yon, a knowledgeable, experienced combination soldier and blog-oriented journalist in country and on the front lines for years, U.S. presence in Iraq is necessary and successful.
Again from Mr. Yon, “…the United States’ mission to build a stable, democratic Iraq is succeeding and must continue.”
That clear enough for you?
You have all the objectivity of Johnny Cochran at the O.J. trial. What good does it do to engage you in discussion since all you care about is ideology and a foregone conclusion irrespective of any facts or data?
It’s in your interest for the U.S. to fail in Iraq, so you promote that POV exclusively. You suppress evidence to the contrary, and dismiss with hyper-contempt any opinion save your own.
Is the wisdom of the Iraq War open to debate? Sure, so is the wisdom of entering WW II or flouridating drinking water. Have mistakes been made? Of course, name a war where there were no mistakes. Are all generals the best leaders? Ask Lincoln who went through a ton of them before finding U.S. Grant.
Here’s what I think: If Jesus Christ himself were to appear on the earth and annoint the Iraq War and if all of a sudden tomorrow it could be certified that there are no al-Quida forces in Iraq and that the remaining insurgent forces had layed down their weapons opting, instead, to participate in a democratic process, you’d still find fault, pick nits, and call it a failure.
As far as you are concerned, failure in Iraq is the only viable and acceptable result.
Smarm and rip all you want, I could care less. What I do know is that you have no more credibility than did Baghdad Bob or the editor’s of Isvestia, the Völkischer Beobachter, and the People’s Daily.
The Piper
@22 Sometimes people need to die to have their effect. King, Lincoln, .. their lives are like the fish that the natives of New England planted with the corn.
I doubt that King’s effect was lost, sad as it may have been, because of his death. My parable above and at SJ on the deification is meant to be taken seriously. A lot of our culture comes form the deification of dead heroes.
The obvious question is this unique to Christendom? I do not think so, The death of a savior is central to a LOT of religions associated with the moon .. the religions with gods called “Baal, Dionysus, and Christ” are the most familiar.
In Judaism, the death of Moses on the wrong side of the Jordan, is an important part of validation oh his founding myth. The Shia use the death of Ali in the same way. Buddha’s death is maybe the closest to that of Jesus.
So is MLK now a deity? Where does He rank with Jesus, Buddha, Ali? As the years have passed I have watched the transformation of the man MLK into something very god-like.
I actually feel this has been a good thing. AA religion, w/o the Jesus like story of MLK would be a lot weaker.
I wonder if some folks now pray to MLK? I guess that this is an advantage of the Roman Church. Once they have done their beatification process, a human can ascend the later and, literally become an object of worship.
I guess I am getting too literary but I recommend Achebe’s little book .. Arrow of God, for an idea about how real a man created deity can become.
And me personally, well HA is so sarcastic, I maybe ought not to say these things here. Oerhoas a few F bombs and personal isnults would help?
BUT today is a kind of holy day for me so, yes I will admit to some sort on belief in a higher being. The closest I can come to belief in a Deity is my belief that there are many people better than I .. some famous, some not. The famous ones leave legends and writings .. not to mention podcasts!
I, without the authorization of any Pope or Sanhedrin, have decided to choose the god-like people I want to learn from.
The list, among the famous, is not long. FWIW my list of god-like humans, teachers, includes Alinsky, Chavez, Darwin, Hillel, Gandhi, Gautama, MLK, Jefferson, Maimonides, and Spinoza, I obviously know too little for this list to meran much to others and have left off many names, including living people I respect and others not famous enough to mean anything to most folks.
So, on MLK day, I declare this a a Yomtov, a good day. For me anyway! Perhaps I should found a religion?
@23 Piper
Like you I would love to see Bush’s dream come true.
How much are you willing to pay to make that happen? We are now into tis for $1,000,000,000,000. Would you be willing to pay the taxes to continue?
And what to do about our other defense issues? If China threatens Japan, we should ??? give up because we can not afford to defend Japan?
Finally, NO ONE believes we are going to create anything lie a Jeffersonian state in Iraq … in fact abandonment of that iodea lies at the base of Petraeus’ strategy.
Personally, I support peace w/o democracy. A Kurdish state in the North is OK by me as is a Sunni led central Iraq aliied with Syria. I do thihnk it is imperative to prevent the formation of an Iranian Arab sattelite in the south but I have no problem with an independent Shia theocracy in the south, Would you buy this?
I also think we ned to partner with China and India to create meaningful peace in the Middle East. That probably means getting our forces out! You ready for that?
20/23 It depends on how you define “success”. The Iraq adventure has certainly been successful at getting rid of a former “useful idiot” who had become an embarrassment, keeping the provincials in line and enriching the purses of members of the Beltway Bandits’ Fraternity, the good ol’ boys in the Texas/Wyoming Oil Patch (the latter largely by keeping Iraqi oil off the market and increasing the good fortunes of the House of Saud) and diverting the American public’s attention away from the real threats to our future well-being, if not our very survival. Case in point: we were running around the Euphrates Valley looking for aluminum tubing, while Pakistan was selling to the highest bidder the nuclear technology we’d covertly sold them earlier. Ready, fire, aim!!!!!
“Here’s what I think: If Jesus Christ himself were to appear on the earth and annoint the Iraq War”
It’s likelier that Kosher pigs will fly.
Piper@23: In the words of Howard Dean on your thrashing of The Eugenics_Project(YLB):
Today: Let’s dub anything written by YLB as “I have a scream”.
Post 20 can be summarized as “I have a scream”. I ain’t making sense but “I have a scream”.
ArtFart@27, but it’s more likely than you finding additional brain cells.
23 – Keep apologizing for a two trillion dollar bridge to nowhere Pooper. Keep on apologizing for a harvest of bodies, body parts and a trail of tears. I hope you’re content in your bubble. Last time I looked everyone else was damn near sick of it.
Puddybud ..
did someone leave the sand out of your box?
Let’s dub anything written
Let’s is a contraction of “Let Us”. Who’s “us”?
The 10,000 voices in PSilly’s hollow skull!!!
30 Well, I know not to look for any inside your skull.
Can anyone tell me where Jesus is on record as having endorsed any war?
NOTE: Quoting from the Old Testament or the Book of Revelation is out of bounds.
So is some voice inside your or anybody else’s head.
Moronic Idiot@33: All of us who revile you YLB, that’s who! Worthless pile of biomASS!
@35 Asking what the real Yashka might have done is not fruitful. No one knows.
The Jesus of the Christian Bible implicitly supported war because he comes of ass a quisling, … e.g. give into Caesar. Yet his followers, not the Pauline converts outside Judea but the Nazarenes, were amongst the Zealots who rebelled against Roman power 40 years later!
You need to remember, the Jesus story taker place in OCCUPIED JUDEA, led by a non-Jewish “King” appointed by the Romans (Herod).
Ironically, the Pharisees, depicted by the Roman version of Christianity as Jesus’ enemies, were the major resistance to Roman hegemony. As a result, in the CB, Jesus is made out an an opponent of the very philosophy he probably was part of.
Just imagine how far the Pauline Church would have gotten had it acted like Lech Walesa!
Back to WWJD, one clue is the resistance of the Zealots. Another comes from the early rabbinic Jews. Unlike the zealots, these folks taught a kind of underground survival, leaving the evil Romans alone as long as they let us remain in places like Sfad and Tiberias.
So maybe it was the Jewish thing to seek peace at any price and the Christina thing to fight back??
Personally, I believe we should have fought the effin Romans all along. But then, maybe there would be none of us around today and the goyem would be asking “What would Mithra have done?”
What’s the modern-day equivalent of Rome?
ArtFart: Do you truly understand the Bible? This one is soooooooooooooooooooooooo simple.
Bible Study starts.
In the Bible it says “I and My Father are One”! You’ll find that in the NEW Testament. John 10:30.
“If you know me, you will know my Father also.” John 14:7
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:15-17 NEW Testament.
So if He created all things found in the Old Testament, apparently He sanctioned war too.
Many more verses available but the point is proven.
It’s must be pretty crowded in that empty space between your ears there, PSilly. LMAO!!
Eugenics_Project(YLB): As I originally named you Yelling Libby Blatherer
You were eviscerated by Piper above.
Marvin Stamn has dissected you previously.
MTR-K makes fun of you to the point you only have one rant against him.
I proved you are an American History moron.
Has problems using simple Excel Spreadsheets.
Yells to everyone take a fake test.
Forgot the Kyoto Protocol was never Senate Ratified.
Got caught plagiarizing other people thoughts on HorsesASSHoles.
You think Media Matters is always right.
Never pass your morning coffee without a view of Kos.
And that’s just a starting list> Instead of the Movie Title Running Man, they should make a movie of you called Yelling Man. Only thing it’s in an echo chamber.
How do you debate Clueless Goober Fool? Who do you talk to except the voices in your head?
So you LYAO at your ignorant self? Well, at least someone can laugh at you!
33 & 42: more of the same: “I have a scream”
Only thing #42: I don’t LMAO at you. It’s sad really sad.
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, I saw a TV clip of Palestinians celebrating the attack on the Twin Towers. An image seared in my memory was of a gleeful woman doing that warbly chant Arab women do (If you’ve ever watched Lawrence of Arabia, you know what I mean) as if it was the happiest day of her life.
Right then I concluded that whatever fosters thinking like that has to be eradicated from the face of the earth or we’re all dead. Whether it has its roots in some form of extreme Islam or comes out of a secular mindset that cloaks itself in Islam (the Saddam model), it has to go.
I don’t know what pricetag you can put on not waking up some morning (assuming you’re not in the blast zone) to find out that a terrorist cell has detonated a crude nuclear device or released cannisters of sarin gas in some urban setting.
I don’t even want to read of trafficking in missile parts or nuclear technology that could even remotely get in the hands of these birds. Whatever it takes to stop this crap!
You say Iraq will never be a Jeffersonian democracy, and that’s probably true; Saddam did a good job of murdering all the Iraqi equivalents of Jefferson, Madison, Hamilon, or even Gouvernor Morris.
Also, I’m not aware of any genuine Jeffersonian states on the planet. Paliamentary democracies have quirks we find distasteful, the Germans have laws against denying the holocaust that would be clearly un-Constitutional here, Italy can’t hold a government much past lunch. Who’s perfect or even close?
My son the staff sergeant was in Iraq during a lot of the 2005-2006 election activity, and what he saw was huge interest on the part of the local people to have a say in what was going on. The images of purple-stained fingers wasn’t a PR stunt or some fake image; people don’t risk their lives or walk (no vehicles allowed due to IED threats) for many miles just to participate in a stunt.
He said that most Iraqis cared, and that’s more than you can say for the U.S. a lot of the time.
A republican form of government in Iraq won’t resemble ours, it will have its problems, but all governments have their problems. Eventually, they will be exclusively Iraqi problems.
It’s necessary to break the back of totalitarian rule in the Middle East. The only functioning democracy in the region now is Israel. Iraq is moving in that direction, albeit imperfectly, slower than we would like, and tolerant of practices and people we all would find abhorent her in the U.S. Still, success in this regard will cause the eventual end of thuggish dictatorships in Syria and Iran and exclusively theocratic states such as Saudi Arabia.
The Chinese and India are neither to be trusted nor brought into the process. We’re mad enough at the ChiComs for too much lead in our toys, so why risk another pissing match when they start double-dealing in Iraq?
Indian involvement would only piss off Pakistan, the only Muslin nuclear power, and the pressure would be on the rest of the Islamic world to toe the mark.
Maybe it’s OK to seek their help on the fringe, but I wouldn’t trust those two as far as I could throw them.
Iraq isn’t an end of itself, but symbolic of an entire struggle. If the enemy, in its broadest sense, which includes a particular world view, isn’t broken here, then where? How? At what cost?
This whole affair can’t be simply about catching ObL or brokering a no-win “peace,” that will resemble more what Churchill said of the Munich accords:
“Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonour. They chose dishonour. They will have war.”
If we don’t see this through to a successful end – successful for the U.S. as well as Iraq – then well have to do it again somewhere else.
The Piper
I think that it is sad that on MLK day, we are mostly getting comments from trolls about ….personality differences.
Where are the higher ideals here? where is the concern for human rights? where is the belief in an eventual colorblind society?
what would MLK stand for today?
torture? I don’t think so.
unitary executive? NO
unnecessary wars? No – he was against the vietnam war
universal health care coverage – I sure think SO
Ward Connely and the anti-affirmative actions types? – no – he said that there needed to be affirmative action to correct the past wrongs.
Correctnotright: Puddy history lesson.
Who championed The Philadelphia Plan, the start of affirmative action?
You are avoiding my questions. I said nothing about the need to be militant against rogue nukes or international terrorism.
The reality is we do not have the money to fight nuclear spread, oppose fascism, promote democracy AND solve Iraq.
You also seem to miss some critical points. Most of the middel east is anything but totalitarian. Iran, for better or worse is a real working Democracy . at least as Democratic as Japan, Singapore, and China.
Saudi Arabia is a theocracy, Kuwait and thge UAE are plutocracies.
As for Iraq, no one I read thinks it is going to have any form of democracy .. much less Jeffersonian.
Look, I d not like China either. BUT, I want to live. I want to live in world w/’o war. The USA is simpoly not able to achieve what you suggest ..
BTW you never answered ther tax question either.
40 Puddy, that’s the worst attempt at theology I’ve ever seen.
Because the Lord made rocks didn’t mean he wanted us to clobber each other over the head. Because he made pigs and gave men penes didn’t mean he wanted men to fuck pigs.
Because He made iron and trees didn’t mean he wanted to be nailed to a cross, either.
41 Nah. We’re more like Gaul.
Artfart, if you can not accept Jesus and God are one and when David was told to destroy the evil Jehovah hating nations it wasn’t Jesus then you have some serious Biblical research to perform. Read John 1:1-3?
ArtFart: Apparently Genesis 3:15 means nothing too.
Puddy: Philadelphia plan: Richard Nixon started it.
He was personally a bigot as the WH tapes show.
He also championed a secret plan to end the Vietnam war – 6 years later that plan failed.
Nixon started lots of things ( the war on drugs) that never worked.
Correctnotright: You looked that up history cheater. You Googled that fact. You are as history deficient as Clueless Eugenics Project (YLB).
What does being a bigot have anything to do with it? Jesse Jackson is a bigot. Al Sharpton is a bigot. Nixon did what was right.
Was Jim Crow alive and well in Nevada Saturday? Could be, per the Obama campaign, which accused HRC’s henchman of…vote suppression.
And I thought Karl Rove worked only for Republicans!
The Piper
Good article on about how MLK and his message is being oversimplified. Freezing him in time during his “I have a dream” phase does him, and ourselves, a disservice.
According to Melissa Harris-Lacewell, professor of politics and African-American studies at Princeton University, “By freezing him at that point, by putting him on a pedestal of perfection that doesn’t acknowledge his complex views, ‘it makes it impossible both for us to find to new leaders and for us to aspire to leadership,’ Harris-Lacewell said.”
Just what is Bill trying to prove? According to BHO, maybe that he’s entitled to the limelight and attention.;page=2
And shouldn’t there be a clip of LBJ on this thread? According to the Clinton’s, he’s the real civil rights hero in the latest Clinton rewrite of history. Might as well in order to distract from his Vietnam legacy.
Still, Bill’s verve on behalf of HRC can be explained as “the ultimate alimony.” Payback for Monica is a bitch. Either that or electing HRC will get her out of the house in Chappaqua leaving Bill free to turn it into a de facto bachelor pad. Shades of Austin Powers but without the ruffled shirts.
“Wait a tick… that means I’m single again! Yeah, baby, yeah”
Dads of daughters out there, would you let yours intern under him? Literally and figuratively?
“I think you’re shagedelic baby! You’re switched on! You’re smashing! You’re shagadelic, baby!”
The Piper
And once there was man called Martin. Martin was a hero, he saved his people from war and famine. He led the poor and railed against bigotry. When Martin died, the people missed him so they made a statue .. just a bit bigger and more handsome than life.
People came to the statue and asked for changes in their lives and… behold … some changes did occur.
Seeing this as important, one person who had many prayers answered, decided to give thanks to Martin by moving the statue to a temple where people could come and sit, listen to tales of Martin, and pray,
Soon temples to martin appeared across the Nation. Weekly television shows, especially the “Hour of Unity” led by Marissa Graham and her life Partner
No surprise that none of the dixiecrats have anything to say in this thread.
No doubt headless lucy is out today in his white pointy hat and the white sheet he stole from the goodwill to spread white cheer and mirth.
…. Mary Chaney, because so popular that Apple released there now unbiquitous iGod. Who would have thought that a device shapoed like the letter O hanging from a choaqn about my neck couil;d bring so much pleasure?
The Revelation helped the movement along. We all remember Elder Romney, that snowy dat in Salt Lake City, appearing on the Hour of Unity show and telling all that the Deity had told him the truth. Sonj the staure of Martin stood beside the statue of Moroni in what had been Mormon Temples. Young missionaries, the “disciples as they were called” all volunteered for two years of national service in the name of the man, not the God, Martin, Former US Prexie, GW Bush, speaking form his home in Bidet, UAE, told the world that his dreams were comng true. He praised President Billary, “For seeing beyond my feeble vision,” and invited her to use the full resources of the UAE, corporation (formerly Microsoft) to so spread the Word of Truth.
Then came the Disaster. Canada, backed by forces from India, Cuba, and Sweden, attacked the peaceful people of Martin. The allied forces represented, they said, the Axis of Secularism.” A long war began. On the Union side,” people held firm to the belief in Marin’s teachings until Pope Asha Bazi, atanding next to Bishop Obama, I spoke fomr the Window of the Vatican saying that he too saw the light of truth. After five years the Secularists went home, Peace returned,
So it came to be that there was the first Martinalia, presided over by the new Prexy of the Union, Billary I. Billary proclaimed Martinalia an annual holiday and
recognized General Jaksun as the Defender of the Faith in a moving service led by Secretary of Faith Huckabee.
Not that there were not discontents. Some followers of the older religions protested that this was violation fo the sacred Ten Bills as brought down from Mt. Washington by the Prophet Jefferson. The ruling by Chief Justice Clayton Powell Bush will be long remembered for the key words, ” There can be no separation of the state from that which is true.”
“So today, on the glorious anniversary of his birth, do all Amercians joiun as one. May the great O proetect us all.”
benediction by Bishop Obama
May the sign of the O encircle you, glowing the blue lkight of contentment.
Seems the GOP True Believers here still think they’re running against Bill Clinton’s dick.
NO! They want to run againstt Bill Clinton’s Jane .. as in Dick and Jane.
Wouldn’t have to if he would stop sticking it into everyone’s bubbiness. Even members of his own party are telling him to zip it up!
But then for Bill, it’s always about Bill.
The Piper
@1 Shut the fuck up Piper. As an enthusiastic supporter of George W. Bush’s use of torture and the elimination of Americans’ civil liberties and the killing of innocent civilians , including children, and other war crimes, including the use of cluster bombs and the illegal occupation of a country that posed no threat to America, you have no moral standing to comment on anything!
Piper, you say your son is a soldier. If he was captured and water boarded would you say he was tortured?
Why do you hate our constitution Piper?
I’ve posted this before, but it bears repeating:
Seen on a bumper sticker on a Honda with Kentucky plates:
“Monica Lewinsky’s X-Boyfriend’s Wife for President”
Would anyone like the license plate number?
The Piper
@12 see @11
Here’s something worth reading:
It describes the work of Michael Yon, a blogger embedded with U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
“Like most bloggers, Mr. Yon has an agenda, writing often that the United States’ mission to build a stable, democratic Iraq is succeeding and must continue. He rarely disparages those who disagree, though, and he does not shy away from describing the disturbing things he sees.
He sometimes criticizes United States forces, their Iraqi allies, and even decision makers in Washington; lately, he has warned that while the American focus is on Iraq, Afghanistan is being lost.
His upbeat outlook on the war has made Mr. Yon a favorite of the war’s supporters. But others in that camp have attacked him for insisting that Iraq is in a civil war, and for condemning American treatment of some detainees.”
Sounds like an honest and objective guy to me. I don’t agree with everything he says, but because his are a pair of boots on the ground down range, he’s got way more credibility than arm chair generals and effete dilettantes like YippingLittleBoy, headless lucy a/k/a many other disgusting personalities (today STFUP), et al, who are totally ignorant on the subject.
The Piper
8/9 What they haven’t seem to have figured out yet is that they’re actually running against George W. Bush’s brain.
I’d like to see the Bush regime practice its torture methods on people to make sure they really work. Perhaps a patriot like Piper will step up to volunteer?
Bush/Cheney apparently didn’t waste any time having a little chat with their pal Harper. The word’s out that the Canadian government has reversed its classification of the United States as a nation responsible for torture.
“I’ll bet your (sic sic sic) new to this blog!” – (signed) Roger goat-roper fuckstick asswipe bedwetter neofascist liberal suckass Rabbit.
Question: How did Liberal Fuckstick Rabbit get through law school?
@14 Piper
If you want o get together, please contact me.
But others in that camp have attacked him for insisting that Iraq is in a civil war, and for condemning American treatment of some detainees.”
Same thing we’ve been saying Pooper.
Iraq is hardly succeeding. Surge supporters said at the beginning that if the Iraqis weren’t pulling together by now, we should leave. We’re still there and we’ll be there as long as KBR, Parsons, Bechtel, the oil companies, etc still can loot dollars lent from China and Japan and have the American taxpayer foot the bill with interest.
And Iran is still on your creepy agenda isn’t it?
For Seder? Sure. I’ll do so through your blog.
The Piper
No, you’re always saying that it’s a lost cause, America does nothing but torture, all casualties are the fault of the U.S., etc., which is nothing more than a mind-numbingly boring repetition of pre-printed talking points.
In other words, you spout the Taliban/al-Quida line. Either that or you’re on Muqtada al-Sadr’s payroll.
While I quoted from the NY Times article excerpts that both support and are critical of U.S. Iraq efforts, you stayed on your hyper-critical side of a very one-sided fence, omitting the following reference: “Mr. Yon has an agenda, writing often that the United States’ mission to build a stable, democratic Iraq is succeeding and must continue.”
According to Mr. Yon, a knowledgeable, experienced combination soldier and blog-oriented journalist in country and on the front lines for years, U.S. presence in Iraq is necessary and successful.
Again from Mr. Yon, “…the United States’ mission to build a stable, democratic Iraq is succeeding and must continue.”
That clear enough for you?
You have all the objectivity of Johnny Cochran at the O.J. trial. What good does it do to engage you in discussion since all you care about is ideology and a foregone conclusion irrespective of any facts or data?
It’s in your interest for the U.S. to fail in Iraq, so you promote that POV exclusively. You suppress evidence to the contrary, and dismiss with hyper-contempt any opinion save your own.
Is the wisdom of the Iraq War open to debate? Sure, so is the wisdom of entering WW II or flouridating drinking water. Have mistakes been made? Of course, name a war where there were no mistakes. Are all generals the best leaders? Ask Lincoln who went through a ton of them before finding U.S. Grant.
Here’s what I think: If Jesus Christ himself were to appear on the earth and annoint the Iraq War and if all of a sudden tomorrow it could be certified that there are no al-Quida forces in Iraq and that the remaining insurgent forces had layed down their weapons opting, instead, to participate in a democratic process, you’d still find fault, pick nits, and call it a failure.
As far as you are concerned, failure in Iraq is the only viable and acceptable result.
Smarm and rip all you want, I could care less. What I do know is that you have no more credibility than did Baghdad Bob or the editor’s of Isvestia, the Völkischer Beobachter, and the People’s Daily.
The Piper
@22 Sometimes people need to die to have their effect. King, Lincoln, .. their lives are like the fish that the natives of New England planted with the corn.
I doubt that King’s effect was lost, sad as it may have been, because of his death. My parable above and at SJ on the deification is meant to be taken seriously. A lot of our culture comes form the deification of dead heroes.
The obvious question is this unique to Christendom? I do not think so, The death of a savior is central to a LOT of religions associated with the moon .. the religions with gods called “Baal, Dionysus, and Christ” are the most familiar.
In Judaism, the death of Moses on the wrong side of the Jordan, is an important part of validation oh his founding myth. The Shia use the death of Ali in the same way. Buddha’s death is maybe the closest to that of Jesus.
So is MLK now a deity? Where does He rank with Jesus, Buddha, Ali? As the years have passed I have watched the transformation of the man MLK into something very god-like.
I actually feel this has been a good thing. AA religion, w/o the Jesus like story of MLK would be a lot weaker.
I wonder if some folks now pray to MLK? I guess that this is an advantage of the Roman Church. Once they have done their beatification process, a human can ascend the later and, literally become an object of worship.
I guess I am getting too literary but I recommend Achebe’s little book .. Arrow of God, for an idea about how real a man created deity can become.
And me personally, well HA is so sarcastic, I maybe ought not to say these things here. Oerhoas a few F bombs and personal isnults would help?
BUT today is a kind of holy day for me so, yes I will admit to some sort on belief in a higher being. The closest I can come to belief in a Deity is my belief that there are many people better than I .. some famous, some not. The famous ones leave legends and writings .. not to mention podcasts!
I, without the authorization of any Pope or Sanhedrin, have decided to choose the god-like people I want to learn from.
The list, among the famous, is not long. FWIW my list of god-like humans, teachers, includes Alinsky, Chavez, Darwin, Hillel, Gandhi, Gautama, MLK, Jefferson, Maimonides, and Spinoza, I obviously know too little for this list to meran much to others and have left off many names, including living people I respect and others not famous enough to mean anything to most folks.
So, on MLK day, I declare this a a Yomtov, a good day. For me anyway! Perhaps I should found a religion?
@23 Piper
Like you I would love to see Bush’s dream come true.
How much are you willing to pay to make that happen? We are now into tis for $1,000,000,000,000. Would you be willing to pay the taxes to continue?
And what to do about our other defense issues? If China threatens Japan, we should ??? give up because we can not afford to defend Japan?
Finally, NO ONE believes we are going to create anything lie a Jeffersonian state in Iraq … in fact abandonment of that iodea lies at the base of Petraeus’ strategy.
Personally, I support peace w/o democracy. A Kurdish state in the North is OK by me as is a Sunni led central Iraq aliied with Syria. I do thihnk it is imperative to prevent the formation of an Iranian Arab sattelite in the south but I have no problem with an independent Shia theocracy in the south, Would you buy this?
I also think we ned to partner with China and India to create meaningful peace in the Middle East. That probably means getting our forces out! You ready for that?
20/23 It depends on how you define “success”. The Iraq adventure has certainly been successful at getting rid of a former “useful idiot” who had become an embarrassment, keeping the provincials in line and enriching the purses of members of the Beltway Bandits’ Fraternity, the good ol’ boys in the Texas/Wyoming Oil Patch (the latter largely by keeping Iraqi oil off the market and increasing the good fortunes of the House of Saud) and diverting the American public’s attention away from the real threats to our future well-being, if not our very survival. Case in point: we were running around the Euphrates Valley looking for aluminum tubing, while Pakistan was selling to the highest bidder the nuclear technology we’d covertly sold them earlier. Ready, fire, aim!!!!!
“Here’s what I think: If Jesus Christ himself were to appear on the earth and annoint the Iraq War”
It’s likelier that Kosher pigs will fly.
Piper@23: In the words of Howard Dean on your thrashing of The Eugenics_Project(YLB):
For Eugenics_Project(YLB) if it ain’t from one of his Kool-aid sites he rejects it so just for you Clueless Goober Fool:
or his favorite European biased site:
Today: Let’s dub anything written by YLB as “I have a scream”.
Post 20 can be summarized as “I have a scream”. I ain’t making sense but “I have a scream”.
ArtFart@27, but it’s more likely than you finding additional brain cells.
23 – Keep apologizing for a two trillion dollar bridge to nowhere Pooper. Keep on apologizing for a harvest of bodies, body parts and a trail of tears. I hope you’re content in your bubble. Last time I looked everyone else was damn near sick of it.
Puddybud ..
did someone leave the sand out of your box?
Let’s dub anything written
Let’s is a contraction of “Let Us”. Who’s “us”?
The 10,000 voices in PSilly’s hollow skull!!!
30 Well, I know not to look for any inside your skull.
Can anyone tell me where Jesus is on record as having endorsed any war?
NOTE: Quoting from the Old Testament or the Book of Revelation is out of bounds.
So is some voice inside your or anybody else’s head.
Moronic Idiot@33: All of us who revile you YLB, that’s who! Worthless pile of biomASS!
@35 Asking what the real Yashka might have done is not fruitful. No one knows.
The Jesus of the Christian Bible implicitly supported war because he comes of ass a quisling, … e.g. give into Caesar. Yet his followers, not the Pauline converts outside Judea but the Nazarenes, were amongst the Zealots who rebelled against Roman power 40 years later!
You need to remember, the Jesus story taker place in OCCUPIED JUDEA, led by a non-Jewish “King” appointed by the Romans (Herod).
Ironically, the Pharisees, depicted by the Roman version of Christianity as Jesus’ enemies, were the major resistance to Roman hegemony. As a result, in the CB, Jesus is made out an an opponent of the very philosophy he probably was part of.
Just imagine how far the Pauline Church would have gotten had it acted like Lech Walesa!
Back to WWJD, one clue is the resistance of the Zealots. Another comes from the early rabbinic Jews. Unlike the zealots, these folks taught a kind of underground survival, leaving the evil Romans alone as long as they let us remain in places like Sfad and Tiberias.
So maybe it was the Jewish thing to seek peace at any price and the Christina thing to fight back??
Personally, I believe we should have fought the effin Romans all along. But then, maybe there would be none of us around today and the goyem would be asking “What would Mithra have done?”
What’s the modern-day equivalent of Rome?
ArtFart: Do you truly understand the Bible? This one is soooooooooooooooooooooooo simple.
Bible Study starts.
In the Bible it says “I and My Father are One”! You’ll find that in the NEW Testament. John 10:30.
“If you know me, you will know my Father also.” John 14:7
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:15-17 NEW Testament.
So if He created all things found in the Old Testament, apparently He sanctioned war too.
Many more verses available but the point is proven.
Bible Study over.
Artfart@39: Seattle WA
All of us who revile you
It’s must be pretty crowded in that empty space between your ears there, PSilly. LMAO!!
Eugenics_Project(YLB): As I originally named you Yelling Libby Blatherer
You were eviscerated by Piper above.
Marvin Stamn has dissected you previously.
MTR-K makes fun of you to the point you only have one rant against him.
I proved you are an American History moron.
Has problems using simple Excel Spreadsheets.
Yells to everyone take a fake test.
Forgot the Kyoto Protocol was never Senate Ratified.
Got caught plagiarizing other people thoughts on HorsesASSHoles.
You think Media Matters is always right.
Never pass your morning coffee without a view of Kos.
And that’s just a starting list> Instead of the Movie Title Running Man, they should make a movie of you called Yelling Man. Only thing it’s in an echo chamber.
How do you debate Clueless Goober Fool? Who do you talk to except the voices in your head?
So you LYAO at your ignorant self? Well, at least someone can laugh at you!
33 & 42: more of the same: “I have a scream”
Only thing #42: I don’t LMAO at you. It’s sad really sad.
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, I saw a TV clip of Palestinians celebrating the attack on the Twin Towers. An image seared in my memory was of a gleeful woman doing that warbly chant Arab women do (If you’ve ever watched Lawrence of Arabia, you know what I mean) as if it was the happiest day of her life.
Right then I concluded that whatever fosters thinking like that has to be eradicated from the face of the earth or we’re all dead. Whether it has its roots in some form of extreme Islam or comes out of a secular mindset that cloaks itself in Islam (the Saddam model), it has to go.
I don’t know what pricetag you can put on not waking up some morning (assuming you’re not in the blast zone) to find out that a terrorist cell has detonated a crude nuclear device or released cannisters of sarin gas in some urban setting.
I don’t even want to read of trafficking in missile parts or nuclear technology that could even remotely get in the hands of these birds. Whatever it takes to stop this crap!
You say Iraq will never be a Jeffersonian democracy, and that’s probably true; Saddam did a good job of murdering all the Iraqi equivalents of Jefferson, Madison, Hamilon, or even Gouvernor Morris.
Also, I’m not aware of any genuine Jeffersonian states on the planet. Paliamentary democracies have quirks we find distasteful, the Germans have laws against denying the holocaust that would be clearly un-Constitutional here, Italy can’t hold a government much past lunch. Who’s perfect or even close?
My son the staff sergeant was in Iraq during a lot of the 2005-2006 election activity, and what he saw was huge interest on the part of the local people to have a say in what was going on. The images of purple-stained fingers wasn’t a PR stunt or some fake image; people don’t risk their lives or walk (no vehicles allowed due to IED threats) for many miles just to participate in a stunt.
He said that most Iraqis cared, and that’s more than you can say for the U.S. a lot of the time.
A republican form of government in Iraq won’t resemble ours, it will have its problems, but all governments have their problems. Eventually, they will be exclusively Iraqi problems.
It’s necessary to break the back of totalitarian rule in the Middle East. The only functioning democracy in the region now is Israel. Iraq is moving in that direction, albeit imperfectly, slower than we would like, and tolerant of practices and people we all would find abhorent her in the U.S. Still, success in this regard will cause the eventual end of thuggish dictatorships in Syria and Iran and exclusively theocratic states such as Saudi Arabia.
The Chinese and India are neither to be trusted nor brought into the process. We’re mad enough at the ChiComs for too much lead in our toys, so why risk another pissing match when they start double-dealing in Iraq?
Indian involvement would only piss off Pakistan, the only Muslin nuclear power, and the pressure would be on the rest of the Islamic world to toe the mark.
Maybe it’s OK to seek their help on the fringe, but I wouldn’t trust those two as far as I could throw them.
Iraq isn’t an end of itself, but symbolic of an entire struggle. If the enemy, in its broadest sense, which includes a particular world view, isn’t broken here, then where? How? At what cost?
This whole affair can’t be simply about catching ObL or brokering a no-win “peace,” that will resemble more what Churchill said of the Munich accords:
“Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonour. They chose dishonour. They will have war.”
If we don’t see this through to a successful end – successful for the U.S. as well as Iraq – then well have to do it again somewhere else.
The Piper
I think that it is sad that on MLK day, we are mostly getting comments from trolls about ….personality differences.
Where are the higher ideals here? where is the concern for human rights? where is the belief in an eventual colorblind society?
what would MLK stand for today?
torture? I don’t think so.
unitary executive? NO
unnecessary wars? No – he was against the vietnam war
universal health care coverage – I sure think SO
Ward Connely and the anti-affirmative actions types? – no – he said that there needed to be affirmative action to correct the past wrongs.
Correctnotright: Puddy history lesson.
Who championed The Philadelphia Plan, the start of affirmative action?
No peeking… God is watching…
@46 Piper
You are avoiding my questions. I said nothing about the need to be militant against rogue nukes or international terrorism.
The reality is we do not have the money to fight nuclear spread, oppose fascism, promote democracy AND solve Iraq.
You also seem to miss some critical points. Most of the middel east is anything but totalitarian. Iran, for better or worse is a real working Democracy . at least as Democratic as Japan, Singapore, and China.
Saudi Arabia is a theocracy, Kuwait and thge UAE are plutocracies.
As for Iraq, no one I read thinks it is going to have any form of democracy .. much less Jeffersonian.
Look, I d not like China either. BUT, I want to live. I want to live in world w/’o war. The USA is simpoly not able to achieve what you suggest ..
BTW you never answered ther tax question either.
40 Puddy, that’s the worst attempt at theology I’ve ever seen.
Because the Lord made rocks didn’t mean he wanted us to clobber each other over the head. Because he made pigs and gave men penes didn’t mean he wanted men to fuck pigs.
Because He made iron and trees didn’t mean he wanted to be nailed to a cross, either.
41 Nah. We’re more like Gaul.
Artfart, if you can not accept Jesus and God are one and when David was told to destroy the evil Jehovah hating nations it wasn’t Jesus then you have some serious Biblical research to perform. Read John 1:1-3?
ArtFart: Apparently Genesis 3:15 means nothing too.
Puddy: Philadelphia plan: Richard Nixon started it.
He was personally a bigot as the WH tapes show.
He also championed a secret plan to end the Vietnam war – 6 years later that plan failed.
Nixon started lots of things ( the war on drugs) that never worked.
Correctnotright: You looked that up history cheater. You Googled that fact. You are as history deficient as Clueless Eugenics Project (YLB).
What does being a bigot have anything to do with it? Jesse Jackson is a bigot. Al Sharpton is a bigot. Nixon did what was right.