Apparently, it’s A-okay for a politically connected mega-church preacher to say shit like this:
“Even Jewish merchants ought’a be gathered around their cash registers singing ‘what a friend we have in Jesus.'”
Silly me. I guess I should just learn my place.
The Stranger’s Eli Sanders has more on Seattle’s “Jewish Problem.” It’s a must read.
anti-liberal says:
Mike Webb SUCKS: want to know what kind of “jews” the jewblogger and leftjew are? Count how many POSTS they’ve logged after sundown any Friday to sundown on Saturday…
They are JINO’s, JOC’s and jews when it suits their agenda.
Just like the botox queen is Catholic when it suits her agenda… with her upcoming ‘you like me’ tour in January including her attending Mass, piously flaunting her faith along with the drunk and flipper from taxachusetts, bitchgregoire, Cantthinkbutfuckswell and postdumbmurray pushing abortion with NARAL money while sanctimoniously choking down the Body of Christ for political purposes.
Assholes, hypocrites and liars all.
What I want to know is why the Christians want to ruin the Festival of the Santa Claus Cult with all their negativity.
I don’t mind if the Christians want to talk about their messiah being born and stuff like that there, but I don’t see why it’s more significant than mine or any other beliefs . I don’t see how their “virgin” birth justifies hatin on other peoples. All the negativity poisons the atmosphere with negative vibes and makes it more difficult for followers of the Santa Cult like my family to celebrate our sacred rituals. The Santa Cult welcomes menorahs and lights of all kinds, and even welcomes hand made gifts!
Negative Christians! You better watch out! Cause Santa’s got a list! He’s got your name down on it somewhere!
Uh, Goldy?
Pastor Futien is something of a jerk that has a long history of opening his mouth for the immediate purpose of inserting his foot. He is so adept at doing this feat of flexibility that I might suggest that he try out for Cirque Du Soleil.
This isn’t news to anyone, is it?
For all. Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Merry Solstice, Happy Saturnalia (that one probably goes without saying) and I hope you all had a Joyous Dewali.
Any holidays that I missed were simply from my own ignorance, and celebrants have both my apologies and best wishes.
Does all this arguing over which holiday to celebrate and exactly how it should be celebrated seem rather silly to everyone else? It seems to me that the argument misses the whole point of all of the holidays.
“This has gotten far too silly!” – CSM M. Python
Who the hell do you think you are to judge other people’s faith? Are you at all familiar with the admonition to avoid judging others so that you might not be judged yourself? The rigid self-righteousness, together with the bitterness and hatred, that is reflected in your post is exemplary of what is wrong with the rightwing fringe in this country. I am pleased that people like you post so that the rest of us don’t start coasting and ignore the idiocy that is out there. You are a very marginalized person, powerless over what happens to you. I guess I can understand the source of your bitterness.
There is a difference between standing in judgement “You are a very marginalized person, powerless over what happens to you. I guess I can understand the source of your bitterness.” (proud leftist, 12/22/2006 at 11:16 am) and pointing out the FACTS that prove the rampant hypocrisy of the sanctimonious left.
FACT: the jewblogger and leftjew do not practice their faith as evidence by the fact they ignore Sabbath.
FACT: gregoire, murray, cantwell, pelosi, kerry, kennedy wear their Catholicism like a badge of honor while purposely DISHONORING the most basic tenets of their faith.
FACT: Ditto Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid and countless others who simply remove their faith from their hop pockets like a magic talisman during campaign season.
Pope Bendect said it best when he said that perhaps it would be best to have a much SMALLER Church of true Catholics. I agree: excommunicate the bastards. Kudo’s to the Bishops that don’t allow them to receive the sacraments and ‘shame on you’ to finger in the wind cowards like Brunett
You are truly clueless. I’d feel sorry for you if you were not such a vicious sonofabitch. The truly ignorant among us are those incapable of recognizing their own limitations. I hope your smugness provides you comfort.
1 & 5
Peace be with you too, brother.
anti-liberal spewed:
How do you know they don’t practice the Sabbath? Yes, some ultra-orthodox Jews will refrain from all non-prayer activity, while others see it as a commandment to take at least one day off from strenuous work every week. You don’t get to make that judgement for them, and if they got it wrong, God will tell them.
Assuming that you’re speaking of their support of abortion rights, I could easily point out that not one of them has had an abortion, nor have any of them (to my knowledge) ever counseled someone that they should have an abortion.
Simply following the law and wanting to keep a medical decision safe and private does not dishonor the basic tenants of the Catholic faith.
I presume among those “countless others” you’re including a certain United Methodist that is going against the declared policy of his church that the war in Iraq should be ended immediately.
As to President Carter, I have to ask where he “simply removed his faith”? Unlike some of the churches that insist that all of their members agree with everything the Pastor might utter, Southern Baptists are free to disagree with the political opinions of their church.
Much like United Methodists, which is why a certain current President is still welcomed as a member, even though he seems to be going against many of the tenants of our church.
Good article. His linking of the divisiveness to Europeans bothered me a bit . . . but, I recall Howard Zinn writing in Peoples’ History of US that white and black servants/slaves were perfectly compatible in early US history until they were deliberately divided by the promise to servants of an end to servitude, a small amount of money and a plot of land. The gentry were afraid of an eventual revolt by their servants and slaves and this strategy divided and conquered any cooperation between the two. They were no longer equal in their expectations.
Do you think it is human nature to exploit differences? Will we always have the need to be better than someone else?
Kind of disheartening.
But our current political climate has not helped. Referring to muslims as Islamofascists opens the door to renewed hate and hate knows no bounds. Once the door has opened, all are vulnerable.
There’s an accounting scandal going on with Fannie Mae, and nobody is covering it. Fannie Mae has done some financial shennanigans on par with Enron et. al., and the media is ignoring the story. The company has been forced to re-state profits for 2001 thru 2004, with real profitws coming in at $6.3 billion less than originally reported. Some of the execs there could be looking at some serious jail time for fraud.
I look forward to reading the Stranger article, but I have to say I go into it a bit sick of the whole thing.
In this country there is no group less respected or trusted than atheists (I heard it KUOW…) Jews can wear their (even secularized) beliefs on their sleeves and cry anti-semitism if anyone mutters. Granted, they earned that right with 6 million souls a mere 65 years ago, but I’m sorry – it’s all pretend.
Fighting over which pretend belief system is better or more abused and marginalized just seems kind of stupid.
I know you wouldn’t want your daughter to marry one (no, not you personally, Goldy,… I mean y’All), but atheists don’t believe nothing – they just refuse to believe in pretend deities that may have helped some people make sense of the world before the invention of the microscope and telescope, but which don’t make much sense any more.
anti-liberal bemoans Democratic politicians who claim Christian beliefs while favoring progressive policies, as if Jesus would have been a neo-con. I do too; it’s pathetic that refusing to profess to believing in pretend schema is an absolute bar to electability in this country.
But it is. I’d rather elect believers who recognize that their personal faith is not a sound basis for legislation than those who can’t.
But really I’d rather just elect atheists.
As for the Jews, if, rather than a deluded belief system, you’re really a tribe, how come you don’t have a casino?
10 Didn’t the chief executive of Fannie Mae resign under fire in 2004?
Yes, I think he did, but this is a pretty big scandal, involving more than one person, and it appears nobody is investigating it.
As for all this talk of relgion in this thread, I think Neo-Paganism works pretty well for me.
If you simply read the right Bible, you would have known that all commerce is govern by the one lord and savior, Jesus Christ:
“And Yeah, did he call upon his disiples
To go forth on the land and to assure
a good profit margin,
Yeah, so the board could hand out million dollar
bonuses to the CEO,
While the employees worked for minimum wages and
had their health care cut.
And, whent he Lord saw the profit margins, he smiled,\
for he was happy.”
The Gospel of Manny the Accountant, 12:23-24
Looks like lighting the menorah is a symbol of Jewish religious purity:
“So by kindling the menorah and placing it on the outside, we declared in demonstrative fashion our victory against the outside forces and external interference with our right to exist and survive as a people. Today, on the other hand, the forces of assimilation, intermarriage, ignorance and secularization arrogantly parade inside our very homes and institutions. Against these internal threats we demonstrate our pride as authentic Jews and assert our belief in the perpetuity of the Jewish people by lighting the menorah in our homes around our own tables.”
Rabbi Eliyahu Safran serves as Senior Rabbinic Coordinator of the Orthodox Union’s Kashruth Division.
Anti-Liberal @ 5
Jimmy Carter is an observant Baptist. Harry Reid is an observant Mormon. Neither one of these people are hypocrites. I don’t know enough about the other people on your list.
I’m not Jewish, or Italian, or Hispanic, or Asian, or Black.
I have no special stories to tell except about the long wooden ships and stout beer that we’ve imbibed for generations.
To this day all any one of us really wants or needs is a large supply of good beer, a well built boat, and a handful of dried, salty fish.
But sometimes I wish that I came from the type of people who have “hot, mercurial temperaments”. You can hear it from every one around them as they are publicly losing it. “Oh,he’s Italian. He’s got a hot temperament!” Or, “Those Hispanics have short fuses and hot temperaments.”
But, when I go off on people they just say that I’m a jerk!
Goldy has no problem criticizing Pastor Joe Fuiten for even the slightest perceived insult to Jews. Pastor Fuiten is the leader of one relatively large Assembly of God congregation.
But what about Rabbi Eliyahu Safran? Rabbi Safran is a much more significant religious figure than Pastor Fuiten. He is the Senior Rabbi of the Orthodox Union, one of the largest Jewish denominations in the United States, with nearly 1,000 congregations.
Rabbi Safran calls intermarriage — i.e. a Jew marrying someone of another faith — an “arrogant” act and a threat to Jews “surviv(ing) as a people”. Rabbi Safran is similarly upset with secularization. Basically, Rabbi Safran says that a Jew marrying outside the faith or becoming secular (i.e. not religiously observant) is not an “authentic Jew”.
Does Goldy have anything to say about the statements of Rabbi Safran? Presumably, these statements should be offensive to Goldy. After all, Goldy married someone who isn’t Jewish and admits that he is not religiously observant. Is it offensive to Goldy that a Jewish leader says that he is not an “authentic Jew”, because of his intermarriage and secularism?
Ted @ 17:
Point well taken. Excellent post.
auntiliberal: Count my Friday to Saturday posts. Let me know what you come up with.
Yours truly.
5 rampant hypocrisy of the sanctimonious left
Speaking of sanctimonious hypocrisy, nobody is more in favor of death or does more to bring it about in the form of war and capital punishment, than the sanctimonious right.
7 What for? Can’t we just hope AL gets flattened by a garbage truck?*
(* Ann Coulter humor; I don’t mean it.)
9 Do you think it is human nature to exploit differences? Will we always have the need to be better than someone else?
I don’t think it’s human nature, nor inevitable; but I think there will always be people looking for excuses to (a) think they’re better than everyone else, (b) the rules that apply to the rest of us don’t apply to them, and (c) trying to get more than their fair share of everything — money, power, position, property, etc.
Mat 7:3-5 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
16 Neither does he, Richard.
Rabbit 22 – Does that include Ted Kennedy?
Scrooge on the loose in Boise, stealing baby Jesuses
10:37 AM PST on Thursday, December 21, 2006
Associated Press
BOISE, Idaho – There’s a scrooge on the loose in Boise — stealing statues of the Baby Jesus from neighborhood nativity scenes.
Boise Police responded to two separate calls yesterday from people reporting that the figures had been nicked from their front lawn nativity displays.
One of the statues was a Baby Jesus carved from half-inch plywood, about half the size of an actual baby and hand painted by the victim’s grandfather.
At another nativity display, a thief stole a Baby Jesus figurine hand painted in Italy and a lamb statue.
Police have no suspects.
Just wondering… how many (if any) of you have made a generous donation to Goldy:
Hey Goldy, are ya up to 3 figures yet? Are you able to make a decent living doing this? Are you up to Tim’s level yet? You fucking loser…
Rabbit – I think you should lead by example in giving money to poor starving Goldy. Since you’re the biggest freeloader here, doncha think it’s about time you put some money toward the cause? I think $10,000 would be a good start.
Yanno, Goldy…at this point you may be paying Pastor Fuiten all too much attention. Perhaps the mainstream press is apathetic, but on the other hand maybe their editors have decided that by according him any more column inches or minutes of airtime, be it positive or negative, merely grants him an undeserved extension on his fifteen minutes of fame.
What the heck…the trees are back up at the airport, the shouting (what there really was of it) has died down and maybe a few folks were inspired to do a little more thinking and talking about different traditions than they might have otherwise. Hopefully most of us are going to have the lights and heat back on, Bush hasn’t managed to start World War Three yet and we get to deduct the sales tax. Life could be worse–let’s all of us pull our heads out of cyberspace and go celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice or whatever floats your particular boat.
Say, just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Chistmas.
I know that, in terms of political leanings, I’m in the minority here. For the most part everyone is civil and passionate, and I usually learn a thing or two along the way. So Thank you and Merry Christmas. Thanks Goldy for the forum, and thank God we live in a country where we can engage in these debates.
Best to all!
I am Republican – I lie, steal and cheat when I’m not being a family man (fat whore) or a crying hypocrit. Let me see, what’s the best way to not hurt the economy but still make the people pay through the nose so that my gas buddies reap more profit and more gains for me on my stocks…. I know, how about tax credit and tax refunds. My dumb constituants won’t know the difference.
Pay your debt. A man stands behind his word. If you don’t have it, admit it and move on.
Merry Fucking Christmas you putz.
32: No smegma for MTR?
#19 My Left Foot says:
auntiliberal: Count my Friday to Saturday posts. Let me know what you come up with. Yours truly. 12/22/2006 at 2:27 pm
#32 My Left Foot says:
MTR: Pay your debt. A man stands behind his word. If you don’t have it, admit it and move on. Merry Fucking Christmas you putz. 12/22/2006 at 6:06 pm
Yes, tell us how that SABBATH is going for you there, leftjew: Sunset, Friday December 22, 2006: 4:21pm.
You lose, asshole.
AL is Kevin Carns in drag.
I remember that comment as a joke that Mayor Neil Goldsmith of Portland used at an AZA convention there.
Everyone is apologizing – Professional athletes apologizing for spitting and fighting, Miss Americas apologizing for boozing and posing nude, Actors and Actreses apologizing for spewing racial slurs and showing off their pun tang, Politicians for being corrupt and mis-behaving, Pastors and Preists for being unfaithful and sinners. Everyone is apologizing, were all becoming one big apology. Merry Christmas
Heathen Sinner says: “Everyone is apologizing”
Will you, for your miserable spelling, horrendous grammar and non-existent punctuation?
anti – liberal. your mother should apologize for having you.