Don’t worry Goldy…I’m sure she would say that much too much was made out of the incident in the janitor’s closet with the guinea pig and the curling iron….
proud leftistspews:
I was conceived in Minnesota, though not born there. So, I have a certain fondness for the state (as all Scandinavians should). Al Franken is not Scandinavian; he is, I think, Jewish. I must say, however, he gets the whole Minnesota thing down pat. And, who doesn’t trust a Minnesotan? I guess I have to go to my check book once again. Go Al!
I would like to see Al Franken in the Senate, and not just to get rid of Norm Coleman, although that too. No one can replace Paul Wellstone, but Franken is a worthy successor. He would not only bring Wellstone’s idealism to the Senate, but a sorely needed dash of humor as well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Be prepared for a Roger Rabbit endorsement of a presidential candidate soon, and certainly before the caucus. I’m working on it, but haven’t quite made up my mind yet, although I’m getting close.
I gotta say I’m suspicious of the teacher’s accent — way too strong for St. Louis Park, where Al Franken grew up. Even a little strong for Lake Wobegon, maybe 30 miles from the little town where I grew up. I hope my folks don’t see the ad because they see through production values, and right now, they’re still fightin’ for Franken.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Economist, a British newsweekly, observes that the Bush administration has become “a global byword for callous incompetence.”
An article in Business Week casts doubt on the impact of small donations to campaigns, noting that while they’re up, so is the cost of campaigning — and large donations.
According to BW, 21% of this year’s donations are small (under $200), compared to 18% in 2004 and 20% in 2000.
“The claim that the Web is producing a flood of donations that are giving small donors more clout is unproven,” the article quotes a researcher affiliated with George Washington University.
The article goes on, “[C]andidates backed by … big donors are raking in more money and performing better in the polls ….”
Here is a breakdown of small donations as a percentage of total funds raised by various candidates:
So much for the GOP bullshit that tax cuts for the rich benefit everyone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
klake is a nazi
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP (Not) the Law-And-Order Party
“FBI agent shortage hurting local cops
“By Natalie Singer
“Seattle Times staff reporter
“Local law-enforcement officials told Sen. Patty Murray Wednesday that a shortage of FBI agents in Washington state is making it harder to investigate, solve and prosecute the growing number of cybercrimes they’re seeing in the Puget Sound region.
“Identity thieves, online sexual predators, credit-card fraudsters and increasingly mobile and technologically savvy West Coast car-theft gangs are all problems that city police agencies, county sheriff’s departments and even the State Patrol cannot get ahead of without more federal help, Murray was told.
“‘The federal government has cut resources,’ said Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor. …
“According to Murray, 2,400 agents nationwide were moved from traditional FBI crime-fighting areas … to counterterrorism efforts … and those levels were never replenished. …
“‘The [FBI] has lost its ability to take a leadership role with very complex white-collar crime investigations,’ Gale Evans, deputy chief of the Port of Seattle police and a former FBI agent, told Murray. Evans said the 30-member Seattle FBI team is down 18 people …. ‘They’re languishing,’ Kate Pflaumer, former U.S. attorney for Western Washington, said of white-collar criminal cases among local police agencies. ‘We have a crisis.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This increase in crime was brought to you by the incompetent fucks running our government. Want another 4 years of the same? Then vote Republican this fall.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Also from this morning’s fishwrapper:
“Consumer prices increased by 4.1 percent last year, the highest rate since 1990, but the prices of basic essentials such as food, gasoline and health insurance climbed far more steeply[.]”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This trickle-down moment was brought to you by the party that doesn’t give a damn for workers or consumers. Want another 4 years of the same? Then vote Republican this fall.
@1: Amen. A trouncing of Tim Pawlenty would be my second choice, but that will have to wait.
“U.S. District Judge Henry Kennedy Jr. won’t be prying into the CIA’s destruction of interrogation tapes in 2005.”
Looks like the Terrorist Rights Organization – THe ACLU – will have to depend on Henry Waxman now.
I guess short-stack Henry The Nostril Waxman will blow the case apart by demanding Congressional hearings which will happen under immunity and then the case will unravel for the libbies.
I already took my stand on the tapes so no repeating it again.
Number of abortions lowest in decades 1.2 million performed per year, study says
Where are the FemiNazis now? What are they going to do? This means almost half the abortions are from blacks if the 547,000 estimate hold true. See what liberals are doing to my people. All those “guaranteed” donkey votes destroyed.
Amazing just amazing. Nothing about her Progressive stance.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Holy Tetrahydrocannibinol Batman: Matt Lauer and Tim Russert epiphanies? From L-N
MATT LAUER: How much of a tightrope are they walking with the apparent success of the surge over the last couple months, how difficult is it for these Democratic candidates to score points on Iraq right now?
TIM RUSSERT: They have to keep playing to their base, which wants immediate troop withdrawal, and yet they also want to be responsible, that they’re not going to leave Iraq in a more chaotic situation.
Puddystudy: Well Robin what did I just hear? I think Russert implied that the 16%ers base favors an irresponsible position on Iraq? Yes Batman it sure sounded like it.
RUSSERT: But you just seized on a real dividing line this coming November. The Republican candidate’s going to say “the surge has worked, keep the troops there, we must protect Iraq well into the future.” John McCain said perhaps the next 100 years! The Democrats are going to say “troops out soon.”
LAUER: No front-runner on the Republican side; no front-runner on the Democratic side. And yet when you listen to the press coverage of this, you hear them say “the up-for-grabs race on the Republican side signals a party in disarray. The up-for-grabs race on the Democratic side signals a party with an embarrassment of riches.” Why is that? Is it the media?
RUSSERT: We have to be careful. I remember in 1992 it was the Democrats who were the party in disarray [Puddystudy: Y’all remember the “Seven Dwarfs”? Looks like Kucinich is keeping The Dwarf hope alive…] and Bill Clinton finally emerged and beat George Herbert Walker Bush. But what the Democrats point to, Matt, is money — Democrats outraising them dramatically. Last night in Michigan, half the Republicans said they’re angry or dissatisfied with the Bush administration. We found the same thing in Iowa, and the same thing in New Hampshire. And there are still five viable candidates on the Republican side; only two, two-and-a-half, three on the Democratic side.
LAUER: Mr. Edwards would be really happy that you called him half a candidate.
RUSSERT: I said three at the end, didn’t I? It was a long flight!
Puddystudy: Half a candidate? Oh yes that one The Eugenics_Project(YLB) is pulling for… John “Mr Two Americas I gots Mine But I’ll Make Sure the Guvmint give you yours, just not as good as mine.” Edwards. Waaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa half a candidate.
Maybe Tim read the New York Post article that said Edwards should quit.
See what liberals are doing to my people.
If you don’t like abortions don’t have ’em. Why is Stupes playing the victim card? It’s because either he’s stupid or he’s bullshitting.
It’s a mixture of both, heavy on the stupid.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Keith Olbermann has Rove Derangement Syndrome:
OLBERMANN: The Democrats’ debate tonight was largely politic, and not in the sense of the politeness of the possibilities between all the candidates, but there was one moment towards the end that might yet haunt Senator Clinton or possibly even Senator Obama. Our own Brian Williams, towards the end of the debate, reminding viewers that she had commented on al-Qaeda attacks in Britain right after the new prime minister, Mr. Brown, had taken office, and then said, quote, “So let’s not forget you’re hiring a President not just to do what a candidate says he or she wants to do in an election, you’re hiring a President to be there when the chips were down.” Putting Senator Clinton in the position of having to defend herself against charges of some kind of fearmongering a la Karl Rove.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Pelletizer: The Scorched Earth Dragon is on your side campaigning for POTUS!
She castigated big oil, big pharma, big banks, student loans, Fox News, VRWC,
and I posted her campaign contributions from big oil, big pharma, big banks, student loans, Fox News.
Don’t get in front of her before you get scorched. Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Eugenics_Project(YLB)@20: Yes, I care for my people. You care about where your next guvmint handout is coming from.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Wow: We see how another of the liberal MSM thinks:
23 – Aren’t they free to make decisions for themselves? Or does Papa Puddybud want to tell his peeps what options they can’t have in life like some kind of dictator?
What has HRC to offer of like kind? Given her shrill and race-baiting nature, the best she could hope to do is maybe work a couple shifts as a server at Hooter’s.
No question…BHO is a remarkable politician, a very likeable personality, and, unlike HRC, not the devil incarnate.
Rudy – Corrupt crossdresser who shags on the public dime and is responsible for the fireman dying in the towers.
Mitt – shameless panderer, will say anything to anybody to get elected, actually trying to BUY the presidency
Huck Norris – religious nutcase pushing a national sales tax because it sounds good. At least he plays a bass and has a sense of humor. Too bad he’ll try ammend the Constitution to ban pork. I hope he goes far.
Paul – oohh boy! The Fed is evil. Gold Standard. Trilateral Commission? Illuminati? At least he opposes the stinking, stupid war and seems to respect the Constitution. The speech he gave in NH on primary day was freaking hilarious.
McCain – old, tired and broke, loves war, hated by the loonies of the right wing. Currently being swift-boated in So. Carolina.
Thompson – Too tired to play Reagan. Seriously needs something added to his Geritol.
Duncan who?
Sure sucks to be these guys and any loser supporting any of them.
Right Stuffspews:
ooooooh can’t wait.
Gosh I wonder who it will be…?
@14 Yes, it’s the GOP fault that demand for oil and other raw materials have sky rocketed due to in particular to China and India…. Gee, I guess it’s the GOP fault that lenders made terrible decsisions as to whom qualifies for a home loan….and it’s certainly the GOP fault that people who have no business buying a car, let alone a home, sign up for debt that they can never afford.
The Democrat plan…..raise taxes, turn over industry to Government…….The Gov should decide who has healthcare, home loans, gasoline, milk…If you want nanny state, vote Democrat.
34 – No the government shouldn’t make decisions for people but the government used to make sure financial institutions would stay solvent and yeah that used to mean they had their hands tied when it came to making bad loans to the tunes of BILLIONS of dollars.
If you want the gov of Singapore or the UAE to own more of American banks and ports and stuff like that then vote Republican.
the best she could hope to do is maybe work a couple shifts as a server at Hooter’s.
Uh, sure. As soon as we see you dancing at Chippendale’s, Poopster.
As soon as you promise to stick a $20 in my jock strap I’ll be there! Of course you’ll have to stand in a line that will go out the door and several times around the block, but then the good things in life are always worth the wait!
Where might I see you perform? The ILWU hiring hall? Tent City 4? The Woodland Park Zoo? Just checking…
The Piper
Right Stuffspews:
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for an unleashed free market. Government does play a roll.
Where I disagree is having Government “own” the market/industry. In my opinion, that scenario is ever worse than an un-regulated free market.
38 – And you believe that’s what progressives and the Democratic Party want.
Well I think you’re wrong and you’ve done nothing beside reciting right wing talking points to support your smear.
@34: right Stuff
well – thanks for showing us how ignorant you are of actual economics:
Here are the policies of the (dumb) republicans that have ruined our economy:
1. Bankrupting us (the US) on a corrupt and unnecessary war in Iraq.
2. Huge budget deficits due to the war in Iraq and tax cuts for the very rich
3. No energy plan (see the Cheney energy task force comprised of Enron execs and other oil companies) so we have a huge trade deficit due to oil
4. Free trade with china and no regulations (environmnetal or safety)leading to huge trade deficits
so to recap: Inflation is due to the huge budget deficits of the republicans (due primarily to the war) and the huge oil price increases (and the lack of a real energy plan – republicans again).
Job losses, the lack of regulation of the mortgage industry, the huge trade deficit (causing the falling american dollar) – all republican policies that lead to the recession. Tax cuts don’t work and never have. trickle down is a fantasy – but republicans sure know how to ruin an econonmy and cause job losses (see the results of Reagan, Bush versus Clinton (the only president in the last 20 years to have a budget surplus at the end of his term).
However, the richest 1% of americans are doing great. so
bush’s rich pals are doing fine…why worry?
Diet of Wormsspews:
@ 34 — Deregulation is the problem and Reagan is the culprit.
Oh? That’s not what BHO said when he effusively praised Reagan:
“Obama lauds, endorses Reagan legacy”
How’s that for a headline? And he actually did it! To hear his own words go to approximately minute 18:00 here: dll/article?AID=/20080115/VIDE O/80115026& reakingnews
Listen and learn…
Oh…it was Carter who de-reg’d the airlines.
The Piper
Right Stuffspews:
Look, I give back what is thrown out there by the likes of RR.
You want to regulate banks?
How much do you want to spend doing this?
What guvmint bureaucracy do you want to create?
You want to tell banks who they can and can’t lend too?
What would be the criteria?
What if they said no 95% of the time to peeps who are .5 HISPANIC .5 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN (your words about yourself)?
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Incroeectnotright: I luvvvvvvvvvvvvvv how you come with the same tired talking points for every topic.
Right stuff asked: “I guess it’s the GOP fault that lenders made terrible decisions as to whom qualifies for a home loan….and it’s certainly the GOP fault that people who have no business buying a car, let alone a home, sign up for debt that they can never afford.”
So I’ll ask you since I got family member as a mortgage banker:
You want to regulate banks?
How much do you want to spend doing this?
What guvmint bureaucracy do you want to create?
You want to tell banks who they can and can’t lend too?
What would be the criteria?
What if they said no 95% of the time to peeps who are .5 HISPANIC .5 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN (Eugenics_Project(YLB) your words about yourself)?
What if they said no 95% of the time to peeps who are incorrectnotright many times a day?
The banks were stupid and this is hurting all. As a bidness man my capital requests have to meet higher scrutiny now. Show us how regulation will help. I wait to see this like your Congressman Reichert screed.
Rick Perlstein nails this Obama-Reagan stuff:
It is a quirk of American culture that each generation of nonconservatives sees the right-wingers of its own generation as the scary ones, then chooses to remember the right-wingers of the last generation as sort of cuddly. In 1964, observers horrified by Barry Goldwater pined for the sensible Robert Taft, the conservative leader of the 1950s. When Reagan was president, liberals spoke fondly of sweet old Goldwater.
Nowadays, as we grapple with the malevolence of President Bush, it’s Reagan we remember as the sensible one.
Let us never, never forget though – From Matt Stoller:
Reagan was a psychotic man who nearly blew up the world and used paranoia and fear to change our culture and government in horrible ways. He also wasn’t particularly popular, though as a politician, he’s worth admiring for his raw political skill. Conservative ideology is based on greed and fear. There’s no such thing as a good conservative leader, period. It is a fundamentally bankrupt, corrupt, and fraudulent ideology, and there is nothing laudable about people like Reagan who tap into the worst of America.
Hell yeah!!!
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Since you brought up Reagan and your attempt at revisionist history: I assume you are too young to remember 25 years ago the deal he made with Tip O’Neill?
Did Tip O’Neill keep his promise?
Right Stuffspews:
correctnotright says:
@34: right Stuff
well – thanks for showing us how ignorant you are of actual economics:
Here are the policies of the (dumb) republicans that have ruined our economy:
Kook talking point 1. Bankrupting us (the US) on a corrupt and unnecessary war in Iraq. Tax revenues continue to rise, projected defecit to surplus by 2012.
addtionally, federal tax revenues incresed dramatically AFTER 2003…..
2. Huge budget deficits due to the war in Iraq and tax cuts for the very rich
3. No energy plan (see the Cheney energy task force comprised of Enron execs and other oil companies) so we have a huge trade deficit due to oil
4. Free trade with china and no regulations (environmnetal or safety)leading to huge trade deficits
so to recap: Inflation is due to the huge budget deficits of the republicans (due primarily to the war) and the huge oil price increases (and the lack of a real energy plan – republicans again).
Job losses, the lack of regulation of the mortgage industry, the huge trade deficit (causing the falling american dollar) – all republican policies that lead to the recession. Tax cuts don’t work and never have. trickle down is a fantasy – but republicans sure know how to ruin an econonmy and cause job losses (see the results of Reagan, Bush versus Clinton (the only president in the last 20 years to have a budget surplus at the end of his term).
However, the richest 1% of americans are doing great. so
bush’s rich pals are doing fine…why worry?
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
And Eugenics_Project(YLB), we know who Matt Stoller is right?
Democratic campaign consultant dispenser of the warm white sticky kool-aid The Eugenics_Project(YLB) loves to guzzle.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
I bet Matt Stoller was one of the few dingbats who didn’t go to Reagan’s funeral. All the major donkey stars were there!
More history from Rick Perlstein:
Reagan soon became one of the hottest tickets on the anti-Communist lecture circuit — where sunny optimism was not the order of the day. “We have 10 years,” he would say in just about every speech. “Not 10 years to make up our mind.” (He was referring to the choice as to whether to embrace the Republican right or the march of communism, among whose avatars he numbered, in a famous 1960 letter to Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy.) But “10 years to win or lose — by 1970 the world will be all slave or all free.”
Remember this: The hellfire never left him, and the hellfire ended up making the world a more dangerous place. As a candidate for elective office, even as president, his handlers always cleaned him up for popular consumption, but the same strange holdovers from the McCarthyite fever dreams continued to pop up in his discourse. One of his favorites was an invented quote of Lenin, popularized by the founder of the John Birch Society, to the effect that after the Reds took over Eastern Europe, they would “organize the hordes of Asia,” as Reagan said in a 1975 interview, they would move on to Latin America and “then the United States, the last bastion of capitalism, [would] fall into their outstretched hands like overripe fruit.”
This is the kind of paranoia that haunts the hollow shell that is charitably called the “mind” of PWhackjob.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Eugenics_Project(YLB): This is the kind of paranoia? Projecting again?
Time & Date Stamp?
Please continue to demonstrate to all the clueless fool you are!
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
I didn’t know how deep Bush Derangement Syndrome/Rove Derangement Syndrome had taken you.
Rick Perlstein – Salon and Huff Post writer; Matt Stoller – Donkey Campaign Consultant, whom next from your vast left-wing arsenal of 16%ers?
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
This says it all for me about Rick Perlstein:
By Rick Perlstein – “Earlier this month, the folks at came to me with a challenge”
That opening sentence proves the Eugenics_Project(YLB) can’t live without a multiple daily infusion of the warm white sticky kool-aid
It bears repeating:
Conservative ideology is based on greed and fear. There’s no such thing as a good conservative leader, period. It is a fundamentally bankrupt, corrupt, and fraudulent ideology, and there is nothing laudable about people like Reagan who tap into the worst of America.
Thank you Matt Stoller.
The truth hurts doesn’t it wingnuts? Ignore it at your peril.
In the distance are the lights of a oncoming train called Nov 2008. Get off the tracks of your bankrupt ideology or be crushed.
More likely, you’ll scurry away like insect vermin only to later crawl out from under your rocks summoned by the comforting odors of right wing bullshit.
Right Stuffspews:
@54 yeah he’s not biased.
What else would he say. He is a leader of the fringe base…
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Eugenics_Project(YLB): The last sentence wasn’t bad. Congrats. I know you didn’t write it as your wife is still wearing the pants this week. Tell the woman who married The Eugenics_Project(YLB), well written.
You see Eugenics_Project(YLB), I can make money in a donkey kong world or a Republican world with my field. So being crushed is a figment in your single-celled mind.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Right Stuff: Another 16%er reading from a 16%er.
55 – It’s an opinion I happen to agree with.
See Dubya’s approval numbers lately? It’s his supporters who are on the fringe.
Diet of Wormsspews:
I have no idea why Obama would be lauding the Reagan ‘legacy’, especially after getting a union endorsement. I think he’s pandering to dumheads, like Piper and Pud.
There are several issues I have with Obama: The first is his voting in favor of that sickening bankruptcy bill, his voting in favor of funding the Iraq occupation time-after-time — and now this pandering to Reagan supportes.
and now this pandering to Reagan supportes.
He’s trying to lure back Dems who voted for Reagan. I don’t think he’ll get all that many.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Nevercorrectnotright: What do you remember about Graham-Rudman-Hollings? What was it to perform? Which party submitted a lawsuit against it almost as soon as Reagan signed it?
The lawsuit reminds me of the one filed by the Heilary cronies the Nevada NEA!
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Diet of Worms, you need to feed The Eugenics_Project(YLB). His diet lately has only been the warm white stick kool-aid.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
You see Diet of Worms, Eugenics_Project(YLB), I remember things. That I am fuzzy on I just go back to the Internet. Such a wonderful place. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad Al Gore invented it……. oh… he “took the initiative…”
@45: Poor Puddy – more crap less light again.
Regulation of banks already takes place – heard of the FDIC? Besides – this is barely a side point of the main issue: Republicans messing up the economy.
Ever get all those mailings – save money take our low rate loan? and then the fine print tells you it will balloon is 5 years? Gee- it must be real legal/ethical to allow mortgage companies to lie and trick people. A little regulation is GOOD thing – just like a little sanity!
who has created the biggest budget deficits?
who has been the ONLY president in the last 20 years to have a suplus?
who promotes the “free trade” (also called the economic empowerment act for other countries) and irresponsible energy policies that drive inflation and the trade deficit?
Republicans!!!! (except for the budget surplus – that would be clinton – who also had the biggest decrease in the jobless rate).
Tax cuts for the rich have NEVER been shown to reduce a budget deficit.
Try to get out more Puddy – the right wing sites are warping your brain – the real world is much more complicated than your simplistic philosophy, Horatio.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Nevercorrectnotright: Now do your Puddystudy on the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. What was the deal with Tip O’Neill which he broke?
Your beloved Reagan had huge budget deficits – and wasted how much on a Star Wars program that never worked and only fattened the wallets of rich corporations.
Oh, and Iran/contra (Reagan lied about money for hostages and used drug money to buy off Iran).
Yeah – the good old days of Reagan wasting all of our money on worthless defense projects that have never been used – then it turns out we didn’t need them anyways because the Soviet Union collapsed under its own pathetic weight…
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
FDIC? Wow Nevercorrectnotright. They are in charge of regulating banks with home mortgage loans? Are you sure?
Who created the largest budget cuts? – Congress.
who has been the ONLY president in the last 20 years to have a suplus? I am not sure I don’t know suplus. But a surplus was Clinton on paper only.
who promotes the “free trade” – NAFTA does. Hear that great sucking sound…………..
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Congress spends the money incorrectnightright. Congress has the power to tax incorrectnightright. The president gets the blame or the credit. Did you not learn much in civics classes?
Right Stuffspews:
correctnotright says:
@34: right Stuff
well – thanks for showing us how ignorant you are of actual economics:
Here are the policies of the (dumb) republicans that have ruined our economy:
Kook talking point 1. Bankrupting us (the US) on a corrupt and unnecessary war in Iraq. Tax revenues continue to rise, projected defecit to surplus by 2012.
addtionally, federal tax revenues incresed dramatically AFTER 2003…..
The war in Iraq has not been run well, we all agree. It looks like the corner is turned however.
Kook talking point #2 2. Huge budget deficits due to the war in Iraq and tax cuts for the very rich
See link in 1 for “huge defecits” and how that is remedied by 2012. By the way, who pays taxes here in the good ol USA?
the poor? Middle class? Please define what income level those are…. Be careful becuase I have the IRS data ready to go that breaks down who pays and who doesn’t….
Kook talking point #3 3. No energy plan (see the Cheney energy task force comprised of Enron execs and other oil companies) so we have a huge trade deficit due to oil
Ohhh yes, you only forgot to mention Haliburton or Blackwater to make this complete.
Two words, China – India.
Massive global demand for oil and raw materials especially by these two countries has caused dramatic increase in costs.
If you want new cheap energy, then you will join me in calling for massinve investment in nulcear power right now…
OK we somewhat agree here…. 4. Free trade with china and no regulations (environmnetal or safety)leading to huge trade deficits
Companies that contract manufacturing to China, India, or resell goods made there are going to eventually feel the pain. Goods made in China are already on the watch list of many US consumers…American manufactures have the opportunity to really capitalize on the lack of quality control perceived of Chinese goods. I do think it is time for the world community to hold China acctountable for human/civil rights as all other industrialized nations. Level the playing field.
so to recap: Inflation is due to the huge budget deficits of the republicans credit crisis on our financial system, (due primarily to the war) due primarily to bad lending practices and the huge oil energy price increases (and the lack of a real energy plan – republicans again) Due to global increase in demand for raw materials, especially in China and India.
Job losses 95% employment, the lack of regulation of the mortgage industry Caveat Emptor, The financial institutions are paying now for their ill advised lending practices, the last thing we need is a federal bailout. the huge trade deficit (causing the falling american dollar) – all republican policies that lead to the recession. Tax cuts don’t work and never have. go back and reread the link to the federal revenues and then again describe how tax cuts don’t drive increased revenues trickle down is a fantasy – but republicans sure know how to ruin an econonmy and cause job losses (see the results of Reagan, Bush versus Clinton (the only president in the last 20 years to have a budget surplus at the end of his term). The economy did well under Clinton, due to the spending policies of congress, who were Republican
However, the richest 1% of americans are doing great. so
bush’s rich pals are doing fine…why worry?
Is there some magic force holing you back from achieving whatever goals you want? If you desire to be in the top 1% of wage earners, luckily you live in a country that you can do that. Why are you crying over what someone else has achieved? Go for it.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – I thought it was created in 1933 to protect peeps who gots money in banks from failures up to $100,000.
@68: sorry Puddy – greatest budget deficit of all time:
Bush and the republican congress.
Greatest budget deficits in general – republican presidents – they always have the veto if it is really important to them.
Reagan: left huge budget deficits (that he proposed in HIS budgets).
Your argument – wasted.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
So again I ask Nevercorrectnotright: what was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 supposed to do?
66 – Remember the B1 bomber? 100 built at 200 million each.
Or the “peacekeeper” missile? Another expensive boondoggle. 20 billion squandered.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Nevercorrectnotright, are we going to debate or are you going to throw BULLSHITTIUM from left-wing sites like Eugenics_Project(YLB) and run and hide?
What was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 supposed to do?
What is it with you 16%ers. You want us to answer your questions and when we ask ones back all I hear is white noise….and static……
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Yeah, I guess the B-117 Stealth Fighter was a dud huh Eugenics_Project(YLB)? The Patriot Missile modifications that saved Israel from Scud Missile attacks? Or the M1A1 Abrams Tank which deeeeeeeeeeestroyed all the T-55 and T-72 Iraq Tanks?
“took the initiative…”
Yeah he did.
Al Gore and the Internet
By Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf
Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development.
Golly I remember the B-117s flew into Baghdad dropped their armament, left and the Iraqi air defenses were indiscriminately firing into the night sky at nothing and the next morning they found dead Iraqis from their own air defenses.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Eugenics_Project(YLB): You fool, what did I lose? You still haven’t answered the three questions from before. You didn’t find the source to #51 yet and your wife pantsed you for the last 11 days.
Sucks to be you!
Idiot @ 74
I didn’t talk about those. Bye.
Puddy- more useless blather:
Republicans mess up the economy and waste money. Republican presidents send in budgets that cause deificts to republican congresses.
The 1982 “agreement” – who cares – Reagan proposed and approved budgets massively in the red – period. You can’t wriggle out of that (although you will find some obscure other point to argue and think you made sense).
Patriot missiles don’t work well and were not part of “Star wars”. Neither was the Stealth fighter – that has not been all that useful either.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Eugenics_Project(YLB):Maybe he can negotiate with Matt Stoller.
Nevercorrectnightright: Where did I mention Star Wars? Why do you throw useless canards for all to read trying to say I said it?
Do you just think BULLSHITTIUM up and think, Yeah Puddy said that? I say yes you do!
Where did I mention Star Wars?
Time and Date Stamp?
Where do you find this used toilet paper?
Last time Nevercorrectnightright, What was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 supposed to do? Who controlled the House of Representatives again?
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Nevercorrectnightright, answer the question and we’ll continue to debate. I answer yours. Are you a wimp/chicken too? Otherwise talk to the hand.
The big joke when Raygun was running for Prez:
Q: How is he going to cut taxes, raise defense spending and balance the budget by the end of his first term?
A: with mirrors.
@82: Poor puddy
I mentioned Star wars – you were “trying” to reply to what I said.
In a debate, puddy, you actually have to pay attention to what the other person says instead of offering off topic reponses from right wing web sites. I would be glad to debate – but I have yet to see you actually try – since you lost track of the original comment above (see @66) where I mentioned star wars as a government waste program (promoted heavily by Reagan) that benefited rich defense corporations and gave little actual benefit- just what a republican president (Eisenhower) warned us about at the end of his term – the military-industrial complex taking over our country.
YLB: the reagan “economic miracle” – fueled by our tax dollars and collapsed by the end of his term.
or Reagan proved that deficit spending was OK for the economy – more republican mantra – that bankrupts us.
Other myths:
1. tax cuts shrink the deficit – never happened.
2. government is the problem – the problem is actually incompetent and corrupt republican politicians.
Privatization has worked…exactly where? blackwater?, automakers and fuel economy?, energy policy and oil companies? and you want us to privatize SS so that workers can get a negative return (like for the last 7 years of bush in the stock market?).
No thanks!
Emanations & Penumbras on the Liberal Plantationspews:
Piper – Here is the promised epitaph for left-liberal progressive William O. Douglas, from Washington State, appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR:
“As the term wore on, Janet Meik got to know the Court’s night staff of cleaning women, maintenance men and janitors. Where most clerks had treated them as invisible, she took an interest in their problems. The picture was bleak. Employees in the lower-echelon jobs were virtually all staffed with blacks, the upper-echelon jobs were nearly all white. Laborers and messengers were commonly asked to perform personal work for the Justices, particularly for Douglas, who insisted on using Court personnel to chauffeur him, serve at parties in his home, do grocery shopping, run personal errands, and transport his oriental rugs to storage at the Court each summer — all on their own time. …
” … (F)ear of being summarily fired for breaking something … workers had been seriously injured falling from rickety scaffolding used to clean the marble edifice. Hydrochloric acid, outlawed as a cleansing agent in most places, was still used … Discipline was severe and loyalty presumed. Slight deviations were dealt with by transfer or firing. There was no appeal, since the Court was exempt from the civil service laws. … Not my domain, (Thurgood) Marshall said. …”
Fair use blah blah blah from THE BRETHREN: INSIDE THE SUPREME COURT
Bob Woodward & Scott Armstrong, Simon & Schuster, 1979/2005
Pages 293 – 294, 2005 paperback edition
Ronald Ray Gunspews:
Reagan saved us from two evil empires, Carter’s and the other one that Stalin built. End of story.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrotspews:
Good news for my friend Roger, the Ann-Coulter impersonator. Currently at the top of HA’s main page is a Google ad for getting Coulter delivered directly to your inbox.
Stephanie Miller says that Coulter is a female impersonator who needs a trachea shave, so having Rabbit impersonate an impersonator gets really complicated and confusing. Sort of a hall of mirrors until you remember that Coulter, whatever he or she is, and very unlike Roger, knows what to do with his/her gun.
Re 86: The Court being discussed by Woodward in The Brethren was the left-lib progressive Court of the late 60s and early 70s, the Court that made up a right to privacy from the 9th Amendment and then used the invented right to perpetrate Roe v. Wade.
Extra Credit Kwik Kwiz: Which Democrat president from the Democrat Party appointed to the Supreme Court a Democrat senator who had jointed the KKK?
[] FDR
[] FDR
[] FDR
Answer: FDR
Double Extra Credit: Which Democrat president from the Democrat Party joined the KKK in 1924?
[] Ronald Reagan
[] Ronald Reagan
[] Ronald Reagan
Answer: None of the above. It was Harry S(no period) Truman
89 – Yes Harry Truman was a racist. It’s apparent from love letters he wrote to his wife.
Yet at the same time he didn’t drop a third A-bomb on Japan because he couldn’t stand the thought of killing more kids that way – Japanese kids.
Racism is as American as apple pie.
Just look at all those Republican operators who use robocalls and push-polls to elicit bigoted responses from voters.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Incorrectneverright: These were your typed words “and were not part of “Star wars”.”
When did I mention Star Wars? I was answering Eugenics_Project(YLB) for the B-1 Bomber as a program that he used as an example. I gave him three programs that were started in the 80s that were successful. I think the Israelis will say the Patriot missile works for them since they have batteries installed there, Since you decided to join in and make yourself a fool, be my guest.
Now that you’ve been shown the tool you are…
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Incorrectneverright: I DARE YOU to find where I’ve posted today’s info from a right wing site. You and The Eugenics_Project(YLB) are two peas in a rottening pod. I don’t need RWWS to combat your putrid attempts at debating.
What do you remember about Graham-Rudman-Hollings? Senate History Web site
What do you remember about Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 – Congressional History Web site
FDIC – Treasury Web Site
B-117, Patriot, M1A1 Abrams Tank – Military History Web Site
You need to know where to find information. You love everyone to bow down and give you obeisance for your pithy but wrong commentary. You remind me of Pelletizer, but at least he has some legal expertise.
The Prosecution Rests with Prejudice
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Incorrectneverright: No I didn’t lose track of post#66:
You tied into my comment back to The Eugenics_Project(YLB) with worthless pablum not even in our conversation (if you can call answering The Eugenics_Project(YLB) a conversation) with Star Wars. So I asked where did I mention Star Wars? Still waiting for that answer. Don’t worry I won’t wait for you to formulate one.
I mentioned the Patriot Missile as a stand-alone program. You chose to tie it in. I was skipping over your worthless pablum, useless drivel, in my commentary to The Eugenics_Project(YLB).
I guess you felt left out so just bogarted into the conversation, then once busted tried to cover up your worthless conversational style.
Good bye!
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Incorrectneverright: There used to be an electronics store in NYC with this arvertisement: Crazy xxxxxxxx he’s insane.
Crazy Incorrectneverright, his comments are insane.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
#87. Here here!
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
The Eugenics_Project(YLB) loves to reject history. Keep living in your bubble.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Trying to debate The Eugenics_Project(YLB)@83 is like talking to the back end of a horse.
Wait a minute… This site is called HorsesASS. The Eugenics_Project(YLB) is a HorsesASSHole. By jove it got it now. I’m trying to debate an ASSHole.
Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, The Eugenics_Project(YLB). Why did it fail? Remember clueless one Congress passes the budget and taxes the citizenry.
Everyday on this site The Eugenics_Project(YLB) proves he has no foundation in American History.
What “official history” do you know The Eugenics_Project(YLB) that isn’t from a homo sapiens pipe full of warm white sticky kool-aid?
91-97 Nothing but a fool shouting.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
100: Dull Knife spotted. No knowledge of American History.
Al Franken ROCKS Northfield. The Senate needs, as John Riggins said to Sandra Day O’conner at dinner one night to “loosen up Sandy baby.”
Poor Puddy: he HAS to be right (in his own mind)….and argues like a third grader. I feel sorry for you. You can’t see the big picture through the sorry little details cluttering your mind.
Get this Puddy:
You support the most corrupt and inept republican president and adminsitration of all time. You are tacitly supporting torture, illegal spying on americans, disregard for the constitution, blackwater and other scandals that waste out money, budget deficits, lying over intelligence, a Justice dept. filled with cronies (like Gonzalez) who can’t tell the truth and can’t remember anything under oath and an executive branch that can’t even follow the basics of preserving their own communications as required by law.
And – I haven’t even mentioned the war in Iraq and the WMDs that weren’t there or the failure to go after bin laden. The rest of the world has no respect for us because of Bush – and you support him and criticize the democrats who are trying to keep him accountable.
Sorry – your pathetic little arguments pale before the criminal negligence of your beloved republicans.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
So you can see the correctnotright debate topic.
First slander the adversary
Second change the argument
Third try to make some inane correction argument to make yourself look good.
You are vacuous.
Puddy The Prognosticator...spews:
Still waiting for incorrectneverright to answer the questions posed above. If I received money for every second of waiting I’d be rich.
Al Franken booting out that Rove/Shrub tool Norm Coleman would be the sweetest payback indeed.
Don’t worry Goldy…I’m sure she would say that much too much was made out of the incident in the janitor’s closet with the guinea pig and the curling iron….
I was conceived in Minnesota, though not born there. So, I have a certain fondness for the state (as all Scandinavians should). Al Franken is not Scandinavian; he is, I think, Jewish. I must say, however, he gets the whole Minnesota thing down pat. And, who doesn’t trust a Minnesotan? I guess I have to go to my check book once again. Go Al!
Love that accent.
I would like to see Al Franken in the Senate, and not just to get rid of Norm Coleman, although that too. No one can replace Paul Wellstone, but Franken is a worthy successor. He would not only bring Wellstone’s idealism to the Senate, but a sorely needed dash of humor as well.
Be prepared for a Roger Rabbit endorsement of a presidential candidate soon, and certainly before the caucus. I’m working on it, but haven’t quite made up my mind yet, although I’m getting close.
One thing I’ll say is that I will NOT endorse klake, a Republican, or this guy.
(Do you see the similarities there?)
I gotta say I’m suspicious of the teacher’s accent — way too strong for St. Louis Park, where Al Franken grew up. Even a little strong for Lake Wobegon, maybe 30 miles from the little town where I grew up. I hope my folks don’t see the ad because they see through production values, and right now, they’re still fightin’ for Franken.
The Economist, a British newsweekly, observes that the Bush administration has become “a global byword for callous incompetence.”
An article in Business Week casts doubt on the impact of small donations to campaigns, noting that while they’re up, so is the cost of campaigning — and large donations.
According to BW, 21% of this year’s donations are small (under $200), compared to 18% in 2004 and 20% in 2000.
“The claim that the Web is producing a flood of donations that are giving small donors more clout is unproven,” the article quotes a researcher affiliated with George Washington University.
The article goes on, “[C]andidates backed by … big donors are raking in more money and performing better in the polls ….”
Here is a breakdown of small donations as a percentage of total funds raised by various candidates:
Kucinich 70%
Gravel 60%
Hunter 54%
Paul 50%
Edwards 31%
Obama 28%
Huckabee 25%
McCain 22%
Clinton >15%
Romney >15%
Giuliani >15%
According to Business Week, “the inflation-adjusted earnings of new college grads have fallen 8.5% since 2000.”
So much for the GOP bullshit that tax cuts for the rich benefit everyone.
klake is a nazi
GOP (Not) the Law-And-Order Party
“FBI agent shortage hurting local cops
“By Natalie Singer
“Seattle Times staff reporter
“Local law-enforcement officials told Sen. Patty Murray Wednesday that a shortage of FBI agents in Washington state is making it harder to investigate, solve and prosecute the growing number of cybercrimes they’re seeing in the Puget Sound region.
“Identity thieves, online sexual predators, credit-card fraudsters and increasingly mobile and technologically savvy West Coast car-theft gangs are all problems that city police agencies, county sheriff’s departments and even the State Patrol cannot get ahead of without more federal help, Murray was told.
“‘The federal government has cut resources,’ said Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor. …
“According to Murray, 2,400 agents nationwide were moved from traditional FBI crime-fighting areas … to counterterrorism efforts … and those levels were never replenished. …
“‘The [FBI] has lost its ability to take a leadership role with very complex white-collar crime investigations,’ Gale Evans, deputy chief of the Port of Seattle police and a former FBI agent, told Murray. Evans said the 30-member Seattle FBI team is down 18 people …. ‘They’re languishing,’ Kate Pflaumer, former U.S. attorney for Western Washington, said of white-collar criminal cases among local police agencies. ‘We have a crisis.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....bi17m.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This increase in crime was brought to you by the incompetent fucks running our government. Want another 4 years of the same? Then vote Republican this fall.
Also from this morning’s fishwrapper:
“Consumer prices increased by 4.1 percent last year, the highest rate since 1990, but the prices of basic essentials such as food, gasoline and health insurance climbed far more steeply[.]”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This trickle-down moment was brought to you by the party that doesn’t give a damn for workers or consumers. Want another 4 years of the same? Then vote Republican this fall.
@1: Amen. A trouncing of Tim Pawlenty would be my second choice, but that will have to wait.
Oh darn what’s a 16%er to do?
“U.S. District Judge Henry Kennedy Jr. won’t be prying into the CIA’s destruction of interrogation tapes in 2005.”
Looks like the Terrorist Rights Organization – THe ACLU – will have to depend on Henry Waxman now.
I guess short-stack Henry The Nostril Waxman will blow the case apart by demanding Congressional hearings which will happen under immunity and then the case will unravel for the libbies.
I already took my stand on the tapes so no repeating it again.
Oh darn what’s a 16%er to do?
Number of abortions lowest in decades 1.2 million performed per year, study says
Where are the FemiNazis now? What are they going to do? This means almost half the abortions are from blacks if the 547,000 estimate hold true. See what liberals are doing to my people. All those “guaranteed” donkey votes destroyed.
Look at this softball Heilary Interview:
Amazing just amazing. Nothing about her Progressive stance.
Holy Tetrahydrocannibinol Batman: Matt Lauer and Tim Russert epiphanies? From L-N
MATT LAUER: How much of a tightrope are they walking with the apparent success of the surge over the last couple months, how difficult is it for these Democratic candidates to score points on Iraq right now?
TIM RUSSERT: They have to keep playing to their base, which wants immediate troop withdrawal, and yet they also want to be responsible, that they’re not going to leave Iraq in a more chaotic situation.
Puddystudy: Well Robin what did I just hear? I think Russert implied that the 16%ers base favors an irresponsible position on Iraq? Yes Batman it sure sounded like it.
RUSSERT: But you just seized on a real dividing line this coming November. The Republican candidate’s going to say “the surge has worked, keep the troops there, we must protect Iraq well into the future.” John McCain said perhaps the next 100 years! The Democrats are going to say “troops out soon.”
LAUER: No front-runner on the Republican side; no front-runner on the Democratic side. And yet when you listen to the press coverage of this, you hear them say “the up-for-grabs race on the Republican side signals a party in disarray. The up-for-grabs race on the Democratic side signals a party with an embarrassment of riches.” Why is that? Is it the media?
RUSSERT: We have to be careful. I remember in 1992 it was the Democrats who were the party in disarray [Puddystudy: Y’all remember the “Seven Dwarfs”? Looks like Kucinich is keeping The Dwarf hope alive…] and Bill Clinton finally emerged and beat George Herbert Walker Bush. But what the Democrats point to, Matt, is money — Democrats outraising them dramatically. Last night in Michigan, half the Republicans said they’re angry or dissatisfied with the Bush administration. We found the same thing in Iowa, and the same thing in New Hampshire. And there are still five viable candidates on the Republican side; only two, two-and-a-half, three on the Democratic side.
LAUER: Mr. Edwards would be really happy that you called him half a candidate.
RUSSERT: I said three at the end, didn’t I? It was a long flight!
Puddystudy: Half a candidate? Oh yes that one The Eugenics_Project(YLB) is pulling for… John “Mr Two Americas I gots Mine But I’ll Make Sure the Guvmint give you yours, just not as good as mine.” Edwards. Waaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa half a candidate.
Maybe Tim read the New York Post article that said Edwards should quit.
See what liberals are doing to my people.
If you don’t like abortions don’t have ’em. Why is Stupes playing the victim card? It’s because either he’s stupid or he’s bullshitting.
It’s a mixture of both, heavy on the stupid.
Keith Olbermann has Rove Derangement Syndrome:
OLBERMANN: The Democrats’ debate tonight was largely politic, and not in the sense of the politeness of the possibilities between all the candidates, but there was one moment towards the end that might yet haunt Senator Clinton or possibly even Senator Obama. Our own Brian Williams, towards the end of the debate, reminding viewers that she had commented on al-Qaeda attacks in Britain right after the new prime minister, Mr. Brown, had taken office, and then said, quote, “So let’s not forget you’re hiring a President not just to do what a candidate says he or she wants to do in an election, you’re hiring a President to be there when the chips were down.” Putting Senator Clinton in the position of having to defend herself against charges of some kind of fearmongering a la Karl Rove.
Pelletizer: The Scorched Earth Dragon is on your side campaigning for POTUS!
She castigated big oil, big pharma, big banks, student loans, Fox News, VRWC,
and I posted her campaign contributions from big oil, big pharma, big banks, student loans, Fox News.
Don’t get in front of her before you get scorched. Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa
Eugenics_Project(YLB)@20: Yes, I care for my people. You care about where your next guvmint handout is coming from.
Wow: We see how another of the liberal MSM thinks:
Must be a good friend of The Eugenics_Project(YLB)!
Oh darn what’s a 16%er to do? This is so funny it’s worth repeating:
ACLU: Sex in Restroom Stalls Is Private
23 – Aren’t they free to make decisions for themselves? Or does Papa Puddybud want to tell his peeps what options they can’t have in life like some kind of dictator?
If you don’t like The Seattle Times, don’t buy and/or read it.
In a black church we yell, preach, preach
“Some argue that blacks should vote for Clinton “because her husband was good to us,” he continued.
“That’s not true,” he thundered. “He did the same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky.”
Wow! Slick ad.
“Obama lauds, endorses Reagan legacy”
How’s that for a headline? And he actually did it! To hear his own words go to approximately minute 18:00 here:
What has HRC to offer of like kind? Given her shrill and race-baiting nature, the best she could hope to do is maybe work a couple shifts as a server at Hooter’s.
No question…BHO is a remarkable politician, a very likeable personality, and, unlike HRC, not the devil incarnate.
But he’s still a liberal, so sucks to be him.
The Piper
Don’t forget:
Seen on a bumper sticker on a Honda with Kentucky plates:
“Monica Lewinsky’s X-Boyfriend’s Wife for President”
I hear there’s a real battle going on for the naval vote. Something about Bill showing disrespect for semen still irritates a lot of folks.
The Piper
Heilary: Rejecting all the agreed to decisions, the Clinton Campaign lawsuit two days later? Oh no Obama got the endorsement, how did that happen?
This is soooooooooooooo funny!
30 – Let’s examine your exciting field again:
Rudy – Corrupt crossdresser who shags on the public dime and is responsible for the fireman dying in the towers.
Mitt – shameless panderer, will say anything to anybody to get elected, actually trying to BUY the presidency
Huck Norris – religious nutcase pushing a national sales tax because it sounds good. At least he plays a bass and has a sense of humor. Too bad he’ll try ammend the Constitution to ban pork. I hope he goes far.
Paul – oohh boy! The Fed is evil. Gold Standard. Trilateral Commission? Illuminati? At least he opposes the stinking, stupid war and seems to respect the Constitution. The speech he gave in NH on primary day was freaking hilarious.
McCain – old, tired and broke, loves war, hated by the loonies of the right wing. Currently being swift-boated in So. Carolina.
Thompson – Too tired to play Reagan. Seriously needs something added to his Geritol.
Duncan who?
Sure sucks to be these guys and any loser supporting any of them.
ooooooh can’t wait.
Gosh I wonder who it will be…?
Well not so much ambulance chaser.
@14 Yes, it’s the GOP fault that demand for oil and other raw materials have sky rocketed due to in particular to China and India…. Gee, I guess it’s the GOP fault that lenders made terrible decsisions as to whom qualifies for a home loan….and it’s certainly the GOP fault that people who have no business buying a car, let alone a home, sign up for debt that they can never afford.
The Democrat plan…..raise taxes, turn over industry to Government…….The Gov should decide who has healthcare, home loans, gasoline, milk…If you want nanny state, vote Democrat.
34 – No the government shouldn’t make decisions for people but the government used to make sure financial institutions would stay solvent and yeah that used to mean they had their hands tied when it came to making bad loans to the tunes of BILLIONS of dollars.
If you want the gov of Singapore or the UAE to own more of American banks and ports and stuff like that then vote Republican.
the best she could hope to do is maybe work a couple shifts as a server at Hooter’s.
Uh, sure. As soon as we see you dancing at Chippendale’s, Poopster.
Do not want.
As soon as you promise to stick a $20 in my jock strap I’ll be there! Of course you’ll have to stand in a line that will go out the door and several times around the block, but then the good things in life are always worth the wait!
Where might I see you perform? The ILWU hiring hall? Tent City 4? The Woodland Park Zoo? Just checking…
The Piper
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for an unleashed free market. Government does play a roll.
Where I disagree is having Government “own” the market/industry. In my opinion, that scenario is ever worse than an un-regulated free market.
38 – And you believe that’s what progressives and the Democratic Party want.
Well I think you’re wrong and you’ve done nothing beside reciting right wing talking points to support your smear.
@34: right Stuff
well – thanks for showing us how ignorant you are of actual economics:
Here are the policies of the (dumb) republicans that have ruined our economy:
1. Bankrupting us (the US) on a corrupt and unnecessary war in Iraq.
2. Huge budget deficits due to the war in Iraq and tax cuts for the very rich
3. No energy plan (see the Cheney energy task force comprised of Enron execs and other oil companies) so we have a huge trade deficit due to oil
4. Free trade with china and no regulations (environmnetal or safety)leading to huge trade deficits
so to recap: Inflation is due to the huge budget deficits of the republicans (due primarily to the war) and the huge oil price increases (and the lack of a real energy plan – republicans again).
Job losses, the lack of regulation of the mortgage industry, the huge trade deficit (causing the falling american dollar) – all republican policies that lead to the recession. Tax cuts don’t work and never have. trickle down is a fantasy – but republicans sure know how to ruin an econonmy and cause job losses (see the results of Reagan, Bush versus Clinton (the only president in the last 20 years to have a budget surplus at the end of his term).
However, the richest 1% of americans are doing great. so
bush’s rich pals are doing fine…why worry?
@ 34 — Deregulation is the problem and Reagan is the culprit.
Oh? That’s not what BHO said when he effusively praised Reagan:
“Obama lauds, endorses Reagan legacy”
How’s that for a headline? And he actually did it! To hear his own words go to approximately minute 18:00 here: dll/article?AID=/20080115/VIDE O/80115026& reakingnews
Listen and learn…
Oh…it was Carter who de-reg’d the airlines.
The Piper
Look, I give back what is thrown out there by the likes of RR.
Now, this is not talking points.
So #34:
You want to regulate banks?
How much do you want to spend doing this?
What guvmint bureaucracy do you want to create?
You want to tell banks who they can and can’t lend too?
What would be the criteria?
What if they said no 95% of the time to peeps who are .5 HISPANIC .5 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN (your words about yourself)?
Incroeectnotright: I luvvvvvvvvvvvvvv how you come with the same tired talking points for every topic.
Right stuff asked: “I guess it’s the GOP fault that lenders made terrible decisions as to whom qualifies for a home loan….and it’s certainly the GOP fault that people who have no business buying a car, let alone a home, sign up for debt that they can never afford.”
So I’ll ask you since I got family member as a mortgage banker:
You want to regulate banks?
How much do you want to spend doing this?
What guvmint bureaucracy do you want to create?
You want to tell banks who they can and can’t lend too?
What would be the criteria?
What if they said no 95% of the time to peeps who are .5 HISPANIC .5 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN (Eugenics_Project(YLB) your words about yourself)?
What if they said no 95% of the time to peeps who are incorrectnotright many times a day?
The banks were stupid and this is hurting all. As a bidness man my capital requests have to meet higher scrutiny now. Show us how regulation will help. I wait to see this like your Congressman Reichert screed.
Rick Perlstein nails this Obama-Reagan stuff:
Let us never, never forget though – From Matt Stoller:
Hell yeah!!!
Since you brought up Reagan and your attempt at revisionist history: I assume you are too young to remember 25 years ago the deal he made with Tip O’Neill?
Did Tip O’Neill keep his promise?
correctnotright says:
@34: right Stuff
well – thanks for showing us how ignorant you are of actual economics:
Here are the policies of the (dumb) republicans that have ruined our economy:
Kook talking point 1. Bankrupting us (the US) on a corrupt and unnecessary war in Iraq. Tax revenues continue to rise, projected defecit to surplus by 2012.
addtionally, federal tax revenues incresed dramatically AFTER 2003…..
2. Huge budget deficits due to the war in Iraq and tax cuts for the very rich
3. No energy plan (see the Cheney energy task force comprised of Enron execs and other oil companies) so we have a huge trade deficit due to oil
4. Free trade with china and no regulations (environmnetal or safety)leading to huge trade deficits
so to recap: Inflation is due to the huge budget deficits of the republicans (due primarily to the war) and the huge oil price increases (and the lack of a real energy plan – republicans again).
Job losses, the lack of regulation of the mortgage industry, the huge trade deficit (causing the falling american dollar) – all republican policies that lead to the recession. Tax cuts don’t work and never have. trickle down is a fantasy – but republicans sure know how to ruin an econonmy and cause job losses (see the results of Reagan, Bush versus Clinton (the only president in the last 20 years to have a budget surplus at the end of his term).
However, the richest 1% of americans are doing great. so
bush’s rich pals are doing fine…why worry?
And Eugenics_Project(YLB), we know who Matt Stoller is right?
Democratic campaign consultant dispenser of the warm white sticky kool-aid The Eugenics_Project(YLB) loves to guzzle.
I bet Matt Stoller was one of the few dingbats who didn’t go to Reagan’s funeral. All the major donkey stars were there!
More history from Rick Perlstein:
This is the kind of paranoia that haunts the hollow shell that is charitably called the “mind” of PWhackjob.
Eugenics_Project(YLB): This is the kind of paranoia? Projecting again?
Time & Date Stamp?
Please continue to demonstrate to all the clueless fool you are!
I didn’t know how deep Bush Derangement Syndrome/Rove Derangement Syndrome had taken you.
Rick Perlstein – Salon and Huff Post writer; Matt Stoller – Donkey Campaign Consultant, whom next from your vast left-wing arsenal of 16%ers?
This says it all for me about Rick Perlstein:
By Rick Perlstein – “Earlier this month, the folks at came to me with a challenge”
That opening sentence proves the Eugenics_Project(YLB) can’t live without a multiple daily infusion of the warm white sticky kool-aid
It bears repeating:
Thank you Matt Stoller.
The truth hurts doesn’t it wingnuts? Ignore it at your peril.
In the distance are the lights of a oncoming train called Nov 2008. Get off the tracks of your bankrupt ideology or be crushed.
More likely, you’ll scurry away like insect vermin only to later crawl out from under your rocks summoned by the comforting odors of right wing bullshit.
@54 yeah he’s not biased.
What else would he say. He is a leader of the fringe base…
Eugenics_Project(YLB): The last sentence wasn’t bad. Congrats. I know you didn’t write it as your wife is still wearing the pants this week. Tell the woman who married The Eugenics_Project(YLB), well written.
You see Eugenics_Project(YLB), I can make money in a donkey kong world or a Republican world with my field. So being crushed is a figment in your single-celled mind.
Right Stuff: Another 16%er reading from a 16%er.
55 – It’s an opinion I happen to agree with.
See Dubya’s approval numbers lately? It’s his supporters who are on the fringe.
I have no idea why Obama would be lauding the Reagan ‘legacy’, especially after getting a union endorsement. I think he’s pandering to dumheads, like Piper and Pud.
There are several issues I have with Obama: The first is his voting in favor of that sickening bankruptcy bill, his voting in favor of funding the Iraq occupation time-after-time — and now this pandering to Reagan supportes.
and now this pandering to Reagan supportes.
He’s trying to lure back Dems who voted for Reagan. I don’t think he’ll get all that many.
Nevercorrectnotright: What do you remember about Graham-Rudman-Hollings? What was it to perform? Which party submitted a lawsuit against it almost as soon as Reagan signed it?
The lawsuit reminds me of the one filed by the Heilary cronies the Nevada NEA!
Diet of Worms, you need to feed The Eugenics_Project(YLB). His diet lately has only been the warm white stick kool-aid.
You see Diet of Worms, Eugenics_Project(YLB), I remember things. That I am fuzzy on I just go back to the Internet. Such a wonderful place. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad Al Gore invented it……. oh… he “took the initiative…”
@45: Poor Puddy – more crap less light again.
Regulation of banks already takes place – heard of the FDIC? Besides – this is barely a side point of the main issue: Republicans messing up the economy.
Ever get all those mailings – save money take our low rate loan? and then the fine print tells you it will balloon is 5 years? Gee- it must be real legal/ethical to allow mortgage companies to lie and trick people. A little regulation is GOOD thing – just like a little sanity!
who has created the biggest budget deficits?
who has been the ONLY president in the last 20 years to have a suplus?
who promotes the “free trade” (also called the economic empowerment act for other countries) and irresponsible energy policies that drive inflation and the trade deficit?
Republicans!!!! (except for the budget surplus – that would be clinton – who also had the biggest decrease in the jobless rate).
Tax cuts for the rich have NEVER been shown to reduce a budget deficit.
Try to get out more Puddy – the right wing sites are warping your brain – the real world is much more complicated than your simplistic philosophy, Horatio.
Nevercorrectnotright: Now do your Puddystudy on the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. What was the deal with Tip O’Neill which he broke?
Your beloved Reagan had huge budget deficits – and wasted how much on a Star Wars program that never worked and only fattened the wallets of rich corporations.
Oh, and Iran/contra (Reagan lied about money for hostages and used drug money to buy off Iran).
Yeah – the good old days of Reagan wasting all of our money on worthless defense projects that have never been used – then it turns out we didn’t need them anyways because the Soviet Union collapsed under its own pathetic weight…
FDIC? Wow Nevercorrectnotright. They are in charge of regulating banks with home mortgage loans? Are you sure?
Who created the largest budget cuts? – Congress.
who has been the ONLY president in the last 20 years to have a suplus? I am not sure I don’t know suplus. But a surplus was Clinton on paper only.
who promotes the “free trade” – NAFTA does. Hear that great sucking sound…………..
Congress spends the money incorrectnightright. Congress has the power to tax incorrectnightright. The president gets the blame or the credit. Did you not learn much in civics classes?
correctnotright says:
@34: right Stuff
well – thanks for showing us how ignorant you are of actual economics:
Here are the policies of the (dumb) republicans that have ruined our economy:
Kook talking point
1. Bankrupting us (the US) on a corrupt and unnecessary war in Iraq. Tax revenues continue to rise, projected defecit to surplus by 2012.
addtionally, federal tax revenues incresed dramatically AFTER 2003…..
The war in Iraq has not been run well, we all agree. It looks like the corner is turned however.
Kook talking point #2
2. Huge budget deficits due to the war in Iraq and tax cuts for the very rich
See link in 1 for “huge defecits” and how that is remedied by 2012. By the way, who pays taxes here in the good ol USA?
the poor? Middle class? Please define what income level those are…. Be careful becuase I have the IRS data ready to go that breaks down who pays and who doesn’t….
Kook talking point #3
3. No energy plan (see the Cheney energy task force comprised of Enron execs and other oil companies) so we have a huge trade deficit due to oil
Ohhh yes, you only forgot to mention Haliburton or Blackwater to make this complete.
Two words, China – India.
Massive global demand for oil and raw materials especially by these two countries has caused dramatic increase in costs.
If you want new cheap energy, then you will join me in calling for massinve investment in nulcear power right now…
OK we somewhat agree here….
4. Free trade with china and no regulations (environmnetal or safety)leading to huge trade deficits
Companies that contract manufacturing to China, India, or resell goods made there are going to eventually feel the pain. Goods made in China are already on the watch list of many US consumers…American manufactures have the opportunity to really capitalize on the lack of quality control perceived of Chinese goods. I do think it is time for the world community to hold China acctountable for human/civil rights as all other industrialized nations. Level the playing field.
so to recap: Inflation is due to the
huge budget deficits of the republicanscredit crisis on our financial system,(due primarily to the war)due primarily to bad lending practices and the hugeoilenergy price increases(and the lack of a real energy plan – republicans again)Due to global increase in demand for raw materials, especially in China and India.Job losses 95% employment, the lack of regulation of the mortgage industry Caveat Emptor, The financial institutions are paying now for their ill advised lending practices, the last thing we need is a federal bailout. the huge trade deficit (causing the falling american dollar) – all republican policies that lead to the recession. Tax cuts don’t work and never have. go back and reread the link to the federal revenues and then again describe how tax cuts don’t drive increased revenues trickle down is a fantasy – but republicans sure know how to ruin an econonmy and cause job losses (see the results of Reagan, Bush versus Clinton (the only president in the last 20 years to have a budget surplus at the end of his term). The economy did well under Clinton, due to the spending policies of congress, who were Republican
However, the richest 1% of americans are doing great. so
bush’s rich pals are doing fine…why worry?
Is there some magic force holing you back from achieving whatever goals you want? If you desire to be in the top 1% of wage earners, luckily you live in a country that you can do that. Why are you crying over what someone else has achieved? Go for it.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – I thought it was created in 1933 to protect peeps who gots money in banks from failures up to $100,000.
@68: sorry Puddy – greatest budget deficit of all time:
Bush and the republican congress.
Greatest budget deficits in general – republican presidents – they always have the veto if it is really important to them.
Reagan: left huge budget deficits (that he proposed in HIS budgets).
Your argument – wasted.
So again I ask Nevercorrectnotright: what was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 supposed to do?
66 – Remember the B1 bomber? 100 built at 200 million each.
Or the “peacekeeper” missile? Another expensive boondoggle. 20 billion squandered.
Nevercorrectnotright, are we going to debate or are you going to throw BULLSHITTIUM from left-wing sites like Eugenics_Project(YLB) and run and hide?
What was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 supposed to do?
What is it with you 16%ers. You want us to answer your questions and when we ask ones back all I hear is white noise….and static……
Yeah, I guess the B-117 Stealth Fighter was a dud huh Eugenics_Project(YLB)? The Patriot Missile modifications that saved Israel from Scud Missile attacks? Or the M1A1 Abrams Tank which deeeeeeeeeeestroyed all the T-55 and T-72 Iraq Tanks?
“took the initiative…”
Yeah he did.
You lose again fool. Bye.
Golly I remember the B-117s flew into Baghdad dropped their armament, left and the Iraqi air defenses were indiscriminately firing into the night sky at nothing and the next morning they found dead Iraqis from their own air defenses.
Eugenics_Project(YLB): You fool, what did I lose? You still haven’t answered the three questions from before. You didn’t find the source to #51 yet and your wife pantsed you for the last 11 days.
Sucks to be you!
Idiot @ 74
I didn’t talk about those. Bye.
Puddy- more useless blather:
Republicans mess up the economy and waste money. Republican presidents send in budgets that cause deificts to republican congresses.
The 1982 “agreement” – who cares – Reagan proposed and approved budgets massively in the red – period. You can’t wriggle out of that (although you will find some obscure other point to argue and think you made sense).
Patriot missiles don’t work well and were not part of “Star wars”. Neither was the Stealth fighter – that has not been all that useful either.
Eugenics_Project(YLB):Maybe he can negotiate with Matt Stoller.
Nevercorrectnightright: Where did I mention Star Wars? Why do you throw useless canards for all to read trying to say I said it?
Do you just think BULLSHITTIUM up and think, Yeah Puddy said that? I say yes you do!
Where did I mention Star Wars?
Time and Date Stamp?
Where do you find this used toilet paper?
Last time Nevercorrectnightright, What was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 supposed to do? Who controlled the House of Representatives again?
Nevercorrectnightright, answer the question and we’ll continue to debate. I answer yours. Are you a wimp/chicken too? Otherwise talk to the hand.
The big joke when Raygun was running for Prez:
Q: How is he going to cut taxes, raise defense spending and balance the budget by the end of his first term?
A: with mirrors.
@82: Poor puddy
I mentioned Star wars – you were “trying” to reply to what I said.
In a debate, puddy, you actually have to pay attention to what the other person says instead of offering off topic reponses from right wing web sites. I would be glad to debate – but I have yet to see you actually try – since you lost track of the original comment above (see @66) where I mentioned star wars as a government waste program (promoted heavily by Reagan) that benefited rich defense corporations and gave little actual benefit- just what a republican president (Eisenhower) warned us about at the end of his term – the military-industrial complex taking over our country.
YLB: the reagan “economic miracle” – fueled by our tax dollars and collapsed by the end of his term.
or Reagan proved that deficit spending was OK for the economy – more republican mantra – that bankrupts us.
Other myths:
1. tax cuts shrink the deficit – never happened.
2. government is the problem – the problem is actually incompetent and corrupt republican politicians.
Privatization has worked…exactly where? blackwater?, automakers and fuel economy?, energy policy and oil companies? and you want us to privatize SS so that workers can get a negative return (like for the last 7 years of bush in the stock market?).
No thanks!
Piper – Here is the promised epitaph for left-liberal progressive William O. Douglas, from Washington State, appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR:
“As the term wore on, Janet Meik got to know the Court’s night staff of cleaning women, maintenance men and janitors. Where most clerks had treated them as invisible, she took an interest in their problems. The picture was bleak. Employees in the lower-echelon jobs were virtually all staffed with blacks, the upper-echelon jobs were nearly all white. Laborers and messengers were commonly asked to perform personal work for the Justices, particularly for Douglas, who insisted on using Court personnel to chauffeur him, serve at parties in his home, do grocery shopping, run personal errands, and transport his oriental rugs to storage at the Court each summer — all on their own time. …
” … (F)ear of being summarily fired for breaking something … workers had been seriously injured falling from rickety scaffolding used to clean the marble edifice. Hydrochloric acid, outlawed as a cleansing agent in most places, was still used … Discipline was severe and loyalty presumed. Slight deviations were dealt with by transfer or firing. There was no appeal, since the Court was exempt from the civil service laws. … Not my domain, (Thurgood) Marshall said. …”
Fair use blah blah blah from THE BRETHREN: INSIDE THE SUPREME COURT
Bob Woodward & Scott Armstrong, Simon & Schuster, 1979/2005
Pages 293 – 294, 2005 paperback edition
Reagan saved us from two evil empires, Carter’s and the other one that Stalin built. End of story.
Good news for my friend Roger, the Ann-Coulter impersonator. Currently at the top of HA’s main page is a Google ad for getting Coulter delivered directly to your inbox.
Stephanie Miller says that Coulter is a female impersonator who needs a trachea shave, so having Rabbit impersonate an impersonator gets really complicated and confusing. Sort of a hall of mirrors until you remember that Coulter, whatever he or she is, and very unlike Roger, knows what to do with his/her gun.
Re 86: The Court being discussed by Woodward in The Brethren was the left-lib progressive Court of the late 60s and early 70s, the Court that made up a right to privacy from the 9th Amendment and then used the invented right to perpetrate Roe v. Wade.
Extra Credit Kwik Kwiz: Which Democrat president from the Democrat Party appointed to the Supreme Court a Democrat senator who had jointed the KKK?
[] FDR
[] FDR
[] FDR
Answer: FDR
Double Extra Credit: Which Democrat president from the Democrat Party joined the KKK in 1924?
[] Ronald Reagan
[] Ronald Reagan
[] Ronald Reagan
Answer: None of the above. It was Harry S(no period) Truman
89 – Yes Harry Truman was a racist. It’s apparent from love letters he wrote to his wife.
Yet at the same time he didn’t drop a third A-bomb on Japan because he couldn’t stand the thought of killing more kids that way – Japanese kids.
Racism is as American as apple pie.
Just look at all those Republican operators who use robocalls and push-polls to elicit bigoted responses from voters.
Incorrectneverright: These were your typed words “and were not part of “Star wars”.”
When did I mention Star Wars? I was answering Eugenics_Project(YLB) for the B-1 Bomber as a program that he used as an example. I gave him three programs that were started in the 80s that were successful. I think the Israelis will say the Patriot missile works for them since they have batteries installed there, Since you decided to join in and make yourself a fool, be my guest.
Now that you’ve been shown the tool you are…
Incorrectneverright: I DARE YOU to find where I’ve posted today’s info from a right wing site. You and The Eugenics_Project(YLB) are two peas in a rottening pod. I don’t need RWWS to combat your putrid attempts at debating.
What do you remember about Graham-Rudman-Hollings? Senate History Web site
What do you remember about Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 – Congressional History Web site
FDIC – Treasury Web Site
B-117, Patriot, M1A1 Abrams Tank – Military History Web Site
You need to know where to find information. You love everyone to bow down and give you obeisance for your pithy but wrong commentary. You remind me of Pelletizer, but at least he has some legal expertise.
The Prosecution Rests with Prejudice
Incorrectneverright: No I didn’t lose track of post#66:
You tied into my comment back to The Eugenics_Project(YLB) with worthless pablum not even in our conversation (if you can call answering The Eugenics_Project(YLB) a conversation) with Star Wars. So I asked where did I mention Star Wars? Still waiting for that answer. Don’t worry I won’t wait for you to formulate one.
I mentioned the Patriot Missile as a stand-alone program. You chose to tie it in. I was skipping over your worthless pablum, useless drivel, in my commentary to The Eugenics_Project(YLB).
I guess you felt left out so just bogarted into the conversation, then once busted tried to cover up your worthless conversational style.
Good bye!
Incorrectneverright: There used to be an electronics store in NYC with this arvertisement: Crazy xxxxxxxx he’s insane.
Crazy Incorrectneverright, his comments are insane.
#87. Here here!
The Eugenics_Project(YLB) loves to reject history. Keep living in your bubble.
Trying to debate The Eugenics_Project(YLB)@83 is like talking to the back end of a horse.
Wait a minute… This site is called HorsesASS. The Eugenics_Project(YLB) is a HorsesASSHole. By jove it got it now. I’m trying to debate an ASSHole.
Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, The Eugenics_Project(YLB). Why did it fail? Remember clueless one Congress passes the budget and taxes the citizenry.
Everyday on this site The Eugenics_Project(YLB) proves he has no foundation in American History.
What “official history” do you know The Eugenics_Project(YLB) that isn’t from a homo sapiens pipe full of warm white sticky kool-aid?
91-97 Nothing but a fool shouting.
100: Dull Knife spotted. No knowledge of American History.
Al Franken ROCKS Northfield. The Senate needs, as John Riggins said to Sandra Day O’conner at dinner one night to “loosen up Sandy baby.”
Poor Puddy: he HAS to be right (in his own mind)….and argues like a third grader. I feel sorry for you. You can’t see the big picture through the sorry little details cluttering your mind.
Get this Puddy:
You support the most corrupt and inept republican president and adminsitration of all time. You are tacitly supporting torture, illegal spying on americans, disregard for the constitution, blackwater and other scandals that waste out money, budget deficits, lying over intelligence, a Justice dept. filled with cronies (like Gonzalez) who can’t tell the truth and can’t remember anything under oath and an executive branch that can’t even follow the basics of preserving their own communications as required by law.
And – I haven’t even mentioned the war in Iraq and the WMDs that weren’t there or the failure to go after bin laden. The rest of the world has no respect for us because of Bush – and you support him and criticize the democrats who are trying to keep him accountable.
Sorry – your pathetic little arguments pale before the criminal negligence of your beloved republicans.
So you can see the correctnotright debate topic.
First slander the adversary
Second change the argument
Third try to make some inane correction argument to make yourself look good.
You are vacuous.
Still waiting for incorrectneverright to answer the questions posed above. If I received money for every second of waiting I’d be rich.