People taking people’s lives over trivial nonsensical feelings reminds me of Headless Lucy’s comments the other day. Hopefully those comments were made in jest.
Only a fool uses ad hominem arguments.
Duh. This fits with Darwin’s “theory” perfectly. Survival of the fittest. Next question?
Right Stuffspews:
“A climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources,” said Emma Brindal, a climate justice campaigner coordinator for Friends of the Earth.”
This is so bad on so many levels…..
She must have missed the Democrat memo to NEVER reveal the true nature of your intentions.
Democrat montra ” we need to address man made global warming”
Democrat True Agenda “Redistribution of wealth….Socialism…Government control of our lives…”
What temperature should we set the thermostat at???
Who decides that one?
Right Stuffspews:
@4 continued
Quoted from Bali Climate change conference.
“My country is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali,” the former US vice-president told 2,000 of the 12,000 people attending the conference on Thursday. “[But] over the next two years the United States is going to be somewhere it is not now.”
Go Al Go!!!
Very presidential!
(how was that GIV flight to Bali?)
Gee Al, At what temperature would you set the global thermostat?
Right on, Right Stuff. Gore may be final proof against the validity of Intelligent Design. Tell the Discovery Institute that Darwin was right: mutations happen, and they’re always bad.
Of course, the court that sentenced the perp to 5 years minus parole must have been under a far left judge who will never be elected to a governor job in Oz because the radi right will blame him for not sentencing the perp to life.
and so it goes.
Right Stuff: Yes, he and Clinton couldn’t get John Effin Kerry and Robert Many Pointy Headed Sheets 3K Grand Klagon Byrd to get the treaty ratified in 1997. But it’s Bush’s fault it wasn’t ratified in 1997.
Gore – What a moron!
What was the Senate tally, #8? 96 – 0? 3234 – 0? Something like that? Senator Kleagle finally got one right.
Goldy maybe Mr Boa hadn’t evolved yet where he could “hold” his liquor so he could defend himself?
ME@1: Everything said by that person is fully intentioned and meant for their intended target.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Buttputter @ 8: Why sure, 105th Congress, ’97-’99, a Senate controlled by 55 Republicans, shot down Kyoto.
You, sir, are a fucking liar.
You’re so proud you are an ASS and we are too!
Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia wrote Resolution S. 98 that opposed ratification of Kyoto. He said he would vote against it if it did not comply with his certain concerns, the primary one being the exemption of developing nations like China and India from its requirements.
Then on October 30, 2003, Senator 3K Byrd said, “The Kyoto Protocol, in its current form, does not comply with the requirements of Senate Resolution 98.”
Next post more donk senators
The words of John Effin Kerry on Kyoto: The Kyoto Treaty was flawed but could be fixed.
I propose a study:
Lets count up ALL the people who have lost their lives because of a refusal to espouse atheism.
The lets count ALL the people who have list their lives because of a refusal to spouse one or another form of Islam or Christianity.
Once we have these numbers we will submit them to the Christian’s gategeeper of the heavens, I believe his name is Peter. The, as a matter of affirmatove action, we will ask Peter to judge atheists vs beleivers for admission to heaven.
Lots nioce folks could go to hell this way.
Right Stuffspews:
Clinton never sent it to the Senate for ratification.
1997 the Senate voted 95-0 S.Res09 that is did not make sense to sign on to Kyoto. Ref.
Those evil Republicans…..
You’re so proud you are an ASS and we are too!
Care to take back what you said above, Mr 0 and 95?
Undercover Brotherspews:
I for one am not surprised that it was the Christianist that did the killing….it does seem that those that follow Religonism have the narrowist views of life
Right Stuffspews:
Once we have these numbers we will submit them to the Christian’s gategeeper of the heavens, I believe his name is Peter. The, as a matter of affirmatove action, we will ask Peter to judge atheists vs beleivers for admission to heaven.
One problem, Peter doesn’t exist right? There is no heaven or hell correct?
Nope, as an Aethist ya just get a dirt nap.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Yes, it’s appalling that Ann Coulter jokes to her fellow wingnuts — a group with NO sense of humor — that liberals should be killed, knowing full well they’ll take her words seriously. She’s as guilty as the prankster who yells “fire!” in a crowded soccer stadium, and should be prosecuted for manslaughter (womanslaughter?).
@18: And then he got a light sentence due to his fine upstanding Christian character. Grrr.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I suspect that row had more to do with English v. Scots than creationism v. evolution. Go watch “Braveheart” again and you’ll understand.
Rabbit as usual is a dolt. His recent attempts at Coulter-in-drag impersonations don’t change the fact that Coulter’s humor comes from the deliberate impersonation of Democrats.
Ten years ago Alec Baldwin yacked about killing Henry Hyde’s wife and children. Coulter’s been riffing on him.
Randi Rhodes (sp?) giggled about the Fredo-Final-Solution for Bush. Coulter’s been riffing on her.
Too bad y’all are too dumb to get the joke.
Crusader Rabbitspews:
Check out Google’s cool ad in the upper (ahem) RIGHT.
Stabbed him with a knife, huh?
Apparently beating him about the head with a Bible didn’t do enough damage.
Oh, yeah…if any of y’all were wondering what political nastyness was going to happen this week whilst the press’n’public were supposed to be distracted by the imagery of steroids being injected in Roger Clemens’ butt:
Today was the day the Democrats in Congress (remember, the ones who were elected last year on the pledge to “stop George Bush”) caved in and gave the little shit everything he wanted to continue the delightful killing and maiming for a better world.
30: you don’t say…
pudless donksspews:
Yep. Mentioned earlier that your pretty Democrat Congress can’t seem to get to the ‘up’ part of ‘fuck up.’ Moron Bush keeps beating them at their own moronic game. Pope Soros sez ‘end the war’ and the war goes on.
I love how the trolls here change the subject and try to blame clinton for everything:
Bush refused to sign kyoto.
The US is holding up the Bali agreement on limits for CO2.
We are the biggest carbon dioxide polluter on earth – in total and even higher per capita – and our president has acknowleged the problem with global warming and is blocking the worldwide attempts to fix the problem.
As McCain said:
If we are wrong and global warming a not a human caused problem (contrary to almost all the scientific evidence), than the worst that has happened is that we have cleaned up the earth for our kids (because of all the other pollutants that are spilled out with CO2).
If we are right and global warming is caused by human activity – then we will have saved the planet.
If we do nothing, then grab a snorkel.
Now who is willing to gamble?
@19 Right Stuff
Sorry, I know better
Though, I am an atheist I have worked hard to achieve arhant status. This means I hpe to see all that there is including the imaginary creations of our kind. As taught by the Buddha, everything is one, that means when we create a Deity it is as real as .. well any great fictional character. So, Valhalla and Asimov’s Empire both exist. So too, Peter, with both the prefix St. and the suffix pan, exists. Indeed, it may shock you that they are one and the same.
Any yes, for those who believe in a n afterlife, heaven exists does hell. But Peter is also an arhant and he too can see who has been naughty or nice. Worshipping any Deity, repeating any ritual, even worship of the Buddha himself, does not alter your fate in the afterlife. I believe some Christians call this “grace.”
So, as a Christian, arriving at the Pearly Gates, you will also be met by a reality that could care less about what names you have used for the deity, how many sheep you have sacrificed or prayers you have said. I suspect many Christians are in for a disappointment.
As for the atheists, even a dead atheist whose existence in some way has npt ceased, , heaven will only exist if that is something that she built upon in her life .. even if that means having enjoyed Heaven only as a fantasy. BUT fantasies too are real. Indeed an atheist may hove more choices than a Christian who is limited by her or his devotion only to the unfortunate dichotomy of heaven or hell.
And this atheist? Well, as a Jew I really have never wondered about an afterlife .. this isn’t one of our problems. My best hope is to be as good a person as I can in this life and hope that any afterlife that might exist will be determined by powers with ethics and morals better than my own.
Richard Popespews:
Only five years for killing someone in Australia? Okay, the conviction was for manslaughter, and I will assume there was a jury panel deciding to acquit for murder and convict for manslaughter. But surely the maximum allowable sentence must be for more than five years? Apparently, the offender will be released after only two or three years, with parole.
The judge said: “The offender is a person of good character and the offence is a complete aberration.” REALLY?
What are you trying to say in #33? The Senate Treaty was not ratified. So what if Bush signs it? Byrd in 2003 said no China and India no deal.
What part of Byrd’s english lesson can’t you understand?
Now we have the little bit of hide in parentheses and they’ll miss it: (contrary to almost all the scientific evidence)…
Well I posted from 7 universities and 9 countries this theory lately under scrutiny doesn’t hold up. Some of your approvers are now denying the theory.
When a volcano erupts how much CO2 and other particulate is spewed incorrectstillnotright?
When St Helens exploded?
When Etna exploded?
When Pinatubo exploded?
When you head explodes?
Richard visit Australia: Different rules, just right!
@35 Pope?
Why not really? The perp acted outed love for Jesus … just like Torquemada, Father Sierra, Governor Stephens, the conquistadores, and GWB.
All people of good character.
Right Stuffspews:
“I love how the trolls here change the subject and try to blame clinton for everything:
Bush refused to sign kyoto.
The US is holding up the Bali agreement on limits for CO2.
We are the biggest carbon dioxide polluter on earth – in total and even higher per capita – and our president has acknowleged the problem with global warming and is blocking the worldwide attempts to fix the problem.”
Bush doesn’t have to sign it becuase Clinton already has….
The Senate would have to ratify the treaty. As stated above
S.Res98 voted 95-0. Check the link.
The Senate has not ratified because the now largest carbon polluter, China, is exempted, as is India…
Why hasn’t Harry(I’m defeated,let’s retreat)Reid brought it to the floor?
Right Stuffspews:
SJ “And this (insert religion here)? Well, as a (X) I really have never wondered about an afterlife .. this isn’t one of our problems. My best hope is to be as good a person as I can in this life and hope that any afterlife that might exist will be determined by powers with ethics and morals better than my own.
I like it. Well said.
sorry – the latest data is that US is still the top CO2 emmitter and the highest per capita by far. The Bush adminsitration refused to sign on to Kyoto – I suppose you are going to blame the Iraq war on Democrats now – like Rove tried to do?
Puddy: The link has already been posted by others for the international scientific conference on global warming attended by the vast majority of reputable scientists in the field. Their conclusions were strongly held that human activity is causing global warming.
Your sorry citations of aberrant non-publishing (or single articles) are just not convincing anyone but yourself. Go ahead and argue that the world is flat and cite the few scientist who believe that at 5-6 universities – who cares?
Even Bush has now acknowleged human complicity in global warming – he just isn’t doing anything about it. Also, you have not addressed what McCain said about the consequences of being right or wrong on this.
Here’s how your typical rethuglican supports privacy and the Constitution:
“Revelations about the far-ranging business entanglements of GOP presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani continue to put the former New York mayor on the hot seat.
The latest : As reported by Time Magazine, Giuliani’s private consulting firm, Giuliani Partners, received a $6.5 million windfall for helping a tech company called Seisint Inc. land government contracts for a massive data-mining program — a system the firm said could help fight terror by using supercomputers to store “billions of pieces of information from public records.””
Fortunately MY Congresssman…Jim McDermott…stood up to the bastards:
“Conservative Christmas hypocrisy.Yesterday, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) attacked the nine “liberal Democrat” “naysayers” who voted against his resolution on the “importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.” Today, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) responded, explaining his vote:
While the Republicans are passing a resolution celebrating Christmas, the president was vetoing health care for children. There’s a little bit of irony going on around here.
King was one of the lawmakers who voted against expanding SCHIP. December 13, 2007 8:11 pm | Comment (591)
Filed under:
Posted by Amanda December 13, 2007 8:11 pm
Let’s kill some more in the name of the “Prince of Peace”…huh, Mr. Pee-Dookie…Mister batshit crazy hypocrite.
proud leftistspews:
As a Christian who greatly enjoys celebrating Christmas, I am not offended in the least by Jim McDermott’s vote on the Christmas bill. Government needs to stay the hell away from religion; all politicians can do is cheapen religion.
My my my: Aberrant non-published articles. You just don’t get it. Most people in the industry have an agenda. So anyone who against the movement and is peer-reviewed may not get published. ((ignored)
Even when I place peer-reviewed articles stating the against position, now your high bar is well… they’re not published. I told you you’d come up with a new canard! You jump to an new thread because I wasted your sorry butt in the other thread.
Since many of these scientists are government representatives with their govmint agenda… list me these great minds.
Also I told you and proved to you (ignored too) most scientists in the universities who care less about government grants are telling a different story. Even the guy who founded the weather channel disagrees with your side. (ignored)
The Bush adminsitration refused to sign on to Kyoto
Yes, thank god too. Very bad for our country.
By the way, Clinton signed it but never sent it to the Senate for ratification.
So by your logic, you must be equally distressed by Clinton/Gore and the Senate Democrats?
@46 agree mostly, accept that he did vote “yes” on bills for Ramadan and Diwali. He is just anti-christian, which, who cares really….He could at least be consistent though. In my opinion he is a cartoon character, changing his story about his vote on a daily basis, but it don’t matter to a congressman for life. He could smoke crack outside the federal court building in Seattle and still get re-elected.
Another TJspews:
Now that you’ve admitted you are addicted, there is another step you must take. You must admit that you are powerless over your addiction, but do not despair. There is still hope. Seek help.
Your initial post implied that the the Senate dems “couldn’t get Kyoto passed”. With a GOP controlled Senate, the Treaty was a dead letter upon arrival. The fact that you did not point this out makes you out for what you are: a liar.
You also promised you would never post here again. Another lie.
tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, yourself, moron.
@48 Puddybud
You say Jesus is coming again?? Is he gonna do the same things?
Imagine the headlines:
Sit-Ins by Deity at CityCorp Disrupts US Economy!
Deity Arrested for Membership in Terrorist Group.
Woman Besiege Eligible Deity with Marriage Offers.
Deity Condemns Safeway for Selling Pork to His People.
Returned Messiah Picks Cabinet, No Women or Blacks Chosen!
Returned Messiah Prefers to Dine Only With Gay Men.
Amazing Randi Challenges Joshua ben Joseph to produce loaves and fishes in a scientific lab.
Returned Messiah Donates Foreskin for Stem Cell Research.
Deity Arrested in Minnesotta Airport Restroom for Playing Footsie.
Senator Smith, R, S. Carolina, demands that “Messiah” produce a valid pastport or be exported to Mexico.
@52 .. China to export CO2 to US in the form of manufactured goods.
Vice President Chaney applauds this decision as a way to make gizmos and gadgets, as well as cheap underwear, available at a low price to ordinary Americans.
@46 Proud Leftist
As a Jew, I AM offended by McD’s bigotry. There are a lot of Jesus’followers in these here USA .. they derves the same respect Jim give to Islam!
Lets face it, when the Deity apportioned white hair, she gave McD and Reichert a huge share. That left an issue of where to stick some IQ?
Ahhhhh yes Proud His Brain is in His ASS:
WTC? You are really ill. I wrote: “Yes, he and Clinton couldn’t get John Effin Kerry and Robert Many Pointy Headed Sheets 3K Grand Klagon Byrd to get the treaty ratified in 1997.”
Where did I say “the Senate Dems”?
Written Word?
Who wrote the bill not to ratify? Senator Klagon.
Who said the Kyoto Treaty is flawed. Senator Effin.
That’s what I wrote. Case Proven. Stop using the deflection tactics of Pelletizer (TM). Faux jedi mind tricks don’t work on Puddy. I don’t possess the malleable liberal mind. I don’t have a gay gene, idiot gene, stupid gene, I wish I was a rabid “rabbit” gene, or a hemorrhoid gene? But from your posts you have one or more of these genes.
The Prosecution Rests!
Proud His Brain is in His ASS:
Clock is ticking again… … … …
SeattleJew: The Bible says the righteous will see His Second Coming. Others will cry for the rocks to fall upon them.
SeattleJew: It’s more like, Mattel toys (cheap labor liberals) import CO2 from China in their toys. Children get CO2 poisoning, toys recalled.
18.2 million recalled and climbing.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
buttwipper: Even if the Senate dems 100% supported the Treaty (which they didn’t, obviously), under no circumstances could they have gotten the Treaty ratified.
Read your own stupid stuff. You imply (yes, I know, it’s a big word, more than one syllable), that they could have. This is simply false.
You lose. Go jack off come with christ.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Post 60: Puddybud says:
Proud His Brain is in His ASS:
Clock is ticking again… … … …
You gave me a whole two minutes? Fuck you.
@61 ,,,,,
Hunhhhh? Which bible? Do you mean the official version issue under the authority of the Solarian Emperor of Rome?
Hmm .. I have read that document, I do not remember the source for your claim. Surely you are not fantasizing?
While you are at it, I have never figgered out WHO said than any of the Christian Bible was “revelation?”
The Prophet told us that he was reciting the world of Gabrielle, Moishe calimed the Diety inscribed the first Torah. The Mormons have a story about their book too.
BUT, last time I looked there were no divine authority willing to say, “THIS IS MY WORD!”
Hmmm .. are you a Roman? Do you follow other Roman laws? Do you sacrifice doves at Easter?
@62 Puddybud
Nahhh … China makes the toys and the CO2. We import both.
John 1:1-3 (King James Version) King James Version (KJV)
1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2: The same was in the beginning with God. 3: All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 14: 5 “I am the way and the truth and the life.”
Does this help you.
SeattleJew: I told Incorrectnottooright the Chinese are burning coal to make electricity. I told him their pollutants have been measured in Oregon and Washington. He ignored it.
Classic and typical, so typical.
SeattleJew someday I’ll meet you for lunch and we can talk religion on an even keel non-threatening. We can learn from each other.
Proud His Brain is in His ASS: Now that I busted your sorry ass with your worthless posts, you comeback and try again.
I implied nothing. You tried to imply something I didn’t say. I delivered to “powerful” democrat senators and their words. You made an ASSumption and I busted your sorry ass on it. The vote was 95-0 and 5 chose not to vote.
SeattleJew: Are you discussing the book of Daniel and the chapters 7-9? But you don’t accept the New Testament right?
headless lucyspews:
re 1: The removal of habeus corpus may be trivial to you, but not to me.
I hope that you will have the backbone to stand against those who would enslave you.
“I implied nothing.”
If you had written “Clinton couldn’t get senior Democratic Senators to support the treaty” then you would be correct. However, that is not what you spewed, you fuckin’ liar.
Joke’s on you. Your case has no merit.
Whatta’ goof.
Proud to be an Assspews:
73: That you? PTBA?
oops! yes it is.
Right Stuffspews:
“The Military Commissions Act of 2006, signed by President Bush, stipulates that the right of habeas corpus should be denied only to aliens “detained by the United States.”
Better yet, here is the money text.
(a) In General- Section 2241 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by striking both the subsection (e) added by section 1005(e)(1) of Public Law 109-148 (119 Stat. 2742) and the subsection (e) added by added by section 1405(e)(1) of Public Law 109-163 (119 Stat. 3477) and inserting the following new subsection (e):
`(e)(1) No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the United States who has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination.
`(2) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 1005(e) of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 (10 U.S.C. 801 note), no court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider any other action against the United States or its agents relating to any aspect of the detention, transfer, treatment, trial, or conditions of confinement of an alien who is or was detained by the United States and has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination.’.
(b) Effective Date- The amendment made by subsection (a) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act, and shall apply to all cases, without exception, pending on or after the date of the enactment of this Act which relate to any aspect of the detention, transfer, treatment, trial, or conditions of detention of an alien detained by the United States since September 11, 2001.”
So tell me Racist Lucy, where are your HABEAS CORPUS rights affected?
Another canard of the HA kookaid drinkers demolished..
There is no guarantee they don’t make mistakes or won’t deliberately or with awareness of ignorance detain you, claiming you are an alien enemy combatant.
Then you are a person awaiting such determination and you can’t get a court to rule on it.
Even if you are NOT an alien enemy combatant.
You can’t allow the government to imprison ANY PERSON without judicial review because the power will be abused.
That old English King whose abuses led to the Magna Carta also claimed the persons he imprisoned were traitors or aliens fighting for foreign “terrorist” princes, too.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Of course, the court that sentenced the perp to 5 years minus parole must have been under a far left judge who will never be elected to a governor job in Oz because the radi right will blame him for not sentencing the perp to life.
Of course. Lefty judges never take crime seriously and never will. That is because half of the lefties are criminals and the other half are trying to cover for them. The last thing they want to do is start making waves on being tough on crime. Geeesh.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
There is no guarantee they don’t make mistakes or won’t deliberately or with awareness of ignorance detain you, claiming you are an alien enemy combatant.
Then you are a person awaiting such determination and you can’t get a court to rule on it.
I wonder if the children at Waco felt the same way????hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
#73: Good try, but again you are wrong. Keep assuming I said something else. Keep trying to put words in my mouth
headless lucyspews:
“…or is awaiting such determination.”
Habeus Corpus is a human right, not an American citizen right only.
And the phraseology elsewhere in the act is: “…ANYONE who the President determines is or MAY BE a terrorist or enemy combatant, or is awaiting such determination.”
headless lucyspews:
#75: Pretty big loophole. Do you trust Hillary with it?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
headless lucy says:
#75: Pretty big loophole. Do you trust Hillary with it?
12/14/2007 at 8:39 pm
Since when do the Clinton’s follow the law???? Who cares.
Roger Rabbit @ 20 says:
“@1 Yes, it’s appalling that Ann Coulter jokes to her fellow wingnuts — a group with NO sense of humor — that liberals should be killed, knowing full well they’ll take her words seriously. She’s as guilty as the prankster who yells “fire!” in a crowded soccer stadium, and should be prosecuted for manslaughter (womanslaughter?).”
Your revisionist leftist history make no sense – Maher was the original jokester that conservatives should be killed so please don’t accuse Coulter of originating an extreme leftist idea. Her humor was merely pointing out that the leftist do not have any humor but can only respond negatively to any sense of humor. Surely as a harry rabbit you understand logic. Oops – Rabbits are not people and do not not have nor understand human humor or logic so please go back to your hole to pelletize some more.
Right Stuffspews:
The short answer is yes.
I trust in our constitution and the separation of powers. As a citizen of the United States I am guaranteed due process. A terrorist/jihadist/throat cutting/combatant who hides behind children, uses mosques as sanctuary and gladly blows themselves and as many innocents as possible to kingdom come, forfeits any right to habeas corpus.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment #1 shows how ignorant wingnuts are about what motivates a woman to have an abortion.
No one does this because of “feelings.” Women get abortions because the pregnancy is a personal disaster: It threatens their health, or resulted from rape or incest, or comes at a time in life when they’re unready to have children, or because doctors have determined the fetus is abnormal and will be born with devastating disabilities, or other compelling reasons. There is too much clinical medical evidence showing that abortions are often followed by severe depression to buy the argument that anyone makes this decision lightly. They don’t. Women who get abortions do it because they’re in a desperate situation.
Right-to-lifers are meddlers who want to interfere in the private lives of others. When I was growing up, such people were called “busybodies,” and this was considered a bad thing.
Right-to-lifers are hypocrites who would force someone else to have a baby they can’t take care of, but disappear if you ask them to bear any of the burden of their care.
Roger Rabbitspews:
My personal view is that abortion is a moral wrong. I don’t think government should be in the business of regulating human morality, though. That is more properly a function of our churches. I think what we, as a society, should do is ask every woman contemplating an abortion to have the baby and turn it over to a church that will then select a right-to-lifer to raise it, feed it, and care for it. This does not necessarily have to be voluntary. We can adopt a system under which any woman who has an abortion will be fined, and any right-to-lifer who refuses to accept an assignment to raise and be responsible for a baby that otherwise would have been aborted will be burned at the stake.*
* Just kidding! Wingnut humor a la Ann Coulter! No royalties paid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 Interesting argument, although a theoretical one, since you guys have never caught a “terrorist/jihadist/throat cutting/combatant who hides behind children, uses mosques as sanctuary and gladly blows themselves and as many innocents as possible to kingdom come.” You catch only innocent people, because they’re a lot easier to find and apprehend. I’m willing to make a deal for you. I’ll go along with no habeas corpus for terrorists, if you guys detain only terrorists, and stop throwing innocent people into cages.
Roger Rabbit at 85
Whose comment are you referring to?
I was certainly not referring to Daniel nor is that in the New Testament. Daniel is a collection of stories from the time of the exile in Babylon. There is NO calim in Judaism that this is revelation since it happens after the end of the Torah.
You might ask yourself who selected this book as part of the Jewish literature? Is there some place where God says this is holy scripture? No. Danile was accepted as official (but not revealed) by a council of Rabbis who vetted the literature that came back from Babylon. The book is no more “revealed” truth to a Jew than … the book of Mormon or Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Actually, The Book of Mormon and Daniel are rather alike, both .. as far as a Jew is concerned .. are tales where someone claims to be getting messages form the Deity.
For a non Jew .. why not accept both the book of Mormon and Daniel?
headless lucyspews:
re 84: “…or is awaiting such determination.”
Your a fool.
Joe Futawn the plagierizerspews:
It has been fun watching the Republican presidential candidates savage one another. But eventually, enough GOP voters will cast ballots and settle on a candidate. That’s when the real fun will start. What will he run on?
Continuing the smashing successes of the Bush administration? Um, no. The performance of the economy? I don’t think so. The pressing need for more wars in the Middle East? Probably not.
For a long time, I thought I knew: The GOP campaign would be some variation of this theme: “Those damn illegal aliens! Let’s round them all up and ship them back to where they came from, and then let’s build a giant fence around the Southern border. Illegal aliens bad! Grrrr!”
In the 19th Century, you could openly beat on the Irish, the Slavs and the Chinese and no one would blink. But today it’s no so cool to be an open bigot. Yes, it’s permissible to harbor concerns about border security, but when you start criticizing someone for the way they look, speak or celebrate their culture, a lot of Americans cringe.
You don’t have to push the hardcore Republican anti-immigrant faction too hard to get them away from talking about border fences to moaning about the fact that you have to press 1 to hear English when you call the bank. They are nativist bigots, plain and simple, and I would like to think that the American people will reject their divisive approach.
The Republicans, a once great American political party, lays dead and stinking at our feet. In time, hoefully, a real conservative political party will rise up to replace it.
There was no intelligence involved in the design of PIdiot.
Joe Futawn the plagierizerspews:
Dec. 14, 2007 | WASHINGTON — The CIA held Mohamed Farag Ahmad Bashmilah in several different cells when he was incarcerated in its network of secret prisons known as “black sites.” But the small cells were all pretty similar, maybe 7 feet wide and 10 feet long. He was sometimes naked, and sometimes handcuffed for weeks at a time. In one cell his ankle was chained to a bolt in the floor. There was a small toilet. In another cell there was just a bucket. Video cameras recorded his every move. The lights always stayed on — there was no day or night. A speaker blasted him with continuous white noise, or rap music, 24 hours a day.
The guards wore black masks and black clothes. They would not utter a word as they extracted Bashmilah from his cell for interrogation — one of his few interactions with other human beings during his entire 19 months of imprisonment. Nobody told him where he was, or if he would ever be freed.
It was enough to drive anyone crazy. Bashmilah finally tried to slash his wrists with a small piece of metal, smearing the words “I am innocent” in blood on the walls of his cell. But the CIA patched him up.
So Bashmilah stopped eating. But after his weight dropped to 90 pounds, he was dragged into an interrogation room, where they rammed a tube down his nose and into his stomach. Liquid was pumped in. The CIA would not let him die.
On several occasions, when Bashmilah’s state of mind deteriorated dangerously, the CIA also did something else: They placed him in the care of mental health professionals. Bashmilah believes these were trained psychologists or psychiatrists. “What they were trying to do was to give me a sort of uplifting and to assure me,” Bashmilah said in a telephone interview, through an interpreter, speaking from his home country of Yemen. “One of the things they told me to do was to allow myself to cry, and to breathe.”
Last June, Salon reported on the CIA’s use of psychologists to aid with the interrogation of terrorist suspects. But the role of mental health professionals working at CIA black sites is a previously unknown twist in the chilling, Kafkaesque story of the agency’s secret overseas prisons.
Little about the conditions of Bashmilah’s incarceration has been made public until now. His detailed descriptions in an interview with Salon, and in newly filed court documents, provide the first in-depth, first-person account of captivity inside a CIA black site. Human rights advocates and lawyers have painstakingly pieced together his case, using Bashmilah’s descriptions of his cells and his captors, and documents from the governments of Jordan and Yemen and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to verify his testimony. Flight records detailing the movement of CIA aircraft also confirm Bashmilah’s account, tracing his path from the Middle East to Afghanistan and back again while in U.S. custody.
Bashmilah’s story also appears to show in clear terms that he was an innocent man. After 19 months of imprisonment and torment at the hands of the CIA, the agency released him with no explanation, just as he had been imprisoned in the first place. He faced no terrorism charges. He was given no lawyer. He saw no judge. He was simply released, his life shattered.
Joe Futawn the plagierizerspews:
Yesterday 189 brave Republican warriors in congress blocked the Democrats attempt to stop the CIA’s torture of prisoners. What a great political party with great traditional Christian values. Onward Christian soldiers-ONWARD!
headless lucyspews:
re 94: Yeah. Over a cliff.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#90 headless lucy says:
re 84: “…or is awaiting such determination.”
Your a fool.
And people wonder why our children are being left behind, ignorant teachers.
hint- “you’re” a fool.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Hey headless, why not tell everyone why you are a homophobe?
So anyone that doesn’t believe like you is gay or a retard?
Why do you think calling someone gay is an insult?
People taking people’s lives over trivial nonsensical feelings reminds me of Headless Lucy’s comments the other day. Hopefully those comments were made in jest.
Only a fool uses ad hominem arguments.
Duh. This fits with Darwin’s “theory” perfectly. Survival of the fittest. Next question?
“A climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources,” said Emma Brindal, a climate justice campaigner coordinator for Friends of the Earth.”
This is so bad on so many levels…..
She must have missed the Democrat memo to NEVER reveal the true nature of your intentions.
Democrat montra ” we need to address man made global warming”
Democrat True Agenda “Redistribution of wealth….Socialism…Government control of our lives…”
What temperature should we set the thermostat at???
Who decides that one?
@4 continued
Quoted from Bali Climate change conference.
“My country is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali,” the former US vice-president told 2,000 of the 12,000 people attending the conference on Thursday. “[But] over the next two years the United States is going to be somewhere it is not now.”
Go Al Go!!!
Very presidential!
(how was that GIV flight to Bali?)
Gee Al, At what temperature would you set the global thermostat?
Right on, Right Stuff. Gore may be final proof against the validity of Intelligent Design. Tell the Discovery Institute that Darwin was right: mutations happen, and they’re always bad.
Of course, the court that sentenced the perp to 5 years minus parole must have been under a far left judge who will never be elected to a governor job in Oz because the radi right will blame him for not sentencing the perp to life.
and so it goes.
Right Stuff: Yes, he and Clinton couldn’t get John Effin Kerry and Robert Many Pointy Headed Sheets 3K Grand Klagon Byrd to get the treaty ratified in 1997. But it’s Bush’s fault it wasn’t ratified in 1997.
Gore – What a moron!
What was the Senate tally, #8? 96 – 0? 3234 – 0? Something like that? Senator Kleagle finally got one right.
Goldy maybe Mr Boa hadn’t evolved yet where he could “hold” his liquor so he could defend himself?
ME@1: Everything said by that person is fully intentioned and meant for their intended target.
Buttputter @ 8: Why sure, 105th Congress, ’97-’99, a Senate controlled by 55 Republicans, shot down Kyoto.
You, sir, are a fucking liar.
You’re so proud you are an ASS and we are too!
Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia wrote Resolution S. 98 that opposed ratification of Kyoto. He said he would vote against it if it did not comply with his certain concerns, the primary one being the exemption of developing nations like China and India from its requirements.
Then on October 30, 2003, Senator 3K Byrd said, “The Kyoto Protocol, in its current form, does not comply with the requirements of Senate Resolution 98.”
Next post more donk senators
The words of John Effin Kerry on Kyoto: The Kyoto Treaty was flawed but could be fixed.
I propose a study:
Lets count up ALL the people who have lost their lives because of a refusal to espouse atheism.
The lets count ALL the people who have list their lives because of a refusal to spouse one or another form of Islam or Christianity.
Once we have these numbers we will submit them to the Christian’s gategeeper of the heavens, I believe his name is Peter. The, as a matter of affirmatove action, we will ask Peter to judge atheists vs beleivers for admission to heaven.
Lots nioce folks could go to hell this way.
Clinton never sent it to the Senate for ratification.
1997 the Senate voted 95-0 S.Res09 that is did not make sense to sign on to Kyoto. Ref.
Those evil Republicans…..
You’re so proud you are an ASS and we are too!
Care to take back what you said above, Mr 0 and 95?
I for one am not surprised that it was the Christianist that did the killing….it does seem that those that follow Religonism have the narrowist views of life
Once we have these numbers we will submit them to the Christian’s gategeeper of the heavens, I believe his name is Peter. The, as a matter of affirmatove action, we will ask Peter to judge atheists vs beleivers for admission to heaven.
One problem, Peter doesn’t exist right? There is no heaven or hell correct?
Nope, as an Aethist ya just get a dirt nap.
@1 Yes, it’s appalling that Ann Coulter jokes to her fellow wingnuts — a group with NO sense of humor — that liberals should be killed, knowing full well they’ll take her words seriously. She’s as guilty as the prankster who yells “fire!” in a crowded soccer stadium, and should be prosecuted for manslaughter (womanslaughter?).
@18: And then he got a light sentence due to his fine upstanding Christian character. Grrr.
I suspect that row had more to do with English v. Scots than creationism v. evolution. Go watch “Braveheart” again and you’ll understand.
On another note do y’all visit Oprah at all.
Y’all need to see her blog site:
Was there a soccer ball anywhere at the crime scene?
Ummm, ummm, ummm!
Rabbit as usual is a dolt. His recent attempts at Coulter-in-drag impersonations don’t change the fact that Coulter’s humor comes from the deliberate impersonation of Democrats.
Ten years ago Alec Baldwin yacked about killing Henry Hyde’s wife and children. Coulter’s been riffing on him.
Randi Rhodes (sp?) giggled about the Fredo-Final-Solution for Bush. Coulter’s been riffing on her.
Too bad y’all are too dumb to get the joke.
Check out Google’s cool ad in the upper (ahem) RIGHT.
Stabbed him with a knife, huh?
Apparently beating him about the head with a Bible didn’t do enough damage.
In the words of other lefties here:
Proud He Has An ASS@12 – Crickets Chirping
Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock…
Oh, yeah…if any of y’all were wondering what political nastyness was going to happen this week whilst the press’n’public were supposed to be distracted by the imagery of steroids being injected in Roger Clemens’ butt:
Today was the day the Democrats in Congress (remember, the ones who were elected last year on the pledge to “stop George Bush”) caved in and gave the little shit everything he wanted to continue the delightful killing and maiming for a better world.
30: you don’t say…
Yep. Mentioned earlier that your pretty Democrat Congress can’t seem to get to the ‘up’ part of ‘fuck up.’ Moron Bush keeps beating them at their own moronic game. Pope Soros sez ‘end the war’ and the war goes on.
I love how the trolls here change the subject and try to blame clinton for everything:
Bush refused to sign kyoto.
The US is holding up the Bali agreement on limits for CO2.
We are the biggest carbon dioxide polluter on earth – in total and even higher per capita – and our president has acknowleged the problem with global warming and is blocking the worldwide attempts to fix the problem.
As McCain said:
If we are wrong and global warming a not a human caused problem (contrary to almost all the scientific evidence), than the worst that has happened is that we have cleaned up the earth for our kids (because of all the other pollutants that are spilled out with CO2).
If we are right and global warming is caused by human activity – then we will have saved the planet.
If we do nothing, then grab a snorkel.
Now who is willing to gamble?
@19 Right Stuff
Sorry, I know better
Though, I am an atheist I have worked hard to achieve arhant status. This means I hpe to see all that there is including the imaginary creations of our kind. As taught by the Buddha, everything is one, that means when we create a Deity it is as real as .. well any great fictional character. So, Valhalla and Asimov’s Empire both exist. So too, Peter, with both the prefix St. and the suffix pan, exists. Indeed, it may shock you that they are one and the same.
Any yes, for those who believe in a n afterlife, heaven exists does hell. But Peter is also an arhant and he too can see who has been naughty or nice. Worshipping any Deity, repeating any ritual, even worship of the Buddha himself, does not alter your fate in the afterlife. I believe some Christians call this “grace.”
So, as a Christian, arriving at the Pearly Gates, you will also be met by a reality that could care less about what names you have used for the deity, how many sheep you have sacrificed or prayers you have said. I suspect many Christians are in for a disappointment.
As for the atheists, even a dead atheist whose existence in some way has npt ceased, , heaven will only exist if that is something that she built upon in her life .. even if that means having enjoyed Heaven only as a fantasy. BUT fantasies too are real. Indeed an atheist may hove more choices than a Christian who is limited by her or his devotion only to the unfortunate dichotomy of heaven or hell.
And this atheist? Well, as a Jew I really have never wondered about an afterlife .. this isn’t one of our problems. My best hope is to be as good a person as I can in this life and hope that any afterlife that might exist will be determined by powers with ethics and morals better than my own.
Only five years for killing someone in Australia? Okay, the conviction was for manslaughter, and I will assume there was a jury panel deciding to acquit for murder and convict for manslaughter. But surely the maximum allowable sentence must be for more than five years? Apparently, the offender will be released after only two or three years, with parole.
The judge said: “The offender is a person of good character and the offence is a complete aberration.” REALLY?
What are you trying to say in #33? The Senate Treaty was not ratified. So what if Bush signs it? Byrd in 2003 said no China and India no deal.
What part of Byrd’s english lesson can’t you understand?
Now we have the little bit of hide in parentheses and they’ll miss it: (contrary to almost all the scientific evidence)…
Well I posted from 7 universities and 9 countries this theory lately under scrutiny doesn’t hold up. Some of your approvers are now denying the theory.
When a volcano erupts how much CO2 and other particulate is spewed incorrectstillnotright?
When St Helens exploded?
When Etna exploded?
When Pinatubo exploded?
When you head explodes?
Richard visit Australia: Different rules, just right!
@35 Pope?
Why not really? The perp acted outed love for Jesus … just like Torquemada, Father Sierra, Governor Stephens, the conquistadores, and GWB.
All people of good character.
“I love how the trolls here change the subject and try to blame clinton for everything:
Bush refused to sign kyoto.
The US is holding up the Bali agreement on limits for CO2.
We are the biggest carbon dioxide polluter on earth – in total and even higher per capita – and our president has acknowleged the problem with global warming and is blocking the worldwide attempts to fix the problem.”
Bush doesn’t have to sign it becuase Clinton already has….
The Senate would have to ratify the treaty. As stated above
S.Res98 voted 95-0. Check the link.
The Senate has not ratified because the now largest carbon polluter, China, is exempted, as is India…
Why hasn’t Harry(I’m defeated,let’s retreat)Reid brought it to the floor?
“And this (insert religion here)? Well, as a (X) I really have never wondered about an afterlife .. this isn’t one of our problems. My best hope is to be as good a person as I can in this life and hope that any afterlife that might exist will be determined by powers with ethics and morals better than my own.
I like it. Well said.
sorry – the latest data is that US is still the top CO2 emmitter and the highest per capita by far. The Bush adminsitration refused to sign on to Kyoto – I suppose you are going to blame the Iraq war on Democrats now – like Rove tried to do?
Puddy: The link has already been posted by others for the international scientific conference on global warming attended by the vast majority of reputable scientists in the field. Their conclusions were strongly held that human activity is causing global warming.
Your sorry citations of aberrant non-publishing (or single articles) are just not convincing anyone but yourself. Go ahead and argue that the world is flat and cite the few scientist who believe that at 5-6 universities – who cares?
Even Bush has now acknowleged human complicity in global warming – he just isn’t doing anything about it. Also, you have not addressed what McCain said about the consequences of being right or wrong on this.
Here’s how your typical rethuglican supports privacy and the Constitution:
“Revelations about the far-ranging business entanglements of GOP presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani continue to put the former New York mayor on the hot seat.
The latest : As reported by Time Magazine, Giuliani’s private consulting firm, Giuliani Partners, received a $6.5 million windfall for helping a tech company called Seisint Inc. land government contracts for a massive data-mining program — a system the firm said could help fight terror by using supercomputers to store “billions of pieces of information from public records.””
34 “…how many sheep you have sacrificed…”
It would appear that a sizable group of America’s self-defined “christians” have taken to sacrificing other peoples’ children in lieu of sheep.
Here’s ANOTHER fuck-headed Christianist…
“Rep. King: ‘Every Child’ In American Schools Needs To Learn ‘The Tenets Of The Christian Faith’”
Fortunately MY Congresssman…Jim McDermott…stood up to the bastards:
“Conservative Christmas hypocrisy.Yesterday, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) attacked the nine “liberal Democrat” “naysayers” who voted against his resolution on the “importance of Christmas and the Christian faith.” Today, Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) responded, explaining his vote:
While the Republicans are passing a resolution celebrating Christmas, the president was vetoing health care for children. There’s a little bit of irony going on around here.
King was one of the lawmakers who voted against expanding SCHIP. December 13, 2007 8:11 pm | Comment (591)
Filed under:
Posted by Amanda December 13, 2007 8:11 pm
Permalink | Comment (591)”
Dumbass religionists…
…hateful fucking idiots.
Let’s kill some more in the name of the “Prince of Peace”…huh, Mr. Pee-Dookie…Mister batshit crazy hypocrite.
As a Christian who greatly enjoys celebrating Christmas, I am not offended in the least by Jim McDermott’s vote on the Christmas bill. Government needs to stay the hell away from religion; all politicians can do is cheapen religion.
My my my: Aberrant non-published articles. You just don’t get it. Most people in the industry have an agenda. So anyone who against the movement and is peer-reviewed may not get published. ((ignored)
Even when I place peer-reviewed articles stating the against position, now your high bar is well… they’re not published. I told you you’d come up with a new canard! You jump to an new thread because I wasted your sorry butt in the other thread.
Since many of these scientists are government representatives with their govmint agenda… list me these great minds.
Also I told you and proved to you (ignored too) most scientists in the universities who care less about government grants are telling a different story. Even the guy who founded the weather channel disagrees with your side. (ignored)
How about those fires in southern LA? (ignored)
What about exploding volcanoes? (ignored)
RudejackASS: Jesus is coming again.
Leftist rag of the UK
China overtakes US as world’s biggest CO2 emitter
John Vidal and David Adam
Tuesday June 19, 2007
So where do you get your info from?
The Bush adminsitration refused to sign on to Kyoto
Yes, thank god too. Very bad for our country.
By the way, Clinton signed it but never sent it to the Senate for ratification.
So by your logic, you must be equally distressed by Clinton/Gore and the Senate Democrats?
@46 agree mostly, accept that he did vote “yes” on bills for Ramadan and Diwali. He is just anti-christian, which, who cares really….He could at least be consistent though. In my opinion he is a cartoon character, changing his story about his vote on a daily basis, but it don’t matter to a congressman for life. He could smoke crack outside the federal court building in Seattle and still get re-elected.
Now that you’ve admitted you are addicted, there is another step you must take. You must admit that you are powerless over your addiction, but do not despair. There is still hope. Seek help.
I am SO BEYOND givinng a fuck about what an ignorant jackass like you thinks.
Funny incorrectneverright:
Even Al Jazeera agrees China top CO2 producer:
06/22/2007 12:19 CHINA
China becomes top polluter ahead of United States;size=
@29: Futtbutter,
Your initial post implied that the the Senate dems “couldn’t get Kyoto passed”. With a GOP controlled Senate, the Treaty was a dead letter upon arrival. The fact that you did not point this out makes you out for what you are: a liar.
You also promised you would never post here again. Another lie.
tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, yourself, moron.
@48 Puddybud
You say Jesus is coming again?? Is he gonna do the same things?
Imagine the headlines:
Sit-Ins by Deity at CityCorp Disrupts US Economy!
Deity Arrested for Membership in Terrorist Group.
Woman Besiege Eligible Deity with Marriage Offers.
Deity Condemns Safeway for Selling Pork to His People.
Returned Messiah Picks Cabinet, No Women or Blacks Chosen!
Returned Messiah Prefers to Dine Only With Gay Men.
Amazing Randi Challenges Joshua ben Joseph to produce loaves and fishes in a scientific lab.
Returned Messiah Donates Foreskin for Stem Cell Research.
Deity Arrested in Minnesotta Airport Restroom for Playing Footsie.
Senator Smith, R, S. Carolina, demands that “Messiah” produce a valid pastport or be exported to Mexico.
@52 .. China to export CO2 to US in the form of manufactured goods.
Vice President Chaney applauds this decision as a way to make gizmos and gadgets, as well as cheap underwear, available at a low price to ordinary Americans.
@46 Proud Leftist
As a Jew, I AM offended by McD’s bigotry. There are a lot of Jesus’followers in these here USA .. they derves the same respect Jim give to Islam!
Lets face it, when the Deity apportioned white hair, she gave McD and Reichert a huge share. That left an issue of where to stick some IQ?
Ahhhhh yes Proud His Brain is in His ASS:
WTC? You are really ill. I wrote: “Yes, he and Clinton couldn’t get John Effin Kerry and Robert Many Pointy Headed Sheets 3K Grand Klagon Byrd to get the treaty ratified in 1997.”
Where did I say “the Senate Dems”?
Written Word?
Who wrote the bill not to ratify? Senator Klagon.
Who said the Kyoto Treaty is flawed. Senator Effin.
That’s what I wrote. Case Proven. Stop using the deflection tactics of Pelletizer (TM). Faux jedi mind tricks don’t work on Puddy. I don’t possess the malleable liberal mind. I don’t have a gay gene, idiot gene, stupid gene, I wish I was a rabid “rabbit” gene, or a hemorrhoid gene? But from your posts you have one or more of these genes.
The Prosecution Rests!
Proud His Brain is in His ASS:
Clock is ticking again… … … …
SeattleJew: The Bible says the righteous will see His Second Coming. Others will cry for the rocks to fall upon them.
SeattleJew: It’s more like, Mattel toys (cheap labor liberals) import CO2 from China in their toys. Children get CO2 poisoning, toys recalled.
18.2 million recalled and climbing.
buttwipper: Even if the Senate dems 100% supported the Treaty (which they didn’t, obviously), under no circumstances could they have gotten the Treaty ratified.
Read your own stupid stuff. You imply (yes, I know, it’s a big word, more than one syllable), that they could have. This is simply false.
You lose. Go
jack offcome with christ.Post 60: Puddybud says:
Proud His Brain is in His ASS:
Clock is ticking again… … … …
You gave me a whole two minutes? Fuck you.
@61 ,,,,,
Hunhhhh? Which bible? Do you mean the official version issue under the authority of the Solarian Emperor of Rome?
Hmm .. I have read that document, I do not remember the source for your claim. Surely you are not fantasizing?
While you are at it, I have never figgered out WHO said than any of the Christian Bible was “revelation?”
The Prophet told us that he was reciting the world of Gabrielle, Moishe calimed the Diety inscribed the first Torah. The Mormons have a story about their book too.
BUT, last time I looked there were no divine authority willing to say, “THIS IS MY WORD!”
Hmmm .. are you a Roman? Do you follow other Roman laws? Do you sacrifice doves at Easter?
@62 Puddybud
Nahhh … China makes the toys and the CO2. We import both.
John 1:1-3 (King James Version) King James Version (KJV)
1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2: The same was in the beginning with God. 3: All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 14: 5 “I am the way and the truth and the life.”
Does this help you.
SeattleJew: I told Incorrectnottooright the Chinese are burning coal to make electricity. I told him their pollutants have been measured in Oregon and Washington. He ignored it.
Classic and typical, so typical.
SeattleJew someday I’ll meet you for lunch and we can talk religion on an even keel non-threatening. We can learn from each other.
Proud His Brain is in His ASS: Now that I busted your sorry ass with your worthless posts, you comeback and try again.
I implied nothing. You tried to imply something I didn’t say. I delivered to “powerful” democrat senators and their words. You made an ASSumption and I busted your sorry ass on it. The vote was 95-0 and 5 chose not to vote.
Bryan (D-NV) Feinstein (D-CA) Grams (R-MN) Harkin (D-IA) Reid (D-NV)
Waaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
SeattleJew: Are you discussing the book of Daniel and the chapters 7-9? But you don’t accept the New Testament right?
re 1: The removal of habeus corpus may be trivial to you, but not to me.
I hope that you will have the backbone to stand against those who would enslave you.
“I implied nothing.”
If you had written “Clinton couldn’t get senior Democratic Senators to support the treaty” then you would be correct. However, that is not what you spewed, you fuckin’ liar.
Joke’s on you. Your case has no merit.
Whatta’ goof.
73: That you? PTBA?
oops! yes it is.
“The Military Commissions Act of 2006, signed by President Bush, stipulates that the right of habeas corpus should be denied only to aliens “detained by the United States.”
Better yet, here is the money text.
(a) In General- Section 2241 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by striking both the subsection (e) added by section 1005(e)(1) of Public Law 109-148 (119 Stat. 2742) and the subsection (e) added by added by section 1405(e)(1) of Public Law 109-163 (119 Stat. 3477) and inserting the following new subsection (e):
`(e)(1) No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the United States who has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination.
`(2) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 1005(e) of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 (10 U.S.C. 801 note), no court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider any other action against the United States or its agents relating to any aspect of the detention, transfer, treatment, trial, or conditions of confinement of an alien who is or was detained by the United States and has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination.’.
(b) Effective Date- The amendment made by subsection (a) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act, and shall apply to all cases, without exception, pending on or after the date of the enactment of this Act which relate to any aspect of the detention, transfer, treatment, trial, or conditions of detention of an alien detained by the United States since September 11, 2001.”
So tell me Racist Lucy, where are your HABEAS CORPUS rights affected?
Another canard of the HA kookaid drinkers demolished..
There is no guarantee they don’t make mistakes or won’t deliberately or with awareness of ignorance detain you, claiming you are an alien enemy combatant.
Then you are a person awaiting such determination and you can’t get a court to rule on it.
Even if you are NOT an alien enemy combatant.
You can’t allow the government to imprison ANY PERSON without judicial review because the power will be abused.
That old English King whose abuses led to the Magna Carta also claimed the persons he imprisoned were traitors or aliens fighting for foreign “terrorist” princes, too.
Of course, the court that sentenced the perp to 5 years minus parole must have been under a far left judge who will never be elected to a governor job in Oz because the radi right will blame him for not sentencing the perp to life.
Of course. Lefty judges never take crime seriously and never will. That is because half of the lefties are criminals and the other half are trying to cover for them. The last thing they want to do is start making waves on being tough on crime. Geeesh.
There is no guarantee they don’t make mistakes or won’t deliberately or with awareness of ignorance detain you, claiming you are an alien enemy combatant.
Then you are a person awaiting such determination and you can’t get a court to rule on it.
I wonder if the children at Waco felt the same way????hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
#73: Good try, but again you are wrong. Keep assuming I said something else. Keep trying to put words in my mouth
“…or is awaiting such determination.”
Habeus Corpus is a human right, not an American citizen right only.
And the phraseology elsewhere in the act is: “…ANYONE who the President determines is or MAY BE a terrorist or enemy combatant, or is awaiting such determination.”
#75: Pretty big loophole. Do you trust Hillary with it?
headless lucy says:
#75: Pretty big loophole. Do you trust Hillary with it?
12/14/2007 at 8:39 pm
Since when do the Clinton’s follow the law???? Who cares.
Roger Rabbit @ 20 says:
“@1 Yes, it’s appalling that Ann Coulter jokes to her fellow wingnuts — a group with NO sense of humor — that liberals should be killed, knowing full well they’ll take her words seriously. She’s as guilty as the prankster who yells “fire!” in a crowded soccer stadium, and should be prosecuted for manslaughter (womanslaughter?).”
Your revisionist leftist history make no sense – Maher was the original jokester that conservatives should be killed so please don’t accuse Coulter of originating an extreme leftist idea. Her humor was merely pointing out that the leftist do not have any humor but can only respond negatively to any sense of humor. Surely as a harry rabbit you understand logic. Oops – Rabbits are not people and do not not have nor understand human humor or logic so please go back to your hole to pelletize some more.
The short answer is yes.
I trust in our constitution and the separation of powers. As a citizen of the United States I am guaranteed due process. A terrorist/jihadist/throat cutting/combatant who hides behind children, uses mosques as sanctuary and gladly blows themselves and as many innocents as possible to kingdom come, forfeits any right to habeas corpus.
Comment #1 shows how ignorant wingnuts are about what motivates a woman to have an abortion.
No one does this because of “feelings.” Women get abortions because the pregnancy is a personal disaster: It threatens their health, or resulted from rape or incest, or comes at a time in life when they’re unready to have children, or because doctors have determined the fetus is abnormal and will be born with devastating disabilities, or other compelling reasons. There is too much clinical medical evidence showing that abortions are often followed by severe depression to buy the argument that anyone makes this decision lightly. They don’t. Women who get abortions do it because they’re in a desperate situation.
Right-to-lifers are meddlers who want to interfere in the private lives of others. When I was growing up, such people were called “busybodies,” and this was considered a bad thing.
Right-to-lifers are hypocrites who would force someone else to have a baby they can’t take care of, but disappear if you ask them to bear any of the burden of their care.
My personal view is that abortion is a moral wrong. I don’t think government should be in the business of regulating human morality, though. That is more properly a function of our churches. I think what we, as a society, should do is ask every woman contemplating an abortion to have the baby and turn it over to a church that will then select a right-to-lifer to raise it, feed it, and care for it. This does not necessarily have to be voluntary. We can adopt a system under which any woman who has an abortion will be fined, and any right-to-lifer who refuses to accept an assignment to raise and be responsible for a baby that otherwise would have been aborted will be burned at the stake.*
* Just kidding! Wingnut humor a la Ann Coulter! No royalties paid.
@84 Interesting argument, although a theoretical one, since you guys have never caught a “terrorist/jihadist/throat cutting/combatant who hides behind children, uses mosques as sanctuary and gladly blows themselves and as many innocents as possible to kingdom come.” You catch only innocent people, because they’re a lot easier to find and apprehend. I’m willing to make a deal for you. I’ll go along with no habeas corpus for terrorists, if you guys detain only terrorists, and stop throwing innocent people into cages.
Roger Rabbit at 85
Whose comment are you referring to?
@71 Puddybud
I was certainly not referring to Daniel nor is that in the New Testament. Daniel is a collection of stories from the time of the exile in Babylon. There is NO calim in Judaism that this is revelation since it happens after the end of the Torah.
You might ask yourself who selected this book as part of the Jewish literature? Is there some place where God says this is holy scripture? No. Danile was accepted as official (but not revealed) by a council of Rabbis who vetted the literature that came back from Babylon. The book is no more “revealed” truth to a Jew than … the book of Mormon or Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Actually, The Book of Mormon and Daniel are rather alike, both .. as far as a Jew is concerned .. are tales where someone claims to be getting messages form the Deity.
For a non Jew .. why not accept both the book of Mormon and Daniel?
re 84: “…or is awaiting such determination.”
Your a fool.
It has been fun watching the Republican presidential candidates savage one another. But eventually, enough GOP voters will cast ballots and settle on a candidate. That’s when the real fun will start. What will he run on?
Continuing the smashing successes of the Bush administration? Um, no. The performance of the economy? I don’t think so. The pressing need for more wars in the Middle East? Probably not.
For a long time, I thought I knew: The GOP campaign would be some variation of this theme: “Those damn illegal aliens! Let’s round them all up and ship them back to where they came from, and then let’s build a giant fence around the Southern border. Illegal aliens bad! Grrrr!”
In the 19th Century, you could openly beat on the Irish, the Slavs and the Chinese and no one would blink. But today it’s no so cool to be an open bigot. Yes, it’s permissible to harbor concerns about border security, but when you start criticizing someone for the way they look, speak or celebrate their culture, a lot of Americans cringe.
You don’t have to push the hardcore Republican anti-immigrant faction too hard to get them away from talking about border fences to moaning about the fact that you have to press 1 to hear English when you call the bank. They are nativist bigots, plain and simple, and I would like to think that the American people will reject their divisive approach.
The Republicans, a once great American political party, lays dead and stinking at our feet. In time, hoefully, a real conservative political party will rise up to replace it.
There was no intelligence involved in the design of PIdiot.
Dec. 14, 2007 | WASHINGTON — The CIA held Mohamed Farag Ahmad Bashmilah in several different cells when he was incarcerated in its network of secret prisons known as “black sites.” But the small cells were all pretty similar, maybe 7 feet wide and 10 feet long. He was sometimes naked, and sometimes handcuffed for weeks at a time. In one cell his ankle was chained to a bolt in the floor. There was a small toilet. In another cell there was just a bucket. Video cameras recorded his every move. The lights always stayed on — there was no day or night. A speaker blasted him with continuous white noise, or rap music, 24 hours a day.
The guards wore black masks and black clothes. They would not utter a word as they extracted Bashmilah from his cell for interrogation — one of his few interactions with other human beings during his entire 19 months of imprisonment. Nobody told him where he was, or if he would ever be freed.
It was enough to drive anyone crazy. Bashmilah finally tried to slash his wrists with a small piece of metal, smearing the words “I am innocent” in blood on the walls of his cell. But the CIA patched him up.
So Bashmilah stopped eating. But after his weight dropped to 90 pounds, he was dragged into an interrogation room, where they rammed a tube down his nose and into his stomach. Liquid was pumped in. The CIA would not let him die.
On several occasions, when Bashmilah’s state of mind deteriorated dangerously, the CIA also did something else: They placed him in the care of mental health professionals. Bashmilah believes these were trained psychologists or psychiatrists. “What they were trying to do was to give me a sort of uplifting and to assure me,” Bashmilah said in a telephone interview, through an interpreter, speaking from his home country of Yemen. “One of the things they told me to do was to allow myself to cry, and to breathe.”
Last June, Salon reported on the CIA’s use of psychologists to aid with the interrogation of terrorist suspects. But the role of mental health professionals working at CIA black sites is a previously unknown twist in the chilling, Kafkaesque story of the agency’s secret overseas prisons.
Little about the conditions of Bashmilah’s incarceration has been made public until now. His detailed descriptions in an interview with Salon, and in newly filed court documents, provide the first in-depth, first-person account of captivity inside a CIA black site. Human rights advocates and lawyers have painstakingly pieced together his case, using Bashmilah’s descriptions of his cells and his captors, and documents from the governments of Jordan and Yemen and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to verify his testimony. Flight records detailing the movement of CIA aircraft also confirm Bashmilah’s account, tracing his path from the Middle East to Afghanistan and back again while in U.S. custody.
Bashmilah’s story also appears to show in clear terms that he was an innocent man. After 19 months of imprisonment and torment at the hands of the CIA, the agency released him with no explanation, just as he had been imprisoned in the first place. He faced no terrorism charges. He was given no lawyer. He saw no judge. He was simply released, his life shattered.
Yesterday 189 brave Republican warriors in congress blocked the Democrats attempt to stop the CIA’s torture of prisoners. What a great political party with great traditional Christian values. Onward Christian soldiers-ONWARD!
re 94: Yeah. Over a cliff.
#90 headless lucy says:
And people wonder why our children are being left behind, ignorant teachers.
hint- “you’re” a fool.
Hey headless, why not tell everyone why you are a homophobe?
So anyone that doesn’t believe like you is gay or a retard?
Why do you think calling someone gay is an insult?
#109 headless lucy says:
> I support all those measurers, and anyone who does
> not is retarded, gay, or both!