– Even-the-liberal New Republic
– There’s a Viaduct joke with multiple meanings of settling but I didn’t have it last night or this morning.
– Over a long enough time horizon the universe will loose all of its energy, but Ross Douthat will still be making ridiculous columns.
– The Obama Recovery Has Been Miles Better Than the Bush Recovery
– Hot fruit is disgusting. Case closed. (PS, I generally agree with Mike Schur but I make a great baked apple)
Ah, yes. It’s been a great recovery, for some of us, as Roger Rabbit constantly reminds us.
If we’re going to give Obama blanket credit for the recovery and magnitude thereof, can we credit him with this, as well?
Between 2009 and 2011, in 33 states the top 1 percent captured between half and all income growth.
In an interview that aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” the show host cited a recent study from the University of California, Berkeley, that found 95% of income gains from 2009 to 2012 went to the top 1% of the earning population.
The president agreed with Stephanopoulos.
The Obama era has been great for some of us – I’ll never be able to match the gains in my portfolio that have occurred over the past four years.
That’s what y’all voted for, twice, isn’t it?
Perhaps realizing that there’s been some inequity in how people have fared under his
reignleadership, President Obama throws some crumbs in the other direction.Obama makes Dec. 26 a holiday
In response, Canada’s prime minister, while expressing appreciation that Boxing Day is now a national holiday in the US as well, emphasized that he would still prefer it if instead the US would just approve the Keystone project.
Here’s a record Obummer loves to own… http://www.politifact.com/pund.....seats-con/
That meets our definition of Mostly True.
That’s what y’all voted for, twice, isn’t it?
Meanwhile Richard Sherman has done well now that he has money to spend! http://nesn.com/playlist/richa.....me-room/1/
Unlike DUMMOCRETINS, Puddy never jealous! Go Sherm Go!
So why don’t DUMMOCRETINS want wimens to have guns to protect themselves? http://townhall.com/video/girl.....n-n1927047
Final Senate Score:
Republicans 54
Independents (Really DUMMOCRETINS) 2 – Klowns whom can’t think straight!
Bernie Sanders? Come on man!
Obama makes December 26th a federal holiday.
Hey, HA libbies, guess which day Candy Crowley was born?
Jus’ sayin’.
Gotta love that GW Bush SMACKDOWN of the NY Times book reviewer delivered on CNN speaking to none other than Candy Crowley! http://www.mrctv.org/videos/pr.....ook-father
@ 3
Don’t forget about the down-ballot losses suffered by the Dems under Obama’s
reignleadership:Going into Election Night, the partisan breakdown was 58 Republican-held chambers and 40 Democratic-held chambers. These results suggest that Republicans will end up with either 68 or 69 chambers — a huge asset to the GOP as federal gridlock leaves states with more running room to craft policy. Republicans also gained several gubernatorial seats last night.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, the Democrats were looking at reaching at their lowest point in state-legislature control in nearly a century. For the sake of comparison, as recently as the run-up to the 2010 election, the Democrats held a 62 to 36 advantage in legislative chambers.
There are still a few election cycles to go before the next Congressional redistricting (in most states done by the legislature) occurs, so the bloodbath might be partly compensated for if the Dems can stage some semblance of recovery.
On the other hand, Dems also get to be affiliated with two more years of Obama.
The Obama recovery has been really good for some of his supporters as well:
Warren Buffett becomes world’s 2nd-richest man
And then there’s the incalculable value of the insider stock tips fed to Buffett’s secretary by Michelle Obama at the SOTU a few years back.
Chris Hughes didn’t just buy TNR. He also tried to buy his partner a congressional seat in upstate NY.
Eldridge lost by 30 points.
100% reporting
@1. Cheap shot bob, why are you ignoring the endless discussion on the left that President Obama is acting like a republican and not addressing income equality? Very few progressives have given a pass to President Obama on this but Rmoney or McPalin have been much much worse.
@ 12
Are those discussions occurring on HA, Better?
And since you never cite when you quote…
I may very well have missed a thread topic on HA, and I apologize if one was authored.
Hey union loving DUMMOCRETINS… How do you reconcile this activity… http://nypost.com/2014/12/07/a.....iscipline/
If you read deep into the bill, those police unions pushed for and received a host of wonderful things in this bill, some are catalogued in this article. We would have never known about this except now Cuomo has to determine if he and NY State DUMMOCRETINS want to still continue to derive a lot of their funding from the labor unions goon pals!
So if you read paragraph five what does that really mean wait after 48 hours? It’s really an awful idea by police unions yet De Blasio didn’t react to it? If you stop and think about it… wait a minute.. DUMMOCRETINS stop and think?… This means the union goons will have 48 hours again to get their ducks in a row, circle the wagons and control the narrative when the video displaying any questionable officer activity is on the evening news. “Well that’s not the whole story” they’ll say!
The more serious and egregious the police person’s activity is the more delay and obfuscation the union will perform! That’s nothing new Puddy! So think about this too… PuddyMistake again, thinking DUMMOCRETINS stop and think… Police chiefs and commissioners can’t ask questions about it until 48 hours later! Wow.
Waytogo libtardos for your continue jack boot brown shirt goose stepping with unions! Just follow the money!
Goldy @GoldyHA
On the 1 year anniversary of Bertha getting stuck, remember: a deep bore tunnel was the Discovery Institute’s idea! http://horsesass.org/a-day-tha.....in-infamy/ …
Democrats passed Obamacare. Democrats rolled out Obamacare knowing it wasn’t ready, with entirely predictable results. It still isn’t anywhere close to what we were promised.
But, hey, don’t blame the Dems for how it’s gone.
It was, after all, once Romney’s idea.
Funniest comment of the day so far
Obummer never acts like a Republican!
EPIC FAYLE worser!
@ 16
Now, Puddy……
School choice.
If there is dealing between Obama and the GOP in his final two years, I bet something positive happens here.
Well Travis, the whitey house only pays wimens 88% of what they pay men! Don’t you remember this Travis, where Obummer was “accused” of acting like a Republican by under paying his whitey house wimens and then claiming no knowledge of it? http://www.usatoday.com/story/.....n/7670105/
Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado pays women workers 85 cents for every dollar he pays men.
Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana pays women 88 cents on the dollar.
Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia pays women 75 cents for every dollar he pays a man.
Rep. Gary Peters pays women 67 cents for every dollar that a man makes. – He won the MI Senate seat because of the Michigan union thug vote!
And Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska pays women in his office 82 cents for every dollar that a man makes.
All those loser DUMMOCRETINS finally busted for mistreating wimens on the staffs!
Yes DUMMOCRETINS “acting” like Republicans?
“Obummer never acts like a Republican!”
Oh, puh-leeze. Obama is the best Republican president we’ve had since Bill Clinton and before that, Ike. The rest of the Republican presidents in my lifetime sucked pigshit.
The moronic HA troll puddyfuckwad and his faithful sidekick ‘Bob’ are too stupid (the former) and too greedy (the latter) to give a flying fuck about what’s really wrong here, o here’s a good article for everybody else.
…Just because we have a couple of real assholes (oh, and I didn’t forget their little cabaña boy ‘sigh’) here doesn’t mean we can’t have nice things.
WOW…puddyfuckwad got one right!!!
Republicans ARE worse.
Dr Bob @13
What is there to discuss? Obama is far to the right of most liberals. It has been anthologized many times. It is just that Obama is better than 1%er Mittens or “Bomb Bomb Iran” would ever have been for this country.
As a comparison, you are a much better representative of the Right than the GOATSEBOY. Even if I disagree with you I sometimes find your opinions interesting. GOATSEBOY just dumps useless garbage so I generally just ignore it without reading.
Meanwhile NBC/Marist Poll demonstrates Obummer is clueless on racial issues… http://www.nbcnews.com/meet-th.....nt-n263041
PuddyCommentary: It all started with Obummer’s comments on Henry Louis Gates Arrest and what Obummer said about the Cambridge Police Department. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....43250.html That’s when people first figgered out Obummer was not “president” material just a community organizer who would throw people under the bus!
Skimming the new republican article, if democrats ran on and acted on paycheck issues do you think they would get voters to turn out?
Jail bsnksters. Limit h1b visas . Stop bad trade deals. That sort of things
Ah yes, another “responsible” gun owner …
“A 3-year-old boy who was critically injured after being shot in the mouth last month is believed to have shot himself, according to the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office.”
After yesterday’s jobs report the “bikini graph” is beginning to look like a burkha. So what issue will Republicans run on in 2016? The economy? Nope. Health care? No, Obamacare is popular. Foreign policy? Nyet, Putin’s aspirations of empire are collapsing around his ears along with oil prices. Oh well, they can still milk the immigration cow, and the Hispanic voter bloc can’t be any more pissed at the GOP than they already are.
@24 In other words, whites want to keep their license to beat on blacks.
@16 “Obummer never acts like a Republican!”
If only it were true. (But see Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, too big to fail, single payer, Iraq again, etc.)
The strange thing is Obama was the most right-leaning and militaristic of the 2008 Democratic candidates, got elected, did what he said he’d do (going into Pakistan in hot pursuit of terrorists, etc.), and the righties hate him for it. Maybe they’d be happier if we had given them Hillary instead. Oh well, there’s always 2016.
New funniest comment comes from ekimgoatlover
Puddy didn’t realize Obummer”s wealth redistribution drive was Republican.
Puddy didn’t realize the War on Terror as an Overseas Contingency Operation was Republican.
Surprisingly… http://www.rasmussenreports.co.....ation_plan
PuddyCommentary: So now we know… butt do HA DUMMOCRETINS realize, Real Americans figured out pretty dayum fast that Obama’s new “common-sense, middle-ground approach” https://matisak.wordpress.com/2014/11/21/obama-on-his-immigrations-plan-it-is-a-common-sense-middle-ground-approach/ on illegal alien immigration was in fact, just another left wrong DUMMOCRETIN power play. http://www.pewresearch.org/fac.....ve-action/
Hey NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit @ 27…
From BLS
So why didn’t the unemployment rate drop?
The lowest participation rate since Jimmah Carhta! 90 million people with no jobs!
“In November, manufacturing added 28,000 jobs.
In fact when you navigate the BLS web site you learn 92,447,000 people did not participate in the labor force in November 2014. Real Americans without a job and were not actively trying to find one because they knew the labor market sux.
Think about this IDIOT Wabbit… wait a minute… senility is strong in this one… Well you did claim you have no computer skills when the vomit covered racist deadtoad tried to explain how to blog with a little style. When “the messiah or the won” (term of the national DUMMOCRETINS) took office in 1/20/2009, the labor rate was 80,529,000 peeps without a job. Since that “date”, 11,918,000 more Real Americans have involuntarily left the workforce. Wait a minute… The recession officially ended June 2009. Joe BiteME claimed 500,000 jobs per month! So where is it?
Yes, that bikini graph is now your wife’s burka eh NoBalls?
Sheeeeesh what an idiot! http://www.bls.gov
Meanwhile that Superior Health Care Plan called ObummerCare is, well, you can read it yourselves… http://news.yahoo.com/newly-in.....16875.html
PuddyCommentary: Remember when Republicans and doctors repeatedly warned and also told Congressional and Senate DUMMOCRETINS (not the ASSkissing AMA) ObummerCare would destroy the ability for doctors work efficiently inside Obummer’s government controlled system. No DUMMOCRETIN knew because they had to read the bill before they knew what was in it. Well it’s well documented in the Administration’s Press article.
Puddy placed this article before… where six out of 10 doctors plan to retire early because of ObummerCare. Thanks Obummer! My nephew will be working hard and long now as a young doctor! http://www.medpagetoday.com/pr.....ment/38013
Didn’t Obummer claim ObummerCare would improve access to care? Remember this load of crapola? http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog.....nated-care
You mean Hollyweird is run by white people? And they are libtard DUMMOCRETINS? Noooooooooooo! http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....ock-753223
It appears the Ferguson grand jury let Darren Wilson off the hook based on a Missouri statute that SCOTUS struck down as unconstitutional almost 30 years ago.
@34 “Hey … Wabbit @ 27 … why didn’t the unemployment rate drop? … The lowest participation rate since Jimmah Carhta! 90 million people with no jobs!”
I won’t work for the shitty wages Republicans pay, and I’ll bet you won’t either, so why do you think anyone else will?
You mean Obummer has a potty mouth? http://www.mrctv.org/videos/an.....inst-press
Can anyone decipher what the IDIOT Wabit wrote in paragraph #2 of post #38?
Obummer claimed he’s created 10 million jobs https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140831200050AAPSh1F Didn’t your pal the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot brag that on HA DUMMOCRETINS? Soooooooooo you claiming those jobs are like Clinton’s 22.8 million jobs The Atlantic claimed were mostly minimum wage jobs so people are not looking for those type of jobs?
Hey IDIOT Wabbit @37,
A slight problem with Stink NoProgress
While he chased the gentle giant the witnesses claimed he didn’t fire at the gentle giant as he was leaving him. The blood evidence showed the gentle giant was coming back toward ex-officer Wilson. Something like 20 feet coming back. USe DUmmies to make my PuddyPoint! http://www.democraticunderground.com/10025872443
So keep searching for that “official” libtard left wrong slobbering DUMMOCRETIN msm new official evidence!
@41 Well here’s a question for you then. If she believed that’s what happened, why did she bother to give that instruction at all? If the version of events you’re citing is correct, it’s irrelevant.
There’s an armchair lawyer in every rightwing circlejerk.
Sooooooooooooooooo, the Rolling Stone article writer was the same one who wrote that piece of trash attacking Michelle Bachmann in 2012. http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....n-thought/
DUMMOCRETINS are scum. They never apologize for their BULLSHITTIUM actions!
@40 “Can anyone decipher what the IDIOT Wabit wrote in paragraph #2 of post #38?”
I can help. I was answering the question you asked me. If my answer needs further elucidation, then I suggest you draw a chart of average wages since 1970 and lay it over a chart of the labor participation rate since 1970 and see if there’s any correlation between those chart lines.
@39 Well whaddya know, the Kenya Terrorist knows how to swear. Wonder where he picked up that language? Rubbing elbows with Republicans in a Christian church?
I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating, if Republicans can’t beat a black muslim from Kenya with a forged birth certificate who was educated in Indonesia madrasses and pals around with terrorists, then maybe politics isn’t their game and they should try another business.
Obummer claimed Obummer had presidential bona fides! People got caught up in the transcendental moment. It is very correct Romney didn’t stir the hard core conservatives and 4 Million of them stayed home. So Obummer won a second term.
Puddy thinks it’s funny that when a WA beat reporter retires they all of a sudden find their truth gene again. Ann Compton said Obummer is a campaigner not a president making tough decisions!
Sux to be you IDIOT Wabbit!
Ummm no, Obummer was in Chicago rubbing shoulders with domestic terrorist buddy Bill Ayers, the cursing church preacher Jeremiah Wright; who married them, his real estate bud Tony Rezko, Jesse HiJackson and his criminal son HiJackson Jr., and Dr. Eric Whitaker; his golf buddy!
Of course the IDIOT Wabbit forgot all about those Chicago klowns due to senility!
Person Playing Puddybud,
If you leave comments that simply attack another commenter without any other kind of substantive discussion, your future comments will need to undergo moderation.
Once again Darryl you attack me while allowing others to do exactly what you choose to accuse me of.
So why is that?
Meanwhile here is another EPIC FAYLE thread on HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://horsesass.org/troubled-bridge-over-waters/ Butt, as we see in post #52, if Puddy attacks the writer of thread 12/23/13, 6:43 pm, “without any other kind of substantive discussion, [my] future comments will need to undergo moderation”. So let’s create some substantive discussion!
There have now been three investigations clearing Gov. Chris Christie of direct involvement in “Bridgegate.” This latest “probe” was conducted by New Jersey DUMMOCRETINS. Has this thread writer of 12/23/13, 6:43 pm acknowledged this? Not that Puddy can find. The U.S. attorney in New Jersey’s investigation came to similar conclusions. Has this thread writer of 12/23/13, 6:43 pm acknowledge this? Not that Puddy can find.
As Puddy has repeated over and over on HA DUMMOCRETINS, this blog loves to promote swirling allegations against Republicans. No promotion of swirling exonerations. Remember Merry Fitzmas? Remember Tom Delay. Two other EPIC FAYLES! So why is that? To keep their low information voting mASSes as dumb NorthWest ASSes? Puddy thinks so.
What’s hilarious in this non-Bridgegate scandal are all of these investigations found nada, zilch, nuthin, zero (like the new AT&T iPhone commercial) scintilla of evidence that contradicted what Christie said last year or again early this year. So
is another EPIC FAYLE paragraph. Popcorn stocks didn’t explode to new highs? Really? It wasn’t Christie’s Benghazi or merely Christie’s Katrina! Really?
So now the crybabies have to write an article they definitely didn’t like writing… http://www.northjersey.com/new.....-1.1146761
When you deeply read this article, one can see they debated what to write to make Christie look as bad as possible even though Christie is exonerated again!
So sad and so typical.MRC documented a whopping 34 minutes and 28 seconds of coverage to the affair in just the last 24 hour period back in January 2014, while delivering just two minutes, eight seconds Obummer’s IRS scandal from July 2013 to January 2014. Lawrence O’Dumbnell called it “Christie’s Willie Horton” trying to tie a 91 year old woman dying in an ambulance stuck in bridge traffic. Man is Lawrence as stooooooooooopid as ever! So Puddy asks, with all these latest protests, if someone dies in an ambulance what will Larence O’Dumbnell claim today?
Will this week’s Friday Night Comix deliver a retraction to the popcorn stocks not soaring to new highs during 2014 over this non-scandal? Will Rachel MadCow deliver a retraction on PMSNBC or keep her low information voters in the dark too?
Didn’t Bill Maher tell MSNBC DUMMOCRETINS to cool it over “Bridgegate”? http://www.politico.com/blogs/.....83487.html So when will Rachel ever learn?
Person Playing Puddybud,
“Once again Darryl you attack me while allowing others to do exactly what you choose to accuse me of.
So why is that?”
First, thank you for asking a question without the baby talk.
To answer your question:
1. I deleted your comments (and the comments of other’s) who simply attacked another commentor without any other substantive content in the comment. If you check the last two open comment threads, you can easily verify that your comments were not the only ones deleted.
2. You have more comments deleted because you have more frequently left a comment of this form.
3. I have threatened to put you on moderation because you are a habitual and repeated offender. And I have warned you in the past.
4. In the future, if you attack someone, do so by criticizing their opinion, their spelling, their sentence structure, their sources, etc. But don’t let your side of the conversation devolve to the form of simply “You are a poopiehead.”
5. It doesn’t matter what other commentors do. That is, if someone else simply attacks you and I don’t delete it, that is not a license for you to attack back. (I don’t go through every comment in every thread.) As the biggest offender, you have earned the additional burden of self restraint.