Apparently, this isn’t anything new, with the Happiest Place on Earth serving as the final resting place for the compostable remains of many. No wonder the trees and plants always look so healthy!
Ashes to ashes, Mouse to Mouse, Duck to Duck…
The Piper
I have a question: does anyone here know wtf was up with the ramps to Columbia Ave off of I-5 yesterday? The police had them closed down for more than 6 hours, and it snarled traffic all day long, but absolutely nobody is saying what the reason was. The DOT said the closure was due to an “incident.” Anybody know what was going on to make my day so miserable yesterday?
What!!! How did the news get out about another public school principal watching porn….. oh wait this is a catholic principal. Nevermind.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
I wonder what initiative Tim Eyeman will come out with in 2008 that will pass. roof roof.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why We Need A Sales Tax On Gasoline
I see in the news that a 19-year-old Saudi woman who complained to the media about being sentenced to 6 months in jail and 90 lashes for getting gang-raped by seven men is going to get an extra 110 lashes for complaining to the media about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
KING 5 News reports the ACLU has sued the Snohomish Police Department for arresting a U.W. arts professor for taking photos of a powerline:
“The ACLU says in October 2005, Scheier drove to Snohomish and stopped to take pictures of the power towers at a substation … Scheier was on public property and there was no indication that photos were not allowed.
“The ACLU says as she was driving home on Highway 9, Scheier was pulled over by police and questioned about why she was taking photos. Scheier, who often uses photos of public land and structures in her art, told police she was interested in power lines as part of the ecosystem.
“That’s when police allegedly put Scheier in handcuffs and had her sit in the back of a patrol car for almost half an hour. … Police released Scheier and told her she would be contacted by the FBI.
“Critics of the lawsuit say the police were only doing their jobs and in a post-9/11 world, anyone taking pictures of a power station should expect to be questioned by police.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Those “critics” (you can bet they’re Republicans) need their fucking heads examined. Or, if they want to live in a country where the police can arrest people for taking snapshots of powerlines, they should apply for emigration to North Korea. As for the Snohomish Police, they need to have the shit sued out of them. Bankrupt the fucking city, then maybe the local voters will get fed up enough to vote in a new mayor who will hire a new police chief who will hire new cops who don’t have their heads as far up their asses as the current Snohomish cops do. Thank God for trial lawyers.
By the way, ever notice how many prominent rightwingers run straight to the nearest ACLU office for FREE legal help when THEIR civil rights are violated?!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is the third time the ACLU has sued a local police agency for arresting ordinary citizens for taking ordinary photos of ordinary objects on public property where no warning signs were present. The first two cases resulted in the police paying financial settlements. This case should result in the police department coughing up cash, too. (And it wouldn’t hurt if they had to fork out a shitload of money from their budget to pay lawyers to defend them.) Maybe if this kind of unconstitutional behavior costs police agencies enough money, they’ll stop it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As much as I would like to support our local police, unfortunately, some cops are rightwing assholes who misuse the power given to them to hassle people they don’t like. Cops who do that belong in prison, not a police uniform. The badge, the gun, and the power to arrest belong to the government, not to them as individuals, and the government belongs to the citizens, not to bureaucrats who like to exercise the power of office arbitrarily and arrogantly. Rogue cops and the police chiefs who employ them need to be brought to heel, and there’s no one better equipped to do that than trial lawyers.
First They Came 4 Bugs, Then They Came 4 Roger, Then ...spews:
Whachoo talkin’ about, Roger? Neoconvict-run concentration camps? We’ve done the camps, but neocons had nothing to do with them. Rad-lib-progressive Dwemocrat Franklin Roosevelt signed the executive order that put our concentration camps in place.
Then there were the Cold War preventive-detention camps authorized by Senator Pat McCarran, Democrat, Nevada. Democrats, who are conveniently afflicted with situational amnesia, conflate McCarran’s camps with McCarthyism. But McCarran, his camps, HUAC, the Smith Act, etc., were all artifacts of Democrat control during months and years before McCarthy joined your parade.
As for pushing Michelle Malkin from the 3rd Floor or the 30th, your racism is showing. Again. Please dial up your meds.
Timity Eynmanspews:
@7 Hmmmm
Maybe we should bill the Saudi emabassy for the pain this causes when we buy oil.
I just posted a piece from South African News about the expense account of the Saudi Ambassador to England .. along with relevant quotes from the Koran.
One thing really fascinates me …
yes il is vital, but so is wheat. Howsit come that as opil rises it does not set of a proportionate increase in costs of things the effin Saudis buy?
Maybe we need an OPEC for food? We could tie the price of the big mac to the price of oil.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Hey, I was just kidding about pushing Malkin out of a 30th floor window — the 3rd floor is fine! As for accusing me of being a racist, I admit to being against the human race. You want to fuck something up, just put humans in charge of it. I think humans should just … in Ann Coulter’s immortal words … should just GO AWAY. We rabbits are much superior creatures to your humans and will do a better job of running this planet. So, just fucking go away! And take that bitch Malkin with you when you leave!! Then we rabbits will run this place!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, what race is Malkin? Besides the female race, I mean … ? I didn’t realize she was black. She doesn’t look black to me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “yes il is vital, but so is wheat. Howsit come that as opil rises it does not set of a proportionate increase in costs of things the effin Saudis buy?”
Because Bush is devaluing the dollar, that’s why. He’s already turned America into a third world country, and his next project is to turn the dollar into a third world currency.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll Bet This Guy Is A Republican
I see in the news that the deputy police chief in Lynnwood pleaded guilty to stealing $120,000.
Beached Lawyerspews:
Actually, we Republicans, by definition, are wary of concentrated state power. We eat the statists, when possible; you progressives fondle them. A power-mad state is your baby. That’s why you pamper it with Pampers.
As Bob Vernon of LAPD said after Rodney’s riot, police departments hire from the human race. Some police officers, with their monopolies of force, exhibit the pathologies for which monopoly is infamous. Bad cops? Screw ’em. But cops exercising due diligence during a time of terror? Makes more sinse than the lib alternative of paralyzing domestic counterterrorism, waiting for the next show to drop or city to explode, then blaming Bush for not connecting dots.
ACLU? A dangerously stopped clock that occasionally gets it right. If Bob Barr or Rush want to suck up to ACLU’s KOS-tards, screw them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “Actually, we Republicans, by definition, are wary of concentrated state power.”
Another WingNut (TM) Myth (SM) exploded. Republicans are wary of concentrated state power only when it’s controlled by Democrats. They love concentrated state power when they control it, and try to expand it.
Benched Lawyerspews:
Malkin: Filipina-American, or the hyphen-confection you prefer.
Coulter, continued: My fantasy is anorexic Ann v. dark lapsed Catholic Stephanie Miller, greased with Mazola or Valvoline, grappling it out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 If the cops wanted to exercise due diligence during a time of terror, they could have started by arresting the GOP rioters who tried to subvert the Miami-Dade canvassing board. Where were the police when our democracy was threatened by rightwing revolutionaries who seized control of an election office by force?
Shyster Lawyerspews:
18: OK. January 1995 – present seems to support your assertion. I’ve lamented our tendency to spend like liberally drunken Democrats.
Liar Lawyerspews:
20 … Part of the urban mythology that you pre-KOS-tards were pushing back then, along with your Purell Koo-Laid. Even the Jayson Blair Times backed away or backed down from the DNC party line about conservatives rioting against the chad(t) eaters.
(un)civil libertarianspews:
Time for the replay of my ACLU story: Laura Ingraham, a babe of very little brain, has a conservative talk show. Two or three years she interviewed an ACLU lawyer, and challenged him to “name one time” his smelly organization deviated from its pattern of defending liberals with liberal causes. Name one time, she said, when you defended a conservative.
Well, said the ACLU-tard, we defended nazis at Skokie.
OK, said Laura. That’s one. Any others?
Daddy Lovespews:
He’s not pushing Michelle Malkin because she’s Asian, he’s doing it because she’s a woman. No, wait…
Daddy Lovespews:
17 beached lawyer
Actually, we Republicans, by definition, are wary of concentrated state power.
So what is your theory about the name of political party to which the current administration and the current Congressional minority belong?
Daddy Lovespews:
Of course, the ACLU has intervened with local officials on behalf of the KKK’s right to speak freely, gather, and march numerous times. For example,
The way the ACLU lawyers handed the Creationists ID Proponents their ass was sweeet!
Seriously, if you didn’t see it at its original air time, set your DVR and catch it when it comes around again. It’s great coverage of the trial and the bullshit arguments of the Creationists ID proponents.
It’s a personal embarrassment to me that the Discovery Institute is headquartered in Seattle.
Right Stuffspews:
“Because Bush is devaluing the dollar, that’s why. He’s already turned America into a third world country, and his next project is to turn the dollar into a third world currency.”
Ladies and gentlemen, Roger Rabbit has lost his mind…..
Third world country? Currency?
Little Pink Willyspews:
Not content with smearing and sliming the religion of peace, Medved-o-fascist Michael Medved has lowered himself to even lower slanders. He’s sliming and smearing the Clintons.
Today, last hour, he gave a forum to Kathleen Willey, the Democrat activist who had a close sweaty active encounter with Bill Clinton near the famous sink in the famous White House. Then Willey became the target du jour of Hillary’s War Room.
We were told that Democrat Willey was unreliable. We were told that Democrat Juanita Broaddrick was unreliable. We were told that Ken Starr was a sick sex-fiend Javert.
Then we were told by George Stephanopoulos that President Bill Clinton was a sick. Lying. Sex. Fiend. His wife was and is his enabler, and his consigliere with a very long Long Knife.
29: So?
YLB – The Clueless One (TM): As I said when you posted the link in another thread. Lately my work schedule does not allow me to see Bill O’Reilly or other Fox shows. When I get home I watch ESPN basketball.
You enjoy the filth since you dwell upon it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “Malkin: Filipina-American, or the hyphen-confection you prefer.”
Psycho-Republican is a better description. Her national origin is irrelevant; what counts is her insanity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “18: OK. January 1995 – present seems to support your assertion. I’ve lamented our tendency to spend like liberally drunken Democrats.”
Liberal Democrats, even in their wildest fantasies, never spent like you guys do … even when they were drunk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “20 … Part of the urban mythology that you pre-KOS-tards were pushing back then, along with your Purell Koo-Laid. Even the Jayson Blair Times backed away or backed down from the DNC party line about conservatives rioting against the chad(t) eaters.”
So what was that I saw on the TV news programs at the time? A Boy Scout troop meeting? I know what I saw, and what I saw was a bunch of subversives bussed to Miami by the RNC who were rioting and threatening the public workers inside the building. After Miami 2000, Republican complaints about “protesters” will forever ring hollow. Our protesters don’t try to overthrow the elected government. That’s exactly what your protesters were there for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 (continued) Lucky for those GOP traitors I wasn’t there or there would have been some split skulls.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor, you know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Name one time, she said, when you defended a conservative.”
#2 — Senator Larry Craig, Pervert-Idaho.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 (continued) Of course, people like you with snow-cones for brains have no idea why the ACLU defended the Nazis who wanted to march in Skokie. So let me explain it to you. I’ll do this in a simple step-by-step format in hopes that even a retard like you can understand it.
1. The ACLU defends the Bill of Rights, not any particular individual or organization.
2. Test cases always involve unpopular groups or individuals (at least, until the Busheviks showed up with their wholesale violations of constitutional rights). As someone once said, popular causes don’t need defending.
3. The Nazis, as odious as they are, have exactly the same rights to free speech and assembly as the rest of us do.
4. Do you really want to give city bureaucrats discretion to decide who has constitutional rights, and who doesn’t?
5. The object of defending the Nazis’ constitutional rights is to make sure YOU have constitutional rights. If they don’t, neither do you.
6. Defending the constitutional rights of the Nazis did not constitute an endorsement of that group or what it stands for.
Any questions? No, I didn’t think so. You, of course, are too stupid to know what questions to ask. Naturally, I don’t expect a lumpkin like you to understand any of this.
Now go suck your thumb.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 I doubt very much that you are, or ever were, a lawyer so kindly quit calling yourself one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 See #38.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit Quiz
What do the Skokie Nazis and Sen. Larry Craig have in common?
[ ] 1. They’re weird
[ ] 2. They’re rightwingers
[ ] 3. They’re anti-American
[ ] 4. They ran to the ACLU for free legal help
[ ] 5. All of the above
Roger Rabbitspews:
Okay, so we have a weighty question here, which the constitutional law experts at the ACLU are called upon to resolve in the courts:
Should cops be able to arrest people for (a) taking photos of powerlines and/or (b) tap dancing in public restrooms?
Roger Rabbitspews:
We need the ACLU’s legal experts to figure these things out, because our WingNut (TM) Idiot (SM) friends are too stupid to ask the right questions, let alone come up with the right answers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Today, last hour, he gave a forum to Kathleen Willey, the Democrat activist”
Do you mean THIS Kathleen Willey?
“Willey has a history of controversial claims including telling the FBI she was pregnant and she had a miscarriage when she did not.”
“Kathleen Willey will be a guest Monday morning on two nationally syndicated radio shows, discussing with Laura Ingraham and, later, G. Gordon Liddy, a new book in which she details allegations of intimidation and harassment orchestrated by Hillary Clinton.”
Yeah, she looks like a “Democratic activist” like Dubya resembles an organ-grinder monkey — a startling resemblance, if you ask me! I’ve always thought Willey was a GOP plant in the Clinton White House. She seems like the type.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Think not? Read this article from a radical leftist magazine called Business Week:
“Dollar Crisis: Economic Pearl Harbor?
” … For the United States, a Chinese decision to abandon the dollar would be tantamount to Pearl Harbor without the war. …
“Millions of people would see their standard of living suffer as a result, and American self-confidence, already shaky, would crumble even further. The United States would suffer a serious blow on its very own turf, the economy.
“Americans can hardly blame Beijing for their troubles. The Chinese aren’t exactly kamikaze politicians, concocting some secret plan to attack the dollar. On the contrary, the preparations are taking place in full view. Translated into Texan, what the Chinese politely told the Americans last week simply means: Unless something happens, all hell will break loose.
“For years the US economy has suffered one dramatic setback after another. … The United States, a once-proud exporting nation, became the world’s biggest importer. … Within a single generation, the world’s biggest lender has become its biggest borrower ….
“And what has been Washington’s standard take on the shift? The dollar is our currency, but it’s your problem.
“Thus, the tone of the US government’s callous and thick-skinned reaction to China’s announcement last week came as no surprise. … But the truth is that the United States would be better off if … the administration of President George W. Bush would take decisive action instead of sulking.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The slowly unfolding U.S. economic catastrophe is happening on the Republicans’ watch, and because of Republican policies. Another example of gross mismanagement by the terminally incompetent, if not downright criminal, GOP regime.
By the way, this article isn’t from 10 years ago. It’s from last week’s issue.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now for the LEAD STORY in the CURRENT ISSUE of radical leftist magazine Business Week:
“The Consumer Crunch
“Recession or not, American families will be forced to tighten their belts
“The long-awaited, long-feared consumer crunch may finally be here. That might not mean an economywide recession, but the pain for American households will be deep.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You really should read this article, because it’s an eye-opener. The U.S. economy’s troubles go much deeper than weak housing prices or tight credit. They are pervasive. In a nutshell, this article says America’s 25-year consumer spending binge that began in 1982 is over:
“The subprime crisis … marks the beginning of the end for the long consumer borrow-and-buy boom. The financial sector, wrestling with hundreds of billions in losses, can no longer treat consumers as a safe bet. … What comes next could be scary — the largest pullback in consumer spending in decades ….
“Consumers’ outlays have outpaced the growth of their income for a long time. … While many companies struggled in the 2001 recession and afterward, American consumers just kept borrowing. … Not this time, though. ‘The consumer is retrenching, bigtime,’ says Richard Hastings, economic adviser to the Federation of Credit & Financial Professionals.”
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
@21 “18: OK. January 1995 – present seems to support your assertion. I’ve lamented our tendency to spend like liberally drunken Democrats.”
Liberal Democrats, even in their wildest fantasies, never spent like you guys do … even when they were drunk.
11/16/2007 at 6:17 pm
Your right on the military. We dont raise taxes but borrow against the future ability to spend on social programs. Sounds good to me. hehehe
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 Only a Republican cur is stupid enough to spend more money on Iraqi infrastructure than American infrastructure.
You enjoy the filth since you dwell upon it.
Well lookee here wingnutz! Puddyliar is calling Faux News and your favorite torture porn show “24” – “filth”.
I couldn’t agree more! Wonders never cease PLiar – we agree on something!
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. Ok, you may turn your nose up at the girly flesh titillation but you just luuuuuuuuuuurve that ticking time bomb on “24” – tick tock tick tock tick tock, it’s waterboard time for P “my word is my bond” (bullshit) Liar!!
George Hanshawspews:
Question: What is the environmental significance of 1991?
Answer: That was the year when CAFE standards made motor vehicles use less energy per passenger-mile than diesel transit buses.
Porn Video From a Catholic School Principalk
look here:
Hey Puddystupid, liarman, “word is my bond”, i.e bullshit:
Here’s some Faux News porno for you!
Stack that shit next to the “24” torture porn.
You love it!
Open thread, huh?
How about that grieving widow caught sprinkling hubby’s ashes along the route of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disneyland?
Apparently, this isn’t anything new, with the Happiest Place on Earth serving as the final resting place for the compostable remains of many. No wonder the trees and plants always look so healthy!
Ashes to ashes, Mouse to Mouse, Duck to Duck…
The Piper
I have a question: does anyone here know wtf was up with the ramps to Columbia Ave off of I-5 yesterday? The police had them closed down for more than 6 hours, and it snarled traffic all day long, but absolutely nobody is saying what the reason was. The DOT said the closure was due to an “incident.” Anybody know what was going on to make my day so miserable yesterday?
What!!! How did the news get out about another public school principal watching porn….. oh wait this is a catholic principal. Nevermind.
I wonder what initiative Tim Eyeman will come out with in 2008 that will pass. roof roof.
Why We Need A Sales Tax On Gasoline
I see in the news that a 19-year-old Saudi woman who complained to the media about being sentenced to 6 months in jail and 90 lashes for getting gang-raped by seven men is going to get an extra 110 lashes for complaining to the media about it.
KING 5 News reports the ACLU has sued the Snohomish Police Department for arresting a U.W. arts professor for taking photos of a powerline:
“The ACLU says in October 2005, Scheier drove to Snohomish and stopped to take pictures of the power towers at a substation … Scheier was on public property and there was no indication that photos were not allowed.
“The ACLU says as she was driving home on Highway 9, Scheier was pulled over by police and questioned about why she was taking photos. Scheier, who often uses photos of public land and structures in her art, told police she was interested in power lines as part of the ecosystem.
“That’s when police allegedly put Scheier in handcuffs and had her sit in the back of a patrol car for almost half an hour. … Police released Scheier and told her she would be contacted by the FBI.
“Critics of the lawsuit say the police were only doing their jobs and in a post-9/11 world, anyone taking pictures of a power station should expect to be questioned by police.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Those “critics” (you can bet they’re Republicans) need their fucking heads examined. Or, if they want to live in a country where the police can arrest people for taking snapshots of powerlines, they should apply for emigration to North Korea. As for the Snohomish Police, they need to have the shit sued out of them. Bankrupt the fucking city, then maybe the local voters will get fed up enough to vote in a new mayor who will hire a new police chief who will hire new cops who don’t have their heads as far up their asses as the current Snohomish cops do. Thank God for trial lawyers.
By the way, ever notice how many prominent rightwingers run straight to the nearest ACLU office for FREE legal help when THEIR civil rights are violated?!!
This is the third time the ACLU has sued a local police agency for arresting ordinary citizens for taking ordinary photos of ordinary objects on public property where no warning signs were present. The first two cases resulted in the police paying financial settlements. This case should result in the police department coughing up cash, too. (And it wouldn’t hurt if they had to fork out a shitload of money from their budget to pay lawyers to defend them.) Maybe if this kind of unconstitutional behavior costs police agencies enough money, they’ll stop it.
As much as I would like to support our local police, unfortunately, some cops are rightwing assholes who misuse the power given to them to hassle people they don’t like. Cops who do that belong in prison, not a police uniform. The badge, the gun, and the power to arrest belong to the government, not to them as individuals, and the government belongs to the citizens, not to bureaucrats who like to exercise the power of office arbitrarily and arrogantly. Rogue cops and the police chiefs who employ them need to be brought to heel, and there’s no one better equipped to do that than trial lawyers.
Whachoo talkin’ about, Roger? Neoconvict-run concentration camps? We’ve done the camps, but neocons had nothing to do with them. Rad-lib-progressive Dwemocrat Franklin Roosevelt signed the executive order that put our concentration camps in place.
Then there were the Cold War preventive-detention camps authorized by Senator Pat McCarran, Democrat, Nevada. Democrats, who are conveniently afflicted with situational amnesia, conflate McCarran’s camps with McCarthyism. But McCarran, his camps, HUAC, the Smith Act, etc., were all artifacts of Democrat control during months and years before McCarthy joined your parade.
As for pushing Michelle Malkin from the 3rd Floor or the 30th, your racism is showing. Again. Please dial up your meds.
@7 Hmmmm
Maybe we should bill the Saudi emabassy for the pain this causes when we buy oil.
I just posted a piece from South African News about the expense account of the Saudi Ambassador to England .. along with relevant quotes from the Koran.
One thing really fascinates me …
yes il is vital, but so is wheat. Howsit come that as opil rises it does not set of a proportionate increase in costs of things the effin Saudis buy?
Maybe we need an OPEC for food? We could tie the price of the big mac to the price of oil.
@11 Hey, I was just kidding about pushing Malkin out of a 30th floor window — the 3rd floor is fine! As for accusing me of being a racist, I admit to being against the human race. You want to fuck something up, just put humans in charge of it. I think humans should just … in Ann Coulter’s immortal words … should just GO AWAY. We rabbits are much superior creatures to your humans and will do a better job of running this planet. So, just fucking go away! And take that bitch Malkin with you when you leave!! Then we rabbits will run this place!!!
By the way, what race is Malkin? Besides the female race, I mean … ? I didn’t realize she was black. She doesn’t look black to me.
@12 “yes il is vital, but so is wheat. Howsit come that as opil rises it does not set of a proportionate increase in costs of things the effin Saudis buy?”
Because Bush is devaluing the dollar, that’s why. He’s already turned America into a third world country, and his next project is to turn the dollar into a third world currency.
I’ll Bet This Guy Is A Republican
I see in the news that the deputy police chief in Lynnwood pleaded guilty to stealing $120,000.
Actually, we Republicans, by definition, are wary of concentrated state power. We eat the statists, when possible; you progressives fondle them. A power-mad state is your baby. That’s why you pamper it with Pampers.
As Bob Vernon of LAPD said after Rodney’s riot, police departments hire from the human race. Some police officers, with their monopolies of force, exhibit the pathologies for which monopoly is infamous. Bad cops? Screw ’em. But cops exercising due diligence during a time of terror? Makes more sinse than the lib alternative of paralyzing domestic counterterrorism, waiting for the next show to drop or city to explode, then blaming Bush for not connecting dots.
ACLU? A dangerously stopped clock that occasionally gets it right. If Bob Barr or Rush want to suck up to ACLU’s KOS-tards, screw them.
@17 “Actually, we Republicans, by definition, are wary of concentrated state power.”
Another WingNut (TM) Myth (SM) exploded. Republicans are wary of concentrated state power only when it’s controlled by Democrats. They love concentrated state power when they control it, and try to expand it.
Malkin: Filipina-American, or the hyphen-confection you prefer.
Coulter, continued: My fantasy is anorexic Ann v. dark lapsed Catholic Stephanie Miller, greased with Mazola or Valvoline, grappling it out.
@17 If the cops wanted to exercise due diligence during a time of terror, they could have started by arresting the GOP rioters who tried to subvert the Miami-Dade canvassing board. Where were the police when our democracy was threatened by rightwing revolutionaries who seized control of an election office by force?
18: OK. January 1995 – present seems to support your assertion. I’ve lamented our tendency to spend like liberally drunken Democrats.
20 … Part of the urban mythology that you pre-KOS-tards were pushing back then, along with your Purell Koo-Laid. Even the Jayson Blair Times backed away or backed down from the DNC party line about conservatives rioting against the chad(t) eaters.
Time for the replay of my ACLU story: Laura Ingraham, a babe of very little brain, has a conservative talk show. Two or three years she interviewed an ACLU lawyer, and challenged him to “name one time” his smelly organization deviated from its pattern of defending liberals with liberal causes. Name one time, she said, when you defended a conservative.
Well, said the ACLU-tard, we defended nazis at Skokie.
OK, said Laura. That’s one. Any others?
He’s not pushing Michelle Malkin because she’s Asian, he’s doing it because she’s a woman. No, wait…
17 beached lawyer
Actually, we Republicans, by definition, are wary of concentrated state power.
So what is your theory about the name of political party to which the current administration and the current Congressional minority belong?
Of course, the ACLU has intervened with local officials on behalf of the KKK’s right to speak freely, gather, and march numerous times. For example,
Speaking of the ACLU, did anybody else catch the Nova show Judgement Day, Intelligent Design on Trial?
The way the ACLU lawyers handed the
CreationistsID Proponents their ass was sweeet!Seriously, if you didn’t see it at its original air time, set your DVR and catch it when it comes around again. It’s great coverage of the trial and the
bullshitarguments of theCreationistsID proponents.It’s a personal embarrassment to me that the Discovery Institute is headquartered in Seattle.
“Because Bush is devaluing the dollar, that’s why. He’s already turned America into a third world country, and his next project is to turn the dollar into a third world currency.”
Ladies and gentlemen, Roger Rabbit has lost his mind…..
Third world country? Currency?
Not content with smearing and sliming the religion of peace, Medved-o-fascist Michael Medved has lowered himself to even lower slanders. He’s sliming and smearing the Clintons.
Today, last hour, he gave a forum to Kathleen Willey, the Democrat activist who had a close sweaty active encounter with Bill Clinton near the famous sink in the famous White House. Then Willey became the target du jour of Hillary’s War Room.
We were told that Democrat Willey was unreliable. We were told that Democrat Juanita Broaddrick was unreliable. We were told that Ken Starr was a sick sex-fiend Javert.
Then we were told by George Stephanopoulos that President Bill Clinton was a sick. Lying. Sex. Fiend. His wife was and is his enabler, and his consigliere with a very long Long Knife.
29: So?
YLB – The Clueless One (TM): As I said when you posted the link in another thread. Lately my work schedule does not allow me to see Bill O’Reilly or other Fox shows. When I get home I watch ESPN basketball.
You enjoy the filth since you dwell upon it.
@19 “Malkin: Filipina-American, or the hyphen-confection you prefer.”
Psycho-Republican is a better description. Her national origin is irrelevant; what counts is her insanity.
@21 “18: OK. January 1995 – present seems to support your assertion. I’ve lamented our tendency to spend like liberally drunken Democrats.”
Liberal Democrats, even in their wildest fantasies, never spent like you guys do … even when they were drunk.
@22 “20 … Part of the urban mythology that you pre-KOS-tards were pushing back then, along with your Purell Koo-Laid. Even the Jayson Blair Times backed away or backed down from the DNC party line about conservatives rioting against the chad(t) eaters.”
So what was that I saw on the TV news programs at the time? A Boy Scout troop meeting? I know what I saw, and what I saw was a bunch of subversives bussed to Miami by the RNC who were rioting and threatening the public workers inside the building. After Miami 2000, Republican complaints about “protesters” will forever ring hollow. Our protesters don’t try to overthrow the elected government. That’s exactly what your protesters were there for.
@22 (continued) Lucky for those GOP traitors I wasn’t there or there would have been some split skulls.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor, you know.
@23 “Name one time, she said, when you defended a conservative.”
#2 — Senator Larry Craig, Pervert-Idaho.
@23 (continued) Of course, people like you with snow-cones for brains have no idea why the ACLU defended the Nazis who wanted to march in Skokie. So let me explain it to you. I’ll do this in a simple step-by-step format in hopes that even a retard like you can understand it.
1. The ACLU defends the Bill of Rights, not any particular individual or organization.
2. Test cases always involve unpopular groups or individuals (at least, until the Busheviks showed up with their wholesale violations of constitutional rights). As someone once said, popular causes don’t need defending.
3. The Nazis, as odious as they are, have exactly the same rights to free speech and assembly as the rest of us do.
4. Do you really want to give city bureaucrats discretion to decide who has constitutional rights, and who doesn’t?
5. The object of defending the Nazis’ constitutional rights is to make sure YOU have constitutional rights. If they don’t, neither do you.
6. Defending the constitutional rights of the Nazis did not constitute an endorsement of that group or what it stands for.
Any questions? No, I didn’t think so. You, of course, are too stupid to know what questions to ask. Naturally, I don’t expect a lumpkin like you to understand any of this.
Now go suck your thumb.
@17 I doubt very much that you are, or ever were, a lawyer so kindly quit calling yourself one.
@22 See #38.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
What do the Skokie Nazis and Sen. Larry Craig have in common?
[ ] 1. They’re weird
[ ] 2. They’re rightwingers
[ ] 3. They’re anti-American
[ ] 4. They ran to the ACLU for free legal help
[ ] 5. All of the above
Okay, so we have a weighty question here, which the constitutional law experts at the ACLU are called upon to resolve in the courts:
Should cops be able to arrest people for (a) taking photos of powerlines and/or (b) tap dancing in public restrooms?
We need the ACLU’s legal experts to figure these things out, because our WingNut (TM) Idiot (SM) friends are too stupid to ask the right questions, let alone come up with the right answers.
“Today, last hour, he gave a forum to Kathleen Willey, the Democrat activist”
Do you mean THIS Kathleen Willey?
“Willey has a history of controversial claims including telling the FBI she was pregnant and she had a miscarriage when she did not.”
Do you mean THIS Kathleen Willey?
“Kathleen Willey will be a guest Monday morning on two nationally syndicated radio shows, discussing with Laura Ingraham and, later, G. Gordon Liddy, a new book in which she details allegations of intimidation and harassment orchestrated by Hillary Clinton.”
Yeah, she looks like a “Democratic activist” like Dubya resembles an organ-grinder monkey — a startling resemblance, if you ask me! I’ve always thought Willey was a GOP plant in the Clinton White House. She seems like the type.
@28 Think not? Read this article from a radical leftist magazine called Business Week:
“Dollar Crisis: Economic Pearl Harbor?
” … For the United States, a Chinese decision to abandon the dollar would be tantamount to Pearl Harbor without the war. …
“Millions of people would see their standard of living suffer as a result, and American self-confidence, already shaky, would crumble even further. The United States would suffer a serious blow on its very own turf, the economy.
“Americans can hardly blame Beijing for their troubles. The Chinese aren’t exactly kamikaze politicians, concocting some secret plan to attack the dollar. On the contrary, the preparations are taking place in full view. Translated into Texan, what the Chinese politely told the Americans last week simply means: Unless something happens, all hell will break loose.
“For years the US economy has suffered one dramatic setback after another. … The United States, a once-proud exporting nation, became the world’s biggest importer. … Within a single generation, the world’s biggest lender has become its biggest borrower ….
“And what has been Washington’s standard take on the shift? The dollar is our currency, but it’s your problem.
“Thus, the tone of the US government’s callous and thick-skinned reaction to China’s announcement last week came as no surprise. … But the truth is that the United States would be better off if … the administration of President George W. Bush would take decisive action instead of sulking.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The slowly unfolding U.S. economic catastrophe is happening on the Republicans’ watch, and because of Republican policies. Another example of gross mismanagement by the terminally incompetent, if not downright criminal, GOP regime.
By the way, this article isn’t from 10 years ago. It’s from last week’s issue.
Now for the LEAD STORY in the CURRENT ISSUE of radical leftist magazine Business Week:
“The Consumer Crunch
“Recession or not, American families will be forced to tighten their belts
“The long-awaited, long-feared consumer crunch may finally be here. That might not mean an economywide recession, but the pain for American households will be deep.”
Quoted under fair use; for rest of article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You really should read this article, because it’s an eye-opener. The U.S. economy’s troubles go much deeper than weak housing prices or tight credit. They are pervasive. In a nutshell, this article says America’s 25-year consumer spending binge that began in 1982 is over:
“The subprime crisis … marks the beginning of the end for the long consumer borrow-and-buy boom. The financial sector, wrestling with hundreds of billions in losses, can no longer treat consumers as a safe bet. … What comes next could be scary — the largest pullback in consumer spending in decades ….
“Consumers’ outlays have outpaced the growth of their income for a long time. … While many companies struggled in the 2001 recession and afterward, American consumers just kept borrowing. … Not this time, though. ‘The consumer is retrenching, bigtime,’ says Richard Hastings, economic adviser to the Federation of Credit & Financial Professionals.”
Roger Rabbit says:
@21 “18: OK. January 1995 – present seems to support your assertion. I’ve lamented our tendency to spend like liberally drunken Democrats.”
Liberal Democrats, even in their wildest fantasies, never spent like you guys do … even when they were drunk.
11/16/2007 at 6:17 pm
Your right on the military. We dont raise taxes but borrow against the future ability to spend on social programs. Sounds good to me. hehehe
@46 Only a Republican cur is stupid enough to spend more money on Iraqi infrastructure than American infrastructure.
You enjoy the filth since you dwell upon it.
Well lookee here wingnutz! Puddyliar is calling Faux News and your favorite torture porn show “24” – “filth”.
I couldn’t agree more! Wonders never cease PLiar – we agree on something!
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. Ok, you may turn your nose up at the girly flesh titillation but you just luuuuuuuuuuurve that ticking time bomb on “24” – tick tock tick tock tick tock, it’s waterboard time for P “my word is my bond” (bullshit) Liar!!
Question: What is the environmental significance of 1991?
Answer: That was the year when CAFE standards made motor vehicles use less energy per passenger-mile than diesel transit buses.