– Yay for Bill Clinton saying states should decide for themselves if they’re going to legalize marijuana and all. Still, he was president, and he didn’t really move in that direction. Obviously states have forced the issue since he left office, but he was president.
– I’m not sure how assholes decided that happy holidays was the worst thing imaginable. It seems nice to me.
– I never get invited on the panel of important seeming people
Raising the minimum wage is a top priority of organized labor, which began pushing for an increase over a year ago, and the issue is now getting lots of media play. Polling looks good; even 58% of Republicans support raising the $7.25 federal minimum wage. Several states haven’t waited for federal action and have already acted on their own. Also, Obama’s initial increase target of $9 is getting pushed up.
On the right, we see the usually shopworn arguments against raising the minimum wage, or against any minimum wage at all, which have been debunked by research. And like dismantling Social Security, eliminating minimum wage laws is a conservative wet dream that has no chance of being realized. Public opinion is moving in the opposite direction.
It’s not a done deal yet, but the movement for raising the minimum wage has legs, is gaining traction, and shows much promise of turning into a success story for organized labor and low income advocates. With something like 87% of the American people supporting raising the minimum wage, even the GOP-controlled House may not be able to resist.
CNBC reports today that budget negotiators Paul Ryan and Patty Murray are shaping a two-year deal for the 2014 and 2015 fiscal years (the federal fiscal year starts on Oct. 1) that would set spending at about $990 billion and leave the door open for higher revenue through fee increases.
While this deal would leave spending at present levels, it would allow some shifting of spending priorities, and instead of rigid sequesters would give departments and agencies some latitude in where to direct spending and where to cut.
Importantly for financial markets, it would defuse the threat of a government shutdown or default when the current short-term agreement expires in January (although I never believed the GOP would risk another shutdown in an election year).
The HA website continues to have slow loading, access, and posting issues. I suppose I’m pissing in the wind to complain about it, but I really wish something could be done to fix it. It’s been very difficult to post on HA for over a week now. A lot of times, I can’t even get into the site at all to read the new articles.
It looks like the economy is getting better. This month’s economic data has been strong (except for holiday retail sales, which are lagging last year’s), with good employment numbers, and the stock market has been selling off all this week in anticipation of the Federal Reserve reducing monetary stimulus.
That’s not great news for investors, although it was expected, but a stronger economy obviously is good news for Main Street. Even though I’m a stock flipper who benefited from this year’s strong stock market run, I’m on the side of Main Street. Wall Street has had its fun, and now it’s time for real Americans to experience economic recovery. They’ve waited for years while banks and corporations diddled around with the nearly $3 trillion the Fed printed and handed to them.
No doubt our conservative friends will have a conniption because Obama’s policies saved the economy instead of pushing it into another Great Depression. In other words, the austerity idiots have been proved wrong again. Their economic policies don’t work, and they know it, but they would rather wreck the economy than admit that the sole purpose of their economic demands is to make the filthy rich even richer. Screw ’em. These people are evil and we owe them absolutely nothing. We should dismiss them and their crackpot economic theories out of hand without given them any further hearing. They had their chance to run the economy and ran it into the ground. Why anyone at all still listens to them is a mystery.
RR @ 3,
I blame ObamaCare.
(Seriously…I’ve registered a complaint with the landlord. Goldy’s ISP seems to be jacking him with excuses.)
@5 I appreciate the fact someone is looking into it. From other comments I’ve read, I’m not the only one having problems.
Jim Miller actually managed to post something interesting on the Brand X blog:
“According to a recent study, people here are the least likely to curse during a business phone call. People in Ohio cursed the most as compared to every other state in the Union: They swore in one out of about every 150 phone conversations. Ohio was followed, respectively, by Maryland, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Illinois. And who swore the least? Washingtonians. They cursed, on average, during one out of every 300 conversations. (Yes, this means that Ohioans swear at more than twice the rate of Washingtonians. Because when Ohioans do something, apparently, we put our goddamn minds to it.) We shouldn’t get too proud, however, since the same study found that we didn’t make the top five in saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. (The five states that did are, in order, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Louisiana, and Georgia. … Does this imply that Washington residents who curse a lot are ‘un-Washingtonian’? Possibly.)”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fuck no, Washington residents who curse aren’t un-Washingtonian, merely vulgar. I’ve often observed that conservatives polite to a fault. They say “please” and “thank you” when they grab you by the gonads and squeeze the juice out of you. It’s their behavior, not their manners, that suck. I guess they think being polite gives them license to behave badly. Maybe they learned this during their college frat-boy days.
So failed Republican Candidate for New York Legislature was all over Fox News (and then of course the circle jerk that is right-o-spere blognuts) telling the horror of his infant not being covered under ACA.
Whoops. Turns out the genius applied for coverage stating he has three kids when he has four. And rather than getting someone from his insurance on the phone he calls the “media.” The fact that the insurance exchange isn’t clairvoyant about his fourth child is of course unAmerican because….OBAMACARE!
You might suspect that Fox News will put any lunatic on the air with ZERO fact checking as long as they are willing to look at the camera and tell the audience how Obamacare is going to kill them and their puppies.
(Reminds me of a true story. When my second child was born I put him on my insurance but it was near the end of the year and about time to renew. In the new year, the policy info they sent me only listed my oldest child. It took about three minutes on hold with Blue Cross and a five minute conversation for them to see the error and get it fixed. I blame Obamacare because clearly the health insurance in America was 100% error free prior to January 2009 when a black dude became president.)
I agree with Bill Clinton – treatment of the legality of marijuana should be left to each individual state.
@8 What do you expect from brain-dead Republicans? (Hmmm, maybe the fact Republicans are brain-dead explains their obsession with Terri Schiavo and death panels. I can see why they’d worry about that.)
@9 How about slavery? Should that be left to the states, too?
Speaking of slavery, not only do employers object to paying more than $7.25/hr. with no benefits, they also expect those minimum-wage workers to be available “on call” 24/7 — and work any shift, work rotating shifts, work split shifts, work holidays, etc.) — which means they can’t take a second job to help make ends meet.
When conservatives object to raising the federal minimum wage, they’re not really objecting to increasing the incomes of people making $15,000 a year. They’re objecting to increasing the incomes of people who may be making as little as $9,000 a year if they’re averaging 24 hours a week or less of paid time.
(And let’s not overlook those abusive employers who force their low-wage employees to work “off the clock,” i.e. for free.)
Here are two different views of requiring part-time workers to be available on a full-time basis:
“Using part-time workers increases flexibility and gives companies an ability to adjust to changing business conditions,” said Aparna Mathur, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington.
“It’s an extremely abusive and unfair practice,” said Carrie Gleason, executive director of the Retail Action Project (RAP).
Predictably, business supporters cite the business advantages of the practice. (They also justify a low minimum wage and right-to-work laws on the same basis.) Justifiably, labor advocates see it as an abusive practice that needs to stop. One possible solution is to pass laws requiring employers to guarantee part-time workers regular shifts and pay them extra for any “on call” time (say, half their regular hourly wage).
This really isn’t a drastic proposal. Let’s say we raise the federal minimum wage to $10, which is merely parity with the 1968 minimum wage’s purchasing power, and require employers to pay half that rate for “on call” time. This means a part-time employee working 28 hours per work and expected to be available for up to 40 hours would be paid $340 per week (28 x $10 + 12 x $5) or $17,680 per year. That’s hardly unreasonable. Alternatively, an employer could offer a part-time worker 24 hours on a regular schedule, which would allow the worker to fill out his/her 40 hours by taking a weekend job. That would give the worker 40 hours of work at $10 or $20,800 a year. That’s fair for entry-level and low-skill work.
How can anyone object to a worker who is willing, able, and available to work full-time earning $17,680 to $20,800 a year?
But wait for it, conservatives will object, because even though they would never expect a business to sell its goods or services for below cost, nevertheless they somehow expect workers to sell their labor for less than what it costs them to live.
Providing part-time workers with regular and predictable shifts should pose no difficulties for businesses. If a part-time employee says, “I can’t work weekends because I have a second job,” all the employer has to do is hire another part-time worker who wants weekend work. It’s not that hard to compile a list of people willing to work specified hours on an on-call basis. Most or all of them will be people with other commitments, which is something employers can and should work around.
What is unreasonable is to say to a worker, “I want you to be available whenever I call you, but I won’t guarantee you any paid hours at all.” The job applicant who receives an employment offer like that should reply, “I’m sorry, but that doesn’t work for me, and I must decline your offer.” And then walk out, and never ask that employer for work again — or shop in his store.
An employment offer like that is like someone offering you $200,000 for your $400,000 house. In the real estate business, this is called a “lowball” offer, and it will get a prospective buyer and his agent kicked out of a negotiation without further ado.
In the employment sphere, expecting a worker to make himself available 24/7 with no guarantee of any minimum number of hours or any floor under his weekly pay also is a lowball offer, and it deserves exactly the same response.
If you get the impression House Republicans are dead weight who don’t earn their pay, it’s not your imagination; if Congress were a private business these loafers would’ve been fired months ago.
@14 “And then walk out, and never ask that employer for work again — or shop in his store.”
Additionally, share his or her experience with as many people as possible, in case they might want to avoid shopping there as well.
If you don’t want marijuana to be legal, just say so.
Eighty years ago today, Prohibition ended, but not after giving us 13 years of lawlessness, government tyranny and organized crime. The “Noble Experiment” was a total disaster. We now are trying to end the useless “War on Drugs,” brought to us by the Crook-in-Chief, Richard M. Nixon. Our state’s vote to legalize recreational use of marijuana was a victory personal freedom against government tyranny.
I agree with Bill Clinton that states may choose to have marijuana legal, just a some states (and some counties today) kept alcohol illegal for a time after Prohibition officially ended at the federal level. Bill Clinton is no right-wing ideologue, and he’s definitely correct in his view about marijuana and individual states moving to decriminalize and eventually legalize marihuana.
Even as fast food workers stage more protests over low pay, McDonalds has fallen on its ass again, posting suggestions on its employee advice website about how much to tip gardeners, au pairs, personal trainers, and such. Who writes this stuff? The CEO’s wife?
Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns McDonalds stock. I mean, really, what ruthless stock flipper wouldn’t ride a gravy train like this one? Does this company make money? Shit yeah, trainloads of it! Hey, don’t look at me, nobody asked me to write their labor policies for them.
This post is overflowing with white guilt.
Dangerous Global Warming Closer Than You Think, Climate Scientists Say
Abrupt climate change is not only imminent, it’s already here. The rapid dwindling of summer Arctic sea ice has outpaced all scientific projections, which will have impacts on everything from atmospheric circulation to global shipping. And plants, animals and other species are already struggling to keep up with rapid climate shifts, increasing the risk of mass extinction that would rival the end of the dinosaurs. So warns a new report from the U.S. National Research Council.
California GOP creates fake health care website to discourage constituents from obtaining insurance
California Republicans are desperate and shameless. In the past two weeks, GOP Assembly members have sent mailings out on what appears to be the state’s dime to their constituents about health insurance. Only, they don’t direct those people to CoveredCA.com to sign up. Instead, they send them to their own astroturf version with the url CoveringHealthCareCA.com.
On their version, there are links to negative articles and twisted messages intended to sour people on signing up for health insurance before they ever land at the official health exchange site.
Nelson Mandela has died.
@21 Republicans are swine.
Daily Kos: California GOP creates fake health care website to is where ekimgostsucking moron gets his daily marching orders.
Butt does ekmigoatsucking moron actually know anything past daily kooks horse manure? From the ‘Nets:
Registry Domain ID: 1815310462_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.godaddy.com
Registrar URL: http://www.godaddy.com
Update Date: 2013-07-15 14:06:02
Creation Date: 2013-07-15 14:06:02
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2014-07-15 14:06:02
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC
The web site has been up for months YOU MORON! Butt, due to left wrong web site crying like little babies… traffic to the site has increased 10x in the past couple of days.
Another law of unintended consequences!
So the California GOP has had a website running much longer than the ACA website and all the information is still wrong and misleading. Where’s Fox news on this healthcare website failure story?
@24 Please explain how being a jerk for months is better than being a jerk for a day.
Hmmm… Seems the anti-Obummercare web site is very truthful…
True… Obummer is the decider of your plan working or not. And we now know “the keep your plan, .period. was a lie. Outhouse memos explained how the politicos overruled the honest brokers about the keep your plan and made it a lie.
Also true. If Obummer delayed any penalty phase well that was the truth when the site was created.
Sux to be uninformed HA DUMMOCRETINS!
puddibigot, you still seem very very concerned about the Marxist atheist Kenyan tendencies of the ACA.
Tell us which plan – Ryan? Broun? Price? Something else? – that you would prefer. Tell us why…tell us how it will be better than the ACA…tell us how it will solve massive and expensive and deadly national issue that is health care unavailability for 10s of millions.
Convince us that your ideas are better…defend your point of view, rather than taking cheap potshots.
Come on, puddibigot, DAZZLE us with your brilliance.
Well the puddibigot knows that the teahaddists can’t come up with a plan, so there’s no way he can talk about it. The only plan they ever had the evil Dems stole and passed into law.
Wow you HA DUMMOCRETINS mimic the DNC talking points. The Republicans offered alternative plans. DUMMOCRETINS told the world they had this. Remember, Republicans are sitting back watching Obummercare implode. The libtard MSM know of many across the aisle proposals. Their unsavory job of propping up The Won for the last 5 years won’t allow them to acknowledge any Republican plan.
Why tip your hand when your opponent is face planting?!?
Wow even the leftist WaPo is starting to tell the truth. Shocking…
Well Obummer did brag he was good at killing people!
As you HA DUMMOCRETINS can see Puddy reads your left wrong horse manure… Then it’s shower time to wash off the filth.
Wasn’t it two years ago the Outhouse claimed Obummer and his illegal alien uncle never met. Now all of a sudden on the witness stand Uncle Onyango tells the truth. Obummer did check him out for a few weeks.
Puddy guesses the Obummer doesn’t want to lose that coveted law license so the truth is being told.
And y’all just don’t now see how peeps view The Won as credible anymore except die hard libtards like HA DUMMOCRETINS. Puddy guesses Obummer didn’t tell his author of Dreams of My Father, Bill Ayers, about that meeting.
A very telling video about Obummer and what he’s up to! .Worst. .President. .Ever.
Not wonder ekimgoatsucka has shut up about WA State Obummercare!
Even in blue state Obummer land peeps wonder about the real deal!
So it seems HA DUMMOCRETINS are admitting the Daily Kooks article ib the CA Web Site is just another bunch of lies, like almost all of their slanted stories!
Really? Which do you prefer? Why? Why and how would that plan accomplish more for people without access now? How would they be more efficient than the ACA? Do you prefer the Broun plan over the Ryan? Is the Price plan better or worse than either? Do show your work.
Well, it’s not ‘imploding’, but otherwise your statement is remarkably truthful – something we don’t expect from you.
Yes, you and your team are “sitting back” – doing nothing, obstructing, taking pot-shots, sabotaging. The entirety of the Republican “plan” seem to be to root for failure of the county, of the government – to a treasonous degree.
You take “tribalism” to a toxic and corrosive extreme.
Um, no. Seems you still haven’t learned to read. Hoam skuuled?
Over at (un)SP prolific poster, Jim Miller, has tackled one of the most visible problems of the day …. “Marijuana And Man Boobs”.
Of course, you can’t comment on “Marijuana And Man Boobs”, but Jim Miller thought you should know about this menace brought to Washington by pot smoking liberals.
yah but unfortunately its a true talking point puddibigot and you’re unable to refute it
And yet, the TeaTards couldn’t find anyone who could beat him. What does that say about your party, Puddy?
@30 Why tip your hand
That says everything you need to know about the Republican solution to higher medical bills and people without healthcare. To them it’s just a game. No solutions, no help for Americans.
When John Boehner called the 2004 prescription law and website a complete failure and 6 million people lost their coverage, Democrats didn’t just stand there pointing fingers and laughing. They rolled up their sleeves and tried to pass legislation that would help those who needed it.
Those words simply have no meaning for Teahaddists like the puddibigot. Helping people, aside from charities that share their political axe, and reinforce unequal power relationships, are anathema.
The notion that we, the people, through our shared democratic government, can enact mechanisms that assist people in need, or restrain rapacious behaviors of the empowered and greedy, simply makes no sense to them.
@43 “makes no sense to them”
Well it does, in a twisted way. Their credo can be summed up: “Reward the greedy, punish the needy.” In their crazy ideology-driven world, the rich create prosperity while the poor are “takers” akin to highway robbers. Love one, hate the other. That’s how they think.
@44. I attribute much of their Greed to their massive empathy deficit. They are incapable of imagining what life could be like to be anyone else. If it doesn’t happen to them personally, it doesn’t exist.
I also attribute their Greed to fear. They have to have as much money and power and guns as they can grab because that’s the only that will protect them from the invading hordes hell bend on destroying their lives. They cannot rely on anyone else in the community for support because they assume they would be turned on in a heartbeat, cause that’s what they would do.
There is that religious undertone they use to justify their Greed, in that that God rewards the good, and since the poor have little, they must be bad people and God gives the Good the right to punish.
@45 Exactly. The claim to be “Christian” gives one the moral authority to do pretty much anything you want to anyone who is viewed as “other”, which is why the right takes their little religious fantasy so seriously.
“Well the puddibigot knows that the teahaddists can’t come up with a plan”
Oh, sure they do…or at least the monetarists pulling their marionette strings do. If implemented, it might go down in history as “The Great American Colonoscopy”.
@46 I once had a business associate who how belongs to one of those non-denominational megachurches that preach the “prosperity” doctrine. Needless to say, he lives in a million-dollar mansion, is in debt up to his eyeballs, is a hardcore rightwinger (I remember him clapping his hands in glee when Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon), and — the most dishonest person I’ve ever known. One of those “the check is in the mail, honest, I mailed it last week” guys.
Really… Look up 834 errors schmucko-lunatic. Look up 30% of those who think they have insurance 1-1-14 won’t.
I M P L O D I N G!
Really schmucko-lunatic? Puddy has a team? King County failing… Well DUMMOCRETINS do run it. The guvmint failing… well DUMMOCRETINS do run WA State.
You seem to forget… well you are a DUMMOCRETIN with 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady… Nancy Pelosi was offered Republican input in 2010. She flat out rejected it and said “We got this”. Well y’all got it now.
Deal with it.
NSA, IRS, Healthcare all are from 2013 herzog. Obummer lied on Benghazi! (wait for it…)
Man you are stoooooooopid.
Maybe you real name is zerHOG?
All that you can keep your health care plan… you can keep your doctor .period. .guaranteed.
2013 lies covered up back in 2010. New Outhouse documentation is coming clearer and clearer.
Oh no from the Libtard DUMMOCRETIN leaning Politico…
As Puddy wrote above… 834 errors schmucko-lunatic… Puddy deals with network security tout le temps! You deal with dirty test tubes tout le temps.
Puddy remembers this Kuntucky Kynect horse manure from a DUMMOCRETIN called “happy“. ylb?
It also bragged abou tNew York Exchanges. Well look as what Politico wrote above about Kentucky and New York’s 834 errors!
As always… It really SUX to be you!
This proves DUMMOCRETINS don’t read each other’s horse manuare postings… From zerHOG…
Proven stooooooooooooopid…Mimicry from FartyArt…
Another stooooooooooopid comment.
Good job DUMMOCRETINS! You are a credit to HA leftist pinheads.
Puddy, you make me laugh. You are so silly.
Oh no schmucko-lunatic… no before-hand security and no online EDI validation testing delivers a 25% Obummercare error rate.
Wait for it… The Examiner will be attacked for veracity! It’s the DUMMOCRETIN way!
Facts make you laugh Fascist Pigsty? Really?
Amazing! Well we are laughing at HA DUMMOCRETINS who continue to make excuse after excuse!
The miss spelling, the made up slang, the funny attempts at bravdo, even my conservative friends think you are a clown! You are such the parody!
How to train a whole generation of kids to be raging, paranoid psychopaths for Jesus.
But just say no to Sharia Law.
@57 You wouldn’t know what a “fact” is even if one grabbed your crotch and goosed you. The rest of us search your comments in vain for anything resembling a “fact.”
I’m sorry guys, but I can’t be against the death penalty in all cases, no matter what. This slimebucket deserves to be killing. If you’re squeamish about the state killing, then just let the other inmates do it. I’m sure they will. Even hardened criminals have no use for child torturers.
Puddy’s conservative friends think y’all are really creepy. One thought some of you were psychopaths!
Are your conservative friends pro-Obummercare? If so then they are freakshow WA DUMMOCRETIN-like
Looks like the HA DUMMOCRETIN religion of peace is back at it again!
Islamist radicals are Conservatives, Spittles.
They bear the most resemblance to the Christian Reconstructionists that run the Tea/Neonazi party. Pretty much identical in nearly every respect except which bronze-age myth structure they use to rationalize their murdercult activites.
Rousas John Rushdoony would be immensely pleased. He knew which side of the money God’s face is printed on.
That’s nice OWS RACIST Fraggy… Unlike your kind who coddle idiots Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (schmucko-lunatic for example) we US Conservatives want to get rid of Islamist radicals.
The rest of your putrid comparison falls flat on it’s face!
Hey Roger, Puddy wonders what side of the fence Joseph Edward Duncan III played?
Where are the screams from gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman of hetero sex crimes. And it seems this state has some really whack lenient laws on this subject. Another monster coddled with slap on the wrist sentences.
Of course DUMMOCRETIN lawmakers will never change for more strict laws. They’ll claim too draconian or not civil or too Republican. DUMMOCRETINS will claim the need to analyze these monsters and help them. Yet how many children died or were molested in his wake?
Wow. the puddibigot is sure foundering on the shoals of hate this morning. Trolling true-crime sites for the lurid backgrounds on sociopaths, and trying to….
…what? The reference to gman makes me think it’s gay-hate that motivates you. Your reflexive use of “dummocretin” suggests rather your typical, tired tribal partisanship.
Really though….you’re taking the horrific story of a sociopath, someone who was sexually assaulting people as a teenager (and was probably abusing animals before that….like GWB) and somehow making that a cudgel of gay-hate?
What kind of monster are you?
Or it this an attack on political, rather than social, adversaries? Are you alleging that somehow Democrats have conspired to imprison too few people in this country? It would be laughable if it were not such a profane misstatement of reality.
Here’s something that might be illuminating in this discussion….Duncan’s sister discussing their childhood of abuse, at the recent hearing in the Boise Federal Court from the Oregonian…
Wow, beatings and church everyday…sound like a total hippie leftist household *EYE ROLL*.
There’s more…
So what we have in this shell of a human, a predator without empathy or morals, created through horrific abuse as a child at the hands of daily church-going mother/monster. Duncan himself maintained a blog referring to the nails that (allegedly) pierced Jesus. In custody he rambles incoherently about religious matters.
This is a horror story about untreated mental illness begetting even more mental illness, ultimately culminating in recurrent horrific violence under a veneer of religiosity.
We can of course count on the puddibigot to use it in his own incoherent rage against the people he hates and fears.
Creepy, creepy parallels. Just a matter of degree?
Read it and weep. Puddibigot.
Deathfrogg, I just read that homeschool article – terrifying.
I had to chuckle about the speech and debate thing though…training these ‘programmed’ kids to think on their feet – and then there’s no holding them back!
This was excellent…
I’ve always felt indebted to the Jesuits of the Catholicism that I’ve abandoned. I remember my parish priest, as I was just leaving grade school for a Jesuit high school, tell me, “Don’t lose your faith with those Jesuits!”
Well, that’s exactly what happened! Teach someone critical thinking skills, analysis, debate, philosophy, comparative religion – all part of the curriculum – and it’s can become very difficult to keep them in line.
These homeschool tyrants – fearful, patriarchal, domineering, hating of the outside world – the world away from the tribe – embracing loony YEC and anti-evolution fairy tales – binding their girls feet, figuratively, or putting them in social/intellectual burkhas – their raising either rebels – the ones with gumption and an opportunity – or perpetuators of the abuse.
the puddibigot really does evince all these things – and see where that gets you…hate and fear and ignorance.
schmucko-lunatic… just a worthless human being… What did Roger write above you idiot? Roger wants this slimeball executed! Yet schmucko-lunatic writes to further DuncanIII commentary
Yes, Puddy hates adults who kill children. Puddy hates adults who abuse children. Apparently schmucko-lunatic does not hate adults who kill children hate adults who abuse children. My my my, this is very telling about schmucko-lunatic. Remember schmucko-lunatic’s cheering of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? That too was very telling. In fact schmucko-lunatic has a warm special place in his heart!
Naturally skipped over by schmucko-lunatic… Sounds just like a feminazi libtard type. Of course schmucko-lunatic can’t focus on men hating wimens. Too many of them live on the DUMMOCRETIN reservation!
puddibigot statement #1:
puddibigot statement #2:
Didn’t your Jesus command you to love your neighbor?
Didn’t your Jesus challenge you to take the plank out of your own eye?
Didn’t your Jesus challenge bloodthirsty vengeance by inviting those without sin to cast the first stone?
I don’t think your bragging about who you hate comports well with the sanctimonious religiosity you wear on your sleeve. Wait….I take that back, I suppose it does.
Are you asserting that I have to agree with Roger all the time? Well, I don’t.
You assert his opinion as if it’s a rebuttal to my indictment of you for vicious hatred – and I didn’t mean of the serial killer, but of gman, and ‘dummocretins’ and all the other people you direct your white-hot (but impotent) rage toward.
Well, it’s not – your post is, once again, a misdirected, poorly thought-out, poorly argued, sputtering spittle-flecked yawp of rage.
You are a rage-filled, hate-filled gasbag with a tenuous grasp of the English language and an obvious inability to form a coherent progression of thoughts.
No, I cheered the ideal of the American judicial system, the one in which he is innocent until proven – in a court of law, by a prosecutor – guilty.
I also decried – this is where I branded you ‘puddibigot’ for the first time, I believe – your bloodthirsty cackling about torturing that child – and yes, in many ways 19-year-olds are children. It was especially heinous on your part because of the transparent MOOSLUM-hate that fueled your demands for torture.
Revert to form, puddibigot. You make my points for me every damn time.
No, Duncan’s mother was not a feminist. Nor a Nazi, most likely. Very unlikely a liberal, either. All your spinning trying to attach the stigma of a sick and deranged woman to your hated enemies only serves to illustrate what a nasty piece of work you are, and a third-rate mind.
You’ve chosen to completely avoid my analysis of Duncan….
…go on, have a shot at it. Prove it wrong, show us, in detail, how this, on the contrary, is a morality play that supports the violent prejudices you display on this blog every damn day.
Not when the “neighbor” continues to perform heinous sinful acts.
You truly don’t understand the Bible. Puddy can see you think of works first instead of God’s Son first.
Stoooooooooooooopid and we’re laughing again at schmucko-lunatic!
Of course schmucko-lunatic knows this for a fact. schmucko-lunatic is never wrong!
We’re cracking up ROTFLRHOBO
No but 100% of the time Roger makes more sense that you do. This is priceless too…
Proves beyond the shadow of doubt libtards don’t read and process other libtard commentary. schmucko-lunatic… for months gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman would post his hetero hate spiels. Puddy remembers schmucko-lunatic, well you are a lunatic!
Puddy turns the tables on gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman and you enter stooooooooooooooooooooopid mode… wait a minute… you are continually in stooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid mode!
Nuff said sucka!
As always… It really sux to be you!
What’s next… Penguins?
Man you crack us up schmucko-lunatic… Puddy is always arguing with fools! DUMMOCRETIN Fools!
What’s next… Penguins?
This is all you got schmucko-lunatic… No facts just attack Puddy.
Good to see Puddy lives free in your mind!
You want to talk about penguins?? OK….
So, puddibigot, how did Noah get the Emperor Penguins from Antarctica, to Mesopotamia for the Ark cruise, and then back again?
Were there velociraptors, too, on the Ark?
So, you get to pick and choose which of your Jesus’s admonitions you get to follow?
I don’t remember any caveats to the “Love your neighbor” command.
Could you point to the words of Jesus which support this particular loophole you’re claiming?
Regarding Jesus shaming the would-be stone-throwers, with “He who is sinless…”, where is the hierarchy which allows you to decide to throw stones? That is, you seem to believe you can hate, and call for the execution of someone who has committed heinous wrongs – how wrong does the act have to be to allow you to be absolved of the ‘sinless’ designation before you can start casting stones?
Or is it just that it’s easier to break the rules when the sinner is really really hard to love?
That’s the point, isn’t it? Duncan is a child of God, worthy of our compassion and love, despite his grave moral wrongs. Shouldn’t we be more concerned with loving him and bringing him back to God, rather than calling for his execution? Isn’t that the Christian thing to do? Isn’t that the love that Jesus commanded all his followers to practice?
How do you call yourself a Christian, puddibigot, when you engage in such relentless, recurrent, bloodthirsty vengeance-lust?
This thread is just another example in a long line of them in which the puddibigot says outrageous, offensive stuff and runs away in shame when called on it.