– Lee may have more to say on this piece on WestNET, but it really solidified in my mind the difference between the Trib’s terrible editorials and their solid reporting.
– I’m still not fond of Sully.
– The War on Christmas is still going on? Bring the elves home, I say.
– On Facebook, Occupy Seattle made note of this comment.
– Cowardly Rob McKenna.
– Well that settles it, I’m not keeping a beehive in my house.
– I’ve joined Twitter, thus officially draining it of any cool it had left. Feel free to not follow me, as you’ve been doing.
In regards to The News Tribune, it’s not so much a case of their solid reporting as it is their solid reporter, Sean Robinson. The man is good.
Still no perp walk for Jon Corzine. Wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for that one. That the justice system in America goes easy on the wealthy is well documented including here:
But hey, why should we expect Corzine, Eric Holder, and Jamie Dimon, to follow the rules of society? They’re all baby boomers and we all know that the boomers are far to special for the rules to apply to them.
In Mali and other poor African countries, young children doing backbreaking physical labor in primitive gold mines are paid with bags of dirt.
Twelve percent of the world’s gold comes from mines like these; so, if you own gold jewelry, chances are pretty high that some of the gold in it was produced by exploited child labor.
Jill Stein for president!
OK, probably not, but is anyone really champing (no, it’s not chomping) at the bit for four more years of Obama?
Meanwhile, banks continue to look for ways to mine gold from their customers’ pockets. Consumer protection agency? What consumer protection agency? The banksters are going to take money from you no matter what the gummint does to rein them in.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Personally, I think banks that can’t earn an honest dollar should go bellyup just like other businesses.
Things are so bad in Middle America that next year we’ll have to choose between a Wall Street lackey and a Republican.
# 3: Hey, I resemble that remark! (at least as far as being a baby boomer is concerned).
But I’m also example of a well-educated and hard-working baby-boomer who doesn’t have family or other connections with the rich and powerful. That means I’m just a wage slave like everyone else.
The inflation-adjusted median income in the U.S. has dropped 7% from its peak in 1999, “reversing a fairly steady increase that lasted for five decades from 1950, according to Census Bureau figures,” MSNBC reports.
But what’s even worse is that the decline in ordinary Americans’ living standards has not only continued during the pseudo-recovery following the Great Recession — but has actually accelerated.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The rich are doing fine, thank you very much. Not because they work harder (they don’t), but because they have gotten their hands on the levers of political and economic power, and used it to transmit wealth earned by the working and middle classes into their own pockets. Getting rich in America is no longer about inventing new products, making better products, or providing better service — none of those things are happening — but about manipulating the system to take from others. That’s the kind of zero-sum game that kept pre-modern China mired in a zero-growth economy for two thousand years.
I just want to get some order and accountability in play before the Millennials get ahold of the reins and march boomers and 13th’s (mislabeled X) off to the gulags. They are going to kick our butts for what we’ve done.
Despite election manipulation and voting fraud in the gangster society known as Russia, the ruling thug managed to lose 77 of his seats in the parliament. Looks like ordinary Russians aren’t too happy with their government, either.
All those hard-working rich people, who “pulled themselves up by their bootstraps”? It seems that about 70% of the children of the wealthy get their first job out of college by going to work for the same company where daddy is the CEO or major stockholder. And for some reason, they seem to survive every series of layoffs and cost-cutting at the companies, or are given promotions to other similar companies right before everything goes to hell in a handbasket.
These are the same folks that claim they are smarter and harder-working than the rest of us, and that’s why they have all that money. They also claim that if we let them pay no taxes and even subsidize their businesses, and kiss their rear ends every day, they “might” consider using a small portion of their wealth to let us work for it at ever-lower wages and benefits.
It’s taking me quite a while to come to this point, but I say screw ’em. Take your money out of 401(k)’s and invest in companies which actually produce things in American and where executive compensation is reasonable. Take your money out of large banks and put it in credit unions. It’s time to starve the system which feeds this idiotic situation, to the point where it can be drowned in a bathtub.
“A chance encounter with Vice President Dick Cheney at a shopping center in Colorado allowed Steven Howards to express his disgust with the Iraq war and touch Cheney on the shoulder. It also led to Howards’ arrest by Secret Service agents.”
The Obama administration is arguing to the Supreme Court that Howards shouldn’t be allowed to sue the Secret Service because “officers responsible for the protecting the president and vice president have to make quick decisions about potential threats and often work in politically charged environments,” and “these agents should not err always on the side of caution because they fear being sued.”
Howards says, “I’d prefer if the Justice Department would simply acknowledge that it’s not OK to arrest people simply for disagreeing with government policies.”
Howards claims he was arrested in retaliation for exercising his free speech rights. Here’s what happened:
“He … saw Cheney emerge from a grocery store and begin talking to people and shaking hands at an outdoor shopping center. Howards … came to the attention of Cheney’s security detail when [an agent] heard him say into his cell phone that he was going to ask Cheney ‘how many kids he killed today.’ … Howards waited to meet the vice president. When it was his turn, Howards told Cheney his ‘policies in Iraq are disgusting,’ according to court papers. Then, as he departed, Howards touched Cheney’s right shoulder with his open hand. Agents who witnessed the contact did not think it was serious enough to justify an arrest.”
But Howards was arrested anyway because one agent “became ‘visibly angry’ when Howards again expressed his views about the war.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What an ingrate! This guy should be glad he lives in America, where you only get thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and dragged off to a police station for telling a warmonger that war is evil. In other fascist societies, he would have been killed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Rose
It bothers me, though, that the Obama administration is defending this arrest. What ever happened to “hope and change”? I mean, what has changed? Gitmo is still in operation, people are still being held without trial, and the government still defends the arrest and detention of citizens merely for expressing dissenting opinions. Doesn’t anybody in this country defend our constitutional rights anymore?
I think it was yesterday that I heard the U.W. was going to play Baylor in the “whatever” bowl.
So I found this comment in today’s paper rather telling:
Sideline Chatter
@6 Eureka! I’ve got it! Here’s your Republican nominee:
I wonder who the running mate will be?
@9 Well, just buckle down and enjoy your wage slavery before it turns into labor camp slavery.
@11 “invest in companies which actually produce things in American and where executive compensation is reasonable”
Where are you gonna find one of those? And if you do find one, in short order it’ll be taken over by a hedge fund in a leveraged buyout, stripped of assets, and put into bankruptcy.
@13 In an era when illiterates are awarded master’s degrees, what’s wrong with 7-5 teams playing in bowl games? It’s all about broadcast fees and ad revenue, anyway. Playing the game has nothing to do with it anymore. College athletes are paid professionals like everyone else.
Wouldn’t the same thing start to happen here, if we privatize public education?
The article on Westnet reads as if there should be a criminal investigation into the filing of fraudulent paperwork in order to get grant money from the State of Washington and the Feds.
In the article about “Digging for gold, children work in harsh conditions, paid with bags of dirt” it’s fascinating about how many of the comments that discuss republican and newt’s comments about child labor in America are hidden by “the community”. There sure are a lot of people who want to suppress talking about it.
Repubs up to their dirty tricks?
# 18: Yep, that would be the result, eventually. My brother-in-law takes annual missions trips to Africa, they have been involved in building a school for AIDS orphans there. Virtually all the schools in Africa either require private tuition or, if public schools, require the parents to pay for books and uniforms which few can afford to pay. If they can’t buy the uniforms and books, they can’t attend.
Which works out rather well for the wealthy oligarchs who would rather make sure that the peasants are illiterate and totally dependent upon them for the dollar a day or so they pay them to perform dangerous work.
Our President just called out the hypocritical Republican assholes in the House and Senate over the Payroll Tax Cut.
This was a successful strategy for the President in his campaign for election…the “rope-a-dope” strategy.
There is now no way the Republicans and their (so-called) Candidates can hide Presidential from the American People the FACT that in a time of unprecidented economic hardship for millions upon milions of working class Americans, the Republican Party at the Congressional, State and Municipal level care ONLY about the welfare of the very, very wealthy.
Bad news for Republicans?…the American People are getting wise, even through the corporate owned mainstream media right wing propaganda organs.
‘Bout time.
When’s this dumb fuck going to get all OUTRAGED about the lack of Mortgage Fraud prosecutions?
Where’s the OUTRAGE about Wall Street?
I’ll bet this idiot can’t name ONE example of flagrant “grant fraud”.
Grant fraud? Seriously?????
# 20: Newt likes to complain that child-labor laws are the problem preventing inner-city kids from getting jobs or learning a work-ethic. He mentions (correctly) that growing up on welfare in single-family homes doesn’t allow teenagers to have working adults as role-models.
But what he doesn’t mention is that his proposal to have kids under age 16 work in school doesn’t provide those role models, either. And what he also fails to mention (intentionally) is that it is the failure of thirty years of Republican economics that have so reduced job opportunities in the U.S. to the point where adults have to take multiple shifts of jobs previously performed by teenagers in order to avoid going on welfare.
In our society, every turn of the economy impacts different economic segments quite differently. The ultra-wealthy tend to make money regardless of whether the economy is up or down. The upper-middle class and neuvo rich do very well in a good economy, and find themselves in a pinch in a bad economy due to relying upon leveraged financing to fund their high lifestyles. The middle (working) class gets hit hard in a downturn due to layoffs, and uses the good economic years to try to get back to where they were before the last bad cycle hit. The poor, the inner-city minorities get hit the worst, with unemployment in the 205 to 25% range, sometimes worse for teenagers and young adults.
Taking well-paying Union janitorial jobs away from them, and giving them to 15-year olds for nominal pay, isn’t going to solve any of that.
Speaking of the Newt, what has really impressed me about him is how he has managed to hold onto wife #3.
@23 Don’t you realize the American System works like this?
If you steal a loaf of bread because your children are hungry you’re a thief.
If you steal the bread factory you’re a successful capitalist.
@24 The more things change, the more they stay the same.
# 25: I guess that’s why he has the big account at Tiffany’s.
Oh, scratch that, he cancelled that account after the uproar. Which either means that we can expect a lot less compliant Mrs. Gingrich, or he simply walked across the street and opened up another account at Neiman-Marcus, probably using a fake name (with the jeweler’s consent) just in case anybody checks.
I imagine the following conversation between Newt and Mrs. Gingrich (the current one):
“Okay, I’ll suffer quietly as the ‘candidates wife’, but just until this campaign is over. After that, you are going to owe me BIG time, and I’m talking about rocks which would make Gibralter envious!”
“Oh, and don’t expect me to spend too much time in that ugly white house in D.C.! I want cruises, trips to exotic destinations. I want to starte with George W. Bush’s vacation schedule, and then multiply by five! Oh, and don’t expect me to be doing any charity work during those trips – I expect everyone to be waiting on ME, not the other way around!”
That’s so sad rhp6033. When our church builds those schools around the world, we take up worldwide sacrificial offerings to supplement the costs for the locals to send their children. We strive to keep costs as low as possible so the local parents can send their children to our schools. You can read all about it in Councils on Stewardship or Education or other books by Ellen White.
Butt of course Stupid Solution Steve and rujax will make some moronic crass comment about something they haven’t experienced or actually know about!
Never mind.
Ruger’s publicly traded. Stock up on Mini-14’s.
Once again rujax is delusional.
The LIBTARDO MSM has been attacking Republicans and conservatives forever you idiot. Apparently the NY Times and WaPost are not Kos so they seem conservative. Their gaggle of leftist commentators who are way past the bleachers in left field are still not progressive enough for this moron!
@30. I’m sure your schools do good things for most of the students.
However, do the schools cherry pick the kids who go to your schools?
Do they have to join your religion for the privilege of getting an education?
For Example
What do you take from that?
Poor widdle puddywuddyduddypussy and his make-believe world where EVERY body is out to get him and his little clownservative buddies.
Didn’t work for that asswipe you were ALL FOR!!!…that Herman Cain-wreck the poor widdle puddywuddyduddypussy loved so much.
There is NO LIBERAL MEDIA. Got that? There’s Rachel and Ed and O’Donnell…but if there was a way the suits could get rid of THEM they would.
The poor widdle puddywuddyduddypussy is a stupid litle one-trick-pony.
Oh well…now we’ll have Newt to kick around.
If “the suits” got rid of them, they wouldn’t have people they could point to and say “see, it’s the liberal media attacking everything that’s good in America.” The leas thing “the suits” want to do is get rid of the handful of liberals on TV.
What’s taught in those schools I wonder. Is it this:
Of course THIS won’t bother that smug fucking scab prick, the emperor max-minidick aka kaiser bun the first, will it?
# 30: Of course, the charity my brother-in-law supports doesn’t charge the students or their parents anything to attend. It’s all supported by contributions, with considerable assistance from the labor and expertise of people like him who make regular visits to the schools to work. The students live at the school, because they don’t have anyplace else to go – most of them are orphans, their parents died from AIDS. Obviously, they couldn’t pay for uniforms or textbooks since they have absolutely no means with which to do so.
Of course, these are religious schools, supported by a church mission fund, so the students attend services regularly and are expected to comport themselves accordingly. This is something that a public school could not do, given that students here in the U.S. have a First Amendment right to worship or not worship as they please.
Those are just misguided youth…
What a fucking cad.
Cain-wreck indeed.
Newt’s got to worry the Republican powers-that-be.
He was always useful to them as an attack dog, one that could be put down if he caused too much trouble (like they did when they kicked him out as Speaker of the House in the late 1990’s). But now that he’s back as a front-runner, then they have to worry. He’s about as safe as a cannon ball rolling loose on the deck of a ship in the middle of a hurricane.
And, of course, he’s got a few scores to settle this time around, for the way he was treated over ten years ago.
Reporting on their corruption, yes..
By the way, Herman Caine’s campaign was doing fine as long as he was relatively unkown. He wasn’t even unduly affected by his idiotic 999 plan. And his gaffes were just blamed on the “liberal media”.
What finanally undid him was that he asked the Repulican voters to stand by him and support his claims of innocence with respect to the sexual harrassment claims, only to have subsequent “bimbo eruptions” show that he was a liar.
But then, Gingrich is a liar, too. He voiced outrage at the prospect of an “immoral” President Clinton being allowed to remain in the White House, while he secretly was having an affair with an intern who ultimately became his third wife. Now Gingrich simply refuses to address these character issues, claiming that he was a different person then (in his 50’s) than he is in his 60’s.
So, if Herman Cain’s sexual problems disqualified him from the Republican nomination, then why don’t Newt’s?
Or is it okay in the Republican Party to have a black man running for President, as long as he doesn’t have sexual relations with white women?
DOJ Scrutinize Photo ID Laws
The Department of Justice is taking a close look at recent GOP-enacted voting suppression laws. Although SCOTUS ruled in 2008 that states could adopt photo ID laws, it left the door open to challenge voting laws that are racially discriminatory. The ACLU says it’s bringing such suits.
Meanwhile, data compiled by political scientists suggests that voting suppression laws may be backfiring on Republicans — the data show turnout, which is widely assumed to favor Democrats, actually increasing in states where GOP-controlled legislatures have instituted voting suppression measures.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe GOPers’ disenfranchisement efforts have pissed people off enough that they’re making extra efforts to vote? Serves ’em right.
Obama Calls GOPers ‘Hypocrites’
“The president assailed the GOP, … accusing them of reneging on a pledge to not raise taxes by voting against a Democratic proposal that would cut extend the tax cut in 2012 ….
“‘Now, some Republicans who have pushed back against the idea of extending this payroll tax cut have said you’ve got to pay for this tax cut. I’d just like to point out they haven’t always felt that way,’ Obama said. ‘Over the last decade, they didn’t feel the need to pay for massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans … Indeed, when the Republicans took over the House at the beginning of this year, they explicitly changed the rules to say that tax cuts don’t have to be paid for. So forgive me a little bit of confusion when I hear folks insisting on tax cuts being paid for.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s nice to see President Cave-In get a little more aggressive with those two-faced Republican hypocrites! You can almost feel the election coming closer, can’t you?
@44 You know the wingnuts are aware of their pedo problems by the way they created a site with a handful of Dem pedos from the 19th and 20th Centuries – and then claim that Dems have a much bigger pedo problem than wingut freakazoids. Such horseshit.
Those Republicans still in the House from the Gingrich day remember him, and not too fondly.
Gingrich was the one who pushed for an independent prosecutor to go after Speaker Wright’s job, opening the path for Gingrich to become speaker himself. Then Gingrich proceeded to engage in exacty the same kind of unethical conduct which Wright was engaged in – entering into publishing deals which were thinly-disguised ruses to allow him to receive large unreported contributions.
Even when Gingrich was ultimately punished for his ethical failings (being stripped of his House positions), he tried to evade the rules and put the Republican House leadership into an embarrassing situation when a call between Newt and the leadership was intercepted and published.
In short, he went from being the most unpopular member of the House, to becoming Speaker, to becoming an anathma to both parties before he saw the invevitable and declared that he would not run for re-election.
Now he wants you to believe that somehow he’s a new man. I doubt the Republican leadership believes that.
Newt has been running for the Presidency since the 1970’s. He divorced his first wife because he thought she was looking too old and wouldn’t fit into Washington power circles. He divorced his second wife when she made it clear that she wasn’t about to take on the role of First Lady. Now he’s on his third wife, who presumably will play along with his ambition – at least as long as she can continue to live a life of expensive jewerly and Greek cruises without interruption.
Congrats to Chicago Cub Ron Santo for finally making the baseball Hall of Fame, almost one year to the day since he passed away. From a fellow Franklin High grad, well done, Ron.
I think Newt misspoke, shouldn’t that read “He called Trump “a genuine American asshat.”
Poor Poor Stupid Solution Steve,
I delivered 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 examples in the Friday Night Funnies thread of DUMMOCRAPT pedophilia. I guess the FACTS exploded his libtardo mind sooooo badly Stupid Solution Steve had to reboot to back to 2005.
Christian schools have standards. You have a problem with that? Must be!
Donald Trumps milking the publicity for all he can get. This morning he called Huntsman a “joke candidate” and made fun of him being a Mormon. He said Republicans should reject Karl Rove (who thought Trump sponsoring the debate would be a circus). He said he hasn’t ruled out running as an independent.
Yea, Donald, why don’t you go with that. Just in case the Republican’s chances of winning next November couldn’t get any slimmer, why don’t you run as an independent to siphon off a few more votes from them? After all, it worked so well for the Green party in 2000….
Huntsman who’s actually ran a state and did it well enough to get re-elected and have people on both sides of the political fence like him is a joke?
Come to think of it, I think if Romney DOES manage to become the nominee, then Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, Newt Gingrich, and Cain should ALL have independent campaigns! They can then divide their 30% of the total vote between them!
From the anal-retentive Republicon dictionary of synonyms:
Reform = Destruction
re 53: “Christian schools have standards.”
Standard #1 — You must pay the tuition up front.
Standard #2 — You must have the ability to wholeheartedly believe nonsense.
@53 Wealth has it’s privileges. You can call it standards but you get to pick and choose whom you deam worthy and can withhold your largess from whomever you choose.
Don’t follow our religion? Out.
Have two dads? Out!
In a wheelchair? Out.
From an interracial marriage? Out.
Strongly Autistic? Out.
For example, if you were in charge back then, would you have withheld schooling from Steve, as some who wouldn’t have come up to your standards?
From the polling, it seems that likely Republican voters are acting like $20 hookers, jumping from one candidate’s car to another as soon as they’ve finished their business with them.
But is it possible that these swings in percentages actually reflect a drop-off in the number of likely Republican voters? As each candidate crashes and burns, might their supporters decide to drop out, rather than just switching allegiances? That might explain how someone like Gingrich could see their percentages jump so much – Gingrich’s support might be a larger percentage of a smaller sample – kind of like the big fish in a small pond.
Maybe some of you who know polling better than I do can tell whether it really works this way.
Oh my! What will the science hating crowd think of Newt now???
@ 58: My wife, who went to a Christian high school and college, said there were three types of students there.
The first type of students were there because the genuingly wanted to be in a church school, and expected to become active in church leadership or even pastors upon graduation from college or seminary.
The second type were “PK’s” – Preachers Kids. They were stereotyped (perhaps unfairly in individual cases) as those who grew up with special priviledges in the church, knew how to go through the motions of piousness, but were big partiers as soon as they got out of sight of the school grounds. Her college had a special discounted rate for children of clergy, which probably made sense because most of their parents didn’t earn much as clergy of a small church.
The third type was a situation of wealthy parents and unruly children. The parents sent them to a church school in the hopes it would “straighten them out”. It didn’t. But they paid the bills rather well, which allowed for the discount given to the children of clergy.
I won’t hazard a guess as to percentages.
# 55: Trump thinks everyone other than himself and those who kiss his rear end are “jokes”. He only takes himself seriously. That’s why the joke is on him.
Oh, and Trump is still trying to resurrect the “birther” claims, demanding that President Obama should produce the medical records showing his mother was in the hospital when he was born.
Trump is very astute on how to become a billionaire. You start by inheriting 100 million.
Poor asshat troll:
Just be a lemming asshat and vote for whoever Dori wants.
Dori Monson has dreams of becoming Donald Trump. He figures he just needs a few hundred thousand more listeners that he can peddle his nonsense to, and he has a start.
Which makes Dori an idiot who wants to be just like a bigger idiot.
And then you start business after business where you pocket all the revenue, don’t pay any of you bills, and then let that business declare bankruptcy.
This is just too much fun. And I really hope the SPD thinks ahead enough to post someone out back when they raid crack houses.
After watching all the Occupy stuff, one of the things that really stands out to me is how poorly trained most US cops are.
Dori Monson: exploring new frontiers of stupid daily..
@69: We really need a Dori Monson thread. What a tool.
Lickspittle (you know who you are, bud): The Washington Post has an ongoing full throated agenda to destroy Social Security (take Robert Samuelson, please). They wholeheartedly supported Bush’s wars in the Middle East. To them, Israel can do no wrong. They are bootlickers, especially Fred Hiatt…..just like you.
You’re in good company, bub. Very Serious People they are.
@52 STFU, you sorry freak.
@52 STFU, you sorry freak, and meditate on this.
Hundreds of Republicans perverts. Just like you. All of them busted. And you’re probably next. You can take your perversions, lies and hate and shove that foul shit up your ass. If you don’t like it, asswipe, then fucking do something about it besides incessant fucking whining. Bitch.
There’s that damned liberal media again!!
‘Cause ‘Frisco loves Glenn Beck so much! Yeah, that’s the free market at work right there [Snigger].
@ 23. Rujax! spews:
19. Evergreen Libertarian spews:
The article on Westnet reads as if there should be a criminal investigation into the filing of fraudulent paperwork in order to get grant money from the State of Washington and the Feds.
12/05/2011 at 10:23 am
When’s this dumb fuck going to get all OUTRAGED about the lack of Mortgage Fraud prosecutions?
Where’s the OUTRAGE about Wall Street?
I’ll bet this idiot can’t name ONE example of flagrant “grant fraud”.
Grant fraud? Seriously?????
Since I have written seriously about the fraud on Wall Street and the corruption in the mortgage banking industry I’ll ignore your comment and simply consider the source.
Clear Channel Replaces San Fran’s Only Liberal AM Station With Glenn Beck
Damn straight! Ownership has it’s perks. It’s like puddy’s schools. It’s their radio station and their air waves and their school and they have the privilege and the god given right to choose to associate with and broadcast what they want to. That and the invisible free hand of the market.
Get used to it. This is your economic kings in action and you are serfs. It’s not going to get any better.
The Daily Show just plagiarized Goldy. They had that British guy on with a piece about the California initiative process, and then said that they should come up with an initiative stating Representative XXX is an asshole. Just thought you’d like to know. I’m sure it will be up on their web site later tonight. :)
It’s a little known fact that everything good in America started out on HA.
Yeah, this probably isn’t good and thus didn’t get its start here.
Michelle Bachmann:
“My mommy — Miss Bachmann, my mommy’s gay but she doesn’t need fixing,” Elijah said to Bachmann, after some lighthearted coaxing. A dumbfounded Bachmann then shoots the boy’s mother an icy look before the pair walk away.
Brian O’Neill is both wrong and a prick.
TNT reporter Sean Robinson writes; “The Smith case is one of 120 submitted to Kitsap and Pierce county prosecutors in 2007 by WestNET. Of that number, 93 led to convictions.
– 18 cases were declined without a felony charge.
– Seven were dismissed.
– One went to trial and ended with a not-guilty verdict.
– One is still open (a suspected/charged heroin dealer who jumped bail).
Success rate: 77 percent.
That year, records show WestNET claimed a 100 percent prosecution success rate in its reports to the state. The forms included a space for unsuccessful prosecutions. None was reported.”
It seems to me that they were claiming a success rate that was not true. Off hand I’d say that looks to be fraud. No different than if a school district claimed a graduation rate higher than what was really happening in order to get more money from another agency.
Hey Seattle I got your tunnel right here.
I think a light just went on in my head.
According to TNT cop blogger Brian O’Neill that’s just lacking context!
It’s fraud, plain and simple.
Ummm douchebag,
Well here is a perfect example of your people in action rujax! BTW moronic one ShoreNewsToday is from libtardo land in NJ. ObamAA+ won 57%.
So again for the 45th time info from actual polling even the brain addled dumb mofo rujax can understand.
For example…
Whatadumb mofo!
Ohhh my Stoooopid Solution Steve, your head did reboot to 2005.
Let’s see…
One entry described how a DUMMOCRAPT big money bundler did over 24 underaged girls and only got 1 year house arrest with lots of privileges.
Ohhh my Stoooopid Solution Steve, your head did reboot to 2005.
Let’s see…
Another got off ridiculously
He received what for pleading guilty to extensive c h i l d pornography offenses involving producing kiddie porn with children as young as six? 10 months! 44 weeks! 305 days! When ya know DUMMOCRAPTS in high places you get off…
Ohhh my Stoooopid Solution Steve, your head did reboot to 2005.
Let’s see…
Racine Mayor busted himself with c h i l d porn on puter. Then tried to pick up a 14 year old. Yep thems Stooooopid Solution Steve’s Heroes!
All these in the last 5 years. You claimed it was in 19th and 20th centuries. LIAR!
Too bad the reboot didn’t take all the way. Some of the old flaky subroutines are still operating as poor as ever.
Fool @ 89
You fucked up!
Teh stoopid, i.e. YOU is now on file..
the puddywuddyduddypussy is really a stupid bitch, isn’t he?
Hundreds of Republican pervs – busted.
The loon follows the lead of that wingnut site. They come up with a handful of Dems, most from the last millinium, and then they lie and say that Dems have a much larger perv problem than Republicans. They lie because there isn’t a small handful of Republican pervs who have been busted, but hundreds.
That’s the difference between progressives and America-hating wingnuts. They lie, we don’t. Wingnuts lie because truth is not on their side. And now we have the self-loating loon lying his ass off, all in an attempt to avoid the truth – that he and his fellow wingnut travelers are all a bunch of pedo pervs.
That he lies repeatedly in this thread about the sorry state of wingnuts acting out their perversions in some fucked up attempt to deflect that horrible truth is the big reveal. He’s not covering for wingnut pedos with his lies, he’s covering for himself.
I don’t tolerate his kind. If I catch that bastard loon messing with a kid, I’ll deal with him myself. That’ll be the end of it.
Pathetic, and tiresome. One wonders why he does it.
I would so welcome a puddy that posted with intelligence and insight.
Instead we get:
-Local paper in NJ call out media for liberal bias
-NJ went for Obama
-Therefore, liberal bias must be true.
It is so logically weak, I would be embarrassed if my 10th grader wrote a paper like that. It’s more flawed than the Underpants Gnome’s business plan.
If you follow P-Dud’s first link @86, you get to this editorial screed, from some local Jersay paper, about how the liberal media hates conservative Democrats. We see that of course every day, in Joe Lieberman’s inability to get news coverage, or Ben Nelson never being interviewed or quoted. Indeed, all I can find in the corporate media are interviews of and articles by Noam Chomsky and Ralph Nader.
One wonders why P-Dud posts what he posts. Hey, ‘Dud, do you post anywhere where the regulars actually share your views? Do you have any sort of political community that supports you? Why don’t you go there and all be clueless together?
Speaking of “libtardo land in NJ” and wingnut pedos and pervs, here’s the latest wingnut perv to be busted, the wingnut mayor of Medford,
This isn’t from the last millinium. This is today’s fucking news. You can add this bastard to the list of hundreds of hypocritical wingnut pervs to be busted in the last ten years.
Wingnut sez muppets brain-wash America’s children to hate corporations and Big Oil,
Sigh! Wingnuts.
@94. Sounds like a classic republican.
This thread’s getting old, so I may have to post this again on a new thread today.
Finally, the federal government has issued it’s report on Massey Energy’s Big Branch Mine disaster, where 29 miners died in April, 2010. The report lists hundreds of safety violations, including 29 which directly contributed to the deaths of the minors, a disaster which investigators called “entirely preventable”.
The report goes on to describe the corporate culture which emphasized production over safety. When miners at one mine stopped work to remedy a safety problem, the supervisor insisted they get back to work immediately or he would fire all of them on the spot. In another instance, the a supervisor who interrupted production for two hours to address a safety issue was suspended by the company.
In the meantime, Massey Energy’s CEO, Don Blankenship, showered millions of dollars in campaign financing to local Republican politicians and judges who promised to keep a hands-off attitude towards Massey Energy and it’s mines. He advocated mountaintop removal, and never missed an opportunity to blame the EPA and the Mine Safety Administration for “preventing job creation” in West Virginia. He even had the cajones to argue that Massey Energy cared more about worker safety than the regulators, and that they should just leave such issues to the company to handle:
” As someone who has overseen the mining of more coal than anyone else in the history of central Appalachia, I know that the safety and health of coal miners is my most important job. I don’t need Washington politicians to tell me that, and neither do you. But I also know — I also know Washington and state politicians have no idea how to improve miner safety. The very idea that they care more about coal miner safety than we do is as silly as global warming”.
The 10.8 million settlement with the government, which includes compensation to the minor’s families, won’t be paid by Massey directly. After Massey Energy became a lighting-rod for political action for it’s abuses of the election process and flagrant disregard of safety rules, it was sold to Alpha Natural Resources, which entered into the settlement with the government. Blankenship himself retired as CEO at the end of 2010. The merger had been unsuccessfully fought by some shareholders who claimed that Massey managers had arranged the sale to insulate them personally from lawsuits and criminal charges related to the April 2010 disaster, and to ensure that they secured management jobs with the purchaser.
Report on W.Va. mine explosion details violations
Massey Shareholders Approve Merger
Massey Energy
Don Blankenship
Lots of interesting news today. It takes a while to deconstruct wingnut Republican perfidity, but it’s worth it in the long haul.
1. The government issues a report detailing Massey Energy’s conspiracy to violate safety regulations contributing to the death of 29 miners. Massey Energy’s CEO was a big contributor to Republican campaigns, especially in his native West Virginia. (See post above).
2. BP accuses – wait for it – Halliburton, Dick Cheney’s old outfit and a massive recipient of government no-bid contracts during the Iraq war and post-Katrina, of destruction of documents relating to the explosion and oil spill in the Gulf a year and a half ago.
3. In Maryland, Paul Schurick, a political aid to former Rep. Gov. Robert Ehrlich, was convicted of trying to supress turnout of black voters through use of an election-day 2010 robo-call which purported to be from the Democratic candidate and President Obama, telling voters in predomoninately black precincts to the effect that the election had already been won by the Democrats, so there was no need for them to vote and they could go ahead and begin celebrating.
Typical Republican tool caving to the fossil fuels industry.
Sorry Darryl??
I thought it was “darwhyle”
You’re getting soft asshat.
What’s really sad is that John McCain is now the only adult in the room when Republicans gather to talk about – well, whatever Republicans talk about.
We’ve got this quote from him:
John McCain: ‘Democrats Are Winning’ Debate Over Tax Cuts
Of course, McCain is still a Republican, and he’s not advocating a significant change in Republican position – other than suggesting that perhaps they should be negotiating with the Democrats. Instead, he sees it as a “message” problem. If only they could more clearly get their message out that it’s okay to cut taxes on the rich, screw the middle class, and do it in such a way that they think it’s a grand idea!
That’s disappointing. Somehow, I doubt acting like Mittens will double his standings in the polls to 4%.
The Republicans have never done anything but kick the people of West Virginia in the head. And yet, my relatives in West Virginia never fail to vote for the Republican’s. Why? “Because those Democrats, and miners they’re “Ford People” and we’re better than that. We’re “Chevy people.” Those people get what they got coming to them.”
I don’t go back and visit much.
Ummm moron… Nope.
I know you check on where I go. I am all over the world while yo silly ASS is planted in South Seattle. I know the general vicinity of where you are BITCH, but I could care less.
I own you BITCH. I borrowed this system cuz I need to use it for the bidness I do. I don’t own it BITCH!
You stooooooooopid moron!
I am in your head 24×7! You are my beta!
Moron, maybe I helped install some of their systems? Toooooooo stooooooopid all the time!
You know where I travel cuz you be checking all the time. I own your silly ASS. I am in your head 24×7.
Lib Headcase…
Ohhhh dumbASS, the area where the paper is from WENT BIG TIME for ObamAA+. The paper slants libtardo.
Just like you are here?
You are just too lazy to figger it out.
WRONG!!! and by not a few miles. How gullible are you? I’ve said where I live here and there.
Have fun with your Seoul brothers…
Funny you using an apple product to paste right wing bullshit..
You claimed I OWNED it above. That’s stalking attack #19. Still stalking Puddy. I OWN YOUR SILLY ASS 24X7.
Get your silly story straight. Wait… you have no story. Never did. Never will.
How does it feel knowing you are stuck in South Seattle crying about class warfare and will probably never have the opportunity to see and experience the world?
How does it feel being a loon, owned 24×7? Must feel damn good!
You keep attacking so it must feel glorious!
See ya sucka. Got work to do!
Keep being less than mediocre. You do that so well!
108 – Making up shit as always..
Caught you red-handed using an apple product – don’t you know everything you do is recorded by that hippie Jobs’ company which is part and parcel of the “libtardo-msm-conspiracy”???
Your silly taunts have no effect on me stupid.. No more effect than they had on Goldy way back in April 2005..
Don’t live in South Seattle.. Oh some moron here doesn’t think I do either…
Don’t scrape Soundpolitics.. Google works just fine for that miserable sinkhole..
Don’t have stuff you hallucinated in my database..
Damn you’re an insane idiot…
Stay away longer next time..
And the same right wing idiot you were in 2005.
I feel sad for the world that it has been burdened with your insufferable ASS…
Oh well gotta take the bad with the good..
Holy shit! A tv show inspired by #2!
I own your silly ASS 24×7! Sucks to be you…
Nope… Again you wer caught with your pants around your ankles. Why is that with your useless stalk #19…? I said I don’t OWN Apple products. And… Apple MACs don’t phone home moron! Their phones and tablets do! Just like your wireless payload commentary.. ignant on technology. I used multiple Unix variants in my business as needed. I use a MAC in my business as needed. So it has nothing to using Apple products! I DON’T OWN THEM ya MORON! I borrow them as needed.
So tell us when I was in North Carolina ya moron? Go on it’s all cached on your home computer. Nice place that area.
I have skillz to pay de billz. You have what?
Crickets chirp…
So clueless as your old “For the Clueless” HNMMT. You should go back because as always you are preaching to the choir… “the clueless” like yourself.
Sheeeeesh… this one is a loon.
Keep pissing the wind. You enjoy wetting yourself.
And how petulant you are ylb. Stuck in South Seattle, going no where all the time screen scraping HA and SP.
Wait for it… Pavlov calls a dumb response today from ylb, as dumb as those just read!
112 – ZzzzzzZzzz.. Why don’t you use a Dell? Mike Dell’s a Bushie…
Instead you use a rich hippie former LSD user’s product that track’s your “movements”…
Well… It’s clear now.. You just wanna be a socialist fool.. UW, Group Health, HA, DL’s, now apple…, too bad you’re stuck in south lake stevens.. One of these days you’ll get to Seattle and your life will be fulfilled…
Until then… Gotta get the lefties’ attention by pasting right wing bullshit.. Like a little boy in row with the other little boys waving his hand wanting to be picked for the team..
Wow weird life is for you!
Oh by the way, I’ve left hints here and there where I live…
Use teh google… Keep searching…