Hey look – we haven’t been enlightened yet by any boring shit from Boob yet.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
I didn’t read the article – I could care less if Trump’s plane crashed. So I’m not sure if this would hold true if he were actual President.
But just imagine your closest and best ally not letting you into their Country, because your are banned. Truly amazing, and it doesn’t even bother the Teahadis, they’ll turn to Russia as their newest friend.
Ima Duncespews:
It seems the Mexican drug cartels are giving up on marijuana. The price has dropped so much since we can get it here, they aren’t that interested. Good grief. When the ship of state is headed for an iceberg, it’s damn near impossible to turn it around. But it can be done. Do we really need to keep repeating the same mistakes at such a high cost before we see the danger? Chicago is a perfect example. It’s police are addicted to prohibition and it’s streets continue to be a shooting gallery, for almost one hundred years! They didn’t learn the first time or are they all so fucking corrupt? We know the answer. It’s both.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Here is an email I sent to a friend after he blamed what happen on Baltimore (and in essence all cities with impoverished people) on Democratic (or liberal) policies. Can we surmise that the African Continent is made up of all Liberals, based on how mostly poor the Continent is? Funny how they want to look at Democrats failing the greatness of this Country when they don’t want to acknowledge a problem like Global Warming. Bunch of moronic people they are.
“S, I had to do this to you. Sorry. You probably don’t have time to read these but it should be quick to read. Don’t let time be an excuse not to read. But Republican Gov. in Michigan apologizes today due to the lead poisoning of the Flint Water supply.
You have to know some of the the background. Michigan Republicans recently expanded legislation about 4 years ago that further gives the State more control to take over local governments that were failing, or gives the local governments less control of being part of the solutions. It didn’t matter who the people elected in those local governments, they were pushed aside and the only thing the elected official could do as far as being part of running their communities was to approve meeting minutes. Public property could be sold and public land given away to developers, etc. based on what the State felt was right.
So, as a decision to save money in Flint, Republican Governor appointed official decided to change the water supply from Detroit supply to a local river, untreated water, that reacted with the pipes, and caused lead poisoning. People complained about dirty water, and smelly water, and bad tasting water for many months and they were basically told to shut up and that it was safe.
But apparently it wasn’t safe. A terrible decision based on trying to save money.
The thing is that if you read one of the articles I link here, the Gov. apologizes but in the last quote he mentions that many communities have aging pipes – he actually had the nerve to blame it on the aging infrastructure, when it was the river water that created the problem – doesn’t sound like an apology to me.
So you want to look at Democrats as incapable of setting policy or making good decisions that wouldn’t have created “Baltimore’s Uprising”. But apparently Republicans don’t always make sound decisions, especially when the decision is based on saving money or not spending money because….well I won’t say why or because. Kind of like Global Warming – seems like some Republicans believe of climate change but just don’t want to say that it is an issue, and now it seems like some are saying “well even if it exists what can you do about it, it would cost too much money”. Doesn’t sound like a good reason to bury ones head in the sand and pretend it isn’t an issue.
So, you may have taken what I said wrong, or maybe I expressed it wrong in the heat of discussion or the hurry of our discussion, but what I was saying or meant to say is that Republicans aren’t always making the right decisions. And what is actually worse? People burning their own community down out of expression of being upset or just acting like plain uncivilized animals (a few that caused the riots, some were peaceful protesters) or a decision that poisons American Citizens. Not sure of all the facts on lead poisoning, but I don’t think it is reversible, or a non public health problem that would reek havoc on an economy if it were a problem of a much greater scale. I guess you can always build back a community (it actually puts people to work – not suggesting that we burn neighborhoods down to create work, but think of a hurricane or tornado, it creates jobs. Or you can just kill off all the people by accidentally poisoning them or letting the environment go uninhabitable.
Try not to focus on the source of the websites I linked to – I don’t really ever read Aljazeera. I merely did a Google search and linked to the first article that I found and read. And even though it is Aljazeera, I think it is pretty reliable information, and if you feel otherwise you are always welcome to do your own investigation into learning more about this issue….or maybe you’ll just send me stuff to read on Baltimore?
And I’ll go out on a limb and say that, hey, maybe a Democrat Governor could have made the same error, but maybe you shouldn’t deny it for many months and pretend that it didn’t exist, and then half-ass apologize for it or claim that you don’t make mistakes and only the other people make mistakes.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.). I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s an NRA member and votes Republican, too. After all, this is Texass.
Hey, don’t get me wrong, just because I’m against religious bigotry doesn’t mean I’m in love with Muslim culture or want to live in Indonesia. Personally, I think some of their social customs suck. But then, so do some of ours.
Of course no HA DUMMOCRETIN idiot will learn anything!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Look, we all know about Bill’s slimy personal morals in nauseating detail. What’s your point? The White House has never, in our country’s 239-year history, been a monastery. So why worry about that now? Moreover, the fact Americans habitually elect people like Bill Clinton (sexual predator) and George W. Bush (crack smoking moron) to the presidency should give you and your ilk hope: If they can get elected, so can someone like Trump, Cruz, Carson, Rubio, or Fiorina. The fact we, as a nation, expect nothing from our presidents and are willing to put people of low character and intelligence in that office works in Republicans’ favor. You’re complaining about that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I question whether some of this country’s voters deserve a president as good as Barack Obama. The problem is the rest of us don’t deserve Republican presidents.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@7 what’s there to learn about Bill Clinton’s sordid sexual history? Maybe there are other more important issues we should be dealing with? Like why were those Egyptian pyramids built for grain silos? Are the Chinese invading Russia and Syria?
Let’s not waste our time with less important issues, like Global Warming.
Benghazi, Benghazzzzzzi, Benghazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiii come back! Gowdy fucked that one up big time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Under the old entrepreneurial model capitalists bought factories, equipment, materials, and hired workers to produce goods in return for shitty wages and no benefits. Then unions got the workers good wages and benefits. Under the new entrepreneurial model capitalists merely download apps on their computers and make the workers buy their own cars, pay their own gas, and provide their labor to produce services in return for no wages and no benefits. Now a smart and energetic labor lawyer is getting Uber drivers their due, including the tips Uber stole from them. Thank God for unions and lawyers!
@12 The GOP candidates will go to any lengths to avoid discussing issues that concern real people.
@11 lawyer sounds like a fighter. Good for her.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ TtD:
he actually had the nerve to blame it on the aging infrastructure, when it was the river water that created the problem – doesn’t sound like an apology to me.
It’s not.
The decision was made by the Governor’s office to change the water source, in spite of the fact that they knew, full well that that particular water source was certified completely unpotable and too polluted to be used for anything except industrial uses back in the late 1970s, and was shut off as a resource for the area in the late 1960s due to huge amounts of toxic metals contamination from the GM plant.
They knew full well what they were doing. The real question is, why?
“Wow, a level headed libtard”
The loon agrees with what the “level headed” liberal has to say about things…
“Donald Trump has crossed an uncrossable line of bigotry”
“Ted Cruz is more dangerous than Donald Trump”
“Republicans deserve some blame for the Planned Parenthood shooting”
Heh. So why are Republicans who once supported Karson are now supporting Kruz???
A little kult-averse perhaps?
A little “white privilege” maybe?
Is anyone surprised by this?
“Conservative pundit Ann Coulter says Ryan, just seven weeks on the job, is ripe for a primary challenge.
Angry over Ryan’s support of the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, conservatives are lashing out at him and accusing him of being a Muslim, pointed at Ryan’s beard as evidence.” http://www.addictinginfo.org/2.....lim-video/
“Laura Ingraham denounced the spending package as an “omni-bust” and said Ryan should be “regarded as a declared enemy of the Base.” Mark Levin said Ryan is “already a disaster” and criticized the funding package for increasing the number of visas for foreign workers.” http://thehill.com/homenews/ho.....ls-on-ryan
Conservatives: Never compromise for any reason. It’s our way or we will destroy you.
@20 Ryan? Isn’t he the guy they begged to take the Speaker job no one wanted because of them?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
@7 Look, we all know about Bill’s slimy personal morals in nauseating detail. What’s your point?
– Heilary’s war on wimens and she was complicit in Bill’s war on wimens bodies.
The White House has never, in our country’s 239-year history, been a monastery. So why worry about that now?
– Did those women-hating atrocities happen in the whitey house Roger senile? Non sequitur!
Moreover, the fact Americans habitually elect people like Bill Clinton (sexual predator) and George W. Bush (crack smoking moron)
– Clinton lost his law license by lying under oath! All DUMMOCRETINS have is hearsay on the Bush crack use.
The fact we, as a nation, expect nothing from our presidents and are willing to put people of low character and intelligence
– Yeah, you all gave us Obummer who is vindictive and hid his colege and law school grades!
You’re complaining about that?
– Complaining about the DUMMOCRETIN love of Heilary and how she enabled the philanderer from Hope!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Oh klueless krazed databaze kretin (KKK), Cosby discussed how black men are fathering children they run from. Apparently the klueless krazed databaze kretin (KKK) agrees with black children being brought up in fatherless homes!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Sure is amazing how HA DUMMOCRETINS are NOT using Dr Hades hard working script!
Puddy thought all that hard work was to hide Puddy entries.
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 So you would prefer the system where we actually vote for an elector who is free to vote for two candidates one which must be a citizen of another state for the President?
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Well Puddy has a point here. The real problem is that Hillary is married to Bill Clinton. That little impeachment thing is bound to come up. It also speaks to her character. Unfortunately for the Democratic party this issue has been swept under the table. You maybe completely correct in your assessment of the American voter Roger Rabbit not giving a shit. What will they think when the Republican candidate brings this stuff up. Bill is out having fun so what kind of fun are you out there having Hiliary. The closet lesbian or bi sexual is going to come back out. Will there be a Barbara WAWA moment with Bill. Will Hillary do the political expedient thing of divorcing Bill. That is going to be a question on some peoples minds. Your old man got a blow job in the oval office and you are still married to him? I haven’t heard a coherent response to this yet, and ignoring it will loose her the white house if she gets the nomination. Now if the truth is Bill got his lovers and I got mine is the truth maybe she should go with that. We aren’t in the days of FDR and RFK when that kind of thing could be kept out of the public eye.
Mark Adamsspews:
@14 It’s a politician thing. Best to kiss the babies, and chat about the weather. And sometimes candidates of both parties get away with it.
Unless it helps him stay off heroin, why is he living in such a place, away from help?
I don’t need a shell script to ignore you. Most of the time I just scroll right over your comments without occasionally reading much more than just the first sentence or two.
Most times you’re just not even worth more than the effort it takes to roll my eyes.
Distant Replayspews:
Can you really blame them?
They’ve been promised this would all change once they had both houses. Then they were promised it would all change once they unseated Boehner.
Instead, two dozen members got their offices redecorated and a bump in staff. All the time, money, and pure bullshit to take over Congress for what? Career advancement for a different handful of greedy cynical tin siding salesman. Republicans same as it ever was.
@20 and @31. I am worried how the fringe will snap when they finally get fed up with being lied to. I cannot see a scenario where they come to their senses and vote for democrats. I see them voting for trump or the next dictator or getting violent. Am I wrong?
This is an interesting historical perspective
The Return of the 1920s
America is again caught between nationalists longing for the glories of an imagined past, and activists invoking ideals the nation has never yet attained. http://www.theatlantic.com/pol.....0s/422163/
“Second, the divide between Protestants and Catholics that marked the America of the 1920s has been replaced by a cleavage between the very religiously observant and those less religiously observant or non-religious.
The relentless opposition of the Republicans in Congress to any policy associated with President Obama, “increasingly resembles a sit down strike by non-urban white America.””
Teabagged to Deathspews:
I know there are campaign finance laws….but I have the feeling that some of these Presidential Candidates (Republicans) are running just to get their hands on money.
It was reported that Ben Cursman raised 23 Million in the 4th quarter for his campaign….what happens if they don’t spend it all? Who gets what is left over? Who watches how the money is laundered during the campaign?
Running for President is just a gimmick Republicans use to get their hands on money. Remember the Witch? And the Bitch of Minnesota? Nothing more than a greedy money game. It is the biggest kept secret between politicians and advertisers and people that work on the campaigns and media who rolls out all the commercials – it’s nothing more than Capitalism (Redistribution of money).
Distant Replayspews:
For Trump supporters and Glen Beck worshiping Teabagers there already is a scenario wherein “they come to their senses”. Many of them are finally recognizing that establishment Republicans have been lying to them for decades. This spells disaster for establishment Republican candidates like Eric Cantor and Jeb.
But it is an opportunity for Democrats, particularly in Blue States. As the Republican party’s base pushes them into the fringe, members like Dave Reichert are imperiled. Gerrymandering and vote suppression can only do so much. Whatever impulses may have existed after 2012 to expand the appeal of the Republican party are lost forever. The party and it’s influence will decline nationally and in Blue States. That’s good news.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 ?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fwiw @36 is my world-record shortest HA post ever, so this is some kind of historic moment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 What can one say here except “holy shit”? But I’ll give it a go.
“Well Puddy has a point here.”
No, he doesn’t.
“The real problem is that Hillary is married to Bill Clinton.”
No, it isn’t. In this country, legally competent adults have an absolute and unassailable right to be married to anyone they choose. And who on earth has a perfect spouse? Such people don’t exist anywhere.
“That little impeachment thing is bound to come up.”
Yes, Republicans will say and do anything to distract their blue-collar base from thinking about real issues and the fact that voting GOP is voting against themselves.
“It also speaks to her character.”
Yes, it does. The fact this woman puts up with Bill’s behavior marks her as a person of immense character strength who puts keeping her family intact above her own dignity and personal interests.
“Unfortunately for the Democratic party this issue has been swept under the table.”
If you think this issue has been “swept under the table” you’ve been asleep under a rock for the past quarter century.
“You maybe completely correct in your assessment of the American voter Roger Rabbit not giving a shit. What will they think when the Republican candidate brings this stuff up.”
Republican voters will think Hillary is Satan’s bridesmaid. Democratic voters will tune out the latest iteration of GOP noisemaking. (Visualize a kid banging away at a garbage can lid with a stick.)
“Bill is out having fun so what kind of fun are you out there having Hiliary. The closet lesbian or bi sexual is going to come back out.”
All the elements of contemporary Republican intellectualism are present in these two sentences: (1) Innuedo, (2) misspelling, (3) guilt by association, (4) sexual obsession, (5) hatred of gays, (6) dishonesty; and, last by not least, (7) these comments are totally irrelevant to any issues that American voters actually care about.
“Will Hillary do the political expedient thing of divorcing Bill.”
“That is going to be a question on some peoples minds.”
Perhaps the sexually-obsessed juveniles making up the GOP electoral base, but not on our side.
“Your old man got a blow job in the oval office and you are still married to him?”
Jesus would be proud of her power of forgiveness.
“I haven’t heard a coherent response to this yet”
The coherent, sensible, and adult response is that none of us are defined by who we’re married to. Sometimes morally strong people marry morally weak people, and stick with them through thick and thin; such is the power of love and family ties. More power to them!
“and ignoring it will loose her the white house if she gets the nomination.”
You’re delusional, and possibly on drugs, if you believe there’s any “if” about whether she gets the nomination; and you’re also indulging in vast wishful thinking if you believe she’ll lose the November election, even if the Republicans come to their senses and don’t help her win, although so far there’s no sign of that happening.
Good going, Mark. You’ve established yourself as a troll moron on a par with the other troll morons who populate these comment threads. Welcome to the club! We can always use more stupid trolls around here. The old ones are getting threadbare.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 No, it’s a Republican thing. They avoid talking about issues because they’ll lose on the issues every time. They’re a party that serves the interests of 0.01% of the population, and the only way they can get elected is by distracting the mindless morons who vote for them. Kissing babies and discussing the weather are great distractions, especially if you can get people to confuse local weather with global climate change (see, e.g., Jim Inhofe’s snowball stunt), but apparently not enough by themselves because Republicans also find it necessary to peddle racism and anti-gay, anti-Muslim, and anti-immigrant bigotry in order to pry enough votes loose from the party offering a rational alternative to rightwing screeching, and even then they lose a lot of elections. There are only so many unthinking and gullible voters, and unfortunately for the GOP the tinfoil hat crowd isn’t a majority.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 You’ve answered your own question. They’ve snapped, and Trump is the result. If they succeed in nominating him, and the GOP then is engulfed by an electoral tsunami, you’re going to see a gigantic mass nervous breakdown.
you’re going to see a gigantic mass nervous breakdown.
It’s happening here at HA. The babbling jackass troll spewed a couple of inanities about Kosby and let alone the “white privilege” that is ALL OVER the miserable party it can’t EVER break the eleventh commandment over.
Spoke volumes. The two synapses left between the troll’s ears are on the verge of busting open. Once they’re gone it’s off to join St. Ronzo at Death Valley Days.
It don’t matter jackass. Your beloved Karson grifted millions from those fools just like legions of other sky daddy hustlers before it.
Distant Replayspews:
Heh. Sky daddy hustlers. I like that. Very well put.
@42 Heh. The babbling jackass should take notice of the “white privilege” in my gravatar.
LMAO!!! The richest batshit insane klownservatic in the krackpot kongress cutting off the mike of a black man! A rich jerk who cried like a baby when his one million dollars couldn’t buy the Governorship of CA from a washed up, philandering bodybuilder and action flick actor who couldn’t even pronounce California. A jerk whose fecklessness was enabled by every troll that’s ever haunted these threads.
Take notice babbling jackass: that’s one of YOURS “shutting up” its political enemy. That’s one of YOURS exercising its “white privilege”..
stop whiningspews:
I think Hillbilly’s biggest obstacles are Benghazi and the email server scandal. She should have gotten all this out 6 months ago. Instead it is dribbling out. Not to her advantage.
Americans will hold her accountable for her actions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Even if they believe all the falsehoods about Hillary that Republicans have manufactured, Americans will not put Donald Trump or Ted Cruz in the White House.
Mark Adamsspews:
@36 You know that thing the Constitution and Article II and how George Washington was unanimously elected by the electors. And then later Amendment XII. During the early years of the Republic electors were elected and they could vote for anyone with some restrictions. Then states got more involved but technically an elector can cast their vote for a candidate for President and one for Vice President one which cannot be from his or her state. Gee all the electors from Washington state could vote for Pete Carroll for President or Vice President according to the Constitution. (Fans of many other NFL would like that.)State law may say otherwise but Constitutionally the electors could.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 You don’t need to explain the Constitution to me; I know how the electoral college works. Rather, you need to brush up on your grammar so you can write a coherent sentence.
Mark Adamsspews:
@38 It ain’t the Roger Rabbit voter or the true blue Democrat vote. Now when you speak to some progressive Democrats you will find some folks who are not particularly fond of Bill Clinton. They will vote for Hillary and try to keep her feet to the fire, but I doubt they entirely trust her.
This is an election and about how to get elected. Donald “Evel” Trump is doing some interesting things, and we will see if his are right or wrong for this upcoming election here real soon.
He is to some degree right it’s not about the issues. There are elements of the Prom King and Queen in our elections.
IF you want to talk issues what is Bill Clinton role going to be as First ummmm Gent? Is he going to stay at the White House and bake cookies, and encourage Americans to eat right and exercise? Or is he gong to jaunt around as a junior Secretary of State? Or be Hilliary’s Chief of Staff? Officially or Unofficially? Maybe Bill should be her running mate. These are not just questions for the opposing candidates, but issues our fourth estate should be bringing up whether they are friendly or opposed to Hillary.
American’s do have a double standard. It arguable still ok for male politicians to be philanderers. I don’t think it’s the same standard for women. We are a bit hokey on the subject as in most of Europe it’s almost expected for the Prime Minister to have a mistress. (And Maggie Thatcher could have had any number of boy toys if she had chosen to do so.)
So do the Clintons have umm an arrangement between them. That they have an open marriage? Is the American voter sophisticated enough for that. The Republican candidate can and should bring up such issues as any Democratic candidates should in order to have a frank and open discussion, but that is not happening and not likely to happen. It’s not going to be a pretty election and there is some shit out there can stick to Hillary.
Bill Clinton tried the third way or tried to out Republican the Republican on some issues, and that hurt the Democratic brand and continues to hurt the Democrats. Is Hilliary going to do the kind of tricks by trying to be more Republican than the Republican’s. Is she going to wag the dog as well or will be prefer to wag a pit bull to show she is more masculine than a man in the office of President. Remember the Falkland war? It made the Iron Lady, and there were some accusations at the time of her having to be tougher and more manly than had a man been Prime Minister. Will Hilliary push the big red button and go nuclear because she’s got more testosterone than Donald the Evel Trump?
Hey look – we haven’t been enlightened yet by any boring shit from Boob yet.
I didn’t read the article – I could care less if Trump’s plane crashed. So I’m not sure if this would hold true if he were actual President.
But just imagine your closest and best ally not letting you into their Country, because your are banned. Truly amazing, and it doesn’t even bother the Teahadis, they’ll turn to Russia as their newest friend.
It seems the Mexican drug cartels are giving up on marijuana. The price has dropped so much since we can get it here, they aren’t that interested. Good grief. When the ship of state is headed for an iceberg, it’s damn near impossible to turn it around. But it can be done. Do we really need to keep repeating the same mistakes at such a high cost before we see the danger? Chicago is a perfect example. It’s police are addicted to prohibition and it’s streets continue to be a shooting gallery, for almost one hundred years! They didn’t learn the first time or are they all so fucking corrupt? We know the answer. It’s both.
Here is an email I sent to a friend after he blamed what happen on Baltimore (and in essence all cities with impoverished people) on Democratic (or liberal) policies. Can we surmise that the African Continent is made up of all Liberals, based on how mostly poor the Continent is? Funny how they want to look at Democrats failing the greatness of this Country when they don’t want to acknowledge a problem like Global Warming. Bunch of moronic people they are.
“S, I had to do this to you. Sorry. You probably don’t have time to read these but it should be quick to read. Don’t let time be an excuse not to read. But Republican Gov. in Michigan apologizes today due to the lead poisoning of the Flint Water supply.
You have to know some of the the background. Michigan Republicans recently expanded legislation about 4 years ago that further gives the State more control to take over local governments that were failing, or gives the local governments less control of being part of the solutions. It didn’t matter who the people elected in those local governments, they were pushed aside and the only thing the elected official could do as far as being part of running their communities was to approve meeting minutes. Public property could be sold and public land given away to developers, etc. based on what the State felt was right.
So, as a decision to save money in Flint, Republican Governor appointed official decided to change the water supply from Detroit supply to a local river, untreated water, that reacted with the pipes, and caused lead poisoning. People complained about dirty water, and smelly water, and bad tasting water for many months and they were basically told to shut up and that it was safe.
But apparently it wasn’t safe. A terrible decision based on trying to save money.
The thing is that if you read one of the articles I link here, the Gov. apologizes but in the last quote he mentions that many communities have aging pipes – he actually had the nerve to blame it on the aging infrastructure, when it was the river water that created the problem – doesn’t sound like an apology to me.
So you want to look at Democrats as incapable of setting policy or making good decisions that wouldn’t have created “Baltimore’s Uprising”. But apparently Republicans don’t always make sound decisions, especially when the decision is based on saving money or not spending money because….well I won’t say why or because. Kind of like Global Warming – seems like some Republicans believe of climate change but just don’t want to say that it is an issue, and now it seems like some are saying “well even if it exists what can you do about it, it would cost too much money”. Doesn’t sound like a good reason to bury ones head in the sand and pretend it isn’t an issue.
So, you may have taken what I said wrong, or maybe I expressed it wrong in the heat of discussion or the hurry of our discussion, but what I was saying or meant to say is that Republicans aren’t always making the right decisions. And what is actually worse? People burning their own community down out of expression of being upset or just acting like plain uncivilized animals (a few that caused the riots, some were peaceful protesters) or a decision that poisons American Citizens. Not sure of all the facts on lead poisoning, but I don’t think it is reversible, or a non public health problem that would reek havoc on an economy if it were a problem of a much greater scale. I guess you can always build back a community (it actually puts people to work – not suggesting that we burn neighborhoods down to create work, but think of a hurricane or tornado, it creates jobs. Or you can just kill off all the people by accidentally poisoning them or letting the environment go uninhabitable.
Try not to focus on the source of the websites I linked to – I don’t really ever read Aljazeera. I merely did a Google search and linked to the first article that I found and read. And even though it is Aljazeera, I think it is pretty reliable information, and if you feel otherwise you are always welcome to do your own investigation into learning more about this issue….or maybe you’ll just send me stuff to read on Baltimore?
And I’ll go out on a limb and say that, hey, maybe a Democrat Governor could have made the same error, but maybe you shouldn’t deny it for many months and pretend that it didn’t exist, and then half-ass apologize for it or claim that you don’t make mistakes and only the other people make mistakes.”
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.). I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s an NRA member and votes Republican, too. After all, this is Texass.
Hey, don’t get me wrong, just because I’m against religious bigotry doesn’t mean I’m in love with Muslim culture or want to live in Indonesia. Personally, I think some of their social customs suck. But then, so do some of ours.
Wow, a level headed libtard agreeing with Trump against Heilary! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-is-right-bill-clintons-sordid-sexual-history-is-fair-game/2015/12/28/70a26bdc-ad92-11e5-b711-1998289ffcea_story.html
Of course no HA DUMMOCRETIN idiot will learn anything!
@7 Look, we all know about Bill’s slimy personal morals in nauseating detail. What’s your point? The White House has never, in our country’s 239-year history, been a monastery. So why worry about that now? Moreover, the fact Americans habitually elect people like Bill Clinton (sexual predator) and George W. Bush (crack smoking moron) to the presidency should give you and your ilk hope: If they can get elected, so can someone like Trump, Cruz, Carson, Rubio, or Fiorina. The fact we, as a nation, expect nothing from our presidents and are willing to put people of low character and intelligence in that office works in Republicans’ favor. You’re complaining about that?
I question whether some of this country’s voters deserve a president as good as Barack Obama. The problem is the rest of us don’t deserve Republican presidents.
@7 what’s there to learn about Bill Clinton’s sordid sexual history? Maybe there are other more important issues we should be dealing with? Like why were those Egyptian pyramids built for grain silos? Are the Chinese invading Russia and Syria?
Let’s not waste our time with less important issues, like Global Warming.
Benghazi, Benghazzzzzzi, Benghazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiii come back! Gowdy fucked that one up big time!
Under the old entrepreneurial model capitalists bought factories, equipment, materials, and hired workers to produce goods in return for shitty wages and no benefits. Then unions got the workers good wages and benefits. Under the new entrepreneurial model capitalists merely download apps on their computers and make the workers buy their own cars, pay their own gas, and provide their labor to produce services in return for no wages and no benefits. Now a smart and energetic labor lawyer is getting Uber drivers their due, including the tips Uber stole from them. Thank God for unions and lawyers!
Yes – let’s focus on Bill Clinton’s sexcapades so we don’t have to talk about the people we pal around…..
you know child molesters (Fuckabee and Duggar Boy) and convicted cocaine dealer brother-in-laws.
What do you think? Are Boob and the Ape cooked?
@12 The GOP candidates will go to any lengths to avoid discussing issues that concern real people.
@11 lawyer sounds like a fighter. Good for her.
@ TtD:
he actually had the nerve to blame it on the aging infrastructure, when it was the river water that created the problem – doesn’t sound like an apology to me.
It’s not.
The decision was made by the Governor’s office to change the water source, in spite of the fact that they knew, full well that that particular water source was certified completely unpotable and too polluted to be used for anything except industrial uses back in the late 1970s, and was shut off as a resource for the area in the late 1960s due to huge amounts of toxic metals contamination from the GM plant.
They knew full well what they were doing. The real question is, why?
“Wow, a level headed libtard”
The loon agrees with what the “level headed” liberal has to say about things…
“Donald Trump has crossed an uncrossable line of bigotry”
“Ted Cruz is more dangerous than Donald Trump”
“Republicans deserve some blame for the Planned Parenthood shooting”
“The danger of ignoring religious bigotry”
“Carson’s real scandal is his ignorance”
Ooooh! That Kosby!
A shining example of a tool to which no higher praise can flow from our local village idiot, the babbling jackass troll:
KLOWNSERVATIC: lunatic klown servant/sicko-phant of the american GREED class!
“Carson’s real scandal is his ignorance”
Heh. So why are Republicans who once supported Karson are now supporting Kruz???
A little kult-averse perhaps?
A little “white privilege” maybe?
Is anyone surprised by this?
“Conservative pundit Ann Coulter says Ryan, just seven weeks on the job, is ripe for a primary challenge.
Angry over Ryan’s support of the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, conservatives are lashing out at him and accusing him of being a Muslim, pointed at Ryan’s beard as evidence.”
“Laura Ingraham denounced the spending package as an “omni-bust” and said Ryan should be “regarded as a declared enemy of the Base.” Mark Levin said Ryan is “already a disaster” and criticized the funding package for increasing the number of visas for foreign workers.”
Conservatives: Never compromise for any reason. It’s our way or we will destroy you.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat. pend.) …
@20 Ryan? Isn’t he the guy they begged to take the Speaker job no one wanted because of them?
@7 Look, we all know about Bill’s slimy personal morals in nauseating detail. What’s your point?
– Heilary’s war on wimens and she was complicit in Bill’s war on wimens bodies.
The White House has never, in our country’s 239-year history, been a monastery. So why worry about that now?
– Did those women-hating atrocities happen in the whitey house Roger senile? Non sequitur!
Moreover, the fact Americans habitually elect people like Bill Clinton (sexual predator) and George W. Bush (crack smoking moron)
– Clinton lost his law license by lying under oath! All DUMMOCRETINS have is hearsay on the Bush crack use.
The fact we, as a nation, expect nothing from our presidents and are willing to put people of low character and intelligence
– Yeah, you all gave us Obummer who is vindictive and hid his colege and law school grades!
You’re complaining about that?
– Complaining about the DUMMOCRETIN love of Heilary and how she enabled the philanderer from Hope!
Oh klueless krazed databaze kretin (KKK), Cosby discussed how black men are fathering children they run from. Apparently the klueless krazed databaze kretin (KKK) agrees with black children being brought up in fatherless homes!
Sure is amazing how HA DUMMOCRETINS are NOT using Dr Hades hard working script!
Puddy thought all that hard work was to hide Puddy entries.
@9 So you would prefer the system where we actually vote for an elector who is free to vote for two candidates one which must be a citizen of another state for the President?
@8 Well Puddy has a point here. The real problem is that Hillary is married to Bill Clinton. That little impeachment thing is bound to come up. It also speaks to her character. Unfortunately for the Democratic party this issue has been swept under the table. You maybe completely correct in your assessment of the American voter Roger Rabbit not giving a shit. What will they think when the Republican candidate brings this stuff up. Bill is out having fun so what kind of fun are you out there having Hiliary. The closet lesbian or bi sexual is going to come back out. Will there be a Barbara WAWA moment with Bill. Will Hillary do the political expedient thing of divorcing Bill. That is going to be a question on some peoples minds. Your old man got a blow job in the oval office and you are still married to him? I haven’t heard a coherent response to this yet, and ignoring it will loose her the white house if she gets the nomination. Now if the truth is Bill got his lovers and I got mine is the truth maybe she should go with that. We aren’t in the days of FDR and RFK when that kind of thing could be kept out of the public eye.
@14 It’s a politician thing. Best to kiss the babies, and chat about the weather. And sometimes candidates of both parties get away with it.
Unless it helps him stay off heroin, why is he living in such a place, away from help?
@ The Schizo @ 25
I don’t need a shell script to ignore you. Most of the time I just scroll right over your comments without occasionally reading much more than just the first sentence or two.
Most times you’re just not even worth more than the effort it takes to roll my eyes.
Can you really blame them?
They’ve been promised this would all change once they had both houses. Then they were promised it would all change once they unseated Boehner.
Instead, two dozen members got their offices redecorated and a bump in staff. All the time, money, and pure bullshit to take over Congress for what? Career advancement for a different handful of greedy cynical tin siding salesman. Republicans same as it ever was.
@20 and @31. I am worried how the fringe will snap when they finally get fed up with being lied to. I cannot see a scenario where they come to their senses and vote for democrats. I see them voting for trump or the next dictator or getting violent. Am I wrong?
This is an interesting historical perspective
The Return of the 1920s
America is again caught between nationalists longing for the glories of an imagined past, and activists invoking ideals the nation has never yet attained.
“Second, the divide between Protestants and Catholics that marked the America of the 1920s has been replaced by a cleavage between the very religiously observant and those less religiously observant or non-religious.
The relentless opposition of the Republicans in Congress to any policy associated with President Obama, “increasingly resembles a sit down strike by non-urban white America.””
I know there are campaign finance laws….but I have the feeling that some of these Presidential Candidates (Republicans) are running just to get their hands on money.
It was reported that Ben Cursman raised 23 Million in the 4th quarter for his campaign….what happens if they don’t spend it all? Who gets what is left over? Who watches how the money is laundered during the campaign?
Running for President is just a gimmick Republicans use to get their hands on money. Remember the Witch? And the Bitch of Minnesota? Nothing more than a greedy money game. It is the biggest kept secret between politicians and advertisers and people that work on the campaigns and media who rolls out all the commercials – it’s nothing more than Capitalism (Redistribution of money).
For Trump supporters and Glen Beck worshiping Teabagers there already is a scenario wherein “they come to their senses”. Many of them are finally recognizing that establishment Republicans have been lying to them for decades. This spells disaster for establishment Republican candidates like Eric Cantor and Jeb.
But it is an opportunity for Democrats, particularly in Blue States. As the Republican party’s base pushes them into the fringe, members like Dave Reichert are imperiled. Gerrymandering and vote suppression can only do so much. Whatever impulses may have existed after 2012 to expand the appeal of the Republican party are lost forever. The party and it’s influence will decline nationally and in Blue States. That’s good news.
@26 ?
Fwiw @36 is my world-record shortest HA post ever, so this is some kind of historic moment.
@27 What can one say here except “holy shit”? But I’ll give it a go.
“Well Puddy has a point here.”
No, he doesn’t.
“The real problem is that Hillary is married to Bill Clinton.”
No, it isn’t. In this country, legally competent adults have an absolute and unassailable right to be married to anyone they choose. And who on earth has a perfect spouse? Such people don’t exist anywhere.
“That little impeachment thing is bound to come up.”
Yes, Republicans will say and do anything to distract their blue-collar base from thinking about real issues and the fact that voting GOP is voting against themselves.
“It also speaks to her character.”
Yes, it does. The fact this woman puts up with Bill’s behavior marks her as a person of immense character strength who puts keeping her family intact above her own dignity and personal interests.
“Unfortunately for the Democratic party this issue has been swept under the table.”
If you think this issue has been “swept under the table” you’ve been asleep under a rock for the past quarter century.
“You maybe completely correct in your assessment of the American voter Roger Rabbit not giving a shit. What will they think when the Republican candidate brings this stuff up.”
Republican voters will think Hillary is Satan’s bridesmaid. Democratic voters will tune out the latest iteration of GOP noisemaking. (Visualize a kid banging away at a garbage can lid with a stick.)
“Bill is out having fun so what kind of fun are you out there having Hiliary. The closet lesbian or bi sexual is going to come back out.”
All the elements of contemporary Republican intellectualism are present in these two sentences: (1) Innuedo, (2) misspelling, (3) guilt by association, (4) sexual obsession, (5) hatred of gays, (6) dishonesty; and, last by not least, (7) these comments are totally irrelevant to any issues that American voters actually care about.
“Will Hillary do the political expedient thing of divorcing Bill.”
“That is going to be a question on some peoples minds.”
Perhaps the sexually-obsessed juveniles making up the GOP electoral base, but not on our side.
“Your old man got a blow job in the oval office and you are still married to him?”
Jesus would be proud of her power of forgiveness.
“I haven’t heard a coherent response to this yet”
The coherent, sensible, and adult response is that none of us are defined by who we’re married to. Sometimes morally strong people marry morally weak people, and stick with them through thick and thin; such is the power of love and family ties. More power to them!
“and ignoring it will loose her the white house if she gets the nomination.”
You’re delusional, and possibly on drugs, if you believe there’s any “if” about whether she gets the nomination; and you’re also indulging in vast wishful thinking if you believe she’ll lose the November election, even if the Republicans come to their senses and don’t help her win, although so far there’s no sign of that happening.
Good going, Mark. You’ve established yourself as a troll moron on a par with the other troll morons who populate these comment threads. Welcome to the club! We can always use more stupid trolls around here. The old ones are getting threadbare.
@28 No, it’s a Republican thing. They avoid talking about issues because they’ll lose on the issues every time. They’re a party that serves the interests of 0.01% of the population, and the only way they can get elected is by distracting the mindless morons who vote for them. Kissing babies and discussing the weather are great distractions, especially if you can get people to confuse local weather with global climate change (see, e.g., Jim Inhofe’s snowball stunt), but apparently not enough by themselves because Republicans also find it necessary to peddle racism and anti-gay, anti-Muslim, and anti-immigrant bigotry in order to pry enough votes loose from the party offering a rational alternative to rightwing screeching, and even then they lose a lot of elections. There are only so many unthinking and gullible voters, and unfortunately for the GOP the tinfoil hat crowd isn’t a majority.
@32 You’ve answered your own question. They’ve snapped, and Trump is the result. If they succeed in nominating him, and the GOP then is engulfed by an electoral tsunami, you’re going to see a gigantic mass nervous breakdown.
It’s happening here at HA. The babbling jackass troll spewed a couple of inanities about Kosby and let alone the “white privilege” that is ALL OVER the miserable party it can’t EVER break the eleventh commandment over.
Spoke volumes. The two synapses left between the troll’s ears are on the verge of busting open. Once they’re gone it’s off to join St. Ronzo at Death Valley Days.
It don’t matter jackass. Your beloved Karson grifted millions from those fools just like legions of other sky daddy hustlers before it.
Heh. Sky daddy hustlers. I like that. Very well put.
@42 Heh. The babbling jackass should take notice of the “white privilege” in my gravatar.
LMAO!!! The richest batshit insane klownservatic in the krackpot kongress cutting off the mike of a black man! A rich jerk who cried like a baby when his one million dollars couldn’t buy the Governorship of CA from a washed up, philandering bodybuilder and action flick actor who couldn’t even pronounce California. A jerk whose fecklessness was enabled by every troll that’s ever haunted these threads.
Take notice babbling jackass: that’s one of YOURS “shutting up” its political enemy. That’s one of YOURS exercising its “white privilege”..
I think Hillbilly’s biggest obstacles are Benghazi and the email server scandal. She should have gotten all this out 6 months ago. Instead it is dribbling out. Not to her advantage.
Americans will hold her accountable for her actions.
@44 Even if they believe all the falsehoods about Hillary that Republicans have manufactured, Americans will not put Donald Trump or Ted Cruz in the White House.
@36 You know that thing the Constitution and Article II and how George Washington was unanimously elected by the electors. And then later Amendment XII. During the early years of the Republic electors were elected and they could vote for anyone with some restrictions. Then states got more involved but technically an elector can cast their vote for a candidate for President and one for Vice President one which cannot be from his or her state. Gee all the electors from Washington state could vote for Pete Carroll for President or Vice President according to the Constitution. (Fans of many other NFL would like that.)State law may say otherwise but Constitutionally the electors could.
@46 You don’t need to explain the Constitution to me; I know how the electoral college works. Rather, you need to brush up on your grammar so you can write a coherent sentence.
@38 It ain’t the Roger Rabbit voter or the true blue Democrat vote. Now when you speak to some progressive Democrats you will find some folks who are not particularly fond of Bill Clinton. They will vote for Hillary and try to keep her feet to the fire, but I doubt they entirely trust her.
This is an election and about how to get elected. Donald “Evel” Trump is doing some interesting things, and we will see if his are right or wrong for this upcoming election here real soon.
He is to some degree right it’s not about the issues. There are elements of the Prom King and Queen in our elections.
IF you want to talk issues what is Bill Clinton role going to be as First ummmm Gent? Is he going to stay at the White House and bake cookies, and encourage Americans to eat right and exercise? Or is he gong to jaunt around as a junior Secretary of State? Or be Hilliary’s Chief of Staff? Officially or Unofficially? Maybe Bill should be her running mate. These are not just questions for the opposing candidates, but issues our fourth estate should be bringing up whether they are friendly or opposed to Hillary.
American’s do have a double standard. It arguable still ok for male politicians to be philanderers. I don’t think it’s the same standard for women. We are a bit hokey on the subject as in most of Europe it’s almost expected for the Prime Minister to have a mistress. (And Maggie Thatcher could have had any number of boy toys if she had chosen to do so.)
So do the Clintons have umm an arrangement between them. That they have an open marriage? Is the American voter sophisticated enough for that. The Republican candidate can and should bring up such issues as any Democratic candidates should in order to have a frank and open discussion, but that is not happening and not likely to happen. It’s not going to be a pretty election and there is some shit out there can stick to Hillary.
Bill Clinton tried the third way or tried to out Republican the Republican on some issues, and that hurt the Democratic brand and continues to hurt the Democrats. Is Hilliary going to do the kind of tricks by trying to be more Republican than the Republican’s. Is she going to wag the dog as well or will be prefer to wag a pit bull to show she is more masculine than a man in the office of President. Remember the Falkland war? It made the Iron Lady, and there were some accusations at the time of her having to be tougher and more manly than had a man been Prime Minister. Will Hilliary push the big red button and go nuclear because she’s got more testosterone than Donald the Evel Trump?
Well we voted in Warren Harding.