– Protections for free speech are awesome, but I don’t think they covers threatening to murder your estranged wife.
– It strikes me as strange that we didn’t know who would be the GOP leadership if they’d won the state Senate, but now we know.
– While I fully admit that I don’t understand all the technical issues, I would like quicker Internet in Seattle, pleez.
– As sad as the perpetual closing/almost closing of neat theaters in Seattle is, maybe it’s the market speaking?
Brian Williams marks 10 years as NBC Nightly News Anchor… Most of it spent kissing Obummer’s ASS! http://newsbusters.org/blogs/g.....ghtly-news
Looks like Obummer has found a yes man for SoD – Ashton B. Carter. Butt Obummer has another problem being a military hating libtard… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
PuddyCommentary: Obummer had to dig deep into the guvmint libtard notebook to find a yes man whom everyone knows will not be part of the inner circle of political West Wing cadre of military hating DUMMOCRETINS. Butt sometimes you must make the president look good even if he has not foreign gravitas!
@ 2
Not so fast, Puddy:
Rear Adm. John Kirby, the lead Pentagon spokesman, said Tuesday he could not confirm the multiple reports that former Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter would be President Obama’s nomination to be the next defense secretary.
Apparently the White House has not been able to satisfy itself that persistent rumors that Ashton Carter may possess a spine are false.
From the Department of Now It Can Be Told:
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Economist Paul Krugman isn’t buying the idea that inequality hinders economic performance. The way Krugman sees it, inequality might be just a necessary evil.
In a short, two paragraph, opinion for The New York Times Tuesday, Krugman said he is a skeptic when it comes to the “inequality-is-bad-for-performance” proposition. The left-leaning Nobel Prize-winning economist mentioned this isn’t a unyielding stance he holds, but that he simply questions some of the evidence available and how much economists really know about the opposite.
Also in the piece, Yellen pretty much has her Greenspan imitation down pat:
“However, to the extent that opportunity itself is enhanced by access to economic resources, inequality of outcomes can exacerbate inequality of opportunity, thereby perpetuating a trend of increasing inequality.”
I’m not entirely sure, but that might mean that people who are given money, and then proceed to blow it, might not deserve to be given more.
Hey King County libtards… Remember how King County reacted when the sheriff department goons shot a man in bed? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSo37wpKaNI
Don’t shoot I am in bed!
Carter is deeply respected inside the defense establishment, and has a long track record serving in a number of Pentagon jobs, but he is not likely to bring significant change to the Pentagon. Nearly one dozen Pentagon officials CNN has spoken to say they doubt this White House really wants a secretary of defense who will offer significant new ideas.
Because the current ideas are working out ever so well for them, amirite?
“We the oppressed people need to kill this white cop.”
Kirkland’s a suburb of Seattle?
“Because the current ideas are working out ever so well for them, amirite?”
Indeed, Bob, you are so right. If only President Obama would invade the wrong country, fail to go after those who actually attacked us on 9/11 and strut around in a codpiece, preening like a fucking idiot. You miss those days dearly, amirite?
“the inner circle of political West Wing cadre of military hating DUMMOCRETINS”
And you love our military so much that you sent them to die in a foreign land, invading the wrong fucking country. Smooth move, Puddy. That’s the way to love the troops, alright.
So when are you and Bob gonna ever get around to apologizing for that little fuckup of yours? Oh, and did you ever find the $8,000,000,000 you lost on a pallet in Iraq?
Secretary Rumsfeld — the only member of W’s original cabinet with military experience, and that dated to the 1950s — had very clear ideas on how to change our military. Those ideas were very, very bad, and after Democrats were elected to lead both Houses in 2006, Rumsfeld’s long-overdue sacking was swift and final.
Meanwhile, no one who will be appointed to that role would ever dare question why we need troops in dozens of countries, why we need to spend about as much on our military as does the entire rest of the world combined. You can sleep easy on that.
@ 9
Oh, and did you ever find the $8,000,000,000 you lost on a pallet in Iraq?
Why, yes, yes we did, Steve. Apparently we traded it to get Beau Bergdahl back. We also got a jihadi to be named later in the deal – he’s still being groomed in the farm system getting his PhD in PoliSci at Columbia. /snark
‘”Why, yes, yes we did, Steve.”
In other words, you never found the $8,000,000,000 of our money you lost, not to mention the over $1,000,000,000,000 and 5,000 American lives you wasted invading the wrong fucking country.
I can see why you hate talking about the $8,000,000,000 you lost. After all, that’s more than 15 times the amount of money you’ve incessantly whined about going to Solyndra.
Here is something interesting… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
This was buried in the WaPo on page A-5 while Elizabeth Lauten was on A-1 front page. This story barely broke 275 words. Lauten’s story broke 1150 words. Hmmm…? So what can one learn from this reportage in the slobbering leftard DUMMOCRETIN msm? Apparently, not all congressional staffer scandals are created equal.
He used Ambien to spike their drinks. Then prosecutors gave this guy a suspended sentence? WHAT?
Just remember, NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit likes his scumbags like this guy better!
Staten Island Grand Jury will not indict the police officer who chokehold killed Eric Garner. http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2031841
Oh no. White cop kills black guy. What will HA DUMMOCRETINS do now since NYC is a libtard location?
Puddy was elected president of the united states? Puddy was POTUS? Really? When did this happen?
Just like you killed all those Seal Team Six members on that helicopter after Joe BiteME bragged ST-6 killed Osama!
Ahhh yes Stupid Steve is really hallucinating on his Steve’s Stupid Solution!
Since Cubscout claimed opinions are like ASSholes… As you know WaPo left wrong freakazoids
Butt, Sir Charles doubles down!
How many Dollar Tree stores have Tea Party peeps burned down?
How many McDonald’s store windows have Tea Party peeps broken?
How many police cruisers have Tea Party peeps burned or overturned?
How many Tea Party peeps were arrested for violent acts?
Now how many OWS inspired peeps destroyed buildings by incendiary actions, people killed, teevee news people attacked, arrested for violent acts, burned police cruisers and screamed burn this bitch down?
Isn’t it great you have your very own OWS representative whom comments as Willy Vomit (previous deathfrogg) here on HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Black Congressional Caucus are fed up with cop on black violence in Ferguson and other rural areas. Yeah, that comment made no sense!
Butt they are not fed up with cop on black violence in DUMMOCRETIN led cities!
Joe Scarborough went off on PMSNBC! http://player.theplatform.com/.....202_402943
PuddyCommentary: Being a DUMMOCRETIN means you can easily ignore TRUTH and FACTS and perpetuate anything you want because the slobbering libtard leftist msm will play along every time unless the public calls them on it.
And the religion of peace haters of Israel like many HA DUMMOCRETINS, killed a female American teacher. Will anyone view this video on libtard sites? Notice the standard blah blah blah State Department horse manure statement…
So damn sad.
Oh no Merry Christmas signs in Redmond! http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....ting-them/
”For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” – Romans 1:16 – except HA DUMMOCRETINS don’t believe so they don’t have God’s power!
Meanwhile we now learn it’s the governor’s fault… per Louis Convicted Criminal “burn this bitch down” Head stepfather of Michael Gentle Giant Brown!
“Brian Williams marks 10 years as NBC Nightly News Anchor… Most of it spent kissing Obummer’s ASS!”
Eh, whatever. Did you catch how Sean Hannity kissed his buddy Mark Fuhrman’s ass as Mark explained Ferguson to you “niggers”, as I recall him fondly calling you folk, from the white racist cop’s perspective? And did you catch Sean kissing Bundy’s ass as Cliven gave you “negroes” some sage advise on how you can all live happy lives again as slaves? Heh. How is it that I can so easily imagine you taking such advice to heart, Puddy?
Wow http://freebeacon.com/culture/.....daughters/ From MRC:
Reminds Puddy of the slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm attack on Sarah Palin’s email in 2008! Puddy just reminded everyone of it about 10 days ago! You slow memory DUMMOCRETINS!
Remember when Puddy brought you the Dr. Eric Whitaker scandal? No? Well Chicago media swept it under the rug… http://www.chicagomag.com/Chic.....-Whitaker/ Just ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot for a crazed database replay.
Well lookie here… the POTUS golf partner has some problems now… http://politics.suntimes.com/a.....58pm#bmb=1
Something smells here! Another friend of Obummer smelling bad!
Wow http://freebeacon.com/culture/…..daughters/ From MRC:
Reminds Puddy of the slobbering libtard DUMMOCRETIN msm attack on Sarah Palin’s email in 2008! Puddy just reminded everyone of it about 10 days ago! You slow memory DUMMOCRETINS!
Remember when Puddy brought you the Dr. Eric Whitaker scandal? No? Well Chicago media swept it under the rug… http://www.chicagomag.com/Chic…..-Whitaker/ Just ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot for a crazed database replay.
Well lookie here… the POTUS golf partner has some problems now… http://politics.suntimes.com/a…..58pm#bmb=1
Something smells here! Another friend of Obummer smelling bad!
This is so true… https://storify.com/Brodigan/area-conservative-vs-the-media
Puddy had to split it up because four links.
Did you catch how Sean Hannity kissed his buddy Mark Fuhrman’s ass as Mark explained Ferguson to you “niggers”, as I recall him fondly calling you folk, from the white racist cop’s perspective?
Got Link Steve?
“Being a DUMMOCRETIN means you can easily ignore TRUTH and FACTS”
Being a wingnut means you can easily cherry-pick witness accounts to support the belief that you came in with, that the black male always deserved the death that was dealt to him, be it an unarmed teen, a man buying a BB-gun inside a store, or a 12 year-old boy with a toy gun, playing in a park. You try justify it. Every. Damned. Time.
“Got Link Steve?”
Of course.
Obviously, for Sean, the best choice to help him white’splain Ferguson to blacks was Mark Fuhrman. My only surprise was that Sean didn’t have his friend Cliven Bundy on there too, helping you “negroes” to understand what’s best for you. You know, helping you find your inner “happy slave”.
Where did Puddy justify the Cleveland shooting?
Where did Puddy justify the killing of the man in WalMart (hated by DUMMOCRETINS) buying a BB-gun?
Puddy will wait for the eveidence! Ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot for help. IT has the crazed database. Maybe you’ll grow the balls NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit couldn’t!
You see Puddy knows the facts and the type of store where the bb-gun was at, Stupid Solution Steve!
Puddy taught his sons’ don’t do stupid stuff and hang with those who are stupidly doing stupid stuff.
Meanwhile still waiting for the Fuhrman link!
Crooks and Liars Stupid Solution Steve? That old dog whistle argument? Using dog whistles to call the blacks home to roost on the Crooks and Liars reservation Stupid Solution Steve? Really? Puddy didn’t know you hung with that moron rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears! Wow!
Oh Stupid Solution Steve… where is the “niggers” comment of comment #23?
Are you now in the EPIC FAYLE of blog commentary?
Being a wingnut means you can easily cherry-pick witness accounts to support the belief that you came in with Really Stupid Solution Steve? Really?
So with all the evidence presented from Ferguson grand jury in the public view and the fact many of those who claimed the gentle giant Michael Brown had his hands up and was shot in the back gangsta style only to recant their testimony when the three autopsies proved there account to be lies is charry picked testimony? Seems Dorian Johnson is one of the few still sticking with his hands up don’t shoot “story” (remember he was with the gentle giant in the store robbery) even after the others recanted and you call that cherry picking? Six blacks came in on their own volition to the grand jury and perfectly corroborated ex-officer Wilson’s account and they cherry picked their words to the grand jury?
Really Stupid Solution Steve? Really?
“He could not follow simple directions, could not communicate clear thoughts nor recollections, and his handgun performance was dismal”
There’s your post-9/11 “Modern Policing” in a goddamn nutshell. I wonder how many other officers are exactly the same? Hired and sent out on patrol even after being positively identified as being too stupid or mentally unfit for the duty. The Ferguson Chief of Police, (as was officer Wilson), was rousted from his original policing job and the entire department was forcibly shut down for being totally corrupt and staffed with incompetents and lunatics. Of course, all the officers in that department were able to immediately take positions in neighboring departments, and one was given the Chief’s job even after he was identified as being corrupt and a sadistic thug who couldn’t control his temper.
Still going to defend this guy, SchizoPoodle?
He still won’t fuck you, y’know.
“Puddy taught his sons’ don’t do stupid stuff”
Oh, I see. A black man buying a BB gun in 21st Century America is displaying stupid behavior. Might get shot dead right there in the store, huh? It’s obviously a good thing you had “the talk” with your boys, Puddy.
“you call that cherry picking”
Of course, and you did it again with your comment. You obviously care nothing of the veracity of a witness, only which side they came down on. That’s cherry-picking witnesses, no matter their veracity, to fit your agenda – justifying the killing of young blacks. Well, as long as they’re not your own kids. You’d be singing a decidedly different tune then, wouldn’t you?
DUMMOCRETIN Tom Harkin jumps off the ObummerCare bandwagon.
Puddy wonders why being one of the original proponents!
Must be Iowans are telling him something he chose not to listen to before now!
Hey vomit covered OWS racist… Where did Puddy justify the Cleveland shooter? As Puddy said to Stupid Solution Steve:
Ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot for help. IT has the crazed database. Maybe you’ll grow the balls NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit couldn’t!
You are one damned minority hating racist!
“Crooks and Liars Stupid Solution Steve?”
Um, Puddy, Crooks and Liars didn’t created the Hannity segment clip with Fuhrman as guest. That was filmed in Fox studios. Can you understand that it doesn’t matter which site embedded the clip, it’s still Hannity and Fuhrman on Fox, white’splaining Ferguson to you. Of course you can. You attack the source because that’s all you’ve got.
You obviously care nothing of the veracity of a witness, only which side they came down on. Not my call Stupid Solution Steve. The Grand Jury has that job. And when the original shot in the back witnesses veracity was an EPIC FAYLE, they changed their tune.
Butt that doesn’t matter to Stupid Solution Steve! It doesn’t matter that six black witnesses all exactly corroborated ex-officer Wilson’s testimony!
It’s you whom loves to cherry pick Stupid Solution Steve!
A black man buying a BB gun in 21st Century America is displaying stupid behaviorWhere did Puddy advocate that Stupid Solution Steve?
Jedi mind tricks don’t work on Puddy! Twist and contort with your DUMMOCRETIN buds Stupid Solution Steve!
Still waiting for the “niggers” Crook and Liars Link!
Where is it?
“Oh Stupid Solution Steve… where is the “niggers” comment of comment #23?”
Yeah, right. As though you are completely ignorant of what was revealed about Fuhrman during the OJ trial. Yet another Puddy-fail.
“Still waiting for the “niggers” Crook and Liars Link!”
It would appear that you require a memory refresher.
“During cross examination of Detective Fuhrman on March 15, 1995, the following testimony was elicited: (R.T. 18898-99)
Q: You have a difficulty understanding the question?
A: Yes.
Q: I will rephrase it. I want you to assume that perhaps at some time since 1985 or 1985, you addressed a member of the African American race as a nigger. Is it possible that you have forgotten that act on your part?
A: No, it is not possible.
Q: Are you therefore saying that you have not use that word in the past ten years, Detective Fuhrman?
A: Yes, that is what I’m saying.
Q: And you say under oath that you have not addressed any black person as a nigger or spoken about black people as niggers in the past ten years, Detective Fuhrman?
A: That’s what I’m saying, sir.
Q: So that anyone who comes to this court and quotes you as using that word in dealing with African Americans would be a liar, would they not, Detective Fuhrman?
A: Yes, they would.”
“The “Fuhrman Tapes” contain forty examples of the use of the term “nigger” to refer to black persons in a racially disparaging context. These references were not casual slips of the tongue, but a consistent pattern that recurs throughout the transcripts. In only one case – item no 12 – was Fuhrman assuming the role of a fictional character when the word “nigger” was used.
1. ( …speaking of changes in composition of L.A.P.D.).
“That we’ve got females …and dumb niggers, and all your Mexicans that can’t even write the name of the car they drive.”
(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p.11.)
2.( …speaking of the physical risks to officers).
“If I’m wrestling around with some ___ nigger, and he gets me in my back, and he gets his hands on my gun. It’s over.”
(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p. 12)
3.( …describing arrest of a suspect).
“She was afraid. He was a big nigger, and she was afraid.”
(McKinny Transcript No. 1, p. 20)”
And to just think that this is Hannity’s go-to guy to white’splain Ferguson to you. LMFAO!!
@4 No, it means people who inherit millions of dollars, on which no taxes have been paid or ever will be paid, have an unfair advantage over people who pay taxes on their measly wages. Put another way, it’s a lot easier to make a million dollars in the stock market if someone hands you $5 million to begin with, than if you have to raise your capital by working for $7.25 an hour while trying to support yourself on that wage.
Now that two grand juries in the space of two weeks have refused to indict badge-wearing killers, we’re seeing conservatives’ true colors:
Selling cigarettes without a permit deserves death.
Jaywalking deserves death.
Killer cops can do no wrong.
That’s not a program I’m willing to vote for.
Racist racism race racist!!! Oreo!!! Race racism racist uncle tom!!! Racist racist racist; racism oppression, racism racism? Race racism racist race!
Puffy is pathetic. Asking where are all the liberal protesters in NYC over the grand jury decision on Eric Gardner. Well they are out there, just look at the right news channel, and I doubt there is one white conservstive protesting. And I really can’t figure where the idiot stands. He hasn’t expressed one thought, the only thing he does is turn this into accusation that it’s a liberal problem. Could be more of a dumb fuck.
Right now traffic in midtown NYC is at a standstill.
“Racist racism race racist!!!”
Yes, you are. Dumber than a stump, too.
In the previous thread the interminably MORONIC, CREDULOUS and STUPID village idiot troll blew yet another wet one out his miserable ass:
Read it and weep ASSHOLE:
Search on the world “deferred”.. Since you’re a helpless baby I’ll do a bit of it FOR YOUR LAME ASS:
Here’s a letter that covers all the bases:
Show it to the virgin son. Maybe you two can argue your case with those penn state profs armed with bullshit from HotAir, Gateway Butthole, American Stinker, klownball.com and all those other always wrong wing hate sites you love.
BOOYAH! Village idiot troll SHREDDED AGAIN!
You said he used it in his Ferguson commentary! Mark explained Ferguson to you “niggers” Still waiting for that Ferguson Crooks and Liars link, not something from the 19902.
Relevance Stupid Solution Steve!
“No, it means people who inherit millions of dollars, on which no taxes have been paid or ever will be paid, have an unfair advantage over people who pay taxes on their measly wages.”
What Republicans want, of course, is for the rich to be allowed to lounge lazily by the pool, clipping coupons, generation after generation, not one of them ever paying so much as one thin dime in taxes even as they reap all the benefits, and to hell with everyone else.
Oh absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot arschloch @ 49,
You couldn’t name the law for almost 24 hours. The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot been screaming this for weeks and still had no clue. Puddy immediately brought up Simpson Mazzoli. Puddy has information at PuddyFingerTips! The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigothas useless and feckless left wrong scum sites with no real information on them! You had to search all those left wrong sites all day! This is the first time you mentioned this. Sooooooooooooooooo
There is no SHRED you cretinous scumbag!
Still waiting… absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot for your claimed use of Factcheck from the other thread,
EPIC FAYLE #2. Coming to 24 hours again!
The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot doesn’t realize how stooooooooooopid it looks every day!
Another pitch hit out of the park by Puddy! BOOOOOOYAH!
Sux to be you absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
@45 bigot
“not something from the 19902”
Puddy, Puddy, Puddy, whatever shall we do with you? You should know by now that people like you who whine about Jimmy Carter nearly a half-century after he’s left office do not have any say whatsoever in whether or not things a decade or a even a century past is verboten in discussion here. Sucks to be you. Again. So sad.
The laws on the books.. Sooooo??
You can cite WAPO and always wrong wing hate sites but I can’t for some reason. Oh there is no “reason”.. Just a BULLSHITTING ASSHOLE with a bullshit double standard..
Go search factcheck yourself you miserable piece of crap!
The law says the President can defer as many deportations as he wants. He’s still waiting for your beloved always wrong wing assholes in the kongress to act on the bill the Senate passed.
Wait a minute Stupid Solution Steve, earlier this year we were told DUMMOCRETINS are the party of the rich. More Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are millionaires than Republicans. Most of the super-rich are DUMMOCRETIN.
So when it comes to Wall Street we’ve learned the criminal DUMMOCRETINS like Bernie Madoff, Jeffrey Epstein, Raj Rajaratnam, etc. are your criminals! And everyone knows Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit loves his scumbags!
BTW waiting for that Cleveland post Stupid Solution Steve! Did you check with the idiot with the crazed database crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot yet? Did you grow a pair?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa
The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot is B U S T E D @ 55!
Once again Puddy PWNED the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot AGAIN! The law was not known by the moron! How stoooooooooopid are you yleakingbuttspigot? Really stoooooooooopid your honor!
The factcheck link was never offered by the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! B U S T E D again! Then the pinhead acts like the link was known all along. Chronological failure #34! JackASS!
It really sux being the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
“BTW waiting for that Cleveland post Stupid Solution Steve!”
Cleveland? Besides not knowing what the hell you’re talking about, you are still tasked to contemplate the words of Mark Fuhrman for the rest of the day. So how’s it going with that? Anything sink in yet?
A conservative grand jury in DUMMOCRETIN deep blue NYC NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit?
Try again!
E P I C F A Y L E!
Oh my the Stupid Solution is strong in Steve @ 58. Stupid Solution Steve claimed in post #27 that Puddy was for the death of a 12 year-old boy with a toy gun, playing in a park. So where did Puddy claim this Stupid Solution Steve? You make accusations and now back them up with fact!
Puddy cares less what Mark Fuhrman said in 1995. Tomorrow Puddy will probably care less what you wrote in this thread! Fuhrman’s words seem to wear into your psyche every day since you brought it up!
Keep being an always WRONG wing idiot!
“Mark explained Ferguson to you “niggers””
Oh, so he’s just “Mark” to you. Oh, my! Puddy’s chumming with racists again.
I only wrote that he calls blacks “niggers”, which court records show to be true. He’s not only on tape doing that, he was caught lying through his teeth about it. A certified liar who thinks so highly of blacks like you that the only word he can come up with is “nigger”. You might want to reconsider who you choose for hero-worship, Puddy, as this choice, and it is a choice, doesn’t leave you looking too good.
Once again Obummer breaks the law… http://nypost.com/2014/12/02/t.....law-again/
Republican Micheal Steel, the asshole, just said in MANBC that the grad jury’s had no intention on getting an indictment. It ohh, puffy gonna have to have a banana.
Still can’t answer the question in #50 Stupid Solution Steve @ 62!
Where did Fuhrman use it on Hannity in his Ferguson commentary?
Another DUMMOCRETIN Train Wreck! Deflect from your stoooooooooopidity. Puddy sees you learned it from the buttspigot! Great job Stupid Solution Steve!
Which grand jury Hershey highway man @ 64? Is that English in #64?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot @ 61. That’s all you have left once the plow blades away your feckless BULLSHITTIUM!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa!
Asshole Republican Micheal Steel said on MSNBC that the grand jury’s had no intent on bringing an indictment in the two cases. Puffy need a banana?
So you are one of the 100 or so whom watch PMSNBC Hershey highwayman? First how would Michael Steele know this.
So now we know a DUMMOCRETIN grand jury had no intention. Butt the big question for the Hershey highwayman…
How do you feel about that empty teabagger?
Obama will require large employers to provide more coverage than the Affordable Care Act specifies. The move disqualifies plans now offered by 1,600 employers to 3 million workers, according to Kaiser Health News. Those employers will have to find a way to cover the higher costs — and some will surely do so by stopping coverage for spouses or part-time workers.
Now we know why Tom Harkin came out with his ObummerCare pronouncement!
“Where did Fuhrman use it on Hannity in his Ferguson commentary?”
Clearly, this is the Puddy way of informing us that you’re good with Fuhrman and other wingnut racists calling blacks “niggers” as long as he or they don’t do it on Fox.
So it seems the white house received 2500 tax documents in the IRS tax scandal… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2556890
Didn’t HA DUMMOCRETINS claim this didn’t happen? Didn’t Elijah Cummings claim this didn’t happen?
“Now we know why Tom Harkin came out with his ObummerCare pronouncement!”
Admit it, Puddy, you’re just pissed that Obama stole the only health care idea Republicans had come up with in over half a century – the Heritage Foundation/Mitt Romney giveaway plan to enrich insurance corporations, which are doing quite nicely, thank you. That’s one reason why many, including myself, consider Obama to be the best Republican president this nation has seen since the days of Bill Clinton!
Umm Stupid Solution Steve for the last time you claimed this #23. Now you can’t prove it.
Sux to be Stupid Solution Steve!
Does anyone have a Stupid Solution Steve decoder ring for that strange and undeciperable post in #73?
Chuck Schumer and now Tom Harkin! There will be more. Remember Obummer’s policies were on the ballot November 4th!
@59 I wasn’t talking about the grand jury, jackass. I was referring to the rightwing whackjobs who are loudly cheering the killer kops.
Where is this cheering happening IDIOT Wabbit besides on left wrong sites?
@59 So if someone lives in New York, they must be liberal, eh? Exactly what we expect from you, Looneytunes.
There is a much higher probability IDIOT Wabbit of the NYC jurors being DUMMOCRETIN. Butt let’s be clear…
Ferguson prosecutor – DUMMOCRETIN
St Louis County Manager – DUMMOCRETIN
Missouri Governor – DUMMOCRETIN
St Louis County – Barack Obummer won big time!
Facts Al NoSoSharpton and Jesse HiJackson and the slobbering DUMMOCRETIN libtard msm don’t want people to know!
“Umm Stupid Solution Steve for the last time you claimed this #23. Now you can’t prove it.”
I see that you’re a little slow on the uptake today, Puddy.
“Did you catch how Sean Hannity kissed his buddy Mark Fuhrman’s ass as Mark explained Ferguson to you “niggers”, as I recall him fondly calling you folk, from the white racist cop’s perspective?”
Even you can see that I never wrote that Fuhrman called blacks “niggers” on Hannity’s show. I wrote of how he used that detestable slur to describe blacks, which I subsequently proved to be undeniably true, as proven in court. But you’d obviously rather parse words and then go into denial than be caught condemning a hero of yours for being the blatant racist which he obviously is.
Funny, how the failure of a prosecutor-manipulated grand jury to indict Dan Wilson proves to you that Michael Brown deserved to die, and yet transcripts from an actual jury trial fails to convince you that your hero Mark Fuhrman calls blacks “niggers”.
What a sad state post #80 is.
Dan Wilson eh? I wanted to see how Fuhrman explained to us “niggers”. Where did Puddy parse anything? Your comment was an
@79 I don’t give a rat’s ass if they’re Democrats or Republicans, a racist is a racist no matter what he calls himself.
St. Louis is so racist they even have segregated police unions.
The St. Louis County Police Officers Association is the white cops’ union. Their shill is Jeff Roorda, a white cop with a checkered personal history; he’s the guy who wants the NFL to persecute the black Rams players for raising their hands on Sunday.
The Ethical Society of Police of St. Louis is the black cops’ association. It was formed in part to combat the deeply entrenched institutional racism against black police officers in St. Louis. The group’s president, Darren R. Wilson (a black cop who is not related to the white cop who shot Michael Brown), issued a statement today saying,
“We think that their actions were commendable and that they should not be ridiculed, disciplined or punished for taking a stand on this very important issue which is of great concern around the world and especially in the community where these players work,”
… which is a polite way of telling Jeff Roorda and his buddies to go fuck themselves.
I think it’s good the black cops are educating the nation that Roorda’s outfit isn’t a police union, it’s a WHITE police union, and Roorda doesn’t speak for St. Louis’ cops, he speaks for St. Louis’ WHITE cops. Just so there’s no confusion about who he is and what his charter is.
Of course, conservatives get confused about things like that every day. For example, I remember when a certain crusading rightwing blogger who ran a now all-but-defunct rightwing blog here in Seattle tried to “prove” state liquor store employees were overpaid by trotting out the name of a state liquor store employee who allegedly made $108,000 a year. It turned out there were two state liquor store employees with the same name, which is too subtle for the average conservative to figure out. One was a retail cashier who made $28,000 a year, and the other was a warehouse worker who made $31,000 a year. So, we need to explain to these guys that Roorda doesn’t represent St. Louis County’s cops, he only represents St. Louis County’s white cops, a subtlety they might otherwise miss. In general, they’re not good at subtlety (see, e.g., confusing Iraq with Al Qaeda in 2003).
Please tell me how Republicans would have been better, or different?
@ 83,
We have been told only conservative Republicans are racist. That’s the racist meme of HA DUMMOCRETINS. Thanks for nuking that feckless insipid idiotic commentary from other HA DUMMOCRETINS out of the water. Thanks for PROVING northern state DUMMOCRETINS are the worst kind of racist! Your mind seems to settle in when you post at night. You are more lucid then vs. posting in the morning or during the afternoon! Those are the times when your senility shines brightly!
Thanks for playing and proving Puddy right again!
Seems they caught the religion of peace scum who killed the American teacher yesterday in the UAE! http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/04/.....+Recent%29
Too Funny – Rand Paul blames Eric Gardner’s death on politicians instaing taxes on cigarettes.
And Steve King blames it on Eric’s overall health (is he advocating Obamacare?). Too fucking funny.
Bunch of fucking morons.
@89 And christianity stoning doctrines are scum? Now before you try to say that I am defending the religion that you speak of in @89, I am not…..just wondering why you think christianity is any better, when they too advocate for stoning people.
Where in America do Christians advocate stoning?
In Iran you are hanged for being gay! You want that in America?
@ The Schizo @ 92
No, thats what the American Christianists want.
He’s hardly the first one to call for it too.
@ 90
Not quite.
I think the concept is that more laws mean more laws requiring enforcement, meaning more contacts between police and citizens over perhaps dubious laws, meaning greater potential for something adverse occurring over a trivial act.
Roughly, if you don’t want to see someone dying while being arrested for spitting in the street – and none of us do – maybe a law prohibiting spitting in the street should be rethought.
Police are there to protect and to serve, right? So create laws that let them focus on what’s important.
Agree, or disagree. But the concept isn’t moronic.
The number of ways that King is moronic is mind-boggling. No argument there.
@92 What do you think my answer is to that question. Only I think you would prefer that. If a gay couple can’t be as happy as heterosexuals, with being married, and have the same benefits as being married, what good is the question to ask me if I would rather be hung?
@93 not sure if you were referring to me. I didn’t open the links you provided. But I wasn’t advocating for stoning of people.
@94 protecting and serving the public doesn’t necessairly mean to kill with force, regardless how you have to enforce the laws that are on the books.
It would be like saying that seatbelt laws are responsible for being killed, in the event that you are stopped for not wearing your seatbelt and in the process the cop kills you for another reason, like resisting arrest. How about we get rid of the law of resisting arrest, maybe that would work in preventing people from getting killed.
@97… “How about we get rid of the law of resisting arrest, maybe that would work in preventing people from getting killed.”
Were you high when you wrote that?
@98 – that’s my point, thanks for pointing it out. You should be asking the same question to @94. Is Bob high?
@92 you non acknowledgement of christians, even if they are way to the right of yourself, and being silent about it, that some christians are advocating for stoning or for the death of gays, is the same as if you believe it yourself.
It is very comforting to know that Puffy, and some people like him, would rather that gays not be stoned and not be killed, but that they should live miserable lives and not be equal to heterosexuals. Very comforting. But where does he stand on gays being beat up or having to put up with people (christians or baptists or what ever they are) that want to hold up signs that say God hates fags. You know hearing that every day isn’t going to have some crazy person go off the deep end and maybe go out and beat up a gay person, because you know God hates them.
Hey but a good beating is not like being hung! That is so comforting and religious like – those are kind christians.
Also so comforting to know that we are not interferring with freedom, up until we are like Iran and we start hanging people. Puffy that is something great to stive for.
@ 98
Sadly, no. That’s really the way he thinks.
@104….sadly you are wrong, trying to cover your idiotic statment. Exactly my point to show you how stupid you are, is to be as stupid.
Healthcare costs going out of sight!
What should we say about a wealthy suburban school district that hires a private investigator to collect evidence they intend to use to kick a 7-year-old Hispanic girl out of their lily-white schools?
At least these jerks backed off when they were caught and found themselves facing bad publicity.
Anyone else want to claim America isn’t a racist country? The queue forms over there.
Violent racism is down significantly. Institutional racism and racial bias still has a long way to go.
Anonymous postings where there is no consequence to the vile stuff they post is a problem.
Here’s a What if though experiment, After Jan 1, All anonymous posts deemed racist will have their owner’s real name and phone number listed. That way, if they wanted to continue to spread their beliefs, they would have to own them. It’s not censorship, they can still post, but they would have to accept the consequences of their postings.
Meanwhile, over on the Alternative Wingnut Blog (what’s left of it), Jim Miller is decrying that Ferguson protests at Westlake Mall displaced a children’s caroling choir. Gotta keep our priorities straight, you know.
Actually, it was the cops who shut the place down and kept the kids from taking the stage, although the police lockdown was prompted by unruly crowd behavior.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not endorsing throwing stuff at the police, but it seems kind of obvious you wouldn’t have these protests if white cops didn’t repeatedly gun down black people, followed by grand jury proceedings rigged to exonerate killer cops. This sort of thing does create a sense of grievance among affected elements of the community, you know. So what’s more important, calling attention to societal wrongs, or making sure holiday shoppers can listen to children sing? Maybe the relevant question is, given this wasn’t the first night of protests at Westlake, and given that Westlake is a standard venue for demonstrations, why wasn’t the children’s choir sent to some other venue?
Wow Uganda passes an anti-gay law and the leftists freak out. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia and other countries hang gays and this organization is mute!
So we have two pastors out of how many? Isn’t that anecdotal?
Such a dilemma!
Hmmm Orinda CA… Yeah another place where Obummer won by a landslide… 65.7% of the vote. More than doubled Romney’s vote results. Rich DUMMOCRETINS here too. The article forgot to mention only 292 black peeps live there. Right next to Berkeley, CA and we definitely know about the freakazoids who go to Cal Berkeley!
Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit continues to make Puddy point of DUMMOCRETIN racism!
@ 109
Anonymous postings where there is no consequence to the vile stuff they post is a problem.
Better, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the extensive efforts you have made to keep this from happening on this site heretofore.
Goldy investment account alert:
Uber Technologies, one of the world’s most valuable private tech companies raised $1.2 billion in a round that could swell to $1.8 billion in new funding.
According to documents filed on Thursday in Delaware and uncovered by VC Experts, a private company research firm, Uber authorized $1.8 billion-worth of new shares for an investment round that could value the San Francisco-based car-hailing service at about $40 billion.
Totally unrelated:
Uber and Lyft are decimating NY taxi medallion values
Ah, but cabbies have a plan that is sure to work:
Traditional cabbies are trying to fight back against the new technology, though. There’s a growing movement to create a national union among drivers to protect their interests.
Yes, unionize your dying industry. That’ll do the trick. If only Blackberry’s peeps had unionized to counter the Apple/Android threat.
Yet the vast majority of racist epithets have been spewed in these threads by klownservative trolls like JCH, mark and Mark the Redneck.
Search every thread on HA and no one will find anything from Puddy as purported by the continual liar @ 115! It lies every day on HA! With no argumentative skills the buttspigot continues to leak lies! Puddy so glad the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot @ 115 counted those comments.
Do you have the exact words and word count absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot?
If you watched this video, scum like this guy need to be prosecuted. http://patch.com/pennsylvania/.....iral-video
Yeah but Blackberry at the time was RIM out of Canada!
Puddy has done a little digging… Eric Garner was selling loosies, single individual cigarettes at a time.
So Eric was previously arrested and known to the 120 Precinct. Hmmm… Gotta have that tax money to fund all those DUMMOCRETIN social programs and ObummerCare! http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....wBv4MOC.97 So the NY finest arrive to meet Eric again and everyone knows the rest. Butt, did you know the precinct chief who is black ordered the black sergeant to arrest Eric Garner and was there when he was taken down.
Butt if you search NY State law… chokeholds are not illegal. http://newday.blogs.cnn.com/20.....m-bratton/ Imagine that; the blue libtard state that continues to vote for DUMMOCRETIN after DUMMOCRETIN president allows chokeholds as a police state tactic! What will Cuomo do now?
Of course this fact will not be addressed by race hustler Sharpton. This is why Puddy dismisses you DUMMOCRETINS. Your kind always argues the wrong points.
Eric’s death needs further investigation. It’s a homicide by cop. Much different than Ferguson. Yet there are all those DUMMOCRETIN actions and laws that get a pass because it’s very blue NYC and blue NYS!
The affirmative action ‘can’t get fired unless he’s found with a car trunk full of bound white kids’ baby conflates selling untaxed cigarettes into capital crime.
Makes sense to a brain damaged klownservative like the puddyfuckwad.
The only thing ‘blue’ about NYPD are the uniforms.
The affirmative action ‘can’t get fired unless he’s found with a car trunk full of bound white kids’ baby puddyfuckwad ought to know that.
“Eric Garner was selling loosies, single individual cigarettes at a time.”
He deserves to die, obviously.
“Gotta have that tax money to fund all those DUMMOCRETIN social programs and ObummerCare!”
Like the enormous costs in both treasure and blood we’ve paid because a Republican administration fraudulently led our nation into invading the wrong country is morally superior. We know your choice, but what would Jesus do? Feed the poor and heal the sick as Democrats want to do or, as you Republicans would do, start a senseless war and kill tens of thousands of innocent people?
“Eric’s death needs further investigation. It’s a homicide by cop. Much different than Ferguson.”
I appreciate seeing a glimmer of humanity out of you finally but, no, my ignorant friend, Wilson killing Brown was also “homicide by cop”. The question is, was Brown’s killing justifiable homicide? Because of the way it played out, we’ll never know.
“Butt if you search NY State law… chokeholds are not illegal.”
Typical, that you would omit to mention that it is against department policy. And because it isn’t illegal doesn’t mean that police have license to kill by chokehold. Surely, even you can understand this.
Business 101 for ‘Bob’:
A business that can sell no goods or services because their customer base has no money allocated to discretionary spending (caused by the loss of living wage union jobs) usually goes broke and closes.
(wags finger)
Don’t let that happen to you.
Yeah Steve…not to mention all those folks who now have health insurance because of Obamacare, properly know as the Affordable health Care Act.
In the wacko warped world of the Republican, that’s bad too.
Got that puddy?
@114 and 126. Like most conservatives, it’s going to take it happening to him before he grows any empathy for the situation of others,
I seem to remember that cheap shot bob works in the medical field like in radiology. Only when the coming technological advances turn his job into a mcJob, then he might have a clue.
Some interesting tidbits in this
@ 126
Cab companies aren’t in trouble because their customers don’t make enough money.
They’re in trouble because they’re being outcompeted. There are plenty of paying customers. The customers just prefer to pay someone else for a ride.
All three am talk radio stations were on: the cops were right and if blacks would stop whining and cooperate they wouldn’t have any problems. Not a single voice let thru to challenge that narrative. Sad
Onna threadjack.
Missouri Rep. Bill Lant: In the states where right to work was passed recently, the hourly rates may have dropped 2 to 3 dollars an hour, but the amount of days per year that the workers actually got to put in on the job increased dramatically.”
Isn’t that great? People all over those States are working more hours for less pay! Thats just wonderful isn’t it? I mean, pretty soon, we might not need to pay people money at all and have them working 120 hours a week!
That really is the whole Teabagzi agenda right there in a fuckin’ nutshell.
That’s not the point Bob, and you know it.
See comment 133.
Yep. That’s true village idiot troll. You and your fellow travelers are doing a bang up job representing the true face of klownservatism.
BTW, thanks for acknowledging by your response @ 116 that you are the village idiot troll of these threads.
Some people say that such admissions are “the beginning of wisdom”.. Based on your record here, it’s too obvious that your case is hopeless.
YOU ARE FREAKING MORONS! What does HOMICIDE by COP mean to you freakazoids? Can’t answer that can you? Pantaleo should be going to jail rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, vomit covered racist and Stupid Solution Steve.
What the hell is wrong with all you idiot morons? You think Puddy condones Eric’s death? Did you actually understand the post #120? Can’t answer that can you? Sheeeesh you three are the most stoooooooooooopid of the stooooooooooooopid!
You three idiots can’t accept DUMMOCRETINS are racist. NYS and NYC are run by DUMMOCRETINS! Suck on that! Can’t answer that can you?
You three equate this to Ferguson and that’s where Puddy disagrees with you idiots! The problem is chokeholds are not illegal in DUMMOCRETIN NY State or DUMMOCRETIN NY City. Can’t answer that can you?
It really sucks when you two are sooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking stoooooooooooooooopid! Sooooooooooooo it’s against department policy. Then the NYC Police Commissioner Bratten must act. Why hasn’t Bratten acted? Can’t answer that can you? You three ASSwipes need to call Bratten.
Why did the police come after Eric? Can’t answer that can you? Why did De Blasio demand the police arrest people like Eric because he wasn’t collected those taxes? Can’t answer that can you? The 120th precinct commander is black! Can’t answer that can you? The sergeant on the scene is black! Can’t answer that can you? Why didn’t the black sergeant tell Pantaleo and the other police to stop the chokehold and pressure on Garner’s body when Garner was complaining he couldn’t breathe? Can’t answer that can you?
This is why Puddy can so easily attack DUMMOCRETINS. Michael Brown went after Darren Wilson. The blood evidence on the street proved that. Eric Garner was selling single cigarettes and wasn’t collecting taxes. Why did De Blasio DUMMOCRETIN mayor decide to go after little guys like Eric Garner? Can’t answer that can you?
So you Three ASSWipes, where is Puddy not calling for Pantaleo’s head? It’s because you ASSWipes can’t read. This is homicide by cop. That’s what Puddy said in that post above. Ferguson is NOT homicide by cop. Too bad your little femtometer brains can’t comprehend the differences.
You rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears decided to cherry pick a sentence out. Did you comprehend the articles? Can’t answer that can you? Apparently not because you are the dumbest mofo on this blog rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears! The absolute dumbest mofo on this blog! It’s apparent since 2007!
You three are real idiots! Sux to be so blinded by PDS that you can’t figger it out.
So let’s review the facts..An order to crack down on the illegal sale of 75-cent cigarettes in Staten Island came directly from Police Headquarters, setting off a chain of events that ended in Eric Garner’s death, the Daily News has learned.Wow… The libtard police department started the events against Garner. Some how you three ASSWipes can’t process that fact! Puddy never brought anything on Garner or his previous arrests. Puddy wrote the cops knew who Garner was. Wilson killing Brown was also “homicide by cop”. Not per the Ferguson grand jury which had three blacks on it. Did you read the grand jury materials or you still believe the gentle giant was shot in the back?
Next let’s take a look at the idiot Stupid Solution Steve…
Typical? U R an IDIOT! Where did Puddy discuss chokeholds? After the article link which already discussed that you moron! Ever since Thanksgiving night you have reverted to your Stupid Solution! You know better than rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears and vomit covered racist deadtoad. Shocking so shocking…
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears is just plain stoooooopid, so Puddy ignores most of it’s commentary which doesn’t rise past the level of whale shit!
Now watch… all three will fart something new and as stoooooooooooooopid as above!
Once again the biggest ASSWipe absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot appears!
hymie – Used by Jesse HiJackson.
jigaboo – Used by Al NotSoSharpton
cheap – used by everyone
It sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Two more EPIC FAYLES of the crazed database!
211 and counting!
@ 134
Rujax, sorry, but you’re incorrect.
It isn’t the customer base lacking for money that is pressuring the cabbies. The customers have plenty of money.
Uber and Lyft are doing a better job giving the customers what they want, in exchange for their dollars. Customers are using Uber and Lyft, and not the cabs.
Why else would Ken Mehlman apologize to the NAACP for the Southern Strategy?
@ 139
I believe we have our Comment of the Day.
@140 I can do that one better smug Bob..
I don’t believe there’s one white Democrat elected to the new Congress from the old confederacy states.
You said my relatives were “cheap”.. Did you mean the relatives of European descent?
@ 141
So, Mark Warner borrowed Boehner’s bronzing lotion, then?
You know, it occurs to me that Bob McCulloch probably would have done less damage to the criminal justice system if he had just said, “I’m a cop lover, and I don’t prosecute cops,” instead of stringing along the community for months with a grand jury process that everyone in this country now realizes was a sham.
Is Darren Wilson a liberal Democrat or a klownservative Republican?
I remember the village idiot troll congratulating the officer in these threads on his recent nuptials.
Would he do that for a Democrat?
@131 Don’t worry, Bob, your turn will come. You can be replaced by an Indian radiologist making $1 a day. And before long he’ll be replaced by a computer that works for free and doesn’t ask for health benefits or vacations.
@145 Which Darren Wilson? There are two of them. One is a white ex-cop who hasn’t been around long enough to have been a Democrat before all the racists changed parties. The other is a black cop and president of the St. Louis black police union. It shouldn’t be too hard for most people to figure out which is which. Just check out their mugshots.
@ 144
Actually, had he used his prosecutorial discretion correctly and declined to bring the case to the grand jury in the first place, that would have done the least damage to the criminal justice system. The reason most cases brought to the grand jury result in indictments is that the ones that won’t have already been weeded out by the prosecuting attorneys.
@141 Actually I think it’s a good idea to quarantine all of our racists in one section of the country, so we know where they are and what they’re doing after dark.
@143 Bronzing lotion? I thought that orange cast came all that service to his district on the links… Combined with Camels and Merlot.
Warner.. Must be the only one..
Another one: almost half of the Republican congressional delegation comes from the former Confederacy.
@148 It’s transparently obvious he wanted to deflect the outrage at his refusal to prosecute away from himself to an anonymous group of citizens, and the way he did that was by putting Officer Wilson on the witness stand and allowing him to regale the grand jurors for four hours about how he was defending himself, with no opportunity for cross-examination or rebuttal by anyone representing the dead citizen. What’s most remarkable about this is McCulloch may have actually believed he would get away with this charade. He didn’t.
@148 No. What would have done the least damage to the criminal justice system is if he had recused himself and asked a judge to appoint a special prosecutor. But that would have meant giving up control over the decision to prosecute or not, and McCulloch wasn’t about to do that.
Remember when Hayley Barbour was toying with running for the White House?
Whew! Didn’t take long for that to fizzle out!
@ 141, 150
YLB, I do not understand the point you are trying to make. Could one not suggest in response that inadequate turnout by minorities
Nonvoters are also more racially diverse than the voting population and are less educated. More than 40 percent of likely nonvoters in the 2014 elections identified as Hispanic, black or other racial/ethnic minorities, compared with 22 percent of likely voters.</em
is why Dems fared so poorly in the southern states?
I'm not trying to argue, I'm trying to follow and I don't think I'm doing a very good job at it.
If your base doesn't turn out, you lose.
@154 Nice.. Lowest voter turnout since 1942 and you’re saying all the folks who came out in great numbers in 2012 and 2008 aren’t as bright as the folks in 2010 and 2012 who were desperate to keep Democrat’s grubby socialist hands off their Medicare.
A Mitt (R-Money) moment…
@ 155
Be nice. I’m saying I’m not following your point. It didn’t help that you were wrong @141 and I’m not at all convinced you’re correct @ 150.
By throwing out those, what point were you trying to make?
Done for the nite, BTW.
I wonder if the new Congress is going to pass another piece of legislation to keep Federal monies from going to ACORN?
That’ll help create as many jobs as the 50 plus times they’ve repealed the Affordable Care Act.
Really looking forward to it.
Trolls here at one time competed for the Golden Goat award..
Just trying to make your “Comment of the Day” I guess.
Good night.
“Trolls here at one time competed for the Golden Goat award..”
Heh. Goats. That reminds me, I haven’t seen Mr. Klynical here in ages.
I recall that at one time we were making plans to rescue Mr. Klynical’s goats, save them from their nightmarish existence of constant abuse, poor things, and set them free. Bad on us for not following up on that.
@140 you mean the vomit of the day!
Door #1 – Notice the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot didn’t answer you? Now why is that? Surely it didn’t miss your comment. Apparently the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot only looks for Puddy or Travis comments! He sux like that. With 211 EPIC FAYLES from the crazed databaze!
Door #2 – You are on the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot ignore list?
Door #3 – the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot doesn’t know there are two Darren Wilsons.
Puddy guesses door #3. Why? Well it didn’t know what law Obummer was using to justify his flip-flop after telling everyone Obummer was following the constitution and wasn’t a king or emperor! Then it tried to brag about finding a law; after the fact! Also it claimed to use some FactCheck link that didn’t exist until AFTER Obummer’s pronouncement. Even it’s lies sux so bad these days!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Yeah, a black Republican senator was voted in though!
Sux to be you absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
Yes, Puddy remembers when everyone found out they were CATTLE RUSTLED by ekim and rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears. No one could find them butt we knew they were under constant abuse, those poor things, and no one could set them free. They died in captivity!
Another monomaniacal comment from the poor poor useless absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! Just can’t get over all those DUMMOCRETIN voters staying home because Obummer’s policies were front and center and those DUMMOCRETINS R E J E C T E D them.
It really sux to be absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!!!!!
Since it’s Christmas Time again… Let’s review how cheap DUMMOCRETINS are… http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=2682730
PuddyCommentary: That’s because libtard DUMMOCRETINS feel it’s the government’s role not theirs so they lock up their wallets and pocketbooks behind bars, especially this time of the year. They are cheap, very cheap! Remember when all those illegal alien children who came illegally and were here illegally released by ICE illegally this past spring? Puddy asked HA DUMMOCRETINS’ “undocumented immigrant” cheerleader, the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot to open its’ home and some these people to allow them to become “documented immigrants”? Did it open its’ home? NOPE! Didn’t even demonstrate compassion by saying “if I could afford it I would”. NARY A PEEP from the moron! Very telling!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! Libtards are cheap! Very Cheap!
Meanwhile the dead teacher in Abu Dhabi leaves behind twin 11 year old sons. http://abcnews.go.com/Internat.....d=27359238
Puddy remembers the HA DUMMOCRETIN uproar when a woman was forced to reveal her face to authorities on a traffic stop.
It’s only the simpleton minds of IDIOT Wabbits and their ilk who would make such an outlandish statement like that, while living in their alternate reality universe! All the grand jury evidence was put forth in the public domain. Every cotton picking piece. So how can IDIOT Wabbits’ make that claim? Living in a vacuum! Yet, we have IDIOTS like NoBalls whom still claim the gentle giant was shot in the back when even Michael Baden disagreed! NOPE you DOPES!
Almost every person who claimed Wilson shot Brown in the back recanted. Only the gentle giant Michael Brown’s criminal pal Dorian Johnson, who admitted to being with Brown in the convenience store during the robbery, is still claiming hands up don’t shoot me in the back! http://www.vox.com/2014/11/25/.....nson-story Read the telling paragraphs on that libtard site Vox which Puddy did as another PuddyService, introducing Vox to you libtards. The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot started going there after Puddy provided it to you libtards. Puddy reads a lot of left wrong garbage to figger out how GIGO works with you HA DUMMOCRETINS!
So IDIOT Wabbit we know it was Brown in the store; we know Brown was the thief; we know Brown shoved the clerk store owner just as the video recorded! DAYUM you are a moron IDIOT Wabbit.
While Ezra Journolist Klein writes the article to show Dorian is just the innocent of innocents, it falls apart with six other black eye witnesses who came in on their own to discredit Johnson’s testimony. Then to cover his ass Klein wrote eyewitness accounts are completely unreliable even under the best of circumstances, and these were not the best of circumstances. Yes, discredit the six black eyewitnesses. Another of those Saul Alinsky tactics this DUMMOCRETIN has down perfectly since his Journolist outing where Ezra first worked on that skill! So apparently Wilson beat his own face in per Johnson.
Sorry senile one… Your position does not compute!
“In Iran you are hanged for being gay! You want that in America?”
No, but you do.
That’s an awful lot of Americans you folks want killed, Puddy. What do you think would be the best way for you to go about it? Maybe turn the Superdome into a huge gas chamber, then dump the bodies into the Gulf of Mexico?
Really Stupid Solution Steve? Where has Puddy advocated that? Did you grow a pair of balls and ask the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot? yet for help from the crazed database?
Meanwhile a little girl met injustice in a California mall. http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com.....58881.html
Puddy bets the empty teabag teabagger agrees with this disgusting article… The writer is one of your kind! http://www.newyorker.com/magaz.....kama-sutra
PuddyCommentary: One must view these sites to understand GIGO on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Garbage in-garbage out! It proves once again you Christian hating libtards really hate the TLC’s “19 Kids & Counting” about the Duggar family.
You libtards hate they had 19 children.
You libtards really hate they are Christians.
You libtards really hate they love sex and have a lot of it.
And you wonder why DUMMOCRETINS are the butt of jokes?
Don’t worry empty headed bagger, Puddy knows you’ll skip right over this being the chafed butthead you are!
“Where has Puddy advocated that?”
Hell, I’d settle for seeing a little outrage out of you at something your side does for a change. Alas, your guy just called for the killing of millions of Americans and I see no outrage. Since you refuse to show outrage, one can only assume that you support the call for mass execution of gays in America.
Outrage. Why do you keep asking something of us that you can’t muster the courage to do yourself?
Why @173?
When Puddy views how your side NEVER apologizes!
Meanwhile more holes are found in the Benghazi Report! http://www.weeklystandard.com/.....tml?page=1
Coverup for the intelligence community! Trey Gowdy already kicking ASS!
Hey isn’t The New Republic a libtard magazine?
Yes it is… Another implosion of DUMMOCRETIN left wrong thought. Awww… HA DUMMOCRETINS have one less source of left wrong GIGO!
And another libtard bastion of left wrong medua is performing a mea culpa…
Oopsie… http://dailycaller.com/2014/12.....es-it-pop/
Because the WaPo checked things out the really deep libtard left wrong morons at Rolling Stone decided not to check…
Yes, TNR and RS, sites trusted by HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere!
“When Puddy views how your side NEVER apologizes!”
Then you have no reason to complain, now do you? If you traveled the high road, things might be a little different, but you don’t. You scream at people for having the same shortcomings as yourself.
It’s called projection, Puddy. In case you forgot, it’s a Psych 101 thang.
Ummm Steve, Puddy been saying that for years. You are the Jonny-cum-lately.
And besides what does Puddy have to apologize for? Michael Brown’s stooooooooopidity. I DON’T THINK SO!
More Stupid Steve’s Solution GIGO!
“And besides what does Puddy have to apologize for? Michael Brown’s stooooooooopidity. I DON’T THINK SO!”
Actually, I was thinking of your own stupidity.
Psych 101 Projection @180!