– I don’t mind Amazon’s drone program as much as some people, but there is something disquieting about it.
– It is pretty amazing that a smear against Obama can be dumb enough for the GOP to drop.
– This story of recovering a stolen bike off a rack is the greatest thing I’ve ever read.
– Willie fucking Bloomquist?
– No, you decided to buy Mirah Playing Cards even though you still have most of your Christmas shopping ahead of you.
A reminder of why Democrats finally passed Republican health care reform, despite overwhelming Republican opposition.
Of course, when hospitals break down their billings to every single aspirin and suture, they incur tremendous administrative costs to keep track of and bill for all of that, item by item. It’s like a corporation employing an accountant to bill customers for every paper clip that’s used. Of course, no business would ever do that, because it’s so horribly inefficient and costly — except hospitals.
William Rockefeller, Metro-North Engineer, Fell Asleep During Fatal Train Derailment
Can’t they make an app that uses GPS and sets off freaking loud alarms if the train is going too fast when approaching defined slow curves?
I cannot believe that Florida, with all of it’s reforms, scored worse. Obviously the test was rigged.
Since the US scored badly, we can use this to gut the teacher unions and stop paying our teachers those stupid salaries and spend the money of Football. We can enforce teaching only to the Test so our scores go up, and stop all that critical thinking crap. That will get those scores to rise.
This is so sad.
So schools with resources do better. Who would have thunk it?
Still, the survey found that the teens did solidly well, few were advanced…
IMHO, conservatives are purposely not allowing teachers to teach our kids to think for themselves. They would rather be a stupid third world country where their own kids had the advantages and only them, then a thriving first world country where everyone had opportunity but it would mean that conservatives had to compete.
Over the next generations, our country is going to get creamed by foreign innovation and creativity, and I will blame the conservatives and the greedy.
5)I believe it is called the Dead Man’s pedal.
Also, their is a Congressional/FRA mandate, called Positive Train Control that must be met by 2015. The railroads want an extension, probably won’t get it now.