– Explains South Carolina as well as anything.
– When a politician declares the end of something, it’s almost always the beginning, not the end.
– Terrible tee shirts.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Explains South Carolina as well as anything.
– When a politician declares the end of something, it’s almost always the beginning, not the end.
– Terrible tee shirts.
So, Newt Gingrich won the S. Carolina primary by not being a Mormon and attacking the “elites” in Washington D.C. and the media as being the cause of all our problems.
My guess is he’s going to try to ride under that banner all the way to the nomination, because it allows him to attack anyone who questions him about, well, anything.
My question is: to whom is Newt referring? Is that a backhanded reference to Romney and the “financial elites”?
Or is he referring to the “liberal media elites” for daring to question him about his hypocracy and lack of moral values?
Or is he referring to Washington D.C. insiders, of whom he is definately one?
Kinda ironic for a guy who’s a Washington insider who shows up on all the talking head political shows.
The problem with Newt is that he expects that he tells so many lies and inconsistencies so often that while you are proving him wrong, he’s gone on to tell six more lies and reverse positions on twelve other items – and then lie about doing it. I find it unfortunate that he gets away with that far too oftem. I’m hoping that the American general electorate will be much smarter than that.
Lots of pundits are making predictions about Florida, next up in the primary battle. Some say S. Carolina was an “outlier”, and Florida is going to go with Romney. Others say that since Florida is right next door to Georgia (Newt’s “home state”), and S. Carolina, Newt should win big there, too.
The problem with predicting what is going to happen in Florida is that it’s several states in one. You have the rich and mega-rich Floridians along the coastline who will support Romney. You have the urban centers along the coast and southern Orlando area who usually vote Democratic. Then you have central and northern Florida, which is pretty much redneck country. The problem is usually which group shows up at the polls in bigger numbers (and contributes money accordingly).
The wild card is the hispanic vote, which used to be centered around Miami. Traditionally these were anti-Castro refugees, and voted Republican accordingly (they never forgave J.F. Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs thing). But now we are a couple of generations beyond the Cuban Revolution, and the descendents of these anti-Castro refugees are a lot more diverse. Also, the Republican attacks on hispanics has caused a lot of blow-back on them. I don’t think they will vote strongly Democratic in the next election, but I don’t think they will be the strong Republican block they were before, either. There enfluence is also being watered down by the growing numbers of legal Mexican immigrants who’s children are citizens and will be eighteen by the next election, and whom tend to vote Democratic.
Newt’s out front.
And here I thought the Republican nomination process was going to be boring.
My biggest concern (leading up to the general election) is that both Romney and Gingrich will deflect questions about the baggage they are carrying by saying that’s all “old news”, they’ve already “answered fully all questions on those allegations”, and go on to bash Obama.
Newt, of course, is the master of that – he’s now claiming that the ethics report “exonerated him on all charges”, and it was all a political hatchet job against him. What a load of horse crap. Yea, sure it was all “political” – that’s why his own party voted overwhelmingly to remove him from his position as Speaker, and make him pay an unpredidented $300,000 in fines (he now claims they were only “expenses”).
Employers On Strike
The 1-percenters are continuing their assault on unions, workers, and living wages with a new tactic: Lockouts.
Increasingly, employers are trying to take away benefits, force wages down, compel workers to work harder, and wring other concessions from the working class with employer strikes, i.e. lockouts, that say in effect: Work on terms dictated by management, or don’t work.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Me, I’m in favor of not working. Owning capital has become so lucrative, and work so unrewarding, that I don’t see the sense of going to a job. With everyone on Wall Street getting rich, Wall Street is the place to be, not a shop floor or office cubicle. I don’t work anymore; I’ve become a completely useless leech — a bloodsucker vacuuming dollars from the financial system in return for absolutely nothing — and along with all the rest of our nation’s financial bloodsuckers, I’m doing fine! There’s this widespread sense of gloom and doom, but believe me folks, the suffering isn’t equal … in fact, there’s no suffering at all among the asset-flipping classes! Only workers are suffering. Which raises the question: Why would anyone be a worker? When the world doesn’t value workers, clearly, no one should work or produce anything. The rich don’t, so why should you?
Last night I unsuccessfully tried posting information about a trojan horse group calling itself “Americans Elect 2012” in the Friday Night Extravaganza thread. Not only were my posts being blocked, but every time I tried to post, I was kicked out of the Horses Ass website and couldn’t get back in for several hours.
I don’t know much about computers, so I can’t explain how this is happening. It has happened to me many times before. From my end, it appears that someone is monitoring my posting on HA and is blocking certain specific posts. Many of these were posts in my ongoing “Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t” series, i.e., when I tried to post to contemporary news articles about gun crimes, the comment will be blocked and I will be unable to get into the HA website.
The blocking takes three forms: (1) I get a page that says in large black intimidating boldface type “Access Forbidden,” or (2) I get a Microsoft Explorer error page that indicates my internet access link is broken, or (3) I get the “white screen of death,” i.e. nothing happens.
I’ve tried everything: Deleting cookies, rebooting, etc., but the result is always the same: After I’ve been blocked, if I google on “Horsesass.org,” the link will come up, but when I click on the link nothing happens. It’s simply a dead link. The only remedy is to wait for several hours. Then my access is restored and I can get back into HA — but the blocked comment still won’t post and trying to post it will kick me out of the HA website again.
It sure looks to me like I’m being hacked, or maybe someone has hacked Goldy’s filtering software and turned it against me. Is anyone else having this problem when trying to post on HA? Anyone have any ideas about the who, how, and why of my being blocked from accessing HA?
Anyway, what I most want you to know about “Americans Elect 2012” is their field operations are run by the two guys who own this political consulting firm:
Just click on the link above, read the short article, and you’ll have a pretty damn good idea of who’s behind “Americans Elect 2012” and what their agenda is.
It’s the guilded age all over again.
It just happened again — I got the “Forbidden Access” page and was kicked out of HA. I had to reboot and wait a few minutes before I could get back in. This happens only with HA; I don’t have this problem with any other website. Which makes me think that either Goldy’s filtering software has been hijacked, or I’ve picked up a virus designed to block access to HA.
Typing in the name of the political consulting firm hired by “Americans Elect 2012” is what triggers the blocking. I noticed that last night, too.
I’m going to try it again, and if you don’t see another comment from me after this one, it’s because I’ve been blocked again.
Arno Political Consultants
Lol….the rabbit has to be the most paranoid dumbass on this planet
The Supremes get one right.
Get a warrant, buddy.
Dipshit @14: It happened to me too.
I’ve had that happen to me a couple of times.
Whoever did this needs to go to jail for a long, long time.
Well, the TeaBaggers wont be shouting Chris Christie’s name any longer.
WASHINGTON — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) made two historic nominations to the New Jersey State Supreme Court on Monday, continuing his push to diversify the judicial branch.
Bruce A. Harris is mayor of Chatham, N.J. and a lawyer with 20 years of experience. As an openly gay African-American man, he would become the third African-American to ever serve on the State Supreme Court and the first openly LGBT member.
Interestingly, Willard seemed to come out for Strategic Default by upside-down home owners today.
RR @ 7: What they are doing is not only dictating the terms of employment, they are trying to force the common working people to accept them by removing the social safety net. You’ve seen steady attacks on this during the past year. Refusing to extend unemployment benefits (which were routinely granted before in times of high unemployment); attacks on food stamps (requiring recipients to get a job first, which kind of begs the quesiton); requiring high school diplomas and job training classes as a condition to welfare benfits for people’s children, etc.
Expect a renewal of their attack on the minimum wage soon.
In short, Republicans have been trying to sell the precept that the unemployment problem is caused by people who just are too lazy to get a job. Remove the social safety net – even the part previously paid for by the workers, such as pensions and unemployment insurance – and people will eventually go back to work at whatever pennies per hour the employer deems to pay them, to avoid starvation.
In the 1930’s farm produce distributors fought against soup kitchens, because they made it possible for workers to refuse to work in the fields for a mere pennies a day. When church and other charity organizations set up their own soup kitches, they responded with thugs to attack those standing in line, tear down the tents and destroy the kettles and other equipment. I thought we were well past such days, but apparantly this is the Republican vision of an utopian America.
Michael, Zotz and Roger Rabbit,
Goldy and I are looking into the problem.
It is real and repeatable.
It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with being hacked.
My guess is that it is something the ISP has set up to prevent denial of service attacks—perhaps certain phrases that cause an IP address to be locked out for five minutes.
# 20: Mitt, and most of his Republican buddies, see default and bankruptcy in a way which is different than the rest of us.
To Mitt & his cronies, debt is a useful tool. That’s because they never invest with very much of their own money. For the most part, they are using other people’s money. The more investors they can talk into shelling out money for their schemes, the larger the schemes they can handle, and the bigger the profit to them. Likewise, they will then use that investor money to leverage bank loans for additional debt. So before they even get into a scheme, they have a tiny bit of their own money, a lot of investor money, and a good share of loaned money from a bank. Of course, they are insulated from losing much of their own money, or from personally ever re-paying the bank loans, through shell companies set up to implement the deal.
Then once in the deal, they scrape off every cent of cash from the company they acquired, then the sell off any assets of any significant value. They may go through a Chapter 11 first to discharge union contract and pension obligations, making the remaining division of the company more valuable. They probably pay off the bank loan before filing Chapt. 11, because they plan to use that bank on the next deal. But the acquired company takes on more and more debt through other banks – frequently the bank which handled their needs before the acquisition. Eventually there’s nothing left of value in the corporation. They out-source the remaining jobs overseas and keep a small office just to handl the paperwork, then file bankruptcy on the corporation. They don’t feel a twinge of conscious about all the banks, vendors, employees, and retirees left in the lurch when they do so. They got in the way of their profits, and that’s too bad for them.
But when an individual files bankruptcy – well, that’s another issue. At that point it’s a moral failing, and despite the fact that by far most debtors in bankruptcy are there due to circumstances beyond their control, the Republicans insist that they be forced to pay every dime claimed by banks, mortgage companies, and credit card companies, regardless how onerous the terms might me.
It seems that when Mitt faces somone in the later situation, he can’t quite tell him the party line – that it’s their own fault, that he ought to be working three jobs at minimum wage to make sure the claims are paid in full. Instead, he referts to the first Mitt – the one that considers debt to simply be another tool, one which can be disgarded when it no longer serves a purpose beneficial to him.
By the way, if you are wondering how the Republican voters of S. Carolina can vote for a serial adulter, wife abandoner, ethics cheat, and habitual liar, then here’s something from a comment board I saw today:
Funny, the reason most people never heard of Janet Reno trying to prohibit re-enactor’s events or camoflauge clothing was that it never happened. It only happened in the delusional rumors spread among the right-wing.
@ Darryl
Ha! I knew that quote was floating around out there somewhere.
At 22: If I shut down and boot up, I regain access to HA, if that helps.
Roger’s topic on AE needs coverage. The subject persons behind AE have an evil history and appear to be on track for ballot space in 50 states.
I tried to post wiki data on them (to reinforce Roger’s post) here three times today and got the access issue.
Remember the Bill Ayers controversy? Well, this is the kind of guy Mitt Romney hangs out with.
@27 Rebooting didn’t do it for me. Each time, I’ve had to wait 2 or 3 hours before I could get back into the HA website. Google brings up the link, but when I click on it, nothing happens.
@20 “We’re just so overleveraged, so much debt in our society, and some of the institutions that hold it aren’t willing to write it off.”
Yeah, that sounds like what you’d get from a guy who made his bones in a business that routinely leverages 30:1.
(Full disclosure: I’m not leveraged at all; I own everything outright, and owe ZERO debt. If everybody on Wall Street did things like me, there would’ve been no financial crisis. — RR)
Of course, the ultimate leverage occurs when a takeover artist “buys” a company by pledging its assets and doesn’t put up any of his own money at all. I wonder how people get these borrowing privileges? I mean, why can’t I just walk into Boeing and say, “Hey, I’m buying your company, using your company as collateral?” Do you think they would hand me the keys to the C-suite? Why someone like Romney, but not someone like me? How does he do that?
You Won’t Believe What Some Sick Bastard Did …
“LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Police were investigating Monday after a cat belonging to the family of a Democrat’s campaign manager was beaten to death and the word ‘liberal’ scrawled across its side.
“The cat belonged to the family of Jake Burris, who manages Democrat Ken Aden’s bid for Arkansas’ 3rd Congressional District.
“Burris was returning to his Russellville home with his four children when he found the cat on his doorstep Sunday night, the Aden campaign said in a press release.
“The mixed-breed Siamese cat had one side of its head bashed in to ‘the point the cat’s eyeball was barely hanging from its socket,’ the release said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you gotta hate Democrats (which by itself is irrational), why take it out on the poor cat? Wtf did the cat ever do to anybody? What’s this sick bastard gonna do next, go after this guy’s kids? Mama Mia, I hope they catch this psycho before he does …
@1 et seq.: I think the main thing to say about this election, so far, is that neither Romney nor Newt nor any other GOP candidate has offered any positive vision or constructive ideas for Americans to vote for — their whole platform is to attack, you know, the black guy they can’t stand seeing in the Oval Office.
Let us hope this election will be racism’s last, dying gasp in American politics.
@24 And of course it doesn’t occur to these dolts that if their rights to wear cammies to the mall and run through the woods with paintball guns haven’t been taken away in Obama’s first term, they probably won’t be taken away in Obama’s second term either.
RR @ #30:
Well, according to quite a few of the old hands at Boeing, that’s exactly what Harry Stonecipher did – he used Boeing’s money to end up in control of both McDonnell Douglas AND Boeing. If he hadn’t been caught sleeping with a subordinate, he might still be running that company into the ground.
God knows, the executives he promoted and the members of the board of directors he brought in have been doing a pretty good job of it themselves.
Maybe literacy tests weren’t such a bad idea after all. Some of these people aren’t smart enough to vote. It seems to me you should at least have the IQ of an avocado to vote.
@14 See 22 — you’re the dumbass here.
Well, this might also explain the results of S. Carolina’s primary vote:
Strongest Solar Storm Since 2005 pummels earth
And here’s a picture to prove it:
Protection from the Solar Rays
yes, dummy rabbit – go see post #22..this time, why dont you re-read it.
but go ahead, keep on telling us how its some nefarious attack by TEH EVUL WRIGHT REENG..
moron….good god, I hope they dont let you drive a car anymore..
@39 See # 38.
OK, these people are just creepy, they want to turn Valentines Day into the “Day Of Purity” as if Valentines day is about wanton sex or something. It’s about love!