– Those big banks are a piece of work.
– I don’t find anything objectionable about the code of conduct for street canvassers, but just saying “no thanks” or “I’m already a member” when you see one usually works fine.
– Shorter Seattle Times: The middle is always the right place.
When has the Seattle Times ever been in the middle?
We’re making electricity from the dead!
Most of the time they lean way left!
Well they can’t exactly create a Soylent Green food!
If the Times truly had a passion for the middle, it would quit endorsing wingnuts for office. The editorial takes the usual approach to our divided government and suggests that both parties are equally at fault for political dysfunction. That approach, of course, is seriously wrong. The extreme right drives the Republican Party. The extreme left has virtually no voice within the Democratic Party.
@3: Prove it, lickspittle. The ST is a rightwing rag.
How many socialists are on the Seattle Times editorial board? How many communists? How many anarchists?
I rest my case, yr. honor.
You ain’t talking to Puddy, you moron! Lickspittle is what you call dopey libtards!
Roger DOPEY Rabbit sez all I need is one point to refute your moronic lunatic ravings… So Puddy will deliver four!
So I’ll deliver one from the DUMMOCRAPTIC UNDERWEAR (Underground)
Butt wait there is more
Butt wait there is more
Butt wait there is more
See the hand? Feel the hand side yo face? Well your head just moved 6 inches! SMACK!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Ever since he called ylb monomaniacal, Proud He’s An ASSSSSSSS has been on an emotional downward slide!
Golly Proud He’s An ASSSSSSSSSSS… Look at the Progressive Voter’s Guide
and the Seattle Times
Not many disagreements. Really sucks to be you ASSSSSSSS!
Too funny, on the web haunt where I found that story there were a bunch of Soylent Green jokes.
Kenosha WI brings back the street cars. The old street cars.
Denny Heck ran as a Democrat, but just being a Democrat doesn’t mean your a member of the left. And he’s not. He’s a centrist, pro-establishment, plutocrat.
The Times shares a strategy of voting with the center when the center’s going to win any way, which explains probably 75% of their Democratic endorsements. Most of the others are Democrats that are fairly conservative and pro-establishment.
Plus, you have to look at all their editorial, not just their endorsements. They’re pretty clearly righties.
@5 This is nothing but the Seattle Times trying to stay alive in a liberal town by denying their Republican slant. But then, it’s SOP for Republicans to deny they’re Republicans, isn’t it? I mean, after all, Republicans aren’t respectable.
Shit, puddy is on his stupid pills again.
Iowa Poll — The Shape Of Things To Come?
The Mittster has dropped back to third place.
Gingrich – 25%
Paul – 18%
Romney – 16%
Bachmann – 8%
Cain – 8%
Perry – 6%
Santorum – 6%
Huntsman – 2%
Undecided – 11%
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Iowa is a caucus state, not a primary state; and Iowa is Iowa — it doesn’t determine the race. But numbers similar to these in New Hampshire and South Carolina would seal Romney’s fate. He simply hasn’t made the sale, and desperate Republicans are digging through the dumpster looking for anything edible.
What’s really notable about the latest Iowa Poll is that Gingrich has spent no money and has no campaign organization in Iowa.
I thought he was being relatively sane by Puddy standards. That’s the only reason I left a reply.
@17 Calling the ST a “lefty” newspaper isn’t sane; it’s a basis for involuntary commitment on the grounds he’s a danger to himself and/or others.
True. But, it is Puddy we’re talking about here.
I love it when you deliver the facts these HA moronic loons like Roger DOPEY Rabbit run around trying to “explain away” the Seattle Times facts.
Stoooopid Pills? I guess being DOPEY explains that comment!
Their progressive choices for 2011 are FACTS you can’t explain away.
Sucks to be a loon!
Thanks for the link on Kawasaki, Carl. I haven’t paid any attention to the M’s in months, other than when Greg Halman was murdered by his brother – allegedly. Dude’s got some good stats behind him, and if Ichiro says he’s any good it’d be worth a shot to bring him over. Though perhaps it’d be more to keep Ichiro happy than to improve the M’s depth at shortstop.
BTW, here’s a video of Kawasaki in action:
Yep #18 called it.
@20 The only thing ST’s endorsements of Democrats proves is how bad the Republicans are.
Yep@23, Called it!
Oh my Roger DOPEY Rabbit, that’s the best you can do?
Click here for rightwing parade video:
Oh, and this Republican made a bundle from selling oil to those guys:
It’s Oregon vs. Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl.
Thank you Proud to be an Ass for calling this right wing loon for EXACTLY what he is..
Many, many times you have done this.. Great work!
Ohhhh poor poor ylb…
Proud He’s an ASSSSSSS is a libtard like you. I expect him to try and attack Puddy. He failed again in his latest attempt. But he called you another libtard monomaniacal.
P R I C E L E S S!
Just want to reiterate how the libtards love to putdown the flyover states…
WA, DC has one of the worst $$$ spent to SAT score ratios in all of America. In fact the 7 lowest are bastions of libtardo voting zones! Maybe the lowest 9? Didn’t Maine vote for ObamAA+?
Speaking of stupid Republicans, a student at a private Catholic college in Wisconsin tore up a recall petition and then bragged about it.
Apparently he doesn’t realize he committed a felony and could face 3 1/5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
How much ya wanna bet Jon DUMMOCRAPT Corzine will plead da 5th when he appears in front of Congress over MF Global?
@31 I would guess he doesn’t want to explain where the customers’ $600 million went. But think of it this way: He prolonged Greece’s solvency by a few hours.
You can tell Corzine is a Democrat — when he steals other people’s money he gives it to the poor. A Republican would pocket it.
Conservative Values
Never Ever Raise Taxes
*Unless they are payroll Taxes
Get Government off our backs!*
*But it’s ok to get into a woman’s uterus
Marriage is Sacred*
*Unless Newt needs another divorce
Big government is bad*
*except for the military part
Defend the Family*
*Unless they are illegals
America’s obsession with missing white women
The Tacoma News Tribune pretty much tore West Net a new A-hole this morning. Every now and then they remind me why I subscribe.
Obama vs. Gingrich?
Today’s NBC-Marist poll confirms yesterday’s Rasmussen poll: Newt Gingrich has surged to the front of the GOP pack and Romney has dropped back into the pack. Specifically,
” … Gingrich has surged to the lead in Iowa and has climbed nearly 20 percentage points in New Hampshire since October, according to new NBC News-Marist polls. Meanwhile, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has seen his support drop in both states.”
So what, you say, we’ve seen this before — Gingrich is merely the flavor-of-the-month.
I don’t think so. This is real.
Red flags have been waving around Romney for months. Anointed by the media and GOP establishment as the “presumptive” or “inevitable” nominee, rank-and-file Republican voters are saying they don’t like him, don’t trust him, and don’t want him.
Romney is a Mormon, and that makes him a non-Christian in the eyes of the GOP’s evangelical base. He’s a flip-flopper, is from Massachusetts, and even looks like John Kerry. As governor, he supported and passed the state law that became the prototype for Obamacare. And he’s part of the Wall Street establishment that’s utterly loathed by Main Street tea party activists.
It’s time for everyone to stop deluding themselves. Romney hasn’t made the sale, and isn’t going to. So who does that leave?
Read the polls and you have the answer.
The Obama camp needs to shift gears and prepare to a campaign against Gingrich. He’s the last man standing — which is the only thing he has going for him.
Would the GOP really be stupid enough to nominate someone as unlikeable and flawed as Newt Gingrich? Yeah, they would, if they have no other choice. And with Republican voters deserting Romney en masse, they have no other choice.
In the NBC-Marist poll, Obama beats all Republican candidates in Iowa except one. He leads Romney by 7 points, Gingrich by 10 points, and Perry by ll points. In a head-to-head matchup, Obama and Ron Paul are tied, at 42% each.
Golly Proud He’s An ASSSSSSSSSSS… Look at the Progressive Voter’s Guide
And I ask you again….even wrt those self styled progressives: How many of them are socialists? Communists? Anarchists?
You’re so ignorant it physically hurts to read your fucking drivel.
37 – What a nightmare.
Joe Arpaio, an Arizona sheriff who has become a rightwing darling by self-promoting his tough-guy image, is incompetent.
Objective observers have known for years this guy is all show, and not much else, but the media has given him a free pass. The truth is, he’s a lousy cop, and no one is paying a higher price for his incompetence than little girls.
“[M]ore than 400 sex-crimes reported to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office during a three-year period ending in 2007 — including dozens of alleged child molestations — … were inadequately investigated and in some instances were not worked at all, according to current and former police officers familiar with the cases.
“In [the town of] El Mirage alone … officials discovered at least 32 reported child molestations — with victims as young as 2 years old — where the sheriff’s office failed to follow through, even though suspects were known in all but six cases.”
So what, exactly, is going on in Maricopa County? This next quote probably won’t surprise you:
“Many of the victims, said a retired El Mirage police official who reviewed the files, were children of illegal immigrants.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The voters of Maricopa County can elect any asshole they want to. But you and I don’t have to live there. In fact, the whole fucking state of Arizona — Goldwater Country, McCain Country — is fucked up. The answer is, don’t live there. Ever. It’s as simple as that.
The Obama camp needs to shift gears and prepare to a campaign against Gingrich.
Gingrich is, like Cain, running an elaborate book selling scam that masquerades as a political campaign. His organization is, well, nonexistent. Given his past behavior, you can count on him saying something even more inflammatory than having the school kids clean the toilets. It is inevitable. He can’t help himself.
Ron Paul will charge to the front, but not get the nomination because he’s a nutcase that even the banksters are leary of. Carl Rove and his boys will broker the GOP convention to run Huntsman, and Paul will break with the party to pull a Nader like independent run.
The electoral race comes down to counting the votes in North Dakota. Because nearly everybody in the state is fracking, only six people vote: 3 for Obama, two for Huntsman, and one for Paul. The lone Paul vote keeps the Supreme Court and their fascist self aggrandizing partisan GOP majority from invoking Bush v. Gore as precedent to steal another presidential election.
Obama wins a squeaker. GOP has interminable feud about Paul “costing” them the election.
Obama continues his rightard policies. The economy continues to stink. Drone warfare escalates in the Middle East, and Progressive chortle in satisfaction some nonsense about “how it could have been worse”.
Dancing In Space
Mrs. Rabbit brought this to my attention. Project Bandaloop, the brainchild of Amelia Rudolph, is a dance troupe that performs on towers, buildings, and cliffs while dangling from climbing ropes.
The videos are pretty incredible.
I think Gingrich is going to get the nomination, despite the fact he has no infrastructure and started this as a book tour.
The conservatives and/or the people who vote in republican primaries, HATE Romney.
Some freerepublic headlines and comments…..
Romney Prefers to Lose Primary Rather than
Renounce Romneycare (“I’m standing by what I did”)
Mitt Romney: Tom Dewey All Over Again
Mitt Romney still faces a trust deficit with GOP voters
Romney under fire for immigration remarks (Flip Romney loves illegals too)
The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM
Santorum says Romney to the left of Obama on same-sex marriage
Mitt Romney, the pretzel candidate
Who Is Mitt Romney Conning? (Manchurian Mitt Vows to Work for Liberal Issues)
10 reasons Christians should reject Romney
Mitt Romney’s hostile takeover of the right
Purpose of FR and why we can never support Mitt Romney
I suspect, as others do, that Newt’s plan was to make money, and this whole front-runner thing is a complete accident, reflecting the fathomless insanity and incompetence of the rest of the ‘thug field, with the exception of Romney, whose inescapable cravenness and wacky Mormon thingy is a deal-breaker for the Teahaddists.
So what’s gonna happen?
Does Newt even want to be President? I suspect not – it’s far more lucrative doing what he’s been doing, and the interns are likely a lot easier to nail outside the scrutiny of the Oval Office. (Come now, you really thinking he’s not cheating on Calista? The man’s a dog, there’s no way he’s not banging an intern or two)
So what’s he gonna do when he wins the nomination? One scenario – following the convention, he reveals some sort of malady that forces him to relinquish the nod – allowing for the Republican Party establishment to broker some sort of palatable replacement – someone untainted by losing the nomination (ie, a new “not-Romney”) – take your pick: Christie, Cuchinelli, Huckabee (!), Rubio, anybody but Romney and the rest of the present Klown Kar Brigade.
@44. interesting scenario. I bet Jeb Bush with Christie as VP.
This is a case where a windowless smoke-filled room off the corridor in the convention hall might be the GOP’s salvation.
If I were them, I would nominate Jeb Bush, then send a squad of twelve very large men to make sure he accepts the honor.
Jeb could go far with the slogan, “I’m not my brother!”
@46 I didn’t see your comment before posting mine — interesting how we think alike.
How much you want to bet that congress gives him the same deferential treatment they give to every other wealthy insider, regardless of party?
I think Mitt’s it.
It’s pretty obvious that Newt doesn’t want to be president and that his life and finances can’t stand up to close inspection. Newt does function as a “grown up in the room” to draw attention away from Bachmann and Santorum and to a lesser degree Paul. If Newt’s numbers stay high he’ll keep bringing up things the Republicans don’t like, like amnesty for illegals, or be diagnosed with a heart problem or something. One way or the other, he’ll throw the nomination.
I don’t think there’s anyone else out there, with a hope in hell of beating Obama, that wants it. To run and be president you’d have to have your life turned upside down, be scrutinized like no other, and it’s hard work. Why throwaway easy money, privacy, and a life of leisure for that?
I don’t think there’s an R (Mitt’s just going through the motions) and there’s damn few D’s and I’s that have the fire in the belly to want to be the president right now. Hell, I’m not sure even Obama really wants it.
If Seattle doesn’t step it up Chicago’s going to pass it by as bike city USA.
Roads are for motor vehicles, bikes are just two-wheeled douche propellers.
Wnat to know what retail category did really really well on Black Friday?
As regular HA readers know, I regularly peruse the financial press, because I have real money on the line in stocks. I don’t do original research; I just read other people’s research and post summaries here.
Guns! Guns sold like hotcakes on Black Friday. The all-time record for background checks was set on Black Friday. Wonder why? This doesn’t sound real bullish for either stocks or democracy.
Kinda funny seeing how bike had their right to be on the roads set in law before there were cars!
How To Poison The Ocean
Easy. Just build a nuclear reactor right on top of a fault zone in one of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries, then wait for the inevitable to happen.
The political machine may want mitt as the nominee, but the people who vote in primaries don’t.
Guns seem to sell in batches. We sold a big batch of guns right before Obama took office, then they slacked off. Now they’ve spiked again.
Overall the numbers are declining.
I’ve posted about straw gun purchases a couple time before. This is a good article about one gun store that was involved in straw purchases.
Right wing thug arrested in WI:
They’re getting very desperate.
Re: several previous posts:
It’s interesting to speculate that a dark-horse candidate might emerge, one who hasn’t been ground up in the Tea-Party vetting process which is the current Republican nomination process. If you think about it, it’s kind of a trend which the Repblicans have been on since 2008. In that year they fell back upon a previously-rejected candidate (McCain) precisely because he had ticked off enough of the party that he could claim to be independent of the causes of the military and economic disasters made by the Republicans, and also chose a poorly vetted “dark horse” VP candidate who attracted considerable excitement among the base at the time.
The lesson was: being a mainstream Republican carries with it too much baggage, even within the Republican Party. Better to find somebody new – anybody – and the less you know about this new candidate, the better.
The ascension of the Tea Party candidates to Congress in 2010 only seemed to confirm this, as some of the wackiest and poorly-vetted candidates actually one enough elections to take control of the House.
We see the entire process multiplied and accelerated in the nomination process for the 2012 presidential elections, with some really wacky results. Since Romney can’t seem to buy the nomination at any price, what is left is a Republican electorate which is seeking anybody else. The problem is, each one is attractive only as long as they aren’t subject to too much scrutiny. Once they rise to be a leading contender, they implode.
So, following this trend, the best thing the Republicans can do to secure a candidate other than Romney is to find someone at the last minute, one who doesn’t have to withstand the public and media vetting process and therefore has the attraction of being little more than an image, an alternative to both Romney and Obama.
But the current Republican rules, with their reliance on winner-take-all primaries, is set up precisely to avoid that result, and also to avoid a brokered convention. The system is designed to make sure a Republican nominee is determined by March, so he/she can spend his money and his time attacking the Democrats (who are usually still in the middle of a hard-fought nomination primary fight right up until June).
So whoever wins the early state primaries & caucuses will have incredible momentum which will probably carry them to the nomination, even if 75% of the party prefers someone else. As long as they don’t self-destruct, that is.
@56, 60
They have created a monster, in the form of the Republican primary electorate. Now their reduced to trying to slip someone palatable to the nation at large past this group of fire-breathing knuckledraggers.
It’s quite a needle to thread – short-circuiting their own nominating process to present someone acceptable to 50.001% of the population (or less, see Bush v. Gore), without utterly alienating the God ‘n Guns on Steroids crowd.
In fact, Romney is seeking a hostile takeover of the conservative movement
Interesting take. Will layoffs follow? I always thought there were too many conservatives in that movement.