From the New York Times on Democrats’ attempts to get a sane budget past Bush’s veto pen, our righteous senator hits the nail on the head:
“The president is appealing to a very small conservative base of people, his last few friends in the country, to say, ‘I am conservative,’ ” said Senator Patty Murray of Washington, a Democrat involved in mapping the party’s spending strategy. “But the problem is, he is playing with American lives while he sends his message to his friends.”
Patty Murry – Pork Chop Queen of taxation!
She might want to look at yesterdays washington Election, before she trys to cram an Internet Sales tax, Schip massive Cigar and cigarette tax increases, and Charlie the Tax happy Rangel’s 3.6 trillion mother of all tax packages down our throats.
Keep broadcasting your tax happy wishes! Please!
@1 Please smoke all the cigarettes and cigars you want! And all your WingNut (TM) friends, too! Tobacco should be free in WingNut (TM) Amerikkka! While you’re at it, have a couple of polonium cocktails with your smokes!!!*
* Just kidding! WingNut (TM) humor a la Ann Coulter!!!
Can you explain to me why tax and spend is worse than borrow and spend? With control of both houses, the Executive and Judiciary, the Republicans have moved us to historic deficits.
Just askin..
You are a LOSER! Your issues went doen to DEFEAT! You are radioactive! Rather than a mirror into mainstream political thought, your loser blog is your foul mouthed nutty fantasy take on reality.
re 3: Debt is a means of enslavement. These conservatives are attempting to enslave future generations.
Where did I learn that debt creation is slavery: economist, Adam Smith.
I hope the democrats try to get I960 overturned in court….. Ah the campaign issues just keep on falling into Dino’s lap. hehehehehe 2008 is going to be great.
Uh, if the name of the blog is Horses Ass, shouldn’t the comment section be called “Dump your load here?”
patty incompetent squeaks out yet another uninspiring multi syllable ramble.
it amazes me – the fascists have NOTHING but lies, great soundbites, and fucking idiots who believe their lies.
the dems SHOULD have the ideas and the policies and the players, and we got patty cant hiding under their desks with the rest of the pathetic chickenshit federal dems.
2008 is NOT going to be a calkwalk for these dishrags.
re 6: Oh, I’m not worried.
We’ve got plenty of male Republican druggie/blow-job artists to out at the last minute.
Worked like a charm in ’06. I see no reason it won’t work again.
re 7: If the Angel Moroni revealed Mormonism to J.Smith, shouldn’t they be called Morons?
The number of Americans still buying the GOP fraud is dwindling as fast as the Greenland Ice Sheet…..
Bush has only one thing on his mind. Staying out of prison….
The billionaire friends are all he has left. They aren’t going anywhere. He is compounding their wealth like never before!
His oil buddies are getting almost $100 a barrel. They couldn’t be happier either…..
Patty. Whenever a Republiconvict pipes up, shove a dead baby down their throat. One that dies because of their “conservative” insane policies.
#8 is on to something. Patty Murray’s above statement is really a piece of dishrag. What she needs is an edge.
BTW, is it just me or am I smelling a strong stench from today’s HA trolls. I wonder if it’s just one guy yanking his…?
SeaBos84 @ 8
What language do you speak? If what you wrote is in English, is it some quaint, colloquial dialect? I cannot quite follow what you tried to express.
11 I wish I could share your degree of optimism, but yesterday a majority of those who showed up to vote in this state were desperate and delusional enough to believe in Tim Eyman’s something-for-nothing pitch. And you’d better believe there are plenty of folks sufficiently craven to think taking care of sick babies here at home ain’t as important as killing lots of dark-skinned babies abroad in the name of Jaaaaay-zuz.
Dino’s going to be running really hard and getting lots of support from the building industry next year, because as the economy goes in the crapper he and they will be in dire need of work.
Bullying is the only ideology that drives today’s Republican party. Our local HA trolls are sliding on their own slobber today, in exhibiting their thug mentality.
House water bill – $14 billion
Senate water bill – $15 billion
Conference committee – $14.5 Billion? Nope, $23.5 billion and loaded with PORK.
Anybody calling that sane, isn’t. President Bush was right to veto the pork-laden pile of crap.
And the NYT isn’t mentioning that tactic in their “news” coverage.
the 52% of Americans that voted for Bush (most of them twice) is a ‘small’ circle of the President’s personal friends?
wow! he’s a popular guy with millions of us then! :-)
ArtFart says:
“11 I wish I could share your degree of optimism, but yesterday a majority of those who showed up to vote in this state were desperate and delusional enough to believe in Tim Eyman’s something-for-nothing pitch.”
Mr Art? See.. this is where you lefties go off the rails. Tim didnt promise us *anything* .. he said, “hey, its your money, wanna keep more of it?” and the voters said, “sure, why not?”
See how that works? We dont get a thing from Eyman’s initiative BUT to keep more of our own money. It’s a simple concept really.
Looks like some land is up for sale.
Delbert: Didn’t this Nancy “Stretch” Pelosi-led House say earmarks were dead? Wasn’t this “voted and approved”?
Goes to show you how liberals will lie, steal, cheat, and hood-wink anyone and everyone just to get back into power.
Ann: You’re wasting your time explaining the simple concept of “it’s our money” to a tax-happy lefty. This is something not taught at home during the formative years, or reinforced in the NEA Socialist led K-12 schools systems of today, or reinforced in the institutions of higher learning where thread writers such as Perfesser Darryl make a living.
Ann: Looks like more I-960 no votes were counted in King County last night.
Typical, so typical. Start to worry if it gets gets within a 1000 votes. Larry Phillips will look to see if his ballot was counted.
Eyman once again FAILS (Seattle Times):
The southern end of the northbound horse can not write a constitutional initiative. Expect I-960 to fail similarly.
Eyeman doesn’t know what a constitution is – therefore, he keeps trying to use the initiative process for personal gain and to mess up the way government actually works.
Goldy (by the way, if you cahnge the name around and mistype like I do, it becomes godly) is right about this election. Basically, we have a low turnout election with issues predominantly for conservatives and they are taking this as some kind of mandate. In 08 – they will get their butts handed to them.
Ah, I see puddy is reneging on his “word”. We now know for certain how much THAT’S worth.
Yesterday it was for “election returns”
The it was “leaving shortly”
Well, if you can keep it reasonably civil…ok by me.
If you can’t, you’ll hear a lot about, just like MTR.
From most everybody.
@25 – this is why our little one is in private school
@26 – more ‘found votes’ eh? why am i not suprised. oh well, its more fuel to ignite the masses once Dino reaches cruising speed.
@28 – so, letting people vote on a matter is not constitutional? are you sure? wanna make check your little factoids there? ‘messing up the way government works’ is basically our right. we are not beholden to the govt; they work for us… remember?
“delbert says:
House water bill – $14 billion
Senate water bill – $15 billion
Conference committee – $14.5 Billion? Nope, $23.5 billion and loaded with PORK.
Anybody calling that sane, isn’t. President Bush was right to veto the pork-laden pile of crap. “
Gee, fixing the levees in New Orleans is pork, huh? I guess it is easier to just wait for another flood, and then blame the mayor and governor (but only if they are Democrats).
The news today is that the veto was just overridden, with LOTS of support from Republicans. Only fourteen Republican Senators voted to sustain Bush’s veto.
“This bill is enormously important, and it has been a long time coming,” said Sen. David Vitter, R-La., whose state was hammered by Hurricane Katrina two years ago.
The bill “is one of the few areas where we actually do something constructive,” said Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott. R-Miss. What Bush sees as pork barrel items, Lott said, “are good, deserved, justified projects.”
So, if about 80% of both houses of Congress, including influential Republicans, call the bill “good, deserved, justified projects”, then what does that say about your analysis, delbert?
And the whole thing about the Bush vetoes is just laughable. After five years of allowing the Bush administration and a crony Republican controlled Congress to loot the federal treasury, with most of it going into the pockets of their biggest supporters in the form of no-bid contracts, while ignoring all other domestic priorities, suddenly the Democrats are the”big spenders”????
The veto is just political cover. He knew the vote was going to go against him. He just wants the Republican Party to play it both ways – they can go home to their constituants and bragg about how they “brought home the bacon”, locally, and then on a national level try to blame the enormous federal deficit and ballooning national debt on the Democrats, hoping the electorate has a very short memory and are subject to historical revisionism. What a sham.
So tell us, Roger, why did liberal lefty left-wingnutta Oregon stomp on their smoke-filled version of SCHIP?
And why did not-Left-Coast leftist New Jersey stomp stem cell research?
“Gee, fixing the levees in New Orleans is pork, huh? I guess it is easier to just wait for another flood, and then blame the mayor and governor (but only if they are Democrats).”
Pork for sure, at least as administered by each and every corrupt Democrat governor and mayor that Louisiana and New Orleans had the stupidity to place in positions of authority. Now that the state has at last saved itself from itself by electing a brilliant Republican governor, the reign of error and misfortune’s over.
And tell us, Global-Warming fanatic fundamentalists, why we’ve gone thru yet another hurricane year without a breathlessly predicted deluge of Cat-5 devastation?