– Scary stuff happening in Europe.
– Oh look a book that will kill children.
– The guy running against Cantwell? Quite. A. Charmer.
– Christopher Hitchens has passed. While he could certainly be infuriating, he sure could string words together.
– Rick Perry’s next ad.
So if you’re a parent, and you don’t want your teenage daughter having sex — but, you know, kids will be kids — would you rather she take a Plan B pill or have an abortion? I mean, if those were your only two choices?
Shit, that sounds like Romney and Gingrich being your only two choices. I mean, if you’re a Republican; but, why would anyone be a Republicsan in the first place?
I’m moving this next comment up from the previous Open Thread so it doesn’t get overlooked:
DOJ Warns Seattle Police To Halt Brutality
From the Seattle Times:
“A federal civil-rights investigation into the Seattle Police Department has found routine and widespread use of excessive force by officers, and city and police officials were told at a stormy Thursday night meeting that they must fix the problems or face a federal
lawsuit ….
“The … city … [must] work with the Justice Department to address the issues, or … will face a federal lawsuit that could result in … the appointment of an outside special master to oversee the Police Department. …
“The investigation focused on the use of force and allegations of biased policing against minorities.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Excessive force is something you use in a bar fight you didn’t start when some drunk is kicking your ass. Then you go hire a good lawyer. Police officers supposedly are trained to subdue unruly subjects with, shall we say, professional finesse.
The SEC has charged former top execs at Fannie and Freddie with securities fraud. Who wudda thunk?
In other housing-related news, a foreclosed condo in S.F. has sold for $35 million. Looks like even the penthouse set is underwater. Literally. This palace has a waterfall in the foyer and a 2,500-square-foot master bedroom, among other amenities.
The Cantwell forces called me the other day – they wanted $150. I had just been to the Warren-Cantwell party at the Paramount, and so I was an easy target.
I explained several things to the nice young man on the phone.
1. I haven’t forgiven Cantwell for not fillibustering Alito.
2. Cantwell had NO credible opposition, and so really doesn’t need my money.
3. My wife and I have narrowed our political giving, and will be supporting candidates in critical races, like Elizabeth Warren.
And so, no, I told him, no money for Cantwell.
His response?
“Could you give $100?”
I hung up on him.
Roger @1
There is another form of “birth control”
It’s a simple statement to the boy of “Listen son, don’t do anything to her, you don’t want me to do to you!!!!”
But she is a 99%’er…..
I’m not convinced on the Neo-Obscurantism count. Europe has always had political violence, it’s always gone up and down. They fail to make the case that this recent uptick is somehow new or outside the norm for europe. I’m not saying they’re wrong, but in my view they haven’t made their case yet.
Plan B is perfectly safe and it’s time dependent. Why should people have access to it restricted by a closed pharmacy (last I checked grownups still had sex) There’s all sorts of other over the count things in that pharmacy that you can OD and die on and we’re not restricting access to them.
That next perry ad. Don’t give them ideas.
In other news,
I’m just waiting…
“We won’t work with you to place a child, you are too liberal for our agency.”
“We want the child to stay parked in an orphanage or emergency group home, rather than place the child with you as a foster parent, because you belong to a religion we do not approve of.
Yes, the state of Virgina says we can discriminate like that. “
Yep, sounds like our trolls: puddybud, the montana friendo, the yd(iot), dutch and the asshat.
If the anti-plan b folks were really worried about tEh cHiDrEnS all they had to do is card people for it. Set the age at 16 or 18 or whatever.
That’s funny…most, if not all those you mentioned have more education and make more money than you.
13 – Heh. They definitely have their heads where the sun don’t shine..
Life’s grand in the “bubble”.. For them anyway..
You can buy iranian oil there I understand… That part’s hysterical.
I kinda like stuff like that, because it shows people’s true colors. No more guessing where they stand on things.
People in Seattle and Portland should take out ads in retrograde, red-state, backwaters saying that if any liberal folks from there want to move out here they’d help them find jobs and a place to live.
Eesh, that’s gruesome.
but if you were wondering, anecdotally, this was started by republicans, and democrats got blamed for it.
I had measles when I was six years old. It cost me 50% of the hearing in my right ear. I’d like to see those loons explain how that was “beneficial”.
@6 You’ll need to pull your head out of your own ass before you can stick it up his.
For starters, you seem to have forgotten that half of America’s kids are growing up in single-parent households. And many of their fathers are too busy avoiding paying child support to worry about whether their daughters get pregnant.
There’s more, but I’ll let you cogitate on that for a while.
@10 What’s next in Virginia, mandatory euthanasia of children of liberal parents?
@13 How would you know? Do they mail you copies of their tax returns? Not that income is a measure of a person’s worth to society — there are burglars who make more money than you. Probably some panhandlers, too.
Here’s a “tax” the knuckledraggers actually like. The average U.S. household pays $100 a year to underwrite TV sports programming, whether they ever watch a game or not. The beer swilling, chip crunching, crowd loves the fact their cable sports is being subsidized by everyone else.
One less knuckledragger in circulation.
I’m all in favor of Plan B as an over-the-counter drug available to anyone. Hell, we’ve got enough people on the planet as it is, and teenagers having kids they can’t afford is not the answer to reducing the world’s human polulation or eliminating poverty!
Christopher Hitchens died at age 62, still working, so his Social Security (assuming he contributed to it) will not be paid-out to him.
Any problem with Social Security could easily be solved if these damn people remembered to die on time! It was never meant for the average Joe to live past 62 or so. Don’t those lower-class morons realize that they’re screwing us the system by living to 70, 80 or 90? Social Security was intended for those of us with the longevity genes to enjoy. Too bad for you if you’re not rewarded with good genes!
Well, maybe Hithcens family will file for the $255 death benefit to help pay for his funeral or cremation. That’s something, at least!
re 3: Seattle cops will put you in a full nelson and make you do the funky chicken if you get lippy with them.
@3 & @28,
I don’t think the Seattle cops should be allowed to carry firearms. How’s that for gun control?
I don’t mind stuff like this because that’s the mark of a 1 or 2 term Republican who will get nothing done while in office.
I remember back in the 80’s kids were getting their heads cracked by the SPD. I guess they were guilty of being new wave and being out late at night or something.
And they should….mouthing off to a cop should earn someone a fat lip at the minimum
That’s crazy
re 32: Spoken like a true subservient type authoritarian.
@32. Yeah, you are right. If they resist in any way or question the authority at all, beat them bloody. Total submission to authority is the way to go.
This is the conservative world. Get used to it.
Why is it that right wingers so often sound like they would like the world to be run like a prison, with them in charge as the prison guards?
Re: Chris Hitchens…
Something with people who were taken with Leon Trotsky in their youth.. They are fanatics about intervening in other countries to “liberate” their peoples..
See the neo-cons (many of them former Trotsky-influenced socialists), “liberal hawks” like Paul Berman and Hitchens – a very fiery Trotskyist.
Looks ok on the face.. But in my view it turns out much better for all involved when the people of the screwed up countries do the bulk of the heavy lifting themselves: see Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and yes, America way back in the day (with a little help from *gasp* France).
30 – West says that stuff because,
1) he believes it, at least in part,
but more importantly,
2) it brings in campaign donations from the nutjobs.
Like you-know-who!
dont like cops?
then dont ever call one when you need help.
fucking greaser ass loser hippies, always talk shit about cops or soldiers…until they need one.
I bet you spit on a few returning vets didnt you? cmon now, you know its the cool progressive thing to do…
No Time for Communists,
Why is that that left wingers so often sound like they would like the world to be run like the gulag system or communal farm system, with them in charge of the politburo?
@18 “Birming-hammmm, Birming-hammmm,
Shittiest city that is whut ammmmmmm….”
39. dont like cops?
I didn’t say that. I don’t like thugs and bullies. You were the one who said:
mouthing off to a cop should earn someone a fat lip at the minimum
So questioning a cop should earn a beating. It’s what you said. You apparently approve of thugs and bullies. How did I misunderstand you?
I think rational policemen are great, the ones who protect and serve. I want them to protect society from your thugs and brown shirts.
Caught a glance of Joni Balter on the Tee-Vee tonight. The woman looks like a zombie. I thought she was going to try to eat Joel Connelly’s brain.
yo knucklehead, there is a big difference between questioning a cop and mouthing off to one.
Well there is a big difference for most people, but apparently to people like you, there is no difference..which is why you get the fat lip.
reading comprehension = not your friend
A little bit of morbid humor in this one.
Translation: To certain right wing degenerates, people they hate i.e. are trained to disdain in a knee-jerk fashion, all sound like the target of a fevered Ronnie Raygun evil empire speech from back in the day.
It fits quite well. The empty space between maximus asshat’s ears stopped expanding around the time Ronnie Raygun started consulting Nancy’s astrologer.
you dont talk to very many vets, or ex-hippies do you? Being locked up in your basement, im not surprised.
silly dipshit, it wasnt until the early 80’s that vietnam vets starting getting some respect….strange, thats about the time when lots of hippies started growing up and being responsible.
somewhere is spain, a castillian village is missing its drunk…
It’s time for the nightly vocabulary quiz! I’ve posted my score (“RR”). Now it’s your turn to give it a go.
@48 “you dont talk to very many vets”
I talk to myself every day. Mrs. Rabbit thinks it’s odd. (I’m a Vietnam veteran.)
Funny that I referred to a veteran’s organization on the book review and the author of that book is HIMSELF a Vietnam Vet..
But all of that is lost on an asshat.
Yes, some idiots trash talked Vietnam vets and even harassed them at bit in a mildly threatening matter..
re 44: It’s my constitutional right to mouth off to a cop if I want to.
You do approve of the constitution, don’t you? I think that a right wing loon who shows up at an Obama rally with a gun should be put in Gitmo for life, where, at the very least, he can be waterboarded hundreds of times until he reveals the truth.
and its your constitutional right to get a fat lip too. dont punk, and you wont get punk-slapped.
you gotta love it when the progressives re-write history to cover up their own shameful behavior towards veterans.
I was not talking to you, you blind, senile fool. Go back to posting to yourself and impressing us(insert laughter here) about your stock market investments..
and rabbit, to be clear: I give you all the respect and props in the world for your military service…but you make an ass out of yourself here everyday. the two are separate.
@54 Who’s gonna punk-slap him? You? Just what we need, another troll with a 10-gallon hat and a 10-mm dick.
@55 I can’t recall a single occasion on which I made an ass of myself here. You, on the other hand, don’t need to make an ass of yourself because you already are one.
@44 “yo knucklehead, there is a big difference between questioning a cop and mouthing off to one.”
True, but the Constitution makes no distinction between one and the other, so if the cop does something about it, he’s the one who should be going to jail.
1. you apparently did not understand the context of the comment,…no surprise there.
2. of course you cant recall a single occasion -hell, you probably cant recall what you ate for dinner either.
you are done now….
@58 What do you think rabbits eat for dinner? Wanna guess? I ate Mrs. Rabbit. Then she ate me. What do you eat? Your own asshole? I congratulate you on your, what’s the word, contortionism.
P.S., I’m far from done, I’m just getting started with you.
Where’s the troll? Where did the little troll go? Shit! It’s hard to have fun on this blog, because whenever a troll gets his ass kicked, the troll disappears.
Were that only true.
When I was an intern, and a resident, I spent A LOT of time at the VA Hospital here. I loved taking care of those American Veterans – for the most part the most grateful, polite, salt-of-the-earth bunch of folks you’ll ever meet.
When those in power send neo-post-adolescents into WAR, all too often they come back with mangled bodies and torn and twisted psyches. And all too often our society turns their back on them, like they do to the poor and unfortunate in general. I cannot imagine some of the horror those kids had to witness and experience – it leaves them marked, and often malfunctioning. As it quickly becomes apparent as well, you don’t meet any officers at the VA, either. Those guys, and more and more women, are the boots on the ground, as it were, the privates and the corporals. They were likely poor and had limited option to begin with, and their service to their country left then unable to function when they got back, either physically or mentally.
As I said, it was, along with Harborview, one of my favorite places to work when I was training. Because of the mission. The mission is explicitly, take care of those no one else will take care of. Those vets at the VA almost always have no where else to go. Similarly, Harborview’s stated mission is to give priority to the following:
When you’re in the trenches at a place like the VA or Harborview, you do hear some grumbling from some of your coworkers about how we’re spending resources on “people like that” or on those “who are just going to go out and do it again”, whatever ‘it’ is, be it booze, or crack, or felonies, or prostitution, trying to drink away the nightmares, or just being damned unfortunate. People critical and nasty like that don’t last very long – they can’t really take the heat or do the hard work, and certainly don’t have the compassion to care “for the least of my brothers” as Jesus might say, for those Christianists out there.
One point of this is, you tend not to find assholes like the ones above on this thread actually doing anything for vets, despite their predilection for wrapping themselves in ‘Mercan flags and sticking magnetic “I support the TROOPS!” magnets on their SUVs, or lobbing shameless canards like the hippie spitting on a vet. The behavior of their beloved Bush Administration was truly shameful toward vets (as it was with so much else), and when we’re talking about taking care of American Veterans, as I said, we’re often talking about taking care of the poor and disenfranchised – and Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, we can’t have that!
We have real gems here – both the Seattle VA and Harborview are superb facilities, staffed by some of the best, and they are well run, efficient and highly successful public operations dedicated to providing care and support to the most unfortunate members of our society. When I had lobar pneumonia a few years ago – the sickest I have ever been, felt like being run over by a train – I took myself to the Harborview ER, because I wanted the best, and I knew where to find them. These are prizes worth defending.
There is a big difference between questioning a cop and mouthing off to one.
Not really. Depending on the cop, questioning what the cop is doing, is making a scene and then you think it’s then OK for the cop to slug the person.
Example: “Excuse me Officer, do you think it’s right to stomp on that latino man’s hand?” or “Excuse me Officer, he’s deaf, he cannot hear you.” or “Yes Officer, I’m recording this on my phone.” deserves a pop in the mouth.
No Time for Communists,
ya, because thats exactly how progressive dirt bags speak to police officers.
LMFAO….go sell that fake shit elsewhere..
VVAW is an organization of veterans.. You’re saying they’ve done something shameful? Go ahead and prove it asshat.
Yet some people have disrespected veterans in the past for no reason other than serving in an unpopular war.. That’s guilt by association, a typically right wing tactic. In my view, they were speaking for themselves not for anyone else that’s halfway responsible.
Some people are asshats.. You’re one of them.. *Some* veterans (right wing veterans by far) think THEY can taunt, disrespect and even spit on people who disagree with their political views.
Just like you do in your way every time you come here.
They are asshats too.
Just speaking the truth there. But again, the truth is totally lost on an asshat.
maybe you and your buddies can dust off your “US troops are babykillers” signs….im sure you would be popular at the OWS loser marches..
keep trying to rewrite history, douchebag.
65 – Keep lying about people you’re ignorant about.
Asshat is as asshat does.
@61 “both the Seattle VA and Harborview are superb facilities, staffed by some of the best, and they are well run, efficient and highly successful public operations dedicated to providing care and support to the most unfortunate members of our society”
Well, we can’t have that now, can we, so the GOP is gonna go, “shut ‘er down!”
@65 What would you know? Were you there?
re 54: GimmeGimmeGimme FREE STUFF!….
It is the holiday season, after all. You probably make your kids buy their own Christmas presents.