– I’m not the biggest Dianne Feinstein fan, but this is pretty great. Also, Ron Wyden continues to be good on torture, and Patty Murray hasn’t answered my question from the last open thread.
– I have no idea what to make of the Pioneer Squarecrack.
– Yet Another Study Shows HPV Vaccine Does Not Cause Promiscuity
– Someone with more knowledge of high-THC vs. high-CBD please weigh in, but Senator Kohl-Welles’s proposal for getting medical marijuana out of the grey area legal seems good to me.
– President Obama and Jamie Dimon are besties again.
– The roots under the Burke-Gilman Trail at the UW are going to get cleaned up. Also, “root heave” is now my favorite phrase ever.
– President Obama and Jamie Dimon are besties again.
Ya gotta hug somebody. And it’s just too painful
to hang out with Jon Corzine these days.
Some of the destruction spilled into Emeryville, where about 40 protesters broke into a closed Pak ‘N’ Save Foods where employees were stocking shelves and stole liquor, a coin dispenser and cash, Emeryville police Officer Brian Head said.
Protesters also went to a nearby 7-Eleven, and used chunks of concrete and bottles to threaten clerks and rob them of liquor and cigarettes, Head said. They also burglarized a CVS store and broke nearly all the windows at a Bank of America, both on San Pablo Avenue, he said. Car windows were broken on 47th Street and on other vehicles coming into Oakland, he said.
Merry Christmas, Michael Brown.
This isn’t the first time one of Dowd’s columns has been leaked — in 2012, Times intelligence reporter Mark Mazetti fowarded an advance copy of a column Dowd wrote about Zero Dark Thirty to then-Central Intelligence Agency spokeswoman Marie Harf. Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy described it as “a mistake that is not consistent with New York Times standards.”
Seems consistent with Dowd’s standards, anyway.
“Ya gotta hug somebody. And it’s just too painful”
As I’ve said all along, the communist tyrant from Kenya is the best Republican president we’ve had since Bill Clinton. So who would you be pleased to see him hug next? Darren Wilson?
Anyways, back to George W. Bush, his successor, the best Republican president since Bill Clinton, our village idiot named Puddy and the lost billions of dollars in cash in Iraq.
“It can be hard to keep track of your money. You charge stuff and misplace the receipts, you forget to record a check written and before you know it, $12-14 billion is unaccounted for in Iraq.”
“Some sources put the total as high as $20 billion.”
There we go. That’s more like it.
“We did not know that Bremer was flying in all that cash,” said the head of the Treasury Department team that worked on Iraq’s financial reconstruction after the invasion. “I can’t see a reason for it.”
That’s forty Solyndras. I bet that shit was taken seriously.
“The Bush administration never investigated how that huge amount of money disappeared, even after Bowen’s investigators found out about the bunker. The Obama administration did not pursue that lead, either.”
Oh, no, the Kenyan usurper, too? He didn’t earn “best Republican president since Clinton” for nothing. Drones, anybody?
“Of all the missing money, by 2011 the Pentagon and the Iraqi government claim to have accounted for all but $6 billion of it, as if missing the target by six billion spaces is an OK result. And even that assumes one believes the Pentagon and Iraqi audit.”
And what about the billions in cash shipped to Iraq that wasn’t lost?
“House Government Reform Committee investigators charged in 2005 that U.S. officials “used virtually no financial controls to account for these enormous cash withdrawals once they arrived in Iraq”
“Meanwhile, Pentagon officials contended for years that they could account for the money if given enough time to track down the records….Apparently, there are no electronic records to back up the spending. It. Just. Went. Away.”
Poor Stupid Solution Steve… Coming over to a new thread to spread the same BULLSHITTIUM utterly D E S T R O Y E D here…
What flavors are created for does Seve’s Stupid Solution for Christmas 2014?
@ 4
As I’ve said all along, the communist tyrant from Kenya is the best Republican president we’ve had since Bill Clinton.
I very much look forward to the final two years of the Obama era, as he abandons his further-left supporters to focus on his legacy. By the Fall of 2015 he may, in fact, be a regular bourbon drinker in McConnell’s parlor.
By then I may better understand the laments of the HA libbies that Obama is not a true liberal.
Sorry, but only thing you’ve destroyed is your mind.
“By then I may better understand the laments of the HA libbies that Obama is not a true liberal.”
It really shouldn’t take you that long, Bob. In fact, I’m surprised that you’re not already there.
Perhaps someday it will be said that “Only Nixon could go to China and only Obama could pass the Heritage Foundation/Mitt Romney health care plan.”
If Puddy could see clearly, he’d see that we’re all niggers on a plantation that spans the globe. You’re a house nigger, Bob. Be glad you’re not in the field.
@2 Guilting-by-association a dead black kid in St. Louis with looters in California. Waytago, Doc Bob. Real classy.
@5 So that shrinked-wrapped $6.6 billion was found in an Iraqi bank? Is it still there? Will we get it back now, or is it finders keepers?
I find it kind of interesting that a political party which has been raising holy hell about U.S. government spending and debt doesn’t get at all excited about the fact $6.6 billion of U.S. government cash assets went missing for 10 years. On. Their. Watch.
If a Democrat did that, they’d be all over it.
It’s no mystery what Puddy will do the next time Republicans fuck up to the tune of a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives.
Puddy will be a Republican boot polisher no matter what clusterfuck the GOP dumbclucks come up with next.
And there will be a “next.” Count on it.
@6 Very likely. He was a Wall Street guy all along. But that didn’t stop the morons you hang out with from calling him a communist. Nor will tipping a bottle of Kentucky’s finest with Good Ol’ Boy Mitch. To the right, he’ll always be a commie, because they can’t stand seeing a black guy working in the White House unless he’s doing food preparation in the kitchen.
Speaking of Wall Street … oil stocks are cheap and rapidly getting even cheaper, and environmentalists won’t have to worry about fracking anymore, thanks to our Saudi friends.
Oh Roger IDIOT Wabbit @ 10… Apparently in your old age, senility has attacked with devastating results. You missed this tidbit in the article… “June 2004”
Better visit Super Supplements for memory assistance!
Meanwhile if you are a progressive DUMMOCRETIN, truth doesn’t matter! http://www.nationalreview.com/.....-c-w-cooke Yes, this is one paragraph
Truth is not and endgame to any DUMMOCRETIN, just their self serving view.
“To the right, he’ll always be a commie, because they can’t stand seeing a black guy working in the White House unless he’s doing food preparation in the kitchen.”
Kitchen? No, not Obama. The right has their rubes so lathered up, they’ll only settle for seeing the Marxist Kenyan usurper dictator hanging by a rope.
Not really IDIOT Wabbit… Obummer knew he needed big money so he “curried favor” with the Rubins and Reich Wall Street types. He just hid it from you hopey and changey types. Remember it’s you HA DUMMOCRETINS whom remind us whom correctly think right that the smart people are rich and libtard! Just ask a certain database cretin for every one of those entries!
The Rubins and Reich types are DUMMOCRETINS through and through! So now that y’all realized you’ve been fooled like Gruber did on ObummerCare how does it feel? We whom think right were never fooled. No foreign experience, no managerial experience, just a campaigner!
Sux to be you HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Eh, I see our village idiot and wanna-be lynch-mob leader is back posting inane drivel again.
@ 9
As with so much in life, RR, you misunderstand.
They weren’t looters. They were protesters.
The demonstrations were part of an ongoing national movement against police violence, spurred by grand jury decisions not to indict police officers in Missouri and New York after the deaths of two unarmed black men.
Part of that wonderful national movement.
As part of their protest they became thugs and looted. That’s not guilt by association.
With respect to Michael Brown, RR, that’s mimicry.
@11 It won’t be Sieg Heil.
Puddy will leave that salute to you Wabbit!
“With respect to Michael Brown, RR, that’s mimicry.”
Eh, Bob and his rampaging black hoard again.
“If a Democrat did that, they’d be all over it.”
Hell, Solyndra was a half a billion dollars and they want lynch the fucking president. But the trillions blown by the last administration? Cheney war-profiteering through Halliburton to the tune of tens of millions in his pockets? Billions in cash disappearing without a trace? Thousands dead from invading the wrong country for what? Not a peep. Not one fucking word.
@22 Its called “we are so fucked up, we won’t even admit it anymore.” An alcaholic working in a bar has a better shot of getting dry than a Republican ever realizing when they are wrong.
So anyways, what does the Republican party stand for these days besides lust for senseless war fought anybody but themselves, covering Wall Street’s gambling losses, zero taxation of corporations and oligarchs, lynching the nation’s first black president, open season on the rest of the blacks in our country and raping the planet?
Hmmm, I wonder what this scum bag did? Did he call her a bitch too loud?
Scalia weighs in,
“Scalia says nothing in the Constitution appears to prohibit harsh treatment of suspected terrorists.”
Huh! I suppose the constitution doesn’t say anything about denying citizens the right to marry, either. So it’s all good – torturing our foes and denying a slice of our citizenry the pursuit of happiness.
“Did he call her a bitch too loud?”
Too funny. Did you see where wingnuts called the cops because they spotted a poor person in their neighborhood? Heaven forbid!
Since he wasn’t shot, I assume the poor person was white.
On the good news front, Pope Francis, to a little boy whose dog had died, “paradise is open to all of God’s creatures.”
How about that! All dogs go to Heaven. I might get to cross the Rainbow Bridge with my all my dogs and cats!
Alas, I reckon the pets of Republicans might have a lonely time of it, though, what with all the wingnuts headed for the burning fires of Hell for the torture of God’s children, not to even mention the awful things they do to God’s creatures…
Is it really much of a leap to go from torturing our enemies, sacrificing innocents along the way for the cause, to torturing our own citizens, sacrificing innocents along the way for the cause? After all, isn’t crime a “ticking time-bomb” as well?
NAILED IT Steve…again!
MSNBC’s Luke Russert, sneering at Sen. Warren for standing up against covering Jamie Dimon and friends’ gambling losses.
Left and right. Wingnuts and moonbats. Fox and MSNBC. Paradigm as reality construct. I believe we accept the paradigms being sold to us at our own peril. We’re being played for fools. So far as the oligarchs are concerned, we’re all niggers now. Welcome to the global plantation.
“NAILED IT Steve…again!”
Damn, I’ve actually been on a roll of late.
My goodness, you should see my new music video, Rujax. Do you still have the same email address I’ve used before? If so, I’ll send a link. Or if I reply to one of the gig notice emails, does that go back to you?
Have yet to see a comment from “Puddy” that makes a lick of sense. I think this is an automated device set to create and deliver gibberish.
@17 “He just hid it from you hopey and changey types.”
Really? Then how come we knew about it all along?
@28 “How about that! All dogs go to Heaven. I might get to cross the Rainbow Bridge with my all my dogs and cats!”
That’s a lot of dog food and cat food …
@27 You mean the “suspicious looking” black guy who got stopped by a cop for walking with his hands in his pockets in cold weather?
Hey, Rujax, I sent you an email and it didn’t come back to me, so it looks good. I really hope you like where I’m headed with that song and video.
@36 Hmm, I realize now that, as it’s open season on “suspicious looking” (hands in pockets, sleeping, existing, whatever) black guys now, I really do need a scorecard to keep track of all this stuff.
@20 That comment deserves a FUCK YOU, Puddy.
@33, “I think this is an automated device set to create and deliver gibberish.”
Actually, it’s a bit more disturbing to consider that it’s not an automated device spewing out that gibberish.
@28 shouldn’t some dogs go to hell? Like the ferocious Pitbulls?
RDPence @33 says
Have yet to see a comment from “Puddy” that makes a lick of sense. I think this is an automated device set to create and deliver gibberish.
Could be a machine. Could be a paid Koch whore or a psychopath.
You would think that Conservative who hated the bank bailouts, which is pretty much every single one of them, especially the Tea Baggers would be speaking out about this budget bill that included rolling back using tax payer money to bail out banks. But no, they are quite. The biggest fucking hypocrites living in this world. How can they be trusted on any other issue.
Biggest scumbags.
My hope is that we have another crash, I really hope it happens all over again, just so Republicans are fucking miserable.
Wingnuts and rectal rehydration. Oh, my. I had no idea. What can one say about them anymore? Well, other than, now that I know that I can’t count on them using a fork or spoon, I’m never going dine with any of those motherfuckers ever again.
“Like the ferocious Pitbulls?”
I believe God will probably blame their wingnut masters, not the poor little doggies. Sigh! Just one more reason why wingnuts are all going to hell.
@45 If you’re a wingnut, you’re already in hell, except they call it “Fox” in this world.
Time for another poll. heh. Is Puddy…
[ ] crazy
[ ] batshit insane
[X] a run of the mill psychopath
Oops!! Heh. I’m sure you won’t allow my own vote to influence you.
An anonymous woman pays off other folks’ lay-away Christmas gift purchases at a Toys-R-Us store in Bellingham, MA. It brought the people whose children will now be assured Christmas gifts to tears. One woman thought the call from the store was going to be about her missed payment. Instead she was told that she could come in and pick up the gift for her child. Now that’s a very Merry Christmas for you.
Said this kind, generous soul to the store clerk, “If you have it, give it.”
Obviously, she’s no wingnut. We all know that with them it’s always, “I’ve got it, and I’m keeping it! Fuck the poors!”
One is obviously nearer to Christ than the other and, no, it’s not the greed-obsessed wingnut, no matter how many times they bleat out the name of the Christ for others to hear.
It isn’t about left or right. It’s about who has sold their soul.
Senate defense bill gives sacred Native American sites to mining company.
But it’s true that far more Republicans have sold their souls than have Democrats.
“If you have it, give it.”
Considering those who divvy the world up into makers and takers, it’s easy to see why the idea of a “giver” simply doesn’t compute for them.
And, no, giving money to your cult leaders doesn’t count, wingnuts.
“But it’s true that far more Republicans have sold their souls than have Democrats.”
Or do Republicans even have souls? To simply look at a photo of Gov. Scott Walker and his lifeless eyes is enough to spark wonder about that.
@ 33
Don’t pay that schizo any mind. He comes in here, knowing full well that he’s utterly full of shit and outright lying. He comes in here to get people to pay attention to him. It’s a daddy issue, methinks.
He aspires to be a sort of wanna-be Herman Cain. He’ll come in here quoting Geert Wilders or Bryan Fischer or someone as a source for his rantings. And then post all smug and self-assured that the shit he’s posted has somehow proven whatever point he thinks he’s trying to make.
Be as that may, the reality is, as I have been saying for years, is that the Police are no longer responsible for enforcing the law against anyone who might be able to actually challenge them. Notice, they never arrest each other until the crime become public knowledge somehow. They never arrest anyone who has smuggled money out of the country or embezzled it from a bank unless that individual isn’t properly “connected”.
Whatever crimes the Police do commit are protected and even supported by their Union or their fellow officers. They are becoming quite brazen in their little mini-pogroms against anyone who cannot defend themselves. It’s easy to convince people that a black man is to be automatically considered a criminal when these are reported in the media. There are a LOT of folks, black and white and brown who have no problem with that concept. Thats another thing the Schizo openly defends.
Hell, a measured IQ over 95 is automatic disqualification from entering a Law Enforcement career. As I recall, it was specifically to allow minorities and women into the Force that was the reason why that standard was lowered. Any psychological evaluations that are done aren’t meant to screen out lunatics and sadists, it’s to screen out everyone who isn’t one of those things. It has become perfectly acceptable to murder a seven year old girl in her sleep, or a twelve year old boy in a park. It’s always an “accidental shooting” or somehow justifiable in the light of an Officer being terrified for his life. That means they’re openly hiring abject cowards or pathological liars who have no personal issue with killing a baby. Hell, they’ze just niggers. Nobody really cares. Then the people who do make a point of noticing, and making proper noises about the injustices are also called criminals and remonstrated as such by everyone who gets paid to be on the television machine all the time. That isn’t Liberal people, it’s always, without exception, a corporate whore like Rush Limbaugh or Michelle Malkin or Micheal Medved.
One of the problems is, that people aren’t going to respond in such a civilized manner for much longer. Once people really do go apeshit, and start responding in kind to these murders, then the Conservatives win. They already control the message, and they already have the support of the wealthy conservatives who desire to control the economy and the political process under which it is operated. They own the media. They own the banks. They own the contracting service companies that gather intelligence. They own the Police, and own the companies that train them. They own the weapons manufacturers. They own the food supply companies.
They don’t have to give a shit about the Law, or the Constitution, or any non-connected person. The Mafia has really taken over everything.
Yes vomit covered racist @ 53, that’s why you respond so vehemently with your continual left wrong attacks. You write paragraphs of comedic conjecture, worthless writing, insipid innuendoes, stupid sayings, crazy commentary, all the while projecting yourself onto Puddy. It’s a Psych 101 thang from Stupid Solution Steve.
And you quote Markos M Zuniga the Moonbat or David Full of Crock Brock or Jonathan Altered Mind State as your chief sources of crap. Or as Puddy has caught many times… you’ll hide your mess by plagiarizing other libtards without link attribution. B U S T E D!
Ahhh yes your racism shines as a bright beacon in the fog covered libtard blog called HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Thank you for providing to all your low information voter mentality. Since 1972 it’s been demonstrably proven the slobbering libtard left wrong msm votes DUMMOCRETIN 85% or higher in each election! Yet you live in some time warped location totally uninformed. Comcast owns NBC. Brian Roberts loves him some Phil Griffen. Phil Griffen loves him some PMSNBC. Nuff said sucka!
The difference between Puddy and the vomit covered racist @53, is Puddy provides left wrong links to make PuddyPoints… What type of links does the vomit covered racist @53 provide?
Puddy agrees something needs to happen to the NY City Patrolman Pantaleo. Puddy disagrees with anything happening to ex-officer Wilson. Yet, Puddy has never seen the vomit covered racist @53 comment on the continual black on black crime anywhere on this blog. That’s because Puddy truly thinks this is the way the vomit covered racist @53 truly thinks of that problem
See ya! The truth always comes from the one whom writes about their own insecurities!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! Another empty post @ 53 of useless pixels!
Memo: From Nick Hanauer — To: My Fellow Zillionaires
I see pitchforks.
At the same time that people like you and me are thriving beyond the dreams of any plutocrats in history, the rest of the country—the 99.99 percent—is lagging far behind. The divide between the haves and have-nots is getting worse really, really fast. In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today the top 1 percent share about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent.
But the problem isn’t that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society. Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.
And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last.
If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.
The Most Important Commandment
Is GOATSEBOY a true Christian (i.e. follower of Christ) or a religious bigot in the fine tradition of the KKK/Southern Baptist cross burners of past decades?
One of the pieces of shit hidden in the RETHUG house bill is an AZ land swap of sacred Apache lands to the foreign company Rio Tinto PLC. I suspect the bill will eventually pass since a government shutdown is the alternative.
RETUG Politicians, Inc., a whole owned subsidiary of Plutocrats, Inc.
@ 54
Reading 53 and 55. I think it will be a police state.
So if Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin was the puddyfuckwad’s son or cousin or nephew or son in law he’d be fine with thm being dead.
Good to know I guess.