Sorry this was so late.
– My Statement – Shanley [h/t]
– I can hardly believe that Fox News apologized to the mayor of Paris.
– Perhaps Seattle Should Find a Plan B for the Downtown Tunnel Project
– As is usually the case with sports stories, Joe Posnanski’s take on the Seahawks’ playoff victory was probably the best.
Good old Ted.
Born with both feet in his mouth and his head so far up his ass that he has to wipe off his tonsils when he sneezes.
Stupid lying TeaNazi cocksucker.
Seems the thread vomit producer is doing another Psych 101 Thang. Here’s some proof Ted Cruz KNOWS what he’s saying…
And Senator Bob Menendez disagrees with Obummer.
So thread vomit producer… it seems you are as delusional as ever!
Last night Obummer was trying to take credit for Oil prices when Obummer has been the biggest blocker of fracking. Whatajoke!
Remember all that damage Scary Land Deal Reid claimed Ted Cruz did to America really backfired last November to Republicans in the Senate right vomit producer? Seems Americans disagree with HA’s vomit producer!
Oil spill in Montana, making drinking water un drinkable. Yeah!
HAHAHAHA! Guess we flushed out the bullshitting asshole troll’s top choice for Prez in 2016 now that klownservative kultist Ben Carson has been exposed as a rank plagiarist.
Sorry most stupid, credulous, bullshitting asshole troll. All we gotta do is run the tape and the American people will want nothing to do with scary Rick Perry retread Cruz.
Thanks Willy@1
Unlike the whitey house ASS with no class, here is how a man with class doing it right…
Under Obummer and his policies being on the ballot, fewest number of DUMMOCRETINS in Congress since 1920. Remember Glozell jumps into a tub with fruitloops!
Another DUMMOCRETIN in action!
Perhaps the most striking thing about the 2015 State of the Union address was not the president at the podium but the audience in the seats. The joint session of Congress listening to President Obama Tuesday night included 83 fewer Democrats than the group that heard Obama’s first address in 2009 — 69 fewer Democrats in the House and 14 fewer in the Senate. The scene in the House Chamber was a graphic reminder of the terrible toll the Obama years have taken on Capitol Hill Democrats.
Not that the president would ever acknowledge that. Indeed, in more than an hour of speaking, Obama never once acknowledged that there was a big election in November and that the leadership of the Senate has changed. Obama’s silence on that political reality stood in stark contrast to George W. Bush’s 2007 State of the Union address, in which he graciously and at some length acknowledged the Democrats’ victory in the 2006 midterms. Bush said it was an honor to address Nancy Pelosi as “Madam Speaker.” He spoke of the pride Pelosi’s late father would have felt to see his daughter lead the House. “I congratulate the new Democrat majority,” Bush said. “Congress has changed, but not our responsibilities.”
Where did Puddy claim Ted Cruz was Puddy’s first choice ylbuttspigot arschloch? And Ben Carson needs to add better foot-noting ylbuttspigot arschloch! That’s it. Not like Joe BiteME and his plagiarism!
Or this guy!
Sux to be the twins ylbuttspigot arschloch & vomit producer!
1) first thanks for responding to who you really are – the most stupid, most credulous, bullshitting asshole troll of these comment threads – and probably anywhere else for that matter.
2) your pin head exploded at comments 2 and 3 – only too obvious who’s your man..
3) Sorry bullshitting asshole troll – Carson presented whatever those words were as his own. His name is on the book’s cover. He’s retired. He has the time to proofread his own ghostwritten book. So he’s a plagiarist. And a fatuous idiot who will flame out big time in 2016 just like Cain and any other dwarf who challenges Jeb and (snicker) the power-ravenous asshole R-Money who vainly believes he’s the fulfillment of the White Horse Prophecy.
Useless lying sack of horsesASS manure tool ylbuttspigot arschloch,
Conservative historian William Federer whom Buzzfeed claimed Carson plagiarized wrote
Federer thought the footnoting by Dr. Carson was sufficient with “correct attribution “EPIC FAYLE on #3.
Puddy’s head is fully intact. FACTS make left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETINS like yourself explode. EPIC FAYLE on #2.
Thanks for self-identifying yourself as the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot arschloch! EPIC FAYLE on #1.
DAYUM you are one stooooooooooooopid Mofo! You are operating in 2015 the same way you operated in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot arschloch whom stays on left wrong libtard websites!
Meanwhile Obummer and Kerry pizzed Boehner invited Netanyahu to address Congress next month on radical Islam!
Good for John Boehner! Netanyahu will explain the reality of the Iranian threat to nuclear power in the Middle East to Real Americans!
And we know the NY Slimes article author was not happy to be truthful!
“92 million Americans aren’t working today.” — Sen. Ted Cruz
And I’m one of ’em! Why should I work for $2.13 an hour plus tips, or $7.25 an hour, when houses cost $400,000, cars cost $40,000, a college degree costs $100,000, and SuperBowl tickets cost $3,000 each? If you want those 92 million people to work, then pay them enough to make working worth their time and effort! After 40 years of Republican wages, Cruz shouldn’t be surprised 92 million Americans don’t work! Raise the minimum wage! Pay workers, not capitalists!
“The Obama economy isn’t working.” — Sen. Ted Cruz
This is so laughable I don’t know where to start. The U.S. economy is the envy of the world. Japan is trapped in stagnation, Europe is about to start quantitative easing, the oil economies are imploding, and money is flooding into U.S. financial markets because America is the safest and best place to invest. True, our economy isn’t all that great for average working families, compared to when we had strong unions. But whose fault is that? Who busted the unions? Obama? Who keeps the minimum wage at $7.25? Obama? Who’s defunding public services? Obama? Cruz sounds like an arsonist complaining because the fire department isn’t put out the fire he started fast enough. Obama inherited the worst economy since the Depression, an economy created by 30 years of Republican policies, he’s doing the best he can. Which is infinitely better than letting Republicans wreck the economy again. At least the economy is moving in the right direction.
@2 I remember when Reagan, Bush & Co. armed Saddam Hussein. Gotta give them credit where due, Al Qaeda didn’t run Iraq and there was no ISIS back then, until Junior tinkered with the Middle East. Another Republican clusterfuck. And Sen. Cruz, the arsonist, complaining about fires again. Er, did you have a point, Puddycluck? What is it?
@3 Speaking of Scary Land Deals, I thought Rethugs were against seizing private property against the owners’ will, but guess not …
Sen. Ted Cruz calls Obama’s immigration policy “illegal and unconstitutional.” Well, that simplifies things, doesn’t it? All he has to do is file a lawsuit and the courts will declare it “illegal and unconstitutional.” Cruz is a lawyer, in fact a Harvard Law grad, so he certainly knows how to file a lawsuit. Of course, that requires effort, and mugging for TV cameras and bloviating is much easier.
There’s a simple solution to illegal immigrants. Offer them a path to citizenship! Cruz is an immigrant. He was born in Canada. But he had American citizenship handed to him on a silver platter because one of his parents was born a U.S. citizen, so that makes him a U.S. citizen, too. Guess he wants to pull up the ladder so nobody else has an opportunity to work for what was given to him without any effort on his part. Typical Republican.
@8 “the terrible toll the Obama years have taken on Capitol Hill Democrats”
Well, you’ve got a point there. It’s amazing what gerrymandering and vote suppression can do for an unpopular party.
Democrats got 65.2 million votes in the 2008 House elections.
Republicans got 39.8 million votes in the 2014 House elections.
The Democrats elected in 2008 passed Obamacare without a single GOP vote in the House or Senate. It doesn’t look to me like the Republicans elected in 2014 have much of a mandate to repeal it.
@9 Squid ink.
@11 “Puddy’s head is fully intact.”
How unfortunate.
Senate votes that climate change is real! By a 98-1 vote, the Senate passed an amendment declaring, “Climate change is real and not a hoax.” But Senators voted 50-49 against admitting that humans are causing it. Oh well, progress sometimes is incremental, they’ll eventually have to come around on that, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What are the climate change deniers going to do now? The GOP doesn’t have their back anymore.
Waddya know, it seems Ted Cruz wasn’t speaking to the ages.
House Republicans proposed an abortion bill so extreme even their own members wouldn’t vote for it.
GOP = radical, extreme, out of touch
@12 read bloomberg article where Isreals own security forces that additional sanction would be bad. Sux to be your big ape ass.
Puddy loves it when the IDIOT Wabbit head explodes from 14-25. Remember the labor non-participation rate is the highest since the Carter years. Obummer wanted to emulate Carter, well Obummer succeeded!
Post #20, Obummer claimed Obummer policies were on the ballot. People whom chose not to vote said something right there. Not impressed with Obummer to save DUMMOCRETINS. People who vote count IDIOT Wabbit. Sux to be those who stayed home!
Post #9 contains FACTS. Post #21 head explodes! DUMMOCRETIN plagiarists are being penalized for a change!
Post #24 is beyond moronic even for you IDIOT Wabbit.
The rest of the posts are as useless as IDIOT Wabbit’s shrinking brain!
Puddy has such a laugh when libtards use Rachel MadCow. Ann Counter explodes Rachel again!
Wonderful line! and the ZINGER…
FACTS, such inconvenient things to libtard thought!
@ 28
You are the one coming in here, posting links to Breitbart and such that were originally written by the guys at Stormfront and Media Research. Both of them, die-hard White Supremacist organizations.
Hell, even the Tea Party is openly courting the National Socialist Movement nowadays.
Oh lookie here… DUMMOCRETIN criminal 5,435,523,908,129,043,484,238,297,234,780,734,258,664,698
Remember Puddy told you about Cuomo shutting down the anticorruption commisssion in 2013. Just ask for the replay from the ylbuttspigot arschloch. There was a ylbuttspigot arschloch sighting in post #10. ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Now watch the scramble to find a Republican by the standard left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN creeps here!
The White Supremacist/ White Nationalists are running for office under the umbrella of the Tea Party all over the country. It is the only political organization that has the resources available, and the basic ideology is pretty much the same in any case.
@ The SchizoPoodle @ 30
The difference being, Democrats prosecute the criminals that appear within the ranks.
The Republicans canonize their criminals and run them for higher office, even after they’ve been convicted.
More on PerfectPuddyPost #12,
Obummer’s State Department is pizzed Boehner has invited a “coward” and a “chickenshit” without their approval. Remember Obummer officially approves cowards (Bowe Bergdahl) when Obummer sees fit and not before!
Remember when an UNNAMED whitey house official called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “coward and a “chickenshit” for a prime minister? Remember that chickenshit PM was IDF special forces, just like his big brother who died in that Uganda rescue mission, but he’s no community organizer. Now these same disrespecting libtards have the audacity to scream Protocol, Protocol?
Such love from Obummer’s whitey house sadministration officials. No wonder Leslie Gelb, DUMMOCRETIN CFR President Emeritus and Board Senior Fellow had enough of Obummer’s foreign policy mistakes!
Back last 10/28/2014 this tweet from Omri Ceren sums it up… “We’ve come a long way since 2008 when you said Obama skeptics were “rumor-mongering, fever-headed Jewish conspiracists.””, was based on this article…
Puddy wonders if Jeff Goldberg still kisses Obummer’s ASS every time Obummer visits the northeast? Hey Dr Bickle… Can you surgically remove Jeff Goldberg’s nose from Obummer’s colon so Jeff can see the light of day and breathe fresh air again?
You see HA DUMMOCRETINS, Puddy reads and remembers The Atlantic too. Puddy uses it when it’s RIGHT to whip it out!
FACTS, such inconvenient things to HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Vomit Producer @29,
Dude you read too much firedoglake a well known left wrong waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there libtard e-rag! You swallow anything negative about conservatives, even when it’s dreamed up like Rachel MadCow’s expose above!
@23 Climate Chagnge – that is too funny, what are all the sheep following deniers going to do now, or once the GOP finally starts to says man contributes to climate change.
@32 as I once said before – Republicans polish their bad apples or at least they try to polish the decaying scum.
You swallow anything negative about conservatives
Dude – Look in the fucking mirror. You’ll not only see an ape but you got cum stains running down your mouth for all you swallow.
@33 Read Blomberg article on how Isreal Security forces don’t aggree with Netty the fucking blowhard asshole. They say that addional sanctions will make matters with Iran worse.
So, own it when it happens!
@ 33
You do know that one thing Benjamin Netanyahu is somewhat famous for, is ordering the assassination of several journalists? You do understand that he pretty much openly promotes the ethnic cleansing (genocide) of the Palestinians?
When he showed up at the photo opp for the French protests a couple of weeks ago, after he was specifically requested to stay away, he was insinuating himself amongst people who didn’t want him there for those reasons? He literally had to sneak in to get himself into the picture. European leaders consider him a pariah and a mass murderer.
He’s no different from Vladimir Putin, who happens to be another “strong leader” you Fascists openly admire. He’s a goddamn mafiosi thug.
@39…I’m get the distinct impression that you are a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy nut, and you also do not appear to have access to a dictionary.
@27 No doubt they’ll stay home in 2016, too. Just like they did in 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012 …
@30 What do we have here? Democrats behaving like Republicans? If you want less corrupt politics, support limits on political money.
Looks like the 2016 GOP primary will boil down to who can suck up to the Kochs the most.
@ Piddles “I’m for anything a republican is for!” and every Republican who sits quietly while Netanyahu speaks:
“Obama wants us to be like Europe. Fuck that, AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM”
“Justice Scalia is right, citing foreign law is never O.K. This is America”
“Sharia is coming. Kill the towelheads!”
“We should invite Israel to tell Congress how to manage foreign affairs. I love following a foreign leader.”
Or words to that effect.
Puffy you sure The Devil Coulter has seen the tapes?
Apparently Mike Fuckabee doesn’t know that there is tape, or doesn’t care. You see if his sheepish believers thinks he tells no lies why even have to go to the tape? Sucks to always be lied to by the right wing, and be an idiot and believe in their shit.
Here’s the thing. Obama is setting up the Republicans for a drubbing in 2016. That shouldn’t be difficult given their ridiculous behavior. And for all you trolls out there, Obama will be remembered as not only one of of our greatest presidents, but our most beloved. And you’ll be choking on your own bile for the rest of your miserable lives.
We got conservative nut bags that want to follow their own laws, kind of like in the middle east. Bunch of fucking nut jobs.
More Democrats behaving badly:
Documents: Grand jury recommended multiple charges against Kane
So many angles to this one. One of the most important: Kane had the highest name recognition of Democrats who might challenge Pat Toomey, with the exception of former PA Gov. Ed Rendell. Toomey’s reportedly among the 2016 vulnerables, so he may be breathing a little more easily now.
Some say Kane’s defense is that only Kane is empowered to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate………Kane.
Under her theory, he wrote, only the attorney general could direct a grand jury to investigate the Attorney General’s Office – an interpretation he called “illogical” and rife with conflicts of interest.
What a Cunt. And hypocrite. She grew up with bread bags on her feet, who gives a flying fuck.
I’m really looking forward to Friday, January 20th, 2017. When the current crop of righties who hate Obama hear the words President Hilary Clinton the collective head explosion will be heard in Greenland.
Got proof vomit producer? Deliver a real web site!
What a Cunt. – Powerful words buttbagging buttbigot @48!
Obama will be remembered as not only one of of our greatest presidents, but our most beloved. – Oh Really?
Yeah, the president of Yemen just resigned. Remember these Obummer words last September? No? Well HA DUMMOCRETINS have 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady!
Well all we have left is an impuissant and disengaged Obummer for these last two years; while the rabid Islamic terraists are continually forging ahead, relentless, bloodthirsty, head severing, child killing, Christian hating/killing jihadists as ever. Butt Obummer will implement zabernism when Boehner invites Netanyahu to America without his “approval”!!! Separation of Powers has no meaning to Obummer!
For the very stoooooooooooooopid
For the very stoooooooooooooopid
@ 49
If it’s President Warren, you’ll definitely hear very loud sounds of split watermelon as heads explode.
We’re actually more OK with a Clinton presidency than you think.
“We’re actually more OK with a Clinton presidency than you think.”
Of course you are.
Hey IDIOT Wabbit,
The Koch Brothers employ how many American people? DUMMOCRETIN hedge fund billionaire and global warming nutjob Tom Steyer, whom one loved fossil fuels, employs how many people?
Nuff said sucka!
“while the rabid Islamic terraists are continually forging ahead, relentless, bloodthirsty, head severing, child killing, Christian hating/killing jihadists as ever”
Freak out much?
“She grew up with bread bags on her feet”
Bread bags. Probably a trial balloon for the GOP’s Obamacare replacement plan.
Well Stupid Solution Steve,
It seems they think like you over Israel, so their actions are comforting to DUMMOCRETINS such as yourself!
Typical so typical!
Meanwhile Richard Sherman as something to say!
“Boehner invited Netanyahu to address Congress next month”
I take it that Vladimir Putin must have already been booked.
“It seems they think like you over Israel”
Yeah, right. And you love Putin and Netanyahu and hate your own president. Displaced loyalties much?
Oh IDIOT Wabbit, the climate is always changing you moron.
Nuthin new here! See ya!
Another reason to drop out of the workforce.
@62 It’s fine with me if you stupid humans do nothing about it and become extinct. We rabbits are ready and willing to take over your ecological niche. Heat doesn’t bother us. Look how we’re thriving in Australia!
@55 “The Koch Brothers employ how many American people?”
Why should ANYONE have to work for those two fascists? But, more to the point, why should 2 people who weren’t elected by anyone be allowed to make the rules under which 350 million people have to live? If they have enough money to buy politicians and dictate policies, then they certainly can afford to pay more taxes.
In a rational world, the Labor Force Participation Rate would drop to zero. There’s absolutely no good reason to work. Too much b.s. to put up with, not enough financial reward, and all you’re accomplishing is making someone else rich. Look at all the crap you have to go through just to get a job that isn’t worth having in the first place.
Now, we’re told, employers are using “psychological profiling” software to screen out job applicants by trolling social media. Sounds like they want a bunch of robots who will never ask for a pay raise, complain about a bullying supervisor, or vote in favor of union representation.
My response? Take your job and shove it! I’m a capitalist now, and I’m making $3,300 in the stock market today. I don’t need you, your negative attitude toward workers, or your shitty job. Everyone should be like me, do what I do, walk away from work and never look back.
America’s middle class will achieve success when no one works anymore, and employers have no one to abuse.
Any questions?
HAHAHAHAHA! Was there “correct attribution”?
Was Federer’s name on the book’s cover?
Nice try sticking up for a sloppy fatuous idiot of a plagiarist!
Yes, folks the village idiot troll (trolling all morning I see) is the most stupid, most credulous, most batshit insane bullshitting asshole that EVER WILL haunt these comment threads.
Yes, especially after the human-caused component is factored in.
Nice try once again, moronic, village idiot troll.
If you’re an employer, and you deliberately want to destroy the morale of your labor force, here are some suggestions on how to go about it:
1. Turn the hiring process into a silly game.
2. Reject job applicants for arbitrary and whimsical reasons having nothing to do with their education, training, knowledge, skills, and ability to do the job, which they have invested a great deal of time, effort, and expense to acquire.
3. Let applicants and employees know you’re spying on their private lives and personal communications, and will use the information thus gained as an excuse to reject job applicants and lay off employees.
4. Destroy their motivation by never praising them, and never saying anything positive about their accomplishments or work.
5. Be stingy with pay, offer no benefits, and act put out and offended when anybody asks for a raise.
6. Make sure all your employees are overworked and stressed out.
7. Order your employees to do things that are unethical and illegal. Treat anyone who questions those orders like a criminal.
8. Feel no gratitude for your employees’ efforts on your behalf, and have no loyalty toward them whatsoever. If you can make another nickel of profit by throwing them under the bus, do it.
9. Publicly complain about the low morale, lack of motivation, and lack of company loyalty of today’s workers — and blame it on them. Decry the declining Labor Force Participation Rate. Go around saying to anyone who’ll listen that, “This generation has no work ethic. Nobody wants to work anymore.”
My lunch order got screwed up today. Damn that Kenyan Socialist Obama!
@67 “(trolling all morning I see)”
On his employer’s time? That wouldn’t surprise me. All I can say is, it’s hard to find good help nowadays. This generation has no work ethic, and no one wants to work anymore.
LMAO!! Duke ran for office as a Republican and was elected HANDILY as a Republican..
1n 1991 he SPLIT the Republican vote for Governor with Buddy Roemer and a runoff was forced between Duke and Edwin Edwards.
Read it and weep village idiot troll!
Oh yeah! Duke is a REPUBLICAN through and through!
@70 See #71.
Notice that the village idiot troll is consumed with FEAR because of all the right wing bullshit he’s consumed.
FEAR is his friend, his kind relies on it to seize power and power is all they care about. They want a war with Iran.
The other shoe is dropping fast:
Thank you, TWO-TERM President Obama for the coalition you’ve assembled to defeat this new threat to modernity, both in the Middle East and here at home (see the ugly fear-addled troll of these threads).
@73 – I came close to not having to work anymore, but then I had this briliant idea to move to NYC. And until I move back home, I’ll have to continue to work to afford the high rent here.
My employer gets more out of me than they deserve. I practically work 24/7/365. They need something I jump. I’ve been here for 27 years. 5-6 more years and I’m done @ 55, and only because I’m in NYC, otherwise I’d hang it up a lot earlier.
Private employer. Not a freeloader like the Big Ape thumping bibles for a living.
Oh bullshittium ylbuttspigot arschloch @67,
Thanks for admitting to your name! Karma is a bitch!
Federer approved the manuscript… He admitted as much! SMACKDOWN
Federer said he had no problems! Buzzfeed has the problems! SMACKDOWN
It’s in the ABC News report you moron! SMACKDOWN
Sux you can’t read ylbuttspigot arschloch! SMACKDOWN
Puffy must be a WWE fan. Big Ape with no fucking brains.
Thanks to TWO-TERM President Obama, I paid $1.79 a gallon a week or so ago with our QFC discount.
Is our family increasing our driving? Hell no! We’ll spend our money on other things.
Private employer. Not a freeloader like the Big Ape thumping bibles for a living. – Yessiree, since Puddy posts from all over the world when Puddy travels!
Sux to be the buttbanging buttbigot!
@78 save your money and buy a Lincoln MKZ Hybrid that gets 40 miles to the gallon. Cut your spending in half, pay less in gas taxes.
LMAO!!! “With appropriate attribution”…
Too funny. Even Federer missed the “lack of footnotes”..
Your words!!!! You are the most stupid, most credulous (as Lee said), bullshitting asshole (as Darryl said) of these comment threads..
Carson will be IG-NOORED by the voters as any vain fool should!
@79 – you should fly Malaysian Airlines, flights are cheap.
Thanks to TWO-TERM President Obama, I paid $1.79 a gallon a week or so ago with our QFC discount.
Wrong again ylbuttspigot arschloch. Thanks to fracking on private lands something Obummer is against!
Thank you capitalism! Even in the face of DUMMOCRETIN intransigence!
WRONG! If the gas price was high, he’d get the blame from you klownservative A-HOLES!
So TWO-TERM President Obama GETS THE CREDIT.. You dug that hole for yourselves!
Gotta go! Bye!
So funny to watch ylbuttspigot arschloch granite encased neanderthal head go
over Dr. Ben Carson. Federer approved the manuscript which includes attribution! He told that to Buzzfeed.
ROTFLRHMBBAO that ylbuttspigot arschloch can’t read!
Reminds Puddy of deflated balls for ylbuttspigot arschloch excuses!
Regarding David Duke,
He was out of the Klan for 20 years as a DUMMOCRETIN then chose to become a Republican. 20 years as a DUMMOCRETIN once leaving the Klan speaks volumes of how DUMMOCRETINS think!
Sux to be the ylbuttspigot arschloch!
From ylbuttspigot arschloch’s own link
So much for that article ylbbuttspigot arschloch offered butt didn’t thoroughly read!
Oh and for you morons worrying about Puddy. Passed one part of the certification exam with 90%. Next part tomorrow. So Puddy can do what Puddy wants when Puddy wants.
Sux to be y’all! Glad y’all worry about what Puddy does expscially the ylbbuttspigot arschloch! Puddy PWNS this IDIOT 24x7x365!
“Passed one part of the certification exam with 90%. Next part tomorrow. ”
Finally getting your GED? Good for you. Make us proud and see if you can gain some analytic skills next.
buttbanging buttbigot,
Flew Malaysian airlines last summer! During the daylight hours from Singapore to KL and then to Singapore. Great flight!
HAHAHAHAHA checkmate! Yes that’s the ticket.
At least I have something you are still struggling to acquire!
See ya!
Meanwhile Michael Mooron get his ASS handed to him AGAIN…
DAYUM funny!
@ SchizoPoodle
Chris Kyle openly bragged about sniping black people at random off the I-10 and Pontchartrain Expressway overpasses the day after Hurricane Katrina. He was a goddamn Neonazi you fucking schizotardical moron. He LIKED killing people, especially black folks, and anyone that came across his crosshairs in Iraq, including little kids. He BRAGGED about it. He was a fucking homicidal lunatic.
He died because he wasn’t intelligent enough to understand that putting a high powered rifle in the hands of a kid who was already under psychological care for homicidal ideation from his war experiences was a bad idea. It was only a matter of time before he turned his sights on something closer to home. Like maybe taking a shot at the President.
Chris Kyle openly bragged about sniping black people at random off the I-10 and Pontchartrain Expressway overpasses – Really? Really vomit producer?
You make all these insinuations vomit provider, butt you never provide any links.
Got proof? Apparently you read some whack job materials…
So vomit producer, you really prodcue thread vomit. Keep believing anything on a left wrong libtard site! You must be one of those who desperately want Kyle’s story to be true so you can brag about it on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Personally if the donut eating Michael Mooron is held at knife point Puddy would suggest that a sniper save its sorry ASS! Then his tune would change!
Richard Dawkins, Evolutionary Biologist, Reads Anti-Gay Hate Mail (VIDEO)
Puffy has been writing love letters to a gay man.
buttbagging name morphing buttbigot,
Wrong again!
Why did you take down your baby picture? Or was that your father? Luke… I am you father…
The latest fart stain from ylbuttspigot arschloch @84…
FACTS are such inconvenient things to DUMMOCRETINS like the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! Here are statements from the two term community organizer!
“This is one emergency we can’t drill our way out of.”
“The reason you never heard me say drill, baby, drill because we can’t drill our way out of the problem.”
“Easily accessible oil has already been sucked up out of the ground.”
“If we’re serious about addressing our energy problems, we’re going to have to do more than drill.”
“Even if we drilled every square inch of this country right now, we’re going to be relying on other countries for oil.”
“There’s a problem with a strategy that only relies on drilling, and that is America uses more than 20% of the world’s oil. If we drilled every square inch of this country, we’d still have only 2% of the world’s known oil reserves. We’ve got a math problem here.”
FACTS explode arschloch shit stains everyday!
EXACTLY bullshitting asshole troll!
Like the fact YOU BLAME Dems when the gas prices are high!
Gas prices are low..
Dem is in the White House!
Keep on fartin’ your own useless gas most stupid, most credulous bullshitting asshole troll, then, now and forever!
See ya later!
Oh and from that ISIS article:
Missed that didn’t you bullshitting asshole troll.
Oh my! How “inconvenient” for the moronic village idiot troll.. His useless investment in brain-damaged ODS-driven BULLSHIT is paying off just wonderfully for him and the rest of his insane, fucked up in the head tribe.
Thank you TWO-TERM President Obama for so easily rope-a-doping these braindead klownservative FOOLS!
Puddy didn’t miss anything absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot! You provided the link, Puddy provided that which you missed!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot!
FACTS are such inconvenient things!
Obummer was anti-fracking… Puddy provided the Obummer sentences! The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yleakingbuttspigot delivers commentary that makes Puddy ROTFLRHMBBAO!
FACTS are such inconvenient things!
That squid ink sure stinks. You’d think the asshole puddyfuckwad would have the common courtesy to clean it up.
But, noooooooo…you’d be wrong, just like the asshole puddyfuckwad.
The Saudi king died and a fish was appointed to replace him.
Remember some ignorant libtard DUMMOCRETIN wrote about the Mossad opposing Iran sanctions?
Then a more ignorant DUMMOCRETIN screamed about
Well Leslie Gelb, DUMMOCRETIN CFR President Emeritus and Board Senior Fellow has had enough of Obummer’s foreign policy mistakes! Someone needs to MAN UP since Obummer is a foreign policy failure to Dr Gelb!
checkmated for the 9,347th time!
Hey rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears,
Your hero is a chicken…!
Wow Puddy wonders why? NOPE Puddy know why!
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears @ 103,
So? Your puny mind can’t fathom the difference between wasteful government spending and farm subsidy government spending use to help farmers during bad times when the crops they grow don’t produce as much. So rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears, you’d rather eat imported food which we know has been found tainted.
Do tell ya idiotic moron!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, this one is a real IDIOT!
Jesus…the smell is overwhelming…
…and the stupid!
Powerful comeback to facts rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears. So powerful.
What part of that does the puddyfuckwad not understand.
(must be overwhelmed by the stench of the squid ink)
the puddyfuckwad ought to go back to assaulting white women in shopping malls and leave political commentary alone.
Where did Puddy ASSAULT anyone in a mall EVER you moron rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears?
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh you take FACTS and twist them for your puny benefit! No wonder you are a gutter dweller here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
White welfare? ROTFLRHMBBAO!
Psych 101 Thang again?
So now we all know and it’s perfectly clear,
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears would rather eat tainted foreign food than subsidized food grown in Iowa, the USA.
Thanks for playing rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears!