To the asshole who keeps calling my home phone and hanging up every 10 minutes or so, the ringer is off, and has been since yesterday afternoon, and anybody who really needs to get in touch with me knows my cell phone number. So you’re wasting your time.
Why don’t you do the *67 or whatever and find out whodunnit? Then call the police? Or call Qwest or whomever it is that provides you with phone service and report the harrassment?
Anonymous crap like that shouldn’t be tolerated! Anonymous harrassment of any type shouldn’t be tolerated!
The Piper
LOL!!!! Priceless!!!!
And no, it wasn’t me.
Sick Dick From Lake City! Sick Dick From Lake City!
Piper @1,
Because, unlike Stefan, I’m not a vindictive prick.
It’s not like this is the first time this has happened (or the worst time,) and it always goes away. At least nobody has attempted a DoS attack in quite some time.
Fuckhead @ 2
Read the post from your fellow Republican at 1. Piper’s got it right. Harassment is not funny. Ever. Go hide in your basement and stay there. You are not equipped to deal with people.
i too have had a rash of calls and hang-ups since i told off a campaign caller a few weeks before.
the number on my CID is 000-000-0000 and also the good ole’ “unavailable”
i put my spies on it and i found the office location in Sno Co…and wrote a letter to the editor in the Everett Hearld.
It’s not vindictive to simply insist that petty, anonymous harrassment stop.
Anyone who engages in that behavior is no friend of mine nor ideological soulmate. A coward is a coward, and crap is crap.
The Piper
Jesus Piper, crosscut, postman, and here. Is there nowhere that a follower of local politics can go and not be subjected to your unique form of rambling fuckan idiocy?
Jesus is my Lord, not a descriptive perjorative…
Since my mission in life is to precede you wherever you go, then, no, there isn’t a place to hide…Unless, that is, you wish to retreat into your toidy…I’ve no wish to wide-stance with you.
Delightful, though, how thoughts of me haunt you…
The Piper
Yes, we heard Goldstein’s vituperative sick-prick smear of Sharkansky. We read his mellamine poodle’s reiteration of the smear in yesterday’s Sick Seattle Times. But the fact is a fact: The sickest sickness of the smear came from a lowly character assassin, sheltered by anonymity.
Lowly Waitress, progressive, slimed a five-year-old kid in public. Progressives used a 12-year-old kid to push lies about SCHIP. Child abuse, abuse of 5-and-12 year olds, is what sick prick progressives do. Thank God Shark didn’t shut up and take it. If he had, Goldstein’s gun-packin’ daughter would be fair game for some lost loony like Dick From Lake City.
re 10: You have got a screw loose.
Anonymous caller = immature prick with too much time on his hands.
Goldy’s reaction = Mature response to a prick with too much time on his hands.
Goldy is a public figure (Stefan, not so much. He understands some people are going to react like the children they are.
That said……
Stefan, quit calling Goldy. Grow up. Teach your kid some manners with the extra time on your hands.
Even though I hate the bastard, leave him alone. This is classless.
Probably some federal prisoner with a phone card and time on his hands. There’s so many Republicans behind bars now, it’s hard to tell who the suspect might be.
This is why it’s a bad idea to post under your real name, have a published phone name, and a listed address. Unless, of course, you want wingnuts to show up at your front door so you can kill them in self-defense.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter makes tons of money off sick death humor. I want to see if that’ll work for me, too! I could use the money.
phone number
@10 Some kids need to be killed. Trust me on this. It’s just a question of which ones. See #11 below.
3 Which one?
Roger Rabbit Quiz
I’ve got a real brain teaser for you wingnuts today, and I expect your usual abysmal performance. Think before you leap. Not that thinking ever does you any good. Ready? Here’s today’s quiz question:
Which type of kid needs to be killed?
[ ] 1. Sick children whose parents can’t afford health care
[ ] 2. Loud, rowdy, screaming, rude, snot-nosed brats running uncontrolled through restaurants and other public places.
Note: Empirical research shows that Democrats answer this question differently from Republicans.
@17 erratum, should read see #19 below
Hey, just kidding! We shouldn’t kill kids. That’s a Republican idea. I post this crap as satire, so wingnuts can see what THEY look like when they applaud jerks like Ann Coulter and Jonathan Gardner. Republicans have so much blood lust you’d swear they eat raw liver for breakfast and drink blood for lunch. Fucking vampires.
Reflections on #9: I was a leftist too long, and find it too easy to get back in the gutter with leftists, too easy to lapse or relapse into talking smash-mouth trash, to get back in a game without consequences played by guys without the balls to play football. (Guys. Very few girls here, so maybe there’s a perverse element of wide-stance homoerotic stalking on this blog.)
Would Jesus do this? Doubt it, unless he or He posted like a gentleman, like Piper. Whether Jesus is or is not part of your cosmology, whether or not you have a cosmology, whether or not you agree with Piper’s politics, you must agree that he’s not in our gutter.
@22 The Difference Between Democrats And Republicans (Part XVII)
Democrats use obscene language.
Republicans engage in obscene behavior.
#22 — Speak for yourself.
@24 This blog has lots of WingNuts (TM) pretending to be (choose one)
[ ] Democrats
[ ] Liberals
[ ] Leftists
[ ] Progressives
[ ] Independents
because admitting to being a Republican is out of fashion these days.
Now wait a minute, as a good liberal, don’t you have compassion for the person calling your home every 10 minutes? Maybe it’s not his fault. Maybe he’s mentally ill. And if that’s the case, isn’t he a victim too? And if he’s a victim too, then aren’t you victimizing him twice by verbally assaulting him on your blog? Seems to me you are commiting hate-speech and slander against a helpless person with a disease, which is probably covered by the A.D.A. I think you owe the person who is harassing you an apology.
[] Recovering Leftist
22 You’re right. Piper is in a gutter all his own.
Tsk, tsk, Goldy- T’was Obama calling
Thank you, no…I avoid gutters at all cost. Wouldn’t want to crowd you boys out, and besides…have you checked drycleaning costs of late? Highway robbery!
The Piper
Wouldn’t want to crowd you boys out, and besides…have you checked drycleaning costs of late? Highway robbery!
Once again, it sounds like someone is not sufficiently enthusiastic about the free market. If the cost of getting all those shitstains out of your trousers after you see a guy with a turban at the 7/11 is getting too much, maybe you should look into a more durable diaper?
@26 Just because WingNuts (TM) are mentally ill doesn’t mean we shouldn’t verbally kick the living shit out of them. You wouldn’t be kind to a carpenter ant just because it’s a helpless insect, would you?
@31 Another fucking market failure. That’s why we need to set up a government program to tell bad turbans and good turbans apart. There isn’t one now.
Goldy @ 4-
You may not be a vindictive prick, but a prick you are none-the-less.
I give the same consideration to carpenter ants that I give to rabbits. Though with rabbits, I eat what I kill.
The Piper
All I’m saying is I think it’s wrong to harass the person who is calling Goldy. I’m a true liberal, and I don’t think it’s ethical to harass people. I think his calling Goldy over and over again is a cry for help. I believe Goldy’s caller is a victim too.
re 36 — Waterboarding is the only help we can offer Goldy’s tormenter. It’s safe, legal, and it isn’t torture!
White Rose @ 37
Not only is waterboarding not torture, but it’s positively invigorating. After a hard day at work, there’s nothing I enjoy more than a good waterboarding. In fact, I’ve just talked to my bank about financing a waterboarding spa. The banker was most intrigued with the idea. We would cater to Republicans, primarily. I see a chain of waterboarding spas all across the nation.
re 38: Sounds like fun, proud leftist. Is there room for a Poon aboard this mystery ride?
Hey. It seems people don’t have much to say. Let’s have a bloviating contest and see who can skewer and lampoon “The Piper” to the most devatating effect.
If you are into method acting at all, I suggest you concentrate on Thurston Howell II, or, even better, Sideshow Bob.
Your fantasy, while hardly original, is sort of sweet…
Rhamnusia strikes again; as only the truly moronic wingnut can.
Kentucky Senator McConnell Below 50% in Re-election Bid
“Reading the General Petraeus report on the Iraq debacle reminded me of nothing so much as Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men yelling, “You can’t handle the truth!”
The report goes to great lengths to paint a picture of progress in Iraq, but the truth is a far different story. As the New York Times and the Washington Post have reported, the declining number of deaths in Iraq that Petraeus cites depends on a few accounting tricks: like not counting a death as an assassination if you’re shot in the front of the head, and not counting deaths by car bombs.
So, what are we really doing in Iraq?”
Petraeus Report Cooks the Books with Deft Kabuki Spin.
Benefactor: Big Oil.
General Betrayus: We hardly knew ye!
Hey Harry, which democrat won Louisiana this time???? hehehehe
I thought this post subject was about how Goldy had a couple of hang-up calls.
the asshole who keeps calling my home phone and hanging up every 10 minutes or so
Must be DOOFUS aka the shit-eating cur.
Just unplug the damn phone from the wall and call it a day.
@35 No problem. I can always make more rabbits.
oui monsieur doggy…don’t rub it in..bien.
Poopon, huh. I don’t know why, but there is something about that name I just like. roof roof.
Goldy, if you stayed on the line, you wold find out that it is not “harassment”, but rather your friendly, neighborhood robo-call from the politicians extant. It will indeed go away after tomorrow. Thank God. My phone has been ringing off the hook lately, you answer, and it seems no one is there. It is the robo-call waiting to leave a message on your voicemail. Shakespeare had it wrong. First we must kill all the auto-dialers. For more, see my diary on Kos.
#44 harry poon says:
Even someone that has no military experience would understand this isn’t true.
What would a real “war for oil” look like? Well, US troops would have sped to the oilfields with everything we had. Everything we had. Then, secure convoy routes would have been established to the nearest port – probably Basra – and the US Navy would essentially line the entire gulf with wall-to-wall warships in order to ensure the safe passage of US-flagged tankers into and out of the region.
There would have been no overland campaign – what for? – and no fight for Baghdad. Fallujah and Mosul and all those other trouble spots would never even see an American boot. Why? No oil there. The US Military would do what it is extraordinarily well-trained to do: take and hold a very limited area, and supply secure convoys to and from this limited area on an ongoing basis. Saddam could have stayed if he wanted: probably would have saved us a lot of trouble, and the whole thing would have become a sort of super no-fly zone over the oil fields, ports and convoy routes, and the devil take the rest of it. Sadr City IED deaths? Please. What the f**k does Sadr City have that we need?
That’s what a war for oil would look like. Duh!