At what point does Hillary Clinton have the right to sue Donald Trump for slander? I think making up lies about her lying to the FBI must cross a line. She’s a private citizen now. She isn’t running for anything.
There are protections for some presidential actions that would end up in court if they weren’t President. High crimes and misdemeanors are handled by Congress, for example. But this sort of slander is civil, so perhaps it can proceed.
At what point does Hillary Clinton have the right to sue Donald Trump for slander?
You apparently do not recall that when the FBI interviewed #CrookedHillary, she was not placed under oath.
Official acts while in office would grant immunity. But there is still value in proceeding. It has become impossible to discern to any kind of legal certainty where the dividing line between official and unofficial acts lies. Fuckface uses various forms of communication throughout each day seamlessly and without regard to status. As President, he operates as if every single moment of every day and everything he does is an official act. As such, these acts should therefor be subject to all existing statutory regulation and Constitutional limits. However troublesome or potentially illegal acts are declared to be “private” or “unofficial” post hoc as it suits the PeePee President and his 24/7 team of psychiatric nurses.
Republican Party Dildo Navy!
Just thought it would be useful to put that there before the daily drone of Hillbilly/Pedophile moralizing. For perspective.
@ 3
Best part of that link is the attribution of ACORN’s destruction to O’Keefe.
As if ACORN didn’t cause its own destruction.
And so shall the Republican Party.
Akorn’s work was in preventing predatory lending and providing access to affordable housing, living wages, education and voter registration.
Little wonder that Putin’s treasonous, racist troll who hates blacks hates Akorn.
So you guys really think that breaking up ACORN was a coup?
Everything I saw indicated they were a highly localized, but inefficient, make-work program bloated with out-of-date methods, poorly trained and poorly supervised people, underfunded, and crippled with identity politics and lacking in strategic guidance and coordination. They had credibility in certain communities and among certain constituencies. They’d leveraged that credibility and the ensuing support to wrangle public funding in a political dance as old as the 19th century Irish gangs of New York.
It isn’t as if the funding streams went away. They were pulled from ACORN and placed with other, competing community services orgs. Quite often with orgs that were more efficient, more capable, and better positioned to leverage technology. Same work continues to this day. It’s just being done more efficiently.
The problem with O’Keefe isn’t who he targets. It’s his methods. If Veritas were not a criminal fraud scheme staffed by perverts who think dressing up like Huggy Bear and trapping women on boats filled with rubber dildos, anal lube, and porn videos is honest work, they might actually be able to do some good. Either way, it’s your money. If you prefer to see it spent on dildos that’s your business.
Under the NYT v. Sullivan doctrine, Hillary would have to prove malice because she’s a public figure, but in Trump’s case that won’t be difficult. It helps that the defendant has deep pockets.
She should give serious consideration to making them shallower. If he doesn’t pay the judgment, I know exactly which property I’d slap a lien on and put up for a sheriff’s sale.
I wonder if Repubs have factored into their deficit calculations a couple trillion dollars* for a war with N. Korea?
* This budget assumes things don’t go awry and no S. Korean or U.S. cities have to be rebuilt from the ground up.
The short list for TIME’s Person of the Year is Trump, Kim Jung Un, Robert Mueller, and Colin Kaepernick.
While Kaepernick is my sentimental choice, I think the front cover should go jointly to Trump and Kim. Those two are the most newsworthy because they’re fixing to blow up the world.
The stock market loves the tax bill. Millionaire shareholders like Dumbfuck and me will get a massive wealth transfer if this goes through. My paper gains this morning roughly amount to a typical Trump voter’s agricultural or sweatshop wages for a half year of backbreaking labor. It’s the next best thing to being a sharecropper landlord. It’s like getting an envelope full of rent checks from the townsfolk in the movie “Deliverance.”
@9 “Factored in”? Hell, they’re probably counting on it. Certainly the beltway bandits are drooling at the prospect.
@ 11
The only three things massive about you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, are your prostate, your ass, and your opinion of yourself.
You know, with Dollar Bill Jefferson’s early release from federal prison, the number of CBC members in prison won’t increase with this news.
Former Rep. Corrine Brown Sentenced To Five Years In Prison
‘Crime born out of entitlement and greed,’ judge says
So, really, nothing at all to see here, amirite? Besides, people like, oh, I dunno, Elijah @ 7 maybe, would just see Brown’s operation as
a highly localized, but inefficient, make-work program bloated with out-of-date methods, poorly trained and poorly supervised people, underfunded, and crippled with identity politics and lacking in strategic guidance and coordination. They had credibility in certain communities and among certain constituencies.
Think on your sins
@13 How does a doctor who can’t comprehend that surgery makes prostates smaller, not larger, keep his license? I realize this is outside your specialty, but nevertheless, don’t radiologists ever look at film of post-op prostates?
@14 In which a dumbfuck tries to conjure a link between a defunct community organization and a defunct congresswoman. This is the kind of dot-connecting kindergartners do. Most of us outgrow it by first grade. I suppose if you don’t your scribblings eventually might be worth millions on the billionaire art market.*
* The GOP tax cut for the rich should be a boon for art prices, as that’s likely where a lot of it will go. R&D and job creation, not so much.
@ 16
The GOP tax cut for the rich should be a boon for art prices, as that’s likely where a lot of it will go.
I certainly hope so. Many artists on the south end of Whidbey. Support to artists supports local endeavors such as the Farmers’ Market and Tilth Sunday Market, parks, music, island charities that serve undernourished and homeless.
You wouldn’t know this, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Sitting for the duration of a ferry ride is more than your prostate can tolerate.
@17 I see you know as little about the art market as you know about community organizations. People who pay millions for pictures don’t shop at the Whidbey farmer’s market.
You aren’t even making sense anymore. It’s as if you idiots believe that if you can put two things in the same comment that makes them the same.
None of which will ever lessen the degradation that automatically attaches to Republicans when they align themselves with treason, active criminal conspiracies, pedophile rings, and the Republican Dildo Navy. You don’t even stop to ask yourself why you are paying for Veritas to have a boat that they can fill with dildos in the first place. Deflect. Degenerate. Disappear.
There’s probably no significance whatsoever to the fact that as of today Fuckface’s personal lawyer has suddenly shifted from “there was no obstruction” to “as President he can’t be charged with obstruction”.
Look, the guy’s obviously owned by Fuckface. And whatever their arrangement may be, he will go down if Fuckface goes down. But it still seems like an incredibly dumbass move for him to voluntarily implicate himself in a criminal obstruction conspiracy just to get past a news cycle.
White House counsel Donald McGahn told Trump that based on his conversation with then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates, he believed Flynn had not told the truth in his interview with the FBI or to Pence, the source said. “
Weeks ahead of his private hot-box meeting with Comey in which Fuckface attempted to persuade the FBI director to end the investigation.
“The GOP had originally intended to abolish the AMT. But on Friday, with the clock running out — and money running short — Senate Republicans put the AMT back into their bill. Unfortunately for McConnell, they forgot to lower the AMT after doing so.”
A child rapist endorses a child molester, both of whom are supported by Doctor Dumbfuck.
“Trump officially endorses Roy Moore in Alabama”
Our resident dumbfuck traitor, he who has posted thousands of treasonous hashtags supporting Putin, his child rapist and now a child molester, deplores us think on our sins.
Fuck you, you dumbfuck traitor.
Only two dissents.
Supreme Court allows President Trump’s travel ban to go fully into effect
Maybe Breyer and Kagan called in sick. (More likely, these two would prefer to hear it argued at SCOTUS level prior to calling Trump’s EO unconstitutional.)
Here’s the order:
“Close family members”, you’re SOL.
Stick a fork in me – I’m done!
It’s time for me to retire to my plush NY House and just be Grandma, but I just can’t give it up! Power and the pursuit of power are as addicting as heroin or cocaine!
@20 I wouldn’t have Fuckface for a client in the first place, but if I couldn’t get out of say a public defense assignment, I sure as hell wouldn’t take a fall for a known criminal who habitually throws his own aides under the bus. That’s one stupid-ass lawyer.*
* I used to believe you needed some brains to get through medical school, too, but I know better now.
@22 That’s not the only thing they overlooked.
“The Senate’s tax overhaul bill is a ‘huge tax increase’ on certain businesses, said Robert Murray, chairman and CEO of coal giant Murray Energy. … He said the Senate legislation will raise Murray Energy’s taxes by $60 million a year, ‘notwithstanding the other so-called benefits the Senate has proposed.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder how many miners he’ll lay off to pay his tax bill?
This is the kind of dot-connecting kindergartners do.
And you do this all the time senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
So now we learn this anti-Trump guy was involved in many things now! Oh the HATE of CNN!
Till Next Time!
Dennis Hastert, remember him?
Your Republican congressional thugs are worse than the Democratic thugs.
“Dennis Hastert, remember him?”
I know this will come as a great shock to many of you. But it turns out most Treason Trolls do not remember him. Weird, right?
Supreme Court 7-2 OK for Trump travel ban for the time being!
So much for the American Criminal Liars Union and the libtard Hawaii judge!
Till Next Time!
Treason Troll quiz, who said this: “Well, when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”
How did that work out?
Here is the context of the DUMMOCRETIN ASS question above…
All he’s really doing is reiterating one of the basic arguments that most Presidents have made throughout history: that there are times where the government takes action in the interests of national security or public safety and that imperative can, at times, override certain legal protections. It’s not about absolute power as much as it’s about the government having to balance the sometimes-juxtaposing concepts of the rule of law and public safety.
Till Next Time!
More Obummer sovereignty busting decisions going Bye-Bye!
Andrew Arthur, resident fellow in law and policy at the Center for Immigration Studies, disagreed, saying U.S. immigration policy should be determined by elected officials, not an unelected group of bureaucrats from the U.N.
PuddyCommentary: Elections have consequences!
@34 Nice cut and paste. You should have put quotes around your big paragraph since it is word-for-word from copy at the link you ripped off. Congrats, you can use Google, it comes back as the first search result.
Problem is, Nixon thought he was above the law, regardless. of the context. Hmm, who does that sound like now?
Keep typing on the keyboard, maybe you will finally get that Shakespeare tapped out.
Piddles, you are an idiot. How can it be an epic failure when it is a simple question? I’ll give you credit, you are still leaps and bounds ahead of Abigail/Lucy.
Human Beings are so stupid that it will not be hard for Robots to take over civilization. And probably sooner than later.
@36 it will not be long before they come for him.
@ 30, 31
Hastert’s misdeeds were not while in office. Well after retirement, he hid what he was doing but it was his own money.
Corinne Brown was stealing money from a charity. That is, when she wasn’t instructing others to steal it for her.
See how rapidly the TrollBots implement the new FSB programming!
Mere moments ago it was “No collusion!” “No conspiracy!” “No Puppet!” “Witch Hunt!” “Witch Hunt!” “Witch Hunt!” And suddenly as if a new sun has appeared in the sky, it’s a whole new day with an entirely different collection of carefully scripted lies to be lapped up greedily in trailer parks all across Hillbilly Murika.
Still, Republican Dildo Navy is an ongoing enterprise, whose “misdeeds” are fully credentialed, fully supported in every aspect, and right out in the open for every Treason Troll to see.
@ 33
Treason Troll quiz, who said this: “Well, when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”
How did that work out?
Depends on who you ask:
ABC News president James Goldston excoriated staff Monday over Brian Ross’ major error on a report about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and announced that Ross, the network’s chief investigative reporter, will no longer cover stories related to President Trump.
“I don’t even know how many times we’ve talked about this, how many times we have talked about the need to get it right,” he added. “That how we have to be right and not first. About how in this particular moment, with the stakes as high as these stakes are right now, we cannot afford to get it wrong.”
Probably the audio isn’t up there with, say, Lasorda
after Bevacqua called him a fat little Italian, but probably pretty good nonetheless.
your political party and it’s funders (presumably including you) this evening restored their staff support, national campaigning,
national party data, fund raising, and direct monetary support to help elect a pedophile to the U.S. Senate. That’s millions of dollars. Tonight. And right out in the open for all to see. No freezer needed.
OK, sure, Hastert was convicted of a felony after he left office, but his SEX CRIMES took place long before he was even elected as the Speaker of the House.
OK, I guess that makes much better than some old lady shaking down people for money from a charity.
Man, you have some warped sense of reality if you think those two crimes are on the same level.
The quote was from Nixon, you know, the POTUS that resigned in disgrace because he thought he was above the law. It had nothing to do with Flynn. Thanks for playing.
@ 44
Really? It was from Nixon? I thought it was Frank Langella going off-script.
You’re an incredibly dense brick most of the time, Newt.
The thing is, regardless of when Hastert started fucking adolescent children, everything we know about pedophilia tells us these sorts of compulsions don’t go away on their own. Absent some pretty serious in-patient treatment program lasting weeks if not months, in all likelihood he was sworn in to Congress and sworn in as Speaker as an actively offending child sex criminal.
@28 “And you do this all the time senile idiot wabbit!”
No, I don’t, but it’s understandable you can’t see it, because you’re too stupid to tell the difference between random and rational dot connecting.
Sad day when Puddy appears smarter than you and he got the answer to the question correct.
A dense brick, cute. That from a guy who was convinced C130-J’s would fall out of the sky because they would run out of fuel doing air drops to Puerto Rico for hurricane relief efforts.
Go back to your horse or goat and try again. I hear you are coming out with a book to be sold at your local famer’s market: “Dr. Boob’s in depth book on the ins and outs of horse rearing.”
@29 From the CNN article you linked to: “The shift from ‘grossly negligent’ to ‘extremely careless,’ which may appear pedestrian at first glance, reflected a decision by the FBI that could have had potentially significant legal implications, as the federal law governing the mishandling of classified material establishes criminal penalties for ‘gross negligence.'”
As the FBI concluded Clinton committed no crimes, the edit appears to be necessary and appropriate. There is no suggestion in this paragraph that the conclusion was wrong, or that this employee, acting on his own, overruled the director’s conclusion (which makes no sense).
It also appears that his reassignment was necessary and appropriate. Once he made “anti-Trump” (your words) comments, the appearance if not the actuality of his impartiality was compromised and he could not continue to work on Mueller’s investigation team. That investigation must be (and as far as we know is) professional, objective, impartial, and evidence-based; it is not the “witch hunt” Trump claims it is (this claim is not sustainable in the face of grand jury indictments and guilty pleas).
@ 43
Not everyone.
The guy who opposed Trump all last year – the guy you spent 2012 comparing to Hitler – weighed in with this today:
Mitt Romney
Roy Moore in the US Senate would be a stain on the GOP and on the nation. Leigh Corfman and other victims are courageous heroes. No vote, no majority is worth losing our honor, our integrity.
1:44 PM – Dec 4, 2017
33 new eateries in Seattle and surrounding.
About half of them in the “fast casual” segment (Deli, Wing Joint, Teriyaki, Ramen, Taqueria, Salad Bar, Pizza, Thai…)
Meanwhile, which of the Seattle McDonald’s have folded since the Minimum wage went up? Burger King? Well the Ballard one is gone soon to be replaced by Condos along with all the businesses surrounding it. We were assured fast food was doooooooooooooomed!
I’d be curious if you could point me to a Romney=Hitler comparison.
Maybe ask the crazed database?
@50 “no majority is worth losing our honor, our integrity.”
WTF, Republicans have any honor and integrity at all? Not after that tax bill vote the other day, giving massive tax breaks to the wealthy and all other bullshit (just so they could finally have a victory in Congress). What about all the wars they started and didn’t bother to fund. Hell, they even went after the country that had nothing to do with the worst attacks on the United States since WW II. Again a really warped sense of what honor and integrity are, but then again, from a guy that roots for cancer to kill their host, not a real surprise.
@32 “American Criminal Liars Union”
Never heard of it. Is there such an organization? I know of one with a similar acronym: The American Civil Liberties Union. They protect our right to free speech. Including yours. It’s very common for Republicons to go running to the ACLU when they get caught toe-tapping in an airport restroom or want to wave Nazi flags in a Jewish residential community or want free legal help for some other purpose. They would even defend James O’Keefe if someone interfered with his constitutional right to be an asshole.
@34 Well, if a president does something for the good of the nation, then he should have no trouble defending what he did in court, should he? Which makes you wonder why Nixon tried to cover up actions he claimed were for the good of the country. He probably did it because those actions happened to constitute criminal behavior.
@35 I don’t really disagree with Haley on this. Illegals don’t have a right to be here and came here knowing they could be deported. Throwing them out indiscriminately is a stupid policy, but if Trump’s argument is that he’s upholding the rule of law I’ll go along with it, but I’ll also expect him to respect the rule of law in other areas, too.
@36 Obviously, the loon never learned the standard conventions for citing, quoting, and attributing material he did not write himself. This suggests he obtained his degree, if he has one, by watching TV courses from an online university and his papers, if he had to submit any, were corrected and graded by a high school student paid minimum wage.
@37 Nonsense. Rabbits were in line first. We have seniority and numbers.
@39 Hastert went to prison. Brown is going to prison. Crime is crime. The difference between the (R) criminal and the (D) criminal is the judge didn’t call Brown a “serial child molester” from the bench. Our party has a better class of criminals than your party does. Our criminals are merely thieves.
There’s also a significant difference between (R) voters and (D) voters. Our voters don’t elect known criminals to public offices. Brown lost a primary after she was charged. For your voters, child molesting and stealing aren’t disqualifying. Your voters are about to send Roy Moore to the Senate. So our party has a better class of voters than your party does, too.
We also have better bloggers. You and Piddles seem to be about the best the (R)’s can do. It’s telling that, as bad as you two are, most conservative trolls I see on other blogs are even worse.
@42 Why do you expect perfection from the news media when perfection isn’t attainable with anything else? Two of our space shuttles blew up. We’ve lost wars. Doctors kill patients. And, not least, our political system produced Trump. Reporters have as much right to be wrong as you do, and that’s okay, provided they correct their mistakes.
@50 The problem is your party isn’t listening to Romney.
But, unless you have a voting address in Alabama, YOU’RE off the hook — you don’t have to choose between an honest Democrat with whom you disagree on certain issues or a pedophile and child raper.
Probably just as well, because I don’t know if I’d entrust you with the responsibility of making that choice.
@53 “What about all the wars they started and didn’t bother to fund.”
They didn’t bother to win them, either.
Clinton could sue Trump, but it would most likely get dismissed. Public figure, politician all that jazz. And it’s not like she has quit and retired to her mansion. Guess she is planning on running for some public office perhaps.
Of course if Trump were to show she was actually lying that would be the ultimate egg on her face. And expensive egg at that.
And there is that whole malice thing, and eventually there will be another picture of the Trumps and the Clinton’s at some shin dig. Remember it’s a club and you ain’t in it.
There is a segment of the party that has zero idea of the peril the party is in.
Demographically the GOP is in deep trouble. So much has been written about the minority becoming the majority and the GOP does terribly with minorities. Muslim Ban and ending DACA isn’t going to help with that.
A lot has been analyzed about the post Trump state elections and one thing is clear. People under 45 are voting Democrat by wide numbers, much wider than Trump v. Clinton. Every GOP voter that dies isn’t getting replaced by a younger GOP convert.
Moderate (Mainstream/Establishment) Republicans are lining up to criticize not only the Pedophile but also 45. Romney coming out may not sway Alabama but it will resonate in purple states if Moore wins. That their party is now the party of Pussy grabbers and Pedophiles is a very real problem for a lot of not insane Republican voters. Have you ever seen 20 years worth of a party’s Presidents and presidential candidates speak out against a Senate candidate of their own party. No, because no one has run a pedophile before.
The tax bill is DEEPLY unpopular and they can scream “Fake News” and Lamestream all they want all the stories of forced through, unread, handwritten are true and people know it. If it works then maybe they’ll be OK. But actual observable history of these economics are not on their side and if it blows up…. And they are going to lose people in that sweet spot of small business owners and middle class income who’s taxes go up if most of this plan stays intact. It’s by no means a majority of those income groups but a lot of “Republican’s will cut my taxes” low-mid six figure familes are going to see an increase and, “What, What? I’m paying MORE for the illegals and freeloaders under the GOP plan?”
And the old white GOP men in WA DC don’t really have a sense at where #metoo is going. They really have no sense of what danger they are in.
Roy Moore may win but holly shit the retribution will be EPIC! The smart people in the party know full well that losing this battle is better for the war.
@9 Could be a relatively cheap war. Get rid of some of our out of date nuclear bombs. Cheaper to use them than dispose of them. The war might be very cheap, the occupation cost seems to be where we get into trouble.
Of course it could be Saudi Arabia that the shit hits the fan.
Of course neither party nor the Congressional Budget Office takes hypothetical war into the budget process. NOr hurricanes, blizzards, volcanos, ect.
@23 You all do realize you are talking to the peanut gallery. Most likely not one voter in Alabama is reading this blog, and most likely if they are they are a Democrat who would not vote for any Republican candidate. It may make you feel good, but frankly you aren’t accomplishing a damned thing. Go to some Republican blog read in Alabama and say something there. Sure you will get called a carpetbagger. You may very well get that same response on a Democratic blog in Alabama. After being grabbed by the nose and kicked in the ass may change your world view enough that you might actually say something here a bit more sensible.
Now if you are the or two Alabamians who are actually going to vote in that thar fun election. Please speak up. Let these folks know what kind of tar baby they are in a fight with.
@24 Hey I called it months ago.
@30 If only Topps did Congressional Member Cards. A 1964 Pete Rose card is for sale for over $4000. The value of their Congressional cards could be the ultimate status symbol certain HA Capitalists are looking for.
How about an authentic Richard Millhouse Nixon card or a John Quincy Adams card. Or a Hilliary Clinton card.
@64 People become Republicans at 45 because they are Democrats who have had a serious mid life crises.
Us independents generally remain independent even if we become overly attached to a sports car. Or walk the Appalachian trail of love. (For some it leads to Argentina.)
@33 Actually pretty well for Nixon. He quit and did not have to look at those damn hippies through the Oval Office windows. The pardon was nice, though whether he was goin to be charged with anything was totally up in the air. He got a book deal. That whole fabulous interview. Accomplishments were recognized. He was America’s last truly great liberal President. Worked out pretty damn well.
@37 Why would robots take over civilization? Couldn’t they just make their own? Or what about the three rules of robotics?
And Bender the Magnificent says you should bite his shiny metal ass.
@49 Could President Obama and Director Comey have had a sit down dinner where the President told him that him the investigation on Hilliary Clinton was to have a particular outcome? No notes taken on those occasions? Remarkable.
@55 Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus for the good of the nation. and the Supreme Court did not rule in old Abe’s favor.
@57 No such re1uirements in the terms/rules of HA. And for the most part few on here properly attribute material properly. And nothing states that RR a mythical rabbit is chief editor of HA. And he could brush up on his own proper citation skills himself.
@59 The people of Alabama have proudly sent criminals from both parties to Congress from time to time. Usually they know when those folks are crooks. The ones that surprise the folks in Alabama are the honest politicians as they can be unpredictable. Something the voters in Alabama generally won’t possum up to. Occassionally they do possum up to a honest politician, course he or she probably smokes week with Willie Nelson.
@28 “And you do this all the time senile idiot wabbit!”
No, I don’t – the senile idiot wabbit replies.
There are many thousands of your connect the dot attempts in the crazed databaze. Anyone who cares about Roger senile idiot commentary can perfrom a Roger Rabbit with Cuyahoga County,Ohio or Stafford, VA. Those are the two easiest. Another search would be Merry Fitzmas.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!- Work calls in a few minutes! The crazed databaze deala is tracking PuddyTime of course!
Till Next Time!
Once he made “anti-Trump” (your words) comments
Everyone’s comments silly senile idiot wabbit. Even the libtard media is admitting he made them to his adulterous lover. Butt of course you can’t. That senility has really addled that pea brain mind!
Till Next Time!
How odd then that a whole lot of Mittens’ family money will be going into the effort to seat a pedophile in the Senate as well.
Something about actions speaking louder. Money too.
Could Donald J. Trump have asked a Russian prostitute to give him a Golden Shower?
Could Phillppe De Rothchild have had a sit down dinner with Ronald Reagan where they agreed upon a plan to allow a truck bomb in Beruit to draw America into a longer proxy war for Israel?
Could Saddam Hussein have had a private audience with George W. Bush while head of the CIA that implicitly agreed that he could invade Kuwait whenever he saw fit?
Isn’t rampant speculation fun?
@63 Please spare us your legal “expertise.” You haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
@64 Unfortunately, I think you’re seriously underestimating the stupidity, ignorance, and venality of Republican voters. Any politician who dangles a Bible and guns before them owns them.
@65 “Could be a relatively cheap war.”
Only a complete idiot could write something like this.
@69 Yeah, they suffer a stroke and half their brain is wiped out.
@72 See #80.
@73 Lincoln didn’t engage in a coverup. He didn’t lie to the FBI. He didn’t collude with the Russians. All he did was keep the South in the Union (arguably a mistake) and abolish slavery (long overdue).
@74 You really are a dumbass. A bigger dumbass than the doctor, even. When you quote someone, you put quote marks around the quotation so readers know it’s a quote, jackass. Did you cut 6th grade? HA doesn’t have a posting rule against robbing banks either, but that doesn’t make it okay to rob banks.
@75 Well for once you may be onto something. This makes perfect sense. It explains everything. We should never have let Alabama back in the Union, or if we did, we shouldn’t have let them vote.