If I want to celebrate “Stefan Sharkansky Mental Illness Awareness Month”, then that’s my business.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What could possibly be more worthwhile than giving trolls, GOP apologists, and the other America-hating traitors of the Far Right their verbal just desserts?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Isn’t it deliciously ironic that the headquarters of the “American Center for Voting Rights” — propaganda arm of the Far Right’s election manipulation agenda — is a 3-inch by 3-inch mail box?
Although it is unlikely a Republican Congress would impeach Bush, growing public disaffection with the Bush administration train wreck now seems increasingly likely to put Congress into Democratic hands in January 2007, which at the very least would turn Bush into a lame duck and effectively end the GOP agenda until the 2008 elections � and might make impeachment a realistic possibility.
That Republican leaders are worried about the looming impeachment threat is graphically demonstrated by the RNC�s hyperbolic overreaction to John Kerry�s merrymaking in a D.C. bar last week:
�The senator’s former campaign staff had gathered for a holiday party Wednesday night at Finn macCool’s, a Capitol Hill watering hole, and Kerry, with a drink in hand, quipped that if the Democrats retake Congress they could make a case for impeaching President Bush. The Republican National Committee isn’t laughing. �With his impeachment advocacy last night, John Kerry once again showed how out of touch he is with the American people,� said RNC spokesman Brian Jones yesterday in a press release. �’For one of the leaders of the Democratic Party to begin a push for presidential impeachment, in seriousness or jest, on the eve of the Iraq elections is both foolish and shortsighted.�” (Source)
Kerry was jesting, but there�s no holiday cheer in last month�s Zogby Poll showing U.S. adults, by 51 to 45 percent, favor impeaching Bush �if he did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq.� (Source: http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=node/7)
With this week�s revelation that Bush has been conducting illegal warrantless eavesdropping on U.S. citizens for several years (and anybody who thinks this domestic spying is limited to suspected terrorists just doesn�t know much about the McCarthyite Party), several congressmen have begun openly discussing impeachment, and Rep. John Conyers (D-NY) is calling for an investigation and hearings. (See http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=taxonomy/term/10)
Mainstream media (http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=node/106),* and even conservative commentators, are jumping aboard the impeachment bandwagon. For example, �Conservative scholars Bruce Fein and Norm Ornstein argued yesterday on The Diane Rehm show that, should Bush remain defiant in defending his constitutionally-abusive wire-tapping of Americans (as he has indicated he will), Congress should consider impeaching him.� (http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=taxonomy/term/10)
(*Editor and Publisher Magazine, mentioned in this article, is a nonpartisan trade journal of the journalism publishing industry.)
Even a ghost of Watergate, John Dean, has chimed in: �John Dean, who knows something about these matters, calls Bush “the first President to admit to an impeachable offense.” (http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=node/106)
Fact Check: Clinton/Carter Executive Orders Did Not Authorize Warrantless Searches of Americans
The top of the Drudge Report claims “CLINTON EXECUTIVE ORDER: SECRET SEARCH ON AMERICANS WITHOUT COURT ORDER…” It’s not true. Here’s the breakdown –
What Drudge says:
“Clinton, February 9, 1995: ‘The Attorney General is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order'”
What Clinton actually signed:
“Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) [50 U.S.C. 1822(a)] of the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance] Act, the Attorney General is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that section.”
That section requires the Attorney General to certify is the search will not involve “the premises, information, material, or property of a United States person.” That means U.S. citizens or anyone inside of the United States.
The entire controversy about Bush’s program is that, for the first time ever, allows warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens and other people inside of the United States. Clinton’s 1995 executive order did not authorize that.
Drudge pulls the same trick with Carter.
What Drudge says:
“Jimmy Carter Signed Executive Order on May 23, 1979: “Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order.”
What Carter’s executive order actually says:
“1-101. Pursuant to Section 102(a)(1) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1802(a)), the Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order, but only if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that Section.”
What the Attorney General has to certify under that section is that the surveillance will not contain “the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party.” So again, no U.S. persons are involved.
To reiterate: The crucial distinction between Carter’s and Clinton’s LEGAL executive orders and George W. Bush’s illegal surveillance is that Carter and Clinton did not authorize SPYING ON U.S. CITIZENS. The FISA allows warrantless spying on foreign nationals to gather intelligence; the Constitution prohibits, and neither FISA nor any other federal law authorizes, warrantless spying on U.S. citizens.
To summarize: MATT DRUDGE IS A LIAR. Of course, there’s nothing new about Drudge being a liar. Drudge was lying when he smeared presidential candidate John Kerry with a false “intern affair” story, too. Right wing ideologues and self-deluded Bush bootlickers have been lapping up Drudge’s concocted domestic spying apologia, as is their right in a free country. But — believe liars at your own risk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In his incarnation as a Reagan administration lawyer, Bush’s SCOTUS nominee Samuel Alito defended warrantless domestic spying and wrote a legal memo that now echoes in Bush’s rationalizations for violating the 4th Amendment rights of U.S. citizens, according to an Associated Press story:
“Alito Defended Officials From Wiretap Suits
“By DONNA CASSATA, Associated Press Writer
“Friday, December 23, 2005
“(12-23) 16:47 PST WASHINGTON, (AP) —
“Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito defended the right of government officials to order domestic wiretaps for national security when he worked at the Reagan Justice Department, an echo of President Bush’s rationale for spying on U.S. residents in the war on terror.
“Then an assistant to the solicitor general, Alito wrote a 1984 memo that provided insights on his views of government powers and legal recourse — seen now through the prism of Bush’s actions — as well as clues to the judge’s understanding of how the Supreme Court operates.
“The National Archives released the memo and scores of other documents related to Alito on Friday; the Associated Press had requested the material under the Freedom of Information Act. The memo comes as Bush is under fire for secretly ordering domestic spying of suspected terrorists without a warrant.
“The memo dealt with whether government officials should have blanket protection from lawsuits when authorizing wiretaps. ‘I do not question that the attorney general should have this immunity,’ Alito wrote. ‘But for tactical reasons, I would not raise the issue here.’
“Despite Alito’s warning that the government would lose, the Reagan administration took the fight to the Supreme Court in the case of whether Nixon’s attorney general, John Mitchell, could be sued for authorizing a warrantless domestic wiretap to gather information about a suspected terrorist plot.
“In its court brief, the government argued for absolute immunity for the attorney general on matters of national security.
“Signing the document was Rex E. Lee, then the solicitor general, officials from the Justice Department and Alito.
“The case ultimately led to a 1985 ruling by the Supreme Court that the attorney general and other high level executive officials could be sued for violating people’s rights, in the name of national security, with such actions as domestic wiretaps.
“‘The danger that high federal officials will disregard constitutional rights in their zeal to protect the national security is sufficiently real to counsel against affording such officials an absolute immunity,'” the court held.
“The decision was consistent with the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in 1972 that it was unconstitutional for the government to conduct wiretaps without court approval despite the Nixon administration’s argument that domestic anti-war groups and other radicals were a threat to national security. …”
Did you pay attention to the last sentence of my last post? Here it is again:
“the Nixon administration’s argument that domestic anti-war groups and other radicals were a threat to national security”
Anyone who thinks Bush doesn’t think exactly like Nixon, that he only wants to spy on terrorism suspects, that his illegal domestic spying has nothing to do with keeping track of (and harassing) his political opponents and critics — is a damn fool.
And for you righties, that’s what this argument is all about — not national security, not protecting Americans from terrorist attacks — but the GOP’s long and sordid history of using the power of government to illegally spy on, intimidate, and harass political opponents.
Just like the Bolsheviks did. Just like the KGB did. And if this is legal, if Bush gets away with this, Reagan’s Latin American rightwing death squads and Ann Coulter’s firing squads probably won’t be far behind.
But this time it will be different. This time, liberals will fight.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Liberals must arm!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Because a civil war is coming.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Newt Gingrich said so: “… this is a civil war, that … has to be fought with the scale and duration and savagery that is only true of civil wars. While we are lucky in this country that our civil wars are fought at the ballot box, not on the battlefields, nonetheless it is a civil war.”
Of course, as liberals, we oppose violence and war (i.e., shooting war, not metaphorical war) as a means to ends. Gingrich was advocating a war of words — and a war of political dirty tricks — not the use of guns.
But I can’t help but notice how much hatred there is on the Far Right, or how many rightwingers advocate the use of literal violence against liberals.
We must be prepared. We must make them understand that if they seek to attain their political ends through violent means, they will be met with force, and ours will not be the only side that bleeds. We must convey to them that, in George W. Bush’s words, if war is what they want, war is what they will get.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit has posted 56.25% of the comments on this thread. If you don’t like that, go fuck yourself, and fuck the armadillo you rode in on, too!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit now weighs 9 1/2 lbs.!!! Thank you Stefan!!! for the fresh garden vegetables!!! and a nice green lawn to poop on!!! :D :D :D
By the way, Stefan, how come you’re going to keep all the money from the lawsuit against KCE for yourself, instead of sharing it with the generous contributors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit?
And why are you unable to hold a $9-an-hour temp job? Why can’t you follow simple one-step instructions? Why are you insubordinate to your supervisors? Were you a problem child? Were you expelled from school? Do you have a juvie rap sheet?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hmmm … no answer. I guess Stefan isn’t speaking to me. I know he reads this blog! He’s not only a shiftless bum who can’t hold a job and wants King County taxpayers to pay the mortgage on his $800,000 burrow — he’s also a snob. Considers himself too good to speak to a fluffy bunny with pink ears and a cute cottontail. Or maybe he’s scared shitless of a 9 1/2-lb. rabbit!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit has posted over two-thirds — 68.4% to be exact — of the comments on this thread. If you don’t like that, pay me to shut up! I need the money.
RR, I am armed, and while I absolutely abhor violence.
But is any of the “If you are not a terrorist, you have nothing to worry about losing your 4th Amendment rights” traitors come a knocking on my door…
Expect a 2nd Amendment retort.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But unlike somebody else I know, I don’t need money badly enough to file a bullshit lawsuit against King County taxpayers to get it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“But is any of the ‘If you are not a terrorist, you have nothing to worry about losing your 4th Amendment rights’ traitors come a knocking on my door… Expect a 2nd Amendment retort.”
Perfect. It may not be as far away as you think. A couple weeks ago, Mrs. Rabbit and I saw a white van with a satellite dish and the lettering “DHS” parked on our street. I don’t think those were the cable guys. I can’t think of a local cable company with the initials “DHS,” but I can think of a federal Department of Homeland Security with those initials.
Live Free or Die – General John Stark, American Revolution Hero
Vaginas make women stupid – Mark The Yelownecked Dick, American Traitor and misogynist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is no joke — I’m not making that up about the DHS truck in front of our house. And a few days ago, when Mrs. Rabbit and I were jogging — I mean hopping — at the local park, a fast helicopter (Blackhawk type) with what looked like a government color scheme made straight at us and flew overhead at about 1,000 feet.
If they’re any good, I’m sure they saw me flip them my paw and squeak in bunny talk, “Fuck you assholes!” They probably have a dossier on a certain obstreperous rabbit now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Vaginas make women stupid – Mark The Yelownecked Dick, American Traitor and misogynist.”
Mark TYD must be very stupid if he doesn’t realize how smart women are, and how good they are at using their vaginas to get what they want!
I’ll bet Mrs. Redneck has Mark wrapped around her little finger!
I can just hear the kaffee-klatch talk in Mark’s neighborhood: “I let my husband Mark think he runs things. ha! ha! ha!”
I’ll bet Mark can’t leave the house without Mrs. Redneck’s permission the wear the tie he’s got on that day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Mark Redneck — want to tell us again how stoopid women are?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mark lives in wedded bliss because Mrs. Redneck lets him think he chose the toothpaste he brushes his teeth with, even though he didn’t.
I sometimes get a very creepy thought about the women in MTR’s life. Do they know what he really thinks about them? Do they care?
It is all so sad and sick. It is just the bloom on the onion that is the Republican Way of Life.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Don — if you’re still here — just want you to know I’m sitting at my bunny laptop in my bunny burrow imbibing a Guinness Stout while bashing the Republifucks!!! I know how to live well too!! Don — if you have a Guinness Stout in the frig, go crack that bottle and swig that stuff down RIGHT NOW!!!! Why should Republicans get all the Guinness? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing! (glug glug) Well, that’s one bottle of Guinness that no Republican will get to drink!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Personally, I think Mark’s wife is as imaginery as Mark’s wealth, SUV, and college degrees. You go stir crazy in a trailer park after a while.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Don — in case you’re having trouble getting my math to add up, I have 3 posts stuck in the filter. If you want something to do right now, here’s a link to a whole bunch of impeachment stuff. I’m posting this so you don’t have to wait until Goldy wakes up in the morning to get the link. http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=
Roger Rabbitspews:
Onion is right. Republicans are like raw onions — they make you cry, and they burn your tongue.
I am a true blue American piss beer drinker. If the 12 pack carton doesn’t have a fish, deer or bear on it… it is just thick necked oil can beer.
But, I believe that any person can drink the beer of their choice. I will make no judgements, and will abide no abrdgements of their rights to drink the beer of their choice!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit has posted 71.9% of the comments on this thread. If you don’t like that, find Jesus and get born again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s amazing what kind of people call themselves Christians.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Don — I got nuthin’ against American beer. I like them cans with fish on ’em too! Watch out for Coors, though — old man Coors was a rabid McCarthyite and Bircher, and his kid ain’t much better. Fortunately, he didn’t do so good in his U.S. Senate bid:
Ken Salazar (D) – 1,041,018 (51%)
Peter Coors (R) – 953,677 (47%)
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Pubbies also struggled in one of their Tennessee legislative races:
Well, I better get out of here before daylight, or Stefan will be shooting at me! Later! Oh, before I go — here’s a Christmas Present for you Stefan! (pfftbrrrt-pooop)
Random thoughts:
David Cross has a great monologue on Religion.
He was born af jewish parents, but is an atheist. He is troubled by the fact that he can never be known as an atheist… he will always be a jew to everyone.
I am an atheist, but being from a Catholic family, I have no identity problem. The Protestants expect most Catholics are Atheists anyway. And the Catholics.. well it is the David Cross problem all over again.. they just call me a “lapsed Catholic”.
But while I do not believe in the description of any God, in any book written by Man (that includes all of them), I demand the rights of all believers be protected at all costs.
Just so long as they do not make me play a part in their supernatural passion play.
And I really get pissed when they use their interpretation of God to justify killing people who believe in another playwrites description. Particularly when the real reason for the violence is corporate profit.
Thank you for the best wishes. It went south very soon after going to the hospital, but both are doing much better now.
Hopefully my daughter and new grandson will be home later today for Christmas!
Voter Advocatespews:
Pleasant Solstice, everyone. Be safe while performing your pagan rituals that celebrate the increasing daylight minutes. If nothing else.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
For all my Christian Friends on this Blog and the curious as well:
O Holy Night Lyrics
O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of the dear Saviour’s birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, the night when Christ was born;
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
O’er the world a star is sweetly gleaming,
Now come the wisemen from out of the Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friends.
He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother.
And in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
Randy Gordon for Congressspews:
Wishing you peace & happiness this
holiday season and throughout the New Year.
Friends, Fellow Citizens and Supporters:
I wish to extend my sincere wishes to you for this Holiday Season. May you experience joy and peace in all its fullness during this time and through the coming New Year.
However you may choose to observe this time of year,
through Kwanzaa’s festival of abundance and recommitment to the seven guiding principles of the Nguzo Saba,
through the joys of Christmas and celebration of the Prince of Peace,
through Islam (“Peace” from the same root as “salam”) and its Five Pillars,
through my own tradition of Hanukkah (“Dedication”), the Festival of Lights and rededication to values of Torah,
through other honored traditions, or simply by personal reflection or time with loved ones,
I am committed to working for an America where your observance is honored and protected.
For some of us during this time of year, there is a special opportunity to spend time with family, friends and loved ones. I say “for some of us” because there are those separated from us by military service, illness, distance, or other circumstances. I am well aware that the joys of this Season also create challenges and in the Spirit of the Season, those of us who enjoy its abundance also feel keenly the plight of those in want.
With the start of 2006, we enter an important time for our nation – a chance to change the course of our government. Let us all emerge from the Holiday Season with a renewed sense of being at one with our purpose and with the wisdom that comes when we reflect upon the things we care about and spend time with those whom we love.
Please accept my sincere wish that you and yours experience all the joy this Season has to offer.
Randy Gordon
Candidate for U. S. Congress (Dem. WA-8th)
“Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove, Officials Report
‘Pattern Analysis’ Performed On Main U.S. Telecommunication Channels
“WASHINGTON, (Dec. 24) – The National Security Agency has traced and analyzed large volumes of telephone and Internet communications flowing into and out of the United States as part of the eavesdropping program that President Bush approved after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to hunt for evidence of terrorist activity, according to current and former government officials.
“The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged, the officials said. It was collected by tapping directly into some of the American telecommunication system’s main arteries, they said.
As part of the program approved by President Bush for domestic surveillance without warrants, the N.S.A. has gained the cooperation of American telecommunications companies to obtain backdoor access to streams of domestic and international communications, the officials said.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s time to impeach him.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Thank you Randy….and Happy Hanukkah to you as well.
It’s nice of you to subtly remind Goldy what Hanukkah as.
I have been reminding him that it starts tomorow night at sundown. I thought Goldy would like to know being that he tends to proclaim himself a Holocaust victim every chance he gets!
Somehow, a privileged life in Philly and the Holocaust seem a bit detached, a stretch that doesn’t quite reach…..but Goldy doesn’t seem to have a problem making the connection. So hopefully Goldy will learn something from you Randy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey sarge — congrats!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Cynical — I’m sure Goldy will appreciate your holiday wishes, and the fact you don’t wish him a one-way trip to the gas chambers … like this jerk did:
“‘I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know.’ Speaking of what’s on my Christmas list…..
Comment by prr— 12/9/05 @ 9:00 am”
Roger Rabbitspews:
I haven’t seen any posts by prr since that one. The yellowbacked little shit must be posting under a different screen name. Hey Goldy, if prr has changed his screen name, you should “out” him. He’s the last person who should be allowed to duck and cover on YOUR web site.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Bush Pardons Bank Robber, Moonshiners, Lawyer
“President Keeps Holiday Tradition of Clemency, Grants 11 Pardons
“WASHINGTON (Dec. 24) – President Bush has granted 11 pardons, bringing to 69 the number of clemency orders he has issued since taking office five years ago, the Justice Department said.
“Three moonshiners and a bank robber are among those pardoned, as is a Denver attorney with Republican political ties.
“… Wendy St. Charles, is a lawyer for a Denver homebuilder, MDC Holdings, parent of Richmond American Homes, The Denver Post reported. … MDC’s chairman, Larry Mizel, has contributed more than half a million dollars to Republican campaigns along with his wife, Carol, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. …
One of the moonshiners, Carl E. Cantrell of Monteagle, Tenn., said he was arrested at his still without ever selling a drop. He was convicted of federal liquor law violations in 1967 and sentenced to three years’ probation.
“Also pardoned was Donald Lee Pendergrass of Ramona, Calif., who was convicted of bank robbery with a dangerous weapon in 1964.
“The other pardons were for offenses such as drug possession or making false statements on loan applications.”
I wonder if Stefan will pardon me for eating his garden and shitting on his law? I wonder if the NSA will pardon me for flipping my paw at their helicopter crew? Ahhhh … screw the NSA.
Roger Rabbitspews:
should read “and shitting on his lawn.” Stefan doesn’t have a law. He knows nothing about law.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That Guinness is cawsing meee to make typooooooos …
Roger Rabbitspews:
It shure tashtes gud, thouhg … (belch)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
wow, Goldy already has 58 comments on thish thread, cownting the 3 of mine shtuk in the filterr. Thatsh more than Shtefan getsh in a week!.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey Wabbit – have ya noticed? Where did headless loocy go? Same place as prr, puddybud and pacman?
I kinda miss loocy. Can a few of you string together some incoherent thoughts and sprinkle in some “nazi” and “fascist” with it jus for old time’s sake?
Mark the Fascist @ 58
Happy to oblige. But, in the spirit of the holiday season, are you finally going to make good on your bet with Goldy?
Come on…be a man.
Mark The Redneckspews:
DJ – C’mon… do it with feeling. Use phrases like “bush lied”, “tax cuts for the rich”, “Halliburton”, “raping the environment”… you know… that kind of stuff.
In the news
“Officials with the Shiite United Iraqi Alliance said preliminary results showing them with a clear lead in the Dec. 15 elections reflected the will of the people. They countered claims of irregularities by charging that many violations took place in Sunni Arab areas.”
I guess this means Gregoire is ahead right now?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
MTR sez:
“Hey Wabbit – have ya noticed? Where did headless loocy go? Same place as prr, puddybud and pacman? I kinda miss loocy. Can a few of you string together some incoherent thoughts and sprinkle in some “nazi” and “fascist” with it jus for old time’s sake?
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 12/24/05 @ 9:27 am”
Headlice loocy is now Winston Smith. He also posts under several other ID’s. You’ll never get rid of that jerk-off!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey Cyn – Since the moonbats here got their panties in a twist about wiretaps, do you think they’ll condemn Baghdad Jim for his illegal wiretap of a political foe and demand his resignation? Just wondering…
Random thoughts:
David Cross has a great monologue on Religion.
He was born af jewish parents, but is an atheist. He is troubled by the fact that he can never be known as an atheist… he will always be a jew to everyone.
I am an atheist, but being from a Catholic family, I have no identity problem. The Protestants expect most Catholics are Atheists anyway. And the Catholics.. well it is the David Cross problem all over again.. they just call me a “lapsed Catholic”.
But while I do not believe in the description of any God, in any book written by Man (that includes all of them), I demand the rights of all believers be protected at all costs.
Just so long as they do not make me play a part in their supernatural passion play.
And I really get pissed when they use their interpretation of God to justify killing people who believe in another playwrites description. Particularly when the real reason for the violence is corporate profit.
Mark the Fascist @ 60
Use phrases like “bush lied”, “tax cuts for the rich”, “Halliburton”, “raping the environment”… you know… that kind of stuff.
Looks like you just did it for me!
Speaking of twist…. (like …wow :-), just to paraphrase the student)
Federal agents’ visit was a hoax
Student admits he lied about Mao book
By AARON NICODEMUS, Standard-Times staff writer
NEW BEDFORD — The UMass Dartmouth student who claimed to have been visited by Homeland Security agents over his request for “The Little Red Book” by Mao Zedong has admitted to making up the entire story.
The 22-year-old student tearfully admitted he made the story up to his history professor, Dr. Brian Glyn Williams, and his parents, after being confronted with the inconsistencies in his account.
Had the student stuck to his original story, it might never have been proved false.
But on Thursday, when the student told his tale in the office of UMass Dartmouth professor Dr. Robert Pontbriand to Dr. Williams, Dr. Pontbriand, university spokesman John Hoey and The Standard-Times, the student added new details.
The agents had returned, the student said, just last night. The two agents, the student, his parents and the student’s uncle all signed confidentiality agreements, he claimed, to put an end to the matter.
But when Dr. Williams went to the student’s home yesterday and relayed that part of the story to his parents, it was the first time they had heard it. The story began to unravel, and the student, faced with the truth, broke down and cried.
It was a dramatic turnaround from the day before.
For more than an hour on Thursday, he spoke of two visits from Homeland Security over his inter-library loan request for the 1965, Peking Press version of “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung,” which is the book’s official title.
His basic tale remained the same: The book was on a government watch list, and his loan request had triggered a visit from an agent who was seeking to “tame” reading of particular books. He said he saw a long list of such books.
In the days after its initial reporting on Dec. 17 in The Standard-Times, the story had become an international phenomenon on the Internet. Media outlets from around the world were requesting interviews with the students, and a number of reporters had been asking UMass Dartmouth students and professors for information.
The story’s release came at a perfect storm in the news cycle. Only a day before, The New York Times had reported that President Bush had allowed the National Security Agency to conduct wiretaps on international phone calls from the United States without a warrant. The Patriot Act, created in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to allow the government greater authority to monitor for possible terrorism activities, was up for re-authorization in Congress.
There was an increased sense among some Americans that the U.S. government was overstepping its bounds and trampling on civil liberties in order to thwart future attacks of terrorism. The story of a college student being questioned for requesting a 40-year old book on Communism fed right into that atmosphere.
In Thursday’s retelling of the story, the student added several new twists, ones that the professors and journalist had not heard before. The biggest new piece of information was an alleged second visit of Homeland Security agents the previous night, where two agents waited in his living room for two hours with his parents and brother while he drove back from a retreat in western Massachusetts. He said he, the agents, his parents and his uncle all signed confidentiality agreements that the story would never be told.
He revealed the agents’ names: one was Nicolai Brushaev or Broshaev, and the other was simply Agent Roberts. He said they were dressed in black suits with thin black ties, “just like the guys in Men in Black.”
He had dates and times and places, things he had signed and sent back in order to receive the book. The tale involved his twin brother, who allegedly requested the book for him at UMass Amherst; his uncle, a former FBI attorney who took care of all the paperwork; and his parents, who signed those confidentiality agreements.
But by now, the story had too many holes. Every time there was a fact to be had that would verify the story — providing a copy of the confidentiality agreements the student and agent signed, for example — there would be a convenient excuse. The uncle took all the documents home to Puerto Rico, he said.
What was the address of the Homeland Security building in Boston where he and his uncle visited the agency and actually received a copy of the book? It was a brick building, he said, but he couldn’t remember where it was, or what was around it.
He said he met a former professor at the mysterious Homeland Security building who had requested a book on bomb-making, along with two Ph.D. students and a one pursuing a master’s degree who had also been stopped from accessing books. The student couldn’t remember their names, but the former professor had appeared on the Bill O’Reilly show on Fox News recently, he said.
The former professor’s appearance on The O’Reilly Factor did not check out.
Other proof was sought.
Were there any copies of the inter-library loan request? No.
Did the agents leave their cards, or any paperwork at your home? No.
His brother, a student at Amherst, told Dr. Williams that he had never made the inter-library loan request on behalf of his brother.
While The Standard-Times had tape recorded the entire tale on Thursday, the reporter could not reach the student for comment after he admitted making up the story. Phone calls and a note on the door were not returned.
At the request of the two professors and the university, The Standard-Times has agreed to withhold his name.
During the whole episode, the professors said that while they wanted to protect the student from the media that were flooding their voice mails and e-mail boxes seeking comment and information, they also wanted to know: Was the story true?
“I grew skeptical of this story, as did Bob, considering the ramifications,” Dr. Williams said yesterday. “I spent the last five days avoiding work, and the international media, and rest, trying to get names and dates and facts. My investigation eventually took me to his house, where I began to investigate family matters. I eventually found out the whole thing had been invented, and I’m happy to report that it’s safe to borrow books.”
Dr. Williams said he does not regret bringing the story to light, but that now the issue can be put to rest.
“I wasn’t involved in some partisan struggle to embarrass the Bush administration, I just wanted the truth,” he said.
Dr. Pontbriand said the entire episode has been “an incredible experience and exposure for something a student had said.” He said all along, his only desire had been to “get to the bottom of it and get the truth of the matter.”
“When it blew up into an international story, our only desire was to interview this student and get to the truth. We did not want from the outset to declare the student a liar, but we wanted to check out his story,” he said. “It was a disastrous thing for him to do. He needs attention, he needs care. I feel for the kid. We have great concern for this student’s health and welfare.”
Mr. Hoey, the university spokesman, said the university had been unable to substantiate any of the facts of the story since it first was reported in The Standard-Times on Dec. 17.
As to any possible repercussions against the student, Mr. Hoey said, “We consider this to be an issue to be handled faculty member to student. We wouldn’t discuss publicly any other action. Student discipline is a private matter.”
Dr. Williams said the whole affair has had one bright point: The question of whether it is safe for students to do research has been answered.
“I can now tell my students that it is safe to do research without being monitored,” he said. “With that hanging in the air like before, I couldn’t say that to them.”
The student’s motivation remains a mystery, but in the interview on Thursday, he provided a glimpse.
“When I came back, like wow, there’s this circus coming on. I saw my cell phone, and I see like, wow, I have something like 75 messages and like something like 87 missed calls,” he said. “Wow, I was popular. I usually get one or probably two a week and that’s about it, and I usually pick them up.”
Mr.Cyn….thanks for the lyrics on this blog…my favorite Christmas song….and thinking that it originated in France….oh my :-)
Merry Christmas to everyone and all of you
congrats Sarg mac!!! And best wishes to the mother and child!
That “Communist Rag” Barron’s calls for impeachment in this week’s editorial.
Or should I say “CHIMPeachment.”
Oh yeah…
A Blessed and Merry Christmas…
or however you and yours celebrate.
Shalom! Peace be with You.
Mark The Fascist @ 63
Huhhh? Jim wiretapped someone? I think you are projecting your fantisies or, perhaps, intentionally being misleading.
People like you, who cannot keep their word, are prone to makin’ shit up.
When Bush is Impeached and found guilty, do we get to retroactively “unpardon” all his criminal friends?
You are hilarious, perhaps you should take your comedy show on the road!!!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey Donna – Rather than pondering the imponderable, don’t you think your time would be better spent trying to figure out what goes on in your office? When they outsource your operation to IBM, and they’re trying to figure who if anyone to keep, don’t you think it would hurt your chances if you can’t answer even one question about what goes on there?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Donna – Since you work in the computing field, maybe you can help me, or maybe someone else here who actually knows something might be able to help.
I’m working an application in .NET. I’m wondering if/how you can add properties and methods to an existing class. I want to be able to change the highlight color of selected dates in the calendar class.
Anybody know how?
Funny how a NYT created controversy has a way of bringing out the real leanings of certain groups. Again the ACLU is taking sides against the security of american citizens to side with the enemy along with another goroup.
You have to wonder if they will be defending them (the terrorists) if they succeed in detonating a nuke in one of our cities.
Such bigotry and intolerance is repulsive. People have the right to celebrate whatever holiday they wish. If we’re going to split hairs about made up this or that I’m sure a number of people would have something to say about the veracity of religious belief systems that are the foundation for any multitude of holidays.
However you choose to spend the holiday season, I wish you a pleasant, peaceful and safe one.
Comment by Daniel K — 12/24/05 @ 12:40 am [Er, Daniel, Kwaanza is a racist joke. It’s a total farce that only black Democrats do not get!]
Liberals must arm!
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 12/24/05 @ 2:29 am [Don’t black street gangs already have enough weapons? RR, you are are domestic terrorist and must be arrested and hanged.]
While jewish-americans are distracted by their radical leftist brothers, events continue to develop that should be troubling to them.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the growing anti-semitism in the world though. After all your leftist buddies have already told you that it is more important to attack christians and to be more afraid of them.
You do have to wonder though, who will be their next enemy if they succeed at squashing the Christians, don’t you?
“Brother in Islam, let us go over the entire world. Let us look at the condition of the Muslims in Palestine. Let us see the condition of the Muslims in Palestine, the land of the Prophet Muhammad’s nocturnal journey, where a martyr falls every day, where a prisoner is captured every day, where houses are demolished and women arrested every day. Oh brother in Islam, this is Palestine, the heart of Islam.
“Who are those who desecrate it? Who have taken control over it? Who are those who torment its people so severely? Those who were ‘smitten with humiliation and misery,’ and ‘incurred the wrath of Allah.’ They are the offspring of the apes and the pigs. They are the ones who are tormenting our brothers there.
And let’s not forget the left’s hero, Cindy Sheehan.
“You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you’ll stop the terrorism.”
— Cindy Sheehan, anti-war protestor in Crawford.
BRIDGEPORT — Chester Dillahunt of Fairfield survived World War II and the Korean War to be killed at the age of 86 by a drunken illegal immigrant. On Friday, Jeronimo Rocha, from Brazil, was sentenced to six years in prison for the crime. He’ll be deported back to Brazil after he serves his term.
[Democrat minority illegal vs WWII Vet, and the Democrat wins!!! [Democrats: turning the USA into a third world country!]
For the Cluelessspews:
74 – Redneck, duh. The whole point of .Net was to allow you to subclass. Change the highlight color? You shouldn’t have to subclass to do that. It should just be a property tweak but knowing MS I wouldn’t be surprised if you have to do things the hard way.
There’s a billion websites with examples of subclassing and the SDK fully docs the calendar class properties. That’s one thing MS had done halfway right with .NET. Good luck.
Might not be exactly what you need but should be in the neighborhood.
Mark The Redneckspews:
CLueless – That helps. Thanks.
You work in this business?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Seadog @ 67–
True. The words and lyrics of the old carol ‘O Holy Night’ were written by Placide Cappeau de Roquemaure in 1847. Cappeau was a wine seller by trade but was asked by the parish priest to write a poem for Christmas. He obliged and wrote the beautiful words of the hymn. He then realized that it should have music to accompany the words and he approached his friend Adolphe Charles Adams(1803-1856). He agreed and the music for the poem was therefore composed by Adolphe Charles Adams. Adolphe had attended the Paris conservatoire and forged a brilliant career as a composer. It was translated into English by John Sullivan Dwight (1812-1893).
JCH spouted, “Kwaanza is a racist joke. It’s a total farce that only black Democrats do not get!”
There you go again. If I want to celebrate at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or simply spend my holiday contemplating my navel, that’s my choice. However, it obviously appears to be too much for you and your wingnut racist brethren to bare.
Oh, and BTW, most African-Americans are Democrats.
For the Cluelessspews:
81 – I work in IT but I’m not an MS.NET expert. I just dabble with it in my spare time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll trade you McDermott’s resignation for Bush’s resignation. Deal? Oh, skip it, you won’t keep your end.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder how a welsher like Mark the Fascist makes it in the business world? You can get away with not paying your debts for a short time, but soon everyone walks away from you. He must be sitting in his trailer home making it all up, because liars and welshers don’t make it in the business world or any other world.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Give that student a big fat F. Kick him out of graduate school. There’s no place in academe for fabricators or liars.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mark you computer screen with a yellow highlighter, then keep that page open forever.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Very predictable how you take a side against national security and in favor of fascist dictatorship on this question.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“RR, you are are domestic terrorist and must be arrested and hanged.”
Why don’t YOU come to my burrow to arrest and hang me? And please, please, please bring Ann Coulter with you. (click-click)
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit – I have what are known as “marketable skills” that are in great demand. I’m working on a multi billion dollar project that is unique in the world, and people from around the world contact me personally for consulation and advice on a variety of complex technical topics.
Mark The Redneckspews:
CLueless – Last time I did BASIC programming was in 1974 on a DEC PDP-8, so I missed a few things between then and now.
Could you do subclass in VB 6, or was that not really a true OO language?
The great thing about Kwaanza shopping is that your don’t have to pay for your purchase. You just steal it!! Happy Democrat Kwaanza to all the shop lifters out there!!
Oh, and BTW, most African-Americans are Democrats.
Comment by Daniel K — 12/24/05 @ 12:56 pm [Er, Daniel K, Really?? I’ll be damned!!! After 3 trillion in wealth transfers, most blacks are Democrat?? Who would have thought?? Blacks: Democrat voter slaves!!]
‘Though really…you’d think most people would have something better to do this weekend than post here’
EDITED: “With the exception of Roger Rodent” Now its correct. Merry Christmas!
For the Cluelessspews:
93 – Not really. Subclassing in vb6 is pretty much ugly hackery. Not a true OO language. VB.NET is much, much better in that regard.
@93 .NET is closer to Java than VB/VC++. Make your own class that inherits from the Calendar class. However, you should be thinking MVC; Color has nothing to do with Calendar.
@10 The fallacy in your argument is that you assume that a conversation where one person is in America or an American citizen could not be used to “acquire foreign intelligence information.” That is a bad assumption. You are missing the point of that EO. The point is that “the Attorney General makes the certifications,” not FISA as you argue.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What could possibly be a better use of my Christmas Eve than calling bullshit on the lies, chicanery, and crimes of the Wacky Right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Big deal. I have marketable skills, too. I worked on a multi-billion-dollar project called “state government.” People around the state contacted me personally for consulation and advice on a variety of complex legal topics.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“@10 The fallacy in your argument is that you assume that a conversation where one person is in America or an American citizen could not be used to ‘acquire foreign intelligence information.’ That is a bad assumption. You are missing the point of that EO. The point is that ‘the Attorney General makes the certifications,’ not FISA as you argue.”
The fallacy of YOUR argument is that it’s illegal to wiretap American citizens without a warrant, regardless of whether the wiretap is used to “acquire foreign intelligence information.” As a matter of fact, FISA expressly requires a warrant in that situation, and creates the court that issues it.
The reason for that, dimwit, is that warrantless searches against American citizens are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, whereas foreigners in foreign lands have no constitutional rights (although, interestingly, they DO have rights under the U.S. Constitution when they’re on American soil).
Learn some fucking law before you spout off about what the law is or isn’t, you fucking ignoramus.
@99 All I have to say is: there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party…unless the Attorney General determines immediate action is required http://www.law.cornell.edu/usc.....-000-.html
Now what is the law again?
I hope you and Mrs Rabbit have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and don’t eat too many carrots!
For the Cluelessspews:
103 – you left out:
and notifies the committees immediately of such minimization procedures and the reason for their becoming effective immediately.
i.e. accountability which Bushco doesn’t care about. Bush crossed a bad line and both D’s and R’s agree that impeachment is warranted.
MArk the Oblivious Misogynistic Moron said (with his head up his ass and vans deferens wrapped round a rake attached to his forehead)
“When they outsource your operation to IBM,”
Happened 5 years ago. IBM dropped the ball, now CSC does most of the contract work.
Seems someone at IBM proclaimed vaginas make women stupid, and IBM shares went down %20.
Hard to imagine anyone stoopid enough to say that but, ignorance is like cheese, every once in a while a Mark with a yellow dick cuts it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Are you talking to me, little flea? What part of the following do you fail to understand?
“(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—
(A) the electronic surveillance is solely directed at—
(i) the acquisition of the contents of communications transmitted by means of communications used exclusively between or among foreign powers, as defined in section 1801 (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title; or
(ii) the acquisition of technical intelligence, other than the spoken communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a foreign power, as defined in section 1801 (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title;
(B) there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; and
(C) the proposed minimization procedures with respect to such surveillance meet the definition of minimization procedures under section 1801 (h) of this title; and
if the Attorney General reports such minimization procedures and any changes thereto to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence at least thirty days prior to their effective date, unless the Attorney General determines immediate action is required and notifies the committees immediately of such minimization procedures and the reason for their becoming effective immediately.”
Answer: All of it.
Let’s try this. I’ll abridge it to highlight the salient and operative language:
“(1) … the President … may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information … if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—
(A) the electronic surveillance is SOLELY directed at—
(i) the acquisition of the contents of communications transmitted by means of communications used EXCLUSIVELY between or among FOREIGN POWERS…; or
(ii) the acquisition of technical intelligence, other than the spoken communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a FOREIGN POWER …; [and]
(B) there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; AND
(C) the proposed minimization procedures with respect to such surveillance meet the definition of minimization procedures under section 1801 (h) of this title; AND
if the Attorney General reports such minimization procedures and any changes thereto to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ….”
Exactly what, in this statute — which plainly says that electronic surveillance without a warrant may be directed ONLY at FOREIGN individuals and governments, and requires the government to take affirmative steps to avoid incidental or accidental interception of communications to, from, or with, any U.S. citizen — authorizes spying on U.S. citizens without a warrant? Nothing. You are an idiot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Thank you, Sgt. Mac. I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, too!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 103
The no-warrantless-spying-on-Americans rule is not 100% hard and fast. The law recognizes the possibility that in the course of intercepting foreign communications, inadvertent interceptions of communications involving Americans may occur; and lets the government off the hook if (a) they didn’t do it deliberately, and (b) took reasonable steps to prevent it.
Apparently the following is too complicated for Michael to understand:
Intentional = illegal
Accidental = forgivable, if minimization procedures were followed
According to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ famous dictum, “even a dog knows the difference between being stepped on and kicked.” Which means Michael is dumber than a dog.
Echelon is not active spying, it is data mining. And it is approved by both FISA and congress. I realize that the operation in question may not be Echelon, the democrats are sketchy on what program exactly they are talking about, but if it is not Echelon, what new capability does it have that Echelon didn’t have?
Big deal. I have marketable skills, too. I worked on a multi-billion-dollar project called “state government.†People around the state contacted me personally for consulation and advice on a variety of complex legal topics.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 12/24/05 @ 5:16 pm [Leave it to Roger Rabbit to compare his “gubmnet” job to tax paying jobs in the private sector. Classic Democrat bull shit that few will challenge. RR, You are tax parasite, not unlike the millions of Democrat welfare hacks. Not a lot of difference I can see.]
OK, Guys, The funniest interview/moment of 2005: When John and Ken of LA Radio Station KFI asked the Most REV Head Democrat Shakedown Ni**er” Jesse Jackson if he could name even one victim of Black Democrat Crip Founder “Tookie” Williams. Jackson was dumbfounded, ignorant, and shocked that anyone would ask him a relevant question! Of course REV POS Jesse hadn’t a clue! Very soon large black men [no doubt more Democrats] made sure there was lots of space between KFI’s John and Ken and the Head Ni**er!!! Classically funny!! [Democrats: sometimes very amusing……aways stupid as rocks!!]
MTR: Puddy is here. We landed this evening from Mississippi. We were in Brett Favre country, around his birthplace of Gulfport.
I just returned from Katrina land this past week. We volunteered there as a family helping out those whom can’t help themselves. There were children, let alone adults who were having a hard time celebrating Christmas. Devastation everywhere. We unloaded many trucks of toys in Mississippi this past week. We built shelters. We build tent cities for more volunteers. We distributed food and clothing. We gutted houses in New Orleans 9th Ward, Louisiana. We gutted houses in Waveland, Mississippi. Some ex-Special Forces guys got together and bought some great toys which they handed out this morning before we left. It brought tears to the eyes of all there. And yet some of you leftist yahoos can’t even get Christmas right.
Oh by the way ASSheads, hardly any leftists were there helping this past week. Yeah, hardly any! There were a couple from Maryland, and Memphis, Tenn there talking bout how Katrina has removed racial prejudice from this part of Mississippi. It was mostly all Christians of the righty persuasion. Yeah we talked about your ilk while we ate dinner. I even displayed this web site to people there. So you go ahead and make parodies, jokes, and snide comments, while people are suffering in the cold of winter without homes.
For the Cluelessspews:
Mississippi? The land of “double pricing” in the mom and pop stores, i.e. one price for black folks another for white? Any white folks tell you “we have no racial problems here”?
Holier than thou Triple P, holier than thou! Apparently you’re so enraptured with doing good you can’t help propagandizing or preaching to the choir.
Classic blowhard. Nice to see you’re still living down to your low standards and finding unique ways of going lower.
All whom visit ASSes: There you have it in Clueless@112. Just another SCUMBAG lefty who when confronted with the facts by someone who was there again uses the standard leftist bible of hate speech. He is projecting his low standards on others. While his ass was enscounced in his chair, we were helping others in cramped living quarters.
Scumbag Without a Clueless: we were there. My sons went one place and the wife and I went another. We were accepted. People came up to us and thanked us out of the crowd. We were the only blacks there turkeybreathclueless. Sure there is still some racism, but the whites were more than thankful when blacks came to help them. We met college educated and back woods ones. You see cluelessASS, when you lose everything you own in life and others come to help you they recognize it’s from God, not the ACLU! Do you get it, jackASS cluelessASS? No probably not because YOU DIDN”T LIFT A FINGER TO HELP KATRINA VICTIMS!!!
Happy New Year CluelessASS. WIth your attitude in life a new year may finally cleanse you of your hatred for your fellow man!
A growiing rift between jewish americans and democrats?
Is “Blame Israel First” the Democrats’ Message?
Contact: Matthew Brooks; Monday, August 15, 2005
“You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine
and you’ll stop the terrorism.”
— Cindy Sheehan, anti-war protestor in Crawford.
The front page of just about every newspaper this weekend noted the anti-war protest of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier who was killed in Iraq. The Democrats have jumped on board Ms. Sheehan’s protest – casting her and her message as heroic examples for the rest of the nation.
She has been heralded by Democrats such as Joe Trippi, campaign manager for Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean’s campaign for President, Michael Moore, and organizations such as Democrats.com, MoveOn.org, True Majority, and Democracy for America.
While Democrats are busy making Cindy Sheehan their spokesman and avatar of their views, we see her as yet another example of how critics of Israel within the Democratic Party have taken control of the party’s agenda.
If Cindy Sheehan’s ideas are what the Democrats have to offer, then more and more American Jews will continue to see that there is no place for them in the Democratic Party.
Take another look at the quote at the top of this letter. If only it were an aberration. Unfortunately, it represents only a tip of the iceberg of Ms. Sheehan’s world-view.
In a letter to Nightline, Ms. Sheehan wrote that the entire Iraq War was part of a neo-conservative plot to benefit Israel:
Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel.
Cindy Sheehan’s letter
And Ms. Sheehan, the voice of Democrat opposition to the war, reported what she would tell the President if she were to meet him (again):
You tell me the truth. You tell me that my son died for oil. You tell me that my son died to make your friends rich. You tell me my son died to spread the cancer of Pax Americana, imperialism in the Middle East. http://www.truthout.org
Is that where the Democrats are on the War in Iraq – and on US policy in the Middle East? The elimination of Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical rule is a victory for the oil companies and for American imperialism?
You know, as well as I, that Saddam Hussein launched scud missiles at Israel.
You know that he operated rape rooms and torture chambers.
You know that he launched chemical weapons at his own people.
You know that he housed terrorists as his guests in Iraq – terrorists such as Abu Nidal and Abu Abbas, who murdered Leon Klinghoffer on the Achille Lauro cruise ship.
You know that Saddam paid a bounty of $25,000 to the families of Palestinian homicide bombers.
You know that he was a threat to the stability of the entire region.
You also know that there were strong links between Saddam’s Iraq and Al Qaeda (for a new comprehensive summary of the latest evidence, check out http://www.HusseinAndTerror.com).
Mississippi? The land of “double pricing†in the mom and pop stores, i.e. one price for black folks another for white? Any white folks tell you “we have no racial problems here”?
Holier than thou Triple P, holier than thou! Apparently you’re so enraptured with doing good you can’t help propagandizing or preaching to the choir.
Classic blowhard. Nice to see you’re still living down to your low standards and finding unique ways of going lower.
Comment by For the Clueless — 12/26/05 @ 5:58 am [Clueless, You need to spend a little time in downtown Democrat Detroit at 2 AM in the summer. Lots of Democrats to give you the special Democrat “Tookie” greeting, and no Republicans around for miles in this special “Hillary Village”. Bend over…..Tookie wants to give you his Democrat “Love”!!]
Voter Advocatespews:
Pud is taking his cues from Ann Coulter, who similarly made unsupportable accusations concerning liberals and their involvement in Karina Relief in October.
This sort of “when did you stop beating your wife” tactic is silly. I’m sure I’m like most people, who aren’t leaving the Nortwest to give direct relief anywhere, Mississippi, Louisiana or Thailand. We send checks.
Please provide specific numbers. How many “conservative” and “liberal” assistance groups are there, and where?
For the Cluelessspews:
113 – I don’t care where you go. Everywhere you go, you’re still the superior, holier-than-thou asshole spewing hatred for those you disagree with politically. It’s not enough for you to just live your faith and do good works – you’re so filled with sick ass pride you have to show off to others how better you are than HA.org liberal commenters.
Voter Advocate: Sorry for the delay. We went shopping today for Christmas.
Two Mormon brothers set the system up and other Christian groups: Mormons, Baptists, Adventists, Catholics, etc. are sending volunteers. The Adventists provided the coordinating leaders, trucks and vans for transporting the volunteers to the sites around the area. Since we are Christian groups, we don’t have your liberal persuasion. The only channel we watched was Fox News. BTW, Fox News videotapped my son and others cleaning the streets of New Orleans before they gutted a house. But since most ASSes detest Fox News, you missed it.
Regarding who was there, we praised God every day while we went out and worked to improve the lives of people there. Our kind attitudes rubbed off on the devastated people. We talked about our values. Our values are not those espoused on ASSes. We took time from families to help poor destitute families.
CluelessASS: Holier than thou attitude? Ha ha ha. You sit on your ass and provide guidance to whom? What activity have you done for your fellow man lately? You see I am calling your sorry ass out. You are all words and no action. You are all hot air, full of sulphur. If it isn’t liberal, why do it right cluelessASS? Racism? Your side needs it to continue your class warfare political act. Without racism, you have no platform for minorities. Unfortunately your liberal leaders have not delivered anything to help the inner city people leave poverty. But you continue to preach follow us because the other side is racist. Why is that cluelessASS? Shall I recite some of the hatred you been preachin here on ASSes? Since I am Triple P – Praising Perfection & Preaching Christ, it scares you that I and my family are a family of action, not hot air like you and your family! Keep up the sick act cluelessASS. You make my point every time you post!
Pud is taking his cues from Ann Coulter, who similarly made unsupportable accusations concerning liberals and their involvement in Karina Relief in October.
This sort of “when did you stop beating your wife†tactic is silly. I’m sure I’m like most people, who aren’t leaving the Nortwest to give direct relief anywhere, Mississippi, Louisiana or Thailand. We send checks.
Please provide specific numbers. How many “conservative†and “liberal†assistance groups are there, and where?
Comment by Voter Advocate — 12/26/05 @ 11:03 am [Hey!! Remember when Al Gore’s joint tax return showed us that he made 4 or 5 hundred thousand, but only gave something like $440 to charity? Yep..Classic Democrat “redistribute other’s wealth”, but as for the elite political Democrats, well……..Democrats: social parasites!!!!!]
For the Cluelessspews:
116 – Puddy your arguments are so silly they’re hardly worth commenting on. You don’t know what any of us has or hasn’t done so you just make sh*t up. I’ll just leave you to your fantasies.
With all the need down there somehow you found the time to whip out your laptop, connect to the net and propound on us evil liberals. Shows where your priorities are… Pathetic.
1.) Didn’t take my laptop. Didn’t need the extra weight.
2.) Didn’t post on ASSes.
3.) Worked hard making things happen. We moved
4.) Made friends with the locals. We were invited to spend Christmas at people’s trailers and houses.
You say I need to make stuff up because I can’t prove what you’ve done. I don’t need to do that! I know what you’ve done. NUTHIN! Prove what you’ve done! You wouldn’t give anything out of your pocket to help your fellow man because you are a librul! You hate helping others unless it’s through the government, using other people’s money. You are so clueless and aptly named!
For the Cluelessspews:
Yeah we talked about your ilk while we ate dinner. I even displayed this web site to people there.
Ok I give up. How’d you do it? Did you just hallucinate HA.org “to people there” with your sparkling personality?
I don’t have to prove anything to you. Fantasize on, TripleP.
Yes Clueless give up! There were FEMA computers there. Man you are so dense. And since you can’t prove to any of us what you did to help Katrina victims, my accusation stands. You did nuthin! Clueless and aptly named!
Voter Advocatespews:
If it appeared on Faux News, it didn’t happen.
For the Cluelessspews:
FEMA Computers! There goes TripleP wasting tax payer dollars displaying HA.org so he can indulge himself preaching hate!
You did nuthin!
Uhh. Prove it?
For the Cluelessspews:
TripleP was workin’ so hard doing good, he needed a “hate break”.
So my son cleaning up streets in New Orleans didn’t happen? Such a jackASS. Here are words from my son:
“I have pictoral evidence of me working in the New Orleans 9th Ward last Tuesday. There were 13 of us cleaning the streets and gutting a lady’s house!” – Son of Puddybud
There you go Voter Advocate. Leave me an email address and I will forward some photos taken of mold on ceilings.
CluelessAss: While escounced in your easy chair scratching your balls and digging dingleberries out of your lazy no good non-charitable ass, visit this site: http://www.fema.gov/hazards/fl.....ncock.shtm We operated in the E10-H8 rectangle.
We lived in a cramped bunkhouse/tent city. We created a tent city for volunteers, we cleaned debris, we gutted houses, we cleaned streets, we handed out Christmas gifts and clothes to people, we installed tents to house food and personal toiletries for the local people, we built bunk houses for more volunteers, we restocked shelves after daily food distributions, we cleaned a flooded school and administrative offices, we organized new school suppies, we handed out electric heaters and blankets, we unloaded trucks full of food and Christmas toys sent by companies and people. I haven’t framed a building in years and our mentor, a professional carpenter, mentioned I still had the talent. I had fun cluelessASS and you say I took time out to hate. No, not at all! I took time to prove to others there are people like you who look down their noses at Christians who love their fellow man so much that they will spend $$$ from their pockets to fund their charitable trips to devastated areas to help. But a librul like cluelessASS will denigrate anything done in the name of Christianity that helps the downtrodden! Keep being cluelessASS, aptly named and stupid as ever!
Regarding the FEMA computers, they were free to use in the evening. But being the cluelessASS you are, you just can’t figure those things out. So displaying HA.org is a waste of taxpayer monies? Gosh cluelessASS, you said it so it must be true. HA.org is a waste!
Why do I have to prove you did nuthin? You prove it in every post cluelessASS. Tell us cluelessASS, what did you personally do to alleviate some family suffering of someone with your hue and persuasion? Remember you said dems be racists in Mississippi. What did you do again? NUTHIN! Just fess up and prove you are a no good shiftless leftist ASSHead who wants to spend taxpayer money and not his own to help out the poor and downtrodden. Be a man cluelessASS, admit it. And you know what cluelessASS? This whole trip is Tax Deductable!
On the anniversary of the Banda Aceh tsunami, how many $$$ did you contribute to that relief effort CluelessASS? Oh that’s right you waited for taxpayer money and the US Military to provide relief supplies!
Voter Advocatespews:
There you go Voter Advocate. Leave me an email address and I will forward some photos taken of mold on ceilings.
I’ll get to that right after I invite the 7th Day Adventists in for a chat. Hold your breath for it.
For the Cluelessspews:
Puddy Freep why do I have to keep repeating myself? I don’t care what you’ve done. When you mix it with hate you spoil the recipe. Why do you rattle it off for my benefit? Isn’t it enough that it helped the people down there? What good did it do to chortle over HA.org on a FEMA computer down there unless it was to stroke your ugly ass ego.
I’m not going to get into a pissing match over who’s done more for the poor. I’m not going there. Get over it.
You can go back to hating Bill Clinton, reading all your favorite wingnut publications, spewing hate and disdain for those you disagree with politically to anyone who’ll listen, all the while bragging about what a good guy you are and your ticket to heaven.
CluelessASS: I hate Clinton? Hardly. Stop projecting your feelings upon others. I bring Clinton action examples to bear everytime you spew hatred for GWB. Admit it CluelessASS; you hate GWB. You hate Republicans. You hate anything not Librul. So therefore you are the hater. Don’t project upon me your hatred. I don’t hate jackASSes like you, I pity you. You don’t like the common man. You are like Al Gore in 1997. He gave $353 while making six figures and all expenses paid for by the tax payer. I bet you gave just about the same to charity. You are a cheep person! You don’t spend your own money to help them out. You want to spend my money and all taxpayers money. That’s why we all can see your foolishness here. You are a worthless piece of human flesh when it comes to saying I am willing to go the extra mile to help out the poor. You are what you are; clueless and aptly named. So call me Triple P – Praising Perfection & Preaching Christ. Call me Freep Koresh. Remember it’s now over 85 days since I visited Free Republic. You visit Media Morons and Daily Kurse every day to receive the latest cluelessASS marching orders. As Eddie Ruffin says: “Keep on Trucking Baby” over to DK and MM cluelessASS!
I don’t mix hate when I am helping others in need. I smile and help them carry their booty to their cars or trucks wishing them Merry Christmas, not that Happy Holidays horsecrap! I see their pain and I have compassion. You see their pain on TV and what do you do? Change the channel right? Say that’s too bad right? Ignore them right? Well dems be your people with your skin hue. If you can’t help out da folks you just a lazy bum!
What I do is identify the haters of America: Libruls. If that causes you heartburn, great! You are the haters of America. We love America, so much that we spend our personal $$$ to help others. What does CluelessASS do? NUTHIN! You can’t prove you spent a dime doing anything in the last year except showing up to Drinking Librully and downing a brewski or two. Why? Your hatred rings like a clarion call, except you demonstrate it here, writing on ASSes!
Voter Advocate: Since you were called out by my son on your lying crap regarding Fox News, you now are playing chicken with the truth? Weren’t you recently called on your “opinions” regarding WA State elections here on ASSes? We should “trust” what you say? I don’t want you advocating my vote! Maybe SDAs will see the real person you are and pray for you!
We have 330 pictures of the devastation. Step up, be a man, and I’ll send you some quality photos of the Mississippi and Louisiana destruction!
For the Cluelessspews:
Freep: take your smart pills dude! Gore? He chartered a jet and was in NOLA a day or two after Katrina was gone! He was there ahead of Bush and did he make a big deal of it? No! If it got out in any big way, all you wingnuts would be whining about it.
Now where was TripleP? Oh! Gore beat TripleP! How you going to live that down?
Puddy Pod Person, you’re a whiner, a bet welsher, an RNC talking points spewer, and holier than thou self-serving blowhard. I’m sure your efforts down there were greatly appreciated and guess what? They would have been even MORE appreciated if you put aside your silly assed hate showing off how superior you are to HA.org on a FEMA computer. You don’t mix hate? You’re lying!
You don’t know what I or anyone else has done and you’re lying when you claim you do. I’m not going to waste anymore time with your sorry ass.
Once again clulessASS misses the reference. It was against you jackASS not Gore going to Katrina. I was comparing the Gore’s 1997 charitable contributions to your 2005 contributions jackASS. Go back and read above. No, better yet I’ll help you cluelessASS because your denser than spent uranium brain needs remedial assistance. Weren’t you one of those who made fun of the short yellow school buses in another thread? Remember us who think right did NOT do that! Maybe you were a small yellow bus occupant after all? From above: “You are like Al Gore in 1997. He gave $353 while making six figures and all expenses paid for by the tax payer. I bet you gave just about the same to charity. You are a cheep person! You don’t spend your own money to help them out. You want to spend my money and all taxpayers money.” Now where did I mention about Gore not helping Katrina victims in any commentary? CluelessASS, stupid and built to stay that way.
Damn, you are clueless, an ASS and therefore cluelessASS! I know Gore did some wonderful work in Katrina, but that was not the commentary. But being aptly named cluelessASS, you missed the reference above.
Regarding the bet, I already paid $20 to PacMan. When he meets GBS for lunch it will be a bet paid off. I have no idea if they met. So you can’t put me in the same category as MTR. But you didn’t read that did you jackASS cluelessASS? You see I noticed you have comprehension issues. That $20 payment was covered by PacMan weeks ago but in your silly small intellectual hate GWB world you missed that too.
Regarding HA.org being read by others, the link was there for adults to see the hatred of libruls in WA state. How is my display of librul hate demonstrating me hating you? Get a clue cluelessASS. Apply to a gameshow and buy a clue for $100. I didn’t have to make any further commentary except to lead them to the site after dinner. They read how you all hate anything Christian for themselves. And you know what, people from Colorado, Maryland, Tennessee, Mississippi, Virginia, California, Idaho, and Utah read the vitriolic hatred of your ilk. So keep it up cluelessASS. Your malignant, cancerous, Christian based hatred commentary, is beign read by others in many states. I now send people here to read ASSes.org to see what type of librul lives in WA State. You are such a jackASS.
For the Cluelessspews:
I didn’t have to make any further commentary except to lead them to the site after dinner
Pfft. And a bear poops in a toilet and I’ll take that fine swamp you have for sale.
Wow cluelessASS, looks like the naked truth is getting to you. Your written tone is surely different now. I supposed that remedial education lesson above proved to all here on ASSes the jackASS cluelessASS is. Now that you read the facts all you can perform is a DJ parse of one sentence, and it’s a lousy mimic act!
What happened to the hate accusations? What happened to the “You don’t know what any of us has or hasn’t done” attitude? Must be you reviewed your “charitable receipts” and realized Al Gore has you beat! Shucks, I give more in charitable contributions in a month than you give in a year!
Sure some Northwesterners sent $25 or $50 checks to Katrina relief agencies. Yes, that’s giving to the cause and I commend them on their giving from their largesse. I called you out as one of the dull knife blowhards of ASSes as a charitable spendthrift because you projected your hatred on me. I don’t hate you cluelessASS. I don’t even pity you. I pray for you. Jesus says pray for your enemies. You are not an enemy to me, but I know in your mind I am your enemy! Therefor I pray for you! All you are is a lousy representation of a librul. Now GBS and Dr. E are great representations of libruls. They can hold cogent topical written conversations. All you have to fall back on is “Puddy Freep”, and “Triple P”. Remember, I don’t jackboot march to the librul mindset! So cluelessASS, have a great night.
For the Cluelessspews:
Puddy Freep: I was about to say that as I much as I hate to admit it, you certainly are my enemy but why would that be true? You don’t threaten me or my family directly – you merely bloviate on this comment board.
But then again I believe people like you are selling this country down the river. You support a man like Bush who cares nothing but clinging to power through serving the interests of global rentiers. If any Americans benefit from his policies it’s only at the behest of the Republican political majority and usually at the cost of the most profligate pork barrel spending this country has seen. You have little concern about an unnecessary war waged against a crippled and contained tyrant and the attendant costs in lives, limbs and over 250 billion in treasure. You come here to argue with talking points filtered through the wingnut network.
Yes, I don’t have respect for any of that. I don’t need your prayers and I don’t need to explain myself to you or anyone like you.
You say you dont “jackboot” to the “librul” mindset. Ok you just jackboot to the wingnut mindset.
Believe whatever you want – it seems to have worked for you so far.
Once my post clears, think about this too cluelessASS. If the high price of heating oil and natrual gas hurts the economy, why would “Cheney and his oil buddies” (as moonbats call it) allow this to hurt Republican chances in Congress in 2006? That just doesn’t make sense, since we have documented here on ASSes the many congressional moonbat figures who make money hand over fist when the energy prices are high!
Is it because they know the northeast votes moonbat so let’s sock it to ’em? Is it because they know the natural gas heats many homes so let’s sock it to ’em? You moonbats love to have it both ways. Your energy logic is strange.
For the Cluelessspews:
142 – Cheney’s energy plan and the Iraq war were designed to keep the world awash in cheap oil. IIRC, Cheney said the American way of life is not negotiable. So it’s WalMarts, ugly subdivisions, SUV’s, budget/trade deficits and category 5 hurricanes as long as the Republicans have their way.
It looks like the war thing has not panned out so Americans are feeling some pain – so yeah it’s time to throw the bums out.
Tell PacMan to contact me again. He knows how. I’d realy like to collect on our bet.
PS: hope you had a M-M-M-M, that is to say a M-M-err, a Merry Ch-Ch-Chris, a Merry Christmas. Whew! Didn’t think I could get that out with bursting into flames. You know, with Christmas being under an all out assault from us left-wing, whacko’s who want nothing more than to elimante any trace of Christianity from the face of the Earth.
For the Cluelessspews:
Good Gosh Man! You’re backsliding! For your own good, I’ll have to report you to the ACLU!
Noises of Puddy in the background bleating, “I knew it! I knew it!”. Dials the Limbaugh and Hannity shows.
FTC @ 145
Yeah, even though it was tounge in cheek I’m sure my comments already made it to Libaugh’s “stack-o-stuff”, O’Reilly’s No Spin Zone, and Hannity and Colmbs as proof positive of the “lefts” desire to erase Christmas!!
I better contact my agent, I may be getting booking offers on the right-wing talk show circuit.
Better yet, I should call my personal attorney, I’m sure the NSA just picked up on it. Next thing you know I’ll be cell mates with Jose Padillia. You know another American citizen who’s had his constitutional rights ignored.
Oh shit, gotta go Men In Black at my door with black ops helicopters.
GBS: I know where you are coming from. H-Ha-Hap-Happ-Happy Ho- Happy Holidays back at you. BTW I didn’t call the talk shows. Right when you were writing your blog entry I was gutting some fish for dinner. Cluelessis an ASS GBS!
GBS: BTW PacMan has gone quiet lately. I know he had some family issues out of state he was attending to.
You would have liked meeting the special forces guys in Mississippi handing out those Christmas Gifts to the Katrina victims. Talk about some softies when dealing with the kids. Real genuine gentlemen they were!!!
Looks like Goldy decided to eat my post regarding the centrist DLC and how they are upset that the moonbat fringe left may be hurting their congressional chances in 2006. Goldy, why are you not posting my 12/28 8:17 AM blog entry. Too much truth for you to bear?
Puddybud @ 148
Yep, SOF hard on the outside, soft on the inside. As it should be.
I hope everything is OK with PacMan’s family. I’ve gone quiet, too. Car wreck back on Dec 1 has sidelined me for a few weeks.
BTW, For The Clueless, he’s good people and he made some good points, too. Like Republicans running up the spending like they’re using other people’s money. Oh, yeah, they are. Those Borrow and Squander conservatives.
The Iraq War isn’t going as well as America can conduct wars. The War on Terrorism isn’t going so well either, draw down of forces in Afghanistan?? Strategic blunder if that happens. Cut and Run from THE front where Bin Laden is hiding?? Bad, bad.
Besides, 2006 is going to be a rough start for Republicans:
Spying on citizens without judicial oversight in the name of fighting terror?
Causey just rolled over on Ken Lay.
Abramoff may be working out a plea deal involving “full cooperation.”
Bob Ney is going to get “hammered.”
DeLay, I predict will get off either scott free, or on really reduced charges, however the cumulative negative effect will dismay independent voters and moderate conservatives.
Frist may get in hot water, details to come.
Scotter Libby, geez talk about getting into hot water over LYING to a grand jury. We know how serious that is, don’t we? (clinton)
I know there’s other things on the list of upcoming bad news for republicans and it all couldn’t have culminated at a worse time. Every story will drag on until the fall elections. I think it might be too much negative publicity to overcome.
Last, but not least, did you see the inverted bond yields this week????? That potentially spells r-e-c-e-s-s-i-o-n on the horizon.
If a recession starts around the March-April timeframe, by definition it would last until at least the elections in the fall. That would be disastrous for Republicans.
GBS: Of all the issues you identified as potentially troublesome are the Abrahoff and the bond market. I am trying to understand the bond issue because this affects the retirement plans. Remember the dems have been saying the economy has been bad for a long time. The Dems and their media gang were out there just after Thanksgiving saying the Christmas season was a bust. Well they were wrong on that one too. Christmas was up 8% or more.
Ken Lay has no affect because he gave to both sides. The net effect is a wash. I feel DeLay is going free. I made this prediction some time ago like I did on Rove. Well Rove is not indicted.
Sorry GBS I hit enter too fast. Car wreck? I hope you are doing fine. Scary stuff car wrecks.
Do you all remember the NY Times decrying the FISA court three years ago on the Zacharias Moussaoui case?
“Led by the New York Times, a chorus of administration critics have been insisting all week that there was no reason for President Bush to circumvent the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when he sought to wiretap terrorists operating inside the U.S. – since the FISA Court almost always approves such requests.
But that’s not what the Times reported three years ago, after FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley came forward with the allegation that the Bureau might have been able to stop the 9/11 attacks if only investigators had been allowed access to the laptop computer of suspected 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui.
Moussaoui was arrested in Minneapolis on Aug. 16, 2001 – nearly four weeks before the 9/11 attacks – after an instructor at a local flight school he attended called the F.B.I. to report that he suspected the Moroccan-born terrorist was up to no good.
In a May 2002 report the Times noted: “Two days later, F.B.I. agents in Minnesota asked Washington to obtain a special warrant to search his laptop computer.”
However, there was a problem. The paper explained:
“Recent interviews of intelligence officials by The New York Times suggest that the Bureau had a reason for growing cautious about applying to a secret national security court for special search warrants that might have supplied critical information.”
“The F.B.I.,” officials told the Times, “had become wary after a well-regarded supervisor was disciplined because the [FISA] court complained that he had submitted improper information on applications.”
The secret court went so far as to discipline Michael Resnick, the F.B.I. supervisor in charge of coordinating terrorist surveillance operations, saying they would no longer accept warrant applications from him.
Intelligence officials told the Times that the FISA Court’s decision to reprimand Resnick, who had been a rising star in the FBI, “resulted in making the Bureau far less aggressive in seeking information on terrorists.”
“Other officials,” the paper said, complained that the FISA Court’s actions against Resnick “prompted Bureau officials to adopt a play-it-safe approach that meant submitting fewer applications and declining to submit any that could be questioned.”
Sen. Charles Grassley is among those who think that the FBI might have been able to stop the 9/11 attacks if the FISA Court hadn’t discouraged the Bureau from aggressively pursuing a warrant in the Moussaoui case.
In a January 2002 letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller, Grassley noted that had a search been permitted, “Agents would have found information in Moussaoui’s belongings that linked him both to a major financier of the [9/11] hijacking plot working out of Germany, and to a Malaysian Al Qaeda boss who had met with at least two other [9/11] hijackers while under surveillance by intelligence officials.”
For the Cluelessspews:
Puddy Freep:
Cite the source of your propaganda. NewsSmack? WingNutDaily?
Who wrote the NY Times article? Judy Miller?
“resulted in making the Bureau far less aggressive in seeking information on terrorists.”
Ahhh. Big bad activist judges made the FBI cower in fear. This is total BS.
Got to hand it to you Freep, you don’t quit – reminds me of the jihadis. They just keep on coming.
The NY Times wrote the original article cluelessASS. Can you perform due diligence or does mommy spoon feed you in the morning?
So if the information presented by the NY Times in 2002 is total BS, is the information presented in 2005 total BS also? I love it cluelessASS. You speak and you make it so!
For the Cluelessspews:
You don’t answer my question. The source refers to the NY Times. What is the source. Afraid to answer?
The NYTimes articles cites anonymous “Intelligence Officials”. Oh. No hidden agenda there. Yep we’ve seen a fair amount of bad reporting from the Times, i.e. Judy Miller and that Jason liar guy.
And that bad reporting is just lapped up by your favorite wingnut publications that you’re afraid to cite, Puddy Freep.
For the Cluelessspews:
Hey Puddy Freep:
More evidence you’re just a tool for the wingnut noise machine.
CLuelessASS: Sorry I saw almost no TV except for the weather in Mississippi last week.
For the Cluelessspews:
Seeing TV is neither here nor there regarding comment 153, TripleP.
Indeed. Happy Chanukah, Goldy.
Christmas is a Catholic holiday, so I won’t be too busy.
I have nothing better to do. Except maybe sleep. What the hell am I doing up? It’s Holiday Eve.
Yup. I’m going on holiday break for the next few days. I probably won’t be back here until Tuesday at the earliest.
Posted at Sound Politics by
Belltowner spews:
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Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Donnageddon spews:
sgmmac spews:
Voter Advocate spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Randy Gordon for Congress spews:
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Roger Rabbit spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
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Mark The Redneck spews:
Chuck spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
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Seadog spews:
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Chuck spews:
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Mark The Redneck spews:
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JCH spews:
jaybo spews:
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For the Clueless spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Mr. Cynical spews:
Daniel K spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
Mark The Redneck spews:
JCH spews:
JCH spews:
Mark1 spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Michael spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Michael spews:
sgmmac spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Donnageddon spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
Michael spews:
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JCH spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
jaybo spews:
JCH spews:
Voter Advocate spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
JCH spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
Voter Advocate spews:
For the Clueless spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
Puddybud spews:
Puddybud spews:
Voter Advocate spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
GBS spews:
For the Clueless spews:
GBS spews:
Puddybud spews:
Puddybud spews:
Puddybud spews:
GBS spews:
Puddybud spews:
Puddybud spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
For the Clueless spews:
Puddybud spews:
For the Clueless spews:
If I want to celebrate “Stefan Sharkansky Mental Illness Awareness Month”, then that’s my business.
What could possibly be more worthwhile than giving trolls, GOP apologists, and the other America-hating traitors of the Far Right their verbal just desserts?
Isn’t it deliciously ironic that the headquarters of the “American Center for Voting Rights” — propaganda arm of the Far Right’s election manipulation agenda — is a 3-inch by 3-inch mail box?
For photo of ACVR’s mailbox, see http://www.bradblog.com/archives/00001282.htm
Although it is unlikely a Republican Congress would impeach Bush, growing public disaffection with the Bush administration train wreck now seems increasingly likely to put Congress into Democratic hands in January 2007, which at the very least would turn Bush into a lame duck and effectively end the GOP agenda until the 2008 elections � and might make impeachment a realistic possibility.
That Republican leaders are worried about the looming impeachment threat is graphically demonstrated by the RNC�s hyperbolic overreaction to John Kerry�s merrymaking in a D.C. bar last week:
�The senator’s former campaign staff had gathered for a holiday party Wednesday night at Finn macCool’s, a Capitol Hill watering hole, and Kerry, with a drink in hand, quipped that if the Democrats retake Congress they could make a case for impeaching President Bush. The Republican National Committee isn’t laughing. �With his impeachment advocacy last night, John Kerry once again showed how out of touch he is with the American people,� said RNC spokesman Brian Jones yesterday in a press release. �’For one of the leaders of the Democratic Party to begin a push for presidential impeachment, in seriousness or jest, on the eve of the Iraq elections is both foolish and shortsighted.�” (Source)
Kerry was jesting, but there�s no holiday cheer in last month�s Zogby Poll showing U.S. adults, by 51 to 45 percent, favor impeaching Bush �if he did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq.� (Source: http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=node/7)
With this week�s revelation that Bush has been conducting illegal warrantless eavesdropping on U.S. citizens for several years (and anybody who thinks this domestic spying is limited to suspected terrorists just doesn�t know much about the McCarthyite Party), several congressmen have begun openly discussing impeachment, and Rep. John Conyers (D-NY) is calling for an investigation and hearings. (See http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=taxonomy/term/10)
Mainstream media (http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=node/106),* and even conservative commentators, are jumping aboard the impeachment bandwagon. For example, �Conservative scholars Bruce Fein and Norm Ornstein argued yesterday on The Diane Rehm show that, should Bush remain defiant in defending his constitutionally-abusive wire-tapping of Americans (as he has indicated he will), Congress should consider impeaching him.� (http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=taxonomy/term/10)
(*Editor and Publisher Magazine, mentioned in this article, is a nonpartisan trade journal of the journalism publishing industry.)
Even a ghost of Watergate, John Dean, has chimed in: �John Dean, who knows something about these matters, calls Bush “the first President to admit to an impeachable offense.” (http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=node/106)
For more discussion of impeachment, impeachment resources, and impeachment links, see http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=impeachment
From ThinkProgress (http://thinkprogress.org/2005/.....act-check/):
Fact Check: Clinton/Carter Executive Orders Did Not Authorize Warrantless Searches of Americans
The top of the Drudge Report claims “CLINTON EXECUTIVE ORDER: SECRET SEARCH ON AMERICANS WITHOUT COURT ORDER…” It’s not true. Here’s the breakdown –
What Drudge says:
“Clinton, February 9, 1995: ‘The Attorney General is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order'”
What Clinton actually signed:
“Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) [50 U.S.C. 1822(a)] of the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance] Act, the Attorney General is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that section.”
That section requires the Attorney General to certify is the search will not involve “the premises, information, material, or property of a United States person.” That means U.S. citizens or anyone inside of the United States.
The entire controversy about Bush’s program is that, for the first time ever, allows warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens and other people inside of the United States. Clinton’s 1995 executive order did not authorize that.
Drudge pulls the same trick with Carter.
What Drudge says:
“Jimmy Carter Signed Executive Order on May 23, 1979: “Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order.”
What Carter’s executive order actually says:
“1-101. Pursuant to Section 102(a)(1) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1802(a)), the Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order, but only if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that Section.”
What the Attorney General has to certify under that section is that the surveillance will not contain “the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party.” So again, no U.S. persons are involved.
To reiterate: The crucial distinction between Carter’s and Clinton’s LEGAL executive orders and George W. Bush’s illegal surveillance is that Carter and Clinton did not authorize SPYING ON U.S. CITIZENS. The FISA allows warrantless spying on foreign nationals to gather intelligence; the Constitution prohibits, and neither FISA nor any other federal law authorizes, warrantless spying on U.S. citizens.
To summarize: MATT DRUDGE IS A LIAR. Of course, there’s nothing new about Drudge being a liar. Drudge was lying when he smeared presidential candidate John Kerry with a false “intern affair” story, too. Right wing ideologues and self-deluded Bush bootlickers have been lapping up Drudge’s concocted domestic spying apologia, as is their right in a free country. But — believe liars at your own risk.
In his incarnation as a Reagan administration lawyer, Bush’s SCOTUS nominee Samuel Alito defended warrantless domestic spying and wrote a legal memo that now echoes in Bush’s rationalizations for violating the 4th Amendment rights of U.S. citizens, according to an Associated Press story:
“Alito Defended Officials From Wiretap Suits
“By DONNA CASSATA, Associated Press Writer
“Friday, December 23, 2005
“(12-23) 16:47 PST WASHINGTON, (AP) —
“Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito defended the right of government officials to order domestic wiretaps for national security when he worked at the Reagan Justice Department, an echo of President Bush’s rationale for spying on U.S. residents in the war on terror.
“Then an assistant to the solicitor general, Alito wrote a 1984 memo that provided insights on his views of government powers and legal recourse — seen now through the prism of Bush’s actions — as well as clues to the judge’s understanding of how the Supreme Court operates.
“The National Archives released the memo and scores of other documents related to Alito on Friday; the Associated Press had requested the material under the Freedom of Information Act. The memo comes as Bush is under fire for secretly ordering domestic spying of suspected terrorists without a warrant.
“The memo dealt with whether government officials should have blanket protection from lawsuits when authorizing wiretaps. ‘I do not question that the attorney general should have this immunity,’ Alito wrote. ‘But for tactical reasons, I would not raise the issue here.’
“Despite Alito’s warning that the government would lose, the Reagan administration took the fight to the Supreme Court in the case of whether Nixon’s attorney general, John Mitchell, could be sued for authorizing a warrantless domestic wiretap to gather information about a suspected terrorist plot.
“In its court brief, the government argued for absolute immunity for the attorney general on matters of national security.
“Signing the document was Rex E. Lee, then the solicitor general, officials from the Justice Department and Alito.
“The case ultimately led to a 1985 ruling by the Supreme Court that the attorney general and other high level executive officials could be sued for violating people’s rights, in the name of national security, with such actions as domestic wiretaps.
“‘The danger that high federal officials will disregard constitutional rights in their zeal to protect the national security is sufficiently real to counsel against affording such officials an absolute immunity,'” the court held.
“The decision was consistent with the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in 1972 that it was unconstitutional for the government to conduct wiretaps without court approval despite the Nixon administration’s argument that domestic anti-war groups and other radicals were a threat to national security. …”
Did you pay attention to the last sentence of my last post? Here it is again:
“the Nixon administration’s argument that domestic anti-war groups and other radicals were a threat to national security”
Anyone who thinks Bush doesn’t think exactly like Nixon, that he only wants to spy on terrorism suspects, that his illegal domestic spying has nothing to do with keeping track of (and harassing) his political opponents and critics — is a damn fool.
And for you righties, that’s what this argument is all about — not national security, not protecting Americans from terrorist attacks — but the GOP’s long and sordid history of using the power of government to illegally spy on, intimidate, and harass political opponents.
Just like the Bolsheviks did. Just like the KGB did. And if this is legal, if Bush gets away with this, Reagan’s Latin American rightwing death squads and Ann Coulter’s firing squads probably won’t be far behind.
But this time it will be different. This time, liberals will fight.
Liberals must arm!
Because a civil war is coming.
Newt Gingrich said so: “… this is a civil war, that … has to be fought with the scale and duration and savagery that is only true of civil wars. While we are lucky in this country that our civil wars are fought at the ballot box, not on the battlefields, nonetheless it is a civil war.”
Of course, as liberals, we oppose violence and war (i.e., shooting war, not metaphorical war) as a means to ends. Gingrich was advocating a war of words — and a war of political dirty tricks — not the use of guns.
But I can’t help but notice how much hatred there is on the Far Right, or how many rightwingers advocate the use of literal violence against liberals.
We must be prepared. We must make them understand that if they seek to attain their political ends through violent means, they will be met with force, and ours will not be the only side that bleeds. We must convey to them that, in George W. Bush’s words, if war is what they want, war is what they will get.
Roger Rabbit has posted 56.25% of the comments on this thread. If you don’t like that, go fuck yourself, and fuck the armadillo you rode in on, too!
Roger Rabbit now weighs 9 1/2 lbs.!!! Thank you Stefan!!! for the fresh garden vegetables!!! and a nice green lawn to poop on!!! :D :D :D
By the way, Stefan, how come you’re going to keep all the money from the lawsuit against KCE for yourself, instead of sharing it with the generous contributors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit?
And why are you unable to hold a $9-an-hour temp job? Why can’t you follow simple one-step instructions? Why are you insubordinate to your supervisors? Were you a problem child? Were you expelled from school? Do you have a juvie rap sheet?
Hmmm … no answer. I guess Stefan isn’t speaking to me. I know he reads this blog! He’s not only a shiftless bum who can’t hold a job and wants King County taxpayers to pay the mortgage on his $800,000 burrow — he’s also a snob. Considers himself too good to speak to a fluffy bunny with pink ears and a cute cottontail. Or maybe he’s scared shitless of a 9 1/2-lb. rabbit!
Roger Rabbit has posted over two-thirds — 68.4% to be exact — of the comments on this thread. If you don’t like that, pay me to shut up! I need the money.
RR, I am armed, and while I absolutely abhor violence.
But is any of the “If you are not a terrorist, you have nothing to worry about losing your 4th Amendment rights” traitors come a knocking on my door…
Expect a 2nd Amendment retort.
But unlike somebody else I know, I don’t need money badly enough to file a bullshit lawsuit against King County taxpayers to get it.
“But is any of the ‘If you are not a terrorist, you have nothing to worry about losing your 4th Amendment rights’ traitors come a knocking on my door… Expect a 2nd Amendment retort.”
Perfect. It may not be as far away as you think. A couple weeks ago, Mrs. Rabbit and I saw a white van with a satellite dish and the lettering “DHS” parked on our street. I don’t think those were the cable guys. I can’t think of a local cable company with the initials “DHS,” but I can think of a federal Department of Homeland Security with those initials.
Live Free or Die – General John Stark, American Revolution Hero
Vaginas make women stupid – Mark The Yelownecked Dick, American Traitor and misogynist.
This is no joke — I’m not making that up about the DHS truck in front of our house. And a few days ago, when Mrs. Rabbit and I were jogging — I mean hopping — at the local park, a fast helicopter (Blackhawk type) with what looked like a government color scheme made straight at us and flew overhead at about 1,000 feet.
If they’re any good, I’m sure they saw me flip them my paw and squeak in bunny talk, “Fuck you assholes!” They probably have a dossier on a certain obstreperous rabbit now.
“Vaginas make women stupid – Mark The Yelownecked Dick, American Traitor and misogynist.”
Mark TYD must be very stupid if he doesn’t realize how smart women are, and how good they are at using their vaginas to get what they want!
I’ll bet Mrs. Redneck has Mark wrapped around her little finger!
I can just hear the kaffee-klatch talk in Mark’s neighborhood: “I let my husband Mark think he runs things. ha! ha! ha!”
I’ll bet Mark can’t leave the house without Mrs. Redneck’s permission the wear the tie he’s got on that day.
Hey Mark Redneck — want to tell us again how stoopid women are?
Mark lives in wedded bliss because Mrs. Redneck lets him think he chose the toothpaste he brushes his teeth with, even though he didn’t.
I sometimes get a very creepy thought about the women in MTR’s life. Do they know what he really thinks about them? Do they care?
It is all so sad and sick. It is just the bloom on the onion that is the Republican Way of Life.
Hey Don — if you’re still here — just want you to know I’m sitting at my bunny laptop in my bunny burrow imbibing a Guinness Stout while bashing the Republifucks!!! I know how to live well too!! Don — if you have a Guinness Stout in the frig, go crack that bottle and swig that stuff down RIGHT NOW!!!! Why should Republicans get all the Guinness? Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing! (glug glug) Well, that’s one bottle of Guinness that no Republican will get to drink!
Personally, I think Mark’s wife is as imaginery as Mark’s wealth, SUV, and college degrees. You go stir crazy in a trailer park after a while.
Hey Don — in case you’re having trouble getting my math to add up, I have 3 posts stuck in the filter. If you want something to do right now, here’s a link to a whole bunch of impeachment stuff. I’m posting this so you don’t have to wait until Goldy wakes up in the morning to get the link. http://www.impeachpac.org/?q=
Onion is right. Republicans are like raw onions — they make you cry, and they burn your tongue.
I am a true blue American piss beer drinker. If the 12 pack carton doesn’t have a fish, deer or bear on it… it is just thick necked oil can beer.
But, I believe that any person can drink the beer of their choice. I will make no judgements, and will abide no abrdgements of their rights to drink the beer of their choice!
Roger Rabbit has posted 71.9% of the comments on this thread. If you don’t like that, find Jesus and get born again.
It’s amazing what kind of people call themselves Christians.
Hey Don — I got nuthin’ against American beer. I like them cans with fish on ’em too! Watch out for Coors, though — old man Coors was a rabid McCarthyite and Bircher, and his kid ain’t much better. Fortunately, he didn’t do so good in his U.S. Senate bid:
Ken Salazar (D) – 1,041,018 (51%)
Peter Coors (R) – 953,677 (47%)
The Pubbies also struggled in one of their Tennessee legislative races:
Write In Candidate (D): 30,252 (95.2%)
Low Tax Looper (R): 1,531 (4.8%)
Well, I better get out of here before daylight, or Stefan will be shooting at me! Later! Oh, before I go — here’s a Christmas Present for you Stefan! (pfftbrrrt-pooop)
Random thoughts:
David Cross has a great monologue on Religion.
He was born af jewish parents, but is an atheist. He is troubled by the fact that he can never be known as an atheist… he will always be a jew to everyone.
I am an atheist, but being from a Catholic family, I have no identity problem. The Protestants expect most Catholics are Atheists anyway. And the Catholics.. well it is the David Cross problem all over again.. they just call me a “lapsed Catholic”.
But while I do not believe in the description of any God, in any book written by Man (that includes all of them), I demand the rights of all believers be protected at all costs.
Just so long as they do not make me play a part in their supernatural passion play.
And I really get pissed when they use their interpretation of God to justify killing people who believe in another playwrites description. Particularly when the real reason for the violence is corporate profit.
Thank you for the best wishes. It went south very soon after going to the hospital, but both are doing much better now.
Hopefully my daughter and new grandson will be home later today for Christmas!
Pleasant Solstice, everyone. Be safe while performing your pagan rituals that celebrate the increasing daylight minutes. If nothing else.
For all my Christian Friends on this Blog and the curious as well:
O Holy Night Lyrics
O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of the dear Saviour’s birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, the night when Christ was born;
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
O’er the world a star is sweetly gleaming,
Now come the wisemen from out of the Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friends.
He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother.
And in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
Wishing you peace & happiness this
holiday season and throughout the New Year.
Friends, Fellow Citizens and Supporters:
I wish to extend my sincere wishes to you for this Holiday Season. May you experience joy and peace in all its fullness during this time and through the coming New Year.
However you may choose to observe this time of year,
through Kwanzaa’s festival of abundance and recommitment to the seven guiding principles of the Nguzo Saba,
through the joys of Christmas and celebration of the Prince of Peace,
through Islam (“Peace” from the same root as “salam”) and its Five Pillars,
through my own tradition of Hanukkah (“Dedication”), the Festival of Lights and rededication to values of Torah,
through other honored traditions, or simply by personal reflection or time with loved ones,
I am committed to working for an America where your observance is honored and protected.
For some of us during this time of year, there is a special opportunity to spend time with family, friends and loved ones. I say “for some of us” because there are those separated from us by military service, illness, distance, or other circumstances. I am well aware that the joys of this Season also create challenges and in the Spirit of the Season, those of us who enjoy its abundance also feel keenly the plight of those in want.
With the start of 2006, we enter an important time for our nation – a chance to change the course of our government. Let us all emerge from the Holiday Season with a renewed sense of being at one with our purpose and with the wisdom that comes when we reflect upon the things we care about and spend time with those whom we love.
Please accept my sincere wish that you and yours experience all the joy this Season has to offer.
Randy Gordon
Candidate for U. S. Congress (Dem. WA-8th)
“Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Trove, Officials Report
‘Pattern Analysis’ Performed On Main U.S. Telecommunication Channels
“WASHINGTON, (Dec. 24) – The National Security Agency has traced and analyzed large volumes of telephone and Internet communications flowing into and out of the United States as part of the eavesdropping program that President Bush approved after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to hunt for evidence of terrorist activity, according to current and former government officials.
“The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged, the officials said. It was collected by tapping directly into some of the American telecommunication system’s main arteries, they said.
As part of the program approved by President Bush for domestic surveillance without warrants, the N.S.A. has gained the cooperation of American telecommunications companies to obtain backdoor access to streams of domestic and international communications, the officials said.”
It’s time to impeach him.
Thank you Randy….and Happy Hanukkah to you as well.
It’s nice of you to subtly remind Goldy what Hanukkah as.
I have been reminding him that it starts tomorow night at sundown. I thought Goldy would like to know being that he tends to proclaim himself a Holocaust victim every chance he gets!
Somehow, a privileged life in Philly and the Holocaust seem a bit detached, a stretch that doesn’t quite reach…..but Goldy doesn’t seem to have a problem making the connection. So hopefully Goldy will learn something from you Randy.
Hey sarge — congrats!
Hey Cynical — I’m sure Goldy will appreciate your holiday wishes, and the fact you don’t wish him a one-way trip to the gas chambers … like this jerk did:
“‘I’m Jewish enough for the gas chambers… that’s all you need to know.’ Speaking of what’s on my Christmas list…..
Comment by prr— 12/9/05 @ 9:00 am”
I haven’t seen any posts by prr since that one. The yellowbacked little shit must be posting under a different screen name. Hey Goldy, if prr has changed his screen name, you should “out” him. He’s the last person who should be allowed to duck and cover on YOUR web site.
“Bush Pardons Bank Robber, Moonshiners, Lawyer
“President Keeps Holiday Tradition of Clemency, Grants 11 Pardons
“WASHINGTON (Dec. 24) – President Bush has granted 11 pardons, bringing to 69 the number of clemency orders he has issued since taking office five years ago, the Justice Department said.
“Three moonshiners and a bank robber are among those pardoned, as is a Denver attorney with Republican political ties.
“… Wendy St. Charles, is a lawyer for a Denver homebuilder, MDC Holdings, parent of Richmond American Homes, The Denver Post reported. … MDC’s chairman, Larry Mizel, has contributed more than half a million dollars to Republican campaigns along with his wife, Carol, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. …
One of the moonshiners, Carl E. Cantrell of Monteagle, Tenn., said he was arrested at his still without ever selling a drop. He was convicted of federal liquor law violations in 1967 and sentenced to three years’ probation.
“Also pardoned was Donald Lee Pendergrass of Ramona, Calif., who was convicted of bank robbery with a dangerous weapon in 1964.
“The other pardons were for offenses such as drug possession or making false statements on loan applications.”
From a story by the Associated Press. For complete story, see http://articles.news.aol.com/n.....38;cid=842
I wonder if Stefan will pardon me for eating his garden and shitting on his law? I wonder if the NSA will pardon me for flipping my paw at their helicopter crew? Ahhhh … screw the NSA.
should read “and shitting on his lawn.” Stefan doesn’t have a law. He knows nothing about law.
That Guinness is cawsing meee to make typooooooos …
It shure tashtes gud, thouhg … (belch)
wow, Goldy already has 58 comments on thish thread, cownting the 3 of mine shtuk in the filterr. Thatsh more than Shtefan getsh in a week!.
Hey Wabbit – have ya noticed? Where did headless loocy go? Same place as prr, puddybud and pacman?
I kinda miss loocy. Can a few of you string together some incoherent thoughts and sprinkle in some “nazi” and “fascist” with it jus for old time’s sake?
Mark the Fascist @ 58
Happy to oblige. But, in the spirit of the holiday season, are you finally going to make good on your bet with Goldy?
Come on…be a man.
DJ – C’mon… do it with feeling. Use phrases like “bush lied”, “tax cuts for the rich”, “Halliburton”, “raping the environment”… you know… that kind of stuff.
In the news
“Officials with the Shiite United Iraqi Alliance said preliminary results showing them with a clear lead in the Dec. 15 elections reflected the will of the people. They countered claims of irregularities by charging that many violations took place in Sunni Arab areas.”
I guess this means Gregoire is ahead right now?
MTR sez:
“Hey Wabbit – have ya noticed? Where did headless loocy go? Same place as prr, puddybud and pacman? I kinda miss loocy. Can a few of you string together some incoherent thoughts and sprinkle in some “nazi” and “fascist” with it jus for old time’s sake?
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 12/24/05 @ 9:27 am”
Headlice loocy is now Winston Smith. He also posts under several other ID’s. You’ll never get rid of that jerk-off!
Hey Cyn – Since the moonbats here got their panties in a twist about wiretaps, do you think they’ll condemn Baghdad Jim for his illegal wiretap of a political foe and demand his resignation? Just wondering…
Random thoughts:
David Cross has a great monologue on Religion.
He was born af jewish parents, but is an atheist. He is troubled by the fact that he can never be known as an atheist… he will always be a jew to everyone.
I am an atheist, but being from a Catholic family, I have no identity problem. The Protestants expect most Catholics are Atheists anyway. And the Catholics.. well it is the David Cross problem all over again.. they just call me a “lapsed Catholic”.
But while I do not believe in the description of any God, in any book written by Man (that includes all of them), I demand the rights of all believers be protected at all costs.
Just so long as they do not make me play a part in their supernatural passion play.
And I really get pissed when they use their interpretation of God to justify killing people who believe in another playwrites description. Particularly when the real reason for the violence is corporate profit.
Mark the Fascist @ 60
Use phrases like “bush lied”, “tax cuts for the rich”, “Halliburton”, “raping the environment”… you know… that kind of stuff.
Looks like you just did it for me!
Speaking of twist…. (like …wow :-), just to paraphrase the student)
Federal agents’ visit was a hoax
Student admits he lied about Mao book
By AARON NICODEMUS, Standard-Times staff writer
NEW BEDFORD — The UMass Dartmouth student who claimed to have been visited by Homeland Security agents over his request for “The Little Red Book” by Mao Zedong has admitted to making up the entire story.
The 22-year-old student tearfully admitted he made the story up to his history professor, Dr. Brian Glyn Williams, and his parents, after being confronted with the inconsistencies in his account.
Had the student stuck to his original story, it might never have been proved false.
But on Thursday, when the student told his tale in the office of UMass Dartmouth professor Dr. Robert Pontbriand to Dr. Williams, Dr. Pontbriand, university spokesman John Hoey and The Standard-Times, the student added new details.
The agents had returned, the student said, just last night. The two agents, the student, his parents and the student’s uncle all signed confidentiality agreements, he claimed, to put an end to the matter.
But when Dr. Williams went to the student’s home yesterday and relayed that part of the story to his parents, it was the first time they had heard it. The story began to unravel, and the student, faced with the truth, broke down and cried.
It was a dramatic turnaround from the day before.
For more than an hour on Thursday, he spoke of two visits from Homeland Security over his inter-library loan request for the 1965, Peking Press version of “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung,” which is the book’s official title.
His basic tale remained the same: The book was on a government watch list, and his loan request had triggered a visit from an agent who was seeking to “tame” reading of particular books. He said he saw a long list of such books.
In the days after its initial reporting on Dec. 17 in The Standard-Times, the story had become an international phenomenon on the Internet. Media outlets from around the world were requesting interviews with the students, and a number of reporters had been asking UMass Dartmouth students and professors for information.
The story’s release came at a perfect storm in the news cycle. Only a day before, The New York Times had reported that President Bush had allowed the National Security Agency to conduct wiretaps on international phone calls from the United States without a warrant. The Patriot Act, created in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to allow the government greater authority to monitor for possible terrorism activities, was up for re-authorization in Congress.
There was an increased sense among some Americans that the U.S. government was overstepping its bounds and trampling on civil liberties in order to thwart future attacks of terrorism. The story of a college student being questioned for requesting a 40-year old book on Communism fed right into that atmosphere.
In Thursday’s retelling of the story, the student added several new twists, ones that the professors and journalist had not heard before. The biggest new piece of information was an alleged second visit of Homeland Security agents the previous night, where two agents waited in his living room for two hours with his parents and brother while he drove back from a retreat in western Massachusetts. He said he, the agents, his parents and his uncle all signed confidentiality agreements that the story would never be told.
He revealed the agents’ names: one was Nicolai Brushaev or Broshaev, and the other was simply Agent Roberts. He said they were dressed in black suits with thin black ties, “just like the guys in Men in Black.”
He had dates and times and places, things he had signed and sent back in order to receive the book. The tale involved his twin brother, who allegedly requested the book for him at UMass Amherst; his uncle, a former FBI attorney who took care of all the paperwork; and his parents, who signed those confidentiality agreements.
But by now, the story had too many holes. Every time there was a fact to be had that would verify the story — providing a copy of the confidentiality agreements the student and agent signed, for example — there would be a convenient excuse. The uncle took all the documents home to Puerto Rico, he said.
What was the address of the Homeland Security building in Boston where he and his uncle visited the agency and actually received a copy of the book? It was a brick building, he said, but he couldn’t remember where it was, or what was around it.
He said he met a former professor at the mysterious Homeland Security building who had requested a book on bomb-making, along with two Ph.D. students and a one pursuing a master’s degree who had also been stopped from accessing books. The student couldn’t remember their names, but the former professor had appeared on the Bill O’Reilly show on Fox News recently, he said.
The former professor’s appearance on The O’Reilly Factor did not check out.
Other proof was sought.
Were there any copies of the inter-library loan request? No.
Did the agents leave their cards, or any paperwork at your home? No.
His brother, a student at Amherst, told Dr. Williams that he had never made the inter-library loan request on behalf of his brother.
While The Standard-Times had tape recorded the entire tale on Thursday, the reporter could not reach the student for comment after he admitted making up the story. Phone calls and a note on the door were not returned.
At the request of the two professors and the university, The Standard-Times has agreed to withhold his name.
During the whole episode, the professors said that while they wanted to protect the student from the media that were flooding their voice mails and e-mail boxes seeking comment and information, they also wanted to know: Was the story true?
“I grew skeptical of this story, as did Bob, considering the ramifications,” Dr. Williams said yesterday. “I spent the last five days avoiding work, and the international media, and rest, trying to get names and dates and facts. My investigation eventually took me to his house, where I began to investigate family matters. I eventually found out the whole thing had been invented, and I’m happy to report that it’s safe to borrow books.”
Dr. Williams said he does not regret bringing the story to light, but that now the issue can be put to rest.
“I wasn’t involved in some partisan struggle to embarrass the Bush administration, I just wanted the truth,” he said.
Dr. Pontbriand said the entire episode has been “an incredible experience and exposure for something a student had said.” He said all along, his only desire had been to “get to the bottom of it and get the truth of the matter.”
“When it blew up into an international story, our only desire was to interview this student and get to the truth. We did not want from the outset to declare the student a liar, but we wanted to check out his story,” he said. “It was a disastrous thing for him to do. He needs attention, he needs care. I feel for the kid. We have great concern for this student’s health and welfare.”
Mr. Hoey, the university spokesman, said the university had been unable to substantiate any of the facts of the story since it first was reported in The Standard-Times on Dec. 17.
As to any possible repercussions against the student, Mr. Hoey said, “We consider this to be an issue to be handled faculty member to student. We wouldn’t discuss publicly any other action. Student discipline is a private matter.”
Dr. Williams said the whole affair has had one bright point: The question of whether it is safe for students to do research has been answered.
“I can now tell my students that it is safe to do research without being monitored,” he said. “With that hanging in the air like before, I couldn’t say that to them.”
The student’s motivation remains a mystery, but in the interview on Thursday, he provided a glimpse.
“When I came back, like wow, there’s this circus coming on. I saw my cell phone, and I see like, wow, I have something like 75 messages and like something like 87 missed calls,” he said. “Wow, I was popular. I usually get one or probably two a week and that’s about it, and I usually pick them up.”
Mr.Cyn….thanks for the lyrics on this blog…my favorite Christmas song….and thinking that it originated in France….oh my :-)
Merry Christmas to everyone and all of you
congrats Sarg mac!!! And best wishes to the mother and child!
That “Communist Rag” Barron’s calls for impeachment in this week’s editorial.
Or should I say “CHIMPeachment.”
Oh yeah…
A Blessed and Merry Christmas…
or however you and yours celebrate.
Shalom! Peace be with You.
Mark The Fascist @ 63
Huhhh? Jim wiretapped someone? I think you are projecting your fantisies or, perhaps, intentionally being misleading.
People like you, who cannot keep their word, are prone to makin’ shit up.
When Bush is Impeached and found guilty, do we get to retroactively “unpardon” all his criminal friends?
You are hilarious, perhaps you should take your comedy show on the road!!!
Hey Donna – Rather than pondering the imponderable, don’t you think your time would be better spent trying to figure out what goes on in your office? When they outsource your operation to IBM, and they’re trying to figure who if anyone to keep, don’t you think it would hurt your chances if you can’t answer even one question about what goes on there?
Donna – Since you work in the computing field, maybe you can help me, or maybe someone else here who actually knows something might be able to help.
I’m working an application in .NET. I’m wondering if/how you can add properties and methods to an existing class. I want to be able to change the highlight color of selected dates in the calendar class.
Anybody know how?
Funny how a NYT created controversy has a way of bringing out the real leanings of certain groups. Again the ACLU is taking sides against the security of american citizens to side with the enemy along with another goroup.
You have to wonder if they will be defending them (the terrorists) if they succeed in detonating a nuke in one of our cities.
“CAIR files FOIA on Bush wiretaps Islamic group files FOIA related to terrorist-communications order.”
Such bigotry and intolerance is repulsive. People have the right to celebrate whatever holiday they wish. If we’re going to split hairs about made up this or that I’m sure a number of people would have something to say about the veracity of religious belief systems that are the foundation for any multitude of holidays.
However you choose to spend the holiday season, I wish you a pleasant, peaceful and safe one.
Comment by Daniel K — 12/24/05 @ 12:40 am [Er, Daniel, Kwaanza is a racist joke. It’s a total farce that only black Democrats do not get!]
Liberals must arm!
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 12/24/05 @ 2:29 am [Don’t black street gangs already have enough weapons? RR, you are are domestic terrorist and must be arrested and hanged.]
While jewish-americans are distracted by their radical leftist brothers, events continue to develop that should be troubling to them.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the growing anti-semitism in the world though. After all your leftist buddies have already told you that it is more important to attack christians and to be more afraid of them.
You do have to wonder though, who will be their next enemy if they succeed at squashing the Christians, don’t you?
“Brother in Islam, let us go over the entire world. Let us look at the condition of the Muslims in Palestine. Let us see the condition of the Muslims in Palestine, the land of the Prophet Muhammad’s nocturnal journey, where a martyr falls every day, where a prisoner is captured every day, where houses are demolished and women arrested every day. Oh brother in Islam, this is Palestine, the heart of Islam.
“Who are those who desecrate it? Who have taken control over it? Who are those who torment its people so severely? Those who were ‘smitten with humiliation and misery,’ and ‘incurred the wrath of Allah.’ They are the offspring of the apes and the pigs. They are the ones who are tormenting our brothers there.
And let’s not forget the left’s hero, Cindy Sheehan.
“You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you’ll stop the terrorism.”
— Cindy Sheehan, anti-war protestor in Crawford.
BRIDGEPORT — Chester Dillahunt of Fairfield survived World War II and the Korean War to be killed at the age of 86 by a drunken illegal immigrant. On Friday, Jeronimo Rocha, from Brazil, was sentenced to six years in prison for the crime. He’ll be deported back to Brazil after he serves his term.
[Democrat minority illegal vs WWII Vet, and the Democrat wins!!! [Democrats: turning the USA into a third world country!]
74 – Redneck, duh. The whole point of .Net was to allow you to subclass. Change the highlight color? You shouldn’t have to subclass to do that. It should just be a property tweak but knowing MS I wouldn’t be surprised if you have to do things the hard way.
There’s a billion websites with examples of subclassing and the SDK fully docs the calendar class properties. That’s one thing MS had done halfway right with .NET. Good luck.
Redneck again:
From the .Net 2.0 SDK:
Might not be exactly what you need but should be in the neighborhood.
CLueless – That helps. Thanks.
You work in this business?
Seadog @ 67–
True. The words and lyrics of the old carol ‘O Holy Night’ were written by Placide Cappeau de Roquemaure in 1847. Cappeau was a wine seller by trade but was asked by the parish priest to write a poem for Christmas. He obliged and wrote the beautiful words of the hymn. He then realized that it should have music to accompany the words and he approached his friend Adolphe Charles Adams(1803-1856). He agreed and the music for the poem was therefore composed by Adolphe Charles Adams. Adolphe had attended the Paris conservatoire and forged a brilliant career as a composer. It was translated into English by John Sullivan Dwight (1812-1893).
JCH spouted, “Kwaanza is a racist joke. It’s a total farce that only black Democrats do not get!”
There you go again. If I want to celebrate at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or simply spend my holiday contemplating my navel, that’s my choice. However, it obviously appears to be too much for you and your wingnut racist brethren to bare.
Oh, and BTW, most African-Americans are Democrats.
81 – I work in IT but I’m not an MS.NET expert. I just dabble with it in my spare time.
“I guess this means Gregoire is ahead right now?”
Here, see for yourself. http://www.governor.wa.gov/
I’ll trade you McDermott’s resignation for Bush’s resignation. Deal? Oh, skip it, you won’t keep your end.
I wonder how a welsher like Mark the Fascist makes it in the business world? You can get away with not paying your debts for a short time, but soon everyone walks away from you. He must be sitting in his trailer home making it all up, because liars and welshers don’t make it in the business world or any other world.
Give that student a big fat F. Kick him out of graduate school. There’s no place in academe for fabricators or liars.
Mark you computer screen with a yellow highlighter, then keep that page open forever.
Very predictable how you take a side against national security and in favor of fascist dictatorship on this question.
“RR, you are are domestic terrorist and must be arrested and hanged.”
Why don’t YOU come to my burrow to arrest and hang me? And please, please, please bring Ann Coulter with you. (click-click)
Wabbit – I have what are known as “marketable skills” that are in great demand. I’m working on a multi billion dollar project that is unique in the world, and people from around the world contact me personally for consulation and advice on a variety of complex technical topics.
CLueless – Last time I did BASIC programming was in 1974 on a DEC PDP-8, so I missed a few things between then and now.
Could you do subclass in VB 6, or was that not really a true OO language?
The great thing about Kwaanza shopping is that your don’t have to pay for your purchase. You just steal it!! Happy Democrat Kwaanza to all the shop lifters out there!!
Oh, and BTW, most African-Americans are Democrats.
Comment by Daniel K — 12/24/05 @ 12:56 pm [Er, Daniel K, Really?? I’ll be damned!!! After 3 trillion in wealth transfers, most blacks are Democrat?? Who would have thought?? Blacks: Democrat voter slaves!!]
‘Though really…you’d think most people would have something better to do this weekend than post here’
EDITED: “With the exception of Roger Rodent” Now its correct. Merry Christmas!
93 – Not really. Subclassing in vb6 is pretty much ugly hackery. Not a true OO language. VB.NET is much, much better in that regard.
@93 .NET is closer to Java than VB/VC++. Make your own class that inherits from the Calendar class. However, you should be thinking MVC; Color has nothing to do with Calendar.
@10 The fallacy in your argument is that you assume that a conversation where one person is in America or an American citizen could not be used to “acquire foreign intelligence information.” That is a bad assumption. You are missing the point of that EO. The point is that “the Attorney General makes the certifications,” not FISA as you argue.
What could possibly be a better use of my Christmas Eve than calling bullshit on the lies, chicanery, and crimes of the Wacky Right?
Big deal. I have marketable skills, too. I worked on a multi-billion-dollar project called “state government.” People around the state contacted me personally for consulation and advice on a variety of complex legal topics.
“@10 The fallacy in your argument is that you assume that a conversation where one person is in America or an American citizen could not be used to ‘acquire foreign intelligence information.’ That is a bad assumption. You are missing the point of that EO. The point is that ‘the Attorney General makes the certifications,’ not FISA as you argue.”
The fallacy of YOUR argument is that it’s illegal to wiretap American citizens without a warrant, regardless of whether the wiretap is used to “acquire foreign intelligence information.” As a matter of fact, FISA expressly requires a warrant in that situation, and creates the court that issues it.
The reason for that, dimwit, is that warrantless searches against American citizens are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, whereas foreigners in foreign lands have no constitutional rights (although, interestingly, they DO have rights under the U.S. Constitution when they’re on American soil).
Learn some fucking law before you spout off about what the law is or isn’t, you fucking ignoramus.
@99 All I have to say is:
there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party…unless the Attorney General determines immediate action is required
Now what is the law again?
I hope you and Mrs Rabbit have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and don’t eat too many carrots!
103 – you left out:
and notifies the committees immediately of such minimization procedures and the reason for their becoming effective immediately.
i.e. accountability which Bushco doesn’t care about. Bush crossed a bad line and both D’s and R’s agree that impeachment is warranted.
MArk the Oblivious Misogynistic Moron said (with his head up his ass and vans deferens wrapped round a rake attached to his forehead)
“When they outsource your operation to IBM,”
Happened 5 years ago. IBM dropped the ball, now CSC does most of the contract work.
Seems someone at IBM proclaimed vaginas make women stupid, and IBM shares went down %20.
Hard to imagine anyone stoopid enough to say that but, ignorance is like cheese, every once in a while a Mark with a yellow dick cuts it.
Are you talking to me, little flea? What part of the following do you fail to understand?
“(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—
(A) the electronic surveillance is solely directed at—
(i) the acquisition of the contents of communications transmitted by means of communications used exclusively between or among foreign powers, as defined in section 1801 (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title; or
(ii) the acquisition of technical intelligence, other than the spoken communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a foreign power, as defined in section 1801 (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title;
(B) there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; and
(C) the proposed minimization procedures with respect to such surveillance meet the definition of minimization procedures under section 1801 (h) of this title; and
if the Attorney General reports such minimization procedures and any changes thereto to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence at least thirty days prior to their effective date, unless the Attorney General determines immediate action is required and notifies the committees immediately of such minimization procedures and the reason for their becoming effective immediately.”
Answer: All of it.
Let’s try this. I’ll abridge it to highlight the salient and operative language:
“(1) … the President … may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information … if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—
(A) the electronic surveillance is SOLELY directed at—
(i) the acquisition of the contents of communications transmitted by means of communications used EXCLUSIVELY between or among FOREIGN POWERS…; or
(ii) the acquisition of technical intelligence, other than the spoken communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a FOREIGN POWER …; [and]
(B) there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; AND
(C) the proposed minimization procedures with respect to such surveillance meet the definition of minimization procedures under section 1801 (h) of this title; AND
if the Attorney General reports such minimization procedures and any changes thereto to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ….”
Exactly what, in this statute — which plainly says that electronic surveillance without a warrant may be directed ONLY at FOREIGN individuals and governments, and requires the government to take affirmative steps to avoid incidental or accidental interception of communications to, from, or with, any U.S. citizen — authorizes spying on U.S. citizens without a warrant? Nothing. You are an idiot.
Thank you, Sgt. Mac. I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, too!
Comment on 103
The no-warrantless-spying-on-Americans rule is not 100% hard and fast. The law recognizes the possibility that in the course of intercepting foreign communications, inadvertent interceptions of communications involving Americans may occur; and lets the government off the hook if (a) they didn’t do it deliberately, and (b) took reasonable steps to prevent it.
Apparently the following is too complicated for Michael to understand:
Intentional = illegal
Accidental = forgivable, if minimization procedures were followed
According to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ famous dictum, “even a dog knows the difference between being stepped on and kicked.” Which means Michael is dumber than a dog.
Echelon is not active spying, it is data mining. And it is approved by both FISA and congress. I realize that the operation in question may not be Echelon, the democrats are sketchy on what program exactly they are talking about, but if it is not Echelon, what new capability does it have that Echelon didn’t have?
Big deal. I have marketable skills, too. I worked on a multi-billion-dollar project called “state government.†People around the state contacted me personally for consulation and advice on a variety of complex legal topics.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 12/24/05 @ 5:16 pm [Leave it to Roger Rabbit to compare his “gubmnet” job to tax paying jobs in the private sector. Classic Democrat bull shit that few will challenge. RR, You are tax parasite, not unlike the millions of Democrat welfare hacks. Not a lot of difference I can see.]
OK, Guys, The funniest interview/moment of 2005: When John and Ken of LA Radio Station KFI asked the Most REV Head Democrat Shakedown Ni**er” Jesse Jackson if he could name even one victim of Black Democrat Crip Founder “Tookie” Williams. Jackson was dumbfounded, ignorant, and shocked that anyone would ask him a relevant question! Of course REV POS Jesse hadn’t a clue! Very soon large black men [no doubt more Democrats] made sure there was lots of space between KFI’s John and Ken and the Head Ni**er!!! Classically funny!! [Democrats: sometimes very amusing……aways stupid as rocks!!]
MTR: Puddy is here. We landed this evening from Mississippi. We were in Brett Favre country, around his birthplace of Gulfport.
I just returned from Katrina land this past week. We volunteered there as a family helping out those whom can’t help themselves. There were children, let alone adults who were having a hard time celebrating Christmas. Devastation everywhere. We unloaded many trucks of toys in Mississippi this past week. We built shelters. We build tent cities for more volunteers. We distributed food and clothing. We gutted houses in New Orleans 9th Ward, Louisiana. We gutted houses in Waveland, Mississippi. Some ex-Special Forces guys got together and bought some great toys which they handed out this morning before we left. It brought tears to the eyes of all there. And yet some of you leftist yahoos can’t even get Christmas right.
Oh by the way ASSheads, hardly any leftists were there helping this past week. Yeah, hardly any! There were a couple from Maryland, and Memphis, Tenn there talking bout how Katrina has removed racial prejudice from this part of Mississippi. It was mostly all Christians of the righty persuasion. Yeah we talked about your ilk while we ate dinner. I even displayed this web site to people there. So you go ahead and make parodies, jokes, and snide comments, while people are suffering in the cold of winter without homes.
Mississippi? The land of “double pricing” in the mom and pop stores, i.e. one price for black folks another for white? Any white folks tell you “we have no racial problems here”?
Holier than thou Triple P, holier than thou! Apparently you’re so enraptured with doing good you can’t help propagandizing or preaching to the choir.
Classic blowhard. Nice to see you’re still living down to your low standards and finding unique ways of going lower.
All whom visit ASSes: There you have it in Clueless@112. Just another SCUMBAG lefty who when confronted with the facts by someone who was there again uses the standard leftist bible of hate speech. He is projecting his low standards on others. While his ass was enscounced in his chair, we were helping others in cramped living quarters.
Scumbag Without a Clueless: we were there. My sons went one place and the wife and I went another. We were accepted. People came up to us and thanked us out of the crowd. We were the only blacks there turkeybreathclueless. Sure there is still some racism, but the whites were more than thankful when blacks came to help them. We met college educated and back woods ones. You see cluelessASS, when you lose everything you own in life and others come to help you they recognize it’s from God, not the ACLU! Do you get it, jackASS cluelessASS? No probably not because YOU DIDN”T LIFT A FINGER TO HELP KATRINA VICTIMS!!!
Happy New Year CluelessASS. WIth your attitude in life a new year may finally cleanse you of your hatred for your fellow man!
A growiing rift between jewish americans and democrats?
Is “Blame Israel First” the Democrats’ Message?
Contact: Matthew Brooks; Monday, August 15, 2005
“You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine
and you’ll stop the terrorism.”
— Cindy Sheehan, anti-war protestor in Crawford.
The front page of just about every newspaper this weekend noted the anti-war protest of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier who was killed in Iraq. The Democrats have jumped on board Ms. Sheehan’s protest – casting her and her message as heroic examples for the rest of the nation.
She has been heralded by Democrats such as Joe Trippi, campaign manager for Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean’s campaign for President, Michael Moore, and organizations such as Democrats.com, MoveOn.org, True Majority, and Democracy for America.
While Democrats are busy making Cindy Sheehan their spokesman and avatar of their views, we see her as yet another example of how critics of Israel within the Democratic Party have taken control of the party’s agenda.
If Cindy Sheehan’s ideas are what the Democrats have to offer, then more and more American Jews will continue to see that there is no place for them in the Democratic Party.
Take another look at the quote at the top of this letter. If only it were an aberration. Unfortunately, it represents only a tip of the iceberg of Ms. Sheehan’s world-view.
In a letter to Nightline, Ms. Sheehan wrote that the entire Iraq War was part of a neo-conservative plot to benefit Israel:
Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel.
Cindy Sheehan’s letter
And Ms. Sheehan, the voice of Democrat opposition to the war, reported what she would tell the President if she were to meet him (again):
You tell me the truth. You tell me that my son died for oil. You tell me that my son died to make your friends rich. You tell me my son died to spread the cancer of Pax Americana, imperialism in the Middle East.
Is that where the Democrats are on the War in Iraq – and on US policy in the Middle East? The elimination of Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical rule is a victory for the oil companies and for American imperialism?
You know, as well as I, that Saddam Hussein launched scud missiles at Israel.
You know that he operated rape rooms and torture chambers.
You know that he launched chemical weapons at his own people.
You know that he housed terrorists as his guests in Iraq – terrorists such as Abu Nidal and Abu Abbas, who murdered Leon Klinghoffer on the Achille Lauro cruise ship.
You know that Saddam paid a bounty of $25,000 to the families of Palestinian homicide bombers.
You know that he was a threat to the stability of the entire region.
You also know that there were strong links between Saddam’s Iraq and Al Qaeda (for a new comprehensive summary of the latest evidence, check out http://www.HusseinAndTerror.com).
Mississippi? The land of “double pricing†in the mom and pop stores, i.e. one price for black folks another for white? Any white folks tell you “we have no racial problems here”?
Holier than thou Triple P, holier than thou! Apparently you’re so enraptured with doing good you can’t help propagandizing or preaching to the choir.
Classic blowhard. Nice to see you’re still living down to your low standards and finding unique ways of going lower.
Comment by For the Clueless — 12/26/05 @ 5:58 am [Clueless, You need to spend a little time in downtown Democrat Detroit at 2 AM in the summer. Lots of Democrats to give you the special Democrat “Tookie” greeting, and no Republicans around for miles in this special “Hillary Village”. Bend over…..Tookie wants to give you his Democrat “Love”!!]
Pud is taking his cues from Ann Coulter, who similarly made unsupportable accusations concerning liberals and their involvement in Karina Relief in October.
This sort of “when did you stop beating your wife” tactic is silly. I’m sure I’m like most people, who aren’t leaving the Nortwest to give direct relief anywhere, Mississippi, Louisiana or Thailand. We send checks.
Please provide specific numbers. How many “conservative” and “liberal” assistance groups are there, and where?
113 – I don’t care where you go. Everywhere you go, you’re still the superior, holier-than-thou asshole spewing hatred for those you disagree with politically. It’s not enough for you to just live your faith and do good works – you’re so filled with sick ass pride you have to show off to others how better you are than HA.org liberal commenters.
Voter Advocate: Sorry for the delay. We went shopping today for Christmas.
Two Mormon brothers set the system up and other Christian groups: Mormons, Baptists, Adventists, Catholics, etc. are sending volunteers. The Adventists provided the coordinating leaders, trucks and vans for transporting the volunteers to the sites around the area. Since we are Christian groups, we don’t have your liberal persuasion. The only channel we watched was Fox News. BTW, Fox News videotapped my son and others cleaning the streets of New Orleans before they gutted a house. But since most ASSes detest Fox News, you missed it.
Regarding who was there, we praised God every day while we went out and worked to improve the lives of people there. Our kind attitudes rubbed off on the devastated people. We talked about our values. Our values are not those espoused on ASSes. We took time from families to help poor destitute families.
CluelessASS: Holier than thou attitude? Ha ha ha. You sit on your ass and provide guidance to whom? What activity have you done for your fellow man lately? You see I am calling your sorry ass out. You are all words and no action. You are all hot air, full of sulphur. If it isn’t liberal, why do it right cluelessASS? Racism? Your side needs it to continue your class warfare political act. Without racism, you have no platform for minorities. Unfortunately your liberal leaders have not delivered anything to help the inner city people leave poverty. But you continue to preach follow us because the other side is racist. Why is that cluelessASS? Shall I recite some of the hatred you been preachin here on ASSes? Since I am Triple P – Praising Perfection & Preaching Christ, it scares you that I and my family are a family of action, not hot air like you and your family! Keep up the sick act cluelessASS. You make my point every time you post!
Pud is taking his cues from Ann Coulter, who similarly made unsupportable accusations concerning liberals and their involvement in Karina Relief in October.
This sort of “when did you stop beating your wife†tactic is silly. I’m sure I’m like most people, who aren’t leaving the Nortwest to give direct relief anywhere, Mississippi, Louisiana or Thailand. We send checks.
Please provide specific numbers. How many “conservative†and “liberal†assistance groups are there, and where?
Comment by Voter Advocate — 12/26/05 @ 11:03 am [Hey!! Remember when Al Gore’s joint tax return showed us that he made 4 or 5 hundred thousand, but only gave something like $440 to charity? Yep..Classic Democrat “redistribute other’s wealth”, but as for the elite political Democrats, well……..Democrats: social parasites!!!!!]
116 – Puddy your arguments are so silly they’re hardly worth commenting on. You don’t know what any of us has or hasn’t done so you just make sh*t up. I’ll just leave you to your fantasies.
With all the need down there somehow you found the time to whip out your laptop, connect to the net and propound on us evil liberals. Shows where your priorities are… Pathetic.
1.) Didn’t take my laptop. Didn’t need the extra weight.
2.) Didn’t post on ASSes.
3.) Worked hard making things happen. We moved
4.) Made friends with the locals. We were invited to spend Christmas at people’s trailers and houses.
You say I need to make stuff up because I can’t prove what you’ve done. I don’t need to do that! I know what you’ve done. NUTHIN! Prove what you’ve done! You wouldn’t give anything out of your pocket to help your fellow man because you are a librul! You hate helping others unless it’s through the government, using other people’s money. You are so clueless and aptly named!
Yeah we talked about your ilk while we ate dinner. I even displayed this web site to people there.
Ok I give up. How’d you do it? Did you just hallucinate HA.org “to people there” with your sparkling personality?
I don’t have to prove anything to you. Fantasize on, TripleP.
Yes Clueless give up! There were FEMA computers there. Man you are so dense. And since you can’t prove to any of us what you did to help Katrina victims, my accusation stands. You did nuthin! Clueless and aptly named!
If it appeared on Faux News, it didn’t happen.
FEMA Computers! There goes TripleP wasting tax payer dollars displaying HA.org so he can indulge himself preaching hate!
You did nuthin!
Uhh. Prove it?
TripleP was workin’ so hard doing good, he needed a “hate break”.
So my son cleaning up streets in New Orleans didn’t happen? Such a jackASS. Here are words from my son:
“I have pictoral evidence of me working in the New Orleans 9th Ward last Tuesday. There were 13 of us cleaning the streets and gutting a lady’s house!” – Son of Puddybud
There you go Voter Advocate. Leave me an email address and I will forward some photos taken of mold on ceilings.
CluelessAss: While escounced in your easy chair scratching your balls and digging dingleberries out of your lazy no good non-charitable ass, visit this site: http://www.fema.gov/hazards/fl.....ncock.shtm We operated in the E10-H8 rectangle.
We lived in a cramped bunkhouse/tent city. We created a tent city for volunteers, we cleaned debris, we gutted houses, we cleaned streets, we handed out Christmas gifts and clothes to people, we installed tents to house food and personal toiletries for the local people, we built bunk houses for more volunteers, we restocked shelves after daily food distributions, we cleaned a flooded school and administrative offices, we organized new school suppies, we handed out electric heaters and blankets, we unloaded trucks full of food and Christmas toys sent by companies and people. I haven’t framed a building in years and our mentor, a professional carpenter, mentioned I still had the talent. I had fun cluelessASS and you say I took time out to hate. No, not at all! I took time to prove to others there are people like you who look down their noses at Christians who love their fellow man so much that they will spend $$$ from their pockets to fund their charitable trips to devastated areas to help. But a librul like cluelessASS will denigrate anything done in the name of Christianity that helps the downtrodden! Keep being cluelessASS, aptly named and stupid as ever!
Regarding the FEMA computers, they were free to use in the evening. But being the cluelessASS you are, you just can’t figure those things out. So displaying HA.org is a waste of taxpayer monies? Gosh cluelessASS, you said it so it must be true. HA.org is a waste!
Why do I have to prove you did nuthin? You prove it in every post cluelessASS. Tell us cluelessASS, what did you personally do to alleviate some family suffering of someone with your hue and persuasion? Remember you said dems be racists in Mississippi. What did you do again? NUTHIN! Just fess up and prove you are a no good shiftless leftist ASSHead who wants to spend taxpayer money and not his own to help out the poor and downtrodden. Be a man cluelessASS, admit it. And you know what cluelessASS? This whole trip is Tax Deductable!
On the anniversary of the Banda Aceh tsunami, how many $$$ did you contribute to that relief effort CluelessASS? Oh that’s right you waited for taxpayer money and the US Military to provide relief supplies!
There you go Voter Advocate. Leave me an email address and I will forward some photos taken of mold on ceilings.
I’ll get to that right after I invite the 7th Day Adventists in for a chat. Hold your breath for it.
Puddy Freep why do I have to keep repeating myself? I don’t care what you’ve done. When you mix it with hate you spoil the recipe. Why do you rattle it off for my benefit? Isn’t it enough that it helped the people down there? What good did it do to chortle over HA.org on a FEMA computer down there unless it was to stroke your ugly ass ego.
I’m not going to get into a pissing match over who’s done more for the poor. I’m not going there. Get over it.
You can go back to hating Bill Clinton, reading all your favorite wingnut publications, spewing hate and disdain for those you disagree with politically to anyone who’ll listen, all the while bragging about what a good guy you are and your ticket to heaven.
CluelessASS: I hate Clinton? Hardly. Stop projecting your feelings upon others. I bring Clinton action examples to bear everytime you spew hatred for GWB. Admit it CluelessASS; you hate GWB. You hate Republicans. You hate anything not Librul. So therefore you are the hater. Don’t project upon me your hatred. I don’t hate jackASSes like you, I pity you. You don’t like the common man. You are like Al Gore in 1997. He gave $353 while making six figures and all expenses paid for by the tax payer. I bet you gave just about the same to charity. You are a cheep person! You don’t spend your own money to help them out. You want to spend my money and all taxpayers money. That’s why we all can see your foolishness here. You are a worthless piece of human flesh when it comes to saying I am willing to go the extra mile to help out the poor. You are what you are; clueless and aptly named. So call me Triple P – Praising Perfection & Preaching Christ. Call me Freep Koresh. Remember it’s now over 85 days since I visited Free Republic. You visit Media Morons and Daily Kurse every day to receive the latest cluelessASS marching orders. As Eddie Ruffin says: “Keep on Trucking Baby” over to DK and MM cluelessASS!
I don’t mix hate when I am helping others in need. I smile and help them carry their booty to their cars or trucks wishing them Merry Christmas, not that Happy Holidays horsecrap! I see their pain and I have compassion. You see their pain on TV and what do you do? Change the channel right? Say that’s too bad right? Ignore them right? Well dems be your people with your skin hue. If you can’t help out da folks you just a lazy bum!
What I do is identify the haters of America: Libruls. If that causes you heartburn, great! You are the haters of America. We love America, so much that we spend our personal $$$ to help others. What does CluelessASS do? NUTHIN! You can’t prove you spent a dime doing anything in the last year except showing up to Drinking Librully and downing a brewski or two. Why? Your hatred rings like a clarion call, except you demonstrate it here, writing on ASSes!
Voter Advocate: Since you were called out by my son on your lying crap regarding Fox News, you now are playing chicken with the truth? Weren’t you recently called on your “opinions” regarding WA State elections here on ASSes? We should “trust” what you say? I don’t want you advocating my vote! Maybe SDAs will see the real person you are and pray for you!
We have 330 pictures of the devastation. Step up, be a man, and I’ll send you some quality photos of the Mississippi and Louisiana destruction!
Freep: take your smart pills dude! Gore? He chartered a jet and was in NOLA a day or two after Katrina was gone! He was there ahead of Bush and did he make a big deal of it? No! If it got out in any big way, all you wingnuts would be whining about it.
Now where was TripleP? Oh! Gore beat TripleP! How you going to live that down?
Puddy Pod Person, you’re a whiner, a bet welsher, an RNC talking points spewer, and holier than thou self-serving blowhard. I’m sure your efforts down there were greatly appreciated and guess what? They would have been even MORE appreciated if you put aside your silly assed hate showing off how superior you are to HA.org on a FEMA computer. You don’t mix hate? You’re lying!
You don’t know what I or anyone else has done and you’re lying when you claim you do. I’m not going to waste anymore time with your sorry ass.
Once again clulessASS misses the reference. It was against you jackASS not Gore going to Katrina. I was comparing the Gore’s 1997 charitable contributions to your 2005 contributions jackASS. Go back and read above. No, better yet I’ll help you cluelessASS because your denser than spent uranium brain needs remedial assistance. Weren’t you one of those who made fun of the short yellow school buses in another thread? Remember us who think right did NOT do that! Maybe you were a small yellow bus occupant after all? From above: “You are like Al Gore in 1997. He gave $353 while making six figures and all expenses paid for by the tax payer. I bet you gave just about the same to charity. You are a cheep person! You don’t spend your own money to help them out. You want to spend my money and all taxpayers money.” Now where did I mention about Gore not helping Katrina victims in any commentary? CluelessASS, stupid and built to stay that way.
Damn, you are clueless, an ASS and therefore cluelessASS! I know Gore did some wonderful work in Katrina, but that was not the commentary. But being aptly named cluelessASS, you missed the reference above.
Regarding the bet, I already paid $20 to PacMan. When he meets GBS for lunch it will be a bet paid off. I have no idea if they met. So you can’t put me in the same category as MTR. But you didn’t read that did you jackASS cluelessASS? You see I noticed you have comprehension issues. That $20 payment was covered by PacMan weeks ago but in your silly small intellectual hate GWB world you missed that too.
Regarding HA.org being read by others, the link was there for adults to see the hatred of libruls in WA state. How is my display of librul hate demonstrating me hating you? Get a clue cluelessASS. Apply to a gameshow and buy a clue for $100. I didn’t have to make any further commentary except to lead them to the site after dinner. They read how you all hate anything Christian for themselves. And you know what, people from Colorado, Maryland, Tennessee, Mississippi, Virginia, California, Idaho, and Utah read the vitriolic hatred of your ilk. So keep it up cluelessASS. Your malignant, cancerous, Christian based hatred commentary, is beign read by others in many states. I now send people here to read ASSes.org to see what type of librul lives in WA State. You are such a jackASS.
I didn’t have to make any further commentary except to lead them to the site after dinner
Pfft. And a bear poops in a toilet and I’ll take that fine swamp you have for sale.
Wow cluelessASS, looks like the naked truth is getting to you. Your written tone is surely different now. I supposed that remedial education lesson above proved to all here on ASSes the jackASS cluelessASS is. Now that you read the facts all you can perform is a DJ parse of one sentence, and it’s a lousy mimic act!
What happened to the hate accusations? What happened to the “You don’t know what any of us has or hasn’t done” attitude? Must be you reviewed your “charitable receipts” and realized Al Gore has you beat! Shucks, I give more in charitable contributions in a month than you give in a year!
Sure some Northwesterners sent $25 or $50 checks to Katrina relief agencies. Yes, that’s giving to the cause and I commend them on their giving from their largesse. I called you out as one of the dull knife blowhards of ASSes as a charitable spendthrift because you projected your hatred on me. I don’t hate you cluelessASS. I don’t even pity you. I pray for you. Jesus says pray for your enemies. You are not an enemy to me, but I know in your mind I am your enemy! Therefor I pray for you! All you are is a lousy representation of a librul. Now GBS and Dr. E are great representations of libruls. They can hold cogent topical written conversations. All you have to fall back on is “Puddy Freep”, and “Triple P”. Remember, I don’t jackboot march to the librul mindset! So cluelessASS, have a great night.
Puddy Freep: I was about to say that as I much as I hate to admit it, you certainly are my enemy but why would that be true? You don’t threaten me or my family directly – you merely bloviate on this comment board.
But then again I believe people like you are selling this country down the river. You support a man like Bush who cares nothing but clinging to power through serving the interests of global rentiers. If any Americans benefit from his policies it’s only at the behest of the Republican political majority and usually at the cost of the most profligate pork barrel spending this country has seen. You have little concern about an unnecessary war waged against a crippled and contained tyrant and the attendant costs in lives, limbs and over 250 billion in treasure. You come here to argue with talking points filtered through the wingnut network.
Yes, I don’t have respect for any of that. I don’t need your prayers and I don’t need to explain myself to you or anyone like you.
You say you dont “jackboot” to the “librul” mindset. Ok you just jackboot to the wingnut mindset.
Believe whatever you want – it seems to have worked for you so far.
Once my post clears, think about this too cluelessASS. If the high price of heating oil and natrual gas hurts the economy, why would “Cheney and his oil buddies” (as moonbats call it) allow this to hurt Republican chances in Congress in 2006? That just doesn’t make sense, since we have documented here on ASSes the many congressional moonbat figures who make money hand over fist when the energy prices are high!
Is it because they know the northeast votes moonbat so let’s sock it to ’em? Is it because they know the natural gas heats many homes so let’s sock it to ’em? You moonbats love to have it both ways. Your energy logic is strange.
142 – Cheney’s energy plan and the Iraq war were designed to keep the world awash in cheap oil. IIRC, Cheney said the American way of life is not negotiable. So it’s WalMarts, ugly subdivisions, SUV’s, budget/trade deficits and category 5 hurricanes as long as the Republicans have their way.
It looks like the war thing has not panned out so Americans are feeling some pain – so yeah it’s time to throw the bums out.
Tell PacMan to contact me again. He knows how. I’d realy like to collect on our bet.
PS: hope you had a M-M-M-M, that is to say a M-M-err, a Merry Ch-Ch-Chris, a Merry Christmas. Whew! Didn’t think I could get that out with bursting into flames. You know, with Christmas being under an all out assault from us left-wing, whacko’s who want nothing more than to elimante any trace of Christianity from the face of the Earth.
Good Gosh Man! You’re backsliding! For your own good, I’ll have to report you to the ACLU!
Noises of Puddy in the background bleating, “I knew it! I knew it!”. Dials the Limbaugh and Hannity shows.
FTC @ 145
Yeah, even though it was tounge in cheek I’m sure my comments already made it to Libaugh’s “stack-o-stuff”, O’Reilly’s No Spin Zone, and Hannity and Colmbs as proof positive of the “lefts” desire to erase Christmas!!
I better contact my agent, I may be getting booking offers on the right-wing talk show circuit.
Better yet, I should call my personal attorney, I’m sure the NSA just picked up on it. Next thing you know I’ll be cell mates with Jose Padillia. You know another American citizen who’s had his constitutional rights ignored.
Oh shit, gotta go Men In Black at my door with black ops helicopters.
GBS: I know where you are coming from. H-Ha-Hap-Happ-Happy Ho- Happy Holidays back at you. BTW I didn’t call the talk shows. Right when you were writing your blog entry I was gutting some fish for dinner. Cluelessis an ASS GBS!
GBS: BTW PacMan has gone quiet lately. I know he had some family issues out of state he was attending to.
You would have liked meeting the special forces guys in Mississippi handing out those Christmas Gifts to the Katrina victims. Talk about some softies when dealing with the kids. Real genuine gentlemen they were!!!
Looks like Goldy decided to eat my post regarding the centrist DLC and how they are upset that the moonbat fringe left may be hurting their congressional chances in 2006. Goldy, why are you not posting my 12/28 8:17 AM blog entry. Too much truth for you to bear?
Puddybud @ 148
Yep, SOF hard on the outside, soft on the inside. As it should be.
I hope everything is OK with PacMan’s family. I’ve gone quiet, too. Car wreck back on Dec 1 has sidelined me for a few weeks.
BTW, For The Clueless, he’s good people and he made some good points, too. Like Republicans running up the spending like they’re using other people’s money. Oh, yeah, they are. Those Borrow and Squander conservatives.
The Iraq War isn’t going as well as America can conduct wars. The War on Terrorism isn’t going so well either, draw down of forces in Afghanistan?? Strategic blunder if that happens. Cut and Run from THE front where Bin Laden is hiding?? Bad, bad.
Besides, 2006 is going to be a rough start for Republicans:
Spying on citizens without judicial oversight in the name of fighting terror?
Causey just rolled over on Ken Lay.
Abramoff may be working out a plea deal involving “full cooperation.”
Bob Ney is going to get “hammered.”
DeLay, I predict will get off either scott free, or on really reduced charges, however the cumulative negative effect will dismay independent voters and moderate conservatives.
Frist may get in hot water, details to come.
Scotter Libby, geez talk about getting into hot water over LYING to a grand jury. We know how serious that is, don’t we? (clinton)
I know there’s other things on the list of upcoming bad news for republicans and it all couldn’t have culminated at a worse time. Every story will drag on until the fall elections. I think it might be too much negative publicity to overcome.
Last, but not least, did you see the inverted bond yields this week????? That potentially spells r-e-c-e-s-s-i-o-n on the horizon.
If a recession starts around the March-April timeframe, by definition it would last until at least the elections in the fall. That would be disastrous for Republicans.
GBS: Of all the issues you identified as potentially troublesome are the Abrahoff and the bond market. I am trying to understand the bond issue because this affects the retirement plans. Remember the dems have been saying the economy has been bad for a long time. The Dems and their media gang were out there just after Thanksgiving saying the Christmas season was a bust. Well they were wrong on that one too. Christmas was up 8% or more.
Ken Lay has no affect because he gave to both sides. The net effect is a wash. I feel DeLay is going free. I made this prediction some time ago like I did on Rove. Well Rove is not indicted.
Sorry GBS I hit enter too fast. Car wreck? I hope you are doing fine. Scary stuff car wrecks.
Do you all remember the NY Times decrying the FISA court three years ago on the Zacharias Moussaoui case?
“Led by the New York Times, a chorus of administration critics have been insisting all week that there was no reason for President Bush to circumvent the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when he sought to wiretap terrorists operating inside the U.S. – since the FISA Court almost always approves such requests.
But that’s not what the Times reported three years ago, after FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley came forward with the allegation that the Bureau might have been able to stop the 9/11 attacks if only investigators had been allowed access to the laptop computer of suspected 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui.
Moussaoui was arrested in Minneapolis on Aug. 16, 2001 – nearly four weeks before the 9/11 attacks – after an instructor at a local flight school he attended called the F.B.I. to report that he suspected the Moroccan-born terrorist was up to no good.
In a May 2002 report the Times noted: “Two days later, F.B.I. agents in Minnesota asked Washington to obtain a special warrant to search his laptop computer.”
However, there was a problem. The paper explained:
“Recent interviews of intelligence officials by The New York Times suggest that the Bureau had a reason for growing cautious about applying to a secret national security court for special search warrants that might have supplied critical information.”
“The F.B.I.,” officials told the Times, “had become wary after a well-regarded supervisor was disciplined because the [FISA] court complained that he had submitted improper information on applications.”
The secret court went so far as to discipline Michael Resnick, the F.B.I. supervisor in charge of coordinating terrorist surveillance operations, saying they would no longer accept warrant applications from him.
Intelligence officials told the Times that the FISA Court’s decision to reprimand Resnick, who had been a rising star in the FBI, “resulted in making the Bureau far less aggressive in seeking information on terrorists.”
“Other officials,” the paper said, complained that the FISA Court’s actions against Resnick “prompted Bureau officials to adopt a play-it-safe approach that meant submitting fewer applications and declining to submit any that could be questioned.”
Sen. Charles Grassley is among those who think that the FBI might have been able to stop the 9/11 attacks if the FISA Court hadn’t discouraged the Bureau from aggressively pursuing a warrant in the Moussaoui case.
In a January 2002 letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller, Grassley noted that had a search been permitted, “Agents would have found information in Moussaoui’s belongings that linked him both to a major financier of the [9/11] hijacking plot working out of Germany, and to a Malaysian Al Qaeda boss who had met with at least two other [9/11] hijackers while under surveillance by intelligence officials.”
Puddy Freep:
Cite the source of your propaganda. NewsSmack? WingNutDaily?
Who wrote the NY Times article? Judy Miller?
“resulted in making the Bureau far less aggressive in seeking information on terrorists.”
Ahhh. Big bad activist judges made the FBI cower in fear. This is total BS.
Got to hand it to you Freep, you don’t quit – reminds me of the jihadis. They just keep on coming.
The NY Times wrote the original article cluelessASS. Can you perform due diligence or does mommy spoon feed you in the morning?
So if the information presented by the NY Times in 2002 is total BS, is the information presented in 2005 total BS also? I love it cluelessASS. You speak and you make it so!
You don’t answer my question. The source refers to the NY Times. What is the source. Afraid to answer?
The NYTimes articles cites anonymous “Intelligence Officials”. Oh. No hidden agenda there. Yep we’ve seen a fair amount of bad reporting from the Times, i.e. Judy Miller and that Jason liar guy.
And that bad reporting is just lapped up by your favorite wingnut publications that you’re afraid to cite, Puddy Freep.
Hey Puddy Freep:
More evidence you’re just a tool for the wingnut noise machine.
CLuelessASS: Sorry I saw almost no TV except for the weather in Mississippi last week.
Seeing TV is neither here nor there regarding comment 153, TripleP.