What a creep. Senator Ranker should stop being such a creep. Don’t be a creep, you creepy creep. I hope that the investigation is thorough. I hope that we as citizens get the full picture. And that he’s punished appropriately. But for now, we know that he is a creep.
And how are we feeling this morning, Madame Justice?
The Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
@1 Yeah, I figured this would bring you crawling out of the woodwork, cockroach that you are. Can’t wait to dance on her grave?
@ 2
Can’t wait to piss on yours.
“In all the turmoil, poison, and irresponsibility of the past two years, the last 72 hours merit the term ‘historic.’ This is a ‘do not adjust your set’ moment, in which the world’s preeminent military power effectively withdrew from its two active battlefields, ceded the ground to its geopolitical rivals, and abandoned allies. It is unprecedented. It’ll be tempting to dismiss it as another folly that will pass – like ‘Fire and Fury’ over a nuclear North Korea – as just another whimsical uttering we will soon roll our eyes over as we sigh ‘remember that!’. But President Trump’s announcements about Syria and Afghanistan change something permanently. It’s possible, that in the ever-changing madness, neither withdrawal will actually happen. But it is the message that is the most potent: the casual disregard of history, ally, or duty. It says the Commander in Chief considers his own gut paramount, and the decades of sacrifice that got America to this point of lesser importance.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Decades of sacrifice. Everything several generations of our boys fought and died for, Trump is giving back to our adversaries, in return for a hotel concession that benefits only him. I have two things to say about this, one an observation, the other a question.
Observation: Our horse-lover friend Doctor Dumbfuck is fond of saying, “Elections have consequences,” but that’s only half the story. The other half is, “Stupidity has a price.” And yes, doc, you’ve been very, very stupid, but it’s never too late to wise up. Which brings us to my question …
Question: Is this enough to call it treason, and call Trump a traitor, or do you going to hold out for more? Tell us what you’re made of, doc, man or marshmallow?
@3 That wasn’t the question. Stick to the topic.
@ 5
I’m not the only one with that answer. Ms. Rabbit has been working on her deep squat for the past year, just for that purpose.
@6 Yep, you’re the coward I figured you for, running away from your comment @1. I guessed you’d cut and run. C’mon, defend that remark, if you have the stones. I have to leave for a few minutes, but I’ll be back.
@ 7
She’s in her mid-80s. This is not her first malignancy. She likely underwent a laparoscopic procedure but a lung lobectomy is not a minor thing.
I nodded to reality. It’s entirely possible that Trump will appoint her replacement, with a strengthened Senate.
It’s also very consistent with points I have made all year.
Harry Reid nuked the filibuster. I plan to never let any of you fuckers forget that.
@7 “I nodded to reality.”
No, you posted a vile disgusting comment implying you hope she dies.
@ 9
I will admit to posting a widely shared hope that you die. Jesus, what a waste of food and medical care resources you have become, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
He was referring to Literal Coyotes.
Coyotes respect no fence nor wall nor border. Coyotes howl at your effort to control their movements. Coyote traps fish in Willamette falls before you came and long after you are gone.
Carl- just think. Maybe none of this would have happened if there were no orcas.
Damn orcas!
Well that’s mildly interesting.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, a horrible human being to be sure, has spent the morning tweeting his many quotes about the importance of the Fillinuster and the 60 vote threshhold.
I see Doctor Dumbfuck woke up angry and bitter again. Will he ever learn to stop trading options while his orange moron tweets? My God, another two years of this and we’ll probably find the doctor sitting at the corner of 5th and Pine with a tin cup in hand, holding a sign, letters scrawled on a torn piece of cardboard that reads “#crookedhillary”, as he wonders why nobody will stop and drop a coin in his cup.
Teh Dumbfuck celebrates RBG’s death more often than he felches after OfDumbfuck’s bull has left for the night.
It’s practically the only thing he has left now. His portfolio is under water. His President is insane. And his political movement is circling the bowl.
Mitch would have gone nuclear on judges regardless. Hatch is yammering about the 60 vote threshold cause mitch and trump are thinking about nuking it. .
“The Democrats will control the House for two years.”
“The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.”
Let me help you out, Doctor.
Your treasonous political party is self-destructing, in core melt-down mode, and probably won’t even exist in 2020. Your orange moron, his despicable spawn and many others in his orbit are all going to prison. But you needn’t fret, Doctor. As Individual 63,233, you’ll be left for us to deal with.
In the meanwhile, please feel free to post that tripe 4,000 more times. Beats thinking on your sins, I’m sure.
You’re welcome.
Ocasio-Cortez: If US Has $5.7 Billion for Trump’s Border Wall, What About Education, Healthcare, and Green Jobs?
“I will admit to posting a widely shared hope that you die.”
Eh, you and the dumbfuck filth you sided with want everybody dead. Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and thousands more. Over 60,000 sealed indictments! The Red Hammer is coming!
Good luck with that.
Trump Border Wall Ladders GoFundMe Page Exceeds $60K In Two Days
@10 Stick to the topic, cockroach. The very first comment in this thread is you hoping an elderly justice of the Supreme Court dies. Nobody’s perfect, and mistakes can be forgiven, but first you have to admit you made one.
@14 I think he’s already there, and that’s why we haven’t been seeing much of him lately.
@10 It’s okay for you to hope I die, pissant. There’s precedent for that. A long line of trolls who aren’t here anymore wished the same thing, but notice I’m still here. I’ll outlast you, too. I’m the Energizer Bunny, whereas as Steve says, you’re nothing but an angry and bitter old man. Life has passed you by, so you come here to vent, and you can’t even do that right. Go ahead and revel in your Supreme Court victories, because pretty soon it’ll be all you have left, thanks to the bad choices you and your ilk made.
115 Percent of Trump’s China Tariff Revenue Goes to Paying Off Angry Farmerd
So it’s only costing us a 15% premium for Republican politics to destroy our markets.
@19 The Viet Cong wanted me dead, too, but they didn’t get what they wanted either. This world is full of unfulfilled wishes.
On the other hand, none of us here wanted Puffybutt dead, but it appears his friends killed him anyway. He needed better friends. Us, for example. We would have taken good care of him. Just look what hanging out with the GOP/White Supremacist crowd got him.
So far the S&P 500 is down 7% this week. I don’t imagine Trump’s billionaire pals are very happy with that; they own a lot more stock than we do. Facebook is down 7% today, and is worth little more than half what it was in mid-July, which is fine with me. I hope it goes to zero and Zuckerberg spends the rest of his life shining shoes at Fifth and Broadway. He and Trump are two of a kind.
Doctor Dumbfuck probably hopes Chief Justice Roberts will die soon, too.
“US Supreme Court rejects Trump bid to enforce asylum restrictions”
“Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts, who last month rebuked Trump over his criticism of the judiciary, joined the court’s four liberals in denying the administration’s request.”
I will feel just terrible if a possible conservative court would make godwin miserable in his last days. They could gut his social security, drop him from medicare, wipe out his savings. Global warming will flood or burn down his home. He will get come down with a nasty illness from some bug or parasite that couldn’t exist where he is, before it got warm. And then he’ll have a pre existing. He though he was safe in the 1%, but they only care about the 0.9% . That would be just terrible.
Is there is no price too high for America to pay just so a dumbfuck doctor can buy himself a new horse trailer? Obviously not.
“Trump is doing ‘the bidding of Russia’ and Putin is openly thanking him: Fox’s Shep Smith”
@29 No, they only care about the 0.1%.
Well enough to vote for the majority to rule against Donald’s Asylum Restrictions from surgical recovery.
Roberts joins the Liberals in recognizing that applying for asylum is legal and Donald is just a reactionary racist imbecile.
Guys and Gals,
Bob wants you to think that losing and replacing RGB with a conservative individual for a SCOTUS member is a win for him (conservatives) and a loss for liberals, something he wants you to fret about, for only one reason. And that’s because he so badly needs a win right now. Why does he so badly need a win? Because he surely is really feeling like a big loser right now. Go easy on the poor guy.
Bob – don’t be so hateful towards an individual – that’s just not right. Aren’t you the guy that preaches to me of my wrongful deeds? It makes you look like a desperate person in need of some help, aside from negating all the preaching you do to Gman. With all sincerity – hang around, but be a better person.
1500 points off in just a week.
And Donald thinks shutting it down for a
fence,wallMexican standoffSteel slats is going to get back his mojo.You Built That.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Chickenhawks News– Demorat cowards who never spent a day in the military, much less combat, want American soldiers to stay in ME forever, then get shot in the back and similar thanks from these dear allies. Naturally some worthless Repubs join them, eff them also.
A number of Democrats and Republicans and foreign policy conservatives have taken to social media to express concerns that Trump’s abrupt pullout leaves Syria vulnerable to expanding Iranian influence in the country. Iran and its Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, have helped prop up the Assad regime in Syria’s seven-year civil war.
One Milllllllllliion Dollllllllllarrrrssss.
This is what they are doing while we discuss building a wall and baking cakes for gay people. Russia – the GOP’s best friend. Putin the great leader but Obama the Muslims Socialist.
18 – Ocasio-Cortez is a fucking idiot, just like that Sawant bitch.
Two words trailerboy:
You must be so fucking proud.
How disappointed you must be.
Having to reluctantly accept that you will never, ever have any of these things you want so much.
Love. No.
Money. No.
A woman who see her own toes. No.
A liver that will make it to 70. No.
Wall. No.
@37 She asks the right questions, though.
SHUTDOWN! The government just shut down! It’s official! Trump’s shutdown IS ON!! He OWNS this sucker! Even said so himself!