Michele Bachmann: I destroyed liberal arguments with my superior logic
18 DEC 2014 AT 13:39 ET
As she nears the end of her tenure in Congress, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) reflected back on her adversarial relationship with liberals.
“Well, telling the truth bothers them,” Bachmann said. “They don’t like to have the truth told about them, and that’s really what it is. I didn’t fear the left. I decided to take them on in the arena of ideas by attacking their false premises and their false narratives.”
Bachmann told World Net Daily, which referred to her as a “GOP legend” in the headline, that she had become a media target because she had basically outsmarted her liberal foes.
“That’s the best way to defeat them, by the way — defeat them with evidence and defeat them with their false premises, and I did that,” she said.
Bachmann is the puddyfuckwad on a national stage…irrational, irrelevant and convinced beyond a doubt of the rightness of themselves.
But oooooops:
As Right Wing Watch noted, Bachmann was so noted for her false claims that the chief fact checker for the Associated Press established a “self-imposed Michele Bachmann quota,” and Politifact found the Minnesota Republican had the worst record for accuracy by far of any 2012 presidential candidate.
Gish Gallop
Named for the debate tactic created by creationist shill Duane Gish, a Gish Gallop involves spewing so much bullshit in such a short span on that your opponent can’t address let alone counter all of it. To make matters worse a Gish Gallop will often have one or more ‘talking points’ that has a tiny core of truth to it, making the person rebutting it spend even more time debunking it in order to explain that, yes, it’s not totally false but the Galloper is distorting/misusing/misstating the actual situation. A true Gish Gallop generally has two traits.
1) The factual and logical content of the Gish Gallop is pure bullshit and anybody knowledgeable and informed on the subject would recognize it as such almost instantly. That is, the Gish Gallop is designed to appeal to and deceive precisely those sorts of people who are most in need of honest factual education.
2) The points are all ones that the Galloper either knows, or damn well should know, are totally bullshit. With the slimier users of the Gish Gallop, like Gish himself, its a near certainty that the points are chosen not just because the Galloper knows that they’re bullshit, but because the Galloper is deliberately trying to shovel as much bullshit into as small a space as possible in order to overwhelm his opponent with sheer volume and bamboozle any audience members with a facade of scholarly acumen and factual knowledge.
…the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad poisons every discussion on this blog and turns it into a one-upping insult match.
Almost every single cite by the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad can be found to NOT mean what he posits and the few that are sort of accurate have some sort of mitigating conditions. Like Bachmann…there is so much, SOOOO MUCH pure bullshit, who has time to clarify and rebut each point.
Add to that…everytime Steve or Rabbit or YLB or the rest of us have researched the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad’s condemnation of President “Obummer” or the rest of us “dummocretins” the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad ends up looking like the hyper-partisan insane delusional ultra-religious nut job he well and truly is (I wonder how that ‘putting uppity white women in the mall in their place’ thing is going for the ultra-christian in this blessed season of SELL-abration of the “savior’s” birth? Hah!)
Anyway…La Bachmann ought to have gotten some liquid ‘goofer dust’ from the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad…
…that’s right, the ‘secret ingredient’ that was missing…the powerful potion that would have pushed her over the top…was nothing more than the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad’s-
You’re probably being hacked by North Koreans.
Bachmann is the puddyfuckwad on a national stage…irrational, irrelevant and convinced beyond a doubt of the rightness of themselves.
But oooooops:
With his absolute mastery of the “Gish Gallop”:
…the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad poisons every discussion on this blog and turns it into a one-upping insult match.
Almost every single cite by the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad can be found to NOT mean what he posits and the few that are sort of accurate have some sort of mitigating conditions. Like Bachmann…there is so much, SOOOO MUCH pure bullshit, who has time to clarify and rebut each point.
Add to that…everytime Steve or Rabbit or YLB or the rest of us have researched the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad’s condemnation of President “Obummer” or the rest of us “dummocretins” the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad ends up looking like the hyper-partisan insane delusional ultra-religious nut job he well and truly is (I wonder how that ‘putting uppity white women in the mall in their place’ thing is going for the ultra-christian in this blessed season of SELL-abration of the “savior’s” birth? Hah!)
Anyway…La Bachmann ought to have gotten some liquid ‘goofer dust’ from the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad…
…that’s right, the ‘secret ingredient’ that was missing…the powerful potion that would have pushed her over the top…was nothing more than the ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad’s-
-superior black squid ink.
Go Marco, Go.
Bob, will be proud of you.
Tuna Face Poopy Pants! I guess we’ll miss you. Or some part of you, anyway.